Phrases: Personal | SMS and Web (Hindi-German)


Phrases: Personal | SMS and Web (Hindi-German) Phrases: Personal | SMS and Web
SMS and Web : Short Codes
मेरा मानना है
So, wie ich es verstehe
Used after explaining
something from your point of
उम्र, लिंग, पता?
Alter, Geschlecht, Ort?
Used when instant messaging
to find out a person's age,
gender and location
Jetzt gerade
Used to mean right now
वापस आऊँगा/आऊँगी
Bin später wieder da
Used when you need to leave
an instant message
conversation for a while
फ़िर मिलेंगे
Man sieht sich
Used when saying goodbye
मानो या न मानो
Ob Du es glaubst oder nicht
Used after mentioning
something that is surprising
अभी आया/आई
Bin gleich wieder da
Used when you need to leave
an instant message
conversation for a while
शराब खुद लाना
Bring Dein eigenes Bier mit
Used on party invites to let
people know they should
bring their own alcohol
फिर मिलेंगे
Used when saying goodbye
Bis später
Used when saying goodbye
क्या मैं आपको जानता/जानती हूँ?
Kenne ich Dich?
Used when you don't
recognise the person who has
messaged you
Ende des Meldung
Used as an automated
response when a
conversation or SMS
message ends
आपके खबर के लिए
Zur Information
Used when telling someone
something that is specific to
them or when interjecting
upon a preconceived idea
someone has
जाना होगा
Ich muss weg
Used when something
suddenly comes up and you
have to leave the computer
मेरी राय है कि
Meiner Meinung nach
Used when giving a personal
मेरा मानना है कि
Meiner bescheidenen
Meinung nach
Used when giving a personal
आभार हैं
Ich schulde Dir etwas
Used when someone does
something for you and you
want to let them know that
you owe them a favour
मज़ाक था
Nur zum Spaß
Used after making a joke,
which is ambiguous whether
or not it is serious
बाद में
Used when saying goodbye or
when you are not currently
free to do something but will
do it later on
हे हे
Lautes Lachen
Used as a reaction when you
find something funny
तुम्हारे लिए नहीं
Kümmere Dich um Deine
eigenen Angelegenheiten!
Used when you want to keep
something private
अभी नहीं
Nicht jetzt
Used when you are not free to
do something right away
1/2 Phrases: Personal | SMS and Web
क्या हम बात कर सकते हैं?
Aufruf zur Diskussion
Used when you want to talk to
someone about something
उत्तर चाहिए
Schreib zurück
Used at the end of an SMS
when you want a reply
सच कहूँ तो
Ehrlich gesagt
Used to explain or clarify your
personal opinion on a subject
Danke im Voraus
Used when thanking someone
before they have helped you
Used when thanking someone
फिर मिलेंगे
Wir sprechen uns später
Used when saying goodbye
तुम्हारे लिए
Für Dich
Used when sending
something to a particular
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