The Talanx Group - Talanx Annual Report 2012


The Talanx Group - Talanx Annual Report 2012
The Talanx Group
Research and
Markets and
general conditions
Assets and
financial position
The Talanx Group
Business activities
The Talanx Group operates as a multi-brand provider in the insurance and financial services sector. We employed 22,180 staff worldwide at the end of 2012. The Group is headed by the Hannover-based
financial and management holding company Talanx AG, which
has been listed since 2 October 2012. HDI V. a. G., a mutual insurance
company that can look back on more than a hundred years of history, is still the majority shareholder in Talanx AG, with a stake of
82.3%. The largest minority shareholder is its strategic partner from
Japan, Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company, with a holding of 6.5%.
The free float accounts for a further 11.2% of shares.
Group companies transact the insurance lines and classes specified
in the Ordinance Concerning the Reporting by Insurance Undertakings to the Federal Insurance Supervisory Office (BerVersV), in some
cases in direct written insurance business and in some cases in
reinsurance business, focusing on various areas: life insurance, accident insurance, liability insurance, motor insurance, aviation insurance (including space insurance), legal protection insurance, fire
insurance, burglary insurance, water damage insurance, plate glass
insurance, windstorm insurance, comprehensive householders
insurance, comprehensive homeowners insurance, hail insurance,
livestock insurance, engineering insurance, omnium insurance,
marine insurance, credit and surety business (reinsurance only), extended coverage for fire and fire loss of profits insurance, business
interruption insurance, travel assistance insurance, aviation and
space liability insurance, other property insurance, other indemnity
Talanx is represented by its own companies or branches on all
continents. Germany is one area of concentration in retail business,
while the principal markets that we focus on internationally are the
growth regions of Central and Eastern Europe, including Turkey, and
Latin America. The Group has business relations with primary insurance and reinsurance customers in around 150 countries in total.
Talanx Group. Annual Report 2012
Group structure
We streamlined our Group structure and made it more transparent
for our customers in the year under review. By merging the German
retail risk carriers HDI Direkt Versicherung AG and HDI-Gerling
Firmen- und Privat Versicherung AG to form the new company HDI
Versicherung AG, we hope to consolidate tasks that until now have
been performed in parallel in different parts of the Group.
In primary insurance, we operate with three divisions that each
span the various lines of business: Industrial Lines, Retail Germany
and Retail International. One member of the Talanx Board of Management takes responsibility for each of these divisions.
Industrial Lines operates worldwide. It is largely independent of
third parties and has the resources to lead international consortia.
The Retail Germany segment interlinks German companies conducting retail business, across the traditional dividing lines between
life and property/casualty insurance. The Retail International segment operates mainly in our strategic target markets of Central and
Eastern Europe, including Turkey, and Latin America. Bancassurance
cooperation alliances outside Germany are also assigned to this
The Reinsurance segments are led by Hannover Re, with one segment
for Non-Life Reinsurance and one for Life and Health Reinsurance.
Corporate Operations comprise – as a financial and management
holding without any business activities of its own – Talanx AG,
which performs primarily strategic duties, plus the two service companies Talanx Service AG and Talanx Systeme AG, Talanx Reinsurance Broker, Talanx Reinsurance (Ireland) Limited and the Financial
Services sector, which is primarily concerned with managing the
Group’s investments.
Overall assessment of
the economic situation
performance indicators
Corporate Governance
Events of special
Risk report
Forecast and
opportunities report
Group Structure
Talanx AG
Industrial Lines Division
HDI-Gerling Industrie
Versicherung AG
Geschäftsbereich Privatund Firmenversicherung
Retail Germany Division
Talanx Deutschland AG
Geschäftsbereich Privatund Firmenversicherung
Retail International
Talanx International AG
Reinsurance Division
Non-Life Reinsurance
Life and Health Reinsurance
Corporate Operations
Hannover Rückversicherung AG
Talanx Asset
Management GmbH
HDI Versicherung AG
Versicherung AG
HDI Seguros S. A.
Hannover ReTakaful B.S.C. (c)
Investment GmbH
HDI-Gerling Assurances
(Belgique) S. A.
Lebensversicherung AG
HDI Seguros S. A.
Hannover Re
(Bermuda) Ltd.
Talanx Immobilien
Management GmbH
Welt Service AG
Pensionsmanagement AG
HDI Zastrahovane AD
de México Seguros S. A.
Pensionskasse AG
HDI Seguros S. A.
Hannover Re
(Ireland) Plc
Talanx Systeme AG
Verzekeringen N.V.
neue leben
Lebensversicherung AG
Magyar Posta Biztosító Zrt.
Hannover Reinsurance
Africa Limited
Talanx Reinsurance Broker AG
HDI-Gerling Insurance
of South Africa Ltd.
neue leben
Unfallversicherung AG
Magyar Posta
Életbiztosító Zrt.
International Insurance
Company of Hannover
Ltd. (UK)
Talanx Reinsurance
(Ireland) Ltd.
HDI Seguros S. A.
PB Lebensversicherung AG
HDI Assicurazioni S.p.A.
Hannover Life Re
of Australasia Ltd
HDI-Gerling America
Insurance Company
PB Versicherung AG
HDI Seguros S. A.
Hannover Life
Reassurance Bermuda Ltd.
PB Pensionsfonds AG
Cía. de Seguros S. A.
Hannover Life
Reassurance Africa Limited
TARGO Lebensversicherung AG
HDI-Gerling Zycie TU S. A.
Hannover Life
Reassurance (UK) Ltd.
TARGO Versicherung AG
Hannover Life
Company of America
E+S Rückversicherung AG
Talanx Service AG
TU Europa S. A.
TU na Zycie Europa S. A.
OOO Strakhovaya
Kompaniya „CiV Life“
OOO Strakhovaya
Kompaniya „HDI Strakhovanie“
CiV Hayat Sigorta A.Ş.
HDI Sigorta A.Ş.
HDI Seguros S. A.
Nur die wesentlichen Beteiligungen
Main participations only
Stand / As at: 31.12.2012