Praesidentenbericht Request to All Members.


Praesidentenbericht Request to All Members.
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
Happy Thanksgiving!
October 2011
October 7-15 Oktoberfest
All Halls
Bands – The Golden Keys & Schwaben 12
October 28
KISS Tribute Show: The Destroyers
October 29
Halloween Dance
November 6
Film Nachmittag: Trapp Familie in
Schwaben Hall
Schwaben Hall
Schwaben Hall
Band – The Barefoot Boogie Band
November 19 Frauen Gründungsfest
Main Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
December 11 Christmas Luncheon
Main Hall
The Schwaben Club presents a
Halloween Dance
with the barefoot boogie band
Saturday, October 29, 2011
doors open at 7:30pm
$10 admission
Various Groups
December 14 German Christmas Show
Main Hall
Raphael & Susanna, Zillertaler Edelweiß Trio
Yasmine-Melanie, Der Blonde Hans
December 31 New Year’s Eve Ball
Main Hall
Band – The Golden Keys
January 21
Spaghetti Night Fundraiser
March 10
Main Hall
March 20
Main Hall
Prizes awarded for
BEST and SCARIEST costumes . . .
. . .door prizes and more!
German Spring Show
Duo Herzblatt, Edith Prock, Joseph Holzmann
Die Sandler
Request to All Members.
Please call or send the club office all the necessary information when a club member, a loved
family member, close friend, or good acquaintance has passed away.
The office and other members of the committee
do not always check the obituaries in the local
newspapers. At the general membership meeting,
we would like to pay our respects to the deceased,
(2 minute silence).
Thank you
Walter Marzinko
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
[email protected]
Snacks will be available for purchase
Wie die Zeit vergeht. Als ich diesen Bericht schreibe
kommt das Ende September auf uns zu. Die Blaetter verfaerben sich langsam und manche fallen schon. Wenige
Mittwochabende stehen mir noch zur Verfuegung, mein
ferngesteuertes Flugzeug zu fliegen, bevor es zu finster
oder kalt wird. Ich versuche, die verbleibenden sommerlichen Stunden auszunutzen, um radzufahren, und
ja, das Oktoberfest kommt auf uns rasch zu. Der Monat
September ist wie verflogen, hauptsaechlich wegen den
vielen Aktivitaeten, die wir genossen haben.
Am 27. August tagte die 3. Schnitzengiggle. Mary
und ich hatten wieder viel Spass. Wenn Sie diese
Veranstaltung noch nicht kennen, ist sie mit dem
Fernsehprogramm “Minute to Win It” zu vergleichen, obwohl von Mannschaften gespielt und nicht
Einzelpersonen. Spass ist vorprogrammiert, indem
dusselige Kostueme mit Ersatzbier gepaart sind!
Es ist schwer zu festzusetzen, ob die Zuschauer
oder die Konkurrenten mehr Spass haben.
Zwischen den verschiedenen Herausforderungen
spielten die Golden Keys zur Unterhaltung und
Tanzfreude. Obwohl der Wettbewerb so heiss
wie immer war, gewann dieselbe Mannschaft
zum dritten Mal nacheinander.
Am Labour-Day-Wochenende waren unsere
Tanzgruppen sowie viele mitreisenden Mitglieder
beim Tag der Donauschwaben in Mansfield,
Ohio. Sie war eine super Veranstaltung. Sieben
amerikanische Tanzgruppen nahmen am grossen Tanzwettbewerb teil (kanadische Gruppen
sind ausgeschlossen). Am Samstag herrschten
sehr unangenehm heisse Temperaturen, obwohl
das Wetter sich am Sonntag merklich abkuehlte.
Regen zog ein, aber die Atmosphaere und Spass
waren ueberhaupt nicht getruebt. Es war schoen,
unsere Tanzgruppen und Mitglieder vor Ort zu
sehen. Spass gehabt, Erinnerungen gemacht.
Am 10. September genossen wir unser
Gutes Essen kombiniert
mit guter Tanzmusik waren angesagt. Die
Versteigerung des Rosmarinstrausses war meine
Aufgabe dieses Jahr, und zwar zum ersten Mal!
Mich auf einem Hocker zu balancieren und gleichzeitig die verschiedenen Ersteigerer(innen)
zu sehen war eine Herausforderung! Diese
Versteigerung-Tradition fasziniert mich, indem
man an eine damals noch dicht zueinander stehende Gesellschaft denkt. Das Kirchweihfest
an sich ist eine schoene Veranstaltung, aber die
Vorbereitung des Festes hat auch ihren Reiz.
Die Klubfrauen kommen zusammen, setzen sich
am Tisch, plaudern und binden die farbenfrohe
Baender um den Rosmarinstrauss. Tanzgruppen
proben ihre Taenze. Die Versteigerung des
Kirchweihstrausses hat eine uralte Tradition und
die Dorfatmosphaere wird durch das Tragen der
traditonellen Trachten ergaenzt. Solche Abende
sind fuer mich sehr wichtig, weil Jahrhunderte
von Geschichte wieder lebendig gemacht
werden. Man wird immer wieder daran erinnert, Besitz ist fluechtig, Traditionen und Kultur
sind ewig. Unsere Vorfahren bestimmen unsere
Geistlichkeit. Ein besonderen Dank geht an
alle freiwilligen Helfern, die an dem Abend mitgewirkt haben.
Zum Thema Haus und Hof sind wir gerade
dabei, die Stube zu verschoenern, damit die
Kartenspieler unter anderem eine schoenere
Ambiente geniessen koennen. Phil Neidert
hat die Waende neu gestrichen und war federfuehrend, die Arbeiten in diesem Raum voranzutreiben. Vielen Dank auch an die anderen,
die Phil auch mitgeholfen haben. Bilder und andere Dekoartikel werden den Raum noch besser
aussehen lassen.
Die Frauengruppe setzte die Tradition fort!
3000 Krautwickeln wurden fuer das diesjaehrige
Oktoberfest zusammengestellt, und das nur in
3 Tagen! Fuer die Frauen ist diese Aufgabe
gang und gaebe. Am 1. Oktober sendet CTV
ein Fernsehprogramm ueber das Oktoberfest
und unsere Frauengruppe ist auch dabei beim
Krautwickelmachen. Verpassen Sie das nicht!
Ich moechte mich bei allen Frauen fuer diese
Mammutaufgabe recht herzlichst bedanken.
Diese Meisterleistung verleiht dem Schwabenklub
viel Anererkennung waehrend Oktoberfest.
Am 25. September wurden die Hallen fuer das
grosse Oktoberfest geschmueckt. Monica Anstett
und Tina McQuabbie sorgte fuer das leibliche
Wohl der Helfern. Allen Freiwilligen sind gedankt, da die Vorbereitung fuer so eine grosse
Veranstaltung braucht viel Zeit und Muskeln.
Geniessen Sie die letzten schoenen sommerlichen
Tage. Schoene Herbsttraditionen sind noch zu
feiern. Altes Brauchtum und alte Kultur sollen ja
erhalten bleiben.
President’s Report
Where does all the time go. At this writing it is the
end of September. Leaves are starting to change
colour and fall, I’m looking at just a few more
Wednesday nights flying the remote control airplane before it is too cold or too dark, I’m trying
to capture as many remaining hours as I can on
the bike, and Oktoberfest is rapidly approaching.
September has flown by due largely to all the activities that have kept us busy and entertained.
On August 27th, Mary and I once again had a very
fun evening at the 3rd annual Schnitzengiggle.
If you haven’t been it is like taking the show
‘Minute to Win It’, using teams instead of individuals and adding the use of team costumes
and beer to each contest to make it even more
hilarious. I’m not sure who has more fun, the
contestants or the folks watching. In between the
challenges we enjoyed dancing to our favourite
band the Golden Keys. While the competition
between teams was heated the same team won
for the third year running. Next year it is time to
unseat this seemingly unstoppable team.
The Labour Day Weekend saw our dance
groups and some of our members at Tag der
Donauschwaben in Mansfield Ohio. It was a
great event. This was a competition year among
the dance group. While our dance groups did not
compete there were seven groups that did and it
was very enjoyable watching them. Saturday was
hot hot hot but all went very well. Things cooled
off on Sunday. The rain came but the weather did
not hamper the festivities or dampen our fun. It
was wonderful to see our dance group and member families come out and have so much fun together. Lots of memories were made.
On September 10th we enjoyed our Kirchweih
festival. Great food and music were enjoyed by
all those who attended. Auctioning off the rosemary bush was a first for me. Keeping my balance
on the riser in the middle of the hall while trying
to keep up with the bidders around the room certainly required me to keep my focus. What I like
so much about this event is the tradition and the
sense I get of the club being like a close knit village. The celebration is not just the evening festivities but perhaps even more importantly it is the
preparation for the event. Rosemary is planted
in our members’ gardens in the spring in anticipation of this evening. Ladies come together and
join around a table to talk and tie the colourful
ribbons around the rosemary. The dance groups
practice in preparation for their performances.
The auction of the rosemary bush is an age old
tradition and the village atmosphere is enhanced
by the participants wearing their trachten. This
evening for me is a very important traditional
event heaped in centuries of history. It is an opportunity to remind ourselves that material possessions are fleeting but the true treasures in our
lives are the customs and traditions of our ancestors and how our spiritual selves are enhanced by
them. My special thanks to all those who worked
to make this yet another special evening.
We have been painting our card room to make
it useable for games as well as small gatherings
and meetings. Thanks to Phil Neidert for all his
efforts to push this project along. Many helped
with the preparation and painting and I want to
thank all those who were involved. Pictures need
to be added to the walls but already the room
looks great.
The ladies continued their tradition of making
cabbage rolls for the upcoming Oktoberfest.
They made approximately 3000 cabbage rolls
in just three days! These ladies have it down to
a science. On October 1st CTV will be running
a program on Oktoberfest and the ladies were
filmed in the kitchen for the show. So keep an
eye out for the program. There are too many
names to list but I want to thank all those who
participated. This is a tremendous amount of
work but it really helps to make our Schwaben
Club the place to be for Oktoberfest.
On September 25th we started the process of
decorating the halls for Oktoberfest. Monica
Anstett and Tina McQuabbie looked after preparing the excellent lunch. Again lots of preparation goes into this event and requires many
volunteers to help make it a success. Thank you
to all those who came out.
So grab as much of the remaining summery days
as you can and take the time to remind yourself
what your favourite fall traditions are and make
your plans to observe them. Remember, feed
your spiritual self through new experiences and
old traditions.
George Kraehling Jr.
Manager’s Report
“What’s Going On”
What’s going on?????? OKTOBERFEST……….
that’s whats going on. Tickets sales are great, and
it promises to be a good one. For all of you who
have your Oktoberfest tickets I know you will
have a super time, and remember, please don’t
drink and drive. To all I wish a fun filled and safe
Oktoberfest and a Happy Thanksgiving. Prosit.
Don Egley
Geburtstage für Oktober
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat Oktober Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Kessel, Wolfgang
Kiefer, Irma
Kremer, Ingrid
Schachinger, Jeff
Preissler, Gertraud
Marzinko, Walter
Adam, Magdalena
Harvey, Katherine
Engardt, Michael
Zai, Maria
Altmayer, Franz
Kretschmann, Henry
Heffner, Willy
Schwartz, Josef M.
Mayer, Mary M.
Hill, Helga
Neidenbach, Herold
Hild, John
Huber, Wilhelm
Nowak, Diana
Stager, Jeff
Schaman, Simon
Haas, Hermine
Becker, Lea
Schramek Bill
Sieber, Joseph
Weiss, Anton
Olah, Christine
Mondor, Philip
Lutz, Annie
Schattka, Hans
Kindergruppe and
As the autumn leaves begin to fall, the sounds of
little feet and laughter can be heard on Thursday
evenings throughout the hall as our dancers practice, practice, practice!
The children have already participated in their
first event at this years Kirchweih. Both the
Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe performed
spectacularly! The Jugendgruppe surprised the
audience by performing a new dance. Thankyou to Mira Polski for speaking on the history of
Kirchweih, Great Job!
In August, our group participated in Tag der
Donauschwaben in Mansfield, Ohio. A huge
THANK YOU to all the families who travelled
south of the boarder to wrap up their summer
holidays with us. Both groups made us all very
proud. We can’t wait to host this event next year!
Oktoberfest is quickly approaching and the dancers are excited to participate in this years festivities!
We look forward to celebrating Oktoberfest with
our members, families and friends. You can support our dance groups by purchasing Oktoberfest
Lottery Tickets from any of our dancers. We continue to fundraise for new dirndl’s and appreciate
any support towards our goal.
Our group welcomes Leanne and Lauren Krause
and Jessica Tadros. We hope they enjoy their
first Oktoberfest!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Practice: Thursdays at 6:30pm
Tara Willemsen
Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe Secretary
September has come and gone. Our first event of
the season, the Kirchweih was celebrated Sept
10,2011. A great time was had by everyone who
attended. We appreciate all the support we receive at the event. A special thank you goes out
to our dance groups who helped serve the meals.
Thank you also to the Schwaben Dancers for
selling the raffle tickets and to all our dancers for
their great performances.
A group of our members were able to come out
and make cabbage rolls. We made 2880 cabbage
rolls! Thank you very much! Another fundraiser
for the Frauengruppe is the Oktoberfest bake sale
on Sunday Oct 9, during Family Day. We appreciate all donations of baking or cash donations.
I hope everyone enjoys Oktoberfest and has a
lovely Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Keep in mind our Frauen Grundungsfest is coming up on November 19.
Susan Cook
Frauengruppe Secretary
The Annual Schwob-a-thon!
Every year Donauschwaben from all over North
America come together to celebrate their shared
heritage. It’s a chance to catch up with friends,
show off new costumes and dances, and party
like there’s no tomorrow! It’s also a chance to
get away, see somewhere new (for most people),
and enjoy someone else doing all the work.
This year, the Landestreffen was hosted by the
Mansfield Liederkranz in Mansfield, OH. They
are a regular stop on the Donauschwaben rotation, but for many people, this was their first
time visiting. They have quite an impressive
spread down there. The clubhouse has a main
ballroom with a prep room behind the stage, a
back bar area with pool tables, and an outdoor
patio. They also have a large permanent pavilion, two soccer fields, and a very large property. The Schwobs are not suffering in Mansfield,
that’s for sure!
As for the event, for those lucky enough to arrive
earlier on the Friday, they could go to the Club,
enjoy a hot meal and some entertainment. And
many people did! The main hall was packed
with people from all different clubs – eating delicious German food (I had the prime rib), and
watching a wonderful dance group. There happened to be a Hungarian dance group from Saar
touring the US at the time, so they stopped by
and joined us. And what a show they put on.
Dancing for nearly three hours with only a small
break in the middle, they danced up a storm and
received many standing ovations for their efforts.
A great beginning to the weekend.
On Saturday, it started with lunch and socializing. Most people had arrived by now, so most
groups were getting organized and collected.
The Grand Parade started at 2:30pm, with all
clubs being represented (17 in total). Although
one could say that the heat was a bit excessive,
it didn’t dull the enthusiasm and the excitement
of the participants. After the parade, the perfor-
presented by the
Schwaben Club & Transylvania Club
December 14, 2011
Doors Open 5:30 pm
Dinner 6:30 pm
Show 8:00 pm
Members - $39.95 + tax
Member of either Schwaben or Transylvania Club
Non-Members - $44.95 + tax
mances began, some in the Main Hall, others in
the pavilion. In between, lots of cold beer and
great food to be enjoyed. It was a great day to be
a Schwob – but the weekend wasn’t over yet.
On Sunday, it was dance contest day. Every three
years, they hold a formal contest where groups
are judged on dancing, speaking and singing –
ALL IN SCHWOBISH! Eight groups participated in total, and they all did justice to their
culture. Although the judges didn’t want to have
to pick a winner, the trophy and the honour went
this year to Milwaukee! After the contest, more
dancing, and eating and drinking. As night fell,
the organized components of the weekend came
to a close, and the Youth dance began. I’m sure
it was a challenge squeezing that many youths
into the pavilion, but somehow they managed it.
And they rocked the night away.
Overall, it was a great weekend. The 20 min
drive between club and hotel was a bit tedious,
but it did give a person time to remember the fun
they just finished having. One word of warning:
Do not burn out a headlight in Ohio - they take
that crime very seriously! I can’t wait for next
year’s event, it should be wonderful as well …
oh wait! Next year’s event will be hosted by our
own Schwaben Club. I’m sure it will be perfect!
Peter Speckner
Cultural Director
Was han’ mer Heit?
It may not look pretty, but that’s the statement that
was heard all night at the annual Kirchweih celebration at the Schwaben Club. It’s a constant reminder of the fun and importance of the evening.
And the enthusiastic answer that always followed,
“Kirchweih!”, never missed a beat either.
The evening began as most functions do; a
quick hello from the Host, and then grace by
our beautiful Miss Schwaben. Then came the
food. Mmmmmmmmmm. Another wonderful
meal by our kitchen. It started with the standard
Garden salad. The entrée consisted of Schnitzel,
Mashed Potatoes, and Schwaben Beans. All
were delicious and tempting to the taste buds.
Dessert was a Raspberry Cream Torte – I don’t
remember having tried this one before, but it was
also very yummy.
As dessert settled into our
stomachs, the first two
dance groups performed.
The Kindergruppe lead off
with their superior cuteness and adorable antics.
It is always a joy to watch
them dance around floor.
They were followed by the
Jugendgruppe. Their energy and enthusiasm has been
getting higher and higher
with each performance.
They will be blowing the
roof off any day now with
the power they put into
their performances.
After the first two dance
groups, there were quick speeches by the
Frauengruppe and our Club President. Then
dance group members and VIP’s were asked to
leVe the hall to line up for the Grand Pararde.
This annual tradition has everyone march in and
around the hall, showing off the pretty costumes
and especially the Rosemarein Strauss (Rosemary
Bush). That’s right, the coveted prize of the heat-
ed bidding war that follows the parade. With
Mary Hild taking the lead position as caller for
the auction, and dance group members stationed
throughout the hall to give bidders their congratulatory glass of wine, the auction went on to be
very successful for the Frauengruppe.
After the auction was finished, the band took over
and gave everyone a chance to work off dinner. It
is always a pleasure to have the Gooden Keys play
for us. They are very adept at reading the crowd
and playing just the right music to get the audience
moving. At the first band break, it was time for the
next dance group. The Donau Dancers came out
and once again showed that they are a very talented and practiced dance group. Their circles were
spot on, their spacing exact, and they were in sync
throughout. Experience really is the best teacher.
After another workout session with the band, the
Schwaben Dancers came and energized the hall.
Although not as precise as the Donau Dancers,
the younger group used their fast tempo dancers
and high energy enthusiasm to keep the crowd
hooked. The band took over again, and guided us
through the rest of the evening.
Overall, it was a beautiful evening, with great
food, more wonderful performances by our
dance groups, and a marvellous fundraiser for
our Frauengruppe. It’s good we have another
one next year!
Peter Speckner
Cultural Director
Open: 2:00 pm
Film: 2:30 pm
Coffee &
Cake Available
November Film Nachmittag
Congratulations to
Jade & Nick Lang
On their marriage
September 17, 2011
Moms, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, and family.
Thank you to our
cabbage roll chefs.
Oktoberfest would
not be the same
without you.
Mary Hild
Katie Geimer
Katie Kraehling
Leni Putschli
Joanne Nuxoll
Melissa Gissing
Annie Lutz
Elfie Geimer
Betty Neidert
Mary Kraehling
Sophie Orsan
Tony Sertic
aka Dad
With lots of
love, from
your Family!
We are hosting an open house
n t he K eller at t he
Schwaben Club on
N ovember 6
from 2-5pm.
Best wishes
Transylvania Club
07. bis 15. Oktober Oktoberfest Stampede Corral, Kitchener
19. Oktober
Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon - Alpine - 11:30 Uhr
05. November Trachtenball – Aylmer Saxonia Club – 20:00 Uhr
12. November Schlachtfest – 18:30 Uhr
13. November Volkstrauertag – Remembrance Service – 14:30 Uhr
16. November Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon – Alpine - 11:30 Uhr
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
[email protected]