Commodities update_05_01_2016.indd


Commodities update_05_01_2016.indd
5 January 2016
Commodity prices
current1 Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016
8,630 10,452 10,935 11,643
* Consensus estimates
1 as of 5 January 2016, 09:04 a.m. CET
Source: Bloomberg, RBI/Raiffeisen RESEARCH
Capacity still growing
Global Aluminium Production Capacity
(Million Tons)
Source: United States Geological Survey, Bloomberg Intelligence
Diverging warehouse stocks
Jan-15 Apr-15 Jul-15 Oct-15
LME zinc warehouse stocks*
SHFE zinc warehouse stocks (r.h.s.)*
* in thousands metric tonnes
Source: Bloomberg, RBI/Raiffeisen RESEARCH
Financial analysts, RBI Vienna
Thomas Keil
After predominantly moving sideways during the last month, zinc was able to
moderately increase on the LME during the last December week. Currently, the
cash price for zinc is at USD 1,549.75 per metric tonne on the LME. When looking at the different industrial metals, the zinc industry stands out in the year 2016
with the announcement of significant supply-side cuts (production is cut by about
10%). Considering the fact that the volatility of the oil price had increased during the previous month, consequentially raising the risk appetite of investors, zinc
had been helped to minor upswings. Another price-supporting factor has been
the considerable changes in LME warehouse levels, which declined in December
by another 14.9%. When considering the increasing arbitrage opportunities following the mounting price discrepancies between the SHFE and the LME, zinc
premia in Shanghai and Singapore should increase further due to the possibly
higher import demand. The slight increase of net-long positions held by money
managers on the LME – 13,207 contracts as of 25.12.2015 – indicates possible
short-coverings, but the market conditions for trading remain thin with an open
interest of merely 3.1%.
Similar to other industrial metals, aluminium also started the New Year in a weak
fashion. China once again plays an important role in that development. Both the
severe drop seen on the Shanghai exchange and the renewed decline of the purchasing managers’ index for the manufacturing industry have weighed down
considerably on the market sentiment. Also in 2016, there is no way around
the developments in the People’s Republic, as China outshines any other country in terms of aluminium production and consumption. Market participants pretty much agree on the fact that China is suffering from considerable overcapacities. Amongst other things, the weakness of the real estate sector has contributed
to the current situation. It is also quite common, that outdated production sites are
kept alive either by the local or federal government with the simple intent to secure jobs. From now on, the central government however wants to create incentives again to reduce the high level of supply by offering cheap loans either directly or via an appropriate authority to producers. In order to enjoy such funds,
producers must prove that they have already conducted capacities closures and
must store the aluminium, which is used as collateral for the loan, and are not
allowed to sell it until the loan matures. According to rumours, for now six big
producers will participate in this programme with an estimated volume of about
1-3 mn metric tonnes. But when looking back at previous support programmes,
it should be noted that those only brought forward short-lived success. And this
time, there are again not enough incentives to induce widespread supply cuts.
Accordingly, exports out of China should also pressure the fundamental situation
of the global aluminium market in the New Year.
[email protected]
Johannes Mattner, CFA
[email protected]
Technical analysis:
Stefan Memmer
[email protected]
Please note the risk notifications and explanations at the end of this document
Silver Spot
Copper 3 Month Rolling Forward
XAG Curncy 05 January 2016, 08:00 a.m. (CET),
5y high 48.53, 5y low 13.73
Source: Bloomberg, RBI/Raiffeisen RESEARCH
LMCADS03 Index, 05 January 2016, 08:09 a.m. (CET),
5y high 10,160, 5y low 4,468
Source: Bloomberg, RBI/Raiffeisen RESEARCH
Last: 13.98 Position: neutral
The support area at 13.68 is proving firm, moreover,
downside momentum seems to have hit a lower limit (lower panel). In this regard, a further sideways movement or a
small rebound –> 14.80 are not off odds, before a major
breakdown towards 12.50 could follow.
Last: 4,609
Position: short
Target 4,270
The long-term bearish trend channel’s support and the divergence to momentum have led to a stalling of the decrease, though, upside strength is lacking. Thus, the risk remains on the downside –> 4,270, stop 4,800.
Gold Spot
IPE Brent Crude Future
XAU Curncy, 05 January 2016, 08:14 a.m. (CET),
5y high 1,900, 5y low 1,052
Source: Bloomberg, RBI/Raiffeisen RESEARCH
CO1 Comdty 05 January 2016 08:14 a.m. (CET),
5y high 130.57 5y low 36.23
Source: Bloomberg, RBI/Raiffeisen RESEARCH
Last: 1,078
Position: neutral
The support around 1,050 continues to hold firm, and thus,
a small reversal pattern is getting established. Consequently, a small rebound towards 1,100, respectively 1,115 is
not being ruled out.
Last: 37.37
Position: short
Target 31.60
Another sideways pattern is being established; moreover,
on the upside weakness is still prevailing. Therefore, chances for a continuation of the downtrend are enhanced.
Please note the risk notifications and explanations at the end of this document
Risk notifications and explanations
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Recommendation history
IPE Brent Crude Future
LME Copper Forward
Time series
Start of Coverage
CRB Spot Metals
TR CRB Total Return Index
IPE Brent Crude Future
LME Copper Forward
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