Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien Institute for Advanced Studies
Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien Institute for Advanced Studies
Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna Projektbericht The Austrian Innovation System Recommendations for Science and Technology Policies Final Report Volume 6 Karl H. Müller 11 The Austrian Innovation System Recommendations for Science and Technology Policy Prof. Bernhard Felderer (Director, IHS) Karl H. Müller (Project-Coordinator, IHS) Beate Littig, Christoph Hofinger(IHS) in Collaboration with Peter Biegelbauer (IHS/MIT) Prof. Günter Haag (University of Stuttgart) Richard Költringer (Institute for Panel-Research, IPR) Partial Final Report Volume 6 Study for the Federal Ministry of Science, Transport and the Arts and the OECD September 1996 Institut für Höhere Studien Stumpergasse 56, A-1060 Wien Fax: +43/1/597 06 35 Karl H. Müller Phone: +43/1/599 91-212 e-mail: [email protected] Beate Littig Phone: +43/1/599 91-215 e-mail: [email protected] Christoph Hofinger Phone: +43/1/599 91-219 e-mail: [email protected] Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna 12 Work Paper Not to Be Quoted without Permission by the Author. 13 THE IHS-PROJECT TEAM The IHS-Group: Prof. Bernhard Felderer, Director of the IHS Karl H. Müller: Project-Coordinator Research Tasks: Theoretical and Methodological Background; Specification of Historical Development Patterns; Integration of NIS-Data with Complex, Dynamic Models; Recommendations for Science and Technology Policies; Coordination of the Overall Project-Designs, Author of the Interim Reports and of the Final Reports, etc. Christoph Hofinger: Research Assistant Research Tasks: Coordination of the Data; Data Bank Management; Co-worker for the Survey-Design; Data Search etc. Beate Littig: Research Assistant Research Tasks: Coordination of the Full Investigation for Intermediary Institutions; Co-worker for the Survey-Design; Expert Interviews, etc. National Cooperation: Richard Költringer (Institute for Panel-Research, Vienna): Austrian Survey of Innovation and Transfer Friedrich Tobil: Internet Research on Innovation and Technology Policies Thomas Ullrich (Compass, Vienna): Graphical Design International Cooperation: Prof. Günter Haag (Department of Physics, University of Stuttgart): Complex Modeling Peter Biegelbauer (Political Science Department, MIT/IHS): Institutional Analysis National Project-Management: Federal Ministry for Science, Transport and the Arts: Norbert Rozsenich, Head of Section II (Research and Technology) Eva Schmitzer, Head of the Department for Technology Policy II/8 OECD-Project Management: Prof. Dominique Foray (CNRS) Jean Guinet (OECD) National Advisory Members: Karl Messmann, Head of the R&D Department (Central Austrian Statistical Office) Reinhard Schurawitzki, Department for Basic Research Policy (Federal Ministry for Science, Transport and the Arts) Prof. Gunter Tichy (Academy of Sciences) International Advisory Members: Prof. Karin Knorr-Cetina (University of Bielefeld) Prof. Michael Gibbons (SPRU, University of Sussex) Prof. Bruno Latour (CIS, Paris) Prof. Helga Nowotny (ETH Zürich, University of Vienna) Prof. Klaus G. Troitzsch (University of Koblenz) Prof. Björn Wittrock (SCASSS, Uppsala) Prof. Wolfgang Zapf (Science Center, Berlin) 14 Institut für Höhere Studien Institute for Advanced Studies Stumpergasse 56 A-1060 Vienna Austria Phone: +43-1-599 91-216 Fax: +43-1-597 06 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS1 0: A COGNITIVE MAP FOR VOLUME VI 11 PART I: POLICY BACKGROUND: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AGENDA FOR RESTRUCTURING NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS 15 SUMMARY FOR PART I 16 1. SECTION I: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS IN AUSTRIA SECTION II: INTERNATIONAL REFORM PROGRAMS FOR NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS SECTION III: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS AN EPIGENETIC COMPARISON 2. 3. PART II: 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1 17 25 41 POLICY PROGRAMS FOR THE AUSTRIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM SUMMARY FOR PART II SECTION I: ‘‘STEERING’’ AND ‘‘CONTROL’’ IN LARGE-SCALE EPIGENETIC SYSTEMS CONCEPTUAL PRE-REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF REFORM PROGRAMS THE EPIGENETIC BASICS OF COORDINATION AND DISTURBANCE MAIN PRINCIPLES OF EPIGENETIC POLICIES The present report has been produced by Karl H. Müller. 16 48 51 52 59 87 2 . 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. PART III: BASIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS FOR THE AUSTRIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM BASIC STS-POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS WITHIN THE EPIGENETIC FRAMEWORK POLICY MEASURES FOR THE NIS-DISTRIBUTION POWER ACROSS THE AUSTRIAN IS III ENSEMBLE POLICY MEASURES FOR THE NIS-ENSEMBLE POWER ACROSS THE AUSTRIAN IS III SETTING 105 106 120 132 FINAL OUTLOOKS: THE POTENTIAL FOR MONITORING AND SELF-REFLEXIVITY WITHIN THE AUSTRIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM 1. 2. 3 . 4. PART IV: INTRODUCTORY REMARKS SELF-REFLEXIVITY: PRELIMINARY REQUIRMENTS NECESSARY COGNITIVE INFRA-STRUCTURES SELF-REFLEXIVITY IN NIS- RESEARCH: A CONCLUDING VIEW ON THE OVERALL IHS-PROJECT 145 147 149 BIBLIOGRAPHY 157 17 154 18 FINAL REPORTS Within the OECD-project on National Innovation Systems it has been the intention on part of the IHS to enhance the process of co-operation and communication by producing a comprehensive set of final reports which highlight the theoretical foundations, the modeling background as well as the empirical analyses for a major part of the overall Austrian contribution to the NIS 2 project. According to the IHS workplan, the final report has been divided into eight separate volumes. VOLUME 0: SCOPE OF THE PROJECT. Central Topics: Separation into Major Areas and Content Distribution. VOLUME I: A NEW EPIGENETIC FRAMEWORK. Central Topics: Theoretical Background: Evolution, ‘‘Embedded Code Systems’’, the Multiple Constitution of NIS. VOLUME II: HISTORY AND METHODOLOGY. Central Topics: A Co-Evolutionary Historical Framework. Overall Methodology: Systems and Utilization Contexts. VOLUME III: INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSES: INTERMEDIATE NIS-ORGANIZATIONS AND NIS-CASE STUDIES: Central Topics: Selected Components of the Intermediate Institutional Network Case Studies of the Austrian IS. VOLUME IV: THE AUSTRIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM: BASIC DIMENSIONS AND EMPIRICAL PATTERNS: AN INDICATOR SYSTEM BASED ON THE AUSTRIAN SURVEY OF INNOVATION AND TRANSFER (ASIT) Central Topics: A Comprehensive Picture of the Austrian System of Knowledge Production, Transfers, and Innovations. VOLUME V: COMPLEX MODELING WITH NIS-DATA. Central Topics: The Multiple Constitution and ‘‘Building Blocks’’ for NIS; The Use of NIS-Data for Complex Types of Innovation and Diffusion Models: Neural Networks and Master-Equations. VOLUME VI: POLICY IMPLICATIONS: MAIN CONSEQUENCES FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES IN THE FUTURE. Central Topics: VOLUME VII: A Comprehensive Set of Policy Measures for Enhancing the Austrian IS-Distribution Power at the Micro- and at the Macro-Level APPENDICES: SUMMARY OF DATA-SETS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Central Topics: The ASIT-Data Sets and Other NISRelevant Data from Official Sourcs (ÖSTAT, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) 2 It must be noted that the IHS-team is only part of the total Austrian contribution to the NIS-project since a second team from TIP will concentrate on cluster-analyses and institutional descriptions so that, for the two final Austrian reports, a complementary picture of the Austrian IS should emerge. 19 20 PART 0: A COGNITIVE MAP FOR VOLUME VI With the sixth volume, a final analysis for the domains of the NIS-distribution power and the NISensemble power will be provided, namely a policy-oriented move towards reform packages corresponding to the overall new epigenetic framework of the IHS approach. Within a triple NIS ensemble of three large scale systems, namely economy, science and the state, the short- and the longterm dynamic reform perspectives will be discussed by focusing on three different areas of policy investigations. First, an introductory part will be devoted to the available policy programs at the national as well as at the international levels where a clear focus has been placed on problems of innovation and national or global competetiveness. In this sense, science and technology programs for Austria, the recent ‘‘Green Paper’’ by the European Union as well as, finally, the OECD initiatives on productivity and job creation will be summarized and collectively organized within the new epigenetic framework. By doing so, some of the main dimensional strengths and weaknesses can be recorded immediately so that an appropriate policy basis is shaped up which summarizes, on the one hand, major reform proposals and which, on the other hand, points to existing ‘‘blind spots’’ and policy unaffected dimensions relevant for comprehensive science and technology policies. Second, the main part of Volume VI is concerned with general requirements for policy formations which are corresponding and which are evolutionary ‘‘fitting’’ with the overall epigenetic self-organization approach. Thus, a large section of ‘‘steering’’ and ‘‘control’’ in large scale epigenetic systems is concerned exclusively with the problem of identifiying policy sets which can be qualified as epigenetic types of policy making. In doing so, the conventional accounts on ‘‘steering’’ and ‘‘control’’ have been superseded by a new framwork, centered around the concepts of ‘‘coordination’’ and ‘‘disturbance’’ 21 More concretely, six requirements have been postulated which, taken together, constitute, under the heading of ‘‘catalytic management’’, the core of an epigenetic policy proliferation, namely - Equal Weight for the Four Epigenetic Dimensions Mode II-Policies ‘‘Downsized’’ Policy Programs ‘‘Path-Sensitivity’’ with Respect to the Distribution/Ensemble Orientation Formal Goals for the Distribution/Ensemble Power Material NIS-Goals Third, the empirical results of the existing weaknesses of the Austrian Innovation System will lead to an integrated reform agenda withiin science and technology domains where the principal objective can be stated very simply under the heading of enhancing the distribution power and the ensemble power of the Austrian Innovation System simultaneously. Fourth, a last group of reform proposals will be centered on a better monitoring of the ongoing processes within the Austrian National Innovation System, especially under the NIS II and under the NIS III configuration.... Via these four parts, a well-balanced policy volume has been established which offers partly new epigenetic self-organization guidelines for a medium and long term restructuring of the shapes and the forms of the Austrian knowledge and information society ... 22 Diagram 0.1: The Scope of Volume Six PART I: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL REFORM PROGRAMS FOR PART II: PROGRAMS FOR RESTRUCTURING THE PART II: PROGRAMS FOR RESTRUCTURING THE NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS AUSTRIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM SECTION I: National Programs, Especially the Technology Policy Programfor Austria and a Marketing Oriented Reform Proposal . AUSTRIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM SECTION I: Main Components of an Epigenetic Policy Framework Self-Organization and the State-System; Innovative Components SECTION II: Policy Programs for the Four Epigenetic Dimensions; Stressing the Importance of the G - P Dimension by New ‘‘Utilization Programs’’ SECTION II (CONTINUED): Enhancing the Widely Neglected Knowledge Bases: Local Solutions and Internet Accessibility of ‘‘Works of Excellence’’. The ‘‘Differentiation of the Reform Proposals along the Four Main Epigenetic Dimensions; A Preliminary Summary of Intensive and of Extensive Policy Areas Ý Ù Þ META-THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE EPIGENETIC STUDY OF EVOLUTIONARY SYSTEMS AND THEIR NETWORK AND LINKAGE STRUCTURES IN NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS, ESPECIALLY IN NIS II ENSEMBLES AND TRIPLE NIS CONFIGURATIONS ß SECTION II: International Innovation Programs, Predominantly the two EU-Agenda (‘‘White Paper’’ and ‘‘Green Paper’’) as well as the OECD-Program on Technology and Employment Ú SECTION I (CONTINUED) Major Goal Areas for Triple NISConfigurations; Self-Organization Principles for Science and Technology Policies; Temporal Sequencing of Policy Reforms 23 à PART III: MONITORING INNOVATION SYSTEMS Guidelines for Increased Self-Reflexivity and Monitoring in the Austrian IS PART I: POLICY BACKGROUND: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AGENDA FOR RESTRUCTURING NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS 24 A BRIEF SUMMARY OF PART I Part I will be concentrated on two different policy fields, namely on - National Science, Innovation and Technology Programs (Section I) International Science, Innovation and Technology Programs (Section II) Comparative Analysis (Section III) In this manner, a background summary wil be introduced which will offer a convenient framework for the presentation of epigenetic based reform programs in the Austrian Innovation System. More concretely, four major programs for increasing the national innovation potential, namely the Austrian Science and Technology Program a High Tech Marketing Program for Austria the ‘‘White Paper’’ and the recent ‘‘Green Paper’’ by the EU the OECD Program on ‘‘Technology, Productivity and Job Creation’’ will be analyzed and re-arranged according to the new epigenetic architecture, yielding thus eight different program groups. [Four Epigenetic Dimensions x (Distribution Power & Ensemble Power)] Moreover, a comparative analysis of strengths and weaknesses will be performed in which the densely concentrated areas of the four policy programs along the four epigenetic dimensions will be separated from their sparely populated regions and areas. In doing so, an interesting intermediate result has been gained both on the status of the existing policy programs and on the needs and requirements for arriving at a comprehensive set of policy programs for Austria. 25 SECTION I: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS IN AUSTRIA 26 Within Section I, a brief summary will be undertaken on two policy programs which, on the one hand, can be seen as complementary and which, on the other hand, offer a comprehensive agenda for an ‘‘integrated science and technology policy’’ for Austria. After reviewing the international program side too, a short summary on the still existing policy ‘‘bottlenecks’’ will serve as a guideline for establishing, on the one hand, a more balanced and, on the other hand, a theory based science and technology program for the Austrian Innovation System. 1. The TIP-Program for a Unified Science and Technology Policy in Austria In recent TIP-projects (BAYER et al. 1994), a new framework has been established for the future technology policies in Austria which, as can be seen from Table 1.1, is separated into the following four main components. Table 1.1: TIP - Framework for a Unified Austrian Technology Policy DOMAIN ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL FRAMEWORK Increasing the Austrian R&D Expenditures Improving the Internal Coordination for Science and Technology Policies Removing Network Barriers Improving the Capacities for Adaptation Definition of Essential Societal Goal Domains Improving the Technological Infrastructure Improving the Education Systems Improving the Coordination between NIS-Actors GOAL ORIENTATION I: Diffusion GOAL ORIENTATION II: GOAL ORIENTATION III: ‘‘Missions’’ Quality of the Overall Socio-Technological Setting 27 One of the distinctive advatages of the existing TIP-program lies in its comprehensive character which, similar to the ‘‘White Paper’’ by the EU, integrates science and technology policies within a wider societal and environmental context. More specifically, the following action lines have been identified as the central agenda for reforms within the four policy domains, specified in Table 1.1. (See Table 1.2, next page) In particular, four major areas within the TIP-Technology Program for Austria derserve closer inspection. First, the strongly diffusion and ‘‘mission’’ oriented TIP program relies very heavily on overall societal ‘‘tasks’’ or ‘‘missions’’ which run across the established boundaries of competencies by policy shaping state units, NIS actors within the science and within the economy domains and, finally, intermediate institutions. The concrete example of such a societal ‘‘mission’’, namely the Toronto goal (reduction of CO2 emissions by 20% in the year 2005), integrates activities by the national government, changes in taxation schemes, research and project funding, mass media and, finally, evaluations (BAYER 1994:90). The interesting point to note lies in the fact that the ‘‘mission’’ is oriented towards an environmental target area and not, as one would expect, on a high-technology goal domain. In a similar vein, the TIP-’’missions’’ are primarily focused on those societal problem fields for which technology and technology policies can make a substantial and indispensable contribution. Second, the orchestration of ‘‘missions’’ requires a completely new type of complex program management which integrates, in a ‘‘concerted effort’’, the activities of a comparatively large number of NIS-S actors. Consequently, the TIP program places a strong importance of profound changes within the state system itself which becomes a ‘‘condicio since qua non’’ for the successful implementation of ‘‘mission’’-centered policies. Third, the TIP program gives a relatively detailed account for different groups of NIS actors within the science field which increases the potential for coordinated policy programs designed for particular segments of institutes only. Moreover, the cluster-focus for the economic area offers a new domain for policy intervention, since ‘‘clusters’’, due to their changing configurations, will generate, in all probability, comparatively more positive feedback-effects than sector-orientations. Thus, the disaggregated perspective especially for the science system must be considered as an additional advantage of the TIP-policy approach. Fourth, in many of its programs, a heavy reliance is placed on the active participation of those actors which are primarily affected by specific policy programs. More generally, the TIP program sees an indispensable role for consensus building and for mediating as core-policy requirements especially with respect to new high technology areas and their social as well as environmental consequences. 28 Thus, the TIP-program can be considered, by its very existence, as an important bridge from the previous stages of (non)-existing science and technology policies to a contemporary format in the state-centered co-construction of the Austrian Innovation System. 29 Table 1.2: TIP - Framework for a Unified Austrian Technology Policy DOMAIN POLICY PROGRAMS GENERAL FRAMEWORK Ending the period of ‘‘fragmentation’’ with respect to the formation of science and technology (ST) policy making: clear separation of strategic and organizational competencies Increasing the agenda for ST-Policies Improving the ‘‘information infrastructure’’ by stepping up ‘‘program managements’’ and the ST-information bases as well as by introducing compulsory evaluations. Institutionalization of discourse-based Technology Assessment Policies (TA-Policies) Increased financial contribution for application oriented research Establishing a ‘‘complementarity relation’’ between international, national and regional programs Optimization of the existing policy mix DIFFUSION ORIENTATION: Coordinated efforts towards an offensive program for technology diffusion3 Service ‘‘packages’’, facilitating the founding of new firms (especially in high-tech niches) Training programs for new key qualifications like teamworking and networking capacities Selection of a small number of societal ‘‘missions’’ Cluster-oriented instrument mix for the implementation of these ‘‘missions’’ Improving the ‘‘interfaces’’ between universities and MISSION ORIENTATION QUALITY OF THE OVERALL firms SOCIO-TECHNOLOGICAL SETTING Increasing the number of potential users for ‘‘An-Institutes’’ like the Christian Doppler Laboratories Increased networking for intermediate institutes Generation of ‘‘second generation’’ technology parks and technology centers Integrated patent center as ‘‘one stop shop’’ Improving the material infrastructure (railways, 3 As major international reference examples, the Norwegian BUNT-program as well as the Canadian AMTAP-program can be cited. (BAIER 1994:75pp.) 30 communication, energy, etc.) 31 2. The WU-Program for High Tech Marketing A second technology and innovation program which will be analyzed briefly has been built up by several departments of the ‘‘Wirtschaftsuniversität’’ (WU, the Economic University in Vienna). It has been included into the national technology policy section mainly for one reason. Since it is almost exclusively devoted to shorten the product to market cycles and to make the marketing domains for high technology segments more efficient, it can be seen as a complementary reform package to the TIP approach in which marketing concerns, while marginally present, do not play a central position. Thus, the folllowing major points should be viewed as additional policy measures, designed to strenghten the TIP goal area I of ‘‘diffusion’’ and the goal area III of the ‘‘quality of the overall technological setting’’. In particular, four major areas deserve being mentioned. First, the entire WU-program is essentially a ‘‘distribution driven’’ one, since measures for enhancing the economic distribution power form the core program domains. Moreover, distribution oriented reforms can be identified at all firm levels, starting from the general level by ‘‘bringing the clients and customers back in’’, to the technological level by its focus of innovative activities as well as by the demand for efficient solutions for clients and customer and, finally, to the management level by stressing the importance of the networking capacities of firms. Second, policy features within the G - G or the G - P dimension play a prominent role within the WU-program, since points like an appropriate ‘‘cognitive infrastructure’’ or the propagation of the ‘‘technological knowledge basis’’ feature as essential policy elements. Third, a highly interesting feature not encountered in any of the other science and technology programs, lies in the recombination of the domains of ‘‘marketing’’ and ‘‘science’’, culminating in the demand for marketing strategies for the results and for the application potential of scientific research which, in turn, must lead to a wider distribution both of the ‘‘knowledge basis’’ and of scientific publications. Fourth, another vital aspect, explicitly encountered in the WU-program, lies in the recognition of regional imbalances which should be taken into account by the overall program implementations. Seen in this perspective, the marketing oriented program of the WU offers a comparatively large number of additional policies which, due to their complementary nature to the TIP program, should be viewed as an additional source for conducting reforms which could enhance especially the distribution power side of the Austrian Innovation System. 32 Table 2.1: WU - Program for Stimulating the High Technology Segments GENERAL PURPOSE TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS PR-Measures Enhancing the Public Acceptance of Innovations and New Technologies Paradigmatic Projects (for ‘‘learning by imitation’’) Cognitive Infrastructure (Data Sources, Theoretical Approaches, Marketing Elements in Curricula, etc.) Organizational Infrastructure (Universities,.Research Institutes, etc.) Marketing for Research Projects EU-Funding Duplicated Fall Back Position Liberalization of Employment Regulations Scholarship-Programs Exchange Programs Economy - Science Professionals for Science and Technology Interlinked Projects Fairs for Suppliers and Costumers Hitlist of Austrian Firms Distribution of Technological Knowledge Base Skill Pools Tutorships for Innovative Firms SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR HIGH TECH-MARKETING STIMULATING INTRA-FIRM SUCCESS FACTORS General Firm Level Strategic Orientation of the Firm Level of Information on Prevailing Conditions in the Target-Markets Demand and Expectations by Clients and Customers Competitive Products and Strategies by Competitors Existing and Necessary Channels for Distribution Degree of Service Orientation for Clients and Customers Shaping of a Specific Marketing Mix Technological Level Technological Position of the Firm Supremacy in Conducting Innovations (Compared to National Competition) Synergy/Anergy of the Existing Technology to the Major Firm Domains Degree of Novelty of Innovation Efficient Solutions for Clients and Costumers Quality Control Methods (like TQM, QC, DFA, etc.) 33 Table 2.1: WU - Program for Stimulating the High Technology Segments (Continued) STIMULATING INTRA-FIRM SUCCESS FACTORS Level of Management and Organization Market-oriented Leadership Capacity for Cooperations and Strategic Alliances Firm-Specific Project-Information Systems Size of the Firm Project Support by Top-Management Construction and Implementation-Design for New Products Efficient Project Organization/Project Management STIMULATING INTER-FIRM SUCCESS FACTORS Interfirm-Networks Growing Cluster-Density Increasing the Strength of the Supply System Regional Human Capital Development Demand Upgrading at the Regional Level Policy Domains Efficient Design and Development of the Network-Ensembles Adaptations to Socio-Demographic Changes Strategic Intelligence of the Local Ensembles 34 35 SECTION II: INTERNATIONAL REFORM PROGRAMS FOR NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS 36 With respect to international restructuration and reconfiguration programs in the field of technology and innovations, three major programs have been selected for a closer review, two of them EU-based, the third one of OECD-origins. In all three instances, different aspects, dimensions and priorities for framing science and technology policies have been set up so that within the upcoming Section III a comprehensive epigenetic scheme can be built up which integrates and synthesizes not only the existing three international policy programs, but also the national programs, introduced in the previous section. 1. The EU-White Paper In 1993, an astonishingly encompassing and comprehensive reform agenda has been proposed by the EU as ‘‘White Paper’’ on economic growth, competitiveness and employment. (EU 1994). The most surprising feature of this specific Commission report lay in the explicit recognition that successful innovation management and technology policies for the next decades must be subject to a number of important constraints with respect to employment creation public acceptance of policy measures environmental standards sustainability Due to its comprehensive character, the EU White Paper will be discussed at some length by focusing, on the one hand, on its general developmental visions and by concentrating, on the other hand, on the specific policy programs advocated to support the overall strategies. 1.1. Recommendable Pathways into the Next Century Under the heading of trajectories into the 21st century, a mixture of desirable features of socio-economic development patterns, goals and general strategies has been compiled which, separated according to 37 specific catgories, gives an overall orientation for the appropriate framework for science and technology policies. Table 1.1 offers a summary of the three principal target components of the EU White Paper. Table 1.1: Pathways into the Next Century According to the White Paper SUSTAINABLE PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE GOAL AREAS SUSTAINABLE FEATURES OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES Stable Monetary Systems (National and International) Information Society: Multi-Media Integration Dense Cable-Networks Restructuring of Firms, Labor-Relations, Household Work Increasing Economic Competitiveness: Regulatory Domains (Norms and Legislation, Certification, Intellectual Property Rights, etc.) Fostering SMEs Building up the European Infrastructure-Networks (Traffic, Telecommunication, Energy) Open Economies (Especially with Respect to Post-Communist and Third World Countries) Decentralized Economies Economic Solidarity Employed/Unemployed Gender Relations Regional High Employment Levels: Permanent Learning and Education Increasing Flexibility, Decentralization, etc. Intensifying Research and Development: Information Technologies Bio-Technologies Environmental Technologies From Table 1.1 one can see an interesting mixture of purely economic features like stable monetary systems, societal characteristics of the future (‘‘information societies’’), social aspects of development, centered around the concept of solidarity and, finally, environmental concerns. In this sense, the ‘‘White Paper’’ must be considerd, above all, as a societal based agenda for conducting science and technology policies. In other words, the White Paper comes close to a NIS-S policy framework in which, according to the NIS-S requirements, the economy, the science, the education system, the social sphere as well as the environment form an interacting and interconnected ensemble. Moreover, the suggested policy measures and agenda stand under a perspective of sustainability which, in the context of the White Paper has been circumscribed as a new relation between quality of life, usage of environmental resources and waste production. Finally, it has become an important critical feature of the White Paper that it comes to an unambiguous conclusion with respect to the non-sustainability of the current EU-developmental patterns - 38 Würden die gegebenen industriellen Verbrauchs- und Produktionsmuster auf die ganze Welt ausgedehnt, so benötigte die Erde ein Zehnfaches der derzeit verfügbaren Ressourcen; diese Extrapolation veranschaulicht das Ausmaß der weltweiten Verteilungskämpfe, die drohen, falls es nicht gelingt, die gegenwärtigen Trends umzukehren. (EU 1993:162) Thus, a highly interesting set of NIS-S based evaluation criteria for socio-economic development processes should guarantee that a famous dictum by John M. Keynes - ‘‘In the long run we are all dead’’ does not become the ‘‘Great Attractor’’ into which, by evolutionary necessity, all societal trajectories are heading to ... 1.2. Agenda for Sustainable Policies Not surprisingly, a wide array of policy programs and considerations have been developed within the White Paper which affect a large number of domains well beyond the traditional spheres of science and economy. In particular, the following action lines can be identified. (See Table 1.2, below) Table 1.2: Action Lines from the EU White Paper MAJOR POLICY DOMAINS POLICY MEASURES INSTRUMENTS Information Networks Increasing the Diffusion of Information Technologies Program IDA Tele-Work User-Producer Interfaces Increasing Basic Networks like ISDN Interoperability of Networks Improved Coordination between Telecommunication and other EU Programs Liberalization and Harmonization Improving Property Rights Data Protection Measures Accelerating the Processes of Standardization Proliferation of Universal ITServices Eliminating Barriers to Competition Transeuropean Basic ITServices New Legal Framework for Information Technologies 39 Table 1.2: Action Lines from the EU White Paper (Continued) MAJOR POLICY DOMAINS Information Networks (Continued) POLICY MEASURES Improving Education and Training for IT Improving the Technological and Industrial Potential Transeuropean Infrastructure Networks (Energy, Transport) INSTRUMENTS Spreading Basic ITCompetencies Using IT in Education and Training Programs IT-Adequate Curricula for Technicians and Engineers R&D Efforts in the IT-Domain Monitoring New IT-Developments Improving the IT-Diffusion Processes Improving the European Transport Infrastructure Modernizing the European Railroad Networks, especially BorderCrossing Routes of Strategic Importance (Munich - Verona, Lyon - Turin, Paris - Barcelona Madrid) Modernizing the Road Networks, especially in Border-Crossing Highways of Strategic EU-Relevance (Berlin - Warschau Moscow) Better Coordination between Different Transport Networks Improving the Quality and the Technological Outfit within Three Major Transport Networks - Railroads - Airport Infrastructures - Infrastructure of Ports Improved Inter-Operability and Efficiency of Transport Networks through the Creation of Transport Management Systems (for Air-, Land-, and SeaTransport) Improving the European Energy Networks Creating an EU-Wide Common Market in the Field of Electricity and Natural Gas Abolishing National Monopolies Deregulation and Liberalization Increasing the Efficiency of Existing Capacities in the Field of Electricity Safe-Guarding the Supply for Natural Gas 40 1.3. A New Model for Societal Development Finally, the White Paper attempts in its concluding passages to draw the outlines of a new model of development which, contrary to its forerunners, offers a well-intergrated account of economic, social and environmental dimensions. In particular, Table 1.3 identifies three major policy parts at the micro-level, the macro-level as well as the sectoral level in which integrated societal policy schemes for innovation and employment should be framed. In addition, three major sections have been specified with respect to the societal background, starting, first, with the current state of inefficient affairs, proceeding to the goal domains of sustainability and concluding with a new key factor, namely with the concept of ‘‘clean technologies’’. The concluding ‘‘vision statement’’ of the EU-White Paper contains six major points which should be discussed at least in a provisional manner. First, a new focus of technology formation and clustering has been introduced which runs under the label of ‘‘new integrated technologies’’ and which serves a multitude of purposes, ranging from advanced knowledge utilization and high technology profiles to quality of life domains and to an improved state of the environment. Second, R&D efforts should be equipped with a new goal domain, namely, not surprisingly, with the aim of ‘‘sustainability’’. This, in turn, implies major re-directions of research both in the natural and in the social sciences. Third, ‘‘quality of life’’ is not seen as a desirable side-consequence of economic development but rather as an indispensable goal and evaluation criterion. Fourth, in a similar manner, ‘‘environmental quality’’ is viewed as an explicit target area for socio-economic evolution. Fifth, the problem of ‘‘external costs’’ has to be shifted away from its current marginal position into a core status, asking for a gradual integration of external costs into market transaction costs and market prices. Sixth, a few sectors heve been selected as target sectors for rapid innovation and re-structuring processes, namely a widely understood infrastructure segment (transport, energy, communication) and a compound, called ‘‘old sectors’’ which comprises not only an ecologically oriented mode of production in agriculture, but also traditional industrial segments in which environmental standards, norms and evaluations have to be implemented on a massive scale. With the White Paper, one is confronted with a remarkable NIS-S agenda which, inter alia, opens up a rich set of questions and problems for the contemporary social sciences too since it implies a quest and an urgent need for integrated eco-socio-economic approaches to societal developments. 41 Table 1.3: Towards a New Model of Socio-Economic Development INEFFICIENT USAGE OF RESOURCES SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SPECIFICATION ‘‘CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES’’ AS KEY FACTOR Under-Utilization of Human Labor (‘‘Vicious Cycles’’ between Labor Saving Technologies and Costs of Social Insurance Systems) Quality of LifeDimensions: Income Working Conditions Recreation Spaces, etc. Over-Utilization of Natural Resources with Detrimental Effects for High Costs for Waste Deposits and Waste-Removal Quality of Life Environment Quality of EnvironmentDimensions: Low Waste Production Utilization of Renewable Resources, etc. New Integrated Technologies with Features like High Natural Productivity (High energy utilization, low raw material intensity, etc.) Recycling Networks Longevity of Prodcts Clean Production Processes MICRO-ECONOMIC MACRO-ECONOMIC STRATEGIES SECTORAL AND SHORT-TERM STRATEGIES Indirect Taxes against Detrimental Environmental Effects Tac Incentives and Tax Decentives for a More Ecologically Oriented Economy Dynamics of the EUMarkets Foreign Trade Policies and Cooperations Target Sectors: Energy, Traffic, Agriculture, Industry STRATEGIES Market Prices Including External Costs Research and Development Closer to the Key Factor of ‘‘Clean Technologies’’ ‘‘Green Accounting’’ Speeding up the Transmission between Basic Research and Applications 42 Short-Term Strategies: Appropriate Environmental ‘‘Infrastructures’’ Construction Works for Environmental Projects Increasing Public Transport and Traffic Systems, etc. 2. The EU-Green Paper One of the logical follow up versions from the White Paper would have consisted in an elaboration of the new developmental model, outlined in the previous chapter, especially within Table 1.3. However, the Green Paper takes a far more limited view for national innovation policies by focusing on a narrowly defined NIS III context in which a large number of issues like solidarity, qualitiy of life-considerations, environmental concerns or the problem of sustainability have been left out. Moreover, a marked shift can be recorded from the generally defined fields of ICT, biotechnology and environmental technologies to a limited number of explicit task forces where specific high technology target domains have been chosen for an EU-concerted research and development plan in areas like new generation aeroplanes, multi-media programs for learning and teaching, high speed train systems and others. Like the previous chapter, the presentation of the Green Paper will be subdivided into two main parts, namely, on the one hand, into the underlying developmental vision and, on the other hand, into the concrete policy programs which have been recommended. 2.1. A Classical View of Development - Reiterated Starting with the ‘‘European paradox’’ (p. 6), namely an above average position in the fields of scientific production as well as progress and a below average level with respect to high technology utilizations, the Green Paper aims at a knowledge and innovation based ‘‘catching up’’ process whereby the current gaps in the European industry in relation to the United States or to Japan should be closed. Listing some of the success factors in the US and in Japan as reference points (see Table 2.1, next page), the Green Book emphasizes a concerted package of policy changes within a traditional NIS III context, putting special emphasis, however, on new domains like organizational changes within industry, especially via the utilization of quality ensuring procedures innovations for the service sector innovations in the public sphere like education, health, etc. where processes of quality management and ‘‘reengeneering’’ should become common practice, too. 43 Table 2.1: Major Determinants for the Innovative Success Stories Made in USA and Made in Japan UNITED STATES JAPAN More Effort Devoted to R&D A Higher Percentage Share of Technicians and Engineers More Efficient Research Management, Especially between Civilian and Military Research High Capacity to Use New Technological Information for New Marketable Products; High Degree of Inter-Firm Networking in R&D Close Connections between Universities and Firms, Conducive for the Founding of a Large Number of Hybrid Institutions and New Enterprises Strong Industry-Science Connections, Brought about Especially through the Transfer of Industrial Researchers to the Universities More Available Risk-Capital Connections Strong and Well-Established between Fiance and Industry Long-Standing Cultural Tradition of Risk-Taking Innovation Driven Culture Relatively Low Costs for Patents ‘‘Concerted Actions’’ between Firms, Universities and the Public Sector Low Level of State Regulations and Bureaucratic Barriers High Mobility of Employees within Firms 44 2.2. Agenda for Concerted Reforms Within the relatively narrow NIS-III confines of the Green Paper, a number of policy actions have been advocated which, under the heading of ‘‘action lines’’ have been summarized within Table 2.2 (next page). Here one can see, however, at least two major surprising feature which have not been encountered in the policy programs of the White Book variety. First, a comparatively large number of action lines is devoted to the genotype levels of National Innovation Systems. In particular, one is able to identify a set of action lines which are located outside the predominant networking dimension P-P. P - G: Action line 2 on the innovation drift for research and development G - G: Action line 1 on the necessary information basis on the monitoring of new technologies G - P: Action line 5 of stepping up the ‘‘distribution power’’ of innovations which includes, quite naturally, the distributionb of the codified innovation contents. Since action line 10 on norms and regulations and action line 11 on information networking are mostly centered on the genotype level, the Green Paper contains an almost equal distribution of programs for the two main epigenetic levels and the four epigenetic dimensions. Second, one of the distinctive characteristics of the Green Paper lies in the more detailed specifications for action line 2 where a highly selective concentration of new innovation areas into a few ‘‘task force domains’’ has been undertaken. These European wide ‘‘task forces’’ should be focused on the following main fields, namely on new generation aeroplanes (higher efficiency of aeroplanes, increased safety standards, low emission, low noise, etc.) multi media learning and teaching software new generation automobiles (low energy consumption, high safety standards, low emission, etc.) new vaccines and cures for virus-based sicknesses high speed trains and new generation train systems intermodality in traffic systems (new systems for exchanges and connections of private and public traffic systems as well as for integrated traffic chains, etc.) 45 environmentally sustainable water technologies (new sources for water, water recycling systems, etc.) 46 Table 2.2: Major Action Lines of the EU Green Paper ACTION LINE 1: ACTION LINE 2: ACTION LINE 3: ACTION LINE 4: ACTION LINE 5: ACTION LINE 6: ACTION LINE 7: ACTION LINE 8: ACTION LINE 9: ACTION LINE 10: ACTION LINE 11: ACTION LINE 12: ACTION LINE 13: Research Infrastructure for Collecting Information with Respect to New Technologies; New Types of Research on Future Development Prospects and Scenarios Focusing Research and Development More on Innovations in Specific EU-Relevant Fields Improvement of Education Systems, Qualification Structures and Training Programs Fostering the Mobility of Students and Researchers, Quality Controls and New Honorary Titles and Qualifications at the European Level Increasing the ‘‘Distribution Power’’ of Innovations by Improving the Information Basis and by Awarding New Prizes at the European Level Improving the Financial Resources for Innovations (New Risk Insurance Schemes, Development of Long-term Capital Funds, etc.) Tax Incentives for Innovations (New Forms of Tax Deductions for Immaterial Innovations, ‘‘Research Development Limited Partnership’’, ‘‘Small Entry Fees’’ for Patents, Tax Incentives for Training and Education programs, etc.) Incentives for Improved Property Right Protection (EU wide Patent Laws and Regulations, More Counter-Measures against Illegal Forms of Copying, Imitations, etc.) Reduction of Bureaucratic Requirements and Paperwork (Reforming the State Administrations by Simnplifying the Current Procedures with Respect to the Founding of New Firms, to Taxes and Social Security, to Easily Available Information for Necessary Administrative Procedures, etc.) Adaptation of Legal Norms and Regulations (New Norms, New Forms for Public Projects and Investments, New Laws for Competition, New Laws for Work and Employment (especially with Respect to TeleWorking, Privacy Protection, etc.) Development of Economic Information-Networks (Both for Private Service Networks and Public Network-Infrastructures) Innovation Support Schemes for Enterprises, especially for SMEs (‘‘Cluster-Based’’ Regional Programs, ‘‘Going International’’and Improvement of the Existing Regional Infrastructures, Facilitating ‘‘Spin-offs’’, Improved Technology Transfer, Shaping of Inter-Regional Transfer- and Exchange Programs, etc.) Change of the Public Sector from Intervention to Innovation (Shift of Public Expenditures from Direct Investments and Support to Indirect Support Schemes, Improving the Broader ‘‘Environment’’ for Innovations; Regional and Interregional ‘‘Coordination Mechanisms’’ for Innovation Programs and Strategies, Activation and Stimulation of SMEs and SME-Networks, etc.) 47 In this manner, two major EU policy initiatives in the fields of innovation and high technology have been summarized. Having reviewed the main policy programs and ‘‘task forces’’, one is confronted with a wide scope of policy programs which can be implemented, in principle, at the global, at the European, at the national and, finally, at the regional level, too. 3. The OECD-Program on ‘‘Technology, Productivity and Job-Creation’’ A third international science and technology oriented program comes from the OECD where under the heading of ‘‘Technology, Productivity and Job Creation’’ (DSTI/IND/STP/ICCP(95)14 a major overall policy program has been built up, containing not only seven separate parts, but also a comprehensive survey of recent empirical findings on structural employment shifts within the employment systems of highly developed regions. More to the major OECD points, the overall volume has been subdivided into four principal policy domains which have been analyzed in a surprisingly thorough and detailed manner, usually not to be found in policy sections of international organizations. Table 3.1: Four Major Domains of the OECD Program POLICY DOMAIN I: POLICY DOMAIN II: POLICY DOMAIN III: POLICY DOMAIN IV: Technology, the demand for skills and the distribution of wages Technology diffusion, productivity and employment creation New demand growth: multimedia infrastructure and multimedia applications Technology and organizational change at the level of the firm Thus, the policy consequences for each of the four major issues can be catalogued, using once again the basic epigenetic framework, according to the summary of Table 3.2. (See Table 3.2, next page) 48 Table 3.2: Policy Programs Distributed across the Four Epigenetic Dimensions TECHNOLOGY, SKILLS, WAGES Human Capital Development (Improving the SkillBases for CIT) Programs for Training the Unskilled Labor Segments Increasing Intra-Firm Training Programs (‘‘Just in time’’ Learning) Training Programs for an Improved Utilization of the Existing Knowledge Bases TECHNOLOGY DIFFUSION, PRODUCTIVITY Perspective AND EMPLOYMENT CREATION NEW DEMAND GROWTH: MULTIMEDIA INFRASTRUCTURE AND MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AT THE FIRM LEVEL Re-Direction to a Diffusion-Oriented Policy Widening of the Sectoral Scope, Including the Service Sector Programs for the Rapid Diffusion of ‘‘Best PracticeMethods’’ Coherent Policy Programs, Involving Potential Actors Coherence between Innovation and Diffusion Programs and the Financial Support Schemes Abolishing Restrictions to Market Entry Stepping up the Information Infrastructures Appropriate Legal Frameworks for CIT Demand Stimulation by CIT Utilizations of the State Sector Itself Extension of CIT-Based Government Services Encouraging Investments in Skills and Competencies Adopting the Legal Framework for Organizational Changes with Respect to - Ownership Regulations - Labor Regulations (flexible work time, wage-setting arrangements, etc.) - External Cooperations, Network Building, etc. Improving the Business Infrastructure via - 49 - Information Diffusion on New Products or Processes - Accounting Practice Reforms 50 Focusing on major and novel features, but also on persisting weaknesses of the OECD Program on ‘‘Technology, Productivity and Job Creation’’, one can point out four areas which deserve a closer attention. First, the OECD program exhibits a clear focus on employment aspects which the current fifth technological CIT-wave (Communication and Information Technologies) is about to produce. Moreover, the search for new employment outlets within the age of ‘‘lean production’’ and ‘‘lean institutions’’ is accompanied by strategic orientations in the area of training and education, making, thus, the OECD Program to a specially well-equipped policy agenda in the domain of human resource management. Second, a surprisingly strong weight has been placed upon the diffusion aspect of new knowledge and innovations, placing the diffusion on equal basis with the innovation focus. Consequently, the diffusion orientation produces a number of ‘‘downsized’’ policy initiatives which have the comparative advantage of dealing with relatively simpler tasks like the removing of existing communication and utilization barriers, rather than the more complex issues of creating new high-technology niches. Third, a remarkable extension has been undertaken within the OECD program where three new domains have been incorporated, namely, from a sectoral perspective, the service sector and its productivity development within the CIT-diffusion as well as the state apparatus itself and its role as CIT-based service component and, finally, from an innovation perspective, the internal organization of firms. Thus, the OECD Program adresses, at least in an implicit fashion, one of the crucial demand poles for CIT, namely the rapid transformation of the public sector into a CIT-based service unit. Even a preliminary look into the existing state of the public domain across OECD countries reveals that, with very few exceptions, the state apparatus exhibits a considerable ‘‘technology lag’’ with respect to both the CIT-utilization and the CIT-organization of its agenda. Thus, the state apparatus itself has been integrated not so much in its capacity as employer of ‘‘last resort’’, but in its potential for creating new CIT demand. Fourth, one of the major deficiencies in the international OECD program lies in the ‘‘classical’’ or ‘‘traditional’’ view for processes of policy formation, relying mostly on processes of state intervention. Despite a thorough analysis of the empirical consequences of the ‘‘fifth wave’’, no special attention is devoted to the transformation of the spatial levels of policy making in the age of globalization. But an entirely new, globally distributed CIT infrastructure and the emergence of an alternative way of ‘‘self-reflexive modernization’’ or ‘‘modernization II’’ (BECK 1986) simply has to bring about a profound change in the relative importance of global, national or regional policies. Thus, despite moving the conventional industrial confines and despite the integration of both the service sector and organizational 51 issues, the broadened OECD outlook has stopped short of the changing relations with respect to the spatial levels of policy formation and regulation. With these four points of special interest, the presentation of the three international science and technology programs must come to an end. In the final section of Part I, a synthesizing summary will be propsed which will be devoted both to the national and to the international policy programs for reconfiguring advanced National Innovation Systems within the European region. 52 53 SECTION III: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS - AN EPIGENETIC COMPARISON 54 The final section will bring both a short comparison and a summary of the main national and international programs which have been discussed so far. Despite major differences with respect to underlying ‘‘great developmental visions’’ or with respect to the ‘‘effectiveness’’ of planning and control, the epigenetic ‘‘structuration’’ proves to be powerful enough to offer a unifying comparative framework of analysis both for the national and for the international policy programs. 1. Policy Programs and the Four Epigenetic Dimensions The first major point to be made is very simple and straightforward. Due to the fact that the epigenetic framework relies on four basic dimensions, the first chapter will demonstrate that the five policy programs discussed above contain essential elements in all four epigenetic domains. (See Table 2.1, below) Table 2.1: Three Paradigmatic Policy Examples For Each of the Four Epigenetic Dimensions EPIGENETIC DIMENSION POLICY PROGRAMS P - P Dimension Enhancing the Cluster-Densities Exchange Programs Economy - Science Organizing Societal ‘‘Missions’’ Innovation-Driven Research Focusing R&D on ‘‘Clean Technologies’’ Increasing Science-Based ‘‘Evaluation .Processes’’ Improving the Cognitive Infrastructure (Data Sources, Theoretical Approaches) Developing an Ordered Knowledge Base with Respect to New Technologies Creating a Comprehensive Information Basis for Science and Technology Policies Increasing the Number of Potential Users for ‘‘An-Institutes’’ Enlarging Training Programs in High-Tech Domains P - G Dimension G - G Dimension G - P Dimension 55 New Innovation Oriented Curricula 56 Despite the distributablity on all four epigenetic dimensions, it must be noted as a general observation that the first epigenetic dimension on networking, the P - P interactions, occupies by far the most important role within all five programs. It should be added as an important deviation that in the subsequent Part II, a requirement of equal strength across all four epigenetic dimensions has been imposed, increasing, thus, the relative importance of P - G, of G - G and, especially consequential, of G - P policies. 2. A Profile of Strengths and Weaknesses of Existing Innovation Programs The final chapter will be devoted to a preliminary analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the national and international technology and innovation programs, discussed within the previous two sections. The reference framework for determining actual weak spots comes, quite obvious, from the new epigenetic architecture of National Innovation Systems. Taking the four basic dimensions and an ‘‘equal strength requirement’’ on the one hand and the scope of the NIS-context (NIS-III, NIS IV, ... NIS-S) on the other hand as the two decisive points of evaluation, four extreme cases can be distinguished from a purely ‘‘logical point of view’’. Table 2.3: Potential Scope and Concentration of Science and Technology Programs PROGRAM CONTEXT NARROW WIDE BALANCED Program Set I Program Set II UNBALANCED Program Set III Program Set IV EPIGENETIC DISTRIBUTION From Table 2.2, one can see four potential classes of science and technology programs. 57 First, a small NIS III extension and an equal distribution of the policy programs across the four epigenetic dimensions indicates, at least at first sight, a well-balanced, though narrowly defined set of policy measures. Second, a wide (small) NIS-extension and a highly unequal concentration within one of the four epigenetic dimensions can be used as an important indications of ambitious policy programs with persistent weaknesses and ‘‘blind spots’’ (wide NIS conetxt, unequal epigenetic distribution) which have to be eliminated by furnisihing additional programs and reforms within the remaining three dimensions, too. Third, in the best of all policy worlds, a comprehensive, societal oriented implementation context goes hand in hand with a well-balanced set of policy programs, distributed with equal power across the four epigenetic dimensions. Table 2.3, then, gives some indications on strength-weaknesses profiles of the five national and international innovation and technology programs. The most surprising result of Table 2.3 can be formulated as an essential trade-off between the policy programs analyzed so far. Programs with societal impetus like the EU White Paper or the Austrian TIP-program put a heavy focus on the networking dimension P - P alone, neglecting the three remaining spaces for policy intervention. Narrowly defined NIS III programs on the other hand like the Green Paper, the OECD Program or the WU-Program, show considerably more attention for the three other epigenetic dimension, especially for the necessary requirements and re-configurations of the knowledge bases. In this sense, the subsequent policy deliberations will be aimed, inter alia, at a policy set which moves beyond the present trade-off, attempting to reach a NIS-S policy agenda for science and technology areas which, however, integrate all four epigenetic dimensions. 58 Table 2.3: Scope and Concentration of Five Innovation and Technology Programs TYPE OF PROGRAM SCOPE OF THE PROGRAMS DEGREE OF CONCENTRATION AUSTRIAN TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM Relatively Wide NIS-S Context (Society-Based, Cluster Differentiation for the Economic-Sector, High Differentiations for the ‘‘Science Cluster’’, High Aggregation for the State Sector and Other Societal Segments (Media, Public, etc.) Almost Exclusively Centered around the P-P Dimension Weaknesses in the P - G and in the G - G Dimension HIGH TECH MARKETING By Definition Narrow NIS III Context More Balanced Within the the Four Epigenetic Dimensions EU WHITE PAPER Relatively Wide Context Close to a NIS S-Framework (Environment, Sustainability, Quality of Life, Soli- darity, etc.) Almost Entirely Concentrated within the Networking Dimension P-P EU-GREEN PAPER A Narrowly Circumscribed NIS III Context (Focus on FirmScience Interactions, Relatively Undifferentiated State Agencies, etc.) A Well-Distributed Set of Reforms, Putting Heavy Emphasis on the G-G or on the G-P Dimension, too OECD-PROGRAM ON TECHNOLOGY AND Dimension EMPLOYMENT A Relatively Small Context of NIS III (Highly Similar to the A High Concentration within the Networking PROGRAM EU Green Paper, except for a Strong Emphasis on the Employment Aspect of Innovations) 59 P-P; a Strong Emphasis on the Distribution-Oriented G-P Dimension PART II: POLICY PROGRAMS FOR THE AUSTRIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM: THE BOUNDED CAPACITIES FOR RAPID SELF-ORGANIZATION 60 A SUMMARY FOR PART II The subsequent chapters will reveal far-reaching policy implications within the new epigenetic perspectives which have been introduced throughout the preceding volumes, especially in Volume I, Volume II, Volume IV and Volume V. Due to the radically new archietcture for National Innovation Systems, taking its prime focus in a dual level interconnective ‘‘rectangle’’ of NIS-genotypes and NISphenotypes, the main policy recommendations will and must follow a different pattern when compared to conventional accounts of ‘‘steering’’ and ‘‘control’’. In particular, the three main sections of Part II can be charcterized by the following summary. The first section of the subsequent policy part runs under the label of ‘‘epigenetic policy foundations’’, stressing, above all, the principal components of an epigenetic policy mix, emphasizing the following three areas. ‘‘Steering’’ and ‘‘control’’ are conceptualized as a subset proper of problem classes with respect to intersystemic couplings and connections ... Essential self-organization principles for steering and control within and across the four epigenetic dimensions are put forward ... Partially new frameworks for conceptualizing NIS-policies will be introduced, namely, on the one hand, policy typologies for a NIS III ensemble of science, economy and the state and, on the other hand, proper recombinations of these epigenetic policy categories with the indicator systems and classes introduced in Volume IV. Section II is devoted, then, to a comprehensive compilation of appropriate policy measures for the entire Austrian Innovation System architecture, comprising eight program groups in the area of science and technology policies, summarized within Table 0.1 (next page). Due to the overall evolutionary and dynamic approaches of the entire project, the spirit of the subsequent deliberations will be ‘‘de-mission oriented’’, marking thus a sharp contrast to the existing Austrian science and technology program (BAYER et al. 1994) which contains a strong ‘‘mission orientation’’ (BAYER et al 1994:85pp.). 61 Table 0.1: Eight Evolutionary Agenda for Stimulating the Austrian Innovation System P-P DIMENSION EPIGENETIC DIMENSIONS P-G DIMENSION G-G DIMENSION G-P DIMENSION NIS DISTRIBUTION POWER EVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMS I EVOLUTIONARY EVOLUTIONARY EVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMS II PROGRAMS III PROGRAMS IV NIS ENSMEBLE POWER EVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMS V EVOLUTIONARY EVOLUTIONARY EVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMS VI PRORAMS VII PROGRAMS VIII Finally, Section III will bring some conclusions for increasing processes of ‘‘self-reflexivity’’ and ‘‘self-monitoring’’ within the science system itself. These reforms will focus mainly on two different aspects. First, the appropriate infrastructure will be summarized which becomes indispensable for stepping up processes of ‘‘observing science’’ or, alternatively, of ‘‘science observed’’. Second, some implications of self-reflexive research organizations and of altered daily scientific routines will be outlined which, upon closer inspection, coincide not surprisingly with main characteristics of Mode II ‘‘knowledge production’’. Thus, the three sections of the Policy Part II bring the entire project to a logical end which, in more than one way, leads, once again, to the starting points specified in Volume I. After all, considering the beginning in Chapter I on ‘‘Evolutionary Systems’’ within Volume I, the long and winding research trajectories through theory space, through model worlds or through the empirical indicator domains have produced an overwhelming evidence that National Innovation Systems can be attributed the following five characteristcs. First, the processes under investigation have been characterized by attributes such as increasing complexity, critical fluctuations, pattern formations, discontinuities, non- 62 linearities, sensitivity for differences in the initial conditions, structural changes, chaotic oscillations and the like. Second, it has been reasonable to assume that these attributes are not the consequence of a central steering or control unit but the outcome of the interactions between the systemic components. Moreover, the systems in question should be composed of a large number of distinctive sub-components. Third, the prevalent relations of the field under investigation have been lying in the internal dynamics of the systems components and not, at least not in a predominant way, in the systems-environment relations. Fourth, the essential processes and structures of the systemic components - their withinorganization - have turned out to be, again in principle, observable and historically as well as actually measurable. Fifth, general requirements like ‘‘comparative advantages’’ have become, at least in their essential segments, specifiable. Quod erat demonstrandum 63 SECTION I: STEERING AND CONTROL IN EPIGENTIC SYSTEMS 64 1. CONCEPTUAL PRE-REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF REFORM PROGRAMS Having summarized a variety of national as well as international innovation and technology programs from an epigenetic point of view, it should come as no surprise that the analysis of reforms and policy measures for Austria requires from its very outset a comparatively large class of new definitions and additional clarifications, necessary for an adequate understanding especially of Section II and Section III. 1.1. PRELIMINARY ADAPTATIONS OF ‘‘STEERING’’ AND ‘‘CONTROL’’ WITHIN AN EPIGENETIC FRAMEWORK The first chapter centers around the question of necessary modifications in order to conceptualize science and technology programs within an appropriate epigenetic framework. Here, five preliminary steps must be undertaken for a successful accomplishment of the required transformations. The first step may seem trivial but has some far-reaching implications which are seldom taken seriously in conventional policy accounts of National Innovation Systems. More concretely, the first requirement asks simply for an integration of the policy reform units in a NISframework which must encompass, then, the policy institutions as subset proper. Taking the current NIS-investigations as prime example, the NIS-analysis has to shift from a NIS II ensemble with Double Helices (Genotype Levels)/ Double Networks (Phenotype Levels) into a NIS III configuration with Triple Helices (Genotype Levels) / Triple Networks (Phenotype Levels) 65 Here, the state apparatus in general and the policy shaping state units are to be considered as new elements both at the genotype and on the phenotype levels. Second, since large scale social systems like the economy, science or the state are to be constructed as mainly internally propagated self-organizing ensembles far beyond the visions of ‘‘trivial machines’’ (Heinz von Foerster), the problem of steering and control must be adressed within a non-trivial framwork, too, where the trivial input ⇒ output linkages must be replaced by state-determined internal ‘‘mechanisms’’ and by an indirect connection of systemic inputs and outputs. Moreover, the problem of intra-systemic control and steering has to be couched within a non-trivial systemic framework, too. Following Stafford Beer (1994a,b,c) or, as a variation of a ‘‘complexity thema’’, Ralph Glanville (1988), Herbert Simon (1993) or Helmut Willke (1995, 1996), one is led to a complex intra-systemic control configuration of the following type Controls ... cannot be designed in the sense in which most people would understand that term, because there is nowhere near sufficient understanding about the detailed structure of the organism itself, nor of the environment to which it has to adapt, nor of the interaction between these two. But this is not to say that controls for viable systems cannot be designed at all. Certainly, we can design those error-regulating negative feedbacks that directly reduce the powers allowed to a wandering variable, and indirectly force it back to its acknowledged best level. But it has also been shown that feedback must operate on the entire structure of whatever proliferates variety, on its organization, on the built-in sub-systems that produce aberrant behaviour. It is this deeper-level control that can be designed: a ‘meta-control’ mechanism capable of amplifiying such control power as is built into it by its designer to cope with the unexpected. (BEER 1994a:301p.) Third, for the level of two or more interconnected large scale socio-economic systems, a slightly modified non-trivial input ⇔ withinput ⇔ output-perspective can be put forward in which three inter-systemic innovation types can be distinguished. Innovations in the output-input relations between two large scale systems (new outputs of system σ1 become new inputs for σ2, σ3 ... which, in turn, lead to innovations within σ2, σ3 ... etc.) Innovations in the input-output intersection of two large scale systems (new inputs for σ1 lead, in turn, to innovative outputs of σ2, σ3 ... etc.) Innovations via a withinput-withinput imitation in at least two large scale systems (a withinput-component in σ1 becomes, in turn, imitated and adapted in the withinorganization of σ2, σ3 ... etc) 66 Thus, the main innovation processes for the duality of epigenetic levels between large scale socio-economic ensembles σI and σj can be classified as Outputi-Inputj Innovations Inputi-Outputj Innovations Withinputi-Withinputj Innovations It goes almost without saying that the same types of classifications and taxonomies can be used for different types of denovations which follow exactly the same pattern of differentiation and can be classified, thus, as Outputi-Inputj Denovations Inputi-Outputj Denovations Withinputi-Withinputj Denovations The subsequent Table 1.1 summarizes the preceding discussion on interconnetivity between large scale socio-economic systems and their innovative or denovative consequences. Table 1.1: Changes at the Level of Interactions between Large Scale Systems CHANGES INNOVATIVE EFFECTS: Comparative Advantages for Interconnected Large Scale Systems (Increase in Average Fitness of Systems) DENOVATIVE EFFECTS: Comparative Disadvantages for Interconnected Large Scale Systems (Decrease in Average Fitness of Systems) Fourth, outside changes from the environments of systems σ1, σ2 .... which on the average systemic level increase the average fitness (reproduction, competitiveness), can be classified, once again, as excitatory turbulence whereas changes, deteriorating the average fitness (reproduction, competitiveness) of large scale socio-economic systems, will be labeled, likewise, as inhibitory turbulence. Consequently, the trajectories of environmentally interconnected large scale socio-economic systems can undergo evolutionary or devolutionary 67 phases, depending on the effects of withinside (intra-systemic), inside (inter-systemic) or outside (extra-systemic) changes on their average fitnesses (reproduction, competitiveness). Table 1.2 captures the essence of possible linkage structures between large scale socioeconomic systems and their natural environments. Table 1.2: Changes at the Level of Large Scale Systems - Environment Interactions CHANGES EXCITATORY TURBULENCE: Comparative Advantages INHIBITORY for Environmentally TURBULENCE: Interconnected Large Scale Systems (Increase in Average Fitness of Large-Scale Socio-Economic System) Comparative Disadvantages for Environmentally Interconnected Large Scale Systems (Decrease in Average Fitness of Large-Scale Socio-Economic System) 1.2. ‘‘STEERING’’ AND ‘‘CONTROL’’ AS INTER - SYSTEMIC LINKAGE DOMAINS In the present chapter, processes of ‘‘steering’’ and ‘‘control’’, especially the control relations between the state and the science system which are assumed, following conventional wisdom accounts, to exhibit strong and close steering ties from the state sphere to the area of science, will be conceptualized in an alternative manner which can be summarized by two main methodological devices. First, the state sphere and the area of science are to be analyzed as separate and autonomous systems respectively irrespective of the highly interlocked and entangled financial flows and the apparent control linkages from the state apparatus to the science system. Second, in many instances of interconnected systems analysis, it is worthwhile to conceptualize the relations between systems as a genuine system itself, increasing, thus, the 68 main systemic components of a NIS III ensemble to four principal elements, namely to science, economy, state and to a ‘‘transfer module’’. Surprisingly enough, four major justifications can be presented which, hopefully, will make these particular steps more intelligible. First, the general outlook employed by the present evolutionary or, more concretely, by the current epigenetic approach does assume, due to the degree of closures, or alternatively, due to a predominantly internally propagated dynamics in large scale socio-economic systems that, at least as starting hypothesis, no determinative control and steering effects between large scale socio-economic systems should be taken for granted a priori. Consequently, popular concepts like the hypercomplexity of modernity and postmodern variations on the magical meta-thema of ‘‘connectiones omnium cum omnibus’’ are seen much more in the light of a specific Lebensgefühl than as a self-evident starting or background assumption for a systemic policy research. In addition, the suitable metaphors, if any, for the policy relations between large scale socio-economic systems are the ones of various, largely independent patterns of relations between non-trivial multi-layered networks and helices - or living systems for short (MILLER 1978). Second, it must be stressed again and again that for the question of intersystemic controls between two or more large scale socio-economic systems a considerable problem arises, namely the question of attribution, or, in terms of the Austrian School of Economics, of Zurechnungen. Consider, for matters of simplicity, a financial support program for research institutes which over a period of five years has effectively increased the technical infrastructure and which has stepped up the local connectivity as well as the research interconnectivities at the national level. The resulting problem is simply one of attribution whether the observable consequences are to be regarded as the effects of the policy program. Here, the introduction of a transfer module offers an interesting possibility for attributions since the internal dynamics of the controlled system as well as of the transfer module offer, in conjunction, an appropriate basis for deciding whether the observed processes and improvements can be justifiably attributed to the dynamics of the transfer module and, thus, to the consequences of the policy program under consideration - or not. Third, in the presence of both complex developmental patterns between a policy generating system and another large scale ensemble and considerable flows between both system areas, the transition system acquires, metaphorically speaking, an ‘‘internal logic’’. Phrased differently, the transition system is assumed to follow an internally propagated dynamics of its own ... 4 4 For the usefulness of a specification of the transitions between education and employment as a system of its own see e.g. LASSNIGG (1989). 69 Fourth, attempts to establish policy linkages between a comparatively large number of large scale socio-economic subsystems remains definitely a viable and valuable research strategy, though an important qualification must be added: In cases of three, four or more interlinked socio-economic systems, attribution and boundary problems increase, almost by necessity, in an exponential fashion.5 Due to the shift in perspective from ‘‘steering’’ and control’’ to intersystemic linkages, systemic fitness and turbulences, two core epigenetic concepts can be introduced at this point, namely intersystemic coordination intersystemic disturbance In a precise manner, these two concepts can be defined in the subsequent way. Table 1.3: Intersystemic Coordination and Intersystemic Disturbance COMMON PREREQUIREMENTS Linkages between at least Two Large-Scale Socio-Economic Systemsi,j Substantial Function of Interlinkages for Systemic Performancesi,j DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN ‘‘COORDINATION’’ AND ‘‘DISTURBANCE’’ INTERSYSTEMIC Comparative Advantages INTERSYSTEMIC COORDINATION: for the Totality of DISTURBANCE: Interconnected Large Scale Systemsi,j (Increase in Average Fitness of the Two Large-Scale Socio-Economic Systems i,j) 5 Comparative Disadvantages for the Totality of Interconnected Large Scale Systemsi,j (Decrease in Average Fitness of the Two Large-Scale Socio-Economic System i,j) Moreover, the policy linking of all relevant large scale socio-economic systems into a single complex of national or world societies, while a rewarding and desirable research strategy in its own right, can neither be assumed the final and most fundamental goal of the social sciences nor a complete representation of the totality of society. Contrary to stylized perspectives like the one raised by Immanuel Wallerstein (1991), a global policy systems approach remains just a single reserach path to follow amidst a truly infinite phase space of possible systemic trajectories. Even worse, a global systems approach cannot be qualified as the most important sans phrase either, since notions like relevance or importance remain intimately linked to the eyes of the observer. And, fortunately or unfortunately enough, the variation of perspectives seems to undergo, almost by necessity, a process of persistent widening and enlargement whereby new cognitive elements open up and, as a genuinely non-intended side-effect, new areas and new frontiers for recombinations, permutations, and variations arise ... 70 With Table 1.3, a significant substitution of ‘‘steering and control’’ to ‘‘corrdination and disturbance’’ has taken place. One of the immediate consequences of the above specifications lies in the introduction of two additional attributes, namely symmetric coordination (disturbance) and asymmetric coordination (disturbance). For symmetric coordination (disturbance), the linkages between two large scale social systemsi,j must be of roughly equal proportions whereas for asymmetric coordination (disturbance) substantially more linkages, both in frequency and in temporal sequencing, are generated from systemi to systemj than from systemj to systemi. Another implication from switching to intersystemic coordination and disturbance processes lies in a differentiation between two types of coordination or disturbance, namely between centralized coordination (disturbance) distributed coordination (disturbance) For a distributed or, alternatively, for a centralized form of coordination, the following relationships hold. For distributed coordination (disturbance), the connections between two large scale social systemsi,j are distributed across a large number of systemic componentsi, acting independently from each other. For centralized coordination (disturbance) however, the independence condition cannot be upheld. Here, a large number of systemic actorsi generate linkages for a systemj in an intentionally planned manner. Clearly, policy programs originating from a single ‘‘master plan’’, fulfill, if successful, the condition of centralized coordination. Conversely, state actors which, independent from each other, engage in a successful policy proliferation, will act in a distributed fashion. To sum up, there seems to be, given the predominant research interests in modeling long term policy formation and steering processes within large scale socio-economic systems, sufficient justification in analyzing NIS III ensembles via the new general epigenetic coordination and disturbance specifications just outlined. 71 2. THE EPIGENETIC BASIS OF COORDINATION AND DISTURBANCE The core step in providing appropriate epigenetic foundations of policy making will establish, then, six major corner stones which become the main conceptual instruments for a self-organization policy analysis. First, the notion of policy programs will be introduced in a more precise fashion, stressing, above all, their G/P dimensions. Second, two concepts, namely ‘‘fitness measures’’ and ‘‘catalytic effects’’ will be proposed as central epigenetic policy criteria. Third, some essential boundaries will be drawn for different types of policies, especially, but not exclusively, for Science Policies Technology Policies Second Order Policies as well as for further spatio-temporal differentiations. Fourth, the problem of the effects and consequences of steering and control within an interlinked epigenetic setting of self-organizing and, thus, ‘‘autonomous’’ large scale socioeconomic systems will be discussed in some detail. More specifically, a non-exhaustive enumeration of possible interlinkages between the state system and other large scale socioeconomic ensembles will make it abundantly clear that policy schemes like those developed by WILLKE (1995), namely the conceptualization of steering and control via Power Financial Flows Knowledge cover only a fraction of ongoing intersystemic policy exchanges in societal settings. 72 Fifth, some essential paradoxes of steering and control will be re-interpreted in the light of the previous analyses. Sixth, ten megatrends in the metamorphosis of policy programs will be provided which complement the already introduced megatrends on the future of knowledge and information societies. In this manner, a partially new perspective will be gained which sheds additional light on current phase transitions in the domain of science and technology policies. 2.1. POLICY PROGRAMS FROM AN EPIGENETIC POINT OF VIEW As an introductory step, policy programs will be defined in the following manner, namely as any welldefined embedded program at the genotype and at the phenotype levels which fulfills most of the following characteristics simultaneously: STATE ORIGIN: First, programs must be formulated and implemented within the large scale state-system. In contrast, coordinative mechanisms as well as self-organization processes by firms, institutes or other non-governmental bodies should not be considered as policy programs. Instead, the notion of ‘‘coordination systems’’ and ‘‘coordination programs’’ will be used for coordinative efforts outside the state system. CONTEXT OF APPLICATION: Second, the policy programs must be specified for a specific domain which, in most cases, lies outside the state system itself although policy programs for the state system itself are clearly not excluded. GOAL SPECIFICATION: Third, policy programs must be devoted to the specification of goal areas G which are to be reached via the program implementation. EMPIRICAL DIFFERENCES: Fourth, the specified goal areas must exhibit a clearly recognizable and measurable difference D to the existing state of affairs. 73 POLICY INSTRUMENTS: Fifth, the programs must exhibit, as one of their core-requirements, a set of instruments I which, in a purely formal manner, can be described as operators for which the following condition holds I: D ⇒ min REACHABILITY: Sixth, the program under consideration has to carry with it a sufficiently plausible justification for the reachability of the goal domains and for the effectiveness of the selected instruments. Thus, policy programs must be linked to the ongoing policy research in order to demonstrate their operative capabilities and their working potential. In this general and, at least prima facie, uncontroversial manner, policy programs can be differentiated, on the one hand, from coordinative efforts within a NIS-II, NIS III or NIS S context and, on the other hand, from other forms of outputs by the state system which do not fulfill the requirements for policy programs. Moreover, for any policy program the two epigenetic levels become of equal importance. At the genotype levels, policy programs can be studied in their codified contents, focusing, thus, on the major program structures, on the theoretical background for the specification of target areas, on the consistency between goal areas and the chosen policy mix, on the compatibilities and incompatibilities between the policy program under investigation and other policy programs for the same spatial ensemble or for other spatial settings. The previous section on national and international science and technology programsmay be regarded as a paradigmatic case for policy analyses at the genotype level, since the major contents of these programs have been discussed. At the phenotype levels, policy programs, due to their embedded character, can be analyzed with respect to their networking effects and capacities, ranging from the financial flows and impact to the level of newly created institutions or to the level of new NIS-actor networks. Moreover, the implementation of policy programs as well as the degree and type of utilization form another group of vital policy analyses at the phenotype levels. With this definitional exercise, a provisional concept of policy programs has been gained which, however, needs a large amount of additional specifications and explications. 74 2.2. THREE CENTRAL EPIGENETIC POLICY CONCEPTS: FITNESS - MEASURES, CATALYTIC MANAGEMENT, TEMPORAL SEQUENCING The next steps in the epigenetic foundations of policy making consist in the introduction of three concepts which become of vital importance in formulating and assessing science or technology policies. These three concepts, taken together, could serve as one of the cornerstones for an epigenetic policy formation, both with respect to policy contents and with respect to policy analysis. Together with the subsequent explorations of policy typologies and, above all, with current phase transitions in policy making, an appropriate and comprehensive epigenetic policy plattform will be specified in a sufficiently complete fashion. 2.2.1. FITNESS - MEASURES The first concept, namely ‘‘fitness measures’’, produces the necessary empirical guidelines for evaluating NIS policies and the trajectories of National Innovation Systems. In general, the notion of ‘‘fitness’’ has been introduced and discussed at length already in Volume I. The important additional qualification to be made within the policy context comes through the recombination of ‘‘fitness measures’’ with the performance and local domain indicators of the NIS distribution power and the NIS ensemble power. Here, two broad fitness domains can be differntiated, namely General NIS Fitness Measures Specific NIS Fitness Measures 75 Stated very generally, the OECD averages of NIS performance indicators and local domain indicators can be considered both as the appropriate empirical measures of general or special fitness and, moreover, as the precise target areas for the shaping and defining of above or below average NIS fitness. The major justification for using OECD averages as thze major determinant for fitness ranges and fitness values can be given in three different lines of reasoning. First, OECD averages, be they weighted or unweighted, point to the current NIS state within the context of the most developed regions in the world. Thus, OECD averages are to be considered as a ‘‘natural’’ way for partitioning superior NIS performances, expressed by above average values, from their inferior counterparts, characterized by below average measurements. Moreover, the cardinal NIS data for OECD averages allow for a variety of additional categorizations, ranging from the shape of the OECD wide distribution to the intertemporal development patterns across nations. Second, OECD averages and, consequently, above and below average values are, from a scientific point of view, of a comparatively high data quality , yielding precise numerical values, distances and orderings within and between National Innovation Systems. Especially important, short and long distances from OECD averages, NIS performances slightly above and high above the OECD averages can be identified in an intersubjectively ‘‘satisficing’’ manner. Third, OECD averages and above average values become an easily specifiable domain for policy targets within OECD countries, since the following list of intertemporal policy objectives can be formulated in the mode of Table 2.1. Table 2.1: Intertemporal NIS Policy Objectives SHORT RUN MEDIUM RUN LONG TERM Improvement Average Position Above Average AVERAGE POSITIONS: Improvement Above Average Leading Position ABOVE AVERAGE Improvement Leading Position Retaining Status BELOW AVERAGE POSITIONS: 76 POSITIONS: LEADING POSITION: Improvement Retaining Status Retaining Status In the manner of Table 2.1, ‘‘catalytic processes’’ in NIS formation can be set in motion in which, in a variation to Lewis Carroll, any National Innovation System has to introduce and accomplish substantial changes, reforms and innovations in order to retain its relative position. For upward movements within the dynamic OECD context, twice as many changes, reforms and innovations become necessary. To sum up, the OECD averages in the NIS performance and local domain indicators determine the ranges for high and low distribution/ensemble power in the following manner. (See Table 2.2, next page) Likewise, a similar definitional procedure yields the corresponding definitions for ‘‘fitness measures’’ in specific local domains of the distribution/ensemble power of National Innovation Systems. (See Table 2.3, next page) Table 2.2: General Fitness Measures within an Epigenetic Framework ABOVE AVERAGE FITNESS: A National Innovation System exhibits high fitness measures in its distribution/ensemble power iff the performance indicators for the NIS distribution/ensemble power are, on the average, higher than the corresponding OECD-averages. AVERAGE FITNESS: A National Innovation System exhibits average fitness measures in its distribution/ensemble power iff the performance indicators for the NIS distribution/ensemble power are, on the average, within the same range as the corresponding OECD-averages. BELOW AVERAGE FITNESS: A National Innovation System exhibits low fitness measures in its distribution/ensemble power iff the performance indicators for the NIS distribution/ensemble power are, on the average, lower than the corresponding OECD-averages. 77 78 Table 2.3: Special Fitness Measures within an Epigenetic Framework ABOVE AVERAGE FITNESS: indicators A National Innovation System exhibits high fitness measures in a local domain of its distribution/ensemble power iff the local domain are, on the average, higher than the corresponding OECD-averages. AVERAGE FITNESS: A National Innovation System exhibits average fitness measures in its distribution/ensemble power iff the performance indicators for the NIS distribution/ensemble power are, on the average, within the same range as the corresponding OECD-averages. BELOW AVERAGE A National Innovation System exhibits low fitness measures in its distribution/ensemble power iff the performance indicators for the NIS distribution/ensemble power are, on the average, lower than the corresponding OECD-averages. FITNESS: Finally, Diagram 2.1 points to a morphological space of possible NIS-fitness positions, where, especially important, the NIS-distribution power and the NIS-ensemble power are characterized by independent axes. (See Diagram 2.1, next page) Consequently, the formal definitions for the four possible fields in the Diagram 2.1 can be provided in an obvious and self-evident way which has been summarized by Table 2.4 (next page) From the definitional accounts of Table 2.4 and from the empirical results of the performance indicators and local domain indicators in Volume IV it follows immediately that the current Austrian Innovation System occupies a position of low distribution power / low ensemble power closer to the origin than to the center of the Diagram 2.1, when using the available OECD averages. 79 Diagram 2.1: A Two-Dimensional Space for Possible NIS Positions Ensemble Power high low Distribution Power low high Table 2.4: Definitions for NIS-Locations in the Distribution/Ensemble Power Space DOMAIN OF POSSIBLE FITNESS POSITIONS HIGH/HIGH A NIS location of high distribution power/high ensemble power across all four epigenetic dimensions is characterized by above OECD average values in NIS performance indicators. LOW/LOW Conversely, a NIS location of low distribution power/low ensemble power across all four epigenetic dimensions is characterized by below OECD average values in NIS performance indicators. 80 Table 2.4: Definitions for NIS-Locations in the Distribution/Ensemble Power Space (Continued) HIGH/LOW LOW/HIGH by Finally, a NIS location of low (high) distribution power/high (low) ensemble power across all four epigenetic dimensions is characterized below (above) OECD average values in performance indicators of NIS distribution power and by above (below) average values in performance indicators of NIS ensemble power.. 2.2.2. CATALYTIC MANAGEMENT Having introduced the measurement bases for the NIS fitness by invoking the corresponding OECDaverages, the next step may be even considered a logical one since it is devoted to the overall contents of policy programs for National Innovation Systems. Consequently, the second notion of ‘‘catalytic management’’ (GALL 1990:143) or, alternatively, of ‘‘catalytic effects’’, summarizes, then, the most general policy directions and objectives. In its most obvious and, at the same time, most trivial form, ‘‘catalytic management’’ can be introduced as the sustained proliferation of policy programs, be they direct, indirect or structural, which, from their general policy background, are justifiably linked with positively sloped trajectories within the phase space of Diagram 2.1. Table 2.5: Catalytic Policy Management within an Epigenetic Framework CATALYTIC MANAGEMENT A sustainable flow of policy programs which are accompanied by an upward path of the National Innovation System from its current position to a new location of high distribution power/high ensemble power across and within all four epigenetic dimensions. 81 So far, the overall definition, due to its trivial nature, poses no cognitive problems. However, the emphasis on steering and control as inter-systemic connectivity, on the non-trivial character of intersystemic linkages, etc. makes it imperative to adjust the definition for ‘‘catalytic management’’, introduced above, with the overall epigenetic and self-organizing theory background. In order to accomplish this objective, ‘‘catalytic policy management’’ will become a definitional counterpart, namely ‘‘retarding policy management’’ which is operative in the subsequent circumstances of Table 2.6. Table 2.6: Retarding Policy Management within an Epigenetic Framework A sustainable flow of policy programs which are accompanied by a nonRETARDING MANAGEMENT positive path of the National Innovation System from its current position across and within all four epigenetic dimensions. Thus, the policy output from the state system can be associated with . For the attribution of ‘‘catalytic management’’, two independent requirements become necessary. First, the NIS performance indicators must exhibit a positively sloped trajectory within Diagram 2.1. Second, there must be a cognitive linkage between the policy programs, their implementations, the reactions and adaptations outside the state domain and, finally, the positively sloped NIS-trajectories. From the two requirements just specified, one is led, thus, to Table 2.7 where two different types of policy proliferation are to be differentiated, namely, on the one hand, ‘‘catalytic policy programs’’ and, on the other hand, ‘‘retarding policy programs’’. Table 2.7: Catalytic and Retarding Policy Programs CATALYTIC Policy Programs which are creating positive effetcs within a NIS III 82 POLICY PROGRAMS: ensemble and which contribute substantially to a sustainable upward path of National Innovation Systems, once again measured by NIS performance or local domain indicators, are to be qualified as ‘‘catalytic policy programs’’. Table 2.7: Catalytic and Retarding Policy Programs (Continued) RETARDING POLICY sustainable PROGRAMS: Programs which are creating non-positive effetcs within a NIS III ensemble and which contribute substantially to at least a nonposition of National Innovation Systems, once again measured by NISperformance or local domain indicators, are to be qualified as ‘‘retarding policy programs’’. Finally, Table 2.7 leads to the following three NIS policy regimes which are specified in Table 2.8. 2.8: Four Policy Regimes in National Innovation Systems CATALYTIC MANAGEMENT: Positively Sloped NIS-Trajectories/Substantial Policy Contribution NON-CATALYTIC MANAGEMENT: Positively Sloped NIS-Trajectories/Non-Substantial Policy Contribution Non-Positively Sloped NIS-Trajectories/Non-Substantial Policy Contribution RETARDING MANAGEMENT: Non-Positively Sloped NIS-Trajectories/Substantial Policy Contribution Following the discussions and suggestions on conceptualizing the impact of the NIS-distribution power and of the NIS-ensemble power in Volume IV, the two core-imperatives for shaping policy programs can be written down immediately as fitness enhancing demands of the format - 83 Increase the Fitness of the NIS-Distribution Power Increase the Fitness of the NIS-Ensemble Power Moreover, the possible spaces for catalytic intervention can be specified very easily by adjusting the overall epigenetic architecture. Table 2.9: The Policy Space for Catalytic Intervention POLICY SET I: INCREASING THE INTER-AND INTRASYSTEMIC NETWORK DENSITIES P1: Policy Programs for the Information Configuration I ⇒ P ⇑ POLICY SET IV: IMPROVING THE KNOWLEDGE UTILIZATION POTENTIAL P4:Policy Programs for the Knowledge Configuration II Ü POLICY SET II: P ⇓ POLICY SET II: NEW QUALITY NEW QUALITY OFFENSIVES OFFENSIVES P2: Policy Programs P2:Policy Profor the Information grams for the Configuration I Information G G Configuration II POLICY SET III: STEPPING UP THE AUSTRIAN KNOWLEDGE BASES P3: Policy Programs for the Knowledge Configuration I ⇒ 2.2.3. TEMPORAL SEQUENCING Finally, the necessary catalytic policy programs and, more imprtantly, the catalytic policy regime can and must be organized within a NIS-specific time scale, separating, on the one hand, long term programs from 84 their short and medium term counterparts and dividing, above all, different policy goals in the stepwise format of Table 2.1. (See Table 2.1, above) In order to guarantee a minimal consistency between the different time horizons, the following consistency requirements can be put forward: First, long-term programs should be in concordance with short and medium term programs so as to guarantee a minimum of non-intended and un-intended effects in the short and medium run. Second, short term programs should exhibit a minimum degree of non-intended and unintended effects in the medium and in the long run so as to ensure a concordance with long term programs. Aside from the temporal convergence of policy programs irrespective of their temporal duration, temporal dimensions play, as has been shown in Table 2.1, a vital role in determining the contents of policy goals, leading to an ordering of the format Short Run - Incremental Improvements Medium Run - Qualitative Changes Long Term - Sustainable Qualitative Changes (For a summary, see Table 2.10, below) In the case of Austria, for example, the temporal arrangement of long-term and short-term goals assumes, due to the relative backwardness of the Austrian Innovation System both within the fields of distribution power and of ensemble power, a straightforward format which has been summarized in Table 2.11. (See Table 2.11, next page) Table 2.10: Temporal Sequences for Overall Goals in Science and Technology Policy SHORT-TERM NIS GOALS: Goal values for NIS performance and local domain indicators for distribution power and for ensemble power above the current position. MEDIUM-TERM NIS GOALS: Goal values for NIS performance and local domain indicators for distribution power and for ensemble power above the current 85 NIS - category. LONG-TERM NIS GOALS: Goal values for NIS performance and local domain indicators for distribution power and for ensemble power at the top of OECDpositions. Table 2.11: Temporal Sequences for Overall Goals in Austrian Science and Technology Policy SHORT-TERM NIS GOALS: Goal values for NIS performance and local domain indicators for distribution power and for ensemble power above the current position. MEDIUM-TERM NIS GOALS: Goal values for NIS performance and local domain indicators for distribution power and for ensemble power within the OECD averages. LONG-TERM Goal values for NIS performance and local domain indicators for distribution power and for ensemble power above the OECD averages. NIS GOALS: Phrased differently, a successful restructuring of the Austrian National Innovation System must be considered as a very long term process of thirty to forty years in the minimum, since the rational longterm expectations lie, at least with respect to the performance indicators for the NIS distribution and ensemble power, in an upward movement above OECD averages, but clearly below a leadership position except for selected local NIS domains. 2.3. MAJOR POLICY - TYPES FOR COORDINATION AND DISTURBANCE The next point, while nearly self-evident, offers an important the differentiation between different policy groups. Retaining, for obvious reasons, the epigenetic framework and the different NIS-families, a 86 suggestion, put forward by MOWERY (1994) will be taken up and systematized which will lead to four different types of policy programs. First, with respect to technology policies, David C. Mowery provides a clear-cut demarcation which separates technology programs from other like trade policies or monetary policies. ‘Technology policy’ is defined as the policies that are intended to influence the decisions of firms to develop, commercialize, or to adopt new technologies. (MOWERY 1994:8) 6 Second, in a similar manner, the field of science policies can be differentiated from other sets of policy programs, by focusing on a specific set of actors - institutes - and on a special target area, namely cognitive innovations and their diffusion. ‘Science policy’ is defined as the policies that are intended to influence the decisions of institutes to develop or to adopt new scientific programs as well as to distribute these new programs at the national and at the international level. 7 Third, the term ‘‘second order policies’’ refers within a NIS-III context to the possibility of reshaping the policy producing institutions, i.e. the state system itself which, by necessity, leads to a ‘‘second order configuration’’ of new policies for policy making. ‘Second order policy’ is defined as the policies that are intended to influence the decisions of those institutions which are primarily concerned with the formulation and the propagation of science and technology policies. In subsequent chapters, the term STS-policies (Science, Technology, Second Order-Policies) will be used for the combination of all three policy types. Fourth, in a simple mode of recombinations, ‘‘innovation policies’’ can be introduced in a highly general manner, comprising both science and technology policies within a NIS II 6 In a still more general format, technology policies could be introduced in the following manner ‘Technology policy’ is defined as the policies that are intended to influence the decisions of essential economic actors ( ... firm departments, firms, sectors, clusters ...) to develop, commercialize, or to adopt new technologies. 7 Likewise, ‘science policies’ could be de-linked from the institute level to the more general format of science actors, ranging from ... individual scientists, institutes up to disciplines or scientific clusters ... 87 context - and including many additional policy genres like ‘‘family policies’’, ‘‘cultural policy’’, etc. within a NIS-S ensemble. ‘Innovation policy’ is defined as the policies that are intended to influence the decisions of NIS-actors to develop, commercialize, or to adopt new technologies. (MOWERY 1994:8) Another important aspect aside from the domains of steering and control, lies in the scope of regulation where, relying on the epigenetic foundations as well as on the spatio-temporal aspects of diffusion, three different dimensions and, consequently, eight extremal types will be distinguished, namely Special Programs (Phenotype/Genotype Levels)/Local Level/Short Term Special Programs (Phenotype/Genotype Levels)/Local Level/Long Term Special Programs (Phenotype/Genotype Levels)/Global Level/Short Term Special Programs (Phenotype/Genotype Levels)/Global Level/Long Term General Programs (Phenotype/Genotype Levels)/Local Level/Short Term General Programs (Phenotype/Genotype Levels)/Local Level/Short Term General Programs (Phenotype/Genotype Levels)/Global Level/Short Term General Programs (Phenotype/Genotype Levels)/Global Level/Long Term While almost self-explanatory, the three different dimensions for special/general programs at the loacal/global level as well along the short term/long term time scale can be differentiated according to the following criteria. For the first dimension, policy programs can be differentiated according to the epigenetic scope and according to the numbers of NIS-actors affected by it. Thus, the appropriate indicators for measuring special/general programs lie, on the one hand, in their effects and ramifications within the four epigenetic dimensions and, on the other hand, in the number of actors within an Innovation System which are significantly influenced by the policy program under question. The second dimension proceeds along a single spatial criterion, separating RIS-policies for relatively small sub-national units from their NIS-counterparts and, finally, from the GISlevel in which policies for the Global Innovation System are implemented. Finally, the third dimension can be measured in historical time which leads, consequently, to a grouping of short term policies (effects are absorbed within one year), medium term-policies 88 (absorption time of one to five years) and long term polices with ongoing effects beyond five years. Another essential distinction, related directly to the available ‘‘knowledge bases’’ on basic NIS transfer and diffusion processes separates policy programs in three different sets, namely into direct, indirect and structural policy programs. The main point of differentiation is clearly cognitive in nature, as will become immediately clear from the subsequent differentiations. DIRECT POLICY PROGRAMS: For direct programs, the number of NIS actors affected as well as the effects of the programs can be anticipated via a policy model with suffiecient acczuracy. More formally, direct policy programs require the following set up. For a direct policy program Pp, specified for a policy field Fp, with goal areas Gp, policy instruments Ip and, finally, with an observable difference Dp between the Is-state and the Ought state, one can identify a theoretical justification, be it based on formalized policy models or on a set of qualitative hypotheses, on the future trajectories of Dp,t and on the effectiveness of the policy instruments Ip for the target domains Gp. From the above definition, it becomes fairly obvious that any satisficing theoretical justification presupposes rich intertemporal NIS data bases, mostly NIS local domain indicators, but also, especially in the case of comprehensive, long-term policy programs, NIS peformance indicators. Thus, direct policy programs are designed to improve NIS-domains so that the spatio-temporal specifications of the decreasing distances can be provided ex ante. Moreover, direct programs can assume the form of special and of general programs, depending on their epigenetic scope and on the number of NIS-actors influenced by the program under consideration. INDIRECT POLICY PROGRAMS: Here, the empirical differences, the goal areas as well as the evaluation criteria are also known in advance, but the ex ante projections assume a far weaker form than in the previous instance of direct policy programs. For an indirect policy program Pp, specified for a policy field Fp, with goal areas Gp, policy instruments Ip and, finally, an observable difference Dp between the Is-state and the Ought state, one can identify only a theoretical justification for the overall 89 reachability and for the potential effectiveness of the policy instruments Ip for the target domains Gp. While any satisficing theoretical justification for indirect programs still presupposes rich intertemporal NIS data bases and while, moreover, indirect policy programs are designed to improve NIS-domains, too, the precise spatio-temporal specifications of the decreasing distances cannot be provided ex ante. For indirect programs, only the overall direction of the distance-trajectory can be projected on cognitive grounds. Furthermore, indirect programs can assume, once again, the form of special and of general programs, depending on their epigenetic scope and on the number of NIS-actors influenced by the program under consideration. STRUCTURAL POLICY PROGRAMS: For the third policy category, the ‘‘differentia specifica’’ lies in the fact that it lacks direct or indirect policy instruments which have featured so prominently in the case of the previous two program types. Rather, it is the theoretically justified assumption that via the policy program in question a self-organizing process within the systemic domains will lead to the desired policy result. Thus, the main differentiation criteria for the three policy classes lie in the degree of involvement of the policy shaping state units which are comparatively strong in the cases of direct or indirect programs and not existing in the third instance of structural programs. For an structural policy program Pp, specified for a policy field Fp, with goal areas Gp and, finally, an observable difference Dp between the Is-state and the Ought state, one can identify a theoretical justification for the overall reachability and for the potential effectiveness of the internal and external adaptations to Pp by the actors in Fp for the target domains Gp, i.e. for a self-organizing adjustment via the intra- and intersystemic input ⇔ withinput ⇔ output relations as well as via the external environment ⇔ socioeconomic systems relations. Having established three different families of policy programs which are differentiated according to the underlying cognitive knowledge bases and with respect to the degree of state intervention, one can point, finally, to a last policy categorization by invoking a meanwhile well-established distinction which has been introduced first by Jan Tinbergen (1972), namely the separation of policy programs into quantitative policy programs, leading to adjustment and adaptation of policy instruments, into qualitative programs, introducing structural changes and, third, into reforms, generating new domains, forms of interactions, 90 etc. In economic systems, Tinbergen mentions the invention and the implementation of social security systems, minimal wage policies or minimal income policies as paradigmatic examples for reforms. In order to facilitate the intersubjective applicability of these new terms, some paradigmatic examples will establish the core areas of application for different program types. DIRECT GENERAL QUANTITATIVE POLICY PROGRAM: As a paradigmatic example, a general 10% increase in public funds for research projects will lead, as an ex ante projection, to a 10% increase in the number of research projects. Moreover, the innovative increments, achieved by such a quantitative policy change, can be assessed in advance, too. Finally, due to the large number of NIS actors affected by such a policy change, the term ‘‘general policy program’’ can be applied. INDIRECT SPECIALQUALITATIVE POLICY PROGRAMS: In this case, an increase of 10% in public rsearch funds for firms devoted to a small number of ‘‘hot fields’’ will produce, ex ante, an increase in research within sophisticated high tech-domains, although the concrete effects are not precisely known in advance. However, the channeling of funds to high tech niches with comparative national advantages will fulfill the reachability and the effectiveness condition required for indirect programs. Moreover, the relatively small number of NIS-actors involved qualifies the program as a special policy version. STRUCTURAL GENERAL REFORM POLICY PROGRAM: As a final example, a change in the mode of application for funded research projects from individual applications to network applications, requiring the participation of at least two national partners and at least one international cooperator, constitutes a policy shift of the structural type, since it changes the self-organization capacities within the NIS II domain without any additional direct or indirect involvement of the policy shaping units. Due to the profound implications for the networking capacities and due to the large number of NIS actors affected, such a policy shift qualifies as a ‘‘general reform program’’. With these three examples, the typology of policy programs from an epigenetic point of view has come to an end. What follows next, is a detailed discussion of the implications and consequences of different types of policy programs. 2.4. EFFECTS OF COORDINATION AND DISTURBANCE - 91 EPIGENETIC TYPOLOGIES The next step in the specification of a new epigenetic policy framework lies in the formulation of four different ways for the effects of steering and control, ranging from intended policy effects to un-intended, non-intended and, finally, to ‘‘second order effects’’. More specifiacally, the following demarcations can be provided which separate the intended policy consequences from their non-intended or unintended counterparts. INTENDED POLICY EFFECTS: For the first domain of policy effects, a policy program is built up according to the policy requirements 1 to 5 where the observable piolicy effects can be measured via a steady decrease in the differences between the goal areas G and the current systemic states. More formally, the following definition can be provided. Given a policy program Pp, goal areas Gp, a set of instruments Ip and an empirically observable difference between the goal states and the current state of affairs, expressed as Dp, the intended policy effects can be expressed via the temporal sequence Dp,t where Dp,ti ≤ Dp,tj for any i ≥ j. The above definition captures the essence of a variety of conventional policy accounts, including the classical modeling literature on control systems. NON-INTENDED POLICY-EFFECTS: An important feature of current policy studies, especially with rspect to economic policy, lies in the demonstration of the ineffectiveness of policy programs, since, so one of the major arguments, policies can be anticipated and counterbalanced by the actors within the regulated domains. Thus, policy effects do not exhibit the intended effects but may exhibit even detrimental consequences. Moreover, due to structural rationality and aggregation deficiciencies, policy programs may even create a negative impact, increasing and worsening the already existing Is-Ought discrepancies. More formally, the non-intended side of policy effects can be given the subsequent meaning. Given a policy program Pp, goal areas Gp, a set of instruments Ip and an empirically observable difference between the goal states and the current state of affairs, expressed as Dp, the non-intended policy effects can be expressed via the temporal sequence Dp,t where Dp,ti ≥ Dp,tj for at least some i ≥ j. 92 UN-INTENDED POLICY EFFECTS: Within the same theoretical tradition, another ‘‘body of evidence’’ has been produced on the un-intended side of policy effects whereby control and steering for a specific domain is producing, due to the non-trivial interaction and coordination schemes between large scale socio-economic systems, retarding consequences and effects in areas outside the regulated domains.ant feature of current policy studies, especially with rspect to economic policy, lies in the demonstration of the ineffectiveness of policy programs, since, so one of the major arguments, policies can be anticipated and counter-balanced by the actors within the regulated domains. Thus, policy effects, aside from generating non-intended consequencese, may even worsen the situation in other systemic domains. xhibit the intended effects but may exhibit even detrimental. More formally, the un-intended side of policy effects can be given the subsequent meaning. Given a policy program Pp, goal areas Gp, Gq, a set of instruments Ip and empirically observable difference between the goal states and the current state of affairs, expressed as Dp, Dq, the un-intended policy effects can be expressed via the temporal sequence Dq,t where Dq,ti may follow either an increasing or on a decreasing path. SECOND-ORDER EFFECTS: Finally, a fourth class of policy implications can be classified as ‘‘second order effects’’ where one of the following two conditions holds, namely, on the one hand, a self-referential policy application, i.e. the effects of a second order policy program or, on the other hand, a new science based policy program for an already scientifically coregulated policy domain. Given a policy program Pp, goal areas Gp, which are either devoted to policy shaping domains or to scientifically co-determined areas, a set of instruments Ip and an empirically observable difference between the goal states and the current state of affairs, expressed as Dp, the second order policy effects can be expressed via the temporal sequence Dp,t where Dp,ti may follow any type of trajectory. Consequently, second order effects can be of an intended, unintended or of a non-intended nature, depending on the actual Dp,t trajectories. Moreover, ‘‘second order effects’’ cannot be superseded by ‘‘third order effects’’ since the above definition applies, due to its reliance on scientific co-determination, to any future scientifcally co-determined policy program. 93 With this fourfold typology of ‘‘policy effects’’, the totality of possible consequences has been captured since a simple morphological space for possible effects and possible domains shows clearly that the logical space of possible consequences of policy programs has been taken into account. With the help of the typology of policy effects, an epigenetic recombination can be set in motion, reconfiguring the concepts of epigenetic levels (phenotype/genotype), the notions of coordination and disturbance, the differentiation between direct, indirect and structural policy programs and, finally, the fourfold policy consequences. In doing so, a new conceptual basis for investigating NIS III processes and development patterns has emerged which can be summarized in a convenient manner by Table 2.11. Table 2.11: Epigenetic Foundations for Policy Analyses DISTRIBUTED COORDINATION: DIRECT COORDINATION: order Reliance on the proliferation of policy programs; produced by different state agencies which are acting independently from each other Reliance on the proliferation of direct programs; non-intended effects marginal; positive un-intended effects; positive un-intended second effects. INDIRECT COORDINATION: order Reliance on the proliferation of indirect programs; non-intended effects marginal; positive un-intended effects; positive un-intended second effects. STRUCTURAL COORDINATION: order Reliance on the proliferation of structural programs; non-intended effects marginal; positive un-intended effects; positive un-intended second effects. CATALYTIC MANGEMENT: Sustained Proliferation of policy programs with the three requirements: non-intended effects marginal; positive un-intended effects; positive un-intended second order effects. 94 The enumeration in Table 2.11 could be extended by substituting coordination with disturbance and by stressing, in the case of ‘‘retarding policy management’’, the relative importance of non-intended effects as well as the existence of negative un-intended consequences. The important point at this stage, however, lies in the successful construction of a policy framework which will open up a surprising number of new policy options, which, though vital for a catalytic science and technology management, are currently hardly in operation. 95 2.5. THE PARADOXES OF ‘‘STEERING’’ AND ‘‘CONTROL’’ Having provided a morphological summary of different policy types and policy effects, a short chapter will be devoted to an increasingly debated issue, namely to the problem of restrictions, limitations and, above all, of inherent paradoxes in, conventionally phrased, ‘‘steering’’ and ‘‘control’’ processes. (See also BUCHANAN 1986, FURGER 1994) The starting point will be a chance selection of an interesting compilation of ‘‘systemic failures’’ where, at the end, a summary of 228 partly well-known, partly unknown human failures within systems has been compiled. (GALL 1990) Starting with the fourth of the ‘‘horrible examples’’ (IBID:223) and selecting, then, number 14, 24, 34 ..., one arrives at the following impressive list of ‘‘how systems fail’’. An austerity budget, proposed and implemeted by a Conservative administration, results in the largest deficits in U.S. history. (4) Pension plans end up short of money. (14) At the Conference Table the question of Table Shape takes precedence over other questions. (24) Aswan Dam generates vastly increased need for electricity. (34) Futurologist Herman Kahn proves to be unpredictable. (44) Nuclear Power Plants produce electricity for thirty to fifty years, radioactive poison for five hundred thousand years. (54) Computer goes berserk, no one turns it off. (64) Elected President, successful candidate continues to campaign. (74) Red Telephone removed from Oval Ofice, President Kennedy can’t find it. (84) Statisticians view six meltdowns in 54 trials, conclude risk is one in a hundred million. (94) Supertankers are too big to come into port. (104) Great British Groundnut Scheme located by mistake in East Aftica, not West Africa; peanuts won’t grow. (114) Heart attack epidemic subsides on its own; cause unclear. (124) Acid Rain harmful? U.S. elects to study the problem indefinitely. (134) Family System is loose enough to weather millenial vicissitudes. (144) Successful flying machine invented by bicycle makers. (154) 96 Laboratory rats fail to ignore electrified mazes, explore them even more urgently than before. (164) Rebound nasal congestion, generated by use of nasal spray, cannot be eliminated by increasing use of nasal spray. (174) Talleyrand explains to great Powers that France is just one more victim of Napoleon´s aggressions. (184) Inheritance tax, introduced to prevent accumulation of great hereditary wealth, favors the very rich by forcing the inheritors of small businesses to sell out to large corporations to pay the inheritance tax. (194) Gun control is utilized when the President makes a speech statimg that he does not believe in gun control. (204) Control panel at Three Mile Island has stuck elevator alarm right next to reactor coolant pressure alarm, permitting correction of two problems at once. (214) World Health Assembly gives up after six years of trying to get doctors to measure blood pressure in kilopascals. (224) (GALL 1990:223pp.) Confronting Gall´s listing with the previous discusion on policy effects, one can make immediately five important points. First, many examples in Gall´s enumeration are linked to the adverse implications of direct policy programs which in the course of their implementation create a number of negative nonintended or un-intended consequences. In general, the systemic failures by direct intervention can be linked to the non-trivial context of intersystemic connections which clearly transcend the trivial intervention and steering framework, exemplified in simple input-output transformations. Thus, phenomena of the un-intended or non-intended variety can be seen as a direct consequence of the non-trivial intersystemic setting for ‘‘coordination’’ and ‘‘disturbances’’. Second, the important sources for systemic failures are associated with features which, especially in the case of large scale socio-economic systems, cannot be overcome by systemic redesign since they arise from the complex interaction mode within the systems themselves. Moreover, peculiar phenomena like the peripheral origin of many innovations can hardly be accomodated by moving peripheries closer to the center without creating, by necessity, new potentially innovative peripheries. Third, the long list of systemic failures makes a strong point for the urgent need for more substantial ex ante research. More concretely, research domains like the ex ante assessment of program implementations, the social and environmental consequences in the introduction of new technologies or the acceptance potential for specific new recombinative technologies need a much more intensified research effort than the current level, although, as a reminder 97 from Gall´s examples, institutionalizing ex ante research might create some new paradoxes, too. Fourth, another ‘‘message’’ inherent in the set of sysetmic failures lies in the simple fact that ‘‘the system itself does not do what it says it is doing’’(GALL 1990:43) and, as a corrollary, that ‘‘people in systems do not do what the systems say they are doing’’. (GALL 1990:41). In other words, the shaping of policies and the formation of outputs within a large scale system like the state exhibits an indispensable element of ‘‘irony’’ (HELMUT WILLKE) far away from the classical or functional ascriptions of ‘‘Leviathan’’ or of ‘‘Preceptor’’. More concretely, the process of policy formation must be considered as a self-organization process, too, where the main ingredients for self-organization like a large number of specific actors with self-interests or the internally propagated dynamics have to be taken very seriously. Fifth, one of the clear implications of Gall´s systemic failures lies in the recognition of the need for ‘‘downsized’’ or, alternatively, ‘‘downstream’’ systems management which is effectively moving away from fields which are impossible to organize in a direct manner like the emergence of innovative regions or a strongly distribution oriented National Innovation System to domains which can be organized and affected in a successful manner like lifting existing and strongly felt barriers at the genotype/phenotype levels dealing with existing systemic actors intead of setting up new ones (GALL 1990:129) making advances by fits and starts (IBID:147) downhill designs (going with the flows) (IBID:132) An alternative description for the concept of ‘‘downsized’’ STS policies makes reference to an extremely important restriction, formulated clearly by Karl R. Popper, namely the logical impossibility to predict at the current time the future state of ‘‘knowledge bases’’ We cannot, by scientific procedures, predict the growth of our theoretical knowledge. We could, at best, predict at any time, that our knowledge is not growing any longer - that our present theories are all true, and complete (POPPER 1982b:67) Thus, ‘‘downsized’’ STS policies avoid, loosely formulated, the impossible task of relying on still unknown and, by necessity, unknowable cognitive developments in the future, but are operating, instead, within the existing knowledge and information bases. In other words, ‘‘downsized polices’’ are striving more towards the removal of well-known barriers, towards a better utilization of existing knowledge bases or towards increasing the current networking capacities. Consequently, STS polices focusing on innovation domains like the creation of new knowledge or of still unknown high technology niches will be qualified as ‘‘upsized policy programs’’. 98 With these five points, an important intermediate step on the consequences of policy programs within a non-trivial systemic ensemble has been completed. Despite the omnipresence of un-intended or non-intended effects and paradoxes, the impressive summary of systemic failures by Gall can be accompanied by an equally impressive listing of systemic successes. 2.6. TEN MEGATRENDS OF COORDINATION AND DISTURBANCE IN LARGE - SCALE SOCIO - ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Having arrived at a sufficiently broad conceptualization of steering and control processes within complex societal ensembles and having avoided, more importantly, the conventional pitfalls in the analyssis of policy programs, the concluding step will, once again, demonstrate the usefulness of the preceding discussion by identifying ten policy megatrends which, similar to the megatrends for information and knowledge societies, point to developmental processes both in the present time and in the near future. Moreover, continuing the specification for alternative modes of policy fomation and policy regimes, a differentiation between Mode I Policy Programs and Mode II Policy Programs will be introduced which, hopefully, can be seen as an extension of the two knowledge production modes to the field of policy interventions. Thus, Table 2.12 summarizes the ten megatrends or, alternatively, the ten phase-transitions between Mode I Politics and Mode II Politics. (See Table 2.12, next page) In particular, the ten policy shifts can be briefly described via the following enumeration. GENERAL PROGRAMS: First, societal differentiation in the age of globalized production and distribution relations implies, almost as a logical corollary, a growing relative importance of general programs, although the number of special programs will be increasing, due to the ongoing differentiation processes, too. INDIRECT/STRUCTURAL PROGRAMS: Second, due to the transformation of the state apparatus into a service-oriented unit, a shift is bound to occur from direct state intervention to indirect 99 and, most notably, to structural intervention.While the change to indirect and structural programs brings about a drastic reduction in the participation of the state, the overall importance of state intervention will remain unaffected. Table 2.12: Megatrends in Policy Domains for Highly Developed Regions MODE I-POLITICS MODE II POLITICS Special Programs General Programs Direct Programs Indirect/Structural Programs Single Purpose Programs Coupled Programs Ensemble-Oriented Programs Distribution-Oriented Programs Feedforward Implementation Feedback Implementation Control Programs Participatory Programs First Order Programs Second Order Programs Domain Specific Programing Recombinative Programing National Programs International/Regional Programs Short Term Programs Long Term Programs COUPLED PROGRAMS: Third, policy programs will become, by and by, special forms of NIS-S policies which contain, while primarily aimed at a specific domain, other policy objectives as critical constraints Thus, regional programs will carry with them critical limitations from STS-policies, investment policies will have regional as well as STS aspects, trade policies have to be enriched by STS-concerns, etc. In sum, policy programs for specific domains DISTRIBUTION ORIENTED PROGRAMS: Fourth, especially for highly developed regions with a rich ensemble setting, the policy programs will be centered to a greater extent on a successful ‘‘networking management’’. FEEDBACK IMPLEMENTATION: Fifth, policy programs will exhibit an increasing feedback part, be it in the form of program evaluations or be it in a temporal manner (‘‘sunset programs’’). Thus, policy programs will be organized in a way which opens up new possibilities for ‘‘trial and error’’ or, alternatively, for learning from experience. 100 ARTICIPATORY PROGRAMS: Sixth, probably the most important feedback element will consist in the participation of groups. Thus, aside from the secular rise of ‘‘lobbying’’ (MAZEY/RICHARDSON 1993) in the vicinity of policy producing units, the ‘‘accountability’’ and the ‘‘legitimation’’ of STS policies will have to be guaranteed already at ex ante phases. In this sense, the shaping of ex ante participation and legitimation will turn out to become, in line with the service centered transformation of the state, one of the most important activities in the near future. SECOND ORDER PROGRAMS: Seventh, regarded as a specific feature of a new stage of modernity (BECK 1986, LASH/SZERBSZYNSKI/WYNNE 1996), policy programs will have to deal more and more with domains which have been already coordinated or disturbed by science based programs. In this sense, STS-programs of the future will be confronted with the consequences of previous STS-policies for which science has played at least a codeterminative role. RECOMBINATIVE PROGRAMS: Eigth, despite the plea for ‘‘downsized’’ policies, a special ‘‘upsized’’ innovative policy outlet can be formulated, since it is based directly on the ‘‘creativity and innovation theory’’ developed in Volume I. Such ‘‘upsized’’ policy programs can be accomplished via the recombinations of existing NIS-domains which generate a potentially new economic or scientific niche. Taking, as a typical Austrian example, two national NIS-S strongholds, namely the tourism sector and the cultural ensemble, including the rich infrastructuire of museums, a successful recombinative policy could integrate these two areas with the basic ‘‘fifth wave technology’’ namely with CIT, resulting in a new program on ‘‘virtual cultural tourism’’. (BAIER 1996) INTERNATIONAL/REGIONAL PROGRAMS: Nineth, the globalization of markets and the internationalization of the ‘‘protective belts’’ will very gradually shift the relative importance of policy units at different regional levels from the current state dominance to, on the one hand, global or international units, and, on the other hand, to regional systems well below the state level. LONG TERM PROGRAMS: Tenth, policy programs both at the national and at the international level will have to be oriented more towards medium and long term performance goals, implementing, thus, another important ingredient for continuous feedback proceses and for institutional learning. This short enumeration of novel policy features concludes a third group of megatrends. Like in the case of the future of knoweldge production (NOWOTNY 1995), Mode I and Mode II policies will not stand in a 101 strict elimination relation, but will remain in (almost) peaceful co-existence, with Mode II policies gaining in relative importance though. 102 3. MAIN PRINCIPLES OF EPIGENETIC POLICIES Before entering the main principles of epigenetic alias evolutionary alias self-organizational policies, it seems worthwhile to stress the complex character of interlinked NIS III ensembles under the present specifications by re-iterating, once again, essential general characteristics of ‘‘dynamic systems’’ which have been identified already at the outset of Volume I in a slightly modified way. First, the inter-systemic policy processes under investigation are characterized, too, by attributes such as increasing complexity, critical fluctuations, pattern formations, discontinuities, non-linearities, sensitivity for differences in the initial conditions, structural changes, chaotic oscillations and the like. Second, these attributes are not the consequence of a central steering or control unit - the state apparatus - but the outcome of the inter-actions and the inter-linkages between a multi actor state system and other large scale multi actor socio-economic systems. Moreover, the statesystem in question should be composed of a large number of distinctive sub-components and not, as usual, as a single homogeneous ‘‘policy unit’’. (WILLKE 1983/1992/1996) Third, the prevalent relations of the policy fields under investigation must continue to utilize a non-trivial framework, stressing the complex interfaces between state intervention and its coordinative or disturbing impact in large scale systems like science, the economy, culture and the like. (See also SCHIMANK/STUCKE 1994) Thus, despite the policy contexts, the main analytical perspectives should be focused primarily on the internal dynamics of the intrasystemic ensembles and, only in a secondary manner, on the inter-systemic input - output, output - input or withinput - withinput relations. Fourth, the inter-systemic coordination and disturbance processes, the essential features of policy programs and their propagation throughout society, the ‘‘demands’’, ‘‘interests’’ or other potential input components for the state system - the inter-systemic structures and processes and structures for short - turn out to be, again in principle, observable and historically as well as actually measurable to a sufficient degree so that complex types of analyses, especially complex modeling, can be applied in policy domains, too. Fifth, the basic organization or, alternatively, the ‘‘coordination and disturbance mechanisms’’ between different large scale socio-economic systems, especially the input - output relations of the state system, can be undertaken in a variety of different forms, stressing concpets like ‘‘democracy’’, ‘‘hierarchy’’, ‘‘markets’’, ‘‘negotiation systems’’, ‘‘policy networks’’, ‘‘relational contracting’’, ‘‘solidarity’’ and the like. (See, for example, MAYNTZ 1993, SCHARPF 1993, WILLIAMSON 1975/1985) It is unreasonable to assume however that a reference set of ‘‘coordination and disturbance mechanisms’’ can be established which, 103 independent of the concrete problems and research goals at hand, can be applied in a universal manner. The main epigenetic policy principles can then be formulated in a rather straightforward and direct manner, stressing, above all, the following general objectives. (See Table 3.1, next page) Table 3.1: Six Principal Epigenetic Policy Requirements Equal Weight between the Four Epigenetic Dimensions Mode II Policies ‘‘Downsized’’ Policy Programs Path Sensitivity with Respect to Distribution Orientation and Ensemble Orientation Formal NIS-Goals Material NIS-Goals These six epigenetic policy principles must be supplemented, however, with additional specifications and contents, defining the concrete policy requirements nd demands in a precise manner. 3.1. THE EQUAL WEIGHT REQUIREMENT FOR THE FOUR EPIGENETIC DIMENSIONS The first condition refers to the relative importance of the four epigenetic dimensions and states that each of the four epigenetic dimensions should be considered as equally relevant. 104 EQUAL WEIGHT REQUIREMENT FOR THE FOUR EPIGENETIC DIMENSIONS: The equal weight condition demands well balanced overall policy programs which operate within all four epigenetic dimensions with roughly equal strength. The major justification for the first requirement comes mainly from the epigenetic flow diagram between the genotype and the phenotype levels which has featured so often throughout the present report. There, any of the four dimensions contributes with equal force to a permanent reshaping of the genotype base and the phenotype network structures. Consequently, any policy orinetation on, say, the P - P interaction side alone, will create, with high probability, ‘‘bottlenecks’’ within other dimensions. Therefore, the equal weight requirement makes it imperative that STE-policies contain implementations at the P- G, G - G and, finally, at the G - P dimension as well. 3.2. THE REQUIREMENT OF MODE II POLICIES The second major epigenetic requirement refers to the phase transition of policy types which has been discussed at length within the previous chapter. Stated loosely, policy formation should be concentrated on a mode II mode and not, at least not primarily, on Mode I features. REQUIREMENT FOR MODE II POLICIES: Mode II type policies should be prefered to Mode I packagages unless one can find a very strong theoretical argument, supporting the superiority of the Mode I counterpart. The important theoretical justification can be stated with respect to the complexity of connectivity patterns between contemporary large scale socio-economic systems. Here, it becomes almost imperative to change the policy implementation from the tradfitional ways and means to the Mode II counterparts which have been summarized in Table 2.11. 105 3.3. THE REQUIREMENT FOR ‘‘DOWNSIZED’’ POLICY PROGRAMS In a summarizing manner, the quotation below makes a powerful point on the non-mechanical and on the non-trivial operating especially of large scale social systems. Real-world complex systems do not behave with clockwork regularity, and precise long-term forecasts about them are frequently moonshine. The complexity of a modern industrialized economy is such that it will never respond to the elementary manipulations of treasury secretaries. The complexity of the global climate is such that a gradual increase in levels of greenhouse gases does not always result in a gradual shift in climate: it can trigger a sudden climate flip within a single lifetime. Even the behavior of some of the simplest of mechanical systems cannot be described in the complete and deterministic Newtonian manner previously thought possible. There is no simple algorithm to turn to. Instead, we must try to understand in more global terms, through the interactions of components. Instead of attempting to take a deterministic, mechanical view of the world, we need a higher-level perspective if we are to make sense of it. (COVENY/HIGHFIELD 1995:330) Moreover, the discussion on Popper´s ‘‘impossibility proof’’ for the anticipation of new knowledge, innovations and new technologies strongly supports the requirement for ‘‘downsized’’ policy programs. REQUIREMENT FOR ‘‘DOWNSIZED’’ POLICY PROGRAMS: Mode II type policies should be of a ‘‘downsized’’ policy nature, i.e. STS-policies should be concerned primarliy with the removal of well-known barriers, obstacles or societal paradoxes and traps, and not, at least not primarily, with the creation of unknown domains or poorly understood fields within sciencetechnology-innovation settings. Thus, downsized policy proliferation implies the reshaping and reconfiguring of the ‘‘old’’, not of the ‘‘new’’. It would be an extremely fruitful research task to analyze the successful Japanese policy experiments in the light of ‘‘downhill’’ and ‘‘uphill’’ STS-policies since the point has been made again and again that the Japanese policy reshaping has relied strongly on elements and components already in full operation. (FREEMAN 1987, THUROW 1996) More specifically, downsized policy proliferation implies the combination of three major characteristics. 106 First, policy programs should aim at the imitation and adaptation of successful policies within the international NIS environment. Second, policy programs must directed towards the empirically observable strengths and weaknesses in the Austrian Innovation System. Third, there must be sufficient accumulated national or international experience for a reliable assessment ex ante of the most likely effects of the policy programs under consideration. In this manner, an important policy requirement has been laid down which, if in full operation, should contribute to a paradoxical result, namely to emerging NIS-complexities via relatively simple ‘‘fits and starts’’. 3.4. THE REQUIREMENT FOR PATH SENSITIVITY WITH RESPECT TO THE DISTRIBUTION ORIENTATION AND TO THE ENSEMBLE ORIENTATION A fourth manin epigenetic policy principle is related to the NIS-position within the phase space of Diagram 1.1 and demands a path-sensitive priority for distribution power orientation on the one hand and ensemble power orientation on the other hand. REQUIREMENT FOR A PATH-SENSITIVE ORIENTATION: Downsized Mode II policies should give special priority either to enhance the NIS distribution power or to increase the NIS ensemble power, depending on the actual NIS-trajectories. More concretely, the morphological Table 3.1 makes it possible to specifiy the following path sensitive priorities. 107 Table 3.1: Path Sensitive Policy Priorities NIS-ENSEMBLE POWER HIGH HIGH LOW Equal Priority to NIS Priority to NIS Ensemble Ensemble/Distribution Power (Distribution Power Power as Critical Constraint) Priority to NIS Distribution Equal Priority to NIS Power (Ensemble Power Ensemble/Distribution as Critical Constraint) Power NIS DISTRIBUTION POWER LOW From Table 3.1, one can derive immediately that distribution orientation becomes of high importance for the ‘‘European disease’’ of a relatively high NIS ensemble power and a relatively weak intersystemic connectivity pattern and, thus, a comparatively low NIS distribution power. 3.5. THE REQUIREMENT FOR FORMAL GOALS, ENHANCING THE NIS-DISTRIBUTION POWER AND THE NIS-ENSEMBLE POWER Switching to the goal domain for NIS policies, a useful distinction between formal goals and material goals will be introduced where formal NIS goals have the peculiar property of being applicable to different spatio-temporal NIS domains whereas material goals are bound to a specific time frame. Thus, the subsequent chapter on material goals will be bound to the current status of knowledge and information societies, whereas the formal goals can be applied to National Innovation Systems, past, present and future. 108 REQUIREMENT FOR FORMAL GOALS FOR THE NIS DISTRIBUTION/ENSEMBLE POWER: Downsized Mode II policies should be aimed formally at two different goal sets. For the NIS distribution power, the intersystemic linkage patterns between NIS actor networks (phenotype) and between the components of the knowledge base (genotype) should be intensified. And for the NIS ensemble power, the intrasystemic NIS actor networks (phenotype) and the components of the knowledge base (genotype) should be increased. More concretely, the formal goals for NIS policies can be summarized in Table 3.2 where a total of eight formal policy goals, four for the distribution power and for the ensemble power respectively, have been identified. Table 3.2: Distribution and Ensemble-Oriented Formal Policy Goals Across the Four Epigenetic Dimensions DISTRIBUTION POWER Increase the Linkage Density for NIS-Actors Increase the Linkage Attractivity Increase the Permeability of Linkages Increase the DP-Efficiency ENSEMBLE POWER Increase the Number of NIS-Elements Increase the Autonomy of NIS-Units Increase the Fitness of NIS-Actors Increase the EP-Efficiency At this point, it would become a highly interesting and rewarding reserach task to establish the precise relations between the overall epigenetic and self-organization background and the eight formal goal domains. It should be sufficient, however, to point to a single correspondence, namely to the direct 109 coreespondence between the three distribution oriented goals and the formalisms of dynamic networks which, under the headings of ‘‘master equations’’, have been introduced in Volume V. Here, the three major determinative factor groups for dynamic master equation networks, namely the overall network mobility, network barriers and network attractivities, have three counterparts in the area of formal NIS goals, namely linkage density, the permeability of linkages and, finally, the linkage attractivity. 3.6. THE REQUIREMENT FOR MATERIAL NIS-GOALS The final policy condition is given by the demand for ‘‘empirical orientation’’ or, alternatively, for setting priorities and policy measures which correspond to the most urgent empirically observed demands and the most visible empirically observed barriers, restrictions and weaknesses. In other words, the manifold results of cooperation and network barriers inherent in the Austrian Innovation System should be taken into account when shaping NIS-policies. More directly, the requirement for empirical orientation leads to the following postulate. REQUIREMENT FOR MATERIAL NIS-GOALS: The policy programs should exhibit at least one of the following two characteristics. First, a plausible connection must be establishable between the empirical analyses of the strengths and weaknesses in the Austrian Innovation System and the selected policy domains. Second, the policy targets should be chosen so as to strengthen and promoting international trend patterns for NIS III ensembles. The first requirement should rule out two extremal cases. On the one hand, core concerns for reforms by NIS actors like better programs and a more conducive cognitive infrastructire for problems of marketing should be adressed in corresponding policy programs. On the other hand, central weaknesses and deficiencies, as identified within NIS-analyses, should lead to changing priorities for policy making. The second requirement, however, deserves special attention and will be dealt with in the two subsequent chapters. 110 3.6.1. TEN MEGA - TRENDS FOR THE FUTURE SHAPE OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMY The past volumes, more precisely: Volume I and Volume V, have brought three different future trend patterns already, namely ‘‘megatrends’’ for the shape of Information Societies Knoweldge Societies Technology and Science Policies What is still missing, is a more detailed outlook on the economy and technology side of NIS III ensembles in order to arrive at a comprehensive set of potential policy goals. Recapitulating the rich and diversified literature on innovation, technology diffusion and information societies throughout the project and adding future oriented literature like ALVESSION (1995), CUHLS/KUWAHARA (1994), DAVIS/BOTKIN (1996), EUROPEAN CENTRE (1993), GRUPP (1992/1995), LEEBAERT (1991), NEFIODOW (1991), QUINN (1992), SCHMITZ/ZUCKER (1996), THUROW (1996), among many others8, one is able to identify, in a slightly systemic manner, the following trend patterns for the future development trajectories within the techno-economic spheres. The first five trends describe changing high technology attributes and processes of NIS III actors, future patterns six and seven are devoted to a shift in the relative importance of NIS-actors, namely the increasing role of transnational actors within markets and within the global ‘‘protective belt’’, and trajectories eight to ten describe upcoming developments with respect to the relations and the structures between NIS III actors, especially the emerging dominance of skill and knowledge bases as the major determinant for comparative advantages. 8 In this field, one is confronted with the ‘‘clicking phenomenon’’ of a ‘‘trendy’’ literature on trends, ranging from GERKEN 1995/1996, HORX 1995, to POPCORN/MARIGOLD 1996 or, for Austria, to WEINZIERL/HAERPFER 1995. For a critical summary, see e.g. RUST 1995. Since few of the specified trend patterns pertain to a NIS III context - many so-called ‘‘trends’’ fall simply under the heading of ‘‘lifestyle’’ and ‘‘fashion’’ - most of the CCCC trend-literature on ‘‘Clanning, Clicking, Clubbing and Cocooning’’ has been omitted. 111 SEMI-INTELLIGENT GOODS: First, the nature of goods and production of goods will undergo a significant recombination both with CIT (Communication and Information Technologies) and with the knowledge bases, leading to products which carry the attribute of ‘‘semiintelligence’’. More specifically, ‘‘semi-intelligence’’ will be introduced here, not totally surprising, as an attribute where complex user-product feedback processes with the potential for adaptations and learning become part of the normal routine interaction. Thus, semiintelligent cars, contraray to their current still non-intelligent counterparts, have at their disposal a ‘‘knowledge base’’ of their road environment, of the frequencies of current traffic flows, of their internal states and of ways to adjust to them, etc. The important point to be stressed lies in the transformability of the totality of the existing product range - all consumer durables, investment machinery, etc. - into semi-intelligent products. SEMI-INTELLIGENT SERVICES: Second, the same reconfiguration takes place in the case of services, where, once again, a recombination of services with CIT and with the knowledge bases. yields a ‘‘semi-intelligent’’ service which has a minimal model of its environment and a self-adaptive ‘‘knwoeldge base’’. (HANSEN 1996) Again, the essential point which cannot be overemphasized lies in the great potential for semi-intelligent service transformations which includes, inter alia, the semi-intelligent re-design of seemingly trivial domains like tourism, fast food chains or retail sales CENTRALITY OF LEADERSHIP IN PROCESS-TECHNOLOGIES: Third, the relative importance within different innovation types, namely product, process and organization innovation, will undergo a marked shift away from product innovation to the mastering of process innovations and of organization innovations - Product invention, if a country is also not the world´s low-cost producer, gives one very little economic advantage. Technology has never been more important, but what matters more is being the leader in process technologies and what matters less is being the leader in new product technologies. (THUROW 1996:69) This is not to deny that product innovation will continue to play an indispensable role for the proliferation of the new, but the major ‘‘bottlenecks’’ especially for technologically highly advanced regions will lie in the mastery of processing and organizing these product innovations in order to gain sufficiently large ‘‘disequilibrium quasi-rents’’ for new products. COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (CIT) AS ‘‘FIFTH WAVE’’-LEADING SECTOR: Fourth, the three megatrends just outlined lead almost necessarily to the fourth one, 112 namely to the characterization of CIT as the backbone of the ‘‘fifth’’ long innovation wave, which is currently in its rapid diffusion phase. The characteristics of the fifth long innovation wave make it almost imperative, to point, at the end of megatrend four, to an upcoming new recombinative potential, namely to the one between, metaphorically speaking, information and life. While bio-technology clearly lacks the dimensions of a leading sector within the current ‘‘fifth wave’’, the ‘‘blending’’ of CIT-mediated knowledge and information societies with ‘‘biological computers’’ as well as with a bio-technolology complex for food and health, will carry all ingredients of a ‘‘sixth wave’’ whose pioneer stages are already well underway. THE HIGH RECOMBINATION POTENTIAL ACROSS SPACE: Fifth, one of the essential features of the upcoming CIT-age lies in the possibility to organize and recombine production and service processes across space with virtually marginal costs, since the transfer units become no longer ‘‘atoms’’, but ‘‘data’’. Thus, global production processes, interconnetced via the CIT infrastructure, can be accomplished around the globe, integrating teams for production, design or quality control from different geographical sites. TRANSNATIONAL ENTERPRISES (TNE´S) AS CORE ACTORS IN THE GLOBAL MARKET ECONOMY: Sixth, the emergence of global production processes will be accompanied by the rise of Transnational Enterprises which will become the major global players and actors within a highly interconnected world economy. TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (TNO´S) AS CORE ACTORS FOR THE GLOBAL ‘‘PROTECTIVE BELT’’: Seventh, with the increase of TNE´s will be accompanied, following the classical Polanyi development pattern of national market expansion and national protective belts, by TNO´s which will grow in size and importance, too, leading to a global protective belt with respect to minimal standards in the area of social security, environmental quality, etc. SKILL AND KNOWLEDGE BASES AS MAJOR SOURCE FOR COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES: Eighth, the core element for comparative regional advantages will move away from the current production factors of capital labor or natural resources to ‘‘knowledge bases’’ and, more generally, to the regional know-do potential which combines elements of knowledge generation, knowledge utilization, innovation management and specially qualified and trained labor. LIFE-LONG EDUCATION AND TRAINING: Nineth, the sequential ordering of education ⇒ work ⇒ retirerement will be superseded gradually by a parallel organization of education ⇔ work ⇔ retirement phases. Thus, life-long education and training processes, in combination with life-long phases of work and retirement, will become the major life-course pattern. 113 NEW INSTITUTIONAL SETTINGS FOR LEARNING AND TRAINING: Tenth, in order to build up a massive parallelism with respect to education, work and retirement, a new institutional setting will become imperative, recombining elements of higher education with components of ‘‘on the job training’’. In particular, new forms of globalized TNE or TNO training centers as well as their new national counterparts will diffuse beyond their current infant status into a period of self-sustained growth - and maturity. These technology trends complete the round of ‘‘future projections’’ which, together with the trend patterns on policy formation or on knowledge and information societies, complete the reference domain for policy goals. 3.6.2. MEGA - TENDS FOR KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SOCIETIES, THEIR TECHNO-ECONOMIC SETTINGS AND THEIR POLICY FORMATIONS: THE IDENTIFICATION OF POLICY-RELEVANT NIS III GOAL-DOMAINS The next step is an immediate consequence of the previous chapter, since the ten technology/economy megatrends have completed the megatrend series within the overall project, yielding, as can be seen in Table 3.2, a comprehensive list of 40 megatrends for the NIS III ensemble. (See Table 3.2, next page) The special utilization context of Table 3.2 lies in its immediate policy relevance, namely in its function as reference frame for the shaping of policy programs. Six points require special attention. First, the right hand policy column in Table 3.2 summarizes propertries which NIS-policy programs of a contemporary or future oriented variety should exhibit in order to minimize non-intended or un-intended consequences. Thus, the policy programs should fulfill at least 114 one of the ten criteria specified in Table 3.2, although a recombination of criteria like general, structural, long-term oriented, feedback implementation, recombinative is clearly preferred. 115 Table 3.2: Forty Mega-Trends Re-Iterated KNOWLEDGE DIMENSIONS Transdisciplinarity Second-Order Programs Transdisciplinary ‘‘Tasks’’ INFORMATION DIMENSIONS TECHNOLOGY/ POLICY ECONOMY PROGRAMS Transdisciplinary Research Semi-Intelligent General Programs Infrastructure Goods ‘‘Unity between Discovery Semi-Intelligent Indirect/Structural and Application’’ Services Programs Temporality of Research CIT as Fifth Wave Coupled Programs Networks Leading Sector Science-Society-Inter- Increasing Interconnectivity penetration (G-Level) between Science, Media and Sixth Wave Leading Interest Groups (P-Level) Sector ‘‘Catching up’’-Processes by Heterogeneity of Production Bio-Technology as Distribution-Oriented Programs Leadership in Process Feedback-Implemen- ‘‘Soft Disciplines’’ Places Technologies tation ‘‘Hyper-Programs’’ Growing Importance of TNE´s as Core- Participatory Programs Regional Innovation Systems Market Actors Internet Support System CIT-Meditated, Asynchronous TNO´s as Core- Second Order (G-Level) Networking Actors for the Programing ‘‘Protective Belt’’ ‘‘Recombinative Internet Increased Accessibilities of Skill & Knowledge Recombinative Pro- Push’’ (G - G) Knowledge Bases (P - G) Bases as Major grams Source for Comparative Advantages Programing the Genetic Semi-Intelligent Machines Code as P - G ‘‘Observers’’ Self-Assembling Programs ‘‘Globalization’’ of Life-long Education and Traning New Institutional ‘‘Bits, not of Atoms’’ Settings for Learning and Training 116 Transnational/ Regional Programs Long-term Programs Second, with respect to the diffusion of Mode I and Mode II policies, a conjecture on a differentiation along spatial levels can be brought forward. Mode II policy programs will be produced and will diffuse primarily within a GIS or, to a somewhat lesser extent, at the NIS levels, whereas Mode I policies will retain their important position at the RIS level. Moreover, elements of Mode I and Mode II policies. Third, any of the thirty other trend patterns can be used as a special NIS III policy domain, either for science policies, for technology policies or for self referential policies applied to the state system itself. Thus, the material goals for Mode II policies in National Innovation Sytems should be aimed at policy targets like - Table 3.3: Potential Policy Goal Domains POLICY PROGRAMS FOR THE SCIENCE SYSTEM Increasing Transdisciplinarity Constructing a Modern Transdisciplinary Research Infrastructure Initiatives Programs Directed towards Second-Order Programs Programs for Complex Application Domains, Operating in ‘‘Unity between Discovery and Application’’ Funded Research Programs for Transdisciplinary ‘‘Tasks’’ Providing Regulations and Infrastructures for Temporally Limited Research Networks 117 Table 3.3: Potential Policy Goal Domains (Continued) POLICY PROGRAMS FOR THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM Policy Programs for Funding New Semi-Intelligent Goods Policy Programs for the Recombination towards New Semi-Intelligent Services Here, nine megatrends, three for the future shape of knowledge societies, three for information societies and, finally, three for the economy and technology section, have been selected from Table 3.2 and have been transformed into material policy goals. (See Table 3.3, above) In this manner, the entire megatrend list can be transformed into an appropriate reference set for the formulation of STS policy goals. Fourth, the fourty trend patterns cover, by necessity, all four epigenetic dimensions since the ‘‘differentia specifica’’ between knowledge and information societies has been identified with respect to their epigenetic status, producing, as will be recalled, the P-P and the P-G dimension as information oriented and the G-G as well as the G-P dimension as knowledge centered. Fifth, the thirty trend patterns in Table 3.2, except for the right hand policy column, should be measurable and observable, at least in principle, via the existing NIS data bases. Even a quick glance at Table 3.2 reveals that at least some of the development patterns cannot be measured with the help of the ASIT questionnaire or with other statistical material for that matter. However, Table 3.2 serves as a useful reference frame for the recapitulation and modification of the ASIT-Survey since it will become one of the overall goals to create at least provisional figures and numbers for each of the thirty trend domains. Sixth, since the right hand side of Table 3.2 is devoted to the output side of the state apparatus only, a final group of megatrends could be constructed for the withinput organization of the state sector which becomes of paramount importance for the framing and shaping of ‘‘second 118 order policy programs’’. Here, only some preliminary hints, again ten in number, will be provided on the future within states of the public sector as well as on its interactions with clients and the public which should be characterized by a highly developed CIT-infrastructure a gradual substitution from hierarchies to heterarchies a very lean organizational structure for small single domain core domains recombinative, temporal work groups for complex tasks increasing the network densities between spatial levels (liocal, regional, national, global) semi-intelligent services both at all potential input interfaces and at all output interfaces mediation as new service domain coupled service packages shortened state-client cycles feedback linkages via increased participation or evaluation These ten trend patterns, athough just presented in their major headings, add up to the fourty developmental features summarized in Table 3.2. Thus, for the proliferation of STS policies, including second order üolicies for the state system itself, a profound plattform has been established which can and should be used by policy units as target framework. At this point, the major ingredients for ‘‘catalytic policy management’’ and ‘‘catalytic regimes’’ have come to an end. 3.7. CATALYTIC MANAGEMENT A FINAL CONJECTURE The previous requirements can be integrated, finally, into a conjecture on the relative success of the six epigenetic policy principles just outlined. 119 CATALYTIC MANAGEMENT -A CONJECTURE: An epigenetic policy mix, relying on the six main requirements just outlined, will be accompanied, with higher probability, by a period of catalytic regimes. In other words, the requirements 3.1 to 3.6 can be seen as the main instruments which constitute a ‘‘catalyrtic policy management’’ and which support a catalytic regime. The major theoretical justification for the above conjecture comes, from three different points. First, the homogeneity of the epigenetic and self-organization framework must be emphasized which has been extended in a coherent manner from theory, to history to complex modeling and, finally, to policy formation. Second, a strong argument can be made that the two model sketches on ‘‘micro-creativity’’ and on ‘‘creative regions’’, developed in Volume I, are best supported by the policy mix 3.1 to 3.6. Why? Simply because both the creativity model and the policy formations are, upon closer inspection, entangled in positive feedback loops. Once a marked creative upsurge within a regional area occurs, downsized, Mode II policies will support and increase the creativity potential. Third, a quick review of international success stories in science and policy domains indicates that successful programs exhibit at least one of the epigenetic policy requirements, specified above. (See also the contributions in ROSENBERG/LANDAU/MOWERY 1992) Thus, it will become one of the most urgent research tasks whether successful policy regimes of the past and present time are fulfilling the requirement for catalytic management and are exhibiting the main features of epigenetic policy formation - or not. With the above conjecture on the relative successes of epigenetic policy making, the theoretical part on policy analysis can be finished. What follows next, is a series of suggestions for policy programs for Austria which correspond very closely to the policy architectures outlined so far. 120 SECTION II: BASIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS FOR THE AUSTRIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM 121 1. BASIC STS - POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS WITHIN THE EPIGENETIC FRAMEWORK After an intensive round of novel theoretical policy features for enhancing the distribution power and the ensemble power at the national level, the final section will be devoted to appropriate Austria-specific policy suggestions which have the potential for counterbalancing Austria´s uniformely low position within the distribution/ensemble power (D/E-) phase diagram. Moreover, it should come as no surprise that the analysis of concrete reforms and policy measures will reflect, above all, the basic epigenetic architectures and the overall theoretical policy frameworks developed in the course of the NIS project. Asked very directly and in an (almost) trivial manner, what are the fitting policy strategies which may lead the Austrian Innovation System along an upward path, as depicted in Diagram 1.1? Diagram 1.1: Necessary Basic Trajectory for the Austrian Innovation System Ensemble Power high low Distribution Power low high 122 The answers to this question will consist of a comprehensive list of potential policy programs which, in a more comprehensive and systematic manner than previous attempts (AIGINGER et al. 1992, BECHER 1993, BECKER et al. 1988, GRANDE/HÄUSLER 1994, HÖLL 1989, SCHROEDER 1990, TICHY 1992, 1994), will be directed towards a reconfiguration of the entire architectures of the Austrian Innovation System. Due to the three major domains for policy programs, namely Science Technology State the subsequent set of policy recommendations will be referred to as potential STS-policies as well. Moreover, the entire section has been conceptualized under two fundamental constraints, the first one under the heading of the ‘‘Münchhausen-trilemma’’ of Austrian STS policies more empirical in nature, the second one under the title of ‘‘radical constructivist ethics’’ more heuristic in character. With respect to the so-called ‘‘Münchhausen-trilemma’’, the following ‘‘initial condition’’ for Austrian STS policies is assumed. The task distribution for STS policies in Austria can be described by the following trilemmatic configuration: Lifting the Austrian Innovation System ‘‘MÜNCHHAUSEN TRILEMMA’’ AUSTRIAN STYLE from its current position in the D/E phase diagram of low distribution power/low ensemble power to a location of high distribution power/high ensemble power across and within all four major NIS dimensions (first trilemma part) without a massive increase and without a large scale mobilization of financial flows from the state (second trilemma part) and without assuming a centralized coordination effort by policy units and by funding agencies (third trilemma part) The reasons for assuming the second trilemma conditions come mainly from the mega-trend section in the areas of state transformations where a significant financial R&D expansion by the state, due to the in-built dynamics of existing state expenditures as well as due to severe budgetary constraints, is considered as an extremely unlikely event. For the third trilemma component, a clear reference can be made to the ‘‘metamorphosis’’ in state policies from Mode I to Mode II type programs in which centralized ‘‘masterplans’’ for a large number of policy and funding actors, like the mission-oriented coordination mechanisms suggested in HUTSCHENREITER et al. 1996, become a highly improbable occurrence, too. 123 With respect to the fundamental ‘‘heuristic device’’ in shaping policies, an ethical imperative, strongly suggested by systemic researchers like Heinz von Foerster (1985/1995), Ernst von Glasersfeld (1987), Humberto R. Maturana and Francisco J. Varela (1987) and others, can be put forward which advocates the following principle. ETHICAL IMPERATIVE FOR STSPOLICIES Optimizing each subsystem of a National Innovation System independently will not in general lead to a system optimum, or more strongly, improvement of a particular subsystem may actually worsen the overall system. A is better off when B is better off.9 Thus, the subsequent policy recommendations will be primarily aimed at generating new NISconfigurations in which potential improvements in one area are achieved through simultaneous improvements in other domains as well. ‘‘Zero sum’’ settings with gains in one particular NIS-segment at the expense in other NIS-sectors like a ‘‘zero sum restructuring’’ between universities and research institutes will be deliberately avoided. 1. CATALYTIC POLICY MANAGEMENT AUSTRIAN STYLE COGNITIVE BACKGROUND REQUIREMENTS Before going into a detailed enumeration of policy recommendations, a preliminary adaptation procedure has to be undertaken which will yield a common cognitive background for a distributed type of coordination of STS-policies. Within the previous section, a variety of general requirements has been built up and has been defined under the heading of ‘‘catalytic policy management’’. Recapitulating the general thrust of the policy lines, ‘‘catalytic policy management’’ summarizes a continuous proliferation of policy programs which rely on the self-organization capacities of National Innovation Systems and which support and are accompanied by a positively sloped path in the distribution/ensemble power phase space of Diagram 1.1. For the Austrian situation, a catalytic policy management is confronted with the following task configuration. 9 For more details, see FOERSTER 1995:471pp. 124 NECESSARY NIS-PERFORMANCE FOR AUSTRIA CATALYTIC POLICY MANAGEMENT FOR AUSTRIA The Austrian NIS-trajectory should be characterized by a sustainable as well as quality of life securing upward path from its current position in the D/E phase diagram of low distribution power/low ensemble power to a location of high distribution power/high ensemble power across and within all four major NIS dimensions. The policy output should consist of a flow of programs, supporting sustainable and quality of life based upward paths of the Austrian Innovation System, once again measured by the NIS performance indicators for the NIS-distribution power and for the NIS-ensemble power. A ‘‘catalytic policy management’’ can be organized, ideally speaking, in two extreme forms. In a centralized mode, a comprehensive set of policy programs is being synthesized to an integrated class of policies by different NIS actors, acting according to an overall STS ‘‘masterplan’’. This type of centralized coordination corresponds, for example, to the recent Green Paper by the EU and to the currently proposed ‘‘mission oriented’’ technology program for Austria. Within a distributed mode of operation however, policy programs are implemented by a large group of NIS actors independently from each other. In order to guarantee a catalytic effect, NIS actors are coordinated in an implicit fashion via a common ‘‘background knowledge’’ which guarantees the necessary coherence and consistency between independently executed STS program lines. For the Austrian situation, the following policy organization is strongly recommended. AUSTRIAN POLICY ORGANIZATION FOR STS-DOMAINS Catalytic policy management should be implemented in Austria, due to a long history of policy fragmentation and a relatively low centralized regulation culture, in a ‘‘distributive mode’’ only, i.e., via NIS policy actors, operating independently from each other and being integrated by a common ‘‘background knowledge’’ only. 125 Thus, the present policy section, will discuss a variety of urgent requirements and policy tasks for a catalytic regime Austrian style in closer detail. The first important separation to be introduced refers to the above distinction between cognitive background requirements for STS policies on the one hand and concrete policy programs on the other hand. More specifically, the next pages are devoted to the contents of necessary ‘‘cognitive background assumptions’’ which are needed for a successful ‘‘decentralized’’ policy management with catalytic effects. Having completed the specification of seven main background requirements, the concluding passages in Section III will then be devoted to concrete policy recommendations across and within the four principal NIS dimensions. 1.1. CRITICAL CONSTRAINTS IN GOAL DOMAINS The first essential catalytic pre-requirement demands a shift from STS-policies which are devoted to scientific institutes, firms and state units alone to STS-policies which are operating under two critical societal constraints. More concretely, the goal specification should change from a narrow science economy - state context into a wider environment in which domains outside the three large scale systems of economy, science and state become of crucial importance, too. (On this point, see especially AICHHOLZER/SCHIENSTOCK 1994) In order to demonstrate the plausibility of the first demand, a quick review of the science and technology programs, discussed in closer detail in Part I of Volume VI, will become necessary. (See Table 1.1, below) Table 1.1: Two Contexts for Science and Technology Programs INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS NARROW CONTEXTS WIDE CONTEXTS EU - Green Paper EU - White Paper OECD Program on Technology, Productivity and Job-Creation WU-Program on Marketing NATIONAL PROGRAMS TIP-Technology Recommendations for Austria IHS STS-Policy Suggestions 126 From Table 1.1 it becomes already visible that at least some of the current national as well as international programs in the field of innovation, science and technology are explicitly conceived in a wider societal context. With respect to the IHS approach, two critical constraints will be imposed, namely, first, a sustainability demand and second, a quality of life condition. Stated very generally, Austrian STS-policies should be framed in a way that, while improving the current Austrian IS position in the D/E phase diagram, both demands, the one for sustainability and the one for a non-negative quality of life development, have to be satisfied simultaneously. In a more systematic manner which clearly goes beyond the intentions and the scope of the present policy framework, the following four conditions can be specified which, taken together, characterize a sustainable evolution not only of the economy, but of the society as a whole. NIS-SUSTAINABILITY: A NIS developmental pattern is said to be sustainable, iff in the very long run each of the following four conditions holds: A core set of socio-economic performance indicators remains well above ‘‘critical thresholds’’. (SOCIETAL THRESHOLD-CONDITION) 10 Environmental performance indicators stay above ‘‘critical threshold’’ values. (ENVIRONMENTAL THRESHOLD-CONDITION) With respect to the environmental stocks and to the environmental quality as well as with respect to the socio-economic states, a pre-requirement of fairness can be imposed: For any future generation G, the ‘‘veil of ignorance’’status (RAWLS 1971/1996) has to be justifiable in principle. (INTERGENERATIONAL FAIRNESS-CONDITION) The specific NIS-configuration can be generalized to a GIS-ensemble (Global Innovation System) in which the sustainability conditions 1 - 3 hold for the global level, too. (GLOBAL GENERALIZABILITY-CONDITION) It would ‘‘transcend’’ the purpose of the present section to present a detailed account for each of the four sustainability conditions. It must be sufficient to point out that the fourth condition alone is sufficient to qualify the current states of development clearly as non-sustainable, a conclusion which has already been reached by the EU White Paper. The ‘‘quality of life’’ constraint can be specified in a rigorous manner, too, relying, on the one hand, on basic societal domains in the field of political participation, education, basic human rights, information, housing, health, recreation possibilities, overall life satisfaction, etc. and specifying, for each of these societal fields, both essential performance indicators and ‘‘critical threshold values’’, defining minimal 10 For a numerical specification of necessary societal threshold- indicator systems which during the eighties have been summarized under the heading of ‘‘basic needs’’, see MÜLLER 1986. 127 standards for each of these performance indicators. In this manner, vital societal concerns can be integrated and, even more importantly, specified in quantitative terms which can serve as a necessary additional societal constraint on the development of the Austrian Innovation System. The important cognitive background achievement which has been reached at this point lies in the availability of societal goal domains in which NIS-performances within the core areas of science, economy and the state are to be evaluated with the help of additional criteria ranging from the state of the environment to the basic living and working conditions. 1.2. REQUIREMENT FOR STATE-CENTERED INNOVATION POLICIES The second catalytic background-requirement for policy making in the Austrian case demands a significant emphasis of policy programs which, in a mode of self-application, are to be implemented within the state sector itself. Such ‘‘self-referential’’ state policies become of paramount importance for the Austrian Innovation System for at least six major reasons. First, the state apparatus has played, especially from a long-term historical development perspective, a decisive role in the Austrian course of industrialization from the early 19th century onwards. (See, for example, HANSCH 1994) Moreover, the period between 1945 and roughly 1986 can be characterized by a triadic pattern, consisting, almost in equal proportion, of a private, domestically owned sector, of a group of foreign companies and, finally, of a large nationalized industry, combined with a state owned banking segment. Over the last ten years, this triadic configuration has been almost totally vanished and has been transformed into the conventional dual private sector ensemble, one part with predominantly domestic ownership, the second part with foreign capital. Thus, a new situation for industrial policies or, especially important, for STS policies has arisen in which many of the implicit mechanisms of coordination and disturbance are no longer in operation. 11 Second, a traditional basis for STS policies has been provided by a powerful corporatist structure in Austria which, under the name of ‘‘social partnership’’, has acted as an unusually strong coordinative institution with a heavy top-down structure. 11 On this point, see also several articles in SIEDER/STEINERT/TALOS 1995. Moreover, an interesting sub-division has been made within this books, dividing the period from 1945 to 1980 under the headings of ‘‘reconstruction’’ and ‘‘golden age’’ and characterizing the development since with the labels ‘‘crisis’’, ‘‘division’’ and ‘‘reorganization’’. 128 (AICHHOLZER/MARTINSEN/MELCHIOR 1994) In recent years, ‘‘bottom up’’ reconfigurations within the members of the corporatist ensemble as well as an increasing number of ‘‘exit’’ options on part of the constituencies, combined with the overall trend patterns in policy regulation outlined in a detailed manner in the previous section12, have led to a relative decline in the policy shaping capacities and, moreover, to an urgent need for either very active reconfigurations or, alternatively, for a ‘‘withering away’’ of a corporatist model to the more frequent ‘‘lobbying’’ organization of special interests. (PRISCHING 1996) It can well be assumed that, for the time being, both the capacity for corporatist problem solutions in the STS field as well as the speed of the policy proliferation is seriously hampered, leaving, thus, an open space for substitutive STS programs on part of the state apparatus. Third, Galbraith´s dictum of private wealth and public poverty has acquired a corollary in the age of the current CIT´wave, namely highly developed CIT settings in private spheres and relatively underdeveloped CIT ensembles in public domains. Even a quick glance at the current CIT infrastructures as well as at the ‘‘interfaces’’ in vital state-client domains like finance, information services, internal security or social security reveals an even astonishing degree of ‘‘relative backwardness’’ of public infrastructures at the national and at the regional levels. Combined with a still very traditional configuration with respect to the coordination between national and regional or local policy units, NIS polices in the Austrian case must be oriented towards rapid catching up processes of the public hardware and software infrastructures within and across regional levels. Moreover, the state apparatus could act as a potentially powerful demand segment for CIT software adaptations and software maintenance across spatial levels. Fourth, as has been shown in the first section, the state sector will have to undergo a profound transformation from the traditional power state to a novel form of semi-intelligent service state which implies, as has been indicated via a short list of megatrends on the state sector, profound changes for policy implementation and for feedback as well as the feedforward processes. Thus, STS policies must be directed also towards a transformation of its historically embedded forms of internal and external communication flows and decision making procedures into a CIT-conducive environment, increasing its service capacities and providing a large number of new services by abandoning, in turn, its 18th century based power and control pre-history. Fifth, an additional complexification for national STS policies comes from the recent phenomenon of the full Austrian membership in the EU which requires, aside from a considerable financial contributions for STS-concerns at the EU-level, a new ordering and priority setting on part of the Austrian policy units at a new upper level, too. Moreover, the 12 To give just a single, but highly significant example. One of the traditional policy domains of the Austrian model of ‘‘Sozialpartnerschaft’’ was the regulation of prices which has been accomplished for decades in a surprisingly successful manner. This form of direct and special policy programming mhas been abolished in November 1992 and has been transformed into a general and indirect policy task of shaping competition policies. For more details, see PRISCHING 1993. 129 emergence of confederate structures at the EU-level implies, by necessity, a net loss of national STS-competencies and of the national STS-intervention potential. Sixth, the public and private ‘‘expectations’’ and ‘‘attitudes’’ towards the state turn out to be, when compared with other countries (HALLER 1996), unusually strong and powerful, conceiving the state as a prime mover for processes of societal re-distribution, for generating more equality and for guaranteeing employment opportunities for all. Thus, the state apparatus will continue to be confronted with a high private demand for an active role in the shaping and, especially important, in the implementation of STS policies in the present and in the near future. These six arguments, presented so far, point to the important self-reflexive or self-referential character of Austrian STS policies since an analogous problem to the traditional paradox of ‘‘educating the educators’’ has arisen in the field of Austrian policy making, too. 1.3. ADDITIONAL DISTRIBUTIVE REQUIREMENTS A third requirement which acquires special importance in the case of Austria lies in a strong reliance on distributive forms of coordination where, following the definition for ‘‘distributive coordination’’ provided at the beginning of the present section, a comparatively large number of policy units is supposed to act independently from each other. Thus, given the often recognized fact of the heterogeneous character of the Austrian STS-policy making (FELDERER/CAMPBELL 1994, GLATZ 1991/1992, MARTINSEN 1991, MARTINSEN/MELCHIOR 1994, MARTINSEN 1995, TICHY 1992), the plea for ‘‘distributive coordination’’ does not presuppose a ‘‘centralized effort’’, integrating and uniting the existing diversity into a ‘‘new harmony’’ with respect to policy formation. What is required, though, is a common background understanding and a common basis or ‘‘menu’’ of STS goals and instruments which can be implemented efficiently in an independent manner. In particular, three important points should be mentioned aside from the independence condition and the ‘‘common background knowledge’’ requirement. First, independent policy proliferation implies, as its corollary, freedom of mutual restrictions, barriers or blockades. Thus, ‘‘distributed coordination’’ must lead in some selected areas with a long and unsuccessful history of the co-involvement of different NIS policy actors to a decrease in the interlinkage policy structures and to an increased autonomy for specific NIS policy units. 130 Second, aside from the ‘‘policy business as usual’’, a more active codification role would be required by policy actors through an intensification of ‘‘codified’’ policy programs for each of the four NIS dimensions. Thus, despite the distributed mode of coordination, the degree of program codifications for the NIS ensemble should be increased. Third, a roughly common empirical knowledge basis must be established with respect to existing bottlenecks and barriers inherent in the Austrian Innovation System. Here, the current project may serve as an important foundation, simply due to the fact that a new system of indicators has been developed for the Austrian knowledge and information society, its existing networking capacities and the inherent barriers or limitations. The three pre-requirements, outlined so far, are by no means sufficient for the implementation of a catalytic coordination mode ‘‘Austrian style’’. Four additional vital ingredients must be specified within the next chapters. 1.4. MODE II - STS - POLICIES As a fourth condition, an explicit shift should be undertaken from traditional Mode I ways of policy programs which relied strongly on attributes like direct, single purpose, control, etc. to Mode II policy programs with attributes like indirect/structural, feedback-implementation or participlation. (A detailed list of the current change in emphasis from traditional Mode I policy formation to a recent Mode II policy mode can be found in Volume VI). This shift in emphasis implies, inter alia, that policy formation relies to a far stronger degree than previous policies on the self-organizing adaptation potential of large scale socio-economic systems, especially, but not exclusively of the scientific system, of the economic system and of the state system. Like in the case of Mode I and Mode II knowledge production, both polcy groups should not be considered to be as parts of a ‘‘zero sum ensemble’’, but rather of a co-existing nature, where, nevertheless, Mode II policies will gain in relative importance within the years and decades ahead. Table 1.2 provides, then, a summary with paradigmatic examples for each of the main Mode II policy segments. (See Table 1.2, next page) The rich repertoire in Table 1.2, if taken together, offers new pathways both for policy formations and for policy implementation or evaluations. 131 Table 1.2: Mode II Policies - Paradigmatic Examples MODE II POLICY PROGRAM PARADIGMATIC EXAMPLES General Programs Evaluation measures affecting a large share of NIS actors in the science system Indirect/Structural Programs Indirect taxation regulations for innovation and R&D expenditures, especially for increasing the R&D personnel, for networking activities, etc. Coupled Programs Policy programs, integrating technology, employment and regional targets Distribution-Oriented Programs Networking policies between economy and science, economy, science and households, etc. with explicit ‘‘diffusion goals’’ Feedback Implementation Ex post evaluation of research projects and research programs Participatory Programs Ex ante integration of ‘‘outside actors’’ in the formation of special high tech programs Second Order Programs Policy programs toward a substantial restructuring of the state apparatus itself Recombinative Programing Policy programs opening up new niches through the reconfiguration of existing domains like CIT, health institutions and private households, creating a vast potential for new ‘‘on line health services’’ International/Regional Programs Policy programs with Mode II elements which are applicable at local and community levels, too Long Term Programs General NIS programs with the long-term goals of moving the Austrian IS beyond the OECDaverages 132 1.5. PRIORITY SETTING FOR DOWNSIZED STS - POLICIES As a fifth cognitive background feature, STS-policies in Austria should be of a ‘‘downsized’’ nature, aiming not so much at the ‘‘creation of the new’’ and the construction of high technology niches but to a significantly greater extent, at removing old and empirically observable barriers, restrictions and bottlenecks for the development of new niches. Three important areas for ‘‘downsized policies’’ in the Austrian case lie in the rapid imitation and adaptation of successful policy programs from abroad, especially, but not exclusively, in the domain of ‘‘distribution oriented’’ programs a permanent removal of existing barriers and restrictions with respect to networking potentials changes in regulations, facilitating the creation of new ‘‘hybrid’’ NIS actors in the interface between the economic and the scientific system In this manner, three major pathways for ‘‘downsized’’ policy formations have been identified which will become of prime importance within the next chapters. Likewise, the low profile and the weak position of the Austrian Innovation System within the distribution/ensemble phase diagram must lead to a ‘‘downsized’’ priority setting in which - policy programs must be aimed at enhancing the ensemble capacities and the distribution power simultaneously, i.e. distribution oriented policy elements should lead to an increase in the number of NIS actors and, conversely, ensemble enhancing policy measures should provide sufficient incentives for incresing the distrubtion and linkage capacities as well. Due to the equal importance of increasing both the distribution and the ensemble power, Austrian IS policy programs must become, almost by necessity, coupled in character, combining ensemble features like intra-systemic population densities, quality control and autonomy with distribution characteristics like connectivity, incentives for cooperations, etc. 133 1.6. FORMAL EPIGENETIC GOAL ORIENTATION Shifting to the goal areas for distributed NIS policies, two formal goal sets have been introduced within Volume VI, one for the NIS distribution power and one for the NIS-ensemble power which provide, in a strictly formal manner, a goal orientation for any type of distributed and downsized NIS policy. Once again, Table 1.3 will provide a list of paradigmatic examples for each of the formal NIS target areas which, if shared by a sufficiently large number of NIS policy actors, can provide an implicit form of necessary coordination and coherence. With Table 1.3, another vital ingredient for the policy implementation process within the Austrian IS has been provided. What follows next, is a final set of essential background targets for NIS policies, coming from the present and future shape of knowledge and information societies, the new technology-economy settings as well as, the transformations of the state apparatus and, correspondingly, the reconfiguration of policy programs. 1.7. MATERIAL GOAL ORIENTATION TOWARDS ‘‘CORE MEGATRENDS’’ FOR AUSTRIA Finally, a material reference domain has been identified within the present volume, where in Section I ‘‘core megatrends’’ within a NIS ensemble and ‘‘mega-trend’’ NIS policies have been enlisted. Thus, a comprehensive class of ‘‘core megatrends’’ is already currently available which, however, should be enlarged with respect to other essential societal large scale systems like arts and culture or the household sector so that roughly 100 distinctive societal ‘‘megatrends’’ should be available. What is still needed at this stage, lies in three different requirements which have to be fulfilled for a successful ‘‘megatrendtargeting’’, too. 134 Table 1.3: Formal Targets and Paradigmatic Examples DISTRIBUTION POWER FORMAL TARGETS PARADIGMATIC EXAMPLES Increase the Linkage Density for NIS-Actors Networking programs between the science system and the economy or between the state apparatus, science and the economy for complex societal tasks Introduction of qualification criteria for scientific personnel especially at universities, placing special emphasis on active networking participation at the European level Mobility programs, especially between state and economy and science and economy Institutionalization of cross-evaluations between science and state or between economy and science with a strong emphasis on distribution-oriented criteria Increase the Linkage Attractivity Increase the Permeability of Linkages Increase the DP-Efficiency ENSEMBLE POWER FORMAL TARGETS PARADIGMATIC EXAMPLES Increase the Number of NIS-Elements Program initiatives for the founding of new firms especially in CIT niches and CIT-recombined niches Functional differentiation within the NIS ensemble, separating the political spheres more explicitly from scientific NIS actors Quality improving programs like the adaptation of TQM for the scientific system itself Institutionalization of cross-evaluations between science and state or between economy and science with a strong emphasis on ensemble-oriented criteria Increase the Autonomy of NIS-Units Increase the Fitness of NIS-Actors Increase the EP-Efficiency 135 First, the list of core megatrends should be specified in a way that it is directly related to the existing NIS databases. Second, more explicit theory guidance is needed in order to transform the core megatrends into an ensemble with more theoretical coherence. Thus, recombining current international expertise on technology forecasting and scenario-techniques within a Delphi-design should produce a more reliable set of core mega-trends. Third, a final transformation task lies in a permanent revision of the megatrend set, producing a continuously modified core class of NIS-S developmental patterns which results, basically, from advances with respect to the measurement domains and with respect to the ‘‘theory frameworks’’. Quite obvious, such a permanent core-megatrend revision clearly transcends the current scope of Austrian ‘‘trend reserach’’. (For a summary of the present ‘‘state of the Austrian art’’, see HAERPFER/WEINZIERL 1996) In this manner, the background stage for policy implementations has been completed which, especially in the case of the required ‘‘distributed policy coordination’’, becomes of vital importance. 136 2. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ENHANCING THE DISTRIBUTION POWER WITHIN THE AUSTRIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM The subsequent policy options are designed explicitly for the Austrian context and are couched within the set of cognitive background assumptions which have been put forward in the preceding pages. In doing so, all major suggestions for reforms will be categorized under one or more of the four main dimensions for distribution oriented policy programs. Moreover, the resulting policy schemes fulfill an essential quality which, with very few international exceptions, is lacking in most of the national innovation and technology programs, namely a theory based policy agenda in which processes of societal evolution, of systemic self-organization and of intra-systemic adaptations occupy a central position. 2.1. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS ACROSS THE FOUR NIS DIMENSIONS Before dealing with concrete policy issues, the main performance requirements of the Austrian Innovation systems should be recapitulated, once again. In short, the Austrian Innovation System is to exhibit with respect to its distribution power a significant shift between gross domestic R&D expenditures financed by government to R&D expenditures financed by the private sector, especially by industry a drastic increase in the domestic share of the technology balance of payments 137 an increased importance of technology transfer activities both for universities and, especially important, for reseach institutes a higher share of economic and business oriented R&D programs of total government R&D expenditures a massive increase in the output of internal and external co-publications In order to achieve these required NIS distribution performances, the following two pathways for ‘‘downsized’’ policy programs across the four dimensions should be chosen, namely, institutional learning from abroad barrier removing activities for inter-systemic network buildings Moreover, both strategies have been advocated already within the ‘‘downsized policy chapter’’ for ‘‘catalytic’’ NIS policy formations. The first route for a distributive ‘‘drift’’ in policy programs comes via the implementation of successful distribution power oriented policies across or within the four NIS dimensions from the international NIS-environment. As typical examples for distributive imitation, the following two adaptations can be presented. A gradual transformation of Cooperative Research Institutes in Austria into the basic target model of the German Fraunhofer Institutes which, if successful, would alter the networking P - P dimension, the ‘‘encoding’’ dimension P - G, the knowledge bases G G and, finally, the ‘‘decoding’’ dimension G - P. Transforming the funding schemes especially by the Austrian FFF and ITF according to the target domain of the British ‘‘LINK-design’’ or the German ‘‘Verbundforschung’’ (again with consequences within all four NIS dimensions) The second path for distribution driven programs comes through the implementation of ‘‘barrier removing’’ or ‘‘networking’’ programs which, once again, exhibit ramifications and consequences within all four NIS dimensions. To use, once again, two concrete examples for ‘‘downsized policies’’ of a genuine national variety, the following two policy programs can be mentioned. 138 A gradual increase of marketing initiatives both with respect to training and qualification and with respect to the output performances of NIS actors fulfills, given the survey results on restrictions and ‘‘bottlenecks’’, the national ‘‘barrier requirement’’ and must lead, if implemented at a massive scale, to a significant reconfiguration of the networking dimension, the publication line, the knowledge bases as well as the utilization dimension. Transforming the funding procedures by changing, within major funding agencies, from single actor application to non-trivial network applications, including high quality international participation, must generate, in due course, substantial changes and consequences within all four NIS dimensions. It can be seen very easily that an adoption of successful outside examples or the implementation of barrier removing distribution policies fulfills the criteria of both ‘‘downsized’’ programs as well as the criterion of Mode II policies, due to the indirect and structural character of the programs and, moreover, due to the distribution-centered strengthening of the networking capacities of the Austrian Innovation System. Thus, formal distribution power oriented goals like increasing the number of linkages for NIS-actors or increasing the linkage attractivity can be supported via imitation or barrier removing programs from outside in a sufficiently strong manner. 2.2. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SINGLE NIS DIMENSIONS Table 2.1 (next page) summarizes, then, the general headings for classes of recommended policy programs for the NIS-distribution power. With Table 2.1, a fourfold list for selected potential policy agenda has been put forward which will be discussed within the subsequent pages. 139 Table 2.1: Selected Program Headlines for the Four Epigenetic Dimensions (Distribution Power) INCREASING THE INTER- SYSTEMIC NETWORK DENSITIES Identifying Under-Utilized Network Capacities and Synergies within the Economic System via Three ‘‘Technology Audits’’ Round Table Policies for Austrian High Tech-Niches in the Future VLS-Institutes (Virtual Large Scale Institutes) IMPROVING THE KNOW- P ⇔ P ⇑ Ü ⇓ LEDGE UTILIZATION POTENTIAL: Establishing a Network for University Extension Institutes G G Recombining CIT and Knowledge Search into the Creation of New Science Service Units in the Field of ‘‘Knowledge Navigation’’ both for the Economic System and the State Apparatus RE-CONFIGURING THE AUSTRIAN KNOWLEDGE BASES Self-Organizing Internet ‘‘Platforms’’ for Paradigmatic Applications and Transfers (Science-Economy) Self-Organizing Internet ‘‘Platforms’’ for Transdisciplinary Research ⇔ 140 NEW QUALITY OFFENSIVES: Establishing Transfer Sections in Austrian Science Journals Shifting the Proportion of Single Authors to Co-Publications and the Ratio between Intra-Disciplinary and Inter- or Transdisciplinary Contributions 2.3. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE NETWORKING DIMENSION: INCREASING THE INTER - SYSTEMIC NETWORK LINKAGES With respect to the first epigenetic dimension, a comparatively large number of policy suggestions can be put forward. For a better overview, the ‘‘downsized’’ policy suggestions will be separated according to their main application domains into economic, science and state-centered programs. NETWORKING INITIATIVES FOR THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM Initiating three ‘‘Technology Audits’’ for Austria only roughly similar to the OECD-Audit for Hungary13 on - the Austrian CIT cluster and its global niche potential, examining both the firm networks and the scientific institutes within the CIT-domain - the Austrian complex of environmental industries and services, especially with respect to the creation of sustainable and semi-intelligent niches - traditional sectors (agriculture, textiles, heavy industry, etc.), once again from a global niche perspective. Sectoral or cluster based ‘‘round table-policies’’ on future development patterns - organized in the manner of the Dutch ‘‘Scenario-Rounds’’ (DONKERSLOOT 1995) Adaptation of an ‘‘Austro-Delphi study’’ with severe modifications from the Japanese and German predecessors ‘‘Best practice-propagation’’ within the economic system (extending the current one day programs on ‘‘best practices’’ into a differentiated set of programs, including one week or one month transfer and ‘‘on the exchange learning’’-programs) NETWORKING INITIATIVES FOR THE SCIENCE SYSTEM 13 For the Austrian participation withion the OECD Technology Audit, see MÜLLER 1994. 141 For the science system, a variety of networking policies can be formulated which increase and which, in all probability, should generate positive effects within the remaining three NIS dimensions, too. Generating a small number of VLS-institues (virtual large scale-institutes) which are organized by a common auto-catalytic network of the basic ‘‘hypercycle format’’. (See, for a general orientation, EIGEN/SCHUSTER 1979) Here, a small number of existing institutes creates a functionally separated and CIT-connected VLS-enesmble where a single small unit, acting as a lean management and coordinating center, is active in project acquisition and project marketing and sets up flexible and temporary project teams within the VLS-network. Establishing four VLS-units within the ‘‘Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes’’, transforming them into inter-linked conglomerates for medical research, for applied social research, for historical research and, if necessary, for solid state physics. Moreover, these four conglomerates should develop strong mission statements for ‘‘Mode II research’’, organizing a variety of international reserach projects at the conglomerate level. Transforming the fragmented scientific expertise on science policy into a VLS network for science policy research, modeled, in its task distribution, after the University of Sussex based SPRU. Especially due to the smallness of the Austrian Innovation System, a ‘‘downsized’’ and ‘‘network-shaped’’ SPRU-unit in Austria, aside from a trivial networking effect, should lead to an enriched literature on science policy, should enhance the available Austrian knowledge bases and should allow intra-scientific ‘‘enabling processes’’ with respect to knowledge utilization. Establishing two medium sized VLS-networks on specific research domains within the STS (Science - Technology - Society) framework, namely first on knowledge production, transferorganization and innovation management and second, on new CIT-based transfer-media with lean ‘‘head quarters’’ in Vienna14 and in Linz or, alternatively, in Graz. 15 Workshops, conferences and seminars both by research institutes and universities on ‘‘innovation management’’, ‘‘science marketing’’, ‘‘transdisciplinary research management’’, etc. Diffusing the expertise of transfer projects via the organization of workshops on ’’best transfer practice’’ with respect to the implementation of transfer research. 14 The basic model for the Vienna based institute is the Dutch MERIT which has been founded mainly as research institute in 1988 and which at its current state employs roughly 35 scientists and is organized around eight major research topics. For more details, see KUHLMANN 1994. 15 For the Linz or Graz based institute, a recombination of electronic media, hyper-text and visual communication with the requirements and necessities of information exchange within and between science and economy is seen as the primary future oriented‘‘mission’’. 142 Re-organization of Austrian institutes in other countries into ‘‘distribution driven’’ institutions for international cooperation. For example, the mainly historically oriented Institute for Eastern Europe and South Eastern Europe with its branches and ‘‘extension institutes’’ in the Eastern parts of Europe could act as multiple purpose organizations for the social sciences in general, including, quite naturally, the historical sciences, in the domains of international networking, mutual knowledge transfers and the diffusion of new technologies. NETWORKING INITIATIVES FOR THE STATE SYSTEM Third, networking initiatives at the state-level itself can be exmplified with the help of the subsequent program suggestions. Network applications for state funded research by undertaking a gradual shift from individual/institute applications to network applications. Stepping up the research participation by state apparatus by defining ‘‘sustainable’’ transfer interfaces in state funded research projects. In doing so over a longer time horizon, a sufficiently strong scientific expertise within state units could be guaranteed. Shifting towards Mode II projetcs which are, from their cognitive content, complex and transdisciplinary in nature and which, with respect to their policy implcations, are concentrating on long-term, coupled, indirect or general policy aspects. In short, a focus on few, relatively large scale projects is needed which incorporate, a priori, an explicit transfer of knowledge and know-how or, alternatively, of ‘‘know-do’’. ‘‘Insourcing’’ of science units’’ for short term expertise on a permanent basis. Founding of an inter-ministry agency which initiates, coordinates and evaluates state funded research projects by all federal ministries NETWORKING INITIATIVES FOR INTERMEDIATE INSTITUTIONS Finally, networks can be strengthened in the area of intermediate institutions, too, by focusing on areas like the following. Opening up of new ‘‘downstream’’ application domains for the FFF or the ITF, concentrating on initiating or intensifying client-producer interfaces, shortening time to market processes and on marketing and distribution in general. 143 Adopting propagation oriented features of the Finnish TEKES, the Swedish NUTEK or the Dutch STW-system into the application and evaluation practices of the FFF. Establishing separate FWF funds for ‘‘transfer sciences’’, ranging from topics like monitoring transfer processes to new forms of ‘‘mediation’’ and, finally, to new communication media for transfers. Clear ‘‘distribution driven’’ mission statements for all ‘‘extension institutes’’ of Austrian universities. Moreover, extension instituts should organize themselves into an ‘‘extension network’’, organizing and co-ordinating workshops and conferences on TQM, fund-raising schemes and the like at the network-level, too. SME-Openings at the Austrian ‘‘An-INSTITUTES’’, especially the Christian Doppler Laboratories (CDL) through the offering of additional participation possibilities for regional or cluster-based SME-networks and SME-cooperations. In sum, the examples enlisted above demonstrate a high networking potential which, at the present time, is under-utilized and which, thorugh distribution oriented policies might gain considerably in its intraand, above all, in its intersystemic linkage densities. 2.4. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PUBLICATION DIMENSION: NEW QUALITY OFFENSIVES The second major NIS policy dimension must be concentrated on the ‘‘encoding processes’’ and on the proliferation of a relatively stronger ‘‘distribution driven’’ program output. In order to achieve this major objective, the following policy programs can and should be initiated. QUALITY INITIATIVES FOR SCIENCE AND ECONOMY 144 Addition of ‘‘transfer sections’’ in Austrian science journals. In doing so, an important platform for distribution oriented research can be created which can be applied, with equal force, to all scientific disciplines. Intensifying the implicit evaluation expertise in areas like product-, process- and organizational innovations into a more explicit and ‘‘encoded’’ format which facilitates successful learning and imitation processes Founding of a high quality Austrian journal on ‘‘transdisciplinary reserach’’ which, almost naturally, has to contain a large section on successful transdisciplinary research projects in Austria and abroad Increasing the co-publications between science and economy especially in complex Mode II domains Intensifying the ‘‘codification process’’ for R&D in firms by setting up internet based communication channels towards the science system both for exploration, confirmation and for documentation QUALITY INITIATIVES FOR THE STATE SYSTEM For intensifying the state - science and the state - economy interlinkages, several programs can be proposed which, taken together, could exert powerful networking capacities. Increasing the number of inter-ministry project reports on complex societal issues in areas like environment, technology acceptance, health, housing and living conditions, etc. Proliferation of a bi-annual report on the state of the Austrian Innovation System, concentrating on key issues with respect to the overall Austrian IS performance, the building up of new transfer capacities and hybrid NIS actors, the implementation of new distribution driven or ensemble oriented programs, the financial flows for R&D with respect to the European Union, etc. Compulsory implementation of ex ante assessments and of ex post evaluations of state legislation in particular and policy programs in general. A vital ingredient for enhancing the state-science interface within the ‘‘encoding’’ dimension lies in the institutionalization of compulsory forms of assessments which, in turn, must lead to a substantial increase in publication activities within a hitherto relatively weak science-state interface, namely in the field of ex post program evaluations and, even more importantly, of ex ante program assessments, including new legislature. As a basic rule, proposed by Bernd Marin (MARIn 145 1994), 0.1% of the expected costs both of policy programs and of state legislation should be devoted on ex ante research on societal ramifications as well as on non- or un-intended program consequences. Increasing co-publications between NIS actors from the science system and the state, especially in areas like policy research, implementation reserach or organization theory. The above policy recommendations must be considered as a list of paradigmatic examples only, leaving ample room for similar ‘‘distribution oriented’’ codification processes within and between the three major large scale NIS systems. 2.5. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE - BASE DIMENSION: RE-CONFIGURING THE AUSTRIAN KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER POOLS Under the spcial heading of increasing the transfer knowledge base, a comparatively large number of programs can be advocated. Here, four major action-lines will be outlined. Self-organizing Internet - Platform of paradigmatic applied research projects (IPP) across disciplines: Preferably organized as WWW hyper text, the major contents of successful application studies as well as the main steps for successful imitation should become available to the Austrian scientific community. Self-organizing Internet based Platform on transdisciplinary research (IPT). In a similar manner, a self-organizing internet dialogue can be set in motion with the explicit goal of proliferating a relatively large and, especially important, a fairly up to date summary of ongoing or recently finished research cooperations of transdisciplinary nature both in Austria and worldwide. 146 New Types of Communication and Codes for Improving the Intra-Scientific Discourse as well as the Science-Public Communication. Another vital component in establishing a ‘‘distributive drift’’ within the Austrian Innovation System lies in the availability of programs and, above all, of new embedded code systems which have the main task of facilitating communication processes between scientific disciplines or between science and extrascientific domains. As an extremely interesting example from the First Republic, two major research endeavors can be identified which could produce major contribution in this area. First, the encyclopedia-program of the Vienna Circle (MÜLLER 1989) can be mentioned which, in the course of roughly fifteen years turned out to be very successful in constructing a common data-language as well as a common methodological foundation across scientific disciplines. Second, special efforts have been devoted, under the guidance of Otto Neurath (MÜLLER 1991) to establish new forms of ‘‘pictorial codes’’ which, under the name of ISOTYPE have become a new type of ‘‘embedded code system’’ for the purpose of knowledge transfer. In a similar manner, CIT based policy programs should be implemented which are devoted to the building up of intra-scientific interfaces across disciplines as well as the science - public communication, including areas like schooling, education and training. Organizing an integrated knowledge base for state-funded transfer projects. Another ingredient in the re-shaping and re-organizing of the overall knowledge bases lies in the availability of codified results which have been produced in the course of state-funded projects. Here, a service unit, responsible for summaries as well as for the digital format of the entire project contents, should be created by enlarging the existing data and project archives like FODOK, WISDOM, etc. In pursuing action lines along the general G - G directions specified above, probably very rewarding linkage effects with respect to the transferability and with respect to the exchangability of elements of the Austrian knowledge bases could be guaranteed. Moreover, policy actions, aimed directly at a ‘‘distribution driven’’ change in the G - G dimension have the comparative advantage of being innovative themselves. 147 2.6. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE UTILIZATION DIMENSION: IMPROVING THE KNOWLEDGE IMPACT POTENTIAL In a final round of policy suggestions, network initiatives are proposed for a large number of NIS actors, distributed over the entire ‘‘triade’’ of science, economy and state. Networking initiatives for the Austrian university extension institutes especially at the EUlevel Networking programs for the Austrian ‘‘Wissenschaftsläden’’ with similar institutions abroad Combined network initiatives, especially for projects at the EU-level, for STS-institutes and university extension institutes with respect to problems of university planning, knowledge transfers and research utilizations Installation of significantly more STS (Science - Technology - Society) programs, of curricula in bibliometrics, infometrics and scientometric and of the new branch of NIS-informatics at universities both for students and, even more important, for managers and R&D employees. Integrating NIS and STS courses within all major curricula of scientific disciplines Installation of transfer services in ‘‘knowledge and technology navigation’’ within universities and research institutes Establishing networks of ‘‘knowledge and technology navigation service units’’ for particular scientific and technological domains With these recommendations for policy and action lines, the distribution perspective within the Austrian Innovation System can be concluded. What follows next, lies in a similar series of policy suggestions for the complementary and, in the Austrian case, equally necessary aspect of National Innovation System, namely for the ensemble power. 148 3. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ENHANCING THE ENSEMBLE POWER WITHIN THE AUSTRIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM With respect to the ensemble power, the general policy orientations remain unchanged which consist in an overall increase of the low ensemble power position of the Austrian IS to the level of OECD or the EU averages and beyond ... 3.1. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS ACROSS THE FOUR NIS DIMENSIONS Before shifting to concrete policy issues within the ensemble power dimension, the target performance requirements of the Austrian Innovation Systems should be recapitulated, once again, for the ensemble power domain, too. In short, within the Austrian IS the following trajectories should be realized within a medium and long term time perspective of five to fifteen years, namely a significant increase in total R&D expenditures as % of GDP from the current level to the EU-average of roughly 2% a drastic increase of R&D personnel from its current value of 2.5 per 1000 into a range between four and five per 1000 a substantial downsizing of the share of R&D activities by universities (cutting, in the long run, the current position of 32% by half to the EU average of 16%) a reduction of the share of ‘‘general university funds’’ (GUF) in the long run by half (from current 64.a% close to the EU-average of 29.7%) 149 a substantial shift in the balance between public and private university funding, reducing the current 97.4% public share a significant ‘‘upsizing’’ of the share of R&D activities by research institutes from its present position of 9% to the EU-average of roughly 18 - 19% upsizing the share of of R&D expenditures of the government as % of GDP from the present level of 0.56% to roughly 0.75% a drastic increase in the publication output in all of the sciences per one billion GDP from the current 18.2 publications to more than 30 maintenance of the high publication output per ‘‘one person year’’ In order to achieve these required highly ambitious and, at least in a medium time horizon, unreachable NIS ensemble performances, the following two roads for ‘‘downsized’’ policy programs across the four epigenetic dimensions, namely, institutional ensemble learning from abroad new instruments for formal ensemble power oriented target domains seem appropriate. The first policy set is accomplished via the implementation of successful ensemble power oriented policies from the international NIS-environment. As ‘‘paradigmatic examples’’, the following areas can be mentioned in which, basically, the number as well as the quality of Austrian IS-actors can be increased. Adaptation of the Norwegian BUNT-Model (Business Development Using New Technologies) into an Austro-BUNT (BAYER 1994:76) An Austro-BUNT initiative will and must lead, due to its focus on strategy identification and strategy implementation, to an upgrading of ensemble features like the ‘‘fitness of NIS actors’’, the evaluation competencies (including self-evaluations) or, at least in an indirect manner, the autonomy of NIS units. Moreover, the ramifications of an Austro-BUNT are not restricted to the networking dimension alone but affect the remaining NIS dimensions as well. Supporting the ongoing changes at large scale institutes to become Austrian ‘‘Science Centers’’ (NSC´s), acting, like the Berlin based Science Center for the social sciences 150 (WZB), as ‘‘catalysts’’ in a variety of core domains in the social, natural, technical or medical sciences. Again, due to the relative smallness of the Austrian IS, a successful transformation of a single large scale institute within a large science complex like the social sciences, simply has to exert massive quality effects across the four NIS ensemble dimensions. The second way for comprehensive NIS policy programs is achieved through the implementation of Austrian-specific initiatives which fulfill the formal targets for ‘‘ensemble oriented policy making’’ across the four NIS dimensions. Again, two paradigmatic examples may help to clarify the content of overall NIS ensemble-centered policies. Linking the net gains from current ‘‘privatization and outsourcing processes’’ with respect to state industries and other state activities to a new ensemble power initiative for the Austrian Innovation System. Here, a new funding agency, especially designed for university institutes and, above all, for the research segment, should be mobilized which must be organized in a lean fashion and which should have the following primary objectives, namely improving the CIT-based infrastructure in the Austrian Innovation System, especially in its research capacities establishing a ‘‘supra-critical’’ mass of coherent ‘‘large scale facilities’’ in Austria across all major scientific domains acting as a service and, above all, as financing unit for the founding of hybrid institutes, for starting science based firms, etc. initiating and financing ‘‘spin-off programs’’ especially at the regional level Due to its high technology focus, this new fund could be integrated into the existing FFF structures which can be considered as sufficiently lean and efficiently organized already. Initiating evaluation processes for scientific institutes as well as for intermediate institutes at a regular five year basis. Such an evaluative ‘‘monitoring’’ will lead to changes across the four NIS dimensions by changing the number of NIS-actors, producing, as the evaluation processes go along, a diversified evaluation literature, 151 effecting, consequently, a considerable enlargement of the Austrian evaluation knowledge bases and, finally, an increased evaluative utilization potential. Again, both comprehensive pathways to ensemble oriented enhancement programs, on the one hand the imitation initiatives from the international NIS-environment and, on the other hand, the implementations of evaluation programs fulfill the formal requirements for the ensemble power dimension and must be qualified, moreover, as typically ‘‘downsized’’ policy initiatives. 3.2. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SINGLE NIS DIMENSIONS Not surprisingly, the major policy measures in the general field of ‘‘increasing the ensemble power’’ do not come from an increased allocation of financial flows, but, on the one hand, from a relative reallocation from the university contributions to the non-university segment and, on the other hand, from low or zero cost programs, facilitating the founding of new NIS actors. Here, the following policy programs should be implemented within a medium and long term of five to fifteen years. (For a preliminary summary of major program headings, distributed across the four NIS dimensions, see Table 3.1, next page.) 3.3. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE NETWORKING DIMENSION: INCREASING THE INTRA-SYSTEMIC ACTOR DENSITIES 152 With respect to the intra-systemic population density of the NIS-actor networks, a clear imperative, directly linked to the empirical results in Volume IV, can be put forward, namely a rapid construction of a highly developed infrastructure of non-university research institutes which, at the same time, exhibit a high degree of autonomy and of quality standards. In order to reach these target domains, the policy initiatives will be separated according to the four formal goal domains for successful ‘‘ensemble oriented’’ policy programs. 153 Table 3.1: Selected Program Headlines for the Four NIS Dimensions (Ensemble Power) INCREASING THE INTRA- SYSTEMIC NETWORK DENSITIES Low Cost Initiatives for an Intra-Scientific ‘‘Gründerzeit’’ Clear Functional Differentiations between Science Management and Political Domains, Including Political Parties Evaluation Proces for the Selection of a Small Number of ‘‘Science Centers’’ in Major Disciplines Institutionalized Evaluation Processes for Major Intermediate NIS-Actors IMPROVING THE KNOW- P ⇔ P ⇑ Ü ⇓ LEDGE UTILIZATION POTENTIAL: Establishing a CIT Infrastructure for NIS-Actors G G Journals Recombining Marketing and Research for the Creation of New Fund-Raising Posts at Large Scale Research Institutes (LRI´s) and Self-Supporting Networks for Small PublicaScale Research Institutes (SRI´s) RE-CONFIGURING THE AUSTRIAN KNOWLEDGE BASES Self-Organizing Internet ‘‘Platforms’’ for the Austrian Knowledge Bases across Disciplines Self-Organizing Internet ‘‘Platforms’’ for the Austrian Access to the Global Knowledge Bases ⇔ 154 NEW QUALITY OFFENSIVES: Establishing an International Review Process in Science Shifting the Proportion of National Authors to International Authors ‘‘Downstream’’ tion Support for Emerging ‘‘Strongholds’’ in the Austria Science Production INCREASING THE NUMBER OF NIS-UNITS: Here, a small list of paradigmatic examples will be provided which are financed through the proposed FFF ‘‘privatization fund’’. Massive organizational and infra-structural support for the cluster of technology-oriented research institutes either by facilitating the founding of new hybrid types of Mode II institutes with a high degree of local networking potential in high technology niches of CIT-engineering or in biotechnology ‘‘Critical mass’’ of EU-defined large scale facilities (LSF) in the natural sciences, the technical sciences, medicine and in the social sciences which, taken together, fit into the cognitive and institutional Austrian NIS III landscapes ‘‘Barrier removing’’ measures with respect to university regulations, fostering the founding of new hybrid institutes Changing indirect tax regulation for firms in favor of three areas, namely the building up of new or additional R&D capacities, for R&D contributions to universities or research institites and to open training programs. Separation of the Austrian Academy of Sciences into a comparatively large number of nearly autonomous NIS actors. In particular, scientific service and infrastructure units associated with the Academy should be separated form a science-oriented compound. More concretely, the task domain for the first complex, organizationally linked to the Academy, should continue, wherever justifiable, the work on editing historical sources, on data and indicator compilations or on archeological fieldworks. For the second unit, a massive ‘‘insourcing’’ of international expertise has to be initiated whereby relevant scientific Mode II domains like those identified in the proposed ‘‘Austro-Delphi-Report’’, become organized via highly competent international networks, with Academy institutes acting, wherever possible, as coreactors. INCREASING THE AUTONOMY OF NIS-UNITS: Under this heading, a rich reform agenda, especially designed for both the university cluster and the set of research institutes must be set in motion through which, ideally speaking, three types of NIS-actors, namely universities, research institutes and the state apparatus, reach a comparatively better position than their current status. Relative reduction, organized via the ’’freezing’’ or via a very incremental decline, of state expenditures to the GUF (General University Funds) sector from full funding to base-line fundings, accompanied by increasing the financial autonomy especially of university 155 institutes. The base-line support should lie in the range of approximately two thirds of the total budget levels and should be implemented within a ten year interval. Increasing the autonomy of the institute level of universities with respect to initializing ‘‘selfsupportive’’ training programs, seminars and workshops and with respect to the utilization of research funds for the hiring of new personnel, the acquisition of CIT and other science infrastructures, etc. Implementation of short and medium term fund raising schemes within universities to compensate for the losses resulting from the reduction to base line funding. Clear functional dfferentiation between the state apparatus and the political system on the one hand and the management of research institutes on the other hand. Here, a period of segregation of traditional links as well as the construction of new ‘‘science-state’’ interfaces has to be accomplished in a short term manner. Transforming Austria´s so-called ‘‘federal institutes’’ along two major dimensions. First, by ‘‘insourcing’’, i.e. by re-shaping them into non-scientific ‘‘service units’’ within the state and, second, by ‘‘privatization’’, i.e., by a rapid re-organization into autonomous research units with a significantly reduced base-line funding only. Medium financial planning horizons for internationally well-embedded and renowned large scale research institutes (‘‘Blue list institutes’’ across all scientific disciplines) INCREASING THE FITNESS OF NIS-ACTORS: A third policy line for ensemble oriented programs lies in the implementation of quality enhancing measures. Here, a small list of potential programs in this important domain has bee set up. Selection of a small number of Science Centers (NSC’s) out of the existing pool of institutes in each of the following domains Natural Sciences Technical Sciences Medicine Social Sciences Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research NSC’s should act as powerful cognitive ‘‘catalysts’’ by concentrating on - 156 establishing local innovative research traditions for globally distributed ‘‘hot fields’’ in science and technology Mode II research with a high international diffusion potential International knowledge and, more generally, ‘‘know do’’ transfers Improving the research infrastructure, especially with respect to CIT equipments. Increasing the scientific capacities and the relative importance of the Austrian NIS data infrastructures both with respect to ÖSTAT and with respect to scientific data archives. INCREASING THE EP-EFFICIENCY: Among the general efficiency enhancing measures in the networking dimension, the most important one lies in the institutionalization of evaluations, preferably in a five year rhythm, in the following domains. Funding agencies (five year evaluation of the FFF, FWF, ITF, Research Fund by the National Bank, etc.) Government programs in R&D, ex post, ex ante and within their implementation phase. Obligatory evaluation of the proposed ‘‘National Science Centers’’ (NSC’s) after five years and, if necessary, re-arranging of the NSC-listing. Organizational evaluation at the level of disciplines, of single universities, of groups of research institutes within a technology cluster, etc. These examples should be sufficient to demonstrate the extended implementation potential for policy programs along the institutional and the network dimension within the NIS-ensemble power. 3.4. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PUBLICATION DIMENSION: NEW QUALITY OFFENSIVES FOR ENCODED OUTPUTS 157 A second group of ensemble oriented policy measures has to be concerned with fostering both the ‘‘encoding intensities’’ as well as the ‘‘encoding qualities’’. As paradigmatic examples, the follwing set of policy proposals can be identified. Quality improving publication initiatives for the economic system like the introduction of new awards for transfer projects and for successful transfer implementations. Quality improving publication initiatives for the science system, above all through increasing local innovative problem solutions to global scientific problem domains. The major justification for this demand comes through the new ‘‘theory of scientific micro- and macrocreativity’’ in Volume I where one of the decisive steps for the emergence and the continuation of a highly creative scientific regional network has been identified in the proliferation of ‘‘local’’ cognitive solutions to globally discussed problem domains. Thus, in Volume I an explanation sketch could be provided on the comparatively large number of recombinative local solutions produced within the Viennese network during the years of the First Republic in areas like mathematics, methodology of the science system en bloc, economics, social sciences, psychology and psychiatry (via the propagation of psychoanalysis), etc. Consequently, new zero cost or low cost policy programs should be initiated at the level of research funds and with respect to evaluation processes, giving high priority to ‘‘local innovations’’ for ‘‘global scientific problems’’ and, finally, at the level of awards which should be aimed twoards first, the proliferation of new ‘‘local’’ solutions which constitute ‘‘local research programs’’ with a potential for ‘‘global resonances’’ second, wherever possible, the linking between the new solutions with the extremely interesting knowledge bases during the 1920´s and 1930´s.16 Moreover, the existing award system (START, ‘‘Ludwig Wittgenstein Award’’, etc.) should be enhanced and slightly re-organized by placing special emphasis on the local coherence of cognitive fields. Why? Simply in order to reach, once again, an old balance between ‘‘local historicity and global developments’’ (NOWOTNY 1990:138) in which, like in the 1920`s and early 1930`s, Austria´s cognitive contributions, will become 16 It is obvious that for new global reserach domains like bio-technology or electronic equipment no effective links, aside from general methodological devices, can be provided. But in many areas, including the extremely important new cognitive science domains, connections to the classical Austrian knowledge bases prior to 1933/38 can and should be established. 158 part of a wider international movement of ideas, innovations, and institutional strategies that had their outposts also elsewhere, but to which the Austrian case (will) add highly specific and unique features. (IBID:139p.) Quality management for Austrian scientific journals especially through a thorough evaluation of the international impact in the reviwe process and, whereever necessary, through a modification in the review practices. Publication of an annual report on the status of the Austrian Science and Research System, by focusing, on development patterns in scientific performance indicators (distribution power/ensemble power) local domain indicators within all four NIS-science dimensions The quality improving effect of such a comprehensive science report is rather obvious since a regular ‘‘state of the art’’ report can serve as an intra-governmental and intra-scientific reference point and may initiate, thus, a vital ‘‘feedback element’’ for initiating communication processes and for a successfully orchestrated ‘‘distributed’’ STS policy formation. Quality improving publication initiatives for the state system, above all through the introduction of the full range of quality control methods. Quality improving publication initiatives for intermediate institutions, again by an intensification of quality control methods as well as by increasing their current client interfaces with CIT based ‘‘on line services’’, with CIT based services for project applications and networking partnerships, etc. Shifting of review processes from ex ante evaluation to ex post evaluation especially for the FWF and the Research Fund of the Austrian National Bank. With this step, an enormous quality potential could become activated, since a non-trivial and highly consequential ex post evaluation will generate, by necessity, a rapid improvement in the final reports and a much more densely interlinked report structure. In particular, ex post evaluations on the degree of novelty, on the degree of correspondence between initial project proposals and final product or on the degree of ‘‘Anschlußfähigkeit’’ with the established knowledge bases could become vital elements for the initialization of catalytic ‘‘encoding’’ processes in the Austrian science system. 159 3.5. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE BASE DIMENSION: RE-CONFIGURING THE AUSTRIAN KNOWLEDGE POOLS Meanwhile, a seventh domain for potential STS policies can be opened up, after reviewing the four distribution centered epigenetic dimensions and the networking as well as the publication dimension within the ensemble power domains. More specifically, the reconfiguration potential for the current Austrian knowledge bases can be exemplified with the help of the following examples. Self-Organizing Internet Platform of the Austrian knowledge bases across disciplines (IPA). Within this domain, a variety of new initiatives should be set in motion, ranging from a straightforward medium of communication to award systems for innovative and significant contributions within a single discipline, within disciplinary compounds and the like. Self-Organizing Internet Platform for the Austrian access to the global knowledge bases. (IPG) In contrast with the previous initiative, a CIT-based platform should be established which serves as an exchange forum for ongoing international research and publications which contain innovative elements and which could be of potential interest for local modifications and adaptations. Again, an award system for transferring and adopting advances in the global scientific arena to the local or national context could and should be initiated. Meanwhile, the final dimension within the current review program for the current STS intervention potential has been reached which is concentrated on increasing the utilization of the impact of the existing knowledge bases. 160 3.6. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE UTILIZATION DIMENSION: IMPROVING THE KNOWLEDGE IMPACT POTENTIAL Finally, a concluding list of policy examples demonstrates the possibility for intervention along the utilization or ‘‘decoding’’ dimension, too, both for the science system and for the economic domain. Improving the CIT-infrastructure for connectivity and data transport capacities Founding of more privately organized institutes and organizations close to the universities for ‘‘knowledge marketing’’ Establishing new ‘‘hybrid’’ Mode II transfer centers for high technology niches in CIT and in the biotechnology complex Self-supporting transfer-networks by groups of small scale research institutes (SRI´s) Self-financing schemes for recruiting new personnel for ‘‘knowledge utilization’’ and project marekting for large scale research institutes (LRI´s) In this manner, a rich menu for the general directions in potential STS policy programs has been built up which may serve as an important cognitive reference point in the shaping and organizing of a ‘‘catalytic policy regime’’ Austrian style. 161 PART III: FINAL OUTLOOKS: MONITORING, AND SELF-REFLEXIVITY IN THE ANALYSIS OF NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS 162 0. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The final section is motivated both by a current demand for an increased scientific sensitivity for extrascientific concerns and for a higher degree of ‘‘self-reflexivity’’ within the science domain (BECK 1986, LASH/SZERSZYNSKI/WYNNE 1996). More specifically, these current issues can be translated into the NIS analyses in a manifold of ways. At the outset, the quest for more self-reflexivity can be justified, at least in the case of the study of innovation and diffusion processes, in two different ways. First, a study of National Innovation Systems, advocating local innovative solutions or ‘‘innovative spurts’’ should exhibit, in order to demonstrate the feasibility and reachability of the demands imposed on the Austrian science-technology landscapes, a local innovative solution by itself. In this sense, the new epigenetic IHS approach must be viewed as a fulfillment of the self-reflexivity demand since a new framework, strongly connected to the Austrian tradition in evolutionary social theory, in innovation research, in cognitive science and in general scientific methodology, has been proposed in its theoretical, methodological, historical, policy-oriented as well as in its complex model-building ramifications. Second, the ‘‘context of potential utilization’’ has been adressed in a rigorously new manner. Thus, the empirically observed barriers and restrictions inherent in the Austrian innovation networks and the ‘‘incompatilities’’ between important NIS actors especially within the state segment have been taken into account explicitly. In this sense, the policy programs and the self-organization policy directives, advocated throughout the present volume, should be seen as conscious attempt to go beyond the conventional demands for ‘‘unification’’ and ‘‘centralization’’ Die Komplexität der vorgeschlagenen Strategien ... macht es vor allem notwendig, daß eine strategische technologiepolitische Koordinierungskompetenz im österreichischen Technologiepolitiksystem existiert (BAYER et al. 1994:43) - Consequently, a new STS-management has been proposed which, in view of the existing constraints and inmformal incompatabilities, aims, nevertheless, at distributed ways of a ‘‘catalytic’’ policy coordination. More generally, increased self-reflexivity in NIS reserach can and should be placed within an appropriate cognitive-organizational setting which guarantees, on the one hand, a permanent monitoring of the Austrian Innovation System and, on the other hand, a continuous ‘‘feedback process’’ between policy programs, the evaluation of their effects and impacts, the propagation of new STS-policy analyses and the 163 shaping of new policy measures. In this sense, three final considerations will be devoted to the problem of moving future NIS-analyses in Austria even closer to a permanent self-reflexive research process with both an immediate policy relevance and an empirically as well as theoretically more sophisticated and advanced basis. 1. SELF-REFLEXIVITY PRELIMINARY REQUIREMENTS At the outset, some suggestions are put forward which highlight several of the ‘‘utilizations’’ for selfreflexive research practices in the social sciences in general and in the field of innovation and technology diffusion in particular. The following six contexts describe different semantic fields of self-reflexivity which can be captured in Table 1.1. Table 1.1: Domains for Scientific Self-Reflexivity SELF-REFLEXIVITY AT THE LEVEL OF SELECTION CRITERIA: Self-reflexivity as increased ‘‘awareness’’ for the ‘‘context of discovery’’ Self-reflexivity as increased ‘‘awareness’’ for the ‘‘context of justification’’ Self-reflexivity as increased ‘‘awareness’’ for the ‘‘context of application’’ SELF-REFLEXIVITY WITH RESPECT TO PROGRAMS: Self-reflexivity as ‘‘second order research’’ Self-reflexivity as ‘‘self-referentiality’’ Self-reflexivity as ‘‘self-application’’ Self-reflexivity as ‘‘self-reproduction’’ 164 The core notion for the first self-reflexivity domain, namely ‘‘increased awareness’’ can be given a straightforward meaning, since it can be tied to the availability of a theoretical frameworks which serves as an essential selection basis for the choice of topics, methods, theory frameworks, problem domains etc. (‘‘context of discovery’’) the fulfillment of testing, measurement and justification standards, etc. (‘‘context of justification’’) the utilization and implementation of results (‘‘context of application’’) Thus, ‘‘increased awareness’’ can be tied to the existence of a set of theoretically embedded selection procedures for the three major scientific operation spaces, namely the contexts of discovery, justification and, finally, utilization. Moreover, the second domain of ‘‘self-reflexivity’’ applies to the level of scientific program production and can be differentiated in the following manner: ‘‘Second order research’’ has been introduced, quite generally, as any scientific program which contains at least some non-trivial elements of self-reflexivity, self-application or selfreproduction. ‘‘Self-referentiality’’ has been achieved whenever a scientific program exhibits non-trivial references between its domain of discourse and the program itself. Thus, a theory of scientific creativity, if undertaken in a self-referential manner, must demonstrate weak connections to its own program features. Consequently, a theory of scientific creativity which exhibits no or almost no creative elements and components by itself, must be classified as a heteroreferential program whereas a program on scientific creativity, demonstrating elements of the creativity framework by itself, should be qualified as self-referential. ‘‘Self-application’’ occurs whenever a scientific program contains suficient instructions which, if followed by a competent scientist, will lead to a successful exemplification of the program in question. Thus, a theory of scientific creativity with ‘‘self-application’’ elements must exhibit strong connections to its program design and must follow, above all, in its mode of constitution the basic steps of the creativity program itself. Ideally, the steps of the application on creativity theories must be undertaken in a way which follows the general requirements for achieving scientific creativity. ‘‘Self-reproduction’’, as the most advanced and most elaborated self-reflexive program feature, contains all relevant ingredients for the self-construction of a program which, basically, follows its own rules or ‘‘grammar’’. Here, a self-reproducing program of scientific creativity will lead, if placed into an appropriate embedded environment, to a new creativity program, relying, above all, on the internal program operations alone. 165 In this manner, a large number of potential ‘‘self-reflexivity features’’ has been summarized which will become, as will be remembered from the megatrends on knowledge and information societies, a prominent element of scientific program proliferation, and, thus, of the knowledge bases, in the near and distant future. The subsequent chapters will be devoted, then, to two questions. First, what are the necessary institutional pre-requirements and infrastructures for organizing ‘‘second order research’’ in an efficient manner, especially within the field of National Innovation Systems? And second, which ‘‘self-reflexive’’ features have already been implemented and achieved within the present project itself? In answering these two questions, another round of investigations will be completed which brings the present analysis to a logical conclusion ... 2. NECESSARY COGNITIVE INFRA - STRUCTURES FOR MONITORING AND SELF - REFLEXIVITY For ‘‘organized self-reflexivity’’ in NIS-domains, three major components become of equal importance, namely an appropriate research data-infrastructure a locally embedded and locally propagated Mode II theory and model pool for global scientific problem domains new organizational interfaces with respect to the ‘‘structural couplings’’ between the state apparatus and the science system In closer detail, these three areas need, in order to approach the target of ‘‘organized self-reflexivity’’, the following set of requirments and pre-conditions. 166 2.1. CONSTRUCTING THE NECESSARY DATA INFRASTRUCTURE The first essential point for a successful implementation of self-reflexive NIS investigations in general or STS policy research in particular17 lies in the provision of an appropriate data infrastructure for the monitoring, i.e. the observation, measurement and the evaluation, of structural changes and boundary shifts within the Austrian Innovation System. Important ingredients of the required infra-structural organization have been highlighted within the EU Green Paper already and will be enlarged here with several Austria specific components. SUFFICIENTLY POWERFUL NIS-DATA BASES: The most essential infra-structural requirement comes from the creation of a diversified national data basis, comprising at least three different groups of data. First, survey and panel data from the NIS or, alternatively, from the STS-field should be made available to both national as well as international NIS reserachers. As a NISpolicy agenda of high strategic relevance, the installation of APIT, the Austrian Panel for Innovation and Transfer, is strongly recommended and should become one of the core-components of the Austrian NIS data basis. Second, available bibliometrical and scientometrical data on reserach and research diffusion should be integrated into the NIS data bases, too. Moreover, the field of bibliometrics and scientometrics must be regarded, for the Austrian case, as a highly under-developed research topic since a very small number of studies has been undertaken which has effectively utilized the meanwhile huge SCI-data bases. (For a rare exception, see FELDERER/CAMPBELL 1995) Third, the infrastructure for data interfaces must be established between national NIS data and the existing national data bases on employment, investment, trade statistics, education, demographic data and the like. 17 For clarification, abbreviations like NIS or, alternatively STS-analysis are used in an equivalent manner since both cases - National Innovation Systems on the one hand and ‘‘Science - Technology - Society’’ on the other hand, refer to societal ensembles under the special perspective of innovation, technology and diffusion processes. The term STS policy or STS policy research refers, however, to a special subsegment within NIS or STS analyses, namely to studies of science-, technology- or second order policies. 167 Here, ÖSTAT, through its already existing data-base services, should become of core relevance in becoming the NIS-actor ‘‘of last data resort’’ for national, international as well as for the provision of integrated NIS data services. NEWSLETTERS AND NEWS-NETWORKS FOR BOTH STS-DOMAINS (Science-Technology-Society as well as Science- Technology- Second Order Policies): Establishing of an internet based STS News-Network, comprising STS-institutes, R&D departments of firms as well as the science section of ÖSTAT, the Austrian Patent Office and other NIS III actors with the main ‘‘mission’’ of exchanging and transmitting ongoing NIS-research activities interesting international papers, conferences, research projects within the STS-domains INTERNATIONAL DATA-TRANSFER: A third infra-structural condition, necessary for a continuous ‘‘self-reflexive’’ research process in STS- or NIS-fields, lies in a well-functioning interface to interational data sources, both at the level of national organizations abroad and on the level of international organizations. Again, the science section of ÖSTAT should become a core actor and should be upgraded, therefore, in its current personnel as well as in its internal position of the science section within ÖSTAT. (Transformation into an autonomous ÖSTAT-Department for Science, Technology and Innovation) With these three low-cost options (except for the substantial increase in ÖSTAT resources on science, technology and innovation), the necessary data-infrastructure could be built up which, moreover, would allow for an increased participation of Austrian STS or NIS research within ongoing EU or OECD activities. 2.2. AVAILABILITY OF LOCAL THEORY POOLS FOR GLOBAL PROBLEM AREAS WITHIN SCIENCE The second group of necessary conditions for a successful organization of ‘‘self reflexive’’ NIS research comes through the availability of a local theory and model pool which contains globally distributed and discussed Mode II elements. The main reason for stressing the local components and local Mode II problem solutions is linked to the framework for micro- and macro-creativity which has been proposed in 168 Volume I . Only a clearly recognizable local reserach profile will be able to generate a sufficiently powerful cognitive network, necessary for a continuous flow of new adaptations, modifications and recombinations. Finally, the principal argument for Mode II components has to do with the fact that ‘‘organized self-reflexivity’’ is a genuine feature of Mode II knowledge production and should proceed, therefore, in an explicit Mode II fashion. More specifically, the set of necessary cognitive pre-requirements for ‘‘organized self-reflexivity’’ can be circumscribed in the following way. LOCAL RESEARCH TRADITIONS: A sine qua non lies clearly in the existence of local Mode II research traditions which may become active elements within a local area network. In this sense, the new epigenetic IHS approach to the analysis of National Innovation Systems may be considered as one of the potential ‘‘network nodes’’ which should and must be accompanied by alternative local NIS-research traditions as well. INTERNATIONAL TRANSFER: A second cognitive pre-condition, necessary for a continuous ‘‘self-reflexive’’ research process in NIS-fields, comes through a permanent two way transfer with the international NIS-environment. Here, the IHS offers an almost ideal position for transfers from abroad, due to the advanced training and education program within the IHS which allows an intensive organization of seminars and workshops . SELF-REFERENTIAL PROBLEM SOLUTIONS: A third pre-condition lies in a concentration of NIS research on self-referential problem domains like studying the evolution of evolution, functions of functions, models of models, programs of programs, recombinations of recombinations, the recursion of recursion ... and the like. In doing so, a new compartment within the Mode II pool should emerge which will, in all probability, increase the potential for transdisciplinary applications in a systematic manner. SELF-APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE AVAILABLE LOCAL POOL OF THEORIES AND MODELS: A final reserach trajectory which must exhibit at least some ‘‘paradigmatic examples’’ lies in the domain of self-applications. Here, Volume V has pointed out already the general specification framework for a successful implementation of complex modeling on the diffusion of complex modeling ... The four points just outlined complete the necessary cognitive plattforms, necessary for organizing ‘‘selfreflexivity’’ in NIS research. 169 2.3. CHANGING THE INTER-SYSTEMIC CONNECTIONS OF THE SCIENCE SYSTEM A third set of pre-conditions refers to changes in the ‘‘interfaces’’ between science and its wider socioeconomic environment, especially the political and public domains. Here, only two major transformations will be mentioned in an explicit fashion. PERMANENT CROSS-EVALUATIONS: A primary ‘‘necessity’’ for organizing ‘‘self reflexive NIS research’’ lies in the institutionalization of a permanent cross-evaluation process whereby the programs on part of the NIS policy actors undergo constant evaluation processes by the scientific system and the scientific performances within all four epigenetic dimensions as well as the utilization potential of the ‘‘knowledge Base’’ for societal concerns are subject to a permanent evaluation process on part of the NIS policy actors. In doing so, a process of mutual ‘‘learning’’, transfers and adaptations can be set in motion which, in the end, must lead to a powerful ‘‘drift’’ for rapid distribution and diffusion of both societal concerns and issues within science and for new science-based policy options within the extra-scientific realms ... INSTITUTIONALIZING POLICY FEEDBACKS: A second institutional requirement lies in the implementation of successful ‘‘feedback loops’’ which enhance the mutual impact by especially from the data and evaluation bases to the policy realm. Taken all three domains together, the necessary ‘‘cognitive infrastructures’’ as well as the appropriate institutional settings for ‘‘organized self-reflexivity’’ in NIS research have been identified. Moreover, institutionalizing ‘‘self-reflexivity’’ can be considered as a highly rewarding low cost option since the necessary financial basis can be estimated, in its minimal form, with no more than six million ATS p.a. where roughly one half of the total sum must be devoted to the area of data collection, NIS-measurements and data organization (APIT, the Austrian Panel of Innovation and Transfer, scientometric and bibliometric data, cluster-data, data with respect to the technology balance of payments, additional positions within ÖSTAT, etc.) and the second part to evaluation projects for important NIS-segments. In doing so, an internationally innovation with respect to the cognitive pool for NIS analyses as well as with 170 respect to the formation of STS policies could be achieved which, moreover, has a high diffusion potential for other regions or nations. 3. SELF-REFLEXIVITY IN NIS - RESEARCH: A CONCLUDING VIEW ON THE OVERALL IHS - PROJECT The final chapter of the final analytical volume - Volume VII contains only appendix materials, ranging from data-bases to different types of questionnaires - will recapitulate twelve prominent features of ‘‘selfreflexivity’’ which have been achieved within the present overall project despite a partially lacking and insufficient cognitive infra-structure. First, a ‘‘transdisciplinary’’ or, alternatively, a ‘‘meta-theoretical’’ framework has been built up which is epigenetic in character and which can be applied, mutatis mutandis, to biological domains, to socio-economic realms or to socio-biological fields. Second, a universal concept of ‘‘innovations’’ has been put forward which, once again, becomes applicable to innovations within the genetic code, within ecological domains, within socio-economic fields - and beyond ... Third, a general theory-network for ‘‘embedded code-systems’’ (ECS) has been achieved which, like in the previous two cases, can be applied to the genetic code and to numerous code-systems which have emerged in the course of human development. Fourth, a general theory of recombinations has been proposed which focuses on a small number of ‘‘recombinative operators’’ and which, once again, can be utilitzed in biological as well as in a large number of socio-economic domains. Fifth, a general theory of scientific micro-creativity as well as macro-creativity has been developed which, as one of its highly self-reflexive features, has been instantly applied to itself. Sixth, a generalized framework for ‘‘actions’’ and ‘‘operations’’ has been achieved through which action spaces for highly heterogenoeus domains of discourse can be integrated into a consistent ‘‘systemic ensemble’’. 171 Seventh, a variety of general methodological problem areas have been discussed in a way which supports and corroborates the transdisciplinary frameworks established in the present volumes. Moreover, a historical development sketch of the very long run offers an additional epigenetic basis for future reserach, by focusing on the co-evolution of genotype - phenotype interactions. Eighth, a new set of complex, dynamic models has been built up through which processes of innovation and diffusion can be studied within transdisciplinary modeling frameworks. Nineth, one of the complex model specifications, namely the model families of the ‘‘Kuhn clock variety’’, has been formulated in such a way that the model families can be directly applied to itself. Tenth, the realm of potential applications for the overall NIS-project has been taken into account in a novel theoretical fashion of ‘‘self-organization policies’’ so that one of the features of self-reflexivity, namley the availability of a theory-driven ‘‘context of application’’, has been fulfilled. Eleventh, a large number of policy recommendations has been suggested which, at least in the areas devoted explicitly to the realm of scientific institutions, can be applied directly to the scientific environment in which the current NIS-project has been conducted. Twelveth, a final section has been explicitly devoted to the problem of reaching an institutionalized and, thus, a permanent status of self-reflexive socio-economic research in the analysis of processes of innovation and technology diffusion. In this manner, a highly self-reflexive research endevour, devoted to the analysis of National Innovation Systems, has come to its logical point of return since ..., approaching NIS-domains from a very broad and, above all, from a meta-theoretical perspective, the introductory steps (in)evitably should be devoted to two areas: First, a series of heuristic devices should turn out to be useful for the specification and the design of socio-economic systems in general and of evolutionary socio-economic systems in particular. Second, a special classification problem with respect to systemic states or systemic components must be discussed which, under the heading of Evolutionary Stable Classifications (ESC), will lead to a specification requirement of long-term invariance. 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