1800–1849 - American Academy of Arts and Sciences


1800–1849 - American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Members of the American Academy
Listed by election year, 1800-1850
Elected in 1800
Elected in 1804
Elected in 1807
DeWitt, Benjamin (1774-1819)
Dexter, Samuel (1761-1816)
Falconer, William (1744-1824)
Humphreys, David (1752-1818)
Lowell, John (1769-1840)
Lyman, Joseph (1749-1828)
Marshall, John (1755-1835)
Otis, Harrison Gray (1765-1848)
Thomas, Joshua (1751-1821)
Trumbull, Jonathan (1740-1809)
von Paijkull (Paykull), Gustaf
Ware, Henry (1764-1845)
Williams, Samuel (1760-1841)
Thacher, Thomas (1756-1812)
Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian
Elected in 1801
Paterson, William (1745-1806)
Sewall, Samuel (1757-1814)
Elected in 1802
Jenner, Edward (1749-1823)
Elected in 1805
Elected in 1803
Bancroft, Aaron (1755-1839)
Eliot, John (1754-1813)
Hedge, Levi (1766-1844)
King, Rufus (1755-1827)
Knox, Henry (1750-1806)
Swartz, Olof Peter (1760-1818)
Treadwell, John (1745-1823)
Vaughan, Benjamin (1751-1835)
Bigelow, Timothy (1767-1821)
Ellsworth, Oliver (1745-1807)
Emerson, William (1769-1811)
Holmes, Abiel (1763-1837)
Howard, Duke of Norfolk Bernard
Edward (1765-1842)
Lansdowne (2nd Earl of
Shelburne), William PettyFitzmaurice, Marquis of (17371805)
Pollock, Allan (1767-1859)
Quincy, Josiah (1772-1864)
Thacher, James (1754-1844)
Wistar, Caspar (1761-1818)
Elected in 1806
Eliot, Samuel (1739-1820)
Harris, Thaddeus Mason (17681842)
Kilham, Daniel (1751-1841)
Tyng, Dudley Atkins (1760-1829)
Elected in 1808
Allyn, John (1767-1833)
Elliott, Stephen (1771-1830)
Farrar, John (1779-1853)
Godon, Silvain (1774-1840)
Howard, John Clarke (1772-1810)
Jackson, James (1777-1867)
Popkin, John Snelling (1771-1852)
Rafinesque-Schmaltz, Constantine
Samuel (1783-1840)
Warren, John Collins (1778-1856)
Willard, Sidney (1780-1856)
Elected in 1809
Buckminster, Joseph Stevens
Channing, William Ellery (17801842)
Cleaveland, Parker (1780-1858)
Cranch, William (1769-1855)
De Gijselaar (Gyselaer), Cornelis
Pierce, John (1773-1849)
Stearns, Charles (1753-1826)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Elected in 1810
Adams, Thomas Boylston (17721832)
Appleton, Jesse (1772-1819)
Baldwin, Loammi, Jr. (1780-1838)
Fiske, Oliver (1762-1837)
Gorham, John (1783-1829)
Mann, James (1759-1832)
Phillips, John (1770-1823)
Pickering, John (1777-1846)
Porter, Eliphalet (1758-1833)
Shattuck, George Cheyne (17831854)
Shaw, William Smith (1778-1826)
Story, Joseph (1779-1845)
Sullivan, John Langdon (17771865)
Sullivan, Richard (1779-1861)
Webster, Redford (1761-1833)
Elected in 1811
Bartlett, Josiah (1759-1820)
Clap, Elisha (1776-1830)
Dean, James (1776-1849)
Lloyd, James (1769-1831)
Mussey, Reuben Dimond (17801866)
Parker, Isaac (1768-1830)
Thacher, Samuel Cooper (17851818)
Elected in 1812
Adams, Ebenezer (1765-1841)
Bigelow, Jacob (1787-1879)
Bruce, Archibald (1777-1818)
Channing, Henry (1760-1840)
Chipman, Daniel (1765-1850)
Etter, Charles (Karl Antonovich)
Fischer von Waldheim, Gotthelf
Friedrich (1771-1853)
Fuss, Nicolaus von (1755-1826)
Hall, Frederick (1780-1843)
Holley, Horace (1781-1827)
Lee, George Gardner (1774-1816)
Nichols, Ichabod (1784-1859)
Oliver, Benjamin Lynde (17601835)
Paine, Elijah (1757-1842)
Schubert, Friedrich Theodor
Thacher, Peter Oxenbridge (17761843)
Tilden, Joseph (1779-1853)
Treadwell, John Dexter (17681833)
White, Daniel Appleton (17761861)
Woods, Leonard (1774-1854)
Wyman, Rufus (1778-1842)
Elected in 1813
Adrain, Robert (1775-1843)
Day, Jeremiah (1773-1867)
Garnett, John (1748 or 1751-1820)
Gibbs, George (1776-1833)
Perkins, Jacob (1766-1849)
Rees, Abraham (1743-1825)
Stearns, Asahel (1774-1839)
Sullivan, William (1774-1839)
Swett, Samuel (1782-1866)
Wells, William (1773-1860)
Winthrop, Thomas Lindall (17601841)
Frisbie, Levi (1783-1822)
Hosack, David (1769-1835)
Norton, Andrews (1786-1853)
Pickering, Timothy (1745-1829)
Pickman, Benjamin (1763-1843)
Prescott, William (1762-1844)
Silliman, Benjamin (1779-1864)
Spafford, Horatio Gates (17781832)
Stuart, Moses (1780-1852)
Elected in 1816
Clinton, DeWitt (1769-1828)
Cogswell, Joseph Green (17861871)
Willard, Samuel (1775-1859)
Elected in 1817
Jackson, Charles (1775-1855)
Stewart, Dugald (1753-1828)
Elected in 1818
Channing, Walter (1786-1876)
Dewey, Chester (1784-1867)
Hayward, George (1791-1863)
Hobhouse, Benjamin (1757-1831)
Howard, Bezaleel (1753-1837)
Elected in 1819
Drake, Daniel (1785-1852)
Gray, Francis Calley (1790-1856)
Hale, Nathan (1784-1863)
Elected in 1815
Cary, Samuel (1785-1815)
Correa de Serra, Jose Francisco
Fabre, Jean Antoine (1749-1834)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Elected in 1820
Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen (17601844)
Everett, Edward (1794-1865)
Vergnies, Francis (1747-1830)
Webster, Daniel (1782-1852)
Poisson, Simeon Denis (17811840)
Pond, John (1767-1836)
Wollaston, William Hyde (17661828)
Young, Thomas (1773-1829)
Elected in 1823
Elected in 1821
Ticknor, George (1791-1871)
Elected in 1822
Berthollet, Claude Louis, Comte
Berzelius, Jons Jacob (1779-1848)
Biot, Jean Baptiste (1774-1862)
Brewster, David (1781-1868)
Brinkley, John (1763-1835)
Burckhardt, Johann Karl (17731825)
Burg, Johann Tobias (1766-1834)
Cuvier (Baron), Georges Leopold
Christian Frederic Dagobert
Davy, Humphry (1778-1829)
Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph
Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855)
Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich
Alexander, Freiherr von (17691859)
Humboldt, Karl Wilhelm, Freiherr
von (1767-1835)
Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de
Lindenau, Bernhard August,
Freiherr von (1779-1854)
Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, Freiherr
von (1776-1831)
Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm
Matthias (1758-1840)
Allen, William (1784-1868)
Brazer, John (1789-1846)
Channing, Edward Tyrrel (17901856)
Cushing, Caleb (1800-1879)
Dearborn, Henry Alexander
Scammel (1783-1851)
Hale, Enoch (1790-1848)
Hooker, William Jackson (17851865)
Howe, Samuel (1785-1828)
Jarvis, Samuel Farmar (1786-1851)
Nuttall, Thomas (1786-1859)
Parkes, Samuel (1761-1825)
Phillips, Willard (1784-1873)
Shaw, Lemuel (1781-1861)
Stansbury, Daniel (-)
Treadwell, Daniel (1791-1872)
Ware, John (1795-1864)
Webster, John White (1793-1850)
Worcester, Joseph Emerson (17841865)
Elected in 1824
Austin, James Trecothick (17841870)
Blake, George (1769-1841)
Everett, Alexander Hill (17901847)
Hare, Robert (1781-1858)
Hoar, Samuel (1778-1856)
Lincoln, Levi (1782-1868)
Putnam, Samuel (1768-1853)
Saltonstall, Leverett (1783-1845)
Savage, James (1784-1873)
Seybert, Adam (1773-1825)
Elected in 1825
Bowdoin, James (1794-1833)
Brooke, Henry James (1771-1857)
Buckland, William (1784-1856)
Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried (17521827)
Forbes, John Murray (1771-1831)
Kingsley, James Luce (1778-1852)
Moreno, Manuel (1782-1857)
Pickering, Octavius (1791-1868)
Poinsett, Joel Roberts (1779-1851)
Sparks, Jared (1789-1866)
Wilde, Samuel Sumner (17711855)
Elected in 1826
Allston, Washington (1779-1843)
Davies, Charles (1798-1876)
Elected in 1827
Colburn, Warren (1793-1833)
Emerson, George Barrell (17971881)
Folsom, Charles (1794-1872)
Harris, Thaddeus William (17951856)
Miles, Solomon Pearson (17911842)
Elected in 1828
Hassel, Johann Georg Heinrich
von Wallenstein (Baron), Julius
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Elected in 1829
Peirson, Abel Lawrence (17941853)
Elected in 1830
Audubon, John James (1785-1851)
Bradford, Gamaliel (1795-1839)
Goodwin, Ezra Shaw (1787-1833)
Lieber, Francis (1800-1872)
Paine, Robert Treat (1803-1885)
Reed, John (1781-1860)
Wayland, Francis (1796-1865)
Elected in 1831
Anderson, Henry James (17991875)
Potter, Alonzo (1800-1865)
Renwick, James (1792-1863)
Sweetser, William (1797-1875)
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis (17781850)
Gilbert, Davies (1767-1839)
Greene, Benjamin Daniel (17931862)
Hamilton, William Rowan (18051865)
Herschel, John Frederick William
Home (Baronet), Everard (17561832)
Kater, Henry (1777-1835)
Legendre, Adrien Marie (17521833)
Lubbock (Baronet), John William
Nulty, Eugenius (1789-1871)
Plana (Barone), Giovanni Antonio
Amedeo (1781-1864)
Strong, Theodore (1790-1869)
Elected in 1833
Alger, Francis (1807-1863)
Elected in 1832
Airy, George Biddell (1801-1892)
Arago, Dominique Francois Jean
Babbage, Charles (1791-1871)
Baily, Francis (1774-1844)
Barlow, Peter (1776-1862)
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm (17841846)
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules
Laurence, Prince de Canino
Bond, William Cranch (17891859)
Cauchy (Baron), Augustin Louis
Damoiseau (Baron de), Marie
Charles Theodore (1768-1846)
Faraday, Michael (1791-1867)
Elected in 1834
Bates, Joshua (1776-1854)
Bowditch, Jonathan Ingersoll
Collins, Eduard Albert Christoph
Ludwig (“Sir Edward”) (17911840)
Dalton, John (1766-1844)
Dana, Samuel Luther (1795-1868)
Hayward, James (1786-1866)
Hitchcock, Edward (1793-1864)
Jones, Thomas P. (1774-1848)
Ostrogradsky, Mikhail Vasilievich
(Michel) (1801-1862)
Palgrave, Francis (1788-1861)
Patterson, Robert Maskell (17871854)
Peirce, Benjamin (1809-1880)
Schumacher, Heinrich Christian
Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm
Thayer, Sylvanus (1785-1872)
Wigglesworth, Edward (18041876)
Brunel, Marc Isambard (Sir)
Elected in 1835
Adams, Jasper (1793-1841)
Boott, Francis (1792-1863)
Elected in 1836
Sherwin, Thomas (1799-1869)
Elected in 1837
Cacciatore, Niccolo (1780-1841)
Jackson, Charles Thomas (18051880)
Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe
Jacques (1796-1874)
Storer, David Humphreys (18041891)
Elected in 1838
Abbot, Joseph Hale (1802-1873)
Avery, Charles (1795-1883)
Catlin, Marcus (1805-1849)
Gay, Martin (1803-1850)
Gill, Charles (1805-1855)
Greenwood, Francis William Pitt
Hayes, Augustus Allen (18061882)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (18091894)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Jackson, John Barnard Swett
Roby, Joseph (1807-1860)
Serradifalco, Domenico Lo Faso
Pietrasanta, Duca di (1783-1863)
Elected in 1839
Lovering, Joseph (1813-1892)
Macedo, Joaquim Jose da Costa de
Reynolds, Edward (1793-1881)
Tillinghast, Nicholas (1804-1856)
Elected in 1840
Boyden, Uriah Atherton (18041879)
Cramer, Charles (-)
Henry, Joseph (1797-1878)
Morris, Charles (1784-1856)
Murchison, Roderick Impey
Oliver, Daniel (1787-1842)
Prescott, William Hickling (17961859)
Storrow, Charles Storer (18091904)
Vaughan, William (1752-1850)
Wilkes, Charles (1798-1877)
Elected in 1841
Baldwin, James Fowle (1782-1862)
Bomford, George (1780-1848)
Courtenay, Edward Henry (18031853)
Delafield, Richard (1798-1873)
Eyries, Jean Baptiste Benoit (17671846)
Gould, Augustus Addison (18051866)
Gray, Asa (1810-1888)
Hopkins, Albert (1807-1872)
Hopkins, Mark (1802-1887)
Lowell, John Amory (1798-1881)
Lyell, Charles (1797-1875)
Oakes, William (1799-1848)
Teschemacher, James Englebert
Torrey, John (1796-1873)
Totten, Joseph Gilbert (1788-1864)
Elected in 1842
Appleton, Nathan (1779-1861)
Binney, Amos (1803-1847)
Borden, Simeon (1798-1856)
Bowen, Francis (1811-1890)
Capponi, Gino Alessandro
Giuseppe Gaspardo Marchese
Davis, Charles Henry (1807-1877)
de Gayangos, Pascual (1809-1897)
Humphrey, Heman (1779-1861)
Lowell, Francis Cabot (1802-1874)
Mitchell, William (1791-1869)
Page, Charles Grafton (1812-1868)
Russell, John Lewis (1808-1873)
Walker, James (1794-1874)
Walker, Sears Cook (1805-1853)
Elected in 1843
Blake, John Harrison (1808-1899)
Calderon de la Barca, Angel (17901861)
Cole, Thomas (1779-1852)
Greenough, Horatio (1805-1852)
Liebig, Justus Freiherr von (18031873)
Peabody, Francis (1801-1867)
Wyman, Jeffries (1814-1874)
Wyman, Morrill (1812-1903)
Elected in 1844
Cabot, Samuel (1815-1885)
Felton, Cornelius Conway (18071862)
Francis, James Bicheno (18151892)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Noyes, George Rapall (1798-1868)
Owen, William Fitzwilliam (17741857)
Packard, Alpheus Spring (17981884)
Perkins, Henry Coit (1804-1873)
Sedgwick, Adam (1785-1873)
Smyth, William (1797-1868)
Elected in 1845
Abert, John James (1788-1863)
Bache, Alexander Dallas (18061867)
Bachman, John (1790-1874)
Bailey, Jacob Whitman (18111857)
Bartlett, Elisha (1804-1855)
Bartlett, William Holmes
Chambers (1804-1893)
Beck, Charles (1798-1866)
Dana, James Dwight (1813-1895)
Endlicher, Stephan Ladislaus
Graham, James Duncan (17991865)
Holbrook, John Edwards (17941871)
Loomis, Elias (1811-1889)
Mann, Horace (1796-1859)
Martius, Karl Friedrich Phillip von
Morton, Samuel George (17991851)
Parsons, Theophilus (1797-1882)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014
Pickering, Charles (1805-1878)
Redfield, William C. (1789-1857)
Rogers, Henry Darwin (1808-1866)
Rogers, William Barton (18041882)
Sullivant, William Starling (18031873)
Talcott, George (1786-1862)
Temple, John Hapgood (18121877)
Tuckerman, Edward (1817-1886)
Wheatland, Henry (1812-1893)
Woolsey, Theodore Dwight (18011889)
Lawrence, Abbott (1792-1855)
Lee, John Clarke (1804-1877)
Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph
Loring, Charles Greely (17941867)
Mitchel, Ormsby McKnight (18091862)
Putnam, George (1807-1878)
Robinson, Edward (1794-1863)
Smyth, William Henry (17881865)
Swift, William Henry (1800-1879)
Whewell, William (1794-1866)
Elected in 1846
Elected in 1848
Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolph
Andrews, Stephen Pearl (18121886)
Bigelow, Henry Jacob (1818-1890)
Compton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne,
Marquis of Northampton (17901851)
Decaisne, Joseph (1807-1882)
de Verneuil, Philippe Edouard
Poulletier (1805-1873)
Engelmann, George (1809-1884)
Baird, Spencer Fullerton (18231887)
Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll (18081892)
Cabot, Edward Clarke (1818-1901)
Desor, Edouard (Jean Pierre
Edouard) (1811-1882)
Dixwell, Epes Sargent (1807-1899)
Hall, James (1811-1898)
Jackson, Charles, Jr. (1815-1871)
LeConte, John Lawrence (18251883)
Leidy, Joseph (1823-1891)
Mitchell, Maria (1818-1889)
Salisbury, Edward Elbridge (18141901)
Warren, Jonathan Mason (18111867)
Elected in 1847
Adams, John Couch (1819-1892)
Bacon, John (1817-1881)
Bond, George Phillips (1825-1865)
Candolle, Alphonse Louis Pierre
de (1806-1893)
Eliot, Samuel Atkins (1798-1862)
Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, Jr.
Gray, Horace (1800-1873)
Horsford, Eben Norton (18181893)
Jewett, Charles Coffin (1816-1868)
Elected in 1849
Adams, Charles Baker (1814-1853)
Andral, Gabriel (1797-1876)
Baer, Karl Ernst von (1792-1876)
Bischoff, Theodor Ludwig
Wilhelm (1807-1882)
Brown, Robert (1773-1858)
Buch, Christian Leopold, Freiherr
von (1774-1853)
Channing, William Francis (18201901)
De la Beche, Henry Thomas (17961855)
Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre (18001884)
Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried
Elie de Beaumont, Jean Baptiste
Armand Louis Leonce (17981874)
Emory, William Helmsley (18111887)
Encke, Johann Franz (1791-1865)
Fourneyron, Benoit (1802-1867)
Fries, Elias Magnus (1794-1878)
Gibbs, Wolcott (Oliver Wolcott)
Guyot, Arnold Henry (1807-1884)
Hansen, Peter Andreas (17951874)
Louis, Pierre Charles Alexandre
Melloni, Macedonio (1798-1854)
Milne-Edwards, Henri (1800-1885)
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
Muller, Johannes Peter (18011858)
Oersted (Orsted), Hans Christian
Ritter, Carl (1779-1859)
Rose, Heinrich (1795-1864)
Schwann, Theodor Ambrose
Hubert (1810-1882)
Shepard, Charles Upham (18041886)
Stephenson, Robert (1803-1859)
Tiedemann, Friedrich (1781-1861)
Winthrop, Robert Charles (18091894)
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: 1780–2014

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