List of published texts (2015)


List of published texts (2015)
Positionen zur postkolonialen Diskussion, Kunst, Kulturkontakt und Kulturkonflikt in der Shedhalle Zürich,
MOMA (1995)
I do not intend to speak about, just speak nearby, Die Filme von Trinh T. Minh-ha, Fabrikzeitung Zürich, 1996
KunstproduzentInnen im Aussendienst, Hors Sol (1996)
Interview in Environ 27 ans ou un peu plus, art et féminismes, Sous-sol, Genève
Kültür: Modernisierung, Kunst und Gender in Istanbul, article MOMA (1996)
Global Food, art ad in Vor der Information, Vienna (1996)
Free Zone Plan, art ad in geld.beat.sythetik, ID-Archiv, Berlin/Amsterdam (1996)
Strategien der Identität in den 90er Jahren, Glarner Nachrichten (13. August 1996)
Ethno-x-centric reflections on the national expo and the national museum, catalogue text Platzwechsel,
Kunsthalle Zürich (1996)
Spaces In-between , "Problématique" text, Journal of political studies IV, Toronto (1996)
Foreign Services, Fabrikzeitung, Zurich (1996)
Postkoloniale Praxis, Zyma Art Today (Juni 1996)
Kültür – Modernisierung, Kunst und Gender in Istanbul, MOMA (5/ 1996)
Kunst- und Ausstellungspraxis im postkolonialen Raum, Kültür (1997)
Kulturelle Territorien, Orte der Identität, Kültür (1997)
Fighting for representational space - women in the media have to act, Zebra, magazine for audiovisual
activities, Copenhagen (December 1997)
Gender ist das grosse Ding, Interview mit Gayatri Ch. Spivak for WoZ together with Yvonne Volkart (January
Performing the Border, ANYP Nr. 9, Berlin and Munich (1999)
Performing the Border, next Cyberfeminist International, old boys network (Sept 1999)
Performing the Border – die Grenze als Metapher für Differenz und Gewalt, iz3W Nr. 241 (1999)
Politik ist eine kulturelle Domäne, interview by Sigrid Weber, iz3W Nr. 240 (September 1999)
Performing the Border, video cult/ures, Museum für Neue Kunst ZKM Karlsruhe and Dumont Köln (October
Performing the Border, photo-text piece in: Migration findet statt, cfd-dossier (2/1999)
Performing the Border: Gender, bodies and technology at the cross-point of private desire and public space,
ZED magazine, Center for Design Studies, London (2000)
Entretien avec Ursula Biemann, in: Expériences du divers, Presses Universisté de Rennes (2000)
Performing the Border: on Gender, Transnational bodies, and Technology, in: Globalization on the Line:
Gender, Nation, and Capital at U.S. Borders, ed. by Claudia Sadowsky (2001)
Performing the Border, On gender, transnational bodies and technology, in: Dialoge & Debatten, Verlag für
moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 2001
The city of chips, Superumbau- Zeitung für den Leidenschaftlichen Urbanisten, (2001)
Writing Desire, Feminist Media Studies journal, March 2001
Female Geobodies Resignifying the economic within sexual difference, n.paradoxa, July (2001)
Remotely Sensed. A topography of the global sex trade, Feminist Review, 2001
Been there and back to nowhere - Wenn sich Kunst und Migration verschwestern. FRAZ, August
2001, and in Female Sequences, June 2002
Performing the Border, Rethinking Marxism, Journal of Economics, Culture, Society, Fall 2002
Remote Sensing, an interview with Ursula Biemann by Imre Szeman, Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural
Studies, 24.1/2 (2002
Writing Desire, Art Suisse, 1.02
artist page in: very cyberfeminist international – obn conference reader, July 2002
Geographic Bodies in: Remote Sensing – Laboratories of Art and Science, vice versa, Berlin, 2002
Das Begehren nach Eroberung in: Im Handgepäck Rassismus – Beiträge zu Tourismus und Kultur, iz3w,
Freiburg, 2002
artist page in: cyberfem spirit/spirit of data, Edith Russ-Haus for media art, Oldenburg
Digitaler Versuch, das Reale zu berühren, ein Gespräch zwischen Ursula Biemann und Sören Grammel, WOZ,
May 30 , 2002
Writing Desire, Schweizer Kunst/Art Suisse/Swiss curated by Annette Schindler, Art 1.02, 2002
Globale Geographien des Geschlechts, interview mit Vina Yum, Malmoe, 02/01 Wien
Geografien des Überlebens, Festivalkatalog, Kurzfilmtage Oberfhausen, 2002
Geography and the politics of Mobility, introduction to exhibition catalog, Generali Foundation,
The geographic act of performing borders, Festivalkatalog, Femme Totale, Dortmund 2003
Remote Sensing: routing female bodies in the age of geographic information systems, Total, NL, 2003
Performing Border: The Transnational Video, Stuff it, vide essay in the digital age,
Voldemeer/Springer, 2003
Visuelle Geografien des Geschlechts, Dispersion - Kunstpraxis und ihre Vernetzung, Olympe
feministische Arbeitshefte, 2003
Videogeographien, “Another art history is possible"? - Globalisation and hierarchisation in art and
science, Deutscher Kunsthistorikerverband, Leipzig, 2004
Performing the border - sur le genre, les corps transantionaux et la technologie, Multitude 15, Winter
Remote Sensing - Visual Geographies of Gender, Tourisms, Fundacio Tapies, Barcelona, 2004
Ecrire une contre-géographie, Appel au Temoin, Le Quartier, Quimper, 2004
Writing Desire, Globalisation and hierarchisation in art and science, Deutscher Kunsthistorikerverband, Leipzig, 2004
The Clash of Sexuality and Technology on the Border – Speculation as an artistic method, in Olympe
Feministische Arbeitshefte 20, Provokation. Personen, Debatten, Fakten, 2004
Caspian Crude, Tracer catalog, Tent/Witte de With, Rotterdam
Zeitzonen – wie tägliche Migration einen Grenzraum verändert, iz3W 2004
On Smugglers, Pirates and Aroma Makers, Sarai Reader 05 ‘Bare Acts’, Sarai Media Lab Delhi
Fields of High Productivity, 3-page insert in Lettres Copenhagen, April 05
Logging the Spanish-Moroccan borderlands, Re-Act Catalog, Nikolaj Copenhagen Contemporary Art
Center, April 2005
Europlex, Re-Act catalogue, Nicolaj Copenhagen Contemp Art Center, 2005
Europlex, The Need To Document catalogue, Kunsthaus Baselland, 2005
Videogeographien, Grenzbespielungen – visuelle Politik in der Übergangszone, ed. Beatrice von
Bismarck, Walther König, 2005
Black Sea Files, B-Zone, becoming Europe and Beyond, ed. Anselm Franke, Actar, 2006
Sahara Panels, After the Fact, Berlin Photography Festival 2005
Visual track for Gender in Motion, Limmatverlag 2007
Forced Transit, A Dialogue on Black Sea Files and Contained Mobility, (engl/Spanish)
Black Sea Files, Multitude 28, Spring 2007
Videographies of Navigating Geobodies, Transnational Feminism in Film and Media, Palgrave,
Counter Geographies. An artistic practice _ Territori di frontiera Metodi e tecniche per los
studio, interview with Anna Nufrio, Inside, Contemporary sulture magazine, automn 2008, 6271
Black sea files an Interview by Roberta Bertoldi on Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, October
Interview Ursula Biemann by Liberty Paterson, Kopenhagen, cultural magazine
Writing Video - Writing the World, SUM magazine for contemporary art, Copenhagen Nr. 1, 2009
Geography and the Politics of Mobility reprinted in Situation, ed Claire Doherty, Documents of
Contemporary Art series, co-published by Whitechapel and The MIT Press, 2009
Writing Video - Writing the World, Transit, webmagazine, UCBerkeley. 2009
Counter-Geographies in the Sahara, Art & Research: Volume 3 Number 1 (Spring/Summer 10)
Imaging Global Mobility, 2009 Meret Oppenheim Award Publication, Kunstbulletin 2010
Counter-Geographies in the Sahara, Mobilität und Herrschaft, University of Munich, 2010
Interview with Ursula Biemann by Juan Vincente Aliage in Geopolitics and artistic discourses in/on
North Africa, the Middle East and the Islamic World, at Cendeac (Art Documentation Centre of
Murcia), 2010
Territori di frontiera. Metodi e tecniche per lo studio, Intervista a Ursula Biemann Anna Vincenza
Nufrio in: Europa. Il Margine indistinto, No Mad// Yuzu Lab, 2010
The Maghreb Connection. Circuitos globales. Circuits globals. Global Circuits. La geografía del arte y
las nuevas configuraciones del pensamiento crítico, ACCA Catalan Association of Art Critics,
Barcelona, 2011
X-Mission, Media, Labor, Mobility, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011
Counter-Geographies in the Sahara, Geohumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place,
Association of American Geographers, Spring 2011
A Post-Territorial Museum, interview with Beshara Doumani by Ursula Biemann, A Prior, 2011
Videographies of Navigating Geobodies/Videografías de geocuerpos en tránsito. The Personal is
Political: Feminism and Documentary, INAAC, Instituto Navarro de las Artes Audiovisuales y la
Cinematografía, 2011
Counter-Geography as Political Aesthetic Practice, Paderborn, 2012
Contained Mobility, Psychoanalytisches, 2012
This is not a pipeline: Thoughts on the politico-aesthetics of oil, Interview with Ursula Biemann, by
Andrew Pendakis, in: Imaginations, Journal of cross-cultural image studies, Sept 6, 2012
Black Sea Files, Anywhere but now – Landscapes of Belonging in the Eastern Mediterranean, publ.
Heinrich Böll Foundation Middle East, 2012
Writing Video – Writing the World – Videogeographies as cognitive medium, in:Border Grossing,
Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthallen Brandts, Odense, DK, 2012
Interview with Ursula Biemann by Juan Vicente Aliaga, in: Geopolitics and artistic discourses in/on
North Africa, the Middle East and the Islamic World, Cendeac (Art Documentation Centre of Murcia)
Egyptian Chemistry in: Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology, ed. TJ Demos, Third Text no.
120 Jan 2013
Black Sea Files, Documents of Contemporary Art, Whitechapel Gallery London and MIT Press
Cambridge Massachussets, ed. Julian Stallabrass, 2013
„Counter-Geographies in the Sahara and X-Mission“ in: New Mobilities Regimes: Mobility and Power
in the Social Sciences and the Arts, Susanne Witzgall, Ashgate, 2013
Videogeographies, Black Well Companion on Migration, Alex Juhasz, Black Well, 2014
Egyptian Chemistry - from post-colonial to post-humanist matters in The Postcolonial Museum: The
Pressures of Memory and the Bodies of History, ed. Iain Chambers, Ashgate, 2014
Metachemistry in: Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environment and
Epistemology, eds Heather Davis and Etienne Turpin, Ann Arbor: MPublishing/Open Humanities
Press, 2014
On the Metachemistry of Oil and Water in: World of Matter, ed. Inke Arns at all, Sternberg Press
Berlin, 2014
The Cosmopolitical Forest in: The Other Order of Things, Frame Visual Art Finland, Helsinki, 2015
Selva juridica in: Selva cosmpolitica, Museo de Arte Contemporanea, Bogota, 2015
The Cosmopolitical Forest in: Geo-Humanities, Routledge, 2015
Deep Weather in: Border Topographies, Geo-Humanities, Routledge, 2016