August 18 - 19, 2012 Salle CALVA
August 18 - 19, 2012 Salle CALVA
The Be TICACats Club Proudly Presents International Bengal Congress Saturday afternoon/evening: Bengal Congresses (3 rings) in TICA TOP 10 overall winners of the 3 congresses + Breeders choice Awards Saturday: Speciale Bengals in Traditional Saturday evening/night: Belgian Safari Awards In conjunction with our 5-rings (4 AB/1 SP) TICA & Traditional Show : The Baroque Cats Show August 18 - 19, 2012 Salle CALVA Pavé du Vingt 2 7012 Flénu (Mons), Belgium Our TICA Judges Saturday Lisa Dickie (US) Thomas Andersen (DK) Phillipa Holmes (UK) Geneviève Paquet (B) Katharina Krenn (A) Thomas Andersen (DK) Sunday Allbreed Allbreed Allbreed Allbreed (Guest) Specialty Congress ~Tb Marie-France Dendauw (F) Lisa Dickie (US) Thomas Andersen (DK) Phillipa Holmes (UK) Katharina Krenn (A) Irene Van Belzen (NL) Allbreed Allbreed Allbreed Allbreed Allbreed Congress Tb TICA - Saturday Bengal Congresses (adults, kittens) Mary-Lise de Landsheer (B) Lisa Dickie (US) Katharina Krenn (A) Show Manager Entry Clerk Marc Verbeeren [email protected] Mob: +32 478 307437 Géraldine Tessens [email protected] Mob: +32 498 110731 Info & online registration Tel : +32 65 955061 MONS - August 18, 2012 The Belgian Bengal Safari 2012 Master Clerk Marc Verbeeren Assistant Master Clerk Catherine Le Trionnaire Head Ring Clerks Kees van den Brink David Malezieux Franky Van Haver Catherine Le Trionnaire Wim Straetmans Saturday : Show Managers Géraldine Tessens Marc Verbeeren Entry Clerck Géraldine Tessens Trésorière Manon Verbeeren Promo & “Rosettes Manager” Sabine Wamper 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm Parade of Bengals (for Breeder’s choice) 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm Powerpoint Bengal presentation by B. Ehret This special event could be carried out thanks to the collaboration of Marc Verbeeren, Géraldine Tessens, Sabine Wamper, Boris Ehret & Irene Van Belzen B E N G A L (BG) HEAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Muzzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 points 6 6 5 3 4 2 6 3 BODY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 points Torso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Legs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Boning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Musculature . . . . . . . . . . 6 COAT/COLOR/PATTERN . . . 35 points Texture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CATEGORIES: All. DIVISION: Tabby, Silver/Smoke. COLORS: Brown Tabby, Seal Sepia Tabby, Seal Mink Tabby, Seal Lynx Point, Black Silver Tabby, Seal Silver Sepia Tabby, Seal Silver Mink Tabby, Seal Silver Lynx Point. Spotted or Marbled Patterns ONLY. PERMISSIBLE OUTCROSSES: None. HEAD: Shape: Broad modified wedge with rounded contours. Longer than it is wide. Slightly small in proportion to body, but not to be taken to extreme. The skull behind the ears makes a gentle curve and flows into the neck. Allowance to be made for jowls in adult males. Overall look of the head should be as distinct from the domestic cat as possible. Ears: Medium to small, relatively short, with wide base and rounded tops. Set as much on side as top of head, following the contour of the face in the frontal view, and pointing forward in the profile view. Light horizontal furnishings acceptable; but lynx tipping undesirable. Eyes: Oval, almost round. Large, but not bugged. Set wide apart, back into Revised 05//01/08 face, and on slight bias toward base of ear. Eye color independent of coat color except in the lynx points. The more richness and depth of color the better. Chin: Strong chin, aligns with tip of nose in profile. Muzzle: Full and broad, with large, prominent whisker pads and high, pronounced cheekbones. Slight muzzle break at the whisker pads. Nose: Large and wide; slightly puffed nose leather. Profile: Curve of the forehead should flow into the bridge of the nose with no break. Bridge of nose extends above the eyes; the line of the bridge extends to the nose tip, making a very slight, to nearly straight, concave curve. Neck: Long, substantial, muscular; in proportion to the head and body. BODY: Torso: Long and substantial, not oriental or foreign. Medium to large (but not quite as large as the largest domestic breed). Legs: Medium length, slightly longer in the back than in the front. Feet: Large, round, with prominent knuckles. Tail: Medium length, thick, tapered at end with rounded tip. Boning: Sturdy, firm; never delicate. Musculature: Very muscular, especially in the males, one of the most distinguishing features. COAT/COLOR/PATTERN: Length: Short to medium. Allowance for slightly longer coat in kittens. Texture: Dense and luxurious, closelying, unusually soft and silky to the touch. Patterns: Spotted or marbled. Spotted: Spots shall be random, or aligned horizontally. Rosettes showing two distinct colors or shades, such as paw print shaped, arrowhead shaped, doughnut or half-doughnut shaped or clustered are preferred to single spotting but not required. Contrast with ground color must be extreme, giving distinct pattern and sharp edges. Strong, bold chin strap and mascara markings Bengal Breed Standard, 05/01/2008 desirable. Virtually white undersides and belly desirable. Blotchy horizontal shoulder streaks, spotted legs and spotted or rosetted tail are desirable. Belly must be spotted. Marbled: See TICA Uniform Color Description ( Colors: Brown Tabby: All variations of brown are allowed. Markings various shades of brown to black. Light spectacles encircling the eyes and a virtually white ground color on the whisker pads, chin, chest, belly and inner legs is desirable. Seal Sepia Tabby, Seal Mink Tabby, and Seal Lynx Point Tabby: Pattern can be various shades of brown. There should be very little or no difference between the color of the body (pattern) markings and point color. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The goal of the Bengal breeding program is to create a domestic cat which has physical features distinctive to the small forest-dwelling wildcats, and with the loving, dependable temperament of the domestic cat. Keeping this goal in mind, judges shall give special merit to those characteristics in the appearance of the Bengal which are distinct from those found in other domestic cat breeds. A Bengal cat is an athletic animal, alert to its surroundings; a friendly, curious, confident cat with strength, agility, balance and grace. It is a medium to large cat which exhibits a very muscular and solid build. Its wide nose with prominent whisker pads and large oval, almost round eyes in a slightly small head enhance the wild appearance and expressive nocturnal look. Its very slight, to nearly straight, concave profile and relatively short ears with wide base and rounded tips add to the Bengal’s distinctive and unique appearance. The short, dense coat has a uniquely soft and silky feel. The coat may be glittered or not glittered, with neither type to be given preference. A thick, low-set, medium-length tail adds balance to the cat. ALLOWANCES: Smaller size, in balanced proportion, of females. Slightly longer coat in kittens. Jowls in adult Revised 05//01/08 males. Eyes slightly almond shaped. Mousy undercoat. Paw pads not consistent with color group description. PENALIZE: Spots on body running together vertically forming a mackerel tabby pattern on spotted cats; circular bulls-eye pattern on marbled cats; substantially darker point color (as compared to color of body markings) in Seal Sepia, Seal Mink, or Seal Lynx Point cats. Any distinct locket on the neck, chest, abdomen or any other area. WITHHOLD ALL AWARDS (WW): Belly not patterned. yyyyy Temperament must be unchallenging; any sign of definite challenge shall disqualify. The cat may exhibit fear, seek to flee, or generally complain aloud but may not threaten to harm. In accordance with Show Rules, ARTICLE SIXTEEN, the following shall be considered mandatory disqualifications: a cat that bites (216.9), a cat showing evidence of intent to deceive (216.10), adult whole male cats not having two descended testicles (216.11), cats with all or part of the tail missing , except as authorized by a board approved standard (216.12.1), cats with more than five toes on each front foot and four toes on each back foot, unless proved the result of an injury or as authorized by a board approved standard (216.12.2), visible or invisible tail faults if Board approved standard requires disqualification (216.12.4), crossed eyes if Board approved standard requires disqualification (216.12.5), total blindness (216.12.6), markedly smaller size, not in keeping with the breed (216.12.9), and depression of the sternum or unusually small diameter of the rib cage itself ( See Show Rules, ARTICLE SIXTEEN for more comprehensive rules governing penalties and disqualifications. Bengal Breed Standard, 05/01/2008 Marbled Tabby. Markings, while derived from the classic tabby gene, should be uniquely different with as little "bull's-eye" sim ilarity as possible. Pattern should, instead, be random , giving the im pression of m arble, preferably with a horizontal flow when the cat is stretched. Vertical striped m ackerel influence is undesirable. Preference should be given to cats with three or m ore shades; i.e., ground color, m arkings, and dark outlining of those m arkings. Contrast m ust be extrem e, with distinct shapes and sharp edges. Belly m ust be patterned. b Spotted Tabby.(T/-, T/t ) The spotted tabby pattern is believed to be caused by m odifiers which break up the m ackerel or classic pattern, form ing spots. The spotted tabby cat is m arked by spots of the darker color, m ost prom inent on the sides of the body, but often seen on the shoulders, flanks, legs and feet. The spots m ay vary in size and shape, but preference is given to round, evenly distributed spots. Spots should not run together into a broken m ackerel pattern. A dorsal stripe runs the length of the body to the tip of the tail. The stripe is ideally com posed of spots. The m arking of the face and forehead shall be typical tabby m arkings, underside of the body to have "vest buttons". Legs are barred, but m ay have sm all spots, too. Tail is barred. 05/01/12 Version A TICA Uniform Color Descriptions, Page 9 18/08/2012 The Bengal: a wild looking cat The Bengal: a wild looking cat Judges shall give special merit to those characteristics in the appearance of the Bengal which are distinct from those found in other domestic cat breeds. Overall look of the head should be as distinct from the domestic cat as possible. Die Richter sollten besonders auf jene Merkmale im Erscheinungsbild der Bengalen achten, durch welche sie sich von anderen domestizierten Katzen Unterscheiden. Der Ausdruck des Kopfes einer Bengal sollte sich klar von dem einer Hauskatze unterscheiden. 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 1 The Boning 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 2 The Boning Torso: Long and substantial. Boning: Sturdy, firm. Musculature: Very muscular, especially in the males, one of the most distinguishing features. Torso: Lang und kräftig Knochenbau: Robust und kräftig Muskulatur: Sehr muskulös. Bbesonders bei Katern ist dies ein stark ausgeprägtes Merkmal. (SBT) 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 3 The Tail 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 4 The Tail Tail: Medium length, thick, tapered at the end with rounded tip. Der Schwanz: er sollte mittlerer Länge und buschig sein, konisch zulaufend mit rundem Ende. (SBT) 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC Prepared by: Boris Erhet - BTCC 5 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 6 1 18/08/2012 The Size of the Head The head: Slightly small in proportion to the body, but not to be taken to extreme. The Size of the Head Der Kopf sollte im Verhältnis zum Körper klein sein. Dies darf jedoch nicht zu extrem ausfallen. (SBT) Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 18.08.2012 7 The Profile and the Bridge of Nose 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 8 The Profile Curve of the forehead should flow into the bridge of the nose with no break. Ein Bogen führt, ohne sichtbare Kante, von der Stirn direkt hin zum Nasenrücken. The skull behind the ears makes a gentle curve and flows into the neck. 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 9 2/3 The Profile 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC Der Schädel soll hinter den Ohren eine sanfte Kurve bilden, 10 Die hinunter bis zum Nacken führt. The Profile 1/3 Skull of a ALC (Prionailurus bengalensis) 1/2 1/2 Skull of a Leopard (Panthera pardus) 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC Prepared by: Boris Erhet - BTCC 11 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 12 2 18/08/2012 The Bridge of Nose The Profile and the Bridge of Nose The line of the bridge extends to the nose tip, making a very slight, to nearly straight, concave curve. Die Linie vom Vorderkopf bis zur Nasenspitze sollte einen ganz leichten konkaven Bogen bilden oder nahezu Gerade verlaufen. (ALC) 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 13 The Profile and the Bridge of Nose 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 14 Ears, Eyes, Muzzle and Chin (ALC) 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC (SBT) 15 Ears 18.08.2012 16 Eyes Ears: Medium to small, relatively short, with wide base and rounded tops. Pointing forward in the profile view. Eyes: Oval, almost round. Large, but not bugget. Set widewide apart. Augen: Oval, beinahe rund. Gross aber nicht hervorstehend. Weit auseinander gesetzt. Ohren: Mittelgross bis klein, verhältnismässig kurz, weit am Ansatz und mit gerundeten Ohrspitzen. von der Seite betrachtet, neigen sie etwas nach vorn. 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC Prepared by: Boris Erhet - BTCC 17 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 18 3 18/08/2012 Muzzle Chin Chin: Strong chin, alligns with tip of nose in profile. Muzzle: Full and broad, with large, prominnent whisker pads and high, pronounced cheekbones. Kinn: Das Kinn sollte stark sein und, von der Seite betrachtet, in einer Linie mit der Nasenspitze liegen. Schnauze: Voll und breit, mit ausgeprägten Schnurrhaarkissen. Hohe hervorstehende Backenknochen. (ALC) 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC (ALC) 19 The Frontal View Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 20 The Frontal View (ALC) 18.08.2012 18.08.2012 (ALC) 21 The Future 18.08.2012 (SBT) Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 22 The Whited Expression Virtually white undersides and belly are desirable. Belly must be spotted. Der Bauch soll möglichst weiss sein. Er muss getupft sein. 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC Prepared by: Boris Erhet - BTCC 23 (SBT) 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC (ALC) 24 4 18/08/2012 The Bengal: a wild looking cat The Pattern Spots shall be random, or alligned horizontally. Contrast with ground color must be extreme, giving distinct pattern and sharp edges. ©Boris Ehret, August 2012 Spice Bengals, Switzerland [email protected] Die Tupfen zollten zufällig oder horizontal angeordnet sein. Der Kontrast zur Grundfarbe muss extrem sein, mit einer deutlichen Zeichnung Und scharfen Abgrenzungen. Das Buch: Boris Ehret / Sabine Wamper Bengalkatze, die Katze im Leopardenlook, Cadmos Verlag, Schwarzenbeck, 2012 ISBN: 978-3-8404-4011-3 (SBT) 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC Prepared by: Boris Erhet - BTCC 25 18.08.2012 Prepared by: Boris Ehret - BTCC 26 5 BELGIAN BENGAL SAFARI SHORTHAIR KITTENS MLD LD KK ___-_ ___2_ ___-_ ___-_ ___5_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ _Abs_ _Abs_ _Abs_ 58 ___5_ ___1_ ___5_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ ___4_ ___-_ ___-_ ___3_ ___-_ ___-_ ___2_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ BENGAL TRADITIONAL TABBY DIVISION BROWN SPOTTED TABBY BATIFOLEURS JAMILA SBT 033012 020 BORN: 03/30/12 IW SGC Batifoleurs Wild Miagic X Greenmanions Sissel Of Batifoleurs B/O: Irene Van Belzen 0.4 DIPAVALI HECATE Astarte Greebo X Diva de Lart Deco B/O: Jean Bernard Dubois 0.5 PENDING BORN: 03/08/12 F 53 ___2_ EN F 54 ___-_ ES LEOPARDCATS VALENTINO PENDING WCH. Mainstreet Xtreme X SGC. Mainstreet Wurthy Lady B/O: Sabine Wamper BORN: 02/14/12 LEOPARDCATS DIWALI PENDING WCH. Mainstreet Xtreme X SGC. Mainstreet Wurthy Lady B/O: Sabine Wamper BORN: 02/14/12 0.6 M 55 ___-_ EN 0.6 F 56 ___-_ EN MARIEBENGAL GALLILIE PENDING BORN: 12/19/11 Mariebengal Rock Nroll X Gogees Major Sunblast B: Marie-Lisa Laroque O: Michel Doyen 0.7 HGULSHAN DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN PENDING Grey Joy of Baracoa X GBananga de la Mer D'Andaman B/O: Blandine Daventure BORN: 03/02/12 0.5 MADURAI HEAVENLY DREAM PENDING Drinkwater Gothik Knight X Madurai Wild Diamond B/O: Barbel Schmidt BORN: 04/04/12 MADURAI CLOUDED LEOPARD PENDING CH. Drinkwater Las Vegas X Madurai Limited Edition B/O: Barbel Schmidt BORN: 03/29/12 F 57 EN M ES 0.4 F 59 ___-_ EN 0.4 F 60 ___-_ EN RAINFOREST LASYA LING SBT 021812 015 BORN: 02/18/12 0.6 F Rainforest Kimosabe X Rainforest Ling Ling B: Jaen Treesinger O: C. & E. Ramsay / J. Treesinger 61 ___1_ RIVERFERN ISABEL SBT 012412 001 BORN: 01/24/12 Zawadi Spatial Dendrite X TGC. Leospridebengal Emmy of Riverfern B/O: Valerie Davidson 62 ___3_ 0.6 F ES EW SPOTSANDSTRIPES SWEET DIAVOLA SBT 041012 007 BORN: 04/10/12 0.4 F TGC. Enumaelisch Sweet Loverboy X CH. Spotsandstripes From Hell B: Alexandra Jauk O: Alexandra Jauk & Andrea Deutsch 63 ___-_ PUREBLISS OBSESSION SBT 012012 004 BORN: 01/20/12 RW. SGC. Purebliss Pleasuredome X Poshpaws Hello Kitty B/O: Jacky Bliss 0.6 64 ___-_ BELLA ABSOLUTELY MILLENIUM PENDING BORN: 02/15/12 Absolutely Teenage Crush X Bella Store Me Weather B: Gail Sandford O: Helen Diallo 0.6 (color class continued) M ES EW F 65 ___-_ ES BELGIAN BENGAL SAFARI SHORTHAIR KITTENS MLD LD KK ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ ___3_ ___1_ ___-_ ___4_ ___1_ ___2_ ___2_ ___1_ _Abs_ _Abs_ __61_ __53_ __62_ __58_ __64_ __70_ __68_ __53_ __62_ 73 _Abs_ _Abs_ _Abs_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ 74 ___1_ ___1_ ___1_ (BROWN SPOTTED TABBY BENGAL continued) MASAI MARA HOCUS POCUS PENDING RW. QGC. Batifoleurs Bakari X Pawnee of Pandoras Box B/O: Andrea Faymonville BORN: 04/18/12 WILDCATSEYES HEATH LEDGER PENDING Kanpur Spirit X Wildcatseyes Black ROse B/O: Micheline van Bellinghen BORN: 03/08/12 SPICE AMANDINE PENDING RW. SGC. Kalanikats Rockstar X TGC. Spice Pimienta B/O: Boris Ehret BORN: 02/25/12 0.4 F 66 ___-_ EN 0.5 F 67 _Abs_ EN 0.5 F 68 ___4_ ES SPICE TIMEPIECE OF BIBBLING SBT 032112 015 BORN: 03/21/12 IW. SGC. Spice Basil X RW. Leopardcats Sushi of Spice B: Boris Ehret O: Babs Brooks 0.4 M 69 ___-_ NE BROWN MARBLED TABBY OWLSDENE FRANK SINATRA PENDING BORN: 02/21/12 0.5 M IW.SGC. Owlsdene Mr Bingley X Owlsdene Dawn Star B: Elizabeth Richmond-Watson O: Nicky Goulter 70 ___2_ EW HAKHAURA DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN PENDING BORN: 04/12/12 RW.SGC. Darkhan de la Mer D'andaman X Romanbengal Xela F9 B/O: Blandine Daventure 0.4 JADED GENETICS INFINITY PENDING BORN: 02/25/12 Surya Gattopardo of Jaded Genetics X Patch of Heaven Roxette B: Jennifer Gizyn O: Nicole Moll 0.5 F 71 ___1_ ES F 72 _Abs_ EN BEST OF DIVISION 2ND BEST OF DIVISION 3RD BEST OF DIVISION POINTED TABBY DIVISION SEAL SPOTTED LYNX POINT HOURS DES NEIGES BENGAL TIGER PENDING BORN: 02/24/12 Fejao-Magic des Fauves du Bengal X Felicia de Namibie Bengal B/O: Catherine Meurisse 0.5 M ES BEST OF DIVISION POINTED SILVER/SMOKE DIVISION SEAL SILVER MARBLED LYNX POINT REHBIS AURORA PENDING PocketLeopards Yukimarimo X Tecspot Sajala B: Anton Rehberger BORN: 03/17/12 0.5 F O: Renate Mock EN BEST OF DIVISION __74_ __74_ __74_ BEST OF BREED 2ND BEST OF BREED 3RD BEST OF BREED __61_ __53_ __62_ __58_ __74_ __64_ __68_ __53_ __62_ BELGIAN BENGAL SAFARI SHORTHAIR CATS MLD LD KK ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ _Abs_ _Abs_ ___-_ ___5_ ___5_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ _Abs_ _Abs_ ___3_ ___-_ ___-_ ___3_ ___4_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ BENGAL TRADITIONAL TABBY DIVISION BROWN SPOTTED TABBY OWLSDENE LEOPARDO SBT 080211 038 IW. SGC. Owlsdene Mr Bingley X Owlsdene Dream Keeper B/O: Elizabeth Richmond-Watson BORN: 08/02/11 MADURAI HARDROCK SBT 081011 043 CH. Drinkwater Las Vegas X Bambusaforest Fine Silver B/O: Barbel Schmidt BORN: 08/10/11 1.0 M 1.0 M 202 ___-_ EN 1.2 SUMARUM UNIQUE PENDING Dazzledots Platinium Silver X Sumarum Eline B: Michaela Strbakova 0.10 F IKER DE BARACOA-E PENDING QoNos Quantum Leap X Bomba de Baracoa-E B: Victor Adriel Matos Legra BORN: 09/19/11 F 203 _Abs_ ES 204 ___-_ O: Frederique Deveney BORN: 09/11/11 ES 0.11 F 205 ___-_ O: Jessica De Ridder BORN: 10/20/11 EN 0.9 M 206 ___-_ O: Jean-Marie Heusden INGALE GAYA SBT 010811 010 Huntersridge Giotto X Ingale Tinkerbell B/O: Renate Mock 201 ___-_ EW BATIFOLEURS WILD LEOPOLDINE SBT 060711 009 BORN: 06/07/11 IW. SGC. Batifoleurs Wild Magic X Greenmansions Sissel B: Irene van Belzen O: Claire Lannes-Pons ASTARTE KOTIYA DE LA BAIE DU BENGAL PENDING Summerside Equinox X Junglemist Tincelles B: Amelie Pilotte RW CH. BORN: 01/08/11 EN 1.7 F 207 _Abs_ EN BATIFOLEURS BAKARI SBT 060711 007 BORN: 06/07/11 IW. SGC. Batifoleurs Wild Magic X Greenmansions Sissel B: Irene van Belzen O: Andrea Faymonville 1.2 BATIFOLEURS DURANGO SBT 041310 001 Batifoleurs Mojito X Batifoleurs Ghali B/O: Irene van Belzen 2.4 BORN: 04/13/10 M 208 ___4_ EN M QGC EN OSIRISBENGAL GREYSTOKE PENDING BORN: 10/08/11 Extreme Nexotic de Panthera Bengal X Kawalik Frida B: Jessie Martinez O: Sebastien Fouque 0.10 M JAPURS ANGELS FRENCH RIVIERA MASTER SBT 082810 065 BORN: 08/02/10 CH. Gogees Major Force of JapursAngels X CH. Japurs Angels Dewdrop B: Sandra Dreuilhe-Torrombacco O: Sebastien Fouque 2.0 210 ___5_ ES M 211 ___-_ ES JAMALBENGAL GRAFFITY DU JARDIN DU B SBT 082811 039 BORN: 08/28/11 0.11 M Bengalsprings Coldjack X Azanabengals Charlotte B: Josee Nadon O: Christophe & Caroline Gavillet EWING DE L'ILE FANTASTIQUE/ID SBT 031009 041 BORN: 03/10/09 3.5 M Wilddiamond Diablo X Douchka of Mystery Jungle B: Alicia de Marco O: Geraldine Tessens & Marc Verbeeren (color class continued) 209 ___-_ 212 ___-_ ES TGC 213 ___-_ EN BELGIAN BENGAL SAFARI SHORTHAIR CATS MLD LD KK ___2_ ___4_ ___-_ ___-_ ___1_ ___2_ ___-_ ___1_ ___-_ ___-_ _Abs_ _Abs_ _Abs_ ___-_ _Abs_ ___-_ _Abs_ _Abs_ ___5_ ___2_ ___2_ ___4_ ___4_ ___3_ ___-_ ___-_ (BROWN SPOTTED TABBY BENGAL continued) BINDI BENGALS AYO PENDING BORN: 05/10/11 Summerside Clear Starry Night X Bindi Bengals Rosetta B: Yvonne & Musa Tell O: Anja & Andreas Patz 1.3 BINDI BENGALS ZURI PENDING BORN: 05/10/11 Summerside Clear Starry Night X Bindi Bengals Rosetta B: Yvonne & Musa Tell O: Anja & Andreas Patz 1.3 SPICE SUCETTE A L'ANIS SBT 090111 039 BORN: 09/01/11 RW. CH. Spice Estragon X RW. SGC. Kalanikats Chanel of Spice B/O: Boris Ehret 0.11 F FROM BENGAL HOUSE BILLABONG SBT 091711 013 IW. SGC. Spice Basil X Sierragold Embers B/O: Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens 0.11 M BORN: 09/17/11 M 214 ___-_ EN F 215 ___2_ EN 216 ___-_ ES CH 217 ___3_ EN LEOPARDCATS IM DEFINATELY WURTHY SBT 052611 005 BORN: 05/26/11 1.2 F Spice Estragon X Mainstreet Wurthy Lady B: Sabine Wamper O: Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens WILDCATSEYES SAMBURU OF BATIFOLEURS SBT 122209 023 BORN: 12/22/09 Wildcatseyes Don Juan X Hunterdonhall Kaliahiope B: Micheline van Bellinghen O: Irene van Belzen 2.7 GREENMANSIONS SISSEL OF BATIFOLEURS SBT 082407 043 BORN: 08/24/07 RW. SGC. Snopride Half a Chance X Greenmansions Christie B: Sheilah A. Cox O: Irene van Belzen 4.11 F BATIFOLEURS GHALI SBT 032709 005 BORN: 03/27/09 Kimburu Pacu Pati X Greenmansions Sissel of Batifoleurs B/O: Irene van Belzen 3.4 CH 218 ___1_ EN M 219 _Abs_ EN 220 ___-_ EN F 221 ___-_ EN BROWN MARBLED TABBY RIVERFERN MERLIN SBT 081811 002 BORN: 08/18/11 1.0 Abooksigun Alareiks of Riverfern X TGC. Leospridebengal Emmy of Riverfern B/O: Valerie Davidson M ILENDRI MINERVA SBT 060211 011 BORN: 06/02/11 RW. SGC. Batifoleurs Radja of Enumaelisch X Fianna Fortuna of Ilendri B/O: Agata Krusznova-Zawadzka 1.2 F SAPHIRS DE LUNE G8 PENDING BORN: 09/07/11 Koppiekatz Kena des Saphirs de Lune X Griffes de Feu Everglade B: Pascale Panchaud O: Helene Diallo 0.11 F LOOKMAEWDAO GLORIA SBT 041211 040 BORN: 04/12/11 TGC. Ewing de l'Ile FantastiqueID X QGC. LookMaewDao Winning Mood B/O: Marc Verbeeren 1.4 222 _Abs_ EW RW TGC 223 ___2_ EN 224 ___-_ ES LOOKMAEWDAO WINNING MOOD SBT 021908 026 BORN: 02/19/08 4.5 RW. SGC. Cocktail House Bandit X CH. Goddess of the Jaguar House B: Marc Verbeeren O: Marc & Lorie Verbeeren (color class continued) RW F CH 225 ___5_ EN F QGC. 226 ___3_ EN BELGIAN BENGAL SAFARI SHORTHAIR CATS MLD LD KK ___1_ ___1_ ___3_ ___5_ _227_ _218_ _215_ _216_ _227_ _214_ _217_ _216_ _227_ 229 ___2_ ___2_ ___2_ ___1_ ___1_ _230_ _229_ _230_ _229_ _230_ _229_ 231 ___1_ ___1_ ___1_ _231_ _231_ _231_ 232 ___1_ ___1_ ___1_ ___1_ ___1_ _233_ _232_ _232_ _233_ (BROWN MARBLED TABBY BENGAL continued) RAINFOREST TARO MORONGO SBT 060111 010 BORN: 06/01/11 1.2 M Rainforest Kimosabe X RW. SGC. Rainforest Raining in My Heart B: Jaen Treesinger O: Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens QGC CHITTAGONG KISS ON THE LIPS Bahiya Kalani X Sierragold Embers B: Andreas Herden TGC SBT 022810 052 BORN: 02/28/10 2.5 F O: Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens 227 ___1_ EN 228 ___4_ EN BEST OF DIVISION 2ND BEST OF DIVISION 3RD BEST OF DIVISION TRADITIONAL SILVER/SMOKE DIVISION BLACK SILVER SPOTTED TABBY MADURAI BELIEVE IN ME SBT 091211 039 CH. Drinkwater Las Vegas X Huntersridge Pure Magic B/O: Barbel Schmidt BORN: 09/12/11 SILVER DREAM VON PALANDES DU JARDIN PENDING Anjali Melt My Heart X Bluewater Silber Pearl B: Sandra Esche BORN: 07/07/11 0.11 M EN 1.1 M O: Christophe & Caroline Gavillet 230 ___1_ ES BEST OF DIVISION 2ND BEST OF DIVISION MINK TABBY DIVISION SEAL MINK SPOTTED TABBY SILKYBENGALS SHOOTING STAR SBT 050211 010 BORN: 05/02/11 Huntersrindge Giotto X Medoz Magic Mystery of SilkyBengals B/O: Renate Mock 1.3 M EN BEST OF DIVISION POINTED TABBY DIVISION SEAL SPOTTED LYNX POINT CITYBENGAL GLITTER SILKY DE LA BAIE PENDING Bali-Bengal Chaplin X Wildcatseyes Dhelia B: Jean-Marie Heusden BORN: 01/27/11 1.6 M O: Jessica De Ridder EN SEAL MARBLED LYNX POINT LOOKMAEWDAO GHAZA SBT 041211 039 BORN: 04/12/11 TGC. Ewing de l'Ile Fantastique/ID X QGC. LookMaewDao Winning Mood B/O: Marc Verbeeren 1.4 F BEST OF DIVISION 2ND BEST OF DIVISION 233 ___1_ EN _232_ _233_ BELGIAN BENGAL SAFARI SHORTHAIR CATS MLD LD KK _Abs_ _Abs_ ( BENGAL continued) POINTED SILVER/SMOKE DIVISION SEAL SILVER MARBLED LYNX POINT SCHANDOR VOM BELLMERIN PENDING BORN: 05/10/11 Carlo Delhauteur Dargenteau X Luna vom Bellmerin B: Karl Palm O: Marie Delhauteur 1.3 M 234 _Abs_ EN BEST OF DIVISION ___-_ ___-_ ___-_ BEST OF BREED 2ND BEST OF BREED 3RD BEST OF BREED _227_ _218_ _215_ _216_ _233_ _227_ _217_ _216_ _227_ THE INTERNATIONAL CAT ASSOCIATION FINALS Club : Be TICACats Club Location: MONS (Flenu) MLD LD KK Congress Congress Congress BG BG BG BEST 61 58 68 2nd 53 74 53 3nd 62 64 62 4th 68 70 69 5th 58 68 58 6th 69 61 71 7th 63 55 55 8th 55 69 70 9th 71 65 54 10th 74 56 61 Cat Count 18 19 19 BEST 227 216 217 2nd 218 233 216 3nd 215 227 227 4th 223 214 223 5th 230 208 230 6th 217 230 209 7th 208 210 214 8th 232 224 204 9th 226 205 213 10th 210 201 221 29 27 29 Initial of Judge AB.LH.SH Kittens Cats Cat Count Date : Sat August 18, 2012 ,/613+8S+0+<3 EXHIBITORS BLISS, Jacky............................................................................................64 DAVENTURE, Blandine.................................................................................58, 71 DAVIDSON, Valerie..................................................................................62, 222 DE RIDDER, Jessica................................................................................205, 232 DE WIT & COPPENS, Bart & Cindy..........................................................217, 218, 227, 228 DELHAUTEUR, Marie......................................................................................234 DEUTSCH, Andrea.........................................................................................63 DEVENEY, Frederique....................................................................................204 DIALLO, Helene.....................................................................................65, 224 DOYEN, Michel...........................................................................................57 DUBOIS, Jean Bernard....................................................................................54 EHRET, Boris...................................................................................68, 69, 216 FAYMONVILLE, Andrea................................................................................66, 208 FOUQUE, Sebastien.................................................................................210, 211 GAVILLET, Christophe & Caroline...................................................................212, 230 GOULTER, Nicky..........................................................................................70 HEUSDEN, Jean-Marie....................................................................................206 KRUSZONA-ZAWADZKA, Agata..........................................................................223, 353 LANNES-PONS, Claire....................................................................................203 MEURISSE, Catherine.....................................................................................73 MOCK, Renate.............................................................................74, 207, 231, 601 MOLL, Nicole............................................................................................72 PATZ, Anja & Andreas..............................................................................214, 215 RAMSAY, Clive & Elaine..................................................................................61 RICHMOND-WATSON, Elizabeth........................................................................201, 351 SCHMIDT, Barbel...........................................................................59, 60, 202, 229 TESSENS & VERBEEREN, Geraldine & Marc..................................................................213 VAN BELLINGHEN, Micheline...............................................................................67 VAN BELZEN, Irene..............................................................53, 209, 219, 220, 221, 352 VERBEEREN, Lorie.......................................................................................226 VERBEEREN, Marc...................................................................................225, 233 WAMPER, Sabine......................................................................................55, 56 SHORTHAIR ALTERS BENGAL TRADITIONAL TABBY DIVISION BROWN SPOTTED TABBY 351 OWLSDENE MR DARCY SBT 111507 029 BORN: 11/15/07 Typhast Meteoros CH. Owlsdene Bailleys on Ice EW B/O: Elizabeth Richmond-Watson 4.9 N QGCA 352 BATIFOLEURS CHICO SBT 060711 008 BORN: 06/07/11 IW. SGC. Batifoleurs Wild Magic Greenmansions Sissel of Batifoleurs EN B/O: Irene van Belzen 1.2 N EW EN TRADITIONAL SILVER/SMOKE DIVISION BLACK SILVER MARBLED TABBY 353 ENUMAELISCH SILVERSURFER OF ILENDRI 1.10 N 353 SBT 092010 032 BORN: 09/20/10 GRCA RW. SGC. Batifoleurs Radja of Enumaelisch Enumaelisch Vanilla Fudge B: Andrea Deutsch EN O: A. Deutsch & A.Krusznova-Zawadzka EN The Belgian Bengal Safari 2012 - Awards & Sponsors 3 BG Adults Congresses Ring 1 - Adult Championship Cats Judge : Mary-Lise de Landsheer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 227 - RAINFOREST TARO MORONGO 218 - LEOPARDCATS IM DEFINATELY WURTHY 215 - BINDI BENGALS ZURI 223 - ILENDRI MINERVA 230 - SILVER DREAM VON PALANDES DU JARDIN 217 - FROM BENGAL HOUSE BILLABONG 208 - BATIFOLEURS BAKARI 232 - CITYBENGAL GLITTER SILKY DE LA BAIE 226 - LOOKMAEWDAO WINNING MOOD 210 - OSIRISBENGAL GREYSTOKE Ring 2 - Adult Championship Cats Judge : Lisa Dickie 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 216 - SPICE SUCETTE A L'ANIS 233 - LOOKMAEWDAO GHAZA 227 - RAINFOREST TARO MORONGO 214 - BINDI BENGALS AYO 208 - BATIFOLEURS BAKARI 230 - SILVER DREAM VON PALANDES DU JARDIN 210 - OSIRISBENGAL GREYSTOKE 224 - SAPHIRS DE LUNE G8 205 - ASTARTE KOTIYA DE LA BAIE DU BENGAL 201 - OWLSDENE LEOPARDO Ring 3 - Adult Championship Cats Judge : Katharina Krenn 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 217 - FROM BENGAL HOUSE BILLABONG 216 - SPICE SUCETTE A L'ANIS 227 - RAINFOREST TARO MORONGO 223 - ILENDRI MINERVA 230 - SILVER DREAM VON PALANDES DU JARDIN 209 - BATIFOLEURS DURANGO 214 - BINDI BENGALS AYO 204 - SUMARUM UNIQUE 213 - EWING DE L'ILE FANTASTIQUE/ID 221 - BATIFOLEURS GHALI Sponsored by Bärbel Schmidt MADURAI Bengals Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Anja & Andreas Patz Agata Krusznova-Zawadzka Christophe & Caroline Gavillet Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Andrea Faymonville Jessica De Ridder Marc & Lorie Verbeeren Sebastien Fouque Anja & Andreas Patz Cattery Al Janna Sponsored by Marc Verbeeren LookMaewDao cattery Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Boris Ehret Marc Verbeeren Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Anja & Andreas Patz Andrea Faymonville Christophe & Caroline Gavillet Sebastien Fouque Helene Diallo Jessica De Ridder Elizabeth Richmond-Watson Sponsored by TICACATS German American Cat Club e.V. Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Boris Ehret Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Agata Krusznova-Zawadzka Christophe & Caroline Gavillet Irene van Belzen Anja & Andreas Patz Frederique Deveney Geraldine Tessens & Marc Verbeeren Irene van Belzen The Belgian Bengal Safari 2012 - Awards & Sponsors 3 BG Kittens Congresses Ring 1 – Kittens Judge : Mary-Lise de Landsheer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 61 - RAINFOREST LASYA LING 53 - BATIFOLEURS JAMILA 62 - RIVERFERN ISABEL 68 - SPICE AMANDINE 58 – H’GULSHAN DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN 69 - SPICE TIMEPIECE OF BIBBLING 63 - SPOTSANDSTRIPES SWEET DIAVOLA 55 - LEOPARDCATS VALENTINO 71 - HAKHAURA DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN 74 - REHBIS AURORA Ring 2 – Kittens Judge : Lisa Dickie 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 58 – H’GULSHAN DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN 74 - REHBIS AURORA 64 - PUREBLISS OBSESSION 70 - OWLSDENE FRANK SINATRA 68 - SPICE AMANDINE 61 - RAINFOREST LASYA LING 55 - LEOPARDCATS VALENTINO 69 - SPICE TIMEPIECE OF BIBBLING 65 - BELLA ABSOLUTELY MILLENIUM 56 - LEOPARDCATS DIWALI Ring 3 – Kittens Judge : Katharina Krenn 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 68 - SPICE AMANDINE 53 - BATIFOLEURS JAMILA 62 - RIVERFERN ISABEL 69 - SPICE TIMEPIECE OF BIBBLING 58 – H’GULSHAN DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN 71 - HAKHAURA DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN 55 - LEOPARDCATS VALENTINO 70 - OWLSDENE FRANK SINATRA 54 - DIPAVALI HECATE 61 - RAINFOREST LASYA LING Sponsored by Anton Rehberger REHBIS cattery Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by C.&E.Ramsay/J.Treesinger Irene Van Belzen Valerie Davidson Boris Ehret Blandine Daventure Babs Brooks Alexandra Jauk & Andrea Deutsch Sabine Wamper Blandine Daventure Renate Mock Sponsored by Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka Ilendri bengal cattery Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Blandine Daventure Renate Mock Jacky Bliss Nicky Goulter Boris Ehret C.&E.Ramsay/J.Treesinger Sabine Wamper Babs Brooks Helen Diallo Sabine Wamper Sponsored by Andrea Faymonville Masaï-mara cattery Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Owned by Boris Ehret Irene Van Belzen Valerie Davidson Babs Brooks Blandine Daventure Blandine Daventure Sabine Wamper Nicky Goulter Jean Bernard Dubois C.&E.Ramsay/J.Treesinger The Belgian Bengal Safari 2012 - Awards & Sponsors Safari 2012 TOP 10 - Overall winners of the 3 congresses Adult Championship Cats Sponsored by Sabine Wamper LEOPARDCATS cattery 1st Best : RAINFOREST TARO MORONGO Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens 2nd Best : SILVER DREAM VON PALANDES DU JARDIN Owned by Christophe & Caroline Gavillet 3rd Best : SPICE SUCETTE A L'ANIS Owned by Boris Ehret 4th Best : FROM BENGAL HOUSE BILLABONG Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens 5th Best : ILENDRI MINERVA Owned by Agata Krusznova-Zawadzka 6th Best : BINDI BENGALS AYO Owned by Anja & Andreas Patz 7th Best : BATIFOLEURS BAKARI Owned by Andrea Faymonville 8th Best : OSIRISBENGAL GREYSTOKE Owned by Sebastien Fouque 9th Best : LEOPARDCATS IM DEFINATELY WURTHY Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens 10th Best : LOOKMAEWDAO GHAZA Owned by Marc Verbeeren Kittens Sponsored by Boris Ehret SPICE cattery 1st Best : SPICE AMANDINE Owned by Boris Ehret 2nd Owned by Blandine Daventure 3rd Best : RAINFOREST LASYA LING Owned by C.&E.Ramsay/J.Treesinger 4th Best : SPICE TIMEPIECE OF BIBBLING Owned by Babs Brooks 5th Best : BATIFOLEURS JAMILA Owned by Irene Van Belzen 6th Best : LEOPARDCATS VALENTINO Owned by Sabine Wamper 7th Best : RIVERFERN ISABEL Owned by Valerie Davidson 8th Best : OWLSDENE FRANK SINATRA Owned by Nicky Goulter 9th Best : REHBIS AURORA Owned by Renate Mock 10th Best : HAKHAURA DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN Owned by Blandine Daventure Best : H’GULSHAN DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN The Belgian Bengal Safari 2012 - Awards & Sponsors Award winners for The Belgian Safari 2012 Best of the Congresses Bengal Adults RAINFOREST TARO MORONGO Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Sponsored by Tessens Géraldine Mahadevishakti cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by Tessens Géraldine Mahadevishakti cattery Sponsored by Irene van Belzen Batifoleurs cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by Tessens Géraldine Mahadevishakti cattery Sponsored by Tessens Géraldine Mahadevishakti cattery Sponsored by Tessens Géraldine Mahadevishakti cattery Best of the Congresses Bengal Adult Male RAINFOREST TARO MORONGO Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Best of the Congresses Bengal Adult Female SPICE SUCETTE A L'ANIS Owned by Boris Ehret Best of the Congresses Bengal Kitten SPICE AMANDINE Owned by Boris Ehret Best of the Congresses Bengal Kitten Male H’GULSHAN DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN Owned by Blandine Daventure Best of the Congresses Bengal Kitten Female SPICE AMANDINE Owned by Boris Ehret President’s choice Best Bengal Adult BATIFOLEURS BAKARI Owned by Andrea Faymonville Best Bengal Kitten SPICE AMANDINE Owned by Boris Ehret Best Bengal Alter OWLSDENE MR DARCY Owned by Elizabeth Richmond-Watson The Belgian Bengal Safari 2012 - Awards & Sponsors Breeder’s Choice Winners Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult 223 - ILENDRI MINERVA Owned by Agata Krusznova-Zawadzka Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by De Wit B. / Coppens C. From Bengal House cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by Irene van Belzen Batifoleurs cattery Sponsored by Irene van Belzen Batifoleurs cattery Sponsored by Marc Verbeeren LookMaewDao cattery Sponsored by Renate Mock Ingale Bengalcattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten 55 - LEOPARDCATS VALENTINO Owned by Sabine Wamper Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Alter 352 - BATIFOLEURS CHICO Owned by Irene Van Belzen Breeder's Chocie Best Adult Male 217 - FROM BENGAL HOUSE BILLABONG Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Breeder's Choice Best Adult Female 216 - SPICE SUCETTE A L'ANIS Owned by Boris Ehret Breeder's Choice Best Kitten Male 55 - LEOPARDCATS VALENTINO Owned by Sabine Wamper Breeder's Choice Best Kitten Female 68 - SPICE AMANDINE Owned by Boris Ehret Breeder's Choice Best Spotted Bengal Adult 217 - FROM BENGAL HOUSE BILLABONG Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Breeder's Choice Best Spotted Bengal Kitten 68 - SPICE AMANDINE Owned by Boris Ehret Breeder's Choice Best Marble Bengal Adult 227 - RAINFOREST TARO MORONGO Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Breeder's Choice Best Marble Bengal Kitten 70 - OWLSDENE FRANK SINATRA Owned by Nicky Goulter Breeder's Choice Best "Snow" Bengal Adult 233 - LOOKMAEWDAO GHAZA Owned by Marc Verbeeren The Belgian Bengal Safari 2012 - Awards & Sponsors Breeder's Choice Best "Snow" Bengal Kitten 74 - REHBIS AURORA Owned by Renate Mock Sponsored by Renate Mock Ingale Bengalcattery Sponsored by Renate Mock Ingale Bengalcattery Sponsored by Cissy van Sas Spotselotica Bengals Sponsored by Sabine Wamper LEOPARDCATS cattery Sponsored by Boris Ehret SPICE cattery Breeder's Choice Best Silver Bengal Adult 230 - SILVER DREAM VON PALANDES DU JARDIN Owned by Christophe & Caroline Gavillet Breeder's Choice Best Silver Bengal Kitten 74 - REHBIS AURORA Owned by Renate Mock Breeder's Choice Wildest Looking Bengal Adult 217 - FROM BENGAL HOUSE BILLABONG Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Breeder's Choice Wildest Looking Bengal Kitten 53 - BATIFOLEURS JAMILA Owned by Irene Van Belzen The Belgian Bengal Safari 2012 - Awards & Sponsors Breeder’s Choice "Pieces" Winners Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult Head 216 - SPICE SUCETTE A L'ANIS Owned by Boris Ehret Sponsored by Sabine Wamper LEOPARDCATS cattery Sponsored by Boris Ehret SPICE cattery Sponsored by Valerie Davidson Riverfern cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by Valerie Davidson Riverfern cattery Sponsored by Phillipa Holmes Noracoon cattery Sponsored by Ivonne van Dreumel Bengalivo cattery Sponsored by Ivonne van Dreumel Bengalivo cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by De Wit B. / Coppens C. From Bengal House cattery Sponsored by Sabine Wamper LEOPARDCATS cattery Sponsored by Boris Ehret SPICE cattery Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten Head 53 - BATIFOLEURS JAMILA Owned by Irene Van Belzen Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult Profile (only) 217 - FROM BENGAL HOUSE BILLABONG Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten Profile (only) 63 - SPOTSANDSTRIPES SWEET DIAVOLA Owned by Alexandra Jauk & Andrea Deutsch Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult Whited Tummy 223 - ILENDRI MINERVA Owned by Agata Krusznova-Zawadzka Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten Whited Tummy 62 - RIVERFERN ISABEL Owned by Valerie Davidson Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult Rosettes 214 - BINDI BENGALS AYO Owned by Anja & Andreas Patz Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten Rosettes 68 - SPICE AMANDINE Owned by Boris Ehret Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult Eyes 227 - RAINFOREST TARO MORONGO Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten Eyes 53 - BATIFOLEURS JAMILA Owned by Irene Van Belzen Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult Ears 201 - OWLSDENE LEOPARDO Owned by Elizabeth Richmond-Watson Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten Ears 55 - LEOPARDCATS VALENTINO Owned by Sabine Wamper The Belgian Bengal Safari 2012 - Awards & Sponsors Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult Tail Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by De Wit B. / Coppens C. From Bengal House cattery Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Sponsored by De Wit B. / Coppens C. From Bengal House cattery 55 - LEOPARDCATS VALENTINO Owned by Sabine Wamper Sponsored by Clive & Elaine Ramsay Poeticpaws cattery Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult Purrsonality Sponsored by 209 - BATIFOLEURS DURANGO Owned by Irene Van Belzen Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten Tail 66 - MASAI MARA HOCUS POCUS Owned by Andrea Faymonville Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult Whisker Pads 228 - CHITTAGONG KISS ON THE LIPS Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten Whisker Pads 55 - LEOPARDCATS VALENTINO Owned by Sabine Wamper Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Adult Body 208 - BATIFOLEURS BAKARI Owned by Andrea Faymonville Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten Body 218 - LEOPARDCATS IM DEFINATELY WURTHY Owned by Bart de Wit & Cindy Coppens Breeder's Choice Best Bengal Kitten Purrsonality 70 - OWLSDENE FRANK SINATRA Owned by Nicky Goulter Sponsored by Sabine Wamper LEOPARDCATS cattery Boris Ehret SPICE cattery The Belgian Bengal Safari 2012 - Awards & Sponsors Traditional judgment - Speciale BENGALS 1st Best Bengal – Ex 1 - BIS 3-6 M - BOB H’GULSHAN DE LA MER D'ANDAMAN Owned by Blandine Daventure Sponsored by Renate Mock Ingale Bengalcattery Sponsored by Renate Mock Ingale Bengalcattery Sponsored by Renate Mock Ingale Bengalcattery Sponsored by Marc Verbeeren LookMaewDao cattery Sponsored by Marc Verbeeren LookMaewDao cattery 2nd Best Bengal - Ex 1 - BIS 6-9 M PUREBLISS OBSESSION Owned by Jacky Bliss 3rd Best Bengal - CAC - BIS Femelles Adultes WILDCATSEYES FAYE DUNAWAY Owned by Laetitia Sanchez Judge : Phillipa Holmes 4th Best Bengal - CAGCI - BIS Males Adultes CITYBENGAL GLITTER SILKY DE LA BAIE DU BENGAL Owned by Jessica De Ridder 5th Best Bengal - Ex 1 - BIS 3-6 F REHBIS AURORA Owned by Renate Mock Our Partners - Nos Partenaires ProPlan Site Web: Flamingo Site Web: Safe4 Site Web: VIYO Site Web: DENKAKAT Site Web: éQuilibre & instinct Site Web:
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