protocol 05-06-09


protocol 05-06-09
Resume & Protocol: 2nd TRUNPAmeeting
World Environmental Day 2009
05. June 2009
dedication to the Andalusian herdsman
Frasquito Luqa, Güejar Sierra (* 1925, 02-2009)
Teilnehmer – participants:
Gert Bauschmann
Erich Rhöse
Evelyn Mathias
Patrick Mayer-Glitzer
Hubertus Beckmann
Lenka Navrátilová
Fernándo García-Dory
Vogelschutzwarte Hessen, Rheinland Pfalz, Saarland
[email protected]
Berufsschäfer aus Limburg, [email protected]
Verein für Hirtenvölker e.V, [email protected]
Landwirtschaft & Kunst
[email protected]
[email protected]
Area Viva, Praha
[email protected]
Ned Miller
Director of the herderschool Los Picos, Asturia, Spain
[email protected]
spokesman of VDL-Committee Professional Sheepherders
[email protected]
EuroNatur – Naturschutz in Europa, Bonn
[email protected]
2 spokeswoman of VDL-Committee Professional Sheepherders
[email protected]
National Sheep Association - Development Officer for Scotland
[email protected]
Sheepherder, NSA, Scottland, [email protected]
Alistair Macinthosh
Sheepherder, NSA, Scottland, [email protected]
Veronika Nowak
Österreichischer Bundesverband für Schafe und Ziegen (general director)
[email protected]
Österreichischer Bundesverband für Schafe und Ziegen
hö[email protected]
[email protected]
Günther Czerkus
Claudia Weiß
Sabine Rosenberger
George Milne
Georg Höllbacher
Werner Freigang
First of all I want to say
thank you to the Frankfurter Vogelwarte and her marvelous members
for accommodating our meeting and to support our initiative in such a convinced manner.
Scientific Project Content:
Regarding to the following themes it has been asked for a scientific analysis:
(comparing with agricultural production and forest)
the efficiency of extensive used rangeland as
Carbondioxid sink
Biodiversity reserve
Sheep grazing increases biodiversity
Sheep grazing improves ecosystem stability (in the Alps)
Buissiness Economical analysis:
costs of maintaining a sheep flock (economical calculations as basis for subventions)
macro-economical calculation of biodiversity, ecosystem servicers and stability
Diversification of the herders-profession:
Affiliated projects with own skilled experts like
o Tourism
o Working with handicapted people / children
o Children groups
o Vindicating projects
o ….
Teaching in vocational training
Natural and environmental guidance
Botanical analysis
Optional landscape-effects of the re-introduction of transhumant drover roads
Impacts of extensive used rangelands on biodiversity
Persistence and phenotipical variability of plant species after challenging rangeland use
Rangeland ecosystems and society
Rangeland ecosystems and tourism
Landscape management and transhumance
Different proposals of project funding have been discussed
Youth in Action programme:
Leader Plus Group
Euregio: germand grassland area (Antragsende wie bei Interreg in 2006 für Programme
bis 2013 ?)
DBU – Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt: main focus education ( => politics)
industry, foundation, administrations, ministries
Organizing the Project:
Project planning has to be started.
A central steering committee designs a general draft consisting of
a drover road-map (a prior-ranking challenge);
a symbolic baton virtually representing the transhumant seed-taxis, the sheep;
a convoy (tractor, herders caravan, exposition material, ….;
a set of material to realize local and trans-regional publicity;
project goal and prior content of public presentations.
The local project has to be regionally adjusted representing local ressources, goods and
services of herdering as well as the central project goals.
Also has to be planned an interlinked financiation directed to the educational project goal:
… over participating project players
The public relation work has to be professionally organized.
To realize the regional project-organization there have to be connected
the regional breeders association (shepherds)
a local steering committees
the regional / local performers
(The support of BANU was promised by CP Hutter, Andrea Mack, Getrud Hein, …)
At the same way it has to be discussed moreover the possibilities of
a well designed marketing initiative (press, TV, internet, ….)
a specification and training of Ecological Sheepherders (f.e. a label)
the design of proper representing TRUNPA-project-goals, ecosystem’s value, extensive
rangeland use, biodiversity, etc.
For the further project-preparation will be used a working and information platform in the
The most actual working themes can be found at
If you are not registered do not hesitate with your subscription.
If you might have problems with writing your contribution, please sent them to
[email protected]
I will publish your text.
Additional links:
Regarding to the TRUNPA-project, please have a look to the following pps-presentations
Thank you very much to all participants!
the TRUNPA-Team