EEnngglliisshh // DDeeuuttsscchh


EEnngglliisshh // DDeeuuttsscchh
A sokszorosítást a Le Belier Magyarország
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English / Deutsch
Bródy Imre Gimnázium és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
Happy Easter Holidays!
Frohe Ostern!
Interesting Facts about Easter
(by Rebeka Csalló 11.g)
1. Americans spend $1.9 billion on Easter candy. That’s the second biggest candy holiday after Halloween.
2. 70% of Easter candy purchased is chocolate.
3. The first story of a rabbit (later named the “Easter Bunny”) hiding eggs in a garden was published in 1680.
4. The UK's first chocolate egg was produced by Fry’s of Bristol in 1873.
5. In 2007, an egg covered in diamonds was sold for almost £9 million. The egg is very special because, every hour, a
cockerel ( kakas) made of jewels pops up from the top of the egg, flaps ( csapkod) its wings four times, nods its
head three times and makes a crowing ( kukorékoló) noise!
6. The tallest chocolate Easter egg ever was made in Italy in 2011. At 10.39 metres in height and 7,200 kg in weight, it
was taller than a giraffe and heavier than an elephant!
7. The white lily, the symbol of the Resurrection, is the special Easter flower.
8. The name Easter owes its origin from Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess who symbolizes hare ( mezei nyúl) and
9. In the old days pretzels ( perec) were associated with Easter because the twists of the pretzel were thought to
resemble ( emlékeztetni) arms crossing in prayer ( ima) .
10. Americans buy more than 700 million marshmallow peeps ( pillecukorka) during the Easter holiday, which
makes Peeps the most popular non-chocolate Easter candy.
7 Arguments for Eating Fruit and Vegetables
(by Barbara Baráth 12.b)
1.Eating fruit and vegetables is very healthy.
2. They are full of vitamins.
3. Most fruit and vegetables can be eaten raw.
4. They make your diet easier or help you to keep your body weight.
5. Vegetables and fruit are delicious.
6. There’s a lot of fibre in most vegetables and fruit.
7. You can eat vegetables and fruit any time, and you can prepare them in various
ways, for example: raw, cooked, steamed, baked!
A B rief Interview with the „Teacher of the
Year 201 5 ”
( I n tervi ewers: D ó ra C sa b a i ( 9. a ) a n d Fa n n y Va sá ro s ( 9. a ) )
In terviewee: Mr Mih ály Cserm ák ( G eograph y-Ch emistry teach er)
Where were you born? What was your childhood like?
I was born in Ajka. I had a very good childhood with very good experiences.
Were Geography and Chemistry your favourite school subjects?
Primarily Geography, but I liked both. “We find in everything we love, so we can learn it more easily.”
Which were the subjects that you didn’t like?
There weren’t any, I liked all, however I liked Art less but I was fond of Art History.
Have you always wanted to be a teacher?
No, I haven’t, but it was a possibility.
What do you do in your free time?
I haven’t got a lot of spare time, but I mainly keep in touch with my friends and my current class.
When was the first time you’d been elected the teacher of the year first?
In 2004 and it was a really amazing feeling.
You have already been chosen to be the teacher of the year for many times. What’s your secret?
Yes, I’ve already been chosen a lot of times. I always behave naturally, which reflects my real personality and it’s the
students who can decide how positive or negative my lessons are.
S chool Leavers’ B all 201 5
(by Dóra Havasi 12.b)
The school leavers’ ball is one of the most important events at school every year. Most students are looking forward to
it, and it is always a really exciting festival. This year it was on 23rd January. It included various programmes for the
students’ families and the other guests,too.
It started at five o’clock in VMK with a great performance of the younger students. They recited poems and the choir
of the school sang a marvellous song about happiness. There were three speeches, one by the headmaster and the other
two by two students. They spoke about results and memories.
Afterwards, the school leavers got their ribbons from their form teachers. The parents took lots of photos and they
applauded their children while teachers were pinning the ribbons. At the end of this section the students went to prepare
for their dance. In the meantime everybody could watch the videos of the school leavers. They were really funny and
creative. The highlight of the evening was the waltz. Three different groups performed three beautiful choreographies
and then finished it off with a funny dance together. Everybody was impressed by the nice performances.
At seven o’clock everybody went to the scene of the real ball. Here, they could dance and talk to each other. People
congratulated the organizers and the students. Parents and
relatives took lots of pictures again. The dance performances were
repeated twice and then everybody was excited about the Ball
Queen and King election. The ball ended at midnight.
It was an awesome night. The atmosphere was pleasant and
really happy. Everybody had a good time and I think we’ll have a lot
of nice memories. “It was the best day in our school life” said many
school leavers.
We would like to say thank you to our teachers and everyone who
made this perfect night possible.
M us i c Q ui z
(by Ödön R. Farnadi 10.a)
Whose daughter did Michael Jackson marry in 1994?
a, Elvis Presley’s
b, Frank Sinatra’s
c, Paul McCartney’s
When did the MTV begin?
a, 1971
b, 1981
c, 1991
Which group sang Losing my Religion?
a, Blur
b, REM
c, Oasis
Who was a Material Girl?
a, Mariah Carey
b, Madonna
c, Chritina Aguilera
Who wrote the song Nothing compares 2U?
a, Prince
b, Sinead O’Connor
c, Bono
Which Beatle died in 2001?
a, Ringo Starr
b, John Lennon
c, George Harrison
Who said ’Eminem is the biggest danger to young Americans since polio’?
a, Clint Eastwood
b, Harrison Ford
c, George W. Bush
How did Elvis Presley die?
a, In a plane crash
b, He shot himself
c, An accidental drug overdose
Who sang ’I can’t get you out of my head’?
a, Britney Spears
b, Kylie Minogue
c, Beyoncé
How long did the Beatles stay together?
a, For eight years
b, For thirteen years
c, For two years
Why did Nirvana stop playing in 1994?
a, Because they argued
b, Because Dave left
c, Because Kurt Cobain died
How did the reggae singer Bob Marley die?
a, He had cancer
b, In a car accident
c, He took a drugs overdose
How many Spice Girls were there?
a, Four
b, Five
c, Six
Who sent A Message in a Bottle in 1979?
a, The Beach Boys
b, Dire Straits
c, The Police
What kind of music did Sex Pistols invent?
a, Reggae
b, Punk
c,Hip Hop
11­15: Excellent! You probably work for Wikipedia, right?
6­10: Great! You might be a music fan.
0­5: Very poor! You prefer football to music, I guess.
Music Jokes
Q: What do you call a laughing piano? A: A Yama-hahahahaha.
Q: How did Beethoven travel around Europe? A: He took the Ludwig van.
Q: What do you call a cow that plays the guitar? A: A moo-sician
Q: What do you call a singing vegetable? A: Elvis Parsley.
Art or rebellion?
(byDaniella Wenczel 12.b)
Graffiti can be viewed in several different ways.
Some view it as art and a way to express personal
that. It can mean a
Others see it as a crime that only causes problems in society. As a fashion
phenomenon it spread in the 1960s in the West. When most people think of
graffiti, they imagine "tags," or a stylized writing of a person's name. While
tags are probably the most popular forms, graffiti art is much more than
painting with a message of diversity or a black and white stencil piece protesting
police brutality. In each case, graffiti art makes a statement.
Like all other artistic forms, graffiti has experienced movements or changes in
.From the first tag
written on a subway train to the large, complex painting on a billboard, the movement has experienced
The tools and the means have changed as well. Markers were traded in for spray paint, and stencils and stickers were
introduced to make pieces easier to do in a hurry.
The first drawings on walls appeared in caves thousands of years ago. Later the Ancient Romans and Greeks wrote their
names and poems on buildings.Modern graffiti seems to have appeared in Philadelphia in the early 1960s.It's getting
more and more popular, especially among teenagers. Let's think for a moment about its pros and cons.
To start with advantages, graffiti is a form of art. It can
a piece of art on an old gray wall. Moreover,
by painting young people express their views, emotions, opinions, etc.
Moving on to disadvantages, a lot of people consider graffiti as a vandalism. Swear words painted everywhere can be
disgusting or even offensive. What's more, the smell of the sprays can be harmful to one’s health.
To sum up, graffiti can be seen as art or as a crime.
Graffiti Quotes
"We don't smoke. We inhale colour!"
"Is Love an invention or discovery?"
"You waste energy being angry."
"Make your life a story worth telling."
"Question the answers."
The First Time - with Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen
Who was your first hero when you were a child?
Kimi Raikkonen: I never had any heroes. That's not for me.
What was the first Grand Prix you can remember watching?
KR: I don't know the year, but it was in the times when Keke Rosberg was driving - and then when [Mika] Hakkinen was
racing. Of course you are interested when you see that some of your compatriots are racing.
How old were you when you first decided you wanted to be an F1 driver?
KR: I wanted to do many things when I was a kid. And making it into Formula One - I didn't really believe it was possible
until I was 17 and had won some races.
When was your first big accident in a race car?
KR: It was with Sauber at a test. One of my first outings in a Formula One Car!
What colour was your first helmet?
KR: White - and off the shelf.
When did you win your first trophy in racing and what did it look like?
KR: No idea, but for sure it was small. And if I dug deep enough in my house I would probably find it.
What was the first road car you drove?
KR: It was a Lada - the family car.
Where was the first house you lived in?
KR: Of course, the family house in Espoo.
How nervous were you on your first day of school?
KR: I cannot remember. But for sure I have been nervous many times - also at school.
What was the first meal you ever cooked?
KR: I guess some pasta. For sure nothing complicated. (laughs)
What was the first thing you did this morning?
KR: Wake up!
What was the first thing you did after getting your first F1 seat?
KR: I was happy about it. I had done a test beforehand and was not sure if I had the seat - so I was just happy.
What was the first record you bought?
KR: It was a Guns N' Roses cassette.
What was the first sport you participated in as a kid?
KR: Very likely ice hockey. I think all boys in Finland play hockey at one point in their childhood. I stopped because I had
to wake up so early in the morning for the training - that was not for me.
When was your first romantic kiss?
KR: Hah! I don't know. It must have been in school. That is way over 20 years ago...
When was the first time you were asked to sign an autograph for a fan?
KR: Maybe it was in Formula Renault.
When did you first taste champagne?
KR: When I raced in Europe and won - whatever race.
Which would you eat first ­ a piece of fruit or a piece of chocolate?
KR: I am not into chocolate so much so very likely fruit. Candy would be a different matter… (laughs)
What was the first word you said as a baby?
KR: My parents have told me, but I don't remember. I am no good at remembering.
Interesting Facts About The B ritish Royal Family
(by Liliána Szentmiklóssy 10.b)
Anyone you are, I’m sure that you’ve heard about the Royal Family in
Britain. And anyone you are, I’m sure, that the things you’ve ever
heard were just dry information. But it can change…Let’s see some
In 2002, Princess Anna (the Queen’s daughter) had to pay
£500, because her bull terrier bit two boys in Windsor Great Park.
The Queen speaks fluent French, so she doesn’t want any help
during her visits.
Prince Charles never travels without his white leather toilet
The Queen doesn’t have to have a driving licence. By the way,
she learnt to drive in 1945, when she joined the Army.
Prince George Alexander Louis’s (The Queen’s greatgrandson) name is from George V, who had a large red and blue tattoo
of a dragon on his right arm. That tattoo was made in Japan where he
was a young sailor.
When Kate Middleton and Prince William got engaged, they
told the Queen and Prince Philip and two hours later the news became public.
Kate was the oldest bride in the family, because she was 29, when she got married to William. The youngest one
was Isabella of Valois, who was married at the age of 6.
Prince Harry’s full name is Henry Charles Albert David. The dudes often named him Hank.
The relative-love is frequent in this family. The Queen and Prince Philip are 3rd cousins, Prince William and
Kate are 12th cousins.
The Queen’s real birthday is on 21st April, but it’s celebrated officially on 2nd June, because she was crowned
on this day in 1952.
The Royal Family doesn’t have surnames.
W h o am I ?
(by Rebeka Csalló 11.g)
Find out who the following statements refer to. If you need some help, turn to the last page.
1. I was born in 1890 and died in 1976. I lived in England. I only had a daughter, named Rosaling Hicks. My books had
two famous main characters: Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple.
2. I lived in the 18th century in England. I mostly wrote romantic novels. My characters were the first independent
women in literature. My most popular works are : Pride and Prejudice (Büszkeség és balítélet) and Sense and
3. I am 49 years old, I have 2 daughters and a son. I live in England. In October 2010, I was named the „Most
Influential Woman in Britain”. I wrote the Harry Potter series.
4. I am 66 years old, and I live in the United States. I produce fantasy, sci-fi and horror stories. I wrote screenplays
too, but I am famous for the Song of Ice and Fire, of which a television series was made.
5. I am 67 years old, I have 2 sons and a daughter. One of my sons is a writer too ( alias Joe Hill ) . I live in the
United States. I mostly write horror stories and thrillers. My famous works are The Shining, Carrie and The Dark
Tower series.
Winston Churchill Day
9 th April
(by Bence Holjencsik 10.a)
On April 9th in 1963, Winston Churchill became the second person to
become an Honorary Citizen of the United States.
On this very day in 1963, a ceremony for honorary citizenship,
presided over by President John F. Kennedy, took place for Winston
Churchill. Churchill was not present at the ceremony but his son and
grandson were able to attend.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was a British politician, best
known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during the Second
World War. He served as Prime Minister twice. A noted statesman
and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a
historian, a writer, and an artist. Widely regarded as one of the
greatest wartime leaders of the 20th century.
Fun fact: Churchill was also a bricklayer, constructing buildings and garden walls at his country home at Chartwell,
where he also bred butterflies.
Born in 1874
Admired British Politician
Elected into the British Parliament in 1900
First Lord of the Admiralty
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Secretary of State for War and Air
1953 Nobel Prize Winner for Literature
Soldier, Legislator, Historian
Writer, Artist, Orator
Good Relationship with Franklin D. Roosevelt
Died in 1965
Churchill Quotes
“Play the game for more than you can afford to lose. Only then will you learn the game.”
"I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.”
“Never, never, never give up.”
“It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations.”
“A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.”
“In war, you can be killed only once, but in politics, many times.”
The International Day of Happiness
( by Gergő Szovák 9.a)
The International Day of Happiness is celebrated throughout the world on the 20 th Ma rch . It is coordinated by a non-profit
movement of people from over 140 countries. Last year’s campaign theme for the Day of Happiness was celebrating the
"Happy Heroes" who did a lot to bring happiness to others. Lots of great events were held at the House of Lords in London
and at the UN headquarters in New York. Other events were held all over the world like laughter in the streets in Hong
Kong and free hugs in Washington DC.
Personally I think happiness has begun to disappear from people, however it would be much needed nowadays. This annual
event helps people make their day a bit better, perhaps to forget their problems for a whole day. Normally there would be
no need for a special day for Happiness if people tried to think in an optimistic way.
Most people are despaired if they can't manage to solve their problems, and they easily give up. I think this day can make
one's day happier, in addition it can make them more confident to solve their problems.
Unfortunately it's a very small campaign, so most people have probably never heard of this day. Perhaps a few years later
it can be more popular.
International Day of Hamburger
(by Krisztián Koller 9.a)
Today hamburger is one of the most popular fast food in the world. The traditional hamburger consists of a sliced bun
and beef in it.
A lot of people believe that hamburger is from the USA, but it isn’t true. It originates from Hamburg. The base of a
hamburger was a sandwich which was invented by John Montagu. In the 19th century immigrants brought hamburgers
from Hamburg to the USA. In the 1950s hamburgers were available in quite a lot of places. A hamburger was very cheap
therefore it spread very quickly.
Nowadays it has an international day on 28th Ma y. At this time people usually organise fast-eating competitions and
hamburger exhibitions.
Turtle Day
(by Krisztián Koller 9.a)
Turtles are species of reptiles which live on land or in water. The ones living in water are carnivorous and the
others living on land are herbivorous. Today 327 known turtle species live on Earth and 42% of them are protected.
Their body is protected by strong tortoiseshell therefore they move slowly on land. A special property of the giant
tortoises is that they live for 150 ~ 200 years. This animal occurs in a wide variety of places. The two extremes are
deserts and seas.
International Turtle Day : 23rd Ma y
S chülerinnen aus unserem Gymnasium in
(László Hoffmann 10.g)
Neulich habe ich mich mit den Mädchen aus der Klasse 10.g unterhalten. Sie werden am 2. Mai nach Sulingen
fahren, denn sie nehmen am deutschen Schüleraustauschprogramm teil.
Warum möchtet ihr an diesem Programm teilnehmen?
Bánhelyi Zsófia: Ich möchte meine Deutschkenntnisse erweitern, um mich auch im Ausland durchzuschlagen.
Péli Angéla:
Meine Mutter stammt aus Deutschland, und meine Staatsangehörigkeit ist auch deutsch,
deshalb möchte ich einen Einblick in die Kultur des Landes bekommen.
Torma Luca:
Ich möchte (wie Zsófi) meine Deutschkenntnisse erweitern und Land und Leute kennenlernen.
Ist es euch schon gelungen, den Kontakt mit den deutschen Austauschschülern aufzunehmen?
Töltl Barbara:
Torma Luca:
Ja, auf Facebook konnten wir uns schon miteinander unterhalten und verstehen uns sehr gut.
Ich konnte auch schon den Kontakt mit Laura knüpfen, sie scheint ein nettes Mädchen zu sein
und unsere Interessen sind sehr ähnlich.
Bánhelyi Zsófia: Angéla und ich werden Unterkunft bei derselben Gastfamilie bekommen. Ich habe schon an
Tomke eine E-Mail geschrieben und sie ist ein sehr kluges und nettes Mädchen.
Wartet ihr schon auf die Fahrt?
Péli Angéla:
Ich bin schon geflogen und ich genieße die Fahrt mit dem Flugzeug, trotzdem bin ich ein
bisschen aufgeregt.
Bánhelyi Zsófia: Ich hatte noch keine Möglichkeit, mit einem Flugzeug zu fahren, aber ich warte schon auf den
Töltl Barbara:
Ich stimme mit den anderen überein, aber ich muss zu früh aufstehen, unser Flugzeug
startet nämlich früh am Morgen .
Welche Programme warten auf euch in Deutschland?
Péli Angéla:
Wir möchten die Nordsee sehen und mit Tomke nehmen wir an gemeinsamen Programmen
teil, meistens am Reiten.
Töltl Barbara: Wir besuchen das Klimahaus, und wir verbringen mit der Familie ein Wochenende, dann wird
das Programm nach meinen Wünschen gestaltet.
Glaubt ihr, dass ihr mit den Deutschen schwer kommunizieren werdet?
Torma Luca:
Ein bisschen ja, aber Laura ist ein sehr nettes Mädchen, ich denke, ich komme gut mit ihr
aus, und sie achtet darauf, dass ich sie verstehen kann.
Bánhelyi Zsófia: Es ist sicher, dass es am ersten Tag unter Muttersprachlern schwer wird, aber ich bemühe
mich, richtig zu sprechen und ich versuche mich an die deutsche Umgebung zu gewöhnen.
Wann kommen die deutschen Schüler nach Ungarn und mit welchen Programmen erwartet ihr sie?
Torma Luca:
In der ersten Woche des nächsten Schuljahres sehen wir sie wieder. Wir werden den
Abenteuerpark in Kislőd besuchen, organisieren einen Ausflug zur Sümeger Burg und die deutschen Schüler
verbringen auch einige Tage in Budapest. Am Wochenende erfüllen wir mit den Familien die Wünsche unserer
Danke schön für die Antworten! Ich hoffe, ihr werdet euch während der Reise wohl fühlen!
Ostern - ein Fest in vielen Ländern
(Anna Bándi 10.b)
Viele Leute machen mit der Familie oder mit
Freunden am Sonntag einen Ausflug. Beim Picknick
isst man die Ostertorte, das ist ein salziger Kuchen
mit Spinat und gekochten Eiern.
In diesem Land kommen am Ostersonntag alle auf
den Marktplatz und schlagen ihre bunten Eier
zusammen. Das Ei, das nicht kaputt geht, gewinnt.
Man feiert Ostern eine Woche später als in
Deutschland. Am Freitag feiert man eine Messe.
Alle bringen weiße Kerzen mit. Am Sonntag gibt es
eine Familienfeier und man brät Lamm.
Am Ostersonntag färben und bemalen die Mädchen
und Frauen die Ostereier. Am Ostersonntag gehen
die jungen Männer auf dem Land mit Osterruten
von Haus zu Haus und singen Osterlieder.
Hier gibt es in der „Heiligen Woche ” Prozessionen
mit prächtig geschmückten Figuren.
Zu Ostern suchen die Jungen die Mädchen zu Hause
auf. Sie begießen sie mit Wasser,Kölnisch Wasser
oder Parfüm.
Aus welchem Land kommen diese Osterbräuche?
Ordne die Bilder den Ländern zu.
1 .
S nowball To Mrs. Klára Zsigmondné S imon
(by Barbara Baráth 12.b)
In this column the teachers of our school are interviewed about their life. The teacher interviewed throws the ball to
the next person to be asked.
In this interview we asked Mrs. Klára Zsigmondné Simon to answer some of our questions.
Languages she speaks: English
Colours: blue and red
Animal: fish
Food: Somló Sponge Cake
Sport: she likes running
Film: Much ado about nothing
Team: Pick Szeged
Fruit: strawberry
Book: The Photographer’s Posterity by Pál Závada
War and Peace by Tolstoy
Poem: Óda by Attila József
Model: László Arató
Why did you want to be a teacher? –Because my hobby is teaching and I can do it in a full-time job. I am
interested in Literature, History and everything that is culture and social studies. Each class can give me good ideas,
wisdom, humour, which fills me both emotionally and mentally.
What is the worst task you have to do as a teacher? -– I expect a lot from myself. It’s so hard to correct the
students’ essays for hours. They all drain my energy and creativity. However, the worst thing is lack of time!
The next snowball goes to: Mrs. Anita Szövérfiné Pad
Funny Moments
(drawn by Dóra Havasi 11.b)
Who am I? Solution: 1. Agatha Christie ; 2 Jane Austen ; 3 J. K. Rowling ; 4 George R.R. Martin ; 5. Stephen King
Music Quiz: 1.- a, 2.- b, 3.- b, 4.- b, 5.- a, 6.- c, 7.- c, 8.- c, 9.- b, 10.- a, 11.- c, 12.- a, 13.- b, 14.- c, 15.- b
Editor-in-chief: Szilvia Pegánné Göntér
Journalists: Martin Takács, Dóra Havasi, Daniella Wenczel, Rebeka Csalló, Barbara Baráth, Bence Holjencsik, Ödön
R. Farnadi, Liliána Szentmiklóssy, Gergő Szovák, Krisztián Koller, Anna Bándi, László Hoffmann
Cover: Barbara Baráth