February 2010 - the Schwaben Club!


February 2010 - the Schwaben Club!
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
February 2010
Valentines Tribute
Schwabenhalle Neil Diamond
All Halls
The Golden Keys
Main Hall
A Trio Plus
17/18 Apr
All Halls
Transylvania Hofbrau
The Kitchener Schwaben Club’s
79th Gründungsfest
Saturday, February 20th, 2010
with the Golden Keys
Mother’s Day Luncheon
Main Hall
Dance Groups
Main Hall
All Halls
Vienese Ball Gala Evening
KW Trachtenfest
6,7,8 Aug
Philadelphia, Pa
Tag Der Donauschwaben
Schwabenhalle Details Tba
Come out and celebrate!
Schwabenhalle The Golden Keys
Oct 8-16
All Halls
The Golden Keys/Tbd
Halloween Party
Schwabenhalle The Golden Keys
Ladies Gründungsfest
Main Hall
The Golden Keys
Main Hall
Christmas Show /Choir
Main Hall
Christmas Luncheon
New Year’s Eve
Neue Mitglieder
Ein herzliches Willkommen an unseren neuen Mitglieder:
Mona Doerner Don Doerner Heidi Haas
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
Wera Dennis
Telephone (519) 894-6695 or
[email protected]
Dinner & Admission:
$22.00 for members
$32.00 for guests
$10.00 for children
Doors open at 5:00 p.m.
Dinner served at 6:00 p.m.
Bericht des Präsidenten
TOLL! Wer hätte das gedacht, das unsere
Sylvesterveranstaltung für 2009 noch besser ausfallen
würde, als die von 2008. Alle die anwesend waren können bezeugen, dass es wirklich größer und schöner war.
Unsere Halle war voll und wir können uns dafür teilweise bei unseren Freunden vom Transylvania Club bedanken. Eure Unterstützung ist und war sehr geschätzt.
Ein volles Haus und die Musik der Golden Keys
machten den Abend zu einem Riesenerfolg. Ich möchte
mich bei allen, die an der Dekoration der Halle und
dem Aufbau des Büfetts beteiligt waren, bedanken.
Eure Professionalität war ersichtlich und geschätzt. Ein
Dankeschön geht auch an unsere Mitarbeiter in der
Küche und im Service für das ausgezeichnete Essen
und die gute Bedienung.
Ich weiß nicht, ob wir es in 2010 noch besser
machen können, aber wir versichern euch, dass
wir es versuchen werden. Wir hatten ein paar
„Pannen“ und wir werden dies korrigieren und
ich freue mich jetzt schon darauf euch alle wieder begrüßen zu dürfen.
Danach kam unser „Miss Schwaben Ball“ und
im Gegensatz zu den meisten unserer anderen
Veranstaltungen, ist es immer schwierig die
Halle dafür zu füllen. Unsere Mitglieder haben
entweder Angst vor dem Wetter im Januar oder sie
sind noch müde von Sylvester, oder sie sind einfach
nicht daran interessiert. Ich hoffe wirklich, dass es
nicht das Letztere ist, da dies unsere Zukunft betrifft und wir die Jugend, wo immer möglich, unterstützen müssen. Wir bedanken uns bei denjenigen
die uns durch ihre Anwesenheit unterstützten.
Es war ein sehr schöner Abend und wir haben uns
über die Vorführungen unserer Tanzgruppen gefreut.
Wir haben uns von Katie Harvey, unsere Miss für
2009, verabschiedet und wünschten ihr für ihre
Zukunft viel Erfolg.
Wir hießen unsere neue Miss für 2010, Miss
Mihaela Savulesca, willkommen. Wir haben
ihr zur Übernahme der Krone und der damit
verbundenen Pflichten gratuliert. „Mishi“ wir
wünschen dir alles Gute als Miss Schwaben.
Wir wissen, dass du eine gute Repräsentantin für
unseren Klub sein wirst und hoffen, dass es dir
Spaß machen wird.
Unsere nächste Veranstaltung ist unser 79.
Gründungsfest und ich freue mich schon euch
alle dazu begrüßen zu dürfen.
Nun möchte ich euch nochmals daran erinnern,
falls es euch in unserem Klub gefallen hat, bringt
dann das nächste Mal einen Freund mit.
I don’t know if we can do better for 2010, but
let me assure you, we will try. We had some
“glitches” and we will correct them and I am
looking forward to again greeting all of you at
our door.
Next up was our “Miss Schwaben Ball” and unlike most of our functions, this one seems to be a
hard sell. Our members either fear our January
weather or they are weary from New Years or they
simply are not interested. I truly hope it is not the
latter because this is our future and we need to
support our youth wherever needed. We thank
those of you who came to show your support.
The evening was nicely arranged and we again enjoyed the performances of our dance groups.
We said good-by to Katie Harvey, our Miss for
2009 and whished her every success in the future.
We welcomed our new Miss for 2010, Miss
Mihaela Savulescu. We congratulate her for
accepting the crown and the responsibilities
that go with it. “Mishi” we wish you well in
your reign as our Miss Schwaben. We know
that you will be a good ambassador for our
Club and have enjoyment by doing so.
Our next function will be our 79th Anniversary
Celebration and I look forward to greeting you
all at that time.
Now, let me again remind you that if you had a good
time at our Club, the next time- bring a friend.
Phil Neidert
Philip Neidert
A full house and the Golden Keys playing for us
made the evening a huge success. I want to thank
all those who helped to decorate our hall and set
up the “Buffet”. Your professionalism was very
visible and also very much appreciated. A thankyou also to all our kitchen staff and servers, for
the excellent food and service they provided.
President’s Report
WOW! Who would have ever thought that New
Year’s Eve 2009 would be even better than 2008.
Well those of us that were here can attest that
it truly was bigger and better. Our hall was at
capacity thanks partly to our friends from the
Transylvania Club. Your support is and was
very much appreciated.
Manager’s Report
“What’s Going On”
February 2010
There is still time to take your Valentine to the
Neil Diamond tribute dinner and show here at
the Schwaben Club on Saturday February 13th.
If you go out for dinner on Valentines, I would
recommend celebrating it with us, you won’t be
disappointed unless you miss the show. The 79th
Gruendungfest with the Golden Keys for your
dancing pleasure is the following weekend on
Saturday February 20th. Schlachtfest comes in
March. There is always something going on at
the club and I hope you take in as many events
as you can and enjoy yourself at the Schwaben
Club. I will keep you posted on other up-coming events. And yes we are already working on
Oktoberfest, which was great in 2009 and I know
that 2010 will be great too.
Don Egley
The Frauengruppe resumed our meetings on
Jan 6/10 after the holiday break.We were happy to welcome a new member..Monika Hoedl.
We’d like to remind everyone that there is no
birthday meeting during the months of Jan, Feb,
and Mar. When this article is published we will
have crowned a new Miss Schwaben..We wish
her all the best in the coming year.
Susan Cook
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Geburtstage Für Februar
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat Februar Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Gruber, Frank
Brumm, Adam
Kalau, Johann
Marzinko, Ruth Anne
Klenk, Michael
Speckner, Siegfried
Birl, Edmund
Mackenzie, Kyle
Schummer, Gerda
Frank, Nicholas
Kraehling, Anneliese
Mueller, Peter
Vogel, Franz
Nessner, Andreas
Wettlaufer, Larry
Kauck, Ingrid
Frey, Julianne
Brumm, Julianne
Petsch, Katharina
Groh, Elisabeth
O’Reilly, Peter
Adam, Joan
McBride, Tara
Kraehling, Katharina
Schleicher, Regina
Grau, Christopher
Wagner, Adeline
Gellner, Rosemarie
Schlosser, Edward
Putschli, John
Haase, Heidi
O’Reilly, Elisabeth
On January 9, 2010, Kamaradschaftsabend was
hosted by the German-Canadian Hunting &
Fishing Club. It was a night when all the regional German clubs come together to celebrate the
German culture in KW.
The evening began with lots of socializing, as
committee members from the host club mingled
with committee members from the Schwaben,
Alpine, Continental, Transylvania and Concordia
clubs. Soon it was time for dinner, and it was delicious. A large cake with fresh fruits was the
unique dessert.
Then came the dancing, led by the band A Trio+.
Everyone crowded on the dance floor to burn off
the delicious meal, and the music made that very
easy to do. The Hunting & Fishing Club hosted
2 games that evening. The 1st involved passing
long, cylindrical balloons from person to person,
using only the knees. It worked like a game of
“Hot Potato”, where when the music stopped, the
people with the balloons were eliminated. There
were tons of laughs while watching as young and
old tried to get rid of the balloon quickly.
The 2nd game involved the Presidents of the respective clubs and a select few invitees, divided
into 3 groups. Each group was given a different item, and then asked in turn, to act a use for
the item. Who knew how many uses there were
for a plastic cup, a paper napkin, and a basket.
Once a group was stumped, they were eliminated. Our own president, Phil Neidert, did a
wonderful job of acting out numerous options.
And the crowd loved watching their Presidents
let their respective hair down a little bit.
Overall, it was a wonderful evening. Some people may have been a bit concerned by the small
capacity of the hall, but that only added to the
snug feeling for the evening. The Schwaben
Club congratulates the Hunting & Fishing Club
on a great evening, and looks forward to hosting
the event in 2011.
Peter Speckner
Miss Schwaben 2010
Mihaela (Mishi) Savulescu
The Bunny Hop
Tribute to Silent Movies
The Charleston
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Miss Schwaben 2010
All hail the new Queen! Well, maybe princess.
That’s right, on January 23rd, the Schwaben
Club held its annual Miss Schwaben Ball. And
what a night it was. With the 1920’s as the backdrop, all the performances and decorations revolved around that.
It started with a delicious meal including our
renowned schnitzel, and wonderful cherry strudel with fresh berries for dessert. After dinner, it was an astounding performance by the
Kindergruppe. There’s just something fantastic about kids dressed up with tiaras and boas,
dancing to “The Bunny Hop.” I’m pretty sure
enough pictures were taken of that performance
alone, to keep the picture/camera industry going
all year. Congratulations to Andrea Speckner
for leading all the adorable bunnies.
A session of dancing lead by the band,
“Variations”, was then followed by the 2nd performance of the evening. This time, the Donau
Dancers performed their tribute to silent films “The Gangs of New Schwobs”. As a re-enactment of a battle between rival gangs, there was no
sound, but plenty of action. And when the battle
came to an abrupt end due to the arrival of the
starlet (played by the ever flamboyant Catherine
Thompson), it made perfect sense that everybody
should end up dancing in celebration.
Another round of dancing, and we arrived at the
3rd and final performance of the evening. This
time, the Schwaben Dancers, in full 1920’s attire,
came out and performed a rousing “Charleston”.
It was exciting to see those old steps brought back
to life, and the crowd especially appreciated the
effort put in by the dancers.
Finally, we arrived at the coronation of the new
Miss. First, we had to say goodbye to Miss
Schwaben 2009. After an emotional speech by
Katherine Harvey, it was the President’s honour
to have one final waltz with the outgoing Miss.
Then came the announcement of the new Miss,
and Mihaela (Mishi) Savulescu was invited to
the front. Another poignant speech, and then
another waltz with the President (I guess it’s
good to be in charge!) Finally all the past Misses
joined onto to the dance floor, and everybody
proceeded to dance the night away.
Overall, it was a wonderful evening. The performances were incredible, the atmosphere nostalgic, and everyone had fun. We’d like to thank
those who attended the Ball, and send out a special wish of congratulations to Mishi Savulescu
- Miss Schwaben 2010.
Peter Speckner
Kindergruppe and
This year has gotten off to a great start with Miss
Schwaben 2010 crowned on January 23, 2010.
Our groups congratulate Mishi and know she
will make us all very proud. The children had
a great time making their own crowns, dancing
the bunny hop and all the evenings’ festivities.
We thank everyone for working together and
making this event unique and special.
Our next performance is at Sunnyside on
Saturday, January 30, 2010. We always look forward to this performance as we love watching
the enjoyment it brings to those watching us.
Reminder: NEW Jugendgruppe Dancers (ages
9-15).......Welcome Thursday’s at 6:30pm
We look forward to our next event Grundungsfest
on February 20th, 2010
Lisa Schaadt
Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe President
[email protected]
BINGO SUPPLIES, Magnetic wand + 100
chips $10; 200 magnetic chips $6; 100
magnetic chips $4.00
Call Cathy Thompson 519-569-7824
To add an item please contact the
Schwaben Club at 519-742-7979. or send
an email to [email protected]
There are now 2 ways to receive the
1. It can be mailed to your home at a cost of
$20.00 for 2010. Please call the office at 519742-7979 to put your name and address on the
mailing list.
2. Pick up the Nachrichten at the Schwaben
Club at a cost of $1.00 per issue.
We hope that our members will help the Club
cover the cost of this valuable newsletter.
Website: www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com / Link: Newsletters/Nachrichten
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1