biodata/cv/latar diri - E-COMM UMK
biodata/cv/latar diri - E-COMM UMK
1 CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Professor Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman Date & Place of Birth: 23 August 1967 and Sg.Petani, Kedah, Malaysia Sex: Male Nationality: Malaysian Marital Status: Married Mailing Address: Department of Finance and Business, faculty of Entreprenuership and Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Locked Bag 36, 16100 Kota Bahru, Kelantan, Malaysia Telephone: +60128396343 (house/hand phone) Fax: +609-7717252 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Educational Background 1974-1979 1980- 1982 1983-1984 1985-1986 1987-1991 1992-1993 1996-1997 1999-2000 2002-2007 Primary Sekolah, Bedong, Kedah, West Malaysia. Bedong Secondary School, Kedah, West Malaysia. Sungkai Secondary School, Perak, West Malaysia. Academy Vanto, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, West Malaysia. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Pulau Pinang, West Malaysia. Teaching Training College, (MPKT), Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, West Malaysia. University of Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom. Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, East Malaysia. University of Wollongong, Australia (PhD). Field of Expertise Innovation/entrepreneurship in HR, HR/IR in SMEs, Industrial relations, industrial democracy, union-management partnership, 2 employee participation, human resource management, human capital management, organisational behaviour, human resource development, employment relations, employment law, qualitative research methods, social sciences subjects, informal sector, softskills and entrenuership courses, elderly people employment, minimum wage. Academic/Tertiary Qualification 2007 PhD (Employee Participation/ Industrial Relations) University of Wollonggong, Australia (Supervisors: Professor Dr Ray Markey (Coordinator For Workers Participation Study Group, International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA), ILO Geneva, Dr Terri Mylett, University of Western Sydney and Professor Dr Diana Kelly, CoCoordinator, Research Methods Study Group, IIRA, ILO Geneva). Title of PhD Research: “An Examination of Employee Participation in the Private Sector: Malaysian Case Studies”. 1997 MSc Stirling, Scotland, UK Field of Study: Industrial Relations Dissertation: Malaysian Industrial Relations: A Critical Analysis (Suypervised by Professor Dr Gregor Gall, University of Stirling, UK) 2000 Cert. in Higher Learning Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS, Malaysia) 1993 Dip. in Education (MPKT, Terengganu)) (Good Credit) Field of Study: Malay Language & History Study 1991 B.Soc Sc. (Hons) USM, Penang, Malaysia Field of Study: Development Studies & Economic (Industrial Relations) Awards 2013 Invited Plenary Speaker, Borneo Safety and Health Conference 2013 (BOSH13) under NIOSH, MOHR, 16-18 June, Hotel Magelan, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, fully funded by NIOSH. 2013 Silver Medal (Malaysian Technology Expo-MTE) under Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Project Title: 2013 Silver Medal (Malaysian Technology Expo-MTE) under Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Project Title: 2012 Gold Medal, PEREKA Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Research Category 2012 Silver Medal- ITEX 12 (International Technology Expo and Innovation), KL, Malaysia 2012 Gold Medal (Malaysian Technology Expo-MTE). Project Title: E-Tubik: Individual KPI Assesement 2011 CERTIFICATE OF COMMENDATION FROM THE PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA, 1 APRIL 2011 (CONTRIBUTION IN THE STRATEGIC REFORM 3 INITIATIVES (SRI) LAB FOR NEW ECONOMIC MODEL (NEM). 2011 Bronze Medal (PECIPTA)- E-council 2011 Gold Medal (PEREKA UMS)- E-Tubik 2011 Gold Medal (PEREKA UMS)- E-Retirement 2011 Bronze Medal (PEREKA UMS)- An innovative approach of HR in the Plantation Sector 2011 Silver Medal (Seoul International Invention innovation Fair, Korea)- MINDCREATE 2011 Bronze Medal (Seoul International Invention innovation Fair, Korea)- E-PEST 2011 Excellent Service Award, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 2011 Travel Grant as a Keynote Speaker (University of Atmajaya, Jakarta, Indonesia) 2010 Silver Medal (Seoul International Invention innovation Fair, Korea) 2010 Gold Medal (International Technology Exhibition and Innovation- ITEX, KLCC, Malaysia) 2010 Bronze Medal (International Technology Exhibition and Innovation- ITEX, KLCC, Malaysia 2010 Invitation as an expert (Industrial Relations/HRM) and ‘Travel Grant’ from the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Jakarta, Indonesia Partcipated (as expert) and presented a paper at Invitation to conference “Biofuels in Southeast Asia: Challenge to Social Sustainability – Chance for Green Jobs?”, 6‐8 October 2010, Jakarta, Indonesia. Title of paper: “RSPO and the impact on labour and industrial relations in the plantation sector in Sabah” 2009 2 Silver Medals (PECIPTA, KL) 2009 Two Gold Medals (PEREKA,UMS) 2009 Two Silver Medals (PEREKA, UMS) 2009 Bronze Medal (PEREKA,UMS) 2009 SILVER MEDAL for the Best Research, PEREKA (Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Penyelidikan) 2009, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Title of the research: Works Council in the Royal Dutch (Shell), the Netherland: An Innovative Tool for Decision-Making Process. 2009 GOLD MEDAL for the Best Research, PEREKA (Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Penyelidikan) 2009, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Title of the research: e-Discipline: A Web Based Merit and Demerit Software for Controlling and Monitoring of Employee’s Disciplinary Problems 4 2009 SILVER MEDAL, ITEX 2009, KL Convention Centre, Malaysia 15-18 May 2009. Title of Product/Research: “Computer Based Creativity Assessment Module” (Project Leader: Dr. Balan Rathakrishnan, SPKS,UMS) 2009 BRONZE MEDAL, Salon International Invention Geneve 2009, Geneva, Switzerland, 31 March -6 April 2009. Title of research: Implementing Union-Management Partnership: Case Studies in Indonesia and Malaysia. Innovation of Product: DVD (Case studies) 2009 SILVER MEDAL, Malaysian Technolog Expo 2009, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, 19-22 February 2009. Title of the research: Partnership as Union Strategy – Does it Work in Asia? Case Studies in Indonesia and Malaysia. 2009 HUMAN RESOURCE (HR) LEADERSHIP AWARD awarded by the International HRD Council Members, Mumbai, India, 6th February 2009. This is an appreciation for his outstanding work and contribution in the field of Industrial Relations, especially HR. 2009 MARQUIS WHO’S WHO (Selected by the Independent Reviewers) 2008 GOLD MEDAL for the Best Research, PEREKA (Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Penyelidikan) 2008, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Title of the research: Partnership as Union Strategy – Does it Work in Asia? Case Studies in Indonesia and Malaysia. 2008 SILVER MEDAL for the Best Research, PEREKA (Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Penyelidikan) 2008, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Title of the research: Misconduct, domestic inquiry and the rules of natural justice in the context of Malaysian employment relations. 2008 Travel Grant from the ARTA (Argentinian Industrial Relations Association) and IIRA ILO, Geneva. Appointed as a Chairman of the Panel Discussion Session “HR Strategies of Globalizing Firms from BRICS Countries”, which will take place on September 4 th, from 11:30 to 12:30. The participants for this Panel are Anil Verma, University of Toronto, Canada; Hélio Zylberstajn, University of São Paulo, Brazil; Oleg Vikhanskiy, Anna Gryaznova and Viktoria Petrova, State University of Moscow, Russia; C.S. Venkata Ratnam, IMI, New Delhi; Fang Lee Cooke, University of Manchester, UK, and Frank Horwitz, University of Cape Town, South Africa. 5 Honourable Plenary Session Speaker Track 1: Collective Negotiation, Conflicts and Labour Affiliation. Union Strategies in the Current Context.Title of the paper is “Measuring Union Effectiveness in Postal Industry: Case Studies in Indonesia and Malaysia (co-author with Dr Aryana Satrya, University of Queensland, Australia) 2008 ‘Travel Grant’ from the International Comparative Labour Law Association, Busan, Korea Attended and presented a paper at the 3rd International Conference on Globalisation and Labour Law, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea. 27/3/2008-2/4/2008. Tajuk kertas kerja : “Labour law in the globalisation era:A Case Study from Malaysia” . 2007 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21 st Century, Awarded by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge. 2007 Excellent Service Award, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Certificate was presented on 19 Desember 2007. 2007 10 Years Service Award by Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The certificate was awarded on 19 December 2007. 2007 Dean’s Award (Kembara Award) from the School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia This award presented for the international achievements (such as publications, conferences, research grants) on 22 March 2007 at Hyatt Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and award presented by the Vice Chancelor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah, YBhg Prof Datuk Dr Mohd Noh Dalimin.. 2007 Fellowship from the Indian Industrial Relations Association and International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA), Geneva, Switzerland Attended and presented a paper entitled “Partnership as Union Strategy – Does it Work in Asia? Case Studies in Indonesia and Malaysia” at New Delhi, India, 17-24 April 2007 (Invited) 2007 Fellowship from the Korean Labour Institute (KLI) and International Labour Organisation (ILO), Geneva, Switzerland Attended and presented a country research report entitled “Globalisations, labour market reform and changes in employment conditions: from the Malaysian perspective” at Seoul, Korea, 21-24 February 2007 (Invited) 2006 Research Grant from International Labour Organisation-ILO, Geneva, Switzerland The main task is to complete a country (research) report on “Globalisations, labour market reform and changes in employment conditions: from the Malaysian perspective”. This report will be submitted to the ILO office, Geneva, Switzerland, December 2006. 6 2006 Travel Grant from the School of Management and Marketing, University of Wollongong, Australia and International Comparative Labour Law Association , Busan, Korea Attended and presented a paper at 3rd International Conference on Migration: Legal Protection Measures of Migrant Workers, Chung-Ju University, Korea. 30th- 31 March. The title of paper: “International Migration Workers in Malaysia: From the Legal Perspective (Invited Paper) 2006 Travel Grant from the Faculty of Commerce and School of Management and Marketing, University of Wollongong, Australia Attended and presented a paper at the 20th AIRAANZ Conference, Glenelf, Adelaide, South Australia. 1-4 February 2006. The title of paper: “Joint Concsulation Committee in Malaysian Postal Industry” 2002- 2006 Scholarship- Under Academic Staff Training Scheme, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), East Malaysia To study for PhD degree at the School of Management, Marketing and Employment Relations, Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong, Australia. 2005 Fellowship from the Asociation of Industrial Relations, Republic of China (ROC), International Society for Labour Social Security Law (ISLSSL) and School of Management and Marketing, University of Wollongong, Australia (Invited Paper) Attended and presented a paper at the ISLSSL 8th Asian Regional Congress,which organised by Association of Industrial Relations, ROC and ISLSSL, Taipei, 31 st October to 4th November 2005. The title of paper is “The Present Scenario of Malaysian Industrial Relations: Accomodating or Connflictual” (Invited Paper). 2005 Dean’s Recognition Award for Outstanding PhD Research 2005 The above award was granted on 21 April 2005 by the Dean of Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia. This award was based on the standard of PhD studies and publication track record. 2005 Travel Grant from the Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong, Australia Attended and presented a paper at the 13th Annual International Employment Relations Association (IERA), University of Aalborg, Denmark, 26-29 June 2005. The title of paper: Qualitative case study research: A research project on employee participation in the Malaysian private sector 2005 Fellowship from the AIRAANZ (Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand) and the University of Sydney, Australia Attended and presented a paper at the 15th AIRAANZ Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, 9-12 February 2005. The title of paper: Communication and Consulation in Malaysia: The Impact of 1975 Code of Conduct 7 2004 Fellowship from the Korean Labour Institute (KLI) and IIRA, ILO, Geneva Attended and presented 3 papers at the 5th Asian International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) Congress, Seoul, Korea. Title of the papers: The Development of Malaysian Industrial Relations: Current Issues and Perspectives, and The Different Approaches of Employee Participation: Some Reflections To Employers and Trade Unions in Malaysia at the Doctoral Student Consortium. Note: Selection for the best paper. Only 9 best candidates from Asia selected for this Outstanding Fellowship. 2003 International Travel Grant From The Research Office and School Management, Marketing & Employment Relations, Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong Attended and presented a paper at the IIRA 13th World Congress, Berlin, 8-13 September 2003. The title of the paper: The Link Between Direct and Indirect Employee Participation in the Royal Dutch, the Netherland. 2002 Fellowship from the Asia Fellow Program (AFP)/ Ford Foundation Attended and presented a paper at the Meeting of Regional Review Committee for Southeast Asia, Ford Foundation (Thailand). Title of the paper: 'Quality of Work and Family Life: An Explorations From South East Asia,' Bangkok, 21 -23 March 2002.. 2002 Excellent Service Award (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Terpuji), Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The certificate was awarded on 24 December 2004. 2001 Excellent Service Award (Anugerah Khidmat Cemerlang), Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The certificate was awarded on 3 January 2003. 2001 Visiting Research Fellow [University Malaya European Studies Programme [UMESP), KL & Secreatriat UMESP, University of Bocconi, Milano, Italy], April 2001 to August 2001 at the Faculty of Management and Organisation, University of Groningen, the Netherlands 2001 Fellowship from the Asia Fellow Program (AFP)/ Ford Foundation) Attended and presented a paper at the Meeting of Regional Review Committee for Southeast Asia, Ford Foundation (Thailand). Title of the paper: Employee Involvement Schemes in 21st Century: A Case of Philipinnes and Malaysia), Bangkok, 22 -24 March 2001. 2001 Fellowship from the UMESP, University of Malaya and UMESP, Bocconi, Italy Attended and presented a paper at the 6th European International Industrial Relations Associations Congress, Oslo, Norway, 25-29 June. Title of the paper: Industrial Relations in Asia Pacific: A Comparative Study (published in website . 8 2001 Fellowship from the UMESP, University Of Malaya and UMESP, Bocconi, Italy and Universiti Malaysia Sabah Attended and presented a paper at the Global HRM Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 19-24 June. Title of the paper: Industrial Relations in ASEAN: A Comparative Study. 2001 Fellowship from the School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR), University of Philippines Attended and presented a paper at the 4th Asian International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) Congress, Manila, Philippines Title of the paper: Employee Involvement Schemes Practices in the Private Sector: A Case Study From Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, East Malaysia. 2000 Fellowship from the Japan Institute of Labour (JIL), Tokyo/ IIRA/ Geneva, ILO /UMS) Attended and presented a paper at the 12th World Congress of International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA), Tokyo, Jepun, 25 May -2 June 2000, Title of the Paper (co-researcher Tan Kim- Kim): Employee Involvement and Job Motivation in the International Hotel Chain: The Case of Sandakan, Sabah, East Malaysia. 2000 Alternate Fellow (Asia Fellow Program (AFP)/ Ford Foundation) Attended and presented a paper at the Meeting of Regional Review Committee for Southeast Asia, Ford Foundation, Bangkok, 1 April - 4 April. Title of the paper: Employee Involvement Schemes in 21st Century: A Case of the Philipinnes. Only 10 top applicants from ASEAN selected for this Outstanding Fellowship. 1999 Fellowship from the UMS, Sabah and the APERT, Peru Attended and presented a paper at the 3rd Regional Americas Industrial Relations Congress, organised by International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA), Geneva /ILO and Peruvian Industrial Relations Associations (Apert), Peru, 5 -11 September 1999 (Title of the paper: The Effects of Economic Development on Industrial Relations Policy in Malaysia) 1999 Fellowship from the Philippine Industrial Relations Society (PIRS) / School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR), Manila, Philipinnes and the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Sabah) Attended and presented a paper at the 2nd Philippines Industrial Relations Conference: Emerging Issue and Challenges in 21st Century, organised by PIRS (Philipinnes Industrial Relations Society) & School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR), 1621 November. Title of the Paper: Workplace Co-operation: A View From South East Asia. 1996 -1997 Scholarship (Public Service Department, Malaysian Governemt & Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) To study for MSc degree at the University of Stirling, Scotland, UK. 9 1992-1993 Scholarship (Ministry of Education of Malaysia) To study for Post-Diploma in Education at the Kuala Terengganu Teachers Training College, Terengganu, West Malaysia. 1990 Short Fellowship (PORIM, Bangi & Pahang Foundation) To study on palm oil prices from the economic perspectives (The duration of research is 3 months), PORIM, Bangi, Selangor, West Malaysia. 1989 Short Grant, (School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Training at the United Malayan Banking Corporation (UMBC), Port Klang, Selangor, West Malaysia 1989-1991 Scholarship (Pahang Foundation) To study for B.Soc.Sc degree in Dev.Studies & Economic at University Science Malaysia, Penang, West Malaysia. 1987-1991 Scholarship (Indian High Commision) To study for B. Soc. Sc degree in Dev.Studies & Economic at University of Science Malaysia, Penang, West Malaysia. 2. Employment History Jan- Present Professors of Industrial Relations/HRM Faculty of Entreprenuership and Business Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) March –April 2011 Visiting Research Fellow, University of Wako, Tokyo, Japan 1st November -2 December 2009 Visiting Professor, Faculty of Economic, Depok Campus, University of Indonesia, Indonesia 17th-24th May 2009 Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Management and Organisation University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Since 22nd May 2008 Associate Professor (permanent) DS54 Industrial Relations Program, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Sabah, East Malaysia. 10 1st December 2006- 21st May 2008 Senior Lecturer (permanent) DS52 Industrial Relations Program, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Sabah, East Malaysia. July 2006 –July 2009: Visiting Research Fellow, School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong, Australia, April –August 2001: Visiting Research Fellow, Faculty of Management and Organisation, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Oct 1997 –30 November 2006: Lecturer (permanent), DS45 Industrial Relations Program, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Sabah, East Malaysia. Appointed as a Lecturer: 25/11/1997 Confirmed as a Lecturer: 25/11/2000 July 1998- June 2002: Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknology Mara (UiTM), Sabah Campus, Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia. Taught on management courses (Office Management, Industrial Relations and South east Asian Studies). Jan 1996- Sep 1997: Tutor, Industrial Relations Program, School of Social Sciences, UMS, Sabah, East Malaysia. Jun 1993 - Dec 1995: Graduate Teacher (permanent), Abdullah Secondary School, Semporna, Sabah, East Malaysia. Jan -May 1993: Training Graduate Teacher, Chung Hwa Wei Sin Secondary School, Terengganu, West Malaysia. Jan -May 1992: Trainee Executive, SEALANDAIR, Port Klang, West Malaysia. August-Dec 1991: Lecturer, Vanto Academy, Petaling Jaya, West Malaysia. May-July 1991: Lecturer, Private School, Puduraya, Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia. Apr-June 1990: 11 Research Assistant, Techno -Economi Dept, PORIM (Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia), Bangi, Selangor, West Malaysia. May-June 1989: Trainee, UMBC Bank, Port Klang, Selangor, West Malaysia ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION a. b. Head, International Affairs Unit (UHA), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Since March 2013-Present Deputy Director, Centre for Student Development, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) July 2010-June 2012 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS 1. Produced first class industrial relations program student in 1999 (Ms. Tan Kim Kim). She received the King Award from the The Majesty Y. Dipertua Sabah State, Malaysia. She also completed her a undergraduate research (thesis) under my supervision. Her topic is ‘Employee involvement and motivation: a case study from the international hotel in Sandakan, Sabah, East Malaysia’. The results from the thesis presented at the 12th International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) World Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 22-26 June 2000. The travel cost fully funded by the Japan Institute of Labour (JIL) and IIRA, Geneva, Switzerland. 2. Three Industrial Relations Program students received the Dean Award Scholar [Ms Doris Tressie Tee (1999), Ms Tan Kim Kim (1997,1998,1999), Tan Pok Mien (2000). I also supervised their final year undergraduate thesis (see Section A.3.2-Undergraduate thesis exercise). A. Teaching and Training A.1. List of courses, which have been given, including short courses or courses in workshop and similar activities UMK (Since January 2013) Name of Courses MASTER OF BUSINESS ADM INISTRATION (MBA) (HRM MODULE) Year SINCE JULY 2013 SEMESTER 1. 2013/2014 APT2023: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SEMESTER 2, 2013 AFT1053: PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING (BATCH 1) SEMESTER 2, 2013 AFT1053: PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING (BATCH 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR YOUNG LECTURERS UMK 23/4/2013, 2-5.30PM, DK3, KAMPUS KOTA, UMK, KOTA BAHRU, KELANTAN 12 A.1. List of courses, which have been given, including short courses or courses in workshop and similar activities UMS (1996-December 2012) Name of Courses Year Under UMS (Jan 1996 - Jun 2002) AH 2132- Industrial Relations in Malaysia AH 2223- Productivity and Quality Semester 1 – 1997/98 Semester 1- 1997/98 AH 1013- Introduction to Industrial Relations (1) AH 3113- Collective Bargaining Semester 2- 1997/98 AH 2223- Productivity and Industrial Relations AH 1013- Introduction to Industrial Relations (1) Semester 1- 1998/99 AH 3213- Employment Issues and Manpower AT 1013- Introduction to Social Sciences Semester 2- 1998/99 AH 1013- Introduction to Industrial Relations (1) AH 3113- Collective Bargaining and Arbitration AT 1013- Introduction to Social Sciences Semester 1- 1999/2000 AH 3213- Employment Issues and Manpower AH 2223- Productivity and Industrial Relations Semester 2- 1999/2000 AH 1013- Introduction to Industrial Relations (1) AH 3113- Collective Bargaining and Arbitration Semester 1- 2000/2001 AH 3213- Employment Issues and Manpower AH 2223- Productivity and Industrial Relations Semester 2- 2000/2001 AH 1013- Introduction to Industrial Relations (1) AH 3113- Collective Bargaining and Arbitration AH 3213- Employment Issues and Manpower AH 2223- Productivity and Industrial Relations Semester 1- 2001/2002 AH 1013- Introduction to Industrial Relations AH 1053- Current Issues in Social Sciences Semester 1- 2006/2007 Semester 1- 2006/2007 AH2243- Research Methods in Industrial Relations AH2223- Productivity and Industrial Relations AT1023- Academic Writing Methods Semester 2- 2006/2007 Semester 2-2006/2007 Semester 2-2006/2007 AH1013- Introduction to Industrial Relations AH3123 – Comparative Industrial Relations AH1053- Current Issues in Social Sciences US7222- Introduction to Entrepenuership Semester 1-2007/2008 Semester 1-2007/2008 Semester 1-2007/2008 Semester 1-2007/2008 Semester 2- 2001/2002 13 AH2243-Research Methods in Industrial Relations AH2133- Industrial Relations in Malaysia Semester 2-2007/2008 Semester 2-2007/2008 Under UiTM, Sabah Campus, East Malaysia PAD260- Office Management PAD356- Industrial Relations PAD350- Southeast Asian Studies July 1998 -June 2002 July 2001-June 2002 July 2001-June 2002 A.3.2 Undergraduate No. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Title of Thesis/ Practical Exercise/Mini Study Persepsi kakitangan bawahan Sistem Penerbangan Malaysia, Cawangan Pulau Pinang terhadap polisi pengurangan kos perubatan bagi penyakit jangka panjang. Kesedaran pekerja terhadap pengetahuan teknologi maklumat dan kualiti hidup: Kajian kes MIDS, DIDR, dan SEDCO, Sabah. Faktor-faktor kepuasan kerja di kalangan kakitangan bawahan Jabatan Buruh Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Survei terhahadp implementasi Sijil ISO 9000 dalam syarikat pembuatan di sekitar Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Kualiti hidup pekerja: kajian terhadap kakitangan bukan ekskutif di PPB Oil Palms Berhad, Sandakan, Sabah. Komunikasi organisasi di Shangri- La's Tg.Aru Hotel, Kota Kinabalu: Impak terhadap Prestasi Pekerja. Implikasi krisis ekonomi terhadap pengurusan pejabat: kajian kes di Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Persepsi pekerja terhadap perkhidmatan makanan di Nabalu, Shangri-La's Hotel,Tg Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Survei terhadap persepsi pekerja terhadap piagam pelanggan: kajian kes di Lembaga Pelabuhan Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Persepsi peserta terhadap bengkel kepimpinan : kajian perbandingan di Sunway Hotel in Pulau Pinang dan Seberang Jaya. Persepsi Pelanggan terhadap perkhidmatan kaunter: Kajian kes di Jabatan Pencen, Kota Kinabalu, Cawangan Sabah Pemecatan pekerja yang tidak adil (Seksyen 2, Akta Hubungan Industri): Kajian kes di Sabah. Kajian terhadap kumpulan mutu kerja (KMK) di Dewan Bandaraya,Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.. Name of Student Joanna Voon Pei Chen Year 1997/1998 Status Completed Omar Abd.Aman @Abd.Rahman 1997/1998 Completed Rosnani Bt.Abd,Manaf 1997/1998 Completed Mohd.Razi Dakun Abdullah 1997/1998 Completed Jailani Agak 1997/1998 Completed 1997/1998 Completed Dg Salmie Bt.Ag.Said 1997/1998 Completed Chai Nae Chuan 1997/1998 Completed Linda Apok 1997/1998 Completed Lim Lean Chin 1997/1998 Completed Noradilah Bt.Mohammad 1998/1999 Completed Doris Tressie Tee 1998/1999 Dean List 1998/1999 Completed Narayanan Kutty Rama Lennie Ah Bun Completed 14 14. Survei terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penganugerahan sijil ISO 9000 dalam syarikat pembuatan di Sabah. Pannerselvam Subramaniam 1998/1999 Completed 15. Skim penglibatan pekerja dan motivasi kerja: kajian di hotel antarabangsa, Sandakan, Sabah. Tan Kim Kim Completed (First ClassKing Award 99) 16. Kes timbangtara terhadap salahlaku: kajian kes di Hospital Mutiara, Penang dan Habiboo Rahman Hamid Skim penglibatan pekerja melalui kumpulan mutu kerja di syarikat multinasional: kajian kes di Ornasteel Company, Melaka (MNC Taiwan) Kesatuan sekerja dalam abad ke 21: Kajian kes MTUC Sabah. Peranan Jabatan Buruh dalam menangani masalah pertikaian industri di Kelantan. Tindakan industri dan teknik penyelesaian di Jabatan Hubungan Industri, Kelantan. Persepsi kakitangan am terhadap pakej faedah pekerja: Kajian kes di Yayasan Usaha Maju, Sabah. Employee Involvement Schemes in the Private Sector: A Case Study from Telekom, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Kajian konsep fleksibiliti dan pengurusan kualiti menyeluruh di industri perhotelan: kajian kes di Merdeka Palace Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak. Konsep fleksibiliti dan implikasi terhadap motivasi pekerja: kajian kes di Ceramica Indah Sdn.Bhd, Kuching, Sarawak Penglibatan Pekerja dalam Pengurusan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan: Kajian kes di Sabah. Peranan efektif Jabatan Buruh Pulau Pinang dalam menangani masalah pertikaian industri. Penglibatan pekerja dan kawalan kerja: Kajian kes di Hotel Promenade, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Pekerja asing dan implikasinya terhadap pekerja tempatan: Kajian kes di Palm Estate, Sandakan, Sabah. Faedah pekerja dan perubahan pengurusan Sumber Manusia: Kajian kes di Telekom, Pahang Darulmakmur. Penglibatan Pekerja dan pengurusan kualiti menyeluruh: kajian dalam hotel antarabangsa di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Peranan pihak atasan dalam pelaksanaan Pensijilan ISO 9000: Kajian kes di SEDCO, Sabah. Penglibatan kewangan pekerja dan implikasi Lim Hooi Nee 1998/1999 Dean List 1997,1998 & 1999 1998/1999 Bong Net Yiang 1998/1999 Completed s Madral 1998/1999 Completed Puzaimah Bt.Muhammad Norazelan 1998/1999 Completed 1998/1999 Completed Jerry John 1999/2000 Completed Krishnan Muthusamy 1999/2000 Completed Paul Jackson Manggom 1999/2000 Completed Tan Pok Mien 1999/2000 Dean List Completed Chin Vui Chin 2000/2001 Completed (Thesis Exercise) Tan Yen Seok 2000/2001 Completed Felicity Chok 2000/2001 Completed Redzuan Richard 2000/2001 Completed Mohd Yusri Yaakob Wong Tert Juan 2000/2001 2000/2001 Completed Nordiana Mulia 2000/2001 Completed Lau Suan Min 2000/2001 Completed 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27 28. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Completed Completed 15 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 48. 49. terhadap produktiviti dan motivasi pekerja: kajian kes di Telekom Sabah. Peranan Sirim dalam pengurusan pengiktirafan Sijil ISO 9000 di Sabah. Penglibatan Pekerja melalui pengurusan kualiti menyeluruh: kajian Kes di Sarawak Electric Sdn Bhd. Employee involvement practices in the multinational corporation: A Case Study From Acer, Kuala Lumpur Peranan Jabatan Buruh dalam menangani hubunngan indudtri di syarikat multinasional:Kajian kes di Pulau Pinang. Kajian terhadap faedah pekerja di sektor awam: Kajian kes di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Persepsi pekerja terhadap perlanjutan umur persaraan: Kajian kes di Jabatan Pencen, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Kajian ke atas penyertaan kewangan di Telekom, Johor Baharu, Johor. Keselamatan dan kesihatan di syarikat perladangan: Kajian kes di Lahad Datu, Sabah. Kajian ke atas penglibatan pekerja dalam pengurusan di Telekom, Johor Baharu, Johor. Amalan Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Melalui Konsep Penyertaan Pekerja: Satu Kajian Kes di Kilang Kelapa Sawit Ladang Mill Sdn Bhd, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia Keberkesanan Jawatankuasa Perundingan Bersama Di Dalam Sesebuah Organisasi: Satu Kajian Kes di Syarikat Telekom Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,Malaysia Pemberhentian Pekerja dan Kesan Ke Atas Pekerja: Satu Penelitian terhadap Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS) Aplikasi Jawatankuasa Perundingan Bersama di Petronas Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Konsep Total Quality Management (TQM): Kawalan atau Pengiktirafan Kerja Pasukan dan Kualiti Perkhidmatan di Sektor Perhotelan: Kajian kes di Hotel Promenade, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Skim Penglibatan Pekerja: Kesan Ke Atas Pekerja dan Pengurusan ISO 9000 dan Kesan Ke Atas Pekerja: Kajian Kes di Syarikat Pembuatan di Sabah Jawatan Kuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan di syarikat pembuatan Jawatankuasa Perundingan Bersama di Syarikat Petronas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah: Proses and Implikasinya Nasri Mahmud 2001/2002 Completed Saini Bolly 2001/2002 Completed Low Yueh Ching 2001/2002 Completed Khua Mei Ling 2001/2002 Completed Judy Tidong 2001/2002 Completed Liana Jalun 2001/2002 Completed Aliza Ahmad 2001/2002 Completed Indra Astuti Karmin Monalina Ali 2001/ 2002 Completed 2001/2002 Completed Fadilah Jurup 2006/2007 Completed (Thesis Exercise) 2006/2007 Completed 2006/2007 Completed Rasip Jelung 2006/2007 Completed Nor Kamsiah Asmad Mohammad Bin Harun 2006/2007 Completed 2006/2007 Completed Arnold Jacob 2006/2007 Completed Juraini Jumaat 2006/2007 Completed Syahirah Mickson Songon Walter Alantas Bin Mahil Raynnerlish Lawrence Rita Chu Shiau Ling Completed 2006/2007 Completed 2006/2007 16 50. Skim Cadangan dan Implikasi Terhadap Pekerja: Kajian Kes di KMA, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Kong Ching Siong 2006/2007 Completed 51. Kondisi Pekerjaan di Kalangan Pekerja Wanita di Sektor Perladangan: kajian Kes Di Borneo Samudera, Kota Ta Belud (Tesis) Kondisi Pekerjaan di Sektor Informal: Kajian Kes Di Kalangan Pekerja-Pekerja Restoran di Sekitar Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Tesis) Kondisi Pekerjaan Di Kalangan Pekerja di Industri Kecil dan Sederhana: Kajian Kes di Tenom, Sabah (Tesis) Kondisi Pekerjaan di Sektor Informal: Kajian Kes Ke Atas ‘Cleaners’ Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Tesis) Kondisi Pekerjaan di Kalangan Pekerja Sektor Pembuatan di Sabah (Tesis) Pengiktirafan Kesatuan Sekerja di Sektor Swasta: Kajian Kes SBEU, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Tesis) (Mini Projek Latihan Praktikum) (Mini Projek Latihan Praktikum) Keberkesanan National Labour Advisory Council (NALC) dalam membela Kebajikan Pekerja: Satu kajian Eksploratif (Mini Projek Latihan Praktikum) (Mini Projek Latihan Praktikum) Kajian Ke Atas Majlis Perundingan Bersama di Telekom, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (MiniProjek Latihan Praktikum) Teori dan Amalan 5S di UMW Toyota di Shah Alam Mini Projek Latihan Praktikum) Migrasi di Malaysia: Peranan Kementerian Sumber Manusia menangani permasalahan ini (Projek Latihan Praktikum) Teori dan Amalan IS 900 di Jabatan Pelajaran Sabah (Mini Projek Latihan Praktikum) A General Overview on Minimum Wage in Malaysia: From the Industrial Relations Actors’ Perspectives Participation and Leadership of women in the Banking Union: Case study of SBEU, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Sharidah Asman Binti 2007/2008 Completed (Thesis Exercise) Ahmad bin Rashid Abd 2007/2008 Completed (Thesis Exercise) Leong Hoi Ning 2007/2008 Completed NurulFazlee Asma Ghazalee 2007/2008 Completed (Thesis Exercise) Elvira Bt Achin 2007/2008 Hasanuddin Asis 2007/2008 Completed (Thesis Exercise) Completed (Thesis Exercise) Edmund Painol Siti Salwa Rahman Farah Zulika Razlan 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 Completed Completed Completed Agnes Paul Masniah Bt Sani 2007/2008 2007/2008 Completed Completed Noor Azura Idris 2007/2008 Completed Ho Wei Wei 2007/2008 Completed Noraznah Bt Mohd Ali Ayuni 2007/2008 Completed 2008/2009 Completed (Thesis Exercise) Caroline 2008/2009 Completed (Thesis Exercise) 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65 66 A.3.3 Postgraduate Supervision Postgraduate Supervision . 1. Nadarajan, M. PhD Student, Title: 6 Week Conversion Course non-ESL Primary School Teachers’ Programme Training Effectiveness, Angli Ruskin University, UK, England and 17 University Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Since 2010. Co-supervisor with Dr Jaki Lilly and Dr Robert. Status: Progress and final draft 2. Mohd Rafi ,Master Student Title: Partnership as a Union Strategy in Telecommunication Industry, Status: Progress 3. Sugumaran, S. PhD Student, Title of Research: An Examionation of Productivity Link wages System in the Private Sector: Malaysia Case Studies, Status: Progress 4. Leonie Kooiker, Master of Human Resource, Department of International Business, faculty of Management and Organisation, University of Groningen, Netherland and Universiti Malaysia Sabah, start from July 2009 till December 2010. Co supervisors with Professor Dr Ir Rienk Goodijk. Thesis title: Employee participation in multinationals: Case studies from the Dutch subsidiaries in Malaysia, Completed and graduated in December 2010. Status: Completed with Excellent grade. 5. Fadilah Surup, Master of Social Sciences (Industrial Relations),from 2009 till 2011. Thesis Title: Employee Participation through Safety and Health Committee in Union and Nonunionized firms: Case study from Sabah. Completed and graduated in 2012. 6. Badariah AB Rahman, Master of Philosophy (Industrial Relations), from 2010-2011. Thesis title: Effectivenes of JCC in the Public sector: Case studies of Academci Staff Association in UMS. Graduated in 2012. 7. Derek Khoo, , Master of Economics (HR Economics), Started from 2010 – now. Title of research: Elderly people employment in Sabah and Sarawak. Status: Graduated 2013 8. Thomas Tee, PhD, Started in September 2013 9. Mika, Master of Entreprenuership, started in July 2013 10. Azah, Master of Entreprenuership, started in July 2013 18 B. Research No. Title 1 1996-1997 Malaysia Industrial Relations: A Critical Analysis 2. 3. 4. 5. 1998-1999 The Evaluation of Kuruvilla's Thesis: The Case of Malaysia 1998-1999 Employee Involvement and Job Motivation in the International Hotel Location//Year Research Status MSc Dissertation Completed in 1997 (Manuscript published by Prentice Hall/Pearson Publisher,Petaling Jaya as a research book, January 2004) University of Stirling, Scotland, UK Malaysia Sandakan, Sabah 1997-1999 Pengurusan Sumber Manusia dalam Syarikat Multinasional (Human Resource Management in Multinational Corporations) Malaysia 1999-2001 Employee Involvement Schemes in the Private Sector: The Case study From Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Kota Kinabalu, Sabah December 1999- May 2001 Malaya, 2000 Completed and presented research findings at the Economic Development National Conference, UKM, 1999 This seminar paper later reviewed and published in the Manusia dan Masyarakat, (Journal of Anthrology and Sociology, University of Malaya), Completed and Presented research findings at the 12th World Congress of IIRA, 2000, Tokyo, Japan (published as a Proceedings Paper) Completed and presented research findings at the IPTA Conference, UMS,1999 and later published in the Pemikir Journal, Utusan Melayu, KL, January 2000 Completed in October 2001 The research Finance/ Sponsors Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) RM80, 000 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) under the “Geran Penyelidikan Muda” (Young Scholar Research Grant) RM1, 000 UMS and Japan Institute of Labour (JIL) Tokyo RM15, 000 Personal RM2, 000 UMS Top-down research grant 19 6. 7. 8. 9. 1997-1999 Hubungan Industri di Asia Pasifik (Industrial Relations in the Asia Pacific Region) Malaysia/ Asia Pasifik The Effects of Economic Development on Industrial Relations: The Case of Malaysia Malaysia November 1996June 1999 1998-1999 Workers Unfair Dismissal: The Case of Sabah (With Ms Doris Tressie Tee) 1998-1999 The Role Academics in Higher Learning Institutions and Teaching Strategies (with Dr Asmady Idris) Sabah UMS dan Other Learning Higher Institutions in Malaysia findings presented at the 4th IIRA Asian Regional Congress, Manila, the Philippines, 19-24 Nov 2001 and later this paper reviewed and published in the Journal of MANU, UMS, 2002 Completed and Presented at SSS Seminar and also published at Journal Pemikir, April 1999 Completed and Presented at 3rd Americas IIRA Congress, Lima, Peru and published and as proceedings paper Completed in 2001. Published as a chapter in book and also in the Kanun Journal, DBP and Karangkraf Completed and Presented research findings at the International Conference on Teaching and Learning, UKM, UNESCO and Ministry of Education, Malaysia and also published in the Jurnal Bahasa [Language Journal, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), July 1999] RM5, 000 Personal RM1, 000 UMS RM10, 000 Sabah Labour Department/ UMS RM2, 000 Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) and UMS RM2, 000 20 10. 2000-2002 The Study on Safety Awareness And Work Stress Among Automobile Manufacturing Workers in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (with Rosazman Husin and Chin Vui Chin) Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Part of Research Findings presented at the 3rd MSC Conference 2001, UKM, Bangi, Selangor, 10 Augut 2001. Later published in the Asian Profile International Journal, Canada, April 2004 Top- Down Project Universiti Malaysia Sabah (initiated by Institute of Stress Management, School of Pschology and Social Work, UMS) Research Leader: Dr Adi Faruddin RM20, 000 11 12 2000-2001 The Link between Direct and Indirect Employee Participation at the Workplace: Evidence From Royal Dutch / Shell Group in the Netherlands (with Prof Dr Rienk Goodijk, University of Groningen, the Netherland)) 2001- 2004 Industrial Relations in Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (Research Leader: Dr Luis Aparicio Valdez, Profesor of Industrial Relations and Labour Law, University of Catholic, Lima, Peru. He is the President of International Industrial Relations Asscociation (IIRA) (Geneva)], 20032006, Research Topic: Industrial Relations in Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC): From the ASEAN industrial relations and labour law perspectives The Netherlands Final research report completed in October 2001. Research findings presented at the IIRA World Congress 2003, Berlin, Germany, September. APEC (Malaysia) One of paper which derived from this research has been published in the Management and Change Journal, New Delhi, India, 2002 Final research report completed in 2004. First meeting at Manila, November 2001 Second meeting at Berlin, Germany, September, 2003. Part of this research was published in well-known journal in Latin America, Analisis Laboral Journal as a special edition (in Spanish). This is an invitation University Malaya For European Exchange Programme (UMESP) and UMESP Secretariat at University Bocconi, Milano, Italy RM50, 000 International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA), International Labour Organisation (ILO), Lima Regional Office, Peru and Institut of Laboral Analisis, Lima, Peru. RM100, 000 21 paper based on my expertise in industrial relations in Asia Pacific/ASEAN. The final report of research also has been published in the series of the Bulletin of Comparative Labour and Industrial Relations, Kluwer International Law, the Netherlands, No.49 ,2004 13 2003-2004 Project entitled ‘ NATIONAL EXPERT ON IR AROUND THE WORLD: MALAYSIAN CASE’ (Research led by Professor Dr Sarosh Kuruvilla, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Cornel University, USA Global Trends Malaysia Completed in July 2004 14 2002-2006 An Examination of Employee Participation in the Private Sector: Malaysian Case Studies Jan 2004 –December 2008 2007 Malaysian IR and Labour Law in 21st Century: Where We Are Moving Next? Australia/ Malaysia 16 June 2006 –July 2007 Unemployemnt Among Graduates in Malaysia: A Study 17 April 2006 –December 2009 A study of the introduction of the traditional system of settling disputes in Australia Principal Researchers: Assoc. Prof Dr. Helen Hasan Dr. Matt Gui Balakrishnan Parasuraman (PhD Researcher) Research Assistant: Bernadine Negara ASEAN Penyelidik Utama: Professor Dr Froilan PhD Research and completed in 2007. Degree awarded on 17th December 2007 In progress Final Research will be published as a National Country Monograph by the Kluwer International Law, London Research Proposal 15 Malaysia Proposal Penyelidikan (JanMac 2006) School of Labor and Industrial Relations, University Cornel, New York, USA RM5, 000 Universiti Malaysia Sabah RM360, 000 Funded by the International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Kluwer, Hague, The Netherlands RM20, 000 Looking for funding The Japan Foundation, Manila 22 workplaces of multinational corporations 18 July 2006- June 2007 An Examination of Workers Participation in the Service Sector: The Case study from Medico, Malaysia 19 August 2006 to February 2007 Globalisations, labour market reform and changes in employment conditions: from the Malaysian perspective 20 21. Kerja lapangan (April to Julai 2006), Analisa data dan Laporan Penyelidikan (August 2009December 2007), Proposal- July 2006 Jumlah geran: P 1,000,000 (RM100,000) Malaysia/Asia Pacific The project part of a big project on Globalisations, labour market reform and changes in employment conditions in Asia Pacific. August 2006Proposal stage September –Dec 2006- Data collection Jan-February 2007Writing stage Completed on 16th February 2007. Presented research findings at Seoul, Korea on 22nd February 2007.Published as Proceeding Book Laporan akhir siap. International Labour Organisation, Geneva and Korean Labour Institute (KLI) APRIL 2007 THE NETHERLANDS Peserta dari Sekolah Sains Sosial dalam Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Innovasi Peringkat UMS 2007 . Penyelidik: Tajuk: The Link between Diect and Indirect Employee Participation at The Workplace: The Evidence from the Royal Dutch/Shell in the Netherlands 1 October 2007-30 September 2009 Title: The viability of Foreign Workers Bill 2007: Public Perception & An Assesment on Human Rights Issues 22. Bacungan (UPSOLAIR, Diliman, Manila) Balakrishnan Parasuraman (UMS, Sabah) Prof Mitchell (University of Melbourne, Australia) Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah) Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman Prof. Dr Rienk Goodijk, University of Groningen, the Netherlands Malaysia Project Leader:: Puan Irma Wani Othman June 2007- June 2009 Other Researchers: Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Puan Marja Azlima Omar dan Dr Kntayya Mariappan Malaysia Title: Tenaga Kerja Pelbagai Etnik: Kajian Project Leader: Dr Kntayya Mariappan UMS (planning apply for grant in July 2006) (RM100,000) Ditaja oleh: University Malaya Europena Studies Program (UMESP) and University of Bocconi, Italy, Progress (40 %) Funded by Fundament Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT) Progress (40 %) Funded by Fundament Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT) 23 Eksploratif Tentang Pengaruh dan Pengurusan Etnisiti dalam Sektor Swasta 23. October 2007- December 2009 Title: Kebajikan Kanak-kanak Jalanan Di Negeri Sabah 24. 25. Other Researchers : Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Puan Irma Wani Othman dan Encik Paul Porodong Project Leader: Dr Kntayya Mariappan Penyelidik bsersamadan beberapa orang dari SSS Progress (30%) Funded by Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat January 2007- January 2008 Malaysia Fina report submitted to the ILO, Manila. Title: A Study on Joint Consultation Committee Practices in the Pos Malaysia Sdn Bhd The research project chaired by Professor Dr Jose Gatchalian, Emeritus Professor, School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR), University of the Philippines, Diliman, Manila and several researchers from Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Singapura dan Taiwan Funded by : International Labour Organisation and School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR), UP, Diliman. Since 2007 Title: Mismatch Graduan: Persepsi Majikan di Sabah Research Title: Workplace Cooperation in Asia Sabah, Malaysia RM5,000 Progress. Data Analysis Stage Researchers: Encik Fazli Hamid Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman En.Mahadirin Encik Fauzie Sardono Encik Azizan Pn Irma Wani Othman Pn Kee Sabariah Funded by : Universiti Malaysia Sabah Labuan, Kota Kinabalu Final report completed and submitteed to the Universiti Malaysia Sabah. (Vice Chancellor Office) RM10,000 Augusut 2007- April 2008 26. Kajian terhadap Audit Nilai di Kalangan Staf Akademik dan Bukan Akademik di Universiti Malaysia Sabah Research Leader: Dr Mohd Dahalan Hj A Malik Funded by : Universiti Malaysia Sabah 24 Other Researcher: Prof Madya Dr Vincent Pang Encik Fazli Hamid Ustaz Issaraq Ramli 27. October 2008-September 2009 Kota Kinabalu Tuntutan Pekerja and Peranan Jabatan Buruh Sabah Research Leader: Mahadirin Ahmad 28 2010-2011 Kajian Elderly people in Sabah and Sarawak 29. 2010- 2012 Kajian Kesihatan Mental di SekolahSekolah Menengah di Sabah 30. Globalisation and Employment Condition in Asia: The Malaysian Case study 31 2010-2011 Manpower planning for SMEs: Case study from KKIP 32 2011-2013 Application of new model on drug addicts and “pembuangan bayi” in Sabah 33 The study on industrial relations in anz bank, malaysia (co-researcher) 34 January-December 2013 The Impact of Minimum wage in Malaysia Other researchers: Fazli, Kee, Fauzie, Azizan and Pm Dr Balakrishan Research Leader: Assoc Prof. Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman Members: SPE and SPIKS Leader:: Assoc Prof. Dr Balan Rathakrishnan Members: PM Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman Puan Joki Puan Sharon Assoc Prof. Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman Leader: Assoc Prof Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Dr Ramzah Dambul Leader: Assoc Prof Dr Balan Rathakrishnan Uni Global, Europe RM10,000 Funded by the Fundamental Research Seed Money, UMS RM2,000 Completed in Julay 2011 Fundamenetal Research (KPT), Tahun 2010-2011 FRGS: RM49,000 80 % completed Fundamenetal Research (KPT), Tahun 2010-2012 FRGS: RM 37,000 Completed. International Labour Organisation (ILO), Geneva, 2006-2009 RM 10,000 Completed . Grant from the Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP). RM 5,000 30 % COMPLETED ERGS Grant: RM 50,000 RM 20,000 Completed Leader: Jawatankuasa Teknikal Gaji Negara, Majlis Perundingan Gaji Negara, MOHR and Pemandu, PM Department, RM 100,000 90 Completed 2 25 B.1: Consultations 1. Interviewed by Voice of Malaysia Program, RTM Radio FM Sabah and RTM Asia, 17 th April 2009, 11am-2pm. 2. Interviewed by TV Sabah 1 – Workers’ retrenchment problem in Sabah and Malaysia, 3 February 2009. 3. Invitation Talk on Collective Bargaining and Collective Agreement (CA), Suria Capital and Sabah Ports Trade Union, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 28 March 2009. 4. Internal Auditor MQA, UMS, Sabah, since March 2009. 5. Invited Associate Professor Dr. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Industrial Relations Program, School of Social Sciences, UMS as a PANEL GUEST, 23th February 2009, Radio Television Malaysia (RTM), Sabah Di 1, Studio 1, RTM Broadcast Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Topic: Implementing Union– Management Partnership in Malaysia, Time; 8.30-9.00pm 6. Telephone interview as Expert in Industrial Relations by Astro Awani, KL on 16th March 2009. The topic is workers retrenchment in Malaysia. Time: 8.30am to 9am 7. Invited Associate Professor Dr. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Industrial Relations Program, School of Social Sciences, UMS as PANEL GUEST during Majlis Pelancaran Sabah di 1 Program, 9th February 2009, Radio Television Malaysia (RTM), Sabah Di 1, Studio 1, RTM Broadcast Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Topic: Retrenchment of Workers in Malaysia. Time: 8pm-9pm. 8. Mengundang Profesor Madya Dr. Balakrishnan Parasuraman sebagai TAMU STUDIO (PANEL GUEST) PROGRAM SUDUT PANDANG, 28 Januari 2009, ASTRO AWANI, CHANNEL 501, Studio 2, Astro All Asia Broadcast Centre, KUALA LUMPUR. Topic: Pemberhentian Kerja di Malaysia: Isu dan Strategi Menangani Masalah Pemberhentian. 9. Trainer/Part-time Consultant, Federation of Manufacturing of Malaysia, Sabah Branch, since November 2008. 10. Mengundang Profesor Madya Dr. Balakrishnan Parasuraman sebagai TAMU STUDIO (PANEL GUEST) PROGRAM PERSPEKTIF KITA, 5 July 2008, ASTRO AWANI, CHANNEL 501, Studio 2, Astro All Asia Broadcast Centre, Bukit JalilKUALA LUMPUR. Topic: Mengurangkan kebergantungan kepada buruh asing”(The reduction of foreign labours in Malaysia). 11. Translator of research Questionnaire from Tamil to Bahasa Malaysia, Research on Stress on women in the rural areas, ,West Malaysia, Unit of Pschology and Social Work Research, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, June- July 2008. 12. Penceramah Jemputan, Joint Consultation Committee in the Postal Industry: Malaysian Case studies, Jabatan Tenaga Rakyat Semenanjung Malaysia, Kementerian Sumber Manusia, Putrajaya, KL, 17 June 2008. 13. Perunding Jemputan, Bengkel Pengendalian Temuduga, Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia (JPSM), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 22-23 April 2008. 26 14. Mengundang Profesor Madya Dr. Balakrishnan Parasuraman sebagai TAMU STUDIO PROGRAM SUDUT PANDANG, 1hb Mei 2008, ASTRO AWANI, CHANNEL 501, KUALA LUMPUR. Topic: Modal Insan dan Cabaran di Malaysia (Human Capital dan Current Challenges) 15. Penceramah Jemputan, How To Prepare an Effective Resume, Seminar Kerjaya Bagi Pelajar Tahun Akhir Politikenik, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 23 April 2008. 16. Penceramah Jemputan, Pembelajaran yang berkesan, Seminar kecemerlangan pelajar Tahun 1, Politeknik, Februari 2008. 17. Consultant, International Labour Organisation (ILO) Consultant, Labour Training Centre, Turin, Italy. Since Febraury 2007. 18. Consultant, Malaysian Quality Accrediation (MQA), since October 2008. 19. Board of Directors and External Moderator, ALAM CREST INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, since 2 January 2007. 20. Translator (From English to Malay Language), Updated Foreign Language (Malay Language) into the Leximancer Qualitative Data Analysis (Computer Program), Key Centre for Human Factors and Applied Cognitive Psychology (An ARC Key Centre), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, November to December 2005. 21. Academic Program Assessor (National Accrediation Board-Lembaga Akreditasi Negara-LAN) for Diploma in Human Resource Management (KA 4953) from INTI College, Kuching Sarawak, 2 nd – 28th February 2004. 22. Consultant, National Accreditation Board, Ministry of Malaysian Education, Kuala Lumpur (Lembaga Akreditasi Negara (LAN), Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia). Duration of time: August 2000- September 2008. 23. Writer (Panel), Encyclopedia Project which sponsored by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur Task: Contributed to an Entry Word (Mainly Focus on Industrial Relations/ Human Resource Management field). Duration of time: Since May 1999- August 2002. 24. Columnist, Dewan Ekonomi (Business/ Management/ Economic Monthly Magazine) (specially for Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management Column), published by Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka, KL/ Kumpulan Karangkraf, Petaling Jaya. Duration of time: Since December 1998 –Present. 25. Professional Member, Malaysian Insitute of Human Resource Management (MIHRM), Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Since May 2000. 26. Writer (Industrial Relations and HRM Column), Dewan Masyarakat, published by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, KL / Kumpulan Karangkraf, Petaling Jaya. Duration of time: January 1999 - July 1999. 27. Consultant, Neema Holdings Sdn.Bhd, 16, Jalan 37/48, Sentul Jaya, Kuala Lumpur. Task: i. Adviser for administration and management planning for company. (Issues related to industrial relations/HRD/HRM) 27 ii. Organised a short courses or workshop in the area of teambuliding, total quality management (TQM), ISO 9000, training and development and prepared a training kits and modules. Duration of time: Since March 1999- Present 28. Part-time Konsultan, Skills Innovation dan Development Program, Total IFM Consultancy Sdn Bhd, Cawangan Sabah, 14-3, Block B, Heritage Plaza,Off Jalan Lintas, Luyang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu,Sabah. Task: i. Organised in-house training and conducted a short course on HRM/Industrial Relations for private and public sectors in Sabah ii. Write a Modules For Training and Human Resource Development a. Modul 1: Effective Office Communication (Co-Writer) (Unpublished) b. Modul 2: Improving Productivity Through Quality Management (Co-Writer) iii. Give a talk on motivation on IR/HRM issues Duration of time: Since June 2000- August 2002. 29. Consultant/Adviser, Marudu Publisher, Kota Kinabalu Achievement/Task: i. ii. iii. Published Dwi Business/Management (NIAGA) Conducted a workshop on Body Language Provided advice on company’s human resource policies such training, recruitment of staff, industrial relations/labour laws, interview and in-house training course. Duration of time: From January 1998 - December 1999. 30. Chief Invigilator, Diploma Programme in Human Resource Management, Jointly Organiser by Malaysian Association pf Productivity (MAP), KL dan University of Malaya, April -June 1999 (Two Modules: 1. Employee Relations 2. Corporate Culture and Human Resource Management). C. Publication / Writings C.1. Journals (National and International) 1. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, and Beatrice Lim, and Fumitaka Furuoka, and Catherine Jikunan, (2013) The asian economic crisis and Malaysia’s responses: implications for the banking sector. In: Recession and Its Aftermath Adjustments in the United States, Australia, and the Emerging Asia. Springer Link, pp. 157-177. ISBN 9788132205319 2. Yohan Kurniawan, and Wan Mohamad Wan Abdullah, and Hishamuddin Md.Som, and Balakrishnan Parasuraman, (2013) Employing industrial cluster concept as a strategy to improve small industries in Kelantan, Malaysia. ResearchersWorld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce, IV (2). pp. 19-24. ISSN 2229-4686. 3. Aryana, Satrya & Parasuraman, Balakrishnan (2011) Multi-dimesiona:l Approach on Union Effectiveness: Case study from Indonesia and Malaysia, Indian Industrial Relations Journal, Vol.47, No.2, p.219-235. 28 4. Parasuraman, Balakrishnan & Fadilah Syahirah Jurup (2011) Amalan Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Melalui Konsep Penyertaan Pekerjaan di Ladang RH Sdn Bhd, Sandakan, Sabah, Malayaian Labour Review, Vol.4, No.2 5. Parasuraman, Balakrishnan (2011) Perdebatan Sains Sosial: Pengalaman Penyelidik, Jurnal Kemanusiaan (UTM), No.18. 6. Parasuraman, Balakrishnan & Ab Rahman, Badariah (2011) JCC in the Public Sector in Malaysia: Rhetoric or Reality, Indian Industrial Relations Journal, Vol.47, Vol.2. 7. Parasuraman, Balakrishnan & Ab Rahman, Badariah & Rathakrishnan, Balan (2011) Employee participation in the public sector in Malaysia: A General Overview, Researchers World – Journal of Arts Science & Commerce, Vol. 1, No1. 8. Kato, Parasuraman, Furuoka et al (2011) Case study of successful senior citizen Employment in Japan Introduction of “WOE” and “ASE” business model. Researchers World – Journal of Arts Science & Commerce, Vol. 1, No1. 9. Muniappan, B., Parasuraman, B.& Abdullah (2010) The Rights of Probationers in the Context of Malaysian Employment Law, Industrial Law Reports, September, Issue 9. 10. Muniappan, B., Parasuraman, B. & Rathakrishnan, B. (2010) Retrenchment Rights: The Law and its implications to Human Resource, Industrial law Report, No.1. 11. Muniappan, B. Parasuraman, B. & Satrya. A (2010) The Individual Employment Contract in Malaysia, Industrial Law Report, April, Issue 4. 12. Muniapan & Parasuraman, B. (2010) Industrial Relations and Trade Dispute Settlement, Industrial Law Report, Issue 12, No.4. 13. Parasuraman, Balakrishnan et (2009) Amalan Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Melalui Konsep Penyertaan Pekerjaan: Kajian Kes di Kilang Sawit LM, Borneo Research Journal, Vol.3, December,115-136 14. Rathakrishnan, B & Parasuraman, B. (2009) Occupational Burnout in a Sample of Geriatric Social Care Professionals in Malaysia, Jurnal Psikologi Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia, Bil. 4, Jun , 171189 15. Aryana and Parasuraman, B (2009) The Present Malaysian and Indonesian Industrial Relations: Accomodating or Conflictual, Asian Profile, May. 16. Parasuraman,B. Bubaker , Bernadinne, Balan Rathakrishnan & Balakrishnan Muniappan (2009) Qualitative Case Study Research in Africa and Asia: Challenges and Prospects, , International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.2, No.3, July. 17. Muhammad Madi Bin Abdullah, Jegak Uli and Parasuraman, Balakrishnan (2009). Job Satisfaction: A Survey of Secondary SchoolTeachers in Tawau, Sabah. Jurnal Kemanusiaaan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, BIL. 13, ISSN 1675-1930, JUN 18. Ismail, Azman, Abdullah, M.M., & Parasuraman, Balakrishnan. (2009) Perceive Value as a Moderator on the Relationship between Service Quality Features and Customer Satisfaction, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, Feb) 29 19. Aryana, Satrya a& Parasuraman, Balakrishnan (2009) The Present Malaysian and Indonesian Industrial Relations: Accomodation or Conflictual, Asian Profile, Vol.37, No.1,February 20. Parasuraman, Balakrishnan, Aryana Satrya, Balan Rathakrishnan & Balakrishnan Muniapan (2009) Analysing the Relationship between Unions and Joint Consultation Committee: Case Studies of Malaysian and Indonesian Postal Industries, International Journal of Business and Society, No.1, Vol.1 21. Malayan Law Journal (with Dr Bala)- Constructive Dismissal- published in 2008 22. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Fadilah Kurup, Irma Wani Othman, Balan Rathakrishnan (2009) Amalan Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Melalui Konsep Penyertaan Pekerja: Kajian Kes di Kilang Kelapa Sawit LM, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia, Borneo Research Journal (Universiti Malaya), Vol.3, December. 23. Asian case study Journal – published (2009) 24. CCIR magazine- April 2009 25. Berita Harian, March 2009. 26. CCIR Magazine UMS 2008 Vol 7. 27. Organisational behavior- with wife Dr Aryana in Indonesia 28. International Journal of Comparative and Labour Relations- Union strategies 29. Burnout- Jurnal Psikologi- JPA- accepted in april 2009 30. Probation- Law Journal in Melbourne (submitted) 31. Yoga- Balan, Bala and Bala (Journal of Pschology- Indonesia) 32. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Bubaker , Bernadinne, Balan Rathakrishnan & Balakrishnan Muniappan (2009) Qualitative Case Study Research in Africa and Asia: Challenges and Prospects, , International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.2, No.3, July (still review process) accepted in 8 April 2009 33. Muhammad Madi Bin Abdullah, Jegak Uli and BalakrishnanParasuraman (2009). Job Satisfaction: A Survey of Secondary SchoolTeachers in Tawau, Sabah. Jurnal Kemanusiaaan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, BIL. 13, ISSN 1675-1930, JUN 34. Ismail, Azman, Abdullah, M.M., & Parasuraman, Balakrishnan. (2009) Perceive Value as a Moderator on the Relationship between Service Quality Features and Customer Satisfaction, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, Feb) 35. Aryana Satrya a& Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2009) The Present Malaysian and Indonesian Industrial Relations: Accomodation or Conflictual, Asian Profile, Vol.37, No.1,February 36. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Aryana Satrya, Balan Rathakrishnan & Balakrishnan Muniapan (2009) Analysing the Relationship between Unions and Joint Consultation Committee: Case Studies of 30 Malaysian and Indonesian Postal Industries, International Journal of Business and Society, No.1, Vol.1 37. Parasuraman, Balakrishnsan & Satrya Aryana (2008) JCC in Malaysia n Indonesia, Philipine Journal of IR, December. 38. Abdullah, M.M., Korean, S., Parasuraman, B., Muniapan, B., Jones, M., Afshari, M. (2008), Motivating Factors Associated with Adult Participation in Distance Learning Programs: International Education Studies (Canada), Vol. 1, No. 4, in Nov. 2008, p.104-109 39. Muhammad Madi Bin Abdullah Sebastian Koren, Balakrishnan Muniapan, Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Balan Rathakrishnan (2008) Adult Articipation In Self-Directed Learning Programs, International Education Studies (Canada), Vol. 1, No. 3, in August, p.66-73 40. Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Aryana Satrya (2008) Relaciones De Trabajo En Los paises De APEC: Relaciones Laborales en ASEAN.Una Visiosn General, Segunda Parte (ASEAN Industrial Relations : An Overview) ' Analisis Laboral, Vol.XXXII, No.374, Agosto., p.14-20. (in Spanish, Peru). 41. Aryana, Satrya & Balakrishnan Parasuraman. 2007. Case study Approach in Industrial Relations Research: Experience from Indonesia and Malaysia. Jurnal Ekonomi (Indonesia). Tahun XII/03, p.277-286 42. Aryana Satrya & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2007) ‘Union strategy in the Indonesian and Malaysian postal industries, Employment Relations Record (ERR, Australia)), Vol.7. No.2, pp.3146. 43. Balakrishnan Muniappan & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2007), Misconduct, domestic inquiry and the rules of natural justice in the context of Malaysian employment relations. . Malayan Law Journal, lxxxviii Nov-Dec. 44. Aryana Satra & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2007) ‘Partnership as Union Strategy – Does it Work in Asia? Case Studies in Indonesia and Malaysia’ Indian Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 42, No.4. April, p.589 -619. ISBN No. 0019-5286. 45. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2006) The 1975 Code of Conduct for Industrial Harmony in Malaysia: Implication for Employee Participation, Malayan Law Journal, lxxxviii Nov-Dec. 46. Tan Ern Ser (National University of Singapore) & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2005) Globalisation and National Industrial Relations System: A Case study from Singapore, Asian Profile, Vol.33, No.4, pp.343-350. 47. Hazman Abdullah (UiTM, Malaysia) & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2005) 'Retrenchment in Malaysia: A Disaster For Employees,' Management and Change (The Journal of the Institute for Integrated Learning in Management. 48. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, and Rosazman Hussin (2004) "The Study on Safety Awareness And Work Stress Among Automobile Manufacturing Workers in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia" Asian Profile (Canada), April, No.2, Vol.32, pp.137-156. 49. Tan Ern Ser & Balakrishnan Parasuraman, “Globalisation and Risk Society: A Case study From Singapore”, Asian Profile (Canada), April, Vol.1, No.3 in Kleis, P. & Westphal, S. (2004) do-line 31 ASIEN: Socio-economic dimensions of the new dynamaics of Asian economies, Vol. 4, December. ISSN: 1611-1117, Hamburg, Germany. 50. Tan Ern Ser & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2003) Globalisation and Risk Society: A Case study From Singapore, Asian Profile, April, Vol.31, No.2, pp.123-130. 51. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002a) “Employee Involvement Schemes Practices in The Private Sector: Case Study From Sabah, East Malaysia,” MANU (Journal of Centre For The Promotion of Knowledge & Language Learning, Universiti Malaysia Sabah -UMS), No.7, pp.29-47. 52. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002b) 'Relationes industriales en Asean: Un analisis comparativo,' Analisis Laboral, Vol.XXVI, No.303, Setiembre, pp. XLV-XLVII. 53. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, (2002c) Malaysian Industrial Relations: An Overview, Asian Profile, February, Canada, Vol.30, No.4, pp.307-325 54. Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Goodijk, R. (University of Groningen, the Netherlands) (2002), Work Councils in The Netherlands: and their Impact on Company Performance and DecisionMaking Process: A Study, Management and Change (The Journal of the Institute for Integrated Learning in Management, New Delhi), Vol.6, No.2, Winter, pp.265-278 55. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, (2001) The Effects of Economic Development on Industrial Relations Policy in Malaysia, Asian Profile, February, Vol.29, No.1 Canada, pp.17-30. 56. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001)"Information Technology and Teleworking in Malaysia: A Study, Vol.5, Management & Change (The Journal o the Institute for Integrated Learning in Management, New Delhi) No.2, Winter, pp 263-276. 57. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Industrial Relations in East Asia: A Review, Kinabalu Journal of Business and Social Sciences, No.6, pp. 23. 58. Balakrishnan Parasurman (1998) Industrial Relations in Asia Pasific: A Comparative Perspective, Philipinnes Journal of Labor and Industrial Relations, Vol.XVIII,Nos 1 & 2, UPSOLAIR, Philipinnes, Manila, 1998, pp.78-91 59. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, (1997) Book Review, Maimunah Aminuddin, Employment Law and Industrial Relations, Kinabalu Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol.4, 1997, pp. 202- 206. ISBN: 1394-4517 60. Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Goodijk, R. (University of Groningen, the Netherlands) (2002a) Peranan Majlis Pekerja di Eropah: Pengajaran Kepada Malaysia (Workers Participation and Works Councils in Europe: Lesson for Malaysia), Pemikir with cooperation Foreign Affairs, No.27, Jan-March (Malay Version), pp.209-242. 61. Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Goodijk, R (2002b) ' Current Development on Human Resources Management (HRM) and Industrial Relations in the Netherlands,” UMESP Newsletter, Issue No.7/ Jan 2002. 62. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001) Telekerja dan Implikasi Kepada Usahawan Alaf Baru, Pemikir with cooperation Foreign Affairs, No.24, April- June, p.201-219. 32 63. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001), ‘Teknologi Maklumat dan Telekerja: Tinjauan Awal di Malaysia,” Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat dan Kuantitatif Sains, Universiti Teknology Mara (UiTM), Vol.3, No.1, p.115-123. 64. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) " Strategi Perindustrian dan Polisi Hubungan Industri di Malaysia", Jurnal Manusia dan Masyarakat, Universiti Malaya, Vol.12, December. 65. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, (2000) Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Dalam Syarikat Multinasional: Isu dan Cabaran Di Alaf Baru”, Pemikir with cooperation Foreign Affairs, No.18, January – March, pp.155-186. 66. Asmady Idris & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999), “Peranan Tenaga Akademik Dan Kaedah Pengajaran-Pemelajaran Di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi,” Jurnal Bahasa, No.l7, Vol 43, July, pp. 633-644, ISSN 0420-2090 67. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, (1999) Hubungan Industri Di Negara Asia Pasifik Pemikir with cooperation Foreign Affairs, No.16, April-June, pp.81-102. 68. Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Dorris Tressie (1999) Kajian Kes Pemecatan Pekerja Secara Tidak Adil (Seksyen 20, Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan), Jurnal Kanun (The Journal of Malaysian Law and published by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka with cooperation Karangkraf Sdn Bhd). 69. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Krisis Ekonomi Asia: Implikasi Terhadap Hubungan MajikanPekerja, Jurnal VISI, UiTM, No.1. C.2. Refeeed Conference Proceedings 1. Balakrishnan Parasuraman , & Profesor Dr Diana Kelly, University Of Wollongong, Australia. (2009) Employee Participation In The Private Sector In Malaysia: The Applicability Of The Favourable Conjunctures Model. The International Conference On Human Capital Development (ICONHRD2009): Kuantan, Pahang: Universiti Pahang Malaysia, 20-24 Jun. 2. Abdullah, M.M., Korean, S., Parasuraman, B., Muniapan, B., Jones, M., Afshari, M. (2008), Motivating Factors Associated with Adult Participation in Distance Learning Programs: Prince Songkla University International Conference on Educational Leadership in Cultural Diversity and Globalization, Phuket Graceland Resort & Spa, Phuket, 8 -10 April 2008. 3. Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Aryana Satrya (2007) The Present Malaysian and Indonesian Industrial Relations: Accomodation or Conflictual, Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Sociological Association (APSA), USM, Penang, 19-21 December. 4. Mahadirin, A, Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Kee Sabariah (2008) Peranan Jabatan Tenga Rakyat Sabah dalam Penyelesaian Kes Aduan dan Tuntukan Pekerja: Satu Tinjauan awal, the 6th Malaysian Studies Conference (MSC6), Kuching, Sarawak, 6-8 November 2008. 5. Muhammad Madi Abdullah, Shahrul Nizam Salahuddin,. Azman Bin Ismail & Balakrishnan Parasuraman. Quality Improvement and Performance in the Electrical and Electronics Industry. 33 Regional Conference on Human Resource Development (RESERD). Jan 14-16, 2007, Terengganu, FPPSM, UTM. 6. Muhammad Madi Bin Abdullah, Suhaimi Sudin, Shahrul NizamSalahudin, Azman Ismail and Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2008).Critical Soft Factors’ Influence on Quality Improvement: Evidence from Electrical and Electronics Firms in Malaysia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business & Management organized byiversiti Brunei Darusallam, January 9-10, Brunei Darusallam. 7. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2007) “Globalisation, labour market reform and changes in employment conditions: from the Malaysian perspective” Proceedings of the Globalisation and Employment Conditions in Asia and Pacific, Seoul, Korea, 21-24 February 2007, published by Korean Labour Institute (KLI), pg. 283-321. 8. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2006) ‘The Favourable Conjunctures Model of Industrial Democracy: To what extend it is relevant to Malaysia as one of the fastest growing countries in the Asia Pacific Region?’ Proceedings of the 14th World IIRA Congress, Lima, Peru, 8-14 September. (Invited Paper) 9. Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Schwimbersky, S. (University if Bamberg, Germany) (2006) ‘European model of employee participation? A lot to learn from Europe for Malaysia, Proceedings of the 14th World IIRA Congress, Lima, Peru, 8-14 September. 10. Dev Raj (University of Tribuvan, Nepal) & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2006) ‘Economic and Political Development for a regulated IRs system in Asia: A comparison between Malaysia and Nepal’ Proceedings of the 14th World IIRA Congress, Lima, Peru, 8-14 September. 11. Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Jones, M, (2006) “Joint Consultation Committee in the Malaysian Postal Industry” Proceedings of the 20th AIRAANZ (The Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand- AIRAANZ) Conference, Stamford Grand Hotel, Adelaide, Australia, 1-3 February. 12. BalakrishnanParasuraman & Schwimbersky, S. (University if Bamberg, Germany) (2005) The Present Scenario of Malaysian Industrial Relations: Accommodating Or Conflictual, Proceedings of the 8th International Society for Labour and Social Security Law (ISLSS) Asia Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, 1-5 November (Invited Paper). 13. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2005) “Qualitative case study research: A research project on employee participation in the Malaysian private sector” Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Employment Relations Association (IERA) Conference, University of Aalborg, Denmark, 26-29 June. 14. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Bubaker and Bernadine, C. (2005) ‘The Qualitative Case Study Research in Africa and Asia: Challenges and Prospects’ Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Qualitative Research, UTM, Sekudai, Johor, Malaysia, 21-23 August (CD publication). 15. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2005) ‘Perdebatan Kajian Sains Sosial: Peralihan Penyelidik Dari Paradigma Positivist Kepada Non-Positivist’ (Social Sciences Debate: The Transformation of Researcher From Positivist to Non-Positivist Paradigm) The Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Qualitative Research, UTM, Sekudai, Johor, Malaysia, 21-23 August (CD publication). 34 16. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2005) ‘Consultation and Communication in Malaysia: The Impact of 1975 Code of Conduct’ Proceedings of the 19th Association of Industrial Relatios Acadmeics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, 8-12 February, University of Sydney, Australia. 17. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2004) ‘The Development of Malaysian Industrial Relations: Current Issues and Perspectives’, Proceedings of the IIRA 5th Asian Regional Congress, organised by International Industrial Relations, Korea Industrial Relations Association and Korea Labor Institute in CD publication, Seoul, Korea, 23-26 June.Also in website in pdf form. 18. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2004) ‘The Different Approaches of Employee Participation: Some Reflections To Employers and Trade Unions in Malaysia’, Proceedings of the IIRA 5th Asian Regional Congress, organised by International Industrial Relations, Korea Industrial Relations Association and Korea Labor Institute in CD publication, Seoul, Korea, 23-26 June. Also in website publication in pdf form. 19. Hazman Abdullah (UiTM) & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2003) “Retrechment in Malaysia: A Disaster For Employees” Proccedings of the 17th Association of Industrial Relations Academics Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, Vol.2, Melbourne, Australia, 4-8 February 2003. 20. Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Goodijk, R. (University of Groningen) (2003) 'The Link between Direct and Indirect Employee Participation at the Workplace: Evidence From Royal Dutch / Shell Group in the Netherlands” Proceedings of the 13th International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 8-13 September (website publication in pdf form). 21. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002) " The Pregnant Workers Directive 92/85 and the impact on Women Workforce: The Case of United Kingdom", Proceedings of the Third International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) of the African Regional Congress, 5-8 March 2002, Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa (CD ROM). 22. Muhd Madi Abdullah, Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Dullah Mulok, (2002) Job Satisfaction Among Teachers in Secondary School: A Case Study From Sabah, Malaysia, Proceedings of the 12th International Employment Relations Assocaition (EIRA) 2002, San Francisco, USA, October. 23. Balakrishnan Parasuraman dan Goodijk, R. (2002) Works Council in the Netherlands: What We Can Learn From Them, Proceedings of the International SOM Conference on Globalisation, Innovation, and Human Resource Development for Competitive Advantage, Vol.1, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, 17-19 December, pp. 263-272. 24. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001), The Development Of The Malaysian Industrial Relations System: Past And Present Scenario, in Kelly, D, Proceedings of the Association of Industrial Relations Academics Australia and New Zealand (AIRANZ) 2001, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Sydney, Australia. 25. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001) Industrial Relations in Asia Pacific, Proceedings of the 6th European International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) Congress, Oslo, Norway published in website 26. Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Muhd Madi (2001), Industrial Relations in ASEAN: A comparative Analysis, Proceedings of the Global Management Conference: Comparative HRMLearning from Diversity organised by AOPC, Barcelona, Spain, 19 -22 June (CD ROM). 35 27. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001)" Employee Involvement Schemes Practices in The Private Sector: Case Study From Sabah, East Malaysia”, Proceedings of the 4th International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) Asian Congress, Manila. The Philippines. 28. Rosazman Hussin, Balakrishnan Parasuraman dan Chin Vui Chin (2001) "The Study on Safety Awareness And Work Stress Among Automobile Manufacturing Workers in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia" Proceedings of the Third International Malaysian Studies Conference (MSC3), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, 6–8 August. Published in website 29. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Workers Involvement in Health and Safety Management: Some Western Experiences, in Juhary Ali Proceeding of the International Conference on Disaster Management: Lessons To Be Learnt. Organised by School of Management and Centre For Curiculum, University Utara Malaysia (UUM), Hotel City Bay View, Langkawi, Kedah, 2930 April, p.250-287. 30. Balakrishnan and Asmady Idris (2000), The Role of Academicians and Teaching and Learning Strategies in Malaysia Public Higher Institute of Learning, in Abdullah Mohd Noor the Proceeding of the International Conference on Learning and Teaching, Organised oleh Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), UNESCO, dan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Jld. 3, p.1117-1135. 31. Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Tan Kim Kim (2000) Employee Involvement and Job Motivation in International Hotel Chain: The Case of Sandakan, Sabah, Proceeding of the 12th IIRA World Congress: Global Integration and Challenges for Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management in the 21st Century, organised by Japan Institute of Labour (JIL) and International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA), Tokyo, Mei 29 -2 June , p.289-295. 32. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) The Effects of Economic Development on Industrial Relations Policy in Malaysia, Proceeding of the 3rd Americas IIRA Congress: the Industrial Relations (IR) in the 21st Century, APERT and IIRA, Lima, Peru, 13th-16th September, p.13-23 ( CD-ROM). 33. Muniapan, B., Parasuraman, B., Abdullah M.M, and Rathakrishnan, B.,(2008), "Concerns in HRM: Probationers’ rights and status in the context of Malaysian employment relations", 4th National Human Resource Management Conference: Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness through Human Capital, organized by Universiti Utara Malaysia, Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson, 17-19 August 2008. 34. Rathakrishnan, B, Swami, V., Parasuraman, B., Abdullah M.M, and Muniapan, B., (2008), Occupational burnout in sample of geriatric social care professionals in Malaysia, 4th National Human Resource Management Conference: Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness through Human Capital, organized by Universiti Utara Malaysia, Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson, 17-19 August 2008. 35. (with Dr Michale Jones, University of Wollongong) (2006), ‘The 1975 Code of Conduct for Industrial Harmony in Malaysia: Worker Participation and its Significance for Employers, Unions, and The Government’ Proceedings of the 3rd Human Capital Management Conference, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 22-24 November. 36 36. Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Aryana Satrya (2006) ‘Assesing union srategy in postal industry : Cases studies in Indonesia and Malaysia ’ Proceedings of the 3rd National Human Resource Management Conference, City Bayview Hotel, Langkawi, Kedah, 26-28 November. 37. Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Aryana (2006) ‘Constructing joint consulation committee in postal industry: Case studies in Malaysia and Indonesia’ Proceeding of the 3rd National Human Resource Management Conference, 26-28 November, City Bayview Hotel, Langkawi, Kedah. 38. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2003) ‘Employee Participation Research in Selected Malaysian Private Firms: A Qualitative Case Study Approach, Proceedings of the 2nd Qualitative Research Convention: Theory and Practice in CD publication, Hilton Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, October 21-22. 39. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002) "Gangguan Seksual di Tempat Kerja", Proceedings of the 1st National Human Resource Management Conference, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 20-24 January. 40. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002) Penyertaan Pekerja and Majlis pekerja di Eropah: Pengajaran Kepada Malaysia, Proceedings of the 1st National Human Resource Management Conference, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 20-24 January. 41. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002) Pengurusan Ekspatriat di Syarikat Multinasional: CabaranCabaran Global Semasa, Proceedings of the 1st National Human Resource Management Conference, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 20-24 January. 42. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, (2002) "Human Resource Management in K-Economy Era",in Prof Zainal Abidin Mohamed et al. he Proceedings of the 1st International Business Seminar: Managing Competitivenes: Issues and challenges for Malaysian companies in international business environment Proceedings of the 1st International Business Conference, UUM, Penang, 19-21 June. ISSN: 9832078245 43. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, (2002) "Unfair Dismissal: the Malaysian Case study," in Prof Zainal Abidin Mohamed et al. the Proceedings of the 1st International Business Seminar: Managing Competitivenes: Issues and challenges for Malaysian companies in international business environment, UUM, Penang, 19-21 June. ISSN: 9832078245. 44. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002) ‘Globalisasi dan Syarikat Multinasional: Impak Ke Atas Kesatuan Sekerja’, Dr Jamaluddin Kassim et al…Proceedings of the Persidangan Kebangsaan Sains Sosial dan Sains Teknologi, Jld 2, UITM Pahang, Kuantan, 28-29 May 2002. ISSN: 983406716-X 45. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) 46. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) ‘Strategi Perindustrian dan Polisi Hubungan Industri Di Malaysia: Penelitian Keatas Hipotesis Kuruvilla, Pascasidang Seminar Ekonomi Pembangunan: Tujahan dan Cabran Di Alaf Baru, 16-18 July, Hotel Regency, Port Dickson, (CD Rom). 47. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Dalam Syarikat Multinasional: Cabaran Di Alaf Baru, Seminar Kebangsaan Pasca Siswazah IPTA, Anjuran Pusat Pascasiswazah, UMS, Kota Kinabalu. 37 C.3. Chapters in Book 1. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Balan Rathkrishnan, Beatrice Lim, Fumitaka Furuoka, Khairul Hanim Pazim & Iwao Kato (eds.) (2012). The Malaysian Labour Market, Industrial Relations and Industrial Psychology: Issues and Trends, Kota Kinabalu, Universiti Malaysia Sabah Press. 2. Buku Orang Sungai- Editor Assoc Prof Dr Rosazman Hussin- 2013, forthcoming 3. Social Security in Malaysia (with Ponniah,Socso Dept), in Durrishah, Idrus eds (2012) Human Resource and Industrial Relations Transformation after 55 years Merdeka, ISMK, Ministry of HR, Putrajaya. 4. Industrial Relations in Public and Private Sector in Malaysia (2012) in Durrishah, Idrus eds (2012) Human Resource and Industrial Relations Transformation after 55 years Merdeka, ISMK, Ministry of HR, Putrajaya 5. Parasuraman, Balakrishnan (2008) ‘Participation De Los Trabajadores En Malaysia: Implicancias legales’ in Professors Germán Ramírez-Gastón, Mario Pasco Cosmopolis, Paloma Martinez Hague and Raúl Saco Relationes Laborales En El Mundo 43 Estudios Homenaje al Profesor Luis Aparacio Valdez:de sus amigos professors e investigadores de los cinco continents, Grijley and APERT, Lima, Peru (Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2008) ‘Worker Participation in Malaysia: Legal Implications’ in Professors Germán Ramírez-Gastón, Mario Pasco Cosmopolis, Paloma Martinez Hague and Raúl Saco Tribute Book in Honour of Professor Luis Aparicio Valdez, in recognition of his invaluable contribution in the field study of Labour Relations, Grijley and APERT (The Peruvian Association for Labour Relations) Lima, Peru, p.355-367. 6. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2004) ‘Industrial Relations in ASEAN: A Comparative Analysis’ in Blanpain, R & Valdez, L.A, Labour Relations in the Asia Pacific Countries, Kluwer Law International, London, UK. ISBN 90-411-2239-7. [These papers were originally presented in 2001 in a report by the Peruvian labour journal Analisis Laboral, in response to a request by the Regional Office of the International Labour Organisation for a study of employment conditions, labour relations, and social security in the APEC countries as seen from a Latin American perspective. It was immediately apparent that many of the papers in this report were of great value to the international labour law community, and accordingly those papers are collected and reprinted here]. In this valuable book sixteen academics and other professionals in the field present informed and insightful essays on aspects of labour and industrial relations law in ten countries (Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, and the United States) as well as under the ASEAN regi me]. 7. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002) “Employee Involvement Schemes Practices in The Private Sector: Case Study From Sabah, East Malaysia” in Gust, G., Maayo, G.C., Ofreneo, R.E., and Sibal, G., Changing Work and Employment Relations in A Globalising Asia: Towards Decency and Fairness, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of Philippines and Philippoine Industrial Relations Society, Manila, Philippine, pp.493-506. 8. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Workplace Co-operation: A View From South East Asia, in Gatchalian,J Philippine Industrial Relations For The 21st Century: Emerging Issues, Challenges and Strategies, School of Labour and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR), University of Philippine, and Philippine Industrial Relations Society (PIRS), p.237-244. 38 9. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Pengambilan dan Pemilihan Staf Antarabangsa dan Tempatan Di Syarikat Multinasional: Tinjauan Awal dalam Dzurizah Ibrahim, Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Rosazman Hussin (Penyunting Bersama), Hubungan Industri dan Sumber Manusia:Isu dan Perspektif, UMS, Sabah (Malay Version). 10. Dzurizah, Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Rosazman Hussin (2000) ‘Pengenalan kepada Hubungan Industri dan Sumber Manusia’, dalam Dzurizah Ibrahim, Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Rosazman Hussin (Penyunting Bersama), Hubungan Industri dan Sumber Manusia:Isu dan Perspektif, UMS, Sabah (Malay Version).ISSN 978-967-5224-21-8 11. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Dzurizah, Rosazman Hussin (2000) ‘Cabaran Masa Depan: Hubungan Industri dan Sumber Manusia’, dalam Dzurizah Ibrahim, Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Rosazman Hussin (Penyunting Bersama), Hubungan Industri dan Sumber Manusia:Isu dan Perspektif, UMS, Sabah (Malay Version). 12. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) ‘Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Dalam Syarikat Multinasional: Isu-isu global semasa’ in Rosazman Hussin, Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Asmady Idris, Paul Porodong, Dullah Mulok, Globalisasi: Beberap Pendekatan Sains Sosial, DBP: KL, hlm 27-40 (Malay Version) C.4. Original Books 1. Dzurizah, Parasuraman & Rosazman (2009) (suntingan) hubungan Industri dan Sumber Manusia: Isu dan Perspektif, UMS, Sabah 2. Rosazman Hussin & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2007) Isu-isu Pekerjaan Dalam Organisasi Industri dan Perindustrian (Emplpyment Issues in Industrial Organisation and Industrialisation), Universiti Malaysia Sabah Press, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Malay Version) Second Printing in 2007. 3. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2006) Hubungan Industri di Malaysia: Pendekatan dan Amalan, (Industrial Relations in Malaysia: Approaches and Practices) Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), KL (Malay Version). 4. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2004) Malaysian Industrial Relations: A Critical Analysis, Prentice Hall/ Pearson Education, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, (Second Printing 2004), 5. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2004) Malaysian Industrial Relations: A Critical Analysis, Prentice Hall/ Pearson Education, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. 6. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2003) Hubungan Industri dan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia:Isu dan Perspektif (Industrial Relations and HRM: Issues and Perspective), Edisi Kedua (Second Edition), Prentice Hall, Petaling Jaya, Selangor (Malay Version). 39 7. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002) Hubungan Industri dan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia:Isu dan Perspektif Perspektif (Industrial Relations and HRM: Issues and Perspectives), Edisi Pertama (First Edition), Prentice Hall, Petaling Jaya, Selangor (Malay Version). 8. Ahmad Fuad Muhammad & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001), Panduan Latihan Praktikum Sekolah Sains Sosial, Edisi Kedua (Second Edition), UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Malay Version). 9. Rosazman Hussin & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001) Isu-isu Pekerjaan Dalam Organisasi Industri dan Perindustrian (Emplpyment Issues in Industrial Organisation and Industrialisation), Universiti Malaysia Sabah Press, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Malay Version). 10. Rosazaman Hussin, Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Asmady Idris, Paul Porodong & Dullah Mulok, (2001), Globalisasi: Beberapa Pendekatan Sains Sosial DBP, KL, Second printing (Malay Version). 11. Rosazaman Hussin, Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Asmady Idris, Paul Porodong & Dullah Mulok, (2000), Globalisasi: Beberapa Pendekatan Sains Sosial (Globalisation: Several Social Sciences Approaches) DBP, KL (Malay Version). 12. Ahmad Fuad Muhammad & Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999), Buku Panduan Latihan Praktikum Sekolah Sains Sosia (Manual Book fo Practical Training School of Social Sciences), First Edition, UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Malay Version). C.5 Edited Book 1. Parasuraman, Balakrishnan, Rathakrishnan, Fumitaka Furuoka, (2012) . 2. Dzurizah Ibrahim, Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Rosazman Hussin (co-edited), (2009) Hubungan Industri dan Sumber Manusia: Isu dan Perspektif, UMS, Sabah. (Malay Version) Edisi Kedua. 3. Dzurizah Ibrahim, Balakrishnan Parasuraman & Rosazman Hussin (co-edited), (2000) Hubungan Industri dan Sumber Manusia: Isu dan Perspektif, UMS, Sabah. (Malay Version) C.6.1 Writings in Mass Media (Newspaper and Semi-Academic Magazines) Research and innovation Bulletin- Special report for Outstanding Researcher- 2009 and Gold medalist Sepanggar bulletin- Special report on Prof Diana Kelly 2008 Sepangar Bulletin- special report on World HRD Congress 2009 Citra Bulletin UMS- special report HRD Congress Mumbai0 2009 Berita Harian- Highlight my research on partnership won bronze in Geneva 40 Daily Express special report on winning medals in Geneva, UMS inventions win nine medals Published on: Sunday, April 12, 2009 Buletin Bulanan Jabatan pembangunan Sumber Manusia, Bengkel Pengendalian Temuduga (Bersama dengan Dr Balan)Bil :BB:4/2008, Kementeri Sains teknologi danm Sumber, Sabah MINDA Published By Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka (DBP) with cooperation Karangkraf Sdn Bhd Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2004) Adakah Teknologi Maklumat Memberi Impak Kepada Hubungan Industri: Satu Penelitian dan Renungan, Minda, October, DBP dan Karangkraf Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2004) Kesatuan Sekerja: Faktor Kemerosotan dan Perjuangan Masa Depan, Minda, September, DBP dan Karangkraf. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2004) Hubungan Harmoni dalam Persekitaran Kerja di Malaysia: Minda Yang Terbuka, Minda, July, DBP dan Karangkraf. Dewan Ekonomi Published By Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka (DBP) with cooperation Karangkraf Sdn Bhd) 1. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1998) Krisis Ekonomi di Malaysia: Implikasi Terhadap Hubungan Majikan-Pekerja, Dewan Ekonomi, No. 12, Vol. 05, December (Malay Version). 2. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Gangguan Seksual Di Tempat Kerja: Tindakan Tegas Perlu Diambil, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.02, Jld.. 06, Februari. 3. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Visi Organisasi, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.03, Jld. 06, Mac. 4. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (19990 Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerja di Tempat Kerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.05, Jld.06, Mei. 5. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Produktiviti dan Kualaiti: Elemen Utama Dalam Masa Kegawatan Ekonomi, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.06,Jld. 06, Jun. 6. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Pekerja Sambilan dan Undang-undang Buruh, Dewan Ekonomi Bil.07,Jld. 06, Julai. 7. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Keberkesanan Sistem Pengurusan Dalam Pengurusan Perniagaan, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil. 08, Jld. 06, Ogos. 8. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Akta Pekerjaan 1955: Implikasi Terhadap Golongan Pekerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.09, Jld. 06, September. 9. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Polisi Penswastaan dan Kesannya Terhadap Pekerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.10, Jld. 06, Oktober. 41 10. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Konsep Fleksibiliti di Tempat Kerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.11, Jld. 06, November. 11. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Hubungan Pekerha di Malaysia: Masa Lalu dan Masa Kini dan Abad ke-21, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0526, Jld 06, Disember. 12. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Belanjawan 2000: Kesana Ke Atas Hubungan Pekerja Yang Harmoni dan Produktif, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0527, Jld. 06, Januari. 13. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Model Hubungan Pekerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0528, Jld. 06, Februari. 14. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Reaksi Kesatuan Sekerja Terhadap Perubahan Teknologi dan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia, Bil. 0529, Dewan Ekonomi, Jld. 06, Mac. 15. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Strategi Kesatuan Sekerja dalam Alaf Baru, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0530, Jld. 06, April. 16. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Konsep Penglibatan Pekerja: Implikasi Terhadap Pengurusan Sumber Manusia, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0531, Jld. 06, Mei. 17. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Pemberhentian Pekerja: Perspektif Hubungan Industri, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0533, Jld. 06, Julai. 18. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Pemberhentian Pekerja: Perspektif Undang-Undang Buruh, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0535, Jld. 06, September. 19. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Penyertaan Pekerja Kewangan: Impak Kepada Motivasi Pekerja, Produktiviti dan Kepuasan Pekerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0536, Jld. 06, Oktober. 20. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Perkembangan Teknologi Maklumat dan Telekerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0538, Jld. 06, Disember. 21. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001) Kaunseling Di Tempat Kerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0539,Jld. 06, Januari. 22. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001) Strategi Perindustrian: Masa Lalu dan Masa Sekarang, Dewan Ekonomi, No.0541, Jld. 07, Februari. 23. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001) Jabatan Hal-ehawal Kesatuan Sekerja: Objektif dan Peranan di Malaysia, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0545, Jld. 07, Jun. 24. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2001) Konflik, Ketidakpuasan, Tekanan Di Tempat Kerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0546, Jld. 07, Julai. 25. Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Goodijk, R (2001) Penyertaan Pekerja dan Majlis Pekerja di Eropah: Pengajaran Kepada Malaysia, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0547, Jld. 07, Ogos. 26. Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Goodijk, R (2001) Direktif Majlis Pekerja di Eropah, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0548, Jld. 07, September. 42 27. Balakrishnan Parasuraman and Goodijk, R (2001) Majlis Pekerja di Belanda, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0549, Jld.07, Oktober. 28. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002) Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM), Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0553, Jld.09, Februari. 29. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002), Keperluan K-Ekonomi Dalam Era Sumber Manusia, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0554, Jld.09, Mac. 30. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002), Pengurusan Fail Merupakan Aspek Penting Dalam Pengurusan Pejabat, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0555, Jld.09, April. 31. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002), Isu Semasa Hubungan Industri dan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia: Cabaran dan Strategi, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0556, Jld.09, Mei. 32. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002), Harapan Kesatuan Sekerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0557, Jld.09, Jun.\ 33. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002), Globalisasi, Syarikat Multinasional dan Kesatuan Sekerja, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0558, Jld.09, Julai. 34. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002), Perlanjutan Umur Persaraan Pekerja Dalam Sektor Awam: Satu Tinjauan Awal, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0559, Jld.09, Ogos. 35. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002), Peranan Pemerintah Dalam Sistem Hubungan Industri di Negara Asia Pasifik, Bil.0560, Jld.09, September. 36. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002), Pekembangan Kesatuan Sekerja di Negara-negara Asia Pasifik, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0561, Jld.09, Oktober. 37. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002), Kumpulan Mutu Kerja: Isu dan Perspektif, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0562 Jld.09, November. 38. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2002), Pengurusan Sumber Manusia: Isu dan Cabaran Semasa, Dewan Ekonomi, Bil.0563, Jld.09, Disember. Dewan Masyarakat 1. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Gangguan seksual di pejabat, Dewan Masyarakat, Bil.01, Jld. 37, Januari. 2. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Pengurusan Pejabat Yang Efektif, Dewan Masyarakat, Bil.02, Jld. 37,Februari. 3. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Kepentingan Bahasa Melayu Kepada Pelajar Bukan Melayu, Dewan Masyarakat, Bil.05, Jld. 37, Mei. 4. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Kesatuan Sekerja: Cabaran-cabaran dalam Abad Ke-21, Dewan Masyarakat, Bil.07, Jld. 37, Julai. Dewan Siswa 43 Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Peru: Jepun Baru di Latin Amerika, Bil.12, Jld.21, Disember. Massa Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Mogok di Korea Selatan: Pengajaran Kepada Malaysia, Massa, Bil.175, 2 Februari. Niaga Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Elemen Baru Hubungan Industri, Niaga, Bil.01, Julai. Usahawan Sukses 1. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Komunikasi: Alat Kejayaan Dalam Sesebuah Organisasi, Usahawan Sukses, Bil.01, Mac-April. 2. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Kerja Pasukan dan Kualiti, Usahawan Sukses, Bil.2, Mei –Jun. 3. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Kerja Pasukan dan Produktiviti, Usahawan Sukses, Bil.02, Julai- Ogos. Berita Penyelidikan Dan Persidangan Ums Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1999) Laporan Pembentangan di Seminar Antarabangsa Hubungan Industri di Lima, Peru, Latin Amerika, Bil.2/99, November . HARIAN MERCU (Local Newspaper, Sabah) 1. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1998) Hubungan Pekerja: Harmoni, Produktif, Pendamaian, Harian Mercu 19 Mac. 2. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1998) Masa Depan Kesatuan Sekerja di Malaysia, Harian Mercu, 2 April. 3. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1998) Reaksi Kesatuan Sekerja Terhadap Dasar Penswastaan, Harian Mercu, 23 April. 4. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1998) Employee Relations: A New Path ,Harian Mercu, 1 Mei (Malay Version). 5. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1998) Memahami Undang-Undang Buruh Malaysia: Masa Sekarang, Kini dan Akan Datang, Harian Mercu, 18 Mei. Utusan Malaysia 1. 2. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1990) Azam Baru Tahun 1990, Utusan Malaysia, Januari. (Menang Hadiah Saguhati Bahagian Bukan Melayu) (Won For the Best Article) Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1991) Prestasi dan Mutu Permainan Bola Sepak Semi-Pro, Utusan Malaysia, Februari. C.8. Abstracts in Journals or Conference Proceedings 44 1. Strategi Perindustrian dan Polisi Hubungan Industri Di Malaysia: Penelitian Keatas Hipotesis Kuruvilla, Seminar Ekonomi Pembangunan: Tujahan dan Cabran Di Alaf Baru, 16-18 July 1999, Hotel Regency, Port Dickson, organised by Jabatan Ekonomi Pembangunan, UKM. 2. (With Asmady Idris) Peranan Tenaga Akademik dan Pengajaran-Pemelajaran di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam, International Conference on Learning and Teaching, organised by Fakulti Pendidikan, UKM, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dan UNESCO, Bangi, 24-26 November 1999. 3. Pengurusan Sumber Manusia dalam Syarikat Multinasional: Cabaran-Cabaran Dalam Abad Ke – 21, Seminar Kebangsaan Pascasiswazah di IPT, organised by Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 1-2 December 1999. 4. Workers Involvement in Health and Safety Management: Some Western Experiences, The International Conference on Disaster Management: Lessons To Be Learnt’ organised by Sekolah Pengurusan, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Hotel City Bay View, Langkawi, Kedah, 2 9-30 April 2000. 5. Teknologi Maklumat dan Telekerja: implikasi terhadap usahawan dalam alaf baru, Seminar Keusahwanan: Prospek dan Cabaran Di Alaf Baru, organised by SPE, UMS, Hotel Promenade, Kota Kinabalu, 10-11 March 2000. 6. Telekerja melalui maklumat teknologi komunikasi: impak kepada pengurusan sumber manusia, Seminar Memasyarakatkan ICT, organised by Jabatan Komunikasi dan Bahasa Moden, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), 10-11 May 2000. 7. Labour Relations in East Asia From 1960-1990:Some Preliminary Issues, The 16th Conference of The International Association of Historian of Asia, organised by Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, The Magellan Sutera Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, 27-31 July 2000. 8. BIMP-EAGA: Cabaran dan Impak ke Atas Pengurusan Sumber Manusia, Borneo Research Council Seventh Biennial International Conference: 21st Century Borneo- Issues in Development, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 15-18 July 2002. 9. Employee Participation Research in Selected Malaysian Private Firms: A Qualitative Case Study Approach , Proceedings of 2nd Qualitative Research Convention: Theory and Practice in CD publication (Abstract), Hilton Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, October 21-22, 2003. C.9. Technical Report/ Final Report Of Research, and Consultation Report C.9.1 Technical Report 1. Working Paper/ Proposal for Certificate in Human Resource Management, Jointly Organised by School of Social Sciences, UMS and Malaysia Association of Productivity, 1998-1999, 20 pages. 2. Report/ Proposal For Designing New Syllabus/ New Courses For Industrial Relations Programme, School of Social Sciences, UMS, 1997 (Together with Miss Dzurizah Ibrahim), 15 pages. 3. Final Report on University of Malaya European Studies Programme (UMESP) Faculty Fellowship Training/Research Programme, October 2001. (20 pages) C.9.2 Final Report of Consultation 45 Final Report to National Accrediation Board: The Evaluation of Diploma in HRM at Inti College, Kuching ,Sarawak (on going), February 2004. General Encyclopedia Project (Sponsored by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, KL) Entry Word Trade Union General Affairs Department, (500-700 words) EPF (500-700 words) Final Report of Training Module " Effective Office Management" dan Modul " Office Performance Through Quality Management” submitted to Skills Innovation & Development Division,Total IFM Consultancy Sdn Bhd., Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Consultant/ Permanent Columnist, Dewan Ekonomi, (from 1998- present) Report through publication of article for every month. C.10.3 Final Report of Research 1. Master of Science (Industrial Relations) Disertatation entitled " Malaysia Industrial Relations: A Critical Analysis, 1996-1997 (published as a text book by the Pearson- Prentice Hall, Petaling Jaya, 2004). 2. Research Grant From Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Code 2/1998 entitled "Strategi Perindustrian dan Polisi Hubungan Industri Di Malaysia: Penelitian Keatas Hipotesis Kuruvilla" (Industrialisation Strategies and Industrial Relations Polisi: An Evaluation on Kuruvilla Hyphothesis). Status: Completed in 1999 and final report submitted to Research and Development Unit, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 3. Employee Involvement and Job Motivation: Case study from an International Hotel, Sandakan,Sabah . Status: Research Report completed in 2000. 4. Human Resource Management in Multinasionals. Status: The research completed in 1999. 5. Industrial Relations in Asia Pacific. Status: The research compeleted in 1998 and presented at the Siri Seminar tak Berkala Sekolah, June 1998 and later published in Journal Pemikir, April -Jun 1999. 6. Unfail Dismissal: Case Study from Sabah, Malaysia ( co-researcher with Dorris Tressie, School of Social Sciences, UMS) . Status: Research completed and published as a chapter in book entitled Isu-isu Pekerjaan Dalam Organisasi Industril and Perindustrian (written by Rosazman Hussin and Balakrishnan Parasuraman) published by the Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2001. 7. The Study on Safety Awareness And Work Stress Among Automobile Manufacturing Workers in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia" (with Rosazman Husin and Chin Vui Chin) Status : Completed in December 2001. Final report already submitted to Unit of Pschology and Stress Management, School of Pschology and Sosial Work, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, Malaysia. Research Coordinator (Chief): Dr Adi Fararudin. Presented Prt of research findings at International Conference on Malaysia Studies, UKM, August 2001 and later published in International Journal Asian Profile, Canada, April, 2004. 46 8. (Co-Researcher with Prof Dr Ir. Rienk Goodijk, Porfessor of HRM, Labour Relations, Faculty of Management and Groningen, University of Groningen,Holland), The Link between Direct and Indirect Employee Participation at the Workplace: Evidence From Royal Dutch / Shell Group in the Netherlands, This research funded by University of Malaya and University of Bocconi,Italy under UMESP Faculty Fellowship Programme 2000/2001. (Research Start from July 2000 till October 2001) Status: Completed in October 2001 and submitted to UMESP,University of Malaya for published as a Discussion Paper. Research findings already presented at 13th International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) World Congress in Berlin, Germany, Septmber 2003. 9. Employee Involvement Schemes Practices in The Private Sector: Case Study From Sabah, East Malaysia". Status: Research completed in November 2001 and presented at 4th International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) Asian Congress, Manila. The Philippines, 19-24 November 2001. This research has been funded by Universiti Malaysia Sabah. This research paper published as a congress proceeding. This paper already published in Manu (The Journal published by the Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa, UMS). C.10. Unpublished Manuscript 1. Markey, R, Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Tan Ern Ser; Virgel Binghay (co-editors), Industrial Relations in ASEAN Region: Contemporary Analysis. Prentice Hall, Malaysia will publish this book. The book project initiated by Profesor Dr Ray Markey (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand); Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman (Universiti Malaysia Sabah), Professor Dr Tan Ern Ser (National University of Singapore) and Professor Dr Virgel Binghay (University of Philippines, Manila). Status: In progress (2004- 2008) 2. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (2000) Teleworking Through Information Communication Technology (ICT) :Implication to Human Resource Management, Seminar Memasyarakatkan ICT, organised by Communication Department, Faculty of Modern Language and Communication, University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, KL, 10-11 Mei (20 ms). 3. Balakrishnan Parasuraman (1989) ‘Report on job training at United Malayan Banking Corporation Bhd’, School of Social Sciences (Student Industrial Program), Universiti Science Malaysia, 30 pages. D. Seminar/Workshop/Confernces/Congress Local and International 1996 Participant, "Issues and Challenges of Contemporary Parenting" Jointly organised by Council of Parent-Teacher Associations Kota Kinabalu (CIPTA), UMS and Sabah Education Department, Sabah Foundation, Likas, K.Kinabalu, 10 October 1996. 1996 Participant, “Internet and Future Directions” Jointly organised by University Malaysia Sabah, Sabah Foundation and Jaycess, KK Branch, Sabah Foundation, Kota Kinabalu, 4 March 1996. 1997 Participant, "1st National Workshop on Employee Relations" Jointly organised by Malaysian Association of Productivity (MAP) and Genting Centre For Excellence, Sdn.Bhd, Genting Resort Hotel, Genting Highlands, Pahang Darulmakmur, December 9 & 10 1997. 1997 Participant, Civil Society and Nation Buliding, Jointly organised by Institute of Development Sabah (IDS), ADIPA, COMMACT_MALAYSIA and Concrad Adenauer Foundation, German, Shangrila’s Rasa Ria Hotel, Tuaran, 4-5 December 1997. 47 1997 Participant, IRPA Research Grant Workshop, Jointly organised by Ministry of Science and Technology, KL and Research and Development Unit, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, December 1997. 1997 Participant, Bengkel Kemahiran Penterjemahan Artikel/Buku Dari Bahasa Inggeris, ke dalam Bahasa Melayu, organised by Sekolah Perniagaan dan Ekonomi, UMS, BMU, Likas, 13 December 1997. 1998 Presenter, Hubungan Industri di Asia Pasifik: Kajian Perbandingan, Sekolah Sains Sosial, Seminar DWI Mingguan Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, 10 Jun 1998. 1998 Participant, "2nd National Workshop on Employee Relations, organised by Malaysian Association of Productivity (MAP) and Genting Centre For Excellence, Sdn.Bhd, Genting Resort Hotel, Genting Highlands, Pahang Darulmakmur, 27 -30 October 1998. 1998 Participant, The Role of Consumers in Economic Turbulance, Jointly organised by Ministry of Trade and Domestic and Consumer Affairs and The Department of Consumer Affairs, Sabah Branch, Likas Square, KK, Sabah, 27 April 1998. 1998 Participant, Bengkel Kemahiran Menulis Buku Pusat Pengajian Tinggi,’ anjuran Dewan Bahasa dan Pustakan (DBP) dan Sekolah Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Sosial, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kampus Jalan Tuaran, 10-12 December 1998. 1998 Participant, Kursus Kualiti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, anjuran Sekolah Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Sosial, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 1 March 1998 –October 1999. 1998 Presenter/ Chairperson/ Committee Member (Organiser), Bengkel Latihan Praktikum Sekolah Sains Sosial (Prasiswazah) Sesi 1996/1997 organised by Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, Bilik Mesyuarat Utama (BMU), Kampus Likas, December 1998. 1999 Participant/ Chief Rappotouer/ Committee Member, A Regional Conference on “Academic Co-operation in BIMP-Eaga: Prospect and Challenges, organised by School of Social Sciences, UMS, Hotel Promenade, KK, Sabah, 25th-26th March 1999. 1999 Presenter, ‘Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Kesannya Terhadap Hubungan Industri: Kes Malaysia, Seminar Kebangsaan Jabatan Pembangunan Ekonomi, Fakulti Ekonomi, UKM: Prospek and Cabaran Dalam Alaf Baru, Port Dickson, 16-18 July 1999. 1999 Presenter, Economic Development and Industrial Relations Policy in Malaysia: Rejoinder To Kuruvilla, 3rd International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) Americas Regional Congress: Industrial Relations in 21st Century, organised by APERT and IIRA, Lima, Peru, 13 th –16th September 1999. 1999 Presenter, Workplace Co-operation:A View From Southeast Asia, The Philipinnes Industrial Relations in 21st Century, organised by Philippines Industrial Relations Society (PIRS) and School of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of Philipinnes (UPSOLAIR), Dilman, Quezon City, Manila, 16-20 November 1999. 1999 Participant, Kursus Kaedah Pengajaran- Pembelajaran Pengajian Tinggi, anjuran Sekolah Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Sosial, UMS, August- December 1999. 1999 Presenter, Peranan Tenaga Akademik Di IPTA dan Kaedah Pemelajaran- Pengajaran, International Conference on Learning and Teaching, organised by Faculty of Education, National 48 University of Malaysia (UKM) and UNESCO, Malaysian Ministry of Education, KL, Bangi, UKM, 24-26 November 1999. 1999 Participant, Bengkel Kecemerlangan Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Universiti Malaysia Sabah, organised by Unit Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan UMS, 23-24 April 1999. 1999 Presenter, Hubungan Majikan-Pekerja Dalam Organisasi, Bengkel Latihan Praktikum/Ilmiah Sesis 1999/2000, organised by Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, July 1999. 1999 Presenter/ Organiser, Buku Panduan Latihan Pratikum, Sekolah Sains Sosial, Bengkel Latihan Praktikum/Ilmiah Sesis 1999/2000, organised by Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, DKP 4, July 1999. 1999 Assesor, Seminar Latihan Ilmiah, Program Sosiologi dan Antropologi, Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, 1 April 1999. 1999 Presenter, Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Dalam Syarikat Multinasional Di Alaf Baru, Persidangan Kebangsaan Pascasiswazah IPTA, organised by Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah, UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 1-2 December 1999. 2000 Participant, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Congress “Positioning For Success in The New Millenium, organised by IDS, Sabah, Sabah Institute For Small and Medium Enterprises and Konkrad Adenuer Foundation, Germany, The Magellan Sutera Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, 25-26 February 2000. 2000 Participant, Bengkel Perancangan Strategik Jangka Panjang Sekolah Sains Sosial (2000-2005), organised by Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, Beringgis Resort, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah, East Malaysia, 12-13 Februari 2000. 2000 Presenter, Penilaian Pengajaran dan Pemelajaran, Bengkel Perancangan Strategik Jangka Panjang Sekolah Sains Sosial (2000-2005), organised by Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, Beringgis Resort, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah, Malaysia, 12-13 February 2000. 2000 Participant, International Symposium on Malaysian Business in the Era: The Launch and Public Policy Forum & Workshop, Organised Faculty of Business/Economics and Monash Asia Institute and Monash University Malaysia, KL, 22-24 February 2000. 2000 Presenter/ Organiser, Buku Panduan Latihan Pratikum, Sekolah Sains Sosial, Bengkel Latihan Praktikum/Ilmiah Sesis 2000/2001, organised by Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, DKP 4, March 2000. 2000 Presenter, ‘Teknologi Maklumat dan Telekerja: Implikasi Kepada Usahawan Alaf Baru’, organised by Sekolah Perniagaan and Ekonomi, UMS, Hotel Promenade, Kota Kinabalu, 10-11 March 2000. 2000 Presenter, Research Proposal: Employee Involvement Schemes in 21 st Century: Case Study From Philipines, Meeting of The Regional Review Committee For Southeast Asia, organised by Ford Foundation and Asia Fellow Program, Bangkok, 2- 4 April 2000. 2000 Participant, Kursus Penilaian dan Pengukuran Pendidikan, anjuran bersama Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia (MPM) dan Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Bilik Mesyuarat Utama, PBIB, Kota Kinabalu, 25-26 April 2000. 49 2000 Participant, Bengkel Geran Penyelidikan IRPA 2000, dianjurkan oleh Unit Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan, UMS, Kota Kinabalu, April 2000. 2000 Presenter, ‘Workers Involvement in Health and Safety Management: Some Western Experiences, The International Conference on Disaster Management: Lessons To Be Learnt,’ Organised by School of Management and Centre For Curiculum, University Utara Malaysia (UUM), Hotel City Bay View, Langkawi, Kedah, 29-30 April 2000. 2000 Presenter, ‘Telekerja Melalui ICT (Information Coomunication Technology): Implikasi Terhadap Pengurusan Sumber Manusia’, organised by Jabatan Komunikasi, Fakulti Bahasa Moden dan Komunikasi, UPM, 10-11 May 2000. 2000 Presenter (with Tan Kim Kim) ‘The Employee Involvement and Job Motivation in International Hotel: A Case Study From Sabah’, Malaysia, IIRA 12th World Congress, Organised by Japan Institute of Labour and International Industrial Relations Association, Tokyo, Japan, 29 May –4 June 2000. 2000 Participant, World Trade of Organisation (WTO): What It Means To Malaysian Businessmen, organised by Institute Development of Sabah (IDS) dan Konkrad Adenuer Foundation, Germany, Magellan Sutera, Kota Kinabalu,Sabah, 4 July 2000. 2000 Participant, Bengkel Pelaksanaan ISO 9000, organised by Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, 8 July 2000. 2000 Presenter, Labour Relations in East Asia From 1960-1990:Some Preliminary Issues, The 16th Conference of The International Association of Historian of Asia, organised by Centre For The Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, The Magellan Sutera Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, 27-31 July 2000. 2000 Assesor, Pembentangan Proposal Latihan Praktikum/ Kajian Mini, Sesi 2000/2001, organised by Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, 15 August 2000. 2000 Panel/Representative of Schoo of Social Sciences, Bengkel Penulisan Ilmiah Pengajian Tinggi Gaya UMS, anjuran Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah, UMS, 22-24 August 2000. 2000 External Assesor, Bengkel Penilaian Kursus dan Akreditasi Kolej/Universiti Swasta, dianjurkan oleh Lembaga Akreditasi Negara (LAN), Petaling Jaya, 30 August 2000. 2000 Participant, Workshop 2000 on Globalization and Labour in Malaysia, Organised by Department of Political Science, National University of Malaysia and Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC), Head Quarters, Petaling, 30 August 2000. 2001 Presenter, The Development Of The Malaysian Industrial Relations System: Past And Present Scenario at the Association of Industrial Relations Australia and New Zealand (AIRANZ) 2001, University of Wollonggong, Wollongong, Sydney, Australia, 31 January 2001- 3 February 2001. 2001 Presenter, Employee Involvement Schemes in 21st Century: Case Study From Philipines and Malaysia, Meeting of The Regional Review Committee For Southeast Asia, organised by Ford Foundation and Asia Fellow Program, Bangkok, 22- 25 March 2001. 2001 Presenter (withn Muhd Madi Abdullah), Industrial Relations in ASEAN: A Comparative Analysis at School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 21 April 2001. 50 2001 Presenter, PhD Research Proposal on Employee Involvement and Organisational Effectiveness in Malaysia, Kursus Methodologi Untuk Staf Akademik UMS 2001, PBIB, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, 23 -28 April 2001. 2001 Presenter, "Training//Research in Industrial Relations/Human Resource Management with Special Reference to European Integration Process and Convergence", paper presented at Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management and Organisation, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, 2 May 2001. 2001 Presenter, Industrial Relations in Asia Pacific in Comparative Perspective, 6th European International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA Congress, Oslo, Norway, 25 -29 June 2001. 2001 Presenter, Preliminary Research Finding at Shell, the Netherlands which funded by UMESP, Universiti Malaya and University of Booccini, Milano, Italy, at Workers Participation Study Group at 6th European International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA Congress, Oslo, Norway, 25 -29 June 2001. 2001 Presenter (with Muhd Madi), Industrial Relations in ASEAN: Acomparative Analysis at the Global Management Conference: Comparative HRM-Learning from Diversity organised by AOPC, Barcelona, Spain, 19th -22nd June 2001. 2001 Presenter, "Research opportunities in industrial relations in Asia Pacific", organised by Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 9-10 July 2001. 2001 Presenter, (with Rosazman Hussin and Chin) "The Study on Safety Awareness And Work Stress Among Automobile Manufacturing Workers in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia" paper presented at Third International Malaysian Studies Conference (MSC3), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, 6 – 8 August 2001. 2001 Presenter, ‘Majlis Pekerja Di Eropah: Isu dan Perspektif,’ Seminar Hubungan Industri 2001, organised by Final Year Student Pelajar (Industrial Relations Programme) School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC), Sabah Branch and Telekom Malaysia, 25 August 2001. 2001 Participant, Human Resource Development in K-Economy, organised by Faculty of Economic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Pan Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 16-17 October 2001. 2001 Presenter, " Employee Involvement Schemes Practices in The Private Sector: Case Study From Sabah, East Malaysia", 4th International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) Asian Congress, Manila. The Philippines, 19-24 November 2001. 2001 Presenter, (with Goodijk,R. "Employee Participation and Works Councils in Europe: Lesson to Asian HRM Managers " , paper presented at Workers Participation Study Group chair by Prof Ray Markey, University of Wollongong, Australia at 4th International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) Asian Regional Congress, Manila. The Philippines, 19-24 November 2001. 2002 Presenter, "Penyertaan Pekerja dan Majlis Pekerja di Eropah: Pengajaran Kepada Malaysia", 1st National Human Resource Management Conference, Penang, organised by Sekolah Pengurusan, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 20-24 January 2002. 2002 Presenter, "Gangguan Seksual di Tempat Kerja", 1st National Human Resource Management Conference, Penang, organised by Sekolah Pengurusan, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 20-24 January 2002. 51 2002 Presenter, (with Dullah Mulok) ‘Pengurusan Ekspatriat Dalam Syarikat Multinasional:Isu dan Cabaran’, 1st National Human Resource Management Conference, Penang, organised by Sekolah Pengurusan, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 20-24 January 2002. 2002 Session Chairman, Sesi Budaya dan Globalisasi, 1st National Human Resource Management Conference, Penang, organised by Sekolah Pengurusan, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 20-24 January 2002. 2002 Presenter/ Organiser/ Chairperson, Buku Panduan Latihan Pratikum, Sekolah Sains, Bengkel Latihan Praktikum/Ilmiah Sesis 2000/2001, organised by Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, DKP 4, 9 February 2002. 2002 Participant, Australian -Malaysian Vice Chancellors Meeting, Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu (KK), 5-6 March 2002. 2002 Presenter, Globalisasi dan Syarikat Multinasional: Impak Ke Atas Kesatuan Sekerja, Persidangan Kebangsaan Sains Sosial dan Sains Teknologi, UITM Pahang, Kuantan, 28-29 May 2002. 2002 Presenter, ‘ Quality of Life and Family Life: Explorations from South east Asia," Asia Fellow Program (AFP), organised by Ford Foundation, Bangkok, 21-23 March 2002. 2002 Presenter,"Employee Participation and Organisational Commitment in Manufacturing Industries in Malaysia," Kursus Methodologi Bagi Staf Akademik 2002 (PhD dan Sarjana), organised by Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 11 March to 17 April 2002. 2002 Presenter, "HRM in BIMP-EAGA Growth Area," Borneo Research Council Seventh Biennial International Conference: 21st Century Borneo- Issues in Development, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 15-18 July 2002. 2002 Presenter, Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh : Konsep dan Realiti, Bengkel Kualiti 2002, organised by Sekolah Sains dan Teknologi dan Jabatan Hal Ehwal Pelajar UMS, May 2002. 2002 Presenter, " Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Dalam Era K-Ekonomi,’ 1st International Business Conference, organised by Program Perniagaan Antarabangsa Sekolah Pengurusan, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Penang, 19-21 June 2002. 2002 Presenter, "Pemecatan Pekerja Tidak Adil: Kajian Kes Malaysia’1st International Business Conference, organised by Program Perniagaan Antarabangsa Sekolah Pengurusan, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Penang, 19-21 June 2002. 2002 Presenter, ‘Penyertaan Pekerja dan Majlis Pekerja di Eropah: Pengajaran Kepada Malaysia, ’1st International Business Conference, organised by Program Perniagaan Antarabangsa Sekolah Pengurusan, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Penang, 19-21 June 2002. 2002 Presenter (with Prof. Goodijk, R, University of Groningen, the Netherlands), Workers Particpation in the Netherlands: What we can learn from them, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) International HRD Conference ,Bangkok, Thailand. 13-15 December 2002. 2003 Presenter (with Asso. Prof. Dr Hazman Abdullah), “Retrechment in Malaysia: A Disaster For Employees” Paper presented at AIRAANZ Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 4-8 February 2003. 52 2003 Presenter, ‘An Examination of Employee Participation in the Private Sector: Malaysian Case Studies’, PhD Proposal Presentation, School of Management, Marketing and Employment Relations, Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong, Australia, 19 June 2003. 2003 Presenter (bersama Professor Dr.Ir Rienk Goodijk) 'The Link between Direct and Indirect Employee Participation at the Workplace: Evidence From Royal Dutch / Shell Group in the Netherlands" Paper accepted and will be presented at 13th International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 8-13 September 2003. 2003 Presenter, Qualitative Case Study Methodology” Paper accepted and will be presented at Study Group on Industrial Relations Research Method (Chair by Prof Dr Di Kelly, University of Wollongong and Prof Keith Whitfield, University of Cardif), 13th International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 8-13 September 2003. 2003 Presenter, ‘Employee Participation Research in Selected Malaysian Private Firms: A Qualitative Case Study Approach, Paper will be presented at the 2nd Qualitative Research Convention: Theory and Practice, Hilton Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, October 21-22. 2003 Participant, 15th Doctoral Consortium, Global Change and Accounting and Finance, University of Wollongong, Australia, 25 July. 2003 Participant, Research Methodology Seminar Series (March – September), organised by the Office of Research and Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong, 20 March 1 June. 2003 Participant, Presentation by Dr Chris Warhurst from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow on “Making Knowledge Work” at School of Management, Marketing and Employment Relations, University of Wollongong, Australia, 6 August. 2003 Participant, Presentation by Dr Clifford from University of Syracuse, New York, USA, on “Twotiered Employment in the Global Economy: The World Maritime”, at School of Management, Marketing and Employment Relations, University of Wollongong, Australia, 21 August. 2004 Presenter, The Development of Malaysian Industrial Relations:Current Issues and Perspectives, Poster Paper will be presented at IIRA 5th Asian Regional Congress, organised by International Industrial Relations, Korea Industrial Relations Association and Korea Labor Institute, Seoul, Korea, 23-26 June. 2004 Presenter, The Different Approaches of Employee Participation: Some Reflections To Employers and Trade Unions in Malaysia, Paper presented at Special Seminar IIRA 5th Asian Regional Congress, organised by International Industrial Relations, Korea Industrial Relations Association and Korea Labor Institute, Seoul, Korea, 23-26 June. 2004 Presenter, Employee Participation in Malaysia: Malaysian Case Studies, Paper presented at the Workers Participation Study Group, IIRA, Seoul, Korea, 23-26 June, 2004 Workshop Participant, Leximancer: A Tool For Analaysing The Large Qualitative Documents, Attended Conference on OZCHI 2004: Supporting Community Interaction, Possibilities and Challenges, 22- 24 November. 2005 Presenter, “Communication and consultation in Malaysia : Impact of the 1975 Code of Conduct” Paper presented at the 19th AIRAANZ (The Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand- AIRAANZ) Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, 9-11 February. 53 2005 Presenter, BalakrishnanParasuraman & Schwimbersky, S (2005) The Present Scenario of Malaysian Industrial Relations: Accommodating Or Conflictual, The Proceedings ISSL Congress of Asia, 1-5 November 2005, Taipei, Taiwan (Invited Paper). 2005 Presenter (with Bubaker, University of Wollongong, Australia) ‘The Qualitative Case Study Research in Africa and Asia: Key Issues’ Paper presented at the Postgraduate Student Weekly Seminar Series, Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong, Australia, 1 March. 2005 Presented (with Bubaker, F and Bernadine, University of Wollongong, Australia) ‘The Qualitative Case Study Research in Africa and Asia: Challenges and Prospects’ Paper presented at the 3rd The International Conference on Qualitative Research, UTM, Sekudai, Johor, Malaysia, 22-26 August. 2005 Presenter ‘Peralihan Perdebatan Kajian Sains Sosial: Peralihan Penyelidik Dari Paradigma Positivist Kepada Non-Positivist’ Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Qualitative Research, UTM, Sekudai, Johor, Malaysia, 22-26 August. 2005 Participant, Research Workshop in Accounting “Approaches to Case Reseach in Management Accounting” and “l Publishing Internationally in Accounting”, 24 February, University Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 2005 Presenter, “Qualitative case study research: The case of research project on employee participation in the Malaysian private sector”, 13th Annual International Employmenet Relationns Association (IERA) Conference, University of Aalborg, Denmark, Europe, 26-29 June. 2005 Invited Paper, “Case study Approach” organised by Qualitative Researchers Association of Malaysia (QRAM) and Centre for Industrial Training, University of Malaya, 24 August 2005, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 2006 Presenter, “Industrial relations in Malaysia: Key isssues and perspectives” paper presented at the Poster Session of the 2005 IRRA Annual Meeting organised by Labour and Employment Relations Association (LERA), Boston, USA, 6-8 January. 2006 Presenter (with Dr Michael Jones, University of Wollongong, Australia), “Joint Consultation Committee in the Malaysian Postal Industry” Paper presented at the 20th AIRAANZ (The Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand- AIRAANZ) Conference, Stamford Grand Hotel, Adelaide, Australia, 1-3 February. 2006 Invited Presenter, ‘International Migration Workers in Malaysia: From the Legal Perspective’ Paper will be presented at 3rd International Conference on Migration: Legal Protection Measures of Migrant Workers, Chung-Ju University, Busan, Korea. 30th- 31 March. 2006 Invited Presenter, ‘The Favourable Conjunctures Model of Industrial Democracy: To what extend it is relevant to Malaysia as one of the fastest growing countries in the Asia Pacific Region?’ Paper will be presented at the 14th World IIRA Congress, Lima, Peru, 8-14 September. 2006 Presenter, (with Dr Sandra Schwimbersky, University of Bamberg, Germany) ‘European model of employee participation? A lot to learn from Europe for Malaysia, Paper will be presented at the 14th World IIRA Congress, Lima, Peru, 8-14 September. 54 2006 Presenter, (with Professor Dr Dev Raj, University of Tribuvan, Nepal) ‘Economic and Political Development for a regulated IRs system in Asia: A comparison between Malaysia and Nepal’ paper will be presented at the 14th World IIRA Congress, Lima, Peru, 8-14 September 2006. 2006 Presenter (with Dr Michale Jones, University of Wollongong), ‘The 1975 Code of Conduct for Industrial Harmony in Malaysia: Worker Participation and its Significance for Employers, Unions, and The Government Joint Consultation Committee in the Malaysian Postal Industry’ paper presented at the 3rd Human Capital Management Conference, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 22-24 November. 2006 Presenter (with Aryana Satrya, PhD Researcher, University of Queensland, Australia) ‘Constructing joint consulation committee in postal industry: Case studies in Malaysia and Indonesia’ paper will be presented at the 3rd National Human Resource Management Conference, City Bayview Hotel, Langkawi, Kedah, 26-28 November. 2006 Presenter (with Aryana Satrya, PhD Researcher, University of Queensland, Australia) ‘Assesing union srategy in postal industry: Cases studies in Indonesia and Malaysia ’ paper will be presented at the 3rd National Human Resource Management Conference, , City Bayview Hotel, Langkawi, Kedah, 26-28 November. 2007 Participant, Biotechnology Tour, 23 January 2007, Bilik Galeri, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 2007 Presenter Balakrishnan Parasuraman ‘Globalisation, labour market reform and changes in employment conditions: from the Malaysian perspective”Paper presented at the Globalisation and Employment Conditions in Asia and Pacific, Seoul, Korea, 21-24 February. 2007 Presenter (with Aryana Satrya, PhD Researcher, University of Queensland, Australia) ‘Partnership as Union Strategy – Does it Work in Asia? Case Studies in Indonesia and Malaysia” Paper presented at the 6th Asian Regional of International Industrial Relations Association Congress, Osaka Hotel, New Delhi, India, 17-24 April. 2006 Presenter (with Aryana Satrya, PhD Researcher, University of Queensland, Australia) ‘The Present Malaysian and Indonesian Industrial Relations: Accmodation or Conflictual’, Paper presented at the 8th Asia Pacific Sociological Association (APSA), USM, Penang, Malaysia, 19-21 December. 2007 Presenter, Prosedur Latihan Praktikum, Bengkel Latihan Praktikum/Ilmiah 2007, Program Hubungan Industri, Seklah Sains Sosial, UMS, 8 September 2007 Participant, Bengkel Training of Trainers (TOT) Modul Keusahawanan, Auditorian Perpustakaan, UMS, Sabah, 17-18 Ogos 2007 `Participant, Persidangan Dadah Kebangsaan Anjuran Sekolah Psikologi dan Kerja Sosial & Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sabah, 17-18 Mac 2007. 2007 Discussant, Historical Performance, Strategy and Evolution: Historical Performance, Academy of Management Conference 2007, Philadelphia, USA, 7 Ogos 2007. 2007 Refereed Paper, Academy of Management 2007, Philadelphia, USA, 55 2007 Participant, Ceramah Ordinan Buruh (Sabah Bab, 67) Pindaan 2005 ,Anjuran Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Sabah Bahagian Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 21 Mac 2007. 2008 Participant, tripartie on decent work, PWTC, KL 22-23 Nov 2008 2008 Paper presenter, Labor Market and HR Conference, spe, 22 oct 2008 2008 Paper presenter (with dr balan) Labor Market and HR Conference, 2008 2008 Paper presenter (with Dr Fumi), Labor Market and HR Conference 2008 Paper presenter (with dr balan) entnographic center, SSS Paper- brazil- 2008 Plenary speaker Paper –argentina- 2008 Paper- dr mathi (Brunei and Terengganu- 2008 Paper- maha- MSC di kuching- 2008 Paper- dr balan (penang- pendidikan)- 2008 Paper- BRC –fadilah dan Irma- 2008 Paper- jcc at kementerian- 2008 Seminar HR SPE- 2008 Invited Speaker- Mumbai 2009 Pereka 2008 (two papers- partnership and misconduct) Invited Speaker- 2008 Busan Korea- Domestic Inquiry Poster- Geneva 2009 Poster- MTE Paper- HRE Seminar, SPE, 2009 Paper- Pencipta .UM (poster papers- Partnership and E-Discipline- 2009 Paper- HRD Pahang UMP- 2009 Paper- International Seminar in Indonesia- Bali 2009 Paper- IERA- Bangkok, 2009 Pereka- 2009- Poster –gold medal- E-Discipline Pereka 2009- Poster- Works Council in Shell Invited Panel- HR 2008 Invited Panel-HRE 2009 Invited Paper- Bali 2009 (with Aryana- APSA)- Catherine Paper Forum IR, SSS- with Prof Kato- PLWS-2009 Paper Forum IR SSS- with Dr Aryana and Dr Balan-2009 2010 Partcipated (as expert) and presented a paper at Invitation to conference “Biofuels in Southeast Asia: Challenge to Social Sustainability – Chance for Green Jobs?”,. Title of paper: “RSPO and the impact on labour and industrial relations in the plantation sector in Sabah,6‐8 October 2010, Jakarta, Indonesia 2010 Invited Presenter, Joint consultation committee in the Steel industry: Rhetoric and reality, Paper presented at 7th Asian Congress of International Labor and Employment Relations Asssociation, Bali, Indonesia, 22-27 September . 2010 Invited Presenter (with Dr Aryana Satrya), Partnership between union and management in Malaysia and Indonesia, Paper presented at 7th Asian Congress of International Labor and Employment Relations Asssociation, Bali, Indonesia, 22-27 September. 56 2010 Invited Presenter, Industrial Relations Practices in the Public Sector in Malaysia, , Paper presented at 7th Asian Congress of International Labor and Employment Relations Asssociation, Bali, Indonesia, 22-27 September. 2011 Invited Paper, Health and Safety Committee in the Plantation Sector in Sabah, Paper presented at the The Borneo Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH) Kuching, Sarawak, November 5-6. 2011 Keynote Speaker, HR under the GTP and New Economic Model in Malaysia, Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Business and Communication, Universiti Atmajaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, 22-27 November. 2011 Invited Speaker, Employee participation in the Subsidiary of Dutch: A Case study from Malaysia, Paper presented at the 5th Brazilian Labor and Employment Relations Asssociation and 6th Americas of International Labor and Employment Relations (ILERA) Congress, 22-28 August. 2011 Invited Speaker, Elderly people employment in Japan: Lessons to Malaysia, Paper presented at the 5th Brazilian Labor and Employment Relations Asssociation and 6th Americas of International Labor and Employment Relations (ILERA) Congress, 22-28 August. 2012 Invited Presenter, The Role of Staff Council in the Shell, the Netherlands: Lessons for the Malaysian Companies, Paper presented at the 4th HR Conference, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-22 January. 2012 Invited Presenter (with Badariah Ab Rahman) The effectiveness of Joint Consultation Committee in higher Education in Malaysia: The Case of Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia, Paper will be presented at the 16th World Congress of International Labor and Employment Relations Association, Philadelphia, USA, 4-8 July. 2012 Invited Presenter, Non-union employee representation in the plantation sector in Sabah, Malaysia: Theory and Practice, Special Seminar on Non Union Employee Representation, at the 16th World Congress of International Labor and Employment Relations Association, Philadelphia, USA, 4-8 July. 2012 Invited Presenter (with Zulkifli Osman, Zakariah & Khalid) Minimum Wage Policy in Malaysia, Paper will be presented at International Conference on Economics and Finance, Katmandu, Nepal, 20-24 April. 2012 Invited Presenter, Key performance indicators and impact on employee performance, Paper will be presented at the the 1st National Conference of Professional and Managerial Staff (P &MS) Malaysia, 25-28 March. E. (i) Work as Internal/ External Examiner No.. 1. Name of Student Rozita binti Anjuh Title of Thesis Level “Peranan Sekolah Dalam Menggalakkan Penglibatan Ibubapa: Satu kajian di Kota Master of Education Management Name of University Universiti Malaysia Sabah Status Year Completed and passed 2001 57 Kinabalu, Sabah’ 2. Nagiah Ramasamy Barriers to Trade Unionism in Malaysia 3 Nur Faezah Job Commitment in Public Sector PhD (Internal Examiner) Master of Management (External Examiner) Universiti Putra Malaysia UPM Completed 2011 Completed 2011 (ii) EXTERNAL REVIEWER FOR JOURNAL (NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL), BOOKS/ CONFERENCE (NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL) Title of Paper Level International 1. ‘Pay Determination in UK’ Name of seminar/congres/jo urnal/book Jurnal Kinabalu (Journal of Science Social and Business Year and Place Status of Report 1999 & Universiti Malaysia Saba (UMS), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia 2002 & Kuching, Sarawak, 5-7 May Published 2. Retrenchment Benefit and Employment Security’ International The 2nd International Disaster Management Conference Published 3. Strategic human resource management and ethical stewardship: practical implications for employee-at-will’ International Proceeding of the Seminar 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting August, 11-16, 2006, Atlanta, Georgia Published 4. ‘Hubungan Jenis Komunikasi Dengan Kepuasan Kerja: Perbezaan Dari Segi Jantina, Umur, Tingkat Pendapatan Dan Tempoh Perkhidmatan Hubungan’ (The relationship between types of communication with job satisfaction: Differences from Sex, Age, Income level and Service) International Kinabalu (Journal of Business and Social Sciences) 2006 & UMS, Sabah, Malaysia Published 58 5. The reality of current human resource management practices in small private firms in China International Seminar 2007 Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2007 and USA Published 6. Institutionalization as a process of interplay between technology and its organizational context" for the International 2008 Academy of Management Meeting August 8-13, in Anaheim, California. Published International Group maintenance in technology-supported distributed teams 2008 Academy of Management Meeting August 8-13, in Anaheim, California. Published 7. International 2008 Academy of Management Meeting August 8-13, in Anaheim, California Published 8. National values, performance appraisal practices and organisational performance: A study across 21 countries 9. 10. 11. Employee Rewards and Motivation in the Non Profit Organisation: Case study from Australia The Impact of Work Life Conflict on Job Satisfaction in Pakistan SME in malaysia 12. Role of Tutors in Open Education 13. Keanggotaan kesatuan (Carolyn Dexter Award For The Best Papers National (Kinabalu Journal) Canada Published in 2009 International Journal of Business and Management Published in 2009 International Journal of Business and Management Canada International Journal of Business and Management International Journal of Business and Management Canada Published in 2009 Published in 2009 Canada 59 Sekerja di Sektor Perbankan: Kajian Kes di Sabah Jurnal Kinabalu 14. UMS, Malaysia Organizational justice perceptions as predictor of job satisfaction and organization commitment 15. Motivation and Dissatisfaction of Pakistani Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives: Relevance to Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation 16. International Journal of Business and Management International Journal of Business and Management Published in 2009 Canada Published in 2009 Canada Appraisal of the Impact of Team Management on Business Performance: Study of Metro Mass Transit Limited, Ghana Published in 2009 International Journal of Business and Management 17. Canada F. Participation in Short Courses Name of Courses Year Publishedin 2009 60 Workshop on Quality Control Circle (QCC) organised by Malaysian Airline MAS), Penang and School of Management, University Science Malaysia, Penang. Course on Drug and Aids, organised by the Family Development Foundation of Terengganu, and Kuala Terengganu Teachers Training College, Terengganu. Leadership Course on Academic Excellence organised by Kuala Terengganu Teachers Training College, Terengganu. 18 March 1990 1992 1992 Outbound Training Course organised by Teachers Training Department, Ministry of Education of Malaysia and Kuala Terengganu Teachers Training College, Terengganu. Induction Course For Civil Servants organised by Ministry of Education of Malaysia and Kuala Terengganu Teachers Training College, Terengganu (5 weeks). April 1993 Workshop on Quality University Management and Teaching Methods, organised by University Malaysia Sabah and Yayasan Pelajaran Mara, Sponsor by UMS. January 1993 Teaching and Learning Method Course organised by School of Education and Social Development, UMS. (Certificate in High Learning) June 1996 Evaluation and Examination Course, organised by UMS and Malaysian Examination Council Participant and Presenter, Methodolgy Course For Postraduate Students (PhD and Masters), organised by Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 1999-2000 2000 PTK Course Level 5, Professional Group, Senior Lecturer Grade DS52 27 March to 30 Fail Management, Bilik Mesyuarat Utama (BMU), Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS, Sabah April 2007 Bengkel Training of Trainers (Modul Keusahawanan,UMS, Sabah. G. Inventions/ Creations: Pemenang Medal GOLD, bersama Dr Balan Rathakrishnan, Mr Mustafa Man (UMT). Tajuk Produk: Mindcreate, ITEX 2010, Kuala Lumpur,. PERINGKAT: ANTARABANGSA Pemenang Medal ‘BRONZE’, bersama dengan Dr Balan Rathakrishnan (UMS), & En Mustafa Man (UMT). Tajuk Produk:E- Pest, 3. ITEX 2010, Kuala Lumpur,. PERINGKAT: ANTARABANGSA PERINGKAT: ANTARABANG Pemenang Medal ‘SILVER’, bersama dengan Dr Aryana Satrya,Universiti Indonesia), Dr Balan Rathakrishnan (UMS), & En Mustafa Man (UMT). Tajuk Produk: e-UP: Web based tool for 61 Union-Management Partnership Assesment. 3-7 Disember 2009, SIIF 2009, Seoul, Korea. PERINGKAT: ANTARABANGSA. Pemenang Medal SILVER, bersama Dr Balan Rathakrishnan, Mr Mustafa Man (UMT) & Dr Murali (UMS). Tajuk Produk: Computer based module to assist creativity, ITEX 09, Kuala Lumpur, 15th-17th May 2009. PERINGKAT: ANTARABANGSA Pemenang Medal ‘BRONZE’, bersama dengan Dr Aryana Satrya (Indonesia). Tajuk Produk: Program de partnership pour une productive elevee. 37th salon International Des inventions Geneve, 3 April 2009. PERINGKAT: ANTARABANGSA Pemenang Medal SILVER’, bersama dengan Dr Balan Rathakrishnan (UMS), Mustafa Man (UMT), Irma Wani Othman (UMS). Tajuk Produk: e- Displine: A web based Merit and Demerit Software for Controlling and Monitoring of Employeee’s Discpline Problem in the Private Sector (Under Desing and Innovation Categori). PERINGKAT: ANTARABANGSA Pemenang Medal ‘SILVER’ bersama dengan Prof Dr Ir Goodijk, Rienk, University of Groningen, Tajuk Product/Inovasi: Works Council in the Royal Dutch/Shell, the Netherlands: An Innovative Tool for decision-making,.” 10-11th Julai 2009, PEREKA 2009, UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. PERINGKAT: UNIVERSITI. Pemenang Medal SILVER’, bersama dengan Dr Balan Rathakrishnan (Ketua Penyelidik) & Mustafa Man (UMT), Tajuk Produk: E-creativity: Computer based module to access creativity, PEREKA 2009, UMS, Sabah. PERINGKAT: UNIVERSITI, 10-11 Julai 2009. Pemenang Medal ‘GOLD’ bersama dengan Dr Balan Rathakrishnan (UMS), Mustafa Man (UMT), Irma Wani Othman (UMS). Tajuk Produk: e- Displine: A web based Merit and Demerit Software for Controlling and Monitoring of Employeee’s Discpline Problem in the Private Sector (Under Desing and Innovation Categori). PERINGKAT: UNIVERSITI 2008 GOLD MEDAL for the Best Research, PEREKA (Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Penyelidikan) 2008, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Title of the research: Partnership as Union Strategy – Does it Work in Asia? Case Studies in Indonesia and Malaysia. 2008 SILVER MEDAL for the Best Research, PEREKA (Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Penyelidikan) 2008, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. H. Membership of Professional Bodies Since Nov 2008 Ordinary Member, Persatuan Alumni Australia, Sabah (Sabah Australian Alumni Association) (SAAA) Since July 2008 Senior Member, Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development, Perth, Australia. 62 Since 2006 Associate Member, Centre for Work and Labour Market Studies (CWaLMS), Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand Since May 2006 Member, Asia Pacific Sociological Assocation (APSA), (under the International Sociology Association) Since July 2005 Member, Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA), Australia Since April 2005 Student Research Fellow, Centre for Asia Pacific and Social Transformation Studies (CAPSTRAN), University of Wollongong, Australia. The eligibility to be part of the centre was based on PhD research theme and also supervisors affliciation with the Centre. Since April 2005 Professional Member, International Employment Relations Assocation (IERA), Secretatiat, University of Western Sydney, Australia Since 2004 Professional Member, The Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Since 2003 Life Member, Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM), Secretariat, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia. 2003 Life Member, Wollongong University Social Scientiest Club Since 2002 Life Member, University of Wollongong Alumni Association, Australia 2002 Member, International Employment Relations Association, Univeristy of Western Sydney, Austrlia. 2001 Member, Malaysian Social Sciences Society, Secretariat, University of Malaya, (Since April 2001). 1999-Present Research Fellow, Asian Research Service, Burnaby, Canada. 1998 -Present; Professional Member, International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA), Geneva, Switzerland. 1999 -present; Member, The Philippines Industrial Relations Society (PIRS), UP-SOLAIR, Manila. 1999 –present: Member, Peruvian Industrial Relations Association, Lima, Peru. 1999 -present; Professional Member, Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. To qualify for Ordinary Member, a person must have been passed the institute's prescribed examinations The Council may take into consideration such factors as age, experience, qualifications and positions of the applicant in Human Resource Management and admit him as an Ordinary Member 1996 -present; Life Member, Alumni University Stirling, Scotland,United Kingdom. 63 1998-1990 Vice President, Kumpulan Siswa/I Pahang Darul Makmur, USM, Penang, Malaysia. 1988-1989 Committee Member, Development Studies Club, USM, Penang, Malaysia. 1987-1988 Committee Member, University Student Council Body, USM, Penang. 1987-1988 Committee Member, Economic Club, USM, Penang, Malaysia. International Citations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Refer to Prof Ray Markey paper on internationalisation of EP, Asia Pacific HRM Refer to Prof Binghay, PJIR, 2004 Buku- MTUC by Kuza Lecturer Dr Chan- Hong Kong University. Dr Idrus, PhD Thesis. AIRAANZ Conference, 2004 by Dr John, Capstan Wollongong. Phd Thesis (Murdoch university) Dr Binghay Book Master student Kuza Kolej Terengganu- Tesis on MTUC H.1 Academic and non-academic administrations work Contributions at Program/ School/ Unit/ University/National/ International Level International level Industrial Relations in Asia, convened by Associate Professor Balakrishnan Parasuraman, University of Malaysia Sabah, the 25th Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, February 2011. Editorial Board, Journal Computing, USA, since 2011 International Organising Committee, International Labor and Employment Association (ILERA) of Asian Congress, organised by ILERA & Indonesian Industrial Relations Association, Bali, Indonesia Track Chair/Conference Committee- World Business and Management Conference, Denmark 2010 Board Editorial Member, Journal of Media and Communication Studies,, since 2009 Associ Prof Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman, International Advisory Council, World HRD Congress, Mumbai, India, February 2010 64 Associ Prof Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman, International Advisory Council, Asia Pacific HRM Congress 18th-19th September 2009, Banglore, India. Editorial Board for Canadian Social Science in 2009 Editorial Board for Management Science and Engineering in 2009, Editorial Board, International Journal of Business & Management, Canada,, since October 2008. Paper Reviewer, International Journal of Business & Management, Canada,, since October 2008. Track Chair (Human Resource and Health and Safety) Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development 2010, Finland. Chairman, Argentina IIRA, 2008 Chairperson, Rio Conference, 2008 Committee Member (Accmodation and Transfort) , 9th Borneo Rsearch Council (BRC) International Conference 2008, since 2006-2008. Discussant, American Academy Management Meeting, 2007, Phildephia, USA Members of the HR Division Scholarly Program Committee, 2007, The 2007 Academy of Management, Theme: Knowledge, Action and the Public Concern Atlanta,Georgia,USA - August 11-16, 2007. Co-Chairperson/ Organising Committee for “Study Group Meeting on Workers Participation” at the 6 th Asian International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) Congress, New Delhi, India, 21 April 2007. This meeting organised with Professor Dr Ray Markey, Auckland University of Technology, NZ. ‘IIRA Ambassador’ for the 14th International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) World Congress, Lima, Peru, 9-11 September 2006. Prof Luis Aparacio, the President of IIRA appointed me as a professional member of IIRA to promote the above congress in Malaysia, Denmark, UK, India, Australia, Taiwan, Korea and other Asian countries. The appointment commenced from June 2005 to August 2006. Appointed as a External Assesor for International Conference (Organisational behaviour, human resource management, industrial relations, qualitative research, case study sections), Academy of Management Annual Meeting, USA. The appointment commenced since October 2005. Reseach Committee Member (by invitation), The Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong, Australia (Appointed on 1 st January 2006-2008). Co-Chairman (with Professor Dr Di Kelly, University of Wollongong) for the ASEAN Industrial Relations Forum, sponsored by Centre for Asia Pacific Social Studies Transformation Studies (CAPSTRAN), University of Wollongong, Australia, June 2006. I was a fellow student with the CAPSTRAN. Representative of Malaysia and Universiti Malaysia Sabah in Study Group Meeting (Workers Participation) organised by International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) and International Labour 65 Organisation based in Geneva. Co-ordinator for this group is Prof Dr Ray Markey, Department of Management, Faculty of Business, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. The appointment commenced since June 2000. Co-Chairperson/ Organising Committee for Study Group Meeting on Workers Participation at the 5th Asian International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) Congress, Seoul, Korea, 26 June 2004. This meeting organised with Professor Dr Ray Markey, Auckland University of Technology, NZ. Co-Chairperson/ Organising Committee for Study Group Meeting on Workers Participation at the 4th Asian International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) Congress, Manila, Philippiness, 24 November 2001. The meeting was organised together with Professor Dr Ray Markey, Auckland University of Technology, NZ. National level (Malaysia/UMS) Chairman, Regional Conference on Partnership between Industry, Community and Universities (RCPICU) 2010, Grand Borneo Hotel, Sabah. ‘Internal Auditor MQA, University Level, UMS, Sabah, since March 2009. Committee Member of Research and Innovation, School of Social Sciences, UMS, 2009 Committee Member of MQA, School of Social Sciences, UMS, 2009 Committee Member of ISO 9000 School of Social Sciences, UMS, 2009 Committee Member of School Academic Matters, School of Social Sciences since February 2009. Chairperson, Forum on Industrial Relations and HRM, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2009. Advisor, Forum on Industrial Relations and HRM, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2009 Chairman, Industrial Training Workshop and Alumni SSS 2009, 14 April 2009, Library, UMS. Chairman of Paralel Session, International Human Capital Development Conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, May 2008. Advisor, Bengkel Kaedah Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif 2008, organised by Postgraduate Association of School of Social Sciences (SSS) and SSS, UMS, Sabah (involved as a advisor since 2007) Committee (Accomodation) , Borneo Research Council 9th Biennial International Conference 2008, UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah since 2006 Permanent Academic Committee, School of Social Sciences, UMS, since January 2007 Committee Member, ISO 9000, School of Social Sciences, UMS, Sabah, since July 2007. Committee for Internal Academic (Value) Auditor, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, since July 2007. Softskills Coordinator, University Representative (School of Social Sciences) since June 2007. 66 Secretariat (Academic Exhibition Section ), Graduation Day 2007, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS, 27 August -5 September 2007. Committee Member, Latihan Dalam Kumpulan (Group Training), Orietation week (2007/2008 Session) for School of Social Sciences, UMS, Sabah, 2-8 July 2007. Industrial Training Co-ordinator, School of Social Sciences, UMS, (Since 1 January 2007 till now 2009) Advisor, Newletter, Published by Industrial Relations Programme, School of Social Sciences, UMS, since January 2007. DEAN (PEMANGKU), School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 26-27 October, 2006. Industrial Training Co-ordinator, Industrial Relations Program, School of Social Sciences, UMS, (Since 12 Ogos 2006 until present) Committee Member (Transport/Accomodation), Borneo Research Council Conference, will be organised by School of Social Sciences, UMS dan Borneo Research Council, Kota Kinabalu, July 2008. Chief Exam Invigilator Session 2006/2007, UMS, 14 November 2006 at Dewan Canselor. Exam Invigilator, Kursus AH1013 (Industrial Relations Program), Session 2006/2006, UMS, Sabah, 9 November 2006 at DKP3. Industrial Training Co-ordinator, School of Social Sciences, UMS, (Since 1999 until July 2002) Committee Member (Secretariat), Borneo Research Council Conference, dianjurkan oleh Sekolah Sains Sosial, UMS dan Borneo Research Council, Kota Kinabalu, 15-17 July, 2002. External Assesor, Article entitled "Retrenchment, Retrenchment Benefit, and Employment Security, for the publication in the Proceedings of the International Disaster Management Conference, Kuching, 5-7 May 2002. Co-ordinator for Customer Satisfaction, School of Social Science, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. (October 2001- May 2002) Committee Member, Literacy and Publication Unit, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah,.(January 2000 – May 2002). Organiser/Adviser, Mini Seminar Hubungan Industri (Industrial Relations Mini Seminar) organised by Industrial Relations Third Year Students, Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC), Telekom and Pos Malaysia Berhand, 25 August 2001. Representative for Dean of School of Social Sciences for Special University Senates Meeting (For the Purpose of Certification Final Grade for Industrial Training and Theses For Undergraduates 2000) 31 July 2000. Treasurer, Closed Workshop on Issues of Illegal People To Sabah (Bengkel Tertutup Pendatang Tanpa Izin), organised by School of Social Sciences, UMS, 8-9 August 2000. 67 Assessor/Organiser, Presentation of Industrial Training and Research Proposal, Workshop on Industrial Training, Academic Year for 1999/2000. Assessor/Organiser, Presentation of Industrial Training and Research Proposal, Workshop on Industrial Training, Academic Year for 2000/2001, 19 July 2000. First Co-ordinator, Jalinan Mesra Graduan SSS 2000, organised by School of Social Sciences Graduates Association affliated with University Malaysia Sabah Graduates Council sponsored by University Malaysia Sabah's Student Affairs Cancelory Department, UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Sponsored RM2, 500) Adviser, Buku Kenangan Graduan SSS Year 2000, organised by School of Social Sciences Graduates Association affliated with University Malaysia Sabah Graduates Council. Co-ordinator for Industrial Training Exibition of School of Social Sciences, First Convocation of UMS, 9 September 1999. Assessor/Organiser, Presentation of Industrial Training and Research Proposal, Workshop on Industrial Training, Academic Year for 1998/1999. Examination Inviligator, for the Academic Year, 1996/1997, 1997/1998, 1998/1999, 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 Promoted the name of University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through presentation at the international conferences/congresses such as in Lima, Peru (1999/2006), Tokyo, Jepun (2000), Manila, Philipinnes (1999, 2001), Bangkok, Thailand (2000, 2001, 2002), Barcelona, Spain (2001), University of Groningen, the Netherlands (2001), Oslo, Norway (2001), Berlin, Germany (2003), Wollongong, Australia (2001), Seoul, Korea (2004), Sydney, Australia (2005), University of Aalborg, Denmark (2005), Taipei, Taiwan (2005), Adelaide, Australia (2006) Examiner for courses taught at Industrial Relations Programme and School of Social Sciences, UMS. (Marked exam papers, mini projects, mid-term test, final examination, group and individual assignments, etc) since 1996. Committee, BIMP-EAGA Regional Conference, BIMP-EAGA Regional Conference, organised by School of Social Sciences, UMS. March 1999 Chief Rappourter, BIMP-EAGA Regional Conference, organised by School of Social Sciences, UMS, March 1999 Sub-Committee, 1999 Graduation Day (at School of Scial Sciences, UMS), Septembe 1999 Organiser/ Chairperson, Seminar on IS0 9000, organised by SIRIM, Sabah Branch and Industrial Relations Programme, Schol of Social Sciences, UMS, June 1999. Organiser/ Discussant, Half Day Seminar on Prospects and Challenges For Industrial Relations in Malaysia, jointly organised by Industrial Relations and Antropoly and Sociology Programme, School of Social Science, May 1998 Committee Member, Business and Consultancey Unit, School fo Social Sciences, UMS (1998- Jun2002). Facilitator (Stimulation Activities), New Students Orientation Week For Academic Year 1999/2000, organised by UMS Graduates Student Council and University Malaysia Sabah. 68 Judge, Malay Language Debate, organised by Kolej Kediaman KKYS dan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka DBP, 1999 Academic Supervisor, Industrial Training For Industrial Relations Programme (1997 – Jun 2002) Academic Adviser, Industrial Relations Programme, School of Social Sciences, UMS (1997 – Jun 2002) Committee Member, Welfare and Social Club of School of Social Sciences, UMS, 1999 – Jun 2002. Internal Assesor, Article entitled "Pay Determinant in UK, for the publication of Kinabalu Journal, School of Social Sciences, UMS, 1999. H.2 SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. Invited Speaker, Motivasi Pelajar Sekolah Menengah SANZAC, Kota Kinabalu di bawah Program Karnival ICT Peringkat Sekolah 2009, Peringkat Kebangsaan, organised by the Telecom Negeri Sabah and Department Education of Sabah, 9 May 2009. 2. Committee Member, Sabah-Australia Alumni, 2009-2010, Kota Kinabalu Sabah. 3. Invited Speaker, Program Motivasi Kemerlangan & Teknik Pembelajaran Berkesan Pelajar Semester 1 Sesi January 2008, organised by Marketing Department, POLITEKNIK Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 29 February 2008. 4. Invited Speaker, Seminar Kecemerlangan Pelajar Tingkatan Lima (SPM), organised by Persatuan Mahasiswa/I Sekolah Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Sosial (pGuru), Department of Student Affairs, UMS and Ministry of Education Malaysia, 18-23 February 2008. 5. Invited Speaker, Pengetahuan Mengenai Perlanjutan Pendidikan Peringkat IPT, Anjuran Ibu Gereja Yesus Benar, Tuaran, 2 December 2007. 6. Advisor, Divisi Pendidikan Agama 2007, Gereja Yesus Benar, Kampung Somodon, Topokon, Tamparuli, Sabah. 7. Advisor, News @ IR Hubungan Industri (Buletin Program hubungan Industri), 2007. 8. Writer, Pengurusan antara masa Pelajaran dan Pekerjaan Suci, Majalah Hujan Musim Semi, Terbitan Ibu Gereja Yesus Benar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah., Vol.03, m/s 20-24. 9. Editorial Board, Majalah Hujan Musim Semi, Terbitan Ibu Gereja Yesus Benar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah., Vol. 01- Vol.05. 10. Editorial Board, Hujan Semi Magazine, published by the General Assembly of True Jesus Church, Sabah, Malaysia (state level). Since July 2006. 11. Invited Speaker, Kebaktian Kerohanian Pelajar IPTA dan IPTS, anjuran Gereja Yesus Benar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 21-24 October 2006. 12. Advisor (Religious Education Section), True Jesus Church, Somodon, Tamparuli, Sabah, since October 2006 to October 2008. 69 13. Advisor (Youth Section), True Jesus Church, Somodon, Tamparuli, Sabah, since October 2006 to October 2008 14. Education Advisor Persahatan Belia/ Pelajar IPTA/IPTS Daerah Kota Kinabalu, since August 2006. 15. Book Launching Ceremony by Professor Dr Ray Markey at the University of Wollongong on 13th October 2004. The title of book is “Malaysian Industrial Relations: A Critical Analysis” which has be written by Balakrishnan Parasuraman, a lecturer at the Industrial Relations Program, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and also a PhD researcher at the School of Management, Marketing and Employment Relations, University of Wollongong, Australia. This event jointly organised by the Pearson Education, Australia, CAPSTRAN (The Centre for the Asia Pacific Studies Trans. And Research), Unishop and IT, University of Wollongong, Australia. 16. Co-editor, Hujan Semi Akhir Quarterly Magazine, published by the True Jesus Church, General Assembly of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, East Malaysia. Since June 2002. 17. Inivted Speaker, Educational Motivation Talk, organised by St George Secondary School, Tamparuli, Sabah, 20 January 2003. 18. Invited Speaker, Motivasi Pendidikan, organised by Sekolah Rendah Jenis Keb. Tamil, St Joseph, Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, 12 September 2002. 19. Adviser, Seminar Program Hubungan Industri 2001, organised by Final Year Students (Industrial Relations Program) Session 2001/2002, UMS, Sabah. 20. Co-ordinator, Celebration of School of Social Sciences Graduates Year 2000 which organised by School of Social Sciences Graduates Association, 2000 Convocation Day. 21. Invited Speaker, Academic Excellence and Motivational Talk For UPSR, organiser by SRJK (Tamil) Rawang, Rawang, Selangor, 10 May 2000 22. Motivational Speaker, Academic Excellence and Motivational Course at Sekolah Menengah Kota Klias, Beaufort, Sabah, 6 September 1999. 23. Invited Speaker, Training and Leadership Programme, organised by Neema Holdings Sdn Bhd, Resort, Mentakab, 26 December 1999. 24. Columnist, (Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management Column) Usahawan Sukses, Usahawan Bumiputera Publisher, KL (Since 1999). 25. Invited Speaker, Motivational Camp For UPSR, organised by SR K St Agnes, Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, April 1999 26. Columnist, Harian Mercu News Paper (Sabah) (Malay Language and Industrial Relations Column) (from January 1999 - August 1999). 27. Invited Speaker, Motivational Camp For PMR, SPM, STPM Students, organised by True Jesus Church of Keningau, Tenom Sabah (20 -21 January 1998). 28. Project Director, Educational Motivation Course at Sekolah Menengah Abu Bakar Temerloh, 5 December 1989- 8 December 1989, organised by Perkumpulan Siswa/I Pahang Darul Makmur (PERDAMA) Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. 70 29. Participant, Baktisiswa Project at Nibong Tebal, Organised by Desasiswa Permai, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Academic Year 1987/88. 30. Deputy Director, Educational Motivation Course, Organised by Indian Cultural Society, USM, Penang, Academic Year 1989/90. 31. Technical Co-ordinator, Desasiswa Permai Open Day, Academic Year of 1988/89, USM, Penang. REFERENCES Professor Dr Di Kelly Professor of Industrial Relations and Coordinator for Research Methods Study Group, IIRA, ILO, Geneva. Head of School and Chair of SENATE, University of Wollongong University of Wollongong 2500 Wollongong, Australia. Email: [email protected] Professor Dr Ray Markey Professor of Employment Relations and Coordinator for Workers’ Participation Study Group, IIRA, ILO, Geneva. Department of Management Faculty of Business, University ofMacquire, Australia Profesor Dr Lee Hak Chun Professor of Labour Law Faculty of of Law Donga University, Busan, Korea. Email: [email protected] 71 PROFESSOR DR BALAKRISHNAN PARASURAMAN, Ph.D (Wollongong, Australia). (A Brief Resume) Professor Dr. Balakrishnan Parasuraman is an International Consultant, providing training, consultancy and research services to a wide variety of local and international organizations in the fields of Industrial Relations, employee participation, human resource management, global management, quality management, collective bargaining, conflict management and related areas. Over the years, he has completed a considerable number of published researches on employee participation and involvement, health & safety in the plantation and manufacturing sector, joint consultation, labour relations in the multinationals, works councils in Shell, workplace flexibility, quality management, child labour, labour in the plantation sector, industrial relations in auto, postal and steel industries, and the informal economy for the International Labor Organization, Asia-Europe Centre, Japan Institute of Labour, Universe Foundation (Japan), Korean Labour Institute and other sponsoring organizations. He has been a paper presenter in many local and international conferences. Dr. Balakrishnan pioneered in studying joint consultation committee (labor-management council as used terminology in USA) programs in companies in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries. He published more than 200 papers in refereed journals, books, technical research report and others. Dr Balakrishnan Parasuraman obtained his Ph.D (Industrial Relations) from University of Wollongong, MSc from the University of Stirling UK and B. Soc.Sc (Hons) from the Universiti Sains Malaysia, did post-graduate studies at Institute of Teaching Training, Terengganu. He is a 72 member of the international honor societies of the International Industrial Relations Associations (IIRA) based in Geneva, Switzerland, Malaysian Institute of HRM, and International Employment Relations Association, Sydney, Australia Dr Bala has been always invited by TV ASTRO AWANI (Channel 501), ASTRO AlHijrah and RTM Sabah to give his opinions on minimum wage, industrial relations, human capital, safety and human resource issues from the global or local perspective. He also appointed as a committee in many national or international labour related institutions such as ILO, Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia, Technical Committee, National Wage Consultation Council (2011), Technical Committee, Human Capital Development, Prime Minister Department and others. Presently he is a Professor of Management/HR/Industrial Relations at the Faculty of Entreprenuership and Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) based in Kota Bahru, Kelantan. He also was adjudged as an Outstanding PhD Researcher at University of Wollongong, Australia in 2004 and was recipient of the Best Academic Staff of the UMS in 2002, 2003, 2007, 2009, 2010,2011 and was a recipient of the Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre of Asia Pacific and Social Transformations (CAPSTRAN) and Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong and Visiting Professor at University of Indonesia in 2010. He also invited Visiting Senior Research Fellow in Wako University, Tokyo, Japan in 2011. He was recipient of the Global HR Award 2009 from the World HRD Advisory Council. He won gold, silver and bronze medals at national and international research and products innovation competition in Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, Korea and Geneva, Switzerland. ***