AP 2011 E Serie 1


AP 2011 E Serie 1
Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Serie 1
(60 Min.)
Hilfsmittel: keine
Maximal erreichbare Punktzahl
erreichte Punktzahl
............... Punkte
Die Expertin / der Experte
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Englisch Serie 1
Series 1
TASK 1 (10 minutes)
Read the text below and then decide if the following statements are True or False.
If there is not enough information to answer True or False, choose Doesn’t say.
Tick the right box after each statement.
Sarah is in her twenties.
Sarah is 18 years old.
Doesn’t say
Too young to drink?
At what age should people be allowed to start drinking alcohol? The debate on this
subject died out in the U.S. in the 1980s, but now it’s back – partly because of the Iraq
War. If you are 18 years old, you can elect the president, you can become a soldier and
die for your country, but you cannot buy a drink until you are 21. Does that make any
When Prohibition* ended in 1933, the “drinking age” – the age at which a person could
legally buy and possess alcohol in public – was set at 21 in most states. Between 1970
and 1975, during the second half of the Vietnam War, many states decided to lower it to
18, 19 or 20.
Then, in May 1980, Candy Lightner’s 13-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver.
Lightner started a national campaign called Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).
Although the driver who killed Lightner’s daughter was in his 40s, one result of the group’s
work was that all 50 states passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984,
raising that age to 21. States can still set a lower drinking age, but at a price: They risk
losing ten percent of the money the government gives them each year to build and service
highways. So far, no state has changed its drinking age.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that this law has
made a difference: the number of drunk drivers under 21 who were involved in crashes
resulting in death fell by 61 percent between 1982 and 1998. The NHTSA also estimates
that from 1975 to 2003, having a minimum drinking age of 21 (already in effect in some
states before 1984) saved nearly 23,000 lives on American roads.
Experts argue over how these studies were done, however, and what effect the law has
had. “Just like during national Prohibition, the law has pushed and forced underage
drinking and youthful drinking underground, where we have no control over it,” alcohol law
expert David Hanson told the news organization MSNBC last year.
James McCardell agrees. In 2007, the former president of Middlebury College started the
group Choose Responsibility to push the problem back into public debate. He argues that
education is the best way to reduce teen alcohol abuse, and he would like to see the
drinking age lowered to 18. “Education works,” McCardell told MSNBC in 2007, “but it’s
never been tried. Now you only have to go to a course to stop drinking if you’ve been
caught driving while drunk. That’s not very smart.”
*Prohibition means a period of time between 1919 and 1933 when it was forbidden in the
USA to make, sell or drink any alcoholic beverages.
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Englisch Serie 1
‘True’ (=T), ‘False’ (=F) or ‘Doesn’t say’ (=DS):
False Doesn’t
1. In the USA, 18-year-old soldiers are not
allowed to buy alcoholic drinks.
2. Candy Lightner started a campaign because
her daughter was killed by a drunk teenage driver.
3. In 1984, the drinking age in all U.S. states became
the same.
4. The U.S. government gives each state money to
build highways.
5. The states are free to change their laws about
the minimum drinking age.
7. Everybody agrees that the law about the minimum
drinking age is a good idea.
8. Young people now drink alcohol in cellars.
9. A former college president wants to lower the
drinking age.
10. Only those people who have been arrested by the
police because they were drinking and driving
have to go to special courses.
6. After the new law passed, the number of all deaths
in car crashes fell by 61%.
_____ / 20 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 2 (10 minutes)
Questions 1 - 5
• Read the text and questions below.
• For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer - A, B or C - as shown in
the following example:
Sarah’s parents, Mr and Mrs Smith, were busy at the office planning next
year’s holiday for their employees.
Mr and Mrs Smith didn’t visit Sarah because
they had to work.
they didn’t want to.
her father was in hospital.
Buenos Aires
The hype about Buenos Aires is well deserved. The steak is out of this world, Tango
classes are everywhere, football matches are intense and the wine is delicious. But its
magnetism extends beyond the cliché. Give Buenos Aires some time and you’ll come to
understand the combination of old-fashioned sensibility and contemporary revolution that
makes the city tick.
San Telmo is one of Buenos Aires' most attractive and historically rich residential areas,
with cobbled stone streets and colonial houses. The heart of the area is Plaza Dorrego,
which hosts an antiques market on Sunday. Also worth a visit is Mercado San Telmo, the
old fruit and vegetable market.
The dance Tango has become very popular and classes are available everywhere. Head
to the Barrancas de Belgrano park, where casual dance events take place on Sundays at
8pm. Otherwise, go to Confitería Ideal, which is the mother of all historic tango halls.
Eat and drink
Buenos Aires has a serious café culture and the citizens of Buenos Aires love their café
cortado. Dating back to 1884, Las Violetas is a gorgeously restored café with stainedglass windows and high ceilings.
Parrilla 1880 is an authentic Argentine meat grill in San Telmo, which is popular with
locals. Half a portion of juicy beef is plenty for one person.
The latest Argentine trend is for 'closed-door' restaurants in private houses - puertas
cerradas. Casa Coupage is hosted by two wine experts in their house in Palermo. It's a
superb way to taste Argentine wines expertly matched to local dishes.
At Casa Bolivar, 14 spacious studios and loft apartments have been lovingly renovated
into individually styled spaces. Some have original details such as carved doorways and
painted ceilings. Period furnishings and chandeliers complete the turn-of-the-century
effect. There is also a communal patio and many gardens.
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Englisch Serie 1
The 1930s Miravida Soho, in Palermo, has been modernised to accommodate six
tastefully furnished rooms with French windows overlooking an internal courtyard. There's
a wine cellar and a bar for wine-tastings.
Find your way
The city's black and yellow taxis are the best way to get around. Alternatively, ask your
hotel to book a remise (private car). They are expensive, but more reliable. The
underground system serves most of the city and costs 20p for one journey.
How to go
Iberia flies from London via Madrid (£340). Ezeiza Airport is 21 miles south of the city.
Manuel Tienda León runs a shuttle to town (£7) and a city taxi costs £16.
San Telmo …
A is a slum neighbourhood.
B has a daily Antiques Market on Plaza Dorrego.
C has cobbled streets.
Tango …
A is not popular anymore.
B is danced formally on Sundays at the Barrancas de Belgrano Park.
C can be learned at many places in Buenos Aires.
At Parilla …
A the atmosphere is serious because there are no windows.
B food tends to be served in large quantities.
C local dishes are accompanied by champagne.
At Casa Bolivar …
A all rooms look alike.
B the studios are small and feel cramped.
C there a more rooms than at Miravida Soho.
In Buenos Aires taxis …
A are less reliable than private cars.
B are cheaper than the bus on the way from the airport to the city.
C can be easily distinguished from private cars because taxis are painted entirely in
_____ / 10 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 3 (8 minutes)
Fill the gaps with the correct form of the word. Write your answers in the column on
the right.
Example: Put on a pair of ...gloves... if you’re cold.
If the word is a preposition/conjunction, no first letter is given.
Example: Are you interested ....... politics? Are you interested in politics?
A day in my life
My name is Lisa. I’m 42 and I work for an energy (1) c…
(1) ________________
(Firma). I live in Westchester, New York, but I work in
Connecticut. Both are close to New York City. (2) D…
(während) the week, I get up at about 6:30 a.m. and walk and
(3) f… (füttern) my dog. She’s only 15 weeks old and (4) a…
(2) ________________
(3) ________________
(4) ________________
(schon) a very good dog. Then I (5) s… (duschen) and make
coffee. I check my (6) c… (Agenda) to see if I have any (7)
a… (Termine). Then I get into the car and (8) d… (fahren) to
work. (9) W… (Während) I’m driving, I make phone calls or I
(5) ________________
(6) ________________
(7) ________________
(10) l… t… (hören) National Public Radio.
I get into work at about 9 a.m. and start the day off by having
individual (11) m… (Sitzungen) with my team to go over the
projects that they are working on. (12) R… n… (gerade jetzt)
(8) ________________
(9) ________________
(10) _______________
my team consists of 4 lawyers. My team is located in
Houston, Texas, so I manage them from (13) f… a… (weit
weg). We communicate over the phone or with video
conferences. In the (14) a… (Nachmittag) I (15) u…
(11) _______________
(12) _______________
(13) _______________
(normalerweise) eat lunch at my (16) d… (Schreibtisch) –
(17) j… (nur) soup and a salad. I try to plan my time on my
calendar to get some work done. If I don’t plan time, it gets
eaten up with people who (18) i… (einladen) me to see them.
(14) _______________
(15) _______________
(16) _______________
Before I got my dog I used to work (19) u… (bis) 7 or 8 p.m.
But now I have to get back to (20) p… u… (abholen) my dog,
so I leave work around 6 p.m. or so.
(17) _______________
(18) _______________
(19) _______________
(20) _______________
_____ / 20 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 4 (8 minutes)
Word formation. Change the word printed in bold to a suitable form for the
sentence. Write your answers in the column to the right.
(0) memorable
The ice hotel in the town of Jukkasjarvi is a (0) … (MEMORY)
and (1) … (EXCITE) holiday experience which is becoming one
of Sweden’s most (2) … (FAME) tourist destinations. The 40room hotel, which is basically a vast igloo, has beds made of
(1) _____________
(2) _____________
(3) _____________
ice, which are surprisingly (3) … (COMFORT). Inside it is about
-5 C, which is (4) … (CHILL) but it is still very (5) … (DIFFER)
from the -20 C outside, and you can keep warm by wearing lots
of clothes. There is a very (6) … (ATTRACT) bar that is always
(4) _____________
(5) _____________
(6) _____________
lively, and the hotel also has a (7) … (BEAUTY) chapel that is
(7) _____________
popular with couples who want to get married. For
(8) _____________
entertainment there is a gallery displaying the work of (8) …
(PROFESSION) artists, and the more (9) … (ENERGY) guests
(9) _____________
can go skiing. If you’d like to visit, plan to go between December
and March – it’s (10) … (USE) going any other time because the
(10) ____________
hotel melts and has to be re-built every year.
________ / 10 marks
TASK 5 (2 minutes)
Add a question tag to each sentence. Example:
0) We’re nearly there,
aren’t we?
1. They didn’t go on holiday last year,
2. John went to Holland,
3. Mary can swim well,
4. You will be home for dinner,
5. Anna hasn’t got much money,
__________ / 5 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 6 (4 minutes)
Make the following sentences negative. Don’t change the tense. Examples:
0) Fred is 18 years old.
Fred isn’t 18 years old.
00) Emma speaks good English.
Emma doesn’t speak good English.
1. In 2004, Wendy taught him French.
Wendy ________________________________________ him French.
2. You must come to the party.
You ___________________________________________ to the party.
3. The students swam ten lengths in the pool.
They _________________________________ ten lengths in the pool.
4. Laura should have told us the truth.
She ___________________________________________ us the truth.
5. Paul will have to look for a new job.
He _____________________________________ to look for a new job.
6. Sally fell on her way to school.
She ___________________________________ on her way to school.
7. Fabian often writes us emails.
He _____________________________________________ us emails.
8. Who went to the cinema yesterday?
Who _______________________________ to the cinema yesterday?
9. On Monday Pat left for Birmingham.
On Monday she ______________________________ for Birmingham.
10. Tim would like to build some new houses.
He __________________________________________ new houses.
________ / 10 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 7 (6 minutes)
Ask questions. The underlined words are the answers. Don’t change the
tense (Zeitform).
0) Fred lives in Zurich.
Where does Fred live?
00) The film was about the 1960s.
What was the film about?
1. John and Mary talked about the soccer match.
_______________________________________________________ about?
2. The police found Jane’s backpack in the park.
____________________________________________________in the park?
3. Maggie went to Paris last week.
_____________________________________________________last week?
4. Sue has lived in London for 10 years.
_____________________________________________________in London?
5. We need 700 grams of cheese for dinner tonight.
________________________________________________for dinner tonight?
6. They are having pizza for dinner.
______________________________________________________ for dinner?
7. Sam likes to play computer games with his friends.
_________________________________________________ with his friends?
8. Sarah won’t speak to her brother anymore because she’s mad at him.
9. Jim is going to start his apprenticeship next year.
______________________________________________ his apprenticeship?
10. Her parents have visited five countries on this trip to Europe.
_____________________________________________on this trip to Europe?
_____ / 10 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 8 (14 minutes)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. The words need not be the same.
David is a better runner than Paul.
Paul is not as good a runner as David.
00) We started working here in 2001.
We’ve worked here for five years.
When Jessy was younger, she always played “Memory”.
When Jessy was younger, she ________________________ play “Memory”.
Peter can’t wait to go on holiday.
He is looking forward ___________________________________ on holiday.
This is the most delicious meal I’ve ever had.
I’ve never _________________________________________ delicious meal.
I turned on the heating because it was very cold.
It was very cold ____________________________________ on the heating.
Breakfast is served from 7 am till 10 am.
They ________________________________________ from 7 am till 10 am.
Andy can’t go to the cinema because he has a lot to do.
If he __________________________________, he could go to the cinema.
When do you usually go to work?
What is ____________________________________________ to go to work?
Julia has been working here for five years.
She _________________________________________ here five years ago.
Chris drove so fast that he frightened us.
He was ________________________________ driver that he frightened us.
10. Mary plays the guitar better than I do.
I can’t _____________________________________________ as Mary does.
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2011
Englisch Serie 1
11. Passengers should not leave their luggage unattended.
Luggage _________________________________________ by passengers.
12. May I use your car tonight?
Is it ok __________________________________________ your car tonight.
13. What does anxious mean?
What _________________________________________________ anxious?
14. Jane owns this antique sofa.
This is ___________________________________________________ sofa.
15. They are going to install new traffic lights.
New traffic lights _______________________________________________ .
_____ / 15 marks
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