CNC Waterjet cutting machine table size 3000mm x 2000mm great


CNC Waterjet cutting machine table size 3000mm x 2000mm great
CNC Waterjet cutting machine table size 3000mm x 2000mm great prices from www.apweur
APW Europe CNC Marble Waterjet Cutting Machine 3020BA Z800
APW Europe CNC marble cutting machine can cut almost any material. Pure water jets can quickly and accurately cut soft materials such as
rubber, foam and other gasket material. Abrasive water jets can cut almost any other material over a very wide range of thickness:
Bewertung: Noch nicht bewertet
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CNC Waterjet cutting machine table size 3000mm x 2000mm great prices from www.apweur
CNC Wasserstrahlschneidalage
Horizontal Brückenausleger1520BA
Schneidtisch : Horizontal
X und Y Achse Verfahrweg: 1500mm × 2000mm
Z-Achse Verfahrweg : 150mm
Kontrolgenauigkeit :± 0.01mm
Schnittpräzision : ±0.1mm
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