Corina L. Petrescu CV - CEU Institute for Advanced Study


Corina L. Petrescu CV - CEU Institute for Advanced Study
Corina Liliana Petrescu
Department of Modern Languages
The University of Mississippi
P.O. Box 1848, E208 Bondurant Hall
University, MS 38677
124 Garden Terrace Dr.
Oxford, MS 38655
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: (662) 915 7716
Fax: (662) 915 1086
Associate Professor of German, The University of Mississippi, MS
Assistant Professor of German, The University of Mississippi, MS
Visiting Assistant Professor of German, Central College, IA
Visiting Assistant Professor of German, Kansas State University, KS
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI
M.A., University of Pittsburgh, PA
Cultural Studies Certificate at the M.A. level, University of Pittsburgh, PA
Undergraduate studies in German and American literature and linguistics,
Universitatea Bucureşti, Romania
Academic Awards
DAAD Research Visit Grant, Universität Potsdam, Germany (3 months)
DAAD Summer Research Grant, Washington University in St. Louis, MO
Provost Grant for CIEE Seminar in Turkey, University of Mississippi, MS
Summer Research Grant, College of Liberal Arts, University of Mississippi, MS
Marie Curie Workshop Series Grant, European Union
Research Fellowship, New Europe College, Institute for Advanced Study in the
Humanities and Social Sciences, Bucharest, Romania
Scholarship for the workshop Contemporary Transformations of the Cultural,
Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Vienna, Austria
Dissertation Fellowship from the DAAD at the Rheinische Friedrich WilhelmsUniversität Bonn, Germany
Scholarship for the Sommerschule Literaturwissenschaft in Marbach,
Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, Germany
Edith M. Deuss Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, WI
Research Fellowship from the DAAD and the UW Center for German and
European Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI
DAAD Scholarship, Universität Augsburg, Germany (5 months)
2010, 2009
2002, 2001
Research Interests
National Socialist Germany; representations of 1968 in the German and Romanian imaginary;
transcultural literature; German-Jewish relations from the 18th century to the present; Yiddish
theater in Eastern Europe
Research in Progress:
I am working on a cultural history of the Jewish State Theater (TES) in Bucharest, Romania, from
its establishment in 1948 to the present. I seek to uncover the factors that made this founding
possible as well as situate the theater in the historical, cultural, and political context of
Communist and post-Communist Romania.
Forthcoming: Secret Police Files from the Eastern Bloc: Between Surveillance and Life Writing.
Co-edited with Valentina Glajar and Alison Lewis. Camden House, 2015.
Against All Odds: Models of Subversive Spaces in National Socialist Germany. Peter Lang, 2010.
In Progress: “Heil Kaiser Hitler!” Nostalgia and Ethnic Identity in Eginald Schlattner’s Der
geköpfte Hahn (1998)
Forthcoming: “Witness for the Prosecution: Eginald Schlattner in the Files of the Securitate.”
Secret Police Files from the Eastern Bloc: Between Surveillance and Life Writing. Eds. Valentina
Glajar, Alison Lewis and Corina L. Petrescu. Camden House, 2015. 21 ms.
“Creating the New Man: Torture and Coercion in Eginald Schlattner's Novel Rote Handschuhe” in
German Quarterly 87.4 (2014): 459-479.
“Widerstand im Dritten Reich: Die Schulze-Boysen/Harnack Organisation.“ Deutsche
Geheimgesellschaften von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Jost Hermand und Sabine
Mödersheim (Hg.). Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2013. 163-180.
“Spielen mit dem klassischen Erbe: Volker Brauns Iphigenie in Freiheit,” in Monatshefte 104.3
(2012): 359-374.
“Performing Disapproval toward the Soviets: Nicolae Ceauşescu’s Speech on 21 August 1968 in
Romanian Media.” Between Prague Spring and French May: Opposition and Revolt in Europe,
1960-1980. Eds. Martin Klimke, Jacco Pekelder, and Joachim Scharloth. Oxford/New York:
Berghahn Books, 2011. 199-210.
“The People of Israel Lives! Performing the Shoah on Post-War Bucharest’s Yiddish Stages.”
Local History, Transnational Memory in the Romanian Holocaust. Eds. Valentina Glăjar and
Jeanine Teodorescu. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 209-223.
“Romania,” co-authored with Şerban Pavelescu. 1968 in Europe - A History of Protest and
Activism, 1956-77. Eds. Martin Klimke and Joachim Scharloth. New York/London: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2008. 262-275.
“A Jewish State Theater in the People’s Republic of Romania? Notes on a Transitional Becoming
(1944-1953),” New Europe College Yearbook 2005-2006: 281-319.
"Will to Power or Vox Populi? Hitler Biographies and the Question of Culpability," co-authored
with Eric Ehrenreich and Matthew Lange. Unmasking Hitler: Cultural Representations of Adolf
Hitler from the Weimar Republic to the Present. Eds. Klaus L. Berghahn and Jost Hermand.
Oxford/New York: Peter Lang, 2005. 81-104.
“The Narrative of Apocalypse: Matthias Horx’ Es geht voran. Ein Ernstfall Roman and Günter
Grass’ Die Rättin,“ New German Review 15/16 (1999-2000): 53-82.
Conference Presentations
“Encountering the Female Other in Eginald Schalttner’s Das Klavier im Nebel” at the MLA
Convention in Vancouver, Canada (January 2015)
“Witness for the Prosecution: Eginald Schlattner in the Securitate-File German Writers’ Trial” at
the German Studies Association conference, Denver, CO (October 2013)
“The Stranger Next Door: Interethnic Encounters in Eginald Schlattner’s Das Klavier im Nebel
(2005)” at the German Studies Association conference, Milwaukee, WI (October 2012)
Panel discussion about the book Local History, Transnational Memory in the Romanian
Holocaust (Eds. Valentina Glăjar and Jeanine Teodorescu 2011) at the Society for Romanian
Studies conference, Europeanization and Globalization: Romanians in Their Region and the
World, Sibiu, Romania (July 2012)
“Creating the New Man: Violence and Coercion in Eginald Schlattner's Novel Rote Handschuhe”
at the Modern Language Association conference, Seattle, OR (January 2012)
“Eginald Schlattner in the Files of the Securitate” at the German Studies Association conference,
Louisville, KY (September 2011)
“Kein Kinderspiel: Gewalt in Eginald Schlattners Rote Handschuhe” at the German Studies
Association conference, Oakland, CA (October 2010)
“Wer trägt die Schuld? Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus in Eginald Schlattners
Roman Der geköpfte Hahn” at the 12th congress of the Internationale Vereinigung für
Germanistik, Vielheit und Einheit der Germanistik weltweit, Warsaw, Poland (July-August 2010)
“The Road Back There: Remembering Transnistria in Mirjam Bercovici’s Diaries” at the Modern
Language Association conference, Philadelphia, PA (December 2009)
“’Heil Kaiser Hitler!’ Ethnic German Identity in Eginald Schlattner’s Der geköpfte Hahn” at the
German Studies Association conference, Washington, DC (October 2009)
“After the Wheel Turned: Remembering August 1968 in Romanian Media” at the workshop What
Remains? 1968 in the European and American Imaginary, University of Mississippi, MS
(October 2008)
“When Transylvanian Saxons Became Germans: Self-Betrayal in Eginald Schlattner’s Der
geköpfte Hahn“ at the German Studies Association conference, Minneapolis, MN (October 2008)
“Transnationale Literatur? Der Fall Eginald Schlattner“ at the conference “Geschichte trennt,
aber Geschichten, die schaffen Nähe“ Zeitgenössische deutschsprachige Literatur aus/in
Rumänien, New Europe College, Bucharest, Romania (January 2008)
“On Stage in the Wolf’s Lair: Jewish Performances in Wartime Bucharest” at the Popular Culture
Association/American Culture Association conference, Boston, MA (April 2007)
“License to Legitimacy: The Romanian Protest of 1968” at the Marie Curie Series workshop
Tracing Protest Movements: Perspectives from Sociology, Political Science, and Media Science,
Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany (November 2006)
“Autorität und Liebe. Autorität der Liebe. Gedanken über das deutsche Schulsystem um 1900” at
the 100th anniversary symposium of the German department at the Universitatea Bucureşti,
Interkulturelle Grenzgänge, Bucharest, Romania (November 2005)
“The Jewish State Theater in Bucharest from 1948 to the Present” at the workshop
Contemporary Transformations of the Cultural, Social, and Artistic Fabric of Europe,
Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Vienna, Austria (June 2005)
“The Other Within: Marginalization and Inclusion in West German Society of the 1960s and
1970s” at the conference Gelebt, erinnert – und erforscht?: 1968 auf dem Weg vom
kommunikativen zum kulturellen Gedächtnis, Interdisziplinäres Forschungskolloquium
Protestbewegung, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg, Germany (July 2004)
“Politics Make Identity. Fin-de-siècle Vienna and the Jews” at the South Central MLA, Hot
Springs, AR (November 2003)
“The Path to Terror: The West German Society of the 1960s and 1970s” at the graduate student
conference at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (April 2003)
“Toleranz–Duldung–Emanzipation. Das aufgeklärte 18. Jahrhundert und die Judenfrage“ at the
graduate student conference at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (March 2002)
“The Narrative of Apocalypse: Günter Grass’ ‘Die Rättin’” at the conference of the Midwest
Graduate Seminar in German Studies, University of Chicago, IL (April 2001)
“‘Tanz auf dem Vulkan.’ Genocide Mentality and the New German Wave” at the graduate student
conference at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (March 2001)
Invited Talks and Conference Appearances (Selections)
Forthcoming: “Beim Lesen einer Akte: Securitateunterlagen als Geschichte(n)” at conference “Aus
den Giftschränken des Kommunismus” Methodische Fragen zum Umgang mit den
Überwachungsakten in Südost- und Mitteleuropa at the Humboldt-Universität, Berlin (April
“Jiddisches Theater in Rumänien: Aufbruchstimmung im Schatten des Zweiten Weltkrieges“ at
the Titu Maiorescu-Romanian Cultural Institute in Berlin and at the Universität Potsdam,
Germany (July 2014)
“(Hi)Story through the Eyes of the Securitate: Eginald Schlattner and the German Writers’ Trial
(1959)” at Illinois Wesleyan University (March 2014)
“Die Schulze-Boysen/ Harnack Organisation: Widerstand im Dritten
Humboldtkolleg Deutsche Geheimgesellschaften, Madison, WI (March 2012)
“Hoffnung stribt zuletzt: jiddisches Theater in Bukarest zwischen 1944 und 1948“ at the summer
school Romanian as a Foreign Culture, Jena, Germany (March 2008)
“Reflections on Radu Gabrea’s Film Goldfaden’s Legacy: From New York to Jassy (2004)” at the
panel discussion 130 Years of Jewish Theater in Romania (Jassy 1876), New Europe College,
Bucharest, Romania (January 2006)
“Will to Power or Vox Populi? Hitler Biographies and the Question of Culpability” (co-author with
Eric Ehrenreich and Matthew Lange) at the 35th Wisconsin Workshop Unmasking Hitler:
Cultural Representations of Adolf Hitler from the Weimar Republic to the Present, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI (September 2002)
“1968 ― The Representation of the Student Movement in the German Media Twenty Years Later”
at the panel discussion The Past Revisited: Topics on Memory in Post-War Germany, Center for
West European Studies and European Union Center, University of Pittsburgh, PA (March 1999)
Professional Organizations
American Association of Teachers of German
MS-AATG: Recruitment Chair (2008-present)
American Friends of the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach (2013-present)
German Studies Association (2004-present)
Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik (2010-present)
Modern Language Association (2004-present)
Discussion Group on Romanian Studies: Member of the Executive (2014-present)
Romanian Studies Association of America (2005-present)
Secretary/ Treasurer (2009-2011)
Society for Romanian Studies (2012-present)
Romanian - native speaker
German and English – near-native proficiency
French – intermediate proficiency
Spanish – intermediate proficiency
Yiddish – reading and writing knowledge