June 2009 - The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago


June 2009 - The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
Research Archives Acquisitions List ā€“ June 2009
Call Number
ACOR Newsletter 20:2 (Winter 2008)
Aeragram 10:1 (Spring 2009)
Annales du service des antiquités de l'Égypte 82 (2008)
Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 52 (2008)
Archaeology 62:4 (July/August 2009)
Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 39 (2007)
Archäologischer Anzeiger, Beiheft 2008:1: Jahresbericht des DAI 2007
Archéologia 439 (décembre 2006)
Biblica 90:1 (2009)
British School of Archaeology in Iraq Newsletter 23 (May 2009)
Bulletin de la Société Française des Fouilles de Tanis 22 (2008)
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 11 (Février/Mars 2009)
Göttinger Miszellen Beiheft 5 (Göttingen: Mitarbeitern des Seminars fur
Ägyptologie, 2009)
Hadeeth ad-Dar 28 (2009)
Henoch New Series 2009:1
Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap "Ex Orient Lux"
41 (2008-9)
Journal of Cuneiform Studies 60 (2008)
Journal of Near Eastern Studies 68:2 (April 2009)
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 43 (2007)
Kút 7:3 (2008)
Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies 24 (2008)
J/Medelhavsmuseet/4 Medelhavsmuseet: Focus on the Mediterranean 4 (2009)
Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph 59 (2006): 100 ans: 1906-2006
Near Eastern Archaeology 72:1 (March 2009)
Review of Biblical Literature 10 (2008)
Revue d'Égyptologie 59 (2008)
Revue du Louvre: La Revue des Musées de France 59:3 (Juin 2009)
Rivista degli Studi Orientali 79:1-4 (2006)
J/SSEAN/2008-09:2 Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Newsletter 2008-09:2
TÜBA-AR: Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi - Turkish
Academy of Sciences Journal of Archaeology 2 (1999)
Tyndale Bulletin 60:1 (2009)
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 159:1 (2009)
Monographs, Serials, Pamphlets
Aldred, Cyril. Egyptian Art in the Days of the Pharaohs. 3100-320 BC. London: Thames
and Hudson, 1980
Allen, R. E. The Attalid Kingdom: A Constitutional History. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983
Alt, Albrecht. Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte des Volkes Israel. Erster Band. München: C.
H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1953
pam American Research Center in Egypt. The 60th Annual Meeting of the American Research
Center in Egypt, April 24-26, 2009, The Adolphus Hotel, Dallas, Texas. Program & Abstracts.
Andrews, Carol. The Rosetta Stone. London: British Musuem Press, 1998
Arfaee, Abdolmajid. Persepolis Fortification Tablets: Fort. and Teh. Texts. Ancient Iranian
Studies Series 5. Tehran: The Centre for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia (Centre for Iranian and
Islamic Studies), 2008
S/PMMA/28 Arnold, Dieter. Middle Kingdom Tomb Architecture at Lisht. Publications of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition 28. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of
Art, 2008
Ars Libri, Ltd. Architectural History: Ancient to Modern. Catalogue 149. Boston,
Massachusetts: Ars Libri, Ltd., 2009
pam Bachmann, Martin; Özenir, Sirri. "Das Quellheiligtum Eflatun Pinar." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2004:1, pages 85-122
Bárta, Miroslav; Coppens, Filip; Krejcí, J. [Editors]. Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2005.
Proceedings of the Conference Held in Prague (June 27-July 5, 2005). Prague: Czech Institute of
Egyptology, 2006
Bartl, Karin; Moaz, Abd al-Razzaq [Editors]. Residences, Castles, Settlements:
Transformation Processes from Late Antiquity to Early Islam in Bilad al-Sham. Proceedings of the
International Conference held at Damascus, 5-9 November 2006. Orient-Archäologie, 24.
Rahden/Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, 2008
Bauer, Theo. Die Ostkanaanäer. Eine philologisch-historische Untersuchung über die
Wanderschicht der sogenannten "Amoriter" in Babylonien. Leipzig: Verlag der Asia Major, 1926
pam Baykal-Seeher, Ayse; Seeher, Jürgen. "Dann Barg er das Haupt in des Helmes ehernen
Schirm. Ein eisenzeitlischer Helm aus Bogazköy." In: Korkut, Taner [Editor]. 60. Yasinda Fahri
Isik'a Armagan. Anadolu'da Dogdu. Festschrift für Fahri Isik zum 60. Geburtstag (Istanbul: Ege
Yayinlari, 2004), pages 113-118
Bellow, Saul. To Jerusalem and Back. A Personal Account. New York: Viking Press, 1976
Biçakçi, Erhan. Çayönü Tepesi. Untersuchungen zu den Bauten und Siedlungsmustern der
akeramisch-neolitischen Subphasen 5 und 6. Institut für Baugeschichte der Universität Karlsruhe,
Materialen zu Bauforschung und Baugeschichte 21. Karlsruhe: Institut für Baugeschichte der
Universität Karlsruhe, 2001
Boda, Mark J.; Falk, Daniel K.; Werline, Rodney A. [Editors]. Seeking the Favor of God.
Volume 3: The Impact of Penitential Prayer Beyond Second Temple Judaism. Society of Biblical
Literature: Early Judaism and Its Literature, Number 23. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature,
Boisgirard & Associés. Art d'orient. Vente aux enchères publiques. Jeudi 18 juin 2009 à 14
h 30. Paris: n.d., 2009
Bökönyi, Sándor [Editor]. Neolithic of Southeastern Europe and its Near Eastern
Connections. International Conference 1987, Szolnok-Szeged. Varia Archaeologica Hungarica, II.
Budapest: Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1989
Bottéro, Jean; Stève, Marie-Joseph. Il était une fois la Mésopotamie. France: Découvertes
Gallimard, 1993
Cate, Robert L. A History of the Bible Lands in the Interbiblical Period. Nashville:
Broadman Press, 1989
Cathcart, Kevin J. [Editor]. The Correspondence of Edward Hincks. Volume 2 (1850-1856).
Dublin: University College Dublin Press, 2008
Cimok, Fatih. Saint Saviour in Chora. Istanbul: A Turizm Yayinlari, 1988
Cowley, A. Jewish Documents in the Time of Ezra. Translated from the Aramaic. New
York: The MacMillan Co., 1919
Crescimbene, Simonetta. The Museum of Luxor. Literary coordination by Fabio Bourbon,
Photographs by Archivio White Star, Art direction/design by Patrizia Balocco Lovisetti, maps and
plans by Monica Falcone. Luxor: A. A. Gaddis & Co., 1993
S/CUSAS/9 Dalley, Stephanie. Babylonian Tablets from the First Sealand Dynasty in the
Schøyen Collection. Cornell University Studies in Sumerology and Assyriology 9. Bethesda,
Maryland: CDL Press, 2009
David, Rosalie; Archbold, Rick. Conversations with Mummies: New Light on the Lives of
Ancient Egyptians. Additional Historical Consultation by Peter Brand. New York: William
Morrow, 2000
de Haas, Jacob. History of Palestine. The Last Two Thousand Years. New York: Macmillan
Company, 1934
Desroches Noblecourt, Christiane. Lorsque la Nature parlait aux Égyptiens. Paris: Philippe
Rey, 2003
Dimont, Max I. Jews, God, and History. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1962
Edwards, I. E. S. The Pyramids of Egypt. Revised edition. London: Penguin, 1993
Faulkner, Raymond O. The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts translated into English.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998
Fraser, Susan. Cappadocia. Firenze: Casa Editrice Bonechi, 1988
Fried, Lisbeth S. The Priest and the Great King: Temple-Palace Relations in the Persian
Empire. Biblical and Judaic Studies 10. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2004
Gadot, Yuval; Yadin, Esther. Aphek-Antipatris II. The Remains on the Acropolis. The
Moshe Kochavi and Pirhiya Beck Excavations. Tel Aviv University. Sonia and Marco Nadler
Institute of Archaeology, Monograph Series. Number 27. Tel Aviv: Emery and Claire Yass
Publications in Archaeology, 2009
Garstang, John. The Heritage of Solomon. An Historical Introduction to the Sociology of
Ancient Palestine. Descriptive Sociology. Demy 8vo. series. Vol. III. London: Williams and
Norgate, Limited, 1934
Gharib, B. Sogdian Dictionary (Sogdian-Persian-English). Tehran: Farhangan Publications,
Giewekemeyer, Antonia; Moers, Gerald; Widmaier, Kai [Editors]. Liber amicorum
Jürgen Horn zum Dank. Göttinger Miszellen Beiheft 5. Göttingen: Mitarbeitern des Seminars fur
Ägyptologie, 2009
Goddio, Franck; Fabre, David [Editors]. Trésors engloutis d'Égypte. Paris: Seuil, 2006
Goldschmidt Jr., Arthur. Historical Dictionary of Egypt. African Historical Dictionaries,
No. 67. London: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1994
S/SASAE/37 Handoussa, Tohfa [Festschrift]. The Realm of the Pharaohs. Essays in Honor of
Tohfa Handoussa. Volume I. Hawass, Zahi A.; Daoud, Khaled A.; Abd El-Fattah, Sawsan
[Editors]. Supplément aux annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Cahier No 37. Cairo:
Conseil Suprême des Antiquités, 2008
Handoussa, Tohfa [Festschrift]. The Realm of the Pharaohs. Essays in
Honor of Tohfa Handoussa. Volume II. alam al-fara'na: darasat muqdima takriman lilustadha aldoktora Tohfa Handoussa. Hawass, Zahi A.; Daoud, Khaled; Abd El-Fattah, Sawsan [Editors].
Supplément aux annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, Cahier No 37:2. Cairo: Conseil
Suprême des Antiquités, 2008
Harding, G. Lankester. Archaeology in the Aden Protectorates. Department of Technical
Co-operation. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1964
Harrison, R. K. Archaeology of the Old Testament. London: The English Universities Press
Ltd, 1963
S/CUSAS/5 Heimpel, Wolfgang. Workers and Construction Work at Garsana. Cornell University
Studies in Sumerology and Assyriology 5. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press, 2009
Hein, Irmgard [Editor]. The Formation of Cyprus in the 2nd Millennium B.C.: Studies in
Regionalism during the Middle and Late Bronze Ages. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the 4th
Cyprological Congress: May 2nd 2008, Lefkosia, Cyprus. Contributions to the Chronology of the
Eastern Mediterranean 20. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2009
Henkelman, Wouter F. M. The Other Gods Who Are: Studies in Elamite-Iranian
Acculturation Based on the Persepolis Fortification Texts. Achaemenid History 14. Leiden:
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2008
Hobbs, Joseph J. Bedouin Life in the Egyptian Wilderness. Foreword by Leo Tregenza.
Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1989
Hollender, Gabi. Amenophis I. und Ahmes Nefertari: Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung
ihres posthumen Kultes anhand der Privatgräber der thebanischen Nekropole. Deutsches
Archaeologisches Institut Abteilung Kairo Sonderschrift 23. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2009
Hooke, S. H. [Editor]. Myth and Ritual. Essays on the Myth and Ritual of the Hebrews in
Relation to the Culture Pattern of the Ancient Near East. London: Oxford University Press, 1933
Hornung, Erik. Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt: The One and the Many. Translated
from the German by John Baines. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1996
Hornung, Erik; Bryan, Betsy [Editors]. The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient
Egypt. New York: National Gallery of Art, 2002
Horváth, Judit. A Magyar Egyiptológia Története. Egyiptológiai Füzetek, 2. Budapest:
l'Université Loránd Eötvös, 1985
Ikram, Salima [Editor]. Divine Creatures: Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt. Cairo / New
York: American University in Cairo Press, 2005
pam Institut Européen d'Archéologie Sous-Marine; Hilti Arts and Culture GmbH. Trésors
engloutis dā€™Égypte. Grand Palais - 9 décembre 2006 - 16 mars 2007. Guide du visiteur.
Isaacs, Samuel Hillel. The True Boundaries of the Holy Land as Described in Numbers
XXXIV: 1-12. Solving the Many Diversified Theories as to their Location. Davis, Jeanette Isaacs
[Editor]. Chicago:1917
James, T. G. H. Tutankhamun. Photographs by Araldo De Luca, Drawings by Elisabetta
Ferrero, Edited by Valeria Manferto De Fabianis and Laura Accomazzo, Graphic Design by
Patrizia Balocco Lovisetti. Vercelli: White Star, 2000
Kastein, Josef. History and Destiny of the Jews. Translated from the German by Huntley
Paterson. New York: Viking Press, 1933
Kim, Yoo-Ki. The Function of the Tautological Infinitive in Classical Biblical Hebrew.
Harvard Semitic Studies 60. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2009
Kinneir, John Macdonald. A Geographical Memoir of the Persian Empire. Accompanied by
a Map. London: Printed for John Murray by Cox and Baylis, 1813
Kittel, R. A History of the Hebrews. Volume 1. Sources of Information and History of the
Period Up to the Death of Joshua. Taylor, John [Translator]. Theological Translation Library,
Volume 3. London: Williams and Norgate, 1895
Kittel, R. A History of the Hebrews. Volume 2. Sources of Information and History of the
Period Down to the Babylonian Exile. Hogg, Hope W.; Speirs, E. B. [Translators]. Theological
Translation Library, Volume 4. London: Williams and Norgate, 1896
Kramer, Samuel Noah. Sumerian Culture and Society: The Cuneiform Documents and
Their Cultural Significance. A Cummings Module in Anthropology, No. 58. Menlo Park,
California: Cummings Publishing Company, 1975
Kramer, Samuel Noah. History Begins at Sumer. 2nd edition (revised and enlarged).
London: Thames and Hudson, 1961
Laissus, Yves. L'Égypte, une aventure savante 1798-1801. Paris: Fayard, 1998
Lancestremère, Christine; Benoit, Jérémie. Malmaison et l'Egypte : Musée nationald es
châteaux de Malmaison et Bois-Préau, 15 avril-31 juillet 1998. Rueil-Malmaison, France: Musée
national des châteaux de Malmaison et Bois-Préau,, 1998
Lehmann-Haupt, C. F. Materialien zur älteren Geschichte Armeniens und Mesopotamiens.
Abhandlungen der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. PhilologischHistorische Klasse. Neue Folge Band 9, Nro. 3. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1907
Lehner, Mark. The Complete Pyramids. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1997
Levtow, Nathaniel B. Images of Others: Iconic Politics in Ancient Israel. Biblical and
Judaic Studies 11. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2008
Lichtheim, Miriam. Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Book of Readings, Volume I: The Old
and Middle Kingdom. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975
Lichtheim, Miriam. Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Book of Readings, Volume II: The New
Kingdom. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976
Lichtheim, Miriam. Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Book of Readings, Volume III: The
Late Period. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980
Lods, Adolphe. The Prophets and the Rise of Judaism. Translated by S. H. Hooke. New
York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1937
Lutfi al-Sayyid Marsot, Afaf. A Short History of Modern Egypt. New Edition. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1994
Macalister, R. A. S. A History of Civilization in Palestine. The Cambridge Manuals of
Science and Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1921
Maguire, Louise C. Tell el-Dab'a XXI: The Cypriot Pottery and its Circulation in the
Levant. Untersuchungen der Zweigstelle Kairo des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes 33.
Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2009
Manley, Bill. The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Egypt. London: Penguin, 1996
Marzahn, Joachim; Salje, Beate [Editors]. Wiedererstehendes Assur: 100 Jahre deutsche
Ausgrabungen in Assyrien. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2003
McCurdy, James Frederick. History, Prophecy and the Monuments. Volume I: To the
Downfall of Samaria. New York: Macmillan and Co., 1895
McCurdy, James Frederick. History, Prophecy and the Monuments, or Israel and the
Nations. Volume II: To the Fall of Nineveh. New York: Macmillan and Co., 1896
McCurdy, James Frederick. History, Prophecy and the Monuments, or Israel and the
Nations. Volume III: Completing the Work. New York: Macmillan and Co., 1901
Mignan, Robert. Travels in Chaldaea, Including a Journey from Bussorah to Bagdad,
Hillah, and Babylon, Performed on Foot in 1827. With Observations on the Sites and Remains of
Babel, Seleucia, and Ctesiphon. London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1829
S/AOAT/357 Monroe, Christopher Mountfort. Scales of Fate. Trade, Tradition, and
Transformation in the Eastern Mediterranean ca. 1350-1175 BCE. Alter Orient und Altes
Testament 357. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2009
Muckle, Friedrich. Der Geist der jüdischen Kultur und das Abendland. Wien; Leipzig;
München: Rikola Verlag, 1923
Oakes, Lorna; Gahlin, Lucia. Ancient Egypt: An Illustrated Reference to the Myths,
Religions, Pyramids and Temples of the Land of the Pharaohs. London: Anness Publishing
Limited, 2002
Olmstead, A. T. History of Assyria. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1923
Otto, Eckart. Die Tora: Studien zum Pentateuch. Gesammelte Aufsätze. Beihefte zur
Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 9. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag,
Paganini, Simone. Nicht darfst du zu diesen Wörtern etwas hinzufügen. Die Rezeption des
Deuteronomiums in der Tempelrolle: Sprache, Autoren, Hermeneutik. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für
Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 11. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009
Papeloux, Gaston; Bonheur, Gaston. The Nocturnal Magic of the Pyramids. Paris: Librairie
Hachette, 1961
S/STOR/106 Parpola, Simo [Festschrift]. Of God(s), Trees, Kings, and Scholars. Neo-Assyrian
and Related Studies in Honour of Simo Parpola. Edited by Mikko Luukko, Saana Svärd and Raija
Mattila. Studia Orientalia Published by the Finnish Oriental Society, 106. Helsinki: The Finnish
Oriental Society, 2009
Pedersen, Johannes. Israel: Its Life and Culture. III-IV. 2nd Edition. London: Oxford
University Press, 1959
Peters, Melvin K. H. [Editor]. XIII Congress of the International Organization for
Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Ljubljana, 2007. Society of Biblical Literature: Septuagint and
Cognate Studies, Number 55. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008
Pézard, Maurice; Pottier, Edmond. Les antiquités de la Susiane. Mission J. de Morgan.
Musée du Louvre. Département des antiquités orientales et de la céramique antique. Paris: Ernest
Leroux, 1913
Pritchard, James B. Gibeon: Where the Sun Stood Still. The Discovery of the Biblical City.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1962
Radin, Max. The Jews among the Greeks and Romans. Philadelphia: The Jewish
Publication Society of America, 1915
Rieben, Eugène Hubert. Ministry of Economy: Geological Survey of Iran. Geological
Observations on Alluvial Deposits in Northern Iran. Geological Survey of Iran, Report No. 9, 1966.
Tehran, Iran: Ministry of Information Press, 1966
Robiou, Félix. Histoire des Gaulois d'Orient. Paris: Imprimé par autorisation de l'empereur à
l'Imprimerie impériale, 1866
Rodenbeck, John; Stannard, Dorothy; Franquet, Sylvie. Egypt (Insight Guide). Singapore:
APA Publications, 1999
Saleh, Heidi. Investigating Ethnic and Gender Identities as Expressed on Wooden Funerary
Stelae from the Libyan Period (c. 1069-715 B.C.E.) in Egypt. BAR International Series 1734.
Oxford: Archaeopress, 2007
Sayce, A. H. Babylonians and Assyrians. Life and Customs. The Semitic Series. New York:
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899
pam Schachner, Andreas. "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 2006." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2007:1, pages 67-93
pam Schachner, Andreas. "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 2007." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2008:1, pages 113-161
Schaeffer, F.-A. Les fouilles de Minet-el-Beida et d Ras Shamra. (Campagne du Printemps
1929). Rapport sommaire. Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1929
Schwemer, Daniel. Abwehrzauber und Behexung: Studien zum Schadenzauberglauben im
alten Mesopotamien. Unter Benutzung von Tzvi Abuschs Kritischem Katalog und Sammlungen im
Rahmen des Kooperationsprojektes Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals. Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz, 2007
pam Seeher, Jürgen. "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 2005." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2006:1, pages 171-187
pam Seeher, Jürgen. "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 2003." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2004:1, pages 59-76
pam Seeher, Jürgen. "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 2004." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2005:1, pages 63-80
pam Seeher, Jürgen. "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 2001." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2002:1, pages 59-78
pam Seeher, Jürgen. "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 2000." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2001:3, pages 333-362
pam Seeher, Jürgen. 'Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 1999." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2000:3, pages 355-376
pam Seeher, Jürgen. "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 1998 und ein neuer
topographischer Plan des Stadtgeländes." In: Archäologischer Anzeiger 1999:3, pages 317-344
pam Seeher, Jürgen. "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 1996." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 1997, pages 317-341
pam Seeher, Jürgen. "Die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy-Hattusa 1994." In: Archäologischer
Anzeiger 1995:4, pages 597-625
pam Seeher, Jürgen. "Überlegungen zur Beziehung zwischen dem hethitischen Kernreich und
der Westküste Anatoliens im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr." In: Universitätsforschungen zur
prähistorischen Archäologie 121 (2005), pages 33-44
pam Seeher, Jürgen [Editor]. DAI: Istanbul 7 (2009). DAI: Istanbul. Istanbul: Deutsches
Archäologisches Institut, 2009
Shimizu, Naomi; Kamioka, Koji. Sacred Places in Tehran Province. Studia Culturae
Islamicae 96. Tokyo: Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 2009
Smith, George Adam. The Historical Geography of the Holy Land. Twenty-Fifth Edition,
Revised Throughout. New York: Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, Inc., 1932
S/AASOR/63 Smith, Joanna S. [Editor]. Views from Phlamoudhi, Cyprus. Annual of the
American Schools of Oriental Research 63. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2008
Soliman, Rasha. Old and Middle Kingdom Theban Tombs. Egyptian Site Series. London:
Golden House Publications, 2009
Stammers, Michael. The Elite Late Period Egyptian Tombs of Memphis. BAR International
Series 1903. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2009
Steckoll, Solomon H. The Gates of Jerusalem. Amotz, Dalia [Photographer]. New York:
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Stefanovic, Danijela. The Holders of Regular Military Titles in the Period of the Middle
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Cambridge University Press, 1895
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Tenu, Aline. L'expansion médio-assyrienne: Approche archéologique. BAR International
Series 1906. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2009
Trémouille, Marie-Claude. Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 51. Texte aus dem Bezirk
des Grossen Tempels IIII. Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 51. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2009
Trigger, Bruce G.; Kemp, B. J.; O'Connor, D.; Lloyd, A. B. Ancient Egypt. A Social
History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994
S/TTKY/IX/8 Abstracts
Türk Tarih Kurumu. VIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi. 11-15 Ekim 1976 Ankara: Bildiri Özetleri. Turk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan; IX. Seri, 8 Abstracts. Ankara : Türk
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Vincent Wapler. Paris - Drouot Richelieu - Salle 4: Vente aux enchères publiques. Lundi 29
Juin 2009 à 14hr: Archéologies. Paris: Commissaire-Priseur habilite, 2009
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Wessetzky, Vilmos [Festschrift]. Studia Iuvenum in Honorem V. Wessetzky. Egyiptológiai
Füzetek, 1. Budapest: L'Université Loránd Eötvös, 1983
Whincop, Matthew R. Pots, Peole, and Politics: A Reconsideration of the Role of Ceramics
in Reconstructions of the Iron Age Northern Levant. BAR International Series 1902. Oxford:
Archaeopress, 2009
Wilson, John A. The Culture of Ancient Egypt. Revised edition. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1951
Ziegler, Christiane [Editor]. Pharaon: exposition présentée à l'Institut du monde arabe à
Paris, du 15 octobre 2004 au 10 avril 2005. Paris: Flammarion: Institut du monde arabe, 2004
Ziegler, Christiane; Bovot, Jean-Luc. Art et archéologie: L'Égypte ancienne. Manuels de
l'École du Louvre. Paris: École du Louvre, 2001