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HAKOHOL Published by BETH ISRAEL WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, Inc. CONGREGATION OF New York 562 West 181st Street, LOrralna 8-3141 0* TAMUZ-AV-ELUL 5732 Vol. XX—No. 112 JULY-AUGUST 1972 MAD OR SANE? by RABBI SHLOMO KAHN DESTRUCTION — Michelangelo's Pieta hammer, last May, and severely damaged it. It remains to be seen how Christianity's "forgive them for they know not what they do" will charitably Laszlo Toth attacked in the Vatican with a be extended to the demented fellow. Besides smashing the famous sculpture, the poor lunatic achieved some other inter¬ esting eye-opening results. The work of art was suddenly unmasked as a primitive idol, and the Pope as head of a latter-day prac¬ ticing idolatrous sect. How else can we explain his hurried pilgrimage to the stricken marble lady, kneeling before her and, of all things, sending her a bouquet of roses to soothe her bruises. (Rather reminiscent of young Abraham's disgust at seeing offerings placed at the feet of his father's wooden images.) More. The affront to the "gentle, hu¬ mane, loving" religion evoked world-wide sympathy. Horror at the cruel disfigurement of the marble statue swept through con¬ in prayer fi tinents, making headlines and causing tears be shed. Experts met in conferences to assess the damage and report on restoration. "Every tiniest fragment" was carefully, lovto ingly gathered amidst universal outrage and mourning for the irreplaceable trea¬ sure of stone. And "the Pieta is priceless — whatever it costs to repair it is irrelevant." One wonders, where were these warm hearts and salty tears and unlimited funds from Church coffers when millions were starved, beaten, humiliated, tortured, gassed or burned? What of other millions, victims of famines, floods, wars? Are a Pope's and flowers reserved for the dam¬ aged eye-lid, nose, arm and veil of a marble image only? prayers We have, of course, understanding and appreciation for invaluable treasures which with their enduring presence create tradi¬ tion, spanning centuries and gladdening the hearts of generations of viewers. But, (Continued on page 15) fS) PLANT TREES IN ISRAEL in our "CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL FOREST' in honor of Birthdays — Anniversaries — or any Family Occasion For Information, Contact Our PLEASE PATRONIZE Office. OUR ADVERTISERS — HAKOHOL Page Two HAKOHOL Published PERSONALS by J*# CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL OF WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, INC. 562 West 181st St., N. Y., N. Y. 10033 Tel.: LO 8-3141 Mazeltov 95 th HAKOHOL takes no responsibility for the Kashrus of the products advertised. Leopold Katz on his to Mr. Arthur Mendel on his birthday. Mazeltov Editor Mr. to birthday. Mazeltov 70th Leo Stock & V to Mr. & Mrs, Max Goldsmith for the Barmitzvo of of engagement of gagement Mazeltov to a a grandson, the en¬ granddaughter, and the grandson. a Mrs. Gerda Hes for the wedding of her granddaughter. Mazeltov to Mr. & Mrs. Gustav Adler for the Barmitzvo of a grandson. Mazeltov mann Rabbi Shlomo Kahn 160 Wadsworth Ave. Cantor WA 8-8806 LO 8-4075 Adolph Heimer, President 719 W. 180th St. WA 7-2514 4523 Broadway Eric Hanau, Financial Secretary 24 Bennett Ave. WA 7-1948 to grandson. wedding anniversary. Mr. & Mrs. Gerd Oppenson. Mazeltov for the engagements of: Miss Marcia Don & Mr. Jerry Oppenheim Kimberly Deutsch & Mr. Henry Mazeltov for the wedding of Miss Malke Grunberger & Mr. Norbert Wartelsky. The HOURS Sundays from 10:00 to a Mr. & Mrs. Hirschheimer Hirsch 567-5040 OFFICE Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kohl- heim for the Barmitzvo of their Miss Leo Stock, Treasurer to their silver Mazeltov Jack Schartenberg 160 Wadsworth Ave. Mazeltov on to for the birth of Congregation mourns the passing of: Paula Goldschmidt. 12:00 Ludwig Bauman (brother of Mrs. Recha Frank). Auguste Rothschild. Max Ein besserer Regenschirm ist und extra (7th Ave. Frankfurt NAGLE Sub. LO a/M. Dyckman 9-0481 BUY 2 AND GET 1 FREE ! Koestrich (sister of Mrs. Erna Stern). Carol Adler (sister of Mr. Adolph Heimer). AVENUE Sta. Hamburger. Julius Strauss (brother of Mr. Siegbert Strauss). Henry Falkenstein. Berta BUCHWEITZ frueher 145 bearbeitet gut Selbsthersteller vom D. vornehm St ) Henriette Buxbaum. Julius Strauss (brother of Mr. Strauss ). ZICHRONOM LIVROCHO Max HAKOHOL Page Three CHILDREN'S PAGE "Why don't I get a pretty one?" Kupsie was at it again, grumbling and complaining, never satisfied. "You're never satisfied," said Tassie him, "you always complain." to Tumbler smiled. "Aren't you guilty also, Tassie?" he asked gently. "You're com¬ plaining about Kupsie." But Kupsie had become impatient. When quick ready to jump off the shelf in excitement. "Why don't I get a pretty one?" he said, louder and angrier than before. "Relax. We heard you the first time," teased Tassie. "Anyway, what is it that you to get?" clothing! Like the colorfully and nice¬ ly, in shirts and pants, dresses, blouses and skirts. Must be exciting. Not always the "Clothing! Pretty humans. They same dress so old looks. Look at me," he went on, "always exactly the same." "But, Kupsie, don't you like the look? Aren't you polished to a way you proud of your fine silver, gleaming and sparkling shine?" "Sure, sure, but there's no variety! Isn't clothing here for a purpose?" Tassie couldn't answer that, but Tumbler did. "You're wrong, ing does have you put it." Kupsie, all wrong. Cloth¬ but not the way a purpose "You mean it's for protection, from and wind and rain?" asked Tassie. cold "No," said Tumbler, "that's important but not the real purpose. Let me tell too, happily in the Garden of Eden after G'd had created them, as free from worries and duties all animals. as "You mean asked the "That's two they had no clothing on?" litde cups. right. Not until they committed sin and felt ashamed, did they have the need to cover their bodies. But ever since a he doesn't get instanr attention and a answer, he gets so annoyed that he's want you how it all started," and Tumbler told them about Adam and Eve, how they lived then, humans must cover themselves, to they're decent and have the pro¬ per respect for G'd. Animals and objects, like Kiddush cups, need no clothing. But humans must be properly dressed at all time, even in summer, when it's hot." show that "Boy, am I glad I'm sighed Kupsie in relief. a Kiddush cup!" (Will be continued) Page Four HAKOHOL Sales Bennett Free ELIAS Grocery & Dairy and B. (Corner Phone: — COLOR STEREO — CONDITIONERS AIR SLOMOVITS. Owner BENNETT New RADIOS Prompt Delivery row 4 Service TERRACE RADIO & TV mw AVENUE 181st Street) York, N. Y. 10033 WAdsworth 3-7140 4500 BROADWAY NEW LO at YORK, N. 192nd Y. Street 10040 8-0535 A & E FURNITURE CORP. Inh. WALTER Das Grosse fuer ABRAHAM Spezialgeschaeft Moderne Credenzas — Moebel Schlafzimmer Polstermoebel 4044 (between BROADWAY 170th & 171st Streets) TRafalgar 4-6843 Closed Saturdays LIPSTADT MEMORIAL CO. * * * Reasonably Priced Monuments 730 AMSTERDAM (near S. CITARELLA LOrraine UPTOWN'S LEADING AVENUE Street) 8:4534 B. ZIMMERMANN INTERIOR DISCOUNT LIQUOR STORE 78th DECORATOR Slip Covers, Draperies & Bed spreads Made 547 WEST 181st STREET to Order Cor. Audubon Ave. Closed Saturdays Open in the Evening Phone 795-3800 656 W. 183rd PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ST. ADVERTISERS NEW YORK 10033 HAKOHOL Page Five SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Kabolas Pinchos, July 1 Matos-Masey, July 8 .... Dvorim, July 15 Voes'chanan, July 22 Ekev, July 29 R'e, August 5 Shoftim, August 12 Ki Setze, August 19 Ki Sovo, August 26 - .... .... .... .... .... ..... Nitzovim-Vayelech, September 2 Shivo .... .. .... 7:15 8 30 7:15 8 30 7:15 8 30 Predigt 8:40 9 15 4:10 8:40 9 15 4:15 9:00 8:35 9 10 4:20 9:05 8 30 8:30 9 05 4:30 9:05 8 30 Sermon 8:20 8 55 4:45 9:10 7:15 8 30 8:15 8 50 4:55 9:15 7:15 8 30 8:05 8 40 5:05 9:15 9:20 7:15 8 30 7:55 8 30 5:20 7:15 8 30 7:45 8 20 5:25 9:25 7:10 8 30 7:30 8 05 5:35 9:25 Shacharis 7:25 A.M. Mincho-Maariv 8:00 P.M. Fast ends 9:10 P.M. Rosh Chodesh Elul, Thursday & Friday, August 10 & 11 1st day Slichos, Sunday, September 3 * Av, Wednesday, July 12 # * Sunday Monday - Friday Evenings 8:00 A.M. 7:25 A.M. 8:00 P.M. .. Tisho Fast bAv, Thursday, July 20 begins Wednesday Wednesday Mincho-Maariv # ... Shacharis Mincho-Maariv .. Fast ends Chamisho osor 8:25 P.M. SHIUR1M 8:30 P.M. 7:25 A.M. Ladies 8:00 P.M. Bible Class 9:05 P.M. Mishna Class bAv, Wednesday, July 26 AFTERNOON SERVICES ! — Mon. & Wed., 3:00 P.M. Shabbos 45 minutes before Mincho — — Sunday, 10 A.M. Mitteilung Unsere ueblichen KASSE-und BUREAUSTUNDEN SONNTAGS fallen im Juli VON aus. legenheiten bitte ♦ * — Jewish Study Class ALSO REGULARLY AND SHABBOS # Monday 7:30 P.M. Young Adults — Wednesday, 7:00 P.M. PLEASE ATTEND OUR FRIDAY EVENING 8:55 7:15 bTamuz, Thursday, June 29 begins 4:00A.M. Rosh Chodesh Mincho Maariv break before 7:15 osor Fast Day- Sh'ma Shacharis nach Maariw 10-12 Fuer sich UHR Gemeideange- Werktag abends (8 P.M.) wenden. an uns zu Pag© Six HAKOHOL PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR" ADVERTISERS HAKOHOL Page Seven SOLL ICH WEINEN ? Der Prophet Secharjo berichtet von einer (religioese Frage). In seltsamen Schaalo jener Zeit war ein ansehnlicher Teil der Juden Babylons wieder nach Eretz Israel zurueckgekehrt. Wieder war ein juedischer Staat auf heiligem Boden entstanden. Der zweite Tempel war errichtet und der Opferdienst ermoeglicht. Schon war man zum Abschaffen des Fasten an Zom Gedaljo geschritten, denn das Trauern ueber Vertreibung aus Eretz Israel (nach Ermordung Gedaljos) war durch erneutes Ansiedeln aufgehoben. Wie steht es aber mit den anderen Fasttagen, die den Verlust von Staat, Jerusalem und Tempel betrauern (Asoro bTewes, Schiwo osor bTamus, Tischo bAw)? Die Juden Babylons wandten sich an die Kohanim und Propheten in Jerusalem mit der halachischen Frage (Secharjo 7:3): nan nr >iwy nwo nun 'wann winn es (5) Anerkennung der Voelker (noch ein unbedeutendes Land). (6) Besitz des Gebiete noch von Landes ganzen Nicht juden Nun verlangte G'tt, mehr als gewohn- heitsmaessiges Fasten, Erfuellung sozialer Pflichten zwischen Mensch und Mensch und Hueten von G'ttesgesetz. Darauf, so versprach G'tt, wird bald Seine Schechino wieder in Israels Mitte weilen und der juedische Staat mit sicherem Scholom gesegnet werden. Dann werden alle Vertriebenen wieder heimkehren und das Land unter Bluete Bewunderung der Voelker sich entfalten. Dann wird das zur Land voellig juedisch sein und, mit Moschiachs Kommen, naaxn "soil ich weinen im fuenften Monat (Aw) in Enthaltsamkeit, so wie ich es getan habe diese manchen Jahre?" (Sie fragten wegen Tischo bAw, denn wenn dieser nicht mehr zu halten ist, fallen die anderen Fasttage selbstverstaendlich weg.) Aus der Antwort, eine laengere Botschaft G'ttes an den Propheten, ist die Unschlues- sigkeit und die Zweifel der Fragenden klar zu erkennen. Zwar war juedisches Volks- leben wieder in Eretz Israel erstanden und der Tempel wieder erbaut, aber es waren doch noch nicht Moschiachs Zeiten. Es fehlten (nach Erklaerung Malbim) sieben Erloesungszeichen: (1) G'ttes sichtbare Naehe (Schechino) Tempel. (2) Unabhaengigkeit des Staates (noch Reiche untertaenig, der Vertreibung ausgesetzt). dem persischen Gefahr weiterer (3) Einwanderung saemtlicher Juden der Welt (noch kein Kibbutz Golios). (4) Fruchtbarkeit des Landes (wenn blueht, ist Moschiach nahe). Eretz Israel (viele bewohnt). (7) Davidische Herrschaft. '■wyn Dim 'yawn nm wann im war .D'mu nm 'jpann un onyabi nnawbi livttft mi«T rpab "das Fasten des vierten Monats (Tamus) und das Fasten des fuenften (Aw) und das Fasten des siebten (Tischri = Zom Gedaljo) und das Fasten des zehnten (Tewes) wird dem Hause Jehudo zur Wonne und Freude und zu frohen Festen." (ibid. 8:19) "Soil ich weinen?" war Israels Frage an G'tt. Seine Antwort: Solange die Ursachen die zur Zerstoerung fuehrten, noch nicht geschwunden sind, und solange das heiss ersehnte Glueck noch nicht gekommen ist, ist Weinen und Fasten am Platz. Unserer Zeit ist es vergoennt, das allmaehliche Erfuellen dieses Programms erblicken zu duerfen. Wir koennen die Fortschritte wahrnehmen, die zu Loesung und Erloesung fuehren. Allerdings ist immer noch das Talmudwort angaenglich: Kin I^KD vby nam irxt^ nn ba .lannn "Jedem Geschlecht, in dessen Tagen der Tempel nicht erbaut wird, wird es angerechnet als ob es ihn zerstoert haette." (Jerusalem Talmud Joma 1:1) Page Eight HAKOHOL i J | FLEISCHMAN, HEYMAN & CO., INC. MEAT - POULTRY ^ PROVISIONS - - WHOLESALE & RETAIL GLATT KOSHER "W3 tSK'M J Under Supervision of RABBI DR. JOSEPH BREUER I J if ^ 1530 St. Nicholas Ave. Bet. 186 & 187th Streets New York, N. Y. 10033 WA 342 Audubon Ave. Corner 182nd Street New York, N. Y. 10033 3-3345 WA 7-0809 I WE DELIVER E & B SUPERMARKETS 4190 BROADWAY (Comer 178th St.) Your Friendly Neighborhood Supermarket WHERE YOU COME FIRST f <j) J HIRSCH & SONS JUEDISCHES BEERDIGUNGS-INSTITUT | 1C % . Vollstaendige Erledigung aller Beerdigungs-Einzelheiten zu niedrigen (j> Preisen in alien Teilen New Yorks | ANERKANNT VON DEUTSCH-JUEDISCHEN GEMEINDEN |X f w Neue, Grabstaetten auf alien Friedhoefen moderne eingerichtete Chapel (nahe Washington Heights) 1225 JEROME AVE. (Ecke 167th St.) Tel.: WYandotte 2-2000 3 ^ V \ 3 I a GIVE GENEROUSLY TO U. J. A. HAXOHOL Page Nine \ "POINT OF VIEW" A Column for the Young Adult O^>=JVS)>^>S^^^>'S^vSife5V=^W)>S)l^>=Ss=5>^).y^)>=&i»=5>«=a>=0^=:Ci>«=0>^fe5VSl« HAPPY DAYS "There than ." . . were — so happier days for Israel begins a Mishna (end of Tractate Tanis). What Whose heart hath ne'er within him promising beginning, full of joy and rejoicing. Israel has many happy days, of festivity and delight. (Doesn't Judaism excel in joy with its bridal benediction a gushing, bubbling well of synonyms: nn nn nnmn *pw "joy and gladness, cheer and exultation, delight and pleasure"?) And now, "There were no happier days for Israel than We're all ears. What ARE those exception¬ ally happy days, towering above all others, bringing showers of joy and gladiness? the fifteenth of Av and — Yom Kippur!" Stunned silence. A bursting . . . bubble. Pins puncturing a balloon. We sort of expected Simchas Torah or Purim or at least a major holiday — Pesach, Shovuos, Sukkos. Fifteenth of Av? Happiest day? We grudgingly make room for Yom Kippur. Its happiness exists, of course, on a spiritual level. Not in food and drink, song and dance. Come to think of it, a profound, soul uplifting day, Day of Atone¬ ment and Reconciliation (G'd s gift of for¬ giveness and second Tablets of Law its historical precedent). But what, on earth, does the fifteenth of Av commemorate? Wait. The Mishna doesn't speak of his¬ torical background cance. Rather, of the of religious signifi¬ nor way in which Israel of old observed and celebrated these days: for on them the maidens of Jeru¬ salem, dressed in white, went forth to dance in the surrounding vineyards to attract the eyes of the young men Now we "dig" the happiness. These two calendar dates were set aside for "dates," discreet encounters, social gatherings with the undisguised object: matrimony. On Yom Kippur? Yes, indeed! A highly appropriate day for choosing carefully and wisely. To paraphrase Scott: "Breathes there a Jew with soul so dead, . burn'd a rmm . Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my holy day? no . . . As home his footsteps he hath turn'd From year-long wandering astray?" On Yom Kippur we can be relied upon to ignore all bewitching guile and frivolous temptation. Fine. Yom Kippur. But what of the fif¬ teenth of Av? Rarely, if ever, has our people so impul¬ sively draped joy and festivity around a calendar page, without biblical or rabbinic decree, as here. The Talmud records no less than six causes, snatched up by our people, to give it distinction: (1) Last of the desert generation had died all were now ready to enter the — Land of Israel. (2) Lifting of the ban on intermarriage between the Tribes of Israel (which had existed during the first generation). (3) Peace with Tribe of Benjamin after civil war and solution of estrangement problems. (4) Opening of roads to Jerusalem for Temple pilgrims (which Jerobeam had sealed for the people of the Northern Kingdom). (5) Burial of slain defenders of Betar, many years of negotiations with after Roman conquerors. (6) End of wood-cutting season for Temple supply (wane of summer heat, needed for drying the wood). No common denominator, no current of adhesive similarity run through these six points. They're all legitimate, of course, pointing up to such national and religious highlights as Eretz Israel, unity of the nation, hero appreciation, Temple worship. Call them reasons or pretexts. They sanc¬ tion and authorize a post-mourning (after "Three summer Weeks" and Tisho festival of joy. bAv) mid¬ Page fen HAKOHOL MEMORIAL TABLETS Julie Katz 29. Av Lina 29. Av Rosenthal Eugene Stern 30. Av Daniel 1. Elul Gottlieb The Yahrzeit of the following will be observed on our Memorial Tablets: Clara Amalie Eberhardt Maurice Gudoff 3. Tamus Josef Wolf Julius Hirsch Doris 4. Tamus Sussman Moses 3. Tamus Baer Arthur Strauss 3. Elul Sonneberg 3. Elul 7. Elul 9. Elul 10. Elul 5. Tamus Joseph Katz 15. Elul Hess 9. Tamus Leopold Tannenbaum 16. Elul Rebecca Schoemann Efroim Birman 10. Tamus Amalie Moses Rosenberg 10. Tamus Erna Liebenstein Arno Trautmann 23. Elul 24. Elul 14. Tamus Olga Jonas Abraham Rosenthal 16. Tamus Herman 20. Tamus Bertha Hofmann Emma Moses Leopold Sonneberg Gustav .. Schartenberg Gruenberg 21. Tamus William Kugelman Erich Lauter Eva Lachman 24. Tamus Anna Singer 25. Tamus 22. Tamus 23. Tamus Fanny Rosenthal 25. Tamus Albert Gutkind 28. Tamus Bernard Gootter 2. Av Anna Dicker 3. Av Klara Rotschild 3. Av Martha Levi 4. Av Jocheved Auer 6. Av Else Starkhaus 9. Av Alfred Sherlin Salli Stern 14. Av Mir jam 15. Av 14. Av Nussbaum Julius Hamburger 16. Av Adolf Gottlieb 16. Av Leopold Eichtersheimer Joseph Hamburger Salomon 17. Av 19. Av .. Tannenbaum Bertha May Rosel Hersch 21. Av 21. Av .. Jettchen Goldschmidt 23. Av 24. Av Max Schwarz 24. Av Hannah Goldsmith 25. Av Adolf Blumenthal Moritz Gottschalk 25. Av .. 25. Av Siegfried Frank 26. Av Camilla Michels 27. Av Jeanette 28. Av Tannenbaum Sally Kahn Ida Meyer Jenny Holzer .. 17. Elul 22. Elul 24. Elul 25. Elul 27. Elul 29. Elul Honor the memory of your loved ones a memorial plaque in the Synagogue. with HAKOHOL The Page Eleven Congregation Reports . . . change of seating any chase of additional attention to our . . that the . Congregation seeks ter, to clean semi-retired) or synagogue several hours week a . that all who have . . their Yizkor donations not as . . are do to so . . Jewry, yet sent in arranged a lecture by City College Lecturer Mrs. T. Schneider. . in . that . Congregation participated our . . donation, toward the . . . that Mrs. Ida Kaufherr donated . Omud new . cover that 10 . donated . . . new . a . Siddurim with English (Birnbaum Siddurim) by Mrs. Ada Ullmann that donations . Newsletter" Manfred . . . April 23rd, delivered on possible . (Pesach and Sho. as brought Sefer Torah, was made our by Mr. Fred S. Strauss . translation that the Sisterhood . Soviet on asked early generous rooms, . vuos) a restoration of . . that . as por¬ and social days 2-3 on be a man . couple (retired or as arrangement or pur¬ seats must were made . . were . for the "Rabbi's by Mr. & Mrs. Loeb, Dr. & Mrs. Herman Blu- menthal, and Mr. & Mrs. Adolf Ullmann ... large numbers in the Soviet Jewry Week¬ end (April 28-30), Friday evening, Rally on March . . . on Sunday that the State of again urged . . on Candle-Light March and our . . . annual Israel Bond drive on Yom Yrusholaim, that members purchased bonds many . Oneg Shabbos Shabbos night, and the Solidarity initiated was a at an that, Israel, that to everyone do his share . . as every summer, gation's office will not during July; kindly to help is once . the Congre¬ be open for business see us weekday nings after Maariv services (8 P.M.) eve¬ . . BUY . ISRAEL . . . that ticket sale for High Holidays begins Sunday, August 6th, that since in past years all synagogue seats were sold out, BONDS Page Twelve HAKOHOL EAGLE DAY CAMP NANUET, NEW YORK A private for our day campers only Boys and Girls 4-14 years filtered Hollywood swimming pools, Hot kosher lunches, Door-to-Dooi transportation, All athletic facilities. estate — 84-29 Abingdon RABBI A. RESPLER, Director Road Kew Gardens, N. Y .11415 Tel.: HI 1-3144 LAKE HOUSE HOTEL WOODRIDGE, N. Y. Phone: Area Code 914-434-7800 — For Reservations call LW 4-9448 The Katz (N. Y. C. Phone) Family, Ownership-Management KASHRUS AND SHABBOS STRICTLY NEWLY HONOR THE MEMORY LOVED ONES IN OF BUILT YOUR OUR "BOOK OF MEMORY" SHUL AND OBSERVED LOBBY WALTER'S HOUSEWARES 756 WEST 181st STREET (bet. Ft. Washington Ave. & Broadway) LO 8 -1030 Large Selection of VEREWIGEN SIE DIE NAMEN VERSTORBENER ANGEHOERIGEN IN DEM "MEMOR-BUCH" Housewares 6c Gifts Locks 6c Gates Installed Large Selection of Paints WE DELIVER PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ^ ^ h f | S) (? HAKOHOL Page Thirteen SOVIET JEWRY All efforts of in the our community, organized with Washington Heights-Inwood Council for Soviet relief for Jewry, geared are to a at 196th Street, through Broadway, to Congregation Shaare Hatikvah, 179th Street), culminating in a the Iron Curtain. There is thousand marchers (from Con¬ gregation Ohav Sholaum, constant brothers and sisters behind our over a public rally there. steady flow of packages Membership in the rapidly growing (approaching 500 members) is a to Jews in Russia, for the dual Council Hatzolas MUST for all. A detailed progress report of the year's activities will be distributed purpose of Nfoshos (literally saving from starvation those who have been from their abling exit discharged jobs) and Pidyan Shvuim (en¬ raise to many money needed for permits). to the members this month. A full bership meeting is scheduled for keep Please enroll, if you aren't a member yet. watchful eye on developments in Russia, to send tele¬ grams to Soviet authorities when arrests to a Wash. Hts.-Inwood take place, threatening Jews with sentences prison or labor camp or confinement in insane for Soviet 5G2 world opinion and messages can often a avert President Nixon's which Russian Jews is very numbers did Pease enroll deluge of public 150,000!) march on on April 30th. Our participated fully. Desig¬ nating a "Soviet Jewry Weekend," Wash¬ ington Heights and Inwood sponsored a Friday Oneg Shabbot (at Mt. Sinai Jewish own area Center), rabbis' darity on sermons devoted Shabbos morning, and Candle-Light Procession on to Soli¬ a giant Address: WHERE ARE THE SYNAGOGUES ? An ancient legend is told: "When the Beth HaMikdosh, the holy Temple in Jerusalem, was destroyed, the Holy One, blessed be He, took its stones and scattered them in all directions through¬ out the landed, world. a And wherever synagogue would built. "Therefore Mikdosh Mat the — a a stone eventually be synagogue is called little sanctuary, for it is great Sanctuary, due to small part of the the stone of the Temple site." a Shabbos night, member in the __ over Fifth Avenue a Name: on pinned indescribable (well as membership dues ($5.—/ student $2.—). lor this year trip to Moscow, me Council. I enclose my catastrophe. thousands Street 10033 Gentlemen: admirably. In unprecedented the 181st sensitive hopes, presented us with a welcome oppor¬ tunity to show our solidarity with them. The Jewish masses of New York rose to the occasion West Council Jewry New York, N.Y. asylum. Experience has taught that the Russian government to the early fall. There is the need in mem¬ which fell on its Page Fourteen HAKOHOL l/WV^^SWVWWWVWWWW'A'VWVWVVWWVW dass man sich an 4 Stellen in der Schmone Esre verbeugen muss, und zwar: . j DIE SCHIUR-ECKE . . (1) Zu Beginn der ersten Brocho (Bo- (2) ruch Ato), und zum Schluss der ruch Ato) ersten Brocho (Bo- (3) bei Modim Anachnu Loch (4) zum Schluss der Modim Brocho (Boruch Ato) sonst Wussten Sie . . man . aber bei keiner anderen Brocho; dass sich folgendermassen verbeugt: bei Boruch die Kniee bei Ato Kopf und Oberkoerper Vor Haschem wieder aufrecht? — . . class . Mitzwo leihen? eine wichtige und grosse ist, einem der es braucht, Geld zu es — — # dass es verboten ist, muendlich eine Anleihe zu machen, sondern man es entweder schriftlich niedergelegt oder vor . . Zeugen . . . tun muss? dass zinslos sein muss, es Juden sei denn dass, in einwandfrei sind.) dass Tfilin an der richtigen Stelle des Kopfes gelegt werden muessen, Nicht in der Stirne, sondern voellig auf Haupthaar (oder Platz von Haupthaar) mit der aeusseren Kante genau auf den ersten Haarwurzeln, und Nicht woertlich zwischen den Augen, sondern genau Ueber dem Mittelpunkt zwischen den Augen? . # DRUZE TEACH JEWS ! Dliyat-el-Carmel, in Israel, is Geldleihen zwischen Ausnahmsfaellen, ein vorschriftsmaessiger Vertrag ausgestellt wird (Schtar Isko)? (Israel Bonds sind vom Hauptrabbinat so ausgearbeitet, dass sie religionsgesetzlich . # . . gripped it and caused large an uproar. Former Prime Minister Gurion was coming and the David Ben- villagers were eagerly preparing for the great visitor. But then they heard that the Druze elders had arranged for the veteran statesman to ad¬ dress Druze hands. women too and to shake their Outraged, they stormed up to their com¬ munity leaders and demanded to know who had been guilty in allowing this religious violation. "Since when is it permitted for a man to touch a strange woman?" they asked. NATHAN and GERRY MALISDORF. Large Display Manufacturers of Select Barre Granite Memorials Rock Of Ages Materials MONUMENTS AND 1740 WASHINGTON AVE. a Druze village (Arabs fiercely loyal to the State of Israel). Recently nervous tension MODERN MARKERS near 174th ST. BRONX 57 HAKOHOL Page Fifteen WHISP (Continued from page 1) no matter A few congregations in our area have organized the Washington Heights Inwood Safety Patrol (WHISP), an efficiently run volunteer organization which, with the blessings of the police precinct, contributes considerably to safety in our streets. how priceless, nothing of wood, canvas, metal or stone can possibly surpass the value and the sanctity of human life! An almost obscure reference, in the Book of Psalms, skillfully chosen by the divinely inspired author, gives the cue for bold, fantastic statement by the Rabbis of the Midrash. In searing words does the Psalmist mourn the destruction of Jeru¬ a salem: WHISP patrols the area with its own patrol cars, Sunday through Thursday, 7:30- noxb HDTD 10:30 P.M. The cars are in radio contact base station and the station, which monitors also all police calls, is in com¬ with invTni am ixn imp brriT nx ixau a munication with the .□"y1? "A police precinct. ances, and contributes to the stabilization of the neighborhood. WHISP also gives coverage for events and meetings of parti¬ cipating organizations. WHISP is bers to servers. two or serve mem¬ volunteer drivers and ob¬ (Members usually three weeks on a serve once every convenient even¬ ing.) Anyone interested please call WHISP at 568-6200, Sunday through Thursday, 8-10 P.M. "A song? A Psalm?" wonders the Mid"Ought it not rather be entitled a dirge, a mournful lament, a wailing outcry rash. looking for additional as Song of Assaph: Your heritage, They have profaned Your holy T emple, They have rendered Jerusalem heaps of ruins!' (Psalms 79) successfully prevented mug¬ thefts, drug traffic and disturb¬ car idw O G'd! Nations have entered into WHISP has gings, nx of woe?" "No!" insist the Rabbis, "it IS a song of praise. G'd's wrath was kindled against His people and threatened to engulf them. But in His mercy He directed His anger against wood and stone instead, sparing human life." (Shochar Tov 79; Yalkut and Rashi T'hilim 79) The Temple, throbbing heart-center of religious life, was razed to the ground. Jerusalem, our national capital, ruined. Priceless. Immeasurably valuable. Irreplace¬ able. And yet, the Psalmist gives vent to true Jewish feeling. In the midst of devas¬ tation, he rejoices, for the anger of G'd was appeased by wood and stone. Though there was loss of life too, further bloodshed was averted through destruction of sacred yet our dead material. There's a world of difference between Israel and the nations. No wonder that Midrash Eycho remarks: paxn nma n»Dn m i1? nax' dx .paxn ^x nmn rmn m "If they tell you: (There?s knoivledge among the nations,' you may believe it; (there's Torah wisdom among them,' don't believe it!' (rabbo 2:17) Page Sixteen HAKOHOL EARLY BIRD • PRE-SEASON AIR CONDITIONER SALE ALLTOP BRANDS HOME - STORE - OFFICE WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD WE STILL HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF 1971 AIRCONDITIONERS AT CLOSEOUT PRICES FREE SURVEY! - BEST SERVICE! SPRING CLEAN Your Old Air Conditioner Air Conditions will cool better and avoid costly repairs CALL NOW! Max Goldschmidt & 650 WEST 181st Son,A STREET, NEAR BROADWAY WA 7-2383-4 WELL KNOWN SINCE J 940 BALSHON Printing & Offset Co., 480 Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11207 EV 5-3278 HAKOHOL 562 West 181st Street Non Profit New York, N. Y. 10033 U. S. POSTAGE Org. PAID New York. N. Y. Permit No. 13456