Attachment B - Council meeting archive
Attachment B - Council meeting archive
ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT B REPORT TO THE PLANNING DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE ON 10 SEPTEMBER 2007 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST (BURDEKIN HOTEL) DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE ATTACHMENT B 10 SEPTEMBER 2007 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST - BURDEKIN HOTEL – FURTHER REPORT FILE NO: D2006/02252 SUMMARY Date of Submission: 15 December 2006 Applicant: HOTVILLE PTY LTD Proposal: Use of the Basement Level (Dug Out Bar), and Level 3 (Lava Bar) of the Burdekin Hotel as a Place of Public Entertainment, in conjunction with ground, first and second floors. Proposed hours of operation would be from 8.00am to 2.00am Monday to Thursday inclusive, and from 8.00am Friday continuously until 12.00 midnight Sunday. Ground, first and second floors have approval for use of as a Place of Public Entertainment. Levels 1 and 2 currently have approval to operate from 8.00am to 2.00am Monday to Thursday, and from 8.00am Friday through till 12.00 midnight Sunday. Basement Level, Ground Level, and Level 3 have approval to operate between 8.00am to 11.00pm Monday to Saturdays inclusive, and 10.00am to 10.00pm Sundays. The purpose of this application is to ensure all levels of the hotel operate under the same hours and permitted use. Summary Recommendation: The recommendation contained in the report to the Planning Development and Transport Committee on 26 March 2007 be adopted, subject to amended and additional Conditions. Attachments: A - Council Resolution of 2 April 2007 B - Report to the Planning Development and Transport Committee on 26 March 2007 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST - BURDEKIN HOTEL – FURTHER REPORT 12233108 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE ATTACHMENT B 10 SEPTEMBER 2007 RECOMMENDATION It is resolved that the recommendation contained in the report to the Planning Development and Transport Committee on 26 March 2007 be adopted, subject to: (A) the following amendment to Conditions (2) and (8) (shown in bold italics): (2) HOURS OF OPERATION The hours of operation are regulated as follows: (8) (a) The hours of operation for basement, ground, first, second and third floors shall be restricted to between 8.00am and 11.00pm Mondays to Saturdays, and 10.00am to 10.00pm Sunday. (b) Notwithstanding (a) above, the use may operate on basement, ground, first, second and third floors between 8.00am to 2.00am the following day on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays, and from 8.00am Friday continuously until 12.00 midnight Sunday for a trial period of 12 months. The operator shall advise Council in writing of the date of commencement of the use as a place of public entertainment following completion of required safety works and Council’s issue of a Section 68 approval. (c) A further application may be lodged to continue the trading hours outlined in (b) above before the end of the trial period. Council’s consideration of a proposed continuation and/or extension of the hours permitted by the trial will be based on, among other things, the performance of the operator in relation to the compliance with development consent conditions, any substantiated complaints received and any views expressed by the Police. SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS Security cameras must be installed and maintained in good operational order and placed in strategic places such as the external entrance and exit doors and, located on all levels of the hotel. The security cameras must operate on a 24 hour basis. The DVDs/tapes/discs must have the time and date automatically recorded and be kept in a secure place to ensure their integrity for a minimum period of 28 days before being reused or destroyed. The DVDs/video tapes/discs are to be made available to the Police upon request. Note: Digital recordings (DVDs) are the preferred form of surveillance recording. (B) the following additional conditions: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST - BURDEKIN HOTEL – FURTHER REPORT 12233108 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE ATTACHMENT B 10 SEPTEMBER 2007 (30) NOISE MANAGEMENT (a) The LA10 noise level emitted from the use must not exceed 5dB above the background (L90) noise level in any Octave Band Centre Frequency (31.5 Hz to 8 kHz inclusive) at any time when assessed at the boundary of any affected receiver. The background noise level must be measured in the absence of noise emitted from the use in accordance with Australian Standard AS1055. (b) The LA10 noise level emitted from the use must not exceed the background (L90) noise level in any Octave Band Centre Frequency (31.5 Hz to 8 kHz inclusive) between the hours of 12.00 midnight and 7.00am when assessed at the boundary of any affected receiver. The background noise level must be measured in the absence of noise emitted from the use in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1055.(residential premises only) (c) The use of the premise shall be controlled so that any emitted noise is at a level so as not to create an “offensive noise” as defined in the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 to any affected receiver. (d) Notwithstanding compliance with (a) and (b) above, the noise from the use must not be audible within any habitable room in any residential property between the hours of 12.00 midnight and 7.00am. NOTE Should noise complaint be received by Council from a place of different occupancy and the complaint being substantiated or deemed substantiated by a Council Officer, the use or area concerned shall cease operation or reduce the operation as directed by Council until attenuation works are carried out so as that the premises complies with the relevant subclause of the condition above (31) NO SPEAKERS OR MUSIC OUTSIDE Speakers must not be installed and music must not be played in any of the outdoor areas associated with the premises including the public domain. (32) REMOVAL OF GLASS Patrons must be prevented from removing glasses, opened cans, bottles or alcohol from the premises (except from any approved bottle shop area) DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST - BURDEKIN HOTEL – FURTHER REPORT 12233108 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE ATTACHMENT B 10 SEPTEMBER 2007 (33) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE That a certificate of compliance being submitted to Council’s Health and Building Unit prior to commencing use of the extended entertainment areas from an accredited Acoustic consultant certifying that the recommendations in the acoustic report dated 17th July 2007 by Renzo Tonin & Associates (TD634-01F02 [REV 1]) have been complied with, including the appropriate setting of Basement and Ground Level amplification equipment, and acoustic upgrade of doorways fronting Oxford Street. (34) NOISE FROM GLASS REMOVAL (a) The removal of recycled bottles and glasses must only occur between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday to avoid noise disruption to the surrounding area. (b) Glass must not be emptied or transferred from one receptacle to another anywhere in a public place. All glass must be emptied/transferred within the premises and removed in containers. (c) Glass must not be emptied on the public way but removed in containers. Any breaking or crushing of bottles must occur wholly within an acoustical enclosed internal garbage area (35) DELIVERY OF GOODS The hours of delivery of goods to and servicing the premises must be restricted between the hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday .The delivery of goods must be in vehicles no larger than an 8.5 m truck or the equivalent (36) QUEUEING /FOOTWAY MANAGEMENT (a) That all patrons waiting outside to enter the premises shall queue along the immediate frontage of the building only and shall be maintained in a quiet and orderly manner by security officers .The queue shall not obstruct any fire exits and shall be a maximum length of 15 persons on the footway. (b) Security officers shall move-on any persons loitering or congregating on the footway or any adjoining area within 50 metres of the entrance to the premise, so as to maintain unobstructed pedestrian access and the social amenity of the area. (c) The frontages of adjoining premises must not be used as a smoking area by patrons and security officers must ensure the footway is not obstructed by patrons. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST - BURDEKIN HOTEL – FURTHER REPORT 12233108 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE ATTACHMENT B 10 SEPTEMBER 2007 (37) DOORS AND WINDOWS (a) All doors and windows associated with the entertainment areas including ground floor must be maintained in a closed position whilst entertainment is carried out and baffled where required. (b) Doors fronting Liverpool Street shall remain in a closed position at all times, and may be used only in event of emergency. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST - BURDEKIN HOTEL – FURTHER REPORT 12233108 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE ATTACHMENT B 10 SEPTEMBER 2007 BACKGROUND 1. The application was considered at the Planning Development and Transport Committee on 26 March 2007. The proposal is to use of the Basement Level (Dug Out Bar), and Level 3 (Lava Bar) of the Burdekin Hotel, in conjunction with ground, first and second floors. Proposed hours of operation would be from 8.00am to 2.00am Monday to Thursday inclusive, and from 8.00am Friday continuously until 12.00 midnight Sunday. 2. The Planning Development and Transport Committee resolved to defer determination of the application to the next Committee meeting so as to enable the following: (a) A site visit to be undertaken by interested Councillors; (b) Further information to be provided on issues raised at the Committee meeting, including compliance matters; and (c) An independent acoustic report to be undertaken. ISSUES Compliance History 3. Further information was received from Council’s Compliance Unit, including records of noise complaints and waste management during in the last 6 months. According to Council’s records, there have been seven (7) complaints, which were recorded and actioned (and in comparison to other licensed premises is relatively low). 4. The most recent complaint was received on 29 July 2007, regarding noise and unauthorised use of the basement, ground and third floors. The City Rangers conducted an inspection of the premises, following which a letter was sent to the licensee of the Burdekin Hotel to immediately cease using the premises as a Place of Public Entertainment on basement, ground and third floors. 5. Further information was also received from the Surry Hills Licensing Unit, NSW Police. Specifically, details of the Computer Incident Despatch System (CIDS) Jobs, and ‘Events’ between January 2003 and March 2007 were obtained. A CIDS Job is generated if a person dials Emergency ‘000’ or the Police Station to report an incident. An Event is created when a Police Officer prepares a narrative about the sort of incident created. 6. NSW Police recorded a total of 102 CIDS in relation to the premises between January 2003 and March 2007. There were twelve (12) incidents of noise complaints, twelve (12) assault incidents, and thirty-two (32) uncategorised incidents. 7. A total of 180 Events in relation to the premises were recorded, including twentysix (26) building inspections by Police, seventy-eight (78) stealing incidents, and thirty-seven (37) incidents of lost property. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST - BURDEKIN HOTEL – FURTHER REPORT 12233108 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 8. ATTACHMENT B 10 SEPTEMBER 2007 NSW Police have stated that the number of CIDS and Events relating to the premises, in comparison to similar hotels are relatively low. NSW Police requested that suitable noise amelioration measures be adopted to minimise further complaints, that a comprehensive and up-to-date CCTV system be installed on all levels of the premises, and that the cameras are operational beyond the times that entertainment is being conducted. Additional conditions regarding noise attenuation and installation of security cameras have been included within revised conditions of consent. Independent Acoustic Assessment 9. Renzo Tonin & Associates were engaged by Council to independently assess the acoustic impact from all levels of the Burdekin Hotel on the surrounding residential properties. The assessment involved a noise survey, which was conducted between the hours of 10.30pm Friday 29 June 2007 and 3.00am the following morning. Noise level measurements were undertaken at the nearest most potentially affected residential premises, in conjunction with internal music noise levels within various areas of the Burdekin Hotel. The report made the following conclusions: (a) ‘Noise emission from the Burdekin Hotel complied at all locations except at location R3c (Bedroom of 93/6-14 Oxford Street) where barely audible levels of low frequency bass was detected between breaks in traffic along Oxford Street.’ (b) From a site inspection, it was determined that the ‘noise detected at Location R3c was emitted from the Ground Level of the Burdekin Hotel and transmitted through gaps in the doors fronting Oxford Street. We have made recommendations that either a minor reduction in low frequency (<125Hz) music noise be made to the sound system or acoustically upgrade the doorways fronting Oxford Street.’ (c) With respect to the sound system limiting, it is recommended that the limiting of the Basement Level sound system be reset to maintain the noise levels recorded during the residential noise survey; and (d) Confirmation that the use of the vocal amplifiers identified in the Ground level system rack should be confirmed not to increase the overall noise level of the relevant systems. 10. Council’s Environmental Health Specialist reviewed the acoustic report and found it to be acceptable. Recommendations made by the acoustic consultant’s report have been included as additional conditions of consent (shown in bold italics) including that there be no music/speakers outside, that a certificate of compliance and Plan of Management be provided closure of doors and windows whilst entertainment is being provided. 11. The proposal is considered acceptable subject to the additional conditions. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST - BURDEKIN HOTEL – FURTHER REPORT 12233108 DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE ATTACHMENT B 10 SEPTEMBER 2007 Hours and Use of Ground Floor 12. In the officers original report it was noted that there would be no change to the ground floor in terms of hours or use of this area for entertainment. The applicant has sought to clarify that the ground floor was always intended to be used for public entertainment and operate the same hours as the remaining floors of the hotel. 13. In this regard the proposal was originally notified to include the consolidation of all levels of the Burdekin Hotel (basement, ground, first, second and third floors) so the premises could operate under a single consent. 14. Additional conditions have been included in the revised recommendation to ensure control of noise emanating from the ground floor, namely additional Conditions 33 and 37(a). 15. In view of the above, it is considered reasonable to consolidate the hours of operation of all levels of the Burdekin Hotel and that Condition 2(b) be amended to include the ground floor. Site Visit 16. A site visit may be conducted by interested Councillors in accordance with the resolution on 26 March 2007 prior to the consideration of the matter by Council. CONCLUSION 17. Information received by Council’s Compliance Unit and NSW Police indicate that over the last 5 years the number of complaints and incidents associated with the Burdekin Hotel are relatively low in comparison to similar hotels in the area. Further, the independent Acoustic Consultant’s report has recommended tighter conditions of consent to ensure that any on-going entertainment within the hotel will not cause harm to surrounding residents by way of noise and vibration. 18. The proposed use is acceptable subject to the inclusion of the additional and amended conditions outlined in the revised recommendation. GIOVANNI CIRILLO Director Planning and Regulatory Services (Kate Freedman, Specialist Planner) DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST - BURDEKIN HOTEL – FURTHER REPORT 12233108 ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL OF 2 APRIL 2007 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGURST (BURDEKIN HOTEL) ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT REPORT TO THE PLANNING DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE ON 26 MARCH 2007 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST (BURDEKIN HOTEL) ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: DARLINGHURST FILE NO: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET D/2006/02252 SUMMARY Date of Submission: 15 December 2006 Applicant: HOTVILLE PTY LTD Proposal Summary: Use of Basement Level (Dug Out Bar) and Level 3 (Lava Bar) of Burdekin Hotel as a Place of Public Entertainment, in conjunction with ground, first and second floors. The proposed hours of operation are from 8:00am to 2:00am Monday to Thursday inclusive, and from 8:00am Friday continuously until 12:00 midnight Sunday. Summary Recommendation: A total of forty-three (43) submissions were received from residents in the surrounding area primarily concerned about noise disturbance, anti-social behaviour and car parking. Previous approval was granted in December 2006 for the continued use of a POPE on levels 1 and 2 of the hotel. Retrospective approval was also granted for noise attenuation measures to the building. The application is recommended for approval subject to the following hours of POPE operation for the basement and third floors: Base hours (Basement/level 3) 12 Month Trial (Basement/Level 3) Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 11:00pm 11.00pm – 2:00am Friday 8:00am – 11:00pm 11.00pm Friday Saturday 8:00am – 11:00pm Sunday 10:00am – 10:00pm through till 12:00 Midnight Sunday Other conditions of consent would include provision for on going acoustic testing, and the installation of additional noise limitation equipment. There would also be a restriction on the use of egress from the doors fronting Liverpool Street for use in the event of an emergency only. This proposal is recommended for approval. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 (i) South Sydney Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Gazetted 28 April 1998, as amended) (ii) South Sydney Local Environmental Plan 1998 – Draft Amendment No. 9 (iii) South Sydney Development Control Plan 1997 – Urban Design (in force on 2 July 1997, as amended) (iv) City of Sydney Notification of Planning and Development Applications Development Control Plan 2005 (date of commencement – 18 May 2005) (v) Development Control Plan No. 11 – Transport Guidelines for Development 1996 (Adopted 8 May 1996) Development Controls Attachments: A- Location Plan B- Floor Plans DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 RECOMMENDATION It is resolved that consent be granted subject to the following conditions: SCHEDULE 1A Approved Development/Design Modifications/Convents and Contributions/Use and Operation Note: Some conditions in Schedule 1A are to be satisfied prior to issue of a Construction Certificate and some are to be satisfied prior to issue of Occupation Certificate, where indicated. (1) APPROVED DEVELOPMENT (a) Development must be in accordance with Development Application No. D/2006/02252 dated 15 December 2006 and the following drawings: Drawing Number Architect Date 10f6/02.140 John Spiteri Design and Drafting May 2002 20f6/02.140 John Spiteri Design and Drafting May 2002 Level 1 Untitled May 2006 Level 2 Untitled May 2006 50f6/02.140 John Spiteri Design and Drafting May 2002 and as amended by the conditions of this consent: (b) (2) In the event of any inconsistency between the approved plans and supplementary documentation, the plans will prevail. HOURS OF OPERATION The hours of operation are regulated as follows: (a) The hours of operation for basement, ground, first, second and third floors shall be restricted to between 8.00am and 11.00pm Mondays to Saturdays and 10.00am to 10.00pm Sunday. (b) Notwithstanding (a) above, the use may operate on basement, first, second and third floors between 8.00am to 2.00am the following day on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and from 8.00am Friday continuously until 12.00 midnight Sunday for a trial period of 12 months. The operator shall advise Council in writing of the date of commencement of the use as a place of public entertainment following completion of required fire safety works and Council’s issue of a Section 68 approval. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (c) 26 MARCH 2007 A further application may be lodged to continue the trading hours outlined in (b) above before the end of the trial period. Council’s consideration of a proposed continuation and/or extension of the hours permitted by the trial will be based on, among other things, the performance of the operator in relation to the compliance with development consent conditions, any substantiated complaints received and any views expressed by the Police. (3) ROOF TOP (4) INGRESS/EGRESS (5) FOOD PROVISION/ALCOHOL (6) PLAN OF MANAGEMENT The operator must submit a Plan of Management for the premises including a Security Management Plan, incorporating all conditions of this consent, and the relevant recommendations of Council and the NSW Police Service, to the satisfaction of Council prior to the commencement of operation of the premises. The use must then always be operated and managed in accordance with the Plan of Management approved by Council and be subject to the adoption of any future recommendation of the NSW Police Service and any reasonable direction of Council. (7) SECURITY/MANAGEMENT (8) SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS (9) NEIGHBOURHOOD AMENITY (10) PLACE OF PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT (a) The use of the premises (or subject part) for the provision of entertainment must not commence until such time as an application, pursuant to section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, has been submitted to and approved by Council. The premises must comply with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia, in particular those relating to Places of Public Entertainment. (b) The provision of entertainment within the premises must cease after a period of 12 months from the date of the Place of Public Entertainment final approval under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. A further application may be lodged before the expiration of the trial period for Council’s consideration. A full and current copy of the development consent for the operation of the licensed premises, the security management plan and, where applicable, the Place of Public Entertainment approval under section 68 of the Local Government Act must be kept on-site and made available to Police or Council Officers upon request. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (c) 26 MARCH 2007 Where a licensed premises holds, or obtains, a Place of Public Entertainment approval, each specific area to which the approval refers must display, in a prominent position, a sign which states the number of persons approved under the POPE licence in letters a minimum 25mm in height on a contrasting background. (11) MAXIMUM POPULATION OF LICENSED PREMISES (12) CHANGE OF USE Pursuant to Clause 93 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, the building must comply with any conditions of this consent relating to fire protection (Category 1 fire safety provisions) and structural adequacy. Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued for the new use, the Principal Certifying Authority must ensure that the building complies with the following: (a) The building is to comply with the Deemed-To-Satisfy (DTS) provisions of the Building Code of Australia for a Class 9b Place of Public Entertainment. Departures from the DTS provisions shall be carried out in accordance with Table 1 of the Alternative Solutions Report by Stephen Grubits & Associates, Document Number 2004/218.1 R1.1 dated 23/01/2007 Revision 1. (b) The Essential Fire Safety Measures list in Table 2 of the Alternative Solutions Report by Stephen Grubits and Associates, Document Number 2004/218.1 R1.1 dated 23/01/2007 Revision 1 shall be added to the buildings schedule of essential fire safety measures. (c) A sufficient number of male and female and sanitary facilities including wash basins and sanitary facilities for people with disabilities shall be provided in accordance with Table F2.3 and F2.4 of the Building Code of Australia. (13) SMOKE HAZARD MANAGEMENT (14) NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS IN INDIVIDUAL AREAS The population of individual areas (including entertainers and staff) must not exceed those numbers quoted in the Alternative Solutions Report by Stephen Grubits and Associates, Document Number 2004/218.1 R1.1 dated 23/01/2007 Revision 1. (15) SEPARATION OF ENTERTAINMENT AREA (16) PANIC BOLTS ON EGRESS DOORS. (17) NOISE - USE (18) NOISE LIMITERS (19) ADDITIONAL NOISE CONDITIONS FOR LICENSED PREMISES During the first 60 days of public entertainment being provided at the premises, the following acoustic measures must be undertaken: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (a) (b) (c) (d) 26 MARCH 2007 a suitably qualified acoustic consultant must be appointed (such appointment to be before the entertainment commences) to: (i) measure and verify that the noise emanating from the premises complies with the noise criteria in the “Noise Use” conditions; and (ii) if necessary, make recommendations to ensure that the noise emanating from the premises complies with the noise criteria in “Noise Use condition”. The noise measurements must be: (i) undertaken without the knowledge of the applicant, manager or operator of the premises; and (ii) taken on at least three different occasions on three different days of the week (excluding Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) from 11pm until the end of the public entertainment or the close of business, whichever occurs first; and (iii) submitted to Council’s Licensed Premises unit within 7 days of the testing. If the acoustic consultant recommends that additional treatment or works be undertaken under condition (a)(ii) above, those recommendations must be: (i) submitted to Council with the noise measurements as required in (b)(ii) above; and (ii) implemented to the acoustic consultant’s satisfaction before the end of the first 60 days of public entertainment being provided on the premises. If the acoustic consultant’s recommendations are not implemented in accordance with this condition, public entertainment on the premises must cease until such time as the recommendations are implemented and verified. (20) ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT (21) CARE OF BUILDING SURROUNDS (22) REMOVAL OF GRAFFITI (23) SIGNS - SEPARATE DA REQUIRED (24) WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION (25) RECEPTACLES FOR CIGARETTE BUTTS Provision must be made on the site, adjacent to the entrance/s to the building, for an adequate number of receptacles for the disposal of cigarette butts. Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the location and design of the receptacle/s must be approved by Council. The receptacle/s must: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 (a) be located entirely on private property and must not be located on or over Council’s footpath; (b) not obstruct any required means of egress or path of travel from the building required by the Building Code of Australia; (c) not obstruct any required access/egress path for people with disabilities; (d) be appropriately secured to the building; (e) the emptying and maintenance of the receptacle/s is the responsibility of the building owner/manager and will not be undertaken by Council; and (f) emptying of receptacle/s must be carried out on a daily basis. (26) WASTE REMOVAL A Waste Management and Street Environment/Litter Control Plan is to be submitted and approved by the Director City Planning prior to the commencement of the use. The plan is to provide all appropriate details including: (a) Evidence of a trade waste collection contract with Council or other licensed waste collection contractor. (b) Details of generation rates and waste storage facilities within the building and verification that existing facilities can accommodate the storage, recycling and collection requirements of the proposed use. (c) Procedures for the cleaning of the public way and daily removal of litter generated by patrons. (d) No waste shall be placed for collection in a public place unless collection facilities cannot be provided within the building. If no collection facilities can be provided within the property, prior approval must be obtained from Council’s Service Planning Unit as to the position, time and manner of placement of waste on the public way. (27) SANITARY FACILITIES Sanitary and other facilities must be provided in accordance with the Building Code of Australia, Part F2 (28) ANNUAL FIRE SAFETY STATEMENT FORM (29) OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 BACKGROUND The Site and Surrounding Development 1. No. 2-4 Oxford Street is located on the Y-intersection of Oxford Street and Liverpool Street. The property is known as Lot 1 DP 6064 and contains the Burdekin Hotel. 2. The Burdekin Hotel is a four storey, Federation hotel with Inter-War Art Deco style overlay. 3. The surrounding development is predominantly mixed use, residential and commercial and late night licensed premises providing entertainment. 4. Residential developments within close proximity to the subject site include; (a) 6-14 Oxford Street - The Park Ridge apartments, immediately adjacent the eastern wall of the Burdekin; (b) 18-32 Oxford Street – Saville Park Suites; (c) 144 Liverpool Street - The Connought on the south western corner of Wentworth Avenue and Liverpool Streets; (d) 38 College Street – Hyde Park Plaza; and (e) Residential dwellings in Liverpool and Francis Streets to the north of the site. Residential uses Subject site 5. A site location plan is provided in Attachment A. 6. Photographs of the site are provided below. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 Residential uses Burdekin Hotel Photo 1: Subject site as viewed from Liverpool Street and Oxford Street intersection. Emergency egress only from doors fronting Liverpool Street (Dug Out Bar/ Basement level) Photo 2: View of Burdekin Hotel from Liverpool Street showing emergency egress point. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 History Relevant to this Site 7. Development application D/89/00101 was approved on 26 April 1989 for internal refurbishment of the basement and ground floor levels as a public bar, use of the first and second floor levels for residential, and provision of a dining room/restaurant on the third floor level. The approved hours of operation were until midnight, 7 days a week. 8. The above consent was subject to several modifications including relocation of restaurant to the first floor and change of use of second floor to provide offices staff rooms and storage facilities. 9. On 4 May 1989, approval (BA/89/413) was granted for the refurbishment of the ground first, second and third floor levels and in 1994, approval (BA/94/00807) was granted for public entertainment on the ground floor level. 10. The Licensing Court granted approval for 24 hour operation in December 1995. Between 1990 and 1995 the premises had licensing approval to operate until 3.00am, Monday to Saturday and between 1.00am and 12.00 midnight on Sundays. 11. According to Council’s records, South Sydney raised no objection to the Licensing Court consent and approved hours of operation subject to the imposition of conditions aimed at reducing harm and disturbance to the surrounding locality. 12. On 8 December 2003, Council granted consent for the use of the ground, first, and second floor levels as a Place of Public Entertainment with base hours of operation from 8.00am and 11.00pm Mondays to Saturdays and 10.00am to 10.00pm Sunday. Notwithstanding this, consent was granted for hours of operation 8.00am to 2.00am the following day, Monday to Thursday inclusive and from 8.00am Friday continuously until 12 midnight Sunday for a trial period of one year. Entertainment was said to be provided in the form of recorded DJ music. 13. On 19 December 2006, approval was granted under delegation of Council, for the continued use of levels 1 and 2 as a Place of Public Entertainment and retrospective consent for noise attenuation works and internal refurbishment of the Burdekin Hotel. The application was notified to neighbouring properties within a 50 metre radius, with only four (4) letters of objection received. PROPOSAL 14. The proposed development seeks the use of the Dug Out Bar (basement level) and Lava Lounge (level 3) as a Place of Public Entertainment (POPE) within the existing ‘Burdekin Hotel’. 15. The proposed hours for the POPE are 8:00am to 2:00am the following day Monday to Thursday inclusive, and from 8:00am Friday continuously until 12:00 midnight Sunday. 16. The application also seeks to consolidate existing approvals for the Main Bar (ground floor), Mini Bar (Level 1) and Viper Bar (Level 2) into single development approval and Section 68 approval for administrative purposes. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 IMPLICATIONS OF THE PROPOSAL Section 79C Evaluation 17. An assessment of the proposal under Section 79C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 has been made, including the following:- Section 79C(1)(a) Instruments Environmental Planning Instruments, DCPs and Draft STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING POLICIES (SEPPs) 18. The proposed development is not subject to any relevant State Environmental Planning Policies. LEPs AND DCPs 19. The following Local Environmental Plans are relevant to the proposal. South Sydney Local Environmental Plan 1998 20. Compliance of the proposal with the LEP controls is summarised below: Development Controls Permissible under South Sydney LEP 1998 Planning Principles (Part 2) Development is to be considered having regard to the goals and objectives within the Strategy for a Sustainable City of South Sydney. Zoning Controls (Part 3) Zone 3 – Business Proposal as assessed under South Sydney LEP 1998 The proposed development application satisfies the Strategy. Refer to issues section of report. The development is permissible with consent. Refer to issues section of report. Heritage Conservation (Cl 22 to 27) The building is a Heritage Item (HI 768) and located within the East Sydney Heritage Conservation Area. The proposal is to satisfy certain heritage requirements. The proposal satisfies these provisions and is not considered to harm the heritage significance of the building or the Conservation Area. South Sydney DCP 1997 21. Compliance of the proposal with the DCP controls is summarised below: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Matter to be Considered 26 MARCH 2007 Compliance Comment PART B: URBAN DESIGN PRINCIPLES Urban Villages, Public Spaces and Pedestrian Networks Section 3 9 Able to Comply: The site is located within the East Sydney Urban Village, and surrounded by other late night premises. Subject to specific conditions the use can continue to protect the residential amenity of this mixed use area. Refer to issues section of report. Sustainable, Healthy Environment Section 4 9 Able to comply: The proposal entails potential adverse noise impacts. Refer to issues section of report. Cultural Issues Section 4 9 Complies: The proposed use enhances and can continue to be compatible with the existing surrounding land uses. Cumulative Impacts and Trade-Offs Section 6 9 Able to comply: The proposal makes provision for the mitigation of adverse social impacts of the development. Security Section 9 9 Able to comply: There is an existing Plan of Management and Security Plan of Management for the premises. Further conditions have also been recommended by the NSW Police. Refer to issues section of report. Health Section 10 9 Complies: Noise insulation for the existing hotel has been implemented to satisfy Australian Standards. These levels are considered satisfactory and will not adversely impact on neighbouring residential land uses. PART D: SOCIAL PLANNING DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Matter to be Considered 26 MARCH 2007 Compliance Comment PART E: ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN CRITERIA Parking , Access and Servicing Section 1.6 9 Site Facilities Section 1.9 9 Complies: No off street parking is proposed and there are no proposed changes to the existing loading and servicing of the site. The site is well serviced by public transport. Complies: There is adequate existing provision of waste handling. n/a There is no proposed change to the existing signage for the hotel. Heritage and Conservation Section 3 9 Complies: The proposed development is not considered to harm the heritage significance of the building, or the appearance of surrounding Conservation Area. Visual and Acoustic Privacy Section 4.1 9 Safety and Security Section 4.2 9 Able to comply: The hotel includes existing noise attenuation measures for public entertainment use. Council’s Health Unit were satisfied that the existing noise attenuation measures were satisfactory and that any additional noise impacts could be effectively mitigated, subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. Refer to issues section of report. Able to comply: A Security Management Plan exists for the site. Increased security and surveillance for the premises is also recommended by the NSW Police through conditions of consent. Refer to issues section of report. Access and Mobility Section 4.4 9 Signage Section 2.6 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST Able to comply: The proposal makes adequate provision for equitable access and facilities. 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Matter to be Considered 26 MARCH 2007 Compliance Comment Fire Regulations Section 4.6 9 Operational Controls Section 6 9 Able to comply: Council’s Building specialists were satisfied that fire safety measures outlined in the applicant’s Alternative Solution Report 2004/218.1 R1.1 are adequate. Able to comply: The proposed hours of operation for POPE on basement level and level 3 are to be consistent with the approved hours of POPE operation for levels 1 and 2. A Plan of Management and Security Plan of Management are required by condition of consent. The proposed use is not considered to adversely impact on the surrounding land uses. Refer to issues section of report. PART F: DESIGN CRITERIA FOR SPECIFIC TYPES Shopping Streets Section 5 to 5.5 9 Complies: Oxford Street is identified as a major shopping street. The proposal satisfies all applicable requirements of this section. ISSUES 22. The issues identified in the above instruments/policies as non-complying or requiring further discussion in the abovementioned tables are discussed in detail below:- Strategy for a Sustainable City of South Sydney 23. One of the principal objectives of the LEP as stated in Clause 7 is to implement the goals and objectives contained in the Strategy for a Sustainable City of South Sydney. Clause 8 also provides that in assessing any development application that the Council must take into consideration the goals and objectives of the Strategy as they relate to the proposed development. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 24. 26 MARCH 2007 In order to realise the main goal of the strategy, a number of detailed strategies were developed and are grouped under sub-goals of Environment, Land Use and Transport, Character and Identity, Community Well-Being and City Management. An assessment of the development application reveals that it meets the goals of the above strategies. These issues are dealt with in detail in the issues section of this report, where relevant to the proposal. Zoning Objectives 25. The site is located within Zone No. 3 – the Business Zone of the South Sydney Local Environmental Plan 1998. The use satisfies objective (a) of the zone in that it will ‘Encourage suitable types of mixes of business activities including……entertainment related land uses that increase employment opportunities and contribute towards the economic and social vitality of the area’. Hours of Operation 26. The current and proposed hours of operation for the POPE for all levels of the hotel are summarised in the tables below; Table 1: Current and proposed hours for Ground floor, Level 1 & Level 2; Current Approved Hours - Levels 1 and 2 Base Proposed Trial period Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 11:00pm 11:00pm – 2:00am Friday 8:00am – 11:00pm 11:00pm Friday Saturday 8:00am – 11:00pm 12:00 Midnight Sunday 10:00am – 10:00pm Sunday through till No change proposed (5-year trial period as per D/2006/00774) Current Approved Hours - Ground Level Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 11:00pm Friday 8:00am – 11:00pm Saturday 8:00am – 11:00pm Sunday 10:00am – 10:00pm Proposed Base hours apply. No change proposed (Trial period expired per DA DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST D/2003/00780) 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 Table 2. Current and proposed hours for Basement and Level 3 Current Approved Hours - Basement Level and Level 3 Base Trial period Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 11:00pm Friday 8:00am – 11:00pm Saturday 8:00am – 11:00pm Sunday Proposed 10:00am – 10:00pm Trial 12 months 11:00pm – 2:00am Base hours apply. 11:00pm Friday (Trial period expired through till per DA 12:00 Midnight D/2003/00780) Sunday Table 3. Consolidated hours as a result of current Development Application Base hours Basement Trial hours Trial Period 11:00pm – 2:00am Monday to Thursday 8:00am to 11:00pm 11:00pm Friday through 12:00 Midnight Sunday 12 months Monday to Saturday, Ground and Level 1 10:00am to 10:00pm Level 2 No proposed change to Ground Floor 11:00pm – 2:00am Monday to Thursday 5 years Sunday. Level 3 11:00pm Friday through 12:00 Midnight Sunday 12 months 27. As indicated in Tables 1 and 2, the proposed hours of operation match the hours approved for Levels 1 and 2 subject to a 5 year trial period. Table 3 summarises the consolidated hours of operation for each level as a result of this development application. 28. It is considered that with the inclusion of a detailed Plan of Management, and a Security Management Plan as required by condition of consent, the proposed hours will be acceptable on a trial basis subject to the conditions. Noise Control 29. The South Sydney DCP 1997 stipulates that developments should protect the amenity of internal living areas and ensure effective noise attenuation between different classes of buildings. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 30. In 2005, the Applicant’s acoustic consultants conducted testing in response to Section 104 Conferences and Complaints at the Liquor Administration Board. Acoustic testing was carried out on 29 January 2005 from the southern façade of 150 Liverpool Street as a direct response to the noise complaints received. Noise attenuation works involving double glazing to windows and installation of internal lining to the northern side of the hotel were implemented. 31. Further testing was carried out at 150 Liverpool Street on 9 May 2005. On 29 June 2005, specific testing was carried out at unit Nos. 603 and 802 of 150 Liverpool Street. As a result, minor additional sound limiting measures were introduced to level 1 of the hotel. On 21 November 2005, a further test was carried out to unit 603. The acoustic report dated 25 November 2005 stated inter alia; ‘..the absolute maximum noise levels of the music were controlled by the limiting system and with the sound system operating at maximum level, no music from the Burdekin Hotel could be detected in the master bedroom of apartment 603/150 Liverpool Street with or without the balcony doors open. On the basis of the compliance test, it would appear that the suggestion of the Burdekin Hotel giving rise to noise disturbance on the nights of the 23 September, 25th September and 29th October, 2005 would more than likely be associated with another licensed premise in the area and/or music occurring inside the apartment building of 150 Liverpool Street’ 32. The report also confirmed that the level of traffic noise in the apartment was significantly greater than the ambient background noise level. 33. An acoustic report dated 31 January 2007 submitted with the current proposal and states inter alia; ‘…acoustic compliance testing has been carried out on a number of occasions at the Burdekin Hotel and found it fully complied with the Liquor Administration Board and Council standard noise Conditions of Consent….. Our compliance testing found that the noise control measures carried out to the hotel and the limitation placed upon the sound systems would ensure that the simultaneous operation of the top floor, first floor, ground floor and basement music areas would fully comply with the LAB and Council noise conditions for both prior and after midnight assessment periods.’ 34. The proposal was referred to Council’s Environmental Health Specialist and the proposed use is considered satisfactory subject to additional conditions regarding noise control, neighbourhood amenity, noise limiters, and specific conditions relating to noise for licensed premises. 35. In view of the above, it is considered that the extension of the POPE use to basement and third floor levels will not give rise to any additional adverse noise, and as a result, is unlikely to cause any harm to neighbouring residential amenity. Safety and Security 36. With regard to issues of safety and security, a Security Management Plan currently exists for the premises. A condition is also recommended that a revised Security Management Plan be submitted to the satisfaction of Council prior to the commencement of operation of the premises. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 37. 26 MARCH 2007 The proposal was referred to Council’s Building Surveyor (Licensing Unit), and to NSW Policy Surry Hills Licensing Branch. There was no objection raised to the proposed hours of entertainment use for basement and third floor levels subject to a 12 month trial period. Section 79C(1)(b) Other Impacts of the Development 38. The proposed development will not result in any significant additional impacts other than those already identified and discussed above. BCA Matters 39. The BCA Classification of the building is Class 9b. 40. The development is capable of satisfying the requirements of the BCA without significant modification. Section 79C (1) (c) Suitability of the site for the development 41. The site is suitable for a commercial development, the proposed development is considered appropriate for the reasons detailed elsewhere in this report. Section 79C (1) (e) Public Interest 42. The proposed development is consistent with many of the relevant controls including operational controls, noise attenuation, safety and security, and residential amenity. In this regard it is considered that the proposal will be in the public interest. POLICY IMPLICATIONS 43. The proposal is not considered to harm the surrounding residential amenity and is therefore considered acceptable. PUBLIC CONSULTATION Section 79C(1)(d) Advertising and notification 44. Adjoining and nearby owners and occupiers of buildings were notified of the proposal and invited to comment. In addition, notices were placed on the site and the proposal was advertised in the daily press in accordance with the provisions of the City of Sydney Notification of Planning and Development Applications Development Control Plan 2005. 45. Forty-three (43) letters of objection were received. The grounds for objection are summarised as follows:(a) The proposal will result in increased noise disturbance and vibration from the premises. Comment: Council’s Environmental Health Specialists have advised that potential noise impacts are able to be adequately addressed through existing and proposed noise attenuation measures. This includes the provision of noise limiters and ongoing acoustic testing. Refer to Conditions 13, 14, 15 and 16 of the consent. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE (b) 26 MARCH 2007 The proposal will affect the level of available local on street parking and increase traffic congestion in the general area. Comment: The site and the locality are well serviced by public transport, and the proposal is for licensed premises with late trading hours. It is likely that the majority of the patrons will not drive to the site. (c) The proposal will have an adverse impact on residential amenity, particularly to residences on Liverpool Street. Comment: The proposal makes provision for measures to reduce negative impacts on residential amenity. The existing and recommended noise attenuation measures are considered acceptable. Additional conditions are recommended for security surveillance, access and egress and patron behaviour. It is not considered there will be a loss of residential amenity as a result of the proposal. Refer to conditions 7, 8, and 10 of the consent. (d) The proposal will result in increase criminal and anti-social behaviour in the locality. Comment: Conditions of consent require an amended Security Management Plan, security guards and surveillance. There is no evidence to suggest that the use contributes to violence and crime and the NSW Police have not raised any objection to the proposal, subject to conditions. (e) The proposal will cause an increase in waste disposal to Liverpool Street. Comment: There are no proposed changes to the existing waste management for the site. Council’s standard waste management conditions have been included as conditions of consent. (f) The locality is already saturated with licensed premises Comment: The site is located within an area where entertainment uses are allowed. The premises currently hold a 24 hour liquor license and there are no proposed changes to the existing hours of operation. As indicated in the main body of the report, the proposed POPE for basement and third floors is not considered to harm the amenity of the surrounding sensitive land uses, subject to conditions. (g) The proposed use will cause a financial value loss of surrounding residential properties. Comment: Loss of property value results from loss of residential amenity. As indicated, the existing and recommended noise attenuation measures are considered acceptable. In addition conditions are recommended which relate to security surveillance and safety measures. Egress from the premises is restricted to Oxford Street access points only after 9.00pm. It is not considered that there will be a loss of residential amenity as a result of the proposal. EXTERNAL REFERRALS 46. The proposal was referred to the NSW Police. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 26 MARCH 2007 NSW Police 47. In accordance with Council’s protocol for licensed premises, the NSW Police Service was notified of the proposed development. Comment and advice relating to the proposal was furnished to Council by the Senior Constable in the Licensing Unit of the Surry Hills Local Area Command. 48. The NSW Police has advised that they support the proposal in principle subject to conditions with regard to the following issues: (a) Clear signage to be displayed on each level indicating maximum number of patrons on each level when entertainment is being conducted; (b) Lighting to be at levels to allow staff to observe patrons for signs of intoxication and disorderly behaviour; (c) Lighting is to be at levels so that CCTV cameras record quality information; (d) The installation of an up to date and quality CCTV system including installation at all entrances, exits, stairs, recordable for 30 days minimum, capable for viewing on quality office monitors and capable for downloading data and recording on disc; and (e) A minimum of one licensed security uniformed guard per 100 patrons. INTERNAL REFERRALS 49. 50. The application was referred to Council’s:(a) Place of Public Entertainment Specialist; (b) Building Surveyor; (c) Specialist Surveyor; and (d) Environmental Health Specialist. No objection was raised in principal to the proposed use for the basement and third floor levels, subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. Appropriate conditions have been included in the recommendation of this report. RELEVANT LEGISLATION 51. The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Heritage Act 1977. OPTIONS 52. The committee may or may not concur with the recommendation of this report. CONCLUSION 53. It is considered that the objections received in relation to the application can be adequately addressed by the imposition of appropriate conditions. 54. It is considered that the proposal is acceptable and is recommended for approval, subject to recommended conditions of consent, including: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE 55. 26 MARCH 2007 (a) The imposition of conditions recommended by Council’s Environmental Assessments (Health) Unit relating to noise attenuation and ongoing acoustic testing and mitigation measures; (b) The restriction of the hours of POPE entertainment for the Basement and third floor to between 08:00am and 11:00pm, Mondays to Saturdays, and 10:00am and 10:00pm Sundays, and the imposition of a twelve month trial period on trading between 0:800am to 2:00am Mondays to Thursdays (inclusive) and 8:00am Friday continuously till 12:00 Midnight Sundays. (c) The adoption and implementation of the recommendations of the NSW Police Service. It is recommended that the period after which the development consent will lapse be two years. GIOVANNI CIRILLO Acting Director City Planning (Kate Freedman, Planner ) DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: 2 – 4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST 11121603 ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT LOCATION PLAN 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT FLOOR PLANS 2-4 OXFORD STREET DARLINGHURST ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT B