Villa 2607 06160 Cap d`Antibes France


Villa 2607 06160 Cap d`Antibes France
Villa 2607
06160 Cap d'Antibes
CAP D'ANTIBES. Superb private mansion facing the sea and located on the West side of the Cap
d'Antibes, walking distance to the beaches and to Juan-Les-Pins. The property enjoys a beautiful view
over the sea and the port “La Galice” and is surrounded by a landscaped garden with pool. This fully
conditioned property has been recently renovated to a modern and elegant style offering luxurious
amenities. Independent guest house.
Living area:
350 sq m
Plot of land:
1700 sq m
Air-conditioning - Alarm - Swimming pool - View Sea - Orientation South West
16,000,000 €
The offer is subject to commission to be paid by purchaser!
***Rechtshinweis befindet sich auf der letzten Seite
***legal advice on the last page
Villa 2607
06160 Cap d'Antibes
***Rechtshinweis befindet sich auf der letzten Seite
***legal advice on the last page
Villa 2607
06160 Cap d'Antibes
Ground floor:
• Living room with marble floor and fireplace opening onto the terrace facing the pool and enjoying the sea view.
• Dining room with access to the garden.
• Modern fully equipped kitchen.
• Master bedroom with en-suite bathroom and dressing. This bedroom enjoys a beautiful sea
• Double bedroom with en-suite bathroom. Private balcony.
• Double bedroom.
• Independent shower room and WC.
Garden level:
• Laundry room
• Guest toilet
• Double bedroom with en-suite shower room and WC.
• Twin bedroom with an access to the garden.
• Twin bedroom with en-suite shower room and toilet. Access to the garden.
• Independent shower room and WC.
• Home Cinema.
Guest cottage:
• Living room or double bedroom with sofa bed. Independent access.
• Independent shower room and WC.
• Double bedroom with en-suite shower room and WC with an independent access.
Swimming pool facing the sea and surrounded by a beautiful landscaped garden planted with palm
Additional services: Air conditioning, alarm system, garage for 3 cars and parking.
***Rechtshinweis befindet sich auf der letzten Seite
***legal advice on the last page
Villa 2607
06160 Cap d'Antibes
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