911 Sep 9~22, 2011 - Metropolis Magazine


911 Sep 9~22, 2011 - Metropolis Magazine
Japan’s Nº1 English Magazine
#911 Sep 9~22, 2011
Meat ‘n’ Greet!
All-You-Can-Eat Aussie-style BBQ
Metropolis Members Club
The Australia Society Tokyo proudly presents its
annual summer adults’ BBQ to be held within the
beautiful gardens of the Australian Embassy.
★ Prizes ★ Exclusive Events ★ Discounts
Great Aussie beef, door prizes, live music
and lots more! Last year’s event sold
out quickly so don’t delay.
This week’s winner!
Upcoming prize!
Congratulations to:
Aaron Wentzel
who won one night's
accommodation for two, incl. breakfast
Courtesy of Mercure Hotel Ginza Tokyo
One lucky MMC member
will win a romantic
dinner for two
Courtesy of 148 Hiroo
The MetPod Radio RePoRt:
t your daiLy
L 3-min doSe of aLL ThingS
ToKyo. LiSTen now on our homepage or SubSCribe via iTunes
Photo of the week
Send us your snaps. Check metropolis.co.jp/photo for submission guidelines.
Reservations at
Register on the beta site for your chance to win:
Sep 9-22, 2011
tokyo 2011
Head backstage as
Tokyo's biggest theater
showcase acts out 3/11
For those 18 years or
older, come and enjoy
the fun!
CourTeSy of feSTivaL/ToKyo
By Dan Grunebaum
05 UP
08 GL
G obAL
08 TH
HE GoodS
Stage, Music
14 AGENd
24 Mo
Restaurant & Bar Reviews
EdS & JJob
37 Ho
38 THE
Cover deSign & iLLuSTraTion: Kohji ShiiKi, phoTo: ©bmp
Taiko in the streets of Koenji, by Scott Larson
MetRoPoLiS is Japan's No.1 English magazine, founded
by Mark and Mary Devlin in 1994 and published weekly
for Japan’s international community by Metropolis KK, a
subsidiary of Japan Inc Holdings.
MetRoPoLiS is the only English-language magazine
in Japan certified by ABC, Audit Bureau of Circulations.
30,000 copies per printed issue guaranteed
o PUbLiSHeR Terrie Lloyd CHieF oPeRati
a NG oFFiCeR neil butler editoRiaL jeff w. richards (managing
ediTor) david Labi (ediTor) akane “margarita” ichikawa, Kazuki Koizumi (ediToriaL aSSiSTanTS) anna Cock gibson,
Kyle hedlund (proofreaderS) Lisa wallin, Shinobu mochizuki, helen o’horan (inTernS) CoNtRibUtiNG editoRS
dan grunebaum (muSiC & performing arTS) don morton (movieS) C.b. Liddell (arT & arChiTeCTure) fred va
v rcoe
(SporTS) deSiGN Kohji Shiiki (arT direCTor) Shane busato, phil Couzens (deSignerS) PRodUCtioN helen Langford
(produCTion aSSiSTanT) adVeRtiSiNG niki Kaihara (Chief SaLeS manager) Karl nakashima (SaLeS manager)
akane ochi, ay
a uri oikawa, miyuki miyama, dai Tanaka (SaLeS eXeCuTiveS) va
v nessa Tanaka, nanami fukuda, yo
y shiko
Sakamoto (inTernS) Cherry Cheung (CommerCiaL CLaSSifiedS manager) adMiNiStRatio
/aCCoUNtiNG Takako
hiraiwa (adminSTraTion/hr manager) it guilhem malfre (iT and web deveLoper) Lana Sinapayen (inTern) eVeNtS
Chinatsu Suzuki (manager) ryo Saito, yu
y kari Kato (inTern) Media
dia Kamasami Kong (manager) douglas Kirkpatrick
© Copyright 2011 Metropolis KK. The views expressed herein are not
necessarily those of the publisher. Metropolis KK reserves the right to
edit or delete any advertisement without notice.
4f roppongi og bldg, 1-3-4 nishi-azabu, minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031
teL 03-4550-2929 Fax 03-4550-2859 web www.metropolis.co.jp
[email protected]
The Small Print This week’s required reading, by Reg Dunlap
Japanese people
cannot change their
behavior without strong
foreign pressure.”
—An unidentified participant at a rally held in Tokyo
last month urging the Japanese government to address
the issue of child custody for international couples
� 29.8 Percent of Japanese classified
as “healthy” during medical checkups in
1984, according to the Japan Society of
Ningen Dock � 8.4 Percent considered
healthy in 2010 � 6 Number of
“massive” tsunamis that have hit Miyagi
Prefecture during the past 6,000 years,
according to a research team from
Hokkaido University � 59.4 Percent of
student nurses who have been “harassed
or abused by patients,” according to a
study by the University of Tsukuba
Yeah, that’ll happen
ćć The former director of the US government’s Japan
Affairs Office demanded that Kyodo News retract
an article that quoted him as saying the Japanese
are “masters of manipulation and extortion.”
ćć The agriculture ministry said Japan will seek
UNESCO World Heritage status for kaiseki
ćć The government is considering an across-theboard pay cut of 5-10 percent for nationally
elected politicians. The scheme would net ¥290
billion, to be used for disaster relief.
ćć Headline of the Week: “Mosses and Sea Slugs
Offer Comfort in Difficult Times” (via The Asahi
Here we go again
ćć A tsunami warning was issued after a magnitude 6.8 quake struck of f t he coast of
northeastern Japan, but no big waves appeared
and no one was hurt.
ćć A wild boar caught in the mountains of Miyagi
was found to contain unsafe levels of radioactive cesium.
ćć A 35-year-old Nishi-Tokyo man was busted for
fraud after it was discovered that he stayed at a
Chuo-ku hotel for a month for free by posing as
a victim of the March 11 disaster.
ćć A 75-year-old Kawasaki man who was waiting for an air conditioner to be delivered to his
apartment collapsed and died of heatstroke
during last month’s heat wave.
Sic transit
ćć An automotive industry group has found that
the number of cars owned by Japanese households dropped for the fifth year in a row. The
new figure is 1.075 vehicles per household, with
residents of Fukui having the most cars (1.748)
and Tokyoites the fewest (0.484).
ćć Softbank announced it will release an Androidbased phone that comes pre-loaded with 13
Yahoo!-related apps.
ćć Some good news has come out of the intense
summer heat—sales at convenience stores in
July surged 9.5 percent compared to a year earlier thanks to brisk trade in items such as soft
drinks and cold noodles.
Powering up
Here & There
ćć The outgoing director general of the Swedish
Energy Agency was tapped to take charge of
Softbank’s ¥1 billion green energy fund.
ćć Japan and Jordan inked a deal that would see
Japan export nuclear reactors for civilian use
in the Middle East.
ćć A Jiji Press poll found, unsurprisingly, that 85
percent of Japanese people favor wind, solar
and geothermal power sources, while just 21
percent back nuclear energy.
ćć The government is requiring automakers to
boost the fuel economy of their vehicles by a
whopping 24.1 percent by fiscal 2020.
ćć A nationwide survey found that residents of
Okinawa and Kyushu are the unhealthiest in
ćć Two 17-year-olds in Osaka were arrested for
using a rubber rope to clothesline a 70-year-old
man on a bicycle.
ćć A team of Japanese and Italian scientists used
gene therapy to successfully treat a mouse with
muscular dystrophy. The researchers are hopeful that the method will be able to help humans
with the disease.
ćć A 10,000-ton container ship registered to a company in the Netherlands rammed into the wall
of a seaside park in Kobe’s Akashi Strait.
ćć A former aide to late South Korean President
Roh Moo Hyun revealed that his boss ordered
“maritime police to smash into Japanese
vessels if they approached a pair of South Koreacontrolled islets” in the Sea of Japan.
ćć Meanwhile, Suntory restored the name “Sea
Troubled waters
The number of Korean TV drama rentals in July was 12.51 million, which
exceeded rentals of Hollywood and Japanese films, said Culture Convenience Club Co, which operates Tsutaya, Japan’s largest shared DVD, CD and
bookstore… Actress and model Yu Yamada, 27, who was born and raised in
Okinawa, made a triumphant return home recently to take part in the Ryukyu
Asia Collection fashion show before 4,000 fans at the Ginowan Okinawa Convention Center. Chris Betros
04 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
This mortal coil
ćć One person died and several others were injured
when a tornado struck northern Kyushu and
ćć Complaints about a “strange smell” led police to
the grisly discovery of a decomposing body inside
a car in a supermarket parking lot in Kyoto.
ćć Meanwhile, two Japanese men in their 50s were
found with their hands and feet bound in a hotel
room in Malaysia. One of the men died in what is
believed to have been a robbery gone wrong.
Foreign intrigue
ćć The defense ministry is considering buying
municipal land on Yonaguni Island as part of
its five-year plan to “beef up the presence of
Ground Self-Defense Forces” in Japan’s remote
ćć The Japan Tourism Agency has joined forces
with Keidanren and the National Governors’
Association in an effort to boost the number of
foreigners visiting the country.
ćć South Korea has established a new postal
address system for every single office building,
apartment block and house in the country, abandoning the system that was originally instituted
in 1910 during Japan’s colonial occupation.
ćć Japanese astronaut Satoshi Furukawa chatted
with schoolkids from three quake-hit prefectures while aboard the International Space
And finally…
ćć Moody’s Investors Services cut Japan’s government bond rating from Aa2 to Aa3, causing then
Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda to stick his
tongue out and say, “I know you are but what
am I?”
ćć What Noda actually said, according to AFP,
was, “The smooth sales of Japanese government
bonds at recent auctions show that confidence
remains unshaken.” So there.
ćć Bottom Story of the Week: “Beloved Ginza
Mama-san to Teach About Women’s Lifestyles
at College” (via The Mainichi Daily News)
Compiled from reports by AP,
Japan Today, The Japan Times, The
International Herald Tribune, The Asahi
Shimbun, The Mainichi Daily News, Daily
Yomiuri, AFP, Reuters and Kyodo
tarento watch
Popular models Yuri Ebihara, 31 (pictured), Mizuki Yamamoto, 20, and Hazuki Tsuchiya, 17, are starring in a TV
commercial campaign for luxury handbag maker Samantha
Thavasa named, “Samantha Muse All Stars Commercial.” Ebihara, popularly known as Ebi-chan, said, “We packed the commercial with the kinds
of things that girls love.” Five-member all-girl group Dream were also recruited to
perform the song “Dreaming Girls” used in the commercial. CB
Japan Today
in other news
of Japan” to a map on its website. The site had
earlier referred to the body of water as the “East
Sea,” which is the designation favored by Korean
ćć A new maritime transportation route across
the Sea of Japan (or East Sea, or whatever…) is
“boosting hopes for stepped-up trade between
Japan and China.”
people, trends & miscellany
egendar y actress Kyoko
Kagawa is st i l l ma k i ng
headlines over 60 years
after her film debut. The
Japanese cinema icon starred in
revered classics such as Tokyo Story
(1953) and A Story From Chikamatsu
(1954; pictured), won t he Japan
Academy’s Best Supporting Actress
prize in 1993, and has appeared
on the screen as recently as 2009.
Now the prestigious Paris-based
orga nizat ion T he Inter nat iona l
Federation of Film Archives (FIAF)
has announced it will be giving the
actress a special award for her contributions to cinema this October.
Another celebration will be held as
The National Film Center in Kyobashi (3-7-6 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku;
www.momat.go.jp) holds an exhibition of film posters, stills and other
artifacts from Kagawa’s long career,
from September 13-December 25.
Kagawa was a favorite of many of
the most important directors of
the golden age of Japanese, cinema
including Kenji Mizoguchi, Yasujiro Ozu, Akira Kurosawa, and
star struck
Solo act
AKB48's Tomomi
Itano flies free
By Chris Betros
ut of the multitude of teen
girl pop groups in Japan,
none are more popular
than AKB48. Their newest
album, Flying Get, set a Japanese firstday sales record of over 1 million.
But AKB48 are not just a unit;
some members thrive outside the
group. Tomomi Itano is one. The
20-year-old has had a busy year
hawking products in TV ads and on
billboards, releasing a solo single,
performing, and fronting for the
Japanese Red Cross. In August, Itano
held a solo concert in Osaka for 1,700
movie news
Mikio Naruse, and this year’s Tokyo
International Film Festival (TIFF) will
host the program “Kyoko Kagawa and
the Masters” featuring her work with
some of these luminaries. Kagawa,
who will be attending TIFF and accepting the FIAF award there, expressed
hope that the festival “will have strong
healing power for the Japanese victims of the earthquake and tsunami.”
The Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) will be held October 22-30
at Roppongi Hills and other venues.
www.tiff-jp.net/en/ Kevin Mcgue
fans chosen from 50,000 applicants,
and followed with a live event in
Shibuya to publicize her second solo
single, “Fui ni,” currently on sale.
Born in Kanagawa, the 152-cmtall Itano joined AKB48 in 2005. She
was voted 4th most popular member
by fans last year but dropped to 8th
this year, probably due to her outside
Itano is appearing in a TV ad campaign for handbag maker Samantha
Thavasa, as one of the “Samantha
Muse All-Stars,” along with models such as Mizuki Yamamoto, and
American actress Taylor Momsen.
Itano can also be seen in TV ads and
posters for EMobile’s “Finger Logo”
campaign. The ad features Itano
dancing to her new single “Wanna
Be Now” and making an “E” and “M”’
(for EMobile) with her fingers.
To ensure AKB48 do their bit to
help Japan’s recovery, Itano and four
others are official messengers for the
Red Cross. Dressed in relief worker
uniforms, the girls attended a disaster prevention class and learned to
give a cardiac massage. For summer,
the Red Cross has been running a
campaign using the AKB48 song
“Whatever I Can Do.” Itano said: “I
really like the line ‘Let’s unite the
world as one family’ from that song.
I want to live by those words.”
Chef David
Executive Sous
Chef, Western
Cuisine, Grand
Hyatt Tokyo
Where are you from and
what brought you to Japan? I am
originally from the Poitiers region
of France. The first time I came to
Japan was in 2000 as chef de cuisine
to open French masterchef Alain
Ducasse’s restaurant, Spoon. I have
been at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo for
five months now. Where is your
favorite spot in The Grand Hyatt
Tokyo? Being French, we all love to
sit and dine outdoors. The terrace
in The French Kitchen at the Grand
Hyatt Tokyo is the perfect place
to spend with friends and family
over bistro and just have a good,
relaxing time. I also enjoy seeing
the various events that Roppongi
Hills offers with my family. I was just
recently at the summer Bon Odori
festival with my family and we really
enjoyed ourselves. Any sweet deals
while summer is still here? The
outdoor terrace promotion at The
French Kitchen, as well as the beer
garden at The Oak Door, have been
very popular this summer. Both
promotions offer grilled dishes with
free-flowing beverages for a very
reasonable price: sparkling wine, in
The French Kitchen and beer, wine,
and soft drinks at The Oak Door. Both
promotions are available until the
end of September. I also recommend
the Côte d’Azur promotion in
The French Kitchen that features
seafood and fresh herb menus
from Provence. Is there anything
our readers should put on their
calendar this fall? From September 1 to
November 30, we will be offering “Bistro
& Vin” which is a bistro course menu
incorporating the seasonal flavors of
the fall harvest along with free-flowing
red wine. When work gets too busy,
do you have a secret spot or favorite
place to relax? I love nature, and being
in a green environment really relaxes
me. In Roppongi Hills, I enjoy strolling
in Mohri Garden, which is an elegant
Japanese garden, to help me unwind
during busy periods. How did you get
into cooking when you were young?
What did you like about it? I grew up
on a farm in Poitiers, France where
my family raised animals including
rabbits, pigeons and cows. We made
wine, fresh cheese and milk and always
had fresh vegetables on our table. My
mother’s cooking was influential—it
was very simple and she used the
freshest ingredients from the farm at
all times. The environment I grew up
in played an important role for me in
deciding to become a chef. What’s your
favorite dish to cook? What’s your
favorite process in the kitchen? When
at home, I enjoy cooking with whatever
ingredients are available at home and
making risotto with them. My favorite
process in the kitchen would have to be
the final garnishing of the dishes. Taste
is of course crucial, but presentation
is very important as well. What’s the
secret to a smooth-running kitchen? To
communicate clearly to the team about
the dishes and ingredients that are being
used. It is important to explain to my
chefs why I use certain ingredients and
what flavors I want to create for that dish.
Communication is very important in the
kitchen, as well as teamwork. Do you
prepare any signature Japanese dishes
at home for yourself and your family?
I leave Japanese dishes to my wife, and I
am in charge of French dishes. I usually
cook dishes that my family enjoys,
such as Beef Bourguignon. What is
your favorite Japanese food? I have a
lot of favourite dishes but really enjoy
tempura soba and tonkatsu.
Chris Betros is the editor of Japan
Today (www.japantoday.com).
#911 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 05
people, Trends & MIscellany
save the date
The daily schedule of Azekami, pupil of top
baseball school Nichidai Sanko.
Source: blog.livedoor.jp
Wake up
Breakfast, etc.
© nIKKaTsU
cinematic underground
Bug-catching season is upon
us. What’s your favorite?
Family cooking day
ku-ku = cook
1 I don’t like insects
3603 votes
Sep 17
cute adults’ day
celebrate growing up, not growing old.
kyu-to na (kyuuto otona) = cute adults
2 Unicorn beetle
2756 votes
3 stag beetle
2528 votes
4 praying mantis
689 votes
Sep 19
surname day
on this day in 1870 citizens were given
permission to bear a surname—pre-Meiji
restoration this was reserved for the
samurai and upper class only. not many
went in for it, so five years later it was
made obligatory.
Sep 21
Sep 27
stat shot
Sep 9
Kenji Miyazawa Memorial day
poet and writer from Iwate died on
this day. look out for Miyazawainspired works at Festival/Tokyo (see
feature, p. 10).
et ready for a wild ride as shin-Bungeiza in
Ikebukuro (3F, 1-43-5 Higashi-Ikebukuro
Toshima-ku; www.shin-bungeiza.
com) pays tribute to late tough-guy
actor Yoshio Harada with a retrospective running
september 17-28. Harada, who succumbed to cancer
this July, had a career spanning six decades and
specialized in playing feckless rebel characters in
films such as A Tale of Sorrow and Sadness (1973)
and Rebel Melody (1970; pictured)… now in its
eighth year, the Latin Beat Film Festival (www.
hispanicbeatfilmfestival.com) brings back a slew of
spanish-language films this fall, which can be caught
at shinjuku Wald 9 (3-1-26 shinjuku, shinjuku-ku;
www.wald9.com), september 15-19, and yo
y kohama
Burg 13 (1-1-7 sakuragicho; http://burg13.com),
october 7-10. Highlights this year include the
animated musical Chico & Rita, (2010) and Even the
Rain (2010), which is about a modern-day film crew
shooting a movie about columbus in Bolivia… Martial
arts fans will want to head to shinjuku Musashinokan
(3-27-10 shinjuku; http://shinjuku.musashino-k.jp) to
check out Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen
(2010) a reboot of the Fist of Legend series started by
Jet li, directed by andrew lau and featuring donnie
y n as the title character, which was first played by
Bruce lee in Fist of Fury (1972). Unless otherwise
noted, Japanese films are shown without English
subtitles and non-English language films are
shown with only Japanese subtitles. Kevin Mcgue
Female drivers’ day
In 1917, Hama Watanabe was the first
woman to obtain a drivers’ license. Her
parallel parking wasn’t bad either.
scene around town
What: The dinosaur expo 2011
5 dragonfly
394 votes
6 Butterfly
218 votes
7 other
154 votes
8 spider
126 votes
9 silver dragonfly
78 votes
10 locust
68 votes
10 Jewel beetle
68 votes
12 centipede
37 votes
13 cicada
30 votes
14 ant
25 votes
15 cricket
8 votes
Where: The national Museum of nature
and science, Ueno
Source: ranking.goo.ne.jp
When: Until oct 2.
How much: ¥600 (elem, Ms, Hs)/¥1,500
URL: http://meturl.com/dinoexpo
Hira Hira ヒラヒラ
The flight of a butterfly.
jects fluttering and swirling like paper.
Hira hira to mau chocho wo oikaketa.
I chased after the fluttering butterfly.
#911 • www.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 07
Global Village The InTernaTIonal CommunITy’s BulleTIn Board
CourTesy oF Japan hearT
Taking care of the hard-to-reach
By Jessica Ocheltree
available, he has been working in the
country for almost ten years in total,
an experience he describes as character building, and emotionally and
mentally fulfilling.
Yoshioka set up Japan Heart in
2004 to attract other medical professionals who were similarly interested
in volunteering. From Myanmar,
their activities spread to Cambodia, and the scope of their activities
expanded as well. Over the years,
they have dispatched hundreds of
doctors, nurses, and laypeople from
Japan to the two countries, where
they provide not only medical serv ices, but also human resource
development, healthcare rooms at
elementary and junior high schools,
orphanages for kids who lost their
parents due to natural disasters and
diseases such as HIV, assistance to
the visually impaired to lead more
independent lives, and more.
TaGuChI rurIKo
iving in a major metropolitan city and in
a country with socialized medicine, we don’t
have to worr y about
getting access to most
medical care we need. Unfortunately,
there are places where that is not
the case. Whether through poverty
or isolation, there are communities
that find themselves without necessary medical services, not just in the
developing world, but here in Japan
as well.
Japa n Hea r t, a Tok yo-based
NGO, is a volunteer organization
dedicated to getting medical care to
those places. The organization was
founded by pediatric surgeon Hideto
Yoshioka after a life-changing trip to
Myanmar in 1995, where he became
concerned about the poor state of
affairs in the medical field. Motivated
by a desire to raise the level of service
The Goods your Three-sTep GuIde To Consumer heaVen By The edITors
it’S a
Tesy oF
oF Kodansha
Vi l la ge Va n g ua rd
has a dizzy array
of of fer i n gs g ua ranteed to make the
most wizened shopp e r rol l he r eye s
at least once . For
p e ople who get a
kick out of following
short-skirted ladies
up spiral staircases
or peeping over the
rails into the boys’
l o c ke r ro o m , t h e
great work of literature that is Mosatsu
Seal Book cont a i n s pic s of s e e mingly conservatively-dressed girls, or,
depending on which version you buy,
boys. simply tear their clothes off (with
your teeth, if you like) to reveal skimpy
Slice of life
undergarments. purse your lips and
say, “ooh!” Then, stick ‘em back on (the
clothes) and repeat. From ¥1,785. Published by Kodansha, available from
Village Vanguard stores.
08 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
deep amid the clanking
metallic music of asakusa’s
Kappabashi dogu st. (Tool st.),
where merchants have ped-dled their kitchen-related
wares for almost a hundred
years, you can find Tsubaya
Cutlery Store. There, you can
indulge your slicing and dicing
fantasies with over 1,000 kinds
of knives, including some
designed for those accursed
left-handers. y
you might go for
the desert Iron Wood damascus steel model (13cm petty
knife, ¥34,000; 27cm butcher’s
knife, ¥80,000). or go more
economical with a hammered
damascus steel butcher’s knife for
¥14,500, among many others. In case
you didn’t know, damascus steel is
created by an ancient art that forges 63
layers of metal to create the finest blade
known to man. Cutting edge or what?
Tsubaya Cutlery Store. Tel: 03-38452005. Open daily. http://e288.jp.
T uCHI rurIKo
While the volunteers are unpaid,
the real reward is in growth and
experience, says one of their staff
nurses. “A lot of skills and knowledge
are fostered by being in a medical
environment entirely different from
Japan’s. You’re confronted with your
conception of yourself and Japan as a
country, make a lot of new discoveries and meet new people. I think it’s a
way of growing not just as a medical
professional, but as a person.”
It is not only medical professiona ls w ho c a n volu nteer. A s
representative Sama Ito explains, “As
a staff member or volunteer you can
do the same things you do every day
in Japan, like making food, cleaning the house or hospital, carrying
packages, playing with the children.
The staff are extremely busy, so are
enormously grateful for that kind of
Japan Hear t is also act ive at
home. In add it ion to volu nteer
nurses who travel to remote islands
and isolated areas with shortages
of medical staff, the organization
has been providing emergency
medical services for seven evacuee shelters following the Tohoku
“Currently, with the reduction
in the number of shelters operating, we are moving to the second
stage: caring for the hearts of the
children on whose shoulders the
burden of rebuilding lies,” says
Ito. “With the purpose of protecting affected children from PTSD
[post-traumatic stress disorder],
we are providing counseling as
well as seminars for adults, such
as guardians and kindergarten
Japan Heart has also started
the Smile Smile Project, which
prov ides t ravel assistance to
ch i ld ren w it h ter m i na l d iseases. Often, the families want
to make some last happy memories together, but are concerned
about the difficulties and dangers of t ravel i ng w it h a sick
child. Japan Heart’s network of
volunteers help t hem realize
those plans.
Though t he range of their
activ ities seems at first to be
broad, Japan Heart sees them all
as bound by the same drive: to
reach the hard-to-reach, whether
it’s a remote village or the heart of
a suffering child.
For more information , see
Pocket this
CourTEsy TuTTlE PublIsHING
Now that publisher Kodansha Inter
International has closed its doors, rival
English-language publisher Tuttle
has stepped up to the plate with their
latest guide book Getting Around
Tokyo: Pocket Atlas and Transportation Guide. They’re hoping to fill the
void left by Kodansha’s venerable
take-everywhere almanac, Japan
Atlas: A Bilingual Guide. However,
the too-big-for-any-pocket book
appears to target tourists more than
bilingual residents, with an included
folded map focused on the central
areas of the city, info about getting
in from the airport, day trip details
and transport advice. And it has no
index. Nevertheless, it is attractively
designed and might be something
to bundle into the arms of visitors—
especially if they don’t have a smart
phone (can you say Google Maps?).
¥1,600, in major bookstores and
Amazon.co.jp from Sep 13. David Labi
#911 • www.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 09
Arts & Entertainment All the best in Arts & culture Across the metropolis
Japan’s leading theater
showcase responds to 3/11
By Dan Grunebaum
photos courtesY oF FestivA
Festiv l/toKYo
osting a two-month-long annual
theater festival that’s supposed to
thrust tokyo alongside new York
and london as one of the world’s
great stage towns is a tall order.
Add a magnitude 9 quake into the
picture and you’ve got some daunting challenges.
taking up these tasks is Festival/tokyo program
Director chiaki soma. beginning with the first F/t
in 2009, soma has brought cutting-edge directors
and choreographers from around the globe to tokyo
to stage works alongside Japan’s most prominent
theater voices.
Metropolis spoke to soma, at her offices in a disused
public school redubbed nishi-sugamo Arts Factory,
about the challenges of boosting theater’s profile in
Japan and how the festival is coming to grips with 3/11.
Did you consider cancelling Festival/tokyo after the
We thought we might have no choice. it wasn’t that
we were unable to proceed, but that we had to be prepared for anything. the damage was limited in tokyo,
and there was a desire for normalcy. From April, things
were pretty much back to usual and we knew we would
move ahead.
last year’s theme was “disrobing theater.” What is
different about this year’s concept of taking theater
“Disrobing theater,” meant leaving behind traditional
concepts of the theater. but this year we are actually
leaving the theater in the physical sense and featuring
a number of outdoor performances. our main venue,
the metropolitan Arts space, is undergoing renovations. We had already planned a lot of open-air theater
around this fact.
how did 3/11 influence F/t’s thinking?
We are a performing arts festival, so the issue for us is
how to represent reality on stage. the situation now is
a bit like what european theater faced after Auschwitz.
if our presentations don’t reflect the disaster there’s no
Ka Fai Choy’s Notion: Dance Fiction from the F/T Emerging Artists Program
“The siTuaTion now is a
biT like whaT european
TheaTer faced afTer
point. With the ongoing nuclear contamination we are
faced with decades, even centuries of problems. We are
filled with unease, but it’s the job of Japanese performing arts to face these realities.
What shows do you recommend for a foreign
We are stressing the opening works by directors norimizu Ameya and romeo castellucci’s pieces based on
the poems of Kenji miyazawa. there isn’t much text so
it should be easy to understand. Another pick is Akira
takayama’s Referendum Project. it should be of great
international interest because it takes up the disaster
and considers how we should respond to it as performing artists and citizens. chaos*lounge’s Chaos*Exile
portrays Japan’s otaku culture and Akihabara’s reaction
to the quake. there will also be quite a few more productions with english subtitles than in previous years.
Why did you choose to commission works inspired by
Kenji miyazawa this year?
All Japanese know miyazawa’s poems and stories. For
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us he stands for tohoku’s farmers, whose fate is now
of great concern. it’s an amazing coincidence since we
commissioned these works two years ago.
What are F/t’s strengths and weaknesses?
our strength is that we present the latest in worldwide theater and i think we’re influencing the whole
Japanese art scene through our presentations. As far
as how we can improve, i think it’s not a problem of
F/t, but of Japanese society as a whole. the Japanese
mass media doesn’t engage its readers in creating a
buzz around theater like the Western media do. they
present the basic outline but without criticism that
makes it interesting. We want to create a new theater scene in Japan, but it’s difficult unless the press
engages the public.
how could Japanese theater be improved?
We can’t simply imitate the West—we need to evolve our
own scene. in europe, your average person goes to the
theater, but that’s not the case in Japan. if you consider
what kind of culture is closest to your average Japanese
person, it’s things like manga. We need to create a scene
that gives place not only to manga but also to theater.
in the ‘60s student protest movement, theater had an
important role. i’d like to recreate that level of engagement between theater and the public.
Ground & The Phenomenon
Called I
F/T opens with an outdoor double bill inspired by
the profound meditations on nature of Japanese
poet and children’s writer Kenji Miyazawa. Norimizu Ameya’s Ground builds on radical productions
like Public Semen and marks a return to the works
of Miyazawa, which Japanese read as schoolchildren. The Phenomenon Called I was the first
encounter with Miyazawa for Italian Romeo Castellucci. Unnerving Japanese audiences with his
phantasmagorical The Divine Comedy in 2009, Castellucci presents a piece whose title is the first line
of Miyazawa’s Buddhist book of poems Spring and
Asura. The double bill takes place at Yumenoshima,
a manmade, liquefaction-prone island in Tokyo
Bay specifically chosen by Ameya after 3/11.
Yumenoshima Park Multipurpose Colosseum, Sep 16-17.
The world of online and anime character culture collides with 3/11 in this new work by young
internet-based art unit Chaos*Lounge. Founded
by 28-year-old artist/director Yohei Kurose, the
group generated controversy with a fictional
online drama series that portrayed the “abnormal” lifestyles of Akihabara’s otaku subculture
and pioneered the possibilities of online streaming as an artistic medium. The title Chaos*Exile
refers to wanderers, and the work attempts to
show how modern Japanese character culture
might respond to 3/11.
Akihabara, Oct 22-Nov 6.
Referendum Project
Total Living 1986-2011
Akira Takayama’s Port B company is at the forefront of the “meta-theater” movement in Japan,
which seeks to engage laymen directly in productions and erase the boundary between actor and
audience. Referendum Project sees the company
engage Tokyoites in a referendum on nuclear
power by using a theatrical project as a point of
debate. Audiences will be invited to participate
both online and at “polling stations” set up around
Tokyo at sites with historical connections to the
nuclear issue.
Online and at 10 sites around Tokyo, Oct
11-Nov 11.
A man who commits a crime in 1986—the year
of Chernobyl—is sentenced to 25 years in prison
and returns to societ y in 2011, only to f ind
himself confronted w ith Fukushima. Facing
rejection as an ex-con, he seeks work wherever he can and heads to the exclusion zone.
Directed by Akio Miyazawa, Total Living 19862011 was created in the months following 3/11
based on actual interviews with people on the
streets, living under the cloud of the continuing
nuclear crisis. In addition to directing t heater, Miyazawa is an essayist and novelist. His
U-enchi Saisei Jig yodan company consists of
young participants in his workshops.
Nishi-Sugamo Arts Factory, Oct 14-24.
Hemispherical Red
and Black
The Show Must Go On
Yudai Kamisato’s Old Air Conditioner, a meditation on China’s breakneck economic growth, was
the hit of last year’s F/T Emerging Artists Program.
For 2011 the 29-year-old Peru-born director’s
Oakazaki Art Theater company returns with a
work of vague and unsettling emotions created in
the immediate aftermath of 3/11. The year is 1812.
Suddenly, a hemispherical dome appears over
the US state of Louisiana. Whoever sees it is swallowed up so there are no survivors to describe it,
but residents regard it with religious awe.
Nishi-Sugamo Arts Factory, Oct 28-Nov 6.
French director/choreographer Jerome Bel obliterates expectations in one of the most celebrated
dance pieces of the last decade. At the front of the
stage, a DJ spins world-famous pop songs from the
‘80s on. Behind him, a cast—drawn in each city
from public auditions—dances to songs by the
Beatles, Queen and the like. There is no choreography. Instead the audience is presented—and
sucked into—an “anti-spectacle” that questions
basic assumptions about entertainment and performance. The Tokyo cast includes 13 men and 13
women aged 16-67 chosen from 239 candidates.
Saitama Arts Theater, Nov 12-13.
See http://festival-tokyo.jp for a complete schedule
and listing of productions with English subtitles.
#911 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 11
Arts & Entertainment
it’s all about
finding your inner
blue man, says
the tokyo show’s
callum Grant
By Dan Grunebaum
art of the magic that’s
made avant-garde New
York performance art
show Blue Man Group
a worldwide long-runner is the mystery behind it. We don’t
know the names of the performers,
how they came to be doing the odd
things they do—or even why they
wear blue paint, anyway.
Ignorance turned out to be the
key to getting a part in the show
for Scot Callum Grant. “I was very
lucky—I was studying contemporar y theater and had never seen
Blue Man,” he explains backstage
at the group’s Roppongi theater. “A
friend said, ‘I think you’d be a good
Blue Man.’ I had no idea what he was
talking about. He said, ‘Look, they’re
auditioning in two weeks in Glasgow,
and I think you should go.’ It was the
only time they’d ever auditioned in
Scotland. I couldn’t find the place
and almost gave up. But then they
invited me to London.
“It’s funny. I’ve since sat in on
other auditions, and I think not
knowing what it was helped me.
People who k now end up doing
their impression of Blue Man—a
kind of robot Frankenstein—which
is completely not the character. Not
knowing helped me have an open
Grant joined Blue Man at 22 after
a two-month process that winnowed
down an initial hundred candidates
to the final three new Blue Men.
After stints in Amsterdam, Berlin,
London, Oberhausen, Zurich and
New York, he came to Tokyo to open
the show in 2007.
Learning to be a Blue Man meant
developing his musical skills to be
able to play their trademark tube
“Drumbone” instruments, mastering
the art of nonverbal communication—and a lot of practice catching
marshmallows in his mouth.
Along with cultivating an unusual
skill set, Grant says Blue Man has
to tweak each city’s show for the
specific culture of its spectators. In
12 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
blue man fasT facTs
Why blue? “legend has it that cofounder chris Wink literally dreamed
of the blue man since childhood. Also, if we were green everyone
would call us Alien man Group, or red would be Devil man Group.”
How many Blue Men are there worldwide? “there are approximately
60 blue men across the globe, but that number changes all the time.
some blue men just melt, others dry out and some end up getting
turned into crayons.” How much paint do you go through each
show? “We actually don’t use that much paint. in terms of the paint for
drumming it’s watered down so a little goes a long way, and for us it’s
only one tub of blue each per show.” How were the pipe instruments
born? “While unpacking some boxes one day, cofounder phil
stanton dropped a cardboard tube. When it hit the ground it made an
interesting sound. they experimented combining different lengths
and the Drumbone was born.” Are there Blue Women? “indeed there
have been, and we hope for more. the race must continue!”
Roppongi Blue Man Theater. Info: http://blueman.jp
Tokyo this meant everything from
replacing stunts involving Twinkies
with Tokyo Banana (“much tastier!”),
to including references to Japanese
social realities that make the gags
resonate with domestic audiences.
“There’s a big part of the show
about internet cafés,” he notes. “It
was addressing the fact that people
used internet cafés to check their
email, but didn’t interact. This was
magnified when we came here and
found out about internet cafés that
people essentially live in all the time.
We adjusted the piece for the internet
café culture here. The jokes ended up
pretty close to the truth.”
A not her adjustment to Japan
was getting used to its famously
reserved audiences. Audience participation is a big part of Blue Man,
and when this writer went to the
TickeTs for Tohoku
Blue Man has donated a pair of tickets
worth ¥15,000, good anytime in the next
three months. We’re giving them to the first
respondent for ¥10,000, with all the money
going to Peace Boat’s Tohoku operation.
Email [email protected] and put
“Blue Man” in the subject line.
quite quickly, then you’ve got
a very cluttered thing. Stripping things down so you’ve
got t h ree or fou r sou nds
makes for a much clearer
vision. A lot of dance music is
overblown. And I just think:
W hat does it come dow n
to? W here is t he emot ive
SBTRKT (Aaron Jerome)
has been a fixture of the London club scene for the better
part of the last decade. But it
wasn’t until he hit on the right
mix of dubstep, UK garage
and R&B that he blew up.
The track “Wildfire” has been
viewed over 700,000 times
on YouTube while a remix
by Canadian rapper Drake is
pushing a million.
Was “less-is-more” also the
intended meaning of his stage
name? “Actually the main reason was about not having to
talk about my records, not having to describe them as such,”
he confesses. “I feel if the music
is strong enough, it doesn’t
need a back story about where
you were born, what you eat for
dinner, why all these influences are in your music.
Music is very much an imaginary world, and subtracting myself from that and creating this artistic
identity is what the name stems from.”
Less than two months after Fuji Rock, SBTRKT
is back for a string of dates with sampling wunderkind Matthew Herbert and vaunted DJ Gilles
Peterson. At the latter’s Worldwide Showcase event,
he’ll be the special guest alongside Japanese club
jazz collective Soil & Pimp Sessions and tap dance
phenom Kazunori Kumagai. Not too shabby for a
man who only just made his Japan debut.
“There’s been a really positive reaction to the
record,” he says. “It’s great to see the worldwide
reactions to something that stems from a very
UK-centric sound. Maybe it has universal appeal
because it’s more than just something made for
people from South London. Japanese people seem
to respond to the emotive quality of the music.
All the interviewers here have said it seems like
there’s a depth to the songs, whereas in other
countries they talk about the production.”
A fan of Japanese music acts like Mondo
Grosso and Hajime Yoshizawa, SBTRKT admits
that there might be something more to the way
his album has struck a chord in Japan at this particular moment.
“Maybe people are looking for something
cathartic right now,” he offers. “I’d hate to put
myself on a pedestal and say I’m part of this healing process but to me music works best on that
level, when people reinterpret it to their own feelings, their own lives. For me it’s not about having to
know all the history and sound behind the scene,
it’s about appreciating the music for what it is.”
Worldwide Showcase@Liquidroom, Sep 23;
House of Liquid@Liquidroom, Sep 24. See
concert listings (popular) for details.
CoUrTesy of HosTess
show a forty-something salaryman who
was swooped out of the audience, trussed
up backstage and sw ung upside down
against a canvas looked a bit out of sorts.
Still, Grant says that despite what you may
think, Japanese audiences are game for
just about anything.
“In terms of audience participation,
people are surprised when we say that Japanese people are really into it,” he explains.
“People expect the Japanese to be reserved,
but as soon as the audience works out that
this environment is okay to do what ever
you want, they’re amazingly positive. In
other cities, sometimes the guests don’t
want to be there, but in Japan people are
always psyched.”
Ultimately, Grant says it’s the things
that people have in common that make the
show work anywhere. “There’s a Blue Man
in everyone. That’s the idea behind the
show,” he says. “To get the connection with
everyone and get them to realize there is a
Blue Man in all of us.”
Grant has spent his entire life as an adult
clown, and seems to enjoy every minute of
it. For him the joy comes from inhabiting a
character that is a weird mixture between
a “superhero, clown, scientist and a threeyear-old child. It knows nothing, but sees
the potential in everything.”
How do people react when he tells them
he’s a Blue Man? “They usually say: ‘Really?’
And sometimes there is a moment of disbelief. It’s humbling. People are excited and it
makes me proud. It’s like the secret identity
has been revealed briefly, and it’s fun.”
With Cirque de Soleil’s Zed show at
Tokyo Disneyland closing down after the
quake, the viability of blockbusters like
Blue Man is being called into question.
Blue Man Tokyo has its contract extended
on a three-month basis by backers ad giant
Hakuhodo and promoter Amuse.
But since the disaster, the show has
become part of the recovery. “The performance with Kodo was the first thing we did
after the quake,” Grant says about a show
Blue Man taped soon after 3/11 with the
renowned taiko drum troupe for broadcast
on Wowow. “I remember that being one of
the first live events post-disaster. We had
8-900 people in the house and the response
was so powerful—it was a reaffirmation
to get back to doing shows. And it’s been
similar since. People are ready to enjoy
“The show is about connection,” he concludes. “And never has there been a time
when that’s more needed.”
The UK groove-meister
hits the sweet spot
between man and
By Dan Grunebaum
ess is more. Or is it more is less (boring)?
In one of the most inspiring late-night
sets at this year’s Fuji Rock Festival,
British producer SBTRKT showed why
his soulful take on dubstep is both less and more
than your standard electronica knob-twister’s.
Whipping up a storm behind a drum kit while
his singer Sampha emoted at the mic, SBTRKT
offered a far more dynamic performance than
your typical arms-in-the-air DJ. At the same
time, his music has a spare simplicity that has
connected with listeners across the planet and
propelled no less than three tracks from his selftitled debut album into the J-Wave top 100.
“We take the electronic elements from DJ
culture and the fact that the songs blend, and
we build an atmosphere through the set. Like DJ
culture we take people on a kind of trip,” said the
famously masked producer before his set. “But
we use live instruments. So it’s kind of a step
beyond mere electronic button pressing with
maybe someone dancing on stage.”
At the same time, SBTRKT takes care not to
burden his productions with the limitless palette of sounds available to the contemporary
producer. “For me, the idea of this record was
to strip it down,” he explains. “The worst thing
about electronic music is you can overproduce
#911 • www.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 13
By Dan Grunebaum
Courtesy of Womb
Tatsuo Hayashi
“Flying On Black”
Womb Cruise
Bad Noise! Fes 2011 Transfiguration
� The latest offering from Shibuya superclub
Womb’s “Womb Cruise” series offers the prospect
of Turkish minimal techno against the illuminated background of Yokohama’s hyper-industrial
waterfront. Turkish DJ/producer Onur Ozer—the
product of Istanbul’s counterculture underground
house scene—heads up a night cruise that serves
as the 10th anniversary for Womb’s longrunning
techno Cross Mountain Nights. An earlier sunset
cruise will feature a slew of domestic disc jockeys
including Arpa Records’ Sodeyama and Weekend
Warriorz’ Ryo Tsutsui.
Pukarisanbashi (Minatomirai), Sep 11. See
club listings for details.
� NME music scribe and Japan rock aficionado
Daniel Robson presents the first all-day edition
of his Bad Noise! nights. Slated to appear are a
posse of Japan’s better indie-rock bands, some of
which have received significant exposure abroad.
Hard-rocking Electric Eel Shock, for example, kickstarted their career in England, while chick rock
trio Red Bacterium Vacuum (pictured) have just
returned from a three-month string backing A Perfect Circle. Also on the bill are Motocompo, Detroit
7, Royal Cabaret, Natccu, Pop Chocolat and Molice.
(Disclosure: this writer will be DJing at the event.)
Club Asia, Sep 11. See concert listings (popular) for details.
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� Berlin-based painter and sculptor Leiko Ikemura has her first full-fledged retrospective in
Japan. The professor at the Berlin University of
the Arts presents 145 paintings, drawings and
sculptures, many of them direct from her atelier
and never seen before. The mysterious figures
that inhabit Ikemura’s abstract paintings stem
from her interest in “transfigurations” such as
those between being and nothingness, and in the
relationship between animals and people—or
unspoiled nature and human civilization.
The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo,
through Oct 23. See exhibition listings (Ginza/
Kyobashi/Tokyo) for details.
Courtesy of Contrarede
Sander van doorn Sebadoh
� Once employed to strike fear into the hearts
of enemies on the battlefield, and still used to
conjure the gods at temples and shrines, Japan’s
mighty taiko drums are these days more likely to
be heard in theaters around the globe. Based in
the birthplace of Japanese culture in Nara Prefecture, taiko troupe Yamato have played over 2,000
shows worldwide since 1993. Founded by Masaki
Ogawa for a one-off shrine performance, they are
a precision team honed by incessant practice and
early morning 10k runs. Their latest show is entitled “Gamushara,” or “The Beat of Courage.”
Tokyo International Forum, Sep 24. See stage
listings for details.
� Spearheading trance music’s second coming,
Dutch producer Sander van Doorn arrives for his
first-ever gig in Japan at Azabu-Juban’s Warehouse
702. Van Doorn won 'Best Breakthrough DJ' at the
International Dance Music Awards at the Miami
Winter Music Conference in 2008, and has since
produced tracks for the likes of Robbie Williams
and remixed The Killers and The XX. Notorious
summer residencies on the Spanish clubbing
isle of Ibiza followed, while the off-season has
seen Van Doorn touring his marathon “Dusk Till
Doorn” sets worldwide.
Warehouse 702, Sep 22. See club listings for
� One bonus of the conflict between frontman J
Mascis and bassist Lou Barlow of famed alt-rock
act Dinosaur Jr is that it led Barlow to launch his
own band Sebadoh. With a laxer, folkier sound,
Sebadoh etched its name into the annals of ’90s
US indie-rock alongside Dinosaur Jr (and other
lo-fi all-stars such as Pavement and Guided By
Voices)via albums like Bubble and Scrape, Bakesale and Harmacy, all of which have recently
been reissued by Sub Pop to coincide with the
band’s reunion and tour that sees them hitting
Tokyo later this month.
O-Nest, Sep 27 and O-West, Oct 2. See concert
listings (popular) for details.
Watch this space for a
spine-chilling update
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011
Time: 7pm-midnight
Venue: Vanity Lounge
#911 • www.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 15
Agenda Listings
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Email your event information to [email protected]
Sep 11-Sep 12. 7pm, ¥6,500.
Zepp Tokyo. Nearest stn:
Tokyo Teleport. Tel: Smash:
’90s alt-metal band. Sep
13, 7pm, ¥6,500(adv). Club
Quattro. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: Smash: 03-3444-6751.
Japanese rock guitarist. Sep
13, 7pm, ¥5,000. Lilia. Nearest
stn: Kagaguchi. Tel: 048-2549900.
Ex-members from London
indie group Cajun Dance
Party. Sep 15, 7pm, ¥5,000.
Duo Music Exchange. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: Creativeman
Japanese DJ titan's album
release tour. Sep 15, 7:30pm,
¥4,500. O-East. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5458-4681.
All Time Low
US pop punk band. Sep 16,
7pm, ¥5,500. Duo Music
Exchange. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Sep 18, 6pm, ¥5,500.
Yokohama Bay Hall. Nearest
stn: Motomachi Chukagai. Tel:
Creativeman: 03-3462-6969.
De De Mouse, Agraph, Eccy
and others. Sep 9, 10pm,
¥3,500(adv). WWW. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: Smash:
Little Tempo
Kealii Reichel
Dreams Come True
Popular Hawaiian recording
artist. Sep 9, 6:30pm, ¥6,800.
Kanagawa Kenmin Hall.
Nearest stn: Nihonodori. Tel:
KM music: 045-201-9999.
Sep 10, 6pm, ¥6,800. Hibiya
Open Air Concert Hall.
Nearest stn: Uchisaiwaicho.
Tel: Sogo Tokyo: 03-34059999.
Mate Rock
Australian rock legends raise
money for Tohoku. Sep 10,
noon, ¥15,000(adv)/¥25,000.
Hakuba47. Tel: 0261-753533. www.materock.com
Morgan Fisher
Ex-Moot the Hoople
keyboardist paints with light
and sound. Sep 10, 7pm,
¥2,000. Vacant. Nearest stn:
Harajuku. Tel: 03-6459-2962.
Japanese visual kei. Sep
10, 5pm, ¥9,000. Saitama
Super Arena. Nearest stn:
Saitamashintoshin. Tel:
Kyodo: 0570-08-9955.
Japanese indie band
extravaganza. Sep 10,
5:30pm, ¥2,500. O-Nest.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
Japanese Straight-aheadrock band. Sep 10, 6pm,
¥2,800. Yokohama Baysis.
Nearest stn: Kannai. Tel:
Linkin Park
American rock band.
Sep 11, 5pm, ¥8,800.
Makuhari Messe. Nearest
stn: Kaihinmakuhari.
Sep 13, 7pm, ¥8,800.
Yokohama Arena. Nearest
stn: Shin-Yokohama. Tel:
Creativeman: 03-3462-6969.
Bad Noise! Fes
Rock and dance
party. Sep 11, 2pm,
Club Asia. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5458-2551.
J-pop unit. Sep 11, 6pm,
¥5,250. Nakano Sun Plaza.
Nearest stn: Nakano. Tel:
03-3388-2893. Sep 11, 6pm,
Beady Eye
Manchester rock bad boy
Liam Gallagher's new band.
Instrumental dub band. Sep
16, 8pm, ¥3,300. Liquidroom.
Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel:
Jukebox Lounge. Sep 23,
time:TBA, ¥4,500/¥6,500.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Alt hard rock from US. Sep 23,
6pm, ¥6,500. Studio Coast.
Nearest stn: Shin-Kiba. Tel:
Creativeman: 03-3462-6969.
The Cro-Magnons / NICO
Touches the Walls
Japanese rock bands. Sep 26,
7pm, ¥4,200. Liquidroom.
Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel:
Kazumasa Oda
J-pop singer songwriter.
Sep 28-29. 6:30pm,
¥8,400(S)/¥7,350(A). Tokyo
Dome. Nearest stn: Suidobashi
or Korakuen. Tel: Kyodo:
The Bluetones
J-pop and R&B band. Sep 30,
7pm, ¥4,200. Studio Coast.
Nearest stn: Shin-Kiba. Tel:
Alva Noto & Blixa Bargeld
Experimental electronica
from Germany. Sep 30,
7pm, ¥6,500. Liquidroom.
Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel: Smash:
Freaks Village
Metal bands Funeral For A
Friend, In This Moment and
others. Sep 20, 6:45pm, ¥7,500.
Club Quattro. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: Smash: 03-34446751.
Two-day outdoor festival
with Fabric resident Craig
Richards and others.
Oct 1, 10am; Oct 2, 7am,
Pleasure Forest. Nearest stn:
Sagamiko. Tel: 042-685-1111.
Monica Uranglass
Mötley Crüe
Japanese electro band. Sep 21,
7:30pm, ¥2,800. Club Quattro.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
Creativeman: 03-3462-6969.
Matthew Herbert
American glam metal band.
Oct 3-5. 7pm, ¥10,500-¥13,000.
Zepp Tokyo. Nearest stn: Tokyo
Teleport. Tel: Creativeman:
Pig-based music at
Liquidroom's 7th anniversary.
Sep 22, 8pm, ¥6,000.
Liquidroom. Nearest stn: Ebisu.
Tel: 03-5464-0800.
Street Dogs
Peter Hammill
Dean Wareham plays
Galaxie 500
Van der Graaf Generator
founder's singer-songwriter
work. Sep 22, 8pm; Sep 23,
1pm, ¥7,000(adv). Haretara
Sorani Mamemaite. Nearest
stn: Daikanyama. Sep 24, 8pm;
Sep 25, 1:30pm, ¥9,000(adv).
Pit Inn. Nearest stn: Shinjuku
Sanchome. Tel: Real & True:
Japanese alternative rock
band. Sep 22, 7pm, ¥4,000.
Club Quattro. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3477-8750.
Namie Amuro
Queen of J-pop. Sep 22,
midnight; Oct 15, time:TBA;
Nov 26, time:TBA, ¥7,800.
Yoyogi National Gymnasium.
Nearest stn: Meijijingumae. Tel:
Kyodo: 0570-064-903.
Worldwide Showcase
Gilles Peterson, SBTRKT,
etc. Sep 23, 5pm,
Liquidroom. Nearest stn: Ebisu.
Tel: 03-5464-0800.
Loud Park ’11
The Human League
LA rock band responsible for
such hits as "Africa." Sep 27,
7pm, ¥9,000(S)/¥8,000(A).
Nippon Budokan. Nearest
stn: Kudanshita. Tel: Udo:
0570-09-3333. Sep 29,
7pm, ¥9,000(S)/¥8,000(A).
Pacifico Yokohama. Nearest
stn: Minatomirai. Tel: Udo:
Extreme the Dojo vol.27
American banjo player and
guitarist. Oct 13, 7pm, ¥6,000.
Mt. Rainer Hall Shibuya
Pleasure Pleasure. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-57900557.
Prefuse 73, Zazen Boys,
Jizue and others. Sep
19, 11am, ¥3,000(under
Odaiba Seaside Court. Nearest
stn: Aomi. www.neutralnation.
Alison Brown
American lo-fi band. Sep 27,
7pm, ¥4,500(adv)/¥5,000(door)
w/1d. O-Nest. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3462-4420.
Japanese pop band. Sep 17-Sep
18. 5pm, ¥7,800. Ajinomoto
Stadium. Nearest stn:
Tobitakyu. Tel: 0180-993-993.
Neutral Nation
British electronic composer
on his first Japan tour. Oct 12,
8pm, ¥5,500. Liquidroom.
Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel: Smash:
All-day metal fest featuring
Whitesnake, Stryper and
many others. Oct 15, time:
TBA, price:TBA. Saitama
Super Arena. Nearest stn:
Saitamashintoshin. Tel:
Creativeman: 03-3462-6969.
Britpop band on their farewell
tour. Sep 30, 7pm, ¥6,000. Duo
Music Exchange. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: Creativeman:
Japanese pop punk band. Sep
18, 6pm, ¥3,000. Shibuya-AX.
Nearest stn: Harajuku. Tel:
Creativeman: 03-3462-6969.
James Blake
Rock band from Boston. Oct
5, 7pm, ¥5,500(adv). Fever.
Nearest stn: Shindaita. Tel:
Smash: 03-3444-6751.
Go to www.meturl.com/listings for c
7pm, ¥5,500. O-East. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54584681.
Boyz II Men
R & B trio in their 20th year.
Nov 24, 7pm, ¥8,500. Tokyo
International Forum Hall A.
Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel: Kyodo:
Scottish post-rock. Nov 25,
7pm, ¥6,500(adv). Zepp Tokyo.
Nearest stn: Tokyo Teleport.
Tel: Smash: 03-3444-6751.
NY heavy metal band. Dec
13-14. 7pm, ¥7,350. O-East.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
Creativeman: 03-3462-6969.
UK new wave legends. Oct 17, 7
& 9:30pm; Oct 18, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥6,500-¥8,500. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Japanese drum group put on a
kids show. Dec 14, 11am & 5pm,
Aoyama Round Theatre
Children's Castle. Tel: Sony
Music Foundation: 03-32619933.
Luna Sea
Japanese rock band. Oct
22, 5pm, ¥9,000. Saitama
Super Arena. Nearest stn:
Saitamashintoshin. Tel:
Owl City
American electronica musical
project by Adam Young. Oct
22, 7pm, ¥6,000. Stellar Ball.
Nearest stn: Shinagawa. Tel:
Smash: 03-3444-6751.
V-Rock Festival
Daizy Stripper, Elins:Vier,
SOPHIA and others. Oct 23,
11am, ¥12,000/¥16,000(VIP).
Saitama Super Arena. Nearest
stn: Saitamashintoshin. Tel:
Celtic Woman
Irish female vocal
group. Oct 24-26. 7pm,
¥10,500(S)/¥9,500(A). Tokyo
Dome City Hall. Nearest stn:
Korakuen. Tel: H.I.P.: 03-34759999.
BBQ Chickens
Crossover And Over tour.
Oct 27, 7pm, ¥2,800(adv).
Liquidroom. Nearest stn:
Ebisu. Tel: Smash: 03-34446751.
Yumi Matsutoya
Legendary J-pop singersongwriter. Oct 27-28. 7pm,
¥8,400. Tokyo International
Japanese reggae unit. Oct 29,
5pm, ¥4,200. TBA
Brutal Truth
Grindcore band from NY. Oct
31, 7pm, ¥5,500(adv). Loft.
Nearest stn: Shinjuku. Tel:
Smash: 03-3444-6751.
The Muffs
Jazz Art Sengawa
Cellist Hiromichi Sakamoto
spearheads this avant-garde
jazz festival. Sep 9-11,
time:TBA, ¥4,000. Sengawa
Theater. Nearest stn:
Senagawa. Tel: 03-3300-0611.
Featuring George Duke,
Marcus Miller, David Sanborn.
Sep 9 & 12, 7 & 9:30pm; Sep 10,
6 & 9pm; Sep 11, 4:30 & 7:30pm,
¥10,600/¥12,600. Billboard
Live. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Booker T. Jones
Leader of the MGs. Sep 10, 6 &
8:45pm; Sep 12, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥8,400. Blue Note. Nearest stn:
Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
Maxi Priest & Big Mountain
Reggae. Sep 13, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥6,500/¥8,500. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Le Velvets
Special Dinner Live.
Sep 14, 6:30 & 9:30pm,
¥6,000/¥12,000. Billboard
Live. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Dave Koz with special
guest Peabo Bryson
American saxophonist teams
up with R&B singer-songwriter.
Sep 14, 7 & 9:30pm; Sep 17, 6
& 8:45pm, ¥8,400. Blue Note.
Nearest stn: Omotesando. Tel:
Al McKay Allstars
Noriyuki Makihara
Urban culture music. Oct
7, 8:30pm, ¥3,000 w/1d.
SuperDeluxe. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-5412-0515.
16 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
The Album Leaf
American solo musical project
by Jimmy LaValle. Nov 17,
Paul McCandless
Jazz oboist with harpist
Motoshi Kosako. Sep 24,
1:30pm; Sep 25, 8pm, ¥4,500
(adv)/¥5,000 (door). Pit
Inn. Nearest stn: Shinjuku
Sanchome. Tel: Real& True
Robert Glasper
American jazz pianist. Sep 24,
6 & 9pm; Sep 25, 4:30 & 7:30pm,
¥4,800/¥6,800. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Natalie Cole
Legendary jazz singer. Sep
26-Oct 3. various times,
¥13,650. Blue Note. Nearest
stn: Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
The High Llamas
London based pop and
folktronica musical
group. Sep 27, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥3,500/¥5,500. Billboard
Live. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Edwyn Collins
Ivor Novello Award winning
Scottish rock musician. Sep
28, 7 & 9:30pm, ¥5,900/¥7,900.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Toshiki Kadomatsu
J-pop, AOR and R&B singersongwriter. Sep 29-30, 7
& 9:30pm; Oct 1, 6 & 9pm,
¥9,000/¥11,000. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
R&B Night at Il Buttero
Gary Adkins & Friends. Sep
30, 6pm, free. Ristorante il
Buttero. Nearest stn: Hiroo. Tel:
Toots Thielemans
Naughty By Nature
Heart to Heart concert tour.
Nov 17, 7pm, ¥7,350. Tokyo
International Forum. Nearest
stn: Yurakucho. Tel: 0570-064708. www.t-i-forum.co.jp
Grammy award-winning
US musician. Sep 23, 6 &
8:45pm; Sep 25, 4 & 7pm,
¥8,400. Blue Note. Nearest stn:
Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Double Titans
German dance punk duo. Oct
7, 7pm, ¥6,000. Shibuya-AX.
Nearest stn: Harajuku. Tel:
Smash: 03-3444-6751.
Gordon Goodwin's Big
Phat Band
Eric Benét
Cerebration of Red Brick
Warehouse built in 1911. Sep
23, 3 & 6pm, ¥1,911. Motion
Blue. Nearest stn: Nihon Odori
or Bashamichi. Tel: 045-2661919.
Tower of Power
G.Love & Special Sauce
Two grindcore bands, Brutal
Truth and Lock Up. Nov 4, 7pm,
¥6,800(adv). O-East. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: Smash:
Ghibli Meets Jazz
Kazunori Kumagai
DJ Shadow
French singer-songwriter. Oct
6, 7pm, ¥5,500w/1d(adv). Club
Quattro. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: Plankton: 03-3498-2881.
Jazz vocalist. Sep 22, 7 &
9:30pm, ¥6,500/¥8,500.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Guitarist from US alt rock
band. Oct 6, 7pm, ¥6,000(adv).
Liquidroom. Nearest stn:
Ebisu. Tel: Smash: 03-34446751.
Alternative hip-hop band from
Philadelphia. Nov 4, 7pm,
¥6,000(adv). Liquidroom.
Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel: Smash:
Yasuko Agawa
Disco funk. Sep 15-16, 7 &
9:30pm; Sep 17, 6 & 9pm,
¥7,000/¥9,000. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Southern Californian
rock band. Nov 2, 9pm,
w/1d. Shelter. Nearest
stn: Shimokitazawa. Tel:
03-3466-7430. Nov 6, 7pm,
w/1d. Loft. Nearest stn:
Shinjuku. Tel: 03-5272-0382.
American producer, DJ
and songwriter. Oct 6, 8pm,
¥6,000(adv). Akasaka Blitz.
Nearest stn: Akasaka. Tel:
Smash: 03-3444-6751.
24, 7:30pm, ¥5,000. All of Me.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Sep
24, 4:30pm, ¥15,000. Maduro.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Yuna Japan: 03-6661-0344.
Tap dance and jazz
combination. Sep 18, 4:30
& 7:30pm, ¥4,500/¥6,500.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
R&B/soul. Sep 18, 6 & 8:45pm;
Sep 20, 7 & 9:30pm, ¥8,400.
Blue Note. Nearest stn:
Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
Classic hip-hop band. Sep
19, 4:30 & 7:30pm; Sep 20, 7
& 9:30pm, ¥6,900/¥8,900.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Instrumental accordion. Sep
21, 7 & 9:30pm, ¥6,300/¥8,300.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Symphonic Jazz Concert of
Jazz saxophone player, Oleg
Kireyev and others. Sep 22 &
A cappella group from NY.
Oct 3-Oct 4. ¥6,000/¥8,000.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
American R&B based horn
section and band. Oct 4-5, 7
& 9:30pm, ¥8,400. Blue Note.
Nearest stn: Omotesando. Tel:
Irish-English pop singersongwriter. Oct 6-7, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥6,500/¥8,500. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Veteran harmonica player
and band. Oct 8, 6pm, ¥7,000¥8,000. Sumida Triphony Hall.
Nearest stn: Kinshicho. Tel:
03-5608-5404. Oct 11-13, 7pm,
¥10,500. Blue Note. Nearest
stn: Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
Yokohama Jazz
Japan’s biggest jazz festival.
Various concert locations.
Oct 8-9. noon-9pm,
MS). Yokohama. www.
s for complete listinGs
Nothing But The Funk –
Various funk bands. Oct 8, 6
& 9pm; Oct 9, 4:30 & 7:30pm,
¥5,000/¥7,000. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Bobby Caldwell
American singer, songwriter
and multi-instrumentalist. Oct
10-15, time:TBA, ¥9,000/¥11,000.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Sophie Milman
Toronto-based jazz singer. Oct
14, 7 & 9:30pm; Oct 15-16, 6
& 8:45pm, ¥7,350. Blue Note.
Nearest stn: Omotesando.
Tel: 03-5485-0088. Oct 18,
7 & 9:30pm, ¥7,350. Cotton
Club. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
David Foster
Japan tour 2011 with friends.
Oct 19-20, 7pm, ¥10,500¥14,500. Tokyo International
Forum. Tel: Kyodo: 0570-064708.
The Core featuring Jonas
Swedish sax player. Oct 19,
8pm, ¥4,500. Pit Inn. Nearest
stn: Shinjuku Sanchome. Oct
20, 7pm, ¥4,000. Haretara
Sorani Mamemaite. Nearest
stn: Daikanyama. Tel: Real &
True: 03-3728-5690.
Matt Bianco
Latin funk influenced ’80s
band. Oct 20-21, 7 & 9:30pm,
¥6,500/¥8,500. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Christian McBride & Inside
Acoustic jazz session. Oct
22-25, time:TBA, ¥7,500/¥9,500.
Cotton Club. Nearest stn: Tokyo.
Tel: 03-3215-1555.
Miki Imai with Nobuo
Japanese pop vocalist and
pianist. Oct 22-23, time:TBA,
¥8,000/¥10,000. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Yosuke Yamashita New
York Trio
Classic pianist and jazz piano
trio from NY. Oct 22, 5:30 &
8:30pm, ¥6,000. Motion Blue.
Nearest stn: Nihon Odori or
Bashamichi. Tel: 045-266-1919.
Natalia Yurkanova
Piano recital charity concert.
Oct 27, 7:30pm, ¥4,000. Tiara
Koto. Nearest stn: Sumiyoshi.
Tel: Yuna Japan: 03-6661-0344.
Chitose Hajime
Singer from Amami island. Nov
27, time:TBA, ¥6,000/¥8,000.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Irma Thomas
Grammy-winning soul and
R&B singer. Dec 1-2, time:TBA,
¥7,500-¥9,500. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
The Vanguard Jazz
Jazz big band. Dec 14,
time:TBA; Dec 16-17, time:TBA,
¥6,400/¥8,400. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Lisa Ono
Japanese bossa nova singer.
Dec 15, 7pm, ¥7,350. Tokyo
Opera City Concert Hall.
Nearest stn: Hatsudai. Tel:
Koji Oikawa’s Piano Recital
In commemoration of the
200th anniversary of Franz
Liszt’s birth. Sep 11, 2pm,
¥3,500-¥4,000. Suntory Hall.
Nearest stn: Roppongi Itchome.
Tel: 03-3584-9999.
Taro Hakase
Japanese musician plays
with screening vision. Sep 17,
4:30pm, ¥7,000. Chofu Green
Hall. Nearest stn: Chofu. Tel:
04-2481-7611. Until Nov 2,
7pm, ¥7,000. Nakano Sun
Plaza. Nearest stn: Nakano. Tel:
Roberto Devereux
Bavarian State Opera
performance in Japan. Sep
23, 3pm, ¥26,000-¥54,000.
Kanagawa Kenmin Hall.
Nearest stn: Nihonodori.
Sep 27, 6:30pm; Oct 1, 3pm,
¥26,000-¥54,000. Tokyo
Bunka Kaikan. Nearest stn:
Ueno. Tel: NBS: 03-3791-8888.
Play for Tohoku
All profits from this concert
will go to Ryuichi Sakamoto’s
“School Music Revival” project.
Sep 23, 2pm, ¥3000. Club
Pasona Omotesando. Nearest
stn: Harajuku. Tel: 03-67340214. www.play-for-tohoku.
Bavarian State Opera
performance in Japan. Sep
25 & Oct 2, 3pm; Sep 29, 4pm,
¥28,000-¥57,000. NHK Hall.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel: NBS:
Bavarian State Orchestra
Japanese jazz vocalist. Oct
28, time:TBA, ¥4,800/¥6,800.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Conductor: Kent Nagano. Sep
28, 7pm, ¥11,000-¥19,000.
Suntory Hall. Nearest stn:
Roppongi Itchome. Tel: NBS:
Dirty Dozen Brass Band
Mezamashi Classics
Brass band from Louisiana. Oct
30, time:TBA, ¥5,500/¥7,500.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Jamaica Jazz
Ernest Ranglin, Monty
Alexander and Sly & Robbie
featured. Nov 3, 5 & 8pm;
Nov 4, 7 & 9:30pm, ¥8,400¥10,500. Cotton Club. Nearest
stn: Tokyo. Tel: 03-3215-1555.
Nov 5-6, 6 & 8:45pm; Nov 7, 7
& 9:30pm, ¥8,400. Blue Note.
Nearest stn: Omotesando. Tel:
American R&B singer. Nov 9-12,
time:TBA, ¥11,500-¥13,500.
Billboard Live. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-3405-1133.
Jaco Pastorius Big Band
Richard Bona and Peter
Erskine. Nov 17-20, time:TBA,
¥8,400. Blue Note. Nearest stn:
Omotesando. Tel: 03-54850088.
Post-rock. Nov 21-22.
¥6,000/¥8,000. Billboard Live.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Feat. Chisako Takashima.
Sep 29, 7pm, ¥5,500. Oji Hall.
Nearest stn: Ginza. Tel: 03-35640200. Oct 6, 7pm, ¥5,000.
Yokohama Minatomirai Hall.
Nearest stn: Minatomirai. Tel:
Ariadne auf Naxos
Bavarian State Opera
performance in Japan. Oct 5,
7pm; Oct 8 & 10, 3pm, ¥26,000¥54,000. Tokyo Bunka Kaikan.
Nearest stn: Ueno. Tel: NBS:
Music Week in Tokyo
Performed by Super Chorus
Tokyo organized by Roberto
Gabbiani. Oct 6, 7pm, ¥1,000¥5,000. Tokyo Opera City.
Nearest stn: Hatsudai. Oct
10, 3pm, ¥1,000-¥5,000. New
National Theatre. Nearest stn:
Hatsudai. Tel: 03-3234-9999.
Tokyo Symphony
Orchestra Regular Concert
Conductor Jonathan Nott,
piano Yu Kosuge. Oct 7, 7pm,
¥2,000-¥7,000. Suntory Hall.
Nearest stn: Roppongi Itchome.
Tel: 044-520-1511.
Chisako Takashima
Classical violinist gives a
babies-welcome concert.
Oct 8, 11:30am & 2 & 4:30pm,
¥5,000. Tokyo Midtown
Hall. Nearest stn: Nogizaka
or Roppongi. Tel: Kyodo
Edita Gruberova
Austrian opera diva. Oct
9, 6pm, ¥9,000- ¥22,000.
Suntory Hall. Nearest stn:
Roppongi Itchome. Tel: NBS:
New Japan
Philharmonic Regular
Concert #484
Conductor: Ingo
Metzmacher. Oct 15, 2pm,
price: TBA. Suntory Hall.
Nearest stn: Roppongi
Itchome. Tel: 03-3584-9999.
Suono Italia
By Italian and Japanese
classic musicians.
Reservation required.
Oct 17-19, 7pm, free.
Italian Cultural Institute.
Nearest stn: Kudanshita.
Tel: 03-3264-6011. www.
Sylvie Guillem on stage
Hope Japan Tour. Oct 22-Jan
1. 3 & 6:30pm, ¥6,000¥18,000. Tokyo Bunka
Kaikan. Nearest stn: Ueno.
Tel: NBS: 03-3791-8888.
Schellenberger & Yu
Charity duo concert. Oct 25,
7pm, ¥10,000(SS)/¥8,000(S
)/¥6,000(A). Yamaha Ginza
Studio. Nearest stn: Ginza.
Tel: SMF: 03-3261-9933.
Calefax Reed Quintet
Pop taste classical
ensemble. Nov 5, 4pm,
Saitama Arts Theater.
Nearest stn: Yonohonmachi.
Tel: 0570-064-939.
David Fray
Young French
pianist. Nov 26, 3pm,
Saitama Arts Theater.
Nearest stn: Yonohonmachi.
Tel: 0570-064-939.
Asia Orchestra Week
Orchestras from South
Korea, New Zealand and
Japan. Dec 2, 2pm; Dec 3-4,
7pm, ¥3,000(S)/¥2,000(A)/
¥1,000(B). Tokyo Opera City.
Nearest stn: Hatsudai. Tel:
AJSO: 03-5610-7275.
Vienna Chamber
Top members from The
Vienna Philharmonic
Orchestra. Dec 2, 7pm; Dec
3, 1:30pm, ¥6,000-¥8,000.
Kioi Hall. Nearest stn:
Yotsuya. Tel: NBS: 03-37918888.
Ninth Symphony for Kids
Charity Concert for Tohoku.
Dec 23, 7pm, child ¥3,000(S)/
child ¥2,000(A); parent
¥8,000(S)/parent ¥6,000(A).
Tokyo Opera City. Nearest
stn: Hatsudai. Tel: SMF:
Baron’s Seven Deadly
Sins—Vaudeville Forever!
A variety show of music,
dance, pantomime and
comedy skits. Sep 9, 7:30pm;
Sep 10-11, 2 & 6:30pm; Sep
12, 2pm, ¥2,500/¥3,000.
Asakusa Kenban. Nearest
stn: Tawaramachi or
Asakusa. Tel: 03-3874-3131.
Ground & The
Phenomenon Called I
Outdoor double bill by
Norimizu Ameya and
Romeo Castellucci to open
Festival Tokyo (F/T). Sep
16-17, 7:30pm, ¥5,000.
Yumenoshima Park. Nearest
stn: Shin-Kiba. Tel: 03-59615202. www.festival-tokyo.jp/
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Agenda Listings
The Lesson and Out at
Sea double-bill
Black Stripe Theater
presents a double-bill
performance by well-known
absurdist playwrights,
Eugène Ionesco and
Sławomir Mrożek. Sep 16,
7pm; Sep 17-18, 2 & 7pm,
¥2,500-¥3,000. Iwato
Theatre. Nearest stn:
Tel: 03-5225-3635. http://
Tokyo Rittai Zukan
Performed by Showa-era
style stage group, Makoto
Cluv. Sep 17-18, 3pm, ¥3,500.
Edo-Tokyo Museum. Nearest
stn: Ryogoku. Tel: Highwood:
Luxuriate at LucianoShow
Say goodbye to September with an
exclusive ¥500 drinks & food menu!
Info: http://metropolis.co.jp/events
Sep 30
Public performances
involving physical
expression. Sep 17-18, 1pm,
free. 3331 Arts Chiyoda.
Nearest stn: Suehirocho. Tel:
03-6803-2441. www.3331.
The Decline and Fall of
Written by Yukio Mishima.
Japanese only. Sep
20-Oct 10, Various times,
¥6,300(A)/¥3,150(B). New
National Theatre. Nearest
stn: Hatsudai. Tel: 03-53529999.
Muboubi Eigatoshi
Performed in German
with Japanese subtitles.
Part of F/T festival. Sep
21-22, 7:30pm; Sep 23-25,
6pm, ¥5,500/¥3,000(HS).
Toyosu Park. Nearest stn:
Toyosu. Tel: Festival / Tokyo:
Yamato World Tour
Special Edition Nippon
Japanese drum group
Yamato returns home. Sep 24,
2:30 & 7pm, ¥6,000. Tokyo
International Forum Hall
C. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
03-5221-9038. www.amuse.
Daikaiju Eiga
Japanese monsters
interpretation in French
and Japanese. Sep 30;
Oct 1-5, various times,
¥2,000. Komaba Agora
Theater. Nearest stn:
Komabatodaimae. Tel:
Rosa, Seulement
Collaboration of Mathieu
Bertholet and Cindy Van
Acker. Oct 1-3, various
times, ¥2,000. Komaba
Agora Theater. Nearest
stn: Komabatodaimae. Tel:
The Hunting Gun
Japanese language play
starring film actress Miki
Nakatani. Oct 3-23, ¥7,350.
Parco Theater. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3477-5858.
Referendum Project
F/T. Akira Takayama’s
“meta-theater” engages
Tokyoites in a nuclear
power debate. Oct 11-Nov 11,
time:TBA, price:TBA. www.
Total Living 1986-2011
F/T. A man emerges from
jail to be confronted with
Fukushima. Directed by
Naoto Takenaka. Oct 14-24,
various times, ¥5,000.
Nishi-Sugamo Arts Factory.
Nearest stn: Nishi-Sugamo
station or Shin- Koshinzuka.
Tel: 03-5961-5200.
Hemispherical Red and
F/T. Peru-born Yudai
Kamisato's 3/11-inspired
work shows 19th-century
Americans responding to
a strange circumstance.
Oct 28-Nov 6, price: TBA,
time: TBA. Nishi-Sugamo
Arts Factory. Nearest stn:
Nishi-Sugamo station
Go to www.meturl.com/listin
or Shin- Koshinzuka. Tel:
03-5961-5200. www.festivaltokyo.jp/en/program/
F/T. Young internet-based art
unit Chaos*Lounge portrays
the reaction of Akihabara to
3/11. Oct 28-Nov 6, time:TBA,
price:TBA. Akihabara. www.
Ah, Kohya
Produced by Yukio
Ninagawa, performed by
Keisuke Koide and Jun
Matsumoto. Oct 29-Nov
6, ¥10,500(S)/¥9,500(A).
Saitama Arts Theater. Nearest
stn: Yonohonmachi. Tel:
04-8858-5500. Nov 13-Dec
2, ¥10,500(S)/¥9,500(A).
Aoyama Round Theatre.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
Citizen of Seoul 1939: The
Contrapuntal Music of
Japanese and S. Korean actors.
Oct 29-Dec 4, various times,
Kichijoji Theatre. Nearest stn:
Kichijoji. Tel: 0422-22-0911.
The Castle Tower
Akira Shirai, Eisuke Sasai
and others. Japanese
only. Nov 5-20, time: TBA,
New National Theatre. Nearest
stn: Hatsudai. Tel: 03-53529999.
Blue Sky of Edo 2
Japanese story telling style
play. Nov 5-20, various times,
¥6,500(S)/¥5,000(A). Setagaya
Public Theater. Nearest stn:
Sangenjaya. Tel: G2 produce:
The Show Must Go On
F/T. French director/
choreographer Jerome Bel
obliterates expectations in
one of the most celebrated
dance pieces of the last
decade. Nov 12-13, 4pm,
¥3,500. Saitama Arts Theater.
Nearest stn: Yonohonmachi.
Tel: 04-8858-5500. www.
Red Cliff
Based on Three Kingdom
Saga-inspired movie. Until Jan
1, Various times, ¥12,000. Le
Theatre Ginza. Nearest stn:
Ginza. Tel: Nelke Planning:
Dazzling production by
Cirque du Soleil in a dedicated
theater. Ongoing, various
times, ¥7,800-¥18,000. Cirque
du Soleil Theater. Nearest stn:
Maihama. Tel: 05-7002-8777.
Japanese version of the hit
Broadway musical, produced
by Gekidan Shiki. Ongoing,
various times, ¥8,000-¥9,800,
Canon Cats Theatre. Nearest
stn: Shintakashima. Tel:
Blue Man Group in Tokyo
A unique theatrical
performance of music, comedy
and multimedia. Ongoing,
various times, ¥7,500(S)/¥8,500
(poncho seats), Roppongi Blue
Man Theatre. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. http://blueman.jp
Miki Ishioka
Flamenco dancer. Sep 9, 7pm,
¥5,000(+500 for 1d). Duo
Music Exchange. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: Kyodo: 0570-064708.
Akiko Kanda Modern
Akiko Kanda’s dance
company. Sep 9, 7pm; Sep 10,
3 & 7pm; Sep 11, 3pm, ¥5,250.
Aoyama Round Theatre.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
Manta & Just to Dance
Performed by Hela Fattoumi
and Eric Lamoureux. Sep 13 &
15, time:TBA, ¥5,000(2days)¥3,
Aoyama Round Theatre.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
French Institute: 03-5206-2500.
Dance Creation Award
8-min dance performances
by various artists. Until Sep
17, time: TBA, ¥2,000(3days).
Theatre 1010. Nearest stn:
Kita-Senju. Tel: 03-5244-1010.
1 Hour before Sunset
Collaboration of dance and
percussion. Sep 16, 7pm,
(student). Zounohana Terrace.
Nearest stn: Nihon O-dori. Tel:
Hardcore contemporary dance
company. Sep 17, various
times, ¥4,000/¥3,000(under
29). Komaba Agora Theater.
Nearest stn: Komabatodaimae.
Tel: 03-3467-2743.
Swan Lake
Performed by K-Ballet
company. Sep 23, 3pm, ¥8,000¥17,000. Sonic City. Nearest
stn: Omiya. Until Oct 23, 2pm,
¥8,000-¥18,000. Fuchu-noMori Art Theatre. Nearest
stn: Fuchu. Tel: Ticket Space:
Shakespeare The Sonnets
Dance interpretation of
poem cycle choreographed
by Megumi Nakamura and
Yasuyuki Shuto. Sep 30, 7pm;
Oct 1, 6pm, ¥3,150-¥6,300.
New National Theatre. Nearest
stn: Hatsudai. Tel: 03-53529999. Sep 30, 7pm.
Double Famous ×
Yokohama Triennale.
Dance and Music program.
Oct 1, 2:30 & 6:30pm,
Douhatsu Shinkan. Nearest stn:
Motomachi Chukagai. http://
Viva Latin Dance
Mambo, samba, cha-cha, etc.
Oct 7, 6:30pm, ¥3,500. Lirio
Hall. Nearest stn: Kameari. Tel:
7th & 8th Year Entrants’
Dance by young ballet dancers.
Until Oct 9, 3pm, ¥2,000. New
National Theatre. Nearest stn:
Hatsudai. Tel: 03-5352-9999.
Special Evening
Dance performance by CSB
International. Oct 9, 3 & 7pm;
Oct 10, 2 & 6pm, ¥6,800. Cradle
Hall. Tel: 03-6804-2236.
Romeo and Juliet
Performed by St. Petersburg
State Academic Ballet
Theatre. Oct 15, 2pm,
MS). Mori no Hall. Tel: 042-7753811.
Modern & Ballet
Art dance exhibition. Oct
16, 4pm, ¥6,000/¥5,000.
Kanagawa Kenmin Hall.
Nearest stn: Nihonodori. Tel:
Ticket Kanagawa: 045-6628866.
Classique Nu
Nude, Indian-influenced
dance. Oct 20-21, 7pm; Oct
22-23, 3pm, ¥4,000. Shakti
Studio. Nearest stn: Horikiri
Shobuen. Tel: 03-6822-3269.
Bintley’s The Prince of the
Conductor: Paul Murphy. Oct
30 & Nov 2-6, 2pm; Nov 1, 7pm,
¥3,150-¥12,600. New National
Theatre. Nearest stn: Hatsudai.
Tel: 03-5352-9999.
By Sylvie Guillem, Robert
Lepage, Russell Maliphant. Nov
17-18, 7pm; Nov 19-20, 3pm,
¥5,000-¥15,000. U-Port Hall.
Nearest stn: Osakihirokoji. Tel:
NBS: 03-3791-8888.
com/listings for complete listings
Chikamatsu Dance
A program: Onna Goroshi
Abura no Jigoku. Nov
17-27, various times,
¥5,250(A)/¥3,150(B). New
National Theatre. Nearest
stn: Hatsudai. Tel: 03-53529999.
The Kabuki
Samurai story arranged by
Maurice Bejart. Dec 17-18, 3pm,
¥3,000-¥10,000. Tokyo Bunka
Kaikan. Nearest stn: Ueno.
Tel: NBS: 03-3791-8888(from
Sep 3).
Friday 9
Nine Rulaz Line 9th
Anniversary. Reggae, hip-hop:
Ft. Mighty Crown, Fire Ball, etc.
From 11pm ¥3,500. Nearest
stn: Shin-Kiba. Tel: 03-55342525. www.ageha.com
Tokyo Shake. Trance, hip-hop.
From 7pm, price TBA. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54285195. www.clubatom.com
Club Asia
Danzoo. Electro, techno: DJs
Fumiya, Yoshimasa, etc. From
11pm, ¥3,000 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54582551. http://asia.iflyer.jp
Bad House. House: DJs
Sugiurumn, Yummy, etc. From
10pm, ¥3,000. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-5775-6206.
Magnet. Breakbeats,
electronic: DJs Funnel, Dive,
etc. From 10pm, ¥2,000 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-3464-8432. www.moduletokyo.com
The New Matrix Bar
Matrix Friday. Old school
hip-hop, west side, south side,
all mix DJ Ykk and more. From
6pm, ¥1,000 (after 11:30pm).
Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-3405-1066. www.
The Room
Cross Colors. House, crossover:
DJs Fukutomi, Takizawa, etc.
From 10pm, ¥2,000 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-3461-7167. www.theroom.
Love & House. House: DJs
Hanzawa, Nakamura, etc. From
10pm, ¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Azabu Juban. Tel: 03-62300343. www.warehouse702.
2e2l meets Definitive. Techno,
house: DJs Olivier Giacomotto,
Luu, etc. From 11pm, ¥4,000.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-5459-1383. www.womb.
Raft Tokyo x Real Grooves.
House, techno DJs Emesto
Ferreyra, Tez & Kusda, etc:
Live: AlexSmoke. From 10pm,
¥3,500. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-5775-6206. www.
Synthesizer. DJs TBA. From
6:30pm, ¥2,500(adv)/¥3,000.
Nearest stn: Daikanyama.
Tel: 080-4340-5820. www.
Slave to the House. House: DJs
Universal Indian, Yamada,
etc. From 10pm, ¥2,500 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-3464-8432. www.moduletokyo.com
The New Matrix Bar
Saturday Night Fever. Hip-hop,
R&B, reggae: DJ Ykk and more.
From 6pm, ¥1,000 (after
10pm). Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-3405-1066. www.
Velvet. All mix: DJ Vivid and
more. From 11pm, ¥2,500.
Nearest stn: Omotesando. Tel:
03-5778-4777. www.velours.jp
Sdm. Bass music: DJs E-Mura,
Mal, etc. From 10pm, ¥1,500
w/1d. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-5775-6206. www.
Smf Salon. Lounge. From 6pm,
¥1,000 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3464-8432.
The Room
Sunday 11
Carnival. Trance, hip-hop. From
7pm, price TBA. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5428-5195.
The Climax. House: DJs Goto,
Watanabe, etc. From 10pm,
¥2,000 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-5775-6206.
The Ruby Room
Tokyo Free Style Monday. All
mix. From 7pm, Free. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-37803022. www.rubyroomtokyo.
Candy Flavour. DJs Hide,
Kunny, etc. From 11pm, men
¥3,500 w/1d, women free.
Nearest stn: Azabu Juban.
Tel: 03-3586-6383. www.
The Room Bar. Bar style. From
midnight, Free. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3461-7167.
Wcn. House, techno: DJs
Matsumura, Tsukagoshi,
etc. From 10pm, ¥1,500
w/1d. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-5459-1383. www.
Thursday 15
Dna. Trance, hip-hop. From
7pm, price TBA. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5428-5195.
Club Asia
Affection. Hip-hop: DJs Masa
Go, Tats, etc. From 11pm,
¥3,000 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5458-2551.
Soundpost. Techno: DJs
Katsuya, Kent, etc. From
10pm, ¥2,000 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Roppongi. Tel: 03-57756206. www.go-to-eleven.com
Tokyo Rave. Trance, hip-hop.
From 7pm, price TBA. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54285195. www.clubatom.com
Laguna Bass. Bass music,
dubstep: DJs Laguna Bass
Crew. From 9pm, ¥1,500
w/1d. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3464-8432. www.
Club Asia
The Room
Cadissh. Electro, house: DJs
Nakata, Veevee, etc. From
11pm, ¥3,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54582551. http://asia.iflyer.jp
Techvane. House, techno: DJs
Saimura, Uchida, etc. From
10pm, ¥1,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54591383. www.womb.co.jp
Us. House, techno: DJs Aosawa,
Kensei, etc. From 10pm, ¥2,500
w/1d. Nearest stn: Azabu
Juban. Tel: 03-6230-0343.
Nepenji Ebisu: 03-3793-2357
Nepenji Ikejiri: 03-3421-3202
Email: [email protected]
Sml. House, hip-hop: DJs
Red-Eye, Waxxxrub, etc.
From 10pm, ¥1,000 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-5775-6206. www.
Lux. Black music: DJs Hokuto,
Sachiho, etc. From 10pm,
¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Azabu Juban. Tel: 03-62300343. www.warehouse702.
Monday 12
Cut ¥6,300~
Single Color ¥6,300~
Half Head ¥8,400~
Full Head ¥12,600~
Blow Dry ¥3,675
Goat. House, techno: DJs
Taniguchi, Hayashi, etc. From
11pm, ¥3,000 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54582551. http://asia.iflyer.jp
Em. Nu classic: DJs Sazanami,
Cbtek, etc. From midnight,
¥2,000 w/1d. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3461-7167.
20% off color price
Wednesday 14
The Room
The Room
¥10,000  ¥8,000
Open Mic. Rock, indie. From
7pm, ¥1,000 w/2d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-37803022. www.rubyroomtokyo.
Multiple Personality. Techno,
minimal: DJs Housecat,
Issei, etc. From 5pm, ¥2,000.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-3464-8432. www.moduletokyo.com
Womb Cruise. Techno. Turkish
DJ Onur Ozer et al. against
illuminated Yokohama
waterfront. 4-6pm & 7-9pm,
¥4,000. Nearest Station: Minato
Mirai. Tel: 045-223-2121. www.
Special offer for
Metropolis readers
The Ruby Room
Cross Mountain Night. Techno:
DJs Cassy, Ken Ishii, etc. From
11pm, ¥4,000. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5459-1383.
Curly Hair Specialist & Colorist
In the Jungle Groove. Afro
beats. DJs Osada, Sato, etc:
Live: K-Boss and more.
From midnight, ¥2,000
w/1d. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3461-7167. www.
Saturday 10
Jeff Amadeus. Hard techno:
DJs Jeff Amadeus, Mayuri,
etc. From 10pm, ¥3,500 w/1d.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-3486-6861. www.amrax.jp
Style. Trance, hip-hop. From
7pm, price TBA. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5428-5195.
Club Asia
Amrax Amate-Raxi
Cross Gate. House, techno
DJs Alex Kid, Loud One, etc.
From 11pm, men ¥3,500 w/1d,
women ¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Azabu Juban. Tel: 03-62300343. www.warehouse702.com
Salon de Disco. Trance, J-pop.
From 7pm, price TBA. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-54285195. www.clubatom.com
House Dream. DJs Nervo,
Kawasaki, etc. Time 11pm,
price ¥2,000 (adv)/¥3,400
(door). Nearest stn: Shin-Kiba.
Tel: 03-5534-2525. www.
Tuesday 13
Ryukyu Holic. Loose and hot
music: DJs Genta, Sato, etc.
From 10pm, ¥2,000. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-34617167. www.theroom.jp
#911 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 19
Agenda Listings
Night Dress. House, electro:
DJs Sugiurumn, Wadaken,
etc. From 10pm, ¥2,500
w/1d. Nearest stn: Azabu
Juban. Tel: 03-6230-0343.
Page7. Techno , house: DJs
Hiro, Arai, etc. From 10pm,
¥1,500. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-5459-1383. www.
Friday 16
Club Asia
Yeah. Electro: DJs 80kidz,
The Lowbrows, etc. From
11pm, ¥3,500. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-5458-2551.
Wag. Techno, house: DJs
Dantz, Yucci, etc. From
10pm, ¥2,000 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-34648432. www.module-tokyo.
Wah Wah. Rare groove: DJs
Kuroda, Ishii, etc. From
10pm, ¥2,500 w/1d. Nearest
stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-34617167. www.theroom.jp
1F Osakabe Bldg, 5-46-12
Jingumae, Shibuya-ku.
Tel: 03-3486-4484.
The Room
Closed Wed. & Hols.
Museum. House: DJ Masanori
Morita. From 10pm, ¥3,000.
Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-5775-6206. www.
The Ruby Room
[email protected]
Beer Pong. All mix: DJ Ethan
Green. From midnight,
¥1,500 w/1d and game
ticket. Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3780-3022. www.
Pink. House: DJs Daishi
Dance, Mitomi, etc. From
10pm, ¥3,500. Nearest stn:
Azabu Juban. Tel: 03-62300343. www.warehouse702.
Thu. Sep 22, 10pm
Sander Van Doorn
Famed Dutch electro-trance
DJ in his Japan debut. With
Ko Kimura etc. ¥4,000.
Warehouse702, Azabu Juban
Go to www.meturl.com/listin
11am-7pm. 3F, 1-24-3 MinamiAoyama, Minato-ku. Nearest
stn: Nogizaka. Tel: 03-34021010. www.toto.co.jp/gallerma
free. 3-6-18 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku.
Nearest stn: Takaracho. Tel:
03-5250-6530. www.inax.
Gallery Trinity
Italian Cultural Institute
Miyuki Takenaka. Painting.
Until Sep 17, free. Open Tue-Fri
noon-8pm, Sat 11am-8pm,
closed Sun-Mon. 9-6-19
Akasaka, Minato-ku. Nearest
stn: Nogizaka. Tel: 03-37461112. www.g-trinity.com
Mori Art Museum
Metabolism, The City of the
Future. Various media. Until
Jan 15, ¥1,500 (general)/¥1,000
(HS, univ)/¥500 (MS and
under). Tsang Kinwah.
Installations. Until Jan 15,
¥1,500 (general)/¥1,000
(HS, univ)/¥500 (MS and
under). Open Mon & Wed-Sun
10am-10pm, Tue 10am-5pm.
6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
03-5777-8600. www.mori.art.
Nichido Contemporary Art
NCA Collection. Various media.
Until May 5, Semi-permanent
exhibition, free. 4-3-3
Hachobori, Chuo-ku. Nearest
stn: Takaracho. Tel: 03-35552140. www.nca-g.com/en
Suntory Museum of Art
The Yearning for Venetian Glass:
Beauty that Traversed Oceans
and Time. Starting from August
10. Glassware. Until Oct 11,
free (MS and under)/¥800 (HS,
univ)/¥1,100 (general). Light
and Shadows in Namban Art: The
Mystery of the Western Kings on
Horseback. Painting. Until Dec
4, free (MS and under)/¥800
(HS, univ)/¥1,100 (general).
Light and shadow of western
arts. Painting. Until Dec 4,
HS)/free(under MS). Open
Wed-Sat 10am-8pm, Sun-Mon
& hols 10am-6pm, closed Tue.
9-7-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
03-3479-8600. www.suntory.
The National Art Center,
American Art from
the Phillips Collection.
Painting. Until Dec 12,
Open Wed-Mon 10am-6pm,
closed Tue. 7-22-2 Roppongi.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
03-6812-9900. www.nact.jp
Tokyo Midtown
Design Makes You Happy!? Pro
and student art works. Sep 9-29,
free. 9 Akasaka, Minato-ku,
Tokyo. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-3408-9920. www.
Galerie Sho
Torture Garden Japan Autumn
Ball. Techno. DJ David TG,
Sota. S, Fred the Bat, ME:CA
etc. Sep 18, from 10pm,
¥4,500. Tel: 03-5775-6206.
Ginza Nikon Salon
Nikon Photo Contest
International Winning Works
2010-2011. Photography. Until
Sep 13, free. 1F Strate Ginza,
7-10-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku. Nearest
stn: Ginza. Tel: 03-3248-3783.
21_21 Design Sight
Idemitsu Museum of Arts
Irving Penn and Issey Miyake.
Visual Dialogue. Until Apr
8, ¥1,000(general)/¥800(
univ)/¥500(HS,MS). Open
Mon & Wed-Sun 11am-8pm,
closed Tue. 9-7-6 Akasaka,
Minato-ku. Nearest stn:
Nogizaka. Tel: 03-3475-2121.
Gallery Ma
Alejandro Aravena: The
Forces in Architecture.
Architecture. Until Oct
1, free. Open Mon-Thu
11am-6pm & Sat-Sun , Fri
20 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
Kaiga no Kettou: Blood of
painting. Painting. Sep 9-Oct
8, price: TBA. Open Mon-Fri
11am-7pm, Sat 11am-5pm,
closed Sun. B1 Sansho Bldg,
3-2-9 Nihombashi, Chuo-ku.
Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
03-3275-1008. www.g-sho.com
Japanese Beauty: Ike no Taiga,
Buson Yosa, Gyokudo Kawai
and Sengai. Nihonga. Until Oct
23, free (MS and under)/¥700
(HS, univ)/¥1,000 (general).
Open Tue-Thu 10am-5pm, Fri
10am-7pm, closed Mon. 9F
Teigeki Bldg, 3-1-1 Marunouchi,
Chiyoda-ku. Nearest stn:
Tokyo. Tel: 03-3213-9402.
Inax Gallery
Houses for Comfort: The
Architecture of Isaku Nishimura.
Architecture. Until Nov 19,
The Uffizi by Giorgio Vasari: The
Factory And Representation.
Painting. Until Oct 12, free.
Live Pottery. Pottery by Faenza
award winners. Until Sep 23,
free. Suono Italia. Musical
instruments. Until Oct 19,
free. 2-1-30 Kudan-Minami,
Chiyoda-ku. Nearest stn:
Kudanshita. Tel: 03-3264-6011.
Mitsubishi Ichigokan
Museum, Tokyo
Toulouse-Lautrec:The Maurice
Joyant Collection. Painting.
Until Dec 25, ¥500 (elem,
MS)/¥1,000 (HS, univ)/¥1,500
(general). 2-6-2 Marunouchi,
Chiyoda-ku. Nearest stn:
Tokyo. Tel: 03-5777-8600.
Mitsui Memorial Museum
Luxurious Kyoto Maki-e. Crafts.
Until Nov 13, free (MS and
under)/¥700 (HS, univ)/¥1,200
(general). 7F Mitsui Main Bldg,
2-1-1 Nihombashi-Muromachi,
Chuo-ku. Nearest stn:
Mitsukoshimae. Tel: 03-57778600. www.mitsui-museum.jp
Mitsuo Aida Museum
An Eye for Children: Tomato
and Mellon. Calligraphy. Until
Sep 11, ¥200 (elem)/¥500
(MS, HS, 70 and over)/¥800
(general). Open Tue-Sun
10am-5:30pm, closed Mon. B1
Tokyo International Forum
Glass Bldg, 3-5-1 Marunouchi,
Chiyoda-ku. Tel: 03-6212-3200.
Shiodome Museum
Shoji Hamada. Ceramics.
Until Sep 25, ¥200 (MS and
under)/¥300 (HS, univ)/¥400
(65 and over)/¥500 (general).
Wiener Werkstatte 1903-1932,
Multiplicative Decoration.
Furniture. Until Dec 20, ¥200
(elem, MS)/ ¥ 300 (HS, univ)/
¥ 400 (65 and over)/ ¥ 500
(general). Open Tue-Sun
10am-6pm, closed Mon. 4F,
1-5-1 Higashi-Shimbashi,
Minato-ku. Nearest stn:
Shimbashi. Tel: 03-5777-8600.
Span Gallery
Celebration of the publication
of Kirino Senko. By Yanase
Takashi & Uno Akira.
Illustration. Until Sep 17, free.
Open Mon-Sat 11am-7pm,
closed Sun. Fantastic Beast
Illustration and painting. Sep
19-24. 1F Seio Bldg, 2-2-18
Ginza, Chuo-ku. Nearest stn:
Ginza. Tel: 03-5524-3060.
The National Museum of
Modern Art
Leiko Ikemura: Transfiguration.
Painting. Until Oct 23, free (HS
and under)/¥450 (univ)/¥850
(general). Leo Rubinfien:
Wounded Cities. Photography.
Until Oct 23, free (HS and
under)/¥130 (univ)/¥420
(general). Open Tue-Thur
10am-5pm, Fri 10am-8pm,
Sat-Sun 10am-5pm. 3-7-6
Kyobashi Chuo-ku. Nearest stn:
Takebashi. Tel: 03-5777-8600.
The National Museum of
Modern Art, Craft & Design
Guerrino Tramonti, the Magician
of Color Raised in Faenza,
Italy. Exhibition. Until Nov 13,
Open Tue-Thu & Sat-Sun
10am-5pm, Fri 10am-8pm. 3-1
Kitanomaru-koen Chiyoda-Ku.
Nearest stn: Takebashi. Tel:
03-5777-8600. www.momat.
Embassy of Canada Prince
Takamado Gallery
Musings. Drawing and
paintings by Ben Woolfitt. Until
Oct 3, free. 7-3-38 Akasaka,
Minato-ku. Nearest stn:
Aoyama. Tel: 03-5412-6305.
com/listings for complete listings
Nezu Museum
Treasure Japanese Swords.
Exhibition. Until Sep 25, ¥1,2
6-5-1 Minami-Aoyama Minatoku. Nearest stn: Omotesando.
Tel: 03-3400-2536. www.
Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial
Museum of Art
Power Spots of Edo. Painting.
Until Sep 25, ¥700/¥500(univ,
HS)/free(under MS). Open
Tue-Sun 10:30am-5:30pm,
closed Mon. 1-10-10 Jingumae,
Shibuya-ku. Nearest stn:
Harajuku. Tel: 03-5777-8600.
Base Gallery
O Seok-Keun. Photography.
Until Oct 22, free. Open
Mon-Sat 11am-7pm, closed Sun
and hols. 1-1-6 NihombashiKayabacho, Chuo-ku. Nearest
stn: Kayabacho. Tel: 03-56236655. www.basegallery.com
Bunkamura Gallery
The Love Letter From Vermeer.
Painting. Until Mar 14,
HS)/¥700(under HS). Open
daily, 10am-7pm. 2- 24-1
Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku.
Nearest stn: Shibuya.
Tel: 03-3477-9111. www.
Seibu Shibuya
Yohji Yamamoto. Paris
collection debut 30th
anniversary. Until Sep 19, free.
21-1 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo 150-8330. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 03-3462-0111.
Space O
Vivienne Westwood Shoes.
until Jan 9. Exhibition.
Dec 1, JPY1,000(general)/
B3 Omotesando Hills, 4-12-10
Jingumae, Shibuya-ku.
Nearest stn: Meijijingumae.
Tel: 03-3497-0310. www.
Tokyo Metropolitan
Museum of Photography
Photographs Of Children: The
Child Within Us. Photography.
Until Dec 4, ¥200 (HS,
MS, 65 and over)/¥400
(univ)/¥500 (general).
Open Tue-Wed 10am-6pm,
Thur-Fri 10am-8pm, Sat-Sun
10am-6pm, closed Mon.
1-13-3 Mita Meguro-ku
Tokyo. Nearest stn: Ebisu. Tel:
03-3280-0099. http://syabi.
Yamatane Museum of Art
Nihon-ga Zoo: An Animal
Paradise. Painting. Until Sep
11, free (under MS)/¥800
(univ)/¥1000 (general).
Masterpieces of Modern Japan
Paintings from Kabuki-za
Theater Collection Painting.
Painting. Until Nov 6,
HS)/free(under MS). Open
Tue-Fri 11am-5pm, closed
Mon & hols. 3-12-36 Hiroo,
Shibuya-ku. Nearest stn: Ebisu.
Tel: 03-5777-8600. www.
Vanilla Gallery
Futanari by Gosunkugi
Torakichi. Painting. Sep 6-11,
free. Open Mon-Fri noon-7pm,
Sat & hols noon-5pm, closed
Sun. 4F Second Kamata Bldg,
6-10-10 Ginza, Chuo-ku. Tel:
03-5568-1233. Nearest stn:
Ginza. www.vanilla-gallery.
Sagemonoya Gallery
Sagemonoya Exhibition and
Sale. Exhibition and sale
of wood carvings at the
only antique shop in Japan
specializing in Netsuke and
Sagemono. Until Oct 16, free.
1:30-6pm Wednesday to
Saturday (except National
Hols). Yabane K.K. Yotsuya
4-chome 28-20-704
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. Nearest
stn: Shinjuku Gyoenmae. Tel:
03-3352-6286. www.netsuke.
Sompo Japan Museum of
Maurice Denis.
Painting. Until Nov 13,
HS)/free(under MS). 42F
Sompo Japan Bldg, 1-26-1
Nishi-Shinjuku. Nearest stn:
Shinjuku. Tel: 03-5405-8686.
Tokyo Opera City Art
House Inside City Outside
House: Tokyo Metabolizing.
Architecture. Until Oct 2,
¥600 (elem, MS)/JPT800
(HS, univ)/¥1,000 (general).
Hotai Tomoyuki: Oval Night.
Sculpture. Until Oct 2, ¥200.
Feel and Think: A New Era
of Tokyo Fashion. Fashion.
Until Dec 25, ¥600 (elem, MS)/
JPT800 (HS, univ)/¥1,000
(general). Younger Generation.
Various media. Until Dec 25,
free. Open Tue-Thu 11am-7pm,
Fri-Sat 11am-8pm. 3-20-2
Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku.
Nearest stn: Hatsudai. Tel:
03-5353-0756. www.operacity.
Amuse Museum
Japanese Beauty. Textiles. Until
Oct 10, free. 2-34-3 Asakusa,
Taito Ku. Nearest stn: Asakusa.
Tel: 03-5806-1181. www.
Edo-Tokyo Museum
100 Years of Tokyo Transport.
Various media. Until Sep 10,
¥650 (MS and under)/¥1,040
(univ)/¥1,300 (general). World
Heritage Venezia. Various
media. Until Dec 1, ¥700 (under
univ and seniors)/¥1,120
(univ)/¥1,400 (general). Open
Tue-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm, Sat
9:30am-7:30pm, Sun 9:30am5:30pm, closed Mon & hols.
1-4-1 Yokoami, Sumida-ku.
Nearest stn: Ryogoku.
Tel: 03-3626-9974. www.
National Museum of
Nature and Science
The Dinosaur Expo 2011.
Paleontology. Until Oct 2,
¥600 (elem, MS, HS)/¥1,500
(general). Open Tue-Thur
9am-5pm, Fri 9am-8pm,
Sat-Sun 9am-5pm, closed
Mon. 7-20 Ueno Park, Taito-ku.
Nearest stn: Ueno. Tel: 03-38220111. www.kahaku.go.jp
The National Museum of
Western Art
The Body Beautiful in Ancient
Greece From the British
Museum. Various media.
Until Sep 25, ¥700 (HS and
under)/¥1,200 (univ)/¥1,500
(general). Lights and Shadows,
Goya. Painting. Until Jan
29, ¥1,500/¥1,200(univ)/
¥800(HS). Open daily 9:30am5:30pm. 7-7 Ueno-Koen,
Taito-ku. Nearest stn: Ueno.
Tel: 03-3828-5131. www.
Tokyo National Museum
Kukai's World: The Arts
of Esoteric Buddhism.
Sculpture. Until Sep 25,
free (MS and under)/¥900
(general). Open Tue-Sun
9:30am-5pm. 13-9 Ueno Park,
Taito-ku. Nearest stn: Ueno. Tel:
03-5777-8600. www.tnm.jp
Tokyo Wonder Site, Hongo
TWS-Emerging. Sept 3-25.
various media. Until Oct
23, free. 2-4-16 Hongo,
Bunkyou-ku. Nearest stn:
Suidobashi. Tel: 03-5689-5331.
Other Areas
3331 Arts Chiyoda
Chiyoda Art Festival 2011: 3331
Independents. Various media.
Until Sep 19, free. Open daily
noon-7pm. Nearest stn:
Suehirocho. Tel: 03-68032441. www.3331.jp/en
Aqua City
Passion for Car Design. 60
replicas of sports cars. Until
Sep 30, free. 1-7-1 Daiba,
Minato-ku, Tokyo. Nearest
stn: Odaiba Kaihin Koen.
Tel: 03-3599-4700. www.
Hara Museum of
Contemporary Art
Art Scope 2009-2011:
Invisible Memories. Four
Japanese and a German
Artists featured. Until Nov
27, ¥1,000/¥700(univ,
HS). Open Tue-Sun
11am-5pm, closed Mon.
4-7-25 Kita-Shinagawa,
Shinagawa-ku. Nearest stn:
Kitashinagawa. Tel: 03-34450651. www.haramuseum.
Hiromart Gallery
Paddy Shaw. Mixed-media.
Sep 9-Oct 16, free. Mimura
Bldg 1F, 1-30-7, Sekiguchi,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
112-0014. Nearest stn:
Hoki Museum
Still Lifes and Landscapes.
Various media. Until
Nov 13, free (elem and
under)/¥750 (MS)/¥1,000
(HS, univ)/¥1,500
(general). Open Mon,
Wed & Thu 10am-6pm,
Fri, Sat 10am-7pm, Sun
10am-5pm, closed Tue. 3-15
Asumigaokahigashi, Midoriku, Chiba. Nearest stn: Toke.
Tel: 043-205-1500. www.
Kawamura Memorial
Museum of Art
Moholy-Nagy in Motion.
Photography. Until Dec 11,
¥500 (HS and under)/¥900
(univ, 65 and over)/¥1,100
(general). Open Tue-Sun
9:30am-5pm, closed Mon.
631 Sakado, Sakura-shi.
Nearest stn: Sakura. Tel:
04-3498-2131. http://
Making of Tokyo Sky Tree.
Special Exhibition. Until
Oct 2, ¥1,800/¥500(under
18). 2-3-6, Aomi, Koto-ku.
Nearest stn: Telecom
Center station. Tel: 03-35709151. www.miraikan.jst.
Museum of
Contemporary Art,
Frédéric Back: The Man Who
Planted Trees. Drawing.
Until Oct 2, free (MS and
under)/¥250 (HS, 65 and
older)/¥400 (univ)/¥500
(general). 4-1-1 Miyoshi,
Koto-ku. Nearest stn:
Kiyosumi-shirakawa. Tel:
03-5245-4111. www.mot-artmuseum.jp
Pola Museum of Art
Leonard Foujita: Mon
Paris, Mon Atelier.
Painting. Until Jan 15,
¥700 (elem, MS)/¥1,300
(HS, univ)/¥1,600 (over
65)/¥1,800 (general).
Leonard Fujita Watashino
Paris, Watashino Atelier.
Painting. Until Jan 1,
free. 1285 Kozukayama,
Sengokuhara, Hakonemachi. Nearest stn: Gora.
Tel: 04-6084-2111. www.
Sagemonoya Gallery
Sagemonoya Exhibition and
Sale. Exhibition and sale
of wood carvings at the
only antique shop in Japan
specializing in Netsuke and
Sagemono. Until Oct 16, free.
1:30-6pm Wednesday to
Saturday (except National
Hols). Yabane K.K. Yotsuya
4-chome 28-20-704
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. Nearest
stn: Shinjuku Gyoenmae.
Tel: 03-3352-6286. www.
#911 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 21
Agenda Listings
The Museum of Modern
Art, Saitama
100th Birth Anniversary,
Q Ei. Oil painter.
Concurrent exhibition
with Urawa. Until Nov 6,
HS). Open daily
10am-5:30pm. 9-30-1
Tokiwa, Urawa-ku,
Saitama-shi. Tel: 048-8240111. www.momas.
Tokyo Metropolitan
Teien Art Museum
Glass Admired by The
Russian Tsars: History of
European and Russian
Glasses from the Collection of
the State Heritage Museum.
Glassware. Until Sep 25,
¥500(HS, MS, elem and
under, 65 and older)/¥800
(HS)/¥1,000 (general).
Art Deco in the Former
Prince Asaka Residence.
Various media. Until Oct
31, ¥500(HS, MS, elem and
under, 65 and older)/¥800
(HS)/¥1,000 (general). 5-21-9
Shirokanedai, Minato-ku.
Nearest stn: Meguro. Tel:
03-3443-0201. www.
Urawa Art Museum
100th Birth Anniversary Q
Ei. Oil painter. Concurrent
exhibition with Saitama
Modern Art. Until Nov 6,
HS). Open daily 10am-5pm.
3F Urawa Century City,
2-5-1 Naka-cho, Urawa-ku,
Saitama. Nearest stn: Urawa.
Tel: 048-827-3215. www.
Yokohama Museum of
Yokohama Triennale 2011.
Various media. Until
Nov 6, price TBA. 3-4-1
Minatomirai, Nishi-ku,
Yokohama. Nearest stn:
Minato Mirai. Tel: 03-57778600. www.yaf.or.jp/yma
Yukari Art
Recurrence Phenomenon.
Multi media. Until Sep 17,
free. 1F, 2-5-2 Takaban,
Meguro-ku. Nearest stn:
Gakugei Daigaku. Tel:
03-3712-1383. www.
X League
––IBM Big Blue vs. Nojima
Sagamihara Rise. Sep
16, 7pm, ¥2,000-¥3,000.
Tokyo Dome. Nearest stn:
Suidobashi or Korakuen. Tel:
––Asahi Beer Silver Star
vs. All Tokyo Gas Creators.
Sep 17, 1:30pm, ¥1,200.
Kawasaki Stadium. Nearest
stn: Keikyu Kawasaki or
Kawasaki. Tel: 044-2442931.
––Obic Seagulls vs. Nihon
Unisys Bulls. Sep 17,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Fujitsu Frontiers vs. Fuji
Xerox Minerva AFC. Sep 18,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Kajima Deers vs. Bullseyes
Tokyo. Sep 19, 1:30pm,
¥1,200. Amino Vital Field.
Nearest stn: Tobitakyu. Tel:
––Meiji Yasuda Pirates vs.
All Mitsubishi Lions. Sep 19,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Amino
Vital Field. Nearest stn:
Tobitakyu. Tel: 042-4400555.
––IBM Big Blue vs. Nihon
Unisys Bulls. Sep 24,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Asahi Beer Silver Star vs.
Nojima Sagamihara Rise. Sep
Go to www.meturl.com/listings for complete listings
25, 1:30pm, 1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Obic Seagulls vs. All Tokyo
Gas Creators. Sep 25, 10:30am,
¥1,200. Kawasaki Stadium.
Nearest stn: Keikyu Kawasaki
or Kawasaki. Tel: 044-2442931.
––Fujitsu Frontiers vs. All
Mitsubishi Lions. Oct 1,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Kajima Deers vs. Meiji
Yasuda Pirates. Oct 1, 1:30pm,
¥1,200. Kawasaki Stadium.
Nearest stn: Keikyu Kawasaki
or Kawasaki. Tel: 044-2442931.
––Bullseyes Tokyo vs. Fuji
Xerox Minerva AFC. Oct 2,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––All Tokyo Gas Creators vs.
Nojima Sagamihara Rise. Oct
8, 1:30pm, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Asahi Beer Silver Star vs.
Nihon Unisys Bulls. Oct 8,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Obic Seagulls vs. IBM
Big Blue. Oct 9, 1:30pm,
¥2,000-¥3,000. Chiba
Marine Stadium. Nearest
stn: Kaihinmakuhari. Tel:
––All Mitsubishi Lions vs. Fuji
Xerox Minerva AFC. Oct 10,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Meiji Yasuda Pirates vs.
Bullseyes Tokyo. Oct 10,
1:30pm, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Kajima Deers vs. Fujitsu
Frontiers. Oct 13, 7pm, ¥2,000¥3,000. Tokyo Dome. Nearest
stn: Suidobashi or Korakuen.
Tel: 03-5800-9999.
––Fujitsu Frontiers vs.
Bullseyes Tokyo. Oct 22,
4:30pm, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Kajima Deers vs. All
Mitsubishi Lions. Oct 22,
10:30am, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Obic Seagulls vs. Asahi Beer
Silver Star. Oct 22, 1:30pm,
¥1,200. Kawasaki Stadium.
Nearest stn: Keikyu Kawasaki
or Kawasaki. Tel: 044-2442931.
––IBM Big Blue vs. All Tokyo
Gas Creators. Oct 23, 10:30am,
¥1,200. Kawasaki Stadium.
Nearest stn: Keikyu Kawasaki
or Kawasaki. Tel: 044-2442931.
––Meiji Yasuda Pirates vs. Fuji
Xerox Minerva AFC. Oct 23,
1:30pm, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Nihon Unisys Bulls vs.
Nojima Sagamihara Rise. Oct
23, 4:30pm, ¥1,200. Kawasaki
Stadium. Nearest stn: Keikyu
Kawasaki or Kawasaki. Tel:
––Tokyo Yakult Swallows
vs. Yokohama BayStars. Sep
19, 6pm, ¥1,500-¥4,500.
Jingu Stadium. Nearest stn:
Shinanomachi. Tel: 03-34048999.
––Yomiuri Giants vs. Chunichi
Dragons. Sep 19, 2pm, ¥1,000¥6,500. Tokyo Dome. Nearest
stn: Suidobashi or Korakuen.
Tel: 03-5800-9999.
––Yokohama BayStars vs.
Chunichi Dragons. Sep 20, 6pm,
¥1,800-¥6,500. Yokohama
Stadium. Nearest stn: Kannai.
Tel: 04-5661-1251.
––Yomiuri Giants vs. Tokyo
Yakult Swallows. Sep 20, 6pm,
¥1,000-¥6,500. Tokyo Dome.
Nearest stn: Suidobashi or
Korakuen. Tel: 03-5800-9999.
––Tokyo Yakult Swallows
vs. Hiroshima Toyo Carp.
Sep 21, 6pm, ¥1,500-¥4,500.
Jingu Stadium. Nearest stn:
Shinanomachi. Tel: 03-34048999.
––Yomiuri Giants vs.
Yokohama BayStars. Sep 21,
6pm, ¥1,000-¥6,500. Tokyo
Dome. Nearest stn: Suidobashi
or Korakuen. Tel: 03-58009999.
Edo fashion march. Sep 24-25,
noon, free. Old Tokaido Road.
Nearest stn: Kitashinagawa,
Shinbaba or Aomono Yokocho.
Fukuro Matsuri
Central League
––Tokyo Yakult Swallows
vs. Hanshin Tigers. Sep
11, 6pm, ¥1,500-¥4,500.
Jingu Stadium. Nearest stn:
Shinanomachi. Tel: 03-34048999.
––Yomiuri Giants vs.
Hiroshima Toyo Carp. Sep 11,
2pm, ¥1,000-¥6,500. Tokyo
Dome. Nearest stn: Suidobashi
or Korakuen. Tel: 03-58009999.
––Yokohama BayStars vs.
Yomiuri Giants. Sep 15, 6pm,
¥1,800-¥6,500. Yokohama
Stadium. Nearest stn: Kannai.
Tel: 04-5661-1251.
Pacific League
––Chiba Lotte Marines vs.
Fukuoka Softbank Hawks. Sep
9, 6:15pm, ¥1,800-¥4,800. Chiba
Marine Stadium. Nearest stn:
Kaihinmakuhari. Tel: 04-32961189.
––Hokkaido Nippon-Ham
Fighters vs. Chiba Lotte
Marines. Sep 13, 6pm, ¥1,000¥6,500. Tokyo Dome. Nearest
stn: Suidobashi or Korakuen.
Tel: 03-5800-9999.
––Chiba Lotte Marines
vs. Orix Buffaloes. Sep 16,
6:15pm, ¥1,800-¥4,800. Chiba
Marine Stadium. Nearest stn:
Kaihinmakuhari. Tel: 04-32961189.
––Saitama Seibu Lions vs.
Tohoku Rakuten Golden
Eagles. Sep 16, 6pm, ¥1,000¥4,500. Seibu Dome. Nearest
stn: Seibukyujomae. Tel:
––Saitama Seibu Lions vs.
Hokkaido Nippon-Ham
Fighters. Sep 19, 2pm, ¥1,000¥4,500. Seibu Dome. Nearest
stn: Seibukyujomae. Tel:
––Yokohama BayStars vs.
Hiroshima Toyo Carp. Sep 22,
6pm, ¥1,800-¥6,500. Yokohama
Stadium. Nearest stn: Kannai.
Tel: 04-5661-1251.
Beach Volleyball
Pevonia Cup
Sep 29-Oct 2, 9am,
¥5,000(S)/¥3,000(A). Odaiba
Beach. Nearest stn: Odaiba
Kaihin Koen. www.enjoysport.
Figure Skating
Carnival on Ice
Oct 1, 7pm, ¥20,000(SS)/¥1
Saitama Super Arena. Nearest
stn: Saitamashintoshin. Tel:
Japan Open 2011
Oct 1, 1 & 7pm, ¥19,000(SS)/
,000(B)/¥6,000(C). Saitama
Super Arena. Nearest stn:
Saitamashintoshin. Tel:
Sep 24, 4pm, ¥5,000-¥100,000.
Saitama Super Arena. Nearest
stn: Saitamashintoshin.
Tel: 0570-08-9999. www.
J. League, Division 1
––Kashiwa Reysol vs. Nagoya
Grampus. Sep 10, 7pm, ¥1,500¥5,500. Hitachi Stadium. Nearest
stn: Kashiwa. Tel: 047-162-2250.
––Kawasaki F. Marinos vs.
Vissel Kobe. Sep 11, 7pm,
¥1,500-¥6,000. Todoroki
Stadium. Nearest stn:
Musashikosugi. Tel: 044-7220303.
22 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
––Urawa Reds vs. Montedio
Yamagata. Sep 11, 6pm,
¥2,000-¥4,500. Saitama
Stadium. Nearest stn:
Urawamisono. Tel: 048-8122002.
––Yokohama F. Marinos
vs. Gamba Osaka. Sep 18,
6pm, ¥2,600-¥5,000. Nissan
Stadium. Nearest stn: Kozuke.
Tel: 04-5477-5000.
––Omiya Ardija vs. Cerezo
Osaka. Sep 18, 7pm, ¥2,500¥5,500. Kumagaya Sport
Culture Park. Nearest
stn: Kumagaya. Tel:
––Yokohama F. Marinos
vs. Vegalta Sendai. Sep 24,
3pm, ¥2,600-¥5,000. Nissan
Stadium. Nearest stn: Kozuke.
Tel: 04-5477-5000.
––Kawasaki Frontale vs.
Shimizu S-Pulse. Sep 24, 7pm,
¥2,500-¥5,000. Todoroki
Stadium. Nearest stn:
Musashikosugi. Tel: 044-7220303.
––Kashiwa Reysol vs. Omiya
Ardija. Sep 25, 3pm, ¥2,500¥5,500. Hitachi Stadium.
Nearest stn: Kashiwa. Tel:
––Omiya Ardija vs. Avispa
Fukuoka. Oct 1, 4pm, ¥2,500¥5,500. NACK5 Stadium.
Nearest stn: Kitaomiya. Tel:
––Yokohama F. Marinos vs.
Avispa Fukuoka. Oct 15,
3pm, ¥2,600-¥5,000. Nissan
Stadium. Nearest stn: Kozuke.
Tel: 04-5477-5000.
September Tournament
Open Yokohama 2011
Discover new arts, food, history
and culture of Yokohama.
Until Nov 6, Yokohama. www.
Forums & Expos
Amusement Machine
Play with cutting-edge games
machines. Sep 17, 10am-5pm,
¥1,000. Makuhari Messe.
Nearest stn: Kaihinmakuhari.
Tel: 04-3296-0001. www.
SCAJ World Specialty
Coffee Conference and
Japan’s biggest coffee
exhibition. Sep 28-30,
10am-5pm, ¥1,500. Tokyo Big
Sight. Nearest stn: KokusaiTenjijo-Seimon. Tel: 03-55301111. www.scaj2011.jp
JATA Travel Showcase
More than 100 countries
will have their stalls out.
Oct 1, 10am-6pm; Oct
2, 10am-5pm, ¥1,200
Tokyo Big Sight. Nearest stn:
Tel: 03-5530-1111. www.
Bazaars & Markets
Kinshicho Flea Market
Sep 11, Oct 9 & Nov 27,
10am-4pm. Kinshicho Event
Hiroba. Nearest stn: Kinshicho.
Sumo. Sep 11-25, various
times, ¥2,100-¥14,300.
Ryogoku Kokugikan. Nearest
stn: Ryogoku. Tel: 0570-029310. www.sumo.or.jp/eng
Akihabara UDX Flea
Umi no Koen Flea Market
Rakuten Japan Tennis
Oct 2-9, noon, ¥2,000-¥28,000.
Ariake Colosseum. Nearest
stn: Ariake. Tel: 03-3529-3301.
FIVB World Cup
––Women’s fourth match:
Site A. Nov 16-18, time:TBA,
¥2,000-¥9,800. Yoyogi
Gymnasium. Tel: 0570-000732. www.jva.or.jp/en/
––Men’s fourth match: Site A.
Dec 2-4, time:TBA, ¥2,000¥9,800. Yoyogi Gymnasium.
Tel: 0570-000-732. www.jva.
Festival Na Hiwahiwa o
Featuring the winners from
Merrie Monarch Festival
and Na Hoku Hanohano
Awards 2011. Sep 17-18, noon
& 4:30pm; Sep 19, 11am &
3:30pm, ¥14,000(R)/¥12,00
Tokyo Dome City Hall. Nearest
stn: Korakuen. Tel: 03-35616346. www.nahiwa.com
Shinagawa Shukuba
Owl Festival . Sep 24-25 &
Oct 8-9, midnight. Ikebukuro
West Gate Park. Nearest stn:
Noge Daidogei 2011
Autumn Festival
Noge street performance
festival. Oct 1-2, all day,
free. Noge. Nearest stn:
Yokohama Triennale 2011
Art festival. Until Nov 6,
11am-6pm, ¥1,600(general)/
Yokohama Museum of Art.
Nearest stn: Minato Mirai. Tel:
Sep 11, 17-18, 10am-6pm.
Akihabara UDX. Nearest stn:
Akihabara. Tel: 03-5289-0989.
Every third Sun, 10am-4pm,
Umi no Koen. Nearest stn:
Umi no Koen. rinpodan@
umino-kouen.net Tel: 03-32266800.
Best Flea Market
Every second Sun, 10am-4pm,
Tokyo International Forum
Hall C. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
Hanazono Shrine Market
Every Sun, 8am-4pm,
Hanazono Shrine. Nearest
stn: Shinjuku-Sanchome or
Shinjuku. Tel: 03-3200-3093.
Fresh vegetables from farms
in Ibaraki. Every Sat, 7-9am,
Roppongi Hills East Court.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Nogi Shrine Market
Every second Sun, 5:30am3pm, Nogi Shrine. Nearest stn:
Nogizaka. Tel: 03-3478-3001.
Oedo Antique Fair
Japan’s largest outdoor
antique market. Every first
and third Sun, 8am-4:30pm,
Tokyo International Forum
Hall C. Nearest stn: Tokyo. Tel:
Aoyama Marche Farmer's
11. SuperDeluxe. Nearest stn:
Roppongi. Tel: 03-5412-0515.
“Goodbye to Nuclear
Power Plants” Rally
Anti-nuclear petition
movement. Sep 19, 1pm,
free. Meiji Park. Nearest
stn: Kokuritsukyogijo or
Sendagaya. http://sayonaranukes.org/english
Sky Aquarium 2011
Cool down at 250m high. Until
Sep 25, 11am-10pm/11am11pm(Fri, Sat), ¥2,000(general
MS). Tokyo City View.
Getsumatsu Party
Metropolis's regular
end-of-month bash. Dress
code: smart-casual. Free
entry, ¥500 drink and food
menu. Sep 30, 7pm, free.
LucianoShow. Nearest stn:
Akasaka. Tel: 03-3568-4820.
New Port Town
Gathering of creators from
various countries and fields.
Until Nov 6, 11:30am-7pm,
Shin Minatomura. Tel:
Belgian Beer Weekend
Belgian Beer Festival. Until
Sep 11, Roppongi Hills.
Nearest stn: Roppongi. Tel:
Meet fellow knitters,
crocheters and sewers to talk,
share ideas, eat, drink and
create. Every first and third
Tue, 7pm, free, Cafe Respekt.
Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel:
03-6418-8144. www.meetup.
Half-Fast Cyclists
Bicyclists of all treads meet
for slide shows, lectures,
ride-planning, etc. Every
second Wed, 7pm, free, The
Pink Cow. Tel: 03-3406-5597.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Open Mike Night
Try out your new material
with the Tokyo Comedy
Store. Every first Tues, 8pm,
free. TBA
Summer Furoshiki
Useful Furoshiki wrapping
techniques for the summer.;
Sep 9, 2pm; Sep 25, 2pm,
¥1000. Miyai. Nearest stn:
Ningyocho. Tel: 03-3661-1121.
Drifters Summer School
Learn dance, fashion, and
architecture. Mail your name,
phone number, date desired,
and number of tickets. dss11.
com. Sep 14, 7:30pm; Sep
15, 7:30pm; Sep 16, 2pm,
Kanagawa Arts Theatre.
Tel: 045-633-6500. http://
Farmers from around the
nation gather to sell their
organic fruits and vegetables.
Every weekend. United
Nations University. Nearest stn:
Shibuya or Omotesando. Tel:
Morning University of
Yasukuni Shrine Antique
TCS Improv Workshop
Every Sun, sunrise-sunset.
Yasukuni Shrine. Nearest stn:
Kudanshita. Tel: 03-3261-8326.
Fudaten Jinja Market
Every second Sun, Fudaten
Jinja. Nearest stn: Chofu. Tel:
Orphans and Heroes
Musical Benefit
Charity event for Tohoku by
Lenne Hardt and others. Sep
25 courses ranging from
bushido to gospel singing. Until
Sep 30, 7:30-8:30pm, price:
various. Marunouchi. www.
The Tokyo Comedy Store’s
weekly improv workshop. All
levels welcome. Real Dear,
Mita. Nearest stn: Azabu-Juban.
Tel: 03-5770-7401.
Cosmos Club Japanese
Every Wed, 10am-2pm, Kudan
Shogai Gakushuukan. Nearest
stn: Kudanshita. Tel: 048-7611788.
Go Practice
Every Sun, 11am, Ben's Café.
Nearest stn: Takadanobaba.
Tel: 03-3202-2445.
Tokyo Wine Tasting
Meetup Group
Learn about wines and
make new friends in an
international atmosphere
while enjoying gourmet food.
Every last Sat, from 7pm,
Restaurant venue changes
Tokyo Cooking & Recipes
Meet Up Group
Learn how to make traditional
French and Italian dishes in
a friendly and international
atmosphere. Monthly,
various times, ¥6,980
(French, adv)/¥7,980 (French,
door)/¥4,980 (Italian,
adv)/¥5,980 (Italian, door),
Higashi Shibuya. Nearest stn:
Shibuya. Tel: 090-1794-7876
for details. www.meetup.com/
Other Events
Artists for Tohoku
Art and music event for the
benefit of Tohoku. Sep 11,
¥1,000. Las Chicas, Aoyama.
Tel: 03-3407-6865. www.
Art Aquarium
Golden fish meets art.
Until Sep 12, 11am-7pm,
¥1,000/¥600(under MS).
Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall.
Nearest stn: Nihonbashi.
White Hot Extravaganza
Fundraising event for the
Tyler Foundation. Sep 30, from
6pm. Donation ¥30,000 per
person. Tel: 03-4580-2770.
[email protected]; www.
Department H
Avant-garde party hosted
by drag queens. Oct 1, from
midnight, ¥3,000-¥5,000.
Kinema Club. Nearest stn
Uguisudani. Tel: 03-3874-7988.
Sadistic Circus 2011
Underground party and freak
show for kinky adults. Oct 2,
5-9:30pm, ¥8,000 (adv), ¥9,000
(door).Warehouse702. Nearest
stn: Azabu Juban. Tel: 03-62300343. www.warehouse702.
Free Mammogram
First come first serve, max. 50
women over 20. Oct 12 & 26,
11am-6pm. LaQua. Nearest
stn: Korakuen. Tel: 03-58009999.
Burton Rail Days
Street snowboard event.
Nov 19, noon, free. Roppongi
Hills. Nearest stn: Roppongi.
Tel: 03-6406-6000. www.
Latin Beat Film Festival
18 films from Spain and
Latin America. Most films
in Spanish with Japanese
subtitles. Sep 15-19, various
times, ¥1,700/¥1,500(univ,
HS)¥1,000(under MS).
Shinjuku Wald 9. Nearest
stn: Shinjuku. Tel: 03-53694955. Oct 7-10, various
times, ¥1,700/¥1,500(univ,
HS)¥1,000(under MS).
Yokohama Burg 13.
Nearest stn: Sakuragicho.
Tel: 045-222-6222. www.
The 20th Tokyo
International Lesbian &
Gay Film Festival
Oct 7-10, various times, ¥1,300¥4,800. Spiral Hall. Nearest
stn: Omotesando. Tel: 03-34981171. http://tokyo-lgff.org/2011
& CInEMaS P. 24
tv Get the full Metro TV guide online!
picks http://metropolis.co.jp/multimedia
Friday 9
Tennis: US Open Championships Day 11 ____________ 8am-1pm
Bus Stop (M)________________________________________________ 1-2:35pm
BBC Documentary___________________________________________8-9pm
Desperate Housewives: Season 6____________________ 11-11:45pm
Saturday 10
Alice in Wonderland (M) __________________________________ 9-11am BS9
Baseball: Marines vs. Hawks_______________________2:50-5:30pm
Beverly Hills 90210: Season 2_______________________ 10-10:45pm
Flash Forward ________________________________________12:45-1:40pm
Sunday 11
Killing Down (M) _________________________________________ 7-8:50am BS9
MLB: Athletics vs. Rangers________________________________9-noon BS1
Cold Case: Season 7__________________________________ 3:50-4:45pm BS9
AC Milan Channel ___________________________________________ 7-9pm BS12
Monday 12
The Hunted (M) _______________________________________1:30-3:30am
La Liga: Section 3 (R)_____________________________________ 3:55-8pm BS9
Boxing: Klitschko vs. Adamek_________________________ 8-9:57pm BS9
News Watch 9_______________________________________________ 9-10pm
tueSday 13
The Proposal (M)_____________________________________________ 7-9am BS9
MLB: Yankees vs. Mariners ___________________________ 11am-2pm BS1
Drop Dead Diva: Season 1_______________________________4-4:50pm BS9
NHK News 7 _______________________________________________ 7-7:30pm
WedneSday 14
MLB: Indians vs. Rangers__________________________________ 9-11am BS1
Spy Game (M)_________________________________________ 1:30-3:30pm
BBC Earth Human Planet___________________________________5-6pm BS9
NHK News 7 _______________________________________________ 7-7:30pm
thurSday 15
Cold Case: Season 7____________________________ 11:30am-12:30pm BS9
Sumo: Autumn Tournament Day 5___________________3:05-6pm
NHK News 7 _______________________________________________ 7-7:30pm
Jennifer’s Body (M) ________________________________ 10:10pm-12am BS9
Friday 16
The Karate Kid Part 2 (M) ____________________________7:45-9:45am BS9
MLB: Tigers vs. Athletics ______________________________ 11am-2pm BS1
News Watch 9_______________________________________________ 9-10pm
Glee______________________________________________________ 10-10:45pm BS3
Saturday 17
MLB: Cardinals vs. Phillies ________________________________ 8-11am BS1
Grey’s Anatomy: Season 7_____________________________ 11-11:55am BS9
Spy Kids (M)__________________________________________ 12:58-2:23pm
Animal Planet ______________________________________________ 9-10pm BS8
Sunday 18
Boxing: Mayweather vs. Ortiz ____________________ 11am-2:30pm BS9
NHK News 7 _______________________________________________ 7-7:30pm
Eat Pray Love (M) ____________________________________ 7:30-9:55pm BS9
Soccer: La Liga Section 4________________________11:55pm-6:10am BS9
Monday 19
The Last Airbender (M) _________________________________ 7:10-9am BS9
Athletics: IAAF Diamond League ___________________ 9-10:57am BS9
NHK News 7 _______________________________________________ 7-7:30pm
BBC Documentary___________________________________________8-9pm BS5
tueSday 20
La Liga: Section 4____________________________________________8-10am BS9
MLB: Mariners vs. Indians ____________________________ 11am-2pm BS1
Drop Dead Diva __________________________________________4-4:50pm BS9
News Watch 9_______________________________________________ 9-10pm
WedneSday 21
MLB: Mariners vs. Twins __________________________________9-noon BS1
NHK News 7 _______________________________________________ 7-7:30pm
Soccer: Olympics qualifier Japan vs. Malaysia _7:53-9:54pm
Sex And The City 2 (M) ______________________________ 1:50-4:20am BS9
thurSday 22
Showdown in Little Tokyo (M) ____________________ 7:10-8:40am BS9
Sumo: Autumn Tournament Day 12 __________________3:15-6pm
News Watch 9_______________________________________________ 9-10pm
Soccer: La Liga Section 5_____________________________ 2:53-7:10am BS9
channel guide
5=TV Asahi
8=Fuji TV
7=TV Tokyo
BS5=BS Asahi
BS7=BS Japan
BS8=BS Fuji
#911 • www.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 23
Agenda Movies By Don Morton
The Ghost Writer
When the assistant of a former
British prime minister turns up
mysteriously drowned, a hack
ghost writer (Ewan McGregor) is
brought in to quickly spice up the
deceased aide’s highly anticipated
but hopelessly pedestrian autobiography of the politician. And spice it up he does, perhaps lethally
so. Director Roman Polanski has made a smooth, gimmick-free,
Hitchcockian thriller for grownups, slowly building suspense and
a sense of dread as Ewan gradually learns what’s really going on
in the man’s inner circle. This is a well made, highly entertaining
film of a kind we see too little of these days. (128 min)
Cinemas 5 27 84 88 92 96
Ride, Rise, Roar
For his 2008-09 tour, called the
“Songs of David Byrne and Brian
Eno Tour,” former Talking Heads
front man Byrne, still jumping
a rou nd at 57, wa nte d to add
something new, like dancers. He
didn’t want them to be merely
an overlay, but integrated with the music, interacting with the
musicians and backup singers. The result is this very cool
concert doc. I liked director Hillman Curtis’s use of rehearsal
footage and choreographer interviews to fill us in on what
would happen onstage. Another plus is that all the songs are
presented in their entirety. Fresh, joyful, and worthwhile, even
for non-fans. (86 min)
Cinema 24
It Might Get Loud
ocumentarian Davis Guggenheim,
who turned Al Gore’s plodding An
Inconvenient Truth slide show into
an entertaining and inspiring, Oscarwinning film, now turns to guitars
and guitarists with this unconventional approach to
the question of what makes rock… rock. He arranged
a gathering of three seminal lead guitarists from
three generations: Jimmy Page from The Yardbirds
and Led Zeppelin, the Edge from U2, and The White
Stripes’ Jack White. They meet and greet, and chat
a bit about their techniques and inspirations while
the filmmaker goes off to sketch in their individual
The Smurfs
This is an ingeniously written,
superbly acted, intriguing, hilarious, clever and nearly perfect
half-animated motion picture. If
you’re FOUR. Older moviegoers
may find it adorably cloying.
Directed by the guy responsible
for Beverly Hills Chihuahua and Scooby-Doo. The rat-sized blue
protagonists visit NYC via a wormhole from their magical
world, and do frantic and impulsive (but cute) things. Bright
spot: an over-the-top Hank Azaria as the evil wizard Gargamel.
Note: if I hear the word “smurf” used just one more freakin’ time
as a noun, verb or adjective, I’m going to smurf! (103 min)
Cinemas 4 46 53 61 62 63 78 79 81 82 84 87 88 90 91 94 95 96
Green Lantern
Kung-Fu Panda 2
Sequel has Po & friends battling a megalomaniacal peacock and coming to terms with the fact
that the goose is not his real father. (90 min)
Cinemas 45
A teenage girl (Saoirse Ronan—
Atonement), who has spent her
entire life in the forests of Finland
being trained by her father (Eric
Bana) to be a skilled assassin, is sent
out into the world on a mission to
kill the CIA agent (Cate Blanchett)
responsible for her mother’s death and who is still hunting dad.
Hanna is a downy, pale killing machine, and part of the movie’s
intrigue is how she reacts to things she has never experienced,
like TV. Or kindness. Or families. This beautifully composed film
combines high-tech action with deep mystery and throws in
Grimm’s fairy tales, yet it still feels original. (105 min)
Cinemas 45 85 97
Countdown to Zero
According to this History Channel
doc , t he end of t he Cold Wa r
increased rather than decreased
the threat of nuclear holocaust.
This earnest plea for nuclear
disarmament—more advocacy
journalism than straight documentary—muses on such things as terrorists making atomic bombs,
porous borders, and insufficiently secure stocks of fissile materials. It looks back at some chilling “near-misses” and forward to
some nightmare scenarios. It doesn’t really reveal any alarming
new information on nuclear proliferation (it’s alarming enough),
but it’s an effective and frightening overview of the problem. (90
Cinemas 1 40 51 63 91
A test pilot (Ryan Reynolds) is
inducted into an intergalactic
cor p s of b en i g n a l ien s a nd
granted super powers to help in
the battle against a powerful and
malevolent megalomaniac. More
a fantasy space opera, really, than
a superhero yarn. A 3 on the superhero scale (Spiderman 2 = 10,
Daredevil = 1), this silly, self-serious, surprise-free and fairly
forgettable DC comic-book movie does, however, contain some
pretty sensational special effects, if that’s what floats your boat.
And though it’s an “origins” movie, it sticks so closely to the buttsin-seats $uperhero formula that it feels like a sequel. (105 min)
Cinemas 2 35 43 50 61 62 63 77 80 81 83 84 85 88 90 91 95 96
Also Showing
backgrounds and analyze their roots. Back at the
meeting, the three begin to verbally and musically
interact, learning from one another. In one sequence,
White illustrates his neo-primitivist philosophy by
building an electric guitar out of a piece of wood, a
few nails and a glass soda bottle, and then wailing
on it. Eventually they jam a bit, albeit somewhat
cautiously. Could have used more of this. You
don’t have to be a musician or a fan to take away
something from this unique film. Big screen, please.
For the sound. Or at least some good headphones.
Japanese title: Get Loud. (98 min)
Cinema 53
Winnie the Pooh
Disney reboots its cash bear for a
new generation of toddlers with
this affectionate, retro melding of
three H.H. Milne tales into one big
yawn. Sorry, yarn. It refreshingly
shuns CG and 3D and stays with
the gentle pastels of the original
watercolor illustrations of Hundred Acre Wood. I won’t talk
about the plot, because you probably don’t care. Little kids will be
entranced, though, and parents will appreciate its short running
time. I liked that it stresses the written word, with the tale told
as though turning the pages of a magical book featuring some
charming visual interplay and animated text. Japanese title:
Kuma no Pooh-san. (69 min)
Cinemas 20 61 90 95
This underpublicized action/espionage/
romance/noir thriller could be one of the best
movies you’ve never heard of. (105 min)
Cinemas 2 19 45 51 53 61 62 66 76 80 81 82 84
85 88 91 92 93 95 96 97
24 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
The Other Guys
Upside Down: The
Creation Records
In the ’80s and ’90s, drug-fueled
impresario Alan McGee signed
such household names as The
Jesus and Mary Chain, Primal
Scream, and My Bloody Valentine.
And, oh yes, Oasis. Music docs often teach me stuff I didn’t know,
and I like that. But this hagiography left my ignorance of this
music era nearly intact. Some laud the label’s insights, others
criticize its nonexistent business sense. I think the movie is about
the difficultly of reconciling the raw energy of indie rock with the
necessity of making some money, but its complete lack of context
will limit its appeal to the Britpop cognoscenti. (101 min)
Cinema 33
Moderately effective hauntedhouse movie from the guys who
gave us Saw breaks no new ground
but makes up in “boo!” moments
for what it lacks in originality. And
it’s gasp-rather-than-gag non-gory.
Happy family (Patrick Wilson,
Rose Byrne, kids) moves into a new house, and before you can
say “Amityville,” things are going bump in the night and one
of the kids is in a coma. They engage a psychic and a couple of
bumbling, charmingly analog ghostbusters. A lot of exposition
in the second half once the action moves to the Other Side, here
called the “Further,” but a capable chiller for a hot day. (101 min)
Cinemas 50 53 63 76 81 86 91 97
This Farrell/Wahlberg buddy action satire
offers great comedic timing and is just silly
enough. (107 min)
Cinemas 27 97
Remember Me
Twilight’s Robert Pattinson shoots for an angry
James Dean but achieves only a peeved Ben
Affleck in this sappy melodrama. (112 min)
Cinema 42
Printemps Ginza
Dept Store
Dept Store
Director Kevin Macdonald and
producers Ridley and Tony Scott
called on people around the world
to film themselves on July 24th,
2010 and send in their clips. They
asked a few simple questions:
What’s in your pocket? What do
you fear? What do you love? They got 4500 hours of film from
192 countries. This distilled hour and a half represents what has
to be the most herculean effort in the history of film editing (by
Joe Walker). It’s awesome, edifying, funny, heartrending, touching, appalling, chaotic and a kaleidoscopic panorama of human
existence. And, quite amazingly, cohesive. (90 min)
Cinemas 62 80 93
Piranha 3D
Well, it is what it is, and about what
you’d expect from a soft-core porn,
campy remake of 1978’s Piranha,
itself a rip-off of Jaws. Made with
the astounding lack of subtlety
that is director Alexandre Aja’s
main talent (The Hills Have Eyes),
there are plenty of boobs, bimbos, and blood. The gleeful gore
is stupefying and the action mostly the eponymous mutant
carnivorous fishies frenzy-feeding on underdressed extras on
spring break. But not particularly scary. I guffawed, three times,
at its sheer outrageousness, and I dug the final twist. Don’t take
that as a recommendation. Overqualified cast. (88 min)
Cinemas 1 53 63 86 97
Astoundingly lame talking-animal flick about the rebellious son of the Easter Bunny. For easily entertained
toddlers only. Japanese title: Easter Rabbit no Candy Kojo.
(95 min)
Cinemas 4 85 88 92
Hachiko Shibuya
Tokyu Plaza
Keio Inokashira
JR Yamanote line
& subway
1. Toho Cinemas Nichigeki (033574-1131) www.tohotheater.jp
2. Marunouchi Piccadilly
(03-3201-2881) www.
3. Marunouchi Louvre (03-32147761) www.tokyucinemas.net
4. Toho Cinemas Yurakuza (033571-1946) www.tohotheater.jp
5. Human Trust Cinema
Yurakucho (03-6259-8608)
6. Yurakucho Subaruza
(03-3212-2816) http://subarukougyou.jp/movies
7. Toho Cinemas Chanter (033591-1511) www.tohotheater.jp
8. Toho Cinemas Scala-za/
Miyuki-za (03-3591-5358)
10. Marunouchi Toei (03-35354741) http://theaters.toei.co.jp
11. Cine Switch Ginza (03-35610707) www.cineswitch.com
12. Ginza Theatre Cinema (033535-6000) www.ttcg.jp
13. Ginza Cine Pathos
14. Togeki (03-3541-2711) www.
15. Shibuto Cine Tower (03-54894210) www.tohotheater.jp
16. Shibuya Tokyu (03-3407-7219)
17. Shibuya Toei (03-54675773/5774) http://theaters.
19. Shibuya Cine Palace (03-34613534) www.mitsuba-inc.
20.Shibuya Humax Cinema
21. Cine Quinto (03-3477-5905)
22.Cinema Rise (03-3464-0051)
24.Uplink X (03-6825-5503)
25. Le Cinema (03-3477-9264)
Toshima Ward Office
Dept Store
JR Yamanote line
Met Art Space
50 49
uk Gyoenmae
u D (subway)
Sunshine 60,
Sunshine City
Seibu Ikebukuro line
JR Saikyo line
Cerulean Tower
other areas
(no map)
Cinema Key
41 Shinjuku
42 Sanchome
29, 30
Aoyama Dori
Shibuya Tokyu Inn
Life in a Day
With a movie series based on a Disney ride (Pirates of the
Caribbean) producing such serious amounts of money, it’s
no surprise that flicks springing from video games are also
a burgeoning genre. The Tekken game series produced by
Namco, which has had six installments to date, has already
given rise to one anime and one live-action film.
Now, the release of Tekken: Blood Vengeance threatens to
be the biggest winner of them all. The fighting game is a worldwide smash hit, so the logic can clearly be seen in making a
computer-animated 3-D pic and watching the cash roll in.
Indeed, this punch-em-up has already had big premieres in
the US (though not full distribution).
Sadly, the flick is a dog. Think the worst of major American action blockbusters done in anime and you’ll get the
gist of this one. It is run through with ridiculous dialog,
trite scenarios and plenty more to make you groan. The
plot revolves around sisters who work for competing large
corporations and send spies to find a mysterious student
named Shin Kamiya (voice of Mamoru Miyano). There’s
plenty of chop-sockey but the animation is boxy and
unoriginal, utilizing little of the progress that’s been made
in motion capture recently. Miss. (93 min)
Cinemas 43 85 92 97
By Rob Schwartz
Part 3
Hands 21
Tekken: Blood
Chuo Dori
hu K
Ginza Daiichi Hotel
i Do
Tobu Hotel
Studio Yas
Nikko Hotel Dept Store
Koma Theater
Prince Hotel
1, 2, 3, 5
(inside Mullion)
Seibu Shinjuku Line 35
Ginza Itchome
JR line
Seibu Shinjuku
Bic Camera
ji D
Ginza • Hibiya • Yurakucho
The Smurfs: © Courtesy of Sony Pictures Animation; Green Lantern: © 2011 WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. TM & (C) DCCOMICS.; Countdown to Zero: © 2010 NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT DOCUMENTARY, LLC. Winnie the Pooh: © Disney Enterprises, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.; The Ghost Writer: © 2010 SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.; Hanna: © 2010 Focus Features LLC. All Rights Reserved; Upside Down : The Creation Records Story: © Document Films 2010; Insidious: © 2010 ALLIANCE FILMS
(UK) LIMITED, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.; Life in a Day: © 2011 world in a day films limited; Tekken: Blood Vengeance: ©2011 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc.
27. Human Trust Cinema Shibuya
29.Cinemavera Shibuya
(03-3461-7703) www.
30.Eurospace (03-3461-0211)
33. Theater N Shibuya (03-54892592) www.theater-n.com
34. Theatre Image Forum
(03-5766-0114) www.
35. Shinjuku Tokyu Milano
Building (03-3202-1189)
36. Shinjuku Cinema Square
Tokyu (03-3202-1189)
40.Shinjuku Musashinokan
(03-3354-5670) http://
41. Kadokawa Cinema Shinjuku
(03-5361-7878) www.
42.Cinemart Shinjuku
43. Shinjuku Wald 9
44.Theatre Shinjuku
45. Shinjuku Piccadilly
(03-5367-1144) www.
46.Ikebukuro Humax Cinemas
47. Shin Bungeiza (03-3971-9422)
48.Ikebukuro Tokyu
49.Ikebukuro Theatre Dia
(03-3983-9793) www.ttcg.jp
50.Cinema Sunshine Ikebukuro
51. Ikebukuro Cinema Rosa
52. Cine Libre Ikebukuro
(03-3590-2126) www.ttcg.jp
53. Toho Cinemas Roppongi Hills
54. Cinemart Roppongi
57. Iwanami Hall (03-3262-5252)
58.Jimbocho Theater (03-52815132) www.shogakukan.co.jp
60.Ueno Tokyu (03-3831-6620)
61. Shinagawa Prince Cinema
62. United Cinema Toyosu
63. Cinema Mediage Odaiba
64.Pole-Pole Higashi-Nakano
65. Kichijoji Toa Kogyo
66.Kichijoji Baus Theater
67. Kichijoji Plaza
(04-2222-5336) http://movie.
68.Kineka Omori
(03-3762-6000) www.ttcg.jp
69.Waseda Shochiku
70.Ginrei Hall (03-3269-3852)
71. Shinbashi Bunka
(03-3431-4920) http://movie.
77. Toho Cinemas Kinshicho
72. Meguro Cinema (03-34912557) www.okura-movie.co.jp
73. Sangenjaya Cinema
(03-3421-3322) http://movie.
74. Sangenjaya Chuo
(03-3421-4610) http://movie.
76. Rakutenchi Cinemas
78.Heiwajima Cinema Sunshine
79. 109 Cinemas Kiba
80.United Cinema Toshimaen
81. Warner Mycal Cinemas
Itabashi (03-3937-1551)
82.Toho Cinemas Minami-Osawa
83.Warner Mycal Cinemas ShinYurigaoka (044-965-1122)
84.Cinecitta Kawasaki
85.109 Cinemas Kawasaki
(0570-007-109) 109cinemas.
86.Toho Cinemas Kawasaki
87. Movil (045-311-0330)
88.109 MM Yokohama
89.Yokohama New Theatre
(045-261-2995) http://
90.Warner Mycal Cinemas
Minato Mirai (045-222-2525)
91. Toho Cinemas Lalaport
Yokohama (045-929-1040)
92.Movix Saitama
93. United Cinema Iruma
94.Toho Cinemas Ichikawa
Colton Plaza (047-314-0055)
95.Cinema Ikspiari
96.Kyosei Roza
97. YokohamaBurg 13
#911 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 25
26 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
word of mouth
the latest dish on food & drink in the big city
Mamushi (pit viper), praised as a panacea
for all ills, is especially popular as an
aphrodisiac. however, several hundreds
of chinese medicine shops that served
mamushi dishes in tokyo before WWii are
long gone. fortunately, three survive, one
of which is Kyumeido (4-4-5 higashi-Ueno
taito-ku; http://kyumei-do.com). inside this
100-year-old oriental drug store, a kampo
doctor in a white smock behind the counter
will prepare you a seasonal snake course
(¥5,000-¥6,000), which includes a cup of
vital blood mixed with a splash of sweet
wine and a gallbladder dropped in, and
a snake burger with side salad. feel your
body rejuvenate.
on the tip of Miura Peninsula is Kurobatei
(1-9-11 Misaki, Miurashi, kanagawa;
www.kurobatei.com), a unique seafood
restaurant that specializes in extravagant
tuna dishes. reserve several days in
advance for kabuto-yaki (a whole tuna head
that takes five days to grill) and deep-fried
eyeball (¥1,575). the handwritten menu of
the day is just as extraordinary, including
dishes like raw shirako (tuna sperm) and
skin with sweet-vinegar miso (¥525), bone
marrow (¥730), fresh tuna stomach with
garlic soy sauce (¥525), deep-fried tendons
(¥1,000), to name just a few. their sashimi
platter of seven different local fish from the
nearby early-morning fish market is ¥3,500.
restaurant review
enjoy the last of the
summer wine in
the backyard of this
yutenji eatery
By Rebecca Milner
’m having a late lunch at one of
the communal picnic tables at
Keats, a restaurant named for
the Yutenji English Romantic poet. Across from me is an
elderly couple w ith their grandson, who looks about five. His fist is
wrapped around a spoon, which he
is using to shovel in mouthfuls of
apple-tofu-custard pie. “I like this
place,” he says to his grandmother
sipping wild herbal tea. “You don’t
see many restaurants like this.”
He’s right—in typically insular
Tokyo, you don’t. Keats is set up in a
restored traditional house, a rare and
wonderfully tactile wooden structure. The dining room is actually in
what would have been the backyard,
now covered with wood planks worn
smooth, though some foliage peaks
out at the edges and vines run up the
beams. The ceiling is a mix of plastic
sheeting and bamboo shades; the
walls are a mosaic of salvaged wood
and more bamboo. One whole side is
left open along the shopping street
that runs toward Yutenji Station,
making this people-watching seat at
the end of the communal table one of
the most popular. The cross-breeze
and a few strategically placed fans
keep things surprisingly cool even
during the summer heat.
If you’ve been mourning yet
another summer in the city without
a backyard, mourn no longer. Keats is
open until midnight and manages to
segue neatly from the family-friendly
lunch hour to sultry evening cocktails
when just a handful of spotlights provide the lighting. There’s also a lounge
Dining Out
open weekends only and plump in the
middle of a residential area, anyone dining at
Nichiyoan (7-13-2 shibamata, katsushika-ku;
http://meturl.com/nichiyoan) is either a
local or a connoisseur. if you make it there,
expect an interior that blends the rustic and
the modern, and offers exquisite food with
artistic presentation. recommendations are
the coarse ground soba (¥1,000), the creamy
handmade tofu dish nagoriyuki (¥650), and
kamojiru seiro—a set of smoked canard,
grilled duck and leek, hot kamo broth and
cold noodles (¥1,900). Margarita
Sponsored by
on the second floor with vintage furniture, such as velvet armchairs, for
more intimate gatherings.
The food at Keats has macrobiotic
tendencies, though this shouldn’t be
interpreted as bland vegetarian fare.
There is plenty of fish and meat on
the menu and more than a few Mediterranean-inspired dishes. House
specialties include cocido (¥1,200),
a traditional Spanish dish of meat,
chickpeas and vegetables simmered
for hours in their own broth. The
result—falling-apart soft pork, tender
carrots and broth-infused cabbage—
shows off the f lavor of the quality
ingredients used in the kitchen. There
is also paella (¥1,600) with zakkoku
(millet) instead of plain rice; this
comes out a little soupy, but at least
the assorted shellfish remain juicy.
These entrées, and others, are brought
to the table directly from the stove in
cast iron skillets with dishtowels still
wrapped around the handles.
Sa lad s, Caesa r (¥1,100) a nd
Niçoise (¥1,800), come in big wooden
bowls and are enough to serve the
table. A generous sampler plate of
starters (¥1,800) includes rockfish
escabeche, garlic pesto whole-wheat
toast, curling folds of lean Iberico ham, and salads of seasonal
vegetables. There is a small, but
well-considered selection of organic
wines available (from ¥600 for a
glass), plus beer and cocktails.
Lunch is a humbler affair than
dinner, with a choice of set meals
(grilled fish or vegetable curry, for
example). Again the presentation
is simple, utilitarian: the legions of
tiny, fussy dishes associated with
teishoku are dispensed with and
the neat pile of brown rice and a
colorful assortment of salads are
served directly on the wooden tray.
Creat ive, subt ly sweet desserts,
including chiffon cake made with
black sugar and misukaru (a powdered blend of grains from Korea),
and a crème brulée studded with
tiny grains of kibi mochi (made from
millet and rice), are served all day.
Some of what is served at Keats
is available, albeit in raw form, at
the shop in the main house. Here
you can find jars of wild rice, handwoven baskets, a nd somet i mes
vegetables. There is also a take-away
counter, a bakery, and on our most
recent visit we spotted thermoses
of milkshakes. All of this indicates
that Keats intends to be more than
just a restaurant; perhaps it is aiming for something reminiscent of a
1950s-style neighborhood drug store
complete with soda fountain, though
with more rarified offerings. Judging
by the number of bicycles parked out
front, the clientele is mostly local,
but perhaps that’s only because more
people haven’t discovered it yet.
Japanese and english
lunch sets from ¥900, dinner
entrees from ¥1,200
nonsmoking on the second floor
and until 2pm downstairs
for the breeze or the
upstairs lounge for late nights
enchanting atmosphere, guilt-free
Maybe a little too health-conscious?
2-8 yutenji, Meguro-ku. tel:
03-6312-2003. nearest stn: yutenji.
open Wed-Mon 6pm-midnight (lo
10:30pm), closed tue
Yutenji stn
east exit
Mizuho Bank
#911 • www.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 27
Sep 1
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28 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
keeping tabs
Few gay-friendly cafes and bars in the city
are open in the daytime like gossip (2F Phil
Park, 5-46-15 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku; http://
gossip-cafe.com). A trendy location, a large
window that lets in ample sunlight, and
the owner’s library—filled with literature
on queer culture, sexuality and diversity—
make it a focal point for the avant-garde and
the art-conscious. So order your choice of
French press coffee (from ¥500), beer (¥650),
whiskey (from ¥700) or wine (¥750), along
with some snacks (from ¥300), made with
homegrown herbs and vegetables farmed
on the building’s rooftop, and look forward
to an inspirational day.
bar review
Vowz Bar
Raise your
your glass—in
By David Labi
or a transcendent drinking
experience, Vowz Bar in
Yotsuya-sanchome promises spi r it ua l del ig hts
a s w e l l a s l i b at ion a l
ones. The bar’s name—a linguistic curiosity—is a transliteration
of the Japanese word bozu, meaning “monk,” with the English word
denoting what novitiates swear as
they begin their journey to personal
individual liberation.
T h is water i ng hole is r u n
completely by such individuals, specifically followers of “The Easy Path,”
the Jodo Shinshu sect, the most
widely practiced branch of Buddhism
The New York-inspired contemporary bar
and grill Fifty Seven (B1F 4-2-35 Roppongi,
Minato-ku,www.fiftyseven.co.jp) will be
closing on Sep 17—and they’re throwing
their largest and final party that weekend.
After five years of operation, Fifty Seven
will kick off the closing ceremonies with
Volume I on Friday with free entry, drinks
specials; and Volume II on Saturday. Expect
special guest DJs, performers all night long
and to drink the place dry—literally. So
order your favorite drinks from the largest
selection of cocktails, beers and wines in
Tokyo, and remember the good times with
your friends.
in Japan. And it’s easy to see why—the
Jodo Shinshu have no rules. They are
allowed to drink alcohol, indulge in
the pleasures of women, and are not
required to do any excessive physical
training or deprivation.
One of the resident monks, Kohji,
who speaks excellent English, is
actually of the Soto sect. “The fifth
rule of the Soto sect,” he told us,
“prohibits the use of alcohol.” We
laughed. He was standing behind
the bar serving us drinks at the time.
Ever y day at 10pm, Vowz’ cofounder and spiritual leader Gugan
Taiguchi—a portly, blind monk with
big, dark glasses and a wide, toothy
grin—gives a short lecture (in Japanese). In this lecture he responds
to the questions and wide-ranging
problems of the punters. We got
there on Friday night at about 10:15
and it was completely packed. After
a few minutes the talk finished, and
while it remained lively we managed
to secure a spot at one of the low corner tables.
We were surprised at the large
proportion of attractive women,
and asked Kohji about it. He nodded
sagaciously. “I don’t understand it,”
he said. “But it’s always like this.”
Perhaps they flock through the
Dining Out
A free 1.8-liter mega-jug of beer for anyone
who can chug it down in 30 seconds—¥1,500
if you can’t—might be worth a try, at
Tasuichi (33-14 Udagawacho, Shibuya-ku;
http://meturl.com/tasuichi). Conveniently
located in Center Gai, this standing bar with
a 100-inch flatscreen is a great place to hang
out or watch sports while filling up on finger
food (from ¥100) like karaage chicken (¥300)
and tap beer including Asahi Super Dry beer,
Asahi Black, and Black-and-Tan (all ¥300).
They also have interesting selection of
plum wine (¥500) such as banana or mango
umeshu. And get this: the lunch buffet is only
¥380. Margarita
door to imbibe some of the special
cocktails on offer (¥800). “Heaven
and the Pure Land” is a mixture
of strawberry, lychee and mango
liqueurs that sit in the glass in a
cha r m i ng ra i nbow desig ned to
portray the glorious levels of enlightenment. Though sweet, it wasn’t
cloying and the delightful fruitiness
had one of us reaching for nirvana. A
companion tried the “Hell of Love,”
a musk y red dr in k t hat evoked
thoughts of carnal retribution. The
Japanese businessman sitting next
to us explained that the cocktails
were a little spurious, as there is no
Buddhist notion of hell. All the more
reason to laugh with the sinners and
cry with the saints.
Those worried t hat stepping
through the doors of Vowz is tantamount to actually taking them
should relax. According to Kohji,
only 5% of the customers are committed Buddhists. Most people just
come in for the friendly vibe. A note
of incense hangs in the air, and the
low tables and benches are reminiscent of a Thai beach bar (without the
beach). In fact, much of the décor is
from assorted Buddhist traditions,
such as Tibetan and Thai Theravada.
The ¥500 cover charge included
those fried and salted spaghetti noodles now almost ubiquitous at bars
and eateries around the metropolis. In this setting, they resembled
incense sticks. Other snacks on the
menu include homemade sesame
dough with wasabi (¥500).
Standard nama Yebisu or bottled
Corona costs ¥700, herbal beer is on
offer at ¥800, soft drinks are ¥400 and
various teas are ¥600. But after trying the special cocktails we elected
to expand our horizons with some
more bizarre options. The bichu
with embalmed lizard (¥600)—who
stared glassily at us from the bottom
of the bottle—had a peculiar reptilian aftertaste to it, while the shiro
shochu, bearing a large coiled Okinawan snake, seemed to have some
kind of powerful aphrodisiac effect,
to the concern of the other punters.
Kohji told of an aged local monk who
drinks a shot of it every day and has
never had a cold in his life.
Any reincarnationists who might
worry about coming back as an Okinawan snake in a brewery basement
should know that there are two main
schools of Jodo Shinshu. The western
lot lays a heavy focus on death and
rebirth, while the eastern bunch,
to whom the bar’s spiritual father
belongs, plumps more for joy in this
life. And this friendly bar is a good
place to find it.
Menu in Japanese only, but staff
speak English
Cover charge ¥500, drinks
from ¥400
No nonsmoking seats
Go for a low-slung corner table or
hoist up to the counter for a chat
with the bar-monk
Chilled vibe and interesting chat
Religion-phobes might feel
2F AG Bldg, Arakicho 6-42,
Yotsuya 3-chome. Nearest stn:
Yotsuya Sanchome. Tel:
Open Mon-Sat, 7pm-1am/late,
closed Sun & hols
exit 4
Yotsuya-sanchome stn
Green areas
#911 • www.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 29
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¥58,000/m ~ ¥120,000/m.
Tel: 044-933-7000 Email:
[email protected]
w w w. minowagroup. jp/
in a quiet, residential area of
Hiroo. Studio & suites. 4min
from Hiroo stn. Rates: Daily
¥ 7 5 0 0 . We e k l y ¥ 6 5 0 0 - /
day. Monthly ¥5500-/day.
Over three months ¥4,950-/
day. Over one year ¥4400-/
d ay, (t ax , u ti l iti e s i n c l . ).
f r o n t d e s k@ a z a b u c o u r t .
com w w w. azabucour t .
com/ 03-3446-8610
We have furnished
apartments in Tokyo (KamiItabashi and Kichijoji). No
agent fees, no key money
and no insurance fees! Please
check our site at http:// t-hal.
com 03-3972-6411 t-hal-e@
2.3 Rent Over 200,000
¥ 1 9 , 0 0 0 / M C A M PA I G N !
All furnished private
rooms ¥19,000 for the
first month. Normal
F ind short or long term stays in furnished/
unfurnished apar tments
for singles and families in
the Kasai and Nishi-Kasai
area. Urban Renaissance
p ro p e r t i e s i n Ro p p o n g i ,
N i n g y o c h o , Ts u k i s h i m a
and Nishi-Ojima available.
Buy condominiums and
i nve s t m e n t p ro p e r t y.
i n fo2@ fu j ito m o -f h .co. j p
www.fujitomo -fh.com
Bilingual real-estate agency,
o f fe ri n g fu rn i s h e d a n d
unfurnished apartments
throughout central Tokyo.
Also providing shortstay serviced apartments,
relocation service, furniture
Metropolis reserves the right to refuse, cancel or edit any ad without notice. Metropolis takes no responsibility for the quality of items or services advertised. Please carefully examine vendors or
items offered before commitment. Please be careful when contacting and arranging to meet people.
Visit classifieds.metropolis.co.jp for complete listings.
30 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
rental and property
management services.
Please call 0120-957-520
2.6 Buy/Sell Premises
FORCES CHANGE. Looking to sell
open block in lovely Kisami-Ohama.
70 tsubo (230 ㎡ ) on quiet street,
only available block area within a
few kilometers. 5min walk to beach.
Ready to build. ¥14,000,000. Email:
[email protected]
3.2 Japanese Teachers
TEACHERS. Highly qualified,
exp e rie n ce d in struc to r s
offer individual/small group
lessons at your home/office/
instructor’s home. Business/
daily conve r s ation/J LPT
available. Lesson fee from
¥ 2 2 0 0 / h a t i n s t r u c t o r ’s
home, from ¥2700/h +
transportation fee at other
places. Discount negotiable
for longer/frequent/group
lessons. 03-3918-0876, 044855-5039 ajtkyokai@yahoo.
co.jp http://ajt.rakurakuhp.
J apanese L essons
A nywhere . W e a r e
qualified Japanese language
te a c h e r s (4 20 H tra i n e d /
licensed). Lessons at your
convenient places (or online)
& suitable time s . Le s son
fees from ¥1000/h (written
in our resumes), emailed
to you. No registration
fees! SunLesson Japanese
Te a c h e r s ’ A s s o c i a t i o n .
co.jp www.sunlesson.com
ENJOY JAPANESE! Highly educated,
qualified, with 20years’ experience
professional teacher offers you
tailor-made lessons at your office.
Busine ss , daily conversation ,
test preparation. Any level. Free
consultation and trial lesson.
¥4,000/h per person (negotiable for
groups). [email protected]
3.5 Language
Brazilian to practice Russian. I’ve
been learning Russian for a while, but
still can’t speak. Interested in making
Russian friends, practicing Russian and
getting to know more about Russia. I
can teach Portuguese. vitorvitorvitor@
English and Japanese. Japanese
female, 30, graphic designer, advancedlevel speaker of English, seeking E/J
conversation partners and friends
in Tokyo/Yokohama area. Native or
fluent English speaker is preferred.
I’m interested in music, traveling and
nature. [email protected]
English and Japanese. Group
language exchange every Wed, 7:309:30pm, at coffee shops around Ginza.
Most members are 20s and 30s. We
switch languages every 30min. Fun
events on weekends. Free to join. ando.
[email protected]
English and Japanese. JM, mid20s, clinical doctor living in Tokyo. I’m
seeking a language exchange partner
to improve my writing skills. In return,
I’ll help with your Japanese! tkyo_b@
English and Japanese. JM, 35, seeks
people who want to learn the Japanese
language. I can go to Tokyo, Chiba and
Saitama. Only web-chatting also ok.
[email protected]
English and Korean. Male American
English teacher seeking English/Korean
exchange partner, preferably male. I’m
serious about my Korean language
studies and would love to help anyone
who wants to improve their English.
[email protected]
English, Chinese and Japanese. JM
seeks language exchange, weekdays
or weekends. Shinjuku is convenient.
Let’s meet up and talk about culture,
art, sports, politics and economics.
[email protected]
English, Spanish and Japanese.
Japanese college student wants to learn
English or Spanish. Can teach Japanese
in return. Bring a textbook if you want.
I have experience tutoring Japanese.
[email protected]
German and Japanese. JF seeks G/J
language exchange partner. Seit Sechs
Monaten lerne ich Deutsch aber ich
spreche Englisch. F/M ok. If interested,
drop me a line. gardenstate2005@
Seeking English/French speaker.
JM seeking F/E speaker to practice
with. I hope we can exchange language
to improve them. spherefriends7@
Spanish for English or Japanese.
Canadian male seeks Spanish lessons
or Spanish language exchange. I can
offer any kind or level of English, or
Japanese up to a certain level. dance_
[email protected]
Teach me Chinese. 34 y/o JM looking
to improve my Chinese Mandarin
for use in business situations. Will
exchange English/Japanese or through
payment. Near Kichijoji or Chuo line
preferred. Weekdays after 1830 or
weekends. [email protected]
English and Japanese. American
male, been in Japan awhile, but I still
can’t speak Japanese well. If you can
help me out, please drop me a line. Of
course I can help you with your English.
[email protected]
English and Japanese. Seeking a
good language exchange partner in
the Shinjuku or Tokyo areas to help
me learn Japanese in the daytime
(Mon-Fri). I’ll help your English. Let’s
meet soon. [email protected] 0901678-5644
English and Japanese. Black
American male, 30, seeks Japanese
for language exchange. povic2010@
English and Japanese. Cool,
friendly, intelligent JM seeks native
English speakers for language and
cultural exchange. Let’s enjoy talking
about a variety of topics over coffee
or dinner in English and Japanese.
[email protected]
English and Japanese. I’m a Japanese
businessman who sometimes gives
Japanese lessons. Let’s do a language
exchange! [email protected]
English and Japanese. JF, early 30s,
seeking a language exchange partner
who can teach me spoken English
over coffee after work. In return, I can
help you w/Japanese. maiuchida6@
English and Japanese. I’m 28, living
in Kanagawa, and wanting to learn
English, especially speaking. I love to
communicate with people from abroad.
I can meet you in Shibuya, Shinagawa,
Kawasaki, or Yokohama. [email protected]
English and Korean. Male American
English teacher seeking English/Korean
exchange partner, preferably male. I’m
serious about my Korean language
studies and would love to help anyone
who wants to improve their English.
[email protected]
English, Chinese, Japanese. Seeking
some English speakers for an English/
Chinese/Japanese language exchange.
Can meet for coffee after work, or travel
on weekends. deep-ocean@hotmail.
English, French, Japanese. Japanese
language needed for work and a social
life. Let’s exchange verbal and written
English, French, and Japanese. I’m
black, French, honest, open-minded,
well-mannered, educated, and have
worked and lived for many years in
London, UK. Now in Tokyo, I must
study spoken and written Japanese.
[email protected]
English, Hungarian, Chinese,
Japanese. I’m fluent in English,
Hungarian, and Chinese. I have teaching
and interpreting experience in all of
these. I’m seeking a Japanese teacher.
Nakano area preferred. nahoczky_
[email protected]
Chest of drawers, Ikea Kullen
(70x40x72cm), w/three drawers, birch
wood color, about one y/o, in perfect
condition, perfect for small spaces. Pick
up close to Hikawadai stn. hk_2411@
English, Spanish and Japanese.
Japanese college student wants to learn
English or Spanish. Can teach Japanese
in return. Bring a textbook if you want.
I have experience tutoring Japanese.
[email protected]
Floor lamp. Koizumi white/black floor
lamp ¥3500. Pick up Shirokanedai.
[email protected]
French and Japanese. Sincere and
friendly Frenchman seeks language
and cultural exchange. I can tell you
about France, its culture, myself, and
help you with the French language.
Email me if you’re interested in France!
[email protected]
French and Japanese. Cheerful and
fun-loving JF, 29, seeking a language
exchange with a French speaker, male/
female ok. I’m a beginner. Minato-ku.
[email protected]
French and Japanese. Hello, I’m JM
who wants to learn French. I live in
central Tokyo and I want to see you
once/week to exchange languages. I
need French at work. Please contact
me! [email protected]
German and Japanese. JF seeks G/J
language exchange partner. Seit Sechs
Monaten lerne ich Deutsch aber ich
spreche Englisch. F/M ok. If interested,
drop me a line. gardenstate2005@
Korean and Japanese. Korean
woman, 32, living in Shinjuku. I was
born in Seoul and raised in America.
I can help you learn Korean. Looking
forward to meeting you. healthyrisu@
Seeking English/French speaker.
JM seeking F/E speaker to practice
with. I hope we can exchange language
to improve them. spherefriends7@
Spanish for English or Japanese.
Canadian male seeks Spanish lessons
or Spanish language exchange. I can
offer any kind or level of English, or
Japanese up to a certain level. dance_
[email protected]
4.1 Furniture &
Bed. Wooden bed frame (cherry)
and Schlaraffia seven-zone mattress
(140x210cm). New ¥240,000. Sell
¥100,000. Pick up Futakotamagawa
end of Sep. [email protected]
Chair. Fran Fran Allen Soho desk
chair, eight m/o, bottom comes off
for easy transport. New ¥19,800.
Sell ¥4000. Shirokane-Takanawa.
[email protected]
bookshelf, treadmill, good condition.
Pick up Ikejiri-Ohashi. Details
available. [email protected]
Sayonara sale! Sanyo washing
machine, clean ¥3000. Pick up near
Ikebukuro. [email protected]
Mattress, Nishikawa Muatsu, futon,
single, very comfortable ¥3000. Pick
up Ikenoue. [email protected]
Sayonara sale! For sale or free:
kitchen table, coffee table, vacuum,
electric heater, ASUS Eee PC (Chinese
OS), cloth-walled wardrobe, curtains,
TV stand, Japanese-language text and
reference books. melina.herweg@
gmail .com ht tp : //tinyurl .co m/
Shelf and antiques. Balinese handmade tall, dark wooden shelf ¥20,000.
Japanese antique tea cabinet ¥15,000.
Antique 1910 Japanese school
pendulum clock ¥15,000. And more.
[email protected]
Sayonara sale! Two regular ceiling
lights, two ceiling lights w/remote,
electric roti maker, 36-liter fish tank w/
steel stand and four live fish. All must
go before Sep 30. sayonarasale_2011@
yahoo.com 090-4916-2987
Shelves. Adjustable wooden shelves
(W58xD19xH151cm), white, excellent
condition ¥2000. Pick up Kichijoji.
[email protected]
Sayonara sale! Fridge w/ice maker,
8kg washer, microwave, stereo, wall
mount aircon, heater, dehumidifier,
vacuum, flatscreen TV, desktop
PC, etc. Delivery possible in Tokyo.
[email protected]
Kotatsu, brand new ¥5000. Akasaka,
Minato-ku. [email protected]
Sofa, small, black, very good condition
¥3000. [email protected] 0904522-1855
4.2 Appliances
Cutting machine, Graef, universal (for
cheese, sausage, bread, etc.), made in
Germany, 110V, semi-professional. New
¥225,000. Sell ¥25,000. matcajp@
Fridge, large, w/ice maker ¥30,000.
Washer/drier ¥15,000. Flatscreen TV
¥10,000, wall-type aircon ¥15,000.
Tokyo Gas fan heater ¥8000. Microwave
w/oven and grill ¥5000. And more.
[email protected]
Vacuum, small but powerful, green
¥4000. Pick up Shimokitazawa.
[email protected]
4.3 Sayonara Sale
home electrical appliances in
good condition can bring smiles
to those who have lost so much.
V i s i t h t t p : // f u m b a r o . o r g /e n /
homeappliance.html for detail.
Fumbaro will help you to help them.
[email protected]
Sayonara sale! Panasonic iron,
national Hoover, blender, Delonghi
coffee maker, dining table w/four
chairs, phone/fax, baby car seat,
small table, various ceiling lights with
shades (Muji), boys mountain bike,
juicer. Prices, dimensions and photos
available. [email protected]
Sayonara sale! King size bed, baby
cot, satellite dish, kitchen closet,
4.4 TV & Home Theater
Plasma TV, Panasonic Viera, 58”,
1080p, 600Hz, two y/o. New ¥180,000.
Sell ¥99,000/obo. Must go by Sep. 15.
Pick up Shirokane-Takanawa or send
by takkyubin. geoff.wooden@gmail.
com 090-2484-5146
Satellite dish. 120cm satellite dish
and system. Pick up Ikejiri-Ohashi near
Shibuya. [email protected]
TV, Sharp Aquos, 26”, two y/o ¥25,000.
Pick up Futakotamagawa end of
September. api_lunchbox@yahoo.
4.5 Audio & MP3
MP3 player. Creative Zen Style M300,
8G, used once, pristine condition,
original box and receipt ¥4500.
[email protected]
Stereo, Sony CMT-J100, bought
‘05, great condition, w/MD, tape
and CD deck, optical wire port. New
¥28,000. Sell ¥5000. No box. Pick
up Shinjuku-ku. jon.online.55@gmail.
4.6 For Kids
Bed. High quality kid’s bed, loft style
or normal, from Team 7. Ecological
wood, mattress is organic cotton
and sheep wool. New ¥520,000. Sell
¥57,000. [email protected] www.
Clothes. We have lots of nice, clean
clothes for girls, 3-6, and boys, 5-10.
Cheap. [email protected]
#911 • wWW.METROPOLIS.CO.JP • 31
Many more Classified ads online! Please visit classifieds.metropolis.co.jp
Highchair/cot, Combi, variable
height, very versatile, converts into
newborn day cot, classic compact,
w/spare covers ¥6000. Wooden crib
for infant-toddler, w/mattress ¥3000.
Baby Bjorn baby carrier ¥3000. All in
excellent condition. bfjohnson278@
gmail.com 090-1791-6888
Shichigosan outfit, for three-yearold (dress, vest, geta, socks, bag, and
hair pin), worn once ¥2500. Pick up
Shirokanedai or chakubarai. jamie.
[email protected]
Keyboard, Casio CTK-230, in excellent
condition, w/adapter and metal stand
¥6500. Pick up Komaba-Todaimae.
[email protected]
Piano. Roland digital piano ¥15,000.
[email protected]
Saxophone, alto, silver, vintage
(Chicago ‘36), great condition ¥26,000.
[email protected]
5.4 Books/CD/DVD
Baby bed, white, one small wooden
cork missing but usable without it.
Pick up Shirokanedai. jamie.chie@
Bed. Muji pine bed, used only a few
months (200.5x101.5cm). Pick up
Meguro-ku by Sep 11. filicophyta@
need assistance with your
c a r, we a re h e re to h e l p.
Tel: 03-6868-3366 or 0909362-5098 [email protected] www.jce-autos.jp
7.2 Motorbikes, Parts,
& Accessories
2007 Suzuki SV650S ABS Blue. This
is a fun and sporty motorcycle.
S h a k e n v a l i d u n t i l 0 7/ 2 0 1 2 ,
9400km asking ¥530,000.
alexlee @gol.com http://www.
totalm otorcyc le .com/p h oto s/
2007models/ 2007models-SuzukiSV650SABS.htm 09044290315
8.1 Services
Printer. Canon inkjet color printer/
scanner/copier. Printer heads may
need cleaning/lubrication. Pickup
Saginomiya. [email protected]
Sofa, three-seater, w/recycled leather
seats, 220cm wide, beige, decent
condition, easy to move. Free with
pickup. No delivery. rob_willson@
Sofa, Ikea, slightly faded but
otherwise fine (L150xW90xH75cm).
Pickup Gotanda. vandley.industries@
Sofabed, small, black, frame and pad,
no cover (H82xW125xL195cm). Pick up
Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku. Closest stations
Yoyogi Koen/Yoyogi Uehara. jkonno@
5.2 Sports Equipment
DVDs. Eight Tim and Struppi DVDs in
either French or German. ¥3000/all.
Pick up Shirokanedai or chakubarai.
[email protected]
English dictionary. Pocket Oxford
English Dictionary ¥500 firm. Pick up
Azabu-Juban. [email protected]
5.5 Gaming
PlayStation 3 games. NBA2k10,
Winning Eleven 2009 ¥1500/each.
NBA2K9 ¥1000. Pick up Ichigaya or
Shinjuku stn. [email protected]
PSP Go, 16gb, slightly used, w/10
new games and some accessories
¥20,000. [email protected]
JERSEY. Get this limited
edition jersey signed by
renowned league superstars
of this generation. Signed
by Loti Te q u i ri , G e o rg e
Gregan, George Smith, Steven
Larkham, Wendel Sailor and
Stirling Mortlock. This is a rare
opportunity as these superstars
are no longer playing together
for their nation. Framed and
in mint condition. Don’t wait,
going fast! Call 090-4227-7743
or email jersey2011@hotmail.
Intensive courses for high-intensity lifestyles
• General Japanese
language courses
• Topical conversation
courses (Economy,
Japanese culture, etc)
• JLPT preparation courses
TEL: 03-3254-7100
WEB kanda gaigo career college search
Nearest stn: Kanda or Otemachi
3F Kanda Gaigo Honbu Bldg,
2-13-9 Uchi-kanda, Chiyoda-ku.
32 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
Airsoft gun, Tokyo Marui, AK47, w/
two batteries, one normal and one
large capacity clip, no charger, extra
BBs and accessories, some scratches,
but overall a great gun. New ¥30,000.
Sell ¥15,000/all. s13driftking@yahoo.
Ski Suit. S o l o m o n s ki s u it ,
gray, large, never used ¥4000.
[email protected]
Soccer jersey. Peruvian soccer
jersey, Umbro, original, never worn or
used, large (51x72cm), w/original tag
¥100,000. [email protected].
au 09024090232
Wii and games. Perfect condition
Wii console w/three controllers, two
Mario Kart wheels and one nunchuck.
Games: Mario Kart, Super Mario
collection pack, Super Monkey Ball,
Super Mario Bros Wii. All ¥28,000. Pick
up only. [email protected]
Wii Sport and Wii Fit, two remotes,
Mario Cart driving equipment,
Fit exercise platform. Also two
boxing components and four CDs.
[email protected]
Xbox 360 games. Lost Planet,
Chrome Hounds, Rain Vampire, Star
Trek, Blue Dragon, etc. ¥1000/each.
Details available. kongkahloon@gmail.
com 090-99748928
5.6 Collectors
Cognac, premier, 10 bottles,
unopened, w/one Remy Louis XIII
Grand Champagne (retail ¥170,000),
one Camus Napoleon Vieille Reserve,
and standard Remy/Camus ¥77,000/
obo. [email protected] 0901763-2279
7.1 Cars, Parts, &
Guitar, Fernandes four-string bass
limited, black, w/chrome hardware, in
good condition, w/new strings, easy to
play ¥10,000/obo. xp_sucks@hotmail.
com 080-3503-1229
8.2 Hardware
Desktop. USFF mini-desktop w/
core2duo, A4 size, 4GB RAM, 2 TB w/
HD movie library pre-configured for
Win7 media center. Serious inquiries
only. No paypal. nrad_bob@hotmail.
Laptop, 1.20GHz, Core i5, Windows7
Ultimate 64bit, 500GB, 7200RPM
SATA HardDrive, Nvidia GeForce
GT 335M discrete graphics (1GB
GDDR3) w/switchable GMA
4500MHD integrated graphics
(W11.25”xL9.19”xH1.29”), Office ‘10
and Adobe CS5 ¥65,000. Meet in
Tokyo [email protected]
Laptop, HP Pavilion dv2000 w/Win
7 ultimate, 2GB RAM, 160 HHD, 14”
screen, webcam, black ¥35,000 firm.
[email protected]
LCD monitor, 17 ”, Samsung
SyncMaser 712N (1280x1024 res.)
¥3000. Pick up only. digi2sol@gmail.
Mac, PowerBook G4, 15”, 2GB
memory, 1GHz ¥20,000. gorham11@
Mac, Macbook Pro, 15”, 2.66GHz Core
i7, 8GB SDRAM, 500GB HD, 7,200
RPM, wide screen, high resolution
display, totally new and in an
unopened box. New ¥263,195. Sell
¥220,000. [email protected]
Mac, Powerbook G4, 1.25GHz, 80GB
HD, 512MB RAM, Super Drive DVDR/W, Leopard OSX 10.5, 15”, five
y/o, battery dead, but otherwise
in excellent condition ¥25,000.
[email protected]
Macbook. MacBook Air, 13”, 1.86GHz,
2GB RAM, 256GB, HD Model A1369.
Bought August 23, 2011, unopened
box. [email protected]
5.3 Musical Equipment
Bass guitar. Fender Japan P-Bass
60s reissue, vintage white, maple
neck, Seymour Duncan Bass Lines
pickups. Fender gig bag included
¥55,000. [email protected]
T o k y o IT S e r v i c e s
We fix all kinds of computer
problems and also offer data
recovery service in Tokyo. We
provide a range of computer
services to corporate,
small and medium - sized
businesses, and individual
PC and Mac users as well.
O n s i te c a l l a n d E n g l i s h
c o m p u te r s fo r s a l e a n d
rental is also available. 1min
walk from JR Yamanote line,
Hamamatsucho stn S5 exit,
3min from Daimon subway
B4 exit. 10am-6:30pm. Call:
03-3437-2312 www.tokyoit.
Specializing in car sales,
buy-backs, door-to - door
s h i p p i n g , l o n g - te r m c a r
storage and any other
car-related matters. If you
Mouse, Apple Magic, brand new, no
box, well wrapped. New ¥6800. Sell
¥6000. Akasaka. kongkahloon@
gmail.com 090-99748928
Printer ink. Four unopened boxes
of ink (#320/321 color and black
multipack) for Canon Inkjet Pixus MP/
iP series printers ¥4500/all. rh.eis.jp@
ne.jp for more information!
English inquiries welcome.
h t t p : // m e m b e r s 3 . j c o m .
home.ne.jp/tokyo -ymcafencingteam/home.html
10 HELP!
10.2 Support
NEED TO TALK? We’re here to
listen. TELL (Tokyo English Life
Line) provides free, anonymous
telephone counseling everyday
9am to 11pm by trained volunteers:
03 - 57 74 - 09 92 . Af fo rd a b l e
and professional face -to -face
c o u n s e l i n g i n To k y o a n d
Yokohama in multiple languages:
03-4550-1146. Invaluable
information & links, resources for
parents & teachers, and materials
on how to cope after a disaster in
several languages are available on
the TELL website: www.telljp.com.
If you have a problem with drinking,
we can help. English speaking
m e e t i n g s d a i ly. 0 3 -3 97 1 -147 1
[email protected] http://
aatokyo.org [email protected]
12.4 announceMentS
Tai chi in the park. Come to Yoyogi park
during Sep and get together with likeminded people who practice traditional
tai chi chuan. [email protected] www2.gol.
com/users/ddh 03-3487-3011
13.1 let’S party
g i n Z a’ S B i g g e St i nt ’ l
party More tHan 2 50
people! Sun, Sep 18,
7:10 -9 : 30 p m . par ty for
i nte rn at i o n a l p e o p l e i n
to kyo! o n ly ¥ 2 0 0 0 fo r
women and non-Japanese if
you have a reservation from
our website. all-you-candrink + free snacks. http://
internationalparty.p -kit.
com/ ginzaparty@gmail.
com 07054622122
g inZa Wo rlD Frien D S
autuMn Special party
Sat, Sep 17, 6-8:30pm, at
caspa ginZa. ginza’s only
full-scale and the biggest
international party. Meet 200
people. all-you-can-drink
and free snacks. ¥3000.
[email protected] www.
Japan i nte r nati o nal
party – autuMn Special
Sat, Sep 24, 6:30-9pm, Devi
Fusion (roppongi). Japan’s
biggest international party.
Meet 250 new people. allyo u - c a n - d ri n k a n d fre e
snacks. ¥3000. Japanese
males: ¥3500. 090 -17355405 Mobile: getyourfriend.
c o m /m o b i l e /e m to p . h t m
[email protected]
tiF international party
–early autuMn Special
Sat, Sep 10, 7-9:30pm @Seven
ebisu. Biggest international
party by Japan’s biggest
international friendship
site. 250 people. everybody
Welcome! all-you-can-drink
and snacks. ¥3000. party@
goover.co.jp http://www.
neW SpeeD Dating event
in KanDa! 神田で新スピードデ
ーティング 9/ 1 0( 土 )午 後 1 : 3 0
開催! 予約は下記メールか電話に
て。予約者3000 円! Sat, Sep 10
at 1:30pm. location: Kanda
cafe & Bar BulletS ¥3000
with reservation. ¥3500
at the door. reservations:
com or 080-3532-0150 Web:
html 080-3532-0150
EURO NIGHT Wed, Sep 21,
7p m - 5 a m , a t Wa l l S t re e t
House in Roppongi. Euro best
hits all night long. Special
offer; 7-8pm Europian beer
¥200. 8-10pm ¥500. Free
e n t r a n c e . 0 3 -3 47 8 -7 5 1 7
10, 6:30 ~9pm at Polygon
Omotesando. All-you-candrink & sushi buf fet with
cheese, salad, bread, cake
and more. Men: ¥3500,
ladies: ¥3000, foreign ladies:
¥1000 w/email reservation.
Also Sep 17 Ebisu American
buffet party! best@
i n t e r n a t i o n a l p a r t y. c o m
14.1 SportS
want to join a club where you
get a bit of fitness and a lot
of fun? Touch Footy is one
of the most exciting ways
to meet people and have a
great day out every week!
[email protected]
Rugby oasis, w/own ground,
showers/jacuzzi, bars/
re st a u ra nt s . Two te a m s ,
weekly fixtures, free beers,
great camaraderie. All ages,
shapes, and sizes welcome.
[email protected]
Football team seeking players.
Metropolis League Division 1 team
seeking skillful players for new season.
If you want to play competitive 11-a-side
football at a high level, please get in touch.
Games at weekends and futsal midweek.
[email protected]
International football club.
5-a-side, 11-a-side, on grass fields. Two
or three practices/matches on Sun.
All nationalities welcome. Happy and
friendly club! We have many socials.
[email protected]
Street Hockey in Tokyo. Every Sun
in central Tokyo. This is street hockey
without rollerblades. Foreigners and
Japanese of all skill levels welcome.
Volleyball Club Intervoll. Japanese
and foreign volleyball players gather in
Takadanobaba to enjoy playing. Have
at least a basic level and want to play
volleyball in a friendly atmosphere?
[email protected] http://
Women’s football club. 5-a-side,
11-a-side, on grass fields. Two or three
practices/matches on Sun. All nationalities,
experience levels, beginners welcome.
Happy and friendly club! We have many
socials. [email protected]
14.2 leiSure
Azabu-Juban School
Private & Course lesson
We make Japanese language lessons fun!
aMerican FootBall .
nihon unisys Bulls, x league
central Division, seeks fit
players w/ uS college football
experience for all positions.
practice every Sat/Sun from
10am-3pm (including meeting)
in tokyo/Saitama (time & venue
subject to change). attendance
at practice must be over 60%.
please contact for tryout info and
send your profile to team admin.
[email protected] http://
FO OTBALL . N o n - co nt a c t
tag rugby (OZ tag) and
Rugby League players. We
play every Sat from 10am in
Tatsumi. M/F and beginners
welcome! Good exercise and
fun! Many other activities
such as BBQs, and drinking
parties! Email for details.
hotmail.com http://ameblo.
FE N C I N G I N TO K YO. T h e
Y M C A F e n c i n g Te a m i s
looking for new members!
Fencing is both a mental and
physical sport that is fun and
challenging! Both Japanese
and foreigners, beginners
and advanced fencers
welcome! [email protected].
WELL! From celebrity chef’s
kitchen in Nishi-Azabu. Come
and learn from one of Tokyo’s
best vegetarian chefs.
Soups, appetizers, mains,
presentation techniques
and much more information.
Easy to make and simply
delicious! Day: Sun (selected
dates). By reservation only.
Call 050-5532-5160 or email
[email protected].
For more information, go to
• Excellent English-speaking
instructors with plenty of experience.
• No registration fee
• Private lesson: NIC school, your office
or home. Free trial lesson
Beginner’s course, (Evening Level 1, Afternoon Level 1& 2)
BJT & JLPT Preparatory class start in September!
Contact us for details. Metropolitan Area.
30 sec walk
from AzabuJuban stn.
Tully’s Coffee
Drug store Nanboku/Oedo Line
Hotel the Glanz
Azabujuban Stn exit 1
Nanboku/Oedo Line
Tel 03-3454-5002 • Email [email protected] • www.nicjapanese.com
Tokyo Extreme Weekenders. For
those who like to escape into nature
to enjoy four seasons of adventure
and activities with like-minded
people, our purpose is to have fun
and fulfilling weekends. Subscribe to
mailing list for latest upcoming details.
[email protected] http://
14.3 artS
Artist brainstorming. Calling
international and Japanese artists who
are willing to meet every two weeks
to brainstorm and help each other for
artistic projects whatever the field. A
great opportunity to make your project
come true! Cafe meetings in Shinjuku.
[email protected] www.atelierefimero.weebly.com 08044640676
#911 • www.metroPolis.co.jP • 33
Many more Classified ads online! Please visit classifieds.metropolis.co.jp
Join the camera fun! Join the “Tokyo
Cameras” club, held the third Sun of
the month. Amateur and professionals
welcome. Each month a new theme.
Have fun and make friends! Inquiries,
contact email. tokyocameras@yahoo.
com http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/
We All Japan. Free internet Podcast,
looking out for talented and interesting
people willing to share their work or
ideas. Let’s spread the new Japan. Get
in touch for more info. sorata_x1999@
hotmail.com http://www.wealljapan.
14.4 Music
Female singer needed. I’m a JM
guitarist. We need a female singer to
add to our music. Pop, rock, punk, R&B.
New ideas welcome for live shows in the
Tokyo area. [email protected]
Fe male vocali st se e kin g
collaborators. Caucasian solo
artist with management seeking
collaborators who want to make rock/
pop music and go major. Preferably
Japanese, to help write/translate
lyrics. Influences include Joan
Jett, Pat Benetar, La Roux, Blondie.
[email protected]
Girl band. Seeking girls to make a dub
disco punk band à la The Slits, Warpaint,
Cyndi Lauper, Telepathe, Madonna, The
Ronettes, Yoko Ono, etc. thismytruth@
Let’s sing. We are an a cappella
chorus group, led by a member of a
professional Japanese vocal group.
We sing classical pieces a cappella.
Join us and have fun! Practices held on
Tuesday nights. No audition required.
[email protected] http://
Original band seeks members. Band
seeks solid guitarist and bassist with
experience. All original songs. Contact
me for URL. Tokyo/Kanagawa area.
[email protected] www.
Pro bass player available. Pro bass
player for working band in Tokyo. I’ve
loads of experience, live and studio.
Pro gear. Rock, blues, country, funk, R
and B, reggae, etc. I`m looking for an
established working band with large
repertoire. [email protected]
Rock vocalist needed for casual rock/
metal band playing covers of bands like
Megadeth, Metallica, GNR, Queen, and
Nirvana. Newbies ok, but must have a
good sense of timing and rhythm, an
ok voice, etc. Perfect for busy Tokyo
people - play for fun. s13driftking@
14.6 Religious
Tokyo Christian worship service.
MACF is an English-speaking Christian
worship service. Emphasis on the
reading and expositional preaching of
the Old and New Testament. Teaching
and style is Reformed and missional
(like Piper, Driscoll, Keller, etc). Sun
2pm. [email protected] http://
14.9 International
Intercultural Activities. J I I
(Japan Intercultural Institute), nonprofit, member-run organization
that sponsors activities (seminars,
cultural events, conferences) for
those wanting to further develop
intercultural competencies and meet
other interculturalists. director@
j a p a n i n t e r c u l t u r a l . o r g w w w.
S e e ki n g d oc u m e nta r y f i l m
protagonist. Berlin documentary
filmmaker is looking for new Tokyo
resident who is American, eager to get
driver’s license, available in autumn.
[email protected] www.kloosundco.
15.1 Friends
Be my friends. I’m a 28-year-old girl
studying English, French, and Korean
34 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
all by myself. I’m a beginner at French
and Korean. I’m waiting to hear
from you guys for chatting, eating,
and going out. Please contact me.
[email protected]
Beer friends wanted. I am a JF, 33,
who likes drinking ales but my friends
prefer wine. If you know good places
to have a pint after work and also seek
new drinking friends, drop me a line.
[email protected]
Email friends from overseas.
Japanese nadeshiko, living in Tokyo,
studying English by watching movies,
seeks email friend from overseas to
talk about cultural differences, movies,
music and such. Where are you from?
[email protected]
Family friendship. We are seeking a
family with young children. We have
two boys. We live in Higashi-Yamato.
[email protected]
Female friends. SJF, 40s, seeking
female friends in Tokyo in their 40s.
Let’s go to onsen, travel, dinner/lunch
or do some activity together. Japanese
ladies also welcome. parmigiano_
[email protected]
Fishing. I’m seeking friends who like
fishing. Let’s go together. I work for a
fishing tackle company. Drop me a line if
you are interested. piyopiyotaku0605@
Friends in Kichijoji. Thai professional,
30s, just moved to Kichijoji. I want
to meet people around the KichijojiMitaka area for friendship, language
exchange (J/E/Thai), drinks after
work, or hanging out on the weekends.
[email protected]
Going-out friend. I’m a JF who likes
going out for movies, eating and
drinking. I hope to find someone to
have fun together. tige2900@yahoo.
Jazz-playing friends. JM seeks
jazz players for fun. I’ve been playing
the alto sax for a couple of years. Still
amateur, but want to play with others.
[email protected]
Just one drink in the night. I like
reading books and writing with a quiet
midnight coffee. Sometimes I feel like a
small chat. Just one drink: tea, gin tonic
or champagne. Ebisu and Nakameguro
area. [email protected]
Lunchtime friends at French
restaurants. Stylish, creative, curious
JF, loves food, seeks lunchtime
(between 11:30 and 3pm) friends for
eating at French restaurants or bistros.
I’d like to discover some restaurants in
Tokyo. Any age/nationality ok. Must
have good taste. middaygourmet@
Seeking friends in central Tokyo.
JF, early 30s, seeks friends to hang
out with in central Tokyo. atkm92@
Seeking friend s . A c a d e m i c
American male, PhD in economics,
seeks friends. Loves traveling, music,
restaurants, modern art, cooking,
quiet conversation, and exciting social
life. [email protected]
Single mother and father friends.
Open-minded, unique, independent
JF, a single mother, seeks single
mother and father friends. Let’s share
fun and interests in Tokyo. Any age,
any nationality ok. middaygourmet@
Spanish study mates. JM seeks
Spanish study mates in Yokohama,
Shibuya, Shinagawa. My level
is intermediate. Any nationality
OK. Por supuesto quisiera hablar
nativos de habla espana tambien.
[email protected] 090-44194881
Yokota Airbase. JF, 28, seeks friends
in Yokota Airbase. mutakuni@hotmail.
15.2 Men Looking For
with permanent residence and
a stable job seeks a nice female
for friendship leading to serious
relationship.Any nationality ok.
[email protected]
SUBMISSIVE SJM. Cute, submissive
SJM, 32, is seriously seeking a
woman who is into or interested in
dominating men. I am so submissive
with six years of experience that I
can take whatever and can serve
you in any way. slaveintokyo@
American guy is seeking a female for
friendship and a relationship. I’m kind,
gentle, open-minded, and active. Let’s
enjoy spending time together. Nihongo
hanasemasu. [email protected]
British male, 31, friendly, tall, slim,
seeking a nice girl to hang out with.
Nationality/race unimportant, but
should be 20-35 and have a nice
personality. Interested in music and
film: you should be, too. shiodomebye@
Caring and cute JM seeks attractive,
hearty, nonsmoking Western female for
friendship. I simply would like to share
fun, interesting and great experiences
with you. If you feel the same way, just
drop me a line. [email protected]
Chinese-Canadian, 32, 175cm,
65kg, caring, fun-loving, athletic, likes
basketball, music, movies, seeking a
serious relationship with an attractive
JF, 22-32. [email protected]
Decent guy seeks a cheerful and
mature lady. I’m 30s, financially-secure,
living and working in Tokyo, enjoying
life. Let’s have dinner or drinks to get
started. Photos available. Prefer nonAsian. [email protected]
Difficult for JMs. It’s easy for
Caucasian males to date JFs here, but
hard for JMs to date Caucasian females.
Is there any chance for me, a SJM
Tokyoite, 30s, 6’, mature, caring, and
stylish, to hang out with a Caucasian
female? [email protected]
English chap. Englishman, 35. I like
the gym, running, cooking, the beach,
dining out with friends. Don’t like
clubbing, partying. Seeking someone
similar, 25 to 35, to enjoy evenings
out with. Let’s go out for coffee first.
[email protected]
Foreign girlfriend wanted. JM, 30,
180cm, honest, very kind. I look much
younger than my age and am in great
shape. My hobbies are playing the
piano and gym training. seiji.tnk@
French passion. French single black
guy, 29, just arrived in Tokyo. Doing
modeling job for magazines, CMs, etc.
People say I am easy-going and easy to
talk to. Looking for friends and possibly
more. [email protected]
Half JM in Tokyo. Male, half-Japanese,
40, good-looking, seeking cute JF for
date or long-term relationship. Prefer
age around 30s. Nonsmoker only
please. [email protected]
Handsome and gentle SJM seeks
well-educated, interesting, nonsmoking
Caucasian female to share wonderful
times and make a good friendship.
So let’s start our communication
and understand each other. If no
experience, just try me. healsan@
Handsome British guy. Sporty,
athletic, London guy, 30, seeks beautiful,
professional, mature Japanese woman
for serious relationship. Into sports,
travelling and movies. Let’s chat by
email first and exchange pictures.
You won’t be disappointed. aj_gilluk@
Handsome single guy seeks serious
relationship with a wonderful SJF. Let’s
be friends first, then get to know each
other better. Picture of you is a must. No
gamers. [email protected]
Handsome, gentle SJM. Handsome
and gentle SJM seeks well-educated,
interesting, nonsmoking, attractive
SWF female to share wonderful times
and good friendship. healsan@yahoo.
Hi there, cute girl! I’m just seeking
some casual dating, nothing serious. I’m
tall, handsome, early 30s. Interested?
[email protected]
JM seeking foreign girl. I’d like to
make friends with a foreign girl. I’m
easy-going and want to do fun things.
I play music and work in real estate
in Tokyo. I like to shop, drink, etc.
[email protected]
Looking for fun. American, late-30s,
working for a Japanese company, can
speak fluent Japanese. I would like to
meet someone for casual fun. We could
start with drinks and see where things
lead. [email protected]
Love English and Spanish. JM, 40s,
w/decent English and some Spanish
ability, not very handsome, w/good
sense of humor and tenderness,
seeking Japanese girlfriend w/similar
interests. [email protected]
Love travel and music? I’m Australian,
33, 183cm, slim, but athletic. I love
traveling, music, nature, beaches,
camping, reading, warm weather,
the outdoors, cooking, cycling,
photography, and much more. If you
have similar interests, get in touch.
[email protected]
Mature JF? Canadian guy seeks JF,
30s to 40s for serious relationship.
I like movies, music, the gym, art,
dining out, hiking. I can speak nihongo.
Serious only please. moonzin2007@
Mature lady in Tokyo. Smart and fun
SJM, 53, would like to meet a mature SWF
for long term friendship in Tokyo. I like
traveling, swimming and movies. Let’s
enjoy walking around and chatting over
coffee. [email protected]
Men seeking women. Be my girlfriend.
Nice guy, 45, lives and works in Tokyo,
average-looking, seeks serious
Japanese girlfriend, age and shape
don’t matter. Nihongo hanasemasu.
[email protected]
Movie friend. SJM, 31, almost bilingual,
loves traveling and movies, seeks
someone to go to the movies with, and
to talk with after the movies to get to
know each other well as a first step!
[email protected]
My missing half. Canadian male,
46, looks and feels younger, very
active, outgoing, seeking JF, under
40, for serious relationship leading
to marriage. Let’s share the future
together! live2gether2001@yahoo.
com 0903522-3533
Romance with an older lady. Very
nice and sexy gentleman seeks an
older, or much older, woman to have
nice dates and a romance. feeltokyo@
Seeking fun. SWM, 28, French, seeking
people who want fun like me. My life is
stable, but boring and stressful. I need
excitement for my mental health
balance. If you feel the same way,
contact me, please. reydajp@yahoo.
romantic girlfriend. 日本語大丈夫です.
[email protected]
Small JM seeks blond girlfriend.
Small JM, 34, 156cm, 56kg, seeks blond
girlfriend. If you don’t care about it,
let’s start from friendship. isaochkajp@
Sophisticated and cute SJM seeks
interesting, warmhearted, mature
Western lady for friendship or possibly
more. If you seek a genuine and ideal
Japanese man, just drop me a line. I’ll
respond to you shortly. jscit2007@
The Australian mentalist BF? Are
you still looking for someone special
that you haven’t found yet? It’s time
to start an exciting relationship
with an attractive SWM, 30s,
mentally stimulating, funny, friendly.
[email protected]
UK lady. SJM, 30s, tall, slim, lover of books,
films, and music, seeks an attractive
British lady with the same interests.
[email protected]
WM in Tokyo seeking a pretty JF,
18-35. I’m tall, white, with blue eyes. I
speak Japanese. chrischrisjapan34@
15.3 Women Looking
For Men
Take me away. SJF, mid-30s, enjoys
a stylish and healthy life, is tall and
attractive, lives in Tokyo, seeks a
sophisticated, honest, open-minded,
attractive SWM, with a great sense of his
lifestyle. Would appreciate discovering
new things together. antidotes.4u@
Grocery shopping? Are you ready
to enjoy an ordinary life with a SJF?
I want to find a gentleman who
lives in the Minato-ku area for a
long-term relationship. Are you downto-earth? Then let me live as a flower.
[email protected]
I’m a little bored these days and I
want to have a few drinks after work
with some handsome, talkative,
easygoing SWMs around Akasaka,
Roppongi, etc. I’m a JF, 30s, 170cm,
with big eyes. Reply w/photo, please.
[email protected]
Koenji? SJF seeks a boyfriend who
lives around Koenji. I’d like to have a
very relaxing, cozy time together. I
live near Koenji, so it’d be nice if you
lived near there, too. sunflower080@
Looking for an active woman? Want
to meet a kind SWM, 30-40, who works
in Tokyo, likes sports, walking, outdoors.
I’m SJF, friendly, sincere, so-so looks.
Let’s enjoy talking and explore fun
places together. asumatane@livedoor.
Seeking significant other Joyful
SJF, mid 40s, looking for SWM/SAM
for serious relationship only. I enjoy
traveling, onsen, nature, eating
out and daily life. I’m professional,
mature, sincere and caring. Looking
for similar who loves to live in
Japan (possibly for good). Chiba/
Makuhari/Funabashi area preferred.
Looking forward to hearing from
you. [email protected]
Nice SBM sought by beautiful SJF with
black eyes and long hair, smart, urban,
attractive, late-30s. American office
worker, black, over 37 y/o, nonsmoker
please. Music lover is a great plus.
Single only. [email protected]
Attractive JF, 30s, in Tokyo, seeks a
Caucasian businessman, nonsmoker,
over 40, and fun to be with. Let’s
meet after work and see if we click.
[email protected]
Seeking love. Have you enjoyed
Tokyo life? International, cosmopolitan,
cheerful SJM, 28, is seeking only one
adorable sweetheart. Shall we enjoy a
romantic, passionate, and good Tokyo
life together? English and Spanish ok.
[email protected]
Be my love. Attractive SJF, 40, very
young-looking, sweet, romantic,
loving, seeks warmhearted SWM with
a nice smile for long-term relationship.
Message me if you love kissing,
hugging, and want to be truly loved. No
games. [email protected]
Seeking relationship. A sian ,
27, 158cm, good-looking, seeking
women around Tokyo for relationship
or hanging around. Nonsmokers
appreciated. [email protected]
Calm and financially-secure partner
sought. I want a stable man in my life.
Over the years, I’ve learned what I can
do to my partner. I want to find my male
equivalent who is peaceful-minded.
[email protected]
Sincere relationship. French man, 30,
sincere, likes travel, movies, cooking.
Interested in long-term relationship.
Doesn’t matter if you’re Japanese or a
foreign, as I just seek a sincere, honest,
Genuinely for marriage. SJF, 40s,
black hair, medium build, moderately
educated, never married and no kids.
Looking for life partner, challenging,
nonsmoker. Photo appreciated.
[email protected]
MEN for serious relationships
possibly leading to marriage.
Confidential & affordable,
since 1994. Contact TMA for
free pamphlet in English or
Seeking love. Good looking JM, 22,
seeking western lady. Send email and
I’ll send more information about me.
[email protected]
Serious, long-term. SWM, 34, welleducated and traveled, with a stable job,
seeks true love. If you are 20-30s, warm
and caring, and seeking a serious longterm relationship, then please drop me
an email. Serious only, no games. No
Roppongi girls, please. Lasagna5577@
SWF seeks mature, generous man.
Cute, educated, and adventurous SWF,
23, seeks a NSA, mutually-beneficial
relationship with a mature, motivated,
generous sugar daddy. I’ll give you only
the best and expect the same in return.
[email protected]
Learn to be your woman. Nothing is
more fulfilling than loving and being
loved, and I have learned that having
sexiness, intelligence, class, beauty
and a little independence makes us
both happy. Beautiful, feminine SJF,
early-40s, seeks professional SWM.
[email protected]
Attractive SJF seeks SM. JF, early
40s, attractive, intelligent, calm,
sharp, sexy, seeking man 35-50, single,
sincere, nonsmoking, living in Tokyo,
with a steady job. Please describe
yourself in your reply. asahamada@
Serious life partner. SWM, 38, seeking
someone who also wants an honest,
faithful, friendly, modest partner. Let’s
share life together, traveling, hiking,
cooking and enjoying everything.
[email protected]
Full vegan, clean, pretty. Seeking
someone tall (above 180cm), clean,
smart, independent, and single. I’m
picky, but also know personality is
the most important. Full vegan, clean,
pretty, and loyal. Never cheated on my
man ever. [email protected]
Does the body rule the mind? Or
does the mind rule the body? I don’t
know. If you do know the lyrics and
the answer, email me. As long as you’re
single/serious, I won’t spit in your eye!
[email protected]
Pretty JF seeks attractive, intelligent,
and professional friends working and
living in Tokyo. I’m in my 30s, attractive,
and slim. I like dining and drinking out,
so let’s have a drink after work first.
[email protected]
Respect, love and care. Pretty SJF,
31, seeks a gentleman to develop a
serious relationship that may start
from friendship. Please have a good
balance of different qualities. Hopefully,
you’re interesting, but not too difficult.
[email protected]
Romantic winter together? Elegant
and educated SJF, 30s, in central Tokyo,
seeks a sophisticated and intelligent
single gentleman with a nice smile. How
about talking and laughing over a glass
of wine on a sparkling night in Tokyo?
Serious only. [email protected]
Seeking intelligent SJM. Attractive
SWF, early 20s, would love to meet an
interesting, intelligent JM. I’m interested
in art, architecture, and learning
more about Japanese culture. Let’s
have some great conversations and
hopefully more. tenderbuttons123@
Serious relationship. JF, early 30s,
seeks a well-educated French guy over
30, for serious relationship, possibly
leading to marriage. I wish to have a
family with kids in the future. Serious
only. [email protected]
Excitement in life. I’m bored and need
someone to hang out with. JF, 30s, with
a pretty face, awaits emails from hot
Caucasians, under 30, in Tokyo. Email
me your profile. [email protected]
Sincere European male, in/around
Yokohama, sought by pretty, intellectual
JF, 40s. Must be nonsmoking, intelligent
WM, mid-30s-40s, with thoughtful/
warm character and sense of humor.
Hobby-friend (walking, films, art) or
chat-friend is fine as a start. miccoast@
Friendship first? SJF seeks SWM from
native English countries. I’m 40s (look
early-30s), cute, fit, and attractive. If
you’re happy-go-lucky but responsible,
sweet but active, faithful but fun-loving,
and working in Tokyo, please email w/
photo. [email protected]
Smile together. Genuine, attractive,
down-to-earth JF, soon to be 40, is
seeking a serious relationship. Would
love to meet gentlemen who are sincere,
active, and successful. Let’s have coffee
to see if there’s good chemistry between
us. [email protected]
Trustworthy man sought. SJF, 30s,
living and working in central Tokyo,
active, likes outdoors, socializing with
friends, animals. Seeking someone
trustworthy who has good heart. Is
there any good man? I am interested in
European culture too. tokyo2011tokyo@
What is your next travel plan? Cute
and active SJF, 38, is looking for a cute
and funny boyfriend to travel with at
the end of this year. Please let me know
your most interesting travel experience.
Serious only. [email protected]
Japanese ladies. Clean and
discreet. Nurses, OLs, models.
Over 19 years only. Call: 0801262-8080. Open: 5pm-12am.
Check out real images at
A A A D E AR S I R S .
To p - q ua l it y g i rl s fo r to p
d e m a n d a r e w i s h i n g fo r
the opportunity to share
e n j oy a b l e , w o n d e r f u l l y
satisfying times with
generous, classy gentlemen.
Our best attention at all times.
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The Last Word
Julio Shiiki
Want to have The Last Word? Send your article
to: [email protected]
enjoy i n g it. T he st r on gest
mach i ne i n the u n iverse
imprisoned in a jail of bricks. I
am in prison too, in a nuclear
body and I would do anything
to come out from here—but
you… you choose to be inside of
a jail by your own will. I would
like to enjoy it, but it just makes
me sad.
A: Well, I have my reasons.
Astroboy vs.
Godzilla 2011
The Battle of the Century?
By M ara Duer
(The shadow of a seated little boy can
be seen. As he stands up, a spotlight
fa lls on him. He wa lks around the
stage staring down, while newspaper
headlines appear on the backdrop:)
“Government Unsure About Astroboy’s Safety”
“Can Astroboy Lose Control?”
“Should Astroboy Be Shut Down?”
“Astroboy Wanted!”
(With the last headline, Astroboy looks
up. Fade to darkness.
Lights up: Astroboy is in jail. Rushing
water is heard. Astroboy quakes with
Suddenly an enormous eye appears
in the jail window with the sound of
heavy breathing.)
Astroboy: Who is this?
Godzilla: It’s me. Can’t you recognize my green eyes
any more?
A: Yes I can recognize you, and I can still fight with
G: Really? I would like to see that. Come outside and
fight, like in the old days.
A: You’re enjoying this, right? I won’t come out.
G: It’s an interesting situation but no, I am not
G: I went to Fukushima. Life
u nde r w a t e r i s d i s app e a r ing. I’m worried. Humans are
ever y where—not wh at you
would consider a race in extinction. You, however, are the only
one of your kind. They might
try to make you extinct.
A: (Looking down) I owe them my life.
G: And you will owe them your death if you stay
A: (Looking up, puffing out his chest) Heroes don’t
run away. What will children think if I escape? I
won’t betray my reason for being in this world.
G: But they will betray you. Can’t you see? First
they love you and now they fear you. They used
you as a tool to make nuclear power cool! That’s
why you exist.
A: I don’t care. I believe in it. I’m cool, therefore
nuclear power is cool. Nothing is wrong with
that. Fukushima was just an accident. Accidents happen.
G: (Eye widens) You don’t have to tell me that!
I was born that way in 1954—four years after
you—because of a nuclear accident. From a little
miscalculation, the Americans created a bomb
1,000 times stronger than Hiroshima and Nagasaki put together. That’s why humans hate me,
not because I spit nuclear power, but because I
am the memory they don’t wish to remember.
What about you, who accepts you now?
A: I don’t know—and I fear that. I have never felt
fear before. It’s a terrible emotion. I don’t think
so clearly when it invades me.
G: Are you in penitence? I didn’t know you were a
Christian. Don’t you think your love for humans
is affecting your judgment?
A: I have been defending this country for 60 years.
(Pounds chest with pride) I am the last samurai and they won’t betray me. I am one of them,
not like you. You are bitter because of your fate,
because you are angry and alone. You could
have done so much for this country. You chose
your way. These are the times when a hero must
be stronger. My imprisonment and trial is the
ultimate proof of my loyalty.
G: Then you are betraying yourself. I am neither
human, nor machine. My loyalty is to Mother
Earth. I thought Japanese were the best of all
people because they worship nature. However,
the Japanese also tried to dominate all—just like
the other humans around the world. I wanted
to kill them all, but there were too many. So
I stopped fighting. I retreated in order to survive. I knew they would also try to dominate me,
and I’d prefer to die before serving them.
A: Don’t you see? This is your great opportunity for
reconciliation. You can make peace with humans
and help them in this terrible time of despair.
G: This is time for lessons, and some Japanese have
heard the call. I won’t use my fire any more, but I
will continue with my battle by other means.
A: Other means? What are you talking about?
G: Politics! I shall run for the Diet. And I want you to
join me. (As if reading a headline) “Godzilla and
Astroboy together.” It’s the perfect plan! Then
we can control nuclear power. Only we really
know how to manage this energy. We are the
only ones unafraid of it. Humans put everything
at risk.
A: But you are defeated. No one takes you seriously
these days. I had a film two years ago—you’re not
even on TV anymore.
G: For the first time, many Japanese people are
against nuclear energy. I think in the end, it’s
your credibility that’s in decline—not mine. So
what do you say, will you join me?
A: Are you crazy? This is the hardest time for
Japan. I have to stand next to the scientific community. If people stop believing nuclear power is
unavoidable then people will stop loving me.
G: That’s why you have to come with me. People can
love you for different reasons. You can change
your destiny. Let me be your advocate. We will
revolutionize humanity.
(Astroboy stays silent. A business card
flutters through the window.)
G: Here’s my meishi. There’s not much time. Call me
when you are ready.
(Lights down.)
ARCHETYPAL CITY: Tuttle’s New Japan Architecture
and the International Architecture Symposium
2011 TRAVEL: Finish off the summer island hopping
in Kagoshima the lAST WORD: Time for Okinawan
38 • download our podcast at • podcast.metropolis.co.jp
Mara Duer is a Rotary
International Peace
Fellow from Buenos Aires,
studying Peace & Conflict
Resolution at ICU
check us out
get your
next printed
copy Friday,
Sep 23