1800–1849 - American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1800–1849 - American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Members of the American Academy Listed by election year, 1800-1850 Elected in 1800 Elected in 1804 Elected in 1807 DeWitt, Benjamin (1774-1819) Dexter, Samuel (1761-1816) Falconer, William (1744-1824) Humphreys, David (1752-1818) Lowell, John (1769-1840) Lyman, Joseph (1749-1828) Marshall, John (1755-1835) Otis, Harrison Gray (1765-1848) Thomas, Joshua (1751-1821) Trumbull, Jonathan (1740-1809) von Paijkull (Paykull), Gustaf (1757-1826) Ware, Henry (1764-1845) Williams, Samuel (1760-1841) Thacher, Thomas (1756-1812) Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian (1752-1829) Elected in 1801 Paterson, William (1745-1806) Sewall, Samuel (1757-1814) Elected in 1802 Jenner, Edward (1749-1823) Elected in 1805 Elected in 1803 Bancroft, Aaron (1755-1839) Eliot, John (1754-1813) Hedge, Levi (1766-1844) King, Rufus (1755-1827) Knox, Henry (1750-1806) Swartz, Olof Peter (1760-1818) Treadwell, John (1745-1823) Vaughan, Benjamin (1751-1835) Bigelow, Timothy (1767-1821) Ellsworth, Oliver (1745-1807) Emerson, William (1769-1811) Holmes, Abiel (1763-1837) Howard, Duke of Norfolk Bernard Edward (1765-1842) Lansdowne (2nd Earl of Shelburne), William PettyFitzmaurice, Marquis of (17371805) Pollock, Allan (1767-1859) Quincy, Josiah (1772-1864) Thacher, James (1754-1844) Wistar, Caspar (1761-1818) Elected in 1806 Eliot, Samuel (1739-1820) Harris, Thaddeus Mason (17681842) Kilham, Daniel (1751-1841) Tyng, Dudley Atkins (1760-1829) Elected in 1808 Allyn, John (1767-1833) Elliott, Stephen (1771-1830) Farrar, John (1779-1853) Godon, Silvain (1774-1840) Howard, John Clarke (1772-1810) Jackson, James (1777-1867) Popkin, John Snelling (1771-1852) Rafinesque-Schmaltz, Constantine Samuel (1783-1840) Warren, John Collins (1778-1856) Willard, Sidney (1780-1856) Elected in 1809 Buckminster, Joseph Stevens (1784-1812) Channing, William Ellery (17801842) Cleaveland, Parker (1780-1858) Cranch, William (1769-1855) De Gijselaar (Gyselaer), Cornelis (1751-1815) Pierce, John (1773-1849) Stearns, Charles (1753-1826) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Elected in 1810 Adams, Thomas Boylston (17721832) Appleton, Jesse (1772-1819) Baldwin, Loammi, Jr. (1780-1838) Fiske, Oliver (1762-1837) Gorham, John (1783-1829) Mann, James (1759-1832) Phillips, John (1770-1823) Pickering, John (1777-1846) Porter, Eliphalet (1758-1833) Shattuck, George Cheyne (17831854) Shaw, William Smith (1778-1826) Story, Joseph (1779-1845) Sullivan, John Langdon (17771865) Sullivan, Richard (1779-1861) Webster, Redford (1761-1833) Elected in 1811 Bartlett, Josiah (1759-1820) Clap, Elisha (1776-1830) Dean, James (1776-1849) Lloyd, James (1769-1831) Mussey, Reuben Dimond (17801866) Parker, Isaac (1768-1830) Thacher, Samuel Cooper (17851818) Elected in 1812 Adams, Ebenezer (1765-1841) Bigelow, Jacob (1787-1879) Bruce, Archibald (1777-1818) Channing, Henry (1760-1840) Chipman, Daniel (1765-1850) Etter, Charles (Karl Antonovich) (1774-1831) Fischer von Waldheim, Gotthelf Friedrich (1771-1853) Fuss, Nicolaus von (1755-1826) Hall, Frederick (1780-1843) Holley, Horace (1781-1827) Lee, George Gardner (1774-1816) Nichols, Ichabod (1784-1859) Oliver, Benjamin Lynde (17601835) Paine, Elijah (1757-1842) Schubert, Friedrich Theodor (1758-1825) Thacher, Peter Oxenbridge (17761843) Tilden, Joseph (1779-1853) Treadwell, John Dexter (17681833) White, Daniel Appleton (17761861) Woods, Leonard (1774-1854) Wyman, Rufus (1778-1842) Elected in 1813 Adrain, Robert (1775-1843) Day, Jeremiah (1773-1867) Garnett, John (1748 or 1751-1820) Gibbs, George (1776-1833) Perkins, Jacob (1766-1849) Rees, Abraham (1743-1825) Stearns, Asahel (1774-1839) Sullivan, William (1774-1839) Swett, Samuel (1782-1866) Wells, William (1773-1860) Winthrop, Thomas Lindall (17601841) Frisbie, Levi (1783-1822) Hosack, David (1769-1835) Norton, Andrews (1786-1853) Pickering, Timothy (1745-1829) Pickman, Benjamin (1763-1843) Prescott, William (1762-1844) Silliman, Benjamin (1779-1864) Spafford, Horatio Gates (17781832) Stuart, Moses (1780-1852) Elected in 1816 Clinton, DeWitt (1769-1828) Cogswell, Joseph Green (17861871) Willard, Samuel (1775-1859) Elected in 1817 Jackson, Charles (1775-1855) Stewart, Dugald (1753-1828) Elected in 1818 Channing, Walter (1786-1876) Dewey, Chester (1784-1867) Hayward, George (1791-1863) Hobhouse, Benjamin (1757-1831) Howard, Bezaleel (1753-1837) Elected in 1819 Drake, Daniel (1785-1852) Gray, Francis Calley (1790-1856) Hale, Nathan (1784-1863) Elected in 1815 Cary, Samuel (1785-1815) Correa de Serra, Jose Francisco (1750-1823) Fabre, Jean Antoine (1749-1834) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Elected in 1820 Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen (17601844) Everett, Edward (1794-1865) Vergnies, Francis (1747-1830) Webster, Daniel (1782-1852) Poisson, Simeon Denis (17811840) Pond, John (1767-1836) Wollaston, William Hyde (17661828) Young, Thomas (1773-1829) Elected in 1823 Elected in 1821 Ticknor, George (1791-1871) Elected in 1822 Berthollet, Claude Louis, Comte (1748-1822) Berzelius, Jons Jacob (1779-1848) Biot, Jean Baptiste (1774-1862) Brewster, David (1781-1868) Brinkley, John (1763-1835) Burckhardt, Johann Karl (17731825) Burg, Johann Tobias (1766-1834) Cuvier (Baron), Georges Leopold Christian Frederic Dagobert (1769-1832) Davy, Humphry (1778-1829) Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph (1749-1822) Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855) Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Freiherr von (17691859) Humboldt, Karl Wilhelm, Freiherr von (1767-1835) Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de (1749-1827) Lindenau, Bernhard August, Freiherr von (1779-1854) Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, Freiherr von (1776-1831) Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias (1758-1840) Allen, William (1784-1868) Brazer, John (1789-1846) Channing, Edward Tyrrel (17901856) Cushing, Caleb (1800-1879) Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammel (1783-1851) Hale, Enoch (1790-1848) Hooker, William Jackson (17851865) Howe, Samuel (1785-1828) Jarvis, Samuel Farmar (1786-1851) Nuttall, Thomas (1786-1859) Parkes, Samuel (1761-1825) Phillips, Willard (1784-1873) Shaw, Lemuel (1781-1861) Stansbury, Daniel (-) Treadwell, Daniel (1791-1872) Ware, John (1795-1864) Webster, John White (1793-1850) Worcester, Joseph Emerson (17841865) Elected in 1824 Austin, James Trecothick (17841870) Blake, George (1769-1841) Everett, Alexander Hill (17901847) Hare, Robert (1781-1858) Hoar, Samuel (1778-1856) Lincoln, Levi (1782-1868) Putnam, Samuel (1768-1853) Saltonstall, Leverett (1783-1845) Savage, James (1784-1873) Seybert, Adam (1773-1825) Elected in 1825 Bowdoin, James (1794-1833) Brooke, Henry James (1771-1857) Buckland, William (1784-1856) Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried (17521827) Forbes, John Murray (1771-1831) Kingsley, James Luce (1778-1852) Moreno, Manuel (1782-1857) Pickering, Octavius (1791-1868) Poinsett, Joel Roberts (1779-1851) Sparks, Jared (1789-1866) Wilde, Samuel Sumner (17711855) Elected in 1826 Allston, Washington (1779-1843) Davies, Charles (1798-1876) Elected in 1827 Colburn, Warren (1793-1833) Emerson, George Barrell (17971881) Folsom, Charles (1794-1872) Harris, Thaddeus William (17951856) Miles, Solomon Pearson (17911842) Elected in 1828 Hassel, Johann Georg Heinrich (1770-1829) von Wallenstein (Baron), Julius (1790-1843) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Elected in 1829 Peirson, Abel Lawrence (17941853) Elected in 1830 Audubon, John James (1785-1851) Bradford, Gamaliel (1795-1839) Goodwin, Ezra Shaw (1787-1833) Lieber, Francis (1800-1872) Paine, Robert Treat (1803-1885) Reed, John (1781-1860) Wayland, Francis (1796-1865) Elected in 1831 Anderson, Henry James (17991875) Potter, Alonzo (1800-1865) Renwick, James (1792-1863) Sweetser, William (1797-1875) Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis (17781850) Gilbert, Davies (1767-1839) Greene, Benjamin Daniel (17931862) Hamilton, William Rowan (18051865) Herschel, John Frederick William (1792-1871) Home (Baronet), Everard (17561832) Kater, Henry (1777-1835) Legendre, Adrien Marie (17521833) Lubbock (Baronet), John William (1803-1865) Nulty, Eugenius (1789-1871) Plana (Barone), Giovanni Antonio Amedeo (1781-1864) Strong, Theodore (1790-1869) Elected in 1833 Alger, Francis (1807-1863) Elected in 1832 Airy, George Biddell (1801-1892) Arago, Dominique Francois Jean (1786-1853) Babbage, Charles (1791-1871) Baily, Francis (1774-1844) Barlow, Peter (1776-1862) Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm (17841846) Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules Laurence, Prince de Canino (1803-1857) Bond, William Cranch (17891859) Cauchy (Baron), Augustin Louis (1789-1857) Damoiseau (Baron de), Marie Charles Theodore (1768-1846) Faraday, Michael (1791-1867) Elected in 1834 Bates, Joshua (1776-1854) Bowditch, Jonathan Ingersoll (1806-1889) Collins, Eduard Albert Christoph Ludwig (“Sir Edward”) (17911840) Dalton, John (1766-1844) Dana, Samuel Luther (1795-1868) Hayward, James (1786-1866) Hitchcock, Edward (1793-1864) Jones, Thomas P. (1774-1848) Ostrogradsky, Mikhail Vasilievich (Michel) (1801-1862) Palgrave, Francis (1788-1861) Patterson, Robert Maskell (17871854) Peirce, Benjamin (1809-1880) Schumacher, Heinrich Christian (1780-1850) Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm (1793-1864) Thayer, Sylvanus (1785-1872) Wigglesworth, Edward (18041876) Brunel, Marc Isambard (Sir) (1769-1849) Elected in 1835 Adams, Jasper (1793-1841) Boott, Francis (1792-1863) Elected in 1836 Sherwin, Thomas (1799-1869) Elected in 1837 Cacciatore, Niccolo (1780-1841) Jackson, Charles Thomas (18051880) Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques (1796-1874) Storer, David Humphreys (18041891) Elected in 1838 Abbot, Joseph Hale (1802-1873) Avery, Charles (1795-1883) Catlin, Marcus (1805-1849) Gay, Martin (1803-1850) Gill, Charles (1805-1855) Greenwood, Francis William Pitt (1797-1843) Hayes, Augustus Allen (18061882) Holmes, Oliver Wendell (18091894) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Jackson, John Barnard Swett (1806-1879) Roby, Joseph (1807-1860) Serradifalco, Domenico Lo Faso Pietrasanta, Duca di (1783-1863) Elected in 1839 Lovering, Joseph (1813-1892) Macedo, Joaquim Jose da Costa de (1777-1867) Reynolds, Edward (1793-1881) Tillinghast, Nicholas (1804-1856) Elected in 1840 Boyden, Uriah Atherton (18041879) Cramer, Charles (-) Henry, Joseph (1797-1878) Morris, Charles (1784-1856) Murchison, Roderick Impey (1792-1871) Oliver, Daniel (1787-1842) Prescott, William Hickling (17961859) Storrow, Charles Storer (18091904) Vaughan, William (1752-1850) Wilkes, Charles (1798-1877) Elected in 1841 Baldwin, James Fowle (1782-1862) Bomford, George (1780-1848) Courtenay, Edward Henry (18031853) Delafield, Richard (1798-1873) Eyries, Jean Baptiste Benoit (17671846) Gould, Augustus Addison (18051866) Gray, Asa (1810-1888) Hopkins, Albert (1807-1872) Hopkins, Mark (1802-1887) Lowell, John Amory (1798-1881) Lyell, Charles (1797-1875) Oakes, William (1799-1848) Teschemacher, James Englebert (1790-1853) Torrey, John (1796-1873) Totten, Joseph Gilbert (1788-1864) Elected in 1842 Appleton, Nathan (1779-1861) Binney, Amos (1803-1847) Borden, Simeon (1798-1856) Bowen, Francis (1811-1890) Capponi, Gino Alessandro Giuseppe Gaspardo Marchese (1792-1876) Davis, Charles Henry (1807-1877) de Gayangos, Pascual (1809-1897) Humphrey, Heman (1779-1861) Lowell, Francis Cabot (1802-1874) Mitchell, William (1791-1869) Page, Charles Grafton (1812-1868) Russell, John Lewis (1808-1873) Walker, James (1794-1874) Walker, Sears Cook (1805-1853) Elected in 1843 Blake, John Harrison (1808-1899) Calderon de la Barca, Angel (17901861) Cole, Thomas (1779-1852) Greenough, Horatio (1805-1852) Liebig, Justus Freiherr von (18031873) Peabody, Francis (1801-1867) Wyman, Jeffries (1814-1874) Wyman, Morrill (1812-1903) Elected in 1844 Cabot, Samuel (1815-1885) Felton, Cornelius Conway (18071862) Francis, James Bicheno (18151892) Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882) Noyes, George Rapall (1798-1868) Owen, William Fitzwilliam (17741857) Packard, Alpheus Spring (17981884) Perkins, Henry Coit (1804-1873) Sedgwick, Adam (1785-1873) Smyth, William (1797-1868) Elected in 1845 Abert, John James (1788-1863) Bache, Alexander Dallas (18061867) Bachman, John (1790-1874) Bailey, Jacob Whitman (18111857) Bartlett, Elisha (1804-1855) Bartlett, William Holmes Chambers (1804-1893) Beck, Charles (1798-1866) Dana, James Dwight (1813-1895) Endlicher, Stephan Ladislaus (1804-1849) Graham, James Duncan (17991865) Holbrook, John Edwards (17941871) Loomis, Elias (1811-1889) Mann, Horace (1796-1859) Martius, Karl Friedrich Phillip von (1794-1868) Morton, Samuel George (17991851) Parsons, Theophilus (1797-1882) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014 Pickering, Charles (1805-1878) Redfield, William C. (1789-1857) Rogers, Henry Darwin (1808-1866) Rogers, William Barton (18041882) Sullivant, William Starling (18031873) Talcott, George (1786-1862) Temple, John Hapgood (18121877) Tuckerman, Edward (1817-1886) Wheatland, Henry (1812-1893) Woolsey, Theodore Dwight (18011889) Lawrence, Abbott (1792-1855) Lee, John Clarke (1804-1877) Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph (1811-1877) Loring, Charles Greely (17941867) Mitchel, Ormsby McKnight (18091862) Putnam, George (1807-1878) Robinson, Edward (1794-1863) Smyth, William Henry (17881865) Swift, William Henry (1800-1879) Whewell, William (1794-1866) Elected in 1846 Elected in 1848 Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolph (1807-1873) Andrews, Stephen Pearl (18121886) Bigelow, Henry Jacob (1818-1890) Compton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne, Marquis of Northampton (17901851) Decaisne, Joseph (1807-1882) de Verneuil, Philippe Edouard Poulletier (1805-1873) Engelmann, George (1809-1884) Baird, Spencer Fullerton (18231887) Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll (18081892) Cabot, Edward Clarke (1818-1901) Desor, Edouard (Jean Pierre Edouard) (1811-1882) Dixwell, Epes Sargent (1807-1899) Hall, James (1811-1898) Jackson, Charles, Jr. (1815-1871) LeConte, John Lawrence (18251883) Leidy, Joseph (1823-1891) Mitchell, Maria (1818-1889) Salisbury, Edward Elbridge (18141901) Warren, Jonathan Mason (18111867) Elected in 1847 Adams, John Couch (1819-1892) Bacon, John (1817-1881) Bond, George Phillips (1825-1865) Candolle, Alphonse Louis Pierre de (1806-1893) Eliot, Samuel Atkins (1798-1862) Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, Jr. (1824-1896) Gray, Horace (1800-1873) Horsford, Eben Norton (18181893) Jewett, Charles Coffin (1816-1868) Elected in 1849 Adams, Charles Baker (1814-1853) Andral, Gabriel (1797-1876) Baer, Karl Ernst von (1792-1876) Bischoff, Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm (1807-1882) Brown, Robert (1773-1858) Buch, Christian Leopold, Freiherr von (1774-1853) Channing, William Francis (18201901) De la Beche, Henry Thomas (17961855) Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre (18001884) Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried (1795-1876) Elie de Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Leonce (17981874) Emory, William Helmsley (18111887) Encke, Johann Franz (1791-1865) Fourneyron, Benoit (1802-1867) Fries, Elias Magnus (1794-1878) Gibbs, Wolcott (Oliver Wolcott) (1822-1908) Guyot, Arnold Henry (1807-1884) Hansen, Peter Andreas (17951874) Louis, Pierre Charles Alexandre (1787-1872) Melloni, Macedonio (1798-1854) Milne-Edwards, Henri (1800-1885) Morse, Samuel Finley Breese (1791-1872) Muller, Johannes Peter (18011858) Oersted (Orsted), Hans Christian (1777-1851) Ritter, Carl (1779-1859) Rose, Heinrich (1795-1864) Schwann, Theodor Ambrose Hubert (1810-1882) Shepard, Charles Upham (18041886) Stephenson, Robert (1803-1859) Tiedemann, Friedrich (1781-1861) Winthrop, Robert Charles (18091894) Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014