Maple Pecan Mug Cake


Maple Pecan Mug Cake
Maple Pecan Mug Cake
1 Mug Cake
~ 2 Min.
For the Mug Cake:
1 sachet Dr. Oetker Mug Cake
Banana Bread
25 ml Queen Pure Maple Syrup
1/2 banana, ripe
5 pecan nuts, crumbled
Measure 25mL Maple Syrup into a mug, mash the banana with a fork. Empty the
contents of the sachet into the mug, add the mashed banana and stir with a spoon
until smooth. Add 5 crumbled pecans.
Microwave on full power (1000 Watt) for 1 minute. A longer or shorter cooking time
will influence the consistency of the cake.
Top with extra pecans and maple syrup.
© Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG · Postfach · 33547 Bielefeld ·
E-Mail: [email protected] · Tel. (innerhalb Deutschlands) 00800 - 71 72 73 74 (gebührenfrei)