Brief von Ernest W. Burgess an Ernest Manheim in Kansas City, Mo


Brief von Ernest W. Burgess an Ernest Manheim in Kansas City, Mo
Brief von Ernest W. Burgess an Ernest Manheim in Kansas City, Mo.
Chicago, Ill., am 6. Oktober 1938
Transliteration und Kommentar von Reinhard Müller1
The University of Chicago
Department of Sociology
October 6, 1938
Dear Ernest:
I was very glad to hear from you and to know that you are settled and that your new work
has begun. It is exhilarating to be associated with a developing ins[t]itution like the
University of Kansas City.
School is just starting here, and Roberta2 and I are missing seeing you and Anne.3 We
remember with pleasure the day with you at the Dunes and hope to welcome you next
year in our own place.
I am still putting some finishing touches on the book but hope that it will be published on or
soon after January first.4
Thank you for transmitting the enclosed article from Mrs. Charlotte Luetkens.5 Since I
have been editor I recall no manuscript from Mrs. Luetkens and I can find no record that
any such manuscript was ever received by the Journal.6 We will of course be glad to read
her article and see if it is the type that will fit in with our publication plans.
With best wishes to you, Anne, and Tibor,7 I am
Sincerely yours,
Ernest W. Burgess
1 Das Original dieses Briefes befindet sich im Archiv für die Geschichte der Soziologie in
Österreich, Graz, Nachlass Ernest Manheim, Signatur 31/1.
Ernest Watson Burgess (*Tilbury, Ontario 1886, †Chicago, Ill. 1966), amerikanischer Soziologe
kanadischer Herkunft; 1913-1915 Assistant Professor an der University of Kansas City in
Kansas City, Mo.; 1916-1921 Assistant Professor, 1921-1927 Associate und 1927-1951
Professor of Sociology an der University of Chicago in Chicago, Ill. Anm. R.M.
2 Roberta Burgess, Ehefrau von Ernest W. Burgess. Anm. R.M.
3 D.i. Anna Sophie (Ann Sophy) Manheim (geborene Vitters; *Osnabrück 1899, †Kansas City, Mo.
1988), seit 1928 Ehefrau von Ernest Manheim. Anm. R.M.
4 Vgl. Ernest W[atson] Burgess / Leonard S[later] Cottrell Jr.: Predicting success or failure in
marriage. New York: Prentice-Hall 1939. Leonard Slater Cottrell (*Hampton Roads, Va. 1899,
†Chapel Hill, N.C. 1985), amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe und Soziologe; 1935-1938 Assistant
Professor und 1938-1948 Professor of Sociology an der Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. Anm.
5 Charlotte Lütkens, geborene Mendelsohn (*Erfurt 1896, †Bonn 1967), deutsche Soziologin;
emigrierte 1937 nach Großbritannien; 1927-1949 Lecturer of Sociology am Queen Mary’s
College der University of London; 1949 Rückkehr in die BRD, hier vor allem als
sozialdemokratische Parteifunktionärin aktiv; zu ihrem hier angesprochenen Manuskript „On
American intelligentsia“ siehe auch den Brief von Charlotte Lütkens. Anm. R.M.
6 Gemeint ist das „American Journal of Sociology“, dessen Herausgeber Ernest W. Burgess 19361940 war. Anm. R.M.
7 Tibor (Frank Tibor) Manheim (*Leipzig 1930), Geochemiker, der Sohn von Ernest und Anna
Sophie (Ann Sophy) Manheim (siehe Anmerkung 3). Anm. R.M.

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