252 K - National Bureau of Economic Research
252 K - National Bureau of Economic Research
This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: International Migrations, Volume II: Interpretations Volume Author/Editor: Walter F. Willcox, editor Volume Publisher: NBER Volume ISBN: 0-87014-017-5 Volume URL: http://www.nber.org/books/will31-1 Publication Date: 1931 Chapter Title: Bibliography Chapter Author: Walter F. Willcox Chapter URL: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c5123 Chapter pages in book: (p. 659 - 672) BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBT1IOGRAPHY The following list of works gives fuller titles and places of publication, so far as they have been ascertained, of the books and articles referred to by abbreviated titles on the preceding pages of this volume.—Editor. Almanach de Got ha pour l'année 1810. Gotha, 1810. Almamach de Gotha pour l'année 1828. Gotha, 1828. Almanach de Gotha pour l'année 1829. Gotha, 1829. Almanach Hachette, 1909. Paris, 1909. J. H. BAAS, Grundriss der Geschichte der Medecin.. . Stuttgart, 1876. BAJPAI, see "Emigrant" (pseudonym). ADRIAN BALm, Abrégé de geographic. Paris, 1833; 3d. ed. Paris, 1850. Le Potenze preponderanti del Globo corn parate alle Grande Divi.sioni ed agli Stati Primari. Milan, 1843. ëconorniquc international, Dcc. 1910. BARTSCH, "Einfluss der Wanderbewegung und des Frerndenverkehrs auf die Zahiungsbilanz Oesterreich—Ungarns,'' Mitteilungen des kai$. königl. Finanzministeriums (Wien, 1911), l7te Jhrg. Bäuerlichc Zustande in Deutschland. Leipzig, 1883. 3 vols. (Sebrif ten des Vereins f. Sozialpolitik, Berlin, Vols. 22, 23, and 24). Louis BEAUSOBRE, Introduction çjénerale a. l'étude de Ia politique, des finances ci du commerce. Amsterdam, 1765, 2 vols.; new ed. Berlin, 1771. K. BECKER, in Schmollers Jahrbuch.. .1887, as cited by Biirgdorfer, page 366. BECKER AND SCRUMAN, "Stand und Bewegung der Bevoikerung des Deutschen Reichs und fremder Staaten in den Jahren 1841 bis 1886", Statistik des Deutschem Reichs (Berlin, 1892), vol. 44. A. BARRIOL in "Die Bevolkerung Europas zur Zeit der Renaissance", Zeieschrift JULIUS BEL0cH, für Socialwissertschaft (1900), Vol. 3, p. 765-86. P. BERNE, L 'immigration françaisc en Argentine. Paris, Jouve e Cie., 1915. L'emigration européene en Argentine. Paris, 191.5. CHRISTOPH BERNOULLI, Hand buch der Populationistik oder der lTölker- und Mcnschenkunde mach statistisehen Ergebnissen. IJim, 1841. Statistique internationale résnitant des recensements de la populaJACQUES BERTILLON, tion. Paris, 1899. L. A. BERTILLON, "Migration françaises", Annales de D emoqraphie Internationale (1877), p. 177ff. W. BEUKEMANN in ,Statistik des Deutschen Reichs (Berlin, 1913), vol. 201; idem (Berlin, 1926), vol. 316. "Methode und Umfang der deutschen Volkszahlungen" Die Slati.stik in Deutschland, Vol. 1. Munchen, 1911. Institutions Politiq7les. 2 vols. La Haye et Leide, 1760-62. WILLIAM BLACK, A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species at all London, 1788. Ages... T. G. 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New edition, corrected, New York 1914. KARL BIkHER, Zeitschrift für die gesammte Staatswissenschaft (Tubingen, 1881), vol. JAMES BRYCE, 37. "Setenta de inmigración," Revista de Economia Argentina (Buenos Ayres, 1928), July issue. H. BtJNLE, "L'immigration francaise aux Etats-Unis", Bulletin de la Statistique Génerale de France (Paris, 1925), January issue. H. BUNLE and F. LEURENCE, "Les migrations internationales de 1901 a 1920", Bulletin de la Statistique Générale de France (Paris, 1921), October issue. F. BURGDöRFER, "Die Voiks-, Berufs- und Betriebszahlung 1925", Ailgemeine Statistieche Archive (Munchen, 1925), Vol. 15. "Hauptergebnisse der Voiks-, Berufs-, und Betriebsz aiilung, 1925", Arbeit und Beruf (1927), Nos. 14 and 15. "Yolk, Familie und Statistik", Ailgemeine Statistische Archive (Munchen, 1927), Vol. 17 page 349ff. ANTON FRIEDRICH BtJSCHING, Neue Erdbeschreibung, Pt. 1-11. Hamburg, 1754-92; transi., 6 vols. London, 1762. CANADA, Fourth Census, 1901: Vol. I, Population. Ottawa, 1902. Canadian Yearbook for 1918. Toronto, 1918. Ottawa, 1929. Canada Yearbook for A. E. BUNGE and C. G. MATA, I. G. CANNABICH, see Adr. Chr. Gaspari. TE. CANZ, De regi mine Dei universali.. .1737, sive jurisprudentia civitatis del publica... Tubingen, 1737. CARP!, DeU' Emigrazione Italiana all' Estero nei suoi rapporti coil' Agricoltura, coil' Indu.stria e col Commercio. Firenze, 1871. "La politique coloniale", Revue des Deux Mondes (Paris, Nov. 1, 1883), Vol. 60, pp. 49ff. GABRIEL CHARMES, CHANG-HENG CHEN, "Changes in the Growth of China's Population in the last 182 Years", Chinese Economic Journal (1927), p. 2ff. TA CREN, Chinese Migrations. Washington, 1923. (U. S. Dept. Labor). WARREN CHEN, "Recent Population Statistics", The China Critic (Shanghai, 1929, April 18). The Christian Occupation of China; a general Shanghai, 1922. of the numerical strength... Seoul, 1924. CHOSEN, Annual Report on Administration, WINSTON SPENCER CHURCHILL, My African Journey. London, 190S. CHINA CONTINUATION C0MMn"rEE, BIBLIOGRAPHY JEROME DAVIS, The Russian Immigrant. New V. DEMONT, Le peuple algérien. Alger, 1906. 663 York, 1922. K. F. W. DIETERICI, 'Die Bevolkerung der Erde", Pclermanns Geographische Mittheilun gem (Gotha, 1859), no vol. number, pp. 1-19. GARRETT DROPPERS, "The Population of Japan in the Tokigawa Period", Transac- tions of the Asiatic Society of Japan (Yokohama, 1894), Vol. 22, pp. 253-84. "L 'emigration temporaire des ouvriers agricoles en France", Bulletin L. . DUPREZ, trimestriel de l'Association internationale pour La lutte contre le chômage (1922), JulySept., p. 452-5. JULES DUVAL, Histoire de 1' emigration. Paris, 1862. "EMIGRANT", Indian Emigration. Oxford, 1924. ENGLISCH, ''Die oesterreichische Auswanderungsstatistik'', Stalistische MonW.sschrift (Wien, 1913), pp. 66ff. JOHANN ERNST FABRI, Geographic für alle Stande. Leipzig, 1786-1808. 4 vols. Darmstadt, 1864. des Grossherzogtums C. A. FABificIus, zur Vol. 3. 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Vierteljahrshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs, 1873. (Statistik des Deutschen Reichs, Vol. 2, Berlin, 1874). Idem, .1925, Heft 1. Idem, 1916: Erganzungsheft IV. Wirtschaft und Statistik, see Wirtschaft und ,Statistik. internationale (1910, March) [as cited by Bunle on page 216 GIDE, Revue above.] P. GOETSCH, Reichsgesetz liber das Auswanderungswesen (Kommentar). REV'D. J. GOLDSMITH, pseudonym, see Sir Richard Phillips. Berlin, 1898. HERBERT H. GOWEN, An Outline History of China. Boston, 1913. 2 vols. CONFERENCE. Proceedings, Oct. 24, 29, and 31, 1925. GREAT BRITAIN, GREAT BRITAIN, Imperial War Conference, 1918. London, 1918. (Cd. 9177). CONFERENCE OF PRIME MINISTERS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, THE DOMINI0Ns, AND INDIA, HELD IN JUNE, JULY, AND AUGUST, 1921. Summary of the Proceedings and Documents. London, 1921. (Cmd. 1474-1921). D0MINI0Ns ROYAL COMMISSION... Final Report (Presented to both Houses... March, 1917). London, 1917. Pp. 83-107. (Blue Books, 1917-18, Vol. X.) (Cd. 8462). T. W. GRIMSHAW, "A Statistical Survey of Ireland, 1840-1888", Journal of the Statistical And Social Enquiry Society of Ireland (Dublin,—) Pt. lxviii [as cited by Harkness on page 261 K. G. GRUBE, The Lowland Indians of Amazonia. London, World Dominion Press, 1927. ERNEST GRIJENING, Mexico and Its Heritage. New York, 1928. JEAN-BAPTISTE JTJLIEN DE OMALIus D 'HALLOY, Notions elémentaires de statistiq'ue. Paris, [1841]. &atistische Uebersichts-Tabellen. Gottingen, 1809. G. HASSEL, joint author, see Gaspari. LIEBMANN HERSCH, "L'émigration des européens aux Etats-Unis au point de vue professionel'', Bulletin trimestriel de 1 'Association Internationale pour la lutte contre le chômage (Paris), 1912 July-September. Le Juif Errant d 'Aujourdhui, etude sur 1 'emigration des Israelites de l'Europe orientale aux Etats-Unis de l'Am€rique du Nord. Paris, 1913. HIJAR y HARO, La colonización rural en Mexico. [as cited by Taylor on page 582 above.] HORSCHELMANN, joint author, see Stein. H. P. HOWARD, "China's Population and the Present Census", The China Critic (Shanghai, 1929 June 13, p. 4711) —— —, "The Population of China", Tue China Critic (Shanghai, June 20, p. 4911). Orro LEONHARD HUBNER, Geographisch-statistische Tabeflen. . .1850, to date. Frank- furt, 1850 to 1919; Wien, 1920—date. Jahrbuch fur Volkswirtschaft und Sf atistik, 1852. CHARLES HENRY HULL, editor. The Economic Writings of Sir William Petty, with the Observations... Cambridge, 1899. 2 vols. ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT, The Island of Cuba. English transi., New York, Derby and Jackson, 1856. Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. English transi., New York, I. Riley, 1811. 2 vols. BIBLIOGRAPHY 665 Versuch uber den politischen Zustand des Konigreichs Neu-Spanien.. Tiibingen, 1809; English ed. London, 1814. 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INSTITtJP INTERNATIONAL DE STATISTIQUE, des divers pays du AperQu de la inonde, 1929. The Hague, 1929. xvii, 447 p. Bulletin (Rome, 1886), Vol. 1, pt. 2. Idem. (Rome, 1887), Vol. 2. INTERNATIONAL C.NFEaENCE AT GENEVA, July 4, 1927. Report (C. E. 12). Annuaire Inlernationale de Statistique Agricoic, 1923 (and for other years). Rome, 1924 (and other years). INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE, Migration Laws and Treaties. Geneva. 1928-1929. 3 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE, (Vol. I: Emigration Laws and regulations; Vol. II: Immigration Laws and regulations; Vol. III: International treaties and conventions) (Studies and Reports, Series 0, No. 3). vols. —, Les mouvements migratoires de 1920 a 1923. Idem, 1920 a 1924. Geneva, 1926. Geneva, 1925. INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL INsTITuTE, see Institut Interr.ational de Statistique. IRELAND, Agricultural Statistics, 1913: Reports and Tables relating to Irish agricultural labourers. 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Paris, 1825. F. LEURENCE, joint author, see Bunle. E. LEVASSEUR, La population française. Paris, Rousseau, 1889-92. 3 vols. "Statistique de la superficie et cle Ia population des contrées de Is. terre", Bulletin, Institut International de Statistique (Rome 1887), Vol. II, pt. 2. Vo1 I, pts. 3, 4. (Rome, 1886). 'Statistique de is. superficie et de Ia population des contrées de la terre", Bulletin, Institut International de Statislique (Rome, 1902) ,Vol. 12, pt. 2, LEVASSEUR AND Bonio, C p. Vu-lb. FL LoscH, Wurttembergische Jahrbucher für Statistik und Landeskunde, Jahrgang 1900. ifiBLIOGRAPHY WILLIAM CHRISTIE MACLEOD, 667 The American Indian Frontier. London and New York, 1928. (History of Civilization Series). MADRAS, Resolution Number 1116, May 17, 1927. MALTE-BEUN, Précis de la géographie universelle. Paris, 1810-29. 8 vols.; English transi. Boston, 1824. ROBERT MALTEUS, An Essay on the Principles of Population... London, 1798; 7th ed. London, 1872. M. MARTINI, Novus Atlas Sinensis. Amsterdam, 1655. MATA, joint author, see Bunge. PEVERIL MEIGS, joint author, see Sauer. ACHILLE MEISAS AND AUGUSTE MIcHEL0T, Nouvelle géographie methodique destinée a 1 'enscignemertt. 2d ed. Paris, 1828. C. HART MERRIAM, "Indian Population of California", American Anthropologist ([N. S.1 1905), Vol. 7, p. 5941. MExIco, Resunzen del censo general de hcthitantes de 80 de noviembre de 1.921. (as cited by Taylor on page 582 above.) Departmento de Migracion. Boletin de Servicio de Migraciôn (Mexico, 1927), July. La Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores. Mernoria, . . de Agosto de 1927 a Julio de 1928. Mexico, 1928. joint author, see Meisas. The International Geography. London. and New York, 1920. AUGUST MICHELOT, HUGH R. MILL, 2d edition. MOBEAU, Recherches et considerations .sur la population de la France. Paris, 1778. 157 p.. (Reprinted: R. Gonnard, Edit., in Collections dc3 teurs sociaux de la France, Paris 1912. xxxi, 302 p.) et des Réforma- Monatshefte zur Statistik des Deutsehen Reichs (Berlin, 1881), Heft II. W. MöNCKEMEIER, Die deutsche iiberseeische Jena, 1912. MONTESQUIEU, Oeuvres. new ed. London, 1767, 3 vols. (Vol III, Lettres Persanes.) JAMES MOONEY, "The Aboriginal Population of Ainericc, north of Mexico," &nithsoniart Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 80, No. 7. Washington, 1928. "Population", in Handbook of American Indians. Washington, 1910. (U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology). W. H. MORELAND, India at the Death of Akbar: An Economic Study. London, 1920. The American Universal Geography. 6th Ed. Boston, 1812. JEDrDIAR Geography Made Easy. 5th. Ed. Boston, 1796. MURDOCK, History of Japan. . . with Maps by Isoh Yamagata. Yokohama, Asiatic Society of Japan, 1910-26. 3 vols. D. FRANC]:SCO NAVARRO y N0RIEGA, Memoria sobre Ia población de Nueva-España. Mejico, 1814. Report on Vital Statistics, 19.24-25 (and earlier) (formerly Statistical Register). Sydney, 1925 (and NEW ZEALAND, Statistical Report on External Migration of the Dominion, for 1924: In- NEW SOUTH WALES, STATISTICIAN, troductory Report. Wellington, 1925. WILLIAM NICHOLLS, Conference with a Theist. London, 1696. 2 vols. "L 'introduction de Ia main d'oeuvre pendant B. Revue d'économie politique (Paris, 1921), p. 718ff. la guerre", BIBLIOGRAPHY 668 B. NOGARO AND L. WElL, La main d'oeuvre éirangère et coloniale pendant la guerre. Paris, Les Presses Universitaires, 1926. (also New Haven, Yale University Press, 1926). GEORGE O'BRIEN, Economic History of Ireland from the Union to the Famine. London, 1921. SIR JAMES O'CONNOR, History of Ireland, 1798-1924. London, 1925. 2 vols. Oriental Herald and Journal of General Literature (London, 1829), Vol. 21, pp. 13-23, 257-70. A. PAIRAULT, L 'immigration organis ée et 1 'emploi de la main d'oeuvre étrangère en France. 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