C.V. - Department of Political Science
C.V. - Department of Political Science
LISTE DE PUBLICATIONS COORDONNÉES Christine Rothmayr Allison Faculté des arts et des sciences Département de science politique Université de Montréal C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7 Canada Bur. (514) 343-6111 poste 20321 Courriel : [email protected] Livres Engeli, Isabelle et Christine Rothmayr Allison (eds.) (2014): Comparative Policy Studies : Conceptual and Methodological Challenges. Palgrave: manuscript accepté, en production, parution en mai 2014. Montpetit Éric, Christine Rothmayr et Frédéric Varone (eds.) (2007): The Politics of Biotechnology in North America and Europe: Policy Networks, Institutions and Internationalization. Lanham: Lexington Books. Bleiklie, Ivar, Malcolm Goggin and Christine Rothmayr (eds.) (2004): Comparative Biomedical Policy: Governing Assisted Reproductive Technologies, London: Routledge. Rothmayr, Christine (1999) Politik vor Gericht. Implementation und Wirkungen von Entscheiden des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichts in den Bereichen Fortpflanzungsmedizin, Lohngleichheit von Frau und Mann und Sonntagsarbeit. Bern: Haupt. Widmer, Thomas, Christine Rothmayr und Uwe Serdült (1996) Kurz und gut? Qualität und Effizienz von Kurzevaluationen. Chur/Zürich: Rüegger. Contributions à des ouvrages collectifs Rothmayr Allison, Christine (2014) : Law in books vs. Law in action: A review of the socio- legal literature. In: Louis Imbeau et Steve Jacob (eds): The Veil of Ignorance (manuscrit de livre sous évaluation) Engeli, Isabelle, Rothmayr Allison, Christine (2014): Governing New Reproductive Technologies across Western Europe: the gender dimension. In : Merete Lie et Nina Lykke (eds): ART Anthology (A, manuscrit de livre sous évaluation). Engeli, Isabelle, Rothmayr Allison, Christine (2014): Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in Comaprative Public Policy, in: Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr Allison (eds.): Comparative Policy Studies : Conceptual and Methodological Challenges. Palgrave: manuscript accepté, en production, parution en mai 2014. Isabelle Engeli, Benoît Rihoux, and Christine Rothmayr (2014): Intermediate-N Comparison: Configurational Comparative Methods. in: Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr Allison (eds.): Comparative Policy Studies : Conceptual and Methodological Challenges. Palgrave: manuscrit accepté, en production, parution en mai 2014. Rothmayr Allison, Chistine and Frédéric Varone (2014) : Justiz“, in: Ulrich Klöti et al. (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Schweizer Politik, 5. vollständig überarbeitet Auflage, Zurich: NZZ Verlag: Forthcoming. Engeli, Isabelle, Rothmayr Allison, Christine and Frédéric Varone (2012): Lessons from biomedical technology regulation: North American and European comparisons, in Michael Howlett and David Laycock (eds.), Regulating Next Generation Agri-Food Biotechnologies: Lessons from European, North American and Asian Experiences, Routledge: 163-182. Jacob, Steve et Christine Rothmayr (2008/2012): “La pratique de l’évaluation au miroir de l’analyse des politiques publiques” dans: Théories et pratiques en évaluation de programme, Manuel d’enseignement, sous la direction de Valery Ridde et Christian Dagenais, Montréal, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal. Rothmayr, Christine et Audrey L’Espérance (2007): “Le recours à la justice par les patients, chercheurs et groupes religieux dans le domaine de la biomédecine”, dans: La fonction politique de la justice, sous la direction de Jacques Commaille et Martine Kaluszynski, Paris, Éditions La Découverte: 191-209 (Collections “Recherches”, Série “Territoires du politiques”). Varone, Frédéric, Christine Rothmayr and Eric Montpetit (2007): “Comparing Biotechnology Policy in Europe and North America : A Theoretical Framework”, in: Eric Montpetit, Christine Rothmayr and Frédéric Varone (eds.), The Politics of Biotechnology in North America and Europe, Lanham, Lexington: 1-33. Abels, Gabriele and Christine Rothmayr (2007): “ART and GMO Policies in Germany: Effects of Mobilization, Issue-Coupling, and Europeanization”, in: Eric Montpetit, Christine Rothmayr and Frédéric Varone (eds.), The Politics of Biotechnology in North America and Europe, Lanham, Lexington: 145-168. Rothmayr, Christine (2007): “Switzerland: Direct Democracy and Non-EU Membership – Different Institutions, Similar Policies”, in: Eric Montpetit, Christine Rothmayr and Frédéric Varone (eds.), The Politics of Biotechnology in North America and Europe. Lanham, Lexington: 237-261. Montpetit, Eric, Frédéric Varone and Christine Rothmayr (2007): “Regulating ART and GMOs in Europe and North America: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis”, in: Eric Montpetit, Christine Rothmayr and Frédéric Varone (eds.), The Politics of Biotechnology in North America and Europe, Lanham, Lexington: 263-283. Kälin, Walter und Christine Rothmayr (2006): “Justiz“, in: Ulrich Klöti et al. (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Schweizer Politik, 4. vollständig überarbeitet Auflage, Zurich: NZZ Verlag: 177-200 / “The Judicial System“, in: Ulrich Klöti et al. (eds.), Handbook of Swiss Politics, 2nd, completely revised edition, Zurich, NZZ Verlag: 171-194. Steve Jacob, Louis Imbeau, François Petry & Christine Rothmayr (2006): “Considérations méthodologiques et stratégies de recherche pour l’analyse des constructions de l’action publique centrée sur le discours“, dans: Les Constructions de l’action publique sous la direction de Fabrizio Cantelli, Steve Jacob, Jean-Louis Genard & Christian de Visscher (dir.), Paris, L’Harmattan, Coll. Logiques politiques: 241-268. Rothmayr, Christine (2004): “Zwischen Öffnung und Tradition: grundsätzlicher Wandel Schweizerischer Politik?”/“Entre ouverture et tradition: une transformation fondamentale de la politique suisse ?“ in: Christian Suter, Isabelle Renschler und Dominique Joye (Hrsg.), Sozialbericht 2004/Rapport social 2004, Zürich, Seismo: 191-214. Rothmayr, Christine, Christine Spreyermann und Ruth Bachmann (2004): “Das Bundesprogramm Chancengleichheit von Frau und Mann an Schweizer Universitäten: Evaluation der Module ‘Anreizsystem’ und ‘Mentoring’“, in: Andrea Loether (Hg.), Erfolg und Wirksamkeit von Gleichstellungsmassnahmen an Hochschulen, Bielefeld, Kleine Verlag, 148-170. Rothmayr, Christine et Sibylle Hardmeier (2004) “Relations publiques du gouvernement et de l’administration en Suisse – dernières connaissances dans le domaine”, in Eidgenössisches Personalamt/Office fédéral du personnel (Hg.), Bundesverwaltung und Oeffentlichkeit: Staatliche Kommunikation als Führungsaufgabe/Administration et grand public: La communication étatique en tant que tâche de conduite, Schrifentreihe des EPA/Publications de l’OFPER Bd. 17/Vol. 17, Bern/Berne, EPA/OFPER: 89-107. Rothmayr, Christine and Celina Ramjoué (2004) “Germany: ART Policy as Embryo Protection”, in: Ivar Bleiklie, Malcolm Goggin and Christine Rothmayr (eds.), Comparative Biomedical Policy: Governing Assisted Reproductive Technologies, London, Routledge: 174-190. Rothmayr, Christine and Uwe Serdült (2004) “Switzerland: Policy design and direct democracy”, in: Ivar Bleiklie, Malcolm Goggin and Christine Rothmayr (eds.), Comparative Biomedical Policy: Governing Assisted Reproductive Technologies, London, Routledge: 191-208. Rothmayr, Christine, Frédéric Varone, Uwe Serdült, Arco Timmermans and Ivar Bleiklie (2004) “Comparing Policy Design across Countries: What accounts for variation in ART policy?”, in: Ivar Bleiklie, Malcolm Goggin and Christine Rothmayr (eds.), Comparative Biomedical Policy: Governing Assisted Reproductive Technologies, London, Routledge: 228-253. Goggin, Malcolm L, Deborah A. Orth, Ivar Bleiklie und Christine Rothmayr (2004) “The Comparative Policy Design Perspective”, in: Ivar Bleiklie, Malcolm Goggin and Christine Rothmayr (eds.), Comparative Biomedical Policy: Governing Assisted Reproductive Technologies, London, Routledge: 1-20. Rothmayr, Christine (2003) “Regulatory Approaches to Biomedicine: the impact of selfregulation on the public policies for Assisted Reproductive Technology”, in: Uwe Serdült und Thomas Widmer (Hrsg.), Politik im Fokus, Festschrift für Ulrich Klöti, Zürich, NZZ Verlag, 425-445. Articles dans des revues scientifiques Numéro spécial/dossier/special issues : direction Rothmayr Allison, Christine 2013 : Rationalité juridique vs. rationalité managériale? , dossier spécial, Droit & Society n° 84, 2013/2. Rothmayr Allison, Christine and Denis Saint-Martin (2011): Policy and Society, Special issue: Incrementalism at 50, 30(1). Rothmayr, Christine (2009): Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Special issue: The Impact of the Biotechnology Revolution on Comparative Policy Studies, (11) 4. Articles Rothmayr Allison, Christine (2013): « Le droit et l’administration de la justice face aux instruments managériaux : présentation du dossier », Droit & Society, dossier spécial : Rationalité juridique vs. rationalité managériale? n° 84, 2013/2 : 275-289 . Engeli, Isabelle and Christine Rothmayr (2013): “Diverging against all odds? Regulatory Paths in Embryonic Stem Cell Research across Western Europe”; Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 20 (3): 407-424. Dufour, Pascale, Bherer, Laurence et Christine Rothmayr (2012) : “Luttes contre l’exploitation des gaz de schistes au Québec : quand un enjeu environnemental brasse les cartes du jeu politique”, Mouvement 70 (2). Rothmayr Allison, Christine and Denis Saint-Martin (2011): “Half a century of "muddling": Are we there yet?”, Policy and Society, 30(1), 1-8. Saint-Martin, Denis and Christine Rothmayr Allison (2011): “Rationalism and public policy: Mode of analysis or symbolic politics?” Policy and Society, 30(1), 19-27. Rothmayr, Christine and Frédéric Varone (2009): “Direct Democracy and Biotechnology PolicyMaking in Europe and North America”, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Special issue: The Impact of the Biotechnology Revolution on Comparative Policy Studies, (11) 4: 425–449. Rothmayr, Christine (2009): “Introduction: The Impact of the Biotechnology Revolution and Comparative Policy Studies” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Special issue: The Impact of the Biotechnology Revolution on Comparative Policy Studies (11) 4: 413-424. Rothmayr, Christine (2006) "Explaining Restrictive ART Policies in Switzerland and Germany: Similar Processes - Similar Results?" German Policy Studies 3 (4), 595-647. Varone, Frédéric, Christine Rothmayr et Éric Montpetit, (2006) "Regulating Biomedicine in Europe and North America: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis ", European Journal of Political Research Vol. 45, pp. 317-343. Montpetit, Eric, Christine Rothmayr and Frédéric Varone (2005) “Institutional Vulnerability to Social Constructions: Federalism, Target Populations and Policy Designs for Assisted Reproductive Technology in Six Democracies”, Comparative Political Studies 38 (2): 119142. Rothmayr, Christine (2004) “Dialogue(s) entre citoyens et administration: le cas de la Suisse”, Les Politiques sociales, numéro spécial “Nouvelle Gestion Publique”, sous la direction de Frédéric Varone et Jean-Michel Bonvin 64 (1&2): 76-90. Rothmayr, Christine (2003) “Politikformulierung in der Fortpflanzungstechnologie: Partizipation und Einfluss feministischer Gruppierungen im internationalen Vergleich”, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 2003 (2), Sonderheft Feministisch-politologische Perspektiven auf Biopolitik, hrsg. von Gabriele Abels, Kathrin Braun und Teresa Kulawik: 189-200. Rothmayr, Christine, Fréderic Varone and Eric Montpetit (2003) ”Does federalism matter for biopolicies? Switzerland in comparative perspective”, Swiss Political Science Review, Special Issue on Federalism 9 (1): 109-136. Rothmayr, Christine and Sibylle Hardmeier (2002) “Public Administration and Polling: A Framework for Analyzing Use and Impact of Polls in the Policy-Making Process“, International Journal of Public Opinion Research 14 (2): 123-140. Rothmayr, Christine and Frédéric Varone (2002) “Debate: 'Biopolitics' and the missing political scientists, Introduction”, Swiss Political Science Review 8 (3/4): 129-134. Rothmayr, Christine and Frédéric Varone (2002) “Biopolitics and Policy Design: Seven propositions for future research“, Swiss Political Science Review 8 (3/4): 134-142. Rothmayr, Christine (2001) “Towards the Judicialization of Swiss Politics?“, West European Politics 24 (2): 77-94. (Numéro spécial édité) Sous evaluation Engeli, Isabelle and Christine Rothmayr Allison, When Doctors Shape Policy: The Impact of Self-Regulation on Governing Human Biotechnology. Revise and resubmit – Regulation&Governance. Autres publications Laurence Bherer, Pascale Dufour et Christine Rothmayr Allison : Analyse comparée des mobilisations autour du développement du gaz de schiste au Québec, en France, aux ÉtatsUnis et en Colombie-Britannique Partie 1, Étude soumise au Ministre du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, dans le cadre de l’évaluation environnementale stratégique sur les gaz de schiste, mars 2013. Spreyerman, Christine und Christine Rothmayr (2009): Evaluation Bundesprogramm Chancengleichheit von Frau und Mann an den Universitäten: Wirkungen des Programmes 2000-2007. Bericht zu Handen des Lenkungsausschusses; Dossiers de l’Office federal de l’éducation et de la science. Müller, Franziska, Ruth Bachmann, Christine Spreyermann et Christine Rothmayr (2009) : Projets de mentoring : Études de cas. Analyse des effets du mentoring dans le cadre de l’évaluation due Programme fédéral Egalité des chances entre femmes et hommes dans les universités suisses de 2000 à 2007, Lucerne/Berne/Montréal Book Review: Biobanks: Governance in Comparative Perspective. Herbert Gottweis and Alan Petersen (eds.), 2008, in Governance, 2009 (4): 759-761. Rothmayr, Christine (2008): „Vereinbarkeit von Akademischer Karriere und Familie an der Université de Montréal. Ein Erfahrungsbericht.“ Dans: Universelle: Beiträge zur Gleichstellung, Nr. 8, Februar 2008, Exzellenz und Chancengleichheit. UniFrauenstelle, Universität Zürich. Rothmayr, Christine (2008) : “Comment juger du succès ou de l’échec d’une politique? ” dans : La politique en question, par les professeurs de science politique de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 122-129. Rothmayr, Christine (2007) “Ombudsman”, Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, edited by David S. Clark, Thousand Oaks: Sage. Rothmayr, Christine (2007) “Switzerland”, Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, edited by David S. Clark, Thousand Oaks: Sage. Bachmann, Ruth, Christine Rothmayr und Christine Spreyermann (2004) Evaluation Bundesprogramm Chancengleichheit von Frau und Mann an den Universitäten. Bericht zu Umsetzung und Wirkungen des Programms 2000 bis 2003 / Évaluation Programme fédéral Égalité des chances entre les femmes et les hommes dans le domaine universitaire. Rapport sur la mise en œuvre et l'efficacité du programme de 2000 à 2003. Schriftenreihe BBW 2004/1d / Dossiers OFES 2004/1f, Bern/Berne: Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft / Office fédéral de l'éducation et de la science. (CE) Clavien Gaetan et Christine Rothmayr (2001) Mandat pour l’Eglise catholique romaine de Genève. Rapport final. Genève: resop. (rapport de recherche non publié) Crémieux, Laurent et Christine Rothmayr (2000) Évaluation du Conseil Économique et Social du Canton de Genève. Mandat du Conseil d’État. Projet réalisé sous la direction de Dr Christine Rothmayr et du Prof. Jan-Erik Lane. Genève: resop. Rothmayr, Christine and Elisabeth Maurer (2000) Akademische Nachwuchsförderung aus gleichstellungspolitischer Sicht. Das Beispiel der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften an der Universität Zürich. Zürich: UniFrauenstelle - Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann an der Universität Zürich. Rothmayr, Christine (1995) Die Kulturpolitik der Stadt Zürich: Eine vergleichende Analyse der Ausgestaltung kulturpolitischer Massnahmen in den 70er und 80er Jahren. Studien zur Politikwissenschaft Nr. 290-292. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft. Rothmayr, Christine und Ulrich Klöti (Hrsg.) (1995) Policy-Analyse: Zur Wirkung politischer Massnahmen. Beiträge zu einem Forschungsseminar, Studien zur Politikwissenschaft Nr. 293-295, Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft. Communications lors de colloques scientifiques Engeli, Isabelle and Christine Rothmayr Allison, When Doctors Shape Policy: The Impact of Self-Regulation on Governing Human Biotechnology: APSA, septembre 2013, Chicago. Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr Allison: Similar Intractable Policy Problem but Contrasting Governance Modes? The Interplay of government and governance in the field of human biotechnology, paper presented at the CPSA annual conference, juin 2013, Victoria. Laurence Bherer, Pascale Dufour and Christine Rothmayr Allison : Public Mobilisation, Delegation and Policy Change: The Case of Shale Gas in Québec, paper presented at the CPSA annual conference, juin 2013, Victoria. Christine Rothmayr Allison: Litigating for policy change: assisted reproduction in Canada, Switzerland and the USA, paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, March 2013, Mainz, Germany. Laurence Bherer, Pascale Dufour and Christine Rothmayr Allison : The role of unelected bodies in public participation processes Paper presented at the European Sociological Association, RN32 Mid--term Conference, Milano, novembre 2012. Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr Similar Regulatory Challenges but Contrasting Governance Modes? The Puzzle of Governing Human Biotechnology across Western Europe. Paper presented at the Post Governance Workshop, February 2013, LKY School of Public Policy, Singapore. Isabelle Engeli and Christine Rothmayr (2012): Explaining Diversity in Regulatory Regimes for Human Biotechnology : the Impact of Self-Regulation, paper presented at the IPSA World Congress, July 2012, Madrid, Spain. Dufour, Pascale, Bherer, Laurence and Christine Rothmayr: Who governs? Paper presented at the IPSA world congress, Madrid, juillet 2012. Rothmayr, Christine: Dynamics of Issue Attention on the Supreme Court of Canada, paper presented at the CPSA annual meeting, Edmonton, juin 2012. Birch, Lisa, Rothmayr Allison, Christine and François Petry: The Utilization of Public Opinion Research in Government: Policy Insights from Tobacco Control, Biotechnology and the Health Care Debate in Canada, paper presented at the 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) in Lausanne, Switzerland 18-22 July, 2011, in the Workshop “Surveys in policy making”. Rothmayr Allison, Christine: Variations of Judicialization: litigation patterns and judicial policymaking in comparative perspective, paper prepared for the Adversarial legalism à l’Européen conference, European Union Centre of Excellence, York University, April 2011 Rothmayr Christine et Audrey L’Espérance: Morality policies, legal mobilisation, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Does policy determine politics and patterns of judicialisation? Prepared for delivery at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2-5, 2010. Rothmayr Christine et Audrey L’Espérance: Courts and (Bio)Medical Policy-making in Canada : medicalizing ethically contentious policy issues. Paper presented at the CPSA Annual Conference, Montreal, 1-3 June 2010. Rothmayr, Christine: Variations of Judicialization: litigation patterns and judicial policy-making in comparative perspective, Paper presented at the 2010 Meeting of the IPSA RC 09, Comparative Judicial Studies: “Judicial Review as ‘Insurance Policy’: Horizontal and Vertical Accountability in Democratic and Transitional States”, Bologna, Italy, June 21-23, 2010. Rothmayr, Christine: La judiciarisation de la politique suisse: une analyse comparée des causes nationales et inernationales. Colloque: La Suisse, un pays-carrefour, 9 avril 2010, Université de Montréal Rothmayr, C. and A. L’Espérance: Courts and “Morality Policy” in Canada : Explaining differences in legal mobilisation and court impact. Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Münster, 2010. Rothmayr, Christine and François Pétry: The Role of Polling in Health Policy Making in Canada. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, September 2007. Rothmayr, Christine: Courts and the Biotechnology Revolution in North America and Europe: governing with judges? Paper presented at the Joint Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association and Research Committee on Sociology of Law (ISA) co-sponsored by Socio-Legal Studies Association (UK), the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law, the Vereinigung für Rechtssoziologie, and the Sociology of Law Section of the German Sociological Association, Berlin, July 2007. Pétry, François, Richard Nadeau, Eric Bélanger and Christine Rothmayr Allison: The Use of Polls on Health Care in the 2000 Canadian Federal Elections. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, September 2006. Rothmayr, Christine and Audrey L’Espérance: Courts and the Biotechnology Revolution: Policymaking in Canada, the USA and Switzerland. Paper presented at the 2006 CPSA Annual Conference at York University, Toronto, June 2006. Rothmayr, Christine: Courts, Direct Democracy and Multi-Level Governance: Mobilisation and venue shopping in biotechnology policy-making. Paper presented at Citizenship and Representation in Comparative Perspective: A Seminar on Comparative Politics, Concordia University, February 2006. Rothmayr, Christine and Frédéric Varone: Policy Design through Direct Democracy and Courts: Biotechnology Policies in Switzerland and the USA. Paper presented at the APPAM annual meeting, Washington, November 2005. Rothmayr, Christine and Gabi Abels: Why Restrictive Policies? Explaining Policy Design on ART and GM Food in Germany and Switzerland. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the the American Political Science Association Hilton Chicago and the Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL, September 2004. Rothmayr, Christine: Regulating GMO and ART in Switzerland. Paper presented at the ECPR Conference, Marburg, September 2003. Abels, Gabi and Christine Rothmayr: Regulating GMO and ART in Germany. Paper presented at the ECPR Conference, Marburg, September 2003. Varone, Frédéric, Christine Rothmayr and Eric Montpetit: Comparing the regulation of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and genetically modified organisms (GMO) in North America, Europe and Japan. A theoretical framework. Paper presented at the ECPR Conference, Marburg, September 2003. Rothmayr, Christine, Frédéric Varone and Eric Montpetit (2002) Does federalism matter for biopolicies? Switzerland in comparative perspective. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Swiss Political Science Association 2002, Fribourg. Rothmayr, Christine and Frédéric Varone (2002) The Politics of Biomedicine: Explaining and Evaluating Policy Design. Paper prepared for the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Torino, 22nd -27th March 2002. Rothmayr, Christine (2002) Staatliche PR im Informationszeitalter. Welche Ansprüche an die Organisation in der Verwaltung? Inputpapier zum Workshop an der Tagung "Public Relations in der Schweiz. Ein empirischer Blick auf Wirtschaft, Staat und NGO's", 15. November 2002. Zürich. Rothmayr, Christine, Celina Ramjoué and Uwe Serdült (2001) Governing Assisted Reproductive Technology: The Cases of Italy, Germany and Switzerland. Paper prepared for presentation at the 97th Annual National Meeting of the APSA, San Francisco, 2001. Rothmayr, Christine (2000) Use and Impact of Polls in the Policy-Making Process in Switzerland. Paper prepared for presentation at the XVIII IPSA-World Congress, Quebec City, August 1-6, 2000, SS 18 "Polls and the Policy Process: Use and Impact in Comparative Perspective". Rothmayr, Christine, Uwe Serdült and Frédéric Varone (2000) Regulating Assisted Reproductive Technology in Switzerland: A Policy Design Perspective. Paper prepared for presentation at the 58th Annual National Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago April 27-30, 2000.