A CASE OF CARCINOMA OF T H E CERVIX WITH A BLOOD PICTURE SIMULATING CHRONIC ALEUKEMIC EOSINOPHILIC LEUKEMIA ANGEL0 M. SALA, M.D., AND ROBERT J. STEIN, M.S. (Fvom the Pathology Laboratory o f the New York C i t y Cancer Institute, New York C i t y ' ) The occurrence of blood eosinophils in conspicuous numbers in and around a tumor is not an uncommon finding, but their presence over a long period as the predominant element in the peripheral circulation, in cases of cancer, is a rare observation and worthy of report. FIG.1. EOSINOPHILIC LEUKOCYTES SURROUNDING NEOPLASTIC TISSUE Eosinophilia in epidermoid carcinomas of the cervix, penis, lip, and tongue has been reported by many (Przewoski, 1896; Feldbausch, 1900; Weill, 1919; Schoch, 1925; Goforth and Snoke, 1928; Roca da Vifials, 1931), but a general blood eosinophilia occurring at the same time has been described but seldom, Kappis (1907) reported a case of carcinoma of the lung in which the total leukocyte count was 50,000 per cu. mm., with 39 per cent eosinophils. Dunger (1910) in a case of carcinoma of the colon found a total leukocyte count of 35,000 cells per cu. mm., of which 21,000 were eosinophils. Weiss ( 1926) observed pronounced eosinophilia with adenocarcinoma of the stomach. As far as can be determined, carcinoma of the cervix occurring simul1Division of Cancer, Department of Hospitals, Dr. Ira I. Kaplan, Director. 125 126 ANGEL0 M. SALA AND ROBERT J. STEIN taneously with a blood picture simulating a chronic eosinophilic aleukemic leukemia has never been reported. CASEREPORT A. S., a white woman aged forty-seven, entered the New York City Cancer Institute in June 1932. She had had pain in the right lower quadrant, radiating to the back and both lower extremities, for over four years; chronic constipation for the past ten years; purpuric eruptions over the entire body for a period of eight months, and metrorrhagia for over six months. There was a history of a cholecystostomy and of five miscarriages, the last one eighteen years earlier. On physical examination the patient appeared to be anemic and moderately wasted. The eyes, ears, nose, and throat were negative, and there was no cervical adenopathy. The heart and lungs were essentially negative. The abdomen was not rigid, and no masses could be felt; the liver and spleen were enlarged. Over the entire body were small areas of purpuric eruption. Vaginal examination showed the cervix to be transformed into an extensive ulcerative neoplastic mass. Rectal examination revealed involvement of the broad ligament and the posterior cul-de-sac. The clinical diagnosis was carcinoma of the cervix with adnexal metastases. High-voltage and radium therapy was given, the patient receiving, during her stay a t the hospital, three courses of high-voltage radiation consisting of 1OOOr to each of four fields of the pelvis and 4500 millicurie hours of radon, in the form of a tandem. Roentgen examination of the pelvis revealed nothing abnormal. The laboratory findings were both interesting and instructive. The Wassermann and Kahn tests were negative. Blood chemistry tests at different intervals showed: Glucose 88 mg. 92 mg. 89 mg. 91 mg. Urea Nitrogen 12 mg. 10 mg. 12 mg. 11 mg. Creatinine 1.1 mg. 1.0 mg. 1.2 mg. 1.1 mg. The blood platelet counts taken on three different occasions showed a definite thrombocytopenia with counts of 23,860,of 19,450,and of 21,800 platelets per cu. mm. of blood. Blood counts and differential blood smears made between June 1932 and May 1933 were as follows: Neutrophilic Polynuclears Lymphocytes Hemoglobin White Cells Eosinophils Red Cells 4,860,000 3,765,000 3,750,000 3,180,000 3,250,000 3,860,000 3,150,000 2,840,000 2,500,000 2,420,000 2,100,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,640,000 85% 80% 80% 75% 75% 70% 70% 70% 65% 60% 60% 50% 40% 60% 2,noo,ooo 55% 2,400,000 60% 18,600 17,200 17,450 18,000 16,900 18,350 19,200 19,650 20,250 20,000 20,950 21,500 24,300 28,800 33,500 36,800 20% 15% 25% 20% 22% 19% 28% 30% 16% 29% 33% 22% 28% 22% 21% 33% 20% 15% 10% 20% 18% 12% 15% 11% 17% 8% 15% 14% 16% 20% 18% 6% 60% 70% 65% 60% 60% 69% 57% 59% 67% 63% 52 % 64% 56% 58% 61% 61% I n the differential smears most of the neutrophilic granulocytes were of the non-segmented type with an absence of myeloblasts and myelocytes. The eosinophilic granulocytes were almost all of the segmented type. The erythrocytes presented a progressive CARCINOMA OF CERVIX SIMULATING LEUKEMIA 127 secondary anemia characterized by anisocytosis, polychromasia and poikilocytosis. There was an absence of basophilic punctation and megalocytosis. Biopsy of the cervix showed a spindle-cell epithelioma. I n the connective-tissue stroma were numerous islands composed entirely of blood eosinophils surrounding the neoplastic tissue (Fig. 1). DISCUSSION Splenomegaly, tissue infiltration with eosinophilic leukocytes, and a preponderance of one type of blood element in the peripheral circulation are usual diagnostic features of a true leukemia. But the fact that many other conditions, such as parasitic infestations, allergies, skin diseases, acute infections, and sometimes Hodgkin’s lymphogranuloma may also produce a generalized blood eosinophilia, suggests caution in making a diagnosis. The case reported showed the salient features of a true eosinophilic leukemia, but the consistent presence of mature eosinophils in the peripheral blood stream makes it doubtful if this be a picture of a true leukemia. The eosinophilia here is probably a secondary reaction resulting from a possible effect of the carcinoma of the cervix on the hematopoietic apparatus. BIBLIOGRAPHY DUNGER,R.: Ein einfache Methode der Zahlung der eosinophilen Leukozyten und der praktische Wert dieser Untersuchung, Miinchen. med. Wchnschr. 57 : 1942, 1910. FELDBAUSCH, F. : Ueber das Vorkommen von eosinophilen Leukocyten in Tumoren, Virchows Arch. f . path. Anat. 161: 1, 1900. GOFORTH,J. L., AND SNOKE,P. 0 . : A consideration of body resistance to neoplasia, Am. J. M. Sc. 175: 504, 1928. KAPPIS, M.: Hochgradige Eosinophilie des Blutes bei einem malignen Tumor der rechten Lunge, Miinchen. med. Wchnschr. 54: 881, 1907. PRZEWOSKI,E.: Ueber die locale Eosinophilie beim Krebs nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Bedeutung der eosinophilen Zellen im Allgemeinen, Centralbl. f . allg. Path. u. path. Anat. 7: 177, 1896. ROCADA V I ~ ~ A LR.: S , Epithelioma penis con eosinofilia local y circulante, An. Hosp. de Santa Cruz y San Pablo 5 : 168, 1931. SCHOCH,E. 0.: Eosinophilie in Probeexzisionen, ein prognostisch giinstiges Zeichen fur die Strahlenbehandlung der Portiokarzinome, Miinchen. med. Wchnschr. 72 : 380, 1925. WEILL, P. : Uber die Bildung von granulierten Leukozyten im Karzinomgewebe, Virchows Arch. f . path. Anat. 226: 212, 1919. WEISS, E.: Carcinoma of the stomach with high blood eosinophilia, J. Lab. Clin. Med. 11 : 733, 1926.