PIfE Newsletter 2014 Febr.


PIfE Newsletter 2014 Febr.
fü r alle M it g lied er des P IfE / to all P IfE memb ers
Psychodrama-Institut für Europa e.V. (PIfE) / Januar/ January 2014
Liebe Mitglieder, liebe Interessierte
Dear members and interested
Wie in jedem Jahr möchten wir Euch vom Vorstand über die diesjährigen Aktivitäten des Institutes, über die Termine und die institutsinterne
Entwicklung informieren.
With the new year approaching once again, the
Board would like to inform you about the activities of the Institute this year, about appointments as well as the Institute’s internal development.
Welcome the new Board!
Evaldas Karmaza
Starting from 2013 September an important
change happened in PIfE. During the General
Assembly there was a new Board of directors
elected. So the Psychodrama Institute for Europe has new staff members who will be assisting the organization till 2017. As the former
board the new one will also be quite international. The members are from 5 countries – the
chairman comes from Lithuania, vice-chairs represent Norway and Germany, secretaries –
from Germany and Poland, treasurers represent
Germany and Hungary.
Let me shortly present myself, the chairman. I
am educational psychologist (MA), became a
psychodrama therapist in PIfE. I do speak English, Russian, with some difficulties – German. I
reside in Vilnius, but through the means of internet I do feel quite close to many of you. With
my professional and personal qualities I will try
to assist PIfE to go forward, according to what
PIfE set as the goals in the Statute almost 25
years ago.
Eduardo Verdú
Eva Serafin
At the end of November we as the board had
already a first meeting. We met each other in
Berlin. It started with talking with Hilde Gött,
symbolically as a passage from old board works
to new board challenges. As a member you may
also find the PIfE results of 2013 till the September election in the report prepared by Hilde
Gött. The newly formed board spent a weekend
reviewing the current situation of PIfE, setting
strategic plans for next year. The board plans to
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
meet once a year. The next meeting is appointed in fall of 2014.
But this meeting gave us the impression that
there is so much to talk about, to discuss. Some
issues are even quite important to be dealt with
in the coming months. As we made a list of
questions and issues to discuss, it was a list of
43 items. And this is just the beginning.
Part of the PIfE members became FEPTO members, new organizations are growing in Belarus,
Russia, in some countries there is even more
than one institutional member in PIfE. It is right
about time to find a new way of cooperation
within PIfE among organizations. PIfE is called
an organization “of Europe”. This also will be an
important task: to make it more European, to
organize activities according to common European values.
Julia Pischetsrieder
Deputy Secretary
Jarosław Gliszczyński
As a new elected board we are planning to use
even more electronic means to make member
countries and single PIfE members closer to
each other. You will get more proposals to become a part of our mailing list. We also plan to
use social networks. You already may find PIfE
on Facebook, even though there are only few
messages. In this way you will be able to participate more in the process of discussions and
decisions which will be made by the Board of
So my wish for PIfE is to “re-check” what we
already achieved, where we stopped, what is
working, see who we are as a network and make
us stronger as a professional family. As I mentioned during the election, I invite to view the
year 2014 as the “Let’s talk” year.
Fred Dorn
[email protected]
Deputy Treasurer
Gyula Goda
[email protected]
But in order to go on, please find your comfortable time to read what was PIfE in 2013, what the
countries were doing according to the Chinese
calendar in the Year of the Snake. It is good to
know in order to meet the year of the Horse that
will start in 2014 January 31st.
So let’s talk,
Your chairman
Evaldas Karmaza
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Vorstandsbericht für die Mitgliederversammlung – Kiew 2013
Report of the Board for the General
Assembly – Kiev 2013
Dieser Vorstandsbericht wurde für die MV in
Kiew geschrieben und dort vorgetragen.
This report of the Board was written for the
General Assembly in Kiev and presented there.
Da danach bei der MV die Vorstandswahlen
stattgefunden haben und ich mich nicht mehr
zur Verfügung stellte, möchte ich mich bei allen
Mitgliedern verabschieden. Für die Zusammenarbeit mit Euch in all den 10 Jahren in denen ich
Vorsitzende war, möchte ich mich herzlich bedanken. Durch die Verbundenheit, Diskussionen,
Klärungen und den Auseinandersetzungen, habe
ich viel gelernt. Ich habe auch verstanden wie
schwierig es ist, allen Wünschen und Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Die Kultur des Umgangs
miteinander in den jeweiligen Mitgliedsorganisationen war oft geprägt von sehr anderen Selbstverständlichkeiten, was nicht immer einfach war.
Ich habe mein Bestes versucht und aus den Niederlagen gelernt. Ich hoffe sehr dass der PIfE
Spirit bei euch Kolleginnen und Kollegen erhalten bleibt und Ihr weiterhin so engagiert dabei
Since afterwards the board elections took place
and I did not stand as a candidate, I would like
to say goodbye to all our members. I want to
thank you for your cooperation during the ten
recent years when I was your chairwoman. By
connectedness, discussions, clarifications and
confrontations, I learned a lot. I also understood
how difficult it is to meet all wishes and needs.
The culture of dealing with eachother in the particular member organizations was often characterized by very different views on what seems to
be self-evident, which was not always easy. I
have tried my best and learned from the defeats. I do hope that the
PIfE spirit will be kept up
by you colleagues, and
that you will remain as
committed as before.
von Hilde Gött
Dem neuen Vorstand wünsche ich viel Freude,
Elan und Erfolg und eine gute Zusammenarbeit.
Denn davon haben die persönlichen wie auch die
institutionellen Mitgliedern im PIfE am meisten.
Der Bericht über die Aktivitäten des Vorstands
wurde bereits per Mail an alle Mitglieder geschickt. Hier beschränke ich mich deshalb auf
die Kurzfassung.
Wie bereits in der letzten MV berichtet, arbeitete
der Vorstand weiterhin auf internationaler
Ebene. Wir hatten insgesamt 5 mehrstündige
Skype-Sitzungen und trafen uns ein Wochenende im März 2013 in Berlin. Im Geschäftsführenden Vorstand haben wir uns zusätzlich im
August 2012 einen Tag lang in Kassel getroffen,
sowie zweimal geskyped. In unterschiedlichen
Konstellationen wurde z.B. zu den Projekten EUAntrag Grundtvig und Kinderkongress mehrmals
geskyped. Beide Projekte werden später vorgestellt.
Darüber hinaus hat es verschiedene Treffen mit
Vorstandsvertretern aus unseren Mitgliedsländern gegeben. Dort wurde die Situation im
jeweiligen Land besprochen und ob ein allgemeiner sowie auch besonderer Bedarf finanziert
werden sollte.
by Hilde Gött
I wish the new Board a
lot of joy, enthusiasm,
success and a good cooperation. Because that’s
what the personal and
institutional PIfE members will benefit from the
The report on the activities of the board was
already sent by email to all members. Therefore,
I confine myself here to the summery.
As we reported at the previous GA, the Board
continued to work on the international level. We
had 5 skype meetings for several hours and one
meeting on a weekend in Berlin in March 2013.
The Executive Board met one day in Kassel in
August 2012 and skyped twice. In different constellations we skyped for specific projects for
example the EU Grundtvig Project and the conference for children and adolescents. Both projects will be presented later.
In addition, there have been several meetings
with Board representatives of our institutional
members. There we discussed the situation in
the particular countries and appreciated whether
a general or a specific need could be financed.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
Das in der PifE-Satzung formulierte Ziel ist es,
das Psychodrama in Europa zu entwickeln und
die Qualität der Ausbildung in den verschiedenen
Mitgliedsländern durch gleiche Ausbildungsstandards vergleichbar zu machen. Dieser
Gesichtspunkt wurde berücksichtigt, als wir
darüber diskutierten, ob wir zwei institutionelle
Mitglieder des gleichen Landes akzeptieren
können. Wir wollen beide, aber wir erwarten von
ihnen Kooperation.
Themen mit denen sich der Vorstand beschäftigt
hat, waren:
Beziehungen zwischen
den Vorstandsmitgliedern
den institutionellen Mitgliedern
den institutionellen Mitgliedern und
Institutsgründungen im gleichen Land
The subjects in these discussions of the board
relations between
the members of the Board
the institutional members
the institutional members and newly
founded/applied institutes from the same
as well as
die Kooperation mit anderen Instituten
die Kooperation innerhalb der FEPTO.
In manchen Ländern wie Polen, Rumänien und
Deutschland wird PIfE nicht mehr als Ausbildungsgeber benötigt. Norwegen hat PIfE dazu
nie benötigt. So ist es uns im Board deutlich
geworden, dass wir unterschiedliche Beziehungen zu den einzelnen institutionellen Mitgliedern
haben und somit auch deren Bedarfe verschieden sind. Diese sollten wir neu klären und dabei
unsere finanziellen Möglichkeiten berücksichtigen.
Vorstellung der verschiedenen Kooperationsformen mit den institutionellen Mitgliedern:
Bisher gibt es drei verschiedene Formen der
The goal of PIfE in the statute is to develop
psychodrama in Europe, to make the criteria for
qualification among the various countries
comparable through common training standards.
This point we took in consideration when we
discussed about having
two institutional
members from the same country in our
association. We want them both, but we want
them to cooperate.
So z.B. gab es Konflikte zwischen alten und
machten, dass die Voraussetzungen, mit denen
wir vor 24 Jahren angetreten sind, sich
verändert haben. Die Weiterentwicklung der
bewährten Tradition und die Umsetzung neuer
innovatiever Ideen unter einen Hut zu bringen,
war nicht so einfach. Deshalb wurde dazu
Supervision in Anspruch genommen, um diesen
beiden Strömungen besser Rechnung tragen zu
können. Die persönlichen Spannungen konnten
gelöst werden. Die objektiven Gründe dafür
wurden diskutiert und flossen in die Ergebnisse
ein, die ich hier präsentiere.
- 2013/2014 -
the cooperation with other institutes
the cooperation within FEPTO
For example: We had some conflicts between
the old and the new members of the board
which made us realize that the conditions which
we started our activities with 24 years ago, have
changed. To reconcile well trusted tradition with
innovative ideas wasn’t easy. Therefore we
needed supervision to understand this process.
The personal tensions could be solved and the
objective reasons were discussed and included in
the results I present here.
Some countries like Poland, Germany and
Romania do not need PIfE for training any
longer. Norway never needed it from the very
beginning. We had to realize that we have
different kinds of relationships between the
institutional members of the association and that
their needs are different, too. These we should
claryfy again and take in consideration our
financial resources.
Presentation of the different relationships
of cooperation with the institutional mem–
So far, there are three different forms of
cooperation between PifE and the institutional
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
Kooperation von PIfE mit den institutionellen
I. Phase - Phase der Ausbildung und Aufbau einer Organisation (Phase der Abhängigkeit)
Hierbei kommen die AusbilderInnen aus einem
anderen Land, leiten i.d.R. zwei Grundstufen und
zwei Oberstufen sowie die Ausbildungssupervision und das Kolloquium. Diese Phase wird von
PIfE gesponsert in Form von Tagessätzen und
Flüge für die Trainer.
II. Phase – Trainer- und Supervisorenausbildung (Verselbstständigungsphase)
In dieser Zeit machen die ausgebildeten
Psychodramatiker Co-Leitung, leiten eigenständig ihre ersten Ausbildungsgruppen Grund- und
Oberstufe unter Supervision und werden delegierte Supervisoren und Supervisoren.
Hier bezahlt PIfE nur Anteile des Bedarfes. Z.B.
werden keine Leitungen der Ausbildungsgruppen gesponsert, sondern nur noch die
Supervision der Leiter oder der delegierten
Supervisoren und manchmal die Flüge. Es wird
nach Tagessatz abgerechnet.
III. Phase ist die gleichberechtigte Kooperation (Phase der Eigenständigkeit und
Hier wählen die instituionellen Mitglieder PIfE als
europäischer Parnter in Kooperation bei Projekten, gemeinsamen Vorhaben oder auch nur
zum Austausch und Weiterentwicklung. Die
Partner sind autonom und finanzieren sich selbst
und entscheiden, freiwillig zusammenzuarbeiten.
Im Vorstand haben wir aus aktuellem Anlaß die
Beitrittsbedingungen diskutiert und folgendes
 Die Beitrittswilligen haben die Ausbildungsrichtlinie von PIfE anzuerkennen;
 Sie sollen die PIfE- Ethik-Richtlinien anerkennen;
 Die KollegInnen, die empfehlen, sollen nicht
in persönlicher Beziehung zu den Antragstellern sein;
 Niemand vom Vorstand soll eine Empfehlung
für institutionelle Mitglieder aussprechen.
 Unklar ist noch, wer ein zu gründendes
institutionelles Mitglied empfehlen kann oder
soll. – Sollen dies einzelne Mitglieder sein
oder Organisationen? Hier muss die
Diskussion weitergehen.
- 2013/2014 -
I. The stage of training and initiating an
Organisation (Phase of dependancy)
In this phase the trainers are coming from
abroad, they train usually two first and second
level training groups, the supervision for the
trainees and the colloquium. PIfE sponsors this
period as a fee per day for trainers and their
II. The education as trainers and supervisors (phase of getting indipendent)
In this phase the psychodramatists are doing
co-training, are leading their first training
groups on the first and second level, they need
supervision and they become delegate supervisors or supervisors.
PIFE partly pays for the needs of these
activities. The training groups are not any more
sponsored by the fees, only the supervision of
trainees, of the trainers and the supervisors are
being reimbursed and sometimes the flights for
the supervisors coming from abroad. The costs
are charged per diem.
III. Cooperation on equal level (Phase of
autonomy and maturity)
The institutional members are choosing PIfE as
a European partner in cooperation for different
projects, common activities, to exchange experiences or for further developments. The
themselves and decide to voluntarily cooperate.
The conditions for application:
Due to recent occurrences the board had to
discuss again the conditions of application and
 Those who apply to become members have
to accept the statute, the curriculum and the
training standards of PIfE;
 They accept the ethical guidlines of PIfE
 The colleagues who recommend an
applicant, should not be in personal relationship with him/her.
 Members of the board should not recommend institutional members;
 It is still unclear who should be entitled to
recommend the application for institutional
membership. Should it be personal members
or organizations? At this point it is necessary
to continue the discussion.
The activities PIfE initiated:
 The Psychodrama conference for the work
with children and adolescents in St. Johann
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
Initierte Aktivitäten im Verein:
 Der Psychodramakongress für die Arbeit mit
Kindern und Jugendlichen in St. Johann in
Österreich im September 2012. Dieser war
eine Kooperation der deutschsprachigen
Länder und war der erste Kongress zum
Thema PD mit Kindern und Jugendlichen auf
der Welt. Es war ein erfolgreicher Anfang mit
160 TeilnehmerInnen und der folgende
Kongress wird im nächsten Jahr in Berlin als
eine Kooperation in Deutschland von PIfE
mit Szenen und Moreno Institut Stuttgart
 Die Sommerworkshops zur Begegnung von
Nachkommen der Opfer und Täter aus der
NS-Zeit haben in Krakow und Oswiecim
2012 stattgefunden. Eine Reise nach Israel
im Mai 2013 gab Gelegenheit, die in den
Sommerworkshops gemachten Erfahrungen
in den Alltag zu integrieren.
 Einen EU- Antrag zum Grundtvig Programm
haben wir als Kooperation verschiedener
Mitgliedsinstitute gestellt. Wir wollten darin
die Situation der Europawaisen untersuchen.
Es sind die Kinder und Jugendliche, die in
den östlichen Ländern zurückbleiben, wenn
ihre Eltern in den Westen gehen, um ihre
Arbeitschancen zu verbessern. Leider wurde
dieser Antrag abgelehnt, aber wir wurden
ermutigt, Anfang 2014 einen neuer Antrag
zu stellen.
 In Kiew hat im Juli 2012 ein gruppendynamisches Laboratorium für eine Großgruppe mit 66 TeilnehmerInnen stattgefunden.
 In Minsk wurde ein Großgruppenseminar mit
TeilnehmerInnen aus Weißrussland,
Ukraine und Litauen organisiert.
 In Cluj fand ein Kolloquium mit 24
TeilnehmerInnen, einer rumänisch sprechenden und einer ungarisch sprechenden
Gruppe statt. Die Abschlußarbeiten waren
differenziert und von guter Qualität.
Wie bisher erscheint der Newsletter einmal im
Jahr und beinhaltet Berichte über besondere
Aktivitäten, die Arbeit des geschäftsführenden
Mitgliedsländern. Auf der letzten Mitgliederversammlung beschlossen wir, weiterhin einen
Newsletter – allerdings in elektrionischer Form zu veröffentlichen. Dies ist geschehen. Nur in
Einzelfällen haben wir ihn mit der Post verschickt. Leider treffen die Berichte aus den
Mitgliedsländern teilweise sehr verspätet ein.
- 2013/2014 -
in Austria in September 2012. This was a
cooperation of three countries in the German
speaking area. It was the first conference for
psychodrama with children and adolescents
worldwide and had 160 participants. The
next conference on this topic will be in
September 2014 in Berlin as a cooperation
of three institutes in Germany: Szenen,
Moreno Institut Stuttgart and PIfE.
The Summer workshops „Traces of the Holocaust in the Present” took place in 2012 in
Krakow and Oswiecim. In Mai 2013 we
offered a journey to Israel for those who
participated in Krakow and Oswiecim to
integrate their experiences into everyday
PIfE applied for an EU- Project Grundtvig in
cooperation of several institutional members
of our organisation. We wanted to
investigate the situation of the European
orphans. These are children and adolescents
in East European countries who are being
left while their parents decided to work in
Western countries with more financial
posibilities. The application was rejected, but
we were encouraged to hand in a new
application at the beginning of 2014.
In July 2012 we organized a group-dynamic
laboratory for a large group with 66 participants in Kiev.
Another large group took place in Minsk in
February 2013 with participants from
Belorussia, Ukraine and Lithuania and was
directed by Eduardo Verdu, Ljudmila
Litvinenko, Evaldas Karmazé and Fred Dorn.
February 2013 we had a colloquium in Cluj
with 24 participants from two groups. One
was a Romanian speaking group and one an
Hungarian speaking group. The final theses
were various and of good quality.
As before, the Newsletter is published once a
year and includes reports on special activities,
on the work of the executive board and news
from the member countries. At the last General
Assembly we decided to continue the Newsletter
to be published, but in electronic form. This was
done. Only in individual cases we shipped it per
mail. Unfortunately, some reports from the
member countries arrive very late. We realized
that some of them are provided in English only.
FEPTO – Meeting
Two members of the Board went there on behalf
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Viele werden nicht mehr bilingual, sondern nur
auf Englisch eingereicht.
of PIfE for the last two years: Fred Dorn and
Hilde Gött. They shared the costs.
FEPTO - Meeting
Der PIfE Vorstand wurde dort in den letzten beiden Jahren durch Fred Dorn und Hilde Gött vertreten. Sie haben sich die Kosten geteilt.
2012 war das Treffen in Oslo mit dem Titel „The
creative saving lie: The balance between denial
and truth“. Der Vorkongress war dem Gedenken
an die Opfer des Terroranschlages in Utøya zum
Thema „Empowerment and Resilienz“ gewidmet.
Die Unterbringung war einfach und das Treffen
fand in einer Heimvolkshochschule mit sehr gut
ausgestatteten Arbeitsräumen und Utensilien
und Musik statt. Das Wetter war nordisch, so
dass sich die TeilnehmerInnen sehr auf die Inhalte und die interne Dynamik konzentrierten.
2012 the meeting took place in Oslo titled „The
creative saving lie: The balance between denial
and truth“. The pre-conference was in memoriam of the victims of the 22nd of July 2011 terror
attacks in Oslo and Utøya titled “Empowerment
and Resilienz”. The accommodation was simple
and the meeting took place in an adult education
centre with boarding facilities which had very
good work conditions with requisites, music etc.
The weather was nordic and the participants
focused on the topics and the dynamics between
the members.
2013 gab es ein Treffen in Santander in Spanien
mit dem Titel „The Group an I“. Dieses Treffen
war ganz anders als das in Oslo. Es war am
Meer, die Unterbringung im Hotel Royal und gearbeitet wurde im Sommerschloss des Königs
mit dem Blick aufs Wasser. Wir saßen auf den
originalen Stühlen und anderem ehrwürdigen
Mobiliar, was eine Diskussion über den richtigen
Ort für Psychodramatiker hervorbrachte.
Der Council wird alle 2 Jahre gewählt und 2013
hat sich Horatiu Albini vom Tandemvorsitz der
FEPTO verabschiedet und Eduardo Verdu wurde
als neuer Tandemvorsitzender gewählt. Wir gratulieren ihm dazu.
2013 the meeting was organized in Santander in
Spain under the title "The Group and I". This
meeting was the opposite of the meeting in Oslo. Here we were on the seaside, the accommodation was in the Royal Hotel and we were working in the summer castle of the king. We were
sitting on the original old chairs and the other
dignified furniture which rose up the controversial discussion of the right place of conferences
for us psychodramatists.
Every two years the council is elected. In 2013
Horatiu Albini as tandem-president of FEPTO
took his farewell and Eduardo Verdu was elected
as the new tandem-president. We congratulate
him on his new task.
In jedem Jahr werden einige Institute in der
FEPTO aufgenommen. D.h. zu den Meetings
kommen immer mehr TeilnehmerInnen und aus
der FEPTO–Familie ist ein Berufsverband geworden, der sich profiliert und sich sehen lassen
kann. Es gibt inzwischen viele Arbeitsgruppen,
wie Research Comittee, die sich mit Definitionen
und Theoriebildung beschäftigen, oder Task
Force for Peace, PD mit Kindern und Jugendlichen, AG – Entwicklung der FEPTO usw. PIfE ist
in der Matrix, die eine Netzwerk AG ist, in der
Kinder- und Jugend–AG und in der AG zur Entwicklung der FEPTO vertreten. Gerne würden wir
auch im Research-Comittee vertreten sein. Leider haben wir niemanden gefunden, der sich
längerfristig dafür engagieren kann. Im Internet
ist der Newsletter der FEPTO neben anderen
Publikationen zu finden: www.fepto.eu
Every year new institutes which apply for membership are welcomed at the meeting. This
means every year more people come to the
meeting and the FEPTO–Family changed into a
professional organisation with a respectable profile. Many groups are working in FEPTO like the
research committee which is reflecting the theory and definitions, or the task force group for
peace, or psychodrama with children and adolescents, or development of FEPTO etc. We as
PIfE representatives are working in the matrix
group, which is a network group, in Psychodrama with children and adolescents and in FEPTOdevelopment. Of course we would like to have a
representative in the research committee as
well. But so far, we did not find anyone who can
spend time on it over a longer period of time.
More information on the FEPTO activities as well
as on new publications can be found in the
newsletter of FEPTO: www.fepto.eu
Fred Dorn hat im Auftrag des Vorstandes die
Fred Dorn has updated the new website, as di-
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
neue Website geschaltet. Sie ist weiterhin in
deutscher und englischer Sprache aufrufbar. Das
auf Anregung von Mitgliedern eröffnete Gästebuch wird jedoch bisher nicht genutzt. Bitte
schickt uns Eure Veränderungswünsche oder
Ergänzungen zu, damit diese veröffentlicht werden können. Unsere Website ist unter der Adresse www.pife-europe.eu zu finden.
Vertretung bei Konferenzen
Bei den Moreno Days in Tallinn wurde PIfE von
Yaacov Naor und Claudia Mühlbauer vertreten.
Hilde Gött vertrat PIfE beim ersten Psychodramakongress für die Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Bernd Fichtenhofer nahm für PIfE
am nationalen Psychodramakongress in Cluj/
Rumänien teil.
- 2013/2014 -
rected by the executive board. It is available in
German, English and Russian language versions.
At suggestion of our members a guestbook was
opened. However, it has not been used yet.
Please send us your suggestions and wishes in
order to publish them. Our Website can be
viewed at www.pife-europe.eu
Representation at Conferences
At the Moreno Days in Tallinn PIfE was represented by Yaacov Naor and Claudia Mühlbauer.
Hilde Gött represented PIfE at the first psychodrama conference on the work with children and
adolescents in Austria. Bernd Fichtenhofer represented PIfE at the National Psychodrama Conference in Cluj/Romania.
Ausbildungen in verschiedenen Ländern
Gemäß der Aufgaben aus unserer Satzung stand
in den letzten zwei Jahren wieder die personelle
und finanzielle Unterstützung der PsychodramaAusbildung in unseren Mitgliedsländern auf unserer Agenda. Die einzelnen Projekte werden im
Folgenden aufgeführt:
Education and Training in Different Countries
In accordance with our rules and statutes, personal and financial support of psychodrama
training and education in our institutional member countries was again part of our agenda during the last two years. The individual projects
are listed below:
In Weißrussland:
 Zurzeit findet eine kombinierte Grund- und
Oberstufen-Ausbildung unter der Leitung von
Fred Dorn und Ljudmila Litvinenko aus der
Ukraine und der Co-Leitung Aurelija Rakstyte
aus Litauen statt. Der Ort der Ausbildung ist
das Caritas Bildungszentrum Minsk Mgoiljew.
PIfE hat einen Kooperationsvertrag mit dieser Organisation. Im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Projekts, das im Wesentlichen von
„Aktion Mensch“ finanziert wird, findet ein
Grundkurs für 14 Sozialarbeiter, Psychologen
und Pädagogen statt.
 Die Gruppensupervision für die Oberstufe
wurde von Hilde Gött übernommen. Das
Großgruppenseminar hat im Februar und das
Kolloquium der Oberstufe im Oktober stattgefunden.
In Belarus:
 Currently a combined first and second level
training group is taking place under the leadership of Fred Dorn and Ljudmila Litvinenko
from Ukraine and with co-leader Aurelija
Rakstyte from Lithuania. This is taking place
in an education centre of the Caritas Minsk
Mogiljew, as PIfE has a cooperation contract
with this organization. In a mutual project,
essentially financed by "Aktion Mensch", a
basic education course is taking place for 14
social workers, psychologists and educationalists.
 The group supervision for the second level
group was given by Hilde Gött. The Large
Group seminar took place in February, the
colloquium of second level group has been in
In Polen:
 die erste Oberstufe in polnischer Eigenregie
unter der Leitung von Anna Bielanska und
Jarek Gliscinski in Warschau hat im November abgeschlossen und wird nun von Hilde
Gött supervidiert.
 Einzelsupervision und Supervision für die
delegierten Supervisoren wird von Eduardó
Verdú gegeben.
In Poland:
 Under the leadership of Anna Bielanska and
Jaroslaw Gliszczynski, the first second level
training group conducted by psycho-dramatists from the Polish Institute was completed
in Warsaw in November 2012. Hilde Gött
already started the group super-vision.
 Individual supervision and supervision for
the delegated supervisors will be given by
Eduardó Verdú.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
In Rumänien:
 hat die Supervision für die Oberstufe und für
die delegierten Supervisoren mit Bernd Fichtenhofer stattgefunden.
In Romania:
 the supervision for the second level group
and for the delegate supervisors was given
by Bernd Fichtenhofer.
In der Ukraine:
 wird eine Oberstufe von Anna Bielanska aus
Polen geleitet.
haben einige Seminare mit Ildikó Mävers,
Yaacov Naor, Fred Dorn sowie das gruppendynamische Großgruppenseminar stattgefunden.
In Ukraine:
 a second level training group under the
leadership of Anna Bielanska from Poland is
 seminars conducted by Ildikó Mävers,
Yaacov Naor and Fred Dorn as well as the
group-dynamic week for the large group
were successful.
Natürlich gab es weitere Aktivitäten, aber an
dieser Stelle seien nur die Gruppen und Aktivitäten erwähnt, die von PIfE aktiv und finanziell
gefördert wurden.
Of course many other activities have taken
place, but here only those which were actively
and financially promoted by PIfE were mentioned.
In einigen Ländern werden bereits Ausbildungsgruppen in Eigenregie von Kollegen und Kolleginnen aus den jeweiligen Mitgliedsländern geleitet. So gibt es inzwischen viele Ausbildungsgruppen in Rumänien, in Polen und in der Ukraine, die sich selbst tragen und von PIfE nur noch
in Form von Supervision für die Oberstufe und
für die LeiterInnen bzw. für die delegierten Supervisoren unterstützt werden. Wir freuen uns
über diese Entwicklung.
We are very proud that more countries are now
giving inhouse-trainings conducted by colleagues
of their respective organizations. So many of the
education groups in Romania, in Poland and in
the Ukraine are now self supporting, only receiving help from the PIfE in terms of supervision for
the second level trainees, for the young trainers
or the delegated supervisors. We are glad about
this development.
Neues vom Schatzmeister
News from the Treasurer
Liebe PIfE- Mitglieder,
Dear members of PIfE,
meine Aufgabe als Schatzmeister besteht darin,
Geld zu verwalten, es einzusammeln, es aufzubewahren und zu verwenden, Verantwortung für
das Geld zu übernehmen, das mir unsere Institutsmitglieder anvertraut haben. So möchte ich
zu allererst meinen herzlichen Dank unserer
Vollversammlung sagen, die mir einmal mehr
das Vertrauen in mich und meinen verantwortlichen Umgang mit dem Geld geschenkt hat, das
ich von unseren Mitgliedern erhalte. Ich will tun
was ich kann!
my, the treasurer’s job is to deal with money, to
collect it, to keep it, to spend it, to take responsibility for the money the members of our institute have entrusted to me. So first of all I want
to say many thanks to the General Assembly
who once more gave me its trust to handle carefully the money our members render to me. I
only can promise - I shall do my very best!
Finanzdinge sind entscheidend für das Wohl und
Wehe einer Organisation. In nackten Zahlen wird
deutlich, wie gesund eine Organisation ist, wofür
sie ihr Geld ausgibt, aus welchen Quellen sie
sich speist. Diese sind nicht allein die Mitgliedsbeiträge, es müssen auch andere Geldgeber und
Sponsoren gefunden werden, um ihre Aufgaben
gut und angemessen zu erfüllen. Als ein Institut,
das auf der europäischen Bühne aktiv ist, haben
wir uns folgende Aufgaben gestellt: Ausbildung,
Financial affairs in organizations are crucial for
their benefit and welfare. They show in bare figures how healthy the organization is, what for it
spends its money, how it tries to get it and by
which resources. These are not only the fees of
its members, it has to look
for other donors and funders,
thus to fulfil its tasks properly and adequately. Our tasks
we have to fulfil as an institute working on a European
level are the following: running international projects
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
Organisation von internationalen Projekten und
die Erleichterung der Zusammenarbeit und die
Bildung von Netzwerken. Wir haben damit vor
einigen Jahren bereits mit internationalen Projekten in Belarus begonnen mit Teilnehmern aus
Litauen und der Ukraine und mit Trainern aus
nahezu allen unseren Mitgliedsländern. Dies war
möglich dank der Unterstützung der deutschen
„Aktion Mensch“ und dem „Förderprogramm
Belarus“ der deutschen Bundesregierung. Die
Arbeit in diesen Projekten gestattete nicht allein
denjenigen, die Psychodrama als Arbeitsmethode anwenden, Wege zu finden, diese auch vor
Ort zu praktizieren, sie trug auch dazu bei, Psychodrama in Europa auszubreiten und bekannt
zu machen - so wie es auch in unserer Verfassung als wichtigste Aufgabe unseres Instituts
festgehalten ist. Trotzdem und nichtsdestoweniger - wir sind immer noch dringend auf eine Basisfinanzierung durch unsere Mitglieder angewiesen, um unabhängig und handlungsfähig zu
sein, um internationale Projekte realisieren und
die Effektivität des Psychodramas unter Beweis
stellen zu können.
Wir leben immer noch in einem Europa, das
mindestens in zwei Teile gespalten ist. Da unser
Interesse und der größte Teil unseres Engagements sich auf die Länder Osteuropas richten,
müssen wir uns mit den Konsequenzen auseinandersetzen, die der Zerfall der Sowjetunion
mit sich gebracht hat. Es gibt Länder, denen es
gelungen ist, sich vom sowjetischen Einfluss zu
befreien, aber dennoch haben sie mit den Strukturen, der Zerstörung, der Demotivation zu
kämpfen, die die sowjetische Macht hinterlassen
hat. Inzwischen hat sich die politische Situation
gründlich verändert mit neuen sichtbaren und
unsichtbaren Grenzen zwischen den europäischen Ländern. Was nun die finanziellen Dinge
betrifft, insbesondere die Bedingungen für den
Geldverkehr, müssen wir zur Kenntnis nehmen,
dass auch eine neue Grenze im Zahlungswesen
und Bankverkehr eingerichtet worden ist - die
sogenannte SEPA - einheitlicher europäischer
Zahlungsraum -, die die Grenze beschreibt zwischen den Ländern, die zur EU gehören oder ihr
nahe stehen und denen, die nicht dazu gehören.
Dies betrifft uns auch, denn einerseits erleichtert
es in der Tat die Bedingungen im Zahlungsverkehr zwischen unseren Mitgliedsländern. Ich
komme darauf zurück. Aber auf der anderen
Seite und vor allem bedeutet es für unser Institut, dass wir auch mit und innerhalb dieser
Grenzen arbeiten, uns mit der Situation ausei-
- 2013/2014 -
and facilitate collaboration and networking. We
have started this some years ago providing international projects in Belarus - with participants
from Lithuania and Ukraine and trainers of almost all our member countries. This was possible by promotion of the German “Aktion Mensch”
and by a programme of international support
initiated by the German Government. Working
on these projects did not only allow people to
use the methods of psychodrama and find ways
to practice them in their working places, but also
helped to spread psychodrama all over Europe
as it is written down as one of our main tasks in
our statute.
However and nonetheless, we are still in need of
basic funding by all our members and member
organizations - to be independent and active, to
run international projects thus giving proof of
the effectiveness of psychodrama.
We still live in a Europe split into at least two
parts. Since our main interest and engagement
concerns the countries of Eastern Europe, we
have to cope with all the consequences, the decay of former Soviet Union caused. There are
countries, which succeeded in getting free from
Russian influence, but nevertheless, they are
still struggling with the structures, destruction,
demotivation Soviet power has left. By the time,
the political situation has thoroughly changed
with new visible and invisible frontiers between
the European countries. Considering the financial affairs, especially the conditions of monetary
transfer between countries, we have to realize,
that a new frontier of conditions of payment has
been established - the so called SEPA: Single
European Payment Area - describing a new frontier between the countries belonging to the European Community or which are close to it and
those, which do not belong to.
This affects us too, since on one hand it really
facilitates the terms of payment between our
member countries. I’ll come back to it. But on
the other hand and firstly it means for our institute, that we have to work within these frontiers, to deal with this situation and to do our
very best to make the frontiers disappear. But
even though part of political frontiers fell down,
others continued and new ones arose - there are
still big differences in the standards of living in
our member countries - a fact we have to face
and to find a just answer for. So, coming back to
the terms of payment, the new board which met
first to its constitutional session last November,
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
nandersetzen, das Beste daraus machen und
unseren Beitrag zum Verschwinden dieser Grenzen leisten müssen. Aber selbst obwohl einige
politische Grenzen gefallen sind, andere bestehen blieben und wieder andere neu errichtet
wurden, gibt es unabhängig davon große Unterschiede in den Standards der Lebensführung eine Tatsache, der wir uns stellen und für die wir
eine gerechte Antwort finden müssen. Deshalb,
um auf die Zahlungsbedingungen für den Mitgliedsbeitrag zurückzukommen, hat der neue
Vorstand bei seiner ersten Zusammenkunft im
November sich mit der Höhe des Mitgliedsbeitrags befasst, den persönliche und institutionelle
Mitglieder unseres Instituts zu leisten haben.
Dieser Betrag ist im Statut mit 160,00 Euro
festgelegt für persönliche Mitglieder, für institutionelle Mitglieder das Dreifache. Diese Regelung bezieht sich auf Länder mit, wie es im Statut fest gelegt ist, „konvertierbarer Währung“.
Nun, da die Währungen konvertierbar sind,
passt diese Regelung nicht mehr so recht. Dennoch aber gibt es die erwähnten immer noch
großen Unterschiede im GDP (Bruttoinlandsprodukt). Wir verglichen die unterschiedlichen Bruttoinlandsprodukte unserer Mitgliedsländer und
legten darauf hin die Mitgliedsbeiträge aller Länder, gültig vom 1. Januar dieses Jahres an wie
folgt fest:
Griechenland, Israel, Norwegen,
Schweden, Schweiz
Litauen, Polen, Russland, Ungarn
Belarus, Ukraine
€ 160,00
Es wäre eine große Hilfe für mich, wenn die Mitglieder, die in den Ländern des SEPA - Raums
angehören, die Erleichterungen im Zahlungsverkehr nutzen und ihre persönlichen wie auch institutionellen Mitgliedsbeiträge auf unser Konto
überweisen würden:
Psychodramainstitut für Europa e.V.
Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft Kassel
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278
Darüber hinaus wäre ich sehr froh, wenn ihr euren Mitgliedsbeitrag innerhalb der nächsten zwei
Monate überweisen könntet und uns damit in
den Stand setztet, unsere Verpflichtungen zu
erfüllen. Die Mitgliedsbeiträge aus den übrigen
Ländern werde ich wie in den Jahren zuvor per1
- 2013/2014 -
dealt also with the amount, personal and institutional members of our institute have to pay. The
statute fixes that this has to be 160,00 Euro a
year for personal members, for institutional
members three times the fee. This regulation
applies for countries with, as it is stated in the
statute for countries with “convertible currency”.
Now, the currencies being convertible, this regulation does not seem to be adequate any more.
But there are still big differences in the GDP the Gross Domestic Product. We compared the
different GDPs in our member countries and
fixed the membership fees for all countries valid
from the beginning of this year as follows:
France, Germany, Greece, Israel,
Norway, Sweden, Switzerland
Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Russia
Belarus, Ukraine
€ 160,00
It would be a great help for me, if those who
belong to SEPA were ready to make use of its
facilitation of payment and transfer the personal
and institutional membership fee on our account:
Psychodramainstitut für Europa e.V.
Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft Kassel
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278
Furthermore, I should be very glad, if you could
transfer your membership fee within the next
two months, in order to enable us to act and to
do our duty. The membership fee of all the other
countries will be paid as it has been done all the
years before. But I must say that some of our
members - and unfortunately they are not very
few - haven’t even paid yet their membership
fees for the last year. I shall address myself to
you personally and ask once more for your payment of the current and the last year. In case if
I don’t get any answer or if you are not ready to
pay at all, your name will be taken from our
membership list you get with this Newsletter that means, you are excluded (cf. Article 6
"Subscriptions”, 4).
Thus, in regular payment of our membership fee
we are committed to, I hope and I wish we can
show our common responsibility for the active
Mitglieder, die mir eine Einzugsermächtigung erteilt haben, bezahlen bitte nicht zweimal!
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
sönlich entgegen nehmen. Ich muss allerdings
hinzufügen, dass einige unserer Mitglieder ihre
Mitgliedsbeiträge auch für das vergangene Jahr
noch nicht entrichtet haben. Ich habe mich an
diese persönlich gewandt und um Entrichtung
des Mitgliedsbeitrags für dieses und das zurückliegende Jahr gebeten. Für den Fall, dass ich
keine Antwort erhalte oder die Zahlung überhaupt verweigert wird, werden die betreffenden
Namen aus der Mitgliederliste entfernt – d.h. die
Vereinsmitgliedschaft erlischt (vgl.
§6,4 Mitgliedsbeiträge).
- 2013/2014 -
life or our organization. In some way it is as well
a question of mutual trust we all are in need of.
Fred Dorn
Ich hoffe aber vielmehr, dass wir alle in der Verpflichtung zu regelmäßiger Entrichtung unserer
Mitgliedsbeiträge auch gemeinsam Verantwortung für das aktive Leben unseres Vereins übernehmen und zeigen. In gewisser Hinsicht ist dies
auch ein Zeichen gegenseitigen Vertrauens, auf
das wir alle angewiesen sind.
Es grüßt herzlich
Fred Dorn
Pictures of the Kiev Conference in 2013
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Der XII. Internationale PIfEKongress in Kiew
The XII. International
PIfE Conference in Kiev
Der 12. PIfE Kongress hat im September 2013 in
Kiew stattgefunden. Das Psychodrama gibt es
schon seit 1998 in Kiew und wurde von ungarischen KollegInnen dorthin gebracht. Die erste
Generation hat ihre Ausbildung abgeschlossen,
den Kiewer Psychodramaverein gegründet und
aktiv Ausbildung angeboten. Obwohl die KollegInnen das Psychodrama sehr fleißig angewandt
und verbreitet haben, war es aus politischen und
sprachlichen Gründen schwierig, die Annäherung
an die Strukturen von PIfE zu entwickeln. Als
bei der ersten Großgruppe in Kiew 80 PsychodramatikerInnen versammelt waren, waren wir
überwältigt von der psychodramaischen Vibration. Inzwischen haben zwei solcher Großgruppen
stattgefunden und der Kiewer Psychodramaverein ist immer größer und selbstbewusster geworden.
The 12th PIfE Conference was held in September
2013 in Kiev. Psychodrama has been existing
since 1998 in Kiev and was introduced by Hungarian colleagues. The first generation has completed their training, founded the Kiev Psychodrama Association and actively offered training.
Although the colleagues very diligently applied
and spread the psychodrama, it was for political
and linguistic reasons difficult to develop the
approach to the structures of PifE. When 80 psychodramatists were gathered in the first large
group in Kiev, we were overwhelmed by the
psychodramatic vibrations. Meanwhile two such
large groups have taken place and the Kiev Psychodrama Association has become increa–singly
larger and more confident.
von Hilde Gött
Dies war bei der Organisation des PIfE – Kongresses, der zum ersten Mal in der Ukraine
stattgefunden hat, zu erkennen. Der Kongress
fand im Zentrum der Stadt Kiew auf einem Sport
Campus in mehreren Hotels statt. Die Wege waren kurz und die Teilnehmenden konnten sich
immer wieder begegnen. Sie wurden gut versorgt und überdies gab es Restaurants in der
Der Titel „How to Belong“ sollte die Frage der
Zugehörigkeit aufwerfen. Inwieweit gehört die
Ukraine zu Europa? Und wie sieht es mit dem
ukrainischen Psychodrama aus? Diese Fragen
sind schon sehr lange aktuell. Obwohl die Ukraine geografisch gesehen mitten in Europa liegt,
ist dies in den westlicheren Ländern kaum bekannt. Wir wollten mit diesem Titel konstruktiv
an der Frage der Zugehörigkeit arbeiten - sowohl auf der persönlichen, auf der gesellschaftlichen und politischen Ebene, als auch in Bezug
auf das Psychodrama. Dieser Einladung sind 170
Teilnehmende aus 17 Ländern gefolgt. Die Atmosphäre war gut. Es waren viel mehr verschiedene Slawische Sprachen zu hören als bisher.
Dies hat PIfe einen neuen Klang verliehen, worüber ich mich freue. Weil die direkte Ansprache
aufgrund der fehlenden gegenseitigen Sprachkenntnisse nicht immer einfach war, stellten sich
immer wieder informelle DolmetscherInnen zur
Verfügung, die eine Verständigung möglich
machten. Wir wissen alle, wie schwierig es ist,
dazugehören zu wollen und dies nicht zu errei-
by Hilde Gött
This was recognizable when the PIfE Conference
was organized - which was held for the first time
in Ukraine. The Conference took place in the
center of the city of Kiev on a sports campus at
several hotels. The paths were short and the
participants were able to meet again and again.
They were well cared for and, moreover, there
were restaurants nearby.
The title "How to Belong" was meant to raise the
question of belonging. To what extent does
Ukraine belong to Europe? And how about the
Ukrainian psychodrama? These questions have
been around for a long time. Although from a
geographical aspect, Ukraine is the center of
Europe, this is hardly known in the western
countries. We intended to use this title in order
to constructively work on the question of belonging on the personal, social and political level
as well as in relation to psychodrama. 170 participants from 17 countries accepted our invitation and attended the conference. The atmosphere was good. Many more different Slavic languages could be heard than ever before. PifE
was given a new sound which I am pleased
about. Although due to the lack of mutual language skills, the direct conversation was not
always easy, informal interpreters offered their
help to enable communication. We all know how
difficult it is to wish to belong and not to achieve
it or how strenuous, to belong but trying to reject it. Especially regarding psychodrama theory,
the understanding of multicultural work and an
insight into the psychodrama debate at the national Ukrainian level this subject was taken into
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
chen oder aber wie aufwändig, dazuzugehören
und dies abweisen zu wollen. Die Vorträge haben dieser Thematik in Bezug auf die Psychodramatheorie, dem Verständnis von multikultureller Arbeit und einen Einblick in die Psychodrama-Auseinandersetzung auf der nationalen
ukrainischen Ebene ganz speziell Rechnung getragen. Die Fragen der Zugehörigkeit wurden in
diesen Tagen eindeutig beantwortet. Die Zugehörigkeit zum Psychodrama und zum PIfE war
besonders beim großen Finale eindeutig zu spüren. Wir gratulieren und danken dem lokalen
Organisationskomitée für diesen gelungenen
account by the lectures. The questions of belonging have been clearly answered during these
days. Particularly the grand finale made the belonging to psychodrama and to PIfE clearly perceivable. We congratulate and thank the local
organizing committee for this successful conference!
Die Reise nach Israel
Trip to Israel
Zum zweiten Mal ist eine Gruppe als Fortsetzung
des Projektes “Konfrontation mit den Folgen von
Auschwitz“ nach Israel gefahren. Wie beim ersten Mal haben wir in einem Dorf „der Oase des
Friedens“ Neve Shalom bzw. Wahat al-Salam
gewohnt. Das Dorf wurde 1972 gebaut als ein
Ort, in dem Juden, Palästinenser und Christen
bewusst in der Gemeinschaft zusammenleben.
In diesem Dorf wurde die erste Friedensschule
errichtet für Kinder in der Grundschule und inzwischen ist auch eine Mittelschule herangewachsen. Diese Schule besuchen inzwischen
über 250 Schüler jährlich, die aus der umliegenden Umgebung und sogar aus Jerusalem kommen.
For the second time a group is run as a continuation of the project "confrontation with the consequences of Auschwitz" to Israel. Like the first
time we stayed in a village "Oasis of Peace"
Neve Shalom Wahat al-Salam. The village was
built in 1972 as a place where Jews, Palestinians
and Christians intentionally live together as a
community. In this village, the first peace school
was built for children on elementary level and
now even a junior high school has been founded.
More than 250 students per year go to this
school who live in the surrounding area and
even in Jerusalem.
von Hilde Gött
Heute leben hier ca 50 Familien zusammen, die
drei Religionen vertreten. Wir haben das Dorf
und die Friedensschule besichtigt und an einer
Veranstaltung im Ort teilgenommen. Es war faszinierend in dieser Atmosphäre einen Alltag zu
leben, spazieren zugehen, zu schwimmen und in
der Kantine zu essen, wie viele andere auch.
Unser gewohntes Konzept, wichtige Gedenkstätten zu besichtigen und das Erlebte in den Gruppensitzungen nachzuarbeiten, haben wir auch in
Israel verfolgt. So haben wir das Museum Yad
Vashem in Jerusalem und das der Kämpfer aus
dem Warschauer Ghetto besichtigt, sowie deren
Bildungsstätte, wo wir von der besonderen Pädagogik erfahren haben, mit welcher Kindern
das Trauma des Holocaust wie das der Vertreibung der Palästinenser vermittelt wird. Sie werden sensibilisiert für den Frieden untereinander,
aber lernen auch, für den Frieden mit anderen
Kulturen einzutreten.
by Hilde Gött
Today, about 50 families live here together and
they represent three religions. We have visited
the village and the School for Peace and participated in an event at the site. It was fascinating
to experience this everyday life atmosphere, to
go for a walk, to swim and to eat in the cafeteria, as many others did. We followed our habitual concept - to visit important monuments and
rework their experiences in the group sessions -
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
also in Israel. So we visited the museum Yad
Vashem in Jerusalem and the museum of the
fighters from the Warsaw Ghetto, as well as
their training center where we learned of the
special education which was developed to explain the trauma of the Holocaust as well as the
expulsion of the Palestinians to the children.
They are sensitized to peace with each other but
also learn to stand up for peace with other cultures.
Die Reise war insgesamt sehr vielschichtig. Wir
besichtigten die Altstadt mit den jüdischen, muslimischen und christlichen Sehenswürdigkeiten,
fuhren ans Tote Meer und aufs Land, besuchten
Massada, die legendäre Festung, sowie ein Fischerstädtchen und ein Drusendorf. Hierbei bekamen wir einen Eindruck, wie die verschiedenen Ethnien nebeneinander leben und dass dies
auch gelingen kann. Natürlich waren wir auch in
Ostjerusalem und haben dort Kontakt zu Menschen in besetzten Gebieten gehabt.
Die Mischung, sich die eigene Geschichte dort
anzuschauen und Menschen aus diesen Kulturen
zu begegnen und mit ihnen auf der Bühne zu
stehen, ist für mich immer wieder ein Highlight
und für die Gruppe eine bleibende Erfahrung.
Dem dort Erlebten einen Ausdruck und dem
Schweigen eine Stimme zu geben und aus den
leidvollen Erfahrungen der Menschen zu lernen
und dieses Wissen für das eigene Handeln zu
nutzen, ist uns ein Anliegen. Uns geht es auch
um das Aushalten der Erfahrungen von der je-
The trip was overall very complex. We visited
the old town with the Jewish, Muslim and Christian sights, drove to the dead sea and the countryside, we saw Massada, the legendary fortress
and visited a fishing village and a Druze village .
Here we got an idea of how the different ethnic
groups live side by side and that it can work out.
Of course we also went to East Jerusalem and
were in contact with people living in the occupied territories.
A mix to look at our own history there and to
encounter people from these cultures and to
stand with them on stage, has always been a
highlight for me and a lasting experience for the
group. To give the experienced an expression
and to give the silence a voice, to learn from the
painful experiences of others and to use this
knowledge for our own actions, is a particular
concern for us. It is also about sharing the enduring experiences of the other side and finding
a common language to express what we saw
and what happened to find a path of conflict
In general, we work with people from several
European countries. In addition to the sightseeing and working in the group we also planned
encounters with Israelis and Palestinians and
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
weils anderen Seite und eine gemeinsame Sprache für das Gesehene und Geschehene miteinander zu finden um so einen Weg der Konfliktverarbeitung anzusteuern.
- 2013/2014 -
integrated our personal, national and common
history in order to work on our perpetrator and
victim dynamics.
In der Regel arbeiten wir mit Menschen aus
mehreren europäischen Ländern. So haben wir
neben den Besichtigungen und der Arbeit in der
Gruppe auch konkrete Begegnungen mit Israelis
und Palästinenser geplant und integrieren die
persönliche, nationale und gemeinsame Geschichte, um an unserer Täter-und-OpferDynamik zu arbeiten.
Damit entsteht ein Dialog, der mit manchen politischen Bagatellisierungen aufräumt und Wunden auf allen drei Seiten heilen lässt und damit
gleichzeitig neue Wege beschreitet.
This enables a dialog which does away with
some political trivialisations, can heal wounds on
all three sides and at the same time break new
Neues aus den Mitgliedsländern
Psychodrama-Institut für Europa –
Landesverband Deutschland e.V.
von Julia Pischetsrieder
In 2013 wurde der Vorstand des PIfE Landesverband Deutschland neu gewählt. Mit Ulli Markowiak hat sich der Vorstand nun in neuer Zusammensetzung an die Arbeit gemacht. Die
klassische Arbeitsteilung ist durch die Wahlen
festgelegt worden. Darüber hinaus haben wir
besprochen, dass
Angela Winderlich unsere Ansprechpartnerin
für Ausbildungsfragen wird,
Gerd-Michael Urbach für die Koordination des
Programms verantwortlich ist und
Ulli Markowiak uns in der Weiterbildungskommission des DFP vertreten wird.
Das Programm 2014 haben wir auf unserer ersten Vorstandssitzung behandelt. Wir haben dabei auch einige Grundsätze diskutiert, die am
neuen Programm erkennbar sind:
Wir wollen bei einem breiten Angebot bleiben, weil wir nur so eine Chance haben, als
Verein attraktiv zu sein.
News from the member countries
Psychodrama Institute for Europa –
National Association Germany
by Julia Pischetsrieder
In 2013, the board of the National Association
PIfE Germany was elected. With Ulli Markowiak,
the Board has now a new formation to work
with. The classical division of labor has been
established by the elections. In addition, we have discussed that
Angela Winderlich will be our contact person
for education related questions and topics,
Gerd-Michael Urbach will be responsible fort
he coordination oft he program and
Ulli Markowiak will represent our Institute in
the Training Commission oft he DFP (the
German Association of Psychodrama)
The program for 2014 has been an issue during
our first board meeting. We have discussed some principles that can be seen in the new program:
We want to stick with a wide range of seminar/training offers, because that is our a
chance to stay attractive as an association.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Wir möchten, dass sich unsere Mitglieder am
Programm beteiligen und freuen uns, dass es
diesmal sowohl klassische als auch aktuelle
Themen und Angebote gibt. Allen Mitgliedern ist inzwischen klar, dass die Angebote
keine Selbstläufer sind und dafür Werbung
erforderlich ist. Außerdem werden die Angebote bei Xing und Facebook bekannt gemacht. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn ihr uns
über Eure Netzwerke bei der Werbung zusätzlich unterstützt. Wir sehen, dass es bei
einigen Kursangeboten schon gut funktioniert.
We want our members to participate in the
program and are pleased that we have classic and current topics and offers as well out
there at this time. Meanwhile, it is obvious
for all members that our offers are not selfperpetuating
advertising/marketing is required and necessary. In
addition our seminars and trainings are announced via Xing and Facebook regularly.
We would appreciate if you give us additional
support regarding the promotion on your
networks as well. We noticed that it already
works well in some courses.
Wir richten unser Angebot an Ausbildungskandidaten und andere Zielgruppen. Hierzu
gehören auch die ausgebildeten Psychodramatiker. Mit unserer Weiterbildungsreihe
und auch mit Angeboten „Psychodrama im
Beruf“ oder „Psychodrama in existenziellen
Lebensphasen“ bieten wir Themen an, die für
uns alle attraktiv und weiterführend sein
können. Voneinander lernen hört nach der
Ausbildung nicht auf.
We conduct our range of seminars and trainings towards our training candidates and
other target groups. This includes the fully
trained psychodramatists. With our training
series and also with the specific offers of
"Psychodrama on the job" or "existential
psychodrama in life phases", we have issues,
all of which can be attractive and continuing
for us. Learning from each other does not
stop after the training.
Außerdem sprechen wir auch Menschen an,
die das Psychodrama kennenlernen und keine Ausbildung machen wollen. Das kann für
uns bereichernd sein, ist aber ungewohnt
und heißt, sich auch neuen Zielgruppen öffnen zu wollen.
In addition, we also appeal to people who
want to (only) become acquainted with the
psychodrama and don’t want to go through
complete training cycles. This can be enriching for us, but it is quite unusual and
means to open oneself towards new target
Wir freuen uns, ein vielfältiges Programm 2014
vorlegen zu können. Wir danken für die Bereitschaft von vielen Mitgliedern am Programm
2014 mitzuwirken und verweisen auf unsere
Website www.psychodramainstitut.de!
Ein besonderes Erlebnis war der Psychodramakongress in Kiev. Hier war sehr klar erkennbar
und erfahrbar, wie das Psychodrama in Osteuropa wächst und lebendig ist. „How to belong“ war
ein wichtiges Thema, das auf allen Ebenen der
Zugehörigkeit auf die Bühne gebracht wurde
Wir freuen uns über die neu gemischte Länderzusammensetzung des neuen PIfE-Vorstands
und in der Verbindung auch darüber, dass Julia
Pischetsrieder als Schriftführerin neu in den Vorstand gewählt wurde. Wir sehen das als gute
Möglichkeit an, die Arbeit künftig besser miteinander vernetzen zu können. Dem „alten“ Vorstand gebührt Wertschätzung für seine großartige Arbeit, die auf der europäischen Ebene zu
leisten ist.
We are pleased to present a diverse program for
2014. We are grateful for the willingness of
many members to participate in the program in
2014 and refer – for further information – to our
website: www.psychodramainstitut.de!
A special experience was the Psychodrama Conference in Kiev. Here it was very clearly visible
and tangible, how psychodrama in Eastern Europe is growing and alive. "How to Belong" was an
important issue that has been brought tot he
stage on all levels of membership.
We are excited about the new country-mixed
composition of the new PIfE Board – and in the
connection to that we are also glad that Julia
Pischetsrieder has been elected into the Executive Board as Secretary. We see this as a good
opportunity to link the future work together in a
better way. The "old" Board deserves appreciation for its great work, which is to be made at the
European level.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Sie ist spannend und sinnerfüllend, aber zugleich
auch mit viel Zeit und persönlichem Einsatz verbunden, denn diese Bühne erfordert Integrationsfähigkeit und Geduld. Wir wünschen dem
neuen PIfE-Vorstand viel Erfolg für die künftige
Weiterentwicklung des Vereins und die bevorstehenden Herausforderungen!
It is an exciting and sense-fulfilling work, but at
the same time connected with a lot of timeinvestment and personal effort as well, because
this stage requires integration ability and patience. We wish the new PIfE Board every success
for the future development of the Institute and
the challenges ahead!
Abschließend möchten wir auf die für 2014 geplante
Moreno-Woche: "Die Wahrheit der Welt
durch das Psychodrama ergründen – eine
existenzielle Reise in vier Tagen"
hinweisen, die vom 07. bis 10. Juli 2014 in Hannover stattfinden wird:
Finally we would like to point out the
Moreno-week: "Discover the truth of the
world by Psychodrama - an existential
journey in four days"
and indicate that it will be held from July, 07th
to July, 10th 2014 in Hannover:
2014 würde Jacob Levy Moreno, der Erfinder des
Psychodramas, der Soziometrie und der Gruppenpsychotherapie, (vermutlich) 125 Jahre alt
werden – und es ist gleichzeitig sein 40. Todestag. Wir wollen dieses Datum zum Anlass nehmen, um die Bedeutung des Psychodramas in
der heutigen Welt zu beleuchten und zu verbreiten. Mit den für Moreno zentralen Kategorien
Sinn, Glück, Macht, Liebe und Existenz wollen
wir uns an vier ganzen Tagen von Montag bis
Donnerstag auf eine psycho- dramatische Reise
begeben, denn er hat uns deutlich gemacht hat,
dass nur Bewegung auch Bewegung schafft. Mit
immer wieder unterschiedlichen Begegnungen
im Plenum, in Kleingruppen und Workshops, in
Spielen, in Diskussionsrunden, beim Zuhören,
Zuschauen und beim Mitgestalten werden die
kreativen Möglichkeiten des Psychodramas erfahrbar gemacht. Jeder Tag wird dem Thema
entsprechend einzigartig gestaltet. Darüber hinaus gibt es kleine kulturelle Begleitveranstaltungen.
Die Moreno-Woche ist eine Kooperationsveranstaltung unseres Landesverbands Deutschland,
des Instituts für Psychodrama Dr. Ella Mae
Shearon, der International Association for Consulting Competence – IACC e. V., der Hochschule Hannover (HsH) und des Bildungswerks ver.di
in Niedersachsen e. V.
Zielgruppe sind alle Psychodrama-Interessierten
mit und ohne Psychodrama-Erfahrung sowie
Interessierte an den Formaten Therapie,
Coaching, Supervision und Beratung. Die Teilnahmekosten betragen € 500,00, es sind auch
einzelne Tage buchbar. Organisation und Anmeldung erfolgen über: IACC e.V., Tel.: +49
(0) 511 – 762-19107, [email protected]
In 2014 Jacob Levy Moreno in 2014, the inventor of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy of, would turn (probably) 125 years
old – and it is his 40th anniversary of his death.
We want to take this date as an opportunity to
highlight the importance of psychodrama in the
world today and to spread it furthermore. With
the for Moreno central categories purpose, happiness, power, love and existence, we want to
embark on four full days from Monday to Thursday on a psychodramatic journey, because he
has made it clear to us that only movement also
creates movement. With many different encounters in plenary sessions, small groups and workshops, with games, discussions, listening, watching and shaping the creative possibilities of
psychodrama can be experienced. Each day is
organized according to the theme in a unique
way. Moreover, there will be small cultural
events accompanying this event week.
The Moreno-week event is a collaboration of our
PIfE National Association of Germany, the Institute for Psychodrama Dr. Ella Mae Shearon, the
International Association for Consulting Competence – IACC eV, the University of Hannover
(HsH) and the Training Centre of Verdi in Lower
Target group will be all people, who are interested in psychodrama, with and without psychodrama experience as well as those interested in
the formats therapy, coaching, supervision and
counseling. The participation fee is € 500.00,
with the chance to only book individual days.
Organization and registration via: IACC eV, Tel:
+49 (0) 511 – 762-19107, [email protected]
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Lietuvos Psichodramos
Draugija (LPdD) 2013
Lithuanian Psychodrama
Association 2013 (LPA)
parengė Daiva Rudokaitė
by Daiva Rudokaitė
Lietuvos Psichodramos Draugijoje šiuo metu yra
49 nariai, tarp jų 4 mokytojos, 2ko-terapeutės,
16 psichodramos terapeutų, 1 psichodramos
vadovas ir 15 asistentų.
There are now 49 members in the Lithuanian
Psychodrama Association, among them 4 trainers, 2 co-trainers, 16 psychodrama therapists,
15 psychodrama assistants.
Šiuo metu bazinio lygio mokymus tęsia 12 būsimų psichodramistų, sėkmingai pabaigus mokymus, jie įgys psichodramos asistento sertifikatus. Grupei vadovauja mokytoja dr. Albina
Kepalaitė ir ko-terapeutė Daiva Rudokaitė.
There are now 12 persons studying in the first
level that, if successfully accomplished, will end
up with a psychodrama-assistant certification.
The group is lead by psychodrama trainer Dr.
Albina Kepalaitė and co-trainer, Daiva Rudokaitė.
Dvi LPdD narės (Aurelija Rakštytė ir dr. Albina
Kepalaitė) studijuoja CP programoje Latvijos
Moreno institute ( Inara Erdmanis).
Two LPA members (Aurelija Rakštytė and Dr.
Albina Kepalaitė) are studying in the CP program
of the Latvian Moreno Institute (Inara Erdmanis).
The Lithuanian Psychodrama Association cooperates with the Grundtvig lifelong learning
project "Psychodrama and creative education in
In April 2013, the Lithuanian Psychodrama Association participated and presented itself at the
Lithuanian Psychologists Association congress
(as it did in 2012 also).
Santander, Spain
Lietuvos Psichodramos Draugija bendradarbiauja
Grundtvig mokymosi visą gyvenimą programoje
"Psychodrama and creative education in prison“.
At the present our association is participating in
an initiative group in Parliament creating a law
of psychotherapy. Hopefully psychodrama will be
acknowledged as an equal psychotherapeutic
method among others.
2013m balandžio mėn. LPdD dalyvavo ir pristatė save Lietuvos Psichologų sąjungos kongrese
(kaip tai darė 2012m).
Taip pat draugijos atstovai aktyviai dalyvauja
iniciatyvinėje grupėje Seime, kuri rengia psichoterapijos įstatymą Lietuvoje.
Minske (Baltarusijoje) I-o lygio mokymų grupė
baigė savo kursą. Šiai grupei vadovavo psichodramos treneris Fred Dorn ir ko-terapeutė mūsų
asociacijos narė Aurelija Rakštytė.
FEPTO conference
Vyko ir vyksta savęs pažinimo grupės, seminaVorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
rai, kuriuos veda Lietuvos psichodramatistai.
Skiriame didelį dėmesį psichodramos sklaidai
Lietuvoje įvairiomis visuomenės informavimo
priemonėmis- pažintines psicho-dramos dirbtuvės, TV, radijas, spauda.
In Belorussia, Minsk, the first level psychodrama
training group ended their course. This group
was lead by psychodrama trainer Fred Dorn and
his co-trainer was our association member Aurelija Rakštytė.
LPdD, kaip FEPTO narė, dalyvavo 21-oje Generalinėje Asamblėjoje pavadinimu ”The Group and
I” ir 8 konferencijoje “Crisis and change processes” Santandere (Ispanijoje). Draugijai atstovavo prezidentė Daiva Rudokaitė ir Aurelija
There are ongoing psychodrama therapy groups,
self-experience groups, seminars led by Lithuanian psychodramatists. We pay a lot of attention
for promoting psychodrama in our country
through mass media: workshops, radio, tv,
Rugsėjo mėnesį Kijeve (Ukraina) vyko XII PIFE
konferencija "How to belong", kurioje dalyvavo 3
Lietuvos Psichodramos Draugijos narės: Daiva
Rudokaitė, Aurelija Rakštytė ir Audra Bardauskienė.
LPA as a member of FEPTO has participated in
the 21st General Assembly under the title “The
Group and I” and in the 8th conference “Crisis
and change processes” in Santander (Spain).
LPA was presented by two members: president
Daiva Rudokaitė and Aurelija Rakštytė.
In September, 2013, in Ukraine, Kiev, there was
the XII.th PIFE conference "How to belong".
Three LPA members participated: Daiva Rudokaitė, Aurelija Rakštytė and Audra Bardauskienė.
This year LPA joined an „Open stage“ event together with other countries (Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Norway, Sweden). Also LPA participated in
the so called „Big Group“ in Belorussia, in Minsk.
Lithuanians in Kiev
Šiais metais Lietuvos Psichodramos draugija
kartu su kitomis šalimis (Estija, Latvija, Suomija,
Švedija ir Norvegija) dalyvavo renginyje „Atvira
Taip pat LPdD dalyvavo vadinamojoje „Didžiojoje
grupėje“ Minske (Baltarusija).
Every year LPA organizes psychodrama seminars
from foreign countries, invites PIFE and FEPTO
trainers. This year we had two continuous seminars led by Hilde Gött (Germany), titled „Clients
with psychological trauma therapy“ and one
seminar, led by Norbert Apter (Switzerland),
named „Action methods in organisation“.
Kiekvienais metais draugija organizuoja Lietuvoje kviestinius seminarus, kuriuos veda PIFE ir
FEPTO lektoriai. 2013m. turėjome du seminarus: tęstinį 2 dalių seminarą "Klientų patyrusių
traumą gydymas", kurį vedė Hilde Gött (Vokietija) ir Norbert Apter (Šveicarija) seminarą
"Veiksmo metodų naudojimas institucijose, organizacijose, kompanijose"
Norbert Apter Seminar
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
EOS Groups activities report of the year 2013
EOS Groups - the abbreviation of the longer name “Expressive Groups” - has a goal to spread psychodrama and other related methods and techniques into Lithuanian professional society. In the
year of 2013 our organization started applying psychodrama and its sister methods mostly in educational environment.
In the internet site www.eosgrupes.lt you will find the mostly Lithuanian language part updated
regularly. In the year 2013 we posted a few short articles about psychodrama.
In 2013 we also helped PIfE in a few details – co-applied the Grundtwig project (which was not
funded that year, pity), participated in the international FEPTO psychodramatists group on children
issues in Granada, Spain. The important event – the PIfE Conference in 2013: Evaldas Karmaza
became active participant in the PIfE Board – he got the responsibility of chairing the board.
Active methods are still not well known for the public, so here are still lots of possibilities to do. But
as psychodrama is not well known nationally, audience still approaches it with caution. Usually
schools personnel ask for some sort of test seminar - one-two days at the most. But in comparison
to good 5 years ago it becomes a more acceptable form of training and therapy.
In the year 2013 we had the pleasure to work with action methods in a kindergarten and with medical personnel, school students, municipality workers, child residential care institutions, police and
boarder officers.
In the Radviliškis city kindergarten EOS Groups led a two days community exploration and conflict
resolution seminar using psychodrama. During this experience action methods did really help to
achieve two important goals – to build safety in the meeting environment and also to let people
express their situation within the organization.
At the end of the year, 2013 EOS Groups started a new product - “Class experience with psychodrama”. In December we had even three classes where we led two days meetings. And it worked
well with 14-15 years old teenagers, as well as with 11-12 young kids. The last seminar was for a
15-16 teenage group who have behaviour problems. It ended with success as important agreements were made in class life with the class leader.
For us it was a new try to work psychodramatically with the medical personnel of the clinics. We
tried a form of 4 meetings with one of local town clinics working on the microclimate, building
community, fostering better communication.
In Vilnius University we had a chance to present psychodrama, sociometry and other related methods for criminal psychology master degree students. As students said it was sooo different and in a
way so emotionally acceptable in comparison to other presented psychotherapy schools.
In Klaipėda area EOS Groups had quite a challenging event - to work with Klaipėda city and Nida
city municipality workers. We took the topic “Stress at the work place” and made it pass with psychodrama methods. This was not easy as making people to act it seemed for them as additional
stress event. But psychodrama, rich with variety of techniques, could be also comfortable in this
Psychodrama is really good for exploring the professional community inside the organization.
Switching between sociometry, using lots of warming-up, testing sociodrama, from time to time
adding psychodramatic therapy elements it helps to go forward. So we tried to make 5 days experience and team strengthening for the Klaipėda city child residential care institution team. At the be-
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
ginning for the participants it looked as if so much time was appointed to team building, but when it
ended social workers expressed that it has to be done like this almost every year.
A similar experience which lasted for only 3 days, we offered to the SOS-Kindergarten section for
youth staff. As described here, it may sound it was easy and fun, but actually it was intense, emotional, with group dynamics. But when you review the experience, you realize that psychodrama
helps to pass certain communication topics with bigger ease and less risk.
In the year 2013, we also tried to make an interesting sociodrama event. We worked with migration
officers. Participants were from the Ministry of Interior, border patrols or worked as Migration Department officers. The topic - how to communicate with migrants, how to develop tolerance to the
people we know little. The beginning was very hard, as usually that type of meetings are talk and
write seminars. We had to take enough efforts to invite sociodrama as training approach. And it
worked. Now in the year 2014 we will continue with already 10 seminars.
We enjoy psychodrama. But every time when we start meetings and seminars we always carry the
feeling of worry. Sometimes quite hard. But it disappears as a safety feeling comes to the group.
Norwegian Moreno Institute 2013
by Eduardo Verdú
I am not sure what kind of year last year was
to the Chinese but to the Morenians at the
Norwegian Moreno Insitute this was definatley
a year of change and endings.
Our activity nationally has never been lower.
From June we became homeless and a lot of
time was spent on finding appropriate premises
for the institute. At last we succeeded and in October we moved into new premises close to the
Opera house in Oslo, in a beautiful building from 1835.
During this process we made some changes in the staff. Some chose to retire from teaching and
new blood is needed. Though we have had a high psychodrama activity with groups, the education
groups have been few with few students. Several groups were finished and no new ones were
started. All were postponed to 2014. In this writing moment a new education for business consultants has just started, and the new first level group will not begin before august 2014.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
A cooperation with members of the Nordic Board members in Estonia and Finland was started. The
focus was modern pedagogy in psychodrama. How do we want to teach psychodrama in the future?
The project is called Inspirational pedagogics and the members (The Norwegian Moreno Institute,
The Helsinki Insitute and Tallinn psychodrama Institute) have had several meetings and it goes on.
2013 was the year we shut down our efforts to recollect our strengths and rethink our vision of the
future. The process is definitely more important than finding a new answer. We enter the new year
with excitement and lots of hope for wonderful psychodramatic encouters nationally and internationally.
Polish Psychodrama Institute, Association Kraków
by Anna Bielańska
In these years the activity of Polish Psychodrama Institute developed.
Education 2011 – 2013
Training groups:
11 first level trainig groups – seven inside postgraduated
ce, Lublin. In September will start next new 4 groups.
psychotherapy courses in Krakow, Gliwi-
1 upper level group (Krakow), the next upper level group started in October 2013. Together it
gives 160 psychodrama students per year.
We had 25 psychodrama therapists and 18 psychodrama trainers who run the training
groups. The therapists also do the psychodrama therapy group in different settings and with different clients.
Therapy: The psychodrama groups for clients are run mainly in Krakow, Lublin, Warsaw, Gliwice,
Bielsko- Biała, Częstochowa. So psychodrama went around Poland, mainly on the south-eastern
part. We have also self experience groups in Krakow, Warsaw, Gdańsk, Wrocław, Lublin. All these
activities are run by therapists educated at the Polish Pychodrama Institute.
Seminars: During these years we have 18 seminars; besides Polish trainers who led seminars we
invited trainers from abroad – Judith Maschke, Christoph Hutter, Judith Teszary, Eduardo Verdu,
Elzbieta Schjetne, Maurizio Gasseau, Leandra Perolta.
Supervision: group supervision for upper level group – Hilde Gött, supervision for 4 „delegated
supervisors” was run by Eduardo Verdu. In September in Kiev, Anna Bielanska and Jarosław Gliszczyński became full supervisors of PIfE.
Individual supervision for students who finished upper level is run by two „delegated supervisors”
(Agnieszka Bartkowska- Kurek, Wiesława Piątek Janicka) and other individual supervison is run by
two PIfE supervisors.
Intervision: twice a year psychodrama therapists meet for an “inner supervision”. It is not only
supervision but the meeting to exchange, share experience and difficulties.
The Polish Psychodrama Institute became the member of FEPTO in 2010 and regularly we took part
in FEPTO Annual Meetings: Oslo 2012 – A. Bielańska, I. Hanuszkiewicz, Santander 2013 - A.
Bielańska, J. Gliszczyński.
We plan to organize a big national Polish Psychodrama Conference in November 2014 in Cracow
with the title „With head in the clouds and feet on the ground – Festival of Polish psychodrama”.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Instytut Forum Psychodrama
Forum Psychodrama Institute
prowadyonz prye Monikę Ścibak
Jesteśmy młodą organizacją, która ma
planach kilka interesujących przedsięwzięć.
by Monika Ścibak
Pragniemy przedstawić krótką prezentację naszych dotychczasowych działań.
1. Nasza działalność rozpoczęła się w 2008
uzyskaliśmy 01.04.2013 r.
2. Jesteśmy
wypracowanych środków.
3. Obecnie mamy jedną grupę szkoleniową
pierwszego stopnia prowadzoną przez
Barbarę Sokół i Bernda Fichtenhofera.
I would like to tell you that we are a very young organization and we have many interesting
ideas regarding our plans for the future.
Now we are going to give you a short presentation which focuses on our activities at Forum
1. We received accreditation from PIFE in
April 2013.
2. We were established as a private Institut,
therefore we don’t have any members.
3. Currently, we have one first level training
group and we are going to establish the
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
W 2014 roku zamierzamy utworzyć drugą
grupę pierwszego stopnia oraz grupę
drugiego stopnia prowadzoną przez
Monikę Ścibak i Bernda Fichtenhofera.
- 2013/2014 -
second level training group as well as
another group of first level trainees.
4. Currently our primary focus is on therapy
work based on a psychodramatic method.
5. We also popularize the psychodramatic
method and ideas through organising different kinds of themathic workshops for
different people who are not involved in
the psychotherapeutic process.
4. Obecnie nasza aktywność skupiona jest
głównie na psychoterapii bazującej na
metodzie psychodramy.
5. Popularyzujemy metodę psychodramy i
jej idee poprzez organizowanie różnego
rodzaju warsztatów tematycznych (np.
„Pozwól swojemu ciału mówić”, „Spotkanie i dialog ze snem”)
prowadzone przez Barbarę Sokół, Monikę
Ścibak, a także przez innych profesjonalistów: Bernd Fichtenhofer (warsztaty
“W poszukiwaniu ojca”, seminarium dla
mężczyzn “O woli i niedoli bycia
mężczyzną”), Małgorzata Stachura z
psychodramatycznymi warsztatami dla
Katarzyna Niklas – Wołoszyn z psychodramatyczną ofertą warsztatów
dzieci i młodzieży.
trenerów do współpracy z Instytutem,
ponieważ planujemy seminaria, które
będą skierowane do par, dzieci, nastolatków, a także różnych grup zawodowych.
6. Podjęliśmy współpracę z wydawnictwem
Gruner+Jahr, ponieważ chcemy popularyzować idee i teorie psychodramy
poprzez publikacje literatury psychodramatycznej tłumaczonej z języka angielskiego i niemieckiego.
The workshops mentioned above are
being held by us but also by other professionals such as Bernd Fichtenhofer
with workshops „Looking for the father“
and workshop for a men’s group titled
„About willingness and misery of being a
man“, Malgorzata Stachura with the psychodramatic workshops for people who
are addicted to alcohol, other workshops
include – „Understanding the body psychologically – let your body speak“ and
so on and so forth.
We would also like to invite other trainers
for cooperation concerning different subjects such as:
Workshops for couples, a group for children and teenagers (Katarzyna Niklas Woloszyn), a supportive group for doctors
6. We have established a relation with the
publishing house Gruner+Jahr in order to
popularize and publish the psychodramatic theory by translating foreign books.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Societatea de Psihodramă
”J.L.Moreno” din România
(SPJLM ) – 2013
J.L.Moreno Psychodrama Society
from Romania (SPJLM) - 2013
de Ilona Görög
Societatea de Psihodramă ”J.L. Moreno” cu sediul în Cluj-Napoca a ales un nou consiliu în
noiembrie 2011 condus de Éva Varró, în calitate
de președinte. Din acel moment a început o
largă activitate de înnoire a bazei de date, a
documentelor, a comitetelor de lucru și a procedurilor în scopul de a îmbunătăți funcționarea
societății pentru a fi în concordanță cu cerințele
structurilor profesionale interne și externe la
care este afiliată. Începând cu februarie 2012 a
fost închiriat un birou pentru activitatea organizatorică și păstrarea documentelor.
SPJLM are astăzi 50 de membri cu drepturi depline. 20 dintre aceștia sunt membri PIfE. Este
de menționat faptul că unii dintre colegii noștri
ar dori să renunțe la statutul de membru individual PIfE , preferănd să sprijine SPJLM ca membru instituțional al PIfE .
Date cu privire la activitatea de formare în
psihodramă din cadrul SPJLM:
 SPJLM are 20 de membri formatori; primii și-au început activitatea în calitate de
formatori în 2000 cu sprijin strâns de-a
lungul anilor din partea formatorilor și
supervizorilor PIfE .
 Doi dintre formatori: Enikő Albert Lőrincz și Éva Varró, au dobândit calitatea de supervizori PIfE și 6 sunt numiți
ca supervizor-delegat : Horațiu Nil Albini ,
Sorina Birle , Enikő Butyka , Laura Cizmaș , Iris Felezeu și Ilona Görög .
 După studiu aprofundat și numeroase
dezbateri, comisia profesională și consiliul
de conducere SPJLM au votat în iulie
2013 criteriile și procedura de numire a
supervizorilor SPJLM. Forma adoptată a
documentelor respectă atât cerințele
PIfE, cât și prevederile structurii naționale
care acreditează programele de formare
în psihodramă. Subsemnata, am avut
onoarea de a fi primul supervizor SPJLM
desemnat pe baza criteriilor SPJLM.
 Până acum au încheiat formarea 38 de
grupuri de bază și 7 grupuri de nivel
avansat. În prezent sunt în curs de desfășurare 6 grupuri de bază și 5 grupuri de
by Ilona Görög
The J.L.Moreno Psychodrama Society elected a
new board in November 2011 headed by Éva
Varró as president. Since than a large renewment of the database, committees, professional documents and procedures started in order
to improve its function and meet the requirements of internal and external professional
structures. From last year February, an office
has been rented, to give a specific place for the
administration work and the documents.
SPJLM has today 50 full members. 20 of them
are PIfE members, as well. It is to be mentioned
that some of our colleagues would like to step
back from individual PIfE membership, and they
prefer to support SPJLM as institutional member
of PIfE.
Data’s on Psychodrama Training at SPJLM:
 SPJLM has 20 trainer members; the first
ones started the work as trainers in 2000
with the support of PIfE supervisors.
 There are 2 confirmed PIfE supervisors:
Enikő Albert-Lőrincz, Éva Varró and 6 delegated supervisors: Horațiu Nil Albini,
Sorina Bîrle, Enikő Butyka, Laura Cizmaș,
Iris Felezeu and Ilona Görög.
 After a thorough study and discussion the
SPJLM professional committee and board
has voted in July 2013 for the criteria and
procedure for nomination of SPJLM supervisors, that are consistent with both
PIfE regulations and those of the national
structure which accredits our training
programs. The first SPJLM supervisor
nominated on the basis of the SPJLM criteria and procedure has been Ilona
 Till now 38 basic level groups and 7 advanced level groups has concluded. At
present 6 basic level and 5 advanced
groups are ongoing.
 23 colleagues have fulfilled their training
with a successful colloque chaired by Hilde Gött in February 2013. This is the 3rd
colloquium of psychodramatists trained
by trainers of SPJLM .
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
etapă superioară.
23 de colegi și-au încheiat formarea în
februarie 2013 prin susținerea cu succes
a colocviului prezidat de Hilde Gött. Acesta este al 3-lea colocviu organizat pentru
psihodramaticieni instruiți de formatori de
- 2013/2014 -
Special events and programs:
The 5th National conference „Ethics and Power:
The King, the Wise Man and the Fool” organized
by SPJLM in cooperation with ARPsiC in November 2012 at Cluj-Napoca, has had as guests Inci
Doganer, Bernd Fichtenhofer, Monika Ścibak,
Pintér Gábor and Attila Donáth. Besides them
appreciated workshops have been led by
Romanian psychodramatists.
In 2012-2013 many international trainers - Gabriela Moita, Norbert Apter, Eva Fahlström-Borg
and Bernd Fichtenhofer have led special seminars organised by SPJLM for trainers and trainees.
As a special concern for improving the teamwork
inside SPJLM and its performance as organization, Eva Fahlström-Borg has been invited for
special seminars on team building.
Evenimente și programe speciale:
Un moment deosebit a însemnat cea de-a V-a
Conferință Națională " Etică și Putere : Regele ,
Înțeleptul și Bufonul ", organizat de SPJLM în
cooperare cu ARPsiC , în noiembrie 2012 la Cluj
- Napoca . Conferința i-a avut ca invitați pe Inci
Doganer , Bernd Fichtenhofer , Monika Ścibak ,
Pintér Gábor și Attila Donath . Alături de ei au
susținut workshop-uri
apreciate și numeroși
psihodramaticieni din România.
SPJLM a organizat și în 2012-2013 seminarii
speciale pentru formatori și cursanți conduse de
traineri internaționali. Ne-au fost oaspeți: Gabriela Moita , Norbert Apter, Eva Fahlström- Borg
și Bernd Fichtenhofer.
The SPJLM board was represented in Kiev by
Sorina Birle and Ilona Görög, the two vicepresidents. They were pleased to announce the
invitation for the next PIfE conference which will
be held at Cluj in 2015.
Currently efforts are focused on organizing the
celebration of 20 years of existence of SPJLM at
the joint National Conference in 10-12 October
2014. Special guests will be the first trainers and
supervisors who played a key role in launching
psychodrama in Romania. We do hope that the
theme of the anniversary conference “Transgenerational and Cross cultural Psychodrama”,
and the multicultural richness of the location will
attract a large number of participants.
Looking forward to see you in Cluj-Napoca!!!
Ca urmare a preocupării speciale pentru îmbunătățirea muncii de echipă din SPJLM, și a
performanțelor sale ca organizație , Eva Fahlström-Borg a fost invitată să conducă seminarii
speciale de teambuilding .
Consiliul de conducere SPJLM a fost reprezentat
în Kiev de către Sorina Bîrle și Ilona Görög, cei
doi vicepreședinți. Ele au avut plăcerea să
adreseze invitația pentru următoarea conferință
PIfE la Cluj-Napoca, în 2015.
În prezent, eforturile noastre se concentrează pe
organizarea aniversării a 20 de ani de existență
a SPJLM la Conferința Națională din 10-12 oc-
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
tombrie 2014. Îi vom avea ca invitați speciali pe
primii formatorii și supervizori care au jucat un
rol-cheie în lansarea psihodramei în România.
Sperăm că momentul aniversar, tema conferinței
–”Psihodrama Transgenerațională și Transculturală" și bogăția multiculturală a locației vor atrage un număr mare de participanți.
Vă așteaptăm cu drag în Cluj - Napoca!
Psychodrama Association – Kiev
Report 2011-2013
by Valentina Stanishevskaya
Number of participants – 107
International events (PIFE joint)
The most prominent event was the second “Large Group”
of the German Association for Group Psychotherapy and
Group Dynamics with Karl Otto Felmering, Dr. Monica
Vaassen and Hilde Gött (2012). There were 70 participants
(4 training groups).
Theoretical and specific workshops for training groups were
given by the PIDE trainers (Ildiko Mavers, Julia Hardy, Fred
Dorn, Anna Bielanska).
During the 1st All-Ukrainian Psychodrama Festival Yaacov
Naor led the Large Group “Breaking the silence”.
 Education
 Groups of personality growth, thematic groups and master Method dissemination
 Conferences, festivals, summer schools
 International cooperation
 Practical implication
Completed courses:
Group of “Psychodrama-practic” qualification level, coach – Pavlo Hornostay, Tatiana Zaytsewska.
Ongoing courses:
There are 9 beginner groups; trainers: Ludmila Litvinenko, Alla Ivakina, Tatiana Zaytsewska,
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Victor Mozgovoy, Larisa Poddubna, Julia Budai; co-trainers: Nina Litovchenko, L.Sosis,
I.Serhienko, A.Speka. Three of them are finishing, four groups have started this year. All of
them were supervised by Ildiko Mavers.
Trainings abroad: first-level group (2009-2012), (Sarov, Russia,); first-level group (started
in 2012) (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia) - Ludmila Litvinenko, Yulia Budai.
Leading of upper-level training group (from 2011), completed, certification – October 2013
(Minsk, Belarus) - Ludmila Litvinenko.
Groups of personality growth, thematic groups and master-classes
 Master-classes “Spontaneity with Playback theatre elements and Man and Woman: to build
relationship”, “Family relations”, “Attractive charm of stable family bounds”, “Why love
hurts?” - L.Poddubna, N.Koval.
 “Creative workshop for parents” – A.Ivakina.
 Teambuilding trainings, psychodrama elements in the work of personality office of the “Clever Kids” Centre – A.Ivakina.
 Special seminars “Psychopathology” for 3 beginner groups (Sarov, Kremenchug, Kyiv) –
 Regular groups of personality growth across
L.Poddubna, T.Zaytsewska, V.Stanishewska,
N.Koval, O.Khmelnitska, A.Ivakina, M.Bilyk,
L.Sosis, I.Serhienko, V.Demchenko, P.Basansky, P.Hornostay.
 Lviv Program - Counseling and Psychotherapy
School, 2 groups – L.Litvinenko.
 Master-classes: "Meeting of the spectator "(St.
Petersburg, 2011),"Playing in the reality of the
senses or the theater within us" (Kiev, 2011), ,
"Women's Secrets" (Kiev, 2011), "School phobia"(Kharkov,2012) “Internal theatre of personality” (Kiev, 2012), "The Crystal Ball of Childhood" (Yalta 2013), “Secrets of a child’s
box” "(Yalta, 2013) - L.Litvinenko.
Method Dissemination
 Running the 1st All-Ukrainian Psychodrama Festival
(hosts: Psychodrama Assoc. and Ukrainian Psychotherapy Union) October, 2012 (involved more then
200 participants). This year we work on the 2nd AllUkrainian Psychodrama Festival, there were several
broadcasts at Kyiv radio.
 Up
(www.psychodrama.kiev.ua), posting news on the
12th PIFE Conference preparation.
 Playback theatre “Otrazhenie” continues its performances (head - Ludmila Litvinenko).
 Running workshops at the Bessednitsa ne-cafe (Marina Bilyk).
 Presenting at TV and magazines – O.Khmelnitska,
M.Bilyk, L.Poddubna, A.Ivakina
 New issues of the specialized scientific journal “Psychodrama and Modern Psychotherapy” on Playback
and analysis of the psychodrama method and Family Constellations method (chief editor –
Pavlo Hornostay), www.psychodrama.com.ua.
 Publishing the new book “Psychodrama Guidelines” (eds. Marsha Carp, Paul Holms, Keit
Bredshaw Tauvon) - editor and publisher of the Ukrainian edition Pavlo Hornostay.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
«Development and promotion of psychological and social work networking for people with
special needs in the Republic of Belarus». Minsk, Karitas, 2013. (Ludmila Litvinenko).
On-going work of the “Kyiv Psychodrama Club” established by Oxana Khmelnitska and Marina Bilyk (http://ru-ru.facebook.com/pages/Киевский-психодраматическийклуб/181115655256680)
Mont hly Electronic Digest “Psychodrama News” with announcements of events by the Assoc.members - Oxana Khmelnitska
Conferences, festivals, summer schools
 The Association members took an active part as speakers and leaders at the creative psychodramatic workshops:
 Alfa-Fest – Practical psychology and training programmes festival, Kyiv 2012, 2013
(V.Mozgovoy, L.Poddubna T.Zaytsewska, V.Stanishewska, O.Khmelnitska, I.Ivakina,
N.Belikova, N.Litovchenko, E.Petrik, N.Koval).
 The 3d Summer Psychodrama School “Psychodrama of the Relationship” (T.Zaytsewska,
 Annual practical seminar “Psychodrama of Dreams”, jointly with the Ternopil Branch of UPU
“Yalta-Psy” (T.Zaytsewska).
 Cooperation with Psychodrama Division UPU (O.Khmelnitska)
International cooperation
 Master-class and participation in the work of the 11th and 12th Moscow Psychodrama Conference – P.Hornostay, I.Ivakina, N.Belikova, T.Zaytsewska
 7th Moscow Psychodrama Festival - I.Ivakina, T.Zaytsewska
 FEPTO Conference, Santader, Spain, 2013 - L.Poddubna, A.Ivakina
 Workshops and trainings for psychodramatists and psychologists: Ildiko Mavers, Fred Dorn.
 International Human Rights Women's Center "La Strada". Regular thematic seminars and
supervision by psychodrama (3 hours, twice a month) for telephone counseling center
(Ludmila Litvinenko).
 International project "Support to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care" School service
delivery: a basis for supervision of staff who assists hospice patients. Conduct seminars and
supervision – L.Litvinenko.
 International Project: Support Programme for Belarus 2012-2014. Development and promotion of psychological and social work networking for people with special needs –
 International Symposium on psychodrama,
body-oriented art therapy "Body. Mind.
Creativity". Crimea, Yalta 2011-2013 –
 International festival "Creative Europe". Obzor,
Bulgaria (2011-2012) – L.Litvinenko.
Practical implication
Psychodrama in Business
 Organisational
L.Poddubna, A.Ivakina.
Psychodrama in Politics
Imagemaking and social roles for politicians – L.Litvinenko, V.Stanishewska.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Первая психодрама-группа в Беларуси - Образование завершена!
First Psychodrama-Group in
Belarus - Education completed
от Лариса Долголевич
Всё в наших руках
by Larisa Dolgolevich
Translation – Sveta Gurkina
Everything in our hands
Провожая старый год и встречая новый,
принято подводить итоги. Для нас год 2013
был полон событий, и некоторыми из них мы
хотели бы с вами поделиться. Наверное,
самое важное из них – состоявшийся 25
октября коллоквиум на соискание степени
психодрама - терапевт ( председатель
экзаменационной комиссии - Хильде Гетт)..
Considering the old year and looking at the new
one it is time to sum up. For us the year 2013
has been full of events and we would like to
share some of them with you. Most likely, the
most important event is the colloquium for the
degree of psychodrama-therapist (chairwoman
of the examination board – Hilde Gött).
Семь долгих лет мы шли к этому событию и
очень рады, что все шесть членов нашей
группы успешно защитили свои дипломные
работы и убедили комиссию
в своем
обязаны тем, кто все эти годы, не только
передавал свои глубокие знания психодрамы
и умения вести игру, но и, поддерживая нас,
стоял у нас за спиной, вселяя в нас веру в
собственные силы. Между нами сложились
тесные профессиональные и человеческие
отношения. Эти люди- Людмила Литвиненко
(ведущая группы), Хильде Гетт (супервизор),
Фред Дорн.
For 7 long years we have been heading for this
event and we are very happy that all 6 members
of our group have defended certificates of degree and have convinced the examination board
of their professionalism. We owe part of our success to those, who all these years have been not
only imparting the deep knowledge of psychodrama and the ability of carrying on the play,
but also supporting us, who have always been
behind us, inspiring with faith in our own
strength. We have strong professional and human relationships with them. These people are
Liudmyla Lytvynenko (group leader), Hilde Gött
(supervisor), Fred Dorn.
Еще одно, не менее важное событие - нам
в сентябре месяце получить
официальную государственную регистрацию
нашей ассоциации «Психодраматисты ПИФЕ»
(в Беларуси такая структура называется
«общественное объединение»). Организация в
своем составе насчитывает 11 членов. Это
приходрама – ассистенты первого выпуска
первого уровня обучения (2009год) и мы. В
нашей стране процесс регистрации занимаем
много времени, требует много сил и терпения.
И поэтому для нас это действительно победа.
One more no less important event is that in September we have succeeded in getting the official
state registration of our association «Psychodramatists of PIfE». (In Belarus the formation of
this kind is called «public association»). The organization numbers 11 members. They are psychodrama-assistants, who were the first to complete the first level of training (2009) and us. In
our country the process of registration takes
long and requires a lot of effort and patience.
That’s why for us it is a real victory.
Год действительно был полон событий. В
феврале впервые в Беларуси была проведена
психодраматистов (ведущих
психодрамы и
Германии, Украины, Литвы, и
Многие знают это восхитительное чувство,
когда всех объединяет одно дело и тогда
кажется, что возможностям психодрамы нет
The year was really full of events. In February,
for the first time in Belarus a large group has
been carried out. The meeting of psychodramatists (psychodrama leaders and who were getting their education) from Norway, Germany,
Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus took place.
Many know this delightful feeling when people
are united by a common cause and it seems that
there are no limits to the psychodrama potential.
Arisen friendship between the participants and
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
больше узнать мир психодрамы и указали
на XII Международную конференцию
Европейского института психодрамы (PIFE) в
Киев ( Украина).
- 2013/2014 -
the desire for knowing the psychodrama world
have shown the way to the XII International
Conference of thePsychodrama-Institut für Europa (PIFE) in Kiev (Ukraine).
Taking part in the Conference was a real present
for us. You don’t often have opportunity to see
great psychodramatists and participate in their
Для нас участие в
конференции было
настоящим подарком. Не так часто есть
возможность видеть
великих психодрама–
тистов и принимать участие в их мастерских.
В течение года велись психодраматические
группы, были репетиции и выступления playback театра. Мы видели, как откликалась
публика на то, что мы делаем. Даже далекие
равнодушными, потому что видели вживую,
как рождается история, как взаимосвязаны
между собою психодрама и театр.
Мы еще больше укрепились в позиции о
необходимости нашей психодраматической
деятельности, принимая участие в различных
традиционным стало наше участие 18 мая в
международной акции
«Ночь музеев» в г.
Минске (ведущая Людмила Л.). В октябре, с
распространения психодрамы
Беларуси, - выступление в Белорусском
университете перед студенческой аудиторией; в
ноябре - перед бывшими узниками нацизма в
Исторической мастерской.
Не только как
For a year psychodramatical groups have been
carried out, there have been rehearsals and performances of our playback theatre. We saw how
the audience responded to what we were doing.
Even those who had little to do with psychodrama were not indifferent, because they saw live
how the story was coming into being and how
psychodrama and theatre are interrelated.
We have become even stronger in our stand
about the necessity of our psychodramatical activity by means of taking part in different
events. In this way, for instance, our participa-
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
групп приняли участие в VI Международном
форуме волонтеров, ежегодно проводимом
Минским международным образовательным
им. Йоханнеса Рау ( Дортмунт,
Минск). В течение года принимали участие в
реализации проекта
для родителей и
родственников молодых людей, имеющих
особенности в развитии.
- 2013/2014 -
tion on 18th May in the international action
«Night of Museums» in Minsk (leader - Ljudmyla
L.) has become traditional. In October there was
a performance in Belarusian State Pedagogic
University in front of the audience of students
for the purpose of spreading psychodrama in
Belarus; in November – before the former prisoners of Nazism in a historical workshop. We
took part in the VI International forum of volunteers, which is annually held by Minsk International Educational Centre of Johannes Rau
(Dortmund, Minsk), not only as artists of our
playback theatre but also as psychodramaleaders of international groups. During the year
we have been participating in the implementation of a project for parents and relatives of
young people with disabilities.
Time will show how our things will go on. We are
open to cooperation and obliged to everyone
who supports and believes in us. We wish all
achievement in the new year!
Как будут складываться наши дела дальше –
сотрудничества, благодарны всем, кто
поддерживает и верит в нас. Желаем всем
успехов в новом году.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Вторая Белорусская группа первого этапа в психодрамы
Second education group on first level in Psychodrama in Belarus
В ожидании новых шагов…
Waiting for new steps...
Мы - группа из 14 человек, которая закончила
программе PIFE в Беларуси. Наше обучение
стало возможным благодаря совместному
проекту PIFE и РМ «Каритас» и при
финансовой поддержке Action Mensch. Эта
психологов, которые работают в социально
значимых государственных и негосударственных
поддержке населения (многодетные семьи,
работающие с социально уязвимыми категориями населения).
We are the group of 14 psychologists who have
completed the basic education course of PIFE
psychodrama training program in Belarus. This
training became possible through a joint project
of PIFE and the education centre in «Caritas»
(Minsk) and with the financial support of «Action
Mensch». Our group brought together practical
psychologists who work in socially oriented projects aimed at supporting dysfunctional families
with children, the disabled persons, orphans and
professionals who work with all these vulnerable
Благодаря этой программе обучения мы
результатов. Обучение дало нам возможность
проработать внутриличностные препятствия
(страхи, стереотипы, обиды), что позволило
способность профессионально работать с
другими людьми. Спустя два года обучения,
психодрама для нас стала захватывающе
интересной, творчески красивой, многог–
ранной и самое главное - действенной.
применяют элементы психодрамы в работе с
трудными подростками, с инвалидами, с
учреждения образования, с сиротами.
Due to this training program we have achieved
very significant results for us. Psychodrama sessions gave us the opportunity to work with our
wounds ) that allowed us to open the internal
resources , spontaneity , creativity and the ability to work professionally with other people.
During two years of training psychodrama has
been exciting, creative, beautiful and versatile
for us. And the most important thing is that we
found psychodrama particularly effective.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
К нашему сожалению, психодрама в Беларуси
только зарождается, и мы хотим и готовы
продолжать свое обучение на втором этапе и
в дальнейшем активно распространять этот
метод в нашей стране.
За время обучения нам посчастливилось
матистами и получить бесценный опыт
участия в тематических семинарах: Ева
Серафин, Людмила Литвиненко, Яков Наор,
Эдуардо Вердю, Ильдика Меверс, Анна
Белянски, Эвалдаса Кармазе.
Так же, мы хотим выразить свою искреннюю
признательность и благодарность Фреду Дорн
за организацию обучения для нашей группы
и за огромный вклад в продвижение
психодрамы на территории Беларуси. Особая
благодарность Аурэлии Ракстуте за ее
профессиональный талант психодраматиста,
спонтанность и творчество.
Participants of our groups successfully use elements of psychodrama in training with troubled
teens, persons with disabilities, with dysfunctional families and orphans.
Unfortunately, in Belarus psychodrama is in its
infancy, and we are willing and ready to actively
disseminate this method in our country. Above
all, we are looking forward to the advanced
course training.
During training, we were happy to meet with
talented psychodramatists and gain invaluable
experience in workshops: Eva Serafin, Lyudmila
Litvinenko, Yaacov Naor, Eduardo Verdu, Ildiko
Mevers Anna Bielanska, Evaldas Karmaza.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
Ildikó Mävers –
Appreciation of her Work
within the European Psychodrama Landscape
by Hilde Gött
How do you tell a long story in a few sentences? How can you praise a person who has contributed
so much to PIfE and FEPTO for many, many years, if you have only a few lines to do it? An impossible task! Nevertheless, I'll try.
To call Ildikó a „veteran“ of European psychodrama, may sound a bit unfitting and obviously contradicts her energetic appearance. But if you follow her career, you come to the conclusion that
without her tireless and persistent commitment and without her creative energy, PIfE would not be
what it is today – or even worse: It might never have been founded!
I met Ildikó in the early Eighties. At that time she already enjoyed an excellent reputation as a psychodramatist. She was my trainer in the basic course. She also held training about addiction which
I attended. I turned out to be a quite rebellious student and sometimes gave her a hard time (and
vice versa …). On the other hand, us being both “Puszta girls”, we came from a similar background
and therefore had a very special relationship. She helped me to unite both souls in my breast: my
Romanian and German identity. After PIfE was finally founded – she and the other founding members had to first go through a legal dispute about the organisation’s name. – I immediately applied
for membership.
I admired Ildikó for her courage and shared her visions – and I still do. In those days, there was a
psychodrama boom in Germany. While most institutes were trying to make a profit, Ildikó set different priorities. Provided with a warm blanket and a big bottle of hot coffee, she travelled to her home country Hungary and to other former socialist countries in order to introduce people to psychodrama. She had to cope with a lot of difficulties, trained her groups in the freezing cold rooms of a
psychiatric hospital and even in the ruins of a synagogue. Her courses were spied on by the state
national security agency, since she encouraged her trainees to set aside mistrust, fear and precaution and to respect minorities – attitudes and values which were considered potentially dangerous
by the authorities. Ildikó and her fellow trainers had to deal with the police and had to ask permission to form groups.
Despite all inconveniences, she kept her optimism and stuck to her profound conviction that democratisation processes and intercultural exchange can be brought forward and speeded up by psychodramatic means. As time went by, psychodrama became a technique in high demand and also
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
highly valued in Eastern Europe. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to allege that Ildikó made a major
contribution to the fact that Eastern and Western Europe have made big progress in growing together in a mental and intercultural context. She was looking for and founded FEPTO with other colleagues from different countries.
Their goal was to establish training standards, to give ethical guidelines and to ensure scientific and
social exchanges within European psychodrama institutes.
After Ildikó had been active in our organization for about 14 years and as President of the PIfEBoard she passed her work on to the next generation in 2003. In 2012 she said farewell to the
members of FEPTO as well. As our honorary member of both organizations we still appreciate her
wise advice and benefit from her experience. Thank you Ildikó for your commitment!
Wir laden ein zur
We invite you to the
2. Internationalen Psychodramakonferenz für die Arbeit mit Kindern
und Jugendlichen
12. bis 14. September 2014
in Berlin
2nd International Conference
on the Psychodrama Work with
Children and Adolescents
12th to 14th of September 2014
in Berlin
"Denn ihre Seelen wohnen im Haus der Zukunft"
Khalil Gibran
"For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow"
Khalil Gibran
Mit dem Titel unseres 2. internationalen Psychodramakonferenz „Das Kind in der Gesellschaft“
wollen wir auf die aktuellen gesellschaftlichen
Entwicklungen und deren Auswirkungen auf
Kindheit und Jugend aufmerksam machen. Kinder und Jugendliche sind Teile der Gesellschaft.
Sie sind unsere Zukunft.
By titling our 2nd international psychodrama
conference „The Child in Society“, we want to
draw attention to current social developments
and their impact on childhood and youth. Children and adolescents are part of society . They
are our future.
Die aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Tendenzen in
den medialen Kommunikationswelten, veränderte Familienbilder und Formen des Zusammenlebens wie auch die zunehmende Vermarktung
von Kindheit und Jugend prägen das Leben der
Heranwachsenden. Wie dies geschieht, wollen
wir gemeinsam diskutieren und uns darüber
austauschen. Gemeinsam werden wir Strategien
entwickeln, wie Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene sich im öffentlichen Raum (in Kindergärten,
auf Spielplätzen, in Schulen usw.) zurechtfinden
Das Methodenrepertoire des Psychodramas, der
Soziometrie und der Gruppenpsychotherapie
kann einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Diskussion
und Orientierung der Kinder und Jugendlichen
und der Arbeit mit ihnen leisten. Wir möchten
herausfinden und erleben, was es bedeutet,
heute Kind zu sein.
Dies soll in Vorträgen, Workshops, im spontanen
The current social trends in media and communication environments, altered family ideals and
forms of married life and cohabitation as well as
the increasing commercialization of childhood
and youth shape the lives of the adolescents.
How this happens we would like to discuss and
share. Together we will develop strategies in
order to enable children, adolescents and adults
to cope with the challenges in public –
(kindergarten, playing grounds, schools etc.).
The repertoire of psychodramatic methods, sociometry and group psychotherapy can substantially contribute to discussion and orientation of
children and adolescents as well as to working
with them. We would like to find out and to experience what it means to be a child today.
This is supposed to happen in lectures, workshops, in spontaneous plays and in many encounters. Together we want to sketch future
visions and encourage all of us to make them
come true.
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
Spiel und in vielfachen Begegnungen geschehen.
Gemeinsam wollen wir Zukunftsvisionen entwerfen und Anstöße zu ihrer Verwirklichung geben.
Organisatoren der Konferenz sind das Psychodrama-Institut für Europa e.V., das Szenen
Institut für Psychodrama in Köln und das Moreno
Institut Stuttgart.
- 2013/2014 -
The conference will be organized by Psychodrama-Institut für Europa e.V., Szenen Institut für
Psychodrama in Köln and Moreno Institut Stuttgart.
Please find more information at:
Mehr Informationen unter:
Preliminary Announcement
March 21-23:
9th FEPTO Conference and III. SPPPG International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal: "Restlessness, Creativity, Transformation". www.fepto.eu
March 23-27:
FEPTO Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal: "The core competencies of a psychodrama trainer:
differences and similarities in Europe“ www.fepto.eu
May 2-4
32. Psychodrama Symposium, Spital am Pyhrn, Austria: "Die politische Dimension der Soziometrie" www.psychodrama-austria.at
May 28-31
39th Internationally Contributed Group Psychotherapies Congress, Bergama/Aesclepion,
Turkey: "Complaisance and Forgiveness" www.bergamakongresi2014.org
July 07-10:
Moreno Week, Hannover, Germany: "Discover the truth of the world by Psychodrama - an
existential journey in four days"
July 7-12:
Project Krakow-Auschwitz, Krakow "Traces of the Holocaust in the present”
www.psychodrama.pl, www.pife-europe.eu/de/service/projekte
August 15-17
VIII. Moreno Baltic Days, Riga, Latvia: "Amber Metamorphosis"
August 27-28
BPA Psychodrama & Sociodrama Conference 2014, London (Pre-conference)
August 28 - September 1
Psychodrama & Sociodrama Conference 2014, London: "Empowering Practice:Integrating
psychodrama and other therapies" www.psychodrama.org.uk
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1
Newsletter für alle Mitglieder des PIfE / Newsletter to all PIfE members
- 2013/2014 -
September 12-14
2nd International Conference on the Psychodrama Work with Children and Adolescents, Berlin: "For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow" www.psychodrama-for-children.org
October 10-12
Psychodrama Society “J.L. Moreno” (SPJLM) and Romanian Association of Classical Psychodrama (ARPsiC) – Cluj-Napoca, Romania, VII. Psychodrama National Conference:
“Transgenerational Psychodrama” www.conferintadepsihodrama.ro
November 14-16
Polish Psychodrama Festival, Krakow: "With her head in the clouds and feet on the ground"
Herausgeber: Vorstand des PIfE e.V.
Verantwortlich: Evaldas Karmaza, Fred Dorn
Redaktion und Gestaltung: Judith Schwieder
Fotos: Anna Bielańska, Larisa Dolgolevich, Ilona
Görög, Hilde Gött, Evaldas Karmaza, Daiva Rudokaite, Valentina Stanishevska, Monika Ścibak,
Eduardo Verdú
Published by: Vorstand des PIfE e.V.
Responsible: Evaldas Karmaza, Fred Dorn
Editing and Layout: Judith Schwieder
Pictures: Anna Bielańska, Larisa Dolgolevich,
Ilona Görög, Hilde Gött, Evaldas Karmaza, Daiva
Rudokaite, Valentina Stanishevska, Monika
Ścibak, Eduardo Verdú
Psychodrama Institut für Europa e.V. (PIfE)
Ordulfstr. 15, 22459 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. 0049.162.2467055
(Dienstag 15:00-17:00)
Email: [email protected]
Internet address: www.pife-europe.eu
Psychodrama Institut für Europa e.V. (PIfE)
Ordulfstr. 15, 22459 Hamburg, Germany
Phone 0049.162.2467055
(Tuesday 15:00-17:00)
Email: [email protected]
Internet address: www.pife-europe.eu
Vorstand/Board: E. Karmaza (Lithuania), E. Verdú (Norway), E. Serafin (Germany), J. Pischetsrieder (Germany),
F. Dorn (Germany), J. Gliszczynski (Poland), G. Goda (Hungary)
Bankkonto/bank account: 803278 Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel, BLZ/banc code 520 604 10
IBAN: DE 53520604100000803278 – BIC: GENODEF1K1