conference programme
conference programme
KLĪNISKO SOCIĀLO DARBINIEKU ASOCIĀCIJA LATVIJAS REHABILITĀCIJAS PROFESIONĀLO ORGANIZĀCIJU APVIENĪBA LATVIJAS AUDIOLOGOPĒDU ASOCIĀCIJA VESELĪBAS UN DARBASPĒJU EKSPERTĪZES ĀRSTU VALSTS KOMISIJA 4th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference SOCIETY. HEALTH. WELFARE 1st Conference of speech therapists PROGRAMME Riga November 22–23, 2012 1 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OF THE CONFERENCE Aivars Vetra – Professor, Dean of Faculty of Rehabilitation, Rīga Stradiņš University – Chairman Lolita Vilka - Assoc. Professor, Rīga Stradiņš University, Head of the Department of Social Work – Chairwoman Olafs Bruvers – Assist. Professor, Rīga Stradiņš University Jelena Circene – Accountant Ilvija Razgale – Lecturer, Rīga Stradiņš University Dagnija Briede – Rīga Stradiņš University Iveta Duma – student, Rīga Stradiņš University Marika Smirnova – Assistant, Rīga Stradiņš University Inga Rutmane – Chair of LALA Ilze Blumentale – Assistant, Rīga Stradiņš University Andra Vabale – Assistant, Rīga Stradiņš University SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE OF THE CONFERENCE Anita Vetra – Assoc. Professor, Rīga Stradiņš University, Head of the Department of Rehabilitation – Chairman Jürgen Kühnis – Professor, University of Teacher Education Central Switzerland, Vice-Chairman Sandra Kuske – Assist. Professor, Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvian Children’s Hearing Centre Vylius Leonavicius – Professor, Vytautas Magnus University Kristine Martinsone – Assoc. Professor, Rīga Stradiņš University Leona Stasova – Lecturer, University of Hradec Králové Lolita Vilka – Assoc. Professor, Rīga Stradiņš University Andris Vilks – Assoc. Professor, Rīga Stradiņš University Irena Zemaitaityte – Assoc. Professor, Mykolas Romeris University Andrejs Vilks – Professor, Rīga Stradiņš University Janis Vetra – Professor, Rīga Stradiņš University 2 Rīga Stradiņš University 3 November 22 9:00–10:00 Registration / Welcome Coffee Hippocrates Hall Lecture Hall #1 Senate Hall Room G-201 Room K-204 Session IV Education Session V Work environment 10:00–10:30 Opening of conference 10:30–12:40 1st Plenary 12:40–13:30 Coffee break, Lunch Session I Health 13:30–15:15 Moderators: K. Kinena /Latvia/, M. Bartuskaite/Lithuania/ Session II Mental Health Moderators: G. Ancane /Latvia/, S. Burvyte /Lithuania/ Session III Children and family health Moderators: An. Vetra, K. Vende /Latvia/ Moderators: Moderators: M. Zakrizevska /Latvia/, A.Almasiova /Slovakia/ Z. Roja, O. Volkova /Latvia/ 15:15–15:30 Coffee break Session VI Well-Being 15:30–17:00 Moderators: M. Pranka, H. Kalkis /Latvia/ Session VII Quality of life of children and family Moderators: I. Trapenciere /Latavia/, V. Aleksiene /Lithuania/ Session VIII Workshop: The intergenerational relationships Moderators: I. Sunina /Latvia/ Session IX Environment Moderators: I. Briska, Ž.Roja /Latvia/ 17:00–18:00 Poster presentation 18:00–20:30 Get-together party 4 November 23 8:45–9:30 Registration Hippocrates Hall 9:30–11:00 11:00–11:15 11:15–13:00 nd 2 Plenary Lecture Hall #2 1st Conference of speech therapists Room G-201 Lecture Hall #1 Meeting of partners of international projects Coffee break Social Work: International symposium of young researchers 1st Conference of speech therapists Moderators: M. Moors /Latvia/ I. Jarva /Estonia/ 13:00–13:45 Coffee break, Lunch 13:00–13:45 Poster presentation Social Work: International 13:45–16:00 symposium of young researchers Moderators: I. Skrodele /Latvia/ M. Rusnakova/Slovakia/ 16:15–16:45 Senate Hall Session I Disability assessment reform in Latvia – from the biomedical to biopsychosocial model Moderators: A. Vetra, A. Ziverts /Latvia/ 1st Conference of speech therapists Session I Disability assessment reform in Latvia – from the biomedical to biopsychosocial model Moderators: A. Vetra, A. Ziverts /Latvia/ Session II Session III Social Care Law Moderators: An. Vetra/Latvia/ A. Petrauskiene/Lithuania/ Moderators: O. Joksts, J. Groma /Latvia/ Session II Session III Rehabilitation Law Moderators: D. Smite, D. Stirane /Latvia/ Moderators: O. Joksts, J. Groma /Latvia/ Conclusion 5 November 22 9:00–10:00 Registration / Coffee 1st Plenary /Hippocrates Hall/ Moderators: A. Vetra /Latvia/, L. Stasova /Czech Republic/ 10:00 Opening of Conference: A. Vetra, L. Vilka /Latvia/ Rector of Rīga Stradiņš University J. Gardovskis /Latvia/ Minister of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia I. Vinkele /Latvia/ Head of the WHO Country Office for Latvia – A. Rurane /Latvia/ Member of the European Parliament from Latvia – R. Zile 10:30–11:00 J. Jansons /Latvia/ Intergenerational solidarity in the context of Human rights 11:00–11:20 V. Ivanauskiene /Lithuania/ Psychosocial condition of children: consequences of parents’ emigration 11:20–11:40 I. Jarva /Estonia/ Intergenerational solidarity in family communication and childrearing among Russians living in Estonia 11:40–12:00 L. Stasova, E. Krisikova /Czech Republic/ Relationships between children and their grandparents and importance of older generations in lives of today’s families 12:00–12:20 V. McDonell /Australia/ Children’s early literacy 12:20–12:40 J. Levicka /Czech Republic/ Reflection of intergenerational solidarity among high school students: the comparison of Czech and Slovak reality Coffee break, lunch (12:40–13:30) 6 Session I /Hippocrates Hall/ (13:30–15:15) Health Moderators: K. Kinena /Latvia/, M. Bartuskaite /Lithuania/ U. Parm /Estonia/ M. Bartuskaite /Lithuania/ Medicalization as a new challenge of contemporary health care system S. Berza, I. Rasa /Latvia/ Costs of osteoporosis and hip fracture in Latvia K. Kinena, I. Mikelsone /Latvia/ Importance of responsible attitude in health promotion O. Onzevs, I. Viksne, E. Ardava, J. Brodecka /Latvia/ Time management of pharmaceutical care for pharmacy customers U. Parm, A. L. Parm /Estonia/ The health behaviour of two generations in Estonia L. Zalkalne, D. Voita /Latvia/ Patients’ accessibility to online medical history and associated healthcare effects E. Poplavska, E. Ardava, V. Ozolina /Latvia/ Exploring the meaning of medications for patients in Latvia A. Zile /Latvia/ Theoretical and practical aspects of iodine fuming technique for visualization of papillae pattern prints on human skin 7 Session II /Lecture Hall #1/ (13:30–15:15) Mental health Moderators: G. Ancane /Latvia/, S. Burvyte /Lithuania/ A. Utinans, G. Ancane /Latvia/ Belief in the paranormal and modern health worries S. Burvyte, A. Palujanskiene /Lithuania/ Possibilities of elderly intelligent women from rural areas to influence versatile experiences of children through the analysis of their social and psychological problems I. Golikova /Estonia/ Fear and loneliness from the mentality of a Russian family in Sillamae B. Kairiene /Lithuania/ Assumptions of prevention of the parent’s aggressive behaviour with their children A. Kipane /Latvia/ Woman as a sexual offender – reality or myth V. Gudzinskiene /Lithuania/ Relations of social care home residents as a precondition for coping with loneliness V. Sudraba, K. Martinsone /Latvia/ Changes of indicators of social intelligence for substance use disorder patients: before Minnesota programme, after the treatment and six months later 8 Session III /Senate Hall/ (13:30–15:15) Children and family health Moderators: An. Vetra, K. Vende /Latvia/ D. Bertule, A. Vetra /Latvia/ The unmet family needs and perceived stress in parents with children with neurodevelopmental disorders I. Blumentale, S. Kuske, I. Klatenberga, A. Vabale, I. Kaleja, M. Mazjane, A. Vetra /Latvia/ The clinical expression of dysphagia and assessing for patients with neurological disorders in Latvia A. Greitane, I. Ceiciniece /Latvia/ Comprehensive functional assessment of children with cerebral palsy I. Klatenberga, S. Kuske, I. Blumentale /Latvia/ Hearing perception of preschool children with combined cleft lip and cleft palate M. Orlovska, K. Bluss, M. Rascevska/Latvia/ The relationship between children’s reading ability, verbal and fluid intelligence and measurements of eye movements during reading K. Vende /Latvia/ Maternal emotion regulation strategies, depression traits and children’s externalized behaviour 9 Session IV /Room G-201/ (13:30–15:15) Education Moderators: M. Zakrizevska /Latvia/, A. Almasiova /Slovakia/ B. Brisko /Latvia/ Determining factors of young people behaviour in socialization context M. Zakrizevska, P. Naidenko /Latvia/ Developing and delivering creative learning activities in higher education A. Almasiova, Z. Gejdosova /Slovakia/ The way of life of primary school children D. Voita, E. Valevica, J. Porozovs, A. Kaulina /Latvia/ Improvement of self-organization, relations and learning motivation of students of different age by integrative teaching methodology D. Skuskovnika, I. Tiltina-Kapele, V. Perepjolkina /Latvia/ Possibilities of enhancing students’ well-being: effectiveness evaluation of integrative teaching system I. Zemaitaityte, . Mikulioniene, L. Dromantiene /Lithuania/ The possibilities and limitation of transcultural biography work: Lithuanian case J. Zivarts /Latvia/ Problems of consumer right protection in education, topical issues 10 Session V /Room K-204/ (13:30–15:15) Work environment Moderators: Z. Roja, O. Volkova /Latvia/ O. Volkova /Latvia/ Relational capital as a component of territorial capital, it’s measuring indicators V. Basevica /Latvia/ Socioeconomic aspect of poverty I. Roja, Z. Roja, J. Zalkalns /Latvia/ Stress management for employees suffering from intergenerational conflict in the workplace M. Mezavilks /Latvia/ Issues of crime prevention in the context of generational integration I. Kalva, D. Shyryaew /Latvia/ Workplace risk-factor, fatigue and satisfaction by work R. Licis, A. Rudzitis, O. Kalejs /Latvia/ Factors characterising high qualification sport game referees K. Bormasovs, A. Bertulsone, K. Haberkorne, I. Sproge, A. Metelica, G. Bergholde /Latvia/ The impact of housing adaptations on person’s occupational life: view point of occupational therapists Coffee break (15:15–15:30) 11 Session VI /Lecture Hall #1/ (15:30–17:00) Well-Being Moderators: M. Pranka, H. Kalkis /Latvia/ J. Lonska /Latvia/ Comparative analysis of subjective well-being of Latvia’s inhabitants in the context of economic development of European countries D. Araja /Latvia/ Impact of the reimbursed diseases on life expectancy, quality of life and ability to work: expert opinions H. Kalkis, Z. Liepins /Latvia/ The impact of psycho-emotional risks on employee well-being in a construction company M. Pranka, A. Dzervite, R. Rungule, T. Lace, J. Gardovskis, E. Miklasevics /Latvia/ Assessment of life quality factors by breast cancer patients L. Plavina, H. Karklina, M. Pukite /Latvia/ Assessment of physical activity level for military personnel A. Muiznieks, K. Vilcins /Latvia/ The role and potential of health tourism in Latvia tourism industry development 12 Session VII /Senate Hall/ (15:30–17:00) Quality of life of children and family Moderators: I. Trapenciere /Latvia/, V. Aleksiene /Lithuania/ V. Aleksiene, R. Surviliene, I. Petkute, S. Karpaviciute /Lithuania/ Social arts projects for human well-being J. Millere /Latvia/ Quality of life of families with children with disability in the area of physical well-being I. Trapenciere /Latvia/ Health and welfare of youth leaving out-of-family care Z. Rozkalne, D. Bertule /Latvia/ Measurement of activities and participation for children with cerebral palsy: systematic review I. Svekle, L. Cibule, A. Sakne, G. Klauza /Latvia/ Analysis of parents’ reports on health-related quality of life of elementary school age children in Riga City I. Kaminska, A. Mihailova, A. Bernane /Latvia/ Health-related physical fitness and its relation to physical activity in physiotherapy and physical education high school students Session VIII /Room G–201/ (15:30–17:00) Workshop: The intergenerational relationships: problems and solutions Moderator: I. Sunina /Latvia/ Participation of students from Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia 13 Session IX /Room K–204/ (15:30–17:00) Environment safety Moderators: I. Briska, Ž.Roja /Latvia/ I. Briska /Latvia/ Role of information and cognition of environmental risks in Latvia D. Tolmanis, Z. Roja /Latvia/ Issue of welfare and suggestions to improve chimney sweeps working conditions I. Sahta, I. Baltina, J. Blums, V. Jurkans /Latvia/ The control of human thermal comfort by the smart clothing J. Semjonova, I. Rasa /Latvia/ 25(oh)d3 status among adults in Latvia J. Blums, A. Vilumsone, G. Terlecka, Z. Pavare Textile for health and safety M. Grecka, A. Vilumsone, Z. Pavare Safe bicycling problems and solutions 17:00–18:00 Poster presentations Moderator: M.Smirnova, O. Bruvers,/Latvia/ 18:00–20:30 Get-together party 14 November 23 8:45–9:30 Registration / Coffee 2nd Plenary /Hippocrates Hall/ (09:30–11:00) Moderators: A. Vetra /Latvia/, V. Leonavicius /Lithuania/ 9:30–9:50 U. Rieke /Germany/ Public health projects in all generations 9:50–10:10 P. Ptyushkin /Switzerland/ ICF CoreSets’s in practice 10:10–10:30 V. Leonavicius, G. Baltrusaityte, I. Naujokaite, G. Raila, L. Valius /Lithuania/ Medically unexplained symptoms and approaches of understanding of diseases in contemporary health care system 10:30–10:50 W.De Boer /Switzerland/ Practical implementation of the ICF in the disability assessment 10:50–11:10 P. Kubiat /Ukraine – Nigeria/ Role of adults in the society and the effect on young population Coffee break (11:00–11:15) 15 International symposium of young researchers / Hippocrates Hall / (11:15–16:00) Social Work Moderators: M. Moors /Latvia/, I. Jarva /Estonia/ L. Vilka – Introduction Ch. Enders, A. Grünewald, L. Hübert, J. Röder, T. Schmitz, P. Missler /Germany/ Case management – a cross-generational concept I. Kamanova /Slovakia/ Social support for elderly citizens in Slovak republic J. Laskova, L. Brokane /Latvia/ Aspects of training the unemployed M. Rusnakova /Slovakia/ Methods of mother centre’s work with the modern family U. Meiberga, I. Razgale /Latvia/ The role of community in creative co-generation self-initiative projects R. Misane /Latvia/ The role of community in promoting equality and participation of persons with special needs M. Moors /Latvia/ Effectiveness analysis of social work with unemployed in the context of social assistance Coffee break, Lunch Poster presentations Moderators: M.Smirnova, O. Bruvers,/Latvia/ (13:00–13:45) 16 Moderators: I. Skrodele-Dubrovska /Latvia/, M. Rusnakova /Slovakia/ I. Skrodele-Dubrovska /Latvia/ The social assistance system – one of the ingredients of social inclusion policy T. Adamkova, V. Dankova /Czech Republic/ Communication as an intergenerational barrier K. Levicka, A. Banovcinova /Czech Republic/ Intergeneration solidarity – the view of generations E. Janigova /Czech Republic/ The importance of the human potential in the science of man S. Liiv–Kose, K. Sepp /Estonia/ Commercials as a possible RISK factor of childhood´s alteration and decrease of intergenerational solidarity A. Molinova, R. Prokopova /Czech Republic/ The presentation of senior citizens in Czech media J. Jackmann /Czech Republic/ Parents, children and the internet O. Bruvers, E. Vojevode /Latvia/ The role of non-traditional religions in society in context of religious freedom and observance of human rights L. Vilka /Latvia/ Challenge for social workers in post-crisis Latvia 17 Session I / Senate Hall/ (11:15–16:00) Disability asessment reform in Latviafrom the biomedical to biopsihosocial model Moderators: A. Vetra, A. Ziverts /Latvia/ Experts: W.De Boer /Switzerland/, T. Varje-Riin /Estonia/, P. Ptyushkin /Switzerland/ Part 1 1. Latvian situation and the need for reform 2. The conceptual reforms proposal Coffee break, Lunch Poster presentations Moderators: M.Smirnova, O. Bruvers,/Latvia/ (13:00–13:45) Part 2 1. Experience of Switzerland and Estonia 2. Discussion on the topic 18 Session II /Room G–201/ (11:15–13:00) Social Care Moderators: An. Vetra /Latvia/, A. Petrauskiene /Lithuania/ A. Petrauskiene, J. Tincuriniene /Lithuania/ Long-term social care of people with dementia: social care providers experience D. Bulanenko, D. Stirane, A. Vetra /Latvia/ Self-awareness of fall risk factors among elderly people E. Taurina, J. Vasilevska, Z. Liepina, S. Tomsone /Latvia/ Abilities to perform daily activities and changes over time among very old people J. Vasilevska, S. Tomsone, Z. Liepina, A. Villerusa /Latvia/ Factors associated with self-rated health of elderly people L. Stefakova /Latvia/ Comparing the perception of loneliness among seniors in home and institutional care G. Freimane, K. Martinsone, I. Rasa, I. Pavlina /Latvia/ Differences in diabetes control between diabetes patients who can and cannot formulate the meaning of illness in their life: pilot study V. Krievina, A. Karpova, H. Kalkis/Latvia/ Life Quality Health Scale Regarding Repressed Seniors in Latvia Coffee break, Lunch (13:00–13:45) 19 Session III /Room G–201/ (13:45–16:00) Rehabilitation Moderators: D. Smite, D. Stirane /Latvia/ Z. Reitere, I. Znotina /Latvia/ Systematic review about physical activities for improvement of pulmonary functions in cystic fibrosis B. Narvila, M. Kulsa /Latvia/ Postural assessment for people with severe visual impairment S. Zebolds, A. Jumtins, Z. Pavare, T. Ananjeva, A. Smolovs /Latvia/ Gait analysis in dysplastic HIP patients R. Jakusonoka, Z. Pavare, A. Jumtins, T. Ananjeva, A. Smolovs /Latvia/ Step lengths and cadence analysis of patients with lower limb injuries after polytrauma K. Cacka, D. Smite /Latvia/ Back pain among physiotherapists in Latvia E. Poplavska, E. Kiukucane, A. Vetra /Latvia/ Coordination and fine motor skills relation to mobility skills in patients after unilateral transfemoral amputation S. Kuske, I. Klatenberga, I. Blumentale /Latvia/ Rehabilitation possibilities in Latvia with bone anchored hearing aids in different types of hearing impairments A. Krustina, D. Smite /Latvia/ Professional career analysis of physiotherapists in Latvia 20 Session IV /Lecture Hall #1/ (11:15–16:00) Law Moderators: O. Joksts, D. J. Groma /Latvia/ I. Kudeikina /Latvia/ Understanding joint ownership rights in the context of environmental law genesis R. Matjusina /Latvia/ Judicial impartiality at comparative perspective R. Polaks /Latvia/ Deficiencies of regulation of euthanasia in legal acts of foreign countries A. Mierina /Latvia/ Some reflections on non-contractual obligations in cyberspace considering the Rome ii regulation A. Pesudovs /Latvia/ The role of case law in judicial power provision T. Telegina Institute of commercial secret in the civil law in the republic of Latvia K. Vilka /Latvia/ Problems of control over observation of rights of juvenile inmates in prisons A. Apsitis /Latvia/ The reimbursement for the medical treatment expenses with the framework of roman partnership agreement (societa) K. Pubulis /Latvia/ Principles and criteria to support claims on damaged reputation in case of medicines trademark infringement done by fake drug producers and dealers Coffee break, Lunch (13:00–13:45) 21 I. Kronis /Latvia/ Legal issues of the company insolvency regulation in Latvia M. Cernostana /Latvia/ The development of the concept of securities in Latvian legislation S. Deruma /Latvia/ Problems and solutions of information security management in Latvia J. Groma /Latvia/ Overall human values in context of institute of criminal procedural compulsory measures O. Joksts, I. Azanda /Latvia/ Court judgment compliance with 6 and 7 of the European convention on human right and fundamental freedoms I. Kalnina /Latvia/ Impact of ‘principles of non-discrimination’ on rights of national minorities A. Krivins /Latvia/ The prevention of corruption in the sphere of public purchases V. Nemenova /Latvia/ Assignment in a variable economic situation L. Koval /Latvia/ Object and subject of evasion of taxes and other compulsory payments P. Dz. Veits /Latvia/ Feministic ideology as the factor of innocence presumption S. Kravale, O. Joksts/Latvia/ Termination of employment relations and problems related thereto Poster presentations (15:30–17:00) Moderators: M.Smirnova, O. Bruvers,/Latvia/ I. Bolgzda /Latvia/ 22 Research innovation in the field of social sciences in view of eco-approach A. Kokarevica /Latvia/ Evaluation of socio-economic factors in Latvia T. Kuzmina /Latvia/ Value and possibilities of mass media in intergenerational dialogue of modern society Z. Drinke /Latvia/ Quality management system as a tool for corporate development and competitiveness increase I. J. Mihailovs /Latvia/ Prevention of breach of discipline in Latvia’s educational establishments: search for legal solutions R. Beitins /Latvia/ Establishment of small claims in civil procedure impact to social equity K. Martinsone /Latvia/ Student adaptation as the first level of the development of professional identity S. Mihailova /Latvia/ Latvian educators’ monetary representations I. Leitarts Accessibility of Rehabilitation Services V. Antolova, M. Hulin /Slovakia/ Analysis of the housing situation of persons granted international protection in Slovakia G. C. Hepnarova /Czech Republic/ Intergenerational relations in Romany families K. Logviss, S. Purvina, D. Krievins /Latvia/ Trends in reimbursement of orphan drugs in Latvia within the framework of individual reimbursement system in 2008–2011 A. Nulle, A. Vetra /Latvia/ The impact of traumatic spinal cord injury on person’s health related quality of life A. Vilks /Latvia/ Crisis of solidarity: social, political, legal aspects. Problems, solutions, perspectives 23 I. Kreituse, S. Gurbo /Latvia/ Access to higher education as welfare guarantee: higher education financing reforms in Latvia A. Vabale, G. Glezere-Krusa, I. Blumentale, J. Sokolovs /Latvia/ Speech rhythm and reading abilities in children aged 7–9 with specific and language difficulties M. Smirnova /Latvia/ Animal assisted therapy as effective component of social work in work with clients A. Stepens /Latvia/ Health consequences of psychostimulants abuse: the Latvian ephedrone story I. Markina /Latvia/ Consumer subculture as model of a worthy old age I. Kerevica /Latvia/ Family as a value – discourse of people with relatives residing abroad M.Paipare /Latvia/ Music and movement in music therapy U. Parm, K. Paal, A.L. Parm, K. Sobchenko, K. Poren /Estonia/ Association between microbial flora on nurses’ gowns and cell-phones with hygienic aspects 24 November 23 1st Conference of speech therapists /Lecture Hall #2/ 8:30–9:00 Registration 9:00–9:30 Opening of Conference LALA chairwoman of the board I. Rutmane-Lazda Prof. Aivars Vetra Assoc. Prof. Anita Vetra 1st Plenary 9:30–11:00 V. McDonell, Co-ordinator of Rehabilitation Central and Eastern Europe Literacy and Hearing of Impaired children. Literacy and CI children and adolescents. What Parents and professionals can do (translation into Latvian) Coffee Break (11:00–11:30) 11:30–12:00 V. McDonel1, Literacy and Hearing Impaired children. What Parents and professionals can do 12:00–12:20 S. Kuske, RSU RF, Latvian Children’s Hearing Centre Rehabilitation possibilities in Latvia in case of various hearing impairments for patients with hearing mechanism implemented in bone 12:20–12:40 I. Gzibovska, Latvian Children’s Hearing Centre Permanent hearing impairments after middle-ear inflammations 12:40–13:00 I. Blumentale, audio speech therapist, Rehabilitation faculty of RSU Clinical manifestations of dysphagia and evaluation possibilities for patients with neurological impairments in Latvia 25 Lunch / Poster session (13:00–13:50) 2nd Plenary 13:50–14:10 I. Klatenberga, audio speech therapist, RSU, Latvian Children’s Hearing Centre Speech corrections and hearing perception interactions for children with combined lip and cleft palates 14:10–14:30 I. Vaciete, audio speech therapist, Consultative Health Centre of Children Clinical University Hospital Evaluation of speech and language development for children aged two years by implementing functional diagnostic method of Munich 14:30–14:50 A. Vabale, audio speech therapist, RSU Rehabilitation department Dyslexia diagnostic and possibilities of therapy in the world and in Latvia 14:50–15:10 I. Kaleja, audio speech therapist, RSU Rehabilitation Department K. Meilerte, audio speech therapist I. Plavniece, audio speech therapist Peculiarities of speech and language for seven year old children 15:10–15:30 I. Rutmane-Lazda, audio speech therapist, chairwoman of LALA, L. Aigare, audio speech therapist Pupil with autistic spectral impairments in the educational system of Latvia 15:30–15:50 I. Vilnite, Chairwoman of Board, State Pedagogic Medical Committee The role of pedagogical medical commissions in provision of support to children with special needs 15:50–16:30 Conclusion of the Conference / Coffee 26
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