Campaign Plan for EnShared


Campaign Plan for EnShared
Executive Summary
Within this report you will find a campaign plan, which is based on the research report that
was conducted during 07/09/15 – 10/11/15. The concept of this report is to provide
information and evidence to a particular methodology and strategy for the company EnShared
to adopt in order to increase brand awareness. The report focuses on the improvement of their
online presence and social media targeting strategy. EnShared is a relatively small, family
company, which only employs 6 individuals. As it stands, currently they target VVEs in the
North of The Netherlands, which is why the company would like to expand their marketing
possibilities to intern, hopefully increase revenue and profit.
The main ideas proposed in this report are to increase their online presence is the expansion
of their LinkedIn Profile and other social media channels. They will continue targeting VVE
managers in the North of The Netherlands, but at the same time increase their expansion to
managers who are based in other areas of The Netherlands. As it stands, this expansion plan
is only focused on The Netherlands, yet there is scope to approach areas that are farther afield
such as other European countries.
This report contains details about the advertising strategy, creative and media strategy,
campaign analysis, implementations and specific budgeting analysis which will be used
throughout the campaign plan on behalf of EnShared.
Table of Content
CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION _________________________________________________________________________________4
CHAPTER 2 - TARGET AUDIENCE _____________________________________________________________________________5
2.1. TARGET GROUP ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 5
2.2 RELEVANT BEHAVIOUR _______________________________________________________________________________________ 6
CHAPTER 3 - OBJECTIVES ______________________________________________________________________________________7
3.1 THE COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES _____________________________________________________________________________ 7
3.2 CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES ________________________________________________________________________________________ 7
3.3 MESSAGE STRATEGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7
CHAPTER 4 – MESSAGE AND MEDIA STRATEGY _____________________________________________________________9
4.1 CREATIVE IDEA AND APPROACH________________________________________________________________________________ 9
4.1.1 Appeal _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9
4.1.2 Clarity __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9
4.1.3 Directness ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 9
4.1.4 Credibility______________________________________________________________________________________________ 9
4.1.5 Transparency ________________________________________________________________________________________ 10
4.2 MEDIUM ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10
4.3 CATCHY CREATIVE IDEA _____________________________________________________________________________________ 11
4.4 CREATIVE IDEA _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 11
4.5 MECHANISMS/APPEALS_____________________________________________________________________________________ 12
4.6 MEDIA _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12
4.6.1 Paid media ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 12
4.6.2 Earned media ________________________________________________________________________________________ 13
4.6.3 Owned media ________________________________________________________________________________________ 13
4.6.4 Shared Media ________________________________________________________________________________________ 14
4.7 FREQUENCY ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15
4.8 CAMPAIGN DURATION _______________________________________________________________________________________ 16
4.7.1 Motivation ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 17
CHAPTER 5 – IMPLEMENTATION ___________________________________________________________________________ 18
5.1 PRODUCT EVALUATION______________________________________________________________________________________ 18
5.2 PROCESS EVALUATION ______________________________________________________________________________________ 19
CHAPTER 6 - EVALUATION___________________________________________________________________________________ 20
6.1 BUDGET ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20
6.1.1 Overview of the campaign costs _____________________________________________________________________ 20
CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION ____________________________________________________________________________________ 22
REFERENCE LIST ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 23
8. APPENDIX ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26
8.1 APPENDIX 1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26
8.2 APPENDIX 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27
8.3 APPENDIX 3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 28
8.4 APPENDIX 4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29
Chapter 1 - Introduction
‘‘Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel
This quote by Joe Chernov emphasizes the importance of having a customer-driven
marketing campaign. The customers should get the idea that they made the best decision by
choosing this brand. The following campaign plan fits this way of thinking.
Based on the research report, which was carried out approximately two months ago, this
campaign plan has been created for the client – EnShared. EnShared is a young company,
which is not able to rely on the reputation of other companies. This means that the
organisation has to start from the beginning when it comes to creating their brand image.
Therefore, the problem – low brand awareness – has been clarified and the communication
goal has been established.
The main campaign goal is to raise awareness amongst VVEs in the North of The
Netherlands, aspect which might result in an increase of their client base. The obstacle is the
audience’s thought about sustainability being too expensive. The previous report showed that
by highlighting the financial benefits, being transparent and trustworthy is crucial when
targeting the attention of potential clients. In order to gain these clients, the aim is to make at
least 30% of the VVE managers in the Northern parts of The Netherlands (Groningen,
Friesland and Drenthe) hear about EnShared by the end of the campaign in July 2016. With
the right communication approach, the expectation is that 5% of the total of 30% will contact
EnShared to ask for more information regarding their services. With these goals set in the
given timetable of this campaign plan, EnShared will benefit from a good start on the market.
In the following report, the campaign will be explained in depth. The first chapter contains
information about the target audience and its behavior. Furthermore, the second section will
elaborate on the objectives of the campaign and message. The advertising strategy and the
creative and media strategies will be presented in the fourth chapter. Lastly, chapters five and
six focus on the campaign evaluation and the implementation and budget plans.
Chapter 2 - Target Audience
2.1. Target Group
The main target groups of the campaign are VVE managers who live in the Northern
Netherlands. These managers are expected to be people with a strong educational
background. It is assumed that the age range is broad, thus, the campaign has to be created in
a manner that is understandable for everyone.
From the interview conducted with a VVE Manager in Amsterdam, Mr. Aydogan, it has been
concluded that there is a lack of information provided towards the VVE’s managers and
owners about sustainable energy. Of course there is already existent background knowledge;
however, Mr. Aydogan suggested that this area can benefit from a knowledge platform where
information about renewable energy solutions can be offered.
Moreover, these VVE managers inform themselves through platforms such as LinkedIn.
Thus, they can use this as a platform to gather information about energy saving possibilities
that could be implemented into their own personal VVEs.
The aim of the campaign is to increase the brand awareness of EnShared and their online
presence. They should also promote regular deals, information and new technological
advancements online. There is a whole range of VVE managers and professionals who are
using online platforms to communicate with others within the industry. These managers must
be aware of the online information available to them, which could potentially increase the
client base of EnShared.
2.2 Relevant Behaviour
The target group of this awareness campaign is VVE managers (VVE Beheerders) in the
North of The Netherlands. VVE managers are individuals working in a VVE management
firm overseeing administrative duties and financial responsibilities. As VVE managers are
responsible to make financially sound decisions, sustainable behaviour is sometimes
suppressed. However, as learned from the interview with the VVE manager, sustainability is
an anticipated topic amongst VVE managers. Their belief is that being sustainable is
expensive, thus the campaign will be constructed around this thought in order to overcome
this existing barrier.
The campaign is social-media oriented, which will use a professional online social platform
to present ideas. This will provide an opportunity to share information and directly transfer
readers to EnShared’s personal online platform.
The communication platform of choice is LinkedIn for many VVE managers. The
networking platform is used for professional networking and communication needs and
personal branding. (Arruda, 2014) Therefore, the focus will be on creating a LinkedIn page
which suits the expectations of the VVE management firms.
The technique used to convince the target audience to use LinkedIn is called Interpersonal
Communication, which entails motivating and stimulating the target group to discuss with
each other about the subject – sustainability in VVEs.
Furthermore there is an exchange between the VVE managers. The VVE Beurs in
Amsterdam is an example of communication and exchange between VVE managers,
members and influencers. The annual congress is the main event for VEE managers in the
Netherlands. (VVE Beurs Amsterdam, 2015)
In addition, besides the channels mentioned above, because it is believed that the target group
has a high educational background, ads in the local newspapers might be a good idea to reach
the audience. These articles can be informative; the emphasis will be put on how important it
is to switch to renewable energy solutions. An example of an ad can be found in appendix
number four.
Chapter 3 - Objectives
3.1 The communication objectives
The media objectives are a draft of what the media plan is anticipated to achieve; the media
selection will be mentioned in Chapter 4.
The communication objective is to reach the VVE managers through various media channels
and persuade them into making use of EnShared’s services by explaining how important it is
to switch to sustainable energy; the emphasis is on the long-term financial advantages.
Before making a media plan, it has to be determined which factor is more important for the
advertising objectives as there is trade-off between reach and frequency. In this case, the aim
is to increase awareness, regional coverage being of high importance. That is why the
campaign concentrates on reach. Likewise, if you want to attract new clients, you need to
give priority to reach. Focusing on frequency is to be considered when a company wants to
hold current users in markets or convince the target group that their brand is better than the
3.2 Campaign objectives
By the end of July 2016 at least 5% of all the VVE managements in the North of The
Netherlands should contact EnShared for more information about their services.
3.3 Message strategy
The message strategy is concentrated around presenting and promoting EnShared in the
market as an organisation to the VVE managers in the North of The Netherlands; the aim is
to increase its brand awareness. Both pathos (emotional) and logos (rational) approaches have
to be jointed in a manner which will convince the VVE managers and members to make use
of EnShared’s services.
In the emotional approach, the message focuses on showing that EnShared is a family
business; aspect which gives transparency, a characteristic that VVE’s managers look for
before investing in an energy-savings company. Moreover, personalisation is another quality
that EnShared, father-and-son business, can offer. By being a relatively small company, it can
easily adapt to the needs and wants of any client.
Regarding the rational approach, an argument is that the VVE firms should make a change
and start adopting renewable energy solutions. EnShared will be introduced as the company
specialised in this particular energy sector that can assist and help in the process of becoming
sustainable by offering advice on switching to renewable energy.
The financial benefits of being sustainable will be highlighted. The message is based on the
idea that being sustainable does not necessarily have to be expensive. As maintaining a
balance between becoming sustainable and managing funds responsibly is the VVE
managers’ main issue (conclusion from the interview with Mr. Aydogan), showing the target
group that the long-term investment in EnShared will bring various advantages is essential.
Chapter 4 – Message and Media Strategy
4.1 Creative idea and approach
The message should display five characteristics (appeal, clarity, directness, credibility, and
transparency) which make it easier for the human memory to encode it.
4.1.1 Appeal
Appeal is a way to draw people’s attention towards a message, usually by making it
attractive, entertaining, and emotional. The target audience is expected to pay attention to
things that appeal to them. By making use of the vivid colours: green, blue and white, using
attractive images and catchy headlines will let the target group be drawn to the campaign.
4.1.2 Clarity
Clarity is about differentiating the core message from the background noise and the pointless
things that might distort the message. The core message is the objective of the campaign
which can be transferred through media channels in a simple and logical story. In this
campaign, the message is kept concise; being sustainable does not necessarily have to be
expensive. Having a clear message makes the target audience understand and remember
EnShared better.
4.1.3 Directness
Directness is about being specific, the target audience is more likely to understand explicit
rather than implicit message, especially in a country like The Netherlands where directness is
considered a virtue. This campaign gives clear information and facts; this will not confuse the
readers about what EnShared stands for.
4.1.4 Credibility
Credibility is the reality that makes a message convincing. When people share their
experience about the service or the concept promoted. The emotional appeal focuses on
EnShared being a family business. Roel stands for innovation, while his father Thijs stands
for knowledge, because he is the one who has more experience in the business field.
4.1.5 Transparency
Transparency is about trustworthiness and honesty, which means that the messages should
not transfer or mention parts, which are not included in the service; additionally, the
campaign message should contain realistic promises. Transparency is a highly appreciated
value for the target audience, this was one of the main finding in the previous report. The
campaign gives all the provided services of EnShared and then the target audience can decide
if they would be interested in more information. The campaign refers to the website for more
4.2 Medium
Since the target group is defined, it is time to think about how to reach the target group and
bring the message across.
The budget and the target audience will have the most important impact on the chosen media
channels; with rapidly changing technology, there are many ways to connect with a public or
target audience, therefore the main channels used would be as follows:
If you want to effectively interact with the professional community and their decision makers,
influencing their behaviour, then LinkedIn is the most recommended template. It is the most
complete presentation about the organisation and its services.
In order to raise brand awareness for your company’s image, LinkedIn is the perfect
environment to influence your audience.
Every communication that comes out of your campaign, whether it is a post, video, direct
mail, press release it should always focus on the main message of your campaign. (Forbes,
4.3 Catchy creative idea
When thinking about a creative campaign, it is important that the idea is catchy. The goal of
this campaign is to raise awareness for EnShared. When the target group sees the campaign,
it should stand out from other campaigns and make it memorable. VVE managements have
many advice companies to choose from, which is why the campaign should create a special
and memorable place in the target groups’ mind.
The campaign is focused on financial benefits, personalisation and transparency. This makes
EnShared differentiate themselves from bigger and mass energy-advice companies, for
example: VVE Belang.
The campaign is catchy because of the use of visuals, for example; a brochure, an infographic
and a newspaper ad. Seeing visuals is more memorable than just seeing text, and moreover it
is easier to understand. Examples of a brochure and an infographic can be found in the
appendix chapter under numbers two and three.
4.4 Creative idea
The goal of this marketing campaign is to increase EnShared’s brand awareness and convince
VVE owners and managers to make use of EnShared’s services of switching to renewable
energy. Research shows (Marrs, 2015) that by making use of creative techniques such as an
infographic will raise the chances of brand building. It is important to generate valuable
content and visuals in order to make a lasting impression. As mentioned, visuals help in
giving a better understanding, compared to only reading an informational text.
The infographic created for this campaign can be found in the appendix chapter under
number two.
Additionally to the infographic, a brochure will be created so as to give extra information in
regards to the story used in the illustration. The motivation for using a brochure is because
this is the most distributed marketing material; through this mean, a direction will be given to
the target audience, leading to the call to action technique. (PsPrint, 2015) The last mentioned
technique involves offering the target group the necessary tips and signs for lending the trust
that the desired behaviour can be displayed by them as well. It is planned that the brochures
will be distributed in the VVE Beurs, where VVE firms are present. Furthermore, the
brochure created for this campaign can be found in the appendix chapter number three.
4.5 Mechanisms/Appeals
In this awareness campaign for EnShared, different communication appeals will be used to
convey a strong and coherent message. As mentioned before, the campaign will highlight the
financial long-term benefit for clients and the emotional appeals. The technique used here is
called “Knowledge Transfer”, through which we are strongly emphasising the financial
advantages of the desired behaviour.
Rational appeals will include “favourable pricing appeals” and “competitive advantage
appeals”. EnShared has a unique selling point that will be highlighted. Following the research
pricing is very important for the target group.
Emotional appeals relating to the target groups’ social and psychological needs will be
emphasized to create feelings and emotions in relation to EnShared. Emotional appeals will
take the form of marketing EnShared as a transparent and trustworthy family business. A
combination of both rational and emotional appeals is most likely to succeed in evoking the
desired reaction in VVE managers in the Northern Netherlands. (Monger, 2012)
4.6 Media
A very important part of the campaign will be the media usage, which media channels will be
chosen and why. That is what will be explained in the following part. To keep a good
overview, the media is divided into four categories: paid media, earned media, owned media
and shared media.
4.6.1 Paid media
“Often thought of as ‘traditional’ online advertising through display ads, pay per click search
ads and sponsorships.”
Paid media will play a large role in the start of the campaign. Brand awareness needs to be
increased and by using paid media in a smart way, a large portion of the target market can be
1. VVE Magazines: Using advertisement in several different magazines that are created
especially for the VVE’s will be vital. These magazines are made for VVE’s and are
there for a direct communication with the target audience. (VVE Belang, 2015).
(Nederland VVE, 2015) (Appartementen Eigenaar, 2015) (Eigen Huis, 2015)
2. VVE fairs: In the year 2016, there are four VVE fairs in The Netherlands. They will
be held in Utrecht, Den Haag, Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Even though these events
are not held in the northern parts of The Netherlands, it is important to be present.
During these events, companies of all over the country will be present to share ideas
and to help each other. This offers a great opportunity for EnShared to raise
awareness and show their brand image. (business-haaglanden, 2015)
3. Advertisement: Advertising in the newspaper ‘Dagblad van het Noorden’ is a good
way to increase the awareness in the Northern part of The Netherlands. This
newspaper has a special business section called ‘Ondernemen in her Noorden’ this is
a good section to place and advert about EnShared. The newspaper is mainly
distributed in the three provinces of the top, Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe.
(DvhN, 2015)
4.6.2 Earned media
“The result of public and media relations efforts to gain coverage in publications – on and
In the beginning of the campaign, the focus will be on the paid media. This will help the
company to gain the earned media. This can be done by inviting a newspaper to the VVE fair
and ask if they would like to interview EnShared. The earned media can be used to enforce
the owned and shared media. For example, if the company is interviewed or if someone wrote
an article about the company, it can be shared on social media or mentioned in a section on
the company’s website.
4.6.3 Owned media
“Media, content and assets that the brand controls, like websites, blogs, newsletters and brand
social media accounts.”
EnShared has a new website, which is fundamental to be kept up-to-date: keep updating the
content. This content can be information about what EnShared is doing and where, but also
articles about the field in which they are operating. Everything related to the company and the
work which they are undertaking. This will keep the webpage interesting for the target
audience. (Enshared, 2015)
4.6.4 Shared Media
“Brand social web participation and interaction with consumers on content on sites like
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube that results in content is “shared media” since it’s a results of a
shared interaction”
The shared media is very important. These days, every company is expected to have an
account on different social media pages. It is important to keep an eye on what media is being
used. The following four types of social media are recommended:
LinkedIn is a great way to present your company to the outside world, to maintain
your clients’ network and to gain new clients. LinkedIn can be used for several
different goals but these three mentioned are the most important for EnShared in the
beginning phase of the campaign. From all the social media pages, using LinkedIn
should be the foundation. During the research, it has been concluded that LinkedIn is
often used by the target group. Making sure that the content used on the page will be
interesting for you audience is important. In addition, this platform can be linked to
the official webpage of EnShared. (Kievman, 2015)
2. Facebook is somewhat similar to LinkedIn but less professional. The media is very
popular and therefore essential to have. Various interaction options can be used to
keep the audience connected to your page. (NWO Innovation, 2015) (Grosocial,
3. Twitter is also frequently used in the business field. Showing what you are doing, for
example tweeting about the current projects EnShared is working on; this can be done
in a less official way. (Ask Aaron Lee, 2015) (Business Twitter, 2015)
4. YouTube: This is a great media to use for promotion; having your own channel and
making videos about the projects EnShared is working on can be more interesting
than showing it by using text. (We Are Grow, 2015) (American Express, 2015)
4.7 Frequency
The Social Media Calendar embodies when and where EnShared should post on their media
EnShared has a variety of different online channels. They include Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn and their official website. However, the pages are relatively new, and include little
Before setting a social media calendar for EnShared, their current online communication has
to be analysed. This company is already present on LinkedIn; however the number of
followers, as well as posts and overall information on the profile is missing. Using tools such
as Coosto, the social media radar, will likely not be available for such low media content.
EnShared should aim to increase its current online strategy, especially on the LinkedIn
platform, as this is the most important and relevant channel of which the VVE managers
make use of. Having in mind the VVE members/owners, it is recommended to use other
social channels such as Facebook and Twitter, where people other than the VVE managers
can check EnShared’s activity, as well as share reviews.
Lastly, the official website limits the number of visitors as it is only displayed in Dutch. The
Netherlands has inhabitants of different nationalities such as German and English-speaking
residents; they represent a broad potential market, hence this aspect should be taken into
4.8 Campaign duration
The concept behind having campaign duration is to easily establish when it should start and
when it should end. By having these details, the campaign organisers can asses when their
specific target should be completed. The duration of the campaign has been meticulously
organised to yield the best results in the time allocated. It has also been selected on these days
to enable the campaign to produce a sufficient enough build up prior to the event by making
the campaign release date known.
The following illustration is a timeline showing the steps leading up to the official launch of
the campaign.
4.7.1 Motivation
The campaign plan will stem from the 1/11/15 to 01/02/16. As you can see in the flow chart
above, it will take three months from meeting the client to officially launching EnShared’s
campaign which has been developed. Before the campaign is launched it will undergo several
phases to aid upon its completion. It is fundamental that the deadlines are followed as any
missed deadlines will cause a back log and could breach the launch date. It is also important
that the feedback given by the client is followed and relevant areas are corrected. This is due
to the fact the campaign is representing his company and it is important the campaign launch
targets his needs.
Chapter 5 – Implementation
5.1 Product evaluation
Marketing campaigns have to be measured pre and post launching the campaign because it is
vital to measure the success so as to establish whether the initial goals were met, and if not,
which areas need improvement. (InspiRational, 2014)
To evaluate an awareness campaign, two tests need to be administered. Firstly, there needs to
be a pre-implementation measure to identify conditions before the campaign has started. At
the current stage, EnShared is not active on social media. The awareness is close to nonexistent. Furthermore the services offered by EnShared are in the early introduction stage and
therefore not well-known amongst the VVE managers. (Know This, 2015)
Regarding this phase, a qualitative survey can be used so as to get thorough information
about the perception on the message carried before launching the campaign. A focus group is
an easy and accessible option to analyse the components and form used in the content, and
the match between the campaign and service. (Multi Focus, 2015) This measurement will
help in deciding the content, types of messages and channels that are necessary for reaching
and communicating with the target audience.
Secondly, a post-implementation measure has to be executed in order to see if the campaign
has affected the target audience in a positive manner, in this case, to increase brand
awareness amongst VVE managers in the Northern Netherlands.
The campaign has been launched for a period of six months and in this stage, a quantitative
approach can be used in order to measure the efficiency of the campaign’s call to action, as
well as likes and dislikes, appeal and impact on the purchase intention.
The LinkedIn page offers a statistic analysis and shows the amount of visitors on the page.
The number of people who share, post, or like posts on EnShared’s official page will also be
shown in this statistical overview. Moreover, this can be realised on other social platforms
such as Facebook and Twitter.
The post-evaluation test can also indicate how many VVEs have changed their behaviour at
the end of the campaign, compared to the total number from before the launching period.
Thus, it will specify the increase of customers.
5.2 Process evaluation
In order to ensure marketing success, it is of high importance to regularly monitor and
analyse the performance of the campaign. By this, an analysis of the target audience’s
reaction can be done; repairing or tweaking the strategies is possible. In addition, you can see
whether the budget allocated for the marketing campaign is leading to a loss or to profit.
(Pronto Marketing, 2015)
For the official website of EnShared, a landing page can be used in order to track the number
of visitors. Example of landing page: (Optimizely, 2015)
For social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter, the Coosto tool can be used for
monitoring media content and reviews. (Coosto, 2015)
Chapter 6 - Evaluation
6.1 Budget
6.1.1 Overview of the campaign costs
Companies can save money in the short run if they reduce the communication funds.
However, the communication budget is of high importance for communication effectiveness
and sales purposes.
The following table illustrates the costs of the marketing campaign for EnShared. The costs
consist of booking a booth for all VVE fairs in 2016, printing costs and advertising on social
media and in the regional paper in the Northern Netherlands. Furthermore the budget includes
costs for hiring a social media manager looking after the accounts of EnShared. All costs are
calculated monthly for the six month period of the campaign. The total campaign costs will
amount to €16,215.
The budget is kept down as much as possible while still ensuring a far enough reach of VVE
members and managers in particular.
To calculate the efficiency of the campaign Return on Investment was considered. Return on
Investment is calculated using the following formula:
If EnShared is able to attract 20 new VVEs and charge €3000 for energy advice the Gain
from Investment is €6, 0000. In that case the Return on Investment is (60.000-16.215)/
16.215 =2, 7.
However, since the campaign is a marketing awareness campaign, gain should be measured
in leads and clicks according to Campaign Analytics. A marketing analytics platform such as
Tapanalytics can be used to measure the reach of the marketing campaign, including clicks
and online leads. (Oracle, 2016)
Social Media
VVE fairs
Chapter 7 Conclusion
The goal of the campaign derives around the idea to create brand awareness of EnShared. To
be more precise, the goal is that 5% of the 30% of VVE’s In the Northern part of The
Netherlands contacts EnShared. Due to the fact the company is “new” to the market; growth
inspires market share and brand awareness. This percentage is a realistic goal for EnShared.
Online media is a way in which this goal can be achieved. Increasing activity on social media
platforms and the constant use of their website are powerful tools which can increase brand
awareness. Other methods such as, posting articles on their website related to the field and
sharing these on the social media platforms can also improve the situation. If they fill their
online media pages with interesting information sources, subsequently it should greatly help
the brand awareness while making EnShared perceived as credible for the fact of paying
attention to their surroundings. The platform LinkedIn will play an important role in the
campaign. During the research of the target audience, one of the conclusions was that that
LinkedIn is an important medium for the VVE managers.
From that, the conclusion can be drawn that the target audience uses this medium as one of
the main information sources. Next to the online media the offline media is very important as
well. The Company should present itself with a stand on the three VVE fairs in The
Netherlands: showing themselves and informing the VVE managers about the company and
its specific services. By creating brochures, it gives the opportunity for potential clients to
“take away” information to ponder their decisions regarding potential allegiances with
EnShared. Through research, it is apparent that there is a large possibility that the clients will
contact them after receiving brochures like these.
The whole goal of the campaign is to make every medium that is suggested and which in turn
can be used to enforce the other ones. Combining the online media with the offline media
will generate a larger reach, which hopefully leads to higher success with brand awareness.
Once the company has a list with past clients the ball starts to roll, after that the VVE
managers will talk more amongst themselves creating word to mouth marketing.
Reference List
American Express. (2015, December). Why you should use Youtube for marketing. Retrieved from
Ask Aaron Lee. (2015, December). 10 reasons why your business should use Twitter. Retrieved from
business-haaglanden. (2015, December). VVE Beurzen 2016 in aantocht . Retrieved from
Coosto. (2015, December). Home. Retrieved from
DvhN. (2015, December). Adverteren bij Dagblad van het Noorden. Retrieved from
Facebook. (2015, December). Creation. Retrieved from
(2015, December). How to Get Your Message Across. Retrieved from
Irtechagency (2014, April). Why Marketers need Pre & Post-Campaign Analysis. Retrieved from
Kievman, N. (2015, December). 11 Reasons You Should Use LinkedIn For Your Business. Retrieved
This. (2015, December). Managing the advertising campaign. Retrieved from
LinkedIn. (2015, December). Home. Retrieved from
M. (2015, July 10). Brand Awareness. Retrieved from
Monger, B. (2012, February). Advertising Creative Implementation. Retrieved from
Nederland VVE. (2015, December). Adverteren en samenwerken.
NWO Innovation. (2015, December). Why use Facebook for business. Retrieved from
Optimizely. (2015, December). Free Trial. Retrieved from
Oracle (2016,
Pronto Marketing. (2015, February 10). Why marketing campaign monitoring and analysis is
PsPrint. (2015, December). Brochure Marketing Strategies. Retrieved from
Twitter. (2015, December). Home. Retrieved from
Beurs Haaglanden. (2015, December). Informatie Pakket. Retrieved from
We Are Grow. (2015, December). 8 massive benefits of using YouTube for business. Retrieved from
8. Appendix
8.1 Appendix 1
Advertising via:
VvE Beurs
From $0 - $5000,- Tweets will be highlighted and will appear in others’
per month
You only have to pay when people start following
you, liking, re-tweeting, favourite or click on your
You can stop whenever you want (Twitter, 2015)
From 1,- per day = You can choose your own catchment area, age and
350 - 920 people on gender of the target group.
You can have a start and end date of your campaign.
(this is on an average Minimum campaign / post duration = 24 hours.
of 7 days)
Follow the activity via understandable analytics.
(Facebook, 2015)
Pakket = 1345,- (incl. Several ‘ Beurzen’ throughout the entire
stand of 6m2, lunch Netherlands.
+ dinner and drinks There is a free entrance for visitors. (VVE Beurs
for two people, Haaglanden, 2015)
standing table, two
bar stools)
One-time application
fee of 175,Total: 1520,- euro
or Around 500,- for a VvE Belang has 10.000 readers
regional newspaper, VvE Magazines often release monthly
around 1500,- for a Dagblad van het Noorden has 427.000 readers
national newspaper
(Advertentie Groothandel, 2015) (DvhN, 2015)
between LinkedIn ads can be stopped at any time
Cost-per-Click (pay Follow the activity via understandable analytics
for every click on (LinkedIn, 2015)
your ad or Cost-perMille (pay after every
1000 ad views)
8.2 Appendix 2
8.3 Appendix 3
8.4 Appendix 4
Newspaper ad