AP 2012 E Serie 1


AP 2012 E Serie 1
Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Serie 1
(60 Min.)
Hilfsmittel: keine
Maximal erreichbare Punktzahl
erreichte Punktzahl
............... Punkte
Die Expertin / der Experte
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 1 (10 minutes)
Read the text below and then decide if the following statements are True or False.
If there is not enough information to answer True or False, choose Doesn’t say.
Tick the right box after each statement.
Sarah is in her twenties.
Sarah is 18 years old.
Doesn’t say
It’s one thing to know that bungee jumping exists as a sport. But it’s quite another to
watch a friend try it before your very eyes, while you stand there wondering why. I mean,
really, why would anyone want to throw himself off a 110-metre-high bridge?
Mark was a friend I had got to know at the backpackers’ lodge where I was staying in
Livingstone, Zambia, near the Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River. When we met, he had
already jumped once and was still very excited about his achievement. He couldn’t stop
telling me how it was the best experience of his life. So, I decided that, while I wasn’t
brave enough to do it myself, I’d at least go and watch the other bungee jumpers.
Victoria Falls is known in the local language as “Mosi-on-Tunya” - “the smoke that
thunders”. In the 1880s David Livingstone described the falls in his journal: “Scenes so
lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight.” Today, many still consider
this two-kilometre-long cataract to be “the greatest known curtain of falling water”.
Mark had seen this great waterfall - upside down, mind you - and was thrilled with the
memory. Those who successfully complete one jump can jump a second time free of
charge. But then Mark started to have doubts about jumping again. I asked him what had
changed, and he told me that he and his girlfriend had broken up. It was worrying him, but
he still wanted to try another jump.
He wanted to be the man he once was - fearless, ankles tied to the ropes, arms free,
yelling and screaming into the wind as he took the plunge. He wanted me to be there to
support him.
We went to the falls the next day and on the way there he was very quiet. I decided
not to ask any questions and remained silent. Once Mark had made it to the bridge, he
walked bravely to the point from which he would jump. There he joined others who wanted
to do the same. I went on ahead to watch them.
Finally, it was Mark’s turn. He seemed nervous as he stood on the edge, and it looked
as if he were chanting a Buddhist mantra, willing himself not to let the break-up with his
girlfriend haunt him and “dis-man” him. He clearly tried to put mind over matter, but in the
end it just didn’t work. Mark had actually turned white and was shaking when he stood
there on the edge. At the last moment, he made the mistake of looking down, and he
almost fell forward. But then he fell back and shook his head.
“I can’t do it,” he said to the men holding him. The ropes came off his feet. But he told
me later he would go back and try it again. He had to, he said.
That night in the backpackers’ lodge, he found another way to fight what had been
haunting him - surrounded by bottles of beer and a crowd of people partying, he was
happy to try to forget.
Mark was only 22, and I thought he had all the time in the world to find his peace of
mind. Naturally, I kept this thought to myself. But I also wondered how many people who
were looking for inner harmony would test themselves by throwing themselves off a cliff. I
admire Mark, but I’m so glad that I’m a woman. I don’t have to prove that I’m a man!
adapted from an article by Romie Singh in Spotlight, September 2005
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
‘True’ (=T), ‘False’ (=F) or ‘Doesn’t say’ (=DS):
False Doesn’t
The author thinks bungee jumping is a great sport.
Mark was an experienced bungee jumper.
If you have jumped once, you get a free second try.
Mark wanted the author to watch him jump because
his girlfriend didn’t want to be there.
The author didn’t want to ask Mark any questions
before he jumped so he wouldn’t be too nervous.
Mark was too afraid to jump.
Mark decided never to jump again.
Going to a party helped Mark forget his troubles.
The author thinks that people who are unhappy
should jump off a cliff.
10. The author is glad she is a woman because
women don’t need to do bungee jumping to feel
good about themselves.
_____ / 20 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 2 (10 minutes)
Questions 1 - 5
• Read the text and questions below.
• For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer - A, B or C - as shown in
the following example:
Sarah’s parents, Mr and Mrs Smith, were busy at the office planning next
year’s holiday for their employees.
Mr and Mrs Smith didn’t visit Sarah because
they had to work.
they didn’t want to.
her father was in hospital.
A cup of tea: A British icon?
Have a nice sit-down with a cup of tea, maybe biscuits too. What could be more typically
English? Wherever you go, right across England, you'll find cups of tea being served from
the everyday cafe to the Ritz Hotel. However, the tea British people drink is not English at
all. The story of tea is part of England's history. It's the story of trade and ships and
empire, the story of medicine and hygiene.
England was the last of the great European nations to enter the Chinese and Indian tea
trades. It was the Portuguese, founding the colony of Macao on the south-east coast of
China in the 16th century, who first developed a taste for it. They were followed by the
Dutch and French. The first imports of tea to England came in the mid-1650s. However, it
was not until 1662 that tea became a fashion when King Charles married Catherine of
Braganza, the daughter of the King of Portugal. She brought with her not only the teadrinking habit, but also the territories of Mumbai (Bombay) and Tangier. These territories
helped the East India Company to establish a permanent operational base in India, from
where they could supply the English domestic market with tea.
Like all new and exotic products, tea was initially very expensive, and so only the rich
could afford to drink it. As its price went down, though, it became more widely drunk, and
soon replaced beer as the national drink. Before long, imported tea was cheaper than
home-produced beer. Tea has been a genuinely democratic drink ever since – the fuel for
manual workers just as much as the symbol of polite refinement when sipped with
cucumber sandwiches at four in the afternoon (“tea time”).
For a brief period during the 19th century, the tea trade relied on great sailing ships known
as clippers. These ships were designed for the long and arduous journey along the
Eastern trade routes, which involved sailing around the Cape of Good Hope at the
southern tip of Africa. The tea clippers were no longer needed in 1869, when a route
through the Mediterranean Sea and via the Suez Canal opened, and steam engines
replaced sails.
The East India Company, which enjoyed the monopoly of the tea trade for so long, was
founded by Elizabeth I on December 31st, 1600. It had the right to trade in the East Indies
for 15 years, but the monopoly was extended indefinitely by James I in 1609. Tea was
initially imported from India, until a trading post was founded in Guangzhou (Canton) in
southern China in 1711. The Company saw the beginning of its decline in the 19th
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
century. In 1834, the British government enabled other companies and private citizens to
import Chinese tea as they wished. Then the Navigation Acts of 1849 allowed foreign
companies to bring tea to Britain. In the 18th century, tea was very popular in the North
American British colonies, but it was heavily taxed by the government in London. This led
to a boycott by many American settlers.
In 1773, some Chinese tea that was carried on three ships landed at Boston,
Massachusetts. It had been refused at several other ports, and now they wanted to unload
it under the protection of armed naval vessels. While the ships lay anchored, a band of
militant rebels forced their way onto the ships one by one, and smashed 342 boxes of tea,
dumping the tea into the harbour. As a result, the British authorities closed the port of
Boston. The episode became known as the Boston Tea Party, and is still seen as a
symbol of the American Revolution.
Tea became popular in England when …
A the Portuguese started to import it in the 16th century.
B the Dutch started to import it in the 17th century.
C the English King got married.
In England, tea eventually became …
A even more expensive than beer
B disliked by manual workers as it provided no energy
C so popular that it is called the national drink.
The tea clippers …
A disappeared in the 19th century
B were used to sail across the Atlantic around South America
C were only used on short boat trips.
The East India Company began its decline in the 19th century because ….
A tea became less popular in England
B the English Government lifted the company’s monopoly on tea imports
C the Chinese were better at producing cheap tea.
The tea ships that landed in Boston in 1773 were …
A protected by other boats
B occupied by calm soldiers who had drunk too much tea
C without good navigators and had therefore sailed to the wrong ports.
_____ / 10 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 3 (8 minutes)
Fill the gaps with the correct form of the word. Write your answers in the
column on the right.
Example: Put on a pair of ...gloves... if you’re cold.
If the word is a preposition/conjunction, no first letter is given.
Example: Are you interested ....... politics? Are you interested in politics?
It’s my life - Dom Delawese
I am 33 years old and single. I (1) g… u… (wuchs auf) on
Mersey Island, in a fishing village on the Essex coast of
(1) ____________
England with my mum, dad, sister, a dog and cat, two (2)
(2) ____________
h… (Pferde) and two goats. But I live in Brighton now, in a
(3) ____________
small house (3) w… (welches) I bought to have some
(4) ____________
sense of security. I live (4) … (mit) two flatmates because
(5) ____________
it helps to (5) p… (bezahlen) the rent and I like to be
(6) ____________
among a lot of (6) p… (Menschen). The two cats are not
(7) ____________
really (7) m… (meine). They’re my flatmate’s. I still enjoy
(8) ____________
them, though. I’m a (8) m… (Mitglied) of Infinity Foods, a
(9) ____________
vegetarian food cooperative that has been around for (9)
(10) ____________
a… (ungefähr) 30 years. We get organic food from all over
(11) ____________
the world and distribute it - mainly in England, but also to a
(12) ____________
few places (10) a… (im Ausland). I work in the warehouse,
(13) ____________
so I (11) u… (normalerweise) get things off incoming
(14) ____________
lorries with a forklift and then I stock them (12) s…
(15) ____________
(irgendwo) in the warehouse. It is very heavy (13) w…
(16) ____________
(Arbeit) and lots of people get bad backs from lifting (14)
(17) ____________
e… d… (jeden Tag), but it does make you very fit, I must
(18) ____________
say. I don’t go on holiday. I do things like courses instead.
(19) ____________
(15) F… e… (Zum Beispiel) I have just (16) f…
(20) ____________
(abgeschlossen) a course in sound recording with the
BBC. If I did take a holiday, though, I (17) w… l… (würde
gerne) to go to Italy and get a cottage on the (18) b…
(Strand). I’d sit (19) t… (dort), drink fine wine, play the
_____ / 20 marks
guitar and not think for a (29) w… (Woche).
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 4 (8 minutes)
Word formation. Change the word printed in bold to a suitable form for the
sentence. Write your answers in the column to the right.
Far from the crowd
(0) neighbourhood
We live in a new residential area on the outskirts of London. It is
(1) _____________
is a quiet (0) … (NEIGHBOUR), which makes a nice change
after living in one of the noisiest (1) … (SUBURBAN) of London
for many years. The house is set in beautiful (2) …
(2) _____________
(3) _____________
(SURROUND), though there is one major (3) …
(4) _____________
(ENVIRONMENT) problem: a chemical factory about 5 miles
away in the (4) … (INDUSTRY) zone. Unfortunately the waste
from the factory has caused serious (5) … (POLLUTE) of the
(5) _____________
(6) _____________
atmosphere and the river. Another (6) … (ADVANTAGE) is the
nightlife – there isn’t any. If you want (7) … (ENTERTAIN), you
have to invent it yourself or drive into (8) … (CENTRE) London
with all the trouble of finding a (9) … (SUIT) parking space.
(7) _____________
(8) _____________
(9) _____________
Luckily, it is only a 5-minute walk from our house to the nearest
(10) … (GROUND) station.
(10) ____________
________ / 10 marks
TASK 5 (2 minutes)
Add a question tag to each sentence. Example:
0) We’re nearly there,
aren’t we?
1. He didn’t buy a new car last year,
2. Anna found $100,
3. The children won’t be home for dinner,
4. He is late again,
5. You haven’t got much money,
__________ / 5 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 6 (4 minutes)
Make the following sentences negative. Don’t change the tense (Zeitform).
Fred is 18 years old.
Fred isn’t 18 years old.
00) Emma speaks good English.
Emma doesn’t speak good English.
1. Sarah told us a funny story.
Sarah ______________________________________ us a funny story.
2. Peter will speak to the manager.
Peter ___________________________________________ to the manager.
3. Can I get you a cup of tea?
_________________________________ you a cup of tea?
4. Karen had to work on Saturdays.
Karen _________________________________________ on Saturdays.
5. Jack grew up in London.
Jack _____________________________________ in London.
6. Dave might come to our place.
Dave ___________________________________ to our place.
7. Liza gave up smoking last year.
Liza _________________________________________ last year.
8. John used to sing a lot when he was 16.
John _______________________________ a lot when he was 16.
9. She forgot her handbag on the train.
She ______________________________ her handbag on the train.
10. The situation could have been worse.
The situation _____________________________________ worse.
________ / 10 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 7 (6 minutes)
Ask questions. The underlined words are the answers. Don’t change the
tense (Zeitform). Examples:
Fred lives in Zurich.
Where does Fred live?
The film was about the 1960s.
What was the film about?
1. Jane borrowed Carol’s book yesterday.
2. Lauren has read five books this month.
_____________________________________________________this month?
3. The cook needs three apples for his special recipe.
_____________________________________________for his special recipe?
4. Joe is having tea for breakfast.
___________________________________________________ for breakfast?
5. Georgina likes detective stories.
6. Sheila can’t fly to Los Angeles this year because she doesn’t have enough
__________________________________________ to Los Angeles this year?
7. The math teacher can’t meet John’s parents tomorrow.
______________________________________________________ tomorrow?
8. Sam is moving to Lucerne next week.
_____________________________________________________to Lucerne?
9. Sharon has been taking dancing lessons for 2 years.
_________________________________________________dancing lessons?
10. Marge went to Moscow last week.
______________________________________________________last week?
_____ / 10 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
TASK 8 (14 minutes)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. The words need not be the same.
David is a better runner than Paul.
Paul is not as good a runner as David.
00) We started working here in 2001.
We’ve worked here for five years.
Jane is the smartest student in our class.
No one is _____________________________________________ Jane is.
What does “gorgeous” mean?
What ____________________________________________ “gorgeous”?
What about stopping for lunch?
Shall ______________________________________________ for lunch?
When Mark was younger, he played football every day.
When Mark was younger, he ___________________ play football every day.
Bob often drives so fast that he frightens us.
He is ________________________________________ that he frightens us.
Alicia wants to buy a new car, but doesn’t have enough money yet.
As soon as she _____________________________, she will buy a new car.
Some elderly people have difficulty learning a language.
It’s difficult ________________________________________ a language.
This book must be returned today.
You ___________________________________________________ today.
This watch belongs to Pat.
This is _______________________________________________ watch.
10. This is the first time I’ve been to Washington.
I’ve __________________________________________________ before.
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
11. She last went to Spain five years ago.
She hasn’t _____________________________________________five years.
12. Can you tell me the length of the pool?
Can you tell me how __________________________________________?
13. It’s only a one-hour flight to London.
It only takes __________________________________________ to London.
14. Larry has been playing basketball for two years.
Larry started _______________________________________________ ago.
15. It was very cold, so I put on a pullover.
I put on a pullover ______________________________________________ .
_____ / 15 marks
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Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Englisch Serie 1
100 Marks
Task 1
20 Marks (2 each)
True False DS*
1. X
2. X
X 3.
4. X
5. 6.
X 7. X
X 8.
9. X
10. X
Task 2
10 Marks (2 each)
Task 3
20 Marks (1 each)
1. grew up
2. horses
3. which
4. with
5. pay
6. people
7. mine
8. member
9. about / approximately
10. abroad
11. usually
*DS = Doesn’t say
12. somewhere
13. work
14. every day
15. for example
16. finished
17. would like
18. beach
19. there
20. week
Task 4
10 Marks (1 each)
Task 5
5 Marks (1 each)
1. suburbs
1. did he
2. surroundings
2. didn’t she
3. environmental
3. will they
4. industrial
4. isn’t he
5. pollution
5. have you
6. disadvantage
7. entertainment
8. central
9. suitable
10. underground
Kaufmännische Berufsmatura im Kanton Zürich
Aufnahmeprüfung 2012
Task 6
10 Marks (1 each)
Englisch Serie 1
Task 7
10 marks (1 each)
1. didn’t tell
1. Whose book did Jane borrow…
2. won’t speak
2. How many books has Lauren read…
3. can’t I get
3. How many apples does the cook need …
4. didn’t have to work
4. What is Joe having …
5. didn’t grow up
5. What kind of stories does Georgina like
6. might not come
6. Why can’t Sheila fly …
7. didn’t give up smoking
7. Who can’t the math teacher meet with …
8. didn’t use to sing
8. When is Sam moving to Lucerne…
9. didn’t forget
9. How long has Sharon been taking …
10. couldn’t have been
“not” form also accepted
10. Where did Marge go …
Task 8
15 marks (1 each)
as smart as
11. gone to Spain for
is the meaning of
12. long the pool is
we stop
13. one hour to fly
used to
such a fast driver
14. playing / to play basketball two
has (enough) money
for some elderly people to learn
must return this book
Pat’s / her
15. because it was very cold
10. never been to Washington