Total Food Ads In February 2010 All Channels
Total Food Ads In February 2010 All Channels
CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS This chapter describes the result of the analysis that begins with general analysis of total ads in all station television. And it is followed by analysis of each station consist of: 1. Time analysis that consist of day and hour 2. Program rating analysis 3. Advertising rate analysis 4. Program category analysis 5. The analysis of relationship between the food product advertising trends that occur at this time with television station’s segments 6. Analysis of food product advertiser in implementing media strategy .9:;<$E99C$,CD$1F$E@?A=;AG$+'#'$,<<$6H;FF@<D$ %"&&$ .9:;<$-=>?@A$9B$,CD$ ('''$ %%"!$ *&!'$ %'''$ "&#($ *'''$ "'''$ !))*$ !"#"$ !%(#$ "#+"$ !'''$ #&&+$ +'''$ #'(#$ #'''$ '$ ,-./$ 0./$ 1/2$ 23.45$ 46.1$ 76./$ .81$ .4,-7$ .4,-7($ ./5-3$ ! Figure 4.1 Total Ads in February 2010 Total number of food ads in February 2010 for 10 television stations is 42.146. The average number of food ads per day is 1505 ads, and 62 ads/hour. Based on the chart in figure 4.1, Indosiar has the greatest number of ads by 6643 advertisements, followed by Global TV (6499 ads), Trans7 (5930 ads), RCTI (4917 ads), TransTV (4124 ads), SCTV (3885 ads), TPI (3671 ads), ANTV (3414 ads), TVONE (1992 ads) and Metro TV (1071 ads). ! ! "$! .9:;<$E99C$,CD$1F$E@?A=;AG$+'#'$,<<$6H;FF@<D$ $/"#37! )8'! $%0#.! "#$%! *'! &'! ($%! )*'! $/"#3! )6'! +%,! )-'! $5+! 4'! 32$%! 4'! /2$+! )1'! ,.$/0! 1'! ! Figure 4.2 Total Ads in February 2010 (In Percent) The total number of food ads in February 2010, in all television stations, in the form of percentage can be seen from Figure 4.2. Indosiar was superior with 16%, followed Global TV (15%), Trans7 (14%), RCTI (12%), TransTV (10%), SCTV and TPI (9%), ANTV (8%), TVONE (5%) and Metro TV (2%). 4.1 Relationship Between Time and Total Ads Number 4.1.1 Relationship Between Day and Total Ads Number E99C$,CD$IF$E@?A=;AG$+'#'$,<<$6H;FF@<D$ J;D@C$9F$K;G$9B$L@@M$ )6666! &666! 77*&! *88*! -666! *1*)! *&9)! *4*6! -9)*! **4-! 8666! 1666! 6! 3:;<=>! ,?;<=>! $:@A<=>! B@<;@A<=>! $C:DA<=>! EDF<=>! 3=G:D<=>! ! Figure 4.3 Ads in February 2010 Based on Day of Week From figure 4.3, it is shown that the highest number of Ads contained at the end of the week, which is on Sunday (7758 ads) and Saturday (6315 ads). This shows "%! ! the ad number very different between weekends and workday. On workday the number of ads is about 5000 advertisements only, but on weekend almost reached the number of 8000. Next, this research will analyzed more detail about ads based on day of Week per television station. .9:;<$E99C$,CD$1F$E@?A=;AG$+'#'$,<<$6H;FF@<D$ 7666! 48*! 4&4! -666! 7&&! 7&*! &1*! *666! &**! &66! &9)! 74-! 3=G:D<=>! 8666! *&8! &7&! 784! $C:DA<=>! -74! &84! -67! 948! -7&! 9666! 777! *8&! -68! *-1! &)8! 8&7! )666! *84! )884! *1)! 6! ,-./$ 3:;<=>! 84&! *6)! *99! 466! 8-4! *66! 0./$ )-97! )79! )-8! )7&! )98! ))&! )))! )49! 86)! 8**! )4)! 999! *)7! 8*-! *69! 9*9! 841! 468! 9*7! 96-! ))*4! 1/2$ 23.45$ 46.1$ ,?;<=>! *-1! 466! 1666! $:@A<=>! 4)*! 887! -87! *14! B@<;@A<=>! *-&! --1! --7! 979! EDF<=>! 41)! -)*! -8*! 7)7! -87! 177! )7*! 76./$ .81$ .4,-7$.4,-7($./5-3$ Figure 4.4 Total Food Ads in February 2010 All Channels ! "&! ! Figure 4.5 Food Product Ads on ANTV based on Day of Week in February 2010 Figure 4.6 Food Product Ads on Global TV Based on Day of Week in February 2010 Figure 4.7 Food Product Ads on Indosiar Based on Day of Week in February 2010 Figure 4.8 Food Product Ads on MetroTV Based on Day of Week in February 2010 Figure 4.9 Food Product Ads on RCTI Based on Day of Week in February 2010 '(! ! Figure 4.10 Food Product Ads on SCTV Based on Day of Week in February 2010 Figure 4.11 Food Product Ads on TPI Based on Day of Week in February 2010 Figure 4.12 Food Product Ads on Trans 7 Based on Day of Week in February 2010 Figure 4.13 Food Product Ads on TV One Based on Day of Week in February 2010 Figure 4.14 Food Product Ads on Trans TV Based on Day of Week in February 2010 ! '"! Based on figure 4.4 until 4.14 above, it can be seen that most television station has the greatest number of food ads on the weekend (Global TV, Indosiar, Metro TV, RCTI, SCTV, TPI and Trans TV). Meanwhile, the highest number of Trans 7, TV One and ANTV are on workday. In Global TV the number of ads will increase at the end of the week (seen in figure 4.6), starting from Friday until Sunday. From figure 4.6 also can be calculated that the average number of ads in weekend is 1219 and 812.2 on workday. This is show that Global TV’s advertisers prefer to make advertisement on weekend than workday. The programs Global TV have on Saturday and Sunday is almost same, like Amel Cemal Cemil, Ayahku Hebat, Dora The Explorer, Naruto, Spongebob Squarepants, Berita Global, Rossy, and Genie. This program shows all the circumstances that closely match the segmentation of Global TV who has a target audience of young families. Figure 4.8 shows that the amounts of advertising in Indosiar are fluctuating each day and grow rapidly in Sunday. From this figure also already clearly visible that the average number of ads on weekend in is more compared with the number of ads on workday. This finding represent that Indosiar’s advertisers prefer to make advertisement on weekend than workday. The programs Indosiar have on weekend include Fokus Siang, Happy Song, Take Me Out Indonesia, Bunga Untuk Andre, Bike to Nature, Cewek Penakluk and Kids ‘n Song. All these programs describe Indosiar target viewer is female above 30 years old and mission to popularized soap opera, themed love and family, and reality shows that involve the audience emotionally. As can be seen in Figure 4.7, the growths of advertising amount in Metro TV tend to grow slowly on the first three-day (Monday until Wednesday) of the workday and start to grow on the fourth day and grow rapidly on Sunday. Programs Metro TV has on Sunday are 12 Pas, Democrazy, Headline News, Just Alvin, Kick Andy, Mario Teguh Golden Ways, and Super Nany. All of these programs very precise with Metro TV objective to bring values in entertainment, news, current affairs, business and sports. Based on chart in figure 4.9, the amount of advertising in RCTI has a very significance difference between workday and weekend. Sunday is very dominating with the total amount of 1159, nearly reached twice the weekday’s ''! ! amount. Figure 4.9 also define the average number of ads in weekend is 979.5 and 591.6 ads only on workday. The programs RCTI has on Sunday are Dahsyat, Doraemon, Kejora dan Bintang, Silet, Safa dan Marwah, Crayon Sinchan, and Rapor Idola Cilik 3. These programs describe RCTI vision for serving a wide range of entertainment programs, information and are packed with interesting news. It can be seen from figure 4.10 that the amount of ads in SCTV tends to increase from the beginning (Monday) to the end of the week (Saturday), but decreased slightly on Sunday. Figure 4.10 define the average number of ads in weekend is 647 and 518.2 ads on workday. Programs SCTV has on weekend are Inbox, Cinta Fitri Season 5, Cinta Juga Kuya, Status Selebritis, Was Was, Uya Emang Kuya, and Bayu Cinta Luna. These programs describe SCTV target first viewer that is female above 30 years old. From figure 4.11, it can be derived that the advertising’s amount on workday (Monday until Friday) in TPI tends to stable (about 400 – 500 ads). TPI has a large amount of ads on Saturday (607 ads) and Sunday (645 ads). The programs TPI has on Saturday and Sunday are Dangdut, Santapan Nusantara, Kera Sakti, Cerita, Lintas Pagi, Upin & Ipin dan Kawan-Kawan, Kisah Fantasi and Tom & Jerry. All these programs describe TPI objectives to emphasizes polite programs that can be enjoyed by the whole family, also TPI as a pioneer of television music show (dangdut music). Based on figure 4.12, it can be derived that the advertising’s amount on workday (Monday until Friday) in Trans TV tends to stable (about 400 – 600 ads). This number will explode at the end of the week, Saturday (749 ads) and Sunday (717 ads). Figure 4.12 also can define the average number of ads in weekend is 733 and 531.6 ads on workday. Based on that calculation seen that the average number of ads on weekend is more compared with the number of ads on workday. the programs Trans TV has on weekend are Ala Chef, Celebrity o Vacation, Griya Unik, Insert, Jika Aku menjadi, Termehek Mehek, The Promotor , The Coffee Bean Show, and Harmoni. These programs describe Trans TV target viewer that is housewife, professional and staff above 25 years old. ! ')! Moreover, it can be seen in Figure 4.5, 4.12 and 4.13 show that ANTV, Trans 7 and TV One has higher number of ads on workday than on weekend. It may be cause of several reasons. The programs ANTV has on workday are Espresso, Klik!, Super Family, Tawa Sutra, Topik Petang, Topik Siang, Anak Pemberani, OMG Oh My God, and Super Candy Kids. These programs describe ANTV, in line with their segmentation, as a family entertainment television channel presents a variety of courses to all circles of society, ranging from kids, teens to adult. Trans 7 committed to present in the form of information and entertainment shows. Trans 7 has segmented their programs to housewife, professional, staff and student. The programs Trans 7 has on workday are Bukan Empat Mata, IGosip, Opera Van Java, Si Bolang Bocah Petualang, OKB, Inspirasi Dorce, Laptop Si Unyil and Dunia Kartun. TV One inspires Indonesian society aged 15 years above in order to think ahead and make improvements for themselves and surrounding community through its News and Sports. The programs TV One has on workday, like Apa Kabar Indonesia, Kabar Kabar Petang, Kabar Siang, Kabar Terkini, Breaking News, and Opinni Obrolan Penting Hari Ini, describe TV One viewer segmentation. 4.1.2 Relationship Between Hour and Total Ads Number EFH:D@!8I)*!E??<!"<A!F;!E@JD:=D>!16)6!K=A@<!?;!GC@!L=>M=DGA! '*! ! Figure 4.15 shows that food category ads are advertised 24 hours. The highest number of advertising all day is at 18:00 until 19:00. And the lowest amount of ads contained at dawn. Below will be explained in more detail about the food category ads based on daypart per television station. Figure 4.16 Food Product Ads on ANTV Based on Dayparts in February 2010 Figure 4.17 Food Product Ads on Global TV Based on Dayparts in February 2010 Figure 4.18 Food Product Ads on Indosiar Based on Dayparts in February 2010 ! '+! Figure 4.19 Food Product Ads on Metro TV Based on Dayparts in February 2010 Figure 4.20 Food Product Ads on RCTI Based on Dayparts in February 2010 Figure 4.21 Food Product Ads on SCTV Based on Dayparts in February 2010 Figure 4.22 Food Product Ads on TPI Based on Dayparts in February 2010 '#! ! Figure 4.23 Food Product Ads on Trans 7 Based on Dayparts in February 2010 Figure 4.24 Food Product Ads on Trans TV Based on Dayparts in February 2010 Figure 4.25 Food Product Ads on TV One Based on Dayparts in February 2010 ! Based on figure 4.15 until figure 4.25 it can be concluded that time with the highest number of ads is different in every television station. ANTV, Global TV, Indosiar and Trans 7 have the highest number of ads in the morning, TPI has the highest number of ads in the afternoon, and in Metro TV, RCTI, SCTV, Trans TV and TV One can be found in the night. ! '$! ANTV It can be seen from figure 4.16 that ANTV has the highest amount of food ads in the morning, approximately about 06:00 until 08:00. The amount of ads tended to decrease starting at 21:00. The minimum number of ads all day in ANTV is at 15:00 until 17:00. At 06:00 until 08.00 ANTV have some of programs for children segmentation, such as Looney Tunes, Popaye and Son, Pororo the Little Penguin and The Adventure of Little Carp. All these programs have successfully brought ANTV reach the best performance. Global TV From figure 4.17, it is shown that Global TV has the highest number of food ads in the morning, at 05:00 until 05:59 o'clock (922 ads). After that the number of ads still tend be high until around 9:00. The lowest number of ads in Global TV is around 13.00 to 14.00 o’clock (83 ads only). The programs Global TV have at 05:00 until 05:59 such as, Chalkzone, Dora The Explorer, Spongebob Squarepants, Tak an The Power of Juju and The Backyardigans. All these programs have successfully brought Global TV reach the best performance. Indosiar Figure 4.18 show that the number of ads in Indosiar tends to be high in the morning starting at 8:00, with the highest peak there at 10:00 o'clock to 11:00 o'clock (693 ads). This amount tends to decrease starting at 17:00 and onwards. The programs that have bought Indosiar to the best performance throughout the day mostly are programs from drama series category such as, Legenda Pangeran Ruhby, Tragedi Cinta, Trixa dan Piring Terbang, Cadas Pangeran dan Lutung Sakti. Trans 7 Figure 4.23 show that at around 05:00 to 05:59 Trans TV has the highest number of ads. The difference is significant of the amount of another hour, with total of 1069 ads (two times or more than the number of ads at other hours). At 05:00 until 05:59 Trans 7 have some of programs for children segmentation, such as Jalan Sesama, Buah Buahan, Dunia Kartun and GG Bond. All these programs have successfully brought Trans 7 reach the best performance. '%! ! TPI Based on figure 4.22 shown that the maximum amounts of ads in TPI located at several points. In the morning, the highest amount of ads found at 08:00 to 08:59 o’clock, by 327 ads. In the afternoon there is top of ads amount of the day at 12:00 to 12:59 (353 ads). And at night the number of ads is most at around 18:00 until around 19:59. At 12:00 until 12:59 TPI have some of programs, and most of them is series drama such as 7 Bidadari, 1001 Cerita,, Suami Istri Tukang Tipu, Supirku Kekasih Hatiku dan Kera Sakti. All these programs have successfully brought TPI reach the best performance. Metro TV Figure 4.19 shows that the number of ads in Metro TV is high in the evening, starting at 19:00 until around 21:59 (about 110 ads). This amount is far higher than average number of ads throughout the day in this station. The lowest number of ads occurred at 8:00 until 9:00 o’clock in the morning. The highest number of ads time in Metro TV is at 19:00 until 19:59. The programs that have bought Metro TV to the best performance throughout the day mostly are programs from news category such as, headline news, mario teguh golden ways, metro files and suara anda. RCTI From figure 4.20 it is shown that RCTI has high number of ads in the morning, starting at 07:00 until 08:59 o'clock. The total advertising then reached the highest amount at 18:00 o'clock to 18:59 o'clock. This amount later dropped, and a high back on 20.00 o’clock. The lowest amount of ads in RCTI throughout the day is at 12:00 until 13:00 o’clock. At 18:00 until 18:59 RCTI have some of programs, such as Bedah Rumah, Kejora dan Bintang, dan Mengintip Surga. All these programs have successfully brought RCTI reach the best performance. SCTV Figure 4.21 show that SCTV has the highest number of ads at night between the hours of 21:00 to 21:59. This amount began to decrease drastically after 22:00 o'clock. SCTV has the lowest the number of ads throughout the day at 12:00 until 13:00 o’clock. At the best performance (21:00-21:59), SCTV have some ! '&! drama series programs, there are Cinta Fitri season 5 and Kesetiaan Cinta. All these programs have successfully brought SCTV reach the best performance. Trans TV It can be seen from figure 4.24 that advertise on Trans TV began much starting at 6:00 and tends to rise until around 09:00. The maximum number of ads in Trans TV is at night, starting at 18:00 until 19:59. The minimum number of ads throughout the day in this station is at 9:00 to 10:00, with only 86 ads. At 18:00 until 19:59 Trans TV have some of programs such as, Angels’s Diary, Jika Aku Menjadi, Termehek Mehek, Gong Show, Sinden Gosip, Suami-Suami Takut Istri, The Happy Family, The Promotor and several series drama programs. All these programs have successfully brought Trans TV reach the best performance. TV One Figure 4.25 shows that the highest number of ads on TV One approximately at 18:00 until 20:59 o’clock (about 171 ads per hour). The programs TV One have at 18:00 until 20:59 are Kabar Petang, Pesan Dari Selatan, Bang One Show, Kado Untuk Indonesia, Ekspedisi Mamberamo, Debat, Breaking News, Tatap Muka, Apa Kabar Indonesia Malam, Kabar Terkini, Janji Wakil Rakyat, Fakta & Data, Titik Rawan and Tanpa Tanda Jasa. 4.2 Relationship Between Program TV Rating and Total Ads Number .9:;<$-=>?@A$9B$,CD$ E99C$,CD$IF$E@?A=;AG$+'#'$,<<$6H;FF@<D$J;D@C$ 9F$:H@$./4$ )&666! )-17-! )*91)! )-666! )8666! )1666! )6666! &666! -)47! -666! 19)1! 8666! )198! 877! 1666! 6! )&-! &-! 19! )7! )8! 9! 6!N!)! )I)!N!1!1I)!N!9!9I)!N!8!8I)!N!*!*I)!N!-!-I)!N!7!7I)!N!&!&I)!N!4! 4I)!N! )6I)!N! ))I)!N! )6! ))! )1! 4;NFO$ ! EFH:D@!8I1-!E??<!2=G@H?D>!"<A!F;!E@JD:=D>!16)6!K=A@<!?;!GC@!$%/! )(! ! Figure 4.26 shows the relationship between program TV Rating (x) and the total number of ad (y) in all television stations. The higher rating actually means better because this show bigger number of viewer. Based on that figure, it can be seen food product advertiser choose low rating of program. Next, this research will be viewed more detail about the number of ads based on the rating in each television station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rom the figure 4.27 until 4.36 it can be seen that, in average, there are more ads in the lower rating programs. Figure 4.27 shows that the higher rating of ANTV program, the fewer the number of existing ad. Programs with rating 0-1 have 2234 ads, while programs with rating 1-2 only have 719 ads. This situation continued until the highest rating of ANTV programs. This situation is also occurring in Global TV and Indosiar. ! )+! Table 4.1 shows the correlations between total number of ads and program towards television rating in ANTV. From this table can be seen that advertiser tend to invest their money in the low rating program, since the rating column is inversely proportional to the total number of ads divided by total number of program column. This situation occur in ANTV is very similar with Indosiar and Metro TV. Moreover, the condition is still ongoing in RCTI, TPI, Trans 7, Trans TV, TV One and SCTV. Figure 4.30, 4.31, 4.32, 4.33, 4.34 and 4.35 shows that the higher rating of a television program, the fewer the number of existing ad. This situation continued until the highest rating these television programs. It can be seen at table 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10 the correlations between total number of ads and program towards television rating in these television station. The table shows that advertiser tend to invest their money in the low rating program, since can be seen that the rating column is inversely proportional to the total number of ads divided by total number of program column. However, different from other television station, from table 4.2 it is shown that Global TV’s advertiser tend to invest their money in the high rating program, since can be seen that the rating column is directly proportional to the total number of ads divided by total number of program column. The higher rating programs have more ads than the lower. Looking back on the figure 4.27, it was show that higher rating of a television program, the fewer the number of existing ads. This condition will only apply when the number of programs on that rating is not on the account. In conclusion, Global TV’s advertisers invest a lot of their money in high rating programs. )#! ! 4.3 Relationship Between Advertising Rate and Total Ads Number .9:;<$-=>?@A$9B$,KD$ E99C$,CD$IF$E@?A=;AG$+'#'$,<<$6H;FF@<$J;D@C$9F$4;:@$ )&677! 16666! )&666! )87))! )-666! )8666! )1666! )6666! &666! 974*! -666! 1*91! 117)! 8666! 8*7! 1&)! )*! 1666! 6! 9! )! )! 6! 6! )! )! "<S@DTAF;H!/=G@!UM@D!)666!/:MF=CV! Figure 4.37 Ads in February 2010 Based on Advertising Rate Figure 4.37 show that the advertising rate in all television stations is starting from under Rp.4000.000 until Rp.60.000.000. The highest number of advertising rate in all television station is in range Rp.4000.000 – Rp12.000.000 by 18.077 total ads. This number means, 42,89% of advertiser chooses lower rate. Below is detail analysis of ads based on advertising rate per television station. Figure 4.38 Food Ads on ANTV Based on Advertising Rate in February 2010 Figure 4.39 Food Ads on Global TV Based on Advertising Rate in February 2010 ! )$! Figure 4.40 Food Ads on Indosiar Based on Advertising Rate in February 2010i Figure 4.41 Food Ads on Metro TV Based on Advertising Rate in February 2010 Figure 4.42 Food Ads on RCTI Based on Advertising Rate in February 2010 Figure 4.43 Food Ads on SCTV Based on Advertising Rate in February 2010 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,!-./!012/34,5,67!304/!,6!8,793/!*:)$!964,;!*:*#!,5!</3!"(((!39<,0.! )%! ! Figure 4.44 Food Ads on TPI Based on Advertising Rate in February 2010 Figure 4.45 Food Ads on Trans TV Based on Advertising Rate in February 2010 Figure 4.46 Food Ads on Trans 7 Based on Advertising Rate in February 2010 Figure 4.47 Food Ads on TV One Based on Advertising Rate in February 2010 ! )&! 4.3.1 ANTV Based on figure 4.38 seen that the highest number of ads in ANTV is in range rate Rp.4000.000-Rp.12.000.000. The programs on that range ANTV has are Anak Pemberani, Espresso, Klik, Super Family, Tawa Sutra, Topik Petang, Conch Bay, Poporo The Little Penguin, and Topik Siang. These programs describe in line with ANTV segmentation, as a family entertainment television channel presents a variety of courses to all society, ranging from kids, teens and adults. 4.3.2 Global TV Figure 4.39 shows that the highest number of ads in Global TV is between range Rp.4000.000-Rp8.000.000 and Rp 12.000.000-16.000.000. The programs in this range are Avatar The Legend Of Aang, Awas Ada Sule, Bukan Abdel Temon Biasa, Bukan Sinetron, Chalkzone, Inuyasha, Naruto, Spongebob Squarepants, Tak And The Power Of Juju and The Backyardigans. These programs show all the circumstances that closely match the segmentation of Global TV who has a target audience of young families. 4.3.3 Indosiar It can be seen at Figure 4.40 that the highest number of ads in Indosiar is in range Rp.4000.000 - Rp.8.000.000 and Rp12.000.000 – Rp.16.000.000. The programs that are in these ranges are Fokus Siang, Happy Song, Brilliant Legacy, Kiss (Kisah Seputar Selebritis), and Take Me Out Indonesia Session 2. All these programs describe Indosiar target viewer is female above 30 years old and mission to popularized soap opera, themed love and family, and reality shows that involve the audience emotionally. 4.3.4 Metro TV Figure 4.41 shows that the highest number of ads in Metro TV is in range Rp4.000.000 - Rp8.000.000 and Rp.12.000.000 - Rp.16.000.000. The programs Metro TV has in these range are Headline News, Kick Andy, Metro Hari Ini, Metro Siang, Breaking News, Metro Hari Ini, Suara Anda and Metro Files. All of these programs very precise with Metro TV objective to bring values in entertainment, news, current affairs, business and sports. *(! ! 4.3.5 RCTI Based on chart in figure 4.42 RCTI has the highest number of ads in advertising cost under Rp.4000.000. The programs RCTI has on this range are like Go Spot and Kejora Dan Bintang. These programs describe RCTI vision for serving a wide range of entertainment programs, information and are packed with interesting news. 4.3.6 SCTV It can be seen in figure 4.43 that the highest number of ads in SCTV is in range under Rp.4000.000. Programs SCTV has on this range are Halo Selebriti, Inbox, Liputan 6 Pagi, and Was Was. These programs describe SCTV target first viewer that is female above 30 years old. 4.3.7 TPI From figure 4.44 can be derived that the highest number of ads is in the range under Rp.4000.000. The programs TPI has in this range are Cerita, Go Show, Kera Sakti, Lintas Pagi, Santapan Nusantara, Tom & Jerry and Upin & Ipin Dan Kawan Kawan. All these programs describe TPI objectives to emphasizes polite programs that can be enjoyed by the whole family. 4.3.8 Trans TV Based on the figure 4.45 can be seen that the highest number of ads in Trans TV is in range Rp.12.000.000-16.000.000. The programs Trans TV has in this range are Insert and Kejar Tayang. These programs describe Trans TV target viewer that is housewife, professional and staff above 25 years old. 4.3.9 Trans 7 Figure 4.46 show that Trans 7 has the highest number of ads in range under Rp.4000.000. The programs Trans 7 has in this range are Dunia Kartun, I-Gosip, Laptop Si Unyil, Opera Van Java, and Si Bolang Bocah Petualang. Trans 7 committed to present in the form of information and entertainment shows. Trans 7 has segmented their programs to housewife, professional, staff and student. ! *"! 4.3.10 TV One From figure 4.47 can be seen the highest number of ads in TV One is in range Rp.4000.000 – Rp.8000.000. The programs TV One has in this range are Apa Kabar Indonesia Malam, Apa Kabar Indonesia, Breaking News, Expose, Kabar, Kabar Petang, Kabar Terkini and Opini. TV One inspires Indonesian society aged 15 years above in order to think ahead and make improvements for themselves and surrounding community through its News and Sports. 4.4 Relationship Between Program Category and Total Ads Number Figure 4.48 Food Ads on GlobalTV Based on Product Category in February 2010 Figure 4.49 Food Ads on TPI Based on Product Category in February 2010 *'! ! Figure 4.50 Food Ads on Trans TV Based on Product Category in February 2010 Figure 4.51 Food Ads on ANTV Based on Product Category in February 2010 Figure 4.52 Food Ads on Indosiar Based on Product Category in February 2010 ! *)! Figure 4.53 Food Ads on Metro TV Based on Product Category in February 2010 Figure 4.54 Food Ads on RCTI Based on Product Category in February 2010 Figure 4.55 Food Ads on SCTV Based on Product Category in February 2010 Figure 4.56 Ads on Trans 7 Based on Product Category in February 2010 **! ! Figure 4.57 Ads on TV One Based on Product Category in February 2010 4.4.1 ANTV From figure 4.51, can be seen that ANTV has the highest number of ads in special program category. The programs that fill the special program category in ANTV are like As Tears Go by, Conman in Tokyo, Deep Shock, Shark Attack, Dragons Forever, Happy Ghost 5, Kungfu Kids 5, and Ten Brothers. These are categorizing to not routine program of ANTV. 4.4.2 Global TV Figure 4.48 show that Global TV has the highest number of ads also in special program category. Global TV actually has a program named “Big Movies” that bring old or already running movies to the television. ”Big Movies” is categories as special program, and successfully bring Global TV to have highest number of ads. The movies that are replay in February 2010 are like Air Force One, Braveheart, Dead Men, Dracula 2001, Enemy of The State, Fireball, Fist of Furry, Game of Death, Pirates of the Caribbean and so many more. 4.4.3 Indosiar Based on figure 4.52 Indosiar has the highest number of ads in drama series category. The programs that fill this category are like Nurhaliza, Takdir Cinta, Legenda Putri Kencana Ayu, Lutung Sakti, Panji dan Kura-Kura Purba, Putri Tidur dan Orang Kerdil, Tragedi Cinta, Adakah Rasa Cinta, Antara Kau, Aku dan Cinta Itu and so many more. These programs successfully brought Indosiar to the best performance. ! *+! 4.4.4 Metro TV From Figure 4.53, it can be seen that Metro TV has the highest number of ads in talkshow, news category. The programs Metro TV has in this category are 12 Pas, Indonesia This Morning, Just Alvin, Kick Andy, Mario Teguh Golden Ways, Mata Najwa, Market Review, Oprah Winfrey Show, Showbiz, and Today’s Dialogue. 4.4.5 RCTI From figure 4.54 it can be seen that drama series category successfully brought RCTI to the highest number of ads. The programs that fill this category are like Amanah Dalam Cinta, Kejora Dan Bintang, Catatan Mas Boy, Si Doel Anak Sekolahan, Safa dan Marwah, Roda Roda Cinta and many more. 4.4.6 SCTV Very similar with RCTI and Indosiar, drama category also successfully bought SCTV to the best performance. The programs that fill this category are like Bayu Cinta Luna, Bibik Juga Manusia, Buku Harian Baim, Cinta Fitri Season 5, Kesetiaan Cinta, and many more from FTV program, like Satu Cinta Punya Kita, Bukan Cowok Impian, Menantu Idaman, Alunan Cinta, Jatuh Cinta Manis Rasanya and Separuh Cintaku Kembali. 4.4.7 TPI Similar with RCTI, Indosiar and SCTV, figure 4.49 show the highest number of ads in TPI is also come from drama series program. The programs fill this category is like Kisah Dua Malam, Legenda Putri Naga, Rahasia Cinta, Malu Malu Mau, Masuk Kena Keluar Kena, Bidadari, Jubah Ungu Sang Raja, Kisah Fantasi, Nino Manusia Ikan, and Sinetron. These programs successfully brought TPI to their best performance. 4.4.8 Trans TV Based on figure 4.50 it can be seen that special program category has the highest number of ads in Trans TV. Like Global TV, Trans TV also has programs that bring old or already running movies to the television called “Bioskop Trans TV”. The movies that are replay in February 2010 are like Beethoven, Air Bud World Pup, Casper, Cats & Dogs, Fast Getaway, Monkey Trouble, Paws, Peter *#! ! Pan, Two Brothers, Anaconda, The Goonies, Taken, The Break Up and The Mummy. 4.4.9 Trans 7 Figure 4.56 show that Trans 7 has the highest number of ads in documentary information category. The programs fill this category is Asli Enak Aneka Kuliner Nusantara, Beauty & Azis, Doctor’s File, Dokumenter, Dua Dunia, Dunia Binatang, Jam Malam, Killer Instict, Paradiso, Petualangan, Rahasia Sunnah, Si Bolang Bocag Petualang, and Two Worlds. 4.4.10 TV One Similar with Trans 7, TV One also has the best performance in documentary information category. The programs that successfully brought TV One to the highest number of ads is like Ekspedisi Mamberamo, Fakta & Data, Jendela Usaha, Khatulistiwa, Nama & Peristiwa, Zona Merah and Tanpa Tanda Jasa. 4.5 Relationship Between Time (Hour) and Advertising Rate 4.5.1 ANTV Table 4.11 Correlation Between Advertising Rates Towards Advertising Time in ANTV ANTV has highest advertising rate at 18:09 until 20:15. Programs ANTV has at that time are Dapet Deh, Super Family, Super Candid Kids, Djarum ISL, Segeerrr…, Omg Oh My God, and XL 100 Juta Tiap Hari Sampe Puas. These programs in line with ANTV segmentation as a family entertainment television channel present a variety of courses to all circles of society. ! *$! 4.5.2 Global TV Table 4.12 Correlation Between Advertising Rates Towards Advertising Time in Global TV Global TV has highest advertising rate at 20:02 until 21:12. Programs Global TV has at that time are Naruto and Big Movies (films like Pirates of The Caribbean, Air Force One, The Pink Panther, Just My Luck, Terminal Velocity, The Game Plan, The Accidental Spy, Dracula, Doctor Dolittle and Rapid Fire). These programs show all the circumstances that closely match with the segmentation of Global TV who has target audiences of young families. 4.5.3 Metro TV Table 4.13 Correlation Between Advertising Rates Towards Advertising Time in Metro TV Metro TV has the highest number of ads at 21:18 until 21:54. The programs Metro TV has at that time are Top Nine News, Democrazy, Kick Andy, and *%! ! IMLEK 2561 Indonesia Tanah Air. All of these programs very precise with Metro TV objective to bring values in entertainment, news, current affairs, business and sports. 4.5.4 Indosiar Table 4.14 Correlation Between Advertising Rates Towards Advertising Time in Indosiar Indosiar has the highest number of ads at 19.17 and 22.53 until 22.55. The programs Indosiar has at these times are Take Me Out Indonesia, Take Him Out Indonesia, U.F.O, Take Celebrity Out 2010, Cinta April, and Love N Song. All these programs describe Indosiar mission to popularized soap opera, themed love and family, and reality shows that involve the audiences emotionally. ! *&! 4.5.5 RCTI Table 4.15 Correlation Between Advertising Rates Towards Advertising Time in RCTI RCTI has the highest advertising rate at 20:44, 21:17 until 22:10 and 24:04 until 24:55. The programs RCTI has at this time are Dahsyatnya Awards 2010, Safa Dan Marwah, and Amanah Dalam Cinta. These programs describe RCTI vision for serving a wide range of entertainment programs. 4.5.6 SCTV Table 4.16 Correlation Between Advertising Rates Towards Advertising Time in SCTV +(! ! SCTV has the highest advertising rate at 20:02 until 20:30. Programs SCTV has at this time are Bayu Cinta Luna, Liputan 6 Terkini, and Cinta Fitri Season 5. These programs describe SCTV target viewers that is female above 30 years old. 4.5.7 TPI Table 4.17 Correlation Between Advertising Rates Towards Advertising Time in TPI TPI has the highest advertising rate at 21:08 until 22:23. Programs TPI has at this time are Dangdut, Viva Dangdut Mania, 3 Kembang Cari Kumbang, Sinetron, Jubah Ungu Sang Raja, and Arisan Dangdut. All these programs describe TPI objectives to emphasizes polite programs that can be enjoyed by the whole family, also TPI as a pioneer of television music show (dangdut music). 4.5.8 Trans TV Table 4.18 Correlation Between Advertising Rates Towards Advertising Time in Trans TV ! +"! Trans TV has the highest number of at 18:09 until 18:49, 21:15 until 22:57 and 22:58. Programs Trans TV has at these times are Jika Aku Menjadi, SuamiSuami Takut Istri, Termehek Mehek, Realigi, Bioskop Trans TV, and Trans Musik February In Love. These programs describe Trans TV target viewer that is housewife, professional and staff above 25 years old. 4.5.9 Trans 7 Table 4.19 Correlation Between Advertising Rates Towards Advertising Time in Trans 7 Trans 7 has the highest advertising rate at 21:18 until 21:41. Programs Trans 7 has at this time are Opera Van Java, Mariam Mikrolet and Beauty & Azis. All these programs describe Trans 7 target audiences that are housewife, professional, staff and student. 4.5.10 TV One Table 4.20 Correlation Between Advertising Rates Towards Advertising Time in TV One +'! ! TV One has the highest advertising rate at 17:41 until 18:54 and 22:02 until 22:36. Programs TVOne has at these times are Kabar Petang, Kabar Terkini, Apa Kabar Indonesia Malam, Seven Wonders of The Industria, Ekspedisi Mamberamo and Malam Minggu 1. These programs describe TV One as source of inspiration for Indonesian society aged 15 years old above in order to think ahead and make improvements for themselves and surronding community through its News and Sports. 4.6 Implementation Media Strategy by Advertiser 4.6.1 Relationship Between Total Number of Food Category Ads on Workday and Weekend With Advertising Rate Table 4.21 Comparison between average cost of ads (per 15 seconds) on workday and weekend Average Food Television Station Advertising Cost on Workday (in Rupiah) Total Number of Food Ads in Workday Average Food Advertising Cost on Weekend (in Rupiah) Total Number of Food Ads in Weekend Global TV 9.794.590 1219 9.446.810 812 RCTI 10.490.060 592 10.299.640 979 Trans TV 10.475.470 532 9.993.250 733 Metro TV 8.112.340 141 7.833.330 183 Indosiar 6.915.367 812 8.146.721 1291 ! +)! SCTV 11.520.650 518 10.786.550 647 TPI 9.534.520 484 8.677.430 626 ANTV 7.561.970 500 7.222.549 458 Trans 7 7.950.712 899 6.947.770 718 TV One 10.004.370 325 10.237.700 183 Table above shows that average advertising cost in food product category for television is different each other. Some television have higher rate on weekend when other show the opposite. Table 4.11 shows that most television stations have higher rate on workday (Global TV, RCTI, SCTV, TPI, ANTV, Trans 7,Trans TV and Metro TV). Looking back to the figure 4.4, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.14, it can be seen that the number of ads on weekend in these stations is more than workdays. So, it can be indicated that advertisers in those television stations prefer to choose programs with low advertising cost. However, this situation is does not occur in ANTV and Trans 7. ANTV and Trans 7 have higher advertising rate on workday, but they also have higher food advertising number on workday (see figure 4.12 and 4.5). So, it can be concluded that ANTV and Trans 7 tend not to consider about advertising price. Similar with ANTV and Trans 7, Indosiar also has higher number of food ads in the higher rate. The difference is this condition occurs on weekend. Indosiar has higher food advertising rate on weekend, but they still have a lot of ads in this time (see figure 4.7). 4.6.2 Relationship Between Highest Number of Food Category Ads Hour With Advertising Rate ANTV Looking back to the figure 4.16, ANTV has the highest amount of ads in the morning, approximately about 06:00 until 08:00. At this time ANTV have some of programs for children segmentation, such as Looney Tunes, Popaye and Son, +*! ! Pororo the Little Penguin and The Adventure of Little Carp. All these programs have successfully brought ANTV reach the best performance. The average advertising rate whole day in ANTV is Rp 8.707.557. While the best performance time (06:00 – 07:59) rate is Rp. 12.414.569 (one-half times the ordinary rate). Although the price of best performance time is one and a half times higher, it still has the highest number of ads. Global TV Looking back to the 4.17, it is shown that Global TV has the maximum number of ads in the morning, at 05:00 until 05:59 o'clock (922 ads). After that the number of ads still tend be high until around 9:00. The programs Global TV have at 05:00 until 05:59 such as, Chalkzone, Dora The Explorer, Spongebob Squarepants, Tak an The Power of Juju and The Backyardigans. All these programs have successfully brought Global TV reach the best performance. Then this will analyzed further to know the correlation between the average of cost between the best performance time and the whole day. The average advertising rate whole day in Global TV is Rp 8.200.984. While the best performance time rate is Rp. 4.986.550 (nearly half time of ordinary rate). This may be caused, that hour (05:00 - 05:59) have very low rate, so that would be most number of advertising there. Indosiar Looking back to the Figure 4.18 show that the number of ads in Indosiar tends to be high in the morning starting at 8:00, with the highest peak there at 10:00 o'clock to 11:00 o'clock (693 ads). The programs that have bought Indosiar to the best performance throughout the day mostly are programs from drama series category such as, Legenda Pangeran Ruhby, Tragedi Cinta, Trixa dan Piring Terbang, Cadas Pangeran dan Lutung Sakti. The average advertising rate whole day in Indosiar is Rp 9.105.449. While the best performance time rate is Rp. 7.348.918. This may be caused, that hour (05:00 - 05:59) have very low rate, so that would be most number of advertising there. ! ++! Trans TV Looking back at Figure 4.23, show that at around 05:00 to 05:59 Trans TV has the highest number of ads. The difference is very significant of the amount of another hour, with total of 1069 ads (two times or more than the number of ads at other hours). At 05:00 until 05:59 Trans 7 have some of programs for children segmentation, such as Jalan Sesama, Buah Buahan, Dunia Kartun and GG Bond. All these programs have successfully brought Trans 7 reach the best performance. Then this will analyzed further to know the correlation between the average of cost between the best performance time (05:00-05:59) and the whole day. The average advertising rate whole day in ANTV is Rp 7.708.010. While the best performance time rate is Rp. 2.435.921 (far more cheaper than the ordinary rate). This may be caused, that hour (05:00-05:59) would be most number of advertising there, because the very lower rate. TPI Looking back on figure 4.22, shown that the maximum amounts of ads in TPI located at several points. In the afternoon there is the highest number of ads amount of the day at 12:00 to 12:59 (353 ads). At this time TPI have some of programs, and most of them is series drama such as 7 Bidadari, 1001 Cerita,, Suami Istri Tukang Tipu, Supirku Kekasih Hatiku dan Kera Sakti. All these programs have successfully brought TPI reach the best performance. Then this will analyzed further to know the correlation between the average of cost between the best performance time (12:00 to 12:59) and the whole day. The average advertising rate whole day in TPI is Rp. 9.340.888. While the best performance time rate is Rp. 8.301.416. This may be caused, that hour (12:00 to 12:59) would be most number of advertising there, because have lower rate. Metro TV Looking back to the figure 4.19 show that the number of ads in Metro TV is high in the evening, starting at 19:00 until around 21:59 (about 110 ads). This amount is far higher than average number of ads throughout the day at this station. The best performance time in Metro TV is at 19:00 until 19:59, where the most ads there. The programs that have bought Metro TV to the best +#! ! performance throughout the day mostly are programs from news category such as, headline news, mario teguh golden ways, metro files and suara anda. The average advertising rate whole day in Metro TV is Rp 8.016.993. While the best performance time rate is Rp. 9.090.265. Although the price of best performance time is higher, it still has the highest number of ads. RCTI Looking back to the figure 4.20, it is shown that RCTI has high number of ads in the morning, starting at 07:00 until 08:59 o'clock. The total advertising then reached the highest amount at 18:00 o'clock to 18:59 o'clock. At this time RCTI have some of programs, such as Bedah Rumah, Kejora dan Bintang, dan Mengintip Surga. All these programs have successfully brought RCTI reach the best performance. Then this will analyzed further to know the correlation between the average of cost between the best performance time (18:00-18:59) and the whole day. The average advertising rate whole day in RCTI is Rp 10.414.196. While the best performance time rate is Rp. 9.777.011. This may be caused, that hour (18:0018:59) have lower rate, so that would be most number of advertising there. SCTV Looking back to the figure 4.21, show that SCTV has the highest number of ads at night between the hours of 21:00 to 21:59. This amount began to decrease drastically after 22:00 o'clock. At the best performance (21:00-21:59), SCTV have some drama series programs, there are Cinta Fitri season 5 and Kesetiaan Cinta. All these programs have successfully brought SCTV reach the best performance. Then this will analyzed further to know the correlation between the average of cost between the best performance time (21:00-21:59) and the whole day. The average advertising rate whole day in SCTV is Rp 11.276.139. While the best performance time rate is Rp. 16.745.856 (one-half times more the ordinary rate). Although the price of best performance time is one and a half times higher, it still has the highest number of ads. ! +$! Trans TV Looking back to the figure 4.24, it can be seen that the maximum number of ads in Trans TV is at night, starting at 18:00 until 21:00. At 19:00 until 19:59 (the highest number of ads) Trans TV have some of programs such as, Angels’s Diary, Gong Show, Sinden Gosip, Suami-Suami Takut Istri, The Happy Family, The Promotor and several series drama programs. All these programs have successfully brought Trans TV reach the best performance. Then this will analyzed further to know the correlation between the average of cost between the best performance time (19:00-19:59) and the whole day. The average advertising rate whole day in ANTV is Rp 10.304.049. While the best performance time rate is Rp. 12.630.466. Although the price of best performance time is higher, it still has the highest number of ads. TV One Looking back to the figure 4.25 shows that the highest number of ads on TV One approximately at 18:00 until 20:59 o’clock (about 171 ads per hour). The one and only program TV One have at 18:00 until 19:00 is Kabar Petang. This program has successfully brought TV One reach the best performance. Then this will analyzed further to know the correlation between the average of cost between the best performance time and the whole day. The average advertising rate whole day in ANTV is Rp 10.047.239. While the best performance time rate is Rp. 15.387.135 (one-half times the ordinary rate). Although the price of best performance time is one and a half times higher, it still has the highest number of ads. From explanation above it can be concluded that the advertising rate have big influence for some television, when in other are not. ANTV, Metro TV, SCTV, Trans TV and TV One have higher rate in their best performance hour. However they still got more advertisers at that time. Different from those stations, in Global TV, Indosiar, RCTI, TPI and Trans 7 the best performance hour have lower advertising rate than the average time all day. So, it could be concluded that the advertiser there is consider a lot about advertising rate. +%! !