Preparing History for a New Home


Preparing History for a New Home
T h e M ag a z i n e o f T h e E p i s c o pa l Ac a d e m y
FA LL 20 07
Preparing History for a New Home
C o n te n t s
1 Reaching Back to
Go Forward
This past summer, 90 athletic shields were fully restored and placed in storage in preparation for the move. They are just one part of a seven-year plan to ensure the history of Episcopal is alive and well on the new campus.
3 7 The Episcopal Academy
2006-07 Annual Report
The Magazine of The Episcopal Academy
FALL 2007
Connections, The Magazine of The Episcopal
Academy is published three times a year by the Office
of Communications. Class notes, comments, and
photographs should be directed to:
Office of Communications
376 N. Latches Lane
Merion, PA 19066
Tel 610-617-2248
Fax 610-617-2268
E-mail [email protected]
5 Academics
12 Athletics
16 Arts
18 Alumni
23 Spirituality &
Community Service
26 Development
2 8 Class Notes
61 Milestones
Office of Alumni
376 N. Latches Lane
Merion, PA 19066
Tel 610-617-2247
Fax 610-617-2268
E-mail [email protected]
Michael F. Letts
Contributing Writers
Anne Marie Heil
Trevor McGuiness ’06
Contributing Photographers
Michael Leslie
John Spofford
Art & Production
Karp Graphic Design
On the cover:
The 1907, 1944, 1970, and 2007 athletic shields.
Reaching Back to Go Forward
As Episcopal enters its last year at both Merion and Devon,
particular attention is being paid to the historic items that will find a
new home in Newtown Square. This past summer, 90 athletic shields
were fully restored and placed in storage in preparation for the move.
They are just one part of a seven-year plan to ensure the history of
Episcopal is alive and well on the new campus.
By Anne Marie Heil
ince 1907, each graduating class has constructed an athletic shield, a large, hand-made
and hand-lettered placard that lists the names
of all varsity letter recipients (and the number
of letters they received) from the class. More
than a tribute to the athletes, the shields also represent the
era in which they were constructed. Over the course of
100 years, the shield designs have ranged from the traditional (1907 shield-shaped) to the contemporary (a James
Bond-esque 2007), each marking a distinct point in time.
Much more than just signs, the shields are historic items
that mark Episcopal as a truly special place with a deep
sense of tradition and a rich history.
The shields have lined the walls near the locker rooms in
the old gym for years. They have been a constant reminder
of the past, but they have also had to withstand the wear
and tear of the present. In preparing for the move, Head of
School Ham Clark asked Len Haley, Director of Facilities
and Operations, to oversee the restoration of the shields
and to begin thinking about their presentation and placement on the new campus. A veteran of such work, Len
has done restoration work at Christ Chapel in Philadelphia
and several historic homes, and he knew restoring and preserving all 100 shields would take both time and patience.
Len initially solicited help from Denie Kossuth ’06 to
help repair and patch several shields that had minor damage. Denie actually began her work in the summer of
2006. Having just constructed the Class of ’06 shield with
classmate Claire Pelura, Denie was ready to take on the
challenge of working on six shields in dire need of repair.
Denie, who enrolled at Episcopal in pre-kindergarten at
Devon, was excited to take on the task. “EA has been such
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a big part of my life and the shields are such a visible part
of the school’s history. I was excited to work on a summer
project that bridged the past to the future,” she said.
Pleased with the results from the summer project, Len
asked Denie to continue her work this past summer. But
with more than 90 shields to work on, some additional
help was needed. Bradd Haley ’97, Len’s son, and Edna
Haley, Len’s wife and a first grade teacher at Merion, were
recruited to assist with the project. Together they worked
on restoring finishes, sanding rough edges, and replacing
wood pieces that had broken off.
“We didn’t want to make them look brand new, but
we did want the names to be readable and the integrity of
the piece to be retained,” said Edna. Especially difficult to
work on were shields like the one from 1952, which when
constructed, had a blonde wood background. The effects
Move Timeline
Episcopal has been planning and
preparing for the move for the better
part of seven years. At right is a rough
timeline of the key elements of the
move and when they will occur.
of age, light, and air quality darkened the background to
an almost black tone, making the navy blue lettering impossible to read. The team repainted the letters using light
colored paint.
A Chance to Revisit the Past
Len Haley noted that for some shields, the Alumni Office
was recruited to help research the names, since the origi-
nals had faded to a point of being unreadable. All told, 90
shields were completely refurbished. Another six are still
being worked on. But there are also four shields that are
missing: 1972, 1973, 1993, and 2002. According to Len,
there is a story and a bit of lore related to each of the missing shields. In some cases, the designs were not approved
by the school and the others simply were never made by
the respective classes.
Fall/Winter 2007
Complete inventories of all furniture
and fixtures on both campuses.
Fall cleaning: Throw away, recycle,
donate, or set aside to sell all items not
going to the new campus.
Donate items: Gather items in the
storage unit on campus and distribute
donation items to local organizations
and schools.
Off-site storage: Store off-site all
archives and some fragile or valuable
items, including the smaller stained
glass windows from the chapel.
Hire a moving company: Complete a
Request for Proposal and review bids
from area moving firms.
“The shields are such a visible part of the school’s history.”
The good news is that the restoration project has motivated the classes with missing shields to band together
and create shields to be hung on the new campus. A group
that asked to remain nameless is working on the ’72 shield;
Perry Swope is spearheading an effort for the ’73 shield;
Megan Haley Noller is reviving the ’93 piece; and former
operations and facilities employee John Tsafos agreed to
coordinate the ’02 shield.
The project that started as a means of preparing items for
the new campus has been a wonderful incentive for alumni to reconnect, brainstorm, and remember. It also was a
rewarding way to spend the summer for four individuals
close to the school. Bradd Haley sums up his sentiments
about the project: “Working on the athletic plaques this
summer made me feel like I had re-established my connection with Episcopal. I had been away from the area and my
former classmates for awhile and this activity helped me
feel like a part of the EA community again.”
Most importantly, it’s just one of the projects currently
underway that is helping polish up the school’s past and
get it ready for the future.
Edna Haley has taught at Episcopal for 21 years and her
husband Len has been part of the school for 35 years. Restoring the shields has made a lot of history come to life as
they recognize the names of grandfathers of current students. As Edna explains, she saw her job as “doing justice”
to these important memorials.
The shields will be displayed—all 100 of them—in the
new Athletic Complex in Newtown Square—with room
for the next 100 years of history as well. n
Spring 2008
June/July 2008
July/August 2008
Pack: Steadily pack those items going
with us to the new campus, boxing up
those materials that will not be used
for the remainder of the year.
With the assistance of the moving
company, complete all packing.
Unpacking: Faculty will move into
classrooms and offices throughout the
summer once items have been moved.
Begin to customize spaces on the new
campus as buildings are completed.
Clean all buildings and grounds on
the Merion campus to prepare for the
transfer to Saint Joseph’s University.
Move all items from both campuses
into the buildings on the new campus.
Orientation: Students, parents, faculty,
and staff will all undergo orientation on
the new campus.
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Coming With Us…
The athletic shields aren’t the only items that will be coming with us to Newtown Square. Below
is a current list of all of the historic items that will make the move with us to the new campus.
(Please note that this list is a work in progress and is subject to change.)
Main Building
5 – Carved oak doors from Juniper and
Locust site
1 – Stained glass display depicting
knights from old Upper School
1 – Stained glass window from old
chapel (1928), by D’Ascenzo Studios
1 – Greville Haslam wood carving and
1 – Historic stone cross, peak stone,
and corner stone all from Juniper and
Locust site
1 – U.S. flag dating from 1780s
1 – Class of ’44 50th reunion plaque
2 – Civil War memorial plaques
1 – WWII memorial plaque
1 – James McK. Quinn plaque
The following portraits:
Bishop White
John Andrews
George Hare
James Robins
William Klapp
Philip Steinmetz
Greville Haslam
James H. McK. Quinn
James L. Crawford
Alonzo Potter
Paper currency from 1785
Original charter document
The Episcopal Academy Century
Endowment Fund (with prayer)
Science Building
Old telescope
Science plaque
Chapel at Merion
All small stained glass windows
All engraved Chaplains’ chairs and
Cross hanging over altar
Organ and pipes, organ enclosure
Needlepoint cushions
Pulpits and Head of School end of pew
Chapel at Devon
2 – Circular stained glass windows
Shop/Art Buildings
The weathervane
Dietrich House
2 – Lion carvings on stair posts
4 – Main entrance pillars and fencing
Saplings of the following Memorial
Yoli McCurdy holly
Maura Murphy elm
Sam French oak
Billy Richter tree
Judith Diamondstone tree
Lunkenheimer Japanese maple
Richard Sheetz, ’42 tree
The Doolittle sculpture
Athletic Center
All banners and shields
Miscellaneous Items
All attached plaques in all buildings and
on grounds
All historic and sentimental furniture
All musical instruments
All paintings, portraits, prints,
sculptures, etc.
Entire sheet music library
The classical language library
All scientific equipment and chemicals
Collin’s Building copper lights
Athletic victory bell
Crawford play cottage
Contents of the archive
All Annenberg Library book collections
All event furniture (tables and chairs)
All grounds equipment
All miscellaneous tools and equipment
All AV equipment
All art supplies
All file cabinets
All athletic equipment
All physical education equipment
All sound equipment
Commencement 2007
raduation exercises for the 107 members of the Class of 2007 were held
on Friday, June 8th. Head of School Ham Clark and Head of the Upper
School Geoff Wagg presented the class to Gretchen Burke, Chairman of
the Board of Trustees, and the Bishop of Pennsylvania, Right Reverend
Charles Bennison.
The program included addresses to the class by valedictorian Mallika
Khandelwahl and salutatorian Shane Isdaner, as well as a musical offering by Teresa
Giblin and a vocal performance by Samantha Aronchick, Jordan Haddad, Margaret
Orr, Jonathan Trumbull, and Lindsey Wilkinson.
As always, following commencement, the Class of 2007 enjoyed a beautiful
evening under the tent on City Line Avenue.
Nicole Annette
Lara Catriona
Geoffrey Dow
Yasha Khatib Shahidi
Kerri Eileen McShane
Stephen Joseph
Shanahan, Jr.
Luke MacKenzie
Matthew John
Thomas FitzGerald
Cameron Ann Sieber*
Carter Whiting
Murdoch, Jr.
Nicole Kern Spagnola
Andrew Nathan
The Class of 2007
Caryn Nicole Clark
Teresa Morone Giblin
Andrew William Kratz
Maria Chellathai Esther
Julia Hamilton Clark
Daniel Edward
Sophia Naomi
Ross Daniel Godick
Christopher McNeil
Le Vine
Nantale Janet
Winnie Jen Liu*
Katherine Elizabeth
Samantha Ann
Ashley Anne Aruffo*
Naimah Jaonee’ Bahar
Jane Elizabeth Early
Herbert George
Bowen, Jr.
Elspeth Whitney
William Thomas Brinks
Ainsley Laura Brinton
Wendy Elise Brown
Gregory Solomon
Carter Sinclair Cox*
Logan Elizabeth Greer
Christopher Mark Cox
Jordan Alexander
King Haddad
David Maxwell
Rachel Ann Daddona
Kristin Brooke Deuber
Michael Gerard
Matthew James
Benjamin Mark Lurio
Taylor Williams Hess
Grainne Brighde Lynn
Rory James Hiltbrand
Anne Goss Madeira
Shane Michael
Edwin Bryan
Mahoney, III
Angelique Samantha
Shalini Tinni Maitra*
Rahul Jha*
Charles Stevens
Manning, III
Sarah Adams
Brittany Jo
Joseph Francis
Patrick Joseph Kelly
Meghan Marie
Andrea Marie Fieger
Caroline McClelland
William Devon-Sand
Daniel Hoadley Burke
Paige Elaina
Laura Leigh Butler
Erin Michelle Espe*
Peter Hart Callahan, Jr.
Aleksandr Peter
Christian Emile
Katrina Michelle
Eric Y. P. Chan
Earle Blair Fox, IV
Lawrence Edward
Glenn Charles
Mallika Khandelwal*
Alexander Julian
Megan Davis
Andrea Brooke
Michael Joseph Nealis
Eugenia Ann Norcini*
Rebecca Odell
William David
Margaret Nelson Orr
Alexandra Sarah
Kelsey Anne Platt*
Victoria Caldwell
Kyle Alexander
Victor Giles Rodin
Lorenzen Russo
King Patrick Saah
Jessie Louise Small
Ann Virginia
Spencer Prescott
Brittany Joy Steidle
Christopher Thomas
Jonathan Fenton
James Frederick
Laura B. Underwood
Rachel Meredith Vass
Christina Wilson VickKell
Elizabeth Kent Walling
Lindsey Elizabeth
Samantha Clayton
Nathaniel John
*Cum Laude Society
Clifford Canan Satell
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Alumni Sibling
Photos from
Graduation ’07
2007 Graduation Awards
The Sportsmanship Cup / Girls
Logan Elizabeth Greer
The William Jonathan Davis, Jr.
Memorial Prize
For history other than American
The James L. Crawford, Jr.
Sportsmanship Cup / Boys
Spencer Prescott Squire
Daniel Edward Gillespie
The Class Of 1890 Prize
For the best essay in religion
The 1992 Junto Officers’ Award
For the greatest contribution to
the Junto
Katherine Elizabeth O’Brien
Piervincenzo Lorenzen Russo
The Vincent R. Michael
Memorial Prize
For proficiency and originality in
the use of technology
Tucker Crockett ’03, Drew Crockett ’01, Max Crockett
’07, Dave Crockett, Sr. ’50, and Dave Crockett, Jr. ’75
Marian Lurio ’11, Ben Lurio ’07, Michael Devine ’07,
Patrick Devine ’05, and Madeline Lurio ’05
Yasha Khatib Shahidi
The Episcopal Academy Art Prize
Demonstrates the most creative talent
in art
Kelsey Anne Platt and
Spencer Prescott Squire
Andrew William Kratz
The Phi Beta Kappa Prize
For the best all-round scholar
The Erwin W. Drexel Prize
Demonstrated outstanding talent
and proficiency in the technical arts
including woodworking, mechanical
drawing, architectural drafting and
computer aided drafting and design
Rahul Jha
William Thomas Brinks
The William H. Ortlepp
Memorial Prize
For service to the Academy
The Francis L. Jackson, Jr. Prize
For excellence in Spanish
Alumni Prizes
For the members of the Graduating
Class with the highest standing in:
Victoria Caldwell Pratt
Winnie Jen Liu
Alexandra Sarah Peters and Meghan Marie McCormick
Victoria Caldwell Pratt
The Dorothy And Alan Hume ’44
Scientia Medal
Interest, aptitude, and achievement in
all scientific disciplines and embodies
the qualities of a future scientist
Pete Cohn ’05 and Greg Cohn ’07
Jonathan Fenton Trumbull
The James H. McK. Quinn Prize
For greatest contribution to the
drama program
Mallika Khandelwal
Nick Brown ’04, Wendy Brown ’07, and Tucker Brown ’06
The Class Of 1966 Curtis R. York
Memorial Music Prize
For the greatest contribution to the
music program
Winnie Jen Liu
The Jefferson Shiel Prize
For the greatest general development
Eric Y. P. Chan
Megan Marie McCormick
The James B. Markoe
Memorial Award
For honor, unselfishness, and
thoughtfulness by vote of the class
Megan Davis McFarland
The Class Of 1877 Award
For scholarship, athletics,
character, and popularity
Ashley Anne Aruffo
Sophomores Participate in Global Youth
Leadership Institute
his summer, 14 Episcopal sophomores and
five faculty members participated in the
Global Youth Leadership Institute’s yearone program, “Sailing in the Wake of our
Ancestors.” The five-day program was conducted in
two locations, Boston and Milwaukee. Math teacher Steven Rudnitzky accompanied Olivia Glass,
Michelle Chung, Bridgit Gribbin, and Jinny Ahn
to Milwaukee, while English teacher Jen Maier
traveled to Boston for the first session with Allan
Heggs, Taylor Platt, Charles Panarese, Lily Austin, and Sophia Park. Jen Slike, Director of Young
Alumni Programs was the advisor for Andrew
DeSimone, Anayis Melikian, Stephanie Bernebei,
Stephen Carroll, and Samantha Field in Boston for
the second session.
During the first half of the program, the students participated in discussions about leadership,
diversity, and religious pluralism with students
from public, private, and parochial schools from the East Coast
and Midwest. The students spent the second half of the program learning to sail. Students returned to school with a Leader
Learning Plan to help them transfer the skills they learned to
the Episcopal community. Science teacher Angela Miklavcic
and form dean Justin Brandon were the coordinators for the
program in Boston. Next summer the students will participate
in the second-year program at the Lama Foundation in New
Mexico with the theme of “Developing a Personal Leadership
Vision.” The third year of the program takes place at Earth
University in Costa Rica where students learn about sustainable economics, appropriate technology, and organizing for
cultural survival. While this year’s students continue their program, Episcopal hopes to have a new group of students attend
the year-one program in Boston and Milwaukee this coming
summer as well. For more information on the program, visit
Aboard ship (from l to r): Andrew DeSimone, Stephen Carroll, Jen Slike,
Anayis Melikian, Samantha Field, and Stephanie Bernabei.
Stephen Carroll takes the wheel from an instructor.
On Wednesday, September 12th, Episcopal Academy’s co-directors of libraries,
Jacqueline Sabat and Linda Smith, hosted a Harry Potter Breakfast for faculty,
staff, and students, grades 4-12, to celebrate and discuss the publication of
the last Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Pictured are
in front (l to r): Matt Davis, Calloway Cox, Sophia Elk, Julia Herman, Katherine
Hong, Will Patterson, Seher Roychowdhury, and Bethany Bryant. In back (l to
r): Carolyn Bell, Gretchen Simon (Lower School Librarian), Julia Thompson,
Jacqueline Sabat, Sean Purcell, Sam Bell, and Linda Smith.
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Stepping Outside
Their Comfort
ast year, eight Episcopal students took
part in a study abroad program through
the Office of Off-Campus Study Programs, run by faculty member Andy
Hess. All of the programs provide our students with a unique and invaluable opportunity
to learn more about themselves through selfreliance, positive risk taking, and cultural
immersion, as the reflections below make clear.
In addition, the program is always looking for Episcopal
families willing to house a foreign exchange student studying at EA. If you’re interested in helping, contact Andy Hess
at 610-617-2294, ext. 3024.
Left to Right in photo: Mia Kent, Hannah Sayen, Caitlin Powers, Jack Archer,
Quinn Libson, and Ellie Barton. Missing: Eric Cross, Elias Kohn.
Mia Kent ’08, Spain
“As early as the eighth grade, I knew that I wanted to study abroad. I wanted to experience a new
culture and be able to look at things with a new perspective. When I got into the ‘Experience Spain’ program at the
American School of Madrid, I had many expectations as to
what was in store for me. I was to stay in Spain a full school
year and live in the suburbs of Madrid with a family that my
next-door neighbor, Will Devon-Sand ’07, had previously
stayed with. When I arrived, I was pleased to find that my family was all that they were said to be. They treated me as if I
were their daughter and made me feel like their house was truly
my new home. My family also helped me adapt to the new culture and I came to love the way of living there. Besides the late
dinners and daily siestas, I enjoyed the more relaxed environment. The school also was a place that I came to love. Despite
the fact that the campus does not begin to compare with Episcopal’s, the people that I met there made the whole experience
worth it.”
of the students are placed with French families, where we remained for the rest of the year.
“These are the details but they do not begin to describe the
feeling of walking down a French street and understanding
every single conversation that you hear or being able to give directions to a lost tourist like a native (in French).
Here are some other memories from my year abroad: Being able to watch a French movie and understand every word,
telling a joke in French and having people genuinely laugh at
it (it’s harder than it sounds), navigating the streets of a foreign city as if you’ve lived there all your life, feeling like you
truly belong in a different family with a different culture, being completely independent, dreaming in a different language,
truly appreciating American high school having learned about
French high school, having a debate about French politics right
before the presidential elections, going out to dinner with my
family, loving a different culture to the extent that your own
culture becomes foreign.”
Quinn Libson ’08, France
Caitlin Powers ’09, Australia
“As I sit down to write this piece about my year in France,
I come to realize just how difficult it is to express my feelings
about this experience through written word. It is hard to convey the passion that I still hold for France, its culture, and its
language. So, to make this easier for you, I’ve decided to begin
with a mini preface. I want you to imagine me as I’m telling
you this. I want you picture a) wild hand gestures and b) a
HUGE smile, because in order to describe my junior year, I will
need both of these.
“During the nine months that I was away, I was studying at
a program called SYA, or School Year Abroad. It’s technically an American school but all of my classes (except for English
and Math) were in French and were taught by native French
speakers. In this school, 59 other loud Americans from all over
the United States and two other countries accompanied me. All
“This past summer I spent seven weeks living on the Central
Coast in Australia. While in Australia, I attended Central Coast
Grammar School. It is very similar to Episcopal but different in
a couple of ways. One way it is different is that everything in
the school, except the classrooms, are outside. While at CCGS,
I played for the field hockey team, but they only trained twice
a week, which is different from Episcopal. But, playing field
hockey for CCGS was a great way to meet others!
“The school was similar to Episcopal, in that the teachers
were always there for extra help and the students and teachers had good teacher-to-student relationships. I lived with the
Lamba family while in Australia. The Lamba family has two
daughters, Sonia, 16, and Neeta, 14. Sonia is studying at Episcopal now. During my time in Australia, we traveled up to
Noosa, a beach resort in Queensland. We also took many trips
into Sydney where we climbed the Harbor Bridge, saw Manly
Beach (where the Olympic beach volleyball games were held),
and visited Bondi Beach. The seven weeks spent in Australia
were some of the best weeks of my life. I would encourage anyone to go on the Australian exchange!”
Elias Kohn ’08, Spain
Episcopal Students Attend
NAIS Institute for Student
Leaders in London
“Last year I spent 9 months in Zaragoza, Spain for my junior year. It’s a city of 700,000, but it has a small feel and it’s
easy to get to know the locals and you see them frequently in
the streets. The foreign students who come to study live with a
host family and go to an American high school of 60 students.
Some of the classes are taught in Spanish. I had a fantastic time
becoming part of the Spanish culture and would recommend
it to everyone. If you have some questions about abroad programs or anything like that, I’d be more than happy to try and
help out.”
EA Upper School
Students travel to Turkey
our Upper School students from Episcopal Academy
and one faculty member traveled to Adana, Turkey
in June as part of the program Arts For Anyone. The
four students were sophomore Mac Lee, sophomore
Lauren Berry, junior Meagan Berry, and junior John Bernhardt.
The faculty member was Dr. Sheryl Forste-Grupp, Chair of Upper School English.
The students and teacher attended classes every day at the
Gůndoğdu School and stayed with Turkish families. In addition, they visited Tarsus to see Cleopatra’s Arch and Antioch to
visit St. Peter’s Church and the Mosaic Museum.
With this trip, EA has begun a relationship with the Gůndoğdu
School in Turkey to promote greater understanding and dialogue between the two cultures and countries.
(l to r) Kirsten Petrocelli, Caroline Hanamirian, and Erin Flynn pose in front
of the Hampton Court Palace and Gardens during their trip to London this past
irsten Petrocelli, Caroline Hanamirian, and Erin Flynn,
along with former faculty member Natalie Mayer, spent
five days at the Institute for Student Leaders Conference
at the Marymount Boarding School near London this
past summer. Hosted by the National Association of Independent Schools
(NAIS), the Institute for Student Leaders is a forum for cross-cultural exchange. Students from public and private schools around
the world convened to study global leadership, ethics, and advocacy. During the five-day institute, students developed solutions to
real-world problems and devised strategies for communicating their
ideas to key decision makers.
“At the conference we learned invaluable lessons on leadership
and the power we have has individuals to make a difference in the
world,” said Mayer. “Weaved into our discussions, we brought up
world issues from the students’ 20/20 projects, such as the need to
improve education, conserve energy, and fight disease.” The students also heard from local leaders like Nicholas Winton
(a Holocaust hero), Sara Lyle (a New York Times journalist), and
visited historical sites in London.
From left to right: Lauren Berry, Mac Lee, Head of the Gundogdu School
Gokhan Gundoghu, Megan Berry, and John Bernhardt pose at a reception
held at the school in Turkey. All of the Turkish students and host families,
various teachers and administrators, and the US Ambassador to Turkey,
Mr. Eric Green, were present.
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Fall Honors Chapel Awards
John Plant Scholarships
The scholarships are awarded on the basis of
competitive examinations in Latin translation
and composition
9th Grade: William J. Breskman
10th Grade: Simeon Elias Pantelidis
11th Grade: Erin Frances Flynn
12th Grade: Mark Erling Nakahara
The Jarvis Meirs Memorial Prize
For excellence in biology
Clayton Taylor Platt and Lily Claire Austin
The Kennith R. Balsley Prize
For highest scholarship in the rising IV Form
Victoria Ann Baena
The George T. Davis Prize
For highest scholarship in the rising V Form
Hannah Frohman LaPalombara
The Jarvis Meirs Memorial Prize
The Bryn Mawr College Award in Spanish
Emily Rose Halpern
The Bryn Mawr College Award in French
Elizabeth Quinn Libson
The Judith M. Diamondstone Prize
For the best American history research paper
Alexander Fell Lee
The Paul Thompson Prize
For American history
Robert Benson Jones and
Blake Bentley Shafer
The Stephen Hopkins Kalbach
Memorial Prize
For excellence in English, original
Julia C. Williams – poetry
Anna Packard Strong – short story
For excellence in chemistry
The Williams College Alumni Prize
Hannah Frohman LaPalombara;
Honorable Mention to Erin Francis Flynn and
Alexandra Gabrielle Hahn
Kevin James DiSilvestro, Francis Latta
Nassau, and Christopher John Y. Ballard
The George Brinton Phillips Prize
For the best essay in physics
Francis Latta Nassau
For highest scholarship in the rising VI Form
The Cornell Club Prize
The Princeton Club Prize
For excellent scholarship and community
Michelle Jeankyung Kim
The Richard S. Cross,
Jefferson Scholar Award
For being an example to the senior class
through academic, athletic, and extra-curricular
achievement and enthusiasm
Loren Benjamin Mead
The Harvard and Yale Club Prizes
To two seniors for scholarship, character,
school spirit, influence, and all-around ability
Kevin James DiSilvestro – Harvard
Justin Carrick Torosian – Yale
The Penn Book Award
To a senior for scholarship, innovation, and
community service
Joseph Truett Dwyer
The Brown University Award
To a senior for academic excellence with clarity
in written and spoken expression
Alexander Fell Lee
For demonstrated creative problem solving by a
rising senior in the arts and sciences or whose
commitment to service shows concern for
global issues
The Connecticut College Book Award
Mark Erling Nakahara
Robert Benson Jones
To a senior for scholarship, significant
contribution to the school and community, and
being an example to the class
The Colgate Book Prize
Fall 2007 Cum Laude Society
To a senior who demonstrates thoughtfulness in
word and deed, through a concern for humanity,
academic enthusiasm, peer leadership, and
strong school spirit
Brittany Nicole Perfetti
Wellesley Book Award
To a female senior who has an outstanding
academic record and has also made significant
extracurricular contributions to her high school
and/or her community
Alexandra Helen Van Arkel
(l to r) Christopher Ballard, Francis Nassau, Blake Shafer, Kevin DiSilvestro, Justin
Torosian, Alexander Lee, Loren Mead, Paul Vithayathil, Mark Nakahara, and
Robert Jones.
Faculty & Staff News
Clark Family
Visits Sewickley
to Present Clark
Faculty Chair
Lower School faculty member Whit Powell became a father on June 29th, when
his daughter, Caroline Grace Powell, was born… Lower School teacher Elizabeth
Cocco, along with a number of other Lower School teachers, will attend a Lucy
Calkins workshop in early November to examine and determine the best practices
in language arts and reading and writing for kindergarten students… Assistant
Director of Community Service, Susan Swanson, was in Lexington, KY this
summer to watch her daughter Anna ’08 compete in the U.S. Pony Club National
Championships where she had great success and a great time. Susan also traveled
with the family to Copenhagen, Denmark to visit the host family her husband stayed
with in 1978 during his junior year abroad in college… Upper School Form Dean
and religion teacher, Tim Gavin, had his poem “In the Upper Room,” accepted for
publication in The Anglican Theological Review, and his poem “Long Pond Road
Bridge” was accepted for publication in the Poetry Project by Tupelo Press. He
also completed a 55-kilometer (34-mile) ultra-marathon and is currently studying
Biblical Greek at Lutheran Theological Seminary as he pursues his Masters of
Divinity degree… Lower School art teacher Julie Choi notes that she, as well
as fellow Episcopal teachers Lisa Park, Silvia Sollenberger, and Alan Duprez,
attended Episcopal’s Technology Leadership Workshop, where they worked with
four teachers from the Agnes Irwin School. Julie also visited her family in Seattle…
Middle School math and history teacher, George Wattles, was the proud recipient
of the Michael J. Cunningham Award this past June. The award is presented to the
model Middle School coach in the Inter-Ac. George also worked his 11th NCAA
Final Four Lacrosse Tournament last Memorial Day weekend as an official. He
refereed the Division III National Championship game this year… Middle and
Upper School classics teacher, Michelle Domondon, will attend a luncheon at the
centennial meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States this fall. The
am and Ceci Clark returned
to Sewickley this fall for a
weekend event to present the
Clark Faculty Chair Award
to kindergarten teacher Barbara Carrier.
Every year, Sewickley presents the award
to a teacher who displays a love of learning, leadership, and a commitment to the
community. The Clark Faculty Chair is
an endowed award that was created in
honor of Ham’s 15-year tenure as head
of school when the Clarks departed Sewickley to come to Episcopal. Award
recipients receive a cash stipend with the
“Ceci and I were delighted that the
community chose to honor us in this way
as we clearly recognize that the most important ingredient in a successful school
is a distinguished faculty,” said Ham.
luncheon celebrates the recipients of the E. Adelaide-Hahn Rome-Athens Fellowship,
an award that Michelle received in 2003. The recipient spends six weeks in the
summer studying in Rome through the American Academy in Rome… Middle
School history and English teacher, Sue Cannon, presented at the Peace and Justice
Studies Association National Conference at Elizabethtown College in September.
The conference theme was “Cultural Identity in a Mass Culture World.” Sue
presented as part of the panel on “Peace Education: Teaching Prosocial Behavior,”
along with Michael Andreychik (Lehigh University) and Heather Farrell and Bonnie
Ballif-Spanvill (Brigham Young University)… On October 5th, chair of the Classics
Department, Lee Pearcy, spoke on “Misbehaving Choruses: The 1886 Acharnians
and 1903 Iphigeneia at the University of Pennsylvania” at the centennial meeting of
the Classical Association of the Atlantic States in Washington, DC. He also took part
in a panel discussion at the same meeting on developments in classical scholarship
during the last 100 years… Chaplain Jim Squire, along with Head of School Ham
Clark, Upper School Head Geoff Wagg, and Academic Dean Mindy Hong, attended
the Positive Psychology Conference at Lawrenceville this past June to meet with
world authorities on the subject and other independent school leaders looking to
incorporate the work into their schools. More on the conference can be found at:… Upper School math
teacher, Madeleine Weeks, officiated her first women’s college hockey game this
fall when she took the ice for the Penn/Delaware game.
f a l l 2 0 0 7 11
Special Awards
Spring Athletics Award Winners
The Eddie Collins Bat, Most Hits Vincent Joseph Russomagno
The Bob Scott Memorial Cup Michael Gerard Devine
Next Year’s Captains and Improvement Certificates:
The Class of 1914 Gold Baseball
Douglas Cato Ammon
Most Improved
The Class of 1999 Baseball Award Michael Gerard Devine
Patrick McKenna Mullen &
Douglas Cato Ammon
Michael James McNulty &
Clifford Canan Satell
The James W. Straub Memorial Prize
Elliot Daniel Faust
Boys’ Crew
Loren Benjamin Mead & Brian R. Young
Jeremy Michael Asch
Girls’ Crew
Kelly Burke & Mary Brittany Bruder Mary Brittany Bruder
The Scholar Athlete Award
Piervincenzo Lorenzen Russo
Boys’ Golf Mark Erling Nakahara & James J. Park
The Mind, Body, and Spirit Prize
Piervincenzo Lorenzen Russo
Hunter Bennoch Hanson
Boys’ Crew
The EA Oar Award Loren Benjamin Mead
Girls’ Crew
Girls’ Golf
Alexandra Helen Van Arkel &
Kaitlin Jennifer Brennan Lauren Adele Pettit
Boys’ Lacrosse
Robert Colin Fitzpatrick &
James W. Finegan
Adrian Jack Peskin
Girls’ Lacrosse
Alexandra Christine Jahnle &
Katharine Louise Ivory
Samantha Sarah Arbitman &
Katharine Louise Ivory
Nicole Marie Martino
Caroline Parsons Pratt
Boys’ Tennis
Ronald Castillo Richter &
Amit Singh
Michael Pembroke Whalen
Boys’ Track
Matthew Michael Byrne &
Francis Latta Nassau
Stephen Paul Carpinello
Girls’ Track
Emmaline Marie Imbriglia &
Nicole Kristy Carrido
Emmaline Marie Imbriglia &
Wendy Elise Brown
The EA Oar Award
Erin Michelle Espe
The Scholar Athlete Award
Cameron Ann Sieber
The Mind, Body, and Spirit Prize
Cameron Ann Sieber
Boys’ Golf
The Helen Wilson Trophy
Ross Daniel Godick
The Scholar Athlete Award
Carter Sinclair Cox
The Jacques H. Houdry ’43 Golf Award
Charles Stevens Manning
Girls’ Golf
The EA Girls’ Golf Prize
Alexandra Helen Van Arkel
The Mind, Body, and Spirit Prize
Meghan Marie McCormick
Boys’ Lacrosse
The Stick Lacrosse Award
Daniel Edward Gillespie
The Team of 1977 Lacrosse Award
Luke MacKenzie Miller
The Episcopal Academy Lacrosse Award
Benjamin Mark Lurio
The Donald J. Reape Memorial Award
Shane Michael Isdaner
The Coach John H. Wynne, Jr.
Lacrosse Award
James W. Finegan
The Class of 1912 Medal / Football
Scholarship Shane Michael Isdaner
Girls’ Lacrosse
National Football / Philadelphia Chapter
Thomas Mulligan
The Team of 1983 Girls’ Lacrosse Award
Megan Davis McFarland
The Championship Team of 1995 Girls’
Lacrosse Bowl
Caroline McClelland Komlo
The Robert Urbani Athletic Service Award
Rebecca Odell and Margaret Nelson Orr
The Borkowski Coaching Award
Colleen Bernabei
The Scholar Athlete Award
Ashley Anne Aruffo
The Keegan Award
Edward Silvi
The Ground Ball Award
Ashley Anne Aruffo
The Sportsmanship Cup / Boys’
Daniel Edward Gillespie
The Episcopal Academy Defender Award /
New Girls’ Lax Award
Logan Elizabeth Greer
The Sportsmanship Cup / Girls’
Logan Elizabeth Greer
School Awards and
Crew Varsity Boys’ Four – Third Place
Crew JV Girls’ Double – City Championship,
Second Place – Nationals, Stotesbury
Crew JV Boys’ Four – City Championship
Girls’ Lacrosse – Inter Ac Championship
Boys’ Tennis – Inter Ac Championship
Continued on page 15
The Team of 2000 Softball Award
Victoria Caldwell Pratt
The Trophy for Excellence in Softball
Victoria Caldwell Pratt
The EA Gold Softball
Kelsey Amelia Gula
The EA Golden Glove
Samantha Clayton Williams
Boys’ Tennis
The John T. McCullough Cup
Todd Harrity
The George C. Shafer, Jr. Tennis Award
Todd Harrity
The Scholar Athlete Award
William Thomas Brinks
Boys’ Track
The Class of 1910 Medal
Geoffrey Dow McQuilkin
The Scholar Athlete Award
Geoffrey Dow McQuilkin
The Mind, Body, and Spirit Prize
Geoffrey Dow McQuilkin
Girls’ Track
The 1995 Girls’ Track Award
Eugenia Ann Norcini
The Scholar Athlete Award
Winnie J. Liu
The Mind, Body, and Spirit Prize
Nantale Janet Nsibirwa
Girls’ Lacrosse Takes Third
Straight Inter-Ac Title
Team finished 14-3; 11-1 in the Inter-Ac
he 2007 girls’ lacrosse team won their third sraight Inter-Ac league championship and their tenth in the program’s history after going 14-3 overall
and 11-1 in the Inter-Ac. Led by seniors Ashley Aruffo, Logan Greer, Callye Komlo, Megan
McFarland, Jessie Small, Nicole Spagnola, and Britt Steidle, the team possessed
excellent chemistry, skills, heart, dedication, and desire. Six of the seniors are playing lacrosse at the collegiate level. Highlights of the
season included: beating a strong Germantown Academy team twice; beating the
undefeated Delaware state champions, Tower Hill; avenging the team’s 2006 Inter-Ac tournament loss by beating Agnes Irwin twice during the 2007 season;
finishing the season by beating Penn Charter, the only Inter-Ac team to defeat EA
in 2007.
f a l l 2 0 0 7 13
Friends and Former Teammates
Catch Up From Opposite Ends of
the Field
he last time King Saah ’07 and Ralph Elliott ’06 suited up to play in the
same game, they were both wearing Episcopal’s blue and white. But this past
September, Saah and Elliott squared off against one another when Lebanon
Valley College took on the University of Scranton in NCAA action. Saah’s
Lebanon Valley team got the best of Elliott’s Scranton squad with a 3-1 victory. Saah,
who was also named the Commonwealth Conference’s Player of the Week on September 10th, had a goal and an assist in the contest.
Boys’ Tennis Captures
Inter-Ac Title
he boys’ tennis team enjoyed another very strong season this past spring.
The group assembled an impressive overall record of 11-2, going 9-1 in
the Inter-Ac and claiming the league title. The team also raised quite a few
eyebrows in Maryland at the NEMA Tournament where its 2nd place finish gave EA bragging rights over perennially strong Lawrenceville, McDonogh, and
St. Paul.
Coach Tim Kent feels that the team’s great depth of talent set this year’s group
apart. But the growth of talent at both Haverford and Germantown Academy will
make for great competition in the future. Kent says the EA team is young, and despite
losing co-captains Hart Callahan and William Brinks, the team has tremendous talent and will be in the thick of things again next year.
t is with great pleasure that we’re
able to add a sixth Ivy League captain to the “Modeling Leadership at
Episcopal and Beyond” story that
ran in the Spring 2007 issue of Connections. Ted Hill ’03 captained the Cornell
men’s squash team last year. Hill helped
Big Red capture the B Division at Nationals and maintain their #9 national
As Hill wrote in the Cornell squash
newsletter: “The culmination of my career came in our semifinal match against
Amherst. With the overall match at 4-4,
the team needed me to deliver a win…. I
played the best squash of my life, beating
my higher-ranked opponent despite being down a game.”
Special Awards
First Team All Inter-Ac
Michael Gerard Devine
Vince Russomagno – 2nd Team;
Honorable Mention: Patrick Mullen
Boys’ Lacrosse
Robert Colin FitzPatrick and Andrew Patrick
Honorable Mention: Reid Armstrong
Whelan, Matthew Austin Lerman, Daniel
Edward Gillespie
Girls’ Lacrosse
Ashley Anne Aruffo, Logan Elizabeth Greer,
Caroline Komlo
Tri Sport Recipients 2006-07
9th Grade
Lauren Frances Berry
Girls’ Water Polo, Swimming/Diving,
Alejandro David Rettig y Martinez
Soccer, Winter Track, Crew
Stephen John Robinson
Football, Winter Track, Track
Kelsey Amelia Gula
Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball
Marisa Anne Spagnolo
Field Hockey, Winter Track, Track
Kristen Lynn Robinson
Soccer, Swimming/Diving, Softball
Julia Eleni Tamaccio
Tennis, Winter Track, Track
10th Grade
Alexandra Helen Van Arkel
Tennis, Squash, Golf
Samantha Sarah Arbitman
Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse
12th Grade
Honorable Mention: Megan David McFarland
Richard Patrick Ferro
Football, Winter Track, Lacrosse
Samantha Ann Aronchick
Water Polo, Swimming/Diving, Softball
Girls’ Golf
Alexandra Helen Van Arkle
John Richard Gormley
Football, Winter Track, Lacrosse
Ashley Anne Aruffo
Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse
Honorable Mention: Andrea Fieger
Todd B. Harrity
Cross Country, Squash, Tennis
Kristin Brooke Deuber
Cross Country, Swimming/Diving, Track
Katharine Louise Ivory
Field Hockey, Basketball, Lacrosse
Earle Blair Fox
Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse
Caitlin Stokes Powers
Field Hockey, Swimming/Diving, Lacrosse
Logan Elizabeth Greer
Field Hockey, Squash, Lacrosse
Hallie Constance Snyder
Soccer, Winter Track, Lacrosse
Taylor Williams Hess
Soccer, Ice Hockey, Baseball
Megan Marion Spagnola
Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse
Shane Michael Isdaner
Football, Basketball, Lacrosse
11th Grade
Caroline McClelland Komlo
Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse
Kelsey Amelia Gula
Honorable Mention: Lauren Berry
Tennis Todd B. Harrity, Kayong Lee, Peter Hart
All American
Girls’ Lacrosse
Honorable Mention: Logan Elizabeth Greer
Academic All Americans
Girls’ Lacrosse
Ashley Anne Aruffo
Logan Elizabeth Greer
Megan Davis McFarland
First Team All Main Line
Boys’ Lacrosse
Dan Gillespie, Robert FitzPatrick
Girls’ Lacrosse
Caroline Komlo, Logan Greer, Ashley Aruffo
Boys’ Tennis
Todd Harrity, Kayong Lee, Hart Callahan
Boys’ Track
Geoffrey McQuilkin
Douglas Cato Ammon
Soccer, Winter Track, Baseball
Kaitlin Jennifer Brennan
Field Hockey, Basketball, Golf
Matthew Michael Byrne
Football, Basketball, Track
Nicole Kristy Carrido
Soccer, Winter Track, Track
Rachel M. Chung
Field Hockey, Winter Track, Track
Richard Ellis Craft
Soccer, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse
Emmaline Marie Imbriglia
Soccer, Basketball, Track
Geoffrey Dow McQuilkin
Soccer, Winter Track, Track
Eugenia Ann Norcini
Field Hockey, Winter Track, Track
Margaret Nelson Orr
Water Polo, Swimming/Diving, Lacrosse
Clifford Canan Satell
Soccer, Wrestling, Baseball
Jessie Louise Small
Field Hockey, Swimming/Diving, Lacrosse
Ann Virginia Spofford
Cross Country, Swimming/Diving, Track
Alexandra Christine Jahnle
Field Hockey, Winter Track, Lacrosse
Mary Catherine Khella
Cross Country , Winter Track, Track
Alexa Christine Narzikul
Soccer, Winter Track, Lacrosse
Francis Latta Nassau
Cross Country, Winter Track, Track
f a l l 2 0 0 7 15
Winter Concert
Thursday, December 13th
at 7:00 pm
Presents “A
he Episcopal Academy Domino Club
performed William
Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s
Dream” this October to rave reviews. Shakespeare’s popular
comedy/fantasy provided lots of laughs and spectacle as its
talented cast and crew took audiences on a journey into a magical forest where couples fell magically in and out of love and
a hilarious theater troupe rehearses for a chance to perform
for the Royals of Athens. Said 9th grade form dean Cheryl
McLauchlan: “I laughed all the way home.”
Spring Concert
Thursday, April 17th at
7:00 pm
From left to right are
cast members Michael
Harvey, Jeremy Asch,
Ben Mascioli, Sean
Purcell, and Sebastian
Students from the Vocal
Ensemble, Chamber
Orchestra, and Jazz Band
will again be featured as
part of Villanova Conference
Center’s afternoon tea/
brunch concert series and
the performance trip this
year will be to New Orleans
over Spring Break.
Artist Sami Khella
Exhibits at Episcopal
he Episcopal Academy Parents Association Art Edge
Committee welcomed Sami Khella, a Philadelphiabased artist and Episcopal parent, as their artist for
October. Khella’s work was on display in the Main
Building lobby for the duration of the month.
Mr. Khella studied fine art at the University of Pennsylvania,
where he learned
to etch with Hitoshi Nakazato. He
exhibits his work
widely and regularly in the United
States and abroad,
most recently in
Vancouver, Canada. His work has
also been represented in many private
and corporate collections and has
won many awards.
Princess Winnifred the Woebegone (Maggie Familetti, center) sings the
hilarious song “Shy” to the disapproving Wizard (Carly Ciccotti, left) and Queen
Aggravain (Anna Devon-Sand, right).
Middle School Presents
“Once Upon A Mattress”
he Middle School Harlequin Club will be performing
“Once Upon a Mattress” this fall with music by Mary
Rodgers, lyrics by Marshall Barer, and book by Jay
Thompson, Dean Fuller, and Marshall Barer.
Susan LaPalombara will serve as Director, Joe Buches as Musical Director, Mandie Banks as Choreographer, and Brandon
Koenig as Technical Director. In this shortened version of the
warm and hilarious Broadway musical, based on Hans Christian Anderson’s “The Princess and the Pea,” the audience learns
the “true story” of this well-known tale. “Once Upon a Mattress” is filled with fabulous songs, wonderful dance numbers,
hilarity, and romance.
Concert Dates
Upper School
Author and Storyteller
Visit the Lower Schools
Author Dan Gutman paid a visit to the Devon
Campus, while storyteller Robin Moore spent time
at Merion
Ninth Grade Student
Has Poetry Published
Freshman Synae Allen has work included in Teen
Writers Academy publication
piscopal Academy freshman Synae Allen of Philadelphia was selected to participate in the Teen Writers
Academy summer program at the Paul Robeson House,
a historic Museum and Institute for Civic Responsibility in Philadelphia.
The program worked with small groups of committed young
writers, exposing them to all forms of written expression. The
output from the three summer program groups is a compilation of their best work and is entitled identity, edited by Valerie
Harris. A reading of selections from the book was held at The
Rotunda at the University of Pennsylvania earlier this fall.
Two of Allen’s poems appear in identity. Her interest in creative writing started in first grade and has grown to become a
vital means of communicating her views, dreams, and vision,
she said.
Annual Oral History
Theater Project Focuses
On Episcopal’s History
n September, both the Merion and Devon campuses enjoyed visits from two well-known children’s artists. At
Devon, best-selling author Dan Gutman paid a visit and
spent time with the students. Gutman has written a variety of books including The Kid Who Ran For President, The
Homework Machine, My Weird School Series, and others.
At Merion, storyteller Robin Moore stopped in to spend some
time with the Lower School students and share his performances. Moore has received many awards, including The Parent’s
Choice Award. He was named “Author of the Year” by the PA
School Librarian’s Association and was recently named “National Storyteller of the Year” by The Creative Arts Institute.
Storyteller Robin Moore performs for Lower School students at Merion.
he theater department’s annual oral history project,
for which fourth grade students traditionally interview
local senior citizens about their lives and experiences
and create a drama performance based on the stories,
will take on a whole new angle this year. In keeping with the
school’s Chapel theme of “Reaching Back to Go Forward,” and
head of school Ham Clark’s institutional goal to “Celebrate
our history, preserve our tradition, catalogue our best practices, and pave the way for excellence in all that we do on the
new campus,” theater chair Susan LaPolombara has expanded
the program to include the fourth grade students on the Devon
Campus and focus their attention on the stories of Episcopal
through alumni, parents, coaches, faculty, and staff.
The group will interview 27 Episcopal community members
about their memories and experiences at EA and then LaPolombara and drama teacher Rachel Miller will work with the
students to write original scripts based on the stories. Author Dan Gutman spends time with the combined kindergarten classes at Devon.
f a l l 2 0 0 7 17
The 50th Reunion Class of 1957
Alumni Weekend 2007 In Review
lumni Weekend was a big success this year as hundreds of alumni, as well as their families and guests,
descended on Episcopal on April 28 and 29. The
celebration began on Friday morning as members of
the 50th Reunion Class of 1957 were honored as guests at Upper School Chapel. Bruce Bennett ’57, a professor of English at
Wells College, and the poet laureate of his class, gave a wonderful address. During the day, alumni representing many of the
“2’s” and “7’s” classes attended class with Upper School students, took tours of the Merion Campus, and visited the Barnes
Museum. The noon hour featured not only food, but a performance by EA’s renowned Vocal Ensemble, and was capped off
by a presentation on the new campus by Head of School, Ham
Clark. Following lunch, several vans headed off to Newtown
Square to give interested alumni their first glimpse of the construction underway on the new campus. The afternoon ended
with a moving tribute to the late Fitz Eugene Dixon ’42, who
was memorialized in Christ Chapel. One of the highlights of
this service was hearing the warm recollections of life with Fitz
given by his widow, Edith.
Friday evening brought the customary All Alumni Reception
held again this year in the Annenberg Library, with entertainment provided by the very talented Episcopal Jazz Quartet. A
wide range of classes were represented at the reception, from
1937 to 2001. Ham Clark welcomed those assembled, and
then introduced members of the Class of 1982 25th Reunion
Committee and the 50th Reunion Gift Committee, who each
presented Ham with checks representing their class reunion
gifts. Ham then introduced Howard Morgan ’57 and his family, who recently endowed a chair in Creative Writing as part
of both a family and class gift. They were followed by Charlie
Ogelsby ’63, President of the Alumni Society, who covered a lot
of important business (the Annual Meeting of the Alumni Society) in a very short time, much to relief and amusement of the
alumni in attendance.
Finally, as has been a tradition for a number of years, the
50th Reunion Class was led from the library to Ryan Hall by a
bagpiper, a role filled this year by Zander Lee ’08, whose grandfather Bob Lee ’52 was present with other members of the 55th
Reunion Class. The Class of 1957 then enjoyed a wonderful
meal hosted by Ham and Ceci Clark in Ryan Hall.
Annual MacBean Bowl
Saturday’s Events
Spencer Hoffman ’05, Packy McCormick ’05, AJ Wessels ’06, Brendan Roach
’06, Andrew Rogers ’98, and Pete Yeremian ’03 returned to EA to judge the
Junto MacBean Bowl debate tournament in May. (Judges not pictured: Jessie
Moyer ’01 and Amy Vegari ’98.) Topics covered were, (round one) “Resolved:
The U.S. Government should ban capital punishment,” and (round two)
“Resolved: The Federal Government should legalize same sex marriage.”
Saturday morning is a special time for the 50th Reunion
Class on Alumni Weekend as members of the class gather in
the Chapel to remember their friends and classmates who have
passed on and share some very poignant stories. Following
the service, a panel from the 50th Reunion Class (which included one intrepid spouse) presented their thoughts on life’s
passions through vocations and avocations.
Later, at lunch in Ryan Hall, the Old Guard
welcomed the 50th Reunion Class into their
august ranks. Afterwards, Gordon Cooney
’77 gave a fabulous presentation in the theater about his experiences working to gain
freedom for a wrongfully convicted inmate
on death row in Louisiana. This story has
gained national attention and Disney has
purchased the rights to make it into a movie, which will star Matt Damon in the role
of Cooney.
At the same time as the Old Guard was
toasting the Class of 1957 in Ryan Hall,
many younger alumni, especially from the
classes of 1987 and 1992, gathered next to
Wetherill House for a family picnic. This
barbeque was very well attended, and the
families who brought their children especially appreciated the proximity to the Wetherill
House playground. Lower School art teacher Julie Choi presided over an art workshop
for the younger set following the cookout.
On Saturday night, the Old Guard Classes of 1937, 1942, 1947, and 1952 were
treated to cocktails and dinner at the Devon Campus. At the same time, the Class of
1957 met at St. David’s Golf Club to wrap
up their whirlwind weekend over dinner.
The Class of 1962 celebrated their 45th Reunion at the home of John Hodge ’62, while
the Class of 1967 took over Ryan Hall for
their 40th. The Class of 1972 had a small
but spirited group gather in Wayne to toast
their 35th. The 30th Reunion bridged both
Friday and Saturday nights, with Andy Kronfeld ’77 hosting the Class of 1977 at his
home on Friday, and the class meeting at the
Merion Cricket Club on Saturday evening.
Rich Crockett ’82’s home was the site of the
25th Reunion bash for the Class of 1982.
Rounding out the evening, the Class of 1987
met for dinner at Blush in Bryn Mawr to celebrate the 20th Reunion and the Class of
1992 had a lively 15th reunion gathering
at Kildare’s Headhouse Square in Philadelphia.
All in all, those who came back to campus
and attended their class reunion parties last
April were filled with wonderful memories
of their time at Episcopal and rekindled old
friendships. Most were pleased with what
they saw happening at Episcopal today, and
were amazed by what is happening in Newtown Square.
We hope that everyone, not just reunion year
classes, can join us this coming spring for
Alumni/Farewell Weekend on May 2-4, 2008
as we celebrate our past and say goodbye to
both Merion and Devon.
November 22 Thanksgiving Soccer and Touch Football – Merion
November 23 Alumnae Field Hockey – Merion
November 23 Class of 1997 10th Reunion (Tri Na Nog)
November 24 Class of 2002 5th Reunion (Mad River)
November 29 Regional Reception in New York City (Williams Club)
Stay tuned for Information on these December Events:
EA Blue/White Alumni Ice Hockey Game
Alumni Water Polo – Merion
EA vs. Haverford Alumni Ice Hockey
Alumni Basketball (Men and Women)
January 7 College Day – Merion
January 16 Philadelphia Regional Reception (venue TBD)
Alumni Events Calendar
November 21 1st Reunion for Class of 2007 – Ryan Hall
2007 Episcopal Legacies
First Row: Andrew Nassau, Henry Nassau ’72, Danny Burke, Gretchen Burke (Chairman of the Board of
Trustees), Logan Greer, Sandy Greer ’46. Second Row: Melanie Cox (former Trustee), Chris Le Vine, Clayton
Platt ’73, Kelsey Platt, Annie Spofford, Ginny Spofford Hon., John Spofford ’74. Third Row: Carter Cox,
Chris Le Vine ’75, Samantha Williams, John Williams ’75. Fourth Row: Ross Godick, Bruce Godick ’71, Britt
Murdoch ’75, CJ Murdoch, Gardner Walling ’83, Julia Clark, Matt Devlin, Ham Clark (Head of School). Fifth
Row: Spencer Squire, Jim Squire, Hon., Jim Brown ’75, Wendy Brown, Liza Walling, Steve Devlin ’76. Last
Row: Blair Fox, Pete Fox ’74, Luke Miller, Luisa Rabe (former trustee), and Dick Walling ’76.
f a l l 2 0 0 7 19
Ever Episcopal... $67
Million and Counting
he Ever Episcopal Campaign is almost three-quarters of the way home. But we need everyone's help to
reach our goal.
For complete campaign coverage, please read the fall
2007 issue of the Ever Episcopal Campaign Newsletter and
visit the new campus Web site at
newcampus. The campaign newsletter is published quarterly
and mailed to the entire EA community.
$90 Million
85 Million
80 Million
Alumni Society Honors
Elizabeth Cocco Hon.
with the 2007 Bishop
William White Award
he Bishop William White Award is presented each
year to a dedicated member of the Episcopal faculty
whose influence on the Academy and its students
extends beyond the classroom. This year, the award
was presented to Elizabeth Cocco Hon., who has devoted 16
years to teaching at Episcopal, most recently working to build
a Spanish program for Lower School students.
In addition to her work in the classroom, Elizabeth has served
as a member of Episcopal’s Accreditation For Growth Committee, Coeducation Committee, Groundbreaking Committee, and
recently served as 2006-2007 Chair of the Faculty and Staff Executive Committee. Outside of Episcopal, Elizabeth is involved
in the student screening process of the Community Partnership
School, a collaboration between the Honickman Center and
Germantown Academy in North Philadelphia. One colleague
commented: “Elizabeth works tirelessly and creatively to provide our youngest students with the tools needed, in particular
for success in school, and more important, for success as human beings.”
75 Million
70 Million
65 Million
60 Million
55 Million
50 Million
45 Million
20 C o n n e c t i o n s
EA Defeats Haverford in Alumni Squash
Challenge in New York City
by Trevor McGuinness ’06
ny Haverford School alumnus who knows anything
about the school’s rich squash heritage will readily
share the “undisputed fact” that Haverford holds
more varsity squash wins over archrival Episcopal
Academy. If you were to ask the same question to an Episcopal
alum, the proclamation would be reversed.
Perhaps Jim Zug, Jr. will someday set the record straight (see
“A History of Excellence” in the Spring 2007 issue of Connections), but until then, one thing is certain: Episcopal holds
the inaugural “EA/HS NYC Alum Squash Challenge” title after
competition played at the University Club. The contest started with an amazing display of doubles squash as Episcopal’s
Trevor McGuinness ’06 and Union Club Assistant Pro Thad
Roberts ’99 took on Haverford’s Morris Clothier ’83 (US
Squash Doubles National champ ’93, ’94, ’95, ’98-02, ’05) and
Amherst standout Mike Strong ’01. McGuinness battled Clothier along the left wall with each keeping their rails tight and fast
paced, while Roberts’ and Strong’s exchanges along the right
wall were steady and crisp.
In the end, the Episcopal duo’s consistency prevailed as they
captured the match in three games. Match play then moved to
the singles court where Haverford’s legendary Ned Edwards
’76, a former member of the pro squash tour and inductee to
the US Squash Hall of Fame, played a great singles match with
EA/Cornell grad Ben Stokes ’02. In the end, Edward’s lightningquick hands triumphed over Stokes’ power and athleticism.
In the third round of play, Mike Strong avenged his firstround loss by teaming up with Haverford’s Colin Bell to defeat
Episcopal alums Chad Burkhardt ’98 and Jeff Porter ’99. On
the adjacent two singles courts, Haverford’s Chris O’Connell
’00 defeated Episcopal’s
Drew Crockett ’01 in a
close three-game match,
while Thad Roberts returned to the singles
court and defeated nemesis Morris Clothier in a
stunning display of grit
and determination. With the “challenge”
tied at three matches
each, the outcome was
decided in a five game,
nail-biter played on the
doubles court before
a standing-room-only
crowd. Episcopal’s Peter
Halpert ’76 paired with
McGuinness Winning Duo Peter Halpert ’76 and author Trevor
against Ned Edwards McGuinness ’06
and Chris O’Connell,
who sought to add a doubles win to their respective singles
wins. The games see-sawed with Halpert deftly handling the
barrage of cross courts and high rails that increased with each
game. Halpert’s patience paid a huge dividend as he kept the
ball in play allowing McGuinness to take the shots needed to
win the match three games to two.
There is little doubt that this inaugural event will continue as
each school vies to win more titles in the nation’s oldest prep
school rivalry. Honorary Alumni
Awards Presented to
Three Members of the
Faculty and Staff
(l to r): Win Lippincott ’99, Carvel Camp Hon., Charles Collins Hon., and Charlie
Ogelsby ’63. (Not pictured: Ed Silvi Hon.)
harlie Ogelsby ’63 and Win Lippincott ’99, president and vice president of the Alumni Society Board
of Managers respectively, joined Episcopal faculty
and staff for their end-of-year celebration to present
its annual awards. Each year the Alumni Society presents Honorary Alumni Awards to members of the faculty and staff who
have completed 10 full years of service to the Academy. This
year Carvel Camp, Charles Collins, and Ed Silvi (not pictured)
received an honorary membership in the Alumni Society.
f a l l 2 0 0 7 21
3rd Annual EA vs GA
Alumni Lacrosse Game
Pictured left to right: Guest Coach John Wynne,
Hon., Logan Welde ’92, Burke Gallagher ’97, Trevor
Walker ’99, Lowrey Heaver ’59, Eric Gregg ’96,
Jamie Creed ’00, Brian Mann ’81, and Chris Fallon
’98. Despite a short roster, EA picked up an easy
victory over GA’s alumni squad! Mark your calendar
for this year’s game to be hosted by EA at the
Merion Campus Saturday, May 3, 2008. We hope to
see you there!
Alumni Survey Results Strong
ast spring, The Episcopal Academy engaged Lookout Management Inc. (LMI) to perform an extensive
survey of alumni attitudes toward a wide variety of
topics, incuding their experience as students and how
they feel about aspects of the school today. The response rate
was solid and better than expected. Over 30% of Episcopal’s
active alumni submitted responses (the typical rate is 25% for
this kind of survey, according to LMI), and of those, 85% were
identified by name.
The Alumni Office and the school appreciate the time and
thought that EA’s alumni spent to make this project a success.
The Alumni Office is also indebted to all of the respondents
for the trust that was clearly shown in sharing frank comments
about EA’s strengths and areas of needed improvement. The
goal was to learn as much as possible about how alumni feel
about the school.
The participation among alumni across all decades was fairly well balanced. The range of classes that responded was from
1935 to 2006. 33% of those who submitted responses graduated before 1965; 24% were from the classes of 1965 to 1984,
24% were from the classes of 1985 to 1997, and 19% were
from the classes of 1998 to 2006. While the raw numbers favor the younger classes, the higher percentage of responses per
class came from the Old Guard.
Here are some highlights from the LMI’s analysis of the alumni responses to the survey:
• 97% of the alumni who participated in the survey rated their
level of satisfaction with the Episcopal Academy student experience as high or very high. On a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being
the highest, overall student satisfaction was rated at 4.4.
• The Episcopal academic program was rated highly at 4.6, followed closely by caliber of faculty at 4.4, and interaction with
faculty at 4.3.
22 C o n n e c t i o n s
• 95.3% reported that there were faculty or staff who were
strongly favorable in their influence on the Episcopal student
experience. In fact, 135 members of the current and former
faculty and staff were mentioned by name in the survey responses.
• Those respondents who agreed with the statement “I am
proud to be an Episcopal graduate,” outnumbered those who
disagreed by a ratio of 49 to 1.
We learned some very important things about our current
and proposed alumni events, and will take steps to implement
what we learned in a timely fashion. Here are some examples
of what we learned:
Of all the events on the alumni calendar, Alumni
Weekend ranks highest among those who have participated, with EA/Haverford/AIS Weekend ranking a close
There is a very strong interest in further developing career
networking among EA’s alumni.
Many alumni would like to come back to campus to attend a
class taught by one of Episcopal’s teachers.
There is interest among alumni who live outside of the Philadelphia area, and outside of the areas served by regional
associations (New York, for example), for periodic visits by
the head of school and/or other representatives of the Alumni Office.
While there is strong support for the new campus in Newtown Square, we need to reassure some alumni that the mission
and traditions of Episcopal will remain vibrant and continue
to live on after the school makes its move (probably much the
same as when the school moved out of Philadelphia to Merion
in 1920).
You can learn more about the Alumni Survey results by visiting the EA Web site at
Spirituality & Community Service
Episcopal Returns
to Africa for Annual
Service Work
ising seniors Matt Carpinello, Chris George, Ben
Mickel, Joi Patterson, and Anna Swanson traveled
to Mika, Tanzania this past summer to perform a
number of community service projects in the village,
which has been ravaged by AIDS. This is the second year Episcopal’s community service program has made the trip. Faculty
members Doug Parsons and Susan Swanson accompanied the
During the past year, the Mika Village School was in danger
of being closed due to the lack of a latrine for the students. The
EA students sprang into action during the academic year and
held a number of fundraisers to gather funds for its construction, including Mika Movie Night, ice cream sales, a Chapel
collection, and other programs. Eventually the students raised
the needed $5,000 to build the latrine. During the visit this
summer, the EA students attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony
and were greeted by many grateful officials.
While in Mika, the students taught English and math in the
village school, painted murals in the orphanage, and distributed donations they had brought with them. They also fed the
orphans their daily meal provided by the Mika Foundation (see Every afternoon the EA students
led the Mika villagers in games and activities. Among the many
things the students learned, was how AIDS can impact an entire community and how much of an impact one school or one
individual can have on another’s well-being.
From left: Assistant Director of Community Life Susan Swanson (far left), senior
Anna Swanson, and senior Chris George help paint the village orphanage.
Senior Matt Carpinello teaches one of the classes at the Mika village school.
Visit Chapel Through Chapel Talks
On The Web Site…
Who says you need to be in Merion or Devon to follow
what’s happening in Chapel at Episcopal? Visit the
“Chapel Talks” Web page on the Episcopal Web site
(from the Home Page, click on School Life, then Chapel
Program, and then Chapel Talks) to read the inspiring
presentations given by students and guests each week.
Seniors Joi Patterson (at right) and Ben Mickel hand out food to a number of the
village’s AIDS orphans.
f a l l 2 0 0 7 23
Spirituality & Community Service
Vestry Honors School
History With Chapel Theme
for 2007-2008
“Reach Back to Go Forward” chosen with some help
from James “Bruiser” Flint ’83
he Upper School Vestry, Middle School Chapel Council, and the school
Chaplains went through the usual exercise last spring of formulating the
Chapel theme for the 2007-2008 school year. Not surprisingly, one of the
recurring themes that kept popping up was the move and the need to honor
Episcopal’s past in some way. Eventually, the group focused in on the phrase, “Know
where you have been so that you know where you are going,” but the group wanted
to make the phrase more concise so it could be presented in more simple language; a
task easier said thean done.
At a bit of an impasse, Chaplain Squire attended a luncheon for scholarship donors just before the final meeting to determine the year’s Chapel theme. The speaker
was James “Bruiser” Flint ’83, head basketball coach at Drexel, who noted that his
time at Episcopal prepared him for the academic challenges of college and helped him
succeed in life. While talking with current students, Flint noted that they should always “know where you have been and know where you are going.” He summed up
by sharing that he tells his players: “Reach Back to Go Forward.” Without realizing it, Flint had presented the Vestry, Chapel Council, and the Chaplains with the concise language they were looking for to honor Episcopal’s past and
use it to propel us to the new campus in Newtown Square.
“Spare Change
to Save a Life”
Raises Over
$14,000 for
ver the past six months,
students from all units at
Episcopal have been collecting spare change with
their families to donate to the school’s
“Spare Change to Save a Life” campaign
to help support the Dikembe Mutombo
In our Spring 2007 issue of Connections, we reported that the program,
which was the brainchild of Episcopal
students Meredith (7th grade) and Alex
(10th grade) Nelson, had raised just over
$5,000. But in the last four months, that
number nearly tripled and the campaign
has concluded with a total of $14,252.16
Special thanks go to the Community Service department for counting and
packaging all of the spare change (which
came in more than 500 full tennis ball
containers) and making nearly daily trips
to the local bank.
A check will be presented to Mr. Mutombo in a ceremony at Episcopal
sometime this fall.
James “Bruiser” Flint ’83 during his talk with Episcopal’s
scholarship donors that inspired this year’s Chapel theme of “Reach
Back to Go Forward.”
Episcopal’s Community Service Board members
pose with just a few of the hundreds of coinfilled cans EA students and families donated to
“Spare Change To Save A Life.” From left to right
are senior Julia Williams, junior Caroline Pratt,
junior Julian Rodriguez, senior Alejandro Rettig y
Martinez, and junior Julian Jowise.
24 C o n n e c t i o n s
Episcopal Graduate Interns at the Vatican
Blake Marymor ’04 put his video and Web production expertise to work as an intern
in the Vatican’s Internet Office
n January of 2007, Blake Marymor ’04 got more than he
bargained for when he planned to spend a semester abroad
in Italy. Now a senior at Villanova University majoring in
communications, Blake was planning the stereotypical
abroad experience balancing study and travel. While planning
the trip, however, he was presented with a unique opportunity that turned his run-of-the-mill trip into an opportunity of
a lifetime. A professor asked him if he wanted to intern in the
Vatican’s Internet Office.
“One of my professors stopped me
in May 2006 and
told me this would
be perfect for me
to combine school
and my profession, which is
[theater and video] production,”
said Blake. With
more than seven
years of professional studio work
and extensive experience
theatre productions,
Blake was able to
land a teaching assistant position in
the computer science department
at Villanova. All
of which made
him the perfect
candidate for the
Blake Marymor ’04 spent a semester abroad last
winter working in the Vatican’s Internet Office.
This past January, Blake was off
to Rome. During his four months in Italy, Blake learned Italian
and worked on many projects for the Vatican, from video and
audio editing to Web and graphic design. Two of his main projects included the Easter 2007 Web page, which can be found
at, and a documentary of the pilgrimage to
Lourdes, France.
Blake worked in the Internet Office of the Holy See under Sister Judith Zoebelein, a part of the order of the The Franciscan
Sisters of the Holy Eucharist. It was due to her that Blake was
chosen to design the Easter Web site.
“One day, Sister Judith told me they needed a banner for the
front page about Easter. After she saw my design, she told me
to continue with the entire page, including transcribing it into
six languages. It was quite an honor,” Blake noted. The design
of the page comes from a picture that he took of a panel from
the door at St. Peter’s Cathedral. To celebrate Easter, Blake
cooked brunch for Sister Judith and her houseguests.
“The Lourdes Project was the one project I knew I would be
doing. I planned for it the entire semester before I left,” said
Blake. “The sick travel to Lourdes on a 24-hour train ride in
hope that the water from the mysterious grotto that St Bernadette dug will cure them.” For seven days, Blake and his two
fellow interns documented the trip as well as aided those in
need. “We traveled as pilgrims and recorded the experience
of the sick as well as our own—a humbling trip,” said Blake.
He was not only responsible for the audio and video of the
journey, but also aided in the hospital. “My roommate on
the trip, Carlo, was a volunteer for the hospital, so I tagged
along with the hope of getting some footage,” Blake said. “But,
within five minutes of being there, I was helping out pushing
wheelchairs and serving food. One night I did the night shift assisting Carlo.”
Blake has now returned to the states to finish editing the documentary. He was asked to continue his work for the Vatican
as a member of the Communications Department at Villanova.
He is currently working on editing hours of tapes in Italian of
the Pope at Auschwitz in order to put a highlighted version on
the Vatican Web site. Blake also just completed the Web site for
the Worldwide Catholic League as he starts his senior year.
“The entire experience is one that I will never forget.”
Lower School at Merion celebrates Sukkot at the Jack M.
Barrack Hebrew Academy (formerly Akiba)
All of the Lower School at Merion students traveled to neighbor school Jack M.
Barrack Hebrew Academy on September 26th to help celebrate and learn more
about the Jewish holiday Sukkot. In an interfaith Chapel service the students
learned that during this holiday, members of the Jewish faith construct a temporary
structure in which to eat their meals, entertain guests, relax, and even sleep.
The Sukkah is reminiscent of the type of huts in which the ancient Israelites dwelt
during their 40 years of wandering in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt, and is
intended to reflect God's benevolence in providing for their needs in the desert.
f a l l 2 0 0 7 25
Annual Giving
Celebrates Another
Banner Year
Annual Giving Campaign 2006- 2007
raises more than $2 million
he 2006 – 07
Annual Giving
Campaign once
with a bang, setting a new
record of $2,046,673.
Thanks to the hard work
of three-year co-chairs
Lori Kelly and Ed Jones
‘87, along with Rob Melchionni ’98 and over 125
volunteers, this past year
was once again very special. The annual fund
is the lifeblood of the
school and a key part
of the operating budget.
Gifts to the annual fund
help support all Episcopal programs including,
but not limited to, faculty salaries, academic programs, athletics, and the chapel programs. There are nine different areas
where you can designate your gift and your support is very
much needed and appreciated. Highlights of this year’s campaign include:
• Class of 2006 setting a new record for college-age alumni
participation (24%)
• Over 580 Advocate Donors (gifts of $1,000 and above) surpassing last year’s record (541)
• Seven alumni classes with over 65% participation: 1930,
’31, ’33, ’36, ’40, ’45, and ’50
• 71% parent participation, contributing over $870,000
• 101 new young alumni (classes 10 years out or earlier)
• 25th Reunion Record for the Class of ’82 for donors (55%)
and dollars (over $62,000)
Plans are already underway for the 2007-08 campaign and
the co-chairs this year will be Pat McKay, Joe Bongiovanni ’91,
Rob Melchionni ’98, and Courtney Bancroft Morris ’99. We
look forward to your continuing support as we try to reach our
goal of $2,075,000.
If you would like to help with this year’s campaign, or to
make a gift, please contact Bruce Konopka, Associate Director
of Development, at 610-617-2233 or [email protected]. To make a gift online, visit the school’s Web site,, and click on the “Annual Giving
Works” icon in the lower left corner.
26 C o n n e c t i o n s
10 Things You May Not Know
About the New Campus
1. The pool on the Merion Campus holds approximately
140,000 gallons of water (25 yards in length). The pool on the
new campus will hold 389,000 gallons of water (35 meters in
2. The number of classrooms in the Middle School will
jump from 15 at Merion to 22 on the New Campus.
3. Currently there are 363 parking spaces on the Merion
and Devon Campuses combined. On the new campus there
will be more than 650.
4. The new campus in Newtown Square will be
approximately four times the size of Haverford’s campus (32
acres), almost seven times as big as Agnes Irwin’s campus
(18 acres), almost three times the size of Penn Charter’s
campus (44 acres), and even larger than the sprawling
Germantown Academy campus (120 acres).
5. Seating in the main theater will jump from 400 at Merion
to 600 on the new campus and the square footage of the stage
area will jump from 1,540 sq. ft. to 2,530 sq. ft.
6. Every classroom on the new campus will have a plasma
television for use as a digital blackboard and closed-circuit
message board and communication network.
7. Saplings from many of the trees that live on both the
Merion and Devon Campuses will be transplanted on the
new campus this coming spring, bringing the legacy of Fred
Doolittle and the EA forestry club with us.
8. The new campus will have a Woodland Classroom,
which will be outfitted with 18 boulders that can be utilized
as seating and will include additional landscaping elements.
Teachers of all disciplines can utilize this area for class
meetings or instruction.
9. The future home of the Director of Operations and
Facilities is one of the original homes built on what became
the Liseter Hall Farm. Dating back to the 1700s, the house will
be renovated and restored, and provides a connection to the
property's history.
10. The new Chapel will have seating for 900 people. Christ
Chapel at Merion seats only 600. In addition, the pulpits,
overhanging cross, altar, kneelers, chaplain's and head's
chairs, parts of the organ, and the 24 individual stained glass
windows will all be installed in the new chapel.
Development Office Welcomes
Two New Staff Members
IRA Gift
December 31,
Kathleen Cannon
Sarah Baker Perkins ’01
he Development Office has added two new staff members to its department.
Sarah Baker Perkins ’01, Campaign Coordinator and Major Gifts Officer,
returned to Episcopal this summer to join the Development Office and the
History Department. After her 2005 graduation from Duke University,
Sarah taught history and Latin at The Agnes Irwin School, where she also coached
cross-country. At Episcopal, Sarah works with the Ever Episcopal campaign team
and teaches one section of ninth grade history.
Kathleen Cannon, Major Gifts Officer, is a past parent (Maura ’98 and Caroline
’06) and former board member of the Gesu School in Philadelphia and a member of
its education committee. Kathleen has also worked as a former math teacher in the
New York City public schools, a literacy tutor for Philadelphia Reads, a homeless
advocate for the Interfaith Hospitality Network, and has performed
cultural fundraising for the Opera
Company of Philadelphia, Diva Communications, Philadelphia Orchestra,
the Academy of the Fine Arts, and the
Philadelphia Museum of Arts, among
You can track the construction
many others.
progress of the new campus via
the EA Web site. From construction
photos, campaign progress, architect
bios, live Web cam of the project,
renderings of the buildings, and
video slide shows, it’s all there.
ntil December 31, 2007, people 70.5 years of age and older
can make lifetime charitable
gifts from their IRA without
tax complications. This is good news for
people who want to give retirement assets during their lifetime, but have been
discouraged from doing so because of
the income tax penalty. Thanks to the
Pension Protection Act of 2006, individuals can give up to $100,000 a year from
their IRA to Episcopal and other qualified charities without incurring tax on
the distribution. The process is simple,
but you must act soon to take advantage of this special provision. By doing
so, you will provide cash that Episcopal
needs today and give yourself the joy of
watching your philanthropy take shape.
For a detailed fact sheet contact
Carolyn Jaeger, Director of Planned
Giving, at 610-617-2252 or jaeger@
Stay Right On Target
With the New Campus
Stay on top of the progress as we
count down the days until our arrival
in Newtown Square.
f a l l 2 0 0 7 27
Class Notes
E dited by THE Alumni OF F ICE
If you are interested in becoming a class
agent, please contact Bruce Konopka at
610-617-2233, or Jen Slike 610-617-2294
ext. 3143, in the Development Office for
more information.
Celebrate your
Reunion on
the Merion Campus
one last time at
May 2-4, 2008
S. Gareth Davis ’39, the “World
Angela Garofalo Breuers and Marc Breuers ’88.
• Class of 1938 70th Reunion
• Class of 1943 65th Reunion
• Class of 1948 60th Reunion
• Class of 1953 55th Reunion
• Class of 1958 50th Reunion
• Class of 1963 45th Reunion
• Class of 1968 40th Reunion
• Class of 1973 35th Reunion
• Class of 1978 30th Reunion
• Class of 1983 25th Reunion
• Class of 1988 20th Reunion
• Class of 1993 15th Reunion
For more information about
your reunion, visit
32 Class Agent Needed
33 Class Agent: Bart Linvill
34 Class Agent Needed
35 Class Agent Needed
36 Class Agent: John Haas
37 Class Agent: Kingsley Weston
38 Class Agent Needed
Emlen Cresson reports: “Ruth and I are
still doing English Country dancing, or as
much as my 88 years and Parkinsons and
Restless Leg will permit. We are looking
forward to my 70th reunion, next May,
with pleasure.”
Bruce Granger reports: “Eleanor and
I have been living comfortably in Eagle Crest, an assisted-living facility in
St. Paul. We live only five miles from my
son Adam who teaches and plays western guitar. He and his wife Renee have a
son Austin who is 16 and just finished his
sophomore year in high school.”
39 Class Agent Needed
S. Gareth Davis reports that a documentary is being prepared to front a full length
film on his life as a “World Citizen.” You
can read more about Garry and his work
at or From Garry’s bio: “Has been
imprisoned 34 times in nine countries for
not having ‘valid’ papers, Davis travels
only with the World Service Authority
passport. The father of Kristina, Troy,
28 C o n n e c t i o n s
Athena, and Kim, Davis continues to lecture extensively in addition to his writing
and continued single-minded quest to
evolve the youthful World Government
of World Citizens.”
40 Class Agents: Harry Toland, R.T.
Toland, and Jack Hopkins
41 Class Agents: J. Tyler Griffin, Roger
Miller, and Karl Rugart
42 Class Agents: Bill Nagle and Woody
43 Class Agents: Jim Carson, Joe
Gordon, Bill Lander, and Davis Pearson
44 Class Agents: Al Hume and Doug
45 Class Agent: George Robinette
46 Class Agent: Wink Bennett
47 Class Agent: Brooks Keffer
48 Class Agents: John Hentz, Hamill
Horne, and Dick Schneider
49 Class Agents: Jim Blatchford and
Stan Miller
50 Class Agent: John Rettew
51 Class Agent: Barry Pennell
52 Class Agent: Craig TenBroeck
Haig Pakradooni has been suffering a bit
as a result of a serious fever, which damaged his vocal chords. He is a docent at
the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk and is
The Class of 1987 celebrated its 20th Reunion in April. Pictured are (front row):
Ed Jones, Doug Scott, Tara (Warrington) Downie, Lauren (Hoffman) Madsden,
Mindy (Shetzline) Phelps, Cecilly Craighill, John Crowe, Juliet (Walsh) Davis, Ann
(Manning) Allen and Peirce Buller. Back row: Jim Blenko, Paul DeSanctis, John
Jobey Hollinger ’95, Chris Bozzi ’90, Lori Hood ’90, David Hood ’95, Kurt
Black, Tony Backos, Jack Zinman, Jeff Kolff, JD Morris, Doug Blatchford, Pete
Lunkenheimer ’95, Kristin McIlhenney-Peters ’90, George Schreiber ’95, Jane
Dugery, Tyler Donald, Peter Unruh, Mike Lisak, Eric Linker, Dorian Hart,
Armstrong ’90, Jamie Griffin ’95, Janice Franks Biddle ’90, and Maureen
Al Caesar, Andy Hilger.
Stachowski Griffin ’95 celebrated at Lori’s wedding May 18, 2007.
hoping to get enough voice back to continue his work. He is also involved in the
Coast Guard Auxiliary.
wife Melinda was in town to share this
experience and I was there for three of
the events and was part of Team Metz.”
Craig TenBroeck proudly reports that
his late mother’s book We Scrapples, the
Philadelphia Main Line as it Really Was
has finally been published.
Bill Lamb has been elected to a one-year
term as president judge of the Pennsylvania Court of Judicial Discipline.
53 Class Agent: Peter Duncan
54 Class Agents: Birch Clothier, Walt
Moleski, and Bill Sykes
55 Class Agent: David McMullin
56 Class Agent: Bill Rapp
57 Class Agents: John Clendenning,
Carl Deutsch, and Howard Morgan
Jay Stetzer and his wife Mary Ann are
thrilled to have a new grandson, Alexander Morse Williams, born on May 22,
58 Class Agents: Hunter McMullin and
Jim Zug
Tom Baxter reports: “This June Don
Metz was in Louisville where he participated in all four of the 65 to 69 age
group cycling events (5K, 10K, 20K, and
40K) for the 2007 Senior Olympics. He
recently started training for these events
(he had been mainly mountain biking),
so just to qualify in all of the events was
great. Don finished 16th in the 5K, 24th
in the 10K, 8th in the 40K (received a
ribbon), and 3rd Bronze in the 20K. He
was up against many experienced riders
so this was really a great showing! His
59 Class Agent Needed
60 Class Agent: Geb Burden
61 Class Agent: Cappy Markle
62 Class Agent: Ed Vick
63 Class Agents: Drew Jackson and
Charlie Ogelsby
John Riley reports: “Two years ago, I
retired from teaching at Boston University in order to devote myself to full-time
research and writing, and I’m now Professor Emeritus of English Literature. I’m
currently working on two separate book
projects. Sadly, my wife Beth and I separated in 2001 and were later divorced
after 35 years of marriage. In 2003, I
met Martha Vasconcellos (Miss Universe
1968, from Brazil) and we’ve been together ever since.”
64 Class Agent: Tom Zug
65 Class Agents: John Gregg and Loyd
66 Class Agent: Steve Dittmann
67 Robert Mayock
Pete Barrow reports: “My apologies for
missing the reunion dinner; my wife and
I had a conflict that involved her sister
receiving an award. In spite of myself,
I received a superior education at EA. Only Temple University accepted me because of good SATs and poor grades. Made national honor society at Temple
and met Betty, my wife, while attending. Since then, EA has been in my thoughts
and I’ve given most years. Our children
attended Media Friends School and later public school. Son Daniel graduated
from Ithaca College and daughter Margaret (seventh generation Margaret) is
attending Drexel and has a 3.96 GPA;
next year she hopes to attend Drexel’s Nursing School. A year and a half
ago Dan and his wife, Meghan, graced
us with a grandson. My brother Derek, Class of 1969, had pancreatic cancer
and died in 2004. One EA subliminal
lesson has continued: Capitalism. We
moved to Chester, PA in 2003 and occupy an apartment I constructed on the
top floor of the eight-story Crozer Building at Fifth and Avenue of the States. My
sister-in-law and I recently bought the
Old Chester City Hall and are converting it to two office suites (now occupied)
and nine apartments. We’ve retained as
much of the Art Deco interior as practical. Apartments range from about 600
sq. ft. to 2,430 sq. ft. We have additional Chester projects that we are planning
and we help/cooperate with our competitors. The new campus will fulfill many
students’ needs and should prove very
marketable in the private education arena. If at all possible, I will not miss the
next reunion.”
fa ll 20 07
Class Notes
Capt. Michael McGuiness ’00, Elissa Helt ’93, CJ Walsh, III
’98, JJ McKeever ’98, Andrew J. Rogers, Esq. ’98, Michael
Walsh ’00, Jennifer Sharpless ’00, Andrew J Torre ’98, and
Dean Vetsikas ’98 gathered together for the Radnor Hunt Races
and the third leg of the Steeplechase Triple Crown in May. Not
pictured: Whitney Mills ’00.
Pictured celebrating at Chris and Allison Marvin’s wedding are: Jason Moyer ’93, Andrew
Marvin ’95, Cecily Craighill ’87, Bill Marvin ’88, Doug Holt ’93, Dave Beers ’88, Chris Marvin
’93 , Allison Marvin, Scarlett Campitelli ’94, and Liz Williams ’93.
68 Class Agent: Robert Mayock
69 Class Agent Needed
70 Class Agents: John Dautrich and
Ron Rothrock
Jay Lippincott and Margaret Allen Becker were married on June 26, 2007. They
currently reside in Baltimore, MD.
union in May and wants to see as many
classmates as he can during the year.
Robert Teti and his wife Gayle are proud
to announce that they will be opening a
new Murray’s Deli and Bistro in Berwyn
in the fall of 2007.
74 Class Agents: Pierce Archer and Jeff
71 Class Agent: Chris D’Angelo
75 Class Agent: David Crockett
Joe Swain is the CFO of Center Light
Capital, a hedge fund in Greenwich, CT.
Bruce Williamson reports: “My wife,
Liliane, and our daughter, Grace, will
be transferring from our current post
at the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia to our
next assignment in Monterrey, Mexico. In Monterrey, I’ll be the Principal
Officer and will report to the Ambassador and Deputy Chief of Mission based
in the capital, Mexico City. Other than
the change of language from Portuguese
to Spanish (and the prospect of moving
all our possessions), we’re very excited
about the move.”
72 Class Agent: Chuck Taylor
73 Class Agents: Rex Gary, Jerry Hol-
leran, and Bill Luff
Bill Clark reports: “My daughter Julia recently graduated from Tulane and
I continue my quest for brewing the perfect homebrew.”
Peter Beller reports: “After 22 years in
private practice in OB/Gyn in Hartford,
CT, I have joined the full-time staff at
Hartford Hospital as Director of Women’s Ambulatory Health Services. This
position will give me more regular hours
and more of an opportunity to teach the
residents and medical students. The next
rotation started on August 1st.”
Martin Heldring has moved back to the
Philadelphia area with his wife and three
children. Martin is working for Commerce Bank and is thrilled to be home.
He is looking forward to the 35th Re-
30 C o n n e c t i o n s
76 Class Agent: Roly Morris
77 Class Agents: Gordon Cooney, Peter
Hare, and David Howard
78 Class Agents: Jim Borum and Larry
Sam Olshin of Atkin Olshin Lawson-Bell
Architects ( recently
served as architect for the new Headmaster’s and Chaplain’s houses at EA’s
Newtown Square campus.
79 Class Agent: Ned Lee
80 Class Agent: Joe Giles
81 Class Agents: Ted Coxe and Ben
Kirby Kean and his wife Susan welcomed
their first child, Evan, on December 5,
82 Class Agents: Rich Crockett, Jim
Farrell, and Brooke McMullin
83 Class Agents: Jamie Hole and Todd
Byron Poindexter lives in Richmond,
Virginia with his beautiful wife, Cameron, and step-daughter, Kyla. He started
his own business, ProFinish, in 2006 and
customizes wood finishes. Byron reports:
“I do commercial work as well as residential, old work (refinishing) as well as
new; anything from stripping, staining,
clear-coating, distressing, glazing, color matching...any and everything related
for the beautification and preservation
of wood products. Most of my jobs are
from custom cabinet shops (new kitchens) and I occasionally get an antique
(or ‘quality-used’) piece of furniture to
84 Class Agents: Bill Conlan, Bill
Keffer, and Karl Mayro
Amanda Lamb released her first book,
Smotherhood: Wickedly Funny Confessions from the Early Years in September.
Globe Pequot (Guillford, CT) is publishing it under its new imprint SKIRT
featuring contemporary women authors.
Ned Hole ’01, Chris Leach ’98, Amy Vegari ’98, Sarah Keim ’98,
Liz (Hole) Knake ’98, Sam Hole ’15, Rip Noyes ’98, Jamie Hole
’83, and Rick Hole ’66 celebrating at Liz’s wedding in Maine.
Andrew Walsh ’98, Guillaume Perrin,
Karen Rotwitt Perrin ’98, Sophia
Pappas Schwartz ’98, Sarovor Banka
’98, and Chris Fallon ’98 celebrating
Karen and Guillame’s marriage in
October 2005.
Ryan Gelbach ’97, Patrick Barton ’97, Amanda
Barton, Luke Frutkin ’97, Paul O’Connor ’97, Lauren
Imbesi Caffray ’97, Peter Flick ’96, James Casey ’97
Michael Campbell ’97, Murphy Barton ’95, Hilary
Craven ’97, and Dan O’Donnell ’97.
For more information visit Amanda’s
Web site at www.smotherhoodbook.
com. Amanda is an award-winning
television reporter covering the crime
beat for WRAL-TV, a CBS affiliate in
Raleigh, NC.
87 Class Agents: Jim Blenko, Peter
Dugery, Ed Jones, and Mindy Phelps
Emily and John Black welcomed baby
Matthew Garnett Black on October 21,
Anders and Sue (Jacobs) Matzen welcomed baby Noah Matzen on March 14,
Melanie (James) Cosgrove started her
own consulting business in 2006, MJC
Consulting (
85 Class Agent: Won Shin
Juliet (Walsh) Davis and her husband
Michael welcomed son Thomas Davis
on September 9, 2006.
Todd McGovern is married to Lisa Dall
and has a four-year-old son Kyle Rafferty
McGovern. Todd travels extensively for
business, notably and recently, to Australia, Japan, Rome, and New Zealand.
He has written articles and consults with
Fortune 250 Companies regarding executive compensation. Todd is the Midwest
director of compensation at Buck Consultants in Chicago, IL.
Bill Stelwagon is Senior Council at Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP in New York
City. He married Jennifer Cooper on
April 28, 2007.
86 Class Agents: J.D. Cassidy and Bruce
Tim Jannetta married Katie Hartnett on
December 29, 2006. Steve Jannetta ’82
and Greg Jannetta ’84 served as best
men. Mike Hill ’87 and Bob Mascioli
were groomsmen and John Stinnett and
Vince Powers were in attendance.
Jason Schell moved to London a year ago
to run FX sales for Deutsche Bank.
Tara (Warrington) Downie has been certified as a personal trainer.
Wanda and Paul Gilhool are the proud
parents of son Troy Gilhool born April
19, 2007.
Mike Lisak and his wife Monique
welcomed the newest member of their
family, daughter Vivienne Maree, on January 2, 2007. Vivienne joins big brother
Sam, age nine, and big sister Isabella, age
Phillippe Lucas is the founder and director of the Vancouver Island Compassion
Society, a Canadian non-profit therapeutic cannabis research and distribution
center located in Victoria, B.C. He is also
founder of Canadians for Safe Access,
the nation’s largest medicinal cannabis
patients’ rights organization. A former
secondary school teacher, he also serves
as Director of Communications for
DrugSense, a U.S.-based drug policy
think-tank. Phillipe is currently a Mas-
ter’s candidate in the Studies in Policy
and Practice program at the University of Victoria, and a Graduate Research
Fellow with the Center for Addiction Research of British Columbia, and has been
awarded the UVic Blue and Gold Award
2007 for volunteerism and community
Valentina and Donal McGay welcomed
their son Nikander Spence McGay on
March 26, 2006.
After graduating from Ohio Wesleyan
University with a degree in economics,
J.D. Morris spent three years skiing and
waiting tables in Park City, UT. He then
returned to graduate school at Penn State
University finishing with an MBA in Finance. J.D. spent the next seven years
trading options on the Philadelphia
Stock Exchange (Dell, SOX, and BKX
indexes) as a market maker (floor trader). He moved back to Park City two
years ago and started a property management company and a snowmobile
operation. J.D. is a devoted supporter of
live music as well; he has probably seen
1,000 concerts in the last 20 years. If any
classmates are going to be in Utah, please
note that J.D. will offer free Snowmobiling for ’87 grads and families anytime
(December through April 15). You can
reach him at john@adventuresnowtours.
Louise Zimmerman married Karl Gene
Hoehl on October 21, 2006.
88 Class Agent: Michael Jordan
f a l l 2 0 0 7 31
Class Notes
Geoff Michael ’93, U.S. Supreme
Court Justice Samuel Alito, and
Jamie Hunter ’97.
EA alumni gathered at Tim Peck’s ’98
wedding in Lake George, NY. Pictured (back,
l to r): Chris Leach ’98, Jenny Gardner,
Brandon Knox ’98, Tim Peck ’98, Rip Noyes
’98, John Dougherty ’98, John Cunningham
(EA friend); (front, l to r): Jamie Wolitarsky
’92 (holding son William), Matt Wolitarsky
’96, Reid Smith ’98, CJ Walsh ’98, Mike
O’Connor ’96, and Joni Peck.
Will Hopkins (age four), Anna Hopkins
(age seven), and Daniel Hopkins (age
one); children of Dave and JoAnne Fortin
Hopkins ’93.
Marc Bruers married Angela Garofalo
on September 22, 2006 in Newport, RI.
Alexandra Golaski opened her own marketing and design firm, Eastern Star
Communications, in Philadelphia this
past spring.
Michael Goldstein and his wife Carol
Wetherhill Goldstein have two daughters, Bess, age six, and Ella, age three.
Matt Greim and his wife Kristin welcomed the birth of their son Matthew
Thomas Greim on March 21, 2006.
Steve Strawbridge is the vice president of
New Business Development for MainGate, a merchandise production and
retail company working with many of
the largest spectator events in the United
States. Initially, Steve will be responsible for managing the retail developments
and business at the new Colts stadium
opening in Indianapolis in August 2008.
89 Class Agents: Erin (O’Brien) Dugery
and Charlie Moleski
Patrick Chambers married Courtney Sullivan on June 1, 2007 in the St. Thomas
of Villanova church on Villanova’s campus. Paul Chambers ’88, Mike Milone
’88, Frank Rosato, Phillip Rosato ’90,
Dan Dougherty, Hon., and Brian Dougherty ’92 were in attendance.
90 Class Agent Needed
Lori Hood married Daniel G. Sanders on
May 18, 2007 in Stone Harbor, NJ.
32 C o n n e c t i o n s
Fabrice Le-Morzellec recently started a
new career with Liberty Mutual in Philadelphia. His fiancée, Janelle, teaches
Upper School at Springside School for
Girls. Fabrice and Janelle work with a
non-profit animal rescue group, Homeward Bound, through which they save
dogs from kill shelters and foster them until they can be placed in loving homes. Grace (Cornelius) Limaye and Ryan Limaye welcomed their second child,
Matthew, into the family on February 8,
91 Class Agents: Joe Bongiovanni, Sean
McDermott, Holly Rieck, and Jenn
Becky Demorest moved to New York
City to join the Women’s Sports Medicine
Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery. She will be focusing on developing
its pediatric sports medicine program.
Don and Holly (Sando) Rieck proudly announce the birth of their first child,
son Donald Lee Rieck, III born May 18,
92 Class Agents: Charley French and
Ben Prusky
Rashmi Diwan married Arjune Budhram
on October 4, 2003 at The Rittenhouse
Hotel in Philadelphia. They have a
17-month-old daughter Anjali. Arjune
works for Lehman Brothers as vice president of Risk Management. Rashmi works
for Blackhawk Network, a subsidiary of
Safeway, as regional vice president of fi-
nancial services. They live in Brooklyn,
Pace Duckett recently married Suzanne
Landgren and is finishing a fellowship
at CHOP specializing in pediatric
Tom Farrell married Ali Ogelsby on May
19, 2007. Ali is the daughter of Charlie Ogelsby ’63, former president of the
Alumni Society Board of Managers.
Christine (Wynne) Hallman and her
husband Barry had a second child, Caroline Emerson McPhee Hallman, born on
July 5, 2007.
Dan Ledger has been living in Shanghai
for two years working for Analog Devices. Dan and his wife Lauren welcomed
their first child, Andrew Thomas Ledger,
on May 24, 2007.
Jennifer (Mirandy) Raue, her husband
Brent, and daughters Madeline Anne (age
eight) and Shannon Kathleen (age five)
welcomed a new baby son and brother,
Colin Thomas, into the family on December 21, 2006. Jen is currently working
part time as a clinical research nurse coordinator for the cardiac surgeons at
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The
Raues live in Moorestown, NJ.
Peter Strid and his wife Trish welcomed
their daughter, Pilar Isabelle Strid, to the
family on May 5, 2007.
93 Class Agents: Steve Cardone, Elissa
Helt, and Megan (Haley) Noller
Back row (l to r): Matt Meyers ’97, Mikhal Monson ’01, Sarah Baker Perkins ’01, Max
Perkins, Danielle Pakradooni ’01, and Peter Pakradooni ’57. Front row (l to r): CJ Walsh ’98,
Sara Samimi ’01, Lee Billmyer, Hon., Jen Slike, and Paige Peters
Noel Johanna Anttell and Joe Anttell ’98.
Calling all Varsity Athletes! We are trying
to track down all the Varsity letter winners from the Class of 1993. Our class
is the only one without a Varsity Letter
Shield. Our hope is that we can construct
one in time for our 15th reunion and ultimately include it in a display at the new
campus. Please send your varsity letter
information to Megan (Haley) Noller at
[email protected].
Stephen Beers married Jessica Walls ’97
on June 9, 2007.
Carrie and Dave Grau welcomed their
first baby, daughter Paige Elizabeth
Grau, on December 5, 2006.
Jeff Greco married Lucie JoAnne Knipe
from London, England on June 6, 2001
on Hilton Head Island. They own and
operate Lucie’s Pet Grooming Shop in
Devon, PA. Jeff is currently training to
be a professional dog trainer and
also is an acoustic performer, DJ, and
quizmaster in local pubs. He is regularly performing at Bagataway Tavern in
Conshohocken, PA.
Chris Marvin married Allison Cohen on
November 4, 2006 in Washington, DC.
They live in San Francisco, CA.
Geoff Michael left Arnold & Porter LLP
and will be clerking with Justice Samuel
A. Alito, Jr., during the 2007-2008 term
of the United States Supreme Court. He
still resides in Alexandria, VA, with his
wife Heidi.
Tyrone Ross married Jennifer Oakes on
August 27, 2006.
Kevin Shields married Mindy Hope Bleiman on June 18, 2005.
Jen Whelan married Dr. Douglas Kovatch
on October 9, 2004. They welcomed
their first child, baby girl Shelby Katherine Kovatch, on August 11, 2006. The
family recently moved back to the Philadelphia area from North Carolina as
Doug will be working as an assistant professor of psychiatry at Temple University
Hospital. They live in Media, PA.
94 Class Agents: Tema (Fallahnejad)
Burkey, Anna (Morgan) Cassidy, and
Tara Stitchberry
Joe Habboushe graduated with his MD/
MBA (MD from Cornell and MBA from
Columbia) this spring. He also recently finished a three-year term as student
representative on Weill Cornell’s Board
of Overseers, where he got to work directly with deans, top physicians, and
industry leaders such as Citigroup’s Sandy Weill and News Corporation’s Rupert
Murdoch. Joe started his residency
in Emergency Medicine at St. Luke’sRoosevelt Hospital in Manhattan this
Katie Murphy married Dave Smith on
December 31, 2006 in Boston, MA.
95 Class Agents: Katie (Kurz) McComb, Doug MacBean, Laura Rooklin,
and Austin Whitman
Andrew Huml is attending his second
year at Columbia Business School working toward his MBA, and is working as a
senior manager with Deloitte & Touche
LLP in Boston, MA.
Alexis (Patrizio) Longinotti and her husband Jeremy had their first child, Kyan
Mather Longinotti, on May 18, 2007.
Kurt Lunkenheimer married Brooke
Owens ’98 on July 7, 2007 in Anguilla,
British West Indies.
Buzz Poole lives in Astoria, NY and is
the managing editor for Mark Batty Publisher. He writes reviews and articles for
publications like “The Believer,” “Village
Voice,” “Print” and “SF Chronicle.” Buzz
recently wrote a non-fiction book about
the visual manifestations of religious and
secular icons. You can find more information about his book through his blog
Blake Sando and his wife Jennifer welcomed their first baby, Elizabeth Nancy
Sando, on June 24, 2007 at South Miami
Hospital. Blake and Jennifer are litigation attorneys in Miami, FL.
Stephanos Tsirakoglou recently launched, his professional
Web page.
Barbara Wong and her fiancé Anthony
Celi welcomed their first child, Victoria
Jade Celi, on February 19, 2007.
96 Class Agents: Jamie Barrett, Mike
O’Connor, Maria Solomon, and Jenny
(Williams) Weymouth
f a l l 2 0 0 7 33
Class Notes
(Front row l to r): Mike McKeon ’96, Kevin McKeon ’99; (back row
l to r): Greg Tokarczyk ’99, Ben Glauser ’98 (the Best Man), Joe
Anttell ’98, John Thomas ’00, and Andrew Pritchard ’97 celebrating
at Joe’s wedding.
EA alumni celebrate at Jen Sharpless’ wedding this summer. Pictured are (back row, l to
r): Alexis Petrosa ’00, Michael Walsh ’00, Tammy Sharpless ’02, Virginia Sharpless, Hon.,
Jennifer Sharpless Pimlett ’00, Victoria Kelly ’00, Casey Devlin ’00, Ben Rogers ’00; (front
row, l to r): Melanie Adelberg ’00, Danielle Guernsey ’00, Katherine Frank ’00, Edward
Woodring ’42, Kate Lambertsen ’00, and Elizabeth Leedy ’00.
Jamie Evans married Kimberly Elizabeth Scott Ingraham on June 23, 2007
in Locust Valley, NY.
John Rhoads married Silenia Gil on
May 26, 2007.
Meredith (Wynne) Wilson and her husband Drew welcomed baby boy, Logan
Thomas Wilson, on July 19, 2007.
97 Class Agents: Julie (Manser) Ganz,
Kellen Heckscher, and Dan O’Donnell
Matt Bailer married Katie Hewes on
September 16, 2006. Kurt Lunkenheimer ’95 and Brooke Owens ’98 were in
Patrick Barton married Amanda Scanlan on October 7, 2006. Luke Frutkin,
Paul O’Connor, Michael Campbell,
James Casey, and Dan O’Donnell were
groomsmen; Lauren Imbesi Caffray was
a bridesmaid; and Ryan Gelbach, Peter Flick ’96, and Hilary Craven were
in attendance. Murphy Barton ’95 was
the best man. Patrick and Amanda live
in Center City and are kept busy with
the Class of
Celebrate your 10th Reunion
on Friday, November 23, 2007.
Party details and reunion contacts are
available at www.episcopalacademy.
34 C o n n e c t i o n s
Amanda’s boutique, State of Grace,
which opened in Bryn Mawr in August.
Liz Hole married Rob Knake in Maine
on July 21, 2007.
Sam Brown married Jennifer Ann Johnson on August 4, 2007.
Lexi Krotec reports: “I recently graduated from the University of Virginia
School of Law (May 2007), moved back
to Philadelphia, and have begun working for Blank Rome, LLP.”
Jamie Hunter will be clerking with Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., during the
2007-2008 term of the United States Supreme Court.
Matt Meyers returned to Philadelphia
after graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law in 2006.
He practices corporate and securities
law with Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
and lives in Center City with his brother Jack ’00.
Lindy Mills writes that she is about to
begin her fourth year of teaching third
grade at K.D. Markley Elementary
School in the Great Valley (PA) School
Brooke Owens married Kurt Lunkenheimer ’95 on July 7, 2007 in Anguilla,
British West Indies.
Brian Person and his wife Emily welcomed their second child, Henry, on
December 8, 2006.
Tim Peck married Ashley O’Rear on
July 28, 2007 at the Sagamore Resort on
Lake George in Bolton Landing, NY.
Jessica Walls married Steve Beers ’93 on
June 9, 2007.
Karen Rotwitt reports: “I married Guillaume Perrin in a small, secret ceremony
at my parents’ home in Radnor on June
21, 2005 and then we celebrated it not
once but twice with a big traditional
American wedding on October 22 of the
same year and then again on June 17,
2006 with a big traditional French wedding in the Champagne region of France
where my husband is from. I met Guillaume when I worked as an au pair in
France in 2000. We are living in Reims,
a city in the north of France to be nearer to his family, but plan on returning
to (and staying in) the United States in
two to three years. My paperwork has
been a longtime coming (governments
98 Class Agents: Rob Melchionni,
John Salvucci, and CJ Walsh
Joe Anttell married Noel Johanna Hudson on September 18, 2004.
Chad Burkhardt recently accepted a job
at D.E. Shaw in New York City.
J Andrew Dziewit received his medical
degree from Temple University School
of Medicine this May. Andrew will
be starting a residency in anesthesiology at the Hospital of the University of
Joanna Brooks ’02 married John Stroud
on June 2, 2007.
are all the same!) so I’ve been playing
the housewife for the past year, but will
hopefully find work using my bilingual
status when I’ve got the proper documentation.”
John Weisheit is studying business and
math at Auckland University in New
Zealand. He enjoys living in his mother’s homeland.
99 Class Agent: Win Lippincott
Mark Dugan married Megan Hill on
May 19, 2006. They live in Philadelphia. Mark graduated from Temple Law
School in May and works for the law
firm Cozen O’Connor in the city.
DJ Gregory was a member of the ensemble and the understudy for Fiyero in the
cast of Wicked performing in Los Angeles this summer.
Jeff Porter lives in New York City and
is an account executive with The New
York Interconnect.
James Strohacker reports: “My safari in Kenya last January was amazing
– sitting around the campfire at night listening to lions and hyenas calling after
days filled with viewing elephants, hippos, crocs, buffalo and about anything
else one could imagine was an unforgettable experience. South Africa was also
a blast and I even got to do some sailing out of the Royal Cape Yacht Club.
I have been freelancing with Hinckley
since my return from Africa and will be
on the water for most of the summer until starting Babson’s MBA program this
Yasha Shahidi ’07, Erin O’Brien Dugery ’89, Sasha Certo-Ware ’07, and Ben Lurio ’07
model “Save 2nd Base” t-shirts designed by Erin’s late sister Kelly Rooney. The Kelly
Rooney Foundation focuses on breast cancer prevention in young women while funding
research and initiatives at the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania
and Yasha, Sasha, and Ben helped Erin organize her marketing
efforts through the telecommunications program at EA. In the months following their
efforts, “Save 2nd Base” has been nationally recognized by Newsweek and Vanity Fair
magazines. For more information visit
fall. I just moved into an apartment in
Boston and am enjoying the city.”
00 Class Agents: Kimmy Gardner,
Mike Hoffman, and Ben Rogers
Kyle Eckel was re-signed to the New
England Patriots practice squad in
Tony Haenn works for Corporate Executive Board in Washington, DC.
Geoff Henisee married Heather Balbi on
June 24, 2006.
Michael Hoffman works for Eze Castle
Software, a financial software consulting firm for hedge funds and investment
firms in New York City.
Jack Meyers returned to Philadelphia
in April 2006 from Washington, D.C.,
where he lived following his graduation
from the University of Pennsylvania in
2004. Jack is a commercial real estate
broker with Cushman & Wakefield in
Jen Sharpless married Nicholas Pimlett
on August 4, 2007. Many alumni were
in attendance (see photo) including her
grandfather Edward “Woody” Woodring ’42.
01 Class Agents: Sarah Baker Perkins,
Evan Coughenour, Drew Crockett, and
Pete Tedesco
Sarah D.A. Baker married Robert Maxwell Perkins on June 16, 2007 at the
Church of the Holy Trinity in Ritten-
the Class of
Celebrate your 5th Reunion
on Saturday, November 24, 2007.
Party details and reunion contacts are
available at
house Square. Danielle Pakradooni was
her maid of honor and CJ Walsh ’98
was a groomsman.
Danielle Pakradooni was recently promoted within Global Spectrum. She is
now the director of marketing at the
BankUnited Center on the University of
Miami’s campus.
02 Class Agents: Kevin Dugan and Tim
Joanna Brooks married John Stroud on
June 2, 2007 at the Charleston Harbor
Resort and Marina in Charleston, SC.
Joanna and John are both second-year
law students at Charleston School of
Ted Mathisen married Kimberly Carnright on August 12, 2006.
Adam Murray is an analyst in the Strategic Advisory Group for Stifel Nicolaus
Investment Banking located in Philadelphia. He lives in the city.
f a l l 2 0 0 7 35
Class Notes
The Alumni Society Board of Managers
hosted its annual Senior Picnic this
June to welcome the Class of 2007 into
the Alumni community. Seniors, faculty,
alumni and administrators gathered in
Doolittle Room to feast on a delicious
spread and talk about the programs and
opportunities available to the graduates
through the Alumni Society. Members
of the Class of 2007 pictured in front
(l to r): Jessie Small, Annie Spofford,
Sam Williams, Jennie Norcini, Sasha
Certo-Ware; back (l to r): Jon Trumbull
and CJ Murdoch.
03 Class Agents: Julia Crawford, Matt
Deasey, and Matt Szporka
Congratulations to all of our alumni graduating from college this spring!
Please send the Alumni Office your new
contact information and any news on
the job front.
Mark Adomanis graduated magna cum
laude from Harvard University in May.
He is currently in England at Oxford
University where he was accepted to the
MPhil program in Russian and Eastern
European Studies.
Paul Bancroft graduated from Loyola
College in Maryland in May and left for
Thailand for the year to teach English at
Assumption University in Bangkok. He
is enjoying teaching, learning a new language, and experiencing a new culture.
Andrew Brown graduated from Vanderbilt in May. He works as an analyst with
Deloitte Consulting in Atlanta, GA.
John DeBruicker was voted “Best Hair”
in 2006-2007 at Colby College.
Matt McMonagle was drafted by the
Long Island Lizards (Major League
Lacrosse). Matt was a first team allAmerican goalie at Cornell and the Ivy
League player of the year. He led Cornell to three NCAA tournaments and
was a two-time All-American. Matt
ranks among national leaders in goals
against average and save percentage.
36 C o n n e c t i o n s
Members of the Class of 2007 pictured in front (l
to r): Angelique Israel, Naimah Bahar, Nantale
Nsibirwa, Winnie Liu, Tory Pratt, Mallika
Khandelwal; back (l to r): Katherine O’Brien and
Teresa Giblin.
In May 2007, Matthew Szporka graduated from the University of Florida
summa cum laude with a BS in building construction. He currently works for
Brasfield and Gorrie General Contractors in Orlando, FL.
Garrett Wilson was named a Scholar
All-American by the United States Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association in June.
Garrett graduated from Georgetown in
May with a degree in government, carrying a 3.56 grade-point average. He
was one of 41 players nationally selected and one of only two from the ECAC
Lacrosse League. Garrett was a fouryear letter winner for the Hoyas and
finished eighth on the team in scoring
with eight goals and one assist for nine
points this season. He finished his career
having played in 57 games, while scoring 26 goals and recording seven assists
for 33 points.
Class Agents: Nick Brown, Mike
Ciccotti, Brian O’Neill, and Lauren
Frances Fox is spending her fall semester
in Paris where she is studying architecture at the Ecole d’Architecture Paris-La
Villette. This is Frances’ fourth and final
year at Georgia Tech.
Alison Murray participated in the NCAA
Division I Women’s Lacrosse Tournament in May as a member of Princeton
University’s team.
05 Class Agents: Nick Morris and Kit
Jeff Nansteel and Matthew Dobbins
founded DobbSteelinc, an e-commerce
facilitation business that will post,
market, and sell goods for customers
06 Class Agents: Jen D’Angelo, Sam
Daly, Allie Fitzpatrick, Rob McCallion,
and Michelle Thomas
Wayne Ellington was an instructor at
Nike’s Kobe Bryant camp for shooting
guards in June. Wayne was also selected
to join the United States men’s basketball team for the Pan American Games
held in Brazil this past summer.
Trevor McGuinness was the Volunteer
Director of Community Outreach for
SquashSmarts, a Philadelphia organization that combines the sport of Squash
with academic tutoring and mentoring
of under-served, urban youth in order
to develop self-esteem and discipline
through academic, athletic, and personal
achievement. Trevor has been volunteering for SquashSmarts since 2002.
The Episcopal Academy
Annual Report of Gifts
Ham Clark, Head of School
This past year was a very special one. From our Groundbreaking in September to a national
championship in Girls’ Squash, we had a lot to celebrate. We welcomed a number of highlyrespected speakers to Episcopal and Christ Chapel this past year, including Dr. Shirley Tilghman,
President of Princeton; Dr. Gordon Gee, former Chancellor of Vanderbilt University; Dr. Paul
Wolpe, the Chief Bioethicist for NASA and University of Pennsylvania professor; Dr. Michael
Thompson, noted author, educator, and psychologist; and Michael Smerconish, author and talkradio host. We held a reception for Episcopal clergy to welcome the Right Reverend Katharine
Jefferts Schori to her new role as Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. We continued our
strong history of community service with a number of projects in this region as well as once again
sending students and faculty members to assist the village of Mika in Tanzania, which has been
ravaged by AIDS. Again our college admissions were outstanding, with over 55% of the Class of
2007 matriculating at the most highly competitive colleges in the country. The class also included
seven National Merit finalists and three scholars.
We launched a Lower School Spanish instruction pilot program that was a huge success and
will lead to a full-fledged Spanish program throughout the Lower School next year. We ran our
first North Carolina Outward Bound program for incoming freshman teaching self-reliance, selfconfidence, and teamwork, and we began a robotics program in the Upper School that won
awards in its first year of competition. We received funding from the Morgan Family to endow a
chair in creative writing, and an Upper School creative writing program is now up and running.
We looked on with pride as six of our graduates captained their Ivy League athletic teams this
past year.
I am pleased to say that we had a strong year financially. We recorded a small surplus, based
largely on the excellent results of our Annual Fund. We surpassed our goal and set an Annual
Fund record, topping $2 million dollars. Not only has annual giving at Episcopal increased by
more than 40% in total over the past four years, but we continue to eclipse all of our competitors
in the Philadelphia region in this area. I want to thank all of you for your continued generous
support. Annual Fund dollars made up approximately 8% of our total operating budget in
2006-2007—contributing to everything from library books to new technology purchases to
faculty salaries. All of you who participated in supporting the Fund played a direct role in the
accomplishments of our faculty, staff, and most importantly our students this past year.
I also want to specifically thank Lori Kelly and Ed Jones ’87 for their three years of dedicated
service as co-chairs of the Annual Fund. Working with Director of Annual Giving, Bruce Konopka,
Lori and Ed oversaw the most prosperous three-year period in Episcopal’s history, helping to
raise a total of more than $5.8 million during that time.
It was a great year for Episcopal and our success was founded on your support. As we begin a
new school year, one that is bound to be one of the most exciting in our history, I hope we can
count on your continued assistance. Your generosity directly helps our students and faculty and
makes us a stronger school. We are grateful for all that so many do for Episcopal.
38 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Financial Summary: Operating and Expenses
Operating Income
Student Tuition
$ 21,133,891
$ 23,038,698
Annual Giving in Support
of Operations
$ 1,849,113
$ 2,046,673
Total Annual Giving
$ 1,849,113
$ 2,046,673
Endowment Income
$ 806,907
$ 858,934
Other Revenues for Operations
$ 977,503
$ 1,146,475
Total Income
$ 24,767,414
$ 27,090,780
Operating Expenses
Financial Aid: Need Based
$ 2,170,673
$ 2,529,328
Financial Aid: Faculty
$ 596,176
$ 553,900
Total Financial Aid
$ 2,766,849
$ 3,083,228
$ 9,139,023
$ 9,673,392
$ 524,714
$ 583,636
$ 851,299
$ 933,245
Student Services
$ 720,043
$ 696,104
Total Education
$ 11,235,079
$ 11,886,377
Giving Tuition
Education Expenses
Supporting Services*
General & Academic
$ 1,402,684
$ 1,534,722
General Institutional
$ 2,290,466
$ 2,602,242
General Plant & Maintenance
$ 2,874,287
$ 3,002,155
Staff Benefits
$ 3,496,013
$ 3,633,687
Total Supporting Services
$ 10,063,450
$ 10,772,806
Total Operating Expenses
$ 24,065,378
$ 25,742,411
Operating Balance
$ 702,036
$ 1,348,369
Capital Expenditures Funded By Operations
Capitalized Maintenance Items
$ 0
Capitalized Equipment Items
$ 329,399
$ 217,863
Total Capital Expenditures
$ 329,399
$ 217,863
Permanently Restricted Endow.
$ 13,474,009
$ 13,801,173
Unrestricted Endowment
$ 4,817,086
$ 6,351,662
Total Endowment $ 18,291,095
$ 20,152,835
Giving Tuition
Endowment as of June 30
*Supporting Services dollars go to all administrative salaries, benefits, and expenses. Monies
also go to all office supplies, postage costs, printing costs, taxes, audit fees, legal fees, telephone expenses, employment search fees, cleaning and custodial contracts, and other such costs.
Episcopal Annual Giving 2006-07 Bishop William White Challenge Awards
Alumni Class Standings
D escription
Class Agent/V olunteers
Alumni Challenge Cup Class of 1955
For highest class contribution $65,078
David McMullin
Old Guard Award for Participation Class of 1950
For classes beyond the 50th Reunion 91%
John Rettew
Alumni Advocate Council Award Class of 1982
For greatest number of leadership gifts 18 donors
Rich Crockett, Jim Farrell,
& Brooke McMullin
Alumni Participation Trophy Class of 1950
For classes with more than 10 solicited members 91%
John Rettew
Alumni Award for Participation Class of 1973
For classes within 50 years of graduation 49%
Rex Gary, Jerry Holleran & Bill Luff
Alumni Award Class of 1987
For class with greatest number of donors 35 donors
Jim Blenko, Ed Jones & Peter Dugery
Young Alumni Plaque Class of 1997
For highest contribution from a class within 10 years of graduation $5,698
Julie (Manser) Ganz, Kellen Heckscher,
& Dan O’Donnell Young Alumni Plaque for Participation Class of 1999
For classes within 10 years of graduation 31%
Win Lippincott
Alumni Reunion Participation Award Class of 1937
For highest participation by a reunion class 58% Kingsley Weston
Alumni Reunion Award Class of 1982
For highest contribution by a reunion class $52,940
Rich Crockett, Jim Farrell
& Brooke McMullin
D escription
Class Agent/V olunteers
Parent Challenge Cup Class of 2008
Highest Contribution $112,790
Deb Jones, Lori Kelly, Molly Lawrence,
& Anne Robinson
Devon Parent Advocate Council Award Class of 2015
20 donors
Rebecca Kovacs & Kathy Schaafsma
Devon Parent Advocate Council Award Class of 2016
20 donors
Ellen Blommer, Christele Furey & Pat McKay
Merion Parent Advocate Council Award Class of 2010
41 donors
Tisa Baena, Susan Hohnsbeen, Lori Kelly,
Robyn Leto, Mary Raiken & Anne Robinson
Parent Award for Participation (Form A-VI) Class of 2013
Deb Dupre, Sally Francis, Gail Nelson
& Libby Wojdak
Parent Award for Participation (Pre K- B Merion) Class of 2014
Nadia Jannetta
Parent Award for Participation (Pre K- B Merion) Class of 2020
Loraine Jones
Parent Award for Participation (Pre K - B Devon) Class of 2015
Rebecca Kovacs & Kathy Schaafsma
Annual Giving Designations
fundnumberproviding the following benefitscash, pledges ytd
Necessary tools, equipment, and maintenance that create an appropriate environment for teaching and learning.
Facilities, equipment, and programs that foster student’s creativity in music, theatre, and the visual arts.
Facilities and equipment that support Episcopal’s 29 varsity teams.
Campus Facilities
Maintenance of Episcopal’s two campuses to repair, improve, or replace aging facilities and to present an
environment conducive to learning.
Financial Aid
Tuition assistance for worthy students for whom an Episcopal education would otherwise be impossible.
General Fund
Unrestricted donations that can be applied where the need is greatest.
Memorial Fund
Gifts to Annual Giving in memory of a person or persons specified by the donor.
Spirituality, 52
Community Service
Promotion of Episcopal’s values through opportunities to participate in Chapel services, Vestry initiatives, and community service projects.
Acquisition of equipment and services needed to integrate technology into Episcopal’s challenging curriculum.
40 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Total: $2,046,673.00
The Advocate Council
Founded in 1989, the Advocate Council seeks to encourage and recognize
leadership gifts to Annual Giving. While the Academy relies on gifts of all sizes,
leadership gifts are particularly critical to Episcopal’s financial stability. Last year
over $1,700,000 of the $ 2,046,673 raised came from Advocate Council gifts.
The Advocate Council has six levels of membership that recognize those who
contribute $1,000 or more each year.
Greville Haslam Society
$25,000 and above
Michael A. Bruder Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder
Burke Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Crockett, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Y. Giles
Mr. & Mrs. Clay Hamlin, III
Mr. & Mrs. A. Bruce Mainwaring
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mathisen
McConnell-Willits Charitable Trust
Mr. Christopher F. McConnell &
Ms. Stacey W. McConnell
Vertex, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. J. Radcliffe
Mr. David J. Reape &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Simpson
XL Specialty Insurance Company
Keystone Advocate
$10,000 and above
AES Logistics, Inc.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Brown
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Mr. John S. Buckley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Crawford
The Crestlea Foundation, Inc.
Daniel Martin, Inc.
D/B/A Wilkie Lexus
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Polett
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Haab
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Haas
The Hess Foundation
Dr. Sankey V. Williams &
Senator Constance H. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Hirtle
The Christian Humann Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Humann
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Humann
Jay W. Eisenhofer Family Foundation
Mr. Jay W. Eisenhofer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Juliano
The Kohn Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kohn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry
Mr. & Mrs. George C. McFarland, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. S. Joseph Narzikul
Mr. & Mrs.† George M. Neall, II
New View Gifts and
Accessories, LTD.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Penske
† Deceased Class Agent (in bold)
Philadelphia Foundation
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Keller
Mr. & Mrs. J. Barton Riley
Satell Family Foundation Trust
Mr. Edward M. Satell
Margaret Cox Satell
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Schellenger, II
Benjamin Shein Foundation
for Humanity
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin P. Shein
Sherrerd Foundation
Mr. John J. F. Sherrerd
The Shouvlin Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Shouvlin
Mr. & Mrs. E. Newbold Smith
Mr. William I. Snyder
Strauss Foundaion
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Strauss
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner
Turner White Communications, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. White
Mr. Edward H. Vick, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Volla
W. I. Snyder Corporation
Wilmington Trust Company
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey F. Worden
Wright-Cook Foundation
Cornerstone Advocate
$5,000 and above
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Aldridge, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Behler
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Broderick
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, III
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Crockett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Crockett
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Dwyer
Milton Ginsburg Fund
Mr. Milton Ginsburg
Mr. Patrick J. Grannan &
Ms. Linda A. Matrunich
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Green
Mr. David B. Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Rush T. Haines, II
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Hartzell
Mr. Thomas P. Hogan, Jr. &
Ms. Victoria E. Silbey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holston
Mr. David M. Howard &
Ms. Dale P. Schomer
Mr. Scott R. Isdaner
Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly, III
Dr. Manoj Khandelwal &
Dr. Meena Khandelwal
Dr. William H. Kirkpatrick &
Dr. Kimberly Kubek
v Blue and White Society
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Kovacs
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Kraftson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kutteh
Mr. & Mrs. D. Christopher Le Vine
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan D. Limaye
Mrs. Jane C. H. MacElree
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Madara, III
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Minnick
Mrs. J. Patricia Noble &
Mr. Steven F. Kempf
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. S. Northrop
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Olander
Mr. & Mrs. J. Brian O’Neill
Penn Liberty Bank
Mrs. Kim Rinnier
Dr. & Mrs. Karl F. Rugart, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Singley
Mr. & Mrs. George G. Smith, III
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Spear, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Tierney, Sr.
Kiono & Brooks Thomas
Mr. Daniel W. Wallick &
Ms. Jennifer L. Mogck
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Weymouth
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. White
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Wojdak
Mr. & Mrs. M. Curtis Young
James W. & Debora C. Zug
Juniper Society
$2,500 and above
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Aldridge
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Baena
Mr. Chad W. Billmyer
The Blommer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Blommer
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Bradbeer, Jr.
Brighton Steel, Inc.
Mr. Connell C. Cannon
Mrs. Kathleen M. Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Carolin
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Celentano
Dr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ciccotti
The Connelly Foundation
Dr. Steven E. Copit &
Dr. Debra S. Copit
Mr. Gerard B. DeCamp
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Deuber, Jr.
Mr. Richard H. Dilsheimer
Mrs. Edith R. Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fahey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. G. Fay
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fell, III
Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Fischer, III
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Foxman
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey
Dr. Samuel H. Galib &
Dr. Grace M. Galib
Goldman Sachs & Company
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Graham, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Grims
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Herman, III
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Higgins
Mr. Thomas G. Hill
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Hillyard, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Hogan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Caswell F. Holloway, III
Mr. Craig A. Hoogstraten &
Ms. Kathryn L. Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Hoplamazian
Mr. & Ms. William S. Hyland
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ivey, III
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Walter A. Kornienko
William H. Lamb, Esq. &
Mrs. Patricia Lamb
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Langfitt
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Leaman, III
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Leto
James G. Logue, Esq. Jr.
Mr. Douglas M. Lurio &
Ms. Margaret S. Lurio
Mr. Harry R. Madeira
Dr. Gary J. Marks &
Dr. Sharon K. Sweinberg
Mrs. Patricia Mayro
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McComb
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Omar Y. McNeill, Esq.
Merrill Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Mirabello
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance J. Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Neilson
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Nolen, III
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Parry
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Perate, II
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Pettit
Mr. & Mrs. David O. Pratt
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Quigley
Dr. & Mrs. Jon L. Richter
Robert R. Bellamy Memorial Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ryan, II
Scullin Consulting Services LLC
Dr. Giselle Geddes &
Mr. Patrick Scullin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Selverian
Mr. Stephen J. Shanahan, Sr.
W. Percy Simpson Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg H. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Smith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Spofford
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Stidolph
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Tarte
Mr. & Mrs. Page H. Thompson
Towers Perrin Forster & Crosby
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
The Vanguard Group
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Vetterlein, Jr.
Wachovia Securities
Mr. William N. West, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Zirnkilton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Zoll
Founders Circle
$1,785 and above
Dr. & Mrs. Todd J. Albert
Altria Corporate Services, Inc.
Mr. Bruce D. Ballard &
Mrs. Laraine J. Kazanjian-Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Barton
Mr. James W. Blatchford, Jr.
Bristol-Myers Fund, Inc.
Mr. Samuel H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Callahan, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph L. Celli, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. J. Gordon Cooney, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Paul DeBacco
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. DeSanctis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. DiSilvestro
Dr. & Mrs. Dwight W. Fitterer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Floratos
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton G. French
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gouge
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Grogan, III
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Gula
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Harlan
Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hummer, III
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Jannetta
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Keffer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Kinzig
Mr. Andrew M. Kronfeld
Laird Norton Trust Co.
Dr. & Mrs. Charles T. Lee, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Leto
Mr. & Mrs. William Lilley, III
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Losty
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Manion, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Maple
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Martin
Mr. Sean M. McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McEntee, III
Mr. & Mrs. C. David Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Morris, Jr.
Mr. R. Blair Murphy
Nelnet Matching Gift Program
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Nelson
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Nimoityn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Paolone
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Patterson
The Pencoyd Foundation
Mr. Donald J. Reape
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Robinson
Teleflex Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald van Roden
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Mr. Harrison B. Wetherill, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. N. Wilson
The Rev. & Mrs. Albert E. R. Zug
$1,000 and above
Mr. & Mrs. Joo Youl Ahn
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Aitken
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Aldrich
Mr. & Mrs. Harris C. Aller, Jr.
Dr. Melissa N. Anderson &
Mr. Paul B. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Donald Avellino, II
Mr. & Mrs. Antonios C. Backos
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bagby, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Baggini
Mrs. JoAnne Bagnell
Mr. & Mrs. Whitney H. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Baron, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Allen G. Barry, III
Mr. & Mrs. William Bates, III
Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Baturka
Mr. & Mrs. I. Croom Beatty, V
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Corrigan
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Bennett, IV
Mr. Earle Bensing, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Berlinger, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Blenko, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan T. Bostwick
Mr. & Mrs. John Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Butler
Dr. & Mrs. Edward W. Campbell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross L. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. D. Hughes Cauffman
Mr. & Mrs. David Charlton
Dr. David W. Christianson &
Dr. Anastasia K. Christianson
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Christos, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen E. Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Cocco
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Colen, Jr.
Community Foundation of
New Jersey
Dr. Winifred & Mr. John Constable
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Cornell, II
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Crane, III
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Crawford, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Croney, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Steven E. Cross
Mr. George A. L. David &
Ms. Marie Douglas-David
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Decker
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Depillis
Mr. John D. DeTar
Deutsche Bank
Mr. Francis P. Devine &
Ms. Madeline M. Sherry
Dr. & Mrs. Mark T. Devlin
Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Devlin
Dr. Michael S. Devon &
Dr. Ronit Devon
Mr. Frederic N. Dittmann
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dittmann
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Dockray
Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Dooner, III
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dordelman
Mr. & Mrs. Kamal Dua
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Dugan
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Dugery
Dr. Theodore G. Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Durovsik
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Earle, II
Mr. and Mrs. John Eagleson
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Egan
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Ellen
Mr. & Mrs. John Eringis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Etter, Jr.
Mrs. Wayne S. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Eyre, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Familetti, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Farmakis
Mr. & Mrs. Barrett E. Farnham, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Farrell, III
Mr. Edward L. Fenimore
Mr. Richard L. Fenimore
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Field
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Field
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Finegan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Flannery
Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Forgash, Jr.
Mr. Daniel W. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Francis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. French
Frenkel Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Fryman
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Gantt
GE Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. George
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Gerardi, Sr.
Mrs. Suzanne K. Gerber
Dr. & Mrs. Michael F. Gilson
GlaxoSmithKline Beecham Foundation
Dr. John H. Glick &
Dr. Jane M. Glick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Goody
Mr. F. Hastings Griffin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Griffin, III
Mr. & Mrs. J. Tyler Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Grigg
Dr. Rakesh Gulati & Dr. Abha Dewan
Mr. Kurt A. Haab & Dr. Jean E. Haab
Mr. David W. Haas
Ms. Anne L. Hall &
Mr. Matthew W. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Halpern
Mr. Samuel R. Halpert
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hanamirian
Mr. & Mrs. James Harrity
The Hartford Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Heavener
Mr. & Mrs. Morrison H. Heckscher
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Heil, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Thomas P. Henefer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Hennigan, III
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hentz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hershey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Hertel, III
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hodge
Mr. & Mrs. James Webster B. Hole
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Holleran, Jr.
Mrs. Deborah H. Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hondros
Mr. S. Hamill Horne
Dr. & Mrs. Alan R. Huffman
Innisfree Foundation for Bryn Mawr
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Irwin
Mr. Orton P. Jackson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Jacobsen
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jahnle
Mr. Gregory S. Jannetta
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, III
Dr. Kenneth L. Jones &
Dr. Marilyn Jones
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Joo
Mr. & Mrs. Henry K. Justi
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kan
Mr. & Mrs. E. Brooks Keffer, Jr. Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Kennedy
Mr. Richard J. Kenny &
Mrs. Catherine C. Coyne-Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. Eben L. Kent
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Kerr
Mr. Brian A. Kilcullen &
Ms. Marguerite M. Nealon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. King
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Knox
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Konopka
Mr. Charles Kurz, II
Mr. Charles Kurz III
Mrs. Dorothy Kurz
Mrs. Carolyn P. Langfitt
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Latimer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Lerch
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Lerman
Mr. Jeffrey P. Libson &
Dr. Christian A. Libson
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lubell
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Luff, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Lyford, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Madey
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Malatesta
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Marcucci
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Marsh
Dr. Francis S. Matarazzo &
Dr. Anita M. Milici-Matarazzo
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Mattoon
Mr. Karl R. V. Mayro
Mr. & Mrs. D. Edward McAllister
Mr. & Mrs. Mark I. McCallum
Mr. Michael A. McCann &
Mrs. Susan Myrtetus McCann
Mrs. Robert McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. McGregor
Mr. & Mrs. James K. McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey R. McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Slade H. McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McMeekin, II
Mr. & Mrs. David B. McMullin
Mr. & Mrs. H. Brooke McMullin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McNeil, Jr.
42 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Meaney
The Merck Company Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Randy Metcalf
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Meyers
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Miller, Jr.
MMC Matching Gifts Program
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Molitor
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Morgan
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas W. Morris, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Munder, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carter W. Murdoch
Neubauer Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Northern
Ms. Joan M. Novino
Mr. & Mrs. David E. O’Brian
Dr. & Mrs. Evan D. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Ogelsby, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah O’Grady
O’Grady Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Ortlieb, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Palumbo
Ms. Alla F. Pasternack &
Mr. Adam H. Pasternack
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Paterno
Mr. Michael J. Picciani &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Naismith
Mr. Barry R. Plotts
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Porter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Powell, II
Prestonfield Farm Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill
Mrs. Thomas R. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Radcliffe, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Rando
Mrs. David S. Randolph
RBC Dain Rauscher Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Reed, II
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rettew, III
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Reynolds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Rhoads
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Riley, III
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Robinette
Philip Rosenau Co. Inc.
Ross Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Royer, Jr.
Mr. William E. Ryan
Mr. James C. Sargent &
Ms. Paige K. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Schaafsma
Mr. & Mrs. Harold G. Schaeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Schiel
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Schoettle, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott F. Schumacker
The Schusler Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Schusler
Dr. & Mrs. William N. Segal
Drs. Shailen & Rosita Shah
Mr. Frank M. Shanbacker, III
Dr. & Mrs. Henry H. Sherk
Mr. G. Matthew Sheridan &
Ms. Elizabeth I Saridewi
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Siegel, II
Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Singer
Ms. Elizabeth B. Smith
The Harold A. & Ann R. Sorgenti
Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Sorgenti
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Spangler, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Stapleton, III
Drs. S. William & Lata Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Stelwagon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stolper
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Stone
Mrs. Sally Minot Warden Stone
Ms. Karen Sullivan
Mrs. Henderson Supplee, Jr.
Mr. Henderson Supplee, III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Suspenski
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Svigals
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Swope, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Szafara
Dr. & Mrs. Mark A. Testaiuti
Mr. & Mrs. Page Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Toland, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Toner
Dr. Michael H. Torosian
Towers Perrin Forster & Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Tunnell
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Underwood
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. VanBuskirk
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner R. S. Walling
Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Waterman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Weisman
Wells Fargo
Mr. Rainer Westphal
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Whalen
Mr. Heyward M. Wharton
Mr. & Mrs. Roland W. Whitridge
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Wilkinson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Will
William Penn Foundation
William E. & Tamara P. Ryan Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Williams
Mr. George C. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Wurster
Mr. William H. Wurster †
Dr. & Mrs. Simon W. Yoon
Mr. & Mrs. A. Christopher Young
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Young, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy O. Young
Mr. Thomas V. Zug, Jr.
The Bishop William White Society
The Bishop William White Society was established to encourage planned gifts
to provide future support to The Episcopal Academy. The Society is open to
all members of the Episcopal community who have made an irrevocable gift
to Episcopal in the form of a “life-income” arrangement (a gift annuity, pooled
income fund, or charitable trust); a retained life estate; or a revocable gift in the
form of a bequest, living trust, or retirement-plan asset.
Please contact Carolyn Jaeger in the Development Office, 610-617-2252, for
more information.
Class of 1925
David McMullin †
Class of 1929
Medford Brown †
Class of 1931
H. Hayes Aikens †
Arthur Boggs †
Warren Davis †
Class of 1932
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander C. Wall
Class of 1933
Philip Barringer †
Bettyanne Barringer †
Mrs. Robert C. Lea, Jr.
Thomas Ridgway †
Mrs. Charles R. Tyson
Class of 1934
Mr. & Mrs. D. Hughes Cauffman
Anthony Ridgway †
Class of 1935
Samuel H. Brown
Class of 1936
Frederic G. Clark
John C. Haas
Class of 1937
Charles H. Clark
Mrs. Richard N. Knight, Jr.
Class of 1938
David Wood †
Class of 1939
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Stanley
Heyward M. Wharton
Trevor Wright †
Class of 1940
Forrest L. Gager, Jr.
George M. Neall, II
The Rev. Louis W. Pitt, Jr.
Mrs. Phillppe Register
Harold N. Sheble, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Toland, Jr.
Class of 1941
J. Tyler Griffin
Mrs. G. Lloyd Kirk
Andrew G. Knox
Charles T. Lee, Jr.
Karl F. Rugart, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Warren, Jr.
G. Llyod Kirk †
† Deceased Class Agent (in bold)
Class of 1942
F. Eugene Dixon Jr. †
William R. Spofford, Jr. †
Donald van Roden
Class of 1943
Duffield Ashmead II †
Joseph K. Gordon
Davis Pearson
Frank Simpson †
Class of 1944
Richard E. Lander
E. B. Leisenring, Jr.
A. Bruce Mainwaring
F. Douglas Raymond, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Schwab
Walter Schwab †
E. Newbold Smith
Class of 1945
Garrison W. Brinton †
Edward S. Buckley, IV
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gardiner, Jr.
Howard F. Guest, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C. R. Hood
George E. Robinette
Class of 1946
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Bishop
Austin B. Hepburn
Mrs. William S. Baugh
Class of 1947
E. Brooks Keffer, Jr., Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Montgomery, II
John J. F. Sherrerd
Mrs. John J.F. Sherrerd †
Henderson Supplee, III
Kenneth W. Tunnell
Class of 1948
John F. Hentz
David O. Maxwell
Richard G. Schneider
Henry H. Sherk
Class of 1949
Allan Margolis †
Stanley J. Miller, Jr.
Brooks Thomas
Class of 1950
Charles W. Bazemore
Edward W. Campbell, Jr.
Charles B. Chadwick
David F. Crockett, Sr.
A. Edward Pringle, III
John B. Rettew, III
v Blue and White Society
Michael P. Shouvlin
Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Starr
George R. Swan
Class of 1972
Richard P. Feimster
Darrel W. Francis
Class of 1951
Roger L. Campbell
Arthur M. Largey, Jr.
Boulton D. Mohr
H. Barrett Pennell, Jr.
Harry E. Stewart
Class of 1974
Jeffrey A. Morrison
Class of 1952
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Bell, IV
Mr. & Mrs. D. Daniel W. Gardiner
Robert A. Gerhardt
Raymond E. C. Green
Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Siegel, II
Class of 1953
James B. Francis, Jr.
A. Lynne Graburn, III
Edward L. Jones, Jr.
Class of 1954
Birchard T. Clothier
Samuel E. Griffiths, III
M. Curtis Young
Class of 1955
Frederick C. Haab
Mrs. Jean B. Kennedy
William Lilley, III
David B. McMullin
Frederick G. Weaver
Class of 1956
Stephen L. Patt
Class of 1957
Robert W. Bright
Carl F. Deutsch
Alexander McCurdy, III
Howard R. Morgan
Robert M. Reed, II
Class of 1961
Rush T. Haines, II
Alvan Markle, IV
Samuel C. Walker
Class of 1962
Geoffrey L. B. Walton
Class of 1963
John C. Riely
Class of 1965
John P. Gregg
Alastair G. Longley-Cook
Class of 1966
Stephen Dittmann
Richard P. Smith
Class of 1967
V. Valle Schloesser
Class of 1970
William G. Berlinger, III
Kenneth G. LeFevre, III
Class of 1979
Renato P. Minard
Class of 1981
Theodore S. Coxe, Jr.
R. B. Wilson
Class of 1984
Barrett E. Farnham, Jr.
Karl R. V. Mayro
Grandparents, Parents of
Alumni & Friends
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Berlinger, Jr.
Mr. John Bishop VI
Sarah Nelson Cook †
Mrs. Wayne S. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Johnson
Mrs. Dorothy Kurz
Mr. Charles Kurz, II
Mrs. Carol P. Lawless
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. MacIntosh
Mrs. Patricia Mayro
Mr. John N. McConnell
Mrs. Paulette L. Minard
Mrs. Howard E. Morgan †
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm A. Morrison
Mr. Stephen J. Shanahan, Sr.
Mrs. Harrison Therman
Mr. Joseph H. Tozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Dee
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Kulp
Mr. Charles Latham, Jr.
Mr. James H. McK. Quinn †
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Watt
Parent Giving
Devon Parents
Class of 2014
72% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart H. Alden
Dr. Sisira K. Andrahennady &
Dr. Anne D. Fernando
Mr. & Mrs. R. Donald Avellino, II
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Blommer
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, III
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Carolin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeBacco
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gibson
Ms. Leila Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Grims
Dr. & Mrs. M. Ihtesham Janjua
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly, III
Mr. & Mrs. David Kovacs
Mr. Jeffrey A. Martin &
Ms. Kimberly A. Roerig
Mr. & Mrs. David E. O’Brian
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Palazzese
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. J.Radcliffe
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Shrager
Mr. & Mrs. J. Brant Singley
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Whalen
Class of 2015
91% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Allen G. Barry, III
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Carpinello
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Child
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Ciardi, III
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Farmer
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey
Mr. & Mrs. Rex R. Gary
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Giles
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. James W. B. Hole
Dr. Barbara D. Hughes &
Mr. Edward J. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Yongkun Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. King
Mr. & Mrs. David Kovacs
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Madey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mathisen
Mr. Michael A. McCann &
Mrs. Susan Myrtetus McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. John Nickolas
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Owsiany
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Palazzese
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Paolone
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Pettinos, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Royer, Jr.
Dr. Robert A. Ruggiero &
Dr. Mary C. Penrod
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Schaafsma
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Vetterlein, Jr.
Mr. Daniel W. Wallick &
Ms. Jennifer L. Mogck
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner R. S. Walling
Class of 2016
69% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Blommer
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Costalas
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Depillis
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Deuber, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. G. Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton G. French
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holston
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hondros
Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Jacobsen
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Madey
Mr. Christopher F. McConnell & Ms. Stacey W. McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Neilson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Owsiany
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. J.Radcliffe
Mr. Andrew D. H. Rau &
Ms. Courtney G. Brinkerhoff-Rau
Drs. Shailen & Rosita Shah
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stolper
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Swope
Dr. & Mrs. Mark A. Testaiuti
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Toconita
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Will
Class of 2017
76% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. I. Croom Beatty, V
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen &
Ms. Beth Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Burt
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Child
Dr. David W. Christianson &
Dr. Anastasia K. Christianson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Costalas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fahey
Dr. & Ms. Gary D. Foster
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey
Dr. & Mrs. Alok Gupta
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Hogan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. King
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Manion, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Maple
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Marcucci
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. McCormick
Mr. Martin M. McLaughlin &
Ms. Soly Abraham-McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Richter
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Royer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Schellenger, II
Mr. & Mrs. Kirby H. Slack
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg H. Smith
Drs. S. William &
Lata Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Woodville
Class of 2018
78% Participation
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Anthopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Baggini
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Depillis
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Egan
Mr. Brendan A. FitzPatrick &
Ms. Mary L. Gibbons
Dr. & Ms. Gary D. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton G. French
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Giles
Mr. Samuel D. Gray &
Ms. Tanya V. Deyo
Mr. Thomas P. Hogan &
Ms. Victoria E. Silbey
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kan
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Kearney
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly, III
Mr. & Mrs. David Kovacs
Mr. James S. Mackey
Dr. Amy S. Marren
Mr. Michael A. McCann &
Mrs. Susan Myrtetus McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey R. McKay
Mr. Nagesh J. Nama &
Ms. Vijaya Viswanathan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Paolone
Dr. Robert A. Ruggiero &
Dr. Mary C. Penrod
Mr. James C. Sargent &
Ms. Paige K. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Schellenger, II
Drs. Shailen & Rosita Shah
Drs. S. William &
Lata Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stone
Mr. Daniel W. Wallick &
Ms. Jennifer L. Mogck
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Weisman
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Zervanos
Class of 2019
77% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bagby, Jr.
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen &
Ms. Beth Corrigan
Drs. Jessica Kim &
M. Alexandre Cho
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Crockett
Mr. & Mrs. Niall T. Durkan
Mr. Brendan A. FitzPatrick &
Ms. Mary L. Gibbons
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Gantt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Hennigan, III
Mr. & Mrs. Terence F. Jarman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. King
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McMeekin, II
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Palumbo
Dr. & Mrs. Dale E. Panzer
Mr. Andrew D. H. Rau &
Ms. Courtney G. Brinkerhoff-Rau
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Rohr
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Schaafsma
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Shrager
Mr. & Mrs. Kirby H. Slack
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Spellman
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Stapleton, III
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Szafara
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner R. S. Walling
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. White, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Simon W. Yoon
Class of 2020
72% Participation
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Anthopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Baggini
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Burt
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Depillis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hershey
Dr. & Mrs. M. Ihtesham Janjua
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Karalis
Mr. & Mrs. David Kovacs
Mr. David R. Lee &
Ms. Patricia A. Manley
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McHugh
Drs. Shailen & Rosita Shah
Mr. & Mrs. Won Shin
Dr. Edward Y. Woo &
Dr. Irene J. S. Woo
Merion Parents
Class of 2007
48 % Participation
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. Elisabeth W. Benner
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Brinks
Mr. James R. Brinton
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Callahan, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lance A. Claiborne, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Crockett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Daddona
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Deuber, Jr.
Mr. Francis P. Devine &
Ms. Madeline M. Sherry
Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Devlin
Ms. Elizabeth A. Dow
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe
Mr. & Mrs. Earle B. Fox, III
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Frazier
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Godick
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Greer
Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Haddad
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Hess
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Isdaner
Dr. Manoj Khandelwal &
Dr. Meena Khandelwal
Dr. & Mrs. Walter A. Kornienko
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kratz
Mr. & Mrs. D. Christopher Le Vine
Dr. David F. Long &
Dr. Kathleen Long
Ms. Merianne Lorenzen
Mr. Douglas M. Lurio &
Ms. Margaret S. Lurio
Mrs. Eileen Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Mahoney
Dr. A. Scott McNeal &
Dr. Annette D. O’Neil
Mr. & Mrs. H. Scott Miller, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. Carter W. Murdoch
Mr. Robert Norcini
Dr. & Mrs. Evan D. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton T. Platt
Mr. & Mrs. David O. Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Rhoads
Dr. Neil L. Sand &
Ms. Dana M. Devon
Mrs. Margaret C. Satell
Mr. Edward M. Satell
Mr. Stephen J. Shanahan, Sr.
Ms. Carol N. Shepherd
Mrs. Virginia S. Spofford
The Rev. & Mrs. James R. Squire
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Steidle, II
Dr. & Mrs. Francis P. Sutter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Trumbull
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Underwood
Ms. Kathleen Vick
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Wilkinson, Jr.
44 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Class of 2008
55% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Ammon
Mr. Bruce D. Ballard &
Mrs. Laraine J. Kazanjian-
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Bernabei, III
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Berry, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Biederstadt
Ms. Amy A. Bosio
Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Brennan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. David G. Butterworth, Esq.
Mrs. Susan C. Butterworth
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Byrne
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Carpinello
Ms. Shirley O. Carrido
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Carson
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Clark
Dr. Winifred & Mr. John Constable
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote
Mr. Richard H. Dilsheimer
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. DiSilvestro
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Dwyer
Ms. Barbara Eberlein
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Faust
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fell, III
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Finegan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian I. FitzPatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Floratos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. George
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Grogan, III
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Halpern
Mr. & Mrs. Clay Hamlin, III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hayes
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Hillyard, Sr.
Dr. Nancy R. &
Mr. Stephen J. Imbriglia
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jahnle
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kent, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Sami L. Khella
Dr. William H. Kirkpatrick &
Dr. Kimberly A. Kubek
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Losty
Mr. & Mrs. Mark I. McCallum
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. McManus
Ms. Johanna C. Mickel
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara
Mr. & Mrs. S. Joseph Narzikul
Mr. & Mrs. John Perfetti
Mr. & Mrs. Joel M. Peskin
Ms. Yolanda Pettiford &
Mr. Alvin Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Pettit
Dr. & Mrs. Jon L. Richter
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Shafer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Spofford
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Stone
Mr. & Ms. Thomas J. Suspenski
Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Swanson
Dr. Michael H. Torosian
Mr. Gerhard T. Van Arkel
Dr. John R. Van Ness &
Dr. Sandra M. Martinez
de Van Ness
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Vithayathil
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Q. Whelan
Mr. Adolphus Levi Williams, Jr.
Ms. Diane Wimbush
Mr. Robert H. Young
Class of 2009
61% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Barton
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Behler
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Berry, Jr.
Mr. Dequin Bi & Ms. Tiwen Wee
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Brinks
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Camp
Mr. & Mrs. David Charlton
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Cox
Dr. & Mrs. Steven E. Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Durovsik
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Fertel
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Floratos
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael
Forgash, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden
Dr. Samuel H. Galib &
Dr. Grace M. Galib
Dr. Giselle Geddes &
Mr. Patrick Scullin
Mr. Michael B. Goodwin &
Dr. Izola B. David-Goodwin
Mr. Patrick J. Grannan &
Ms. Linda A. Matrunich
Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Grims
Dr. Rakesh Gulati & Dr. Abha Dewan
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hanamirian
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Harrity
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Hess
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Isdaner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Ivory
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Joo
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Juliano
Mr. Richard J. Kenny &
Mrs. Catherine C. Coyne-Kenny
Mr. Matthew J. Lake &
Ms. Caroline E.Craig
Ms. Susan F. LaPalombara &
Mr. Marc Frohman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Lerman
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Luff, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Ann S. Lunkenheimer
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Margolis
Mr. & Mrs. George C.
McFarland, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Mullen
Mrs. J. Patricia Noble &
Mr. Steven F. Kempf
Mr. & Mrs. David E. O’Brian
Mr. & Mrs. Evan D. O’Brien
Dr. Carol A. Pasquariello &
Mr. James E. Fuchs, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Paterno
Mr. Michael J. Picciani &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Naismith
Mr. & Mrs. Julius E. Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Powers, III
Mr. & Mrs. David O. Pratt
Dr. Christopher J. Rapuano &
Ms. Sara B. Rapuano
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks D. Reinhard
Mrs. Kim Rinnier
Dr. Frederic L. Sax
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Selverian
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Snyder
Mrs. Ann P. H. Strong
Ms. Karen Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Teti
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Toner
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Underwood
Dr. William A. Van Decker &
Dr. Generosa Grana
Mr. & Mrs. Tom G. Vellios
Drs. Gary D. & Elizabeth F. Wu
Class of 2010
53% Participation
Mr. Julio C. Acevedo &
Ms. Jane Styer-Acevedo
Mr. & Mrs. Joo Youl Ahn
Dr. & Mrs. Todd J. Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Baena
Mr. & Mrs. Whitney H. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. George Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Bernabei, III
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Berry, Jr.
Ms. Amy A. Bosio
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Brooman
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, III
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Butts
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Carpinello
Mr. & Mrs. Myung-Uhn Chung
Dr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ciccotti
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Clark
Mr. Pascal Collard &
Ms. Gabriella Collard-Medves
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Connors
Dr. Winifred & Mr. John Constable
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Crawford, III
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Crockett Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Daddona
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. DeSalvo, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. DiSilvestro
Mr. Jay W. Eisenhofer
Katharine & William Eyre
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Familetti, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Field
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Glass
Dr. Giselle Geddes &
Mr. Patrick Scullin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Gribbin
† Deceased Class Agent (in bold)
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Grogan, III
Mr. & Mrs. Scott I. Growney
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Gula
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur H. Hamilton, III
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Heil, Sr.
Mr. David M. Howard &
Ms. Dale P. Schomer
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jahnle
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kepp
Dr. William H. Kirkpatrick &
Dr. Kimberly A. Kubek
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Leto
Dr. Gary J. Marks &
Dr. Sharon K. Sweinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. McElwee
Mr. & Mrs. James K. McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. Slade H. McLaughlin
Drs. Gerald T. Mehalick &
Pamela G. Mehalick
Mr. Robert A. Melikian &
Ms. Susan J. Hohnsbeen
Mr. & Mrs. S. Joseph Narzikul
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Nelson
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Nimoityn
Reverend & Mrs. Yong S. Park
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Petrocelli
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Pettit
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton T. Platt
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Raiken
Dr. & Mrs. Philip A. Rea
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Rhoads
Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Scott, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy B. Simpson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Smith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Spofford
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Stone
Mr. & Ms. Thomas J. Suspenski
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Tarte
Dr. & Mrs. Mark A. Testaiuti
Ms. Nina F. Weisbord
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Zoll
Class of 2011
57% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Aitken
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Baena
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Breskman
Mr. James R. Brinton
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph L. Celli, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Davis
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fell, III
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fitzgerald
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Greer
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Habenicht
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Hirtle
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Irwin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. E. Ivey, III
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jahnle
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jefferis
Mr. Norman A. &
Ms. Brenda J. Johanson
v Blue and White Society
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kutteh
Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Laboz
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Loftus
Mr. Douglas M. Lurio &
Ms. Margaret S. Lurio
Mr. John MacManus &
Ms. Cindy Bergman
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Maple
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. McElwee
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McEntee, III
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. McGregor
Mrs. J. Patricia Noble &
Mr. Steven F. Kempf
Mr. & Mrs. David E. O’Brian
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Paterno
Mr. Alexander C. Pearson &
Ms. Kristin A. Lindgren
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Perate, II
Mr. & Mrs. Joel M. Peskin
Mr. Michael J. Picciani &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Naismith
Ms. Verna R. Pickens
Dr. Robert A. Ruggiero &
Dr. Mary C. Penrod
Mr. Melvin A. Seegars &
Ms. Maureen C. Edozie
Mr. & Mrs. George G. Smith III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stolper
Mrs. Ann P. H. Strong
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Svigals
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Szafara
Dr. & Mrs. Allen E. L. Terzian
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner
Mr. Howard Verlin &
Ms. Jinous Kazemi
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner R. S. Walling
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. White
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Wojdak
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold T. Wright, Jr.
Class of 2012
52 % Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Whitney H. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Baturka
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Blommer
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Borromeo
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Caraher
Dr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ciccotti
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dordelman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Durovsik
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Familetti, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Farrell III
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Forgash, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Fryman
Mr. Kurt A. Haab & Dr. Jean E. Haab
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Heil, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark X. Howlin
Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Jacobsen
Mr. Richard J. Kenny &
Mrs. Catherine C. Coyne-Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Kinzig
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Leto
Mr. John MacManus &
Ms. Cindy Bergman
Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. McAvoy, Jr.
Mr. Michael A. McCann &
Mrs. Susan Myrtetus McCann
Mr. Christopher F. McConnell &
Ms. Stacey W. McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. H. Brooke McMullin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Minnick
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara
Mr. & Mrs. John Nickolas
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Pettit
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton T. Platt
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Pratt, II
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Prim
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Rando
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Schiel
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Silvera
Mr. & Mrs. J. Brant Singley
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Swanson
Dr. & Mrs. Mark A. Testaiuti
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold T. Wright, Jr.
Class of 2013
67% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Aitken
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Ayjian
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Brooman
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Carolin
Dr. David W. Christianson &
Dr. Anastasia K. Christianson
Ms. Kathleen E. Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Connors
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Costalas
Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Croney, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Dupre
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fahey
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Farrell III
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. G. Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Fertel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Flannery
Mr. & Mrs. Earle B. Fox, III
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Foxman
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Francis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Gantt
Dr. Giselle Geddes &
Mr. Patrick Scullin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Giles
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Green
Dr. Rakesh Gulati & Dr. Abha Dewan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holston
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Humann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jacoby
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Juliano
Mr. Brian A. Kilcullen &
Ms. Marguerite M. Nealon
Mr. Matthew J. Lake &
Ms. Caroline E.Craig
Mr. & Mrs. John M. LeBoeuf
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Losty
Dr. Francis S. Matarazzo &
Dr. Anita M. Milici-Matarazzo
Mr. & Mrs. Slade H. McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. S. Joseph Narzikul
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Northern
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Ortlieb, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Palumbo
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Perate, II
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Pettinos, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Julius E. Pope
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Regillo
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Robinson
Dr. Robert A. Ruggiero &
Dr. Mary C. Penrod
Dr. Neil L. Sand &
Ms. Dana M. Devon
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Schaafsma
Mr. Warren & Ms. Laden Schlichting
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin P. Shein
Mr. & Mrs. George G. Smith III
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Szafara
Mr. Benjamin Thai
Mr. & Mrs. M. Kelly Tillery
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner R. S. Walling
Ms. Donna Marie Williams-
Martorana & Mr. Mark Martorana
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Wojdak
Drs. Gary D. & Elizabeth F. Wu
Class of 2014
78 % Participation
Mrs. Pamela M. Biester
Mr. H. Lawrence Biester
Dr. & Mrs. Darren F. DeVoue
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dordelman
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe
Mr. Kurt A. Haab & Dr. Jean E. Haab
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Hess
Mr. David M. Howard &
Ms. Dale P. Schomer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Jannetta
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Keffer
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Konopka
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Langfitt
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Markman
Dr. A. Scott McNeal &
Dr. Annette D. O’Neil
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Meaney
Mr. Peter Edward Meltzer &
Ms. Deirdre Attea
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Molitor
Dr. Donald M. O’Rourke &
Dr. Maureen M. O’Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Pratt, II
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Quigley
Mr. David J. Reape &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Regillo
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Reynolds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Silvera
Mr. & Mrs. Roy B. Simpson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Stone
Class of 2015
69% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Ayjian
Ms. Sara F. Barton &
The Rev. Hentzi Elek
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Croney, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Dugery
Mr. & Mrs. John Eringis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Hertel III
Mr. & Mrs. Mark X. Howlin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jacoby
Mr. Brian A. Kilcullen &
Ms. Marguerite M. Nealon
Mr. John MacManus &
Ms. Cindy Bergman
Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. McAvoy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Meaney
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Nimoityn
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Reder
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. M. Kelly Tillery
Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Walsh
Class of 2016
52 % Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Aitken
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Decker
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Dugery
Mr. & Mrs. F. Christian Haab, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Herman, III
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Humann
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Konopka
Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Lindner
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Markman
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Slade H. McLaughlin
Dr. & Mrs. Randy Metcalf
Dr. Donald M. O’Rourke &
Dr. Maureen M. O’Rourke
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Patterson
Mr. David J. Reape &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Reynolds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Smith, Jr.
The Rev. &
Mrs. Thomas G. Speers, III
Class of 2017
70% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Baker
Mr. & Mrs. John Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Cooke, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Eringis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV
Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Fischer, III
Mr. Kurt A. Haab & Dr. Jean E. Haab
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Keffer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Nimoityn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Prim
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tobar
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. White
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Wilkinson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold T. Wright, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Zirnkilton, Jr.
Class of 2018
69% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Aldridge
Dr. Melissa & Mr. Matthew Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Celentano
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Christos, Jr.
Dr. Steven E. Copit &
Dr. Debra S. Copit
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Davison
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Dugery
Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Fischer, III
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Foxman
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Hartzell
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Herman, III
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Higgins
Mr. Craig A. Hoogstraten &
Ms. Kathryn L. Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Konopka
Dr. Francis S. Matarazzo &
Dr. Anita M. Milici-Matarazzo
Mr. & Mrs. H. Brooke McMullin, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Randy Metcalf
Mr. Adam H. Pasternack &
Ms. Alla F. Pasternack
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Patterson
Mr. Alexander C. Pearson &
Ms. Kristin A. Lindgren
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Sando, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. M. Kelly Tillery
Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Tuma
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Wagg
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Walsh
Class of2019
72% Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Bond
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Callahan, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Celentano
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Cooke, Jr.
Dr. Steven E. Copit &
Dr. Debra S. Copit
Dr. Michael S. Devon &
Dr. Ronit K. Devon
Mr. & Mrs. Graeme Dow
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Dugery
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Dugery
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Familetti, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Fischer, III
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Gerardi, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Glaser
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Humann
Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hummer, III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jacoby
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, III
Mr. & Mrs. Joel M. Peskin
Mr. Todd Simkin
The Rev. &
Mrs. Thomas G. Speers, III
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. White
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Zirnkilton, Jr.
Class of 2020
78% Participation
Dr. Melissa & Mr. Matthew Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Bernabei
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Christos, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Davison
Mr. Jeffrey A. Day &
Ms. Erin G. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Gerardi, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hummer, III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Letts
Mr. Adam H. Pasternack &
Ms. Alla F. Pasternack
Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Portlock
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Quigley
Mr. David J. Reape &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Wagg
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Walsh
& Benefit Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Cary W. Ahl, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Aitken
Dr. & Mrs. Todd J. Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Pannir Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Altschuler
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Ammon
Dr. Sisira K. Andrahennady &
Dr. Anne D. Fernando
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Angelos
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Anthopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. R. Donald Avellino, II
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Baena
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bagby, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Baggini
Mr. Bruce D. Ballard &
Mrs. Laraine J. Kazanjian-Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. Allen G. Barry, III
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Baturka
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Behler
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen &
Ms. Beth Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Bergstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Bernhardt, III
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Berry, Jr.
Mr. Dequin Bi & Ms. Tiwen Wee
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Borromeo
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Brooman
Mr. & Mrs. John Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Brumbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Butts
Mrs. Karen M. Buzby
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Byrne
46 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Camp
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Caraher
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Carpinello
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent dePaul
Carroll, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Cattori
Dr. Hung-Chun Chen &
Dr. Li-Ling Chang
Dr. David W. Christianson &
Dr. Anastasia K. Christianson
Dr. & Mrs. Q. B. Chung
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Cohn
Dr. Winifred & Mr. John Constable
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote
Dr. Steven E. Copit &
Dr. Debra S. Copit
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Crawford, III
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Crockett
Ms. Kadejha Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Daddona
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Davison
Dr. & Mrs. Paul DeBacco
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Decker
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. DeSalvo, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. DeSimone
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Deuber, Jr.
Mr. Francis P. Devine &
Ms. Madeline M. Sherry
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dordelman
Mr. & Mrs. Graeme Dow
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Dugery
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Dupre
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Durovsik
Ms. Barbara Eberlein
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe
Katharine & William Eyre
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fahey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Farrelly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. G. Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ferro
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Field
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Finegan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Fischer, III
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Floratos
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Foxman
Mr. Robert P. Frazier, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Fulton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden
Dr. Samuel H. Galib &
Dr. Grace M. Galib
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn W. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. William Y. Giles
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Glass
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Godick
Mr. Michael B. Goodwin &
Dr. Izola B. David-Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Gormley, Jr.
Mr. Patrick J. Grannan &
Ms. Linda A. Matrunich
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Green
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Greer
Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Grims
Dr. & Mrs. William Grizos
Mr. & Mrs. F. Christian Haab, Jr.
Mr. Kurt A. Haab & Dr. Jean E. Haab
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur H. Hamilton, III
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hanamirian
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Haraburda
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Harrity
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Hartzell
Drs. Holly Hedrick & Hans Haupt
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Higgins
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Hillyard, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hiltbrand
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Hogan, Jr.
Mr. Thomas P. Hogan &
Ms. Victoria E. Silbey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holston
Mr. Craig A. Hoogstraten &
Ms. Kathryn L. Buckley
Mr. David M. Howard &
Ms. Dale P. Schomer
Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hummer, III
Mr. & Mrs. W. Whitney Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Irwin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. E. Ivey, III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Ivory
Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Jacobsen
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jahnle
Dr. & Mrs. M. Ihtesham Janjua
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Jannetta
Mr. & Mrs. Terence F. Jarman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jefferis
Dr. Norman A. &
Ms. Brenda J. Johanson
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Jason S. Johnston
Dr. Frederick & Ms. Christine Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Joo
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Jowise
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Juliano
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly, III
Mr. Richard J. Kenny &
Mrs. Catherine C. Coyne-Kenny
Dr. Sonu Khullar &
Mr. Rajesh Khullar
Mr. & Mrs. Yong S. Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Kissner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas O. Kloppenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kohn
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Kornienko
Mr. & Mrs. David Kovacs
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kratz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kutteh
Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Laboz
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Land, Jr.
Mr. Aloysius T. Lawn &
Ms. Luann M. Petrellis
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. D. Christopher Le Vine
Mr. David R. Lee &
Ms. Patricia A. Manley
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Losty
Mr. John MacManus &
Ms. Cindy Bergman
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Madey
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Marino
Dr. Gary J. Marks &
Dr. Sharon K. Sweinberg
Dr. Francis S. Matarazzo &
Dr. Anita M. Milici-Matarazzo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mathisen
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. McCarthy
Mr. Christopher F. McConnell &
Ms. Stacey W. McConnell
Ms. Marie McCormick &
Mr. Patrick McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. McDavid
Mr. & Mrs. George C. McFarland, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred C. McGowan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McHugh
Mr. & Ms. Dewey R. McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. Rodger F. McKinney
Mr. Martin M. McLaughlin &
Ms. Soly Abraham-McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Slade H. McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. H. Brooke McMullin, Jr.
Drs. Gerald T. Mehalick &
Pamela G. Mehalick
Dr. & Mrs. Randy K. Metcalf
Ms. Johanna C. Mickel
Ms. Zina Mickens-Myers
Ms. Maria Micola
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Minnick
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Moore, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mullen
Dr. & Mrs. Winslow W. Murdoch
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Nealis
Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Neilson
Mr. & Mrs. John Nickolas
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Nimoityn
Mrs. J. Patricia Noble &
Mr. Steven F. Kempf
Mr. & Mrs. David E. O’Brian
Mr. & Mrs. D. Duncan Orr
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Ortlieb, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Owsiany
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Palazzese
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Paolone
Dr. Carol A. Pasquariello &
Mr. James E. Fuchs, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Perate, II
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Pettinos, Jr.
Mr. Michael J. Picciani &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Naismith
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Powers, III
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Quigley
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Radano, III
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Raiken
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Ramagano
† Deceased Class Agent (in bold)
Mr. Andrew D. H. Rau &
Ms. Courtney G. Brinkerhoff-Rau
Mr. David J. Reape &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Reynolds, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Rhoads
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Rice
Dr. & Mrs. Jon L. Richter
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Ritrovato
Mr. Neal I. Rodin &
Dr. Sharon L. Schutte-Rodin
Mr. & Mrs. Shantanu Roychowdhury
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Sacchetta, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Saggiomo
Dr. Neil L. Sand &
Ms. Dana M. Devon
Mr. Edward M. Satell
Dr. Frederic L. Sax
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Schiel
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Selverian
Dr. & Mrs. Peter F. Sharkey, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin P. Shein
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Shugrue
Dr. Ann N. Sieber
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Silvera
Mr. Todd Simkin
Drs. Natalie Joseph &
Christopher Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg H. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Spagnola
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Spellman
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Spiess
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Spofford
Drs. S. William & Lata Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stolper
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Stone
Mrs. Ann P. H. Strong
Dr. Andrew J. Stuper &
Dr. Wanee W. Stuper
Dr. & Mrs. Francis P. Sutter
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Svigals
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Tarte
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Tucci
Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Tuma
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Tyron
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Underwood
Dr. William A. Van Decker &
Dr. Generosa Grana
Mr. & Mrs. Tom G. Vellios
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Vetterlein, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Vick
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Waldron, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner R. S. Walling
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Weisman
Mr. & Mrs. Todd H. Westby
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. White
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Will
Dr. Edward Y. Woo &
Dr. Irene J. S. Woo
Dr. Guy C. Woodruff &
Dr. Priscilla B. Woodruff
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Woodville
v Blue and White Society
Drs. Gary D. & Elizabeth F. Wu
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Yarbrough
Mr. & Ms. Kim N. Zahan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Zirnkilton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Graham F. Zug
Parents of Alumni
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Adomanis, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Albrycht, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Aldridge, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony N. Alfano
Dr. & Mrs. Roger M. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Auch, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Donald Avellino, II
Mr. Armand J. Avicolli
Mrs. JoAnne Bagnell
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Bagnell
Mrs. Helene M. Bailer
Mr. Bruce D. Ballard &
Mrs. Laraine J. Kazanjian-Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Barrow
Mrs. Robert P. Barry
Dr. & Mrs. Laurence H. Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Beideman
Dr. & Mrs. Martin L. Beller
Mrs. Elisabeth W. Benner
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Berkey
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Berlinger, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Birdsall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Blenko
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Blevins
Dr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Blume
Mrs. Diana Borgia-Petro
Mr. James A. Branegan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Breskman
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Breuers
Dr. Charles B. Brill &
Ms. Lynn Godmilow
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Brooman
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. William Burdick
Mr. James B. Burns &
Dr. Marion C. Childs
Dr. & Mrs. J. Bryan Bushick
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Caesar
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. E. Lance Cave
Mr. Charles B. Chadwick
Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Chagan
Dr. & Mrs. Whan S. Chung
Dr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ciccotti
Mr. & Mrs. Lance A. Claiborne, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Birchard T. Clothier
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier, IV
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Cocco
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Colen, Jr.
Ms. Margaret Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Connelly
Dr. Ellen D. &
Mr. Thomas J. Conroy
Mrs. Patricia Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore S. Coxe
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Crawford, III
Dr. Carolyn S. Crawford
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Crawford, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G. Creskoff
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Crockett, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Crockett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Crockett
Dr. & Mrs. Steven E. Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Daly
Mrs. Pauline H. Davis
Mrs. Evangeline S. Deacon
Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeSanctis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Devall
Mr. Francis P. Devine &
Ms. Madeline M. Sherry
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Devlin
Mrs. Joan B. Devon
Ms. Darlene Digorio-Hevner
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. DiSilvestro
Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Donaghy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Dougherty
Mrs. J. Bruce Dougherty, II
Ms. Elizabeth A. Dow
Mrs. Peggy Duckett &
Dr. George W. Drach
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Dugan
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Dupre
Mrs. Eleanor F. O. Earle
The Hon. & Mrs. Ralph Earle, II
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Ebert
Mr. Jay W. Eisenhofer
Ms. Wendy C. Eisenhofer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert English
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe
Mrs. Wayne S. Evans
Katharine & William Eyre
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fahey
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Familetti, Jr.
Mr. Edward L. Fenimore
Mr. Richard L. Fenimore
Ms. Zandra M. Fennell
Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Fesperman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian I. FitzPatrick
Cmdr. & Mrs. Norman G. FitzPatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Floratos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’S. Floyd
Mr. & Mrs. Leighton B. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Forrest
Mr. & Mrs. Earle B. Fox, III
Mr. & Mrs. Darrel W. Francis
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Francis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Frantz
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. French
Mrs. Mary O. French
Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Fryman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden
Dr. Samuel H. Galib &
Dr. Grace M. Galib
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Gartland, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Gatter
Mrs. Suzanne K. Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. Giles
Mr. & Mrs. William Y. Giles
Dr. John H. Glick &
Dr. Jane M. Glick
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Godick
Dr. & Ms. Rama R. Gogineni
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gowen, II
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Graff
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Grandbois
Mr. Patrick J. Grannan &
Ms. Linda A. Matrunich
Mrs. Elizabeth Ament Greenwood
Mr. F. Hastings Griffin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Griffin, III
Mr. & Mrs. J. Tyler Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Grogan, III
Mr. & Mrs. A. Jerome Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. F. Christian Haab, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Haab
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Haas
Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Haddad
Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Hadden
Mr. & Mrs. Rush T. Haines, II
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lenard M. Haley
Ms. Anne L. Hall &
Mr. Matthew W. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Halpern
Mrs. Marcia K. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hanamirian
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Hare
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Hartzell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan F. Hassett
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Havens
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Havens
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Heavener
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Heckscher, II
Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Henkelman
Mr. & Mrs. John Henn
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Henry, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hentz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Hess
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hilberts
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Hillyard, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hinckley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Hirtle
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hodge
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hoffman
Mrs. Richard W. Hole, Sr.
Dr. Richard W. Hole &
Dr. Anita V. Hole
Mr. & Mrs. Caswell F. Holloway III
Mrs. Victoria S. Hoplamazian
Dr. Barbara D. Hughes &
Mr. Edward J. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hurtt, IV
Mr. & Ms. William S. Hyland
Dr. Nancy R. & Mr. Stephen J. Imbriglia
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco P. Imperatrice, III
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Isdaner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Ivory
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Jackson, II
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jahnle
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Jannetta
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, Jr.
Mr. F. Mason Jones, Jr.
Dr. Frederick & Ms. Christine Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Juliano
Mrs. Helen Milne Justi
Mr. & Mrs. Henry K. Justi
Rudy & Barbara Karp
Mrs. C. James Kavle
Mr. & Mrs. E. Brooks Keffer, Jr., Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kent, Jr.
Dr. Manoj Khandelwal &
Dr. Meena Khandelwal
Mr. & Mrs. Garland R. Kilbourn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Kilgallen
Dr. Yongmook B. Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kohn
Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas Kossuth
Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Kraus
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Kulp
Mr. Charles Kurz, II
The Rev. & Mrs. Joseph H. Laird
William H. Lamb &
Mrs. Patricia Lamb
Mrs. Carolyn P. Langfitt
Ms. Susan F. LaPalombara &
Mr. Marc Frohman
Mrs. Carol P. Lawless
Mr. & Mrs. Joel S. Lawson, III
Mrs. Donald C. Le Vine
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Leaman, Jr.
Mrs. Bain S. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Mrs. Kenneth G. LeFevre
Mr. & Mrs. Dana T. Lerch
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Lerman
Dr. Francesco Leto
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Leto
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Lewicki
Mr. Jeffrey P. Libson &
Dr. Christian A. Libson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Linker
Mr. Joseph W. Lippincott III
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Littleton
Dr. David F. Long &
Dr. Kathleen Long
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Long
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lubell
Mr. & Mrs. A. Lee Lundy, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Ann S. Lunkenheimer
Mr. Douglas M. Lurio &
Ms. Margaret S. Lurio
Mrs. Jane C. H. MacElree
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. MacIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr.
Mr. Harry R. Madeira
Mr. W. Scott Magargee, III
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Carl C. Maiwald
Mrs. Thomas Malatesta
Mrs. Margaret Maloney
Mrs. Ellen M. Manganaro
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred K. Mann
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Mariani
Mr. & Mrs. Alvan Markle, IV
Dr. Gary J. Marks &
Dr. Sharon K. Sweinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Marsh
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Martin
Mrs. Mario V. Mascioli
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mathisen
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Mattoon
Mrs. Patricia Mayro
Mr. & Mrs. D. Paul McAlaine, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. McAvoy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark I. McCallum
Dr. & Mrs. David M. McCarthy
Mr. Christopher F. McConnell &
Ms. Stacey W. McConnell
The Rev. & Mrs. Alexander
McCurdy, III
Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. McGay, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan McIlvain, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. Barry R. McKeon
Mr. & Mrs. James W. McLane
Ms. Nancy C. McLane
Mr. & Mrs. David B. McMullin
Mr. & Mrs. H. Brooke McMullin, Jr.
Dr. Jocelyn McWhirter
Drs. Gerald T. Mehalick &
Pamela G. Mehalick
Mr. Jaime Mendez
Ms. Marlene R. Mendez
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Meyers
Mr. Stephen P. Mihalek &
Ms. Louise A. Hand-Mihalek
Mr. & Mrs. H. Scott Miller, Sr.
Mrs. James H. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Miller
Mrs. Paulette L. Minard
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Minnick
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Mirabello
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Mitchell, III
Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Moleski
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Munder, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Roger K. Murray, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles O. Muscheck
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Neilson
Mr. & Mrs. A. George Newnham, III
Mrs. Anne C. Nimick
Mrs. Robert H. A. Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Nolen, III
Dr. & Mrs. R. Barrett Noone
Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Northern
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian G. Nussdorfer
Mrs. Myung K. Oh
Ms. Lynn S. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Partridge
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Pearcy
Dr. & Mrs. Lee T. Pearcy
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Petrie
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Petrosa
Mr. & Mrs. E. Barry Pinheiro
Mrs. G. Selden Pitt
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Polett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Poletti
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Pope
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Porter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Poulos
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Powell, II
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Raiken
Mrs. David S. Randolph
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Rapp
Dr. Christopher J. Rapuano &
Ms. Sara B. Rapuano
Dr. & Mrs. F. Douglas Raymond, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Philip A. Rea
Mr. Donald J. Reape
Mrs. Laura Reape
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Reardon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Recchiute
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks D. Reinhard
Mrs. Candace B. Richards
Mrs. C. Madison Riley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Barton Riley
Mr. Donald H. Roberts, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce F. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Gardiner Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. E. William Ross, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. W. Klaus H. Rother
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rotwitt
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rowland
Dr. & Mrs. Karl F. Rugart, Jr.
Ms. Laura D. Russell &
Mr. Frank A. Moltz
Mrs. C. Richard Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Jon E. Saboe
Dr. Neil L. Sand &
Ms. Dana M. Devon
Mr. Edward M. Satell
Mrs. Margaret C. Satell
Mr. & Mrs. Harold G. Schaeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Schoettle, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Schusler
Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Scott, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Heatly D. Sebring
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Serpente
Mrs. Cannie C. Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Shafer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Shafer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sharpless
Ms. Carol N. Shepherd
Mr. John J. F. Sherrerd
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Roy B. Simpson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Spear, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Spofford
Mrs. Virginia S. Spofford
48 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Mr. & Mrs. T. Alexander Spratt
The Rev. & Mrs. James R. Squire
Mrs. Blair D. Stambaugh
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Stebbins
Mr. & Mrs. S. Bertram Stiff, III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stolper
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Stone
Mrs. Sally Minot Warden Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Strawbridge
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Streich, Sr.
Mrs. Caroline Stuckert
Mrs. Henderson Supplee, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Francis P. Sutter
Dr. George H. Talbot &
Dr. Sheryl F. Talbot
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. TenBroeck
Dr. & Mrs. Allen E. L. Terzian
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Teti
Mrs. Harrison Therman
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Page Thompson
Mrs. Mary B. Tilghman
The Rev. & Mrs. James A. Trimble
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Trumbull
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Ulmer
Mr. Norman Vadner
Mrs. Lewis H. Van Dusen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald van Roden
Mr. & Mrs. John C. van Roden, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. VanBuskirk
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Walker, II
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Waterman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Watters, III
Ms. Deborah Holt Weil
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Weiner
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Weisheit
Mr. Ernest Welde, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. West, Jr.
Mr. Harrison B. Wetherill, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Q. Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Wilkinson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Rhys H. Williams
Dr. Sankey V. Williams &
Senator Constance H. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. N. Wilson
Ms. Ellen E. Winn
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Wojdak
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Wolitarsky
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Wood, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Woodring
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey F. Worden
Mr. William H. Wurster †
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard R. Yaros
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Yocum
Mr. & Mrs. M. Curtis Young
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Young, Jr.
Mr. Robert H. Young
Mrs. Arthur A. Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Zipf, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Zoll
The Rev. & Mrs. Albert E. R. Zug
James W. & Debora C. Zug
Faculty &
Staff Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Albrycht, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Aldridge
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony N. Alfano
Dr. & Mrs. Roger M. Allen
Mrs. Mandie Banks
Ms. Catherine Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Bernabei
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bishop
Ms. Samantha J. Bloom &
Mr. John Pastore
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Bryant
Mr. Joseph Buches
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney C. Buck
Mrs. Anne Marie Campbell &
Mr. Nicholas Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. E. Lance Cave
Ms. Juliet Choi
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Cocco
Ms. Helena A. Cochrane
Ms. Eileen S. Cohen &
Mr. Murray J. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Crane, III
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G. Creskoff
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Davison
Mr. Jeffrey A. Day &
Ms. Erin G. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. DeNatale
Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeSanctis
Mrs. Joan B. Devon
Mrs. Peggy Donnard
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. J. Barry Dunleavy
Mrs. Lois R. Earnest
Mr. William Enos
Mr. Marc Eripret
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Familetti, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Farrell III
Ms. Julie Faude
Mr. Brendan A. FitzPatrick &
Ms. Mary L. Gibbons
Dr. & Ms. Gary D. Foster
Mrs. Mary O. French
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. William Gallagher
Mrs. Joan Giancristoforo
Mr. & Mrs. R. Victor Haas, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lenard M. Haley
Ms. Anne L. Hall &
Mr. Matthew W. Hall
Mr. & Ms. Maurice Hall
Mr. Jeremy Hark
Mr. & Mrs. Alan F. Hassett
Mr. Michael J. Herron, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Hess
Mr. & Mrs. Mark X. Howlin
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hurda
Mr. Quincy Hyson
Mr. & Mrs. Wolfgang Jaeger
Ms. Susan V. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Keffer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kent, Jr.
Ms. Andrea Killian
Ms. Stephanie Kilpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. John Kistler
Mr. Brian S. Kline
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Konopka
Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas Kossuth
Mr. Matthew J. Lake &
Ms. Caroline E.Craig
Ms. Susan F. LaPalombara &
Mr. Marc Frohman
Ms. Emilia Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Letts
Ms. Dolores A. Lombardi &
Mr. Gerald Harrison
Mr. Mark C. Luff
Ms. Jennifer Lutz
Mr. William J. MacArdle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Maier
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Martin
Dr. Natalie L. Mayer
Mrs. Kathleen A. McCullough
Ms. Anna McDermott
Mrs. Theresa McElhone
Ms. Cheryl McLauchlan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Milewski
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Morris
Ms. Grace Na
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Naughton
Mr. & Mrs. A. George Newnham, III
Mrs. Twiggy R. Paige
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Parr
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Passarella
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Pearcy
Dr. & Mrs. Lee T. Pearcy
Ms. Catherine E. Pearn
Mr. Alexander C. Pearson &
Ms. Kristin A. Lindgren
Ms. Paige H. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Petrie
Mr. Paul H. Phelps III
Ms. Kama B. Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton T. Platt
Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Portlock
Whitaker J. Powell
Ms. Anne W. Ravreby &
Dr. William D. Ravreby
Dr. & Mrs. Philip A. Rea
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks D. Reinhard
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Rosenberg
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rowland
Dr. Susan F. Rubin &
Dr. Ronald Rubin
Mr. Peter M. Rudnick &
Ms. Claudia A. Parra-Pavez
Mr. Roland Sarko
Mrs. Cannie C. Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Shafer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sharpless
Ms. Gretchen Simon
Ms. Jennifer R. Slike
Ms. Lauren Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. Smith
The Rev. & Mrs. Thomas G.
Speers, III
† Deceased Class Agent (in bold)
Mrs. Virginia S. Spofford
The Rev. & Mrs. James R. Squire
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stratton
Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tassoni
Ms. Nancy S. Taylor
Miss Jennifer M. Tierney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Trumbull
Mr. John N. Tsafos, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Wagg
Ms. Joanne Ward
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Watt
Ms. Elizabeth Welch
Mr. Adolphus Levi Williams, Jr.
Ms. Ellen E. Winn
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard R. Yaros
Mrs. Ellen J. Young
The Rev. & Mrs. Albert E. R. Zug
Grandparent Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. David Acton
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Aldrich
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Aldridge, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Willis C. Arndt
Mrs. JoAnne Bagnell
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Ballard
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Bennett, IV
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Birdsall
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan T. Bostwick
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cassidy
Mr. Ronald Christianson
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis H. Clark, Sr.
Mrs. Sara G. Cooke
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Crawford, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Crawford, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Crockett, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. P. McEvoy Cromwell
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Crowther
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Davidson
Mrs. Ellen Decker
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Deuber
Mrs. Joan B. Devon
Mrs. Gloria W. Deyo
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Dougherty
Mr. Edward L. Fenimore
Mr. & Mrs. A. Carter Fergusson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Field
Mr. & Mrs. Rufus C. Finch
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. French
Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Fryman
Mr. & Mrs. William Y. Giles
Mr. Milton Ginsburg
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Gordon
Mrs. Elizabeth Ament Greenwood
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Greer
Mr. F. Hastings Griffin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Tyler Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. A. Jerome Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Haab
Mr. & Mrs. William Harrer
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Hartzell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Havens
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Henry, Jr.
v Blue and White Society
Mr. & Mrs. David Hoadley
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Hohnsbeen
Mrs. Richard W. Hole, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Paul Hoop, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Humann
Dr. & Mrs. C. A. Wayne Hurtubise, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Jannetta
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Jarvis
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, Jr.
Mr. F. Mason Jones, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Judson, II
Mr. & Mrs. E. Brooks Keffer, Jr., Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kent
Mr. Raymond C. Knorr
Mrs. Dorothy Kurz
Mrs. Carolyn P. Langfitt
Mrs. Donald C. Le Vine
Mrs. Bain S. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Dr. Francesco Leto
Mrs. Jane C. H. MacElree
Mr. Harry R. Madeira
Mrs. Henrietta A. Martinez
Mrs. Mario V. Mascioli
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mason
Mrs. Patricia Mayro
Mr. John N. McConnell
The Rev. & Mrs. Alexander
McCurdy, III
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey D. McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Neidecker
Mrs. Anne C. Nimick
Mrs. Robert H. A. Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Odiorne
Mrs. Ruth B. Oehrle
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah O’Grady
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Pearson
Mrs. Hubert R. Peck, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. E. Barry Pinheiro
Mrs. Thomas R. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Rammel
Mr. Donald J. Reape
Mrs. Laura Reape
Mr. & Mrs. Gardiner Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. E. William Ross, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Ruelius
Dr. & Mrs. Karl F. Rugart, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ruggiero, Sr.
Mrs. C. Richard Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Schellenger
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Schnabel
Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Scott, Sr.
Mrs. Joan Shanahan
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Silbey
Mrs. Warren L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Nevill Smythe
Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Sorgenti
The Rev. & Mrs. T. Guthrie Speers, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold P. Starr
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stewart
Mrs. Sally Minot Warden Stone
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Swope, IV
Mrs. Harrison Therman
Dr. & Mrs. S. Francis Thoumsin
Mrs. Lewis H. Van Dusen, Jr.
Mrs. Rainer Westphal
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Williams, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Woodring
Gifts from Friends
Mr. Henry R. Adamczyk &
Ms. Iris Melendez
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Asher
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Auch, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Ball, III
Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Charles E.
Bennison, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Bond
Mr. William J. Brice
Mr. & Mrs. William Burdick
Mr. Gary Cox &
Mrs. Catharine Wanamaker Cox
Mrs. Katherine A. Cox &
Mr. Andrew D. Cox
Mrs. David R. Davis
Mrs. Pauline H. Davis
Dr. Michael S. Devon &
Dr. Ronit K. Devon
Mrs. Edith R. Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Driscoll, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ferguson
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mrs. Mary O. French
Mrs. Suzanne K. Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Graham, IV
Mrs. Elizabeth Ament Greenwood
Mr. & Mrs. J. Marshall B. Hamilton
Mrs. Edward I. Haupt
Mrs. Susan B. Hopf
Mrs. Joseph N. Ingerle
Mrs. I. Grant Irey, Jr.
Mr. Stephen Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Keith
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Kulp
Mr. Charles Latham, jr.
Mrs. E. Mower Lewis, III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Linker
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Manning
Mrs. Virginia E. McConnell
Mrs. Robert McDonald
Mr. Gordon R. McDonnell
The Rev. James R. McDowell
Mr. Jaime Mendez
Mrs. Binney B. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. C. David Miller
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Miller
Ms. Joan M. Novino
Ms. Lynn S. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Panichelli
Ms. Barbara M. Pettinos
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Pope
Mrs. Marjorie Fixter Randolph
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Rice
Mrs. Thomas Ridgway, Jr.
Mrs. C. Madison Riley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Robbins
Mrs. Ann L. Rogers
Ms. Laura D. Russell &
Mr. Frank A. Moltz
Mrs. C. Richard Ryan
Ms. Jocelyn Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Shafer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Smith
Mr. Richard P. Smith
Mr. William I. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Spear, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. T. Alexander Spratt
Mrs. George Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. S. Bertram Stiff, III
Mrs. Sally Minot Warden Stone
The Rev. & Mrs. James A. Trimble
Mrs. Lewis H. Van Dusen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Weisheit
Mr. George C. Wood
Endowed and Restricted Funds
Endowed funds play an important role in Episcopal’s overall development
program. The annual income from these funds described below enriches the
overall educational program and provides benefits for the faculty and tuition
assistance for students in need. 2006-07 donors are listed with each fund.
These are active funds to which contributions may be made at any time. We ask
you to consider your support of these funds in addition to your support of the
Annual Giving program. For further information, please contact Paige Peters,
Director of Development, at 610-617-2251 or [email protected].
Class of 1940 Faculty
Enrichment Fund
Presented in 1990, on behalf of
the Class of 1940, in honor of the
teachers who have devoted their lives
to the Academy, this fund provides
a stipend to faculty members who
have made a significant impact on
students and who have stimulated
students’ interest in academics,
athletics, and student activities.
Mr. George M. Neall, II
Class of 1940 James L.
Crawford, Jr.
Discretionary Fund
The James L. Crawford, Jr. ’57 Fund
honors the former Head of School, a
member of the Class of 1957, for his
devoted and exceptionally talented
service over more than a quarter
century. The fund recognizes his
special efforts to “open the door” to
more and better alumni involvement
on behalf of The Episcopal Academy.
Initiated by the Class of 1940, it is
established as a discretionary fund
for the Head of School. Income
from its principal will be available
to him or her, with the approval
of the Finance Committee of the
Board of Trustees, to advance the
best interests of the Academy—its
students, faculty, administrators
and plant—in ways not funded
or insufficiently funded by other
Mr. George M. Neall, II
Class of 1940 50th Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Presented on the occasion of the
Class of 1940’s 50th Reunion, in
honor of the deceased members
of the Class, this fund provides
scholarship aid to an Academy
student, preferably in Upper School,
whose family has suffered a sudden
loss of income or a severe financial
Mr. George M. Neall, II
Class of 1941 50th Anniversary
Memorial Fund
Presented to the Academy in 1991 as
a memorial to deceased members of
the Class of 1941, this fund is to be
used for a student or students who
has/have both great promise, in and
out of the classroom, and need of
scholarship assistance.
Class of 1944 50th Reunion
Faculty Enrichment Fund
This fund acknowledges the
great debt owed Episcopal and a
generation of Master Teachers,
and serves to strengthen, rejuvenate
and retain the school’s most precious
asset: its faculty. Annual income
funds graduate studies, research
and opportunities for faculty
enrichment, continued education,
and rejuvenation.
Class of 1945 50th Reunion
This fund was created to support
an identified need of the Academy
for renovation of the Administration
Building. It also serves doubly by
releasing bound funds to new uses
in faculty enrichment and curriculum
revisions. The class was honored by
the naming of the building’s board
room, “The Class of 1945 Board
Class of 1946 50th Reunion
This fund was created to endow
maintenance of the Class of 1946
Bates Eno Sharp Athletic Field. This
fund is dedicated to the memory
of Bates specifically and to all the
deceased members of the class.
Class of 1947 50th Reunion
This fund is dedicated to the
maintenance of Ryan Hall at Merion
in memory of C. Richard Ryan
’47, who served as teacher, coach,
Director of Admissions, Director of
Development, and Business Manager
for the school before his untimely
death in 1988.
Class of 1948 James H. McK.
Quinn Faculty Fund
The 50th reunion gift of the Class of
1948 was dedicated to the Academy’s
late Headmaster and teacher in
support of the enhancement of
teaching excellence at The Episcopal
Academy. The fund assists and
encourages faculty, in particular
younger faculty, to pursue advanced
degrees and graduate education.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Arndt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rorer
Class of 1949 50th Reunion
Endowment Fund
Presented on the occasion of the
Class of 1949’s 50th Reunion, this
fund assists the Academy in building
its endowment and is unrestricted.
Class of 1950 50th Reunion
This Class of 1950 50th Reunion
Gift is a perpetual fund to provide
need-qualified students with
leadership potential the opportunity
of an Episcopal Academy education.
The Fund’s purpose, to support
leadership in academics, athletics,
and the arts, will enable Episcopal
to continue to attract the highest
caliber of student regardless of need
—a goal which lies at the heart of
Episcopal Academy’s mission.
Mr. & Mrs. Percy F. Leaper
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Munson
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar S. Palmer
Dr. & Mrs. John C. Van Pelt
Class of 1955 David R. Haslam
50th Reunion Fund
Dedicated to the memory and
life of classmate David Ransom
Haslam, this fund was created is
to provide financial support to
talented students, like David, who
would otherwise be unable to attend
Mr. William N. West, IV
Kennith R. Balsley Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Established in 1980, this fund
honors Kim Balsley, Master of
English (1930-66), by offering tuition
assistance to Upper School students
in need, who demonstrate promise
of academic excellence, concern for
others, and an appreciation for or
interest in literature.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Shouvlin
Mr. & Mrs. David O. Maxwell
Class of 1951 50th Reunion
The Class of 1951 50th Reunion
Fund provides endowment for faculty
salaries. Members of the class hope
this fund will assist the Academy in
attracting and retaining teachers who
will continue Episcopal’s tradition of
academic excellence.
William Scudder Baugh
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 1981 by family,
friends and business associates of
Bill Baugh ’47 to provide financial
aid to qualified students.
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Edson
The Merck Company Foundation
Class of 1953 50th Reunion
In response to and in support of
The Episcopal Academy’s acquisition
of 123 acres on Route 252 and
St. Davids Road in Newtown Square,
the Class of 1953 has established
a fund to be allocated to the land
purchase while retaining the option
of selecting a named gift opportunity
when the new campus is designed
and developed.
Class of 1954 50th Reunion
In response to, and in support of,
The Episcopal Academy’s acquisition
of 123 acres in New Township, the
Class of 1954, on the occasion of
its 50th reunion, established a fund
to be allocated to the land purchase.
The Class retains the option of
selecting a named gift opportunity
when the new campus is designed
and developed.
Dr. & Mrs. Fred D. Banfield
Dr. Harry H. Deischer
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Griffiths, III
50 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Prof. & Mrs. Daniel A. Baugh
Mrs. William S. Baugh
The Shelly & Larry Brown
Student Scholarship Fund
The Shelly and Larry Brown Student
Scholarship fund was established
in 2006 to provide tuition
assistance to a deserving student
who demonstrates the qualities
The Episcopal Academy stripes
Buckley Scholars Fund
Established in 1999 by Walter W.
Buckley, Jr. ’55 to honor his family’s
ties to the school which extend over
several generations. Fund provides
financial aid and summer enrichment
to talented students. Grants are
reviewed and renewed annually
based on demonstration of financial
need, academic performance, and
Burke Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2004, by Stephen and
Gretchen Burke, this fund is directed
toward scholarships to attract
talented, diverse students to The
Episcopal Academy with priority to
be given to Steppingstone Scholars.
Christopher W. Church ’72
Scholarship Fund
Established in 1999 by a couple in
memory of their close friend Chris
Church ’72, in appreciation of the
lifelong opportunities Episcopal
had given them, their family, and
Chris’s other friends. The fund
provides financial aid to upper
school students in need who exhibit
academic excellence and enthusiasm
for the experience presented by the
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Leisenring
Jeffrey A. Coale ’88 Memorial
Established in 2002 by family and
friends, this fund provides financial
support for the Academy in memory
of Jeff Coale ’88 who lost his life in
the World Trade Center (NYC) on
September 11, 2001.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Brown
Mr. Stephen L. Coale
Mr. & Mrs. William Coale
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Foht
Taylor W. Cole Book Fund
Presented in 1987, this fund
provides an appreciation by Mr.
Cole’s children of his dedication
and service on Episcopal’s faculty
(1967-87). Annual income is used to
purchase books on mathematics and
computer science for the Annenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Clement T. Cole
Community Service Fund
Launched in 1986 with a gift from
the Jesse B. Cox Charitable Trust,
this endowed fund provides support
for the Community Service Program.
Jay and Rosemary Crawford
Endowment Fund
Inspired by and in response to
a challenge issued by Walter
W. Buckley Jr. ’55, the Jay and
Rosemary Crawford Endowment for
Faculty Compensation addresses
one of Episcopal’s highest priorities
—investing in the faculty. The
endowment will address a number
of needs, including attracting and
retaining quality faculty, salary
increases, expanded educational
opportunities, independent research
and travel, and enrichment of
benefits and retirement program.
Mr. & Mrs. Lenard M. Haley
Mr. Joseph W. Lippincott
O.R. Croasdale ’61 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Established by family, classmates
and business associates of Art
Croasdale ’61 to honor his memory,
this fund provides financial aid to an
Upper School student based on both
demonstrated need and the qualities
of scholarship and leadership as
exemplified by Art during his years at
Episcopal and throughout his life.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Croasdale
Mr. & Mrs. Dean W. Laskaris
David Arthur DeMoss ’82
Memorial Fund
Established in 1989, by the Class of
1982, this fund recognizes, through
an annual prize, student athletes
who have displayed a high degree
of athletic ability while serving as
examples of Christian sportsmanship
both on and off the playing field.
Judith S. Diamondstone
Memorial Fund
This fund was established in 1988
in honor of Judy Diamondstone, a
teacher of history (1984-88). The
income is donated to a community
service project selected each year
by the recipient of the Judith M.
Diamondstone Prize for American
Dr. John H. Glick & Dr. Jane M. Glick
The Edward E. Ford Foundation
Faculty Summer Study Program
Established in 1986, with a grant
from the Edward E. Ford Foundation,
this program provides financial
assistance to Episcopal’s faculty for
summer study.
The Edward E. Ford Foundation
Scholarship Fund
This fund provides need-based
financial aid to deserving upper
school students in an effort to
increase the school’s socioeconomic diversity.
Clara Bell Freeman Memorial
Scholar-Leader-Athlete Fund
Established in 1981 by Dr. Frank
Freeman ’27, this fund is a tribute to
his mother, Clara Bell Freeman, and
provides tuition assistance annually
to students characterized as scholarleader-athletes.
Samuel H. French Memorial
This fund was created by family
and friends of Sam French, loyal
alumnus and friend to Episcopal. It is
currently unrestricted.
The Gadsden Family Student
Opportunities Fund
The Gadsden Family Student
Opportunities Fund was established
in 2006 by Tom & Beth Gadsden,
and their children, Michael ’03,
Steven ’06 and Kate ’09, to provide
assistance for student opportunities
(arts, athletics, social service, travel
abroad and special projects) not
covered by financial aid. The Director
of Diversity and Community Life
will administer the funds, in close
consultation with the Head of School,
Unit Heads, the Chaplain and other
appropriate administrators.
George F. Greenwood Memorial
Track Fund
Begun in 1989, this fund provides
annual support for the track program
while serving as a tribute to a
teacher-counselor-coach who was
an inspiration to many Episcopal
students in his years of service to the
Academy (1954-82).
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dautrich
Jerry and Raye Johnson Student
Diversity Fund
The Jerry and Raye Johnson Student
Diversity Fund was established
in 2006 by the Johnson family to
provide assistance to deserving
students. The fund’s annual income
will be used to enable students to
participate in school activities and
projects not covered by tuition. In
addition, at the discretion of the
Director of Diversity and Community
Life, income generated by this
fund can be used for speakers or
other special projects. The Director
of Diversity and Community Life
will administer the funds, in close
consultation with the Head of School,
Unit Heads, the Chaplain and other
appropriate administrators.
Dora Khayatt Art & Music Prizes
Established in 1990, in memory of
Dora Khayatt, painter and wife of the
late John Plant, former Chairman
of The Episcopal Academy Classics
Department, this fund provides
annual support for student awards
for excellence in the fine arts and
G. Lloyd Kirk Memorial Fund
Established in 2003 by the family
and friends of G. Lloyd Kirk ’41, this
fund provides monies for the rental
of instruments for student musicians
at Episcopal who have demonstrated
Mrs. G. Lloyd Kirk
Mr. Henderson Supplee III
† Deceased Class Agent (in bold)
v Blue and White Society
Kurz Scholarship Fund
In response to “The Challenge to
Lead” articulated in the Strategic
Plan for The Episcopal Academy
approved in the year 2000, Charles
Kurz, III ’00, Catherine B. Kurz ’95
and Charles Kurz, II have established
an endowment fund that will benefit
qualified Upper School students
who have previously demonstrated
commitment to the Academy and
currently have a need for financial
Peggy & Bruce Mainwaring ’44
This fund is currently a nonrestricted gift to Episcopal’s
The McLean Contributionship
Scholarship Fund
Established in 1985, this fund assists
in building scholarship endowment
and providing tuition assistance to
qualified students.
Thomas J. Meehan Scholarship
Established by family and friends in
2004, to honor the memory of muchloved Episcopal coach Thomas J.
Meehan, this fund will be used to
support Upper School students with
demonstrated academic and athletic
John Meehan ’86 and the Meehan
Miner Merrick Lecture Fund
Dedicated to the memory of an
Academy teacher whose service
spanned four decades, this fund,
established in 1988, subsidizes visits
to campus by professional educators
trained in ethics, government and
Meyers Family Scholarship Fund
The Meyers Family Scholarship
Fund is established by Barbara and
Howard Meyers, and their sons,
Matthew ’97, John ’00 and Brett
’03, to provide tuition assistance
to Upper School students of
outstanding character who are
expected to contribute positively to
The Episcopal Academy community
through high academic achievement
and participation in extracurricular
activities, including athletics, arts
and culture organizations and
community service.
Amanda Moses ’94 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
To honor and perpetuate the
memory of Amanda Leigh Moses
’94, family, classmates, and friends
have endowed a scholarship fund.
Amanda Moses Scholars will reflect
the creative and leadership talents of
this extraordinary alumna who was
an actress, a jewelry maker, a poet
and a volunteer firefighter.
Better Publications, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew H. McMeekin
Turner Investment Partners
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Murray
Mrs. Max Schultz
Mrs. Kathy M. Shelton
Virginia Wine Travel & Tourism
John B. Muir Fund for the Arts
Established in 1987 as a tribute to a
man who dedicated his life to arts at
Episcopal, this fund provides annual
support to bring professionals
engaged in the fine and performing
arts to the Academy.
Ms. Cynthia D. Rugart
Greville L. Munger Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Established in 1965 in memory
of Greville Munger ’56 to provide
financial assistance to sons of EA
alumni, who have demonstrated
talent or ability for the good of the
Mr. M. Roy Jackson
Maura Clare Malone Murphy ’96
Memorial Fund
The Maura Murphy ’96 Lecture
Fund was established by her family
and friends to honor her memory.
This fund brings speakers to Christ
Chapel to assist students in their
moral and emotional development.
Speakers address questions and
concerns that young people confront
daily as well as those issues they
may encounter in later life.
Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Bonner, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Booth
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bridenstine
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kane, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. J. Brien Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Weymouth
Florence R. C. Murray
Scholarship Fund
Established in 1984 with initial and
subsequent grants from the Florence
R. C. Murray Charitable Trust, this
fund provides tuition assistance to
deserving students who otherwise
would be unable to attend the
John Plant Scholars Program
Begun in 1986 with major funding
from the Richard Lounsbery
Foundation, this fund honors a man
who guided the study of classical
languages from 1966-1993. The
program offers annual financial
assistance, based upon need and
merit, to four Upper School students
to pursue their interests in Latin
and Greek.
Benjamin H. Read ’43 Lecture &
Award Fund
Established in 1993 to honor the
memory of a statesman, peacemaker,
environmentalist and scholar of
world affairs. This fund sponsors
lectures by distinguished figures
in worldwide public affairs, and
presents an award to a V Form
student, to support an original and
worthwhile public service project.
Ridgway Scholarship Fund
Established in 1988 with a gift from
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ridgway, Jr.,
this fund provides ongoing financial
assistance to students who otherwise
would be unable to attend the
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Aitken
Prestonfield Farm Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Boinske
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. John Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Brown, Jr.
Mr. J. R. Burke
Ms. Barbara Butler
Butler’s Pantry Food Service, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Rex R. Gary
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Giles
Hancock Building Associates, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenyon Hayward
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Holston
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hondros
Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Jacobsen
Mr. & Mrs. D. Christopher Le Vine
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Luff, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Britton H. Murdoch, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Neilson
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Schaafsma
Mr. William E. Sketchley
Mr. & Mrs. Christian R. Stearns
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Swope
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Terker
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Tierney, Sr.
The Robinson Family
Scholarship Fund
Established in 2007 by Bruce and
Anne Robinson and their children,
Courtney ’02, Kelly ’05, Stephen ’08
and Matthew ’13, this fund honors
Jim Farrell ’82, coach, teacher and
mentor to countless Episcopal
students. In appreciation of Jim’s
commitment to the academy,
this fund will provide financial
assistance for students in need who
demonstrate strong character as well
as commitment to The Episcopal
Academy community.
Sherrerd Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1983
by Jay and Kathy Sherrerd to support
highly motivated and qualified
students in need of financial aid.
Swift/Buckley Faculty
Endowment Fund
Established in 1997 by Edward Swift
Buckley IV in honor of Joseph Swift,
a Founder, Edward Swift Buckley,
Sr., and Edward Swift Buckley, Jr.,
who served the Academy as trustees
and officers (1873-98 & 1898-1943,
respectively). The Fund provides
financial aid to faculty for graduate
studies and educational growth.
John K. Tompkins, II ’49
Memorial Fund
Established in 1982 to perpetuate
the memory of a student, alumnus,
and trustee of the Academy, this fund
provides tuition assistance to Upper
School students who demonstrate
Mr. & Mrs. David O. Maxwell
Lewis H. Van Dusen, III ’57
Memorial Fund
This fund helps support a student
if his or her continued enrollment
is threatened because of financial
difficulties caused by the death of
a parent.
Alexandra M. Wake Scholarship
In 2002, this fund was established
in memory of former Lower School
at Devon student Alexandra Wake by
her teachers and fellow students and
their families, to provide financial
assistance to an African-American
student for the Lower School at
Miss Carolyn T. Crawford
Credit Suisse First Boston Foundation Trust Fund
Episcopal Academy Parents Association
Lower School at Devon
Tobias V. Welo Memorial Fund
The Tobias V. Welo Memorial Fund,
established by his son, Tobias V.
Welo ’90, his family, and friends,
honors a trustee, and true leader who
loved The Episcopal Academy and
chaired the Academy’s Development
Committee from 1991 through 1998.
His advocacy and oversight resulted
in the establishment of The Bishop
William White Society for Planned
Giving, the initiation of the Advocate
Council for Annual Giving, and the
creation of the 1785 Bowl award for
Philanthropy at Episcopal.
Mr. & Mrs. Tobias W. Welo
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
The Richard Q. Whelan , Jr. ’00
Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2005
by the family and friends of Ricky
Whelan ’00 to honor the memory
of this good citizen, athlete, and
scholar. The Richard Q. Whelan,
Jr. Scholarship will be awarded
to Upper School scholar-athletes
who strive for personal excellence
while encouraging and supporting
others and who exhibit demonstrated
promise and involvement in a variety
of school activities.
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Fryman
Anne & John Gerbner & Family
Mr. & Mrs. J. Andrew Jarvis
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Jarvis
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Stabert
Mr. & Mrs. James Still
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Wallace, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Whelan
Jesse R. Wike Scholarship Fund
In 1987, the Jesse R. Wike
Charitable Trust established a
scholarship fund to provide financial
assistance to students in need, with
preference given to students at the
Lower School at Devon.
The Williams Family Scholarship
Established in 2006 by Betsy
Williams ’93 and Jenny Williams
Weymouth ’96, income generated
from the Hess Foundation gift will
provide assistance to deserving
middle and upper school students
of promise with priority given to
Steppingstone Scholars.
Endowed Chairs
Class of 1952 Reunion Fund
The Class of 1952 50th Reunion
Fund is a perpetual fund which
endows a departmental chair
for Technology in the Arts and
Mr. & Mrs. Ross L. Campbell
Howard E. Morgan Chair for
Creative Writing
The Howard E. Morgan Chair for
Creative Writing was established
in 2007 by the family of Howard R.
Morgan ’57 (including wife Betsy,
two sons Carl G. and H. Randall
and daughter Anna ’94) to honor
the memory of Mr. Morgan’s father,
a former executive and civic leader
who placed great value on education
and on strong communications
skills. The holder of this chair will
enhance the efforts of Episcopal’s
English Department by continuing
to encourage students to write with
clarity, creativity and humor.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Morgan
The Pencoyd Foundation
In Honor of Mr. Albrycht and the
Andrew J. Torre
In Memory of Daisy Blatchford
The Alumni Society of
The Episcopal Academy
Mrs. Virginia E. McConnell
In Memory of Brian J.
Breskman ’06
Mrs. Evelyn Bayer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Billmyer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Breskman
Mr. Joseph Breskman
Mrs. Desiree Brown
Mr. Connell C. Cannon
Mrs. Kathleen M. Cannon
Mr. Matthew A. Ciccotti & Family
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Cocco
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Cohn
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G. Creskoff
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack
Mr. Anthony K. Dade
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel A. Diaz
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Ebert
Mr. Arty Elgart &
Mrs. Tina DuBay Elgart
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Finger & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon E. Fink
Mr. & Mrs. Barrett C. Fisher, III
& Family
Dr. Samuel H. Galib &
Dr. Grace M. Galib
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Gavin
Dr. & Mrs. Irvin Gerson
Mrs. Joan Giancristoforo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. A. Jerome Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Lenard M. Haley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hochberg
& Family
Mr. David M. Howard &
Ms. Dale P. Schomer
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jahnle
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jefferis
Mr. Richard J. Kenny &
Mrs. Catherine C. Coyne-Kenny
52 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Miss Eva F. Kohn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kohn & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Kops
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kraeutler
Dr. Jeffrey C. Lerner,
Dr. Nora S. Newcombe &
Andrew Lerner
Mr. Douglas M. Lurio &
Ms. Margaret S. Lurio
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Malingowski
Dr. & Mrs. Donald McCarren
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. McGregor
Mr. Vincent R. McGuinness &
Dr. Andrea M. Saxon
Ms. Nancy C. McLane
Mr. & Mrs. James W. McLane
Mr. Joshua C. McLane
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard McNamee
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. McNamee
Ms. Maria Micola
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mitnick
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Morris
David G. Nagle
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Nealis
& Family
Mr. Steven J. Nelesen
Mr. John L. Nelesen
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Nimoityn
Mr. & Mrs. Brian O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Oller
Mr. & Mrs. Joel M. Peskin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Pietrusinski
& Family
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Pitney & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Raiken
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Roach
Mr. Brendan P. Roach
Ms. Susan D. Scully
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Siegel
Dr. Michael A. Silver &
Dr. Regene H. Silver
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Stafford
Ms. Elaine Stauffer
Ms. Sandra K. Stauffer
Sidney J. Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Steinberg
Mrs. Sheridan S. Still &
Mr. David B. Still
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis J. Strohacker
Mrs. Ann P. H. Strong
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Weise
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Wister
Mrs. Angela L. Womack
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Yocum
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Young
Mr. Arthur Zabell
Ms. Suzanne W. Zeleznik &
Dr. David S. Smith
The West Hill School
Byck Foundation
Prestonfield Farm Foundation
The Episcopal Academy Parents Association
Wachovia Securities
1201 Pediatric Group, PC
Chortek & Gottschalk, LLP
Atomized Powder Coatings, LLC
Lower School Merion
Turner White Communications, Inc.
Recycle Inc. East
Riley Paint Co., Inc.
Sheboygan Paint Company
In Honor of Joe Buches and
Rev. James Squire
Mrs. Margaret Cox Satell
In Memory of George Caufman
Mrs. Susan C. Butterworth
In Memory of F. Eugene Dixon, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Gallagher
The Rev. & Mrs. Howard F. Park III
In Memory of Wayne Evans
Mrs. Wayne S. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. William Evans
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Evans
In Memory of Robert Fixter
Mrs. Marjorie Fixter Randolph
In celebration of Jay Crawford’s 50th
EA Reunion
The Asahel P.H. Bloomer/
Caroline D. Bloomer Trust
In Honor of Gretchen Burke
Mr. & Mrs. David Hoadley
In memory & Honor of Robert W.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bishop
In Memory of Robert Partridge
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Partridge
In Memory of Rev. Gordon R.
Mr. Gordon R. McDonnell
Jefferies & Company,Inc.
In Memory of John McConnell
Mrs. Virginia E. McConnell
In Memory of Robert McDonald
Mrs. Robert McDonald
In Memory of Gordon R. McDonnell
Jefferies & Company,Inc.
In Memory of Daniel Miller
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Miller
In Memory of Walter Miller
Mrs. Binney B. Miller
In Memory of Daniel Pierson
Swartz Campbell LLC
Mrs. I. Grant Irey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David B. McMullin
Ms. Barbara M. Pettinos
In Memory of G. Selden Pitt
Mrs. G. Selden Pitt
In Memory of Donald J. Reape ’77
Mr. Donald J. Reape
Wells Fargo
In Memory of Richard C. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Ryan, Jr.
In Memory of James Sax
Dr. & Mrs. Henry P. Brown, III
In Memory of Derek Stephenson
Mr. Paul H. Phelps III
In Memory of Louise Wright
Wright-Cook Foundation
Gifts In Kind/Other
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Keffer
Mr. Robert A. Melikian &
Ms. Susan J. Hohnsbeen
Mr. Charles Kurz, II
Ms. Sandra Vaughan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Dugery
Mrs. Mary H. Wolferth
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Spear, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Sabat
Foundations &
Bell Family Fund
The Blommer Foundation
The Asahel P.H. Bloomer/
Caroline D. Bloomer Trust
Michael A. Bruder Foundation
Burke Family Foundation
Community Foundation of
New Jersey
The Connelly Foundation
Corporate Office Properties Trust
The Crestlea Foundation, Inc.
Frenkel Family Foundation
Milton Ginsburg Fund
Haldeman Family Foundation
Hess Foundation Inc.
The Holt Family Foundation
The Christian Humann Foundation
Innisfree Foundation of Bryn Mawr
Kent Family Fund of The Community Foundation
The Kohn Foundation
Laird Norton Trust Co.
McConnell-Willits Charitable Trust
Neubauer Family Foundation
The Pencoyd Foundation
Philadelphia Foundation
Prestonfield Farm Foundation
† Deceased Class Agent (in bold)
Princeton Area Community
Foundation, Inc.
James O. Robbins Family Charitable
Lead Annuity Trust
Robert R. Bellamy Memorial Foundation
Rochester Area Foundation
Satell Family Foundation Trust
The Schusler Foundation
Sherrerd Foundation
W. Percy Simpson Trust
The Harold A. & Ann R. Sorgenti Family Foundation
Strauss Foundation
The O’Grady Family Foundation
The Shouvlin Foundation
William E. and Tamra R. Ryan Foundation
Wilmington Trust Company
Wright-Cook Foundation
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Squibb Corporation
Susquehanna International Group, LLP
Teleflex Foundation
The William Penn Foundation
Towers Perrin Forster & Crosby
Turner Investment Partners
UHS of Delaware, Inc.
Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.
UnumProvident Corporation
The Vanguard Group
Wachovia Securities
Wells Fargo
XL Global Services
Matching Gift
AES Logistics, Inc.
Brighton Steel, Inc.
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Daniel Martin, Inc.
D/B/A Wilkie Lexus
Lurio & Associates, P.C.
New View Gifts and
Accessories, LTD.
Penn Liberty Bank
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Robert J. Kratz & Company
Philip Rosenau Co., Inc.
Turner White Communications, Inc.
Vertex, Inc.
W. I Snyder Corp.
Wilmington Trust Company
XL Specialty Insurance Company
Abbott Laboratories Fund
ACE INA Foundation
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Alliamz Global Investors
Altria Corporate Services, Inc.
American International Group
Bank of America
Boeing Company
Bristol-Myers Fund, Inc.
Citigroup Foundation
Colgate-Palmolive Co
Deutsche Bank
Eaton Charitable Fund
Follett Corporation
GE Foundation
GlaxoSmithKline Beecham
The Glenmede Trust Company
Goldman Sachs & Company
The H. O. West Foundation
H.B. Fuller Foundation
The Hartford Insurance
International Data Group
Jefferies & Company, Inc.
Lehman Brothers
Marsh & McLennan Companies
The Merck Company Foundation
Merrill Lynch
MMC Matching Gifts Program
Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc.
Nelnet Matching Gift Program
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Nuveen Investments
Pequot Capital
The Prudential Insurance Company
RBC Dain Rauscher Foundation
Ross Family Fund
Siemens Building Technologies–
Landis Division
v Blue and White Society
PA Tax Credit
Gifts to Ever
List reflects new pledges and gifts
made in fiscal year 2006-2007.
Payments on pledges made prior to
the 06-07 fiscal year are not listed.
Dr. & Mrs. Todd Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Aldridge, Jr.
Gary D. and Mary E. Ammon
Mr. & Mrs. A. Joseph Armstrong
Bachman Foundation II
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan D. Bachman
JoAnne S. Bagnell
Mr. & Mrs. Whitney H. Baldwin
Bruce D. Ballard &
Laraine Kazanjian-Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Barton
Ms. Sara F. Barton &
The Rev. Hentzi Elek
Karl N. Beinkampen &
Elizabeth A. Corrigan
Bell Family Fund
George & Carrie Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Bell
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Bennett, IV
Mr. & Mrs. M. Bruce Bennett
Dee & Tom Bergstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Berrard
John Bishop Family
James W. Blatchford, Jr.
The Blommer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Blommer
Mr. Richard C. Bond, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Luke H. Borda
George Boyd, V
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Branegan, Jr.
Dr. Robert W. Bright
Mr. & Mrs. Byard F. Brogan, Jr.
David & Jane Brooks
John & Lorraine Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Brown
Jeff & Wendy Zug Brown
Mr. Walter W. Buckley, Jr.
Christopher D. & Lisa J. Butler
George Edwin Byers, M.D. &
Mrs. Sally Byers
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Camp
Todd & Anna M. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Warren I. Claytor
John R. Clendenning, Jr.
The Connelly Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Connelly
Mr. & Dr. John & Winifred Constable
Gretchen & Gordon Cooney
Rick & Jeanne Craft
Jay & Rosemary Crawford
The Crestlea Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Crockett
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Davison
Mr. Jeffrey A. Day &
Ms. Erin G. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. DeNatale
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Deuber, Jr.
Carl F. Deutsch
Stephen Dittmann ’66
Mrs. Edith R. Dixon
William & Sally Dordelman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Duncan
The Durovsik Family
The Espe Family
June S. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fell, III
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Field
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Finegan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Fischer
Ann & Dick Flannery
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton G. French
Mr. Harry B. French, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. French
The French Family
Mr. William M. French
Frenkel Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest L. Gager, Jr.
Russell & Candace Gantt
Garino Family
Mr. & Mrs. Rex R. Gary
Dr. Giselle Geddes &
Mr. Patrick Scullin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Gordon
Patrick & Julie Green
Charlie Grigg
Calvert C. Groton
The Haab Family
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Hamlin
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Harrity
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Hayes
Richard A. Henderson ’47
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Herman, III
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hodge, ’62
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hondros
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Hopkins
Wayne Hurtubise ’49
Dr. Nancy R. &
Mr. Stephen J. Imbriglia
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Jacobsen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jacoby
James O. Robbins Family Charitable
Lead Annuity Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Krishna N. Jha
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, III
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Judson, II
Helen Milne Justi
E. Brooks Keffer, Jr.
John & Lori Kelly
Dr. Charles H. Kendall, Jr.
Dr. Andrew G. Knox
Kurz Foundation
Mr. Charles Kurz III
Mr. Charles Kurz, II
Mrs. Dorothy Kurz
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Leaman, III
Charles T. Lee, Jr.
Edward F. & Tracie M. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr.
The Thomas LeFevre Family
E. B. Leisenring, Jr.
Mrs. Lerman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Lerman
Bruce & Robyn Leto
Mr. & Mrs. William Lilley III
Mr. & Mrs. J. Barton Linvill
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Loftus
Lower School at Devon
Douglas & Margaret Lurio
Richard T. Lyford, Jr.
Jane C. MacElree
Crawford C. Madeira, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr.
Mr. Harry R. Madeira
Lewis N. Madeira
Mr. & Mrs. A. Bruce Mainwaring
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Maple
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Marvin
Dr. Francis S. Matarazzo &
Dr. Anita M. Milici-Matarazzo
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McComb
Mr. & Mrs. John N. McConnell, Sr.
Mr. John N. McConnell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. McCormick
James & Linda McEntee
Mr. Vincent R. McGuinness & Andrea M. Saxon, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Slade H. McLaughlin
The McLean Contributionship
McMullin Family
Hunter B. McMullin
A. Sherman & Deborah J. Mehl
Barbara & Howard Meyers
Mr. R. William Miltz
The Minnick Family
Mr. & Mrs. John L.
Montgomery, II
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Morris
Roland Morris, Jr. ’76
Mr. William B. Morris
Jill & Ray Munder
Matthew & Heather Naylor
Class of 1940
Benjamin R. Neilson
Susan & Burn Oberwager
Loyd & Debbie Pakradooni
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Pakradooni
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert R. Parker
James C. Parry
Mr. Adam H. Pasternack &
Ms. Alla F. Pasternack
The Pencoyd Foundation
The Pennsylvania School For The Deaf
The Greg Penske Family
Mr. Frederick Y. Peters
Petrikin, Wellman, Damico, Brown & Petrosa
Donald and Suzanne Pettit
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill
Celian B. Putnam
Hannah S. Randolph
Harley Rankin, Jr.
Mr. David J. Reape &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Reed, II
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Regillo
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rettew, III
Roger A. Reynolds, Jr.
Mrs. Thomas Ridgway, Jr.
Gardner & Margaret Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. E. William Ross, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Shantanu Roychowdhury
Karl & Patsy Rugart
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Ryan
Margaret C. Satell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Schneider
Edgar Scott, Jr. ’44
Scullin Consulting Services LLC
Michael & Susan Selverian
Stephen J. Shanahan, Sr.
John J. F. Sherrerd
Mrs. & Mr. James Siegel
Mr. & Mrs. J. Brant Singley ’80
E. Newbold Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Snyder
Dr. & Mrs. Thorne Sparkman, Jr.
George E. Stanley
Harold & Emily Starr
William W. B. Stewart
Mrs. Deborah G. Stinnett
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stolper
Neil & Leslie Stone
Superior Group Foundation
Mrs. Henderson Supplee, Jr.
Richard Surbeck
Dr. & Mrs. Henry L. Surprenant
Mr. Hase W. Taylor, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Testaiuti
Tierney Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Tierney, Sr.
Mark & Christine Turner
Charles H. Urban, Jr.
Don van Roden
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Robert Venturi &
Denise Scott Brown
Sherry & Hall Vetterlein
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Richard & Diane Welsh
Mr. William N. West, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Wharton
Thomas G. &
Kathleen O. Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Wojdak
and Family
Richard & Faézé Woodville
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey F. Worden
The Rev. Mr. &
Mrs. Albert E. R. Zug
The Graham F. Zug Family
Thomas V. Zug, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McCallion, Sr.
Mr. Christopher F. McConnell & Ms. Stacey W. McConnell
Mr. Robert A. Melikian &
Ms. Susan J. Hohnsbeen
Mr. Stephen P. Mihalek &
Ms. Louise A. Hand-Mihalek
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Miller, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Ogelsby, Jr.
Mrs. Kim Rinnier
Ms. Cynthia D. Rugart
Dr. & Mrs. Karl F. Rugart, Jr.
Dr. Neil L. Sand &
Ms. Dana M. Devon
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Schellenger, II
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Scott
Mr. Gamal D. Sherif
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald K. Smith, III
Mrs. George Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Steidle, II
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Underwood
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly E. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Watters, III
Mrs. Emlen V. Wistar
Community Forum
Mr. & Mrs. David Acton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J.
Adomanis, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Ammon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Blenko
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Birchard T. Clothier
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe
Mr. Christopher C. Fallon, III
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Field
Mrs. Lee Fitch
Mrs. Mary O. French
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Giles
Dr. & Mrs. Julian L. Gladstone
Mr. Patrick J. Grannan &
Ms. Linda A. Matrunich
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Grau
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Green
Mr. John P. Gregg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Heavener
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Hebard, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hodge
Mrs. Victoria S. Hoplamazian
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jefferis
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly, III
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence B. Kirschner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Luff, Jr.
Mrs. Jane C. H. MacElree
Mr. Karl R. V. Mayro
54 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Alumni Giving
Names and totals in class listings are
based on all gifts received for fiscal
2006-07 including Capital Gifts,
Annual Giving, 50th Reunion Gifts,
and Endowed Funds. (Planned Gifts
are not included.)
Top Ten Alumni Classes
Percentage Giving in Annual Giving
Class of 1934
$500 Contributed,
25% Participation
D. Hughes Cauffman
Class of 1935
$2,000 Contributed,
33% Participation
Samuel H. Brown
James Logan, Jr.
George M. Neall, II
Louis W. Pitt, Jr.
Vigor C. Smith
Harry G. Toland
Robert Toland, Jr.
Charles H. Yarnall, III
Class of 1941
$10,650 Contributed,
82% Participation
Nicholas Biddle, Jr.
Benjamin L. Bird
Frederic G. Clark
Edward O. Coates, Jr.
John C. Haas
W. Stevenson Hammond
Stanley E. Harris, Jr.
Crawford C. Madeira, Jr.
A. Sherman Mehl
$11,344 Contributed,
60% Participation
James M. Copeland
Michael B. Elliott
W. Dean Fuller, Jr.
J. Tyler Griffin
Andrew G. Knox
Charles T. Lee, Jr.
L. Clifford B. Lewis
William G. Lord, II
Roger S. Miller
Gardiner Rogers
Karl F. Rugart, Jr.
William C. Turner
Top Ten Alumni Classes
Class of 1937
Class of 1942
Dollars Given to Annual Giving only
70th Reunion
$2,960 Contributed,
58% Participation
Charles Mallet P. Brinton
Lee E. Bye
Francis C. Forbes
John L. Spangler, Jr.
S. Francis Thoumsin
Kingsley W. Weston
Harrison B. Wetherill, Sr.
65th Reunion
$3,665 Contributed,
46% Participation
Samuel J. Brinton, Jr.
George T. Cartier
Emery Davis
Peter Dechert
James M. Earle, II
Charles E. Gallagher
Thomas A. Hewson
Paul C. Kitchen, Jr.
Wallace S. Littlewood
Alan W. Lukens, III
Stanley J. Milstone †
Howard H. McConnell, Jr.
W. William Nagle
John W. Susskind
Donald van Roden
Frederick W. Weston, Jr.
Edward A. Woodring
Class of 1929
$500 Contributed,
100% Participation
John F. Wager
Class of 1930
$1,051 Contributed,
67% Participation
Stuart P. Miller
Richard B. Singer
Class of 1931
$100 Contributed,
100% Participation
Henry P. Brown, III
Class of 1933
$1,725 Contributed,
75% Participation
David S. P. Conner
William Forbes
Richard H. Henry
J. Barton Linvill
Frederick W. Marshall, Jr.
Stewart B. Mein, Jr.
† Deceased Class Agent (in bold)
Class of 1936
Class of 1938
$975 Contributed,
57% Participation
Ernest B. Brown
Emlen L. Cresson
Bruce I. Granger
Richard W. Havens
J. Craig Huff, Jr.
Frank O. Nagle, Jr.
Philip P. Sharples
Elkins Wetherill
Class of 1939
$5,281 Contributed,
67% Participation
Thomas V. Cooper, Jr.
F. Hastings Griffin, Jr.
John E. Heppe
George E. Stanley
Heyward M. Wharton
Class of 1940
$13,925 Contributed,
68% Participation
Frederic H. Bird
George R. Bishop, Jr.
Bryan T. Bostwick
Forrest L. Gager, Jr.
George M. Harding, Jr.
John E. Hopkins
v Blue and White Society
Class of 1943
$17,194 Contributed,
61% Participation
Robert L. Bast
John S. Buckley
James T. Carson
Malcolm Coates
Joseph K. Gordon
Charles W. Hitschler, Jr.
Jacques H. Houdry
John F. Joline, III
William W. Lander
Davis Pearson
John G. Rogers †
William J. Ryan, II
Class of 1944
$47,883 Contributed,
54% Participation
Anthony deH. Bispham
Thomas S. Brown
Alan Crawford, Jr.
Robert W. DeCoursey
Harry B. French
Robson L. Greer, Jr.
Walter F. A. Harvey
Richard E. Lander
Harry R. Madeira
A. Bruce Mainwaring
F. Douglas Raymond, Jr.
Gardner S. Rogers
E. Newbold Smith
Charles H. Urban, Jr.
Class of 1945
$2,975 Contributed,
67% Participation
MacKnight Black
Ralph W. Brenner
Edward S. Buckley, IV
Rodman B. Finkbiner
John F. Gardiner, Jr.
William N. Hawley
James S. Hewson
Clifford Charles R. Hood
Donald J. Meenen
Richard R. Montgomery, Jr.
Warren C. Nagle
George E. Robinette
Robert H. Sayre
James Thorington, II
Class of 1946
$3,665 Contributed,
50% Participation
Harris C. Aller, Jr.
Joseph S. Bennett, IV
Frank E. Bowker, Jr.
Donald W. Cooper
John M. Douglas, Jr.
Ralph Earle, II
Thomas E. Faison
David S. Forrest
William M. Forrest
Alexander P. Greer
Charles W. Hare
Austin B. Hepburn
Paul M. Ingersoll
Richard B. Keller
Ralph H. Knode, Jr.
Philip M. Maroney
C. Edward Trump
John M. Walton, III
Jeremiah Williams
Class of 1947
60th Reunion
$21,603 Contributed,
43% Participation
Thomas William O. Abbott
Henry P. Clifford
Joseph B. Dallett
Theodore G. Duncan
William P. W. Hancock
Richard A. Henderson
John M. Hume
Milton C. Jackson, Jr.
E. B. Keffer, Jr.
William R. McKean, Jr.
Richard G. Mecaskey
John L. Montgomery, II
Richard C. Pugh
Henry B. Robb, 3rd
Sanford M. Rosenbloom, Esq.
John J. F. Sherrerd
Henderson Supplee, III
Kenneth W. Tunnell
Roger M. Whiteman
Class of 1948
$5,084 Contributed,
John E. Cable, Jr.
Henry Chapman
Nicholas R. Clifford
Samuel W. Clipp
William R. Frame
Calvert C. Groton
James H. Hardy, III
John F. Hentz
S. Hamill Horne
James H. Hurtt, IV
Arthur Judson, II
Edward J. Leech, III
Carl A. Lillmars, Jr.
David O. Maxwell
William D. L. Melcher
James D. Robins
Henry S. Ruth, Jr.
Richard G. Schneider
Edwin R. Sumner, Jr.
Rankin N. Thompson, Jr.
Class of 1949
$34,690 Contributed,
65% Participation
Daniel A. Baugh
James W. Blatchford, Jr.
John Hunter Cline
John D. DeTar
John L. Farmakis
Dwight W. Fitterer, Jr.
Samuel Y. Gibbon, Jr.
John Holtzapple, Jr.
Johns Hopkins
C. A. Wayne Hurtubise, Jr.
John C. Keene
Richard T. Lyford, Jr.
Robert A. Martin
Peter M. Mattoon
Stanley J. Miller, Jr.
R. Blair Murphy
C. William Schellenger
Robert P. Strauss
Brooks Thomas
John F. Trickett
Floyd B. Woodcock
Henry N. Woolman, III
Class of 1950
$45,898 Contributed,
91% Participation
Willis C. Arndt
William Aulenbach, Jr.
Charles W. Bazemore
Sanford D. Beecher, Jr.
Edward W. Campbell, Jr.
Charles B. Chadwick
David F. Crockett, Sr.
James C. Daugherty
Stanley K. Golaski
John B. Healy
Walter L. Heppenstall, Jr.
Richard H. Hiers
Robert H. Hutchinson, Jr.
Richard C. Jeary
John D. Kistler, II
John C. Kolb
Robert M. March
Harold S. O’Brian, Jr.
Roger P. Pitkin
A. Edward Pringle, III
Frank C. Reichle, Jr.
John B. Rettew, III
Edwin G. Robb
Adolph O. Schaefer, Jr.
E. Markley Schellenger, Jr.
Michael P. Shouvlin
J. Roland Smith, Jr.
Kenneth C. Smith, Jr.
Harold P. Starr
George R. Swan
David B. Swarr
Class of 1951
$15,568 Contributed,
43% Participation
David Acton
Fred C. Aldridge, Jr.
Earle Bensing, Jr.
Roger L. Campbell
John F. Donahue
Paul G. Finegan
James P. Foley
Donald J. Greenleaf
Alexander Haslam
Henry K. Justi
Arthur M. Largey, Jr.
W. Morris Longstreth
Osborne Mauck
Charles W. McMahon, Jr.
Boulton D. Mohr
Roland Morris
William V. B. Nixon, Jr.
Howard F. Park III
James K. Wheatley, Jr.
Class of 1952
55th Reunion
$8,885 Contributed,
38% Participation
Robert B. Beahm, III
Benjamin Bell, IV
William C. Brown, III
Ross L. Campbell
Robert A. Gerhardt
William P. Latimer
Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Sheldon B. Margolis
Donald Murta
Barry R. Plotts
James O. Siegel, II
George E. Stone
John H. Swope, IV
Craig A. TenBroeck
Daniel A. Wieland, Jr.
Class of 1953
$22,180 Contributed,
50% Participation
Nathan D. Bachman
Lawrence C. Barnard
Richard L. Behr
George E. Byers, M.D.
Kenneth S. Clark, Jr.
Jacob A. Crellin, Jr.
William G. Crockett
John A. Currie
Peter W. Duncan
Charles S. Evans
Leighton B. Ford
James B. Francis, Jr.
A. Lynne Graburn, III
Ralph H. Hood
Edward L. Jones, Jr.
Paul E. Klingensmith
Roland M. Machold
Anthony M. Ostheimer
Donald M. Pillsbury, Jr.
H. Calvin Place
Bruce C. Watson
Layton G. Wilson
Fred D. Wood, III
Class of 1954
$16,750 Contributed,
65% Participation
Samuel D. Allen, Jr.
Fred D. Banfield
William E. Barhite
James R. Bickell
George Boyd, Jr.
Benjamin B. Chadwick
Birchard T. Clothier
William B. Crawford
Harry H. Deischer
Paul E. Drexel
Samuel E. Griffiths, III
Charles Heebner
Robert P. Hundley
James E. Hutchinson
Eric P. S. Jacobsen
Percy F. Leaper
Richard W. Lowry
Russell G. Mansfield
D. Paul McAlaine, Jr.
Walter H. Moleski
Warden B. Muller
Edgar S. Palmer
Forbes D. Preston
Alfred M. Reeves
H. R. Ringe
Warren B. Scott, Sr.
William D. Sykes, Jr.
Asheton C. Toland
George A. Vare, Jr.
James A. Welham, Jr.
M. Curtis Young
Class of 1955
Class of 1958
$65,751 Contributed,
40% Participation
Richard C. Bond, Jr.
Roderick C. Farmer
Frederick C. Haab
Arthur H. Hacker, III
George L. Hagar
John F. Kell, Jr.
Dana T. Lerch
William Lilley, III
William O. Master, Jr.
Ralph T. McLean
David B. McMullin
David M. Robb, Jr.
Donald M. Sykes, Jr.
Thomas F. H. Twaddell
Frederick G. Weaver
William N. West, IV
$8,385 Contributed,
33% Participation
Peter F. Apple
Thomas C. Baxter
Robert R. Bishop
Howard B. Chadwick, Jr.
Charles N. David
Ralph H. DeOrsay, Jr.
Walter L. Geggis
Morrison H. Heckscher
William H. Lamb
Peter C. McLean
Heatly D. Sebring
Rudolph J. van der Hiel
James W. Zug
Class of 1956
$7,975 Contributed,
37% Participation
Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.
James H. Bromley
Raymond C. Burton, Jr.
David T. Carey
Roger J. Colley
Thomas C. Etter, Jr.
Hugh N. Fryer
Raymond B. Harlan
Walton R. Johnston, III
Benjamin R. Neilson
Stephen L. Patt
William E. Rapp
E. William Ross, Jr.
David R. Scott
Norman Vadner
Class of 1957
50th Reunion
$19,196 Contributed,
38% Participation
A. Joseph Armstrong
Peter Arrison
John R. Clendenning, Jr.
Joseph E. Colen, Jr.
James L. Crawford, Jr.
Carl F. Deutsch
Charles W. Grigg
Kenneth L. Jones
Alexander McCurdy, III
Howard R. Morgan
Raymond A. Munder, Jr.
Gilbert R. Parker
David E. Prewitt
Robert M. Reed, II
John J. Stetzer, III
Andrew R. Supplee
Richard J. Surbeck
H. Ross Watson, Jr.
Geoffrey F. Worden
56 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Class of 1959
$4,175 Contributed,
43% Participation
Stuart H. Brown
Richard B. Bush
Thomas E. Clyde
J. Terrance Davis
Robert Farnham, III
Richard C. Foster
John C. Martin, Jr.
David C. Pillsbury
Shaler Stidham, Jr.
William R. Talbot, Jr.
Rowland L. Watson
William White, III
Curtiss D. Wiler
Class of 1960
$3,815 Contributed,
42% Participation
Allan M. Chagan
George Alfred L. David
Jeffrey A. Dease
James S. Grant
Maurice Heckscher, II
William A. Irving, Jr.
F. Wayne Jarvis, Jr.
Richard N. Koelle
John Y. Mace, Jr.
William J. MacFarland
James L. McVey, Jr.
E. Barry Pinheiro
Richard M. Plusch
Walter S. Poole
Lawrence G. Singmaster
Henry M. Smith
D. Nicholas Thold
William M. Walker, II
George S. Watson
David C. Wetherill
Class of 1961
$8,118 Contributed,
31% Participation
Harrison H. Clement, Jr.
Orville C. Dewey, Jr.
John D. Firestone
Harland G. Fullam
William P. Gregg, Jr.
Rush T. Haines, II
Stephen L. Irving
Anthony G. Langham
George W. Lilley, Jr.
Alvan Markle, IV
Franklin E. Maxwell
Nicholas W. Morris, Jr.
Stephen T. Owen
Lance A. Sims
Edward M. Watters, III
Class of 1962
45th Reunion
$16,626 Contributed,
42% Participation
Brian C. Burke
Kenneth D. Caro
George F. Cormeny, Jr.
George W. Emlen
F. Laird Evans
Thomas H. Gouge
David B. Harris
Marc J. M. Heppe
John H. Hodge
D. Edward McAllister
William M. Radcliffe, Jr.
David S. Savage
Richard McC. Shaw
Robert H. Stavers
Steven L. Strawbridge
Peter Truitt
Edward H. Vick, Jr.
Parker R. Waite, III
Harrison B. Wetherill, Jr.
Class of 1963
$3,625 Contributed,
28% Participation
Thomas P. Bispham
Norman A. Cocke, III
Richard B. Devereux
Robert A. Haines
Lewis J. Hart, Jr.
Andrew F. Jackson, II
Curtis A. Lauber
William D. Machold
Charles W. Ogelsby, Jr.
Gardiner P. Pearson
John C. Riely
James E. Rooks, Jr.
James D. Sleeper, Jr.
Daniel M. Sossaman
S. Bertram Stiff, III
Richard A. Tilghman, Jr.
Class of 1964
$4,750 Contributed,
20% Participation
Kenneth G. Appel
Archer B. Battista, Esq.
Robert B. Cotton, Jr.
O. Keener Earle
Frank H. Griffin, III
John C. Jubin, III
John C. Miller
Hugh A. Reynolds
Jared I. Roberts
Frank M. Shanbacker, III
Richard N. Young, Jr.
Thomas V. Zug, Jr.
Class of 1965
$3,100 Contributed,
33% Participation
Stuart R. Christie
William M. Clyde
Peter B. Cornog
Clemmie P. Engle
Theodore J. Fetter
Daniel W. Foster
Michael A. Fusco, II
William C. Garver
John P. Gregg
Robert W. Hallett
Stephen S. Kennedy
Philip Lyford
John C. Packer
D. Loyd Pakradooni
Ralph W. Pitman, Jr.
Curtis Tredennick
John W. Waite
Class of 1966
$8,531 Contributed,
28% Participation
Robert A. Apple, Jr.
Thomas M. Birdsall, Jr.
Robert G. Clark
Stephen Dittmann
Gerald M. Erskine
Philip H. Gleason, Esq.
Richard W. Hole, Jr.
Mark B. Kennedy
William H. Kirkpatrick, II
Edward K. Morris, Ph.D.
J. D. Pell Osborn
James C. Parry
John O. Platt, III
Richard P. Smith
William W. B. Stewart
George H. Talbot
John S. Taylor, Jr.
David S. Waite
Class of 1967
40th Reunion
$5,632 Contributed,
36% Participation
William Bates, III
Jon C. Butler
Peter E. Chance
Paul B. Deorsay
J. Keath Fetter
Richard G. French, Ph.D.
W. Hayward Hulick
Craig E. Laird
Eugene B. Lefevre
Alan McIlvain, Jr.
Anthony Morris
John D. Roeser
V. Valle Schloesser
Karl R. Schoettle, Jr.
† Deceased Class Agent (in bold)
Jay S. Shotel, Ph.D.
Charles S. Strickler, Jr.
Kevin K. Tremper, M.D.
John C. van Roden, Jr.
E. Smedley Ward, III
Stillman F. Westbrook
Warwick S. Wheeler
Class of 1968
$11,850 Contributed,
29% Participation
Robert L. Boyd
James A. Branegan, III
John S. Buckley, Jr.
Arthur B. Carey, Jr.
George Cauffman, III
Frederick H. Crecraft
Andrew I. Dayton
David H. Fenimore
Robert G. Kitchell
Robert L. Mayock, Jr.
Thomas H. McKoy, IV
Douglas P. Roeser
Peter C. Wilson
Robert H. Young
Class of 1969
$4,425 Contributed,
14% Participation
A. S. Bullitt
Gerard B. De Camp
Orton P. Jackson, Jr.
Gregory D. Lewicki
Christopher S. Pitt
Donald A. Tase, Jr.
Saint George B. Tucker
Thomas M. Welsh
Class of 1970
$6,500 Contributed,
26% Participation
John F. Dautrich
Douglas A. Keith
Peter B. Kingsley
Joseph W. Lippincott III
Richard R. S. Northrop
David C. Parker
David Y. Peyton
James G. Rogers
Ronald E. Rothrock
K. E. Shanbacker
William R. Spofford III
Frederick R. Stehle
Meade B. Thayer
Roderick L. Tondreau, Jr.
Class of 1971
$11,651 Contributed,
26% Participation
Hugh H. Aikens, Jr.
James T. Amsterdam
Anthony J. Brown
Mark G. Cornish
Harrison R. Crecraft
Frederic N. Dittmann, CFA
v Blue and White Society
Richard L. Fenimore
Bruce H. Godick
William H. Herman
Scott R. Isdaner
Eben L. Kent
James E. Rosenfeld
Thomas L. Williams
William P. Wood, Jr.
Class of 1972
35th Reunion
$19,294 Contributed,
23% Participation
Thomas H. Bishop
David B. Blenko
John Fischer, Jr.
Robert A. Fisher
Darrel W. Francis
Peter H. Havens
Edward P. Kilbourn
Mark O. LeFevre
Harry R. Madeira, Jr.
Elizabeth R. Marshall
Reade B. Nimick, Jr.
Scott F. Schumacker
John O. O. Senior
Patrick J. Tarsi
Class of 1973
$12,945 Contributed,
49% Participation
Scott V. Bell
Peter J. Beller
John T. Berlinger
John J. Broderick
Christopher C. Cole
David J. Cunningham
Rita M. P. Denny
Douglas F. Dixon
Frederick W. Dougherty
Harry B. French, Jr.
John R. Garrison
Rex R. Gary
Jackson B. Gibbs, Jr.
David W. Haas
C. W. Hanson III
John M. Hayes
E. Martin Heldring
J. Gardner Hodder
Gerald A. Holleran, Jr.
Stephen J. Imbriglia
William A. Knowlton
John C. Kulp, Jr.
William G. Luff, Jr.
Timothy McClain
Thomas N. Mitchell
David G. Pfordt
Dickson R. Pitts
Clayton T. Platt
Robert L. Roehr
John E. Segal
Perry G. Swope
Class of 1974
$3,665 Contributed,
20% Participation
Pierce Archer
Anthony H. Fisher
Earle B. Fox, III
Michael F. Gilson
Peter E. Kane
Nicholas W. Manganaro
Jeffrey A. Morrison
Karl F. Rugart, III
William T. Shearer, III
Richard Q. Whelan
Class of 1975
$15,358 Contributed,
19% Participation
George D. B. Bell, Jr.
Clement T. Cole
David F. Crockett, Jr.
Andrew J. Curtin
Edward P. Fenimore, II
James B. Garrison
Thomas G. Hill
John W. P. Holt
David D. Langfitt
D. Christopher Le Vine
James G. Logue, Esq.
Britton H. Murdoch, Jr.
Mark D. Teti
Martin P. Trimble
W. B. Williamson
Class of 1976
$5,125 Contributed,
19% Participation
David G. Butterworth, Esq.
Steven J. Devlin
Peter S. Dooner, III
John D. Godfrey
W. Prentiss Howe, IV
Bradford S. Kaune
John Leisenring
Robert S. McMenamin
John B. Medford
Roland Morris, Jr.
J. Alden Philbrick, IV
Conrad M. Rugart
Laurence K. Shearer
Bruce W. Stone
Class of 1977
30th Reunion
$29,000 Contributed,
32% Participation
James D. Alton III
Arthur S. Brown
John G. Cooney, Jr.
J. Lee D. Cox, Jr.
Thomas M. Dougherty
Michael W. Giles
Peter C. Hare
Robert P. Hayes
William C. Hoffman
Thomas G. Hook
David M. Howard
Andrew M. Kronfeld
Francis J. Leto
John G. Nimick
Charles M. Riley, III
Thomas S. Rosen
George J. Schneider, III
Benjamin P. Shein
George M. Sheridan
Edward S. Spofford
Class of 1978
$21,991 Contributed,
28% Participation
Philip F. Bell
Walter W. Buckley, III
James F. Gould
F. Christian Haab, Jr.
David B. Hartzell
Alan R. Huffman
Garry B. Krogstad
Robert B. Lerch
Anthony J. Marcucci
Norman M. McAvoy, Jr.
Brian S. McInerney
Jonathan S. Moore
Samuel E. Olshin
Edward C. Stone
Mark E. Verdeur
Charles H. Vetterlein, Jr.
Albert E. R. Zug, Sr.
Class of 1979
$13,525 Contributed,
25% Participation
Don B. Blenko, Jr.
John H. A. Bomberger, IV
Jay R. Borkowski
John M. Decker
Mark T. Devlin
Martin S. Grims
John M. Kerr
Edward F. Lee
Bruce G. Leto
William W. Lloyd
Robert G. Lorndale, Jr.
Christopher D. Lowden
William M. McAvoy
Christian H. Miller
Shawn R. Pender
John M. Peruto, Esq.
Page H. Thompson
Jonathan M. Wistar
A. Christopher Young
Class of 1980
$44,340 Contributed,
36% Participation
Luke H. Borda
James B. Bradbeer, Jr.
Arthur A. Brinkworth
James B. Bushick
Steven E. Copit
David W. Craig
Courtland C. Ebeling
Norman G. FitzPatrick
Keith E. Ford
Joseph W. Giles
Eric E. L. Guenther, Jr.
J. Richard Leaman, III
Michael L. McNally
James F. Mitchell, IV
Gregory W. Penske
David J. Reape
C. R. Ryan, Jr.
Theodore V. Sheridan
J. B. Singley
Steven L. Spivak
Kenneth L. Tepper
Philip St. J. Trimble
Class of 1981
$7,395 Contributed,
21% Participation
Brian X. Broderick
Theodore S. Coxe, Jr.
John M. Davidson
David S. Fryman
William J. Hill
Mark S. Hoplamazian
Edward B. Keffer, III
John J. Minutella
Michael J. Murphy
Dennis P. Siegler
Rodman S. Stull
Benjamin S. Thompson
William G. Wurster
Class of 1982
25th Reunion
$52,940 Contributed,
40% Participation
James M. Auch, III
William R. Bagnell
Andrew M. Conger
David M. Cornell, II
Stephen S. Crawford
Richard G. Crockett
Michael A. D’Alicandro
Michael S. Devon
Douglas A. Dockray
David G. Ellen
John M. Eagleson
James E. Farrell III
Clayton G. French
James E. Gowen, II
James F. Graff
Peter J. Gregory
Kurt A. Haab
E. Thomas P. Henefer
Stephen R. Holstad, Jr.
Edward A. Jaeger, Jr.
Stephen A. Jannetta
James L. Kerr
Robert P. Kunik
Gregory W. Ladner
Edward S. Madara, III
Michael A. Mazzocone
H. Brooke McMullin, Jr.
Carter W. Murdoch
George T. Ortlieb, Sr.
Ernest L. Rosato
James W. Ryan
William E. Ryan
William N. Segal
Rodger J. Van Allen
Class of 1983
$8,950 Contributed,
17% Participation
Paul M. Alfieri
Mark S. Depillis
Jonathan D. Foxman
David A. Havens
James Webster B. Hole
Michael E. Jacoby
Michael T. Malatesta
Peter D. McTeague
Joseph C. Moderski, Jr.
J. Douglas Moran
Thomas A. Riley, III
Robert M. Trippe
Gardner Ritner S. Walling
Class of 1984
$23,062 Contributed,
31% Participation
Robert R. Baron, Jr.
Robert W. Beatty
Gregory R. Bedrosian
William M. Conlan
Frederick G. Crockett
Barrett E. Farnham, Jr.
Kimberly C. Farrell
Robert P. Gibson
Christopher K. Giles
Amanda L. Griffin
Jean E. Haab
Paul R. Hertel III
Gregory S. Jannetta
William W. Keffer
Ayn C. Lever
Karl R. V. Mayro
Frank W. Nester
Stuart I. Odell, Jr.
Brooke F. Olander
James M. Patterson
Vincent W. Powers
Roger A. Reynolds, Jr.
Jonathan G. Richter
Michael J. Ross
Elizabeth B. Smith
Dolph M. Tokarczyk
Roy O. Young
Class of 1985
$17,170 Contributed,
22% Participation
Catherine F. Ackerman
Richard B. Aldridge
Frank P. Antico
David L. Berkey
Wendy Z. Brown
James R. Dugan
Donald W. Kraftson
Ann M. Kraftson
Andrew T. MacIntosh
Omar Y. McNeill, Esq.
Richard W. Quinn
David W. Ryan
Won Shin
Gregory E. Siegler
William M. Stelwagon
John H. Susanin
John C. Yoo
Class of 1986
$6,650 Contributed,
24% Participation
Melissa N. Anderson
Matthew D. Bailis
Gregory E. Buzan
Karen Buzan
Jonathan D. Cassidy
Nicholas J. Christos, Jr.
Jonathan S. Crawford
David R. Dugery
John C. C. Freeman
Timothy H. Jannetta
Gregory C. Johnson, CPA
Paul M. Ladner
Robert A. Mascioli
John C. McMeekin, II
James F. Richter
Jason A. Shell
Jonathan L. Stinnett
Edwin R. Van Dusen
R. B. Walsh
Class of 1987
20th Reunion
$7,184 Contributed,
41% Participation
Henry R. Adamczyk, Jr.
Ann R. Allen
Antonios C. Backos
Laurence H. Beck, Jr.
John T. Black
Douglas P. Blatchford
James C. Blenko
Andrew A. Brenner
Shannon A. Brill
Pierce E. Buller, Esq.
Cori J. Burns
Albert T. Caesar
Melanie J. Cosgrove
Cecily G. Craighill
Juliet Walsh Davis
Paul A. DeSanctis, Jr.
Peter J. Dugery
Julie E. Ferguson
Dorian R. Hart
Andrew H. Hilger
Jeffrey W. Hostler
Edward L. Jones, III
Kevin F. Kilgallen
Eric T. Linker
Keith D. Linker
Michael L. Lisak
Francis X. Masse, II
Richard S. Moore
John D. Morris
Carter C. Rawson
Douglas J. Scott
58 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Mark T. Sophocles
Peter H. Unruh
Lyle A. Wallace
Franklin W. Whelan
Class of 1988
$2,446 Contributed,
15% Participation
Katherine G. Beck
Albert M. Breuers
Jennifer H. Butler
Sean T. Casey
Paul M. Chambers
Matthew T. Evans
Christian R. Johnson
William F. Marvin
Frank A. Mascaro
Christina Monacelli
William T. Reedy, III
Kimberly N. Richter
Lauren O. Sullivan
Class of 1989
$8,898 Contributed,
26% Participation
Morgan E. Baird
Nancy L. Bathurst, V.M.D.
Stephen R. Bishop
Robert F. Cardone, Jr.
Patrick B. Chambers
Katherine A. Cox
Melanie E. Custer
Clifford H. Cutter, Jr.
Erin O. Dugery
Andrew J. Gerardi, Sr.
Samuel R. Halpert
Robert C. Hostler
Richard U. Kim
Rebekah R. Kreutz
Paul J. Landaiche, Jr.
Abigail S. Lee
Christopher S. Martin
John Edward R. McGovern
Charles E. Moleski
Alla F. Pasternack
Andrew C. Saland
Ralph S. Sando, Jr.
William M. Walker, III
Amber B. West, Ph.D.
Stacey A. Zeitlin
Class of 1990
$10,025 Contributed,
26% Participation
Michael A. Baumholtz
Janice M. Biddle
E. S. Devlin
Harper J. Dimmerman, Esq.
Kara A. Dougherty
Michael F. Floyd
Richard R. Heitzmann
Grace C. Limaye
Ryan D. Limaye
Kristin McIlhenney-Peters
Richard J. Pomfret
Richard N. Young, III
Class of 1991
$6,610 Contributed,
19% Participation
Jennifer L. Burt
Benjamin I. Chung
John D. Crockett
Scott G. Huston
Sean M. McDermott
Heather F. McMeekin
Andrew H. McMeekin
Matthew D. Michael
Michael R. Rickels
Holly S. Rieck
Catherine J. Rosato
Peter M. Rudnick, Jr.
Tracey F. Stidolph
Jennifer M. Tierney
Brandon A. Whitaker
Class of 1992
15th Reunion
$3,442 Contributed,
29% Participation
Natale A. Bauer
Hillary S. Chassin
Dorie L. Clayman
William J. Dougherty, III
C. Pace Duckett
Thomas J. Farrell, III
Edward W. Floyd U.S.M.C.
Charles J. French
Scott M. Hammond
F. Christopher M. Henderson
David J. Keeney
William T. Kline
Daniel T. Ledger
Daniel J. Leibovitz
Ashley K. Lunkenheimer
Jeffrey S. MacBean
Justin L. May
Drew S. Palmer
Nicholas F. Polys
Benjamin A. Prusky
Alanna W. Shanahan
Peter M. Strid
E. L. Welde
Rory S. Whitaker
Young Alumni Giving
This recognition society acknowledges gifts from Episcopal’s younger alumni.
Members join the Blue and White Society when they make Annual Giving
donations of $25 or more within four years of graduation, or $100+ gifts within
the next 10 years. Over 100 young alumni joined the Blue and White Society in
2006-07. In the class gift listings, their names are highlighted by a v mark.
Class of 1993
$1,850 Contributed,
20% Participation
Kristen G. Abbonizio v
Bonny P. Barry v
Thomas J. Carella v
Jennifer H. Chung v
Sara A. Crouse
Alfonso E. Giacomucci
David L. Grau v
Elissa C. Helt v
Jason S. Hollinger
JoAnne F. Hopkins v
Peggy O. Kauh v
James T. Mangrum v
Christopher A. Marvin
Shaw R. Natan v
Megan D. H. Noller
Michael A. Palumbo
Sarah G. Sawyer
Kevin M. Shanahan v
Tanya E. Weisheit
Elizabeth A. Williams v
Class of 1994
$3,330 Contributed,
21% Participation
Ryan D. Ade v
Adam S. Barrist, Esq. v
Fatema E. F. Burkey v
Scarlett N. Campitelli
Anna E. Cassidy v
Meredith L. Cooper
Michael S. Goody v
Joseph P. M. Habboushe
Sarah S. Johnson v
Michael F. Kelly v
Jan A. Koziara
Eric M. Kraus
Kathleen M. Murphy
Anthony J. Samango, III
Joshua L. Saul v
Todd J. Saylor
Diane J. Shim v
Tara L. Stitchberry v
Abigail W. Walker v
Class of 1995
$10,600 Contributed,
19% Participation
Marianna K. Allen
Hazel M. Bentinck
Ryan M. Burkhardt
Matthew F. Chagan
W. Brooke Doherty v
David B. Grossman v
Jonathan H. Hollinger
Andrew S. Huml v
Alexander D. Leach
Kurt K. Lunkenheimer v
† Deceased Class Agent (in bold)
Douglas N. MacBean v
Catherine K. McComb v
Christine W. Merrill v
Jennifer Q. Miller v
Laura M. Rooklin v
Eric G. Smith v
Elinor S. Stewart v
Class of 1996
10th Reunion
$7,630 Contributed,
34% Participation
This is a new record for
10th Reunion Participation.
Robert N. Aronchick
James W. Barrett, Jr. v
John E. Carickhoff, IV
David F. Cash
Page P. Cash
Stephanie T. Deviney
Brendan C. Dugan v
Erika L. Erndl v
James S. Evans
Nicholas W. French
Katharine K. Gregg
Eric J. Gregg, Jr.
Matthew C. Holms
Joshua T. Krotec v
Jeremy J. Lejeune
Jessica S. McEntee
Michael F. McKeon
David H. McNeely v
Michael S. O’Connor v
Kimberly M. Preske v
Scott T. Reynolds v
Jason B. Sabat v
Elizabeth W. Shaw
Maria C. Solomon v
Morgan P. Suckow v
Michael J. Welsh v
Jennifer L. Weymouth v
Leonard G. H. Wood v
Timothy J. Wright
Class of 1997
$5,698 Contributed,
19% Participation
Melissa A. Alves
John M. Bailer
Christopher F. Bennett v
Chad W. Billmyer v
Samuel F. Brown v
Brendan D. Devlin
Francesca M. Giuntoli
James A. Hunter, III v
Ann C. Kratzinger v
Margot E. Marsh v
Lauren C. Patrizio v
Brian H. Person v
v Blue and White Society
James H. Rich, III v
Susan C. Schaffer v
Marshall D. Sebring
Joshua R. Sherman v
Ashlee K. Snyder
Addison R. West
Justin N. Wilson v
Class of 1998
$2,675 Contributed,
30% Participation
Sarovar S. Banka
Chad C. Burkhardt v
Sean T. Deviney v
Andrew W. Dickey
John F. Dougherty, III
Christopher C. Fallon, III v
Stephen A. Floyd
Brett J. Grifo
Drew M. Grifo v
Kathleen J. Harmer
Mark H. Hassett v
Michael J. Herron, Jr. v
Michael S. Iannacone
Alexis S. Krotec v
David P. Lavins, Jr.
Seth A. Lejeune
Ursula L. MacMullan
Robert M. Melchionni, Jr. v
Ronald P. Noyes, Jr.
D’Arcy J. O’Neill
Brooke A. Owens v
Audrey E. Sikdar
Katherine M. Smith
Francis P. Sutter, Jr. v
Andrew J. Torre
Amy N. Vegari v
Dean C. Vetsikas v
Charles J. Walsh, III v
Andrew E. Walsh, Esq. v
Sarah C. West
Class of 1999
$2,470 Contributed,
31% Participation
Andrew S. Addis
Samantha M. Ade
Amanda C. Billmyer
Aaron J. Brill
Robert E. Brown, III
Megan L. Buchanan v
Kelly K. Decker
Patrick O. Dee
Russell R. Dickhart, Jr. v
Mark M. Dugan
Austin W. Frieman
Jordan S. Glick
Casey H. Halpern
Catherine M. Hunt v
Susan K. Jakobowski v
Sarah M. Karp v
Stephen R. Kossuth v
Christine V. Laakmann
Tena T. Lawrence v
Joseph W. Lippincott
Lauren M. Lomax
Maytor C. W. H. McKinley v
Christopher A. Morris v
Courtney L. Morris v
Paul C. Nolen v
Dara A. Pettinelli
Jeffrey W. Porter
Thaddeus Hargreaves O. Roberts
Edward P. Shaw
Sarah H. Smith
James B. Strohacker v
Mia R. Wood
Class of 2000
$2,540 Contributed,
19% Participation
James B. Biden, Jr. v
William H. Bromley, Jr. v
James P. Creed, Jr.
Charles W. Dickhart v
Kimberly A. Gardner v
Cyrus D. Heidary v
Geoffrey C. Henisee v
Michael J. Hoffman v
Joshua H. Hollinger
Stephanie P. Horn
Charles Kurz III v
Michael C. McGuiness v
John A. Meyers v
John B. Murphy v
Benjamin B. Rogers
Theodore W. Schell-Lambert
Cheo D. Scott
Jennifer A. Sharpless
Michael T. Walsh
Class of 2001
5th Reunion
$1,879 Contributed,
23% Participation
Abigail C. Albrycht
John W. Cocco v
James L. Cook, Jr.
Evan A. Coughenour v
Andrew F. Crockett v
Lauren A. Finnegan
Hadley C. Hill v
Edward D. Hole
Mark T. Juliano
Sean L. Lambert v
Mikhal A. Monson
Alexandra O. Nicholls
Jane A. O’Donnell
Susannah J. Oberdorf
Danielle B. Pakradooni
Sarah Baker Perkins
Elizabeth D. Pillion v
Sara S. Samimi
Nicholas C. Snyder v
Jonathan C. Snyder
John L. Spofford, Jr.
Alexander Sun
Peter B. Tedesco v
Brian P. Tierney, Jr. v
Peter W. van Roden v
W. I. Wallace v
Class of 2002
$1,497 Contributed,
30% Participation
Jenna S. Adelberg
Frederick C. Brown v
Anna Louise L. Bullock
Paul J. Creedon
Kevin E. Dugan
Andrew S. Evans
Alice K. Fortune-Greeley
Rose C. Ghoroghchian
Erik S. Henkelman
Stephen M. Iannacone
Jonathan W. Johnson
Stephen E. Keefe v
Andrew W. Kim
Janice K. Kurbjun
Brian C. Long
Timothy J. Mahoney v
Samuel M. McCallum
Caitlin McKenna
David W. Morris
Adam J. Murray v
Joseph J. O’Neill
Emily M. Orr
Elizabeth M. Randolph
Thomas L. Reardon v
Bradley W. Reilly v
Nicholas Maximilian T. Roberts
Courtney A. Robinson
Mark B. Sabat
Courtney M. Snyder
Jacqueline E. Sutton
John N. Tsafos, Jr.
Class of 2003
$535 Contributed,
15% Participation
Andrew E. Brown v
Jason Eskin v
Andrew K. Heier v
Harry E. Hill, IV v
Diana S. Hirtle
Rocco P. Imperatrice, IV v
Katherine A. Lippincott v
Elizabeth S. McQuilkin v
Brett T. Meyers v
Andrew H. Minnick v
Amanda S. Phillips v
Julie W. Porter v
Roger B. Syracuse, Jr. v
Matthew J. Szporka v
David M. Turner v
Garrett R. Wilson v
Class of 2004
$350 Contributed,
9% Participation
Michael C. Ciccotti v
Edward P. Colberg v
Michael C. Contino v
Nathalie C. Feimster v
Christine L. Galib v
Hannah E. Kelly v
Blake G. Marymor v
Alison E. Murray v
Kathleen E. O’Donnell v
Eric R. Turner v
Class of 2005
$1,085 Contributed,
21% Participation
David E. Allen v
Halimah S. Barnett v
Caroline N. Biden v
J. William Brown v
Matthew R. Carrington v
James B. Francis, III v
Alexandra K. Haack v
Paul A. Heavener, II v
Alexandra S. Hillyard v
Gregory D. Isdaner v
Alexandra L. Lambert v
Madeline A. Lurio v
Eric B. Minnick v
Nicholas A. Morris v
Jeffrey M. Nansteel
Ashley P. Orleans v
Kelly M. Robinson
Matthew J. Satell v
Frances G. Shafer v
Christopher A. Sherwin v
Gregory D. Snyder v
Craig T. Wallace v
Christopher S. Zipf v
Class of 2007
$262 Contributed,
12% Participation
Rachel A. Daddona
Earle B. Fox, IV
Glenn C. Gallagher
Daniel E. Gillespie
Shane M. Isdaner
Alexander J. Kornienko
Benjamin M. Lurio
Megan D. McFarland
Luke M. Miller
Andrew N. Nassau
Kelsey A. Platt
Ann V. Spofford
James F. Turner
Class of 2006
$750 Contributed,
24% Participation
Armena M. Ballard
James M. Byrne v
Matthew A. Ciccotti
Christina H. Clark v
Sam A. Clark v
Andrew G. Conroy v
Marco A. Contino v
Matthew F. Ebert v
Max F. Finkel v
Allison D. Fitzpatrick v
Samuel J. Galib v
Julie E. Heier v
Anna M. Imperatrice v
Christopher A. Jahnle v
Erika L. Kauder v
Amy E. Keefe v
Andrew C. Keller v
J. Maxwell Kelly v
Benjamin H. Kissner v
Christopher Joseph R. McGinley
Joshua C. McLane
Justin Moore v
Zachary C. P. Mondesire
Sandra Mumanachit v
Joseph T. M. Salameh
Alexander H. Thompson-McManus v
Andrew C. Turner v
Maxwell P. Young v
60 T h e E p i s c o p a l a c a d e m y ANN U AL R EPO R T o f g i f t s 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7
Margaret Allen Becker to Jay Lippincott ’70
Jennifer Cooper to Bill Stelwagon ’85
Emily White to John Black ’87
Flemming Madsen to Lauren Hoffman ’87
Karl Gene Hoehl to Louise Zimmerman ’87
Donna Kay Broshek to Jason Freeman ’88
Beth Ann Mooney to Bill Reedy ’88
Courtney Sullivan to Patrick Chambers ’89
Daniel Sanders to Lori Hood ’90
Arjune Budhram to Rashmi Diwan ’92
Alison Ogelsby to Tom Farrell ’92
Katie Hewes to Matt Bailer ’97
Kathryn & Bill Miller ’87
Thomas Miller 9/10/02
Amanda Scanlan to Patrick Barton ’97
Nathan & Kathy (Beck) Guerette ’88
Graham Donald Guerette 4/1/03
Brynn Alexandra Guerette 3/7/05
Kenneth Houser to Jessica Broadbent ’97
Jennifer Ann Johnson to Sam Brown ’97
Noel Hudson to Joseph Anttell ’98
Robert Knake to Elizabeth Hole ’98
Alshley O’Rear to Tim Peck ’98
Guillaume Perrin to Karen Rotwitt ’98
Megan Hill to Mark Dugan ’99
Heather Balbi to Geoffrey Henisee ’00
Nicholas Pimlett to Jennifer Sharpless ’00
Marge Gluskin to Steve Saland ’92
Robert Maxwell Perkins to
Sarah D.A. Baker ’01
Jessica Walls ’97 to Steve Beers ’93
John Stroud to Joanna Brooks ’02
Tera Tedesco to Brian Faso ’93
Lucie Knipe to Jeff Greco ’93
Susan & Kirby Kean ’81
Evan Kean 12/5/05
Kristin & Matt Greim ’88
Matthew Thomas Greim 3/21/06
Christy & Rick Heitzmann ’90
Gardner Heitzmann 6/3/04
Grace (Cornelius) Limaye ’90 &
Ryan Limaye ’90
Matthias Limaye 2/8/07
Eamon & Christie (Spratt) Moylan ’91
Leaf Patrick Moylan 4/05
Don & Holly (Sando) Rieck ’91
Donald Lee Rieck, III 5/18/07
Arjune & Rashmi (Diwan) Budhram ’92
Anjali Budhram 12/15/05
Barry & Christine (Wynne) Hallman ’92
Caroline Emerson McPhee Hallman 7/5/07
Lauren & Dan Ledger ’92
Andrew Thomas Ledger 5/24/07
Trish & Peter Strid ’92
Pilar Isabelle Strid 5/5/07
Carrie & Dave Grau ’93
Paige Elizabeth Grau 12/5/06
Douglas & Jennifer (Whelan) Kovatch ’93
Shelby Katherine Kovatch 8/11/06
Jeremy & Alexis (Patrizio) Longinotti ’95
Kyan Mather Longinotti 8/18/07
Jennifer & Blake Sando ’95
Elizabeth Nancy Sando 6/24/07
Kristin Nolan to Matt Greim ’93
Liz & Jon Erickson ’84
Will Erickson 4/26/04
Ned Erickson 4/26/04
Suzanne Kolloff to Sean Manion ’93
Anders & Sue (Jacobs) Matzen ’84
Noah Matzen 3/14/07
Allison Cohen to Chris Marvin ’93
Kim & Hoby Rowland ’84
Sophia Rowland 12/6/02
Jennifer Oakes to Ty Ross ’93
Robert &
Mary Beth (Madarasz) DeLena ’86
Abigail DeLena 9/9/02
Emily & John Black ’87
Matthew Garnett Black 10/21/06
Theophilus S. Lynch ’41 7/3/07
Michael & Juliet (Walsh) Davis ’87
Thomas Davis 9/20/06
Stanley J. Milstone ’42 4/5/07
Mindy Bleiman to Kevin Shields ’93
Douglas Kovatch to E. Jennifer Whelan ’93
David Smith to Katie Murphy ’94
John Kasselakis to Abby Walker ’94
Brooke Owens ’98 to
Kurt Lunkenheimer ’95
Kimberly Elizabeth Ingraham to
Jamie Evans ’96
Silenia Gil to John Rhoads ’96
Anthony Celi & Barbara Wong ’95
Victoria Jade Celi 2/19/07
Drew & Meredith (Wynne) Wilson ’96
Logan Thomas Wilson 7/19/07
Emily & Brian Person ’97
Henry Person 12/8/06
John V. Kratz ’41 8/10/07
Fenwick Conrad Shepperd ’41 7/29/06
Scott & Julie (Kulp) Ferguson ’87
Jonathan Ferguson 7/16/04
Willet Smith ’43 5/17/07
Wanda & Paul Gilhool ’87
Troy Gilhool 4/19/07
Garrison W. Brinton ’45 7/8/07
Monique & Mike Lisak ’87
Vivienne Maree Lisak 1/2/07
Charles W. Fall ’48 6/30/03
Valentina & Donal McGay ’87
Nikander Spence McGay 3/26/06
Flemming & Lauren (Hoffman) Madsen ’87
Amanda Madsen age 8
Alexander Madsen age 5
Annika Madsen age 1 1/2
John B. Todd ’44 2/5/04
Thomas R. Greenleaf ’45 5/31/07
Norman G. Guenther ’51 11/23/06
William H. Rorer, III ’54 8/24/07
James H. Kemman ’55 7/25/07
Stanton Howard Cramer ’57 6/18/07
Brian Edward Breskman ’06 5/26/07
Upcoming Events
“Looking Back to Move Forward”
Calling All Alumni and
Episcopal Community Members!
Save the weekend of May 2-4,
2008 to celebrate Episcopal's
largest Alumni Weekend ever
and bid a final goodbye to our
campuses in Merion and Devon.
The weekend will be open to all
members of the EA community and all alumni, whether
it’s your reunion year or not. We
hope to see everyone on campus as
we close one chapter in Episcopal’s
history and begin another.
The Episcopal Academy
Merion Station, PA 19066-1797
Address S ervice Requested
Scholium Subscription
If you would like to receive the
2007-08 Scholium, EA’s student
newspaper, please contact
Nancy Taylor in the Alumni Office
at 610-617-2249 (phone),
610-667-8629 (fax), or e-mail
[email protected].
Annual subscriptions are offered to
alumni free of charge, but you
must register with us each year.
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