Curriculum Vita C. Mohiyeddini, Ph.D.


Curriculum Vita C. Mohiyeddini, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vita
C. Mohiyeddini, Ph.D.
Office Address:
Dept. of Applied Psychology
413 International Village
Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: (617) 373-5959
Fax: (617) 373-8892
E-mail: [email protected]
Professorial qualification (Habilitation), University of
Tuebingen, Germany.
1996 – 1997
PhD in Psychology, University of Trier, Germany
Diploma (MSc) in Psychology, University of Trier,
1989 – 1995
Studying psychology and philosophy of science at the
University of Trier, Germany.
AREAS OF INTEREST: Research and supervision
Health Psychology (Stress coping, health behavior, exercise and well-being)
Quantitative Psychology (structure equation modelling, mediation and moderation analysis)
Personality Psychology (Emotion regulation)
AREAS OF INTEREST: Teaching and mentoring
Health Psychology
Child and Adult Psychopathology
Abnormal Psychology
Research Methods, Statistics, Psychological Assessment
Personality Psychology
Positive Psychology
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Faculty Appointments:
September 2014 - Present
Associate Professor of Health and Quantitative
Psychology, Department of Applied Psychology,
Northeastern University, Boston, USA
April 2014 – September 2014
Professor of Personality Psychology and Psychological
Assessments, University of Potsdam, Germany
January 2014 – April 2014
Visiting Professor at Centre for Psychotherapy Research,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
August 2013 –December 2013
Full Professor of Personality Psychology & Research
Methods, Webster University, Vienna, Austria.
January 2012- August 2013
Full Professor of Personality Psychology & Research
Methods, Roehampton University, London. UK.
August 2011-December 2011
Visiting Professor of Psychological Assessment, University
of Berkeley, California, USA.
August 2010-August 2011
Full Professor of Psychological Assessment and the head
of the department of Psychological Assessment and
Neuro Psychology, University of Salzburg, Austria.
August 2009-2010
Full Professor of Personality Psychology & Research
Methods, Roehampton University, London. UK.
Sep. 2007 – Aug. 2009
Associate Professor (Reader) for Personality Psychology &
Research Methods, Roehampton University, London.
March 2006 –September 2007
Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) for Personality
Psychology & Research Methods, Roehampton University,
October 2005 – March 2006
Visiting Professor of Applied Health and Developmental
Psychology, University of Trier, Germany.
August 2002 – October 2005
Associate Professor (Oberassistant) of Personality
Psychology and Psychological Assessment, Department of
Psychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
April 1997 – August 2002
Assistant Professor of Personality Psychology, Health
Psychology and Research Methods, Department of
Psychology, University of Mainz and education University
Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
Award for outstanding and innovative teaching of University of Salzburg. 2011
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Mohiyeddini, C., & Opacka-Juffry, J. (in press).Disentangling the link between Depressive
Symptoms and Plasma Oxytocin: The Role of Brooding Rumination. Hormones and Behavior
Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S. & Sample S. (2015). Neuroticism and stress. The role of Displacement
behaviour. Anxiety, Stress & Coping.
Mohiyeddini, C., Opacka-Juffry, J. & Gross, J. (2014). Emotional Suppression Explains the Link
between Early Life Stress and Plasma Oxytocin. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 27, 466-75 doi:
Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S. & Sample S. (2013). Displacement behaviour is associated with reduced
stress levels among men but not women. PLoS ONE 8(2): e56355.
Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S. & Sample S. (2013). Public self-consciousness moderates the link between
displacement behaviour and experience of stress in women. Stress. Early Online: 1–8.
Mohiyeddini, C., & Sample, S. (2013). Displacement Behaviour Regulates the Experience of Stress in
Men. Stress. Early Online: 1–9
Opacka-Juffry, J. & Mohiyeddini, C. (2012). Experience of stress in childhood negatively correlates
with plasma oxytocin in healthy young male adults. Stress, 15, 1-10.
Thoma, M.V., Ryf, S., Mohiyeddini, C., Ehlert, U. & Nater, U. (2012). Emotion regulation through
listening to music in everyday situations. Cognition and Emotion, 26, 550-560.
Maercker, A., Mohiyeddini, C., Mueller, J., Xie, W., Yang, Z.H. & Wang, J.P. (2009). Traditional vs.
modern values, self-perceived interpersonal factors, and posttraumatic stress in Chinese and
German crime victims. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 82, 219232.
Mohiyeddini, C., Pauli, G. & Bauer, S. (2009). The role of emotion in bridging the intention–behaviour
gap: The case of sports participation. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 10, 226-234.
Mohiyeddini, C., Gross, J.J. & John, O. (2008). Berkeley Expressivity Questionnaire: Deutsche
Adaptation und Validierungsbefunde. Diagnostica, 54, 117-128.
Pauli, R., Mohiyeddini, C., Bray, D.E., Michie, F., & Street, B. (2008). Individual differences in negative
experiences of group work in collaborative student learning. Educational Psychology, 28, 4758.
Spada, M. M., Mohiyeddini, C. & Wells, A. (2008). Measuring metacognitions associated with
emotional distress: factor structure and predictive validity of the Metacognitions Questionnaire
30. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 238-242.
Gibson, L. & Mohiyeddini, C. (2008). Vagus nerve confuses appetite: Comment on Bodenlos et al.
Appetite, 51, 223-225.
Gibson, L. & Mohiyeddini, C. (2008). Still appetite and still confused: Riposte to Bodenlos, Borckardt
and George. Appetite, 51, 229-230.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Bauer, S. (2007). Intentions-Verhaltens-Lücke bei sportlichen Aktivitäten: Die
Bedeutung von Emotionen. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 14, 3-13. (Intention-Behaviour Gap
in physical activity. Journal of Sport Psycholog).
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Rimmele, U., Zellweger, B., Marti, B., Seiler, R., Mohiyeddini C., Ehlert, U. & Heinrichs, M. (2007). Trained
men show lower cortisol, heart rate and psychological responses to psychosocial stress
compared with untrained men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 32, 627-35.
Wirtz, P.H., Von Känel, R., Mohiyeddini, C., Emini, L., Ruedisueli, K., Groessbauer, S. & Ehlert, U. (2006).
Low social support and poor emotional regulation are associated with increased stress
hormone reactivity to mental stress in systemic hypertension. J Clin Endocrinol and Metab, 91,
Mohiyeddini, C. & Bauer, S. (2004). Fernsehkonsum und Ernährungspräferenzen von
Grundschulkindern. Report Psychologie, 29, 659-662. (TV-consume and food preferences of
school aged children, Report Psychology).
Reuter, M., Netter, P., Hennig, J., Mohiyeddini, C., Nyborg, H. (2003).Test of Nyborg’s General Trait
Covariance (GTC) model for hormonally guided development by means of structural equation
modeling. European Journal of Personality, 17, 221-235.
Mohiyeddini, C., Hautzinger, M. & Bauer, S. (2002). Eine Latent State-Trait Analyse zur Bestimmung
der dispositionellen und zustandsbedingten Anteile dreier Instrumente zur Erfassung von
Depressionen: ADS, BDI und SDS. Diagnostica, 48, 12-18. (A Latent State-Trait Analysis defining
consistency and specifity of depression, Diagnostica).
Mohiyeddini, C. & Kohlmann, C.-W. (2002). Geschlechtsunterschiede im Gesundheits-verhalten von
Grundschulkindern als Funktion defensiver Emotionsregulation. Zeitschrift für
Gesundheitspsychologie, 10, 69-78. (Gender differences in health behaviour as function of
avoidant coping, Journal of Health Psychology).
Kohlmann, C.-W., Ring, C., Carroll, D., Mohiyeddini, C. & Bennett, P. (2001). Cardiac coping style,
heartbeat detection, and the interpretation of cardiac events. British Journal of Health
Psychology, 6, 285-301.
Krohne, H. W., Bruin, J. T. de, Mohiyeddini, C., Breimer, N. & Schäfer, M. (1999). Die Erfassung
spezifischer Dimensionen der Zustandsangst bei Chirurgiepatienten: Fragebogenentwicklung
und empirische Befunde. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizinische Psychologie, 49, 19.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Schmitt, M. (1997). Sensitivity to befallen injustice and reactions to unfair treatment
in the laboratory situation. Social Justice Research, 10, 333-352.
Schmitt, M. & Mohiyeddini, C. (1996). Sensitivity to befallen injustice and reactions to a real-life
disadvantage. Social Justice Research, 9, 223-238.
Book chapters (* indicates student coauthor ship)
Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S. & *LeBlanc, S. (2014). Individual Difference in Trait Rumination and
Health. In C. Mohiyeddini (Ed). Advances in Psychological Research on Health Behavior. (pp. 122)New York: Nova Science Publishers.
*LeBlanc, S., Bauer, S. & Mohiyeddini, C. (2014). Expressive Writing and Health . In C. Mohiyeddini
(Ed). Advances in Psychological Research on Health Behavior. (pp. 23-38)New York: Nova
Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C. (2013). What is an Emotion? In C. Mohiyeddini, M. Eysenck & S. Bauer (Eds).
Handbook of Psychology of Emotions. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Bauer, S. (2013). Emotions and Psychopathology. In C. Mohiyeddini, M. Eysenck &
S. Bauer (Eds). Handbook of Psychology of Emotions. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Mohiyeddini, C. & *LeBlanc, S. (2013). Conceptual advances. In C. Mohiyeddini (Ed). Advances in the
Psychology of Sports and Exercise. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C. & *LeBlanc, S. (2013) Group Cohesion. In C. Mohiyeddini (Ed). Advances in the
Psychology of Sports and Exercise. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C. & *LeBlanc, S. (2013). Psychology of Sports: Definitions, Topics and Trends. In C.
Mohiyeddini (Ed). Contemporary Topics and Trends in the Psychology of Sports. New York: Nova
Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C. & *LeBlanc, S. (2013). Mindfulness and Emotions. In C. Mohiyeddini, M. Eysenck & S.
Bauer (Eds). Handbook of Psychology of Emotions. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
*Crampton, S.G.D. & Mohiyeddini, C. (2012). Mental Toughness – a critical review of recent
developments and future directions. (pp. 479-493). In J. L. Murray & E. O. Watson.
Encyclopedia of Sports and Athletics. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
*LeBlanc, S., & Mohiyeddini, C., & Bauer, S. (2012). Contemporary Themes in Group Cohesion. (pp.
573-582). In J. L. Murray & E. O. Watson. Encyclopedia of Sports and Athletics. New York: Nova
Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C., *LeBlanc, S & Bauer, S. (2012). Self-Talk in Sport. (pp. 495-508) In J. L. Murray & E.
O. Watson. Encyclopedia of Sports and Athletics. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S. & *LeBlanc, S. (2011). Intention-Behavior Gap in Sport Participation: The
Role of Emotions as Mediator (pp. 123-136). In. A.D. Farelli (Ed). Sport Participation: Health
Benefits, Injuries and Psychological Effects. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Bauer, S., Mohiyeddini, C., & *LeBlanc, S. (2011). Individual Differences in Self-Talk and its Relation to
Sport Injuries and Rehabilitation (pp. 137-148). In. A.D. Farelli (Ed). Sport Participation: Health
Benefits, Injuries and Psychological Effects. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
*LeBlanc, S., Mohiyeddini, C., & Bauer, S. (2011). Group Cohesion, Sport Participation and Sport
Injuries (pp. 149-160). In. A.D. Farelli (Ed). Sport Participation: Health Benefits, Injuries and
Psychological Effects. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C., *LeBlanc, S. & Bauer, S. (2010). Self-talk, emotion regulation and athletics
performance. In. F. Columbus (Ed). Sport Psychology. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Essau, C. (2010). Self-talk. In S. Goldstein & J. Naglieri (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Child
Behavior and Development. New York: Springer.
Pauli, R., Mohiyeddini, C. & Bray, D. (2010). The effect of preference for group learning style on
negative group work experiences in collaborative learning in Higher Education. In: H. Pedrosade-Jesus, C. Evans, Z. Charlesworth and E. Cools (eds). Proceedings of the 15th Annual
Conference of the European Learning Styles Information Network. University of Aveiro,
Mohiyeddini, C. & Essau, C. (2009). Alcohol Use and Abuse in Germany. In A. Browne (Ed.), The Praeger
international collection on Addictions (Vol. 1. 193-205). Praeger-Greenwood.
Essau, C., Mohiyeddini, C. & Bray, D. (2009). Alcohol Consumption and Binge Drinking in the United
Kingdom. In A. Browne (Ed.), In A. Browne (Ed.), The Praeger international collection on
Addictions (Vol. 1. 183-193). Praeger-Greenwood.
Mohiyeddini, C. (2001). Fragebogen zur Erfassung individueller Einstellungen zur Teamarbeit (FIT). In
W. Sarges & H. Wottawa (Hrsg.), Handbuch wirtschaftspsychologischer Testverfahren. Lengerich:
Pabst Science Publishers.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Mohiyeddini, C. (1999). Individuelle Einstellung zur Teamarbeit: ein diagnostischer Zugang. In G.
Krampen, H. Zayer, W. Schönpflug & G. Richardt (Hrsg.), Beiträge zur Angewandten Psychologie.
Freie University of Berlin. (Measuring individual attitudes towards team work, Handbook of
Applied Psychology).
Mohiyeddini, C. (1999). Einstellung zur Innovation: Ist ein politisches Schlagwort psychologisch
messbar? In G. Krampen, H. Zayer, W. Schönpflug & G. Richardt (Hrsg.), Beiträge zur
Angewandten Psychologie. Freie University of Berlin. (Individual attitudes towards technical
innovation, Handbook of Applied Psychology).
Mohiyeddini, C. (1999). Assessment of individual differences in "emotional desirability". In A. H.
Fischer (Ed.), ISRE 98. Proceedings of the Xth conference of the International Society for Research
on Emotion. Amsterdam: Faculty of Psychology.
Mohiyeddini, C. (1998). Sensibilität für widerfahrene Ungerechtigkeit als Persönlichkeitseigenschaft.
In B. Reichle & M. Schmitt (Hrsg.), Verantwortung, Gerechtigkeit und Moral: Zum
psychologischen Verständnis ethischer Aspekte im menschlichen Verhalten. Weinheim: Juventa.
(Injustice sensitivity, In Responsibility, Justice and Moral)
Mohiyeddini, C. & Montada, L. (1998). Belief in a Just World and Self-Efficiency in coping with
observed Victimization: Results from a study about unemployment. In L. Montada & M.J.
Lerner(Eds.). Responses to Victimizations and Belief in a Just World (pp. 41-54). New York:
Plenum Press.
Mohiyeddini, C. (Ed) (2014). Advances in Psychological Research on Health Behavior. New York: Nova
Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S. & Eysenck, M. (Eds) (2013). Handbook of psychology of emotions: Recent
theoretical perspectives and novel empirical findings volume 1. New York: Nova Science
Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S. & Eysenck, M. (Eds) (2013). Handbook of psychology of emotions: Recent
theoretical perspectives and novel empirical findings volume 2. New York: Nova Science
Mohiyeddini, C. (Ed) (2013). Emotional Relationships: Types, Challenges and Physical/Mental Health
Impacts. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C. (Ed) (2013). Advances in the Psychology of Sports and Exercise. New York: Nova
Science Publishers.
Mohiyeddini, C. (Ed) (2013). Contemporary Topics and Trends in the Psychology of Sports. New York:
Nova Science Publishers.
Monographs (Habilitation and PhD thesis)
Mohiyeddini, C. (2005). Persönlichkeit, Emotionsregulation und Psychopathologie. Habilitationsschrift.
University of Tübingen.
Mohiyeddini, C. (1998). Sensibilität für widerfahrene Ungerechtigkeit als Disposition: zur Validierung
eines Konstruktes. Hamburg: Dr. Kovac.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Grant Support
“A Multidiciplinary Collaboration to Test an innovative Framework for Youth Violence Prediction
including Cognitive, Emotional and Neurobiological predictors of Violent Behavior”
Principal Investigator: Changiz Mohiyeddini, Ph.D.
Agency: Provost Office, Northeastern University, Tier 1 grant
Amount: $50,000
Period: 7/1/15 – 6/30/16
Previous founded research in Europe
- Intention – behavior Gap in health behavior. In collaboration with Professor Michael Eysenck
(University of Roehampton, London) and Dr. Stephanie Bauer (University of Heidelberg).
Displacement behaviour and psychobiological reactivity to psychosocial stress in the normal
population: In collaboration with Professor Stuart Sample (Centre for Research in Evolutionary
& Environmental Anthropology, London).
Psychotherapy process and outcome research using online systems for symptom monitoring,
therapist feedback, and patient support. In collaboration with Klinik Alpenblick (Valliiolah
Golkaramnay) and the Center for Psychotherapy Research Heidelberg (Dr. Stephanie Bauer).
Psychobiological reactivity to psychosocial stress in the normal population: The role of Oxytocin.
In collaboration with Dr. Jolanta Opacka-Juffry (Health science research centre, UK) and
Professor James Gross (Stanford University, USA).
Emotions, emotion regulation, emotion expressivity and the biomechanics of gait. In
collaboration with Dr. Siobhan Strike (Sport and Exercise Science Research Centre, UK), and
Professor James Gross (Stanford University, USA
Self-regulation, its training potentials and the role of visceral integration (heart-rate-variability)
and frontal inhibition. Roehampton University, London
Influence of self-regulation and frontal inhibition on neurovisceral integration. Roehampton
University, London.
Facets of Emotional regulation efficacy in Self-Reports, Peer Ratings, and Psychophysiology.
Roehampton University, London.
Self-talk and athletic performance. Roehampton University, London.
Team cohesion and athletic performance. Roehampton University, London.
Emotion regulation and shopping behavior. University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Assessment of individual attitudes towards technical innovations. University of Zurich,
PC-self efficacy of students and performance. University of Schwaebisch Gmuend.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Paper and poster Presentations (* indicates student coauthor ship)
Mohiyeddini, C., Shyiko, M. & Seif El-Nasr, M. Mindfulness-based emotion regulation training
reduces the affective–autonomic response discrepancy in repressors. APS Annual
Convention. 21-24 May 2015. New York.
Shyiko, M., Mohiyeddini, C. & Seif El-Nasr, M. Mindfulness-based emotion-regulation
training reduces the frequency, duration and intensity of negative self-talk ors.
APS Annual Convention. 21-24 May 2015. New York.
Mohiyeddini, C. Gait Biometrics in the Assessment of Emotion. International Convention of
Psychological Science. Amsterdam, 12-14 March 2015
*Ostrom, S. & Mohiyeddini, C. Rumination mediates the link between fear of crime and health.
34th international conference on Stress & Anxiety Research (STAR Conference), Faro,
Potugal, 1-3 July 2013.
*Hassan, T. & Mohiyeddini, C. The Quality of Sleep Mediates The Link between Emotional
Suppression and Mental Health. 34th international conference on Stress & Anxiety
Research (STAR Conference), Faro, Potugal, 1-3 July 2013.
*Verster, V. & Mohiyeddini, C. The impact of repressive coping on maternal psychological and
physiological post-partum well-being. 34th international conference on Stress & Anxiety
Research (STAR Conference), Faro, Potugal, 1-3 July 2013.
*Hussini, E. & Mohiyeddini, C. Autistic traits and emotion regulation. 34th international
conference on Stress & Anxiety Research (STAR Conference), Faro, Potugal, 1-3 July 2013.
Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S. & Eysenck, M. (2012). Intention-behaviour-gap. 26th Conference of
the European Health Psychology Society.21-25 August, 2012. Prague.
Mohiyeddini, C. Mediation Analysis. 5th ESRC Research Methods Festival, 2-5 July 2012. Oxford,
Mohiyeddini, C. Individual differences on Emotion Regulation Efficacy. Plenary meeting of the
international Society for Research on Emotion. 26-29 July 2011, Kyoto. Japan.
*Hiering, P. & Mohiyeddini, C. Patience as a protection factor is associated with better mental
and physical health. 32nd World Conference on Stress & Anxiety Research, 17-22 July
2011. Münster. Germany.
*Nura, D. & Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion Regulation and Counselling: Does Hedonistic Emotion
Regulation of the Counsellor have an Impact on the outcomes of counselling? 32nd
World Conference on Stress & Anxiety Research, 17-22 July 2011. Münster. Germany.
*Wiesner, L., & Mohiyeddini. Emotion regulation efficacy and health. The 12th European
Congress of Psychology. 4-8 July 2011, Istanbuk, Turkey.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotional suppression and biological resposnes to stress. 15th European
Conference on Personality, July 20-24 2010, Brno, Czech Republic.
Mohiyeddini, C., *Jaber, A. & Opacka-Juffry, J. Emotional suppression and the biological
responses to acute social stress. 31st World Conference on Stress & Anxiety Research,
4-6 August 2010. Galway, Ireland.
*Stewart, C., Mohiyeddini, C. & Opacka-Juffry, J. Is the link between emotional suppression
and biological responses to stress mediated by rumination? 31st World Conference on
Stress & Anxiety Research, 4-6 August 2010. Galway, Ireland.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulationswirksamkeit. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender
Psychologen. 29.03. - 01.04. 2009. Jena.
Mohiyeddini, C. Rumination in childhood and adolescence. 4th International Conference on
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 13th – 14th July 2009. Roehampton University,
London, UK.
Mohiyeddini, C. Harbieg, L., *Al-Khirsan, D., *Jaber, F. *Philak, T. & Opacka-Juffry, J. High
emotional suppression is associated with increased stress hormone reactivity to mental
stress. Association For Psychological Science (APS). 21st Annual Convention. May 22-25
2009. San Fransisco, CA.
Mohiyeddini, C., *Jaber, A. Harbieg, L. & Opacka-Juffry, J. Emotional suppression and stress
hormone reactivity to mental stress. The 11th European Congress of Psychology. 7-10
July 2009, Oslo, Norway.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Opacka-Juffry, J. High anxious individual and reppresser have lower
Oxytocine level than individual low in anxiety. 30th Stress and Anxiety Research
Conference (STAR) 16 – 18 July. 2009 – Budapest, Hungray.
*Cosma, A., *Gabr, N. Harbieg, L., Opacka-Juffry, J. & Mohiyeddini, C. Rumination and
endocrinlogical stress reactivity. International Society for Research on Emotion. 6th – 8th
2009. Leuven, Belgium.
*Cosma, A., *Gabr, N. Harbieg, L., Opacka-Juffry, J. & Mohiyeddini, C. Rumination and
cortisol reactivity. 30th Stress and Anxiety Research Conference (STAR) 16 – 18 July.
2009 – Budapest, Hungray.
*Gabr, N., *Cosma, A., Harbieg, L., Opacka-Juffry, J. & Mohiyeddini, C. High level of
rumination is associated with high level of cortisol during social stress. 2009 World
Mental Health Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health. Athens, Greece, 2nd
– 6th September 2009.
*Gorasia, C., Bretherton, P. & Mohiyeddini, C. Depression and left frontal hypo activation: The
role of emotional suppression as mediator. Association For Psychological Science (APS).
21st Annual Convention. May 22-25 2009. San Fransisco, CA.
*Pourseied, K., & Mohiyeddini, C. Hedonistic emotion regulation and cortisol reactivity. 30th
Stress and Anxiety Research Conference (STAR) 16 – 18 July. 2009 – Budapest, Hungray.
*Pourseied, K., Harbieg, L., Opacka-Juffry, J. & Mohiyeddini, C. Individual with low level of
hedonistic emotion regulation show higher cortisol levelduring social stress. 2009
World Mental Health Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health. Athens,
Greece, 2nd – 6th September 2009.
*Sidhu, S. & Mohiyeddini, C. Rumination mediates the link between critical life events in
childhood and depression in later: A clinical study. 4th International Conference on
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 13th – 14th July 2009. Roehampton University,
London, UK.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion Regulation Efficacy. 29th Stress and Anxiety Research Conference
(STAR) 16 – 18 July. 2008 – Birkbeck University of London, UK
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion regulation, depression and alcohol abuse in adolescence. 3rd
International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 14 - 15 July 2008.
Roehampton University, London, UK.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Mohiyeddini, C. Innovationsbereitschaft: Ein individuelles Merkmal? 24. Hamburger
Symposion zur Methodologie der Sozialpsychologie. 18.-19. Januar 2008. University of
Mohiyeddini, C., *Goraisia, C., *Al-Khirsan, D., *aber, F. & Bauer, S. Individual differences in
Emotion Regulation Efficacy. 14th European Conference on Personality, July 16-20,
Tartu, Estonia.
Mohiyeddini, C., Y *el, Y., *Jamelina, R., *Mehraj, Y., *Hayakawa, Y., *Nishijima, A. &
*Hashemi, M. Emotion regulation, depression and culture. XIXth International Congress
of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, July 27-31, 2008 Bremen,
*Goraisia, C., *Al-Khirsan, *Jaber, F. & Mohiyeddini, C. Emotional suppression as a mediator
between depression and frontal brain asymmetry. 14th European Conference on
Personality, July 16-20, Tartu, Estonia.
*Hayakawa, Y., *Nishijima, A. & Mohiyeddini, C. Cognitive reappraisal and depression: A
cross-cultural study comparing Japan and England. XIXth International Congress of the
International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, July 27-31, 2008 Bremen,
*Jamelina, R, S *ormos, T. & Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion regulation and depression:
A cross-cultural study comparing Estonia and England. 14th European Conference on
Personality, July 16-20, Tartu, Estonia.
*Jamelina, R, *Sormos, T. & Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion regulation and well-being: A crosscultural study comparing Estonia and England. XIXth International Congress of the
International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, July 27-31, 2008 Bremen,
*Mehraj, Y., *Aziz, T. & Mohiyeddini, C. Acculturation as a mediating variable between
posttraumatic growth and depression. XIXth International Congress of the International
Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, July 27-31, 2008 Bremen, Germany.
*Sormus, T., Harbige, L.,S., Opacka-Juffry, J. & Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion regulation in relation
to the physiological stress response in healthy volunteers Bath, Uk.
*Thomas, K., *Bjerregaard, M., *Hayakawa, Y., *Nishijima, A. & Mohiyeddini, C. Positive
affectivity as mediator between reappraisal and depression: A cross-cultural study
comparing Sweden and Japan. XIXth International Congress of the International
Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, July 27-31, 2008 Bremen, Germany.
*Yel, Y. & Mohiyeddini, C. Emotional expressivity, emotion regulation and well being: A
cross-cultural study comparing Turkey and Germany. XIXth International Congress of
the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, July 27-31, 2008 Bremen,
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulation und akkommodative Prozesse der Zielablösung. 49.
Tagung exeprimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP). Trier, 26.-28. März 2007.
Mohiyeddini, C. Using confirmatory factor analysis. Roehampton University. London. 15. Mai.
Mohiyeddini, C. Innovationsbereitschaft als Disposition? 5. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeitsund Organisationspsychologie. Trier, 19.- 21. September 2007.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Mohiyeddini, C. Intentions-Verhaltens-Lücke und die Bedeutung von Emotionen und
Emotionsregulation am Beispiel von Tabak- und Alkoholkonsum. 8. Kongress for
Gesundheitspsychologie Schwäbisch Gmünd, 17.-19. September 2007.
Mohiyeddini, C. Gender differences in emotion regulation: a multi sample latent-state-Trait
Analysis. 8. Tagung der Fachgruppe Methoden und Evaluation. Gießen, 12. bis 14.
September 2007.
Mohiyeddini, C. Intentions-Verhaltens-Lücke bei prosozialem Verhalten. Welche Rolle spielen
die Emotionen? 10. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Jena, 25.-28. September
Worrell, M., Bray, D., Mohiyeddini, C., & Essau, C.A. Conduct problems and parenting styles:
The moderating role of temperament. 2nd International Conference on Child and
Adolescent Psychopathology. 5-6 July 2007. Roehampton University. London
Voegle, C., Bray, D., Mohiyeddini, C. & Brewig, I. (2007). Children body image concerns and
their association with BMI, eating attitudes, physical activity and quality of life.
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA). , Norway,
Oslo, June 20-23.
Mohiyeddini, C. Gender and Depression: a multi sample latent-state-Trait Analysis. Center of
clinical healh Psychology. Roehampton University. London. 14. Juni. 2006
Mohiyeddini, C. Dispositionelle Emotionsregulation: Interpersonelle und intrafamiliäre
Implikationen. NCCR Forum. University of Fribourg, Schweiz, 31.05.2006.
Nater, U. M., Mohiyeddini, C., Pinnekamp, K., Suarez, K., & Ehlert, U. (2006). The effect of
stress on functional gastrointestinal symptoms – A structural equaition modelling
approach. American Pschosomatic society. 64th Annual scientific meeting. Denver.
March 1 - 4, 2006.
Wirtz, P., von Kanäle, Mohiyeddini, C., Emini, L., Rüdisüli, K. Grössbauer, S. & Ehlert, U. (2006).
Low social support and poor emotional regulation are associated with increased stress
hormone reactivity to menatl stress in systematic hypertension. 24. Symposium der
Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Gesellschaft for
Psychologie.Würyburg, 25. bis 27. Mai 2006.
Mohiyeddini, C. Soziale Präferenzen. Lehrstuhl fur empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (Prof. Dr.
Fehr). University of Zürich, 19.08.2005.
Mohiyeddini, C. Innovationsbereitschaft: Ein individuelles Merkmal? 4. Tagung der
Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Bonn, 19.-21. September 2005.
Mohiyeddini, C. Intentions-Verhaltens-Lücke: Die Bedeutung von Emotionen und
Emotionsregulation. 7. Kongress Gesundheitspsychologie. Freiburg, 22. - 24. September
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulationskompetenzen zur Krankheitsprävention. 44. Kongress
der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie, Göttingen, 26. - 30. September 2004.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion Regulation as Disposition: Implication for health. 11th Biennial
Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, Graz,
Austria, 13-17 July 2003.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulation und Alter. 16. Tagung der Fachgruppe
Entwicklungspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie, Mainz,
7.-10. September 2003.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Mohiyeddini, C. Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität im Kindes- und Jugendalter: Implikationen for
Gewalt- und Gesundheitsprävention in der Schule. IX. Tagung der Fachgruppe
Sozialpsychologie, Heidelberg, 21.-24. September 2003.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion regulation efficacy. 8. Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft for
Psychologie, Bern, 13.- 15. Oktober 2003.
Henlein, S., Lehner, S., Minder, C. & Mohiyeddini, C. Dispositionelle Emotionsregulation und
Essverhalten. 8. Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft for Psychologie,
Bern, 13.- 15. Oktober 2003.
Mohiyeddini, C. Differentiell-psychologische Perspektive in der Erforschung der Rumination,
einem Stiefkind der Depressionsforschung. 7. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe for
Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik
der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie, 29.9. - 30.9.2003.
Mohiyeddini, C. Gerechtigkeitssensibilität, Depressivität und schulische Leistung im
Grundschulalter. Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau, 05.12.2003.
Bauer, S. & Mohiyeddini, C. Antezdenenz-fokussierende Emotionsregulation und Migräne. 43.
Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie,
Berlin, 22. bis 26. September 2002.
Golkaramnay, V. & Mohiyeddini, C. Dispositionelle Emotionsregulation und Depression bei
Patienten. 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie,
Berlin, 22. bis 26. September 2002.
*Günther, U. & Mohiyeddini, C. Reaktions-fokussierende Emotionsregulation, Mood repair
und Gesundheit bei Mitgliedern evangelischer Schwesternkommunitäten. 43. Kongress
der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie, Berlin, 22. bis 26. September 2002.
Kohlmann, C.-W. & Mohiyeddini, C. Health-related behaviors during childhood: Gender
differences and associations with coping style. 11th European Conference on
Personality. Jena, 21. - 25. Juli 2002.
*Poppe, S., Mohiyeddini, C., Khatib, A. & Hiller, W. Dispositionelle Emotions-regulation und
Alkoholabhängigkeit. 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie, Berlin,
22. bis 26. September 2002.
Reuter, M., Hennig, J., Netter, P., Mohiyeddini, C. & Nyborg, H. Test of Nyborg’s General Trait
Covariance (GTC) model for hormonally guided development by means of structural
equation modeling. 11th European Conference on Personality.
Jena, 21. - 25. Juli 2002.
Bauer, S. & Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulation und Migräne. 5. Tagung der Fachgruppe
Gesundheitspsychologie der DGPs, Oldenburg, 4. - 7. April 2001.
*Günther, U. & Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionale Erwünschtheit: Die Auswirkungen der
Unterdrückung belastender Emotionen. 5. Tagung der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie der DGPs, Oldenburg, 4.-7. April 2001.
Kohlmann, C.-W. & Mohiyeddini, C. Geschlechtsunterschiede im Gesundheits-verhalten von
Grundschulkindern als Funktion defensiver Emotionsregulation. Poster auf der 61.
Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe for Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Schwäbisch
Gmünd, 27.-29. September 2001.
Kohlmann, C.-W., Mohiyeddini, C., Rieger, M. Albrecht, H., Hole, V. & Weber, A.
Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen im Umgang mit neuen Kommunikationstechnologien.
60. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe for Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF) und
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
13. Tagung der Kommission Bildungsorganisation, Bildungsplanung, Bildungsrecht
(KBBB)“, Bamberg, 19.-21. März 2001.
Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S. & Kohlmann, C.-W. Emotionsregulation und Geschlecht. 5. Tagung
der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie,
Oldenburg, 4.-7. April 2001.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Kohlmann, C.-W. Geschlecht, Depressivität und Gesundheits-verhalten im
Grundschulalter. 61. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe for Empirische Pädagogische Forschung
(AEPF), Schwäbisch Gmünd, 27.-29. September 2001.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Kohlmann, C.-W. "Mood repair" vs. "Mood-congruency effect": Ein
differentialpsychologischer Beitrag zur Klärung einer Kontroverse. 6. Arbeits-tagung der
Fachgruppe for Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und
Psychologische Diagnostik der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie, Leipzig, 13.-14.
September 2001.
Mohiyeddini, C., *Poppe, S. & Kohlmann, C.-W. Emotionsregulation und Depression.
5. Tagung der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft for
Psychologie, Oldenburg, 4.-7. April 2001.
*Poggemöller, T., Mohiyeddini, C. & Kohlmann, C.-W. Geschlechtsbedingte Unter-schiede im
Gesundheitsverhalten: Ein methodisches Artefakt? Poster auf der 61. Tagung der
Arbeitsgruppe for Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Schwäbisch Gmünd, 27.29. September 2001.
*Poppe, S., Mohiyeddini, C. & Khatib, A. Emotionsregulation und Trinkverhalten. 5. Tagung
der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie,
Oldenburg, 4.-7. April 2001.
Bauer, S. & Mohiyeddini, C. Die Auswirkungen von Eigeninteressen auf die Zufriedenheit mit
der Teamarbeit unter Mediation von individueller Einstellung zur Teamarbeit. 42.
Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie, Jena, 24.-28. September 2000.
*Günther, U. & Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulation, Emotionale Erwünschtheit und
Gesundheit: Die Auswirkungen der Unterdrückung belastender Emotionen bei
Mitgliedern evangelischer Schwesternkommunitäten. Poster auf dem 42. Kongress der
Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie, Jena, 24.-28. September 2000.
Mohiyeddini, C. Darstellung des FuN-Kollegs „Gesundheitsförderung im Regel-unterricht der
Grundschulen in Baden-Württemberg“. Tag des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses,
Freiburg, 20. Februar 2001.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Bauer, S. Emotionsregulation und Emotionsregulationswirk-samkeit:
Explikation und empirische Validierung zweier Begriffe anhand kyber-netischer
Modellvorstellungen unter Beachtung von sozialen Normen als Sollwerten. Poster auf
dem 42. Kongress der Deutsche Gesellschaft for Psychologie, Jena, 24. - 28. September
Mohiyeddini, C. Lack of emotional efficacy and mental health. Poster presented at the Second
international conference on The (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease,
Tilburg, The Netherlands, 09.-11. Juni 1999.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulation, Stressbewältigung und Partnerschaftszufriedenheit:
Zusammenhänge und Verbindungen. 7. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie,
Kassel, 10.-13. Juni 1999.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Mohiyeddini, C. Die Auswirkungen von dispositioneller Stressbewältigung und Rumination
auf die Zufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht bei über-gewichtigen Personen.
4. Tagung der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft for
Psychologie, Fribourg, Schweiz, 08.-10. Juli 1999.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionale Wirksamkeit, Vigilanz und seelische Gesundheit. 4. Tagung der
Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie,
Fribourg, Schweiz, 08.-10. Juli 1999.
Mohiyeddini, C. Individuelle Einstellung zur Teamarbeit: Ein diagnostischer Zugang. I. Tagung
der Fachgruppe Arbeits- & Organisationspsychologie der DGPs, Marburg, 15.17.September 1999.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Krohne, H. W. Latent-State-Trait Analyse zur Überprüfung der Stabilität des
Angstbewältigungsinventars. 5. Fachgruppentagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle
Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Wuppertal,
07.-08. Oktober 1999.
Mohiyeddini, C. Unzufriedenheit mit dem Körpergewicht: die Rolle von
Stressbewältigungsdispositionen unter Mediation von Selbstwert und Rumination. 5.
Fachgruppentagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Wuppertal, 07. - 08. Oktober 1999.
Mohiyeddini, C. Individuelle Einstellung zur Teamarbeit: Empirische Befunde. 20. Kongress for
Angewandte Psychologie, Berlin, 8. - 10. Oktober 1999.
Mohiyeddini, C. Skala zur Erfassung von individuellen Einstellungen zu technischen
Innovationen. 20. Kongress for Angewandte Psychologie, Berlin, 8. - 10. Oktober 1999.
Mohiyeddini, C. Skala zur Erfassung der individuellen Einstellung zur Teamarbeit. Kongress
Psychologie in der Wirtschaft, Viernheim, 1998.
Mohiyeddini, C. Assessment of individual differences in “emotional desirability“. Paper
presented at the Meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion (iSre),
Würzburg, Germany, August 1998.
Mohiyeddini, C. Partnerschaftszufriedenheit als Folge der Interaktion von Disposition und
Situationsbewertung. Poster auf der Ersten Münchener Tagung for Familienpsychologie,
München, 30.10.-1.11.1998.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Montada, L. The impact of experienced injustice on self-esteem. Paper
presented at the “VIIth meeting of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR)”,
Denver, Colorado, May 1998.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Montada, L. The interaction of BJW and self-efficacy in coping with
observed victimization: Results from a study about unemployment. Paper presented at
the “VIth meeting of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR)”, Potsdam,
Germany, June 1997.
Mohiyeddini, C. Skala zur Erfassung der dispositionellen Neigung zur Rumination. Poster auf
der 4. Arbeitstagung Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und
Psychologische Diagnostik, Bamberg, 30.10.–1.11.1997.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Schmitt, M. Dispositionelle Sensibilität for widerfahrene Ungerechtigkeit
und Reaktionen auf erlebte Ungerechtigkeit. 38. Tagung experimentell arbeitender
Psychologen, Eichstätt, 1.-4. April 1996.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Mohiyeddini, C. & Schmitt, M. Sensitivity to befallen injustice and reactions to unfair
treatment in the laboratory situation. Paper presented at the Vth meeting of the
International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Ohio, April 1995.
Invited talks and Key notes
Key note
Mohiyeddini, C. Persönlichkeit, Emotionsregulation und Gesundheit (personality, emotion
regulation and health). 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Psychologie, Berlin,
22. bis 26. September 2002.
Invited talks
Mohiyeddini, C. Psychology of Terrorism. 14. October 2013. University of Magdeburg and
amnesty international
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotions and behviour. 31. Januar 2012. Psychologisches Istitut. LMU
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion regulation und Musik. Mozaritum, Salzburg. Im Rahmen der Tagung
der Musikpädagogische Forschung Österreich, 2010
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion regulation, rumination and health. Health Sciences Research Centre.
11.04.2008. London.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionale Prozesse, Strategien zur Emotionsregulation und
Psychopathologie. 15.02.2008. Waldburg-Zeil Kliniken.
Mohiyeddini, C. Dispositionelle Emotionsregulation: Interpersonelle und intrafamiliäre
Implikationen. NCCR Forum. University of Fribourg, Schweiz, 31.05.2006.
Mohiyeddini, C. Soziale Präferenzen. Lehrstuhl for empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (Prof. Dr.
Fehr). Universitat Zürich, 19.08.2005.
Mohiyeddini, C. Persönlichkeit, Emotionsregulation und Gesundheit. Psychologisches Institut
der University of Tübingen, 23.01.2002.
Mohiyeddini, C. Dispositionelle Emotionsregulation. Psychologisches Institut der University of
Tübingen, 05.12.2001.
Mohiyeddini, C. Persönlichkeitspsychologische Beiträge zur Ätiologie und zum Verlauf
psychischer Störungen. Zentrum for soziale Psychiatrie Eichberg, 25.05.2000.
Mohiyeddini, C. Persönlichkeit, Stressbewältigung, Emotionsregulation und Gesundheit. Salus
Klinik, Fachklinik for Psychosomatik & Sucht, 16.08.2000.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulation und Depression. Psychologisches Institut der University
of Tübingen, 07.11.2000.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulation und seelische Gesundheit. Zentrum for soziale
Psychiatrie Eichberg, 16.11.2000.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Schmitt, M. Sensitivity to befallen injustice and reactions to unfair
treatment in the laboratory situation. Paper presented at the Vth meeting of the
International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Ohio, April 1995.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Invited International Workshops
Mohiyeddini, C. “Mediation- and moderation analysis in Personality Research”. 12th European
Congress on Psychological Assessment. San Sebastian, Spain, 17–20 July 2013.
Mohiyeddini, C. “Mediation and Moderation Analysis in Stress and Anxiety Research”. 34th on
Stress & Anxiety Research (STAR Conference), Faro, Potugal, 1-3 July 2013.
Mohiyeddini, C. “Mediation and Moderation Analysis in Health Research”. 26th Conference of
the European Health Psychology Society.21-25 August, 2012. Prague.
Mohiyeddini, C. “Mediation- and Moderation analysis”. 5th ESRC Research Methods Festival,
2-5 July 2012. Oxford, Uk.
Mohiyeddini, C. (2011). “Mediation- and Moderation analysis”. XII th European Congress of
Psychology. Istanbul, Turkey July 4-8, 2011.
Mohiyeddini, C. (2011) “Mediation and Moderation Analysis ”. “32nd World Conference on
Stress & Anxiety Research (STAR Conference), 18-20 July 2011, Münster, Germany.
Mohiyeddini, C. “Mediation- and Moderation analysis using Structural Equation Modelling”
“31st World Conference on Stress & Anxiety Research (STAR Conference), 4-6
August2010, Galway, Ireland.
Gesundheitspsychologie der DGPs, 9. Kongress for Gesundheitspsychologie. 26.-28.
August 2009, Zürich.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Teaching portfolio
Northeastern University, Boston (currently)
Course Number
CAEP6202 11348
Research, Evaluation & Data Analysis
CAEP6202 11460
Research, Evaluation & Data Analysis
CAEP6202 13183
Research, Evaluation & Data Analysis
CAEP6202 13449
Research, Evaluation & Data Analysis
CAEP6202 31287
Research, Evaluation & Data Analysis
CAEP6202 31615
Child Psychopathology
CAEP7976 4139
Directed Study
University of Potsdam, Germany (2014)
Introduction to Psychological assessment
Advanced psychological assessment
Positive Psychology
Roehampton University, London (March 2006 – August 2010, 2012-2013)
Health psychology
Personality and abnormal psychology
Advances in psychological assessment and intervention
Quantitative and qualitative research methods and assessment
Frontiers in psychological research
MSc and PhD
Advanced quantitative research methods (structural equation modeling)
Adult psychopathology
Child psychopathology (Depression and affective disorders)
Doctorate Program in Counseling Psychology (PsychD in Counseling Psychology)
Research methods in counseling psychology
Counseling psychology and health
University of Salzburg, Austria (2010-2011)
Introduction of psychological assessment
positive psychology
Classical test theory and probabilistic models
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Clinical assessment
Methodology of single case studies
Structural equation modelling
University of Trier, Germany (2005/2006)
Applied developmental Psychology
Psychological assessment in developmental psychology
Critical life events in childhood and adolescence
University of Zurich, Switzerland (2002-2005)
Research methods in Personality Assessment and Assessment: Test theory, Test
construction and test analysis
Assessment in Psychology
Models of Personality Psychology and Health Psychology
Personality, emotions and personality disorders
Seminar on the preparation of diploma theses
Multivariate methods: training for Lecturers and Senior Lecturers
University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany. (Apr 2000 - Aug 2002)
Introduction to Psychological Assessment
Assessment in Educational and Developmental Psychology
Assessment in Educational and Health Psychology
Development Psychology: Development of temperament and emotionality
Psychological theories on stress and coping
Introduction into Educational and Applied Developmental Psychology
Training courses
Training on coping, emotion regulation and health. Weekly training for elderly people at
the University of Education
Training on the prevention of depression. Weekly training for elderly people at the
University of Education
University of Mainz, Germany (1997 - 2000)
Socialization and emotion regulation
Anxiety and coping
Training courses in Experimental Psychology
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Research Methods and evaluation: Test theory, test construction and test analysis
Advanced test construction: Use of structural equation modelling in test construction and
Qualitative research methods: Behavior observation techniques
Assessment of change: Structural equation modelling
Assessment: Evaluation of health training programs
University of Trier, Germany (1995 - 1997)
Emotion regulation
Personality Development
Job satisfaction
Supervision and co-supervision of BSc, MSc, and PhD Students
PhD students
Ardestani, A. Emotion regulation and bio-physiologcal responses to music.
Crampton, S. Mental toughness and cognitive, emotional, physiological and
endocrinological stress reactivity in athletes and non-athletes.
Cullough, M. C. A multidisciplinary study investigating the consequences of intense
training among elite female endurance runners.
LeBlanc, S. An emotion regulation intervention program focused on the improvement of
mental and physical well-being through the reduction of emotional suppression.
Lengenfelder, P. (2011). Wie evaluiert man die Lehre? University of Salzburg. (as cosupervisor)
As research methods advisor
Bieg, S. (2003). Gesundheitsförderung im Regelunterricht derGrundschule. Pädagogische
Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd.
Sieber, S. (2004). Psychological Condition of Opiate Addicts in Pregnancy and Postpartum.
University of Zürich.
Nierop, A. (2005). Psychobiological Stress Reactivity in Human Pregnancy. University of
Bratsikas, A. (2005). Assessment of psychobiological stress reactivity and its relation to
postpartum moods states. University of Zürich.
Supervision of BSc, MSc and Diploma thesis
University of Salzburg, Austria
Hollfelder, C. Reappraisal and decision making: How dose it affect theorey-theorey and
Neshatrooh, P. Emotional Suppression and Migrane
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Obermayer, W. Emotionsregulation und Innovationsbereitschaft
Schnatterer, L. Emotionsregulation und Gerechtigkeitssensibilität
Weber, E. Emotion regulation and Pain
Wessely, E. Resprssion and biological responses to stress
Zelinger, M. Reappraisal and Migrane
Roehampton University, London
Mkrtcjana, N. Negative self-talk and rumination.
Young, Y. Emotional suppression and bad dreaming.
Allan, S. Emotion regulation and post traumatic growth.
Chan, M. Emotion regulation, emotional suppression and culture.
El-Tahtawi, K. Emotion regulation and post traumatic disorders.
Gabr, N. Emotion regulation and cortisol reactivity: The role of rumination as mediator.
Hakimi, Y. Emotion regulation, repression and biological responses to acute social stress.
Madondo, S. Emotion regulation and procrastination.
Miah, N. Emotion regulation, rumination and prospective memory.
Munir, S. Eye movement as objective parameters of emotion regulation.
Nadeem, F. Emotion regulation and goal pursuit.
Nemes, A. Emotion regulation and autism.
Nura, D. Emotional suppression and social interaction between therapists and clients.
Pourseied, K. Hedonistic emotion regulation, depression and biological responses to
social stress.
*Stewart, C.L. Rumination, social stress and cortisol reactivity.
*Awarded as the best BSc dissertation 2010
Yeshak, D. Emotion refulation, depression and goal adjustment.
Agbeve, S. Post traumatic stress and post traumatic growth: Financial crisis as a collective
Choudhury, F. The impact of Emotion and Depression on Prospective Memory.
Cosma, A. Rumination, stress and endocrinological reaction to stress.
Davod, L. Posttraumatic Growth and Personality.
Gab, N. Gender differences in rumination.
Gibson, J. The role of emotion in bridging the intention-behaviour gap: The case of eating
*Jaber, A. Emotional suppression and biological stress reactivity.
*Awarded as the best BSc dissertation 2008
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Laly, S. Mood repair and biological reactions to social stress.
Menlove, L. & Toynton, G. The role of emotion in bridging the intention-behaviour gap:
The case of smoking behaviour.
Nelson, C. Children and Impulsivity/Risk Taking in relation to Gender Differences and IQ
Pourseied, K. Hedonistic emotion regulation, coping and depression.
Sheikh, S. The effect of emotion regulation and depression on prospective memory
* Sidhu, S. Rumination and Psychopathology.
*Awarded as the best MSc dissertation 2008
Yishak, D. Goal pursuit and goal adjustment.
Al-Khirsan, D. The relationship between emotion regulation and the biological and
physiological stress response.
Amoah, F. Beliefs and attitudes towards gang culture.
Bjerregaard, M. Emotional Regulation and Depression in a Norwegian Sample comparing
England and Norway.
Hayakawa, Y. Emotion regulation. Satisfaction with life and depression: A cross-cultural
Study to comparing England and Japan.
Hentry, V. Effects of aggressive video games on attitudes towards violence?
Jaber, F. The relationship between emotional regulation efficacy and the physiological
stress responses.
Jamelina, R. Emotional Expressivity, Emotional Regulation and Depression: a Comparison
Between the Population of Estonia and United Kingdom.
Mehrag, Y. Posttraumatic Growth, Emotional Expressivity and Depression.
Patridige, G. Emotion regulation as a mediator between spirituality and depression.
Philak, T. The relationship between emotion regulation and physiological stress response
Aziz, T. Emotion, depression and physical responses to emotional stimuli.
Pithia, J. Emotion regulation, optimism and reaction time.
Ryan, L. Psycho-physiological reactions relating to emotional regulation: suppression and
Lung, K. The Relationship between Emotion Regulation and Depression: A cross-cultural
Study comparing England and Hong Kong.
Thomas, K.R. Emotional Expressivity and depression: A cross-cultural study.
Sander, R. Influence of Gender and Body Satisfaction on Intuitive Eating Behaviour.
Sidhu, S. Emotion regulation and coping.
Yel, Y. Does our socio-cultural context play a role in shaping of regulation and expression
of emotions?
Abadeir, D. Personality and religiosity: Gender and cultural differences.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Boumlaki, E. Gender, Emotional expressivity, emotion regulation and depression.
Coleman, H. L. Emotional control and reaction time: The role of gender.
Gissop, E. The Effects of Bullying at School on Self-Esteem and Neuroticism Later In Life.
Gorasia, C. The relationships between emotion, depression and physical responses to
emotional stimuli.
Green, S. M. Emotional expressivity and depression in childhood.
King, G. Gender differences in emotional expressivity.
Murtaza, F. Emotional Regulation and Relationship Satisfaction.
Nash, H. C. The impact of Emotion regulation efficacy and emotional suppression on
emotional state:
Nishijima, A. Emotional Expressivities and depression: A cross-cultural Study to comparing
England and Japan.
Rasul, A. The Prefrontal Cortex and Individual Differences in Emotion Regulation
Effectiveness and emotion expressivity.
University of Aachen, Germany
Haussmann, A. Emotionsregulation und Gesundheitsverhalten im Kindesalter.
University of Trier Germany (2005/06),
Schuster, L. Emotionsregulation, Gewalt und schulische Leistung.
Rohe, A. Identifikation von Lösungsstrategien bei der mentalen Rotation von
Vorschulkindern in einer Trainingsstudie.
University of Zurich, Switzerland (2004-2005)
Amberg, I. Geduld: Eine Bewältigungsstrategie for unsichere und ungewisse Situationen.
Hauser, P. Entwicklung einer Kurzskala zur Erfassung des allgemeinen Selbstwertgefühls.
University of Mainz and Education University, Germany
Breimer, N. Stressbewältigung, Emotionsregulation im Leistungssport: Eine Lisrelstudie.
Bretzger, I. Persönlichkeit, Depressivität und Lernzuwachs von Grundschulkindern.
Faltin, R. Emotionsregulation, Aufmerksamkeit und schulische Leistung von
Grönner, C. Mood repair und schulische Leistung bei Grundschulkindern
Günther, U. Emotionsregulation und Gesundheit: Die Auswirkungen der Unterdrückung
belastender Emotionen bei Mitgliedern evangelischer Schwesternkommunitäten.
Kapitza, K. Die Auswirkung von Emotionsregulation auf partnerschaftliche Beziehungen
im Jugendalter.
König, Y. Die Wahl eines Interventionsverfahrens zur psychologischen
Operationsvorbereitung durch gynäkologische Patientinnen in Abhängigkeit von
dispositioneller Stressbewältigung und präoperativer Zustandsangst.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Kunkel, K. Emotionale Expressivität bei krebskranken Jugendlichen.
Lang, J. Emotionale Erwünschtheit: Experimentelle Validierung eines Konstruktes.
Poggemöller, T. Konvergente und divergente Aspekte des Gesundheitsverhaltens in
Selbstbericht und Elternurteil: Implikationen zur Gestaltung des Unterrichts in der
Poppe, S. Emotionsregulation und Trinkverhalten. Eine klinische Studie.
Rieger, M. Computer bezogene Kompetenzerwartung als fördernder personeller Faktor
im Umgang mit neuen Medien.
Ruprecht. T. Kinder lernen Gefühle erkennen: Durchführung und Evaluation eines
Trainingsprogramms zur emotionalen Sensibilität in der 4. Klasse.
Ad hoc Reviewer
The Economic and Social Research Council, Attachment and Human Devlopment,
Anxiety, Stress & Coping, Computers in Human Behavior, Current Psychiatry Reviews,
British Journal of Health Psychology, European Journal of Psychological Assessment,
European Journal of Psychology of Education, European Journal of Personality, Journal
of Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Positive Psychology, Personality and
Individual Differences, Psychiatry Research, Psychological Reports; Perceptual &
Motor Skills, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Psychology of Sport and Exercise,
Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, Social Science & Medicine, Social Justice
Research, Diagnostica, Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, Zeitschrift für Klinische
Psychologie, Zeitschrift für Pädagogische und Entwicklungspsychologie, Zeitschrift
Klinische Diagnostik und Evaluation, Enzyklopädie für Psychologie (Band
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Organization of Summer Schools, Workshops, Symposia
William James Lectures on Emotions and Dreaming (2011) at Roehampton University
Professor Allan Hobson (Harvard Medical School)
Professor Michael Eysenck (Royal Holloway, London)
Professor Sue Llewellyn (The University of Manchester)
William James Lectures on Emotions, Dremaing and Consciousness (2010) at Roehampton
Professor Allan Hobson (Harvard Medical School)
Professor Michael Eysenck (Royal Halloway, London)
Organized Symposia
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion in applied contexts. Plenary meeting of the international Society for
Research on Emotion. 26-29 July 2011, Kyoto. Japan.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion regulation and health. 32nd World Conference on Stress & Anxiety
Research (STAR Conference), 18-20 July 2011, Münster, Germany.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Lane, A.M. Emotion regulation, health and performance. 31st World
Conference on Stress & Anxiety Research, 4-6 August 2010. Galway, Ireland.
Mohiyeddini, C. Physiological and endocrinological parameters of emotion regulation. 30th
World Conference on Stress & Anxiety Research. 16 – 18 July. 2009 – Budapest, Hungray.
Gesundheitspsychologie. 26.-28. August 2009, Zürich.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotion regulation, emotional expressivity and culture. XIXth International
Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 27-31.07.2008
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulation und Bewältigung. 49. Tagung exeprimentell arbeitender
Psychologen (TeaP). Trier, 26.-28. März 2007.
Mohiyeddini, C. Multi-sample latent state-trait Modelle zur Analyse von Geschlechtsunterschieden. 8. Tagung der Fachgruppe Methoden und Evaluation. Gießen, 12. bis 14.
September 2007.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Brand, R. Intentions-Verhaltens-Lücke. 8. Kongress für Gesundheitspsychologie, Schwäbisch Gmünd, 17.-19. September 2007.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Brand, R. Intentions-Verhaltens-Lücke. 10. Tagung der Fachgruppe
Sozialpsychologie. Jena, 25.-28. September 2007.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Scholl, W. Innovationsforschung. 5. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und
Organisationspsychologie. Trier, 19.- 21. September 2007.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Mohiyeddini, C. & Scholl, W. Innovation und Innovationsbereitschaft. 4. Tagung der
Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Bonn, 19.- 21. September 2005.
Scholl, W. & Mohiyeddini, C. Innovation und innovatives Verhalten. 4. Tagung der Fachgruppe
Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Bonn, 19.- 21. September 2005.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Golkaramnay, V. Aktuelle Strategien zur Krankheitsprävention:
Computerbasierte Interventionen und Trainingsprogramme. 44. Kongress der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Göttingen, 26. - 30. September 2004.
Mohiyeddini, C. Dispositionelle Emotionsregulation und Gesundheit. 43. Kongress der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Berlin, 22. - 26. September 2002.
Mohiyeddini, C. Emotionsregulation, Stressbewältigung und
wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, Freiburg, 20. Februar 2001.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Bauer, S. Emotionsregulation und Gesundheit. 5. Tagung der Fachgruppe
Gesundheitspsychologie der DGPs, Oldenburg, 4.- 7.4.2001.
Mohiyeddini, C. & Weber, H. Stressbewältigung und Emotionsregulation. 5. Tagung der
Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie der DGPs, Oldenburg, 4. - 7. April 2001.
Weber, H. & Mohiyeddini, C. Kulturelle und soziale Normen für die Wahrnehmung und
Regulation von Emotionen und Stress. 42. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie, Jena, 24. - 28. September 2000.
Mohiyeddini, C. Team und Gruppe. 20. Kongress für Angewandte Psychologie, Berlin, 8. - 10.
Oktober 1999.
Organized summer schools
Mohiyeddini, C. Summer school on structural equation modelling. University of Roehampton,
London, July 2013
Organized student Conferences
Mohiyeddini, C. 1st student conference on psychological assessment and personality
psychology. Roehampton University, London, UK. November 2008.
Mohiyeddini, C. 2nd student conference on psychological assessment and personality
psychology. Roehampton University, London, UK. November 2009.
Mohiyeddini, C. 3rd student conference psychological assessment and personality psychology.
Roehampton University, London, UK. November 2012.
Mohiyeddini, C. 1st student conference on psychological assessment. University of Salzburg.
21. Jänner 2011.
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Service to the Discipline/Profession
Current and previous memberships
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Association for Psychological Science (APS)
- British Psychological Society (BPS)
- German Psychological Society (DGPs)
- European Association of Psychological Assessment (EAPA)
- International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP)
- The European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP)
- International Society for Study of Individual Differences (ISSID)
- Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR)
- Research Society on Alcoholism
Service to the Department of Applied Psychology, Northeastern University
2015 - 2016
- Founding Chair of research committee
- Founding director of William James lecture series
- Member of strategic planning committee
- Member of graduate committee
- Member of merit and workload committee
2014 - 2015
- Member of strategic planning committee
- Member of graduate committee
- Member of merit and workload committee
- Member of a search committee
Service to Northeastern University
Member of the Senate Information Technology Policy Committee (ITPC) 2015 – 2016
University of Roehampton, London (2006-2010: 2011-2013)
Advisor for Research Methods and Assessment of University of Roehampton
Advisor to DAAD in German Embassy in London (Deutsche Akademische Austausch Dienst:
German academic exchange program in UK located at German embassy in London)
Advising the management of the Roehampton University regarding enhancing the
recruitment and retention of students and early career researchers
Academic and career advisor of PhD students
Member of program development committee for Master’s degree in Applied Psychological
Chair of several panels awarding internal research founds
Co-coordinator for a summer school for doctoral students in universities in south-west
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Coordinator of academic exchange program between University of Roehampton and
European Universities
Coordinator and developer of courses on Research methods (BSc, MSc and Decorate levels),
Abnormal psychology and psychopathology (BSc and MSc levels)
Convener for university doctoral oral examinations
Director of student co-mentoring program
Director of the summer school on structural equation modelling for doctoral students and
Founding member of departmental ethics board
Founding member of the Centre for Applied Research and Assessment in Child and
Adolescent Wellbeing
Member of the exam board
Member of the panel to award student bursaries for the British Science Association
Member of the panel to promote MSc (applied psychological research) and doctorate
program (counselling Psychology)
Member of the teaching planning board
Mentoring research program of early and mid-career researchers
Member of Institutional Research Board
University of Salzburg, Austria (2010 – 2011)
Chair and the director of the Department of Psychological Assessment.
Founding director of the student conference
Head of doctoral trainee program
Member of departmental management board
Evaluation of research output of early and mid-career researchers
Mentoring research program of early and mid-career researchers
University of Trier, German (2005 – 2006)
Academic and career advisor to PhD students
Chair and the director of the Department of applied educational and developmental
Member of departmental management board
Mentoring research program of early and mid-career researchers
University of Zurich, Switzerland (2002 – 2005)
Director of the methodological training and supervision of Lecturers, and Senior Lecturers
of the Institute of Psychology
Consultant of the research project “Mobility in the school environment”. University of
Education Schwaebisch Gmuend and University of Education Freiburg
Consultant in research methods of the University of Applied Sciences Aargau
University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany (2000 – 2002)
Research methods advisor of Graduate program „Gesundheitsförderung im
Regelunterricht der Grundschulen“ of state of Baden-Württemberg“.
Member of research committee
Member of Institutional Research Board
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Media Appearances (selected)
Daily mail, 14 February 2013
Radio interviews (15th February 2013)
Today programme:
BBC Radio 5 Live: Shelagh Fogarty 2013
BBC Radio Newcastle: Jon and Anne Drive time show 2013
BBC Radio Devon: Jo Loosemore 2013
Radio Salzburg, December 2011
Psychology today
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i
Professor C h a n g i z M o h i y e d d i n i