July 15, 2016 Lake Merwin Campers Hideaway
Lake Merwin Campers Hideaway July 15, 2016 For Weather conditions, visit the LMCH Website or call The Hideaway Hotline 360-263-6050 Coming up 7/16 Can crush 10:00am 7/16 Bingo 7:00pm 7/17 KK10 Open House 1:00pm 7/23 Activities Meeting 4:00pm 7/23 Boat Insp. 10:00am 7/23 Canvas Night 6:30pm 7/30 Board Mtg 9:00am 7/30 Tree Comm 9:00am 7/30 Bingo 7:00pm 8/6 Camp Craft 11:00 am 8/6 Bingo 7:00pm 8/9 Papa Bear Dusk 8/13 B&G 9:00am 8/13 Poker Run 8/13 Dance 8:00pm 8/27 Tree Comm 9:00am 9/3 Bingo 7:00pm 9/4 Craft fair 9/4 Candidates Forum 11:00am 9/4 8:00pm Dance 9/10 B&G 9:00am Contact Us: Office: 360-247-5589 Toll free: 866-207- 9262 Sales: 360-247- 5940 Office is open daily 8:30am - 4:30 Closed for lunch 12:30 –1:00pm The LMCH Staff participated in the Territorial Days Parade on Saturday. This was a great opportunity for community outreach and the LMCH Staff was able to get out of the office for a couple of hours. The float looked great and we won 1st place in our category. If you want to see the float, check us out on Facebook or LMCH.com. The rebuild of the KK10 facility will be completed by Sunday, July 17. LMCH Management will be hosting an Open House from 1pm until 3pm to showcase the construction. If you would like to stop by, the camp manager and others will be onsite to answer any questions about the construction and use of the facility. We would love to see you there. If you haven’t paid your membership dues in full or made arrangements to be on the payment plan, July 1st marked 90-days that your account is now past due. LMCH Management has realized that many members may not fully understand the bylaws, so we have extended the date until July 31st . If you have not made arrangements to be on the payment plan and you wish to do so, contact the office immediately to avoid your membership going into suspension. You may request a copy of the LMCH Payment Plan contract by emailing office @lmch.com. Rob Clift Camp Manager Lake Merwin Camper’s Hideaway Know Before You Go This section is dedicated to educating our members and their guests of LMCH policies, as well as the enforcement of said policies. Knowledge of the policies will ensure members and their guest have an enjoyable experience at camp. Courtesy Site Policies Courtesy/VIP sites are available by reservation only. Check-Out time is 1:00 pm. Be sure to remain in the usable area of the courtesy site. All vehicles must be parked on the courtesy site and not along the road or on the neighboring sites. Pets must be on a leash at all times outside an RV. Quiet Time begins at 11:00 pm, but at no time should you disturb other members or guests. Campfires must be inside a fire pit, when campfires are allowed depending on the daily fire status. DO NOT leave campfires unattended. Do not cut or damage trees or vegetation or dig anywhere on the courtesy site. For emergencies, contact your host member. You may also call 911. Courtesy Enforcement Excessive noise Violation of noise curfew Violation of equipment curfew Unleashed dogs/excessive barking dogs After hours Incident Response $45.00 $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 Fines up to $450.00 Illegally parked vehicles will be towed at the expense of the host membership, if the owner of the vehicle can’t be located. From the Vice President: Grievance Chair Appointed We are pleased to announce the appointment of Kathy Reuter, 25 on 14, to the Chair of the LMCH Grievance Committee. Kathy has an extensive background in dispute resolution, was a certified mediator with the Florida Supreme Court for many years, and has trained and supervised many mediators during her career. Kathy is excited about bringing those resolution skills to LMCH and has very interesting ideas about enhancing our current policies and procedures. The Board is looking forward to working with Kathy. Mary Ann Wersch Vice President, LMCH Board From the Board Secretary The Board of Directors will have three openings for the membership to fill at the September 24th annual meeting. Two of those elected will serve positions that have three-year terms. The third seat to be filled will be for two years, the unfulfilled term due to a board members resignation. The three existing board members are eligible to serve another term if they file and the members elect them. You must be a proprietary member of LMCH in good standing and a member for a minimum of one-year prior to the election. You can access the LMCH website at www.lmch.com and download an application. You can also stop by the office and obtain an application at the front counter. The deadline for submitting your completed application is Monday July 25, 2016. Please remember to mark your calendars for the annual meeting on Saturday, September 24, 2016 at noon. Thank you, Don Gregory, Board Secretary From the LMCH Finance Manager We would like to take the opportunity to update you on items pertaining to the member’s receivable accounts. Emailed statements are now available. Those members that previously signed up, received their first statements via email in June. If you would like your statements sent via email please send me a note at [email protected] or contact the office so that we can verify your email address and get you on the list. Many members that pay their dues in advance have requested that they receive monthly statements reflecting the activity. We agree it is a good practice for members to see the activity on their account each month. In order to facilitate this request we have changed the preferences to print all statements with anything other than a zero balance. The requested change above has brought to light many small discrepancies and open invoices dating back to 2004. Over the last two months, we have been working on investigating and resolving old items in each account to reduce the number of statements printed with a small amount due or credit balances. You may see adjustments to the accounts as we resolve the old issues that have been carried forward. You may also see adjustments between the member’s two accounts if a small credit or balance due can be eliminated. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected] or contact the office. Lisa Joerin, LMCH Finance Manager Office Announcements [email protected] Just a reminder, per LMCH policy, if you are coming to pick up your boat decals, please ensure you bring your boat and trailer registration with you. Without these documents, we will be unable to provide you with your decals. If you are in need of a pump out, please feel free to send your request to [email protected] and we will respond with a confirmation email. Please be sure to include your site, block and last name. You also still have the option to call the office staff and make the request. If you see a stray dog wandering on property, you may either send us an email at [email protected] or you may call the office at 360-247-5589. We will pass the information on to our maintenance or security staff. THIS WEEKEND Debby will be placing a special order for t-shirts. If there is a LMCH t-shirt you would like, but we haven’t had your size, now is the time to order it. Please have your order submitted by THIS Sunday, July 17th. Facility Manager’s Report The Maintenance Staff has been busy maintaining the Camp and completing Work orders for members. The top 7 maintenance tasks that were completed last week: Weed eating along lake road and throughout the camp. If the rain continues, maintenance will be weed eating all summer. Block 6 Play Ground has been cleaned with all old toys and equipment removed. Maintenance did 3 full garbage runs, which is an indicator of usage. Maintenance did 50 plus pump outs, which is also an indicator of usage. A major water leak was fixed on block 18. Numerous site development, plus power and water issues for individual member sites were resolved. Delivered 3 holding tanks and installed 2. FROM THE WATERFRONT Last weekend was relatively quiet at the waterfront. This weekend may be the same, recognizing the cloudy weather forecast. Regardless, it should still be nice enough to get out and enjoy our surroundings. The Waterfront now has 2 carts available on weekends for transferring items from your vehicle at the boat ramp to your boat or to the swim beach. The Boat Inspections are scheduled for Saturday, July 23rd from 10AM to noon. Sgt. Pritchart's team from the Clark Country Marine Patrol will be available for several hours at the boat ramp area to provide complimentary boat inspections to LMCH members who desire to have their boats inspected. In past years they provided compliance stickers for boats that meet all requirements. Also in the past, Sgt. Pritchart has indicated that during their pass-through's of our dock areas they have noted many of our member’s boats did not have current state boat registration stickers applied. Anyone’s boat still needing those should take care of that as soon as possible. If not already done, be sure to pick up your annual LMCH boat registration stickers. Those can be picked up at the LMCH office. This year's poker run is scheduled for Saturday, August 13th at the waterfront. This fund-raiser is always well-attended and is a lot of fun for all who participate, and will pay-off for the top 3 poker hands. Be sure to mark your calendars! Want to enjoy a free rental slip next season? Raffle tickets are available for $1 per ticket. One lucky winner’s ticket will be drawn on New Year’s Eve. Get yours at the office or from a waterfront committee member/volunteer. See you at the waterfront. Have fun out there! Meditation Point Sunday, July 17, 2016, DANNY NASH will be our special guest speaker at the 10:00am service at LMCH Chapel at Meditation Point. Danny has an exciting testimony of how God completely changed his life through a radical encounter and transformation in 1982 with the Living Word of God and his life has never been the same. Since then he has been a licensed pastor for 11 years, youth leader, life group leader, men's group speaker, Bible conference speaker, Bible seminar instructor, involved in door to door evangelism, as well as other duties and experiences. Dan and his wife Sherry have been married 47 years and are actively involved in their local church in Washougal, Washington. LOOKING AHEAD: On Sunday July 24th, The New Creation Trio will once again be with us in concert and worship. Follow us on Facebook at LMCHChapel. T-SHIRT CLOSEOUT! Certain LMCH t-shirts are on sale this week. Come by and grab a few for yourself or as gifts for friends and family! All Sale items will be available on a table in the lobby. LOST & FOUND A ring was found and turned in to the front office. If you are missing a ring, please come to the front office and describe to claim. Thank you to the person that found and turned it in. MONDAY – FRIDAY 11 AM to 9 PM **Closed Tuesdays** SATURDAY 8AM TO 9PM SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM (360) 607-8115 Greetings LMCH Members, Guests, and Staff, Erin King, former manager and cook for KK5 Restaurant, has accepted another job and is no longer working at the KK5 Restaurant. Erin was instrumental in getting the new KK5 Restaurant up and running and we wish him all the best in his new opportunities. Moving forward, the KK5 Restaurant is continuing to find better ways to improve service and offer additional menu items that our talented team can produce. We are working with LMCH Management to identify innovative ways to serve the LMCH community. Sincerely, Garrett Hoopman, Owner and Operator of KK5 Restaurant WiFi Questions? Please direct any Wi-Fi questions and communication to [email protected] In order to sign up for Wi-Fi, it is required that you sign up in the front office Kiosk between the hours of 8:30am-4:30pm. POOL Hours RATES: (tax not included) Daily: $ 1.00 per day Monthly: $ 25.00 per month Annually: $ 175.00 for one device $ 225.00 for two devices Wednesday through Monday Tuesday: closed for cleaning Adult Swim 8:30AM TO 10:00AM Open Swim 10:00AM TO 10:00PM Adult Swim 10:00PM TO 11:00PM Pool Guidelines: The Grand re-opening of The Hideaway Spa will be Labor Day weekend. Watch here for more updates! ~Katina 360-702-8477 [email protected] Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult 18 or older. You must be 18 years or older to use the spa or sauna. No diapers allowed in the pool, including “little swimmers’. Children who are not potty-trained must wear an LMCH approved swim diaper. We have them for sale at the pool. IMPORTANT CHANGE TO PUMP OUTS Due to limitations on how much waste can be disposed of and processed daily, we will be adding an additional pump out day. Pump outs will be done Tuesday through Friday. Please plan ahead and allow up to 7 days for the pump out to be processed after you request it. When you request that your holding tank be pumped, please make sure there is access to your tank at the time that you request it. Pump-outs are not done on the weekends. CAN CRUSH July 16th 10:00am Gravel Pit area WANTED! PICKLEBALLERS At 10:00 O’clock each morning you will find from four (4) to ten (10) LMCHers playing PICKLEBALL at the court located at the playground which is just below the swimming pool on the road to Mediation Point. Come play with us! We want you! Contact Pickleball Phil Cummins (86 on 5) at 503-465-3394. Phil will be most happy to fill you in on the details. Tickets for the annual 50-50 raffle are now available! FRIENDLY REMINDER 50% of the money received goes towards Security and the Activities Committee and the other 50% is split between 3 winners, 1st winner will receive 25%, 2nd winner will receive 15% And the 3rd place winner will receive 10%. The winners will be drawn at the Labor Day Dance, winners do not need to be present to win. Get your tickets now! Only $1 per ticket! We appreciate your participation. The more we sell, the bigger the prize! Just a friendly Reminder You MUST include both your Name & Site on your propane tank in order for it to be filled. Tanks filled daily at 12:30pm Across from the maintenance shop/ Pool area Owners are responsible for picking up after their dogs while on property. Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook ACTIVITIES The next couple of weekends will be quiet for Activities in the camp. Even volunteers need a rest and time to enjoy the summer with family and friends. However, this weekend I think I’m going to grab a couple of friends and drop-in on Bingo and see if I can win some money and meet some members. If you’re in camp and feeling lucky, stop in and play a card or two. Bingo starts at 7pm. The Parking lot sale For July 23rd has been cancelled. July Events (subject to change) July 23rd, Activities Committee Meeting, 4:00pm at the Office in the conference room. July 23rd, Canvas Night (Only 9 Spots left)- To sign up, please call or email the office, your spot must be paid in full to be reserved. Upcoming Events in August August 6 – Camp Craft 11am-12, Office August 6 – Papa Bear – TBD August 13 – Beach Blast Dance, Papa Bear Theater Volunteers Needed As the summer season picks up, the Activities Committee could always use volunteers. Labor Day we could really use volunteers. Young adults are always welcome. Strong muscles to move equipment before an event or after. Did you know when you volunteer, your site can earn points for pump outs, family pool passes, the log splitter, tree permits and more? Kids Korner: Q. It’s been around for millions of years, but it’s no more than a month old. What is it? A. The moon. Your Committee Chair, Kathy Evey Check us out on our Facebook page under “Activities at the Lake”. To find us search on “Activities at the Lake” 2016 BINGO SCHEDULE July 30th, Aug 6, Aug 20th, Sept 3rd Bingo Blast at KK5 July 16th. Hurry down for a seat and a shot at winning one or more of the growing jackpots. A big happy $50.00 win goes to a young man (making this a second time win) Colby Clift - 8 yrs. Congrats Colby!
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