D - American Academy of Arts and Sciences


D - American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Daalder, Hans (1928-2016)
Election: 1991, FHM
Affiliation at election: Leiden University;
Interuniversity Graduate School for
Political Science in the Netherlands
Residence at election: Leiden, Netherlands
Career description: Political scientist;
D’Accone, Frank Anthony (1931-)
Election: 1998, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Los Angeles
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Musicologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dafermos, Constantine Michael (1941-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brown University
Residence at election: Providence, RI
Career description: Mathematician;
Current affiliation: Same
Dagron, Gilbert (1932-2015)
Election: 1999, FHM
Affiliation at election: Collège de France
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Historian; Educator;
Academic research institution
Dachs, Alan Mark (1947-)
Election: 2007, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Fremont Group
Residence at election: San Francisco, CA
Career description: Company executive;
Current affiliation: Same
Dahl, Frantz (1869-1937)
Election: 1933, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Copenhagen,
Career description: Historian (law);
Educator; Government official
Dachs, Lauren B. (1949-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: S. D. Bechtel , Jr.
Residence at election: San Francisco, CA
Career description: Foundation executive
Current affiliation: Same
Dahl, Lawrence Frederick (1929-)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
DaCosta, Jacob Mendez (1833-1900)
Election: 1881, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: Jefferson Medical
Residence at election: Philadelphia, PA
Career description: Physician; Educator
Dahl, Norman Christian (1918-2004)
Election: 1967, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Mechanical engineer;
Educator; Consultant
Daddario, Emilio Quincy (1918-2010)
Election: 1970, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. House of
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Lawyer; Government
official (elected and appointed)
Dahl, Otto Gustav Colbiornsen (18931987)
Election: 1934, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Brookline, MA
Career description: Electrical engineer;
Educator; Company research scientist
Dahl, Robert Alan (1915-2014)
Election: 1960, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Political scientist;
Dahlberg, James E. (1940-)
Election: 1993, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Biomolecular chemist;
Current affiliation: Same
Dahlen, Jr., Francis Anthony (19422007)
Election: 1998, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Geophysicist; Educator
Dahrendorf, Ralf Gustav (1929-2009)
Election: 1975, FHM
Affiliation at election: London School of
Economics and Political Science
Residence at election: London, England
Career description: Sociologist; Educator;
Academic administrator
Dai, Hongjie (1966-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Cupertino, CA
Career description: Biophysical chemist;
Educator; Research laboratory scientist
and administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Dailey, Benjamin Peter (1919-)
Election: 1964, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Daily, Gretchen Cara (1964-)
Election: 2003, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Ecologist;
Conservation biologist; Academic
research institution staff member
Current affiliation: Same
Dainton, Frederick Sydney (1914-1997)
Election: 1972, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Oxford, England
Career description: Physical chemist;
Educator; Academic administrator
Dale, Harvey P. (1937-)
Election: 2005, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York
University School of Law; Atlantic
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Lawyer; Educator;
Foundation executive
Current affiliation: Same
Dale, Henry Hallett (1875-1968)
Election: 1927, FHM
Affiliation at election: National Institute
for Medical Research
Residence at election: London, England
Career description: Physiologist;
Pharmacologist; Research administrator
d’Alembert, Jean le Rond (1717-1783)
Election: 1781, FHM
Affiliation at election: French Academy
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Mathematician;
Physicist; Philosopher; Editor; Writer
Daleski, Hillel Matthew (1926-2010)
Election: 1999, FHM
Affiliation at election: Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Residence at election: Jerusalem, Israel
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Daley, George Q. (1960-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Children’s Hospital
Cancer Institute; Harvard Medical School
Residence at election: Weston, MA
Career description: Physician; Cell
biologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dalgarno, Alexander (1928-2015)
Election: 1968, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Astronomer; Educator
Dall, William Healey (1845-1927)
Election: 1912, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Geological
Survey; Smithsonian Institution
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Naturalist;
Paleontologist; Museum curator
Dallek, Robert (1934-)
Election: 1994, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Los Angeles
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: Boston University
Dallin, Cyrus Edwin (1861-1944)
Election: 1933, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Normal School of Art
Residence at election: Arlington, MA
Career description: Artist (sculptor);
Dallos, Peter John (1934-)
Election: 1997, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Northwestern
Residence at election: Evanston, IL
Career description: Biomedical engineer;
Neuroscientist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dally, William James (1960-)
Election: 2007, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Computer scientist;
Current affiliation: Same
Dalrymple, Gary Brent (1937-)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Geological
Residence at election: Menlo Park, CA
Career description: Geologist; Educator;
Government research agency staff
Current affiliation: Oregon State
John Dalton, elected 1834, FHM. Image
donated by Corbis-Bettmann
Dalton, John (1766-1844)
Election: 1834, FHM
Affiliation at election: Manchester,
Residence at election: Manchester,
Career description: Physicist; Chemist;
Meteorologist; Educator
Dalton, Jr., John Call (1825-1889)
Election: 1855, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: College of
Physicians and Surgeons (New York);
University of Vermont
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Physiologist; Educator
Dalton, Marshall Bertrand (1893-1976)
Election: 1957, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston
Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance
Residence at election: Waltham, MA
Career description: Company executive
Dalton, Tristram (1738-1817)
Election: 1780, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Newburyport, MA
Residence at election: Newburyport, MA
Career description: Merchant; U.S.
d’Alverny, Marie-Thérèse (1903-1991)
Election: 1976, FHM
Affiliation at election: Centre National de
la Recherche Scientifique; Center for
Advanced Studies in Medieval
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Historian; Educator;
Librarian; Archivist; Research institution
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Daly, Joseph Michael (1922-1993)
Election: 1986, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Lincoln, NE
Career description: Biochemist; Botanist;
d’Amboise, Jacques (1934-)
Election: 2007, Fellow
Affiliation at election: National Dance
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Dancer; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Daly, Reginald Aldworth (1871-1957)
Election: 1909, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Geologist; Petrologist;
Dameshek, William (1900-1969)
Election: 1963, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Tufts University
School of Medicine; New England Center
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physician; Educator;
Research institution and hospital
Dam, Kenneth W. (1932-)
Election: 1981, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Chicago Law School
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Lawyer; Educator;
Government official; Company executive
Current affiliation: Same
Damasio, Antonio R. (1944-)
Election: 1997, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of Iowa
Residence at election: Iowa City, IA
Career description: Physician; Neurologist;
Current affiliation: University of Southern
Damasio, Hanna (1940-)
Election: 1997, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of Iowa
Residence at election: Iowa City, IA
Career description: Neurologist; Educator;
Academic research institution
Current affiliation: University of Southern
Damaska, Mirjan Radovan (1931-)
Election: 1994, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University Law
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Lawyer; Educator
Current affiliation: Yale Law School
DaMatta, Roberto Augusto (1936-)
Election: 2000, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of Notre
Residence at election: South Bend, IN
Career description: Anthropologist;
Current affiliation: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Damoiseau (Baron de), Marie Charles
Theodore (1768-1846)
Election: 1832, FHM
Affiliation at election: Paris, France
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Military officer;
Astronomer; Research institution
Dana, Edward Salisbury (1849-1935)
Election: 1893, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Mineralogist;
Educator; Museum curator
Dana, Francis (1743-1811)
Election: 1780, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cambridge, MA
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Jurist; Lawyer;
Dana, James Dwight (1813-1895)
Election: 1845, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: New Haven, CT
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Geologist; Zoologist;
Damon, Samuel Foster (1893-1971)
Election: 1934, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brown University
Residence at election: Providence, RI
Career description: Literary scholar;
Educator; Writer (poet)
Damon, William V. B. (1944-)
Election: 2014, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Palo Alto, CA
Career description: Education scholar;
Developmental psychologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Damour, Thibault (1951-)
Election: 2016, FHM
Affiliation at election: Institut des Hautes
Etudes Scientifiques
Residence at election: Bures-sur-Yvette,
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Damrosch, Leo (1941-)
Election: 2007, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Newton, MA
Career description: Literary scholar;
Current affiliation: Same
Richard Henry Dana, elected 1864. Image
donated by Corbis-Bettmann
Dana, Richard Henry (1815-1882)
Election: 1864, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Government
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Lawyer; Government
official; Author
Dana, Richard Henry (1851-1931)
Election: 1915, Fellow
Affiliation at election: National Civil
Service Reform League
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Lawyer; Government
official; Civic leader
Dana, Samuel Luther (1795-1868)
Election: 1834, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Merrimac Print
Residence at election: Waltham, MA
Career description: Chemist; Physician
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Danckwerts, Peter Victor (1916-1984)
Election: 1964, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Cambridge, England
Career description: Chemical engineer;
Dando, Shigemitsu (1913-2012)
Election: 1987, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of Tokyo
Residence at election: Tokyo, Japan
Career description: Lawyer; Educator
D’Andrade, Roy G. (1931-)
Election: 1990, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, San Diego
Residence at election: San Diego, CA
Career description: Anthropologist;
Current affiliation: University of
Danforth, Samuel (1740-1827)
Election: 1789, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston, MA
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physician
Danforth, William Henry (1926-)
Election: 1982, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Washington
University in St. Louis
Residence at election: St. Louis, MO
Career description: Physician; Educator;
Academic administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Dang, Chi Van (1954-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine
Residence at election: Baltimore, MD
Career description: Oncologist;
Pathologist; Cell biologist; Educator
Current affiliation: University of
Pennsylvania, Abramson Cancer Center
Daniel, D. Ronald (1930-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: McKinsey &
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Management
consultant; Academic institution financial
administrator; Trustee (academic
Current affiliation: Same
Daniel, John Franklin (1873-1942)
Election: 1935, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Zoologist; Educator
Daniels, Farrington (1889-1972)
Election: 1957, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Daniels, Ronald J. (1959-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Johns Hopkins
Residence at election: Baltimore, MD
Career description: Lawyer; Educator;
Academic institution administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Daniels, Winthrop More (1867-1944)
Election: 1934, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Economist; Educator;
Government official
Danielson, Timothy (1733-1791)
Election: 1781, Fellow
Affiliation at election: State of
Massachusetts Executive Council
Residence at election: Brimfield, MA
Career description: Government official
(state legislator); Jurist; Businessperson
Danishefsky, Samuel J. (1936-)
Election: 1984, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Chemist; Educator;
Research laboratory administrator
Current affiliation: Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center
Danto, Arthur Coleman (1924-2013)
Election: 1980, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Philosopher; Educator;
Art critic
Dantzig, George Bernard (1914-2005)
Election: 1975, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Computer scientist;
Mathematician; Educator
Danuser, Hermann (1946-)
Election: 2015, FHM
Affiliation at election: Humboldt
University of Berlin
Residence at election: Berlin, Germany
Career description: Musicologist; Cultural
institution board member; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Danziger, Sheldon H. (1948-)
Election: 2002, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Ann Arbor, MI
Career description: Economist; Public
policy specialist; Educator
Current affiliation: Russell Sage
d’Arbeloff, Alexander V. (1928-2008)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Teradyne
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Company founder and
executive (technology)
D’Arcy, Martin Cyril (1888-1976)
Election: 1960, FHM
Affiliation at election: Georgetown
Residence at election: London, England
Career description: Clergy member;
Philosopher; Educator
Darensbourg, Marcetta York (1942-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Texas A&M
Residence at election: College Station, TX
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Darley, John M. (1938-)
Election: 2005, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Psychologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Darling-Hammond, Linda (1951-)
Election: 2014, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Education specialist;
Current affiliation: Same
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Darlington, Jr., Philip Jackson (19041983)
Election: 1962, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Entomologist;
Educator; Museum curator
D’Arms, John Haughton (1934-2002)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Ann Arbor, MI
Career description: Classicist; Educator;
Academic administrator; Learned society
Darnell, Jr., James Edwin (1930-)
Election: 1973, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Molecular cell
biologist; Educator; Academic research
institution administrator
Current affiliation: Rockefeller University
Darnton, Robert Choate (1939-)
Election: 1980, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: Harvard University
Darrow, Karl Kelchner (1891-1982)
Election: 1964, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Bell Telephone
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Physicist; Company
research institution staff member
Darwall, Stephen L. (1946-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Ann Arbor, MI
Career description: Philosopher; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Daston, Lorraine Jenifer (1941-)
Election: 1993, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Historian (science);
Educator; Research institution
Current affiliation: Max Planck Institute
for the History of Science
Charles Robert Darwin, elected 1874, FHM. Image
donated by Corbis-Bettmann
Darwin, Charles Robert (1809-1882)
Election: 1874, FHM
Affiliation at election: Beckenham,
Residence at election: Beckenham,
Career description: Naturalist; Writer
Darwin, George Howard (1845-1912)
Election: 1898, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Cambridge, England
Career description: Mathematician;
Astronomer; Educator
Das, Veena (1945-)
Election: 1999, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of Delhi;
New School for Social Research
Residence at election: Delhi, India
Career description: Anthropologist;
Current affiliation: Johns Hopkins
Dasgupta, Partha Sarathi (1942-)
Election: 1991, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Cambridge, England
Career description: Economist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dashen, Roger Frederick (1938-1995)
Election: 1979, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Institute for
Advanced Study
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Daube, David (1909-1999)
Election: 1971, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Biblical scholar; Legal
scholar; Educator; Library administrator
Daubechies, Ingrid Chantal (1954-)
Election: 1993, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Rutgers University;
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Residence at election: New Brunswick, NJ
Career description: Mathematician;
Current affiliation: Duke University
Dauben, William Garfield (1919-1997)
Election: 1974, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Daughaday, William Hamilton (19182013)
Election: 1989, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Washington
University in St. Louis School of Medicine
Residence at election: St. Louis, MO
Career description: Physician;
Endocrinologist; Educator
Dausset, Jean (1916-2009)
Election: 1979, FHM
Affiliation at election: Collège de France;
Institut National de la Sante et de la
Recherche Medicale
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Immunologist;
Educator; Research institution
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Davenport, Charles Benedict (18661944)
Election: 1895, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Zoologist; Eugenicist;
Educator; Research institution
Davenport, George Edward (1833-1907)
Election: 1898, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Medford, MA
Residence at election: Medford, MA
Career description: Botanist;
Davenport, Guy (1927-2005)
Election: 1998, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Lexington, KY
Career description: Writer (poet, fiction
writer, essayist); Educator
Davenport, Jr., Wilbur Bayley (19202003)
Election: 1977, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Electrical engineer;
David, Donald Kirk (1896-1979)
Election: 1942, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Graduate School of Business
Residence at election: Winchester, MA
Career description: Management expert;
Educator; Academic administrator;
Company and foundation executive
David, Jr., Edward Emil (1925-)
Election: 1966, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Bell Telephone
Residence at election: Morristown, NJ
Career description: Electrical engineer;
Company executive; Government science
Current affiliation: EED, Inc.
David, Guy R. P. (1957-)
Election: 1999, FHM
Affiliation at election: Université de ParisSud
Residence at election: Orsay, France
Career description: Mathematician;
Current affiliation: Same
David, John Rouben (1930-)
Election: 1979, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physician;
Immunologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Harvard School of
Public Health
David, Paul Allan (1935-)
Election: 1979, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Economist; Historian;
Current affiliation: Stanford University /
University of Oxford, UK
David, Rene (1906-1990)
Election: 1988, FHM
Affiliation at election: Université de Paris
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Lawyer; Educator;
Davidovsky, Mario (1934-)
Election: 2004, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Musician (composer);
Current affiliation: Same
Davidson, Charles Sprecher (1910-2000)
Election: 1958, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physician; Educator
Davidson, George (1825-1911)
Election: 1887, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Coast and
Geodetic Survey
Residence at election: San Francisco, CA
Career description: Geodesist;
Astronomer; Government research
agency administrator
Davidson, Gordon (1933-2016)
Election: 1998, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Center Theater
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Theater director and
Davidson, Norman Ralph (1916-2002)
Election: 1984, Fellow
Affiliation at election: California Institute
of Technology
Residence at election: Pasadena, CA
Career description: Biochemist; Educator
Davidson, Richard J. (1951-)
Election: 2003, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Psychologist;
Neurobiologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Davie, Donald Alfred (1922-1995)
Election: 1973, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator; Writer (poet)
Davidson, Donald Herbert (1917-2003)
Election: 1975, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Rockefeller
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Philosopher; Educator
Davie, Earl Warren (1927-)
Election: 1987, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Seattle, WA
Career description: Biochemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Davidson, Ernest Roy (1936-)
Election: 1996, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Indiana University
Residence at election: Bloomington, IN
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Current affiliation: University of
Davies, Charles (1798-1876)
Election: 1826, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Military
Residence at election: West Point, NY
Career description: Mathematician;
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Davies, David R. (1927-2016)
Election: 1985, Fellow
Affiliation at election: National Institute of
Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases
Residence at election: Bethesda, MD
Career description: Biophysicist;
Crystallographer; Government research
agency administrator
Davis, Bernard David (1916-1994)
Election: 1958, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Bacteriologist;
Educator; Research institution
Davies, Dennis Russell (1944-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Salzburg
Mozarteum; Orchester Bruckner Linz;
Basel Symphony Orchestra
Residence at election: Linz, Austria
Career description: Musician (conductor,
music director, pianist)
Current affiliation: Same
Davis, Bradley Moore (1871-1957)
Election: 1916, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Philadelphia, PA
Career description: Botanist; Educator
Davis, Karen (1942-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Commonwealth
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Foundation executive;
Government health agency administrator
Current affiliation: Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Davis, Charles Henry (1807-1877)
Election: 1842, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Navy
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Naval officer;
Davis, Kenneth Culp (1908-2003)
Election: 1979, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of San
Diego; University of Chicago
Residence at election: San Diego, CA
Career description: Lawyer; Educator
Davis, Charles Thornton (1863-1936)
Election: 1936, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts Land
Residence at election: Marblehead, MA
Career description: Lawyer; Jurist
Davis, Kingsley (1908-1997)
Election: 1964, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Sociologist; Educator
Davis, David Brion (1927-)
Election: 1976, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Davis, Lance Edwin (1928-2014)
Election: 1991, Fellow
Affiliation at election: California Institute
of Technology
Residence at election: Pasadena, CA
Career description: Economist; Educator
Davis, Hallowell (1896-1992)
Election: 1929, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Neurophysiologist;
Otolaryngolist; Educator; Research
institution administrator
Davis, Lydia (1947-)
Election: 2005, Fellow
Affiliation at election: State University of
New York at Albany
Residence at election: Port Ewen, NY
Career description: Translator; Writer
(short story writer, novelist); Educator
Current affiliation: New York, NY
Davis, Harvey Nathaniel (1881-1952)
Election: 1911, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Academic administrator
Davis, Marc (1947-)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Astronomer; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Davies, William David (1911-2001)
Election: 1981, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Duke University
Residence at election: Durham, NC
Career description: Theologian; Educator
Davis, Allison (William Allison) (19021983)
Election: 1967, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Psychologist;
Anthropologist; Education specialist;
Educator; Foundation executive
Davis, Andrew McFarland (1833-1920)
Election: 1892, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cambridge, MA
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Historian; Lawyer;
Davis, Archibald Kimbrough (19111998)
Election: 1978, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Duke Endowment
Residence at election: Winston-Salem, NC
Career description: Banker; Foundation
Davis, Arthur Powell (1861-1933)
Election: 1921, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Reclamation
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Hydraulic and
irrigation engineer; Government research
Davis, John (1761-1847)
Election: 1792, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Plymouth, MA
Residence at election: Plymouth, MA
Career description: Lawyer; Jurist
Davis, Herbert John (1893-1967)
Election: 1948, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Smith College
Residence at election: Northampton, MA
Career description: Literary scholar;
Educator; Academic administrator
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Davis, Margaret Bryan (1931-)
Election: 1991, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Minneapolis, MN
Career description: Paleoecologist;
Current affiliation: Same
Davis, Mark M. (1952-)
Election: 2000, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
School of Medicine
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Molecular biologist;
Immunologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Stanford School of
Davis, Natalie Zemon (1928-)
Election: 1979, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: University of Toronto,
Davis, Jr., Raymond (1914-2006)
Election: 1985, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brookhaven
National Laboratory; University of
Residence at election: Upton, NY
Career description: Chemist; Physicist;
Research institution staff member
Davis, Russ Erik (1941-)
Election: 2000, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, San Diego
Residence at election: San Diego, CA
Career description: Oceanographer;
Current affiliation: Scripps Institution of
Oceanography, UC San Diego
Davis, Ruth Margaret (1928-2012)
Election: 1990, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Pymatuning Group,
Residence at election: Arlington, VA
Career description: Applied
mathematician; Computer scientist;
Company executive (technology
Davis, Saville Rogers (1909-1991)
Election: 1950, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Christian Science
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Journalist; Editor
Davy, Humphry (1778-1829)
Election: 1822, FHM
Affiliation at election: Royal Institution of
Great Britain
Residence at election: London, England
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Davis, Stephen Howard (1939-)
Election: 1995, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Northwestern
Residence at election: Evanston, IL
Career description: Applied
mathematician; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Daw, Murray S. (1955-)
Election: 2004, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Clemson University
Residence at election: Clemson, SC
Career description: Physicist; Materials
scientist; Research institution staff
member; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Davis, Tenney Lombard (1890-1949)
Election: 1923, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Dawes, Chester Laurens (1886-1977)
Election: 1934, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University;
New England Mica Company, Waltham,
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Electrical engineer;
Educator; Company research scientist and
Davis, Walter Gould (1851-1919)
Election: 1894, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: Argentine
Meteorological Service
Residence at election: Cordova, Argentina
Career description: Meteorologist;
Government research agency
Davis, William Morris (1850-1934)
Election: 1884, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Geographer; Geologist;
Davison, Archibald Thompson (18831961)
Election: 1941, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Lincoln, MA
Career description: Musician (organist,
conductor); Educator
Davison, Peter Hubert (1928-2004)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Atlantic Monthly
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Writer (poet); Editor
Davisson, Clinton Joseph (1881-1958)
Election: 1929, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Bell Telephone
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Company research administrator
Dawes, Robyn Mason (1936-2010)
Election: 2002, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Carnegie Mellon
Residence at election: Pittsburgh, PA
Career description: Psychologist and
decision scientist; Educator
Dawes, Thomas (1731-1809)
Election: 1784, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston, MA
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Architect and builder;
Government official (state legislature)
Dawes, Thomas (1757-1825)
Election: 1795, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Supreme Judicial Court
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Jurist
Dawid, Igor Bert (1935-)
Election: 1989, Fellow
Affiliation at election: National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development
Residence at election: Bethesda, MD
Career description: Molecular biologist;
Government research agency
Current affiliation: Same
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Dawson, Alden Benjamin (1892-1968)
Election: 1933, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Zoologist; Educator
Dawson, George Mercer (1849-1901)
Election: 1900, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: Geological Survey
of Canada
Residence at election: Ottawa, Canada
Career description: Geologist;
Government research agency staff
member and administrator
Dawson, John M. (1930-2001)
Election: 2000, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Los Angeles
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Dawson, John Philip (1902-1985)
Election: 1967, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Law School
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Lawyer; Educator
Dawson, John William (1820-1899)
Election: 1860, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: McGill University
Residence at election: Montreal, Canada
Career description: Geologist; Educator;
Academic administrator
Dawson, Michael C. (1951-)
Election: 2006, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Political scientist;
Current affiliation: Same
Day, Arthur Louis (1869-1960)
Election: 1912, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Carnegie Institution
of Washington
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Geophysicist; Research
laboratory administrator; Company
Day, Clive (1871-1951)
Election: 1921, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Economist; Historian;
Day, Edmund Ezra (1883-1951)
Election: 1938, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cornell University
Residence at election: Ithaca, NY
Career description: Economist; Educator;
Academic administrator
Day, Jeremiah (1773-1867)
Election: 1813, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Educator; Academic
Day, Robert Addison (1943-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Trust Company of
the West; W. M. Keck Foundation
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Company executive
(investment management); Foundation
Current affiliation: Trust Company of the
Dayan, Colin (1949-)
Election: 2012, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Vanderbilt
Residence at election: Nashville, TN
Career description: Literary scholar;
Writer (literary theorist); Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Day-Lewis, Daniel (1957-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York, NY
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Actor
Current affiliation: Same
Days III, Drew Saunders (1941-)
Election: 1994, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Department of
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Lawyer; Educator;
Government attorney
Current affiliation: Yale Law School
Deagan, Kathleen A. (1949-)
Election: 2016, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Gainesville, FL
Career description: Archaeologist;
Current affiliation: Same
Dean, Arthur Hobson (1898-1987)
Election: 1963, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Sullivan and
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Lawyer; Government
official; Diplomat
Dean, James (1776-1849)
Election: 1811, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Burlington, VT
Career description: Educator
Dean, Jeffrey A. (1968-)
Election: 2016, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Google Inc.
Residence at election: Mountain View, CA
Career description: Computer scientist;
Software engineer; Company research
Current affiliation: Same
Dean, John (1831-1888)
Election: 1862, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston, MA
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Anatomist; Physician
Dean, Mark E. (1957-)
Election: 2004, Fellow
Affiliation at election: IBM Corporation
Residence at election: Tucson, AZ
Career description: Electrical engineer;
Computer scientist; Company research
staff member and administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Deane, Charles (1813-1889)
Election: 1866, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cambridge, MA
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Businessperson;
Historian; Editor
Deane, Samuel (1733-1814)
Election: 1780, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Portland, ME
Residence at election: Portland, ME
Career description: Clergy member;
Dearborn, Benjamin (1754-1838)
Election: 1794, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston, MA
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Educator; Inventor
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammel
Election: 1823, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston, MA
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Member, U.S. House
of Representatives; Author
Dearborn, Walter Fenno (1878-1955)
Election: 1928, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Psychologist; Educator
Deaton, Angus Stewart (1945-)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Economist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
de Bary, William Theodore (1919-)
Election: 1974, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Historian; Educator;
Academic administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Debas, Haile Tesfaye (1937-)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, San Francisco
Residence at election: San Francisco, CA
Career description: Surgeon; Educator;
Academic administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Debenedetti, Pablo Gaston (1953-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Engineer; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
de Boor, Carl-Wilhelm Reinhold (1937-)
Election: 1987, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Mathematician;
Current affiliation: Same
Debre, Robert (1882-1978)
Election: 1972, FHM
Affiliation at election: Faculty of Medicine,
Paris; Hopital Enfants Malades
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Pediatrician;
Bacteriologist; Educator; Government
Debreu, Gerard (1921-2004)
Election: 1970, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Economist;
Mathematician; Educator
Debye, Peter Joseph William (18841966)
Election: 1927, FHM
Affiliation at election: Eidgenossische
Technische Hochschule
Residence at election: Zurich, Switzerland
Career description: Physicist; Physical
chemist; Educator; Academic
Decaisne, Joseph (1807-1882)
Election: 1846, FHM
Affiliation at election: Jardin des Plantes
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Botanist; Research
institution staff member and
administrator; Educator
De Camilli, Pietro V. (1947-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Neuroscientist; Cell
biologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Yale School of
DeCarlo, Giancarlo (1919-2005)
Election: 1978, FHM
Affiliation at election: Milan, Italy
Residence at election: Milan, Italy
Career description: Architect; Educator
DeCourcy, Charles Ambrose (18571924)
Election: 1924, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Supreme Judicial Court
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Lawyer; Jurist
de Duve, Christian Rene (1917-2013)
Election: 1971, FHM
Affiliation at election: Universite
Catholique de Louvain; Rockefeller
Residence at election: Brussels, Belgium
Career description: Chemist; Educator
de Forest, Alfred Victor (1888-1945)
Election: 1938, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Mechanical engineer;
Metallographer; Educator; Company
research engineer
DeFries, Ruth S. (1956-)
Election: 2010, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Geographer; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
de Gayangos, Pascual (1809-1897)
Election: 1842, FHM
Affiliation at election: Madrid, Spain
Residence at election: Madrid, Spain
Career description: Historian; Educator;
Bibliographer; Librarian
de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles (1932-2007)
Election: 1976, FHM
Affiliation at election: Collège de France
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Academic administrator
De Gijselaar (Gyselaer), Cornelis (17511815)
Election: 1809, FHM
Affiliation at election: Leiden, Netherlands
Residence at election: Leiden, Netherlands
Career description: Government official;
DeGioia, John J. (1957-)
Election: 2010, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Georgetown
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Academic
administrator; Philosopher
Current affiliation: Same
Degler, Carl Neumann (1921-2014)
Election: 1973, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Historian; Educator
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
DeGolyer, Everette Lee (1886-1956)
Election: 1951, Fellow
Affiliation at election: DeGolyer &
Macnaughton, Consulting Petroleum
Geologists and Engineers
Residence at election: Dallas, TX
Career description: Geologist; Engineer;
Company research scientist and executive
DeGrado, William F. (1955-)
Election: 1998, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Philadelphia, PA
Career description: Biochemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Perelman School of
Medicine at the University of
de Grazia, Victoria (1946-)
Election: 2005, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
de Hevesy, George Charles (1885-1966)
Election: 1950, FHM
Affiliation at election: Institute for
Organic Chemistry, Stockholm
Residence at election: Stockholm, Sweden;
Copenhagen, Denmark
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Dehmelt, Hans Georg (1922-)
Election: 1977, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Seattle, WA
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Current affiliation: Same
Deift, Percy A. (1945-)
Election: 2003, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York
University Courant Institute of
Mathematical Sciences
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Mathematician;
Current affiliation: Same
Dekel, Eddie (1958-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Northwestern
University; Tel Aviv University
Residence at election: Evanston, IL
Career description: Economist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
de Kooning, Willem (1904-1997)
Election: 1959, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York, NY
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Artist (painter)
Delabarre, Edmund Burke (1863-1945)
Election: 1918, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brown University
Residence at election: Providence, RI
Career description: Psychologist; Educator
De la Beche, Henry Thomas (1796-1855)
Election: 1849, FHM
Affiliation at election: Geological Survey
of Great Britain
Residence at election: London, England
Career description: Geologist;
Government research agency
de Lacaze-Duthiers, Felix Joseph Henri
Election: 1886, FHM
Affiliation at election: Sorbonne
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Zoologist; Educator
Delafield, Richard (1798-1873)
Election: 1841, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Military
Residence at election: West Point, NY
Career description: Military engineer;
Educational administrator
de la Luzerne, Anne Cesar (1741-1791)
Election: 1781, FHM
Affiliation at election: Government of
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Diplomat
Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph (17491822)
Election: 1822, FHM
Affiliation at election: Paris, France
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Astronomer;
Geodesist; Educator; Government
researcher and administrator
de Lange, Titia (1955-)
Election: 2007, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Rockefeller
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Cellular biologist;
Geneticist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Delano, Frederic Adrian (1863-1953)
Election: 1941, Fellow
Affiliation at election: National Capital
Park and Planning Commission; National
Resources Planning Board
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Engineer; Company
executive; Government official
de La Rive, Auguste Arthur (1801-1873)
Election: 1868, FHM
Affiliation at election: Geneva, Switzerland
Residence at election: Geneva, Switzerland
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Delaunay, Charles Eugene (1816-1872)
Election: 1866, FHM
Affiliation at election: Ecole Polytechnique
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Astronomer; Educator
de la Vallee-Poussin, Charles Jean
Gustave Nicolas (1866-1962)
Election: 1915, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Louvain, Belgium
Career description: Mathematician;
Delbanco, Andrew (1952-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Literary scholar;
Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Delbruck, Max Ludwig Henning (19061981)
Election: 1959, Fellow
Affiliation at election: California Institute
of Technology
Residence at election: Pasadena, CA
Career description: Molecular biologist;
de l’Etombe (L’Etombe), Joseph Philippe
Election: 1790, FHM
Affiliation at election: Government of
Residence at election: France
Career description: Diplomat
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Deligne, Pierre (1944-)
Election: 1978, FHM
Affiliation at election: Institut des Hautes
Etudes Scientifiques
Residence at election: Bures-sur-Yvette,
Career description: Mathematician;
Current affiliation: Institute for Advanced
DeLillo, Don (1936-)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Bronxville, NY
Residence at election: Bronxville, NY
Career description: Writer (fiction writer)
Current affiliation: Same
Delitzsch, Friedrich (1850-1922)
Election: 1902, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of Berlin
Residence at election: Berlin, Germany
Career description: Assyriologist;
Dell, Gary S. (1950-)
Election: 2015, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Residence at election: Urbana, IL
Career description: Psychologist; Linguist;
Current affiliation: Same
Dell, Michael Saul (1965-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Dell Inc.
Residence at election: Round Rock, TX
Career description: Company executive
(computers); Author
Current affiliation: Same
Dellinger, Walter E. (1941-)
Election: 1999, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Duke University
Residence at election: Durham, NC
Career description: Lawyer; Educator
Current affiliation: Duke University
School of Law; O’Melveny and Myers LLP
DeLoache, Judy S. (1943-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Charlottesville, VA
Career description: Psychologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
DeLong, Edward Francis (1958-)
Election: 2005, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Marine biologist;
Microbiologist; Educator; Research
institution staff member
Current affiliation: Same
DeLong, Mahlon Robert (1938-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Emory University
School of Medicine
Residence at election: Atlanta, GA
Career description: Neurologist; Educator;
Academic research institution
Current affiliation: Same
Deloria, Philip J. (1960-)
Election: 2015, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Ann Arbor, MI
Career description: Historian; Academic
administrator; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
del Pino Veintimilla, Eugenia Maria
Election: 2006, FHM
Affiliation at election: Pontificia
Universidad Catolica del Ecuador
Residence at election: Quito, Ecuador
Career description: Ecologist;
Reproductive and developmental
physiologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
de Man, Paul Adolph Michel (19191983)
Election: 1973, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Dembowski, Peter Florian (1925-)
Election: 1990, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Demerec, Milislav (1895-1966)
Election: 1959, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Carnegie Institution
of Washington
Residence at election: Cold Spring Harbor,
Career description: Geneticist; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Demetz, Peter (1922-)
Election: 1982, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
DeLuca, Hector Floyd (1930-)
Election: 1978, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Biochemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
del Vecchio, Giorgio (1878-1970)
Election: 1933, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of Rome
Residence at election: Rome, Italy
Career description: Philosopher; Jurist;
Educator; Academic administrator
Agnes George de Mille, elected 1982. Image
donated by Corbis-Bettmann
de Mille, Agnes George (1905-1993)
Election: 1982, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York, NY
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Choreographer;
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
de Montebello, Philippe Lannes (GuyPhilippe Lannes) (1936-)
Election: 2004, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Metropolitan
Museum of Art
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Museum curator;
Museum art administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Demos, John Putnam (1937-)
Election: 1993, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Demos, Peter Theodore (1918-2012)
Election: 1960, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Academic research institution
Demos, Raphael (1892-1968)
Election: 1961, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Philosopher; Educator
Dempsey, Charles (1937-)
Election: 1993, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Johns Hopkins
Residence at election: Baltimore, MD
Career description: Historian (art);
Current affiliation: Same
Dempsey, Edward Wheeler (1911-1975)
Election: 1949, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Anatomist; Educator;
Academic administrator
Dempster, Arthur P. (1929-)
Election: 1997, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Statistician; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Demsetz, Harold (1930-)
Election: 1991, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Los Angeles
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Economist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dench, Judith (1934-)
Election: 2009, FHM
Affiliation at election: London, England
Residence at election: London, England
Career description: Actor
Current affiliation: Same
Denevan, William Maxfield (1931-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Geographer; Cultural
ecologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Den Hartog, Jacob Pieter (1901-1989)
Election: 1934, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Wellesley Hills, MA
Career description: Mechanical engineer;
Educator; Academic administrator
De Niro, Robert (1943-)
Election: 2013, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York, NY
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Actor; Director (film);
Producer (film)
Current affiliation: Same
Denison, Edward Fulton (1915-1992)
Election: 1977, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brookings
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Economist;
Government official
Denjoy, Arnaud (1884-1974)
Election: 1939, FHM
Affiliation at election: Université de Paris
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Mathematician;
Denk, Jeremy (1970-)
Election: 2016, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York, NY
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Writer (essayist,
librettist); Musician (pianist)
Current affiliation: Same
Denn, Morton Mace (1939-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: City College of New
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Chemical engineer;
Current affiliation: City College of the
City University of New York
Dennett, Daniel Clement (1942-)
Election: 1987, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Tufts University
Residence at election: Medford, MA
Career description: Philosopher; Educator;
Academic research agency administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Dennett, Tyler Wilbur (1883-1949)
Election: 1935, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Williams College
Residence at election: Williamstown, MA
Career description: Historian;
Government official; Academic
Dennison, Henry Sturgis (1877-1952)
Election: 1932, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Dennison
Manufacturing Company
Residence at election: Framingham, MA
Career description: Company executive;
Government official; Industrial welfare
Denny, Henry Gardner (1833-1907)
Election: 1871, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston, MA
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Lawyer
Denny-Brown, Derek Ernest (19011981)
Election: 1953, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
School; Boston City Hospital
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Neurologist; Educator;
Hospital and research institution
De Normandie, James (1836-1924)
Election: 1914, Fellow
Affiliation at election: First Church,
Residence at election: Roxbury, MA
Career description: Clergy member
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Denton, Derek Ashworth (1924-)
Election: 1986, FHM
Affiliation at election: Florey Institute for
Experimental Physiology and Medicine
Residence at election: Melbourne,
Career description: Physiologist; Research
agency staff member and administrator
Current affiliation: Same
d’Entreves, Alexander Passerin (19021985)
Election: 1964, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University;
University of Turin
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Political scientist;
Philosopher; Educator
de Pablo, Juan José (1962-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Engineer; Materials
scientist; Educator
Current affiliation: University of Chicago
DePaolo, Donald James (1951-)
Election: 1994, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Geochemist; Educator;
Academic research agency administrator
Current affiliation: Same
DePinho, Ronald A. (1955-)
Election: 2010, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
School; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Cancer biologist;
Current affiliation: University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center
de Pourtales, Louis Francois (1823-1880)
Election: 1871, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Coast Survey
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Oceanographer;
Government research agency
administrator; Museum administrator
DePreist, James Anderson (1936-2013)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Oregon Symphony
Residence at election: Portland, OR
Career description: Musician (conductor);
Writer (poet)
de Rothschild, David (1942-)
Election: 2011, FHM
Affiliation at election: Rothschild Group
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Company executive
(banking, finance)
Current affiliation: Same
DePuy, Charles H. (1927-2013)
Election: 2003, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Boulder, CO
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Derr, Louis (1868-1923)
Election: 1908, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Brookline, MA
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Derby, George (1819-1874)
Election: 1870, Fellow
Affiliation at election: State of
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physician; Surgeon;
Sanitarian; Government official (public
Derrida, Jacques (1930-2004)
Election: 1985, FHM
Affiliation at election: Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Philosopher; Literary
critic; Educator
DeRisi, Joseph L. (1969-)
Election: 2015, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, San Francisco
Residence at election: San Francisco, CA
Career description: Biochemist; Research
institution scientist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
De Robertis, Edward Michael (1947-)
Election: 2000, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Los Angeles
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Biologist; Chemist;
Current affiliation: David Geffen School
of Medicine at UCLA
de Romilly, Jacqueline (1913-2010)
Election: 1988, FHM
Affiliation at election: Collège de France
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Classicist; Educator
DeRosier, David John (1939-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brandeis University
Residence at election: Waltham, MA
Career description: Biophysicist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Derthick, Martha Ann (1933-2015)
Election: 1982, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brookings
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Political scientist;
Educator; Research institution staff
member and administrator
Dervan, Peter Brendan (1945-)
Election: 1988, Fellow
Affiliation at election: California Institute
of Technology
Residence at election: Pasadena, CA
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
de Santillana, Giorgio Diaz (1902-1974)
Election: 1954, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Historian;
Philosopher; Educator
Des Cloizeaux, Alfred Louis Olivier
Legrand (1817-1897)
Election: 1880, FHM
Affiliation at election: Museum of Natural
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Mineralogist;
Educator; Research institution
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Descola, Philippe (1949-)
Election: 2012, FHM
Affiliation at election: Collège de France
Residence at election: Le Vesinet, France
Career description: Social anthropologist;
Current affiliation: Same
Deser, Stanley (1931-)
Election: 1979, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brandeis University
Residence at election: Waltham, MA
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Deshaies, Raymond J. (1961-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: California Institute
of Technology
Residence at election: Pasadena, CA
Career description: Biochemist; Cell
biologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
de Shalit, Amos (1926-1969)
Election: 1969, FHM
Affiliation at election: Weizmann Institute
of Science
Residence at election: Rehovoth, Israel
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Academic administrator
DeSimone, Joseph Mark (1964-)
Election: 2005, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill; North Carolina
State University
Residence at election: Chapel Hill, NC
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Desimone, Robert (1952-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: National Institute of
Mental Health
Residence at election: Bethesda, MD
Career description: Neuroscientist;
Government research agency
Current affiliation: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Desmond-Hellmann, Susan (1957-)
Election: 2010, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, San Francisco
Residence at election: San Francisco, CA
Career description: Academic
administrator; Oncologist; Company
executive (biotechnology)
Current affiliation: Bill and Melinda Gates
Desor, Edouard (Jean Pierre Edouard)
Election: 1848, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: Neufchatel,
Residence at election: Neufchatel,
Career description: Geologist;
Paleontologist; Educator
Deterling, Jr., Ralph Alden (1917-1992)
Election: 1964, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Tufts University
School of Medicine
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Surgeon; Educator
Dethier, Vincent Gaston (1915-1993)
Election: 1961, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Philadelphia, PA
Career description: Neurophysiologist;
Detwiler, Samuel Randall (1890-1957)
Election: 1925, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Anatomist; Zoologist;
Deutch, John Mark (1938-)
Election: 1978, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Chemist; Educator;
Academic and government agency
Current affiliation: Same
Deutsch, Helene Rosenbach (1884-1982)
Election: 1975, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cambridge, MA
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Psychiatrist;
Psychoanalyst; Hospital administrator
Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang (1912-1992)
Election: 1953, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Political scientist;
Deutsch, Martin (1917-2002)
Election: 1953, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Physicist; Educator
de Valois, Ninette (1898-2001)
Election: 1961, FHM
Affiliation at election: Royal Ballet School
Residence at election: London, England
Career description: Dancer;
Choreographer; Company executive
de Verneuil, Philippe Edouard
Poulletier (1805-1873)
Election: 1846, FHM
Affiliation at election: Paris, France
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Geologist;
Paleontologist; Traveler; Explorer
de Vitry d’Avaucourt, Raoul Joseph
Marie (1895-1977)
Election: 1961, FHM
Affiliation at election: Compagnie
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Engineer; Company
Devlin (Baron), Patrick Arthur (19051992)
Election: 1979, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Cambridge, England
Career description: Lawyer; Jurist;
Academic administrator
DeVore, Irven (Boyd Irven) (1934-)
Election: 1968, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Anthropologist;
Primate biologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
DeVore, Ronald A. (1941-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of South
Residence at election: Columbia, SC
Career description: Mathematician;
Current affiliation: Texas A&M University
Devoret, Michel Henri (1953-)
Election: 2003, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Research institution staff member and
Current affiliation: Same
De Voto, Bernard Augustine (18971955)
Election: 1949, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cambridge, MA
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Historian; Writer
(novelist, short story writer, journalist,
biographer); Editor
de Vries, Jan (1943-)
Election: 2000, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
de Waal, Frans B.M. (1948-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Emory University
Residence at election: Stone Mountain, GA
Career description: Primatologist;
Research institution administrator;
Current affiliation: Emory University;
Yerkes National Primate Research Center
Dewar, Michael James Steuart (19181997)
Election: 1966, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of Texas
at Austin
Residence at election: Austin, TX
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Dewatripont, Mathias (1959-)
Election: 2009, FHM
Affiliation at election: Université Libre de
Residence at election: Brussels, Belgium
Career description: Economist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dewey, Bradley (1887-1974)
Election: 1943, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Dewey and Almy
Chemical Company
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Chemical engineer;
Company executive
Dewey, Chester (1784-1867)
Election: 1818, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: Williams College
Residence at election: Williamstown, MA
Career description: Educator; Educational
administrator; Botanist
Dewey, Davis Rich (1858-1942)
Election: 1913, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Economist; Educator
Dewhurst, Colleen (1926-1991)
Election: 1990, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York, NY
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Actor
Dewhurst, James Frederic (1895-1967)
Election: 1951, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Twentieth Century
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Economist;
Government official; Foundation
Dewing, Arthur Stone (1880-1971)
Election: 1932, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Economist; Educator;
Company executive
DeWitt, Benjamin (1774-1819)
Election: 1800, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Albany, NY
Residence at election: Albany, NY
Career description: Physician;
Mineralogist; Chemist
DeWitt, Bryce S. (1923-2004)
Election: 2002, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of Texas
at Austin
Residence at election: Austin, TX
Career description: Physicist; Educator
DeWitt, David J. (1948-)
Election: 2007, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Computer scientist;
Current affiliation: Same
Dews, Peter Booth (1922-2012)
Election: 1964, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Psychobiologist;
Dexter, Aaron (1750-1829)
Election: 1784, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physician; Chemist;
Dexter, Lewis (1910-1995)
Election: 1950, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
School; Peter Bent Brigham Hospital
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Cardiologist; Educator
Dexter, Samuel (1726-1810)
Election: 1791, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Weston, MA
Residence at election: Weston, MA
Career description: Merchant; Public
Dexter, Samuel (1761-1816)
Election: 1800, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Senate
Residence at election: Charlestown, MA
Career description: Lawyer; U.S. Senator;
U.S. Secretary of War; U.S. Secretary of
the Treasury; Member, U.S. House
of Representatives
Dexter, William Prescott (1820-1890)
Election: 1852, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brookline, MA
Residence at election: Brookline, MA
Career description: Chemist; Traveler;
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
d’Harnoncourt, Anne (1943-2008)
Election: 1995, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Philadelphia
Museum of Art
Residence at election: Philadelphia, PA
Career description: Museum curator;
Museum administrator
Diamond, Louis Klein (1902-1999)
Election: 1964, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
School; Children’s Hospital, Boston
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Pediatrician; Educator;
Hospital administrator
Dhawan, Satish (1920-2002)
Election: 1972, FHM
Affiliation at election: Indian Institute of
Residence at election: Bangalore, India
Career description: Aeronautical engineer;
Educator; Academic administrator;
Government institution administrator
Diamond, Peter Arthur (1940-)
Election: 1978, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Economist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Diaconis, Persi (1945-)
Election: 1989, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Mathematician;
Statistician; Educator
Current affiliation: Stanford University
Diakonov (Diakonoff), Igor
Mikhailovich (1915-1999)
Election: 1984, FHM
Affiliation at election: Academy of
Sciences of the USSR
Residence at election: Leningrad, USSR
Career description: Linguist; Historian;
Diamond, Douglas W. (1953-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Chicago Graduate School of Business
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Economist; Educator
Current affiliation: University of Chicago
Booth School of Business
Diamond, Irene (1910-2003)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Irene Diamond
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Editor; Foundation
Diamond, Jared Mason (1937-)
Election: 1973, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California Medical School
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Physiologist; Ecologist;
Educator; Conservationist
Current affiliation: University of
California, Los Angeles
Diamond, Shari Seidman (1947-)
Election: 2012, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Northwestern
University School of Law; Northwestern
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Legal scholar;
Psychologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Diaz-Alejandro, Carlos Federico (19371985)
Election: 1985, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Economist; Educator
Dibner, Bern (1897-1988)
Election: 1967, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Burndy
Residence at election: Norwalk, CT
Career description: Engineer; Historian;
Bibliophile; Company executive
di Cesnola, Luigi Palma (1832-1904)
Election: 1881, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: Metropolitan
Museum of Art
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Archaeologist;
Museum executive; Military officer;
Dicey, Albert Venn (1835-1922)
Election: 1901, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Oxford; Working Men’s College, London
Residence at election: Oxford, England
Career description: Lawyer; Jurist;
Educator; Academic administrator
Dicke, Robert Henry (1916-1997)
Election: 1963, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Dickerson, Richard Earl (1931-)
Election: 1985, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Los Angeles
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Biochemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dickey III, James Lafayette (1923-1997)
Election: 1970, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of South
Residence at election: Columbia, SC
Career description: Writer (poet, novelist,
critic); Poet laureate; Educator
Dickey, John Sloan (1907-1991)
Election: 1946, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Dartmouth College
Residence at election: Hanover, NH
Career description: Lawyer; Government
official; Academic administrator
Dickinson, John (1894-1952)
Election: 1933, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Philadelphia, PA
Career description: Lawyer; Jurist;
Educator; Government official
Dickinson, Michael Hughes (1963-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: California Institute
of Technology
Residence at election: South Pasadena, CA
Career description: Neurobiologist;
Bioengineer; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dickson, Leonard Eugene (1874-1954)
Election: 1915, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Mathematician;
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Didion, Joan (1934-)
Election: 1989, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Los Angeles, CA
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Writer (fiction and
nonfiction writer)
Current affiliation: New York, NY
Diebenkorn, Jr., Richard Clifford (19221993)
Election: 1979, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Los Angeles, CA
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Artist (painter);
Dieckmann, Herbert (1906-1986)
Election: 1956, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Diederich, François N. (1952-)
Election: 1999, FHM
Affiliation at election: Eidgenossische
Technische Hochschule
Residence at election: Zurich, Switzerland
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Diels, Hermann Alexander (1848-1922)
Election: 1907, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of Berlin
Residence at election: Berlin, Germany
Career description: Classicist; Philologist;
Educator; Editor
Diels, Ludwig (1874-1945)
Election: 1931, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of Berlin
Residence at election: Berlin, Germany
Career description: Botanist; Educator;
Botanical garden administrator
Diener, Edward Francis (1946-)
Election: 2012, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Gallup; University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Residence at election: Champaign, IL
Career description: Behavioral scientist;
Psychologist; Research institution
scientist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Diener, Theodor Otto (1921-)
Election: 1978, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Department of
Residence at election: Beltsville, MD
Career description: Plant pathologist;
Researcher; Educator
Current affiliation: University of
Dijkstra, Edsger Wybe (1930-2002)
Election: 1975, FHM
Affiliation at election: Burroughs
Corporation; Eindhoven University of
Residence at election: Nuenen,
Career description: Mathematician;
Computer scientist; Researcher; Educator
Diermeier, Daniel (1965-)
Election: 2013, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Northwestern
Residence at election: Wilmette, IL
Career description: Economist; Political
scientist; Educator; Academic research
institution administrator
Current affiliation: University of Chicago
Dike, Kenneth Onwuka (1917-1983)
Election: 1972, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Historian; Educator;
Academic and archive administrator
Dietrich, William Eric (1950-)
Election: 2003, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Geographer;
Geomorphologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dietz, Albert George Henry (1908-1998)
Election: 1958, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Civil engineer;
Educator; Research institution
Dihle, Albrecht Gottfried Ferdinand
Election: 1993, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Heidelberg,
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Current affiliation: Akademie der
Dijkgraaf, Robbert H. (1960-)
Election: 2013, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Institute for
Advanced Study
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Mathematical
physicist; Academic institution
administrator; Research institution
administrator; Public policy advisor
Current affiliation: Same
Dill, David Bruce (1891-1991)
Election: 1943, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Arlington, MA
Career description: Physiologist; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Dill, David L. (1957-)
Election: 2013, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Redwood City, CA
Career description: Computer scientist;
Educator; Company research founder and
scientist; Foundation founder
Current affiliation: Same
Dill, Kenneth A. (1947-)
Election: 2014, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stony Brook
University, State University of New York
Residence at election: Village of Port
Jefferson, NY
Career description: Biophysicist; Educator;
Academic research institution scientist
Current affiliation: Same
Dillard, Annie (1945-)
Election: 2013, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York, NY
Residence at election: Key West, FL
Career description: Writer (essayist, poet);
Literary critic
Current affiliation: Same
Dillehay, Tom D. (1947-)
Election: 2007, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Vanderbilt
Residence at election: Nashville, TN
Career description: Archaeologist;
Anthropologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Diller, Elizabeth (1954-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Diller Scofidio +
Renfro; Princeton University
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Architect; Company
executive; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dillon, C. Douglas (Clarence Douglas)
Election: 1960, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Department of
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Company executive
(investment); Government official;
Dillon, Theodore Harwood (1884-1961)
Election: 1920, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Electrical engineer;
Educator; Army officer; Company
Dilworth, Joseph Richardson (19161997)
Election: 1990, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Rockefeller Center,
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Investment banker;
Foundation executive
DiMaggio, Paul (1951-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Sociologist; Educator;
Academic institution administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Diman, Jeremiah Lewis (1831-1881)
Election: 1877, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brown University
Residence at election: Providence, RI
Career description: Educator; Clergy
Dimopoulos, Savas (1952-)
Election: 2006, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dine, Michael (1953-)
Election: 2010, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Santa Cruz
Residence at election: Santa Cruz, CA
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dingle, John Holmes (1908-1973)
Election: 1965, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Western Reserve
University School of Medicine
Residence at election: Cleveland, OH
Career description: Physician; Educator
Dinsmoor, William Bell (1886-1973)
Election: 1944, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Archaeologist;
Educator; Research institution
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, elected 1950,
FHM. Image donated by Corbis-Bettmann
Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984)
Election: 1950, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Cambridge, England
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Dirks, John Herbert (1933-)
Election: 2008, FHM
Affiliation at election: Gairdner
Foundation; University of Toronto
Residence at election: Toronto, Canada
Career description: Nephrologist;
Educator; Foundation executive
Current affiliation: Same
Dionne, Jr., E. J. (Eugene J.) (1952-)
Election: 2005, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brookings
Institution; Washington Post
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Journalist; Political
commentator; Research institution staff
member; Educator
Current affiliation: Brookings Institution
Dirks, Nicholas B. (1950-)
Election: 2014, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Ethnologist; Academic
administrator; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Di Piero, W. S. (William Simone) (1945-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Writer (poet, essayist);
Current affiliation: Same
Dirzo, Rodolfo (1951-)
Election: 2004, FHM
Affiliation at election: Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de Mexico
Residence at election: Mexico DF, Mexico
Career description: Ecologist;
Conservation biologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Stanford University
DiSalvo, Jr., Francis Joseph (1944-)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cornell University
Residence at election: Ithaca, NY
Career description: Chemist; Educator;
Company research staff member and
Current affiliation: Same
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
di Suvero, Mark (1933-)
Election: 1990, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York, NY
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Artist (sculptor)
Current affiliation: Spacetime C.C.
Dixwell, Epes Sargent (1807-1899)
Election: 1848, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston Latin School
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Educator; School
Dobzhansky, Theodosius (1900-1975)
Election: 1953, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Zoologist; Educator
Dixit, Avinash Kamalakar (1944-)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Economist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dixwell, George Basil (1814-1885)
Election: 1883, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston, MA
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Businessperson;
d’Ocagne, Maurice (1862-1938)
Election: 1925, FHM
Affiliation at election: Government of
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Civil engineer;
Mathematician; Educator; Government
research scientist and administrator
Dixit, Vishva (1956-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Genentech, Inc.
Residence at election: Los Altos Hills, CA
Career description: Molecular biologist;
Research scientist; Company
Current affiliation: Same
Dixon, Frank James (1920-2008)
Election: 1981, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Scripps Clinic and
Research Foundation
Residence at election: La Jolla, CA
Career description: Pathologist;
Immunologist; Research institution
administrator; Educator
Dixon, Jack Edward (1943-)
Election: 1997, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Ann Arbor, MI
Career description: Biochemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Howard Hughes
Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD
Dixon, Owen (1886-1972)
Election: 1956, FHM
Affiliation at election: Australian High
Residence at election: Melbourne,
Career description: Lawyer; Jurist;
Dixon, Roland Burrage (1875-1934)
Election: 1910, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Anthropologist;
Educator; Museum curator
Djerassi, Carl (1923-2015)
Election: 1968, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Chemist; Educator;
Company executive (research); Writer
Djerejian, Edward P. (1939-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Rice University;
Djerejian Global Consultancies, LLP
Residence at election: Houston, TX
Career description: Diplomat; Research
institution founder and administrator;
Company founder
Current affiliation: Same
Djuvara, Mircea (1886-1944)
Election: 1938, FHM
Affiliation at election: Bucharest, Romania
Residence at election: Bucharest, Romania
Career description: Lawyer; Philosopher
Dobrushin, Roland Lvovich (1929-1995)
Election: 1982, FHM
Affiliation at election: Academy of
Sciences of the USSR; Moscow Physics
Technologies Institute
Residence at election: Moscow, USSR
Career description: Mathematician;
Educator; Research institution
Dobson, Christopher M. (1949-)
Election: 2007, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Cambridge, England
Career description: Molecular biologist;
Biophysicist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dock, William (1898-1990)
Election: 1965, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Veterans
Administration Hospital
Residence at election: Brooklyn, NY
Career description: Physician; Pathologist;
Educator; Hospital administrator
Doctorow, E. L. (Edgar Lawrence) (19312015)
Election: 1991, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Writer (novelist);
Dodds, Eric Robertson (1893-1979)
Election: 1961, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Oxford, England
Career description: Classicist; Educator
Dodds, Harold Willis (1889-1980)
Election: 1959, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Political scientist;
Educator; Academic administrator
Dodge, Barnett Fred (1895-1972)
Election: 1960, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Chemical engineer;
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Dodge, Bernard Ogilvie (1872-1960)
Election: 1935, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York Botanical
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Plant pathologist;
Botanical garden staff member
Doering, William von Eggers (19172011)
Election: 1954, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University;
Hickrill Research Foundation
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Dolby, Ray Milton (1933-2013)
Election: 2003, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Dolby Laboratories,
Residence at election: San Francisco, CA
Career description: Company executive
(electronics); Electrical engineer; Inventor
Dodge, Ernest Stanley (1913-1980)
Election: 1953, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Peabody Museum
Residence at election: Salem, MA
Career description: Anthropologist;
Museum administrator
Doermann, August Henry (1918-1991)
Election: 1975, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Seattle, WA
Career description: Geneticist; Educator
Dole, Vincent Paul (1913-2006)
Election: 1969, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Rockefeller
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Physician; Medical
scientist; Pharmacologist; Educator
Dodge, Frederic (1847-1927)
Election: 1912, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Government
Residence at election: Belmont, MA
Career description: Lawyer; Jurist
Doerr, John (1951-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Kleiner Perkins
Caufield & Byers
Residence at election: Palo Alto, CA
Career description: Company executive
(investment); Engineer
Current affiliation: Same
Dodge, Raymond (1871-1942)
Election: 1924, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Wesleyan
Residence at election: Middletown, CT
Career description: Psychologist;
Educator; Research institution
Dodge, Robert Gray (1872-1964)
Election: 1938, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Palmer, Dodge,
Gardner and Bradford
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Lawyer; Government
official; Company executive
Doe, Chris Q. (1959-)
Election: 2014, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Eugene, OR
Career description: Neurobiologist;
Educator; Academic research institution
administrator and scientist
Current affiliation: Same
Doering, Carl Rupp (1889-1976)
Election: 1941, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Public health and
preventive medicine specialist; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Doguereau, Paul Rene (1908-2000)
Election: 1958, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Peabody-Mason
Music Foundation
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Musician (pianist);
Educator; Foundation executive
Doisy, Edward Adelbert (1893-1986)
Election: 1948, Fellow
Affiliation at election: St. Louis University
School of Medicine; St. Mary’s Hospital
Residence at election: St. Louis, MO
Career description: Biochemist; Educator
Dolan, Jill (1957-)
Election: 2016, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Writer (drama critic);
Educator; Academic administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Dolbear, Amos Emerson (1837-1910)
Election: 1877, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Tufts University
Residence at election: Medford, MA
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Doll, Richard (William Richard Shaboe)
Election: 1977, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Oxford, England
Career description: Epidemiologist;
Research agency staff member and
administrator; Educator
Dollard, Charles (1907-1977)
Election: 1950, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Carnegie
Corporation of New York
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Foundation executive
Dollard, John (1900-1980)
Election: 1951, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Psychologist;
Educator; Foundation research scientist
Dollen, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm
Election: 1872, FHM
Affiliation at election: Pulkovo
Observatory (St. Petersburg)
Residence at election: Pulkovo, Russia
Career description: Astronomer; Research
institution staff member
Dollo, Louis Antoine Marie Joseph
Election: 1928, FHM
Affiliation at election: Brussels University;
Royal Museum of Natural History
Residence at election: Brussels, Belgium
Career description: Paleontologist;
Educator; Museum curator
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Domar, Evsey David (1914-1997)
Election: 1962, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Economist; Educator
Domingo, Placido (1941-)
Election: 2000, FHM
Affiliation at election: Washington
National Opera; Los Angeles Opera
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Musician (tenor)
Current affiliation: New York, NY
Donagan, Alan Harry (1925-1991)
Election: 1986, Fellow
Affiliation at election: California Institute
of Technology
Residence at election: Pasadena, CA
Career description: Philosopher; Educator
Donahoe, Patricia Kilroy (1937-)
Election: 1987, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physician; Biomedical
scientist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Donald, David Herbert (1920-2009)
Election: 1969, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Johns Hopkins
Residence at election: Baltimore, MD
Career description: Historian; Educator
Donaldson, Ethelbert Talbot (19101987)
Election: 1975, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Indiana University
Residence at election: Bloomington, IN
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Donders, Franz Cornelis (Franciscus
Cornelis) (1818-1889)
Election: 1879, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Utrecht,
Career description: Physiologist;
Ophthalmologist; Educator
Donham, Wallace Brett (1877-1954)
Election: 1932, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Graduate School of Business
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Company executive;
Educator; Academic administrator
Donoghue, Denis (1928-)
Election: 1983, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Donhoff, Marion Grafin (1909-2002)
Election: 1990, FHM
Affiliation at election: Die Zeit
Residence at election: Hamburg, Germany
Career description: Journalist; Newspaper
Donoghue, Emma M. (1969-)
Election: 2013, FHM
Affiliation at election: London, Ontario,
Residence at election: London, Ontario,
Career description: Writer (novelist, short
story writer, playwright)
Current affiliation: Same
Doniger, Wendy (1940-)
Election: 1989, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Historian (religion);
Current affiliation: University of Chicago
Divinity School
Donnan, Christopher B. (1940-)
Election: 2005, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Los Angeles
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Anthropologist;
Archaeologist; Educator; Museum
Current affiliation: Same
Donnelley, Gaylord (1910-1992)
Election: 1989, Fellow
Affiliation at election: R. R. Donnelley and
Sons Co.; Gaylord Lockport Company
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Company executive
Donnelly, Russell James (1930-2015)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Eugene, OR
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Donofrio, Nicholas Michael (1945-)
Election: 2005, Fellow
Affiliation at election: IBM Corporation
Residence at election: Armonk, NY
Career description: Company executive
and research administrator (information
Current affiliation: NMD Consulting,
LLC; Ewing Marion Kauffman
Donoghue, John P. (1949-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brown University
Residence at election: Providence, RI
Career description: Neuroscientist;
Educator; Academic research institution
Current affiliation: Same
Donoghue, Michael John (1952-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: Madison, CT
Career description: Evolutionary biologist;
Ecologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Donoho, David L. (1957-)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley; Stanford University
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Statistician; Educator
Current affiliation: Renaissance
Technologies Corporation
Donohue III, John J. (1953-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale Law School
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Lawyer; Economist;
Educator; Academic institution
Current affiliation: Same
Donovan, Hedley Williams (1914-1990)
Election: 1972, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Time, Inc.
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Journalist; Editor
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Doob, Joseph Leo (1910-2004)
Election: 1965, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Residence at election: Urbana, IL
Career description: Mathematician;
Dorfman, Ariel (1942-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Duke University
Residence at election: Durham, NC
Career description: Writer (playwright,
poet, fiction writer); Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dos Passos, John (1896-1970)
Election: 1947, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Life magazine; New
Masses (journal)
Residence at election: Provincetown, MA
Career description: Writer (novelist,
Doob, Leonard William (1909-2000)
Election: 1966, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Psychologist; Educator
Dorfman, Ralph Isadore (1911-1985)
Election: 1953, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston University;
Worcester Foundation for Experimental
Residence at election: Shrewsbury, MA
Career description: Biochemist; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Doty, Paul Mead (1920-2011)
Election: 1951, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Biochemist; Educator;
Science and public affairs expert
Doolittle, Russell F. (1931-)
Election: 1985, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, San Diego
Residence at election: San Diego, CA
Career description: Biochemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Doran, Madeleine Kathryn (1905-1996)
Election: 1972, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Dore, Ronald Philip (1925-)
Election: 1978, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of Sussex
Residence at election: Sussex, England
Career description: Sociologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Centre on Economic
Dorfan, Jonathan Manne (1947-)
Election: 2000, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford Linear
Accelerator Center
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Current affiliation: Okinawa Institute of
Science & Technology Graduate
Dorfman, Albert (1916-1982)
Election: 1964, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Pediatrician; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Dorfman, Robert (1916-2002)
Election: 1972, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Economist; Educator
Doudna Cate, Jennifer A. (1964-)
Election: 2003, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Biochemist; Molecular
biologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Doriot, Georges Frederic (1899-1987)
Election: 1959, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Graduate School of Business
Administration; American Research and
Development Corporation
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Company executive;
Dougherty, Dennis A. (1952-)
Election: 1999, Fellow
Affiliation at election: California Institute
of Technology
Residence at election: Pasadena, CA
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dornbusch, Rudiger (1942-2002)
Election: 1980, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Economist; Educator
Douglas, Ann (1942-)
Election: 2002, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dorpfeld, Wilhelm (1853-1940)
Election: 1897, FHM
Affiliation at election: German
Archaeological Institute, Athens
Residence at election: Athens, Greece
Career description: Archaeologist;
Research organization administrator
Dorsen, Norman (1930-)
Election: 1996, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York
University School of Law
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Lawyer; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Douglas, Jesse (1897-1965)
Election: 1933, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Mathematician;
Douglas, Mary Margaret (1921-2007)
Election: 1974, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: London, England
Career description: Anthropologist;
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Douglas, Paul Howard (1892-1976)
Election: 1950, Fellow
Affiliation at election: U.S. Senate
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Economist; Educator;
U.S. Senator
Douglas, Richard Mateer (1922-2005)
Election: 1968, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Historian; Educator
Doupe, Allison J. (1954-2014)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, San Francisco
Residence at election: San Francisco, CA
Career description: Psychiatrist;
Physiologist; Educator
Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm (1803-1879)
Election: 1860, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of Berlin
Residence at election: Berlin, Germany
Career description: Meteorologist;
Physicist; Educator
Dove, Rita F. (1952-)
Election: 2006, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Charlottesville, VA
Career description: Writer (poet);
Current affiliation: Same
Dove, William F. (1936-)
Election: 2000, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Geneticist; Cell
biologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dover, Kenneth James (1920-2010)
Election: 1979, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Oxford, England
Career description: Classicist; Educator;
Academic administrator
Dower, John W. (1938-)
Election: 1991, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, San Diego
Residence at election: San Diego, CA
Career description: Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Doyle, Michael William (1948-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Princeton
University; United Nations
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Political scientist;
International affairs specialist; Educator
Current affiliation: Columbia University
Dowling, John Elliott (1935-)
Election: 1972, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Neurobiologist;
Current affiliation: Same
Drabble, Margaret (1939-)
Election: 1989, FHM
Affiliation at election: London, England
Residence at election: London, England
Career description: Writer (novelist,
nonfiction writer)
Current affiliation: Same
Downing, James R. (1954-)
Election: 2016, Fellow
Affiliation at election: St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital
Residence at election: Memphis, TN
Career description: Pathologist; Hospital
Current affiliation: Same
Dragstedt, Lester Reynold (1893-1975)
Election: 1970, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Florida; University of Chicago
Residence at election: Gainesville, FL
Career description: Surgeon; Physiologist;
Downs, Anthony (1930-)
Election: 1977, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Real Estate Research
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Economist; Research
and consulting organization staff
member; Company executive
Current affiliation: Brookings Institution
Downs, George W. (1947-2015)
Election: 2014, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: International affairs
scholar; Political scientist; Educator
Dowty, David Roach (1945-)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Ohio State
Residence at election: Columbus, OH
Career description: Linguist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Doyle, Henry Grattan (1889-1964)
Election: 1944, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbian College;
Washington Inter-American Teaching
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator; Academic
Drake, Daniel (1785-1852)
Election: 1819, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Ohio Medical
College, Cincinnati
Residence at election: Cincinnati, OH
Career description: Physician; Educator
Drake, Frank Donald (1930-)
Election: 1974, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cornell University
Residence at election: Ithaca, NY
Career description: Radio astronomer;
Educator; Research institution
Current affiliation: University of
California, Santa Cruz
Drake, Michael Vincent (1950-)
Election: 2007, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Irvine
Residence at election: Irvine, CA
Career description: Ophthalmologist;
Academic administrator; Educator
Current affiliation: Ohio State University
Drake, Stillman (Bryant Stillman)
Election: 1981, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Toronto, Canada
Career description: Historian (science);
Educator; Financial analyst
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Draper, Charles Stark (1901-1987)
Election: 1941, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Newton, MA
Career description: Aeronautical engineer;
Educator; Academic administrator
Draper, Frank Winthrop (1843-1909)
Election: 1879, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physician; Educator
Draper, Henry (1837-1882)
Election: 1881, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of the
City of New York
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Astronomer; Educator;
Draper, John William (1811-1882)
Election: 1865, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of the
City of New York
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Chemist; Educator;
Draper, Theodore (1912-2006)
Election: 1975, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Twentieth Century
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Writer; Historian
Drayton, William (1943-)
Election: 1996, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Ashoka: Innovators
for the Public
Residence at election: Arlington, VA
Career description: Lawyer; Social
entrepreneur; Management consultant
Current affiliation: Same
Dreben, Burton Spencer (1927-1999)
Election: 1963, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Philosopher; Educator;
Academic administrator
Drell, Persis Sydney (1955-)
Election: 2007, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Particle physicist;
Current affiliation: Stanford University
Drell, Sidney David (1926-)
Election: 1971, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Current affiliation: Stanford Linear
Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA
Dreyer, Carl Theodor (1889-1968)
Election: 1965, FHM
Affiliation at election: Copenhagen,
Residence at election: Copenhagen,
Career description: Film director; Writer
Dresselhaus, Mildred Spiewak (1930-)
Election: 1974, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Physicist; Engineer;
Current affiliation: Same
Dreyfoos, Jr., Alexander W. (1932-)
Election: 2004, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Dreyfoos Group
Residence at election: West Palm Beach,
Career description: Company executive
Current affiliation: Same
Dressler, Alan Michael (1948-)
Election: 1993, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Carnegie Institution
of Washington
Residence at election: Pasadena, CA
Career description: Astronomer; Research
institution staff member
Current affiliation: Carnegie Institution
for Science, Pasadena, CA
Dreyfus, Hubert L. (1930-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Philosopher; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dretske, Fred (Frederick Irwin) (1932-)
Election: 2003, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University;
Duke University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Philosopher; Educator
Current affiliation: Duke University
Drever, Ronald William Prest (1931-)
Election: 2002, Fellow
Affiliation at election: California Institute
of Technology
Residence at election: Pasadena, CA
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Drew, Edward Bangs (1843-1924)
Election: 1915, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Maritime Customs
Service of China
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Government official;
Drew, Gilman Arthur (1868-1934)
Election: 1915, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Marine Biological
Residence at election: Woods Hole, MA
Career description: Biologist; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Dreyfuss, Gideon (1948-)
Election: 2005, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Residence at election: Philadelphia, PA
Career description: Biochemist; Molecular
biologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Perelman School of
Medicine at the University of
Dreze, Jacques H. (1929-)
Election: 1978, FHM
Affiliation at election: Universite
Catholique de Louvain
Residence at election: Louvain, Belgium
Career description: Economist; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Drickamer, Harry George (1918-2002)
Election: 1971, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Residence at election: Urbana, IL
Career description: Physical chemist;
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Drinan, S.J., Robert Frederick (19202007)
Election: 1966, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston College Law
Residence at election: Brighton, MA
Career description: Lawyer; Member, U.S.
House of Representatives; Clergy member
Drinfeld, Vladimir (1954-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Mathematician;
Current affiliation: Same
Drinker, Cecil Kent (1887-1956)
Election: 1920, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physiologist; Educator;
Academic administrator
Drinker, Philip (1894-1972)
Election: 1927, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard School of
Public Health
Residence at election: Brookline, MA
Career description: Engineer; Public
health specialist; Educator; Inventor
Drisko, William Johnson (1866-1943)
Election: 1914, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Drown, Edward Staples (1861-1936)
Election: 1915, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Episcopal
Theological School
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Theologian; Educator
Drown, Solomon (1753-1834)
Election: 1790, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Providence, RI
Residence at election: Providence, RI
Career description: Physician; Botanist;
Drown, Thomas Messinger (1842-1904)
Election: 1887, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Chemist; Educator;
Academic administrator
Drubin, David Gil (1958-)
Election: 2010, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Cell biologist;
Current affiliation: Same
Drucker, Daniel Charles (1918-2001)
Election: 1955, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brown University
Residence at election: Providence, RI
Career description: Materials and
mechanical engineer; Educator; Academic
Drucker, Johanna Ruth (1952-)
Election: 2014, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Los Angeles
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Visual theorist;
Information specialist; Poet (visual
poetry); Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Drucker, Peter Ferdinand (1909-2005)
Election: 1983, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Claremont
Graduate School
Residence at election: Claremont, CA
Career description: Management expert;
Educator; Business consultant; Author
Druckman, James N. (1971-)
Election: 2012, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Northwestern
Residence at election: Evanston, IL
Career description: Political scientist;
Current affiliation: Same
Druick, Douglas (1948-)
Election: 2013, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Art Institute of
Residence at election: Chicago, IL
Career description: Museum curator;
Historian (art); Museum administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Druker, Brian Jay (1955-)
Election: 2012, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Oregon Health &
Science University; Howard Hughes
Medical Institute
Residence at election: Portland, OR
Career description: Oncologist; Academic
research institute administrator; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dryden, Hugh Latimer (1898-1965)
Election: 1958, Fellow
Affiliation at election: National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics
Residence at election: Washington, DC
Career description: Physicist; Government
research institution administrator
Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen (1760-1844)
Election: 1820, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Philadelphia, PA
Residence at election: Philadelphia, PA
Career description: Lawyer; Linguist
Duane, William (1872-1935)
Election: 1914, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Dubinin, Nikolay Petrovich (1907-1998)
Election: 1967, FHM
Affiliation at election: Academy of
Sciences of the USSR
Residence at election: Moscow, USSR
Career description: Geneticist;
Government research scientist and
Dubinsky, David (1892-1983)
Election: 1952, Fellow
Affiliation at election: International Ladies
Garment Workers Union
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Labor leader
Du Bois, Cora Alice (1903-1991)
Election: 1955, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University;
Radcliffe College
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Anthropologist;
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
DuBois, Eugene Floyd (1882-1959)
Election: 1931, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cornell University
Medical College; Russell Sage Institute
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Physician;
Physiologist; Educator; Hospital and
research institution administrator
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich
Election: 1886, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of Berlin
Residence at election: Berlin, Germany
Career description: Physiologist; Educator
Dubos, Rene Jules (1901-1982)
Election: 1960, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Rockefeller Institute
for Medical Research
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Microbiologist;
Pathologist; Environmentalist; Educator
Duff, Alexander Wilmer (1864-1951)
Election: 1901, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Worcester
Polytechnic Institute
Residence at election: Worcester, MA
Career description: Physicist; Educator
Duffie, Darrell (1954-)
Election: 2007, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Palo Alto, CA
Career description: Economist; Educator
Current affiliation: Stanford Graduate
School of Business
Duffin, Richard James (1909-1996)
Election: 1974, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Carnegie Mellon
Residence at election: Pittsburgh, PA
Career description: Mathematician;
Dulac, Catherine (1963-)
Election: 2004, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Neuroscientist;
Current affiliation: Same
Dulbecco, Renato (1914-2012)
Election: 1965, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Salk Institute for
Biological Studies
Residence at election: San Diego, CA
Career description: Biologist; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Dumais, Susan T. (1954-)
Election: 2015, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Microsoft Research
Residence at election: Redmond, WA
Career description: Computer scientist;
Company research scientist
Current affiliation: Same
Duboule, Denis (1955-)
Election: 2006, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Geneva, Switzerland
Career description: Zoologist; Molecular
biologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Duflo, Esther (1972-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Economist; Educator;
Academic research institution
Current affiliation: Same
DuBridge, Lee Alvin (1901-1994)
Election: 1946, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Rochester, NY
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Academic administrator
Duguit, Leon (1859-1928)
Election: 1927, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Bordeaux, France
Career description: Lawyer; Jurist;
Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre (1800-1884)
Election: 1849, FHM
Affiliation at election: Sorbonne
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Chemist; Educator;
Government official
Ducasse, Curt John (1881-1969)
Election: 1933, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brown University
Residence at election: Providence, RI
Career description: Philosopher; Educator;
Academic administrator
Duke, Robin Chandler (1923-2016)
Election: 1992, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Population Crisis
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Health and women’s
rights advocate; Diplomat; U.S.
Dumesic, James Anthony (1949-)
Election: 2009, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Verona, WI
Career description: Chemical Engineer;
Current affiliation: Same
Duke-Elder, Stewart (William Stewart)
Election: 1975, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
London; Moorfields Eye Hospital; St.
George’s Hospital
Residence at election: London, England
Career description: Ophthalmologist;
Educator; Research institution
Dummett, Michael Anthony Eardley
Election: 1985, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Oxford, England
Career description: Philosopher; Educator
Duderstadt, James Johnson (1942-)
Election: 1993, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Ann Arbor, MI
Career description: Nuclear engineer;
Educator; Academic administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Dumas, Charles William Frederick
Election: 1789, FHM
Affiliation at election: The Hague,
Residence at election: The Hague,
Career description: Diplomat; Educator;
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Dumont, Louis Charles Jean (1911-1998)
Election: 1978, FHM
Affiliation at election: Ecole Pratique des
Hautes Etudes
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Anthropologist;
Dundes, Alan (1934-2005)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Folklorist;
Anthropologist; Educator
Dunn, Leslie Clarence (1893-1974)
Election: 1950, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Geneticist; Educator;
Research institution administrator
Dun, Angus (1892-1971)
Election: 1943, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Episcopal
Theological School
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Clergy member;
Theologian; Educator; Academic
administrator; Church leader
Dunham, Dows (1890-1984)
Election: 1954, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Museum of Fine
Arts, Boston
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Egyptologist; Museum
Dunn, Mary Maples (1931-)
Election: 1994, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Smith College
Residence at election: Northampton, MA
Career description: Historian; Academic
administrator; Learned society
administrator; Educator
Current affiliation: American
Philosophical Society
Dunbar, Carl Owen (1891-1979)
Election: 1950, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Paleontologist;
Educator; Museum administrator
Dunbar, Charles Franklin (1830-1900)
Election: 1872, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Economist; Educator
Dunbar, William Harrison (1862-1935)
Election: 1915, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Brandeis, Dunbar &
Nutter, Boston
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Lawyer; Company
Duncan, Greg J. (1948-)
Election: 2001, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Northwestern
University; University of Chicago
Residence at election: Evanston, IL
Career description: Social scientist;
Current affiliation: University of
California, Irvine
Dunitz, Jack David (1923-)
Election: 1997, FHM
Affiliation at election: Eidgenossische
Technische Hochschule
Residence at election: Zurich, Switzerland
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dunlop, John Thomas (1914-2003)
Election: 1957, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Economist; Educator;
U.S. Secretary of Labor
Dunn, Charles William (1915-2006)
Election: 1968, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Language and literary
scholar; Educator
Dunn, Gano Sillick (1870-1953)
Election: 1922, Fellow
Affiliation at election: J. G. White
Engineering Corporation
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Electrical engineer;
Company executive
Duncan, John Charles (1882-1967)
Election: 1938, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Wellesley College
Residence at election: Wellesley, MA
Career description: Astronomer; Educator;
Observatory administrator
Dunn, John Montfort (1940-)
Election: 1991, FHM
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Cambridge, England
Career description: Political theorist;
Current affiliation: Same
Duncan, Otis Dudley (1921-2004)
Election: 1970, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Ann Arbor, MI
Career description: Sociologist; Educator
Dunn, Jon Michael (1941-)
Election: 2010, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Indiana University
Residence at election: Bloomington, IN
Career description: Philosopher; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dunn, Richard Slator (1928-)
Election: 2000, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Philadelphia, PA
Career description: Historian; Educator;
Academic research institution
administrator; Learned society
Current affiliation: Same
Dunne, Thomas (1943-)
Election: 1993, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Seattle, WA
Career description: Geologist; Educator
Current affiliation: University of
California, Santa Barbara
Dunphy, John Englebert (1908-1981)
Election: 1956, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard Medical
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Surgeon; Educator
Duperrey, Louis Isidore (1786-1865)
Election: 1861, FHM
Affiliation at election: French Navy
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Geodesist;
Hydrographer; Military officer
Dupre, Louis (1925-)
Election: 1995, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Philosopher; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Dupree, Anderson Hunter (1921-)
Election: 1967, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Berkeley
Residence at election: Berkeley, CA
Career description: Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: Cambridge, MA
Durand, Jorge (1949-)
Election: 2008, FHM
Affiliation at election: Universidad de
Residence at election: Guadalajara, Mexico
Career description: Anthropologist;
Current affiliation: Same
Durand, William Frederick (1859-1958)
Election: 1921, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Palo Alto, CA
Career description: Aeronautical and
mechanical engineer; Educator; Academic
Duranti, Alessandro (1945-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, Los Angeles
Residence at election: Los Angeles, CA
Career description: Anthropologist;
Current affiliation: Same
Dutcher, Susan K. (1953-)
Election: 2010, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Washington
University in St. Louis School of Medicine
Residence at election: St. Louis, MO
Career description: Molecular geneticist;
Current affiliation: Same
Duus, Peter (1933-)
Election: 1991, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Stanford University
Residence at election: Stanford, CA
Career description: Historian; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Duverger, Maurice (1917-2014)
Election: 1962, FHM
Affiliation at election: Université de Paris
Residence at election: Paris, France
Career description: Political scientist;
du Vigneaud, Vincent (1901-1978)
Election: 1948, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cornell University
Medical College
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Biochemist; Educator;
Academic administrator
Durkee, Silas (1798-1878)
Election: 1854, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Boston, MA
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Physician
Duwez, Pol Edgard (1907-1984)
Election: 1976, Fellow
Affiliation at election: California Institute
of Technology
Residence at election: Pasadena, CA
Career description: Materials scientist;
Educator; Research institution
Durlauf, Steven Neil (1958-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Madison, WI
Career description: Economist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dvoretzky, Aryeh (1916-2008)
Election: 1985, FHM
Affiliation at election: Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Residence at election: Jerusalem, Israel
Career description: Mathematician;
Durrett, Richard T. (1951-)
Election: 2002, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cornell University
Residence at election: Ithaca, NY
Career description: Mathematician;
Current affiliation: Duke University
Dvornik, Francis (1893-1975)
Election: 1955, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Clergy member;
Theologian; Historian; Educator;
Academic administrator
Dweck, Carol S. (1946-)
Election: 2002, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Columbia
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Psychologist; Educator
Current affiliation: Stanford University
Dwiggins, William Addison (1880-1956)
Election: 1949, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Hingham, MA
Residence at election: Hingham, MA
Career description: Book designer; Type
designer; Calligrapher
Dwight, Thomas (1843-1911)
Election: 1876, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Boston, MA
Career description: Anatomist; Educator
Dwight, Timothy (1752-1817)
Election: 1797, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Academic
administrator; Clergy member
Dwight, Timothy (1828-1916)
Election: 1890, Associate Fellow
Affiliation at election: Yale University
Residence at election: New Haven, CT
Career description: Literary scholar;
Educator; Academic administrator
Dwork, Cynthia (1958-)
Election: 2008, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Microsoft Research
Residence at election: San Francisco, CA
Career description: Computer scientist;
Current affiliation: Same
Dworkin, Martin (1927-2014)
Election: 1997, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Minneapolis, MN
Career description: Microbiologist;
Dworkin, Ronald Myles (1931-2013)
Election: 1979, Fellow
Affiliation at election: New York
University; University of Oxford
Residence at election: New York, NY
Career description: Lawyer; Philosopher;
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016
Dye, James Louis (1927-)
Election: 1990, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Michigan State
Residence at election: East Lansing, MI
Career description: Chemist; Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dyer, Geoff (1958-)
Election: 2015, Fellow
Affiliation at election: London, United
Residence at election: Austin, TX
Career description: Writer (essayist,
fiction and nonfiction writer); Educator
Current affiliation: Same
Dylan, Bob (1941-)
Election: 2011, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Malibu, CA
Residence at election: Malibu, CA
Career description: Musician (singer,
songwriter, composer)
Current affiliation: Same
Dynkin, Eugene B. (1924-2014)
Election: 1978, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Cornell University
Residence at election: Ithaca, NY
Career description: Mathematician;
Dyson, Freeman John (1923-)
Election: 1958, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Institute for
Advanced Study
Residence at election: Princeton, NJ
Career description: Physicist; Educator;
Current affiliation: Same
Dyson, Jr., Robert Harris (1927-)
Election: 1976, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
Residence at election: Philadelphia, PA
Career description: Anthropologist;
Educator; Museum administrator
Current affiliation: Same
Dzau, Victor J. (1945-)
Election: 2012, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Duke University
Residence at election: Durham, NC
Career description: Company executive
(health); Academic administrator;
Current affiliation: Institute of Medicine,
National Academies of Science
Dziewonski, Adam Marian (1936-2016)
Election: 1988, Fellow
Affiliation at election: Harvard University
Residence at election: Cambridge, MA
Career description: Geophysicist; Educator
Dzyaloshinskii, Igor (1931-)
Election: 1991, FHM
Affiliation at election: Academy of
Sciences of the USSR
Residence at election: Moscow, USSR
Career description: Physicist; Researcher
agency administrator; Educator
Current affiliation: University of
California, Irvine
Dynes, Robert Carr (1942-)
Election: 1994, Fellow
Affiliation at election: University of
California, San Diego
Residence at election: San Diego, CA
Career description: Physicist; Company
research administrator; Academic
Current affiliation: University of
California, Berkeley
Members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1780-2016