WEEKLY COUNCIL MAIL Date: 01/26/2016
WEEKLY COUNCIL MAIL Date: 01/26/2016
WEEKLY COUNCIL MAIL City of Thousand Oaks Date: 01/26/2016 l MAYOR/COUNCIL CALENDAR From 1/27/2016 To 4/24/2016 Date Time Subject an~ -~~~_ation Remarks _j Councilmembersj January (2016)_ 1__ 27 Wed 3:00 PM Redevelopment Successor Agency's Oversight Board Mtg. CAP Board Room Bill-de la Pena 28 Th u 8:30 AM VRSD Board Meeting - Special Meeting 1001 Pat1ridge Dri ve, Suite 150, Ventura Price 29 Fri 30 Sat 1l:OOAM CITY HALL CLOSED - ~Yes Senior Concerns Caregiver Recognition Day T,os Robles Greens, 299 Moorpark Road I AM - 11 :30 AM .._ l Mon 10:00 1 Mon I :00 PM - 3:00 PM Price /\dam Adam RPD-21 General Membership Meeting Ventura County Govenunent Center, Hall of Justice Pacific Conference Room (Behind Cafeteria) Disabled Access & Appeals Advisory Board (D/\/\AB) Interviews, CAP Park Room Meeting with City Manager Price Meeting w/Patricia Jones re: Proposed Oakmont Senior Project, Assisted Living Facility Price 8:30 AM VRSD Board Meeting 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura Price 9:00 AM VCTC Commission Meeting Camarillo City Hall, 601 Carmen Drive Ventura County Leadership Academy focus Session California Lutheran University American Heart Association Go Red for Women Luncheon Four Seasons, 2 Dole Drive, Westlake Village Law Enforcement and Firefighter Appreciation Program Thousand Oaks Elks Lodge, 158 N. Conejo School Road Bill-de la Pena ~ 2 Tue 7:30AM 2Tue I 0:00 AM - 11 :30 AM 2Tuc 11:30AM 3 Wed 11:00 AM - 5 Fri - 5 Fri I J :00 /\M - 11 :50 AM 5 Fri 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM 5 Fri 6:00 PM 6 Sat 7:00 PM - 8 Mon 10:00 AM - 11 :30 /\M - - 8M on 1 :00 PM - 3:00 PM 9Tue 10:30 AM \ - - Meeting with City Manager " Meeting with City Manager Dr. Robert Gates Lecture & Book Signing - A Passion for Leadership, Ronald Reagan Library, Simi Valley 1 Mon 4:30 PM 4 Thu I- February (2016) Price 9Tue 1 I :30 AM - Bill-de la Pena/Price Bill-de la Pena Bill-de la Pena -- CB/JP/AA Price//\dam - Conejo Chinese Cultural Association Lunar Chinese New Year Celebration, Fred Kavli Theatre Rill-de la Pena/Adam Meeting with Citt_Manager Meeting with City Manager Price Adam Meeting w/Consultants Larry Kosmont and Brian Moncrief Rill-de la Pena re: Economic Development Strategic Plan City Manager's Conference Room Bill-de la Pena Meeting with City Manager Page 1 of 4 - MAYOR/COUNCIL CALENDAR From 1/27/2016 To 4/24/2016 Date Time Remarks I I 9Tue 4:45 PM 9Tue 6:00 PM IOWed 8:30 AM 10 Wed 9:00 AM -10 Wed 12:00 PM - l :30 PM lOWcd 1:15 PM lOWcd 6:00 PM 15 Mon February (2016) - ~ ! Councilmembers - Meeting w/Consultants Larry Kosmont and Brian Moncrief Fox re: Economic Development Strategic Plan City Manager's Conference Room Council City Council Meeting Forum Price VR8D Board Retreat Courtyard by Marriott, 4994 Verdugo Way, Camarillo Meeting w/Consultants Lany Kosmont and Brian Moncrief McCoy/Price re: Economic Development Strategic Plan City Manager's Conference Room -Bill-de la Pena/Price Bicycle Tourism Roundtable Discussion CAP Oak & Park Meeting Rooms Meeting w/Consultants Larry Kosmont and Brian Moncrief !\dam re: Economic Development Strategic Plan City Manager's Conference Room Bill-de la Pena/Fox COSCA Board Meeting Civic Arts Plaza Board Room PRESIDENT'S DAY HOLIDAY-CITY HALL CLOSED 16 Tue 11:30 16 Tue ! ·- _i Subject and Location .... -· ·· .. AM 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM 18 Thu 8:30 AM 18Thu 4:00 PM 20 Sat 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM 20 Sat 5:00 PM 22 Mon 10:00 AM - 11 :30 AM 22 Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM 23 Tue 11:30 AM 23Tue 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM >- 23 Tue 6:00 PM I25 Thu 3:30 PM 29 Mon 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM 29Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Cultural Affairs Department Strategic Plan Meeting with Elena Brokaw, Founders Ro~ Bill-de la Pena -Bill-de la Pena/Adam VR8D Board Meeting 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura EDC-VC Board Meeting TBD Price Adam Price City of Thousand Oaks Youth Leadership Summit Thousand Oaks Library Community Room Community Conscience 24th Annual Mardi Gras Ball 2016 Price/Adam Hyatt Westlake Plaza, 880 S. Westlake Blvd., Westlake Price Meeting with City Manager !\dam Meeting with City Manager - Bill-de la Pena Meeting with City Manager Uill-de la Pena/ Adam Doys & Girls Clubs Rocky & Lon Morton Building Dedication, Sequoia Middle School 2855 Borchard Rd., NP Council City Council Meeting fornm Adam V cntura County Fire Department Awards Ceremony Padre Serra Center, 5205 Upland Road, Camarillo Price Meeting with City Manager Adam Meeting with City Manager Page 2of4 MAYOR/COUNCIL CALENDAR From 1/27/2016 To 4/24/2016 Date Time Remarks _C________~_~_February (2016) l I i ' 1 Tue 7:30 AM I Tue 9:30 AM - 11 :00 /\M 1 Tue I 1:30AM 1 Tue 6:00 PM ~ March (2016) 3 Thu 8:30 AM 3 Thu 3:00 PM 4 Fri RPD-21 General Membership Meeting V cntura County Government Center, 1lall of Justice Pacific Conference Room (Behind Cafeteria) Conejo Coalition for Youth & Families Committee Meeting CRPD Hillcrest Center, Recreation Meeting Room Meeting with City Manager City Council Meeting Forum Price Bill-de la Pena Bill-de la Pena Council Price . Price McCoy NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Washington, D.C. VCTC Commission Meeting Camarillo City Hall, 601 Carmen Drive Price 5 Sat N LC 2016 Congressional City Conference Washington, D.C. Price 6 Sun NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Washington, D.C. Price 7Mon NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Washington, D.C. Price 8Tue NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Washington, D.C. Price 9Wed NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Washington, D.C. Price VCOG Administrative Committee Meeting City of Camarillo, Council Chambers Adam 14 Mon 10:00 AM- 11 :30 AM 14Mon I :00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Meeting with City Manager Price Adam 15 Tue 11:30 AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 17Thu 8:30 AM VRSD Board Meeting 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura EDC-VC Board Meeting TDD Price 4 Fri - - 9:00 AM -~-·~ JO Thu 5:00 PM - - 17Thu 4:00 PM 21 Mon 10:00 AM - 11 :30 AM - - [ NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Washington, D.C. YRSD Board Meeting 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura A WA Board Meeting (Annual Meeting-Elections) 5156 McGrath Street, Suite 104, Ventura 3 Thu - Cooncilmembers - Bill-de la Pena -- . Meeting with City Manager_ __ Page 3of 4 Adam -- Price -- -- I ·1 MAYOR/COUNCIL CALENDAR From 1/27/2016 To 4/24/2016 i Date ,. Time Remarks Subiect and Location r:i I · ~ March (201§) I Councilmembers 1 - 1 21 Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM ,Meet ing with City Manager Adam 22Tue 11:30 AM ,Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 28 Mon 10:00 AM - I I :30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price 28Mon l:OO PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Adam 29Tue 11:30 AM Meeting with City Manager Dill-de la Pena I ' 1 Fri 9:00AM April (2016) - ~- - - I t VCTC Commission Meeting Camarillo City Ilall, 601 Carmen Drive Bill-de la Pena 4 Mon 10:00 AM- 11 :30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price 4Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Adam 5 Tue 7:30 AM RPD-21 General Membership Meeting Price Ventura ColUlty Government Center, Hall of Justice Pacific Conference Room (Behind Cafeteria) 5Tue 11:30AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 7Thu 8:30 l\M V RSD Board Meeting 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura Price 8Fri LCC Public Safoty Policy Committee Meeting Sacramento, CA Price 11Mon10:00 AM- 11:30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price II Mon l :00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Adam 12 Tue 11:30 AM 12Tue 6:00 PM Meeting with City Manager City Council Meeting Ponun l3ill-de la Pena 16 Sat 10:00 l\M - 3:00 PM Council City of Thousand Oaks Arbor/Earth Day Festival Thousand Oaks Community Park, 2525 N. Moorpark Rd. Bill-de la Pena/Price 18 Mon 10:00 AM - I I :30 AM 18 Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Meeting with City Manager Price Adam 19Tue 11:30AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 21 Thu 7:00 AM - l:OOPM AW A Annual Water Symposium & Exposition Courtyard, Oxnard 21 Thu 8:30 AM VRSD Board Meeting 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura Price 21 Thu 4:00 PM EDC-VC Board Meeting Adam TBD Page 4of4 . McCoy DRAFT DRAFT CITY OF THOUSAND OAKS **FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY/CONFIDENTIAL** PENDING CITY COUNCIL MEETING USTING 112612016 12:11 PM All Meetings are Regular Mtgs. at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted Revised Schedule Due to Holida vs and/or Ch Meeting Date ~ .. . I 1 ~ -· - - ~ Category/Description -• ~ ~- . I: i ,_ Legal Notices Agenda Review Workflow Dept. Due Publish 1/19 1/26 . 219/16 Regular Meeting Special Presentations Recognition - TOPD for the partnership/support of Be the DD and Win (ProjectSafer) Presentation - "Arts & Economic Prosperity Study" from the Cultural Affairs Commission's Community Outreach Committee Public Hearing Oakmont Assisted Living Project Zone Change and Development Entitlements (Rolling Oaks and Los Padres Drives) Department Reports Wastewater/Water Financial Plans, Proposed Rate Adjustments and Cost of Service Study - Approve & Set Public Hearing Date Westlake Boulevard Sidewalk Improvements (Cl 5337) 2nd Amendment with MNS {Triunfo Canyon Rd. to the 101 Freeway) Thousand Oaks Boulevard Utilities Undergrounding (Cl 5331) Contract Award Consent Calendar Authorize WaterSMART Grant Application On-call Door & Door Hardware Service Providers Contract 2123116 Cont'd Next Pg. Regular Meeting Special Presentations Proclamation - Read Across America Day Public Hearings MCA 2015-70320 - Establish zoning regulations for substance abuse treatment facilities (7 or more beds) Reports Final No Later Than Tuesday 5 p.m. Due in 10a.m. 1/25 Due back noon 2/1 212 2/8 2/11* 2116 POL/CCD CAD/CCD 1/26 CDD DPW DPW DPW DPW FIN 212 2/9 CCD CDD 219 .. " :; .. :.,..... ,. . ,tL 'r :· n ~viL "I! iViAl DATE /--U-11.t; c .... PENDING CITY COUNCIL MEETING LISTING DRAFT Page 1 . Meeting Date 2/23/16 Cont'd 3/1/16 3/22/16 Category/Description Legal Notices r • l· Dept. Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act Public Hearing for Issuance of Tax -Exempt Multi -family Housing Revenue Bonds by Many Mansions for Shadow Hills Apartment Project (227 East Wilbur Road) Department Report Conejo Valley Groundwater Study Update Committee, Commission, Board Reports Alliance for the Arts Aoreement Update (Adam/Fox) Consent Calendar Traffic Impact Fee Nexus Study Contract Groundwater Ordinance Update - Initiate MCA Water Quality Mixers Contract Amendment Mail Room Inserter and Mail Machine Equipment and Service Aoreement Acceptance of the Homeland Security Grant for the Disaster Assistance Response Team Regular Meeting Special Presentation Presentation - Green Fleet Award to the City Consent Calendar Wastewater Facilities Transfer Aoreement on Victoria Lane SoCal Gas Advanced Meter Agreement Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP) and Audit Update CNG Rideshare Vans Purchase Publish Due in 10a.m. back noon 2/9 2/16 2/16* 2/22 2/23 3/1 3/8 3/7 3/14 3/15 CDD DPW CAD DPW DPW DPW FIN POL DPW DPW DPW DPW DPW Regular Meeting Public Hearings Groundwater Ordinance Update Council Issues/Recommendations NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference 3/3-3/9 (Price) Consent Calendar ADA Transition Plan for Street Right-of-Way 2016 Overlay and Re-Surfacing Program (Cl 5231) -Authorization to Bid 2016 Pavement SI u rrv Prag ram (Mt 2526) - Authorization to Bid PENDING CITY COUNCIL MEETING LISTING Due Reports Final No Later Than Tuesday 5 p.m. Due I ; Agenda Review Workflow DPW CMO DPW DPW DPW DRAFT Page2 Legal Notices ~ I Meeting Date 4112/16 4/26/16 Category/Description r ~ I Regular Meeting Public Hearings Water and Wastewater Utility Rates and User Fees Consent Calendar Contract for Water Treatment of Mechanical Systems at Various City Facilities Regular Meeting Public Hearings 2016-1 7 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan for U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Department Report Potential Countywide VCTC Sales Tax (Receive Report) Committee Reports 2016 Recommendations (Social Services Ad Hoc Committee) Consent Calendar Ordinance-2nd Reading; Water & Wastewater Utility Rates & User Fees MSC Fleet Workshop Canopy (Cl 5369) Agreement Dept. Due Publish Agenda Review Reports Workflow Final No Later Than Due in 10a.m. Due noon back Tuesday 5 p.m. 3/22 3/29 3/28 4/4 4/5 4/5 4/12 4/11 4/18 4/19 4/19 4/26 4/25 512 5/3 DPW FI N CDD DPW CDD DPW DPW 5/10/16 Regular Meeting - POTENTIAL GOAL SESSION 5/24116 Regular Meeting 5/3 5/10 5/9 5/16 5/17 6/14116 Reaular Meeting Public Hearings Attach Delinquent W astewater Liens to the Property Tax Rolls Department Reports Call November 8, 2016 General Municipal Election Transit Master Plan Resolution Adopting the Urban Water Management Plan - 2015 Update 5/24 5/31 5/27* 616 6/7 6/7 6/14 6/13 6/20 6/21 6/28/16 FIN CCD DPW DPW Regular Meeting PENDING CITY COUNCIL MEETING LISTING DRAFT Page 3 " .. Legal - ' ' Notices I Meeting 1 Category/Description Date Dept. Due Publish Agenda Review Workflow Due in 10a.m. noon Due back Reports Final No later Than Tuesday 5 p.m . 7/5/16 Regular Meeting 6/14 6/21 6/20 6/27 6/28 7/12116 Regular Meeting Consent Calendar City ManaQer Authority During Summer Recess 6/21 6/28 6/27 6/30 7/5 8/9 8/16 8/15 8/22 8/23 8/23 8/30 8/29 9/2* 9/6 . CMO Summer Recess 8/30/16 9113116 Regular Meeting (Tentative) Pledge - Joint Fire/Police Honor Guard (flaa) Regular Meeting Public Hearings 2015-16 CAPER Report for U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CCD COD 9/27/16 Regular Meeting 9/6 9/13 9/12 9/19 9/20 10/11/16 Regular Meeting 9/20 9/27 9/26 10/3 10/4 10/25/16 Regular Meeting 10/4 10/11 10/10 10/17 10/18 11/1/16 Regular Meeting 10111 10/18 10/17 10/24 10/25 11/22/16 Regular Meeting 11/1 11/8 11/7 11/14 11/15 12/6/16 Regular Meeting - FINAL MEETING FOR COUNCIL ITEMS FOR 11/15 11/22 11/21 11/28 11/29 11/22 11/29 11/28 1215 12/6 2016 12/13/16 City Council Reorganization Meeting November 8, 2016 Election Results PENDING CITY COUNCIL MEETING LISTING CCD DRAFT Page4 # Tentative Date UNSCHEDULED ITEMS ,. Agenda Item l' Dept. Notes - j Special Presentations 1. Annual· Mtg Pledge - Joint Fire/Police Honor Guard CCD/Fire Prior to 9111 Public Hearings 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Zone Change, Entitlement Applications for Home Depot; West Side of Hampshire Road, North of Foothill Drive; Applicant: HomeDepot, USA, Inc. (C-1 to C-3) - following PC Cell Site Ordinance Update Affordable Housing In-Lieu & Linkage Fee Updates Thousand Oaks Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment - Housing Appeal RPMJ 2014-70518/0TP 2015-70003 to allow construction of 8' high masonry wall along rear property line (adjacent to Westlake Boulevard); allow encroachment within protected zone of 6 oak trees and removal of one oak tree; Applicant: Hualalai Holding Trust; Located: 1757 and 1764 Classic Rose Court CDD CDD/CAO CDD CDD CDD Staff working with carriers such as Verizon Update memo to Council - 9/2014 Removed from 2/10/15 tentative date Moved from 12/15/15 Tentative. Department Reports 7. 8. Westlake Fire Station Update Moorpark/Newbury Park Edison Electrical Lines FIR CDD/CMO CPUC Draft EIR in progress Consent Calendar 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. Risk Management Settlement Authority Deer Creek- Tract 5142 Amendment to CC&R and Emergency Agreement and Easement Deed Acceptance Acceptance of Brossard and Bower Way Tara Reservoir Improvements (Cl 5290) - Contract Award Conduit Lease Agreements with Sunesys Retention Schedule Update (Reso) HRD DPW DPW DPW DPW CCD Moved from 10/20/15 Tentative Moved from 10/20/15 Tentative Moved from 11110/15 Tentative Distribution: City Manager, City Attorney, Executive Team, Agenda Contacts CCD:610-30/am/h:COMMON/Agenda/Pending City Council Meetings.docx PENDING CITY COUNCIL MEETING LISTING DRAFT Page 5 City Staff Correspondence City C le rk Dep artment MEMORANDUM 2100 Thousmid O~k. HoukvnrJ •Thousand Oaks, CA !11362 !'hone 805/449.2 \ Sl • P~x 805/ 449. 21 50 • www.w ..ks.org \-LS -Z..o I~ (. ~ 1-1 To: ' p l'l. C..~+y C(~r~ ~ Co Ml"\~ l"\C ~ UJ From: Cov(\C, / (\ I+~ J t ~"'"' ,.rv-1 3C, cla y 5 re( r....,,+""~"+ W Date: January 25, 2016 Subject: Planning Commissioner Resignation - Pete Turpel f 'ac ic1 s. Pie.. d..5~ °'d vl)~ \ f a..7 ;i.., &{_ vQ l f lo'\J . fa~ c : (. .+T C ~.!} A The City Clerk Department received the attached letter of resignation from Planning Commissioner Pete Turpel. As stated in the letter, his resignation is effective January 22, 2016. tt ... , " ~?' O\th+ur This resignation will result in opening a recruitment for this unscheduled vacancy. The recruitment process will be as follows: 1. City Clerk will post a Vacancy Notice noting the unscheduled vacancy; appointee to serve the remained of current term (term ending November 2018 - Mayor Price's Appointee). 2. Vacancies recruitments are scheduled for a minimum of 14 days, with 30 days being our traditional recruitment time period. I recommend a 30 day recruitment for this vacancy. 3. Upon closing the recruitment, all applications received will be forwarded to Mayor Price. At which time, Mayor Price may determine which individuals he would like to interview for this unscheduled vacancy. 4. Appointment will be placed on a City Council meeting agenda for ratification in March 2016. If you concur, I will post the Vacancy Notice with a 30 day recruitment. Attachment CCD:110-20/am/committee/recruitmenVpc unscheduled vacancy jan 2016.docx COUNCIL MAIL DATE ; ...;.5// k toaks .org January 21, 2016 o~ Mayor Joel Price City of Thousand Oaks 2100 E. Thousand Oaks Boulevard Thousand Oaks CA 91362 ......j-l '~ "'""' .:JCJ C..- -< --< -rir _... rr _ ~~~; L::_..,~ N U"I ,.::Ci ,')r.t -n ,.:§~ ~ -. \:7 Dear Mayor Price: c::;"l -I O::J: ,, ., .. With this letter, I am tendering my resignation from the Thousand Oaks Planning ~flfmi~on , effective today, January 22, 2016. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve tttct~the City Council has given me but am no longer able to continue that service. Personal issues have arisen that need my total focus_ I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to serve the city and I certainly respect the staff that has made my service easier than one might expect I am a long-time resident of Thousand Oaks and have been very active in community affairs throughout my residency. When I was appointed to the Commission, I was already aware of many planning matters and practices of the City. However, serving on the Commission for almost four years now has shown me a new dimension in the excellence of our community. From the applicants who come before us to the citizens who participate in the hearings to the excellent professional staff that supports us to the dedicated Commissioners with whom I have served, each has contributed in their own way to build our beautiful City. I would like to especially thank and commend Deputy Community Development Director/City Planner Mark Towne and Assistant City Attorney Patrick Hehir. They have made sure that the Commissioners get the best possible professional review of the applications before us, and advice and recommendations. Their guidance and wisdom has helped me immensely in performing the duties of a Planning Commissioner. I will miss my four colleagues on the Commission, but I know that they and whoever the City Council appoints to replace me will carry out their responsibilities with diligence and care. I have enjoyed my years on the Commission and thank you for allowing me to serve. cc: City Council, Planning Commission, City Manager, Deputy Community Development Director/City Planner City Clerk Oaks 2100 Thousand Oaks Boulevard• Thoussmd Oaks, CA 91362 Phone 805/449.2 151 •Pax 805/449.2150 • www.toaks.oig NOTICE OF VACANCY ON A CITY COMMITTEE, COMMISSION OR BOARD Llnda D. Lawrence City Clerk Please note: Resolution No. 2003-105 Sec. 17. Duplicate Appointment provides that unless speclflcally authorized by City Council, no citizen may serve on more than one standing Citizen Committee, Commission or Board. Pursuant to Government Code §54974, notice is hereby given, that vacancies exist on the following City Committee, Commission or Board: PLANNING COMMISSION One (1) unscheduled vacancy, term to December 2018 Citizens interested in obtaining an application and/or further information regarding the vacancies may contact the City Clerk of the City of Thousand Oaks, 2100 Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Thousand Oaks, California 91362, (805) 449-2151 I, ANTOINETTE M. MANN, Interim City Clerk of the City of Thousand Oaks, California, hereby certify that the above Notice of Vacancy was posted In accordance with California State Government Code §54974 on January 26, 2016. ~r0:tL~~ Antoinette M. Mann, MMC Interim City Clerk Number Vacancies: One position: (Mayor Price nominee); term concurrent with Councilmember to December 2018 Special Requirements: City Residency: Must file Statement of Economic Interests {Conflict of Interest) within 30 days of appointment and annually thereafter; AB 1234 ethics training will be required after appointment Application Closing Date: February 29, 2016 CCD:110-20\pr\h:\common\comm!ttees\ vacancy\PC Price 201 6.docx City Clerk Department Oty of Thousand 2100 Thousand 01tks Boulevard• Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Phone 805/ 449.2151 •Pax 805/449.2150 • www.tonka.org BOARDS, COMMISSION, & COMMITTEES VACANCY SCHEDULE ,. ~ January 26, 2016 (k~\ Please note: Resolution No. 2003-105 Sec. 17. Duplicate Appointment provides that unless specifically authorized by City Council, no citizen may serve on more than one standing Citizen Board, Commission or Committee. Pursuant to Government Code §54974, notice is hereby given, that vacancies exist on the following City Boards, Commissions, and Committees: PLANNING COMMISSION Info Posted: Application Closing Date: Special Requirements: Term: Eligible Applicants: Staff: January 26, 20t6 February 29, 2016 City residency required ; Must file Statement of Economic Interests as required within 30 days of appointment and annually thereafter; AB 1234 Ethics training required within 1 year of appointment 1 unscheduled vacancy; Mayor Price nominee; term to December 2018 O (0 new) Mark Towne 1 VACANCY BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE Info Posted: Application Closing Date: Special Requirements: Terms: Eligible Applicants.: Staff: January 19, 2016 February 19, 2016 City resident, City business owner, or employee of a City business with experience in business operations and/or management; Must fi le Statement of Economic Interests as required within 30 days of appointment and annually thereafter • 1 unscheduled vacancy; term to April 2017 and 5 scheduled vacancies; term to April 2018 2 (2 new, 0 incumbent) Haider Alawami 6 VACANCIES* CCD: 110·1O\pr\h :c;ommon\commlttees\vacancy\vecancy schadule.docx 1 I Vacancy Schedule January 26, 2016 Page 2 YOUTH COMMISSION Info Posted: Application Closing Date: Status: Special Requirements: Term: Eligible Applicants: Staff: January 7, 2016 January 21, 2016 CLOSED January 21 , 2016 Applications forwarded to staff January 25, 2016 City resident ages 12 - 18; Entering a th through 11th grade in Fall 2015 to serve the remainder of the two year term 1 unscheduled vacancy; term to July 2017 8 (8 new) 1 VACANCY Francine Sprigel DISABLED ACCESS APPEALS AND ADVISORY BOARD 1nfo Posted: Application Closing Date: Status: Special Requirements: Term: Eligible Applicants: Council Interview Committee: Staff: November 3, 2015; December 10, 2015 CLOSED January 5, 2016 Applications forwarded to staff January 6 , 2016 Interviews scheduled for February 2, 2016 City residency required; Three (3) scheduled vacancies - One Public Member and Two Construction; Must file Statement of Economic Interests as required (within 30 days of appointment) and annually thereafter; AB 1234 Ethics training required within 1 year of appointment 3 scheduled vacancies; term to February 2018 7 (5 new, 2 incumbent) Joel Price and Claudie Bill-de la Pe~a Dave Hueners 3 VACANCI ES COMMUNITY FUNDING REVIEW COMMITTEE Info Posted: Status: November 3, 2015 1 unscheduled vacancy; Funding review to be complete November 2015; Recruitment scheduled for May 2016 RENT ADJUSTMENT COMMISSION Info Posted: Status: March 6, 2014 2 vacancies (Landlord and Alternate positions); recruitment on hold until further notice CC D: 110-1 O\pr\h :common\comm itteeslvacancy\vacancy schedule.docx I I Ci ty of Thousand Development Activity Report January 2016 This report provides information about development projects and planning applications that are being processed by the Community Development Department. It is organized by type of application (e.g., residential, commercial, oak tree permit, wireless facility) and includes projects under construction, projects that have been approved but are not yet under construction, and pending project applications as of the end of the prior month. This report is updated monthly and is available on the City's website at: http://www.toaks .org/governmenUdepts/com mun itv/defa uIt. asp Inquiries should be directed to: Community Development Department 2100 East Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Phone: (805) 449-2323 Fax: (805) 449-2350 Email: [email protected] COUNCIL MAIL DATE 1-;1.b-lb Contacts, Abbreviations and Definitions Used in this Report Project Planners Name Steve Barragan Marjan Behzadi Richard Burgess Matt Chang Wil Chua Steve Kearns Pam Leopold Joey Lin Claudia Pedroso John Prescott Ian Share Jon Shepherd Jeffrey Specter Mark Towne Lori Young Title COD Technician II Permit Process Manager Senior Planner Associate Planner Associate Planner Senior Planner Senior Planner Assistant Planner Senior Planner Director COD Technician II Planning Division Manager Senior Planner Deputy Director Senior Planner Phone # I Email (805) 449-2338 I [email protected] (805) 449-2328 / [email protected] (805} 449-2326 I [email protected] (805) 449-2317 I [email protected] (805) 449-2509 I [email protected] (805) 449-2315 I [email protected] (805) 449-2335 I [email protected] (805) 449-2327 I [email protected] (805) 449-2337 I [email protected] (805) 449-2311 / [email protected] (805) 449-2316 / [email protected] (805) 449-2345 / [email protected] (805) 449-2325 / [email protected] (805) 449-2340 I [email protected] (805) 449-2319 / [email protected] 'Abbreviati'Ons Case Type" AA ANX DAGR DRVW DP/DPMJ/DPMN EIR GPA GP/GDR HPDIH PMJ/H PM N IRC/IRCA/IRW LD/LDMJ/LDMN LU LTP/LTMJILTMN LPC LLA MND Description Administrative Action Annexation Development Agreement Design Review Development Permit Environmental Impact Report General Plan Amendment Grading Design Review Hillside Planned Development Inter-Agency Rvw (County, Camarillo, Westlake) Land Division General Plan Land Use Element Landmark Tree Permit Landscape Plan Check Lot Line Adjustment Mitigated Negative Declaration Case Type• MCA ND OTPIOTMJIOTMN PMW PAIPAR PPD RPD/RPMJ/RPMN SUP/SUMJ/SUMN SPISPA T/TTM/TTMJ/TTMN TUP uuw VIVARIVAMJ/VAMN VTTM/VTMJ/VTMN z Description Municipal Code Amendment Negative Declaration Oak Tree Permit Parcel Map Waiver Pre-application Review Precise Plan of Design Residential Planned Development Special Use Permit Specific Plan Tentative Tract Map Temporary Use Permit Underground Utility Waiver Variance Vesting Tentative Tract Map Zone Change *Suffixes to case types include: MJ "Major Modification, MN" Minor Modification. Definitions Pre-Application: A potential project submitted to the City for conceptual review and comment prior to submittal of the necessary application(s). Projects for which an application has been filed with the City and determined by staff to be complete for processing. or projects in adjacent cities or unincorporated areas that require staff Approved Projects: Projects which have been approved by the City (by staff, Planning Commission, or City Council) and building permits have not yet been issued. Under Construction: Projects for which building permits have been issued. Phased construction may or may not have been initiated. Projects are removed from this list when construction is substantially complete. Pending Projects: OAK TREE PERMIT APPLICATIONS [ Case Number(s) 1 2015-70664 OTP 2 2015-70653 SUP; 2015-70662 OTP 3 2015-70634 OTMJ 4 2015-70583 OTMN 5 2015-70412 OTP 6 2015-70347 OTP 7 2015-70303 OTMN 8 2014-70574 OTP 9 2014-70556 OTP 10 2014-70551 Z; 2014-70552 SUP, 2014-70553 PMW, 2014-70554 OTP 11 2014-70456 OTP 12 2014-70417 OTP 13 2014-70289 DPMN; 2015-70601 OTP 14 2014-70161 DP, 2014-70162 TIM, 2014-70165 OTP, 2014-70226 LTP, 2014-70234 MND 15 2014-70153 SUP, 2014-70152 Z, 2014-70527 LTP, 2014-70526 OTP (Includes development projects with associated tree permits.) Appliccrit Contact/Description Project Localio_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _St _a _~us_ IPl _an ner _ __ James Falkin (805) 492-6380 99 Windsong St Remove 3 oaks in gas easement area. Valerie Crooks {805) 493-3287 3350 Campus Dr Construct 2-story academic building (Art Department); encroach into 3 oak trees. Tab Johnson (714) 835-3311 UNASSIGNED - 667-0-051-115 915 Estates Dr - 667-0-300-315 Unassigned - 667-0-051-115 Allow the removal of 3 oak trees. John Buchanan {920) 344-7082 ' 176 WHillcrest Dr Encroach into protected zone of five oak trees at an existing shopping center. Sha Jarrahi (818) 692-4940 418 N Rancho Rd Remove 2 oak trees. HP Designs (805) 404-4887 I 11 Inverness Rd Encroach within protected zone of six oak trees. New Home Co Southern Ca (949) 382-7800 144 Mayflower Street To allow the removal of 1 Oak Tree for the construction of a pump station. John O'Brien (818) 203-9199 3755 Auto Mall Drive Remove and transplant 1 oak tree. Richard Ibarra (805} 558-8733 2401 E Thousand Oaks Blvd Encroach within the protected zones of 4 oak trees. Bill Mabry (707) 5~3208 400 Rolling Oaks Drive Change zoning from RE-1Ac to P-L; construct 89-bed assisted living facility {Oakmont Senior Living); and merge 2 lots into 1 lot; remove 6 oak trees and encroach into the protected zone of 1 oak tree. Stay Green Inc (661) 312-0548 2080 Newbury Rd Prune 1 oak tree. LBA Realty (805) 778-0182 112 S Lakeview Canyon Rd Corrective pruning of 1 oak tree. Oak Medical Plaza, LLC (310) 612-0009 187 E Wilbur Rd Allow limited medical office use in conjunction with 10% parking reduction, add elevator to office building and parking and landscaping improvements; allow minor pruning of 1 and encroach into 7 oak trees. City Ventures (949) 258-7544 80 & 90 Clay Court Consider Negative Declaration; allow a one-lot subdivision; remove 20 oak trees and encroach into the protected zone of 2 oak/landmark trees; allow grading, street and site improvements; construct 26 townhomes. Hunter Development Company (949) 547-1911 250 Mc Cloud Avenue To approve an Environmental Impact Report; allow construction of a 3-story, 146-unit (157 bed) assisted living facility; allow the removal of 4 oak trees and 1 sycamore; and allow encroachment into the protected zones of 19 oak and 3 landmark (sycamores) trees. City of Thousand Oaks Oevelopmeot Activity Report Updated: January 2016 Approved Steve Keams Pending Pam Leopold Pending Claudia Pedroso Approved Claudia Pedroso Pending WilChua Approved Ian Share Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Approved WilChua Pending Pam Leopold Pending Jon Shepherd Approved Claudia Pedroso Approved Pam Leopold Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Pending Lori Young Page 1 OAK TREE PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Includes development projects with associated tree permits.) Case Nu~.ber(~) 16 2014-70149 TIM, 2014-70306 OTP, 2014-70235 EIR 17 2013-70624 RPMN, 2014-70172 OTP 18 2013-70457 OTP 19 2013-70418 DPMJ, 2013-70511 OTP 20 2013-70389 OTP 21 2013-70266 PPD, 2004-71273 PPD, 2004-71502 LTP, 2004-71501 OTP 22 2013-70219 OTP 23 2013-70166 RPMJ, 2013-70167 OTP, 2013-70168 LTP 24 2013-70085 PPD, 2013-70085 PPD, 2013-70276 OTP, 2014-70170 LTP 25 2012-70565 RPO, 2012-70566 TTM, 2012-70142 OTP 26 2012-70547 OTP 27 2012-70328 DP, 2012-70414 OTP 28 2012-70230 TTMJ, 2012-70160 RPMN. 2012-70231OTP,2014-70416 RPMN, MND286 29 2011-70401 DPMN, 2011-70402 OTP, 2011-70403 LTP 30 2010-70413 OTP, MNO 281 Applicant Contacfltlescription -~~~I Project Location Jemstreet Properties (805) 373-2860 South of2123 Highgate Rd (APN#: 664-0-050-165} To subdivide approximately 24 acres in order to allow 3 single-family residences, with a 17-acre open space lot; consider an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 2014-70235); allow removal of a minimum of 19 scrub oaks; and allow encroachment into the protected zone of one coast live oak. Rafael Martinez (310) 880-4365 5140 Nor1h Lakeview Canyon Road Encroach into the protective zone of 6 oak trees and remove 1 oak tree to construct a detached pool house, retaining walls, and to expand the motor court and building pad for a single-family dwelling. Argineh Mailian (714) 904-9331 190 Regal Oak Ct Encroach within protected zone of 1 oak tree for a proposed wireless facility. CSA ArcMects (310) 314-8711 880 South Westlake Boulevard Construct a 5-story wing and 3-story parking structure at the Hyatt Westlake; remove 1 oak tree and encroach into the protected zone of 5 oak trees. Rachel Miller (805) 827-9354 3957 Skelton Canyon Circle Prune 12 oak trees. I LC Engineering Group Inc (818) 991-7148 390 Arcturus Street Construct 4 new homes; remove 1 oak tree; encroach into the protected zone of 2 landmark trees. Seven Elk Ranch Design Inc (805) 577-8432 3111 East Thousand Oaks Boulevard Prune 11 oaks trees; encroach within the protected zone of 1 oak tree to construct a freestanding sign Wehenkel Architects (714) 206-8981 4761 Valley Spring Dr (North Ranch Country Club) Encroach into the protected zone of 20 oak trees and 5 sycamore trees; raise driving range fence height to 75'. MK Design (619) 915-2751 17 La Cam Road Construct a single-family dwelling; remove 7 oak trees; encroach into the protected zones of 7 oak trees and 5 landmark trees. 1200 Newbury LLC (818) 991-9898 1200 Newbury Road Subdivide 1 lot; construct 55-unit townhomes, encroach into the protected zones of 3 oak trees and prune 3 oak trees. L Newman Design Group (818} 991-5056 282 & 292 Manzanita Lane Prune 1 oak tree. Westland Civil Inc. (805) 495-1330 Northeast comer of Pierce and Jensen Courts Construct a 4-un~ apartment building; encroach into the protected zone of 2 oak trees. The New Home Company (661) 644-4063 SW comer of Mayflower Street & Warwick Avenue Divide 25.14 acres into 29 lots, construct 20 single-family dwellings and encroach into protected zones of 4 oak trees; additional export of 16,000 cubic yards. Behr Browers Architects (805) 496-1101 2180 North Lynn Road Construct an addition to medical building; remove 4 oak trees and 4 landmark trees; encroach into the protected zone of 1 oak tree and 3 landmark trees. T. 0. Auto Mall Association (805) 449-2337 Thousand Oaks Auto Mall Remove 4 oak trees, transplant 17 oak trees, and encroach into the protected zone of 21 oak trees for street parking project. City of Thousand Oaks Developmeot Adivity Report Updated: January 2016 status~lanner Pending Claudia Pedroso Approved Ian Share Approved Joey Lin Approved WilChua Pending Steve Barragan Under Construction Lori Young Approved Joey Lin Pending Matt Chang PMding Pam Leopold Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Pending Steve Barragan Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Approved Lori Young Approved Claudia Pedroso Page2 OAK TREE PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Includes development projects with associated tree permits.) Case Ntimber(s) 31 2010-70179 RPO, 2010-70187 TTM, 2010-70181 OTP, 2012-70078 LTP 32 2010-70114 DP, 2010-701250TP 33 2009-70409 SUP, 2011-70164 OTP 34 2009-70336 SUP, 2009-70338 OTP 35 2008-70706 SUMJ, 2008-70705 OTP, 2008-70707 DP, EIR 328 36 2008-70122 DP, 2008-70329 OTP, 2008-70328 LTP 37 2008-70033 PPD, 2008-70034 OTP 38 2008-70009 RPMJ, 2008-70010 OTP - 39 2006-70406 DPMJ, 2006-70407 SUP, 2006-70427 OTP, 2007-70007 LTMJ, 2010-70432 DPMN, 2011-70523 DPMN 40 2004-71035 LO. 2004-71036 RPMN, 201~70130 OTP 41 1999-759 DP. 2000-1017 SUP M1. 1314 OTP, 2014-70104 DPMN, 2014-70516 OTMN 42 1969-83 MS SUP, 1373 OTP, MND 196 Project Location Applicant ContactlDescription LC Engineering Group (818) 991-7148 2000 Upper Ranch Road Construct 13 single-family dwellings; remove 6 off-site oaks in median; encroach into the protected zone of 5 oaks and 1 landmark tree. prune 5 oaks and 2 landmark trees. Rich Development Company (714) 835-3311 915 Estates Drive Construct 144,000 sq. ft. commercial center including Lowe's and 2 restaraunts; remove and transplant 6 non-native oak trees; remove 12 non-native oak trees. Neal Scribner (805) 37~1756 2650 Willow Lane Construct industrial building; remove 1 and transplant 4 oak trees. 2798 Autumn Ridge Drive Core Communications Group (714) 328-4349 Install a Verizon wireless communications facility and encroach into the protected zone of 2 oak trees. Los Robles Hospital (213) 270-8459 215 West Janss Road Construct a new 189,499 sq. ft. 4-story building wing; construct new multi-level parking structure; remove 2 oak trees and encroach into the protected zone of 3 oak trees. Neal Scribner (805) 376-1756 SE of Willow Lane on Conejo Ridge Road Construct an 8,000 sq. ft. industrial building; remove and transplant 1 oak tree and remove 1 toyon tree. Sandor Havasi (805) 223-1777 418 North Rancho Road Construct single-family detached dwelling; remove 1 hazardous oak tree and encroach into the protected zone of 15 oak trees. Prometheus (650) 931-3530 300 East Rolling Oaks Drive Construct 14 units at 248-unit Los Robles Apartment complex; encroach into the protrected zone of 8 oak trees. Ventu Thousand Oaks, LLC (818) 710-6100 500 N Ventu Park Road Construct 125-room hotel and 88,000 sq. ft. of retail space; remove one oak tree and encroach into the protected zone of 4 oak trees and 3 landmari( trees; modify phasing plan to include 4 phases and establish phase timeline; construct fast food restaurant, shops and grocery store. Special K's LLC (818) 889-9550 134 SunsetDrive Construct 4 detached townhouse units; divide 0.5 ac. into condominium lot; prune and encroach into the protectected zone of 1 oak tree. Westlake Park Center East (714) 708-4740 3059 Townsgate Rd Construct 482,000 sq. ft. phased commercial complex consisting of 7 office buildings, restaurant. parking structure, senior assisted living and skilled nursing facility; transplant 1 oak; transplant 2, encroach within the protected zone of 7, and prune 2 oak trees for the construction of new solar carports. C. V. Congregational Church (805) 497-4700 ' 750 Erbes Road Construct 20,000 sq. ft. sanctuary, youth church, office and classroom buildings; encroach into the protected zone of 5 oak trees. City of Thousand Oaks Development Activity Report Updated: January 2016 Status/Planner Approved Pam Leopold Approved Claudia Pedroso Pending WilChua Pending WilChua Approved Lori Young Approved WilChua Approved Lori Young Approved Lori Young Phased Construction Claudia Pedroso Approved Pam Leopold Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Approved Pam Leopold Page3 LANDMARK TREE PERMIT APPLICATIONS ( Case Number(s) 1 2015-70362 LTP 2 2015-70174 LTP 3 2014-70153 SUP, 2014-70152 Z, 2014-70527 LTP, 2014-70526 OTP 4 2013-70266 PPD, 2004-71273 PPD, 2004-71502 LTP. 2004-71501 OTP 5 2013-70166 RPMJ, 2013-70167 OTP, 2013-70168 LTP 6 2013-70085 PPD, 2013-70085 PPD, 2013-70276 OTP, 2014-70170 LTP 7 2011-70401 DPMN. 2011-70402 OTP. 2011-70403 LTP 8 9 2010-70179 RPO, 2010-70187 TTM, 2010-70181 OTP, 2012-70078 l TP 2008-70122 DP, 2008-70329 OTP, 2008-70328 LTP 10 2006-70406 DPMJ, 2006-70407 SUP, 2006-70427 OTP, 2007-70007 LTMJ, 2010-70432 DPMN, 2011-70523 DPMN (Includes development projects with associated tree permits.) Applicant Contact/Description . Project Location Sam Afghani (818) 710-0583 · 1481 Rancho Ln Encroach into 2 landmark trees. Verizon Wireless (714) 319-7875 4588 Sunnyhill Street To allow encroachment into protected zones of 2 landmark trees in association with the construction of a wireless facility. Hunter Development Company (949} 547-1911 250 Mc Cloud Avenue To approve an Environmental Impact Report; allow construction of a 3-story, 146-unit (157 bed) assisted living facility; allow the removal of 4 oak trees and 1 sycamore; and allow encroachment into the protected zones of 19 oak and 3 landmark (sycamores} trees. LC Engineering Group Inc (818) 991-7148 ' 390 Arcturus Street Construct 4 new homes; remove 1 oak tree; encroach into the protected zone of 2 landmark trees. Wehenkel Architects (714) 206-8981 4761 Valley Spring Dr (North Ranch Counlry Club) Encroach into the protected zone of 20 oak trees and 5 sycamore trees; raise driving range fence height to 75'. MK Design (619) 915-2751 17 La Cam Road Construct a single-family dwelling; remove 7 oak trees; encroach into the protected zones of 7 oak trees and 5 landmark trees. Behr Browers Architects (805} 496-1101 2180 North Lynn Road Construct an addition to medical building; remove 4 oak trees and 4 landmark trees; encroach into the protected zone of 1 oak tree and 3 landmark trees. LC Engineering Group (818) 991-7148 2000 Upper Ranch Road Construct 13 single-family dwellings; remove 6 off-site oaks in median; encroach into the protected zone of 5 oaks and 1 landmark tree, prune 5 oaks and 2 landmark trees. Neal Scribner (805} 376-1756 SE of Willow Lane on Conejo Ridge Road Construct an 8,000 sq. ft. industrial building; remove and transplant 1 oak tree and remove 1 toyon tree. Ventu Thousand Oaks, LLC (818) 710-6100 500 N Ventu Park Road Construct 125-room hotel and 88,000 sq. ft. of retail space; remove one oak tree and encroach into the protected zone of 4 oak trees and 3 landmark trees; modify phasing plan to include 4 phases and establish phase timeline; construct fast food restaurant, shops and grocery store. City of Thousand Oaks Development Activity Report Updated: January 2016 StatusJPlcrmer Pending Pam Leopold Pending Pam Leopold Pending Lori Young Under Construction Lori Young Pending Matt Chang Pending Pam Leopold Approved Lori Young Approved Pam Leopold Approved WilChua Phased Construction Claudia Pedroso Page4 RESIDENTIAL PROJECT APPLICATIONS (Does not include single-family applications.) 2 3 Case Number(s) Applicant Cont!K:Wescription Project Location Status/Planner 2015-70458 PAR Jon Freidman (805) 373-2860 Construct 41-unit apartment building with parking structure. John Kilbane (310) 399-4116 Construct single-family detached dwelling. Adv Engineering/Consulting (818) 222-7982 71 & 135 N Conejo School Rd Pre-Application 4756 Golf Course Or Pending 2015-70361 PPD 2015-70352 RPMN 4 2015-70342 PAR 5 2015-70322 PAR 6 2015-70289 AA; 2015-70450 UUW 7 2015-70248 uuw 8 2015-70105 PPD; 2015-70180 UUW 9 2015-70090 PPD 10 2015-70068 ORVW 11 2014-70597 RPMN; OTMJ 2014-70598 12 2014-70584 PPO, 2014-70585 PPD, 2014-70586 PPD 13 2014-70518 RPMJ, 2015-70003 OTP APPEALED 14 2014-70273 PAR 15 2014-70161 DP, 2014-70162 TIM, 2014-70165 OTP. 2014-70226 LTP, 2014-70234 MND Claudia Pedroso 128713051323 1341 13591377 139514151433 1351 1469 Arroyo View St To allow front yard setback reductions for two lots and to eliminate a project condition that restricts certain lots to single story in order to accommodate the construction of 1 single story and 23 two-story homes within an approved subdivision. Tom Oswalt ArcMect (805) 373-8555 3236 Royal Oaks Drive To allow the construction of a 6-unit condominium. John Cyprus (818) 968-5741 3190 Los Robles Rd Construct duplex. , Flavio Flumerodo (805) 490-6121 715 Paige Ln All reduction of front yard setback in conjunction with construction of a single-family dwelling; and to waive the requirement to underground existing overhead utility. Lennie Liston {805) 497-1244 350 Arcturus Street To allow a waiver of the requirement to underground an existing utility pole and overhead utility lines in association with the construction of 4 single-family dwellings. Kevin Miller (805} 658-0328 760 N Rancho Rd To construct a single-family detached dwelling: and waive the requirement to underground existing overhead utility lines. Greg-Laura Paley (805) 402-6905 977 Bower Way Construct single-family detached dwelling. Peak Surveys Inc (805) 497-0102 256 Erbes Road Allow site, landscaping and parking improvements to an apartment complex. Michael Kim (714) 671-0005 950 Warwick Ave Grading revisions to a previously approved 23-unit townhome project; encroach two oak trees and remove 4 oak trees .. Rancho Estate Homes (818) 780-0583 1481, 1485 & 1489 Rancho Lane To ·allow construction of 3 single-family detached dwellings. Hualalai Holding Trust (818) 632-6826 1757 1764 Classic Rose Ct Construct 7'-1 O" high wall, encroach into the protected zones of 6 oak trees, and remove 1 oak tree. Wallace E Mason & Associates (805) 794-3559 600 Lone Oak Drive Subdivide 12.52 acres into 6 lots of record oonsisling of 5 residential lots and 1 open space lot. City Ventures {949) 258-7544 80 & 90 Clay Court Consider Negative Declaration; allow a one-lot subdivision; remove 20 oak trees and encroach into the protected zone of 2 oak/landmark trees; allow grading, street and site improvements; construct 26 townhomes. City of Thousand Oaks Development Activity Report Updated: January 2016 Matt Chang Approved Steve Keams Pre-Application Pam Leopold Pre-Application Pam Leopold Approved Pam Leopold Approved Lori Young Under Construction Pam Leopold Approved Wil Chua Under Construction Lori Young Approved Claudia Pedroso Pending Pam Leopold Pending Matt Chang Pr~Application Pam Leopold Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Page5 RESIDENTIAL PROJECT APPLICATIONS c.e Number~) 16 2014-70149 TIM, 2014-70306 OTP, 2014-70235 EIR 17 2014-701142 18 2014-70094 RPO, PMW 2014-70097, 2014-70096 OTP, 2014-70095 ND 19 2013-70266 PPO, 2004-71273 PPD, 2004-71502 LTP, 2004-71501 OTP 20 2013-70166 RPMJ, 2013-70167 OTP, 2013-70168 LTP 21 2013-70009 RPO 22 2012-70565 RPO, 2012-70566 TIM, 2012-70142 OTP 23 2012-70328 DP, 2012-70414 OTP 24 2012-70230 ITMJ, 2012-70160 RPMN, 2012-70231 OTP, 2014-70416 RPMN, MND286 25 2010-70272 TIMN 26 2010-70179 RPO, 2010-70187 TIM, 2010-70181 OTP, 2012-70078 LTP 27 2008-70009 RPMJ, 2008-70010 OTP 28 2007-70192 TIM, 2007-70193 RPO. 2007-70422 OTP 29 2007-70142 TIMJ, 2007-70289 HPMJ 5465T 30 2006-70582 RPO, 2006-70581 TIM 31 2006-70266 TIM, 2006-70264 RPO, 53n T, MND 224 32 2004-71683 HPMN (Does not include single-family applications.) AppliCMt Cont~ription _[~ ·· ProfeCt Location Jemstreet Properties (805) 373-2860 South of 2123 Highgate Rd (APN#: 664-0-050-165) To subdivide approximately 24 acres in order to allow 3 single-family residences, with a 17-acre open space lot; consider an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 2014-70235); allow removal of a minimum of 19 scrub oaks; and allow encroachment into the protected zone of one coast live oak. Hydam Group (818} 264-5872 2080 East Hillcrest Drive Allow a change of zone from Rural Exclusive (R-E) to Residential Planned Development 4.5 units per acre (RPO 4.5U). Mainstreet Architects (818) 681-4179 1815 & 1825 los Feliz Drive Construct a 45-unlt apartment complex, remove 1 oak tree, encroach into the protected zone of 1 oak tree, allow a lot merger. LC Engineering Group Inc {818) 991-7148 390 Arcturus Street Construct. 4 new homes; remove 1 oak tree; encroach into the protected zone of 2 landmark trees. Wehenkel Architects {714) 206-8981 4761 Valley Spring Dr (North Ranch Country Club) Encroach into the protected zone of 20 oak trees and 5 sycamore trees; raise driving range fence height to 75'. Richard Thorsen {805) 405-5620 2423 Chiquita Lane Construct a 3-unit apartment complex. 1200 Newbury LLC (818) 991-9898 ' 1200 Newbury Road SubdMde 1 lot, construct 55-<mit townhomes, encroach into the protected zones of 3 oak trees and prune 3 oak trees. Westland Civil Inc. (805) 495-1330 Northeast comer of Pierce and Jensen Courts Construct a 4-unit apartment building; encroach into the protected zone of 2 oak trees. The New Home Company (661) 644-4063 SW comer of Mayflower Street & Warwick Avenue Divide 25.14 acres into 29 lots, construct 20 single-family dwellings and encroach into protected zones of 4 oak trees; additional export of 16,000 cubic yards. 2051 East Olsen Road Deer Creek HOA (818) 430-7860 Allow an emergency access road and through access to Olsen Road for residents. LC Engineering Group {818) 991-7148 2000 Upper Ranch Road Construct 13 single-family dwellings; remove 6 off-site oaks in median; encroach into the protected zone of 5 oaks and 1 landmari< tree, prune 5 oaks and 2 landmark trees. Prometheus (650) 931-3530 300 East Rolling Oaks Drive Construct 14 units at 248-unit Los Robles Apartment complex; encroach into the protrected zone of 8 oak trees. 1000 Oaks Investors LLC (949) 833-0222 Northwest comer of Kanan Rd. and Rayburn St. Construct 3 single-family homes; encroach within the protected zones of 4 oak trees. Morningstar Development (805) 405-5004 Southwest comer of Olsen Rd. & Morningstar Ave. Construct 7 single-family detached homes. 1 Aldersgate lnvesments (805) 988-4114 E side Erbes Rd., 750' N of Thousand Oaks Blvd. i Allow 1 lot subdivision of .74 ac; construct 8 townhome units. 1 Aldersgate Investments (805) 988-4114 1500 Ramona Drive Divide 14.36 acres for Tract 5377; construct 13 single-family detached homes and 69 townhome units. Hydam Enterprises (818) 991-2153 NE comer of Hillcrest Drive & Lone Oak Drive Construct 7 single-family detached dwellings. City of Thousand Oaks Development Activity Report UpdatEd: January 2016 statusJPlanner Pending Claudia Pedroso Pending Wi!Chua Approved Claudia Pedroso Under Construction Lori Young Pending Matt Chang Approved Wi!Chua Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Approved Claudia Pedroso Approved Pam Leopold Approved Lori Young Under Construction Jon Shepherd Under Construction WilChua Approved WilChua Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Page6 RESIDENTIAL PROJECT APPLICATIONS (Does not include single-family applications.) case Number(s) 33 2004-71035 LD. 2004-71036 RPMN, 2015-70130 OTP 34 2003-82 HPD, 5440 T, MND 221 35 2003-548 RPO, 5469 T 36 2003-547 RPO, 5468 T 37 2003-546 RPO, 5458 T. MND 223 38 2003-222 PPD, 2006-70021 LO, MND246 39 2002-540 RPO, 5363 T, MND 218 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Applcart Con~ Project Location Special K's LLC (818) 889-9550 134 Sunset Drive Construct 4 detached townhouse units; divide 0.5 ac. into condominium lot; prune and encroach into the protectected zone of 1 oak tree. Conejo Crest, LLC (805) 338-4605 NE comer of Hillcrest Drive & Conejo School Road Divide 12.42 ac. into 10 lots; construct 8 single-family dwellings. Dan Lamy (818) 901-7788 1735 los Feliz Drive Divide .5 acres; construct 7 townhomes. Dan Lamy (818) 901-7788 Northeast comer Conejo School Rd. & Chiqu~a Ln. Divide .98 acres; construct 13 townhomes. Pan-Am Builders, Inc. (714) 736-0195 950 Warwick Avenue Divide 2.01 acres into 1 lot; construct 23 town homes. Ruben Luna (310) 622-3344 ' 730, 742, 766, 778 &786 Calle Contento Reconfigure 5 recorded lots into 4; construct 4 single-family detached dwellings. Mohammed Humkar (805} 492-8652 Olsen Road East of the 23 Freeway Divide 42.8 acres into 8 lots; construct 6 single-family detached dwellings. City of Thousand Oaks Devel~ent Activity Report Updated: January 2016 Status~ Approved Pam Leopold Under Construction Lori Young Approved Lori Young Approved Lori Young Approved Claudia Pedroso Phased Construction Claudia Pedroso Approved Claudia Pedroso Page7 COMMERCIAL PROJECT APPLICATIONS 2 3 Project Location Case Number(s) ApplicanfContaCiiDescription 2015-70645 SUMN Nick D'argenzio (213) 55~2270 2806 Townsgate Rd allow health clubs at an existing shopping center 3917 Auto Mall Dr Andrew Althaus (805) 496-1101 Allow interior and exterior modifications and showroom expansion to an existing auto dealership; and to modify existing walkway within protected zone of one oak tree. Starbucks (714) 560-8678 540 N Ventu Park Rd Allow extending hours of operation to 5 a.m. - 12 a.m. Monday through Thursday and 5 a.m. - 2 a.m. Friday through Sunday for a new Starbucks store at an existing shopping center. Brittany Shaw (626) 449-8990 j 3059 Townsgate Rd Allow additional on-building sign to an existing office building. 141 Triunfo Canyon Rd Diedre Mcgee (949) 727-9000 Allow addition and exterior remodel to an existing fitness facility and convert part of the facility into a surgery center and medical use. The Oaks (619) 858-4040 162 W Hillcrest Dr Sale and consumption of alcholic beverages. Michael Bates (562) 426-3453 3169 Los Feliz Dr Allow auto body and paint repair facility. A. Glover (206) 318-8705 975 Broadbeck Dr Allow on-site sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer and wine only). Lydia Welsh (805) 641-1387 2801 Townsgate Rd Additional monument sign. De-lite-ful (310) 499-2444 322 W Hillcrest Dr To allow consumption of alcoholic beverages and live entertainment at a restaurant. Irwin Partners Architects (714) 557-2448 3575 North Moorpark Road To allow the replacement of existing wood frame carports with metal frame carports. Macerich Oaks (310) 394-6000 350 West Hillcrest Drive To allow a large on-building sign to be mounted at a new sporting goods store. Tait & Associates (916) 669-1817 520 & 530 North Ventu Park Road To allow the merge of 2 lots into one lot of record. Armen Kazanchyan (818) 638-1227 3021 E Thousand Oaks Blvd Allow 180SF addition and exterior remodel to a existing car rental facility. Scott Edwards Architecture (503) 226-3617 1672 North Moorpark Road To allow a veterinary clinic in an existing shopping center. . John Parezo (818) 620-3790 112 S Lakeview Canyon Rd Allow landscape, hardscape and site plan modifications at an existing building for a fitness facility (Equinox). Behr Bowers Architects (805) 496-1101 3043 Townsgate Road To allow the installation of new solar carports within an existing parking area, hardscape improvements, a 10% parking reduction and new trashfgenerator enclosure at an existing office building complex. 2015-70642 DPMN 2015-70640 DPMN 4 2015-70639 SUP 5 2015-70548 SUMJ 6 2015-70490 SUP 7 2015-70486 SUMN 8 2015-70461 SUP 9 2015-70417 DPMN 10 2015-70400 SUP 11 2015-70316SUMN 12 2015-70313 SUMJ 13 2015-70294 PMW 14 2015-70293 DPMN 15 2015-70271 SUP 16 2015-70269 SUMN 17 2015-70266 DPMN City ofThousand Oaks Development Activity Report Updated: January 2016 StatusJPlanner Pending Claudia Pedroso Pending Jon Shepherd Pending Claudia Pedroso Pending Joey Lin Pending Matt Chang Approved Joey Lin Pending Pam Leopold Approved Ian Share Under Construction Joey Lin Pending Joey Lin Approved Lori Young Approved Claudia Pedroso Approved Claudia Pedroso Pending Matt Chang Under Construction Lori Young Approved Claudia Pedroso Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Page8 COMMERCIAL PROJECT APPLICATIONS r. · case-Number(s) . 18 2015-70263 DPMJ 19 2015-70239 DPMN 20 2015-70202 DPMN 21 2015-70146 SUP 22 2015-70119 DPMN 23 2015-70112 DPMN 24 2015-70087 DPMJ 25 2015-70081 DPMN 26 2015-70033 DPMN 27 2014-70602 DPMN 28 2014-70580 DPMN 29 2014-70572 DPMN 30 2014-70455 DPMN 31 2014-70446 DPMN 32 2014-70289 DPMN; 2015-70601 OTP 33 2014-70158 SUP 34 2014-70134 OPMN 35 2014-70014 LD r - • Applleant Contact/Description - - -- - - ---- -, - ProjeCt Location David Filippis (530} 470-0836 S/w comer Academy Dr and Grande Vista Dr Grading and site plan changes to an approved shopping center. Andrew Althaus (805) 496-1101 244 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. To allow interior and exterior modifications to existing commercial building to accommodate a motorcycle sales and service facility. Macetich Oaks LP (310) 394-6000 162 West HiOcrest Drive #1 To allow construction of a multi-tenant retail building. Todd Aca\in (949) 922-7055 2728 Townsgate Rd Allow consumption of beer and wine at existing restaurant. Teresa M~chell (949} 337-8386 4553 La Tienda Dr Installation of a solar canopy at an existing office building. Gianluca Siciliano (561) 385-3548 3709 E Thousand Oaks Blvd Modify existing shared parking agreement for a proposed restaurant in an existing shopping center (Paseo Marketplace). Wendy Bentkoski {818) 817--0550 2000 E Avenida de los Arboles Change operating hours from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., to 6:00 a.m. to midnight. Regency Centers (213) 553-2270 2806 Townsgate Rd Allow building exterior. hardscape and landscape modifications, add trellises, and allow a 750 SF outdoor dining area, at an existing shopping center (Gelson's}. Hany Malak (626) 583-8348 500 N Ventu Pali< Rd Site and building modifications and a time extension to an existing shopping center. Tom Oswalt {805) 373-8555 2860 E Thousand Oaks Blvd Exterior remodel of an existing office building. 1304 Newbury Rd Ngo Sean (818} 807-8752 Allow an addition and parking lot modifications for an existing commercial building. Regency Centers (213) 553-2270 1012 S Westlake Blvd F~ade renovation an an existing grocery store. Artisan Studio Architects (661) 857--6316 3941 E Thousand Oaks Blvd Re-stripe parking lot and ADA improvements. Neal Scribner (805) 376-1756 2401 E Thousand Oaks Blvd Allow showroom addition Oak Medical Plaza, LLC (310) 612-0009 187 E Wilbur Rd Allow limited medical office use in conjunction with 10% parking reduction, add elevator to office building and parking and landscaping improvements; allow minor pruning of 1 and encroach into 7 oak trees. NABU Wines LLC (818) 620-9470 2637 Townsgate Road Allow onsite sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages (specifically wine) for proposed wine manufacturing/warehouse. Heney Dong & Associates (818} 224-2929 55 East Rolling Oaks Drive Demolish existing restaurant and construct a new two-story medical office building. CEI Engineering Associates {972) 488-3737 598 West Hillcrest Drive Allow a land division of 1 lot into 2 lots of record. City of Thousand Oaks Development Activity Report Updated: January 2016 Status.Planner Pending Claudia Pedroso Pending Pam Leopold Under Construction Joey Lin Under Construction Joey Lin Approved Steve Barragan Approved Ian Share Pending Lori Young Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Approved Claudia Pedroso Approved Wil Chua Pending Steve Barragan Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Pending Joey Lin Approved Wil Chua Approved Pam Leopold Approved Steve Barragan Under Construction Lori Young Approved Claudia Pedroso Page9 COMMERCIAL PROJECT APPLICATIONS Case Number(s} 36 2013-70534 DPMN 37 2013-70418 DPMJ, 2013-70511 OTP 38 2013-70298 DPMN 39 2012-70433 SUMJ 40 2012-70432 DP 41 2012-70392 DPMN 42 2012-70122 SUP 43 2012-70110 SUMN 44 2012-70027 SUMJ 45 2011-70523 DPMN 46 2011-70401 DPMN, 2011-70402 OTP, 2011-70403 LTP 47 2011-70361 PMW 48 2010-70432 DPMN 49 2010-70114 DP, 2010-70125 OTP 50 2008-70465 LD 51 2006-70406 DPMJ. 2006-70407 SUP, 2006-70427 OTP, 2007-70007 LTMJ, 2010-70432 DPMN, 2011-70523 DPMN Applicant Contact/Description Project Location Lexus of Thousand Oaks {805) 371 -5412 3735 Auto Mall Drive Demolish dealership and construct a Lexus dealership; site improvements. CSA Architects (310) 314-8711 880 South Westlake Boulevard Construct a 5-story wing and 3-story parking structure at the Hyatt Westlake; remove 1 oak tree and encroach into tne protected zone of 5 oak trees. Kamus & Keller {805) 583-5935 ; 3610 East Thousand Oaks Boulevard Remodel a body shop and construct new building addition. Neal Scribner (805) 376-1756 250, 270 & 290 Conejo Ridge Avenue Allow general office use at industrial complex. Conejo Recr. & Park District (805) 495-6471 Banyan Park on Meadowcrest Street Conceptual master plan of undeveloped portion of Banyan Park. 884 Tourmaline Drive Square One Architecture (805) 482-9000 Construct an exterior masonry block gas house adjacent to the concrete tilt-up building and install 2 aerosol propellant tanks. Wespac Management Group (818) 264-1330 2810 Camino Dos Rios Allow freeway-facing on-building signs exceeding maximum allowable sign area and away (off-site) from the storefront. Neil Su bic & Associates Inc (805) 644-7340 2815 Townsgate Road Bldg B Allow freestanding monument sign {with 4-business directory) at building entrance. Newmark Merrill {818) 710-6100 33 & 145 W Hillcrest Dr & 179 N Moorpark Rd Modify and add freestanding monument signs. McKently Malak Architects (626) 583-8348 500 North Ventu Park Road Construct fast food restaurant, shops and grocery store at commercial shopping center. Behr Browers Architects (805) 496-1101 2180 North Lynn Road Construct an addition to medical building; remove 4 oak trees and 4 landmark trees; encroach into the protected zone of 1 oak tree and 3 landmark trees. Haaland Group {805) 497-4554 935 &975 Broadbeck Drive Merge two lots. McKently Malak Architects (626) 583-8348 500 North Ventu Park Road Modify phasing plan to include 4 phases and establish the phase timeline for a commercial center. Rich Development Company (714) 835-3311 915 Estates Drive Construct 144,000 SQ.~ commercial center including Lowe's and 2 restaraunts; remove and transplant 6 non-native oak trees; remove 12 non-native oak trees. Haaland Group {805) 497-4554 3095 thru 3319 Old Conejo Road Allow further subdivision into smaller office condominium units for office buildings. Ventu Thousand Oaks, LLC (818) 710-6100 500 N Ventu Park Road Construct 125-room hotel and 88,000 sq. ft. of retail space; remove one oak tree and encroach into the protected zone of 4 oak trees and 3 landmark trees; modify phasing plan to include 4 phases and establish phase time1ine; construct fast food restaurant, shops and grocery store. City of Thousand Oaks Development Activity Report Updated: January 2016 Status/Planner Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Approved WilChua Approved Claudia Pedroso Pending WilChua Approved Lori Young Approved Lori Young Approved Joey Lin Approved Joey Lin Under Construction Joey Lin Phased Construction Claudia Pedroso Approved Lori Young Approved Claudia Pedroso Phased Construction Claudia Pedroso Approved Claudia Pedroso Pending Pam Leopold Phased Construction Claudia Pedroso Page 10 COMMERCIAL PROJECT APPLICATIONS ~ Nu.!'1ber(s), 52 2005-70571 DPMN 53 1999-759 DP, 2000.1017 SUP M1, 1314 OTP, 2014-70104 DPMN, 2014-70516 OTMN 54 198~657 DP Mo 712 LD MN0207 .. ' 1 . Applicant Con~Wescriptio!!. ; ---~---~-Little Diversified Architect (626) 931-2360 Allow outdoor seamg area for up to 5 rabies and 20 chaim. Westlake Park Center East (714) 708-4740 Pr~j~ocpation~ 1790 N Moorpark Road 3059 Townsgate Rd Construct 482,000 sq. ~ phased commercial complex consisting of 7 office buildings, restaurant, parking structure, senior assisted living and skilled nursing facility; transplant 1 oak; transplant 2, encroach within the protected zone of 7, and prune 2 oak trees for the construction of new solar carports. Roberisori Property Group (31 O) 652-3020 · SouthweSt comer of Newbury Road and Kelly Road OMde 11.73 ac. into 4 lots~ modify comtner.cial from theater to department store and res1aurant to retail. City of Thousand Oaks Develoiiment AdMty Report Updated: January 2016 ~atUsJPJanner Pending Jon Shepherd Under Construction Claudia Pedroso Phased Construction Claudia Pedroso Page 11 INSTITUTIONAL PROJECT APPLICATIONS 2 1 Project tocalioi - _.-_·_ ~ ttumbJH'(s) Applicant Contacvt>escription 2015-70653 SUP; 2015-70662 OTP Valerie Crooks (805) 493-3287 3350 Campus Dr Construct 2-story academic building (Art Department); encroach into 3 oak trees. David Muran (818) 584-0057 667 Rancho Conejo Blvd Allow conversion of the use to an operations and maintenance facility for the School District. David Muran (818) 584-0057 750 Mitchell Rd Allow conversion of the use to an operations and maintenance facility for the School District. Valerie Crooks (805) 493-3287 60 W Olsen Rd Adjust lot line for 2 lots of record. Valerie Crooks (805) 493-3287 160 Overton Ct Addtton of LED video scoreboard for football/soccer stadium at an existing university. Tom McEachem (805) 498-3987 1360 S Wendy Dr Roof modification and additions to an existing Sunday school building. Valerie Crooks (805) 493-3287 3350 Campus Dr Retain temporary trailer facility Bill Mabry (707) 535-3208 400 Rolling Oaks Drive Change zoning from RE-1Ac to P-L; construct 89-bed assisted living facility (Oakmont Senior Living); and merge 2 lots into 1 lot; remove 6 oak trees and encroach into the protected zone of 1 oak tree. Van Tilburg/Banvard/Soderbergh (310) 394-0273 3499 Grande Vista Dr Divide 56.15 acres into 3 lots; construct 130-bed assisted living facility. Hunter Development Company (949) 547-1911 250 Mc Cloud Avenue To approve an Environmental Impact Report; allow construction of a 3-story, 146-unit (157 bed) assisted living facility; allow the removal of 4 oak trees and 1 sycamore; and allow encroachment into the protected zones of 19 oak and 3 landmark (sycamores) trees. Continuing Life Communities (805) 241-3001 3415 Campus Drive Add 21 parking spaces for a continuing care retirement community. Russell Sullivan (805) 643-4706 3499 Grande Vista Drive Change use of approved commercial office building to assisted Irving facility and delete condo aspect Rassmusen & Associates (805) 644-7347 One West Avenida de Los Arboles Construction of a 15,800 sq. ft. fellowship hall with classrooms at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Los Robles Hospital (213) 270-8459 215 West.Janss Road Construct a new 189,499 sq. ft. 4-story building wing; construct new multi-level parking structure; remove 2 oak trees and encroach into the protected zone of 3 oak trees. Manna Conejo Valley Food Inc (805) 497-4959 3020 Crescent Way Install 208 sq. ft. storage building; continue operation of non-profit agency for emergency food distribution. Seventh Day Adventists (818) 546-8400 Academy Drive & Wendy Drive Construct 20,000 sq. ft. K-12 school and church. , Conejo Players, Inc. (805) 495-3715 351 South Moorpar1( Road Construct 6,700 sq. ft. addition to theatre; relocate mechanical equipment; allow construction phasing. 2015-70570 DPMN 3 2015-70569 DPMN 4 2015-70431 LIJ\ 5 2015-70367 SUMN 6 2015-70073 SUMN 7 2015-70020 SUMN 8 2014-70551 Z; 2014-70552 SUP, 2014-70553 PMW, 2014-70554 OTP 9 2014-70373 SUMJ, 2014-70374 TIMJ 10 2014-70153 SUP, 2014-70152 Z, 2014-70527 LW, 2014-70526 OTP 11 2013-70106 SUMN 12 2012-70306 SUMJ, 2012-70307 TIM 13 2010-70162 SUMN 14 2008-70706 SUMJ, 2008-70705 OTP, 2008-70707 DP, EIR 328 15 2008-70378 SUP 16 1993-829 SUP, EIR 276 17 1979-456 M4 DP City of Thousand Oaks Devefopme11t Activity Report Updated: January 2016 _ - StatLisJf.llaimer Pending Pam Leopold Approved Jon Shepherd Approved Jon Shepherd Approved Pam Leopold Approved Pam Leopold Under Construction Ian Share Approved Pam Leopold Pending Pam Leopold Approved Pam Leopold Pending Lori Young Under Construction Pam Leopold Approved Pam Leopold Approved Claudia Pedroso Approved Lori Young Pending Pam Leopold Approved Claudia Pedroso Phased Construction Claudia Pedroso Page 12 INSTITUTIONAL PROJECT APPLICATIONS c.e Numb"er(~) 18 1969-83 M5 SUP, 1373 OTP, MND 196 AppUcant ~o~~ption .~~___j__~Project LQCatlon C. V. Congregational Church (805) 497-4700 · 750 Ertes Road Construct 20,000 sq. ft sanctuary, youth church, office and classroom buildings; encroach into the protected zone of 5 oak trees. City of Thousand Oaks Developmeot Aaivity Repo~ Updated: Januay 2016 ~$1P!~ner Approved Pam Leopold Page 13 INDUSTRIAL PROJECT APPLICATIONS Case Number(s) 2015-70636 DP - 2 2015-70619 DPMN 3 2015-70572 PWM 4 2015-70409 TIMN 5 2014-70499 TTM, SUP 2014-20498 6 2014-70384 OPMN 7 2009-70409 SUP, 2011-70164 OTP 8 2008-70122 DP, 2008-70329 OTP, 2008-70328 LTP Applicant contactit>lscription Scott Sheridan-Robert Ebbert (818) 364-7505 · ·- · ProjeCt LoCation · · On Conejo Spectrum Drive between Conejo Center Drive and Rancho Conejo Blvd Construct 9 industrial buildings in an industrial pan<. Kenny Yu {626) 315-2559 2300 Corporate Center Dr Allow removal of 11 parking spaces to accommodate installation of a new loading area. Elina Segal (310) 394-3622 UNASSIGNED 676-0-160-280 3396 Willow Ln - 676-0-160-300 Unassigned - 676-0-160-280 Allow lhe merger of two parcels of record into one lot. Matt Cowden (805) 313-0080 2150 W Hillcrest Dr Modify Vesting Tentative Tract Map 4939 by removing 2150 W. Hillcrest Drive {proposed Lots 38, 39 and 40) from the Tract Boundary. Conejo Merchant, LTD (805} 383-2221 West side of Conejo Center Drive at the southern terminus of Conejo Spectrum Street Divide 7.94 acres for commercial condominiums; construct 8 commercial buildings with associated parking and improvements. Square One Architecture Inc (805} 482-9000 1144 Tounnaline Dr Addition to an existing warehouse building. NealScribner (805)376-1756 2650 Willow Lane Construct industrial building; remove 1 and transplant 4 oak trees. Neal Scribner (805) 376-1756 SE of Willow lane on Conejo Ridge Road Construct an 8,000 sq. ft. industrial building; remove and transplant 1 oak tree and remove 1 toyon tree. City ofThousand Oaks Development Activity Report Updated: January 2016 Statuslfllanner Pending Lori Young Pending Wll Chua Approved Jon Shepherd Pending Jon Shepherd Approved Jon Shepherd Pending Lori Young Pending Wll Chua Approved WllChua Page 14 ADVANCE PLANNING CASES cas8Nilmb8r<s):.-_~-- -- -- - 2015-70582 MCA 2 2015-70410 SPA 3 2015-70338 4 2015-70334 LU 5 2015-70331 ANX z 6 2015-70320 MCA 7 2015-70137 LU/ 2015-70138 SPA 8 2014-70551 Z; 2014-70552 SUP, 2014-70553 PMW, 2014-70554 OTP 9 2014-70198 Z, 2014-70197 DAGR 10 2014-70145 MCA 11 2014-70068 SPA 12 2013-70518 LU 13 2013-70316 MCA 14 2013-70312 SPA Applicant Co_nt~ri~tion I_ ~~ject Loe~ Geoff Ware (805) 449-2305 City-wide Amend the Thousand Oaks Municipal Code to establish zoning regulations related to cultivation, transportation, and dispensation of medical marijuana andlor prohiM same. Matt Cowden (805) 313-0080 . 2150 W Hillcrest Dr Amend Specific Plan 16 to remove Planning Unit Ufrom the Specific Plan boundary. Dirk & Maryann Gastaldo (805) 300-9096 Southwest comer of Elms Road and Combs Road {APNs 673-0-09~110 and 673-0-090-120) To pre-zone approximately 0.29 acres of land to R-A (Rural Agricultural} or other zone deemed desirable prior to construction. Tom Cohen (805) 418-1903 112 S Lakeview Canyon rd To amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan from "Industrial" to "Commercial." Dirk & Maryann Gastaldo {805) 300-9096 Southwest comer of Elms Road and Combs Road (APNs 673-0-090-110 and 673-0-090-120) To annex approximately 0.29 acres of land to the City of Thousand Oaks and detach from the Ventura County Resource Conservation District, Ventura County Service Area No. 32 and the Gold Coast Transit District. City of Thousand Oaks (805) 449-2325 City-wide To amend the Thousand Oaks Municipal Code to establish zoning regulations for substance abuse treatment facilities. City of Thousand Oaks (805} 449-2325 West side Conejo Center appx 200' north of Conejo Spectrum (APNs 667-0-340-185 & 667-0-340-185) To amend the General Plan Land Use Element designation from "High Density Residential" to "Industrial"; and amend Specific Plan No. 7 land use designation from "High Density" to "Employment Park.· Bill Mabry (707} 535-3208 400 Rolling Oaks Drive Change zoning from RE-1Ac to P-L; construct 89-bed assisted living facility (Oakmont Senior Living); and merge 2 lots into 1 lot; remove 6 oak trees and encroach into the protected zone of 1 oak tree. Jackson Demarco Tidus Peckenpa (805} 230-0032 310 East Kelley Road & 1872 Newbury Road A zone change from P-L (Public Lands) to C-2 {Highway and Arterial Business), and a development agreement with property owner, pursuant to California Government Code Sec. 65864 et. Seq. and Thousand Oaks Municipal Code Sec. 9-11.01 et. Seq., that will establish requirements for future commercial development. City of Thousand Oaks (805} 449-2315 City-wide Consider changes to the oak and landmark tree preservation and protection standards. T. 0 Boulevard lmpr. District (805) 497-4557 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Specific Plan area Amend Chapter 4, Section B4 related to the number and geographic allocation of residential dwelling units pennitted in the Specific Plan and to add text to the Specific Plan clarifying maximum density in mixed-use and stand-alone residential formats. Conejo Coastal Properties (805} 492-8542 80 & 90 Clay Court Amend Land Use Element to allocate 206 units of General Plan residential capacity to lhe Thousand Oaks Boulevard Specific Plan area City of Thousand Oaks (805) 449-2325 City-wide Amend municipal code regarding swap meets. T 0 Blvd. Business lmpr. Dist. (805) 497-4557 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Specific Plan Amend Thousand Oaks Boulevard Specific Plan (SP 20) to delete K-12 schools as a permitted use City of Thousand Oaks Development Activity Report Updated: January 2016 Statushltanner -Pending Pending Jon Shepherd Approved Jeffrey Specter Pending Jeffrey Specter Pending Jeffrey Specter Pending Jeffrey Specter Approved Jeffrey Specter Pending Pam Leopold Approved Jeffrey Specter Approved Steve Keams Pending Jeffrey Specter Pending Jeffrey Specter Pending Jeffrey Specter Pending Jeffrey Specter Page 15 ADVANCE PLANNING CASES Applicant Contactlt>escription Case Number(s} 15 2013-70288 SPA 16 201~70084 ANX, 2013-70275 Z 17 2013-70066 IRW 18 2012-70069 RECR 19 2011-70005 MCA 20 2010-70236 HSG 21 2009-70044 ANX, 2009-70039 Z 22 2006-70429 MCA 23 159ANX ~1 Project Location City of Thousand Oaks (805) 449-2325 Rancho Conejo Specific Plan area Amend the Rancho Conejo Industrial Park Specific Plan (SP 15) to change the list of pennitted land uses in the vicinity of Corporate Center Drive and other area(s) as may be desirable. MK Design (619} 915-2751 ' 21 La Cam Road Annex approximately 22 acres to the City of Thousand Oaks; pre-zone APN 658-0-040-355. City of Thousand Oaks (805) 449-2325 S side Thousand Oaks Blvd, Wof Lindero Cnyn Monitor Westlake Village Specific Plan proposal and EIR. City of Thousand Oaks (805) 449-2340 ; City-wide Modify General Plan Recreation Element. City ofThousand Oaks (805) 449-2315 City-wide Revise City's Sign Ordinance and Corresponding Architectural Design Guidelines. City of Thousand Oaks (805) 449-2325 City-wide Update lnclusionary Housing In-Lieu and Non-Residential Linkage Fees. LC Engineering Inc. (805) 497-1244 502 Whitegate Road Annex approximately 22 acres to the City of Thousand Oaks and allow for pre-zoning. City of Thousand Oaks (805) 449-2325 City-wide Update the regulations concerning the installation of wireless communication facilities. Schlomo Barzion 12 La Cam Road To annex this location into the City of Thousand Oaks. City of Thousand Oaks Development Activity Report Updated: January 2016 staus/Planner Pending Jeffrey Specter Approved Jeffrey Specter Pending Jeffrey Specter Pending Mar1< Towne Pending Steve Keams Pending Jeffrey Specter Approved Jeffrey Specter Pending Jeffrey Specter Approved Jeffrey Specter Page 16 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY PERMIT APPLICATIONS ·· . ~!~urnber(a} 1 2015-70658 SUP 2 2-015-70657 SUMN 3 2015-70598 DPMN 4 2015-70422 PAR 5 2015-70421 SUP 6 2015-70250 PAR 7 2015-70101 SUP 8 2015-70017 SUP 9 2015-70016 SUP 10 2014-70560 SUMN 11 2014-70334 SUMN 12 2014-70263 SUP 13 2014-70202 PAR 14 2014-70103 DP 15 2014-70076 SUP 16 201~70585 SUP 17 2013-70535 SUMN Project Location A~~cait.~n~rip~on Sequoia Deployment Services (949) 753-7200 901 Paige Ln Install a Verizon wireless communications facility consisting of 6 panel antennas on an existing SCE transmission pole with underground vault. Sequoia Deployment Services (714) 478-3197 2535 W HiUcrest Dr Install Verizon wireless communications facifity consisting of 12 panel antennas and associated improvements to be roof-mounted on an existing 2-story office building. 2101 E Olsen Rd Richard Jackson (630) 203-6265 Allow an emergency generator at an existing AT&T wireless facility. Peter Shubin (714) 478-3197 2001 Corporate Center Dr Allow installation of a Verizon wireless communications facility on an industrial building. Peter Shubin (714) 478-3197 4990 Via El Cerro To allow the installation of a Verizon wireless communications facility at a water tank facility. Pete Shubin (714} 478-3197 2239 Peak Pl To install a Verizon wireless communications facility. Lena Hoffmeyer (714) 608-5052 619 N Westlake Blvd Construct Crown Castle wireless communications facility on a new street light pole in the public right-of-way. Lena Hoffmeyer (714) 608-5052 4103 E Hillcrest Dr Cons1ruct Crown Castle wireless communications facility on a City traffic signal pole in the public right-of-way. Crown Castle NG West Inc. (714) 608-5052 1350 N Westlake Blvd Construct Crown Castle wireless facility at an existing City-owned traffic signal. Aaron Whiting (714) 729-8404 1554 E Avenida de los Arboles Modify existing Verizon wireless facility to remove 9 antennas and' replace with 6 antennas and associated equipment Trillium Telecom Services (714) 799-2000 3425 Old Conejo Road Modify existing Verizon wireless facility and parapet wall on the rooftop of a storage building. Core Development Services (714) 904-9331 190 Regal Oak Court Install a Verizon wireless communications facility on a replacement street light. Eukon Group (805) 637-7407 Appx 850' north of terminus of High Knoll Circle Install an AT&T wireless communications facility with 4 panel antennas, 8 TMA units, and a microwave dish on a SCE transmission tower with associated underground equipment vault and above.ground retaining walls in COSCA Open Space. Core Development Services (714) 328-4349 1800 Bridgegate Street Install a Verizon wireless communications facility with antennas in.2 faux chimneys and underground equipment vault. Core Development Services (714) 328-4349 801 Knollwood Drive Install a Verizon wireless communications facility in a replacement church steeple consisting of 6 panel antennas and 4 aboveground equipment cabinets with 1 emergency generator. Eukon Group (714} 625-5930 2611 West Lynn Road Replace 2 light poles for an AT&T wireless communications facility with underground equipment vault. Eukon Group (714) 625-5930 2380 Conejo Spectrum Street Install an AT&T wireless communications facility and associated equipment on the rooftop of an industrial building. City of Thousand Oaks Development Aciivity Report Updated: January 2016 Stausif>lamer Pending Pam Leopold Pending Pam Leopold Pending Lori Young Pre-Application WilChua Pending Wil Chua Pre-Application WilChua Under Construction Lori Young Under Construction Lori Young Approved Claudia Pedroso Under Construction Lori Young Pending Joey Lin Approved Joey Lin Pr~Application Pam Leopold Approved Wil Chua Approved Claudia Pedroso Pending Joey Lin Approved Wil Chua Page 17 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY PERMIT APPLICATIONS Case Number(s) Applicant Contactit>escription 18 2013-70504 SUP 19 2013-70460 SUP 20 2013-70407 SUP 21 2013-70402 SUP 22 2012-70136 SUP 23 2009-70336 SUP, 2009-70338 OTP 24 2009-70333 SUP APPEALED Project Location Eukon Group (714) 62~5930 1583 Pederson Road Construct an AT&T wireless communications facility consisting of 12 panel antennas and associated improvements to be mounted on 2 transmission towers (6 antennas per tower) and 2 above-ground equipment enclosures. Core Development Services (714) 904-9331 731 Via Las Brisas Install a Verizon wireless communications antennas on a replacement light pole and associated underground equipment vault. Verizon Wireless (818) 489-3950 1256 Erbes Road Construct Verizon wireless communications facility consisting of 6 panel antennas on a new utility pole with underground vaull Core Development Services (714) 904-9331 4853 Via Andrea Install a Verizon wireless communications facility on a replacement light standard. Core Development Services (714) 401-2241 160 Overton Court Install a Metro PCS wireless communications facility consisting of a replacement light standard of similar height with 6 panel antennas at the California Lutheran University Football Stadium, and associated equipment in an above-ground enclosure. Core Communications Group (714) 328-4349 2798 Autumn Ridge Drive Install a Verizon wireless communications facility and encroach into the protected zone of 2 oak trees. Core Communications Group (714) 328-4349 900 Triunfo Canyon Road Install a Verizon wireless communications facility on a replacement street light. City of Thousand Oaks Deve!opmeot Activity Report Updated: January 2016 StatusJPlanner Under Construction Pam Leopold Pending Wil Chua Pending Pam Leopold Pending Wil Chua Approved Joey Lin Pending WilChua Pending WilChua Page 16 Finance Department OF THOUSAND OAKS Oa~~L JAN 2b A q: 3 l MEMORANDUM 2100 Thousand Oaks Doule\•ard •Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Phone 805/449.2200 • hx 805/449.2250 • www.co~ks.org CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE To: Scott Mitnick, City Manager From: John F. Adams, Finance Director Date: January 26, 2016 Subject: Ventura County Community Foundation Update The Ventura County Community Foundation (Foundation) manages the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza (TOCAP) designated endowment and the Thousand Oaks Plan to Assist School Sites (TOPASS) quasi-endowment. The City opened the TOCAP fund in 1993 with approximately $500,000. Between donations and investment gains, the balance grew to $4,000,000 by the year 2000. In the summer of 2015, the City opened the TOPASS fund with a $500,000 balance. The Foundation was established in 1987 to invest the charitable capital within Ventura County. VCCF's current nine-member board is comprised of some of Ventura County's most distinguished civic leaders, including three members from the City: Mike Silacci, Dr. Charles Maxey, and Tim Gallagher (Attachment). In February 2015, Vanessa Bechtel replaced Hugh Ralston as chief executive officer when he accepted a position as chief executive officer of the Fresno Regional Foundation. Prior to joining the Foundation, Ms. Bechtel was the executive director for the Santa Barbara City College Foundation for four years. Fall 2015, the Board made the decision to suspend operations of the Center for Nonprofit Leadership (Center) and drastically reduce staff. While the Center provided education and meeting space for charities and community groups in the county for more than twenty years, it was operating at a loss for several years with no identified source of revenue to keep it operational. These decisions ultimately led to several newspaper articles on the changes and the Foundation's finances. It is important to note that the Foundation has continued to make available meeting space for community groups at no cost, and the Library and Research Center remain open and operating fulltime. The Foundation has been very responsive to information requests from the City. Staff met with Ms. Bechtel, Jim Rivera, Chief Compliance Officer, and Mike Silacci, Vice Chair and Treasurer of the Board! on Monday, January 11, 2016. Currently, the Foundation is focused on improving its finances while enabling philanthropy. The Foundation has eng~ged new auditors and other consultants to ensure proper management and accounting of all funds held by the Foundation. In addition, the Foundation is implementing a new computer program and intends to utilize staff from the California Community Foundation to assist with certain back office functions. These steps are designed Ventura County Community Foundation January 26, 2016 Page2 to provide assurance that the funds are being managed appropriately and to provide better transparency and management. It is important to remember that the Foundation does not have legal access to any endowments to fund Foundation operations. In addition, the Foundation has made difficult but important decisions to reduce costs, provide better transparency, and maintain the trust of its donors. Staff will continue to keep communications open with the Foundation, monitor its progress, and attend the open investment meeting this spring. Should you have any additional questions or concerns regarding the Foundation or the City's deposits held by it, please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 449-2235. Attachment: VCCF Board Members Fin: 140:BO~a\H:\COMMON\AOFLR\Correspondence\VCCF\2016 01 VCCF Update.doc Attachment cow-..uMfTV Board of Directors Garv E. Erickson • President, CEO The Erickson Group, Consultant to nonprofits • VCCF committee membership, Program & Grants, Fund Development Oxnard • Before launching The Erickson Group in 1988, Mr. Erickson served in professional positions at California Lutheran University (Director of Development), United Way of Los Angeles (Executive Vice President) and California Medical Center Foundation (President & CEO) Terri E. lisagor, Ed.D. • Professor of Nutrition/Food Science, California State University, No~hridge Vice Chair • Registered Dietitian • lecturer, University California Los Angeles • VCCF Program & Grants Committee • Past Member, California State University Channel Islands Community Advisory Committee • Past President, American Association of University Women • Past Chair, Brighter Horizons, Math and Science Program • • Camarillo Woman of the Year 1996 Active community volunteer and mother of two Mike Silacci • Executive Director, AT&T- External Affairs Vice Chair& • VCCF Destino Vision & Grant Committee Treasurer • VCCF Resource Center Advisory Committee Newbury Park • VCCF Communications/ Marketing Committee Chairman • • Los Angeles Sports Council United Way of Ventura County (board chairman 2004-2006) • El Concilio del Condado de Ventura (board president 2002-2004) • CSU Channel Islands Alumni & Friends Association (treasurer) • Economic Development Corporation orveiltura County 16oard Camarillo chairman 2000) • Ventura County Economic Development Association • Boy Scouts of America -Ventura County Council (2002-2004) • Extensive community organization involvement Roz McGrath • Farm Manager, McGrath Family Farm Secretary • VCCF Program & Grants committee Camarillo • VCCF Women's Legacy Fund Chairman, past involvement in the Ventura County Coalition to End Family Violence, fundraising, active member of VC Planned Parenthood • Past president of VC Fair Board and member of VC Farm Bureau • Retired educator - Mesa Union School M.A., Early Childhood Education ------Tim Gallagher • Westlake Village President of Gallagher 20/20 Consulting specializing in reputation enhancement and building Internet-focused businesses • Author, publisher and speaker on free speech and First Amendment issues • Editor, Ventura County Star 1995-2004 Publisher, Ventura County Star 2004-2007 Editor, The Albuquerque Tribune in New Mexico • - ---- - - Advisor to the president of Scripps Howard Publishing - - - - -- ------ Charles Maxey, PhD • Dean, School of Business, Professor of Business Economics, and CoDirector of Center for Leadership and Values at California Lutheran Thousand Oaks University. • Visiting Professor- Human Resources Management, Sasin Graduate School of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand • Senior Associate Dean, Faculty Member {Organizational Behavior), Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Southern California • Research Associate- Director of Field Research, National Study of Labor Relations in Healthcare, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University • Arbitration/Fact Finding at UCLA, Civil Service Commission - City of Los Angeles, State of Illinois - Governor's Grievance Panel - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - -- ""'• -- Coru:uttlog/..Act.ion Research for County of Vea.t.Yr2.£..Yb=li= c "'H ""=e= a l=t h ,_,__ _ __ Department, Ventura County Community Foundation Regional Alliance Project. Health and Human Services Community Profile Study: a consortium of public and private agencies, VCEDA/EDC-VC Studies of Business Sentiment • Litigation Consulting/Expert Witness for California and Arizona law firms, testimony venues for Superior Court for states of California and Arizona, and U.S. District Court • Extensive involvement in Ventura County organization and numerous publications Stan Mantooth Camarillo • • • Ventura County Superintendent of Schools VCCF Administration & Finance Committee VCCF Scholarship Advisory Committee • • • Commissioner, Ventura County First 5 • Workforce Investment Board, Ventura County • Boy Scouts of America, Ventura County Council • • Ventura County School Boards Association • Ventura County P-16 Core Council • • Board Member, Ventura County Discovery Center Adjunct Faculty, California State University Channel Islands Board Member, United Way of Ventura County Director, County Schools Federal Credit Union California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) • Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), Leadership Matters Award (2011) -------- M. Carmen Ramirez • Coordinator, Ventura Superior Court, Oxnard Self Help Legal Access Center • • • VCCF Ventura County Civic Alliance Steering Committee Oxnard • • • Board President, Teatro de Las Americas Vice-President, Central Coast Alliance United for A Sustainable Economy {CAUSE) Founder, VCCF Women's Legacy Fund Elected Member, District 6, Board of Governors, State Bar of California Past Executive Director, Channel Counties Legal Services Association ----------------------,•-Past-Pr:esi aent+VeAtlo!Fa-G0t:1R-ty-Baf-Ass0€lati0~G0nGilie-9et------ Condado De Ventura County, Studio Channel Islands Art Center • Graduate of Loyola University School of Law Scott Hansen • Regional Director, Wells Fargo Private Bank (Westlake Ventura • - -- - --------- Village/Santa Barbara Region) Cancer Support Community Valley/Ventura/Santa Barbara, Executive Board Member and Past Board Chair • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County, Vice President and • CSUCI D Planned Giving Advisory Council • Past Board Chair: Planned Giving Council of Ventura County and Executive Board Member the Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce • Past President: Financial Planning Association of Ventura County and the Page Youth Center • Named to Pacific Coast Business Times "Who's who in Banking and Finance" 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 • Member: Financial Planning Association of Ventura County, CPA/Law Society of Ventura County, Provisors. • Volunteer coach for AYSO, Ventura Youth Basketball Association and Foothill Little League. City Council "" ~ ·,·'I VI I I ...... 1- ... · , .. vr i ·'·,u'[j'~;J' ' v AGENDA \'•""' ~A'·'r '''U LI l\.'.l ZJlb JM/ 25 p 4: 3S 2100 'J'housRnd Oak< Ikmlevard • Thous11nd Oaks, CA 91362 Phone 805/449.2121 •Pax ROS/449.21 25 • www.to~ks.org Finance/Audit Committee Special Meeting City Manager's Conference Room Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 5:00 PM AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call: Councilmember Al Adam and Councilmember Andrew P. Fox 3. Public Comments (Note: Only Issues Listed on this Agenda May be Addressed Pursuant to the Brown AcVSpecial Meetings) 4. Update on Water & Wastewater Financial Plans 5. Meeting with Lance, Soll and Lunghard, LLP Independent External Auditors 6. Next Meeting Date_ _ _ __ _ __ 7. Adjournment Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): In compliance with the ADA, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting or other services in conjunction with this meeting, please contact the Finance Department at (805) 449-2234. Upon request, the agenda and documents in this agenda packet can be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City in ensuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. FIN:1 20-2 1~ b\H:\COMMON\ADFLR\Finance Audit Committee\Agendas\2016\01 26 2016 Meeting.docx COUNCIL MAIL ·d-5 v DATE toaks.org AGENDA CITY OF THOUSAND OM\S ZU!b JAN 22 P 4: OS 2100 Thous~iid Oaks 13oulev•nl • Thous~nd Oaks. CA 91362 Phone 805/ 449.2151 • bx 805/ 449.2150 • www.roAk~.urg CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Thousand Oaks Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Board SPECIAL MEETING Thousand Oaks City Hall 2100 Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Thousand Oaks, California 91362 Board Room (805) 449-2323 http://www.toaks.org II January 27, 2016 11 II 3:00 P.M. 11 Claudia Bill-de la Pena - City of Thousand Oaks Mayoral Appointment - Chair Tom Kasper - Ventura County Fire Protection District Appointment Dr. Jon Sand - County Superintendent of Schools Appointment Dustin Woomer - County of Ventura Board of Supervisors Public-at-Large Appointment Andrew Powers - City of Thousand Oaks Employee Appointment Darlene Melby - California Community Colleges Chancellor Appointment TBA - County of Ventura Board of Supervisors Appointment Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): In compliance with ADA, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting or other services in conjunction with this meeting, please contact the Building Division, (805) 4492500. Assisted listening devices are available at this meeting. Ask the Recording Secretary if you desire to use this device. Upon request, the agenda and documents in this agenda packet can be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist City staff in assuring reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. Agenda Availability: Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Board packets are available for review at City Hall, Grant R. Brimhall Library, and the Newbury Park Branch Library. Staff reports related to agenda items are available on the City's website under "City Hall/Committees /Commissions/Boards/Successor Agency Oversight Board Agenda." Public Input: Any person who wishes to speak regarding an item on the regular agenda or on a subject within the Oversight Board's jurisdiction during "Public Comments" is requested to file a "Public Speaker" card with City staff before that portion of the Agenda is called. Any person who wishes to speak on a specific agenda item is requested to file a "Public Speake(' card before the specific item is called. Any person who wishes to speak to an item on the agenda is requested to file a "Public Speaker" card before the Hearing is called. Persons addressing the Oversight Board are requested to state their name and communit y of residence for the record. Any supporting materials should be submitted to the Recording Secretary before addressing the Oversight Board. These materials are also considered a public record pursuant to the California Public R~cords Act and Brown Act unless exempt from disclosure under the applicable law. !'() '.' ) i, '~ ()[ 'C5 ..... ( . I , , • .-' • . <:") REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AG ENCY OVERSIGHT BOA RD AGEN DA January 27, 2016 Page 2 1. CALL TO ORDER: 3:00 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL: Board Members Kasper, Powers, Sand, W oomer, and Chair Bill-de la Pena 4. ORGANIZATIONAL ACTION: 5. A. City Clerk Swears in New Board Members Darlene Melby and County of Ventura designee scheduled to be selected by Board of Supervisors January 26, 2016 B. Election of Vice-Chair MINUTES: A. Minutes of September 23, 2015 Meeting 6. ANNOUCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS: 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS : Members of the public are invited to address the Oversight Board on issu es that are within the Oversight Board 's purview and not on the Agen da. Each speaker is allowed 3 minutes. 8. ACTION ITEMS: A. July 1, 20 16 to June 30, 201 7 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 1617) RE COMMENDAT ION: Adopt Resolution to Ap prove ROPS 16-17 B. Amendment to Oversight Board Bylaws. and Rules of Procedure -Article 3 (Meetings) Regarding Meeting Schedule 9. INFORMATION ITEMS: None 10. BOARD COMMENTS: 11. ADJOURNMENT: Adjourn to regu lar meeting of January 25, 2017. Finance Department AGENDA CITY OF THOUSAND OAKS zau, JAN 2b p ~~ 00 21tJll 'l'housand Oaks Boule\-.itd • ·1 housaru.I <laks, L\ 913<12 Phone 805/4-19.22(1(1 • foax 805/-H9.22SO • W\O,"\V.toaks.oig \ CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Investment Review Committee Friday, February 5, 4:00 p.m. Acorn Room 1. Call to Order: 4:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call: Sorenson 3. Public Comments Bill Berliner, Chair; Jim Hoagland; Richard Law; John Short; and Cody A. Summary Notes November 5, 2015 Meeting- Information Only 4. Action Items A. Quarterly Investment Report for December 31, 2015 - Motion to Approve Report 5. Discussion/Input - None 6. Finance Updates: Information Only • • • • • • Quarterly Investment Review Audits July - September 2015 Quarterly Investment Portfolio Continuing Compliance 2016 Work Plan Redevelopment Bond Refunding Update Committee Annual Report December 15, 2015 2016 Investment Policy Adopted January 12, 2016 7. Closing Committee Comments 8. Adjournment - Next Meeting Attachments: A. B. C. D. E. Summary of Investments Maturity Listing of Investments Maturity Period Comparison Quarterly Activity Report Historical Monthly Yield to Maturity F. G. H. I. J. Historical Balance Analysis Investment Ladder County Pool Oct 2015 Report LAI F Performance Report LAIF Maturity Report Public Documents: Any public documents provided to a majority of the Investment Review Committee regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspections in the Finance Department at City Hall, 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd., during normal business hours. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): In compliance with the ADA. if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting or other services in conjunction with this meeting, please contact the Finance Department at (805) 449-2221. Upon fequest the agenda and documents in this agenda packet can be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. · S ()j-C) t.()')I <.. ' . . ..'.""' Outside Correspondence VENTURA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS NOTICE OF 2016 SCAG REGIONAL COUNCIL DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE ELECTION FOR DISTRICT #46 CALL FOR CANDIDATES Date: January 26, 2016 To: All Mayors and City Council Members within SCAG Regional Council District #46 (This District includes the cities of Moorpark, Simi Valley, and Thousand Oaks) From: Laura Behjan, Executive Director, Ventura Council of Governments Subject: 2016 SCAG Regional Council District Representative Election This is to notify all Mayors/Council Members of Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Regional Council District #46 that the term is ending for the Regional Council Representative seat for your district. Therefore, an election for a new term will be held on: Monday, February 29, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. City of Simi Valley City Hall (Community Room) 2929 Tapo Canyon Road Simi Valley, Ca 93063 CALL FOR CANDIDATES Nominations (name and title) for Regional Council Representative must be submitted by either letter or email to Laura Behjan, VCOG Executive Director, 970 Paseo Santa Cruz, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320; email [email protected]. All nominations must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 11, 2016. ELECTION PROCEDURE The District Representative is ele~ed by local elected officials of the cities within that district, voting as individuals, by a majority of a quorum. A quorum is defined as at least one (1) elected official from 2/3 of the member cities within a district. Proxy votes will not be accepted. If there is only one candidate, that individual shall be declared the SCAG District Representative without having to conduct an election. TERM OF OFFICE The District Representative is elected to the SCAG Regional Council for a two-year term commencing in May 2016. The Regional Council meets on the first Thursday of every month in the SCAG Offices in downtown Los Angeles. If you have any questions regarding the election procedures or the activities of a Regional Council Member, please contact Laura Behjan, VCOG Executive Director. at (805) 320-5482, or Tess ReyChaput, SCAG Clerk of the Board, at (213) 236-1908 or [email protected]. ATTENTION CITY CLERKS: PLEASE POST THIS NOTICE t.OUNCIL MAIL DATE /-.:olb-1~ c., : ~ Ventura Council of Governments Mailing Address: 970 Paseo Santa Cruz, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 Page 1 of1 Donna Garrett- Latest information on Charterffime Warner/ Bright House Merger From: To: Date: Subject: Attachments: Scott Mitnick <[email protected]> Garrett Donna; Hehir Patrick; Adams John; Powers Andrew 1/24/2016 9:16 AM Latest information on Charter/Time Warner/ Bright House Merger imageOOl .png; New Charter Is Better For Califomia.pdf; Charter MOU News Coverage.pdf FYl.. .. Council Mail Scott Begin forwarded message: From: "Diep, Meelene 11 <[email protected]> Date: January 22, 2016 at 2:10:02 PM PST Cc: "Del J Heintz" <[email protected]>, 11 Lisa M Ludovici" <[email protected]>, "Sandra M Cuellar" <[email protected]>, "Susie Evans" <[email protected]> Subject: Latest information on Charterffime Warner/ Bright House Merger Dear Community Partner, As you know Charter Communications has placed a bid to purchase Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks. You may be seeing some news coverage on the merger next week as the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will be in Los Angeles holding a public participation hearing on the merger. I wanted to be sure to share information on some of the commitments we've made as part of the merger. Attached are two documents; one that summarizes the filing we've made with the CPUC and the second is a press release on diversity outreach we agreed to as part of a MOU we entered into with key multi-ethnic groups. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, I can be reached at 626-430-3426. COUNCIL MAIL DATE /-~S-/~ file:///C:/Users/cmdgarrett/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/56A49686CT0%20MAINC... l /25/2016 Charter IV llNllAllON<;. NEW CHARTER IS BETTER FOR CALIFORNIA Charter is a different type of cable company-committed to offering the most innovative products, fast internet speeds, an Open Internet and superior customer service . On July 2, 2015, Charter Communications, Inc., Time Warner Cable Inc., and Advance/Newhouse Partnership (the parent company of Bright House Networks LLC) filed an application with the California Public Utilities Commission seeking approval to merge and form New Charter. The combined company will build on what Charter has already accomplished, and compete with industry giants to give a better experience to approximately 23.9 million customers around the country, including more than 3.6 million customers in California. New Charter will provide fast unlimited broadband with no data caps, no usage-based billing, and no modem fees. The transaction will create thousands of American jobs by bringing Time Warner Cable overseas can centers back to the U.S. and will make broadband more accessible to underserved consumers throughout the state and the country. Finally, New Charter is committed to an Open Internet and will not block or slow down Internet traffic or engage in paid prioritization . New Charter in California » Total Number of Customers: Approximately 3.6 Million » Total Number of Employees: Approximately 9,800 •... • • ' I H'{Jh~ Huu~~ N~ lwtHll.S California customers will benefit from Charter's pro-consumer approach and pro-broadband model: New Charter is committed to full digitization of the Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks' systems in California. While Charter is almost 100% digital today, TWC and BHN are not all of the way there. We will complete the full digitization of nearly all of those systems in California within 30 monthsfreeing up spectrum that will allow for faster broadband speeds and superior video services including more , High-Definition channels and On-Demand offerings. New Charter's commitment to faster speeds at lower prices. Charter's slowest broadband tier is 60 Mbps, which enhances the ability of several people in the same house to watch streaming high-definition video at the same time. Charter offers that speed at a better value than our competitors, with simple, uniform pricing across its service area and without any data caps, usage-based pricing, modem fees, or early termination fees. We will offer this fast, minimum broadband speed (60 Mbps) to all TWC and BHN customers in California regardless of location. And, while the New Charter offerings will entail a richer product at a better value, if current customers like their current service and prices, they won't need to change. New Charter will add thousands of American jobs. Over the last three years, Charter has expanded US call centers and field operations infrastructure, insourcing these customer care workforces and creating 7,000 American jobs. New Charter will continue to create up to 20,000 U.S.-based jobs by returning TWC call center jobs to the United States and hiring and training new customer care employees for its call centers and field technician operations , including in California. 400 Atlantic Street, Stamford, CT 06901 (203) 905-7801 www.charterresourcecenter.com Charter ( < l M M 11 f'J I (. >\ I I 0 N ·~ New Charter will invest significantly in both In-home and out-of-home WiFi. New Charter will increase competition in the mobile data market by deploying over 300,000 out-of-home WiFi access points across its footprint, including in California. These additional access points will increase mobile data competition, enabling consumers In many areas to reduce their mobile data plans with their wireless carriers. New Charter customers will be offered Charter's new cloud-based user guide. The new guide will offer intuitive search and d'iscovery and will work on old and new set-top boxes, so consumers will get the benefits of the new guide without needing a technician to visit or to pay more for a new box. New Charter customers will be offered Charter's Innovative set-top box. Charter's Worldbox CPE system represents an advance in set-top box development that will continue to enhance the customer experience with greater capabilities, such as additional simultaneous recordings and increased storage capacity for DVR users. New Charter will expand the reach of its broadband network to currently unserved homes and businesses within its footprint. » We will build out one million line extensions of our networks into residential areas within our footprint beyond where we currently operate, including in California. These new facilities will help provide high-speed service to rural and other underserved areas. » We will invest at least $2.5 billion in the build-out of networks to businesses located within our footprint beyond where we currently operate, including in California. This will create additional, muchneeded competition in the commercial sector. New Charter's commitment to an open Internet. New Charter will not block or slow down Internet traffic or engage in paid prioritization-the same commitment already followed by Charter today. » New Charter will not impose data caps or employ usage-based billing. » New Charter will continue to invest in interconnection to avoid congestion and submit interconnection disputes to the FCC for resolution on a case-by·case basis. New Charter will introduce a new low-cost broadband service that will deliver the highest speeds of any comparable offering and be the first to offer fast broadband to low-income seniors in addition to lowincome families, providing substantial benefits to these underserved populations and setting a new standard for low-cost broadband. » The service will deliver 30/4 Mbps speeds for $14.99 per month, making it the only low-cost internet service for low-income populations that meets - and even exceeds - the FCC's definition of high·speed broadband. The fastest speed currently offered by comparable programs today is only 10 Mbps. New Charter will continue the diversity and inclusion practices developed by the three companies and will build upon existing diversity efforts in the specific areas of corporate governance, employment and workforce recruitment, procurement, programming, and philanthropy and community investment. Charter Communications and leaders of leading national civic organizations serving communities of color announced a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that wilt take effect upon the closing of Charter's pending merger with Time Warner Cable and acqu isition of Bright House Networks. 400 Atlantic Street, Stamford, CT 06901 (203) 905-7801 www.charterresourcecenter.com Charter ! rl M M lI N 1( A I I () N r, fhe MOU identifies specific diversity initiatives and establishes a plan of action to guide the collaborative efforts of New Charter and a wide array of diverse civic and leadership organizations. » As part of the MOU, Charter has committed to a number of concrete actions, including appointing one African American, one Asian American/Pacific Islander and one Latino American to its newly formed board of directors within two years of the close of the transaction. » New Charter will also appoint a Chief Diversity Officer who will lead the company's diversity and inclusion efforts. » The MOU also includes a number of specific steps New Charter will take to increase diversity among its workforce, improve diversity in the procurement of goods and services, expand programming targeting diverse audiences, and enhance its involvement and investment in organizations serving communities of color. » New Charter will continue Charter's commitment to rebuilding homes through Charter's signature community service program, "Charter Our Community." Charter Our Community is currently partnered with nonprofits across the United States to rehabilitate and rebuild 25,000 unsafe and unhealthy homes by 2020 in California and across its footprint. STATEMENTS OF SUPPORT Reed Hastings, Chief Executive Officer of Netflix: "The key thing about the Charter deal is it's all Internet companies that benefit - us, Hulu, Amazon, HBO Now - so that we can all compete for consumers' affection. And that is the openness to everybody that's the key thing." 5) ,.. . !:I 1 • .; NETFLIX Majority Leader Assemblyman Chris Holden: "New Charter-by expanding eligibility-will provide competitive pricing for broadband services to low-in come households in California. In order to continue to provide consumers with high-quality broadband services, New Charter has made commitments to not block or slow down internet traffic. As a matter of fact, New Charter will not engage in paid prioritization and will ensure there are no data caps." Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Gary Toebben: Los Angeles Area "If this merger were to go through, the increased open free market competition Chamber of Commerce would be beneficial to everyone involved, because New Charter will expand into sectors that it does not currently service. They will do this by investing $2.5 billion into commercial areas, giving our members newer and faster choices for broadband Internet.'' ~ M.A:Q F Mexican American Opportunity Foundation President & CEO Martin Castro: "We're excited about the emphasis New Charter will put on minority~n:xit\~.iMEKic.irn•i~iRH':\11\'lor:-;ii.iiio:x focused programing. The company will offer an array of diverse programming options, including channels like El Rey, Fusion, Fuse, NBC Universe, BET, Bounce TV, Centric, Mnet, CCTV 9, and Korean Television Network. It's nice to see a company in corporate America put such a strong emphasis on multi-cultural programming, which is too often not a priority for cable companies." \.._JE'. CA State Conference of NAACP President Alice Huffman: "New Charter is strongly committed to hiring a workforce that reflects the diversity of the customers it serves and 400 Atlantic Street, Stamford, CT 06901 (203) 905-7801 www.charterresour Charter I () M ~-·] l J I"·) I ( I~. I i () l'j ', Charter Communications has already returned thousands of jobs to America from overseas call centers. Also, New Charter is committed to supplier diversity and will increase outreach to minority-owned businesses to provide high-quality materials and diverse programming." CA Black Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Aubry Stone: "Supplier diversity is especially key to us, as Charter Communications has pledged to ensure that its customers retain access to diverse programming. It u,.,,,,,,,"''~·1:''""'111""'''""'''''""'.,,, . currently offers programming to many minority-focused television networks, including several African American focused or owned networks, such as BET, Bounce TV, TV ONE and Centric. These channels are an important voice and outlet to our community and it is essential that they have · as wide an access to their target audiences as possible." Senate Minority Leader Jean Fuller: "New Charter would lead to faster internet speeds for many Californians. Charter's minimum broadband speed of 60 Mbps is faster than the comparable offerings of Time Warner and Bright House, and New Charter will extend this minimum speed to Time Warner's and Bright House's existing customers - at a lower price than they currently pay." California Board of Equalization Chairman Jerome Horton: "I am encouraged by the commitment that New Charter has made to bring customer service centers back from overseas. The combined job force of 10,000 employees that the three companies have is impressive and valuable to our economy. I look forward to the potential New Charter has to enhance that number in the State of California." San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Jerry Sanders: "This ~ merger will bring much needed investment into San Diego and will be a boon to our many industries that depend on fast and reliable broadband Internet. A benefit to both businesses ~ and residents alike, it will bring back jobs to the state and would undoubtedly spurn further C::.ha.mber investment." · Asian Business Association Chairman Robert Ito: "Time Warner Cable has long been recognized for the importance they place on diversity, and diversity is strongly rooted in our community. New Charter will continue to recognize the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion and will expand TWC's commitment to diversity and inclusion in governance, employment practices, procurement and community partnerships. "One of the major goals of the ABASD is to enable members to participate fully in San Diego's economic development, without regard to race, color, creed or national origin. New Charter would help our members do just that, and we encourage the FCC to support it." !(' Asian BusinessAssociation ,, Joi s~n Dil-60 California Contract Cities Association President Gustavo Camacho: "As our communities and constituents needs are vital to our organization, we support the efforts of the proposed New Charter merger and its commitment to keep the communities informed via their public affairs show Charter Local (California Edition) as well as their investment into bringing more jobs to California and their commitment to bring better pricing to low income households." OlC of Los Angeles Los Angeles Opportunities Industrialization Center CEO Chris Floyd: "Our Computers for Families Program works hard to get computers into low-income homes, but they are useless without affordable, reliable broadband. The low-income program 400 Atlantic Street, Stamford, CT 06901 (203) 905-7801 www.charterresourcecenter.com Charter l <) M f\1 l J 1\J I i ;\ r I <J N <, would bring online many people who for too long have been kept away from this vital tool." LA Community College District President Scott Svonkin: "Given the demographics of our • district, we have been working mightily to close the digital divide in our communities. We have . .... come to understand how critical reliable broadband service is for our children, our teens and young adults, our adults and senior citizens. Every family needs broadband access - for students at all levels of education to complete their homework, for adults to compete in an increasingly competitive job market. I believe that New Charter, which brings together Charter Communications, Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks, will deliver this vital broadband access." San Bernardino Police Officers Association President Steve Turner: "I am convinced that in order for our most vulnerable residents to climb out of poverty, they need access to modem technology, which in 2015 means they need access to broadband. I was glad to learn that New Charter plans to offer a low-income broadband program, providing qualified customers fast broadband speeds at a reduced rate." Former Minority Leader Kristin Olsen: "I proudly serve in the California State Assembly and believe it is essential that our government supports private measures aimed at improving the lives of our constituents. For that reason, I support New Charter because it would promote job growth and offer its products to underserved communities by expanding access to a low-income broadband program." Riverside County Sheriff Stan Sniff: "This merger increases the ability of people in Riverside County to have affordable access to expeditious methods of sending and receiving information. Communication flow is an essential component for Law Enforcement response, investigation and Community Outreach." Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE) Executive Director Helen Torres: "New Charter has committed to review programs that will ensure the upward mobility of minorities and Latina employees. New Charter will also adopt Time Warner Cable's Employee Network Program and its cross-cultural mentoring program, which provides employees significant opportunities to build skills, knowledge and achieve professional goals." ~ ·· .W4I · · [JV h Jewish Life Television CEO Phll Blazer: "As a niche, independent and unaffiliated cable network, we have deeply appreciated the support we have received for our Jewish~themed television programming from Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks. We understand the new Charter has agreed to place a strong emphasis on multi ~ cultural , multi-ethnic programming . As the nation's premiere Jewish-themed television network, we are so pleased to hear that new Charter plans to offer and expand upon its wide array of diverse channel offerings which reflect the multitude of cultures flourishing in our nation." J J8WIS life Children's Resource Network of the Central Coast CEO Lisa Ray: "It is imperative that we as community leaders and advocates support the expansion of quality community partners such as Charter Communications." .... Chlldreni Resource Nelwoik Central Coast i•q1•·v•~ Important Information for Investors and Shareholders This Current Report does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or a solicitation of any vote or approval. In connection with the proposed transaction between Time Warner Cable Inc. ("Time Warner Cable" or "TWC") and Charter 400 Atlantic Street, Stamford, CT 06901 (203) 905-7801 www.charterresourcecenter.com Charter ( ()MM lJ NI(' AT I 0 N <.; Communications, Inc. ("Charter"), Charter's subsidiary, CCH I, LLC ("New Charter''), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") a registration statement on Form S-4 that includes a joint proxy statement of Charter and Time Warner Cable that also constitutes a prospectus of New Charter (the "Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus"). The registration statement was declared effective by the SEC on August 20, 2015, and Charter and Time Warner Cable commenced mailing the definitive Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus to their respective stockholders on or about August 20, 2015. This Current Report is not a substitute for the Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus or reg istration statement or for any other document that Charter or Time Warner Cable may file with the SEC or send to Charter's and/or Time Warner Cable's stockholders in connection with the proposed transactions. On September 21 , 2015, Charter's and Time Warner Cable's respective stockholders each approved the merger agreement at their respective special meetings. INVESTORS AND SECURITY HOLDERS OF CHARTER AND TIME WARNER CABLE ARE URGED TO READ THE DEFINITIVE JOINT PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED OR THAT WILL BE FILED WITH THE SEC CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE TH EY CONTAIN OR WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Investors and security holders are able to obtain free copies of the registration statement and the definitive Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and other documents filed with the SEC by Charter, New Charter or Time Warner Cable through the website maintained by the SEC at http:lfwww.sec.gov. Copies of the documents filed with the SEC by Charter or New Charter are or will be available free of charge on Charter's website at http://charter.com, in the "Investor and News Center'' near the bottom of the page, or by contacting Charter's Investor Relations Department at 203-905-7955. Copies of the documents filed with the SEC by Time Warner Cable are or will be available free of charge on Time Warner Cable's website at http://ir.timewarnercable.com or by contacting Time Warner Cable's Investor Relations Department at 877-446-3689. Charter and Time Warner Cable and their respective directors and certain of their respective executive officers may be considered participants in the solicitation of proxies with respect to the proposed transactions under the rules of the SEC. Information about the directors and executive officers of Charter is set forth in the definitive Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and in its Annual Report on Farm 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014, which was filed with the SEC on February 24, 2015, and its proxy statement for its 2015 annual meeting of stockholders, which was filed with the SEC on March 1 B, 2015. Information about the directors and executive officers of Time Warner Cable is set forth in the definitive Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus and its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014, which was filed with the SEC on February 13, 2015, as amended April 27, 2015, its proxy statement for its 2015 annual meeting of stockholders, which was filed with the SEC on May 18, 2015 and its Current Reports on Form 8-K, which were filed with the SEC on June 1, 2015 and August 6, 2015. These documents can be obtained free of charge from the sources indicated above. ### 400 Atlantic Street, Stamford, CT 06901 (203) 905-7801 www.charterresourcecenter.com MOU NEWS COVERAGE • Charter Communications Press Release: Charter and Multicultural Leadership Organizations Reach Significant Agreement on Diversity and Inclusion Efforts • Asian Americans Advancing Justice: Press Release: Asian American groups call on Charter Communications. Inc. to fully commit to diversity and inclusion • Broadcasting &Cable: Charter' Strikes Memorandum of Understanding With Diversity Groups • Multichannel News: Charter Makes Diversity Pledge To Groups • NY Daily News: Charter Communications To Hire Chief Diversity Officer After Time Warner Cable Merger • Politico New York Playbook: CUOMO backpedals on city hits -- HORSE CARRIAGE deal -HILLARY on Fallon • Telecompaper: Charter pledges to continue diversity practices after merger LINKTO MOU https://charterresou rcecenter.com/wp-contenl/u ploads/2016/01 /New-Charter-and-MulticulturalOrgan izations-MOU-FINAL-1-15-2016 .pdf Charter and Multicultural Leadership Organizations Reach Significant Agreement on Diversity and Inclusion Efforts Originally Appeared in PR Newswire By Charter Communications January 15, 2016 STAMFORD, Conn., Jan . 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ - Charter Communications and leaders of leading national civic organizations serving communities of color announced a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that will take effect upon the closing of Charter's pending merger with Time Warner Cable and acquisition of Bright House Networks. New Charter is committed to continuing the diversity and inclusion practices developed by the three companies and will build upon existing diversity efforts in the specific areas of corporate governance, employment and workforce recruitment, procurement, programming, and philanthropy and community investment. "We are very pleased to have reached this important memorandum of understanding, which reflects our commitment to the fundamental values of diversity and inclusion," said Tom Rutledge, president and chief executive officer of Charter. "Charter strives to reflect the great diversity of the communities we serve in all our business practices as a key component of our continued success." The MOU identifies specific diversity initiatives and establishes a plan of action to guide the collaborative efforts of New Charter and a wide array of diverse civic and leadership organizations. As part of the MOU, Charter has committed to a number of concrete actions, Including appointing one African American, one Asian American/Pacific Islander and one Latino American to its newly formed board of directors within two years of the close of the transaction. New Charter will also appoint a Chief Diversity Officer who will lead the company's diversity and inclusion efforts. The MOU also includes a number of specific steps New Charter will take to increase diversity among its workforce, improve diversity in the procurement of goods and services, expand programming targeting diverse audiences, and enhance its involvement and investment in organizations serving communities of color. The following twelve multicultural leadership organizations have agreed to sign the MOU: National Urban League, National Action Network, National Council of La Raza, League of United Latin American Citizens, National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts, SER-National, Hispanic Federation, Asian Americans Advancing Justice I AAJC, OCA- Asian Pacific American Advocates, Media Action Network for Asian Americans, East West Players, and the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies. Support for Charter's Memorandum of Understanding: National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial, who led the multicultural organizations that worked with Charter to fashion the MOU, made the following statement: "The Charter MOU contains the 'best of the best' practices for diversity and inclusion. Substantively it addresses every one of the key elements of equal service to all communities: governance, employment, procurement, programming, and community engagement. Since the effectuation of the MOU is contingent upon the closing of Charter's acquisition of Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks, we encourage the Federal Communications Commission to afford the proposed transactions expedited consideration." Rev. Al Sharpton, President of National Action Network provided the following statement regarding the MOU. "This agreement is another marker of progress that brings with it special resonance on Dr. King's birthday - together we are continuing to move closer to achieving his dream of equality in America. The MOU is strengthened by these diverse groups coming together with Charter to affirm their commitment to a future of greater inclusion and diversity. Far beyond just superficial statements, Charter is making concrete assurances to enhance multicultural leadership in corporate governance, their workforce, procu reme n~ programming and community investment. The enactment of the agreement is contingent upon approval of Charter's merger with Time Warner Cable and Bright House - and for that reason we urge regulators to expedite this process." League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) National President Roger Rocha provided support from the Latino community. "We thank Charter for committing to improve diversity and inclusion throughout the company and for its willingness to enhance its services and support of the Latino community. LULAC strongly advocates for companies to do the right thing in the diversity space especially when it comes to the area of telecommunications. This industry is critical to our community's educational and professional success in particular because of the opportunities that come with affordable high speed access to the internet. What has been committed to in the MOU is a significant step for the company and we look forward to working with Charter as they implement its provisions." Janet Murguia, President and CEO of the National Council of La Raza, said "We believe that the MOU outlines a commitment to working with the Latino community to provide much-needed high speed and affordable internet access, enhanced support for Latino-themed programming in English, and expanding career and employment opportunities. We welcome the chance to work with Charter on this nascent effort to become a leader in the area of diversity inclusion and engagement." "Asian Americans are expected to grow to more than 10 percent of the U.S. population by 2060," said Mee Moua, pres ident and executive director of Advanc ing Justice I AAJC . "Despite our unprecedented growth, we continue to be excluded from diversity and inclusion strategies. In the media and entertainment industry, our invisibility is perpetuated by the limited acting roles for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and the portrayals of our communities that are based on stereotypes and misperceptions. Through this MOU endeavor, New Charter is exercising a leadership opportunity to influence content creation and prioritize programming distribution that accurately reflects the changing face of America, particularly in markets in which there are highly-concentrated AAPI populations, such as Hawaii, New York and Southern California." Jose Calderon, President of the Hispanic Federation, said "The Hispanic Federation exists to advance the interests and aspirations of the Hispanic community, especially in the areas of education and economic empowerment. We are committed to working with Charter to ensure that the MOU serves and benefits our students and families through a significant expansion of their low-cost broadband programs, the job training and recruitment of Latinos across their urban markets, and meaningful, systemic and long-term philanthropic investments in our communities." About Charter Charter (NASDAQ: CHTR) is a leading broadband communications company and the fourth-largest cable operator in the United States. Charter provides a full range of advanced broadband services, including Spectrum TV™ video entertainment programming, Spectrum lnternet 1M access, and Spectrum Voice 1M. Spectrum Business TM similarly provides scalable, tailored, and cost-effective broadband communications solutions to business organizations, such as business-to-business Internet access, data networking, business telephone, video and music entertainment services, and wireless backhaul. Charter's advertising sales and production services are sold under the Spectrum Reach TM brand. More information about Charter can be found at charter.com Page l of 1 CityManager • W.JB Meeting this Thursday, January 28, 2016 From: Date: Marcia Knowlton <[email protected]> 1124/2016 9:59 PM WJB Meeting this Thursday, Januaiy 28, 2016 Sub.iect: Be: CityManager Attachments: 2016 WJB PROXY for board elections.doc The Westlake Joint Board of HOA's meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. sharp with Mayor Pro Tern Brad Halpern reporting on the City of Westlake Village. An interesting presentation on the Thousand Oaks Blvd Utility Undergrounding Project will be given by the City Project Manager Nader J leydari. Construction is expected to begin this winter and continue through Spring 2017. An election ofWJB's Executive Board of Officers and Directors for 2016 will be held. See attached for proposed executive board. If you can not attend this Thursday's meeting to vote in person, simply reply to this C·mail and state: "I hereby appoint Marcia Knowlton as my proxy to vote for (or against) the slate of individuals nominated for the Executive Board of the Westlake Joint Board for 2016. State your name and your Homeowners Association. "It's important to receive your proxy before the January 28 meeting. Bring additional guests and your questions for our speakers to North Ranch Center, 1400 North Westlake Blvd at Valley Springs Road. The meeting usually ends at or before 9:00 p.m. 805·494-0857 [email protected] COUNCIL MAIL DATE Ol fil e://IC :/Users/cmdgarrett/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/56A54 944CT0%20 MA INC... z0 Pl 1125/201 6 Election of officers and directors for the 2016 year will he voted on at the January 28, 2016 meeting. According t o our bylaws: "Officers shall consist of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Executive Secretary and Architectural Chairman, who with Directors, if any, who are not officers, shall toge ther constitute the Executive Board. Each Officer is a Director by virtue of his office. The total number of Directors shall be no less than throe (3) nor more than seven (7) including the Officers. The Offices of President and Vice-President may not be held by members of the same Association ." The nominating committee will present a proposed slate of officers and directors. Nominations can also be made from the floor. A Standard Quorum consisting of i·epresentatives of 50% of the member associations plus one is required for these votes. It is preferable that you cast your own vote. However , if you can't vote in person, e-mailing the proxy below to [email protected] b efore the meeting would be greatly a ppreciated. If you have any questions please contact a board member. Nominating Conunittee Report -The following people have agreed to be nominated for the Executive Board of the Westlake Joint Board for 2016. Nominations can also be made from the floor. President Vice President Exec-Secretary Treasurer Architectural Director Director Ellen Sheppard Cathy Schutz Shirley Richards Diana Brookes Marty Weisman Rickie Whitman Joe Santoro North shore Westlake North Three Springs Southshore Hills West Westlake Pointe Westlake HiJls Braemar Garden PROXY WESTLAKE JOINT BOARD OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS, INC. Westlake Village, California 91359 P.O. Box 6792 I hereby appoint Marcia Knowlton, or if she is absent, then the Directors of the Joint Board, as my proxy, to vote upon any a nd all matter8 which may lawfully come before the membership of the WESTLAKE JOINT BOARD OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS, INC. meetjng of January 28, 2016 and any adjournment thereof. THIS PROXY SHALL BE OF NO EFFECT SHOULD THE UNDERSIGNED Bl!; PRESENT AT SAID MEETING, or any adjournment of said meeting, or should this proxy otherwise be revoked or superseded. In witness whereof, the undersigned has executed this instrument, this_ _ day of January 2016. Signature of Representative Homeowners Association Represented Page 1 of).._ Donna Garrett - Fwd: 850 Warwick Trip to Ba.-nes and Noble on KNBC From: To: Date: Subject: Scott Mitnick <[email protected]> Garrett Donna 1/24/201 6 11:05 AM Fwd: 850 Warwick Trip to Barnes and Noble on KNBC Council Mail Scott Begin forwarded message: From: "James Friedl" <[email protected]> Date: January 22, 2016 at 10:20:37 AM PST To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> Subject: RE: 850 Warwick Trip to Barnes and Noble on KNBC Thanks Tom It takes a village, indeed. I'm sharing your kind note with our CRPD staff and Board and our friends at t he City and TOPD . We are glad to be part of such a caring and involved community. Work is certainly not done, but we have some really good momentum! Jim Friedl General Manager Conejo Recreation & Park District 403 W. Hillcrest Dr, Thousand Oaks CA 91360 Phone: (805) 381-1239 I Fax: (805) 497-3199 ~~@UU®]@ Recreation & Park District D From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 9:24 AM To: James Fried l Subject: 850 Warwick Trip to Barnes and Noble on KNBC file:///C :/Users/cmdgarrett/AppData/Local/T emp/XPgrpwise/56A4AFEACT0%20MAIN .. . 11251201 6 Page 2 ofJ.. Hi, Jim------ Long overdue Thanks to you and CRPD for the fine, continuing work at Warwick. George forwarded the KNBC article and news video. What a spectacular way to start the New Year. Looking back to Dec. 11, I must say l was a good bit overwhelmed by the Christmas party. Emily gave me a thorough tour of her Warwick "classroom". George introduced me to a couple other of your Board members. By the way, glad that everyone got a quick glimpse of Emily on that news video. There may be much more, but here are some highlights I picked up at the Christmas party. Great to see CRPD, law enforcement and the City of TO all work so very well together on this. " successful 2015 trip with the kids to Underwood Farms. • successful trip to Gillette Ranch, Malibu Canyon * planned on-site Family Vegetable Garden at Warwick * planned trip next month with Homework Club kids to Barnes & Noble. ---gift certificates totaling $1,300 have been raised for purchase of books. ~ two candidates at Warwick for Explorer Scout program * Homework Club and Fun Friday successfully ongoing--- now in their 3rd year. Great momentum to start 20 16 at Warwick! Thank you. Tom Ryan file:///C:/Users/cmdgarrett/ AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/56A4AFEACT0%20MAJN.. . 1/25/2016 Thank You's/ Personnel Kudos Page 1 of2 Ellen Rosa - Fwd: Customer Compliment for Sheri From: To: Jaime Boscarino <[email protected]> Ellen Rosa Date: 1122/2016 9:02 AM Subject: Fwd: Customer Compliment for Sheri Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Melissa Hurtado" <[email protected]> Date: January 22, 2016 at 8:06:24 AM PST To: "Stephen Kearns" <SKearns@toak;s.org> Cc: "John Adams" <[email protected]>, "Jaime Boscarino" <[email protected]>, "Nancy Woodard" <[email protected]>, "Sheri Johnson" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Customer Compliment for Sheri Steve, Thanks for taking the time to pass this along. We are very lucky to have Sheri on our team. Sheri, Excellent work with this customer! Your positive, can do attitude really shines through to our customers. I truly appreciate it! :Me{issa >»Stephen Kel!OIS 1121/2016 .5:14 PM>>> Hi Melissa, Today, a customer left our public service counter feeling as though she did not receive appropriate customer service and wanted to let someone know of her di ssatisfaction. She evidently went to the Customer Service counter in Finance and spoke with Sheri. The customer was provided my contact information to follow up with her concern. I spoke with her this afternoon. We talked about her experience and, although she had complaints, she said she left City Hall happy because of Sheri. She said Sheri was very attentive, willing to listen, and was upbeat and happy. I know this is not a surprise comment, but I wanted to pass on how Sheri defused an angry customer and potentially changed a negative perception of City services. Thanks very much for all you do! COUN C/\TE \ Page 2of 2 Steve 8'~.tf"~ Senior Planner/ Permit Process Supervisor (806) 4•HH.!{Jl(j s kcams(a),toaks.or~ Ciii· or Thousand Ouks CO ~lMliNIT)' OEVHOPlvll'.NT 1126/2016 Press Releases/Articles of Interest Press Release Page 1 of I Electronic Version Sent To Media Date: 01 t/~/J;, Approved: -ID j 1/25/2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS RELEASE # # # # Subject: City's Council on Aging Goes to the Dogs Contact: Francine Sprigel (805) 381-7362 Rachel Wagner (805) 449-2117 The City of Thousand Oaks Council on Aging will host a presentation titled "Dogs and Cats and Birds, Oh My!" on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 1:00 pm in the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza Boardroom. Keynote speaker will be Tara Diller, Director of Ventura County Animal Services. A dynamic speaker with a passion for changing the face of municipal shelters, Diller relocated to Southern California from Sacramento, where she was the Division Manager for Sacramento County Animal Care. She is a leader In the field of animal control and serves as the secretary for the California Animal Control Directors Association (CACDA), dedicated to providing leadership, training, support and advocacy to animal care and control agencies. Diller has two Chihuahuas, an American Pit Bull Terrier mix and a diabetic cat and Is dedicated to saving lives through innovative programs in public shelters. Diller will discuss why pets are Important in our lives as we age, caring for pets in apartments, how to handle the costs involved in pet care, dealing with the loss of a pet, volunteer opportunities, and a program titled "Seniors for Seniors." A "Question and Answer" period will take place at the conclusion of the televised meeting. This presentation is part of the Council on Aging's monthly televised speaker series. All citizens are invited to attend and encouraged to share concerns or suggestions during the Public Comment period. Free parking is available in the Civic Arts Plaza Parking Structure. This meeting will be broadcast live on TOTV and on the Oty's website at http://www.toaks.org/citvvideos.aso. For more information, please visit www.toaks.org/senjors. ### COUNCIL MAIL DATE 01 / ;;i.5/ t6 http://www.toaks.org/civica/press/display .asp?Layout= 1&Entry=69 l &Preview=Yes 1/25/2016 Press Release Page 1of1 Electronic Version Sent To Media Date:O! /2!f/Jh Approved: T I ..... ~ lf11111~ W 1/26/2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS RELEASE # # # # Subject: City Seeks Appllcants to Serve on Planning Commission Contact: Pam Romer (805) 449-2158 Rachel Wagner (805) 449-2117 The City of Thousand Oaks is currently seeking applicants who are interested in serving on the Planning Commission. Planning Commission members meet to discuss and review the General Plan and review and approve projects that conform to the General Plan. The Planning Commission performs duties and functions set forth in Title 9 of the Municipal Code and other duties and functions delegated by City Council. Applicants must be City residents and file a Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statement of Economic Interests within 30 days of appointment and annually thereafter; AB 1234 ethics training is required. The nominee will be recommended by Mayor Price and ratified by the full City Council. Applications are due February 29, 2016. For specific information on Commission responsibilities, please contact Mark Towne at (805) 449-2340 or [email protected]. This recruitment is for one seat; term to December 2018. All applicants are vetted using a standard review process. For more information, or to obtain an application, please visit http://www.toaks.org/govemment/commlttees/default.aso or contact the City Clerk Department at (805) 449-2151 or [email protected]. ### COUNCIL MAIL DATE Dl 2-.b http://www.toaks.org/civica/press/display.asp?Layout=l&Entry=692&Preview=Yes 1126/2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 28, 2015 CONTACT: Janet Young (805) 497·0189 Caregivers Matter ... Conejo Cares Caregiver Recognition Day Planned for Saturday, January 30, 2016 On Saturday, January 30, 2016, Senior Concerns, the cities of Agoura Hills, Westlake Village and Thousand Oaks, and the Conejo Senior Resource Network (a sub-group of the Greater Conejo Chamber of Commerce) will host Caregivers Matter... Conejo Cares, a half-day program and luncheon honoring family caregivers who are caring for aging loved ones. Caregivers Matter... Conejo Cares will take place from 9:30-1 :30 p.m. at Los Robles Greens, 209 Moorpark Road in Thousand Oaks. Admission is free. Reservations are requir~d and may be made by visiting www.seniorconcerns.org or calling 805-497-0189. No walk-ins will be allowed. Limited free inhome respite is available by request upon reservation. Today, as our elders are living longer with more complex health conditions, family caregiving is increasing in numbers and challenges. Nationally, about 66 million people report being a caregiver for someone over age 50. Family caregivers provide 80% of the long-term care services in the United States today, valued at $577 billion or more than the total cost of Medicare. Those caring for loved ones are often thrust into unexpected roles that can be demanding, costly and stressful. The free event encourages family caregivers to share their story, renew their spirit and relieve their stress from the challenges of caregiving. Among highlights will be a 20-minute Blissful Movement Chair Yoga session, followed by a panel discussion with physicians from Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center, UCLA and Kaiser Permanente who will share how they identify and care for family caregivers in their practice. Shola Richards, Director of Training at UCLA Health and author of the blog The Positivity Solution, will provide the keynote address on focusing on the positive. Shola is committed to changing the wortd by helping as many people as possible to live and work more positively. Back by popular demand will be nationally-known comedienne and family caregiver Monica Piper with her look at The Lighter Side of Caregiving. In addition, family caregivers will have the opportunity to add their loved one's picture to the Community Care Circle and participate in a non-denominational healing power of gratitude activity led by Pastor Brad Johnson of California Community Church. "Family caregivers play a vital role in caring for our large and growing senior population and are instrumental in keeping elders out of institutions and in the community. Yet, caregiving often takes a tremendous physical and emotional toll, leading to health issues, such as depression, and financial concerns,'' says Andrea Gallagher, CSA, President of Senior Concerns. "We hope Caregivers Matter.. .Conejo Cares will help family caregivers recognize they are not alone and an entire community stands ready to help with the support and resources they need." Part of the program will be dedicated to recognizing those businesses in the community that are demonstrating leadership by accommodating and recognizing caregivers. Pepperdine University was recognized last year with Conejo Cares Caregiver-Friendly Workplace Award. To nominate a local business this year, please visit www.seniorconcems.org. Nominations will be accepted until January 8, 2016 (11:59 pm). For more information about Caregivers Matter... Conejo Cares, please visit www.seniorconcerns.org or contact us at 805-497-0189. #### COUNCI MAIL DATE I :LG I 2-2-2 About Senior Concerns Senior Concerns is a Thousand Oaks-based private, non-profit organization dedicated to serving seniors young and old, caregivers and families by offering a wide-range of services, programs and resources, including a professionally managed Adult Day Program, Meals on Wheels, Caregiver Support Center, free legal, financial, advocacy and care management services, support groups and community education and training. Senior Concerns also operates the Bargain Boutique & Thrift Shop and hosts two major fundraisers-the Love Run and the Ultimate Dining Experience-and receives invaluable community support from more than 800 volunteers. Ca111ing for an aging loved one? You 're not alone. Caregiver ~ecogn i~ion !/JJa'Yl You call it, '"Bri11gi1t~ 1110111 a few grocerit's. " We call it. ..CAREGIVING." YOU ARE A CAREGIVER, whelhN you're a nMn or i.l woman, long-di~1~11Ke ot loci.JI. When your needs cJre met, the person you (-ilfe for will foci the benefits, too. It's YOUR lurn. Saturday, January 30, 2016 9:30 am - 1:30 pm Los Robles Greens 299 Moorpark Road, Thousand Oaks, CA AMGEN 9:30 am - REGISTRATION • Coffee and corwersat(on with ot her careg(vers • Addi 'four loved one·~ pkwn.• to tl\e Community Li1'e Cin':lf" 10:00 am · WELCOME • Blissful Move11WrH' Chair Yof}<:t *FREE _ _ c·· . , "'I .,, . I I .• t AUMIS~ION 11 • di egLVtrS. ii lt' r 11( ( t'I) aUe fl "ltrn HIU l1rit11! a - A Physir:ia11s' Pant;>\ 11frturc of the 0 • Tile Lwhter Side of C<HeCJlV1110 fHt<·M l _'' °:J • :.i ca11• 1m, • Lu11 c: !)eon P rogrnm ·· City Leade r~ Honor Caregivers • Keynote: Shola Ri<hM(h. The- Po~itivi~y Solut ion • 2016 Core~}iVl:"l frif!.ndly Bl1,sif1e ~s Award • (.m?givers ... Hlit the Road e1In the Ga rden: The Heahng Power of Grat1tt1de 1:30 pm - GOODIE BAGS & GOOOBYE.S He alt Acorn ''""'~ l.~ •1 ,ll!U , (. 'I H• '-• ') l•1 "' • \ ·~ ·• • II., f1t~• ~ \A\~t o o\I \ I I :I Register online at www.seniorconcerns.org or call (805)497-0189 Newsletters/ Periodicals CA Cities Advocate Jan.22,2016 Issue #7 IN THIS ISSUE; Page 3: Save Your Spot for the 2016 Public Works Officers Institute and Expo In March Page 4: Registration for Feb. 5 Municipal Law Symposium Remains Open Senate Health Committee Passes Medical Marijuana Clean-up Biii Wednesday marked the next stage in the progress of AB 21 (Wood), the medical marijuana clean-up legislation that would eliminate the March 1, 2016 cultivation deadline, when the Senate Health Committee passed it on a 7-0 vote. The League appreciates all the letters cities have sent to legislators on this important issue. For more, see Page 2. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Education and Training Starts 2016 for 200 Newly Elected Mayors and Council Members Three-Day League Conference Includes Briefings on Advocacy Tools, Municipal Finance, Ethics and More The League launches its extensive educationa l programming for city officials each January with a conference in Sacramento for the recently group of mayors and council members. This year 200 city officials attended the annual three day event designed to give newly elected city officials the information and skills they need to successfully lead their cities. For more, see Page 2. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• League Urges FAA to Adopt Stronger Drone Registration Regulations The League of California Cities® on Jan. 15 issued comments to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regarding its new regulations requiring registration by drone owner/operators, released in m id-December. The league's letter cjtes multiple incidents of the abuse of drones endangering public safety and commercial aviation in calling for stronger FAA registration protocols . 'AB 21' Continued from Page 1..• Six comm ittee members joined Committee Chair Sen. Ed Hernandez (D-Azusa), who supported the bill as proposed to be amended, with amendments negotiated by the League and ACLU, with the Callfornia State Association of Counties, California Police Chiefs Association and Drug Policy Alliance also on board. The Senate Committee's action on Jan. 20 follows the Senate Governance and Finance Committee last week, which also approved Assembly Member Jim Wood's (0-Healdsburg) legislation. The League is cautiously optimistic that the March 1 deadline that will pre-empt local governments on cultivation ordinances and is on its way to being lifted. The bill currently has no opposition. Senate Health Committee Member Sen. Jim Nielsen (RGerber), who opposed all three bills in the regulatory package last year, abstained from voting. He voiced his philosophical objection to a regulatory structure that he said he believes is still far too loose. Sen. Janet Nguyen (R-Garden Grove) was absent from Wednesday's hearing. SB 435, which was also amended with the League-ACLU compromise language, but did not contain the removal of the March 1 deadline, was set to be heard in the Assembly Health Committee as a fail-safe. That hearing, however, was cancelled when it became clear that the Senate Health Committee passed AB 21. The language being struck from AB 21 (bottom of page 5) would have shut down some of the litigation against cities regarding medical marijuana regulation. However, ACLU and the Senate were determined to strike the key final sentence from a Health and Safety Code statute in its entirety, which might have been harmful to cities in that it would have allowed advocates to argue that the Legislature did not intend for local governments to regulate patient and primary caregiver activity. The amendments taken in the Senate Health Committee reflecting the League-ACLU deal instead remove reference to explicit local authority to regulate and ban and alter the key sentence so that it is now simply a recitation of existing constitutional police power. While the League conceded a clear-cut advantage in future litigation against cities that the Legislature found unpalatable, it did not affirmatively give up any actual land use authority - such as losing the ability to regulate indoor cultivation by patients/primary caregivers, which ACLU initially sought. T he language added to AB 21 guarantees that California cities will continue to face litigation in court brought by AC LU and others - but with no clear tactical advantage for either side. Next Steps AB 21 will next go to the Senate Floor for a full vote and may be eligible for a vote as early as Monday, Jan. 25. It will then go to the Assembly for consideration. ' New Mayors' Continued from Page 1 ..• The conference covers a wide range of policy topics and city council procedures as well as the state-required AB 1234 ethics training. Other sessions focused on: • • • • • • Land use planning; Legal powers and obligat ions; City council/city manager form of city government; Effective meeting running techniques; Communications and the new media; and Local government finance. League Senior Director of Legislative Affairs Dan Carrigg welcomed the gathered members on Wednesday morning, introducing them to the League's advocacy efforts. "You are the cornerstone of our organization and our success politically relies on your engagement," Carrigg told the audience. 2 Each of the league's lobbyists provided a brief overview of their areas, emphasizing the key issues the League sees as priorities for 2016. League Executive Director Chris McKenzie delivered remarks on how city officials can become part of the League and how League services can help them more effectively serve their communities . "Our prime directive is local control so at the end of the day that is the frame through which we look at all issues." The newly elected mayors and council members also learned about the California Road Charge Pilot Program from former League President Jim Madaffer who chairs the California Transportation Commission's Road Ch9rqe Technical Advisory Committee, which is studying a road usage charge as an alternative to the gas tax. He laid out how the current revenues that fund California's aging transportation system are Inadequate and uraed the audience to volunteer for the pilot program that w ill help the state determine if a road user charge would work in California. Thursday's mock city council skit is always popular with attendees. Expert city attorneys hold a session called City of Dysfunction Junction - How to Conduct an Effective and Respectful City Council Meeting. League President and Rancho Cucamonga Mayor Dennis Michael addressed the mayors and councll members Friday morning. He spoke about his own experience becoming engaged in the League and encouraged the attendees to get involved. "I commend you for your commitment to your city, your attendance at this important training program and your strong support for local control and the values that make our League strong." The conference closed Friday with AB 1234 ethics training. Newly elected and appointed city officials are required to receive this training within a year of being elected and then they must go through it every two years followin g. League Policy Committees Hold First Meetings of 2016 Also this week in Sacramento, the Leag ue's eight standing policy committees held their firs t meetings of the year. League policy committees meet at least three times annually, with some committees meeting during Annual Conference to review proposed resolutions for the General Assembly. League President Dennis Michael started each day's joint legislative briefings held before the individual committees took up their business. Welcoming the committee members, President Michael thanked them for their contributions to the League. "The work you do here and the expertise you bring to bear in helping shape policy is deeply valued by me and the other members of the League board of directors." The briefings also included a legislative and state budget update by Senior Director of Legislative Affairs Dan Carrigg and Michael Coleman, the League's fi scal advisor. Actions taken by policy committees this week will next go to the Leag ue board of directors for review and action. Agendas are available on the League website. Save Your Spot for the 2016 Public Works Officers Institute and Expo in March Register by Feb. 16 The League of California Cities® recently announced its keynote speakers for the 2016 Public Works Officers Institute and Expo scheduled for March 9-1 1 at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. This conference is for professionals of all career levels and offers education on the latest developments in public works, leadership, managing transportation, infrastructure, water, waste programs and more. Keynote speakers for this event are: 3 Wednesday Opening Keynote: Journalist Dan Walters Start the conference off with Dan Walters as he discusses the State of California: Past, Present and Future, with a spin towards the daily dealings of those in the public works profession. Mr. Walters has been a journalist for more than half a century, spending all but a few of those years working for California newspapers. He is certain to bring some new insights to the challenges your jurisdictions face. Friday Closing Keynote Speaker: American Physicia n and Retired NASA Astronaut, Story Musgrave Experience the evolution of Story Musgrave's personal and professional life in terms of unpredicted opportunities and challenges. How does throwing hay bales and fi xing farm equipment as a farm kid lead to a full college scholarship, fixing aircraft and tanks as a Marine mechanic in Korea, to fixing broken people as a trauma surgeon, to being the chief mechanic on the Hubble Space Telescope? One little step at a time. It is about preparing for the unknown, acquiring the tools and skills for when the unknown happens and doors open, you can jump into the appropriate opportunities, meet their challenges and obtain your goals. It is about growing such a diverse set of cross disciplinary skills that you not only respond to the future but you are able to create the future for yourself using forward looking forensics. View the announcement and full agenda for more information about the Public Works Officers Institute. If you have any questions, please contact Brian Sanders at (916) 658-8238. Registration for Feb. 5 Municipal Law Symposium Remains Open Ensuring Integrity in 21st Century California: Water & Public Works in Our Arid State Scheduled for Feb. 5 in Sacramento, the 2016 Municipal Law Symposium will focus on the challenging issues public agency attorneys face in the areas of water and public works. Panels will focus on: water rights, drought, and enforcement; water issues related to CEQA and land use; alternative water supplies. including storm water, groundwater, and recycled water; water and public works finance issues including those related to Proposition 218; and conflicts of interest, including an update on the new FPPC Regulations and conflict of interest issues relevant to public works projects. Titled "Ensuring Integrity in 21st Century California: Water & Public Works in Our Arid State," the symposium will be held on Feb. 5 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m . at the McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento. The cost to participate is $175. Register online. This annual event is co-sponsored by the Municipal Law Institute of the League of California Cities®, McGeorge School of Law, the County Counsels' Association and the State Bar of California Public law Section. 4 CA Cities Advocate LEAQUE· C I TI ES O J ( 'Al fi ..~.NIA a -. · f t I ' .. m ; Jan. 26,2016 Issue #8 IN THIS ISSUE: Page 3: Registration Deadlines for Upcoming Planners and Public Works Officers Conferences Looming NLC's 2016 Congressional City Conference Scheduled for March 5.9 Senate Passes League-Supported Medical Marijuana Clean-Up Legislation, Bill Moves Back to Assembly for Action Monday afternoon the Senate voted 35-3 to pass AB 21 (Wood), the medical marijuana clean-up legislation that would eliminate the March 1, 201 6 cultivation deadline. For more, see Page 2. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Governor Brown Delivers Short State of State, Continues to Caution Fiscal Restraint, Highlights Dire Need for Road Funding Gov. Jerry Brown urged fiscal caution in his 2016 state of the state address to the jointly assembled Senate and Assembly last Thursday, while highlighting the state's progress recovering from its most recent fiscal deficits, and increasing funding for schools and health care. The Governor did not propose any new policy proposals; instead he told lawmakers that California must prepare now for the inevitable recessions that occur frequentl y in the economic cycle. For more, see Page 2. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• California Transportation Commission Defunds Projects Worth $754 Million For Next Five Years The California Transportation Commission (CTC) on Jan. 22 took action that approved a drastically reduced estimate of available funding for California's State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) in the next five years . The action slashes estim ated funding by $754 million, a hit that comes as California's state and local street, road and highway system is already crumbling under inadequate funding. For more, see Page 2. COUN D..~,TE 'AB 21' Continued from Page 1... AB 21 will now return to the Assembly, where the Assembly Local Government Committee will hear It this coming Wednesday. Assuming the bill is not amended further, it could be on the Assembly Floor for a final vote of the full body as soon as Thursday of this week. From there it will go directly to Gov. Jerry Brown's office for his consideration. As an urgency measure, it will take effect immediately upon the Governor's signature, lifting the March 1 deadline for local jurisdictions to have medical marijuana cultivation bans in effect. Sen. Mike McGuire (D-Healdsburg) presented his colleague's bill on the Senate Floor. The senator is the author of last year's SB 643, one of the bills that comprise the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act. The Senate's action Monday followed the Senate Health Committee's passage of Assembly Member Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg) measure on Wednesday, Jan. 22. •sos• Continued from Page 1... The Governor stressed the need for the state to focus on keeping existing funding commitments and repairing deteriorating infrastructure. "According to economists at the Department of Finance, the next recession, even if it were only of average intensity, would cut our revenues by $55 billion over three years," said Brown. "That is why it is imperative to build up the Rainy Day Fund which was recently overwhelmingly approved by the voters - and invest our temporary surpluses in badly needed infrastructure or in other ways that will not lock in future spending." The Governor's remarks built off of the fiscally-cautious tone he set several weeks earlier when introducing his proposed FY 2016-17 budget on Jan. 7, but 11e also reiterated the need for California to invest in its deteriorating roads. "We have no choice but to maintain our transportation infrastructure," said Brown. "Yet, doing so without an expanded and permanent revenue source is impossible. That means at some point, sooner rather than later, we have to bite the bullet and enact new fees and taxes for this purpose. Ideology and politics stand in the way, but one way or another, the roads must be fixed." The Governor's budget release and state of the state remarks set the tone for upcoming discussions with the Legislature over the budget. The Legislature is expected to propose expanded spending in various areas. Legislative hearings on the budget will continue into the spring, and be further informed when the Governor issues his revised FY 20 16-17 budget proposal in early May. During this time, the stock market and the global economy will be closely monitored for signs of economic slowdown which could dampen the financi al outlook at the state and local level. The League's analysis of the Governor's proposal outlines significant proposals affecting programs of interest to cities. The League will continue to monitor state budget discussions and developments. 'Transportation• Continued from Page 1... Like local governments, the CTC is struggling to meet transportation needs with less funding. The action last week comes after the CTC conducted thorough analysis anticipated additional reductions in a portion of the gasoline excise tax, the main source of state funding for the program. The ta x dropped from 12 cents per gallon from 18 cents per gallon a few years ago. Under this next STIP, the price is anticipated to drop an additional 2 cents per gallon in FY 2016- 17. The reduction in the STIP will require the CTC to rescind funding previously committed and will have significant impacts. Projects included in the STIP include state highway, intercity rail, and transit improvements. The loss of funding from this one source will jeopardize billions of dollars of projects that rely on multiple funding sources. Projects improve traffic and air quality, and are major components of regional planning. 2 The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is the CTC's five-year plan of future state highway, intercity rail and transit improvement programs. The CTC updates it every other year in even number years. CTC reports that a 1 cent reduction in the gas tax equates to $140 million annually less to fund the local and state road system. Registration Deadlines for Upcoming Planners and Public Works Officers Conferences Looming Registra tion deadlines are approaching quickly for two of the League's premier educational events: the Planning Commissioners Academy, March 2-4 in San Ramon, and the Public Works Officers Institute & Expo, March 9-11 in Sacramento. The registration and housing deadline for the Planning Commissioners Academy is Feb. 2, while the deadline for the Public Works Officers Institute is Feb. 16. This year's Planning Commissioners Academy will feature sessions on fundamentals, for new commissioners, as well as sessions spotlighting emerging issues, intended for more experienced commissioners and city staff. Planned fun damentals sessions include findings and conditions of approval, civic engagement, demystifying CEQA, reco gnizing good design , a social media survival guide and how to conduct an effective planning commission meeting . Emerging issues sessions will include streamlining the development review and permitting process, the fu ture of water for California cities, complete streets, infill projects and autonomous vehicles. Other sessions will include looks at what planners need to know about municipal finance, California's growth patterns and making smart use of data. Register online. The Public Works Officers Institute & Expo will again mix practical and aspirational sessions. The schedule includes sessions on sustainable pavement, saving money through LED conversions, public outreach, solar PV and recycled water. Attendees will also hear from astronaut Story Musgrave, Sacramento Bee political columnist Dan Walters and part of the team that helped the City of Napa respond - and rebuild - after the region's biggest earthquake in 25 years. Register online. NLC's 2016 Congressional City Conference Scheduled for March 5.9 Early Bird Registration Ends Jan. 31 The National League of Cities (NLC) is holding its annual Congressional City Conference in Washington, D.C. from March 5-9. Participants nationwide will engage and meet with U.S. Senate and House of Representative members and their staff to discuss federal policy issues of great importance to cities and local governments. Similar to last year, the League will host a special briefing for U.S. House of Representatives staff on the League's Federal Priorities with a focus on Water Infrastructure. As the House will not be in session during the conference, the League encourages all California attendees to attend the briefing and connect with the staff of the representative. The time and place of the briefing will be announced in a future edition of CA Cities Advocate. California attendees registered for the NLC Congressional City Conference are invited to attend the following events hosted by the League of California Cities: League of California Cities Reception Monday, March 7 6:00-7:30 p.m. 3 Thurgood Marshall East Marriott Wardman Park Hotel 2660 Woodley Road, NW Washington, D.C. Request meetings with your legislators and their staff during your visit in Washington, D.C. Visit the Congressional City Conference website for the latest information on this year's conference. Register online . 4 Citizen Concerns (CRMS Cases, etc.) From: To: BC Date: Subject: John Brooks <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Ellen Rosa 1/25/2016 4:55 PM RE: City of Thousand Oaks case number 20829 Mr. Cruz, I was forwarded your information on your desire to host a rain barrel sales event. First, let me thank you for your willingness to undertake this effort on behalf of the community. Coincidentally, one of our staff was at a countywide meeting last week where they discussed the same concept. Currently, that group is considering doing a countywide event in mid March where the rain barrels would be presold to the public and then delivered for pickup at a central location in Ventura. This has not been finalized though. In regards to the rebates, Cal/Am, CalWater and the City of Thousand Oaks all participate in the Metropolitan Water Districts rebate programs . Therefore, residents would be eligible to purchase up to 4 rain barrels with rebates of $75 each. Why don't you contact me directly and we can discuss your proposal in more depth. I can be reached at 805-449-2472 or at [email protected]. I look forward to talking wlth you in the near future. Sincerely, John Page 1of4 Ellen Rosa - Drug Treatment Centers From: To: Date: Subject: Cc: Scott Mitnick <[email protected]> Prescott John 1124/2016 3: 15 PM Drug Treatment Centers Rosa Ellen; Hehir Patrick; Noonan Tracy; Powers Andrew; Layba Mina .l ~ ~ ~~1- John - Please bring up at next Land Use Group meeting and/or suggest a proper reply. Ellen- CRMS Thanks, Scott Begin forwarded message: From:" ··- · ·- -- - -.,, Date: January 20, 2016 at 6:04:02 AM PST To: "Scott Mitnick" <[email protected]> Subject: Fwd: Drug Treatment Centers Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: 11 <[email protected]>'' <VRAJ 63l @aol.com> Date: Januarv 19, 2016 at 7:41: 15 PM PST To: w Subject: Re: Drug Treatment Centers -, ' We have a list of homes that are in our community as Treatment Centers for 6 or less residences. These homes are approximately 5-1 O miles of each other: 385 N Conejo School Rd Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 395 N Conejo School Rd Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 COUN DATE 1/25/2016 Page 2 of 4 1154 Cardiff Circle Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 1771 Country Oaks Lane Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 360 Camino De Celeste Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 166 Siesta Ave Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 890 Lake Sherwood Dr Lake Sherwood , CA 9136 1 An additional home was just purchased in December 2015 in the Conejo Oaks at the following address: 1590 La Granada Dr. Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 This home was purchased by Mr. Steve Zamari ppa owner of the La Ventana Treatment Center in Thousand Oaks. (http://www.laventanaed .com/) Our concern is that these homes are being purchased under the radar of our community with no regulations. We attended the Planning Commission Meeting regarding the Conditional Use Permits that will be enforced for 7 or more residents. Which is a good start. However CUPs should be placed on 6 or less residents Treatment Centers also. The treatment centers are considered businesses and should be treated as such . We see many problems in the future-if we let this happen to our neighborhoods. It will change the family community of our neighborhoods. While attending the planning commission meeting, we met 2 Thousand Oaks residents that live next to Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers. Mr. John Krochmal spoke at the Planning Commission Meeting. He said he has lived next to the facility for 20 years. It has been a problem since the center moved in. Krochmal, a resident on S icsta Street, said he's been Iiving next door to a residential drug treatment center for the past two decades. 1125/2 016 Page 3of4 "The impact on my famil y is severe. The noise, secondhand smoke, obnoxious expleti ves we bear ... we can't sit in our own backyards,'' Krochmal said. 11 1 feel like we're under siege." We also met a resident who lives in the Waverly Heights area of Thousand Oaks, who also resides next to one of these facilities. He did not what to speak a t the meeting for fear he would be harassed by the treatment center residents. He said this has been a problem for him; just like Mr. Krochmal had spoke about having to deal with second hand smoke, (to the point of not being able to open his windows or enjoying his backyard for years), with treatment center residents talking outside all hours of the day and night. The other issue is the parking. While these home are suppose to be for 6 or less residents, Mr. Krochmal also mentioned van loads of people are also brought in for meetings. Obviously, if there are 6 residents being treated in the homes, there will also be need for parking for the counselors, cooks, meeting facilitators, doctors etc etc! Who is going to monitor these problems? We are a fork in the road here where we need to have the right to say we do not want a business next door to us. A SUP (Conditional Use Permit) should be placed on this kind of business. The neighbors should have the right to say if they want such a facility next door or behind them. And these businesses should be held to a set of standards that the city imposes and if they break those standards than the SUP is revoked and the home can no longer operate as a drug treatment center. Thank You: Chris and Terry Vrakelos 805-402-7748 Mr. Vrakelos, I am happy to meet but it wou ld be he lpful if you could answer the questions in my last email. I have one opening from 4pm to 4: 30pm on Monday. We can meet at the City Manager's offices. Before we meet please share with me any answers you have to my questions. I will confirm our appointment when I hear back from you. Thank you. Sincerely ~ SentfiommyiPhone On Jan 19, 201 6, at4:28 PM , Vrakelos <[email protected]> wrote: . , ,..; it possible city council meeting? Thank You Chris Vrakelos 805-402-7748 to meet with you next week on Monday before the Sent from my iPad On Jan 19, 20 16, at 7:46 AM, . t> wrote: Dear Chris Vrakelos, 1125/201 6 Page 4of4 I know of four such facilities in Thousand Oaks. Could you give me the address of the ones that have caused parking and noise issues in your area and addresses of the facilities I am unaware of beyond the four I found? I briefly researched complaints and I haven't found any. I am gone all this week but next week I have some open time. Before we meet however I would like to know of any other facilities you speak of beyond the four I know of. Please also direct me to the facility that is causing the parking and noise issues. I will forward your letter to our City Manager to get you immediate assistance and if he and his staff cannot adequately resolve your concern , I will be happy to meet with you. Our City Manager is best equipped to advise on whether or not legal action against the state would be advisable. Thank you for your time and concern for our City . Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone On Jan 12, 2016, at 7:51 AM, <[email protected]> <VRA 1631 @aol.com> wrote: I would like to have a meeting with you to discuss the epidemic opening of drug treatment centers in Thousand Oaks for under 7 beds. I realize State Law is against us but we need to ct1allenge it in court. Our City should have the right to make all users obtain a Conditional Use Permit (SUP) before opening and follow guidelines that the City will impose. I was at the City Planning meeting and they have great guidelines for 7 or more beds but that will not help us. 1. These centers are a business. 2. They are everywhere and have no guidelines. 3. Parking, noise and the peace of the neighborhood is being destroyed. Thanks; Chris Vrakelos cell : 805-402-7748 40 tear resident of Thousand Oaks. 1/25/2 016 Page 1 of 2 Ellen Rosa - Fwd: Homeless in Arroyo Conejo From: To: Date: Subject: Claudia Bill-de la Pena <[email protected]> Ellen Rosa <[email protected]> 1124/2016 5:21 PM Fwd: Homeless in Arroyo Conejo Hi Ellen: Can we please alert police? Thanks. Claudia ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Nicolai Edgar Andersen <nicolai [email protected]> Date: Sunday, January 24, 201 6 Subject: Homeless in Arroyo Conejo To: "claud ia4slowgrowtl1(c4roadrunner. com" <clau.dia4slowgrowth(li{roadrunner .com> Dear Thousand Oaks Mayor Pro Tem, I have recently moved into a house on the T.0-Newbuxy Park "border", adjacent to the Arroyo Conejo Open Space. I have by three occasions in only one week seen people washing (with shampoo and all) themselves in the wash. There are tons of trash, and today I also saw several syringes (!)and also sleeping bags, 4 shopping carts, 10+ bags and clothes, among other things. As I often have to hike across the creek to get to Wildwood Regional Park (I live on Paseo Vista) , I am sick and tired of it:( I soon have my Norwegian family from home visiting this summer, and my little sister loves hiking:( What should I do? I am going to call the police department tomorrow (it was closed today for non-emergencies). Also for long-term, what should I do to bring awareness to the problem?? I attached a map where I encircled th e areas where I have observed this. Sincerely, Nicolai Edgar Andersen (805) 506-9203 nick@aluxu1~·limo.com Claudia Bill-de la Pefia Councilmember City of Thou.sand Oaks COUNCJL MAIL DATE l/25/2016 Page 2 of2 Arroyo Conejo Open Space NOTE: While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, trails are modifie<I and conoitions change over time. Therefore, actual trails may vary from those displaye<I on this map. www.cosf.org 1/25/2016 C ity Clerk Depart ment c1rv OF THOUSAND MsE M 0 RAN D U M ZO!b JAN 25 A 8: 24 2100 Thou$and O~ kt; Boulevard • Tbousa11d O aks, CA 91362 Phone 805/449.2151 • f'Rx 805/449.2150 • www. co~ k$.<>rg CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE To: Scott Mitnick, City M r\~ From: Antoinette M. Mann, ~m t.;ity Clerk Date: January 22, 2016 Subject: Claim Against City of Thousand Oaks The following claim has been received and forwarded to Human Resources/Risk Management for processing. Claim No: 1327-2016 Claimant: William & Sheryl Stone Address: 3738 Danmont Court Newbury Park, CA 91320 Attorney: Date Received: 1/22/2016 Claim Amount: $4,967.00 Date of Incident: 1/6/20 16 Description of Claim: Claimants state tree from center median fell and damaged vinyl fencing at 3738 Danmont Court. c: City Attorney (electronic) Human Resources (original and electronic) Carl Warren and Co. {electronic) CAO: 180-70(CCD:100-1 O)/pr/h:common/Claims/Claimant Packet new.docx ks··· t..<..) (.' . 1 () ... ,. <"·) I' :..":::' Cit y Clerk Department MEMORANDUM City of Thousand Oaks 2100 Thousand Onks Boulevard • Thousand Oak~. CA 91362 Phone 805/449.21 51 • Fax 805/449.2150 • www.to oks.ocg To: Scott Mitnick, City M~n~~ From: Antoinette M. Man~~~ City Clerk Date: January 25, 2016 Subject: Claim Against City of Thousand Oaks The following claim has been received and forwarded to Human Resources/Risk Management for processing. Claim No: 1328-2016 Claimant: Charles Bartlett Address: Insurance Company: Mercury Insurance Group Vivian Ramirez P.O. Box 10730 Santa Ana, CA 92711-0730 Claim Number: CAPA-00055847 Date Received: 1/25/2016 Claim Amount: $487.00 Date of Incident: 8/12/2015 Description of Claim: Insurance Agent for claimant states branch from City tree fell on insured's car causing damage at 2085 Ro$ebay Street, Westlake Village, CA. c: City Attorney (electronic) Human Resources (original and electronic) Carl Warren and Co. (electronic) CA0:180-70(CCD:100-1 O}/pr/h:common/Clalms/lnsurance Packet.docx COUNCI MAIL DATE 0I ;;.."7 r, ·::::i L ,.. crt. cJ t....(.) 01':::> . .. b Invitations Exalted Ruler, Jim Moye Secretary, David Naccarato Thousand Oaks Elks #2477 Elkdom' s 148 Year! Office (805) 496-2477 Lounge(805)496-4550 Fax (805) 496-9087 BENEVOLENT & PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS January 19, 2016 2330 Los Feliz Dr. Thousand Oaks, CA.91362 (Meeting night - Wednesdays} Joel Price, Mayor 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks Ca. 91362 C) ~ -< 3: :t> ··- "'i )::> (,'} tTl :;u u) ...... => c,.. (,._ :i: - ~ N N _, () -< 0 .,.1 --1 :r. (".) c: (/) 1J '.l'=- -n .r;:; LJ C") 0 f"'l 0 0 -ri =~~ C> J> x Mr. Price this is an invitation to attend the first seminar of its kind in our area in answer to the message sent from President Obama to medical organizations, that we have an epidemic on the misuse and disposal of prescription drugs. Officer Pete Tulgan from the LAPD will be among the speakers for the evening. Our Drug Awareness chairman is a retired pharmacist who has wanted to start a drug return program at the Elks lodge through the uMedsaway medication disposal system". It's the right and correct way for citizens to dispose of unwanted medications. Thank you for your time David Naccarato Lodge Secretary Don Sabol Drug Awareness Chairman Thousand Oaks Elks Lodge #2477 COUNCIL MAIL DATED 21Jf b ~~ ~etv".-V/ rage i or L Rose Chaparro - Fwd: Re: Register Now for Caregiver Recognition Day! From: To: Francine Sprigel CH_BULLETINS; HC_BULLETINS; LIB_BULLETINS Date: 1/22/2016 8:00 AM Subject: Fwd: Re: Register Now for Caregiver Recognition Day! This is a wonderful program for those of us that care for a spouse or parent. If you or someone you know would benefit from this program, it is a free event. It is hosted by Conejo Cares which includes the Cities of Thousand Oaks, Westlake and Agoura; Senior Concerns, UCLA, Los Robles, Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce, Amgen , and various business volunteers. If you 're a family caregiver for an aging loved one - or you know someone wh o is - we invite you to join us for Caregivers Matter... Conejo Cares Second Annual Caregiver Recognition Day Saturday, January 30, 2016 9:30 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m. Los Robles Greens 299 Moorpark Road, Thousand Oaks. Th is FREE* half day program and luncheon is designed to provide you the opportunity connect with other family caregivers, share your story, renew your spirit and relieve your stress. The program includes: 9:30 am - Check In • Coffee and conversation with other ca reg ivers • Add your loved one's picture to the Community Care Circle 10:00 am -Welcome • • • • • • • Blissful Moveme11t Chair Yoga Caregivers: The Hidden Patient - A Physicians' Panel The Lighte r Side of Caregiving Luncheon Program : City Leaders Honor Caregivers Shala Richards, The Positivity Solution 2016 Careg iver-Friendly Business Awards In the Garden - The Healing Power of Gratitude v~~~.,/ COUNCI AIL DATE () 'l~ (p file:///C:/U sers/cmrchaparr/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrp Wise/56Al EI A8CT0%20MAINCTOB... I /22/2016 Page '1. of'l 1:30 pm - Goodie Bags & Goodbyes *FREE ADMISSION when you bring a picture the one(s) you care for! Advance reservations are required. Reserve your seat today online by clicking HERE or calling Senior Concerns at 805-497-0189. Senior Concerns 401 Hodencamp Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 805.497.0189 www.seniorconcerns.org Give us a call or visit our website to learn more! Life with dignity for aging seniors Francine Spriget Community Services 1401 E. Janss Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 805.381.7362 www.toa ks.a rg/yo uth www.toaks.org/seniors ~'A TOGETHER WE CONSERVE IIDlf.__IMI WWW.118ks.Of'l/SBWWlllil' tile:///C:/Users/cmrchaparr/ AppData/Localffemp!XPGrpWise/56A 1El A8CT0%20MAINCTOB... 1/22/2016 The Ventura County Arts Council is pleased to announce.that our county's New Poet Laureate is Phil Taggart. We in.Vite you ttj join us for his inauguration & a joyful reception to follow. Ceremony and reception on Friday, February 5, 2016 at 5:30 PM in the Atrium Gallery in the Hall ofAdministration at the Ventura C.Ounty Government Center on Victoria Ave. Please contact [email protected] for further information. e COUNCIL MAIL DATE I 5 l b c~ ~~ ..... 7 w '· 2016 HUMANITARIAN AWARD SANDRA AND JORDAN LABY In 1979 Jordan and Sandra Laby m oved to Ventura from Los Angeles after falling in love with t he city's beauty and ambiance. Jordan worked as an inventor and entrepreneur and Sandra was a teacher and dancer. Sandra still dances today, recently mastering the moves of the Argentine Tango. Accustomed to a vibrant arts scene In Los Angeles, they m ade It their mission to unearth the artistic talents in their new hometown, which then centered around agriculture and oil. As a couple, the Labys' relationship often revolves around art. Together they interpret, share, advocate for, and sometimes even debate about It. This passion, along with their philanthropy in Ventura County, is why the New West Symphony selected them for the 2016 Humanitarian Award. Amidst their many accomplishments the Labys are proudest of their rol.e in starting the Harmony Project of Ventura County. They started the program at Sheridan Way School In Ventura with 15 students, using donations to teach music and provide instruments for elementary school children who would not otherwise be able to afford the opportunity. In 2012 they brought the program to the New West Symphony, where they were also on the Board of Directors , asking the organization to adopt it as a part of its education department. The program now has 140 students involved across five schools in the Ventura Unified School District led by 9 music teachers. "It's really not about us. It's about these kids and giving them a chance to change their lives." - Jordan Laby "That's what life Is about. When you come to the end, what do you have? You have t he memory of these children, and you made a difference in their lives. A nd that's such joy. That's the real gift." - Sandra Laby - Excerpts/Quotes from "For the love ofArt" by Mark Storer, Ventana Monthly Magazine, November 2015 Syecia{ Presentation for 'Eag{e Scout J'.lwara 'Request :Form (.'AwardS are .'AvaifaG{e to City of Tfiousana Oaks 'Resiaents) To request a City Counci{ Commendation for a 13oy Scout receiving tlie 'E.ag{e Scout ..'Award," yfe.ase comyfete a{{ G{anks on tliis form anareturn to tlie City Manager's Office as soon as yossiG{e. Name of Scout: Natlianae{James (jougli Scout Troop: 730 Contact Person: Name: 't-- .Jt..aaress: 908 Plione: 805-807-7757 'EmaiC: jeannine_ostranaer@yafioo. '.Event 1Jate: 31612016 Location: Jeannine Ostrancfer SageGrusli P(ace NewGi 'rtme: 2 :oo ym :f:, St J'vt.attfiews Cliurcli, NewGury Park If Counci{mem6er's scliec{u{es a({ow, wou(c{ you Cike to invite a City CouncifmemGer to yersona({v vresent tfie Commencfation? Yes~'Return com_pCeteaform to City Jvtanaaer's Office: :Jax, (805) 449-2125; email; City:[email protected]; :Mai' 2100 T'fiousana Oaks ~rva., 'lfiousana Oaks, C.'A 91362. Page 1of2 Rose Chaparro - WLVI Dinner- Save the Dave From: "Our Community House of Hope" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> 1/22/2016 3:41 PM Date: Subject: WLVI Dinner - Save the Dave iJ Like . . 1'wet rm Share Our. Commun1ty Ho11§~.2tI!gpe SAVE THE DATE Gather Around the Table to Celebrate HOPE Friday, March 11th at 7pm Westlake Village Inn Dinner • Auction • Music $12 5 per person Our. Com mumty Houseof ope 805' CLICK ON THE PLATE TO BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY!! Chck to view this email m a browse1 If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message v: ~I.ti n JO elM..o w~h "Unaubscribe" in the subject line or simply dick on the following llnk: ~~nbe file:///C:/Users/cmrchapan/ AppData/Local!Temp/XPGrp Wise/56A24 D9ECT0%20MA1NCTOB... 1122/2016 f RI DAY, APR! L 15. 2016 10:00AM - 2:30f'M HOSTED BY LIFORNlA LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY 1 City of Thousand Oaks 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks, California 91362 •lllWt'to t~ive solicltatiom for this program, [email protected] or call 805-955-6670. s and Dplnlons expressed by Simi Valley Hosplt1d are n¢ Y181iess11Hly shared by California Lutherat1 Univer$lty. l11l 1 l1t.l1ll1;uflll1 1Jlh4tl"1f ti11llt'UIJJll1HJJl 11u 1111 l1l