Layout sb/extra/rh_extr-krasnodar/A0/sb_kbr(karin.brechbuehl)


Layout sb/extra/rh_extr-krasnodar/A0/sb_kbr(karin.brechbuehl)
Samstag, 5. Oktober 2013
(English translation)
RUSSIA: Krasnodar in the Black Sea region is an agricultural paradise awakening from its sleep during Soviet times
Value-Added Processing Follows Soy and Corn
Russia, and thus also the
Krasnodar territory in the
Black Sea region, is a
country of enormous size
and huge differences. More
and more animal production is shifted to land
traditionally used for
growing corn and soy.
Along the country roads, one
can still find the privately
owned domestic cow, chained
to a stake outside. But elsewhere in Russia an agricultural
revolution is underway. Since
upgrading to Western agricultural machinery (Claas plant in
Krasnodar), increasing amounts
of money have been invested in
dairy, meat and egg production.
Feed mills are being modernized, and cooperation is sought
with Western specialists. There
are still dairy farms, with 500 to
5,000 cows, dating back to
Soviet times, housed in old
buildings mostly in precarious
conditions. But more and more
one also sees from the road the
outlines of new state-of-the-art
dairy farms virtually growing
like mushrooms.
In the Black Sea region
The Krasnodar region is one
of the most prolific, and one of
the granaries of Russia. Farmers
mainly grow wheat, corn, sunflower, barley, soy, alfalfa, as
well as peas, fruits, vegetables
and wine. Dairy and poultry are
currently on the upswing. The
price of milk directly from the
farm is currently 17-21 rubles
(49-60 Swiss centimes), depending on quality. However, the
farms are not subsidized or only
to a very limited extent, e.g., if
they join a breeding program, or
they may receive somewhat
cheaper fuel in the spring. African swine fever has paralyzed
pig production in the Krasnodar
region for a year. Professional
beef production is found only
Old dairy cattle genetics
There is only little in the way
of pure Holstein genetics. Most
farms have crossed their cattle
with the traditional "red breed"
cattle of Krasnodar (50-70% of
the stock). The milk yields are
low. But very few top farms
with pure Holsteins and often
Western-style management already achieve yields of over
10,000 liters. Such new
operations, and with better
funding, buy mostly foreign
purebred animals.
Prices higher than in the EU
The price of beef is 170
rubles per kg of slaughter
weight (CHF 4.85), and is thus
higher than in the EU. Poultry
farming is also good business at
this time. The current corn and
feed grain prices are around
CHF 15.00/100 kg. Milling
wheat is at about CHF
45.00/100 kg; sunflower cake at
CHF 26.00/100 kg, with the
price being expected to drop to
CHF 20.00. Soy oil and sunflower oil cost CHF 76.00. Soy
oilcake meal is expensive (CHF
72.00/100 kg), because 50% of
soy still has to be imported. The
yields per hectare are 6,000 kg
for wheat, 8,000 kg for corn
and 2,000 kg for soy. GMO
production is prohibited. There
is great emphasis on GMO-free
products, just as "natural" products are generally preferred.
Hokovit gains foothold
"We are in contact with a
major and innovative soy and
feed mill in the Krasnodar
region," explains Jürg Hofmann
of Hokovit in Bützberg,
Switzerland. “The management
visited us in Switzerland last
spring, and they were very
impressed with our products
and feeding systems at the
farms. In Russia, we are
launching the original HOKOVIT super heifer rearing
method we developed (diploma
thesis by Christian Geisseler
2009, at Strickhof). I see an
enormous potential for Hokovit
micronutrients," says Hofmann
following a tour. "The farms are
very big and must become more
professional, because they are
exposed to the open market.
They need Western know-how
with respect to feeding. The aim
is to improve the animals' health
and performance, as well as the
quality of milk and meat, by
means of natural feed additives
and harmonized breeding and
fattening systems. Agroprod is
our Russian partner (200
employees, annual production
of 100,000 tonnes). It wants to
cooperate with us in order to
expand its competence and
production in the special feed
sector significantly," explains
Flying over Krasnodar: Very fertile fields of 100 to 250 hectares in the Black Sea region. (Images: hof/schm)
The Claas-factory in Krasnodar in 2014 increased massively.
Poultry farming with modern Western technology.
Evgeniy Kabanov and Alex Hofmann in front of a soybean field.
Agroprod center for soy in Krasnodar.
Calves of imported cows. Individually penned up to 2 months.
Hokovit micronutrients have arrived in Russia as well.;
Die unabhängige Zeitung für die Landwirtschaft
Herausgeber: Verlags-AG «Schweizer Bauer»
Verlag: Betriebsgesellschaft «Schweizer Bauer»
Postfach, Dammweg 9, 3001 Bern
Geschäftsführer: Rudolf Haudenschild
Leiter Werbemarkt: Andreas Schwab
Leiter Lesermarkt: Thomas Welti
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(sal), Stv. Chefredaktor, Agrarpolitik; Samuel Krähenbühl
(sam), Stv. Chefredaktor, Leiter Online, Stv. Produktion;
Doris Grossenbacher (gro), Markt, Feld & Stall; Robert Alder
(ral), Regionen & Gemeinden; Daniel Etter (det), Agrarpolitik;
Anja Tschannen (ats), Forum; Pamela Fehrenbach (pam),
Land & Leute, Haus & Familie; Jacqueline Graber (jgr), Regionen & Gemeinden; Susanne Meier (sum), Feld & Stall;
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30 859 verbreitete, verkaufte Auflage.
WEMF/SW-Beglaubigung (Basis 2012/13)
32 500 Exemplare: Druckauflage
65 000 Exemplare: monatliche Grossauflage
ISSN 1420-0546
167. Jahrgang, Erscheinung: Zweimal wöchentlich
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