media kit
media kit As Malaysia’s leading young women's magazine, CLEO communicates to a spirited and fun group of individuals who are curious about life and the world around them. Reflecting the assured attitudes of women of the new millenium, CLEO motivates readers to grab life, try new experiences and live their lives to the fullest. CLEO gets real on all the topics relevant to the modern woman about town. We tell it as it is, and empower readers with the right tools and tips to triumph over relationship, body, career, fashion and beauty issues. Readers love CLEO because it keeps them in touch with the issues and interests that concern them most. CLAUDIA LOW Editor BEST OF BEAUTY, FASHION & LIFESTYLE Cleo women are constantly on the lookout for new ideas in fashion, beauty and lifestyle. BEAUTY SOLUTIONS CLEO is the trusted beauty expert for news, updates and how-to’s. We meet every reader’s skin type needs by giving them precise, reliable and trend-forward information and the know-how to correctly use skincare products and work the latest beauty trends. WEARABLE FASHION CLEO’s pages are designed to inspire in our readers a love for fashion. The products we feature are practical and wearable, yet, at the same time, current and chic. Our fashion spreads portray the runway trends in a manner that will work for the young woman who wants the season’s hottest looks to complement her lifestyle. CLEO provides real life solutions on how to dress and express themselves confidently. REACH A MUST-HAVE AUDIENCE AGE GROUP Index <25 21% 25 - 29 68% 30 + 11% OCCUPATION PMEBS 30% White Collar 12% Blue Collar Students Housewife/Unemployed/Other 50% 99% female 1% male 84% single 15% married 1% divorced 61% Chinese 24% Malay 14% Indian /others 5% Audit – 56, 572 2% MONTHLY PERSONAL INCOME RM2,000 & under 29% RM2,001 - RM4,000 21% RM4,001 - RM6,000 4% RM6,001 & above 4% No income Refused/Don’t know CLEO reaches 201,955* Malaysian women every month. 40% 2% MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD INCOME RM2,000 & under 13% RM2,001 - RM4,000 13% RM4,001 - RM6,000 13% RM6,001 - RM8,000 8% RM8,001 & above 18% Refused/Don’t know 35% Source: Ipsos Media Atlas, 2011 (June 2008) Print run – 71,000 REACH A READER LIKE NO OTHER Communicate to a loyal reader. CLEO readers are young and dynamic, and love to experiment. The CLEO reader is like a trusted friend, and on average, she has been a reader for approximately 4.1 years. CLEO engages its readers – they spend at least 2 hours reading each issue. 62% of readers file CLEO indefinitely for future reference. 98% of readers would recommend CLEO to a friend. The CLEO woman is always looking for ideas, looking to discover and looking to learn. source: CLEO readership survey, Synovate 2007 REACH AN ACTIVE CONSUMER CLEO readers’ favourite hobby is shopping, which makes them your ideal target audience. CLEO readers are trendsetters – they live off anything that is new, and do not hesitate to buy things. CLEO READERS LOVE SHOPPING FOR BEAUTY AND FASHION ITEMS RM260 on average spent on fashion items in the past two months and RM 1,280 on average spent on beauty products in the past two months. Average expenditure on beauty and fashion items in the past two months: RM 275 on skincare RM 271 on fragrances RM 251 on make-up RM 242 on haircare RM 240 on bodycare RM 319 on clothes RM 309 on watches RM 299 on jewellery RM 270 on bags RM 254 on shoes SHOPPING INFLUENCES 72% purchase because a product is affordable. 49% purchase trusted brands. Mid Valley, Suria KLCC and One Utama are the most frequented malls. WORKSHOP ME 69% of readers are most likely to attend a beauty-themed workshop versus that of fashion, health, career, finance or relationships. source: CLEO readership survey, Synovate 2007 REACH A RESPONSIVE READER CLEO readers interact with and act on every aspect of the magazine – both editorial and advertising. 85% of readers purchased a beauty product after seeing it advertised in CLEO. 68% of readers purchased a product after seeing it advertised in CLEO. 50% of readers agree ads in CLEO are useful in giving them ideas about what to buy. source: CLEO readership survey, Synovate 2007 A PROVEN SUCCESS CLEO communicates to readers like no other young women’s magazine in the market. CLEO stands out from the competition. WHY? RESEARCH Extensive research and ongoing dialogue provides us with unique insight into our readers lives, allowing us to deliver readers exactly what they want to know. SELL OUTS After 19 years, we are still the biggest selling, Englishlanguage women’s magazine in Malaysia. AUTHORITY Since its launch, CLEO has become the authority on clever, effective and proven creative buys, which yield high response from readers. CONNECTION Advertising in CLEO works. 68% of readers have purchased a product after seeing it advertised in CLEO. SUCCESSFUL RECOGNITION OF BRAND Awards Announcement *Whitening Award 2014 *Fashion Award 2014 *Beauty Hall of Fame 2014 *Lingerie Award 2014 *Beauty Star Award 2014 *Cool Wheel 2015 DEADLINES 15/16 ISSUE DATE BOOKING DEADLINE/ CANCELLATION MATERIAL DEADLINE JANUARY 14 NOVEMBER 2015 19 NOVEMBER 2015 FEBRUARY 15 DECEMBER 2015 19 DECEMBER 2015 MARCH 15 JANUARY 2016 20 JANUARY 2016 ARPIL 13 FEBRUARY 2016 20 FEBRUARY 2016 MAY 13 MARCH 2016 20 MARCH 2016 JUNE 15 APRIL 2016 20 APRIL 2016 JULY 15 MAY 2016 20 MAY 2016 AUGUST 15 JUNE 2016 20 JUNE 2016 SEPTEMBER 15 JULY 2016 20 JULY 2016 OCTOBER 14 AUGUST 2016 21 AUGUST 2016 NOVEMBER 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 DECEMBER 15 OCTOBER 2016 21 OCTOBER 2016 IMPORTANT NOTE: All special creatives/inserts must arrive at the printers by the 10th of each month prior to the issue date. For booklets/creatives printed by Blu Inc Media, material must reach the printers by the 3rd of each month prior to the issue date. Material should be submitted by electronic transmission via Asia On Time with a digital proof using Fogra 39L for printing reference. This is required for each publication. Should above deadlines not be adhered to, kindly refer to General Conditions of the ratecard. Please refer to Ms Satvinder Kaur (Vin) / Rechel / Tabitha for material coordination. A GIRL’S BEST FRIEND CLEO enjoys a unique relationship with readers and advertisers. Readers love us because we give them what they want – fun, inspiration and motivation! We also believe in giving back to our loyal readers by rewarding them with goodies! Advertisers keep coming back because we give them what they want – a responsive audience! Here’s what some of them have to say: CLEO SHOE DROP EVENT Kudos to the crew for their hard work! @lauraleia, Instagram Thanks @cleomsia!! Got myself a new pair of hottie!! #bigshoedrop #CLEOmsia @nurhaniakmal, Instagram CLEO GWP WITH DIPPED ROW Got the super cute earring!❤ tq @cleomsia @liza_tahir, Instagram CLEO #HITREFRESH Workshop The content of the workshop were clearly represented and the content was applicable to me- hair, makeup and accessories are close to a girl’s heart after all. By bringing these brands together in one place is beneficial for the participants. The program was well paced, too. I would definitely attend CLEO’s workshops again and recommend my friends to participate. Excellent choice of venue, great refreshments, and awesome freebies, too! Keep up the great work, CLEO! -Edwina Ong, reader CLEO has always been a reliable source of practical knowledge. I used the tips on how to nail interviews and excelled at three job interviews. I also scored friends, a sense of style and found the perfect gift to win over my Mr. Right. I never missed an issue for eight years, until I decided to move on. Today I came across an issue of CLEO at my manicurist, and I didn't want to put it down. I went to get a copy of my own, and have decided to start the collection again! “ – Noor Ashani, reader SUCCESSFULLY CONNECTING BRAND SYNERGY The CLEO 50 Most Eligible Bachelors CLEO’s signature event that captures the attention of readers, the industry as well as the general public. The 50 finalists who posses that ‘X’ factor that’s vital to be on CLEO’s list will be featured in the April issue where readers get to vote for their favourite bachelor. The Big CLEO Shoe Drop Over 360 CLEO readers were treated to free shoes in this first-of-its-kind event; crews drove the cars loaded with shoes to malls, queues for the giveaway started as early as 6am, with readers coming as far as Brunei to participate! CLEO Workshops To give CLEO readers experience and education to re-set their goal with the inside guide in health, beauty and style to achieve their personal goals ADVERTISING RATES COLOUR CASUAL 3X 6X 12X 18X 24X 36X RM RM RM RM RM RM RM 5,415 5,140 4,885 4,640 4,410 4,190 3,980 Double Page Spread 10,830 10,280 9,770 9,280 8,820 8,380 7,960 Two Column (vertical) 4,060 3,860 3,665 3,485 3,305 3,140 2,985 Half Page (vertical or horizontal) 3,250 3,090 2,935 2,780 2,645 2,510 2,385 One Column (vertical) 2,170 2,060 1,960 1,860 1,765 1,675 1,595 2nd Double Page Spread 12,125 11,525 10,950 10,400 9,880 9,385 8,920 3rd Double Page Spread 11,910 11,315 10,750 10,215 9,705 9,220 8,760 Facing Contents/Masthead 6,065 5,765 5,475 5,200 4,945 4,700 4,460 Facing Regular Features 5,960 5,660 5,380 5,110 4,850 4,610 4,385 Full Page 3,520 3,345 3,180 3,020 2,870 2,725 2,590 Half Page (vertical or horizontal) 2,645 2,510 2,385 2,270 2,155 2,045 1,945 Full Page SPECIAL POSITIONS MONOTONE SPOT COLOURS RATES & 5th COLOURS Where spot colour or 5th colour is required, loading at prevailing rates is applicable. COVER POSITIONS (only casual rates apply) Inside Front Cover Spread RM13,535 Inside Back Cover RM5,960 Outside Back Cover RM9,245 NOTE: All rates are in Malaysian Ringgit and subject to prevailing Government Tax. VOLUME DISCOUNT: All apply within a 12-month period. SPECIAL POSITION RATES: Where preferred positions and guaranteed consecutive right-hand pages are required, 10% loading of applicable rate will be charged. AGENCY COMMISSION: A 15% commission is applicable to Accredited Advertising Agencies. CANCELLATION CLAUSE: Any advertisements withdrawn from the issue after stated cancellation date will be charged at full rate. MECHANICAL SPECS ADVERTISING SIZE Full Page Double Page Spread Half Page Horizontal Half Page Vertical 1 Column 2 Column TRIM 275 x 210mm 275 x 420mm 134 x 210mm 275 x 102mm 275 x 67mm 275 x 134mm TYPE AREA 250 x 190mm 250 x 390mm 120 x 190mm 250 x 90mm 250 x 55mm 250 x 110mm BLEED 281 x 216mm 281 x 426mm 140 x 216mm 281 x 108mm 281 x 73mm 281 x 140mm ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, INDEMNITY AND WARRANTY All advertisements are accepted and published by the Publisher upon the representation that the Advertiser and/or their Advertising Agencies are authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. Advertisers and/or their Advertising Agencies upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorizing or approving of the publication of any material, INDEMNIFY the publisher, its servant and agents all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication of the material and, without limiting the generality of foregoing, so indemnify each of them in relation to claims or suits for defamation or libel, slander or title, plagiarism, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names or publication titles, unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights of privacy, and WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents. DIGITAL ADS In order to provide a better service to advertisers, Blu Inc Media Sdn Bhd has moved to a digital ad delivery system to take advantage of computer-to-plate technology which provides shorter production time and increased precision and accuracy of printing plates. Below is important information about this process. Blu Inc Media Sdn Bhd will only accept digital ads in PDF Format via the Quickcut Pre Press Network Digital files will not be accepted on disc or via email Blu Inc Media Sdn Bhd. does not repair digital files – ads containing errors are returned to advertisers The Quickcut process delivers problem free, press ready files according to publishers’ specifications and has proven to be the most efficient method of receiving and tracking digital ads at Blu Inc Media Sdn Bhd. Advantages of the Quickcut service are accuracy of file structure and page size, reliability and speed, and the provision of an audit trail. Quickcut software checks digital files for errors before they are transmitted electronically to Blu Inc Media Sdn Bhd ensuring advertisers do not submit files that contain errors and will therefore not print correctly. For more information regarding Quickcut, please contact: Asia On Time Telephone: +60 (3) 2095 6601 Email: [email protected] Website: Blu Inc Media Sdn Bhd. can only take responsibility for accurate colour reproduction if a digital proof of the supplied digital file is produced using Blu Inc Media Sdn Bhd' ICC colour reference profiles. Quickcut ICC software allows distribution of Blu Inc Media Sdn BHd‘s ICC profiles to colour separators and advertisers and enables accurate digital proofs to be printed to most digital proofing devices. Visit or contact Quickcut directly for more information about Quickcut ICC. If you wish to send a digital ad and/or supply a digital proof and do not have Quickcut software or suitable proofing system installed, please contact Blu Inc Media Sdn Bhd for a list of Malaysian colour separators who can provide this service. Blu Inc Media Sdn Bhd. will retain digital ads for 6 months from the last insertion date After this time, digital files will need to be resubmitted via Quickcut network. Accurate copy instructions must be entered within the Quickcut software Copy instructions allow us to easily identify your advertisement. It is particularly important to enter the publication/run date, which is the cover date of the title (not the on-sale date). Digital files must be prepared to the correct size Blu Inc Media Sdn Bhd requires a minimum of 3mm bleed on all sides of the advertisement. Please ensure that all elements that you wish to print are kept within the type area as indicated in specifications within QuickPrint application. GENERAL CONDITIONS Rates given are on the understanding that all space orders are to be utilized within a 12month period. All copy is subject to the approval of the Publisher, who may edit, revise or reject any advertisement without assigning reasons therefore. The Publisher will not be liable for any consequential loss or damage occasioned by the failure of any advertisement to appear from any cause whatsoever, neither does he accept liability for errors in any advertisement published, nor its failure to appear on a specified date. In the event of complete material or copy insertions not being received by the appropriate deadline, the Publisher reserve the right to repeat a previous advertisement of the same size or to run a house advertisement for which the advertiser will be liable for full payment. The Publisher may, at any time and without notice, cancel an advertising order in respect of any advertisement not inserted by the Publisher, in which event the advertiser shall pay for all past insertions at the applicable date. Cancellation by the advertiser or their agent of any portion of a contract for any reason whatsoever, nullifies all rate frequency discounts and/or positional protection. While every reasonable care is taken, neither the Publisher nor his agent is responsible for the loss of or damage to transparencies, separation and other material, and the Publisher is not responsible for any errors in key numbers. The word “Advertisement” will be placed above or below each page of copy which, in the option of the Publisher, resembles editorial matter of its style. No guarantee will be given to any preferred positioning requested by the advertiser or their agents and any omission shall not constitute a breach by the Publisher of any advertising order or contract. All complaints or claims regarding advertisements published must be made in writing within 15 days following the date of publication. All advertising accepted for publication in CLEO is subject only to the conditions set out on CLEO advertising rate card and/ or advertising order form.
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