new citations in coastal topics


new citations in coastal topics
Collins, Auckland, New Zealand, 500 pages (US$
60.00, ISBN 0-00-216906-1).
Shorelines and Isostasy, edited by D.E. Smith
and A.G. Dawson, 1983. Academic Press, London, 387 pages.
Akulichev, V.A and Ilyin, AK., 1984. The measurement of tidal sea-level fluctuations by a hydrostatic method. Okeanologiy, 24(6),
Albakri, D.; Khalaf, F., and Alghadba-, A, 1984. Mineralogy, genesis, and sources of surficial sediments in the Kuwait marine environment, northern Arabian Gulf. Journal Sedimentology Petrology, 54(4),1266-1279.
Alsaadi, H.A. and Almousaw-, A W., 1984. On the chemical composition of aquatic plants in Shatt Al-Arab near Basrah, Iraq.
Bangladesh Journal Botany, 13(2), 137-146.
Anderson, F. E. and Mayer, L.M., 1984. Seasonal and spatial variability of particulate matter of a muddy intertidal flood front. Sedimentology, 31(3), 383-394.
Andrews, J. C.; Dunlap, W.C., and Belliamy, N. F., Stratification in a small lagoon in the Great Barrier Reef. Australian Journal Marine
and Freshwater Research, 35(3), 273-284.
Aoki, T. and Yoshino, M.M., 1984. Relation between the frequency of typhoon formations and sea-surface temperature. Journal
Meteorology Japan, 62(1),172-176.
Aranda, J.; Niell, F.X., and Fernande-, J.A, 1984. Production of Asparagopsis armata (Harvey) in a thermally-stressed intertidal system of low tidal amplitude. Journal Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 84(3), 285-295.
Assinder, D.J.; Kelly, M., and Ashton, S.R., 1985. Tidal variations in dissolved and particulate phase radionuclide activities in the Esk
estuary, England, and their distribution coefficients and particulate activity fractions. Journal Environmental Rad., 2(1), 1-22.
Ayre, D.J., 1984. The sea anemone Actinia tenebrosa, an opportunistic insectivore. Ophelia, 23(2), 149-153.
Azkona, A; J enkins, S. H., and Roberts, H.M. G., 1984. Sources of pollution on the estuary of the River Nervion, Spain - a case study.
Water Science Technology, 16(5-7),95-125.
Baker, D.J., 1985. Oceanography from space - status and outlook for 1985. Sea Technology, 26(1).
Baker, W.R., 1985. A simulation-model of coastal shipping. New Zealand Operational Research, 13(1), 19-26.
Bakercou-, J., 1985. Increased demands on offshore processing are coming. Process Engineering, 66(1),18+.
Batie, S.S. and Mabbszen-, C.C., 1985. Opportunity costs of preserving coastal wetlands - a case study of a recreational housing
development Land Economics, 61(1),1-9
Bale, AJ.; Morris, AW., and Howland, R.J.M., 1985. Seasonal sediment movement in the Tamar estuary. Oceanologica Acta, 8(1), 1-6.
Barnett, B.E. and Ashcroft, C.R., 1985. Heavy metals in Fucus vesiculosus in the Humber estuary. Environmental Pollution Bulletin,
Bartholdy, J., 1984. Transport of suspended matter in a bar-built Danish estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 18(5),527541.
Barton, M., 1985. Response of 2 species of amphibious stichaeoid fishes to temperature fluctuations in an intertidal habitat Hydrobiology,
120(2), 151-157.
Bartschwinkler, S. an Schmoll, H.R., 1984. Bedding types in Holocene tidal channel sequences, Knik Arm, Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Journal Sedimentary Petrology, 54(4),1239-1250.
Bedford, AP. and Moore, P.G., 1985. Macrofaunal involvement in the sublittoral decay of kelp debris - the sea urchinPsammechinus
miliaris (Gmelin) (Echinodermata, Echinoidea). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Research, 20(1),19-40.
Berke, P.; Larsen, T., and Ruch, C., 1984. A computer system for hurricane hazard assessment Computers, Environment and Urban
Systems, 9(4), 259-269.
Birkemeier, W. 1984. A user's guide to ISRP: the interactive survey reduction program. Department of theArmy, Waterways Experiment
Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, Instruction Report CERC-84-1.
Bonsdorff, E., 1984. Effects of experimental oil spills in intertidal rock pools. Ecology Bulletin, 36,159-164.
Booth, J.S.; Sangrey, D.A, and Fugate, J.K., 1985. A nomogram for interpreting slope stability of fine-grained deposits in modern and
ancient marine environments. Journal Sedimentary Petrology, 55(1), 29-36.
Bornhold, B. D. and Yorath, C.J., 1984. Surficial geology of the continental shelf, northwestern Vancouver Island. Marine Geology, 57 (14),89-112.
Bouwman, L.A; Romeijn, K., and Admiraal, W., 1984. On the ecology of meiofauna in an organically polluted estuarine mudflat.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 19(6), 633-653.
Boxer, B., 1984. Marine pollution research needs in the Eez. Oceanus, 27(4), 23-27.
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol.1, No.4, 1985
Braley, R.D., 1984. Reproduction in the giant clams Tridacna gigas and Tridacna derasa in situ on the north central Great Barrier Reef,
Australia, and Papua New Guinea. Coral Reef, 3(4), 221-227.
Breaux, J.B., 1985. Hazardous waste burning at sea appropriate. Sea Technology, 26(1), 36-37.
Brooks, R.M. and Corson, W.D., 1984. Summary of archived Atlantic coast wave information study pressure, wind, wave, and water level
data. Department of the Army, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, WIS Report 13.
Brosche, K.D., 1982. Studien zu jungpleistozanen und holozaen Sedimenten und fossilen Boden im Kustengebiet von West-Galizien
(NW-Spanien). Eiszeitalter u. Gegenwart, 32, 63-80.
Browne, M.A.E. and McMillan, A.A., 1984. Shoreline inheritance and coastal history in the Firth of Clyde. Scotish Journal Geology,
20(P1), 119-120.
Bruckner, H., 1982. Ausmass von Erosion und Akkumulation im Verlauf des Quartars in der Brasilicata (Suditalien). Zeitschrift fur
Geomorphologie, N.F. Suppl. Bd. 43, Berlin/Stuttgart, 121-137.
Bruckner, H., 1983. Ein Modell zur Genese mariner Akkumulationsterrassen. In: D. Kelletat (ed.) Beitrage zum 1. Essener Symposium zur
Kustenforschung.Essener Geogr. Arb., Bd. 6, 161-186.
Bruckner, H., 1983. On the stratigraphy and geochronology at the end and immediately after the end of the Calabrien in Lucania (Southern
Italy). In: R. Lhenaff (ed.), Le Villafranchien mediterraneen. Actes du Colloque international en Lille, 9-10 Decernbre 1982.2 Bande,
580p., Paris; hier, 93-103.
Brunnacker, K.; Ronen, A., and Tillmanns, W., 1982. Die jungpleistozanen Aolianite in der sudlichen Kustenzone von Israel.- Ein
Beitrag zur zeitlich-raumlichen Klimaentwicklung. Eiszeitalter u. Gegenwart, 32, 23-48.
Burpee, R.W. and Lahiff, L.N., 1984. Area average rainfall variations on sea breeze days in south Florida. Monthly Weather Review,
Cacchione, D.A.; Drake, D.E.; Grant, W.D., and Tate, G.B., 1984. Rippled scour depressions on the inner continental shelf off central
California. Journal Sedimentary Petrology, 54(4),1280-1291.
Camp, C.R.; Christen-, G.D., and Doty, C.W., 1984. Tillage effects on crop yield in coastal plain soils. Transactions ASAE, 27(6),1729-1733.
Cannon, E.W., 1985. The national ocean policy octagon - an economic intergovernmental perspective. Sea Technology, 26(1), 47+.
Capone, D.G. and Bautista, M.F., 1985. A groundwater source of nitrate in nearshore marine sediments. Nature, 313(5999), 214-216.
Carr, A., 1984. Mystery of the missing year - chasing sea turtles to their secret sanctuary. The Science, 24(4), 44-49.
Cass, G.R. and Shair, F.H., 1984. Sulfate accumulation in a sea breeze land breeze circulation system. Journal Geophysical Research A,
89(ND1), 1429-1438.
Cardenas, E.B., 1984. Status of molluscan aquaculture on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Aquaculture, 39(1-4), 83-93.
Carvalho, J.C., 1984. On a new species of intertidal water strider from Brazil (Hemiptera, Gerromorpha, Mesovelidae). Amazoniana,
Charuchinda, M. and Hylleber-, J., 1984. Skeletal extension of Acropora formosa ata fringing reefin the Andaman Sea. Coral Reef, 3(4),
Chervinski, J., 1984. Salinity tolerance of young gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata L. Bamidgeh, 36(4),121-124.
Chin, D.A. and Roberts, P.J.W., 1985. Model of dispersion in coastal waters. Journal Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE, 111(1), 12-28.
Chung, K.S., 1983. Salinity tolerance of some tropical marine mollusks. Acta Cientifica Venezolana, 34(3-4), 245-247.
Clarke, D.B. and Ackley, S.F., 1984. Sea ice structure and biological activity in the Antarctic marginal ice zone. Journal Geophysical
Research C, 89(NC2), 2087-2095.
Clark, D.R. and Krynitsk-, A.J., 1985. DDE residues and artificial incubation ofloggerhead sea turtle eggs. Bulletin Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 34(1), 121-125.
Coats, R.; Collins, L.; Florshei-, J., and Kaufman, D., 1985. Channel change, sediment transport, and fish habitat in a coastal streameffects of an extreme event. Environmental Management, 9(1), 35-48.
Cocks, K.D., 1984. A systematic method of public use zoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia. Coastal Zone Management
Journal, 12(4),359-383.
Coffey, J.R., 1984. Construction in tidal rivers - an overview. Quarterly Journal Engineering Geology, 17(3), 193-198.
Corson, W.D. and Tracy, B.A., 1985. Atlantic coast hindcast, phase II wave information: additional extremal estimates. Department of
the Army, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, WIS Report 15.
Cousens, R., 1984. Estimation of annual production by the intertidal brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum (L) Lejolis. Botanica Marina,
Cramer, S.T., 1982. Zum LITORAL-BEREICH im gernassigt-ariden Klima. Das Sebkha-Gourine-System, Sud-Tunesien. Berliner
geowissenschaftliche Abhandlunger. Rhihe A, Geologie und Palaontologie, 41, 252p.
Dame, R.F.; Zingmark, R.G., and Haskin, E., 19'84. Oyster reefs as processors of estuarine materials. Journal Experimental Marine
Biology and Ecology, 83(3), 239-247.
Danglejan, B. and Ingram, R.G., 1984. Near bottom variations of turbidity in the St. Lawrence estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science, 19(6),655-672.
Davies, H. C.; Dobson, M. R., and Whitting-, R. J., 1984. A revised seismic stratigra phy for Qua ternary deposits on the inner continental
shelf west of Scotland between 55°30' Nand 57°30' N. Boreas, 13(1),49-66.
Davis, L.J., 1984. The Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority - a regional approach to water quality management Water Science Technology, 16(5-7), 473-480.
Dauget, J.M., 1985. Reaction of reef building corals to environmental trauma - a comparison with trees. Revue d Ecologie la Terre et la
Vie, 40(1), 113-118.
Dean, J.L. and Walton, T.L, Jr., 1985. Handheld calculator algorithms for coastal engineering. Department of the Army, Wateru'ays
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, Report 4, Miscellaneous Paper CERC-83-9.
Delcourt, P.A. and Delcourt, H.R., 1984. Late Quaternary paleoclimates and biotic responses in eastern North America and the western
north Atlantic Ocean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 48(2-4), 263-284 .
•Journal of Coastal Research, Vol.I, No.4, 1985
Delibrias, G. and Taviani, M., 1984. Dating the death of Mediterranean deep sea scleractinian corals. Marine Geology, 62(1-2),
Desrosiers, G.; Brethes, J.C.F., and Long, B.F., 1984. The effect of a landslide on an intertidal benthic community on the north shore
of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Oceanologica Acta, 7(2), 251-258.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1984. Archaologische und im deutschen Kustengebiet, 2 Bande; Handelsplatze des fruhen und
hohen Mittelalters. Acta humaniora, Weinheim, 4345.
Dionne, J. C., 1984. An estimate of ice-drifted sediments based on the mud content of the ice cover at Montmagny, middle St. Lawrence
estuary. Marine Geology, 57(1-4), 149-166.
Dirin, D.K., 1984. Length-weight variability in the sockeye salmon resulting from the differences in the duration of freshwater and marine
life. Biologiya Morya, 5, 3-15.
Dolata, L.F. and Rosenthal, W., 1984. Wave setup and wave-induced currents in coastal zones. Journal Geophysical Research 0,
89(NC2), 1973-1982.
Dubois, R.N., 1984. Development of a shoreline rhythm, outer banks of North Carolina. Marine Geology, 62(1-2), 31-53.
Eastman, K.W. and Church, T.M., 1984. Behavior of iron, manganese, phosphate and humic acid during mixing in a Delaware salt marsh
creek. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 18(4),447-458.
Edwards, AM.C. and Lai, P.W., 1984. The effects of the Yorkshire rivers on dissolved oxygen in the Humber estuary. Water Science
Technology, 16(5-7), 127-137.
Eldib, M.A and Badawy, M.I., 1985. Organochlorine insecticides and PCBs in water, sediment, and fish from the Mediterranean Sea.
Bulletin Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 34(2), 216-227.
Eleuterius, L.N. and Caldwell, J.D., 1984. Flowering phenology of tidal marsh plants in Mississippi Castanea, 49(4),172-179.
Ellenberg, L., 1982. Beobachtungen zur geschwindigkeit gegenwartiger Kustenberanderungen, Zeitschriftfur Geomorphologie, N.F. 26/
Ellenberg, L., 1982. Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Morphodynamik der Kusten, Physische Geographie, 5, Zurich, 82p.
Ellenberg, L., 1982. Sudenglische Kliffs: ein Beispiel fur die Petrovarianz in der rezenten Kustenmorphodynamik, Deutscher Arbeitskreis
fUr Geomorphologie 1982 in Braunschweig, Manuskriptsammlung, D3-22.
Ellenberg, L., 1983. Entwicklung der Kustenmorphodynamik in den letzten 20,000 Jahren Geographische Rundschau, 35(1), 9-16.
Ellenberg, L., 1983. Die Kiisten von Gozo, In' D. Kelletat (ed), Beitr. 1. Essener Symp. z Kustenforschung, Essener Geogr. Arb., 6,129-160.
Ellenberg, L. and Hirakawa, K., 1982. Die Packeiskuste Japans. Eiszeita/ter u Gegenwart, 32,1-12.
Ellis, W.R. and Ahsanull-, M., 1984. The use of nuclear techniques to investigate the levels of uranium in marine waters and its uptake and distribution by marine biota. Nuclear Tracks, 8(1-4), 437-441.
Elsayed, M.K., 1984. Reefal sediments of Al-Ghardaqa, northern Red Sea, Egypt Marine Geology, 56(1-4), 259-271.
Essawy, AH., 1984. The diffraction of a kelvin wave due to a narrow island normal to an infinite coastline. Archives of Mechanics, 36(1), 21-31.
Estabrook, G.F.; Burk, D.W.; Inman, D.R.; Kaufman, P.R; Wells, J.R.; Jones, J.D., and Ghosheh, N., 1985. Comparison of heavy metals in
aquatic plants on Charity Island, Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, USA, with plants along the shorline of Saginaw Bay. AmericanJournal Botany, 72(2),
FaJbeI, A, 1984. On the ~ and activity pattern d zoobenthls inhab~ a tropicalreef area, Cebu Philippims. Caul Reef, 3(4),205-213.
Faure, G.; GuiIla~,M.; Payri, C.; Thomassin, RA; Vanpraet, M., and Vasseur, P., 1984. Massive bleaching and death of corals in the
Mayotte Reef ecosystem (SW Indian Ocean).Comptes Rendus des Sceances de l Academie des Sciences SerieIll, 299(15), 637-642.
Ferns, P.N.; Hastings, M.P., and Shaw, T.L., 1984. Minimizing the possible effects of a tidal power barrage on the shorebird populations of the
Severn Estuary. Journal Enoironmerual Management, 18(2),131-143.
Field, M.E. and Roy, P.S., 1984. Offshore transport and sand-body formation - evidence from a steep, high-energy shoreface. Southeastern Australia. Journal Sedimentary Petrology, 54(4), 1292-1302.
Figge, K., 1983. Morainic deposits in the German Bight area of the North Sea In' J. Ehlers (ed), GlacialDepositsin North-West Europe. Rotterdam
Fischer, J.C.; Nganou, R., and WaI1e1,M., 1984. Study on the complexing capacity of the water in the estuary and bay of the Seine. Talarua, 31(12),
Fischer, R., 1983. Bioerosion, ein gesteinsunabhangiger kUstenmorphologischer Prozess. In' D. Kelletat (ed), Beitr. 1. Essener Symp. z. Kustenforschung, Essener Geogr. Arb., 6, 251-263.
Fitzgerald, D.M., 1984. Interactions between the ebb-tidal delta and landward shoreline - Price Inlet, South Carolina. Journal SedimentaryPetrology,54(4), 1303-1318.
Fletcher, M.S. an~ Nicholls, R.A, 1984. A buried valley in the Orwell estuary, QunrterlyJoumal Engineering Geology, 17(3),283-288.
Focardi, S.; Deneubou-, J.L, and Chelazzi, G., 1985. How shore morphology and orientation mechanisms can affect the spatial-organization of
intertidal mollusks. Journal Theoretical Biology, 112(4), 771-782.
Fonseca, M.S.; Kenworthy, W.J.; Cheap, K.M.I Currin, C.A, and Thayer, G.W., 1985. A low-cost transplanting technique for shoalgrass
(HaloduJe wrightil) and manatee grass (Syringodium fi/ilorme). Department of the Arm,y, Watenvays Managemera Station, Vzcksburg, Mississippi,
Instruction Report EI.r84-1.
Forman, S.L. and Miller, G.H., 1984. Time-dependent soil morphologies and pedogenic processes on raised beaches, Broggerhalvoya, Spitsbergen,
Svalbard Archipelago. Arctic and Alpine Research, 16(4),381-394.
FrankignouDe, M. and Disteche, A., 1984. C02Chemistry in the water column above a posidonia seagrass bed and related air-sea exchanges.
Oceanologica Acta, 7(2), 209-219.
Fytianos, K.; Vasiliki-, G., and Weil, L., 1985. Identification and determination of some trace organic compounds in coastal seawater of northern
Greece. BulletinErusronmental Contamination and Toxicdogy, 34(3), 390-395.
Garvine, R.W., 1984. Radial spreading of buoyant, surface plumes in coastal waters. Journal Geophysical Research 0, 89(NC2), 1989-1996.
Geister, J., 1982. Pleistocene reef terraces and coral environments at Sto. Domingo and near Boca Chica, southern coast of the Dominican Republic.
Trans. 9th Carobb. geol Con{. (Sto. Domingo 1980), 2,689-703.
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol I, No.4, 1985
Geister, J., 1983. Holozane westindische Korallenriffe: Geomorphologie, Okologie und Fazies. Fazies, 9,173-283.
Gerstenhauer, A.; Radtke, V., and Mangini, A., 1983. Neue Ergebnisse zur quartaren Kustentwickung der Halbinsel Yukatim/Mexico.
In: D. Kelletat (ed.), Beitr. 1. Essener Symp. z. Kustenforschung. Essener Geogr. Arb., 6, 187-199.
Gierloff-Emden, H.G., 1982. Super high altitude photography for coastal geomorphology. ITC Journal, 1982-3,313-316.
Gierloff-Emden, H.G., 1982. Interest of remote sensing in coastal Lagoon research. Proceedings International Symposium on Coastal
Lagoons, SCOR/IABO/UNESCO, Bordeaux, France, 8-14 September, Oceanol Acta, No. Sp' 139-149.
Gierloff-Emden, H.G., 1984. Moms, Interpretation and Evaluation of the Moms-Image Africa, West Coast of South America International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. (IGARSS '84) August 27-30, 1984, Strasbourg, France, 9.
Glynn, P. W.; Howard, L.S.; Corcoran, E., and Freay, A.D., 1984. The occurrence and toxicity of herbicides in reef building corals.
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 15(10),370-374.
Goede, A.A., 1985. Mercury, selenium, arsenic, and zinc in waders from the Dutch Wadden Sea Environmental Pollution Series A, 37(4),
Goede, A.A. and Devoogt, P., 1985. Leadandcadimumin waders from the Dutch Wadden Sea. Environmental Pollution Series A, 37(4),
Gordon, W.G. and Gutting, R.E., 1984. The coastal fishing industry and the Eez. Oceanus, 27(4), 35-40.
Gray, W.M., 1984. Atlantic seasonal hurricane frequency. 1. El Nino and 30-MB quasi-biennial oscillation influences. Monthly Weather
Review, 112(9),1649-1668.
Gray, W.M., 1984. Atlantic seasonal hurricane frequency. 2. Forecasting its variability. Monthly Weather Review, 112(9), 1669-1683.
Groenendijk, A.M., 1984. Primary production of 4 dominant salt marsh angiosperms in the SW Netherlands. Vegetatio, 57(2-3),
Groves, G.C., 1985. Ocean technology, Finland style. Sea Technology, 26(1),63-64.
Grun, R. and Brunnacker, K., 1983. Absolutes alter jungpleistozaner Meeres-Terrassen und deren Korrelation mit der terrestrischen
Entwicklung. Zeitschr. f Geomorphologie, N.F. 27, 257 -264.
Grun, R.; Brunnacker, K., and Henning, G.J., 1984. Paleodimatic indications given by speleothems, spring deposited travertines, and
marine terraces. In: R. Paepe and C.C. Baeteman (eds.), Contributions to the joint meeting held on 18- 20 April 1983 in Louuain-la-Neuue, 910, Bruxelles.
Hammerton, J.L; George, C., and Pilgrim, R., 1984. Hurricanes and agriculture - losses and remedial actions. Disasters, 8(4), 279-286.
Harris, J.R.W.; Bale, A.J.; Bayne, B.L.; Mantoura, R.F.; Morris, A.W.; Nelson, L.A.; Radford, P.J.; Uncles, R.J.; Weston, S.A.,
and Widdows, J., 1984. A preliminary model of the dispersal and biological effect of toxins in the Tamar estuary, England. Ecological
Modelling, 22(1-4), 253-284.
Harris, P.T. and Collins, M.B., 1984. Bedform distributions and sediment transport paths in the Bristol Channel and Severn estuary,
UK. Marine Geology, 62(1-2),153-166.
Hatcher, B.G., 1984. A maritime accident provides evidence for alternate stable states in benthic communities on coral reefs. Coral Reef,
3(4), 199-204.
Hayden, B.P.; Ray, G.C., and Dolan, R., 1984. Classification of coastal and marine environments. Environmental Conservation, 11(3),
Haynes, R.R., 1984. Techniques for collecting aquatic and marsh plants. Annals Missouri Botanical Garden, 71(1), 229-231.
Hawkins, A.B., 1984. Depositional characterisitics to estuarine alluvium - some engineering implications. Quarterly Journal Engineering Geology, 17(3),219-234.
Hawkins, S.J. and Hartnoll, R.G., 1985. Factors determining the upper limits of intertidal canopy forming algae. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 20(3), 265-271.
Henderson, A.R., 1984. Long-term monitoring of the macrobenthos of the Upper Clyde estuary, Water Science Technology, 16(5-7),359-373.
Hendrarto, I.B. and Dickinson, C.H., 1984. Soil and root microorganisms in 4 salt marsh communities. Transactions of the British
Mycological Association, 83(Dec), 615-620.
Henning, G.J. and Grun, R., 1983. ESR dating in Quaternary Geology. Quaternary Science Review, 2,157-238.
Hickman, C.S. and Lipps, J.H., 1985. Geologic youth fo Galapagos Islands confirmed by marine stratigraphy and paleontology. Science,
227(4694), 1578-1580.
Ho, Y.B., 1984. An and Cu concentrations in Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus (phaeophyta, Fucales) after transplantation to
an estuary contaminated with mine wastes. Conservation and Recycling, 7(2-4),329-337.
Homer, R. W., 1984. The Thames tidal flood risk - the need for the barrier - a review of its design and construction. QuarterlyJoumal
Engineering Geology, 17(3), 199-206.
Howard, L.S. and Brown, B.E., 1984. Heavy metals and reef corals. Oceanography and Marine Biology, 22,195-210.
Howarth, M.J., 1984. Currents in the eastern Irish Sea. Oceanography and Marine Biology, 22, 11-53.
Huckins, J.N.; Petty, J.D., and Heitkamp, M.A., 1984. Modular containers for microcosm and process model studies on the fate and
effects of aquatic contaminants. Chemosphere, 13(12), 1329-1241.
Idso, S.B. and Idso, K.E., 1984. Conserving heat in a marine microcosm with a surface-layer of fresh or brackish water - the semi-solar
pond. Solar Engineering, 33(2), 149-154.
Innes, D.J., 1984. Genetic differentation among populations of marine algae. Helgolander Meeresuntersuchungen, 38(3-4), 410-417.
Itano, K.; Kawai, S.; Miyazaki, N.; Tatsukaw-, R., and Fujiyama, T., 1984. Mercury and selenium levels in striped dolphins caught
off the Pacific coast of Japan. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 48(5), 1109-1116.
Iwata, M. and Komatsu, S., 1984. Importance of estuarine residence for adaption of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) fry to seawater.
Canadian Journal Fisheries Aquatic Sciences, 41(5), 744-749.
Jaenicke, H. W.; Celewyca, A.G.; Bailey, J. E., and Orsi, J.A., 1984. Paired open beach seines to study estuarine migrations of juvenile
salmon Marine Fisheries Review, 46(3), 62-67.
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol.1, No.4, 1985
Janetzko, P., 1982. Die jungnacheiszeitliche Entwicklung in den Holsteinischen Elbmarschen aufgrund von bodenkundlicher Kartierung
und Profiltypen. Geol. JB, Reihe F, Nr. 11,87-100.
Jaworski, A.Z. and Tedrow, J.C.F., 1985. Pedologic properties of New Jersey tidal marshes. Soil Science, 138,21-29.
Johnson, D.P. an Searle, D.E., 1984. Post-glacial seismic stratigraphy, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Sedimentology, 31(3), 335-352.
Johnson, P., 1985. The bowl at the center of the world - edges and pathways in the Skagit estuary. Oceans, 18(1),34-47.
Johnson, T.C. and Fields, J., 1984. Paleomagnetic dating of postglacial sediment, offshore Lake Superior, Minnesota-Wisconsin, USA
Chemical Geology, 44(1-3), 253-265.
Jury, M.R., 1985. Air-temperature gradients along the western Cape coast during southerly winds. South African Journal Science, 81(1),
Kadlec, R.H. and Robbins, J.A., 1984. Sedimentation and sediment accretion in Michigan coastal wetlands (USA). Chemical Geology,
44(1-3), 119-150.
Kamatani, A. and Takano, M., 1984. The behavior of dissolved silica during the mixing of river and sea waters in Tokyo Bay. Estuarine,
Coastal and Shelf Science, 19(5),505-512.
Kaneko, A., 1985. Formation of beach cusps in a wave tank. Coastal Engineering, 9(1), 81-98.
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