Summer 2010 - Deutsch
Summer 2010 - Deutsch
in itiative Issue 2 • Summer 2010 1 The magazine for members of the German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce Britische Parlamentswahlen 2010 Neue konservativ-liberale Regierungskoalition SEE PAGE 4 GERMANY INVESTS SURVEY RESULTS See pageS 12 & 13 Advice that crosses borders beratung ohne Grenzen We work with organisations and companies from German speaking countries, delivering pragmatic legal advice that works in today’s globalised economy. Wir beraten Organisationen und Unternehmen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Unser Rechtsrat ist pragmatisch und schafft Lösungen in einer globalisierten Welt. To find out more visit Kontakt: Carsten Rumberg, Partner Rechtsanwalt & Solicitor +44 (0)20 7054 2525 [email protected] Driven by business. Powered by people initiative Looking towards a new era? The new Conservative / Liberal Democrat government is now firmly in place and the tasks ahead are manifold. A new positive era could be beginning but this necessitates the forging of productive relationships with the European Union, its institutions and the governments of other Member States. This will be an important task for the coalition as, despite the past rhetoric with regards to having a more ’constructive’ approach to Europe from the Conservative side, co-operation and co-ordination are even more vital as the painful task of restructuring has to start in earnest – not only in the UK, but also across mainland Europe. In order to avoid any further strains on intra-EU relations, countries and governments have to be honest to themselves and show a willingness to compromise on some of the wider issues affecting us all. Germany and the UK can play a leading role as, traditionally, both have been advocates of market based solutions to economic problems. The recent problems with the Euro and some Eurozone countries have shown that, despite political willpower, market mechanisms cannot be circumvented in the long run. If the fundamental approach to running an economy is flawed, a proper adjustment will eventually need to take place. From a German perspective, the far more prudent approach to public finances by David Cameron and George Osborne is welcome as the Germans often feel left out in the cold when advocating budgetary discipline. From a business perspective, focusing on the key issues will be hugely beneficial in the medium term. Cutting unnecessary expenditure not only reduces the public deficit but often also curbs unproductive interference within the economy. The German-British business community hopes that the new government will continue Britain’s outward looking approach, whilst making the necessary adjustments in terms of fiscal discipline and optimising regulation, so that the UK can become an ever more important partner for Germany in carrying forward the strategy of a market-based European Union. Dr Ulrich Hoppe Director General, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce CONTENTS 4 Britische Parlamentswahlen 2010 6 CHAMBER AND MEMBERS’ NEWS 7 CHAMBER CONTACTS 11 LEGAL COMMENT – Marketing products to consumers 12 GERMANY INVESTS – Survey Results part 2 14 BUSINESS TO BUSINESS – German companies looking for representation 15 Statistics & TOOLBOX contents sustaining members 3 4 Britische Parlamentswahlen 2010 Neue konservativ-liberale Koalition im Vereinigten Königreich kündigt Sparkurs an Bau eines Hochgeschwindigkeitszugnetzes angestrebt / Energieeffizienz und Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien weiter prioritär Für die neue britische Koalitionsregierung aus Konservativen (Tories) und Liberaldemokraten hat die Sanierung des Haushalts oberste Priorität. Bereits im laufenden Haushaltsjahr sollen rund 6 Mrd. Pfund eingespart werden. Wirtschaftsverbände begrüßten, dass die Konsolidierung des angespannten Haushalts vor allem durch Ausgabenkürzungen und weniger durch Steuererhöhungen erfolgen solle. Der neue Schatzkanzler, George Osborne, will binnen 50 Tagen einen so genannten Notfallhaushalt vorlegen, in dem die geplanten Kürzungen spezifiziert werden. Sowohl die Labour-Partei von Ex-Premierminister Gordon Brown als auch die Liberaldemokraten hatten sich im Wahlkampf gegen zusätzliche Sparanstrengungen im laufenden Haushaltsjahr ausgesprochen, um "die Konjunktur nicht abzuwürgen". Das britische Budgetdefizit beläuft sich laut Angaben der Europäischen Kommission 2010 auf rund 12% (im Verhältnis zum BIP) und ist damit eines der höchsten aller EU-27-Länder. Trotz erhöhten Sparzwangs sieht die Koalitionsvereinbarung vor, den von der Labour-Regierung initiierten Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien und die Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz weiter voranzutreiben. So sollen die Renewables Obligation (RO) Order und das System der Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs) beibehalten werden, ebenso soll Einspeisetarifen eine wichtige Rolle zukommen. Seit Anfang April 2010 sind im Vereinigten Königreich Einspeisetarife für Projekte zur dezentralen Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen ("micro generation schemes") in Kraft. Eine weitere wichtige umweltpolitische Maßnahme sind stärkere Anreize für Projekte zur Energiegewinnung aus Abfällen durch anaerobe Gärung. Um die Investitionsanreize in erneuerbare Energieprojekte und Energieeffizienzvorhaben für Unternehmen zu erhöhen, soll außerdem ein Mindestpreis für CO2 eingeführt werden. Hierfür will sich die neue Regierung auch auf europäischer Ebene einsetzen. In der Verkehrspolitik will die Koalition statt auf den Ausbau des Luftverkehrs auf den Bau eines Netzes für Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge setzen, das London mit dem Norden des Landes verbindet. Bereits im Januar 2009 wurde das Unternehmen High Speed 2 Ltd gegründet, um die Machbarkeit eines derartigen Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetzes zu überprüfen. Steffen Ehninger, Germany Trade & Invest Das staatliche Gesundheitssystem NHS soll von den verstärkten Sparanstrengungen der neuen Regierung weitgehend ausgenommen werden. Die Koalitionsvereinbarung sieht vor, dass die öffentlichen Ausgaben für das NHS für die Dauer der fünfjährigen Legislaturperiode von Jahr zu Jahr real steigen. Die neue Regierung will zudem weitere Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Kreditklemme einleiten. Insbesondere kleine Unternehmen hatten in den vergangenen Monaten zunehmend Schwierigkeiten, von den Banken ausreichend Kredite zu erhalten. Die neue Regierung will hier durch staatliche Bürgschaften Abhilfe schaffen. Außerdem sollen verstaatlichte Banken wie die RBS und die Lloyds Banking Group dazu verpflichtet werden, mehr Kredite an KMU zu vergeben. Als weitere Maßnahme im Banken- und Finanzsektor hat die neue Regierung angekündigt, eine unabhängige Kommission einzuberufen, die eine mögliche Trennung des Bankengeschäfts in Privatkundenbanken und Investmentbanken prüfen wird. Steffen Ehninger, Germany Trade & Invest Gesamtwirtschaftliche Prognosen \x{2013} Vereinigtes Königreich 1) Indikator BIP Konsum .privat .öffentlich Bruttoanlageinvestitionen .Export (Güter & Dienstleistungen) .Import (Güter & Dienstleistungen) Durchschnittslöhne (nominal) Inflationsrate (HICP) 3) Kurzfristige Kreditzinsen der Bank of England Wechselkurs £/Euro Arbeitslosenquote 4) Öfftl. Verschuldung (% des BIP) 2008 0,5 2009 -4,9 2010 2) 1,2 2011 2) 2,1 0,9 2,6 -3,5 1,1 -0,5 2,6 3,6 5,49 1,26 5,6 52,0 -3,2 2,2 -14,9 -10,6 -11,9 1,4 2,2 1,20 1,12 7,6 68,1 0,6 1,5 -0,9 5,2 5,3 1,4 2,4 0,60 1,16 7,8 79,1 1,5 -1,5 4,4 5,4 4,1 1,6 1,4 1,19 1,20 7,4 86,9 1) Reale Veränderungen gegenüber dem Vorjahr in %, sofern nicht anders angegeben; 2) Prognosen; 3) HICP = harmonised index of consumer prices; 4) gemäß Eurostat-Definition. Quellen: EU-Kommission, Oxford Economics 6 CHAMBER & MEMBERS’ NEWS Round-up of chamber events The Annual Dinner for the Chamber’s Northern England region was held on 22 April 2010, at the City Inn Hotel in Leeds. The Chairman of the Committee, Mark Green, welcomed over 30 members and guests. They were addressed by Guest Speaker Christopher Dale of BASF plc. On 23 April 2010, President and CEO of Robert Bosch UK, Dr Klaus Peter Fouquet, was Guest of Honour and Speaker at a business luncheon of the Chamber’s Midlands region in Birmingham. Around 60 members and guests followed his speech on the importance of sustainability and efficiency in production processes and future development of Robert Bosch UK. Nigel Wood, Secretary of the German-British Chamber Midlands Committee, David Burrows of Rödl & Partner Ltd, Simon Jonsson of KPMG LLP and Dr Klaus Peter Fouquet of Robert Bosch Ltd George Utz Ltd invests in new storage facilities Material handling equipment manufacturer George Utz Ltd has invested substantially in additional storage facilities at its site at Alfreton, with the construction of four new silos holding a total of 800 tonnes of bulk plastic polymers, increasing George Utz’s storage capacity by 130%. This will eliminate the risk of inventory shortage and also ensures raw materials can be sourced when market prices are attractive for projects. George Utz Ltd is well known as a high quality manufacturer of returnable materials handling solutions to British and European industry, across many sectors including automotive, retail, postal services and distribution. Despite the recent economic pressures, George Utz has continued to grow in the UK, both in revenue and number of staff. Their products include containers and inserts, pallets, dollies and pallet boxes. Winkhaus opens London office Winkhaus, a specialist German law firm, has opened their first international office in London. The firm provides specific legal advice from its London location and completely manages client’s corporate legal affairs, ensuring a strong relationship particularly with its German and British clients. Winkhaus has also established an international co-operative network with other law firms. Present confidently to an international audience Presenting in a foreign language to an international audience can be a challenging experience. Avocets Consulting, a London based company, has therefore developed a special training course for German and UK based companies to ensure body-language and presentation style suit a culturally different audience. Participants also improve their presentation and language skills and are able to choose whether to use their own presentations throughout the course or to work on case studies. Tailored to the needs of the clients, the workshops are practical and highly interactive and even include some “acting” tips. CHAMBER CONTACTS Medulla launches Greenax business software Marking the launch of Greenax business software solution in the UK, the business software solution specialists Medulla held a seminar for business partners at their Daresbury head office. The seminar focused on ‘Rapid growth through Partner Acquisition’, with Medulla announcing the availability of an investment funds in order to create integration modules with key Business Partner software solutions. Greenax business software provides full control of business processes and supports business evolution through industry specific reference models. Bavarian Beerhouse Group opens second London venue The second Bavarian Beerhouse has opened its doors in London. Located in the City, right opposite Fenchurch Street Rail Station the Bavarian Beerhouse Tower Hill has room for almost 300 guests. Just like in Old Street, where the first Bavarian Beerhouse opened in 2005, the Tower Hill venue offers the Bavarian Beerhouse’s typical unique combination of excellent food, great German beer and a rustic atmosphere. Spread over two levels, the Bavarian Beerhouse Tower Hill is likely to attract a mixed crowd, be it local office workers, tourists, or those who simply enjoy the authentic Bavarian atmosphere. Open days at German Shows and Accumen Member company German Shows Ltd and Accumen Display Ltd held a series of open days in late April to showcase a working example of Anglo-German partnership. Exhibitors, design agencies and event organisers came to Pitstone in Hertfordshire to ‘touch and feel’ the wide variety of design options of the companies’ German exhibition systems. Over the last two years, German Shows Ltd and Accumen Display Ltd have been developing a fruitful partnership, offering hi-end modular exhibition and display solutions to UK and German companies exhibiting here and in Europe. Mini seminars accompanied the event which was rounded off by a buffet lunch of English and German specialities. CHAMBER CONTACTS Honorary Officers / Präsidium und Vorstand Patron / Schirmherr HE Georg Boomgaarden Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany President / Präsident Sir Nigel Broomfield, KCMG Vice-Presidents / Vizepräsidenten George W von Mallinckrodt, KBE Schroders plc Barry Stickings, CBE Gerhard Storch The Rt Hon Lord Walker of Worcester, MBE, PC Councillors / Vorstandsmitglieder Chairman / Vorsitzender Alan Wood, CBE Siemens Holdings plc Vice-Chairperson / Stellv. Vorsitzende Patricia Godfrey Nabarro Councillors / Vorstandsmitglieder Andreas Berger Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty Robert A Bischof Vitalize Health Products Ltd Martin Dawkins Bayer plc Dr Klaus Peter Fouquet Robert Bosch Ltd Dr Stefan Georg Bayern LB, London Branch Andreas Goss Siemens plc Dr Ulrich Hoppe German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce Chris J Maidment PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Guido Paris Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, London Branch Marianne Sammann Lufthansa German Airlines Franz W Smet ACI Group Ltd Wilfried Steffen Mercedes-Benz UK Ltd Nigel R Wood The Wilkes Partnership Marcus Wuest Deutsche Bank AG, London Company Secretary Chris Putt Speechly Bircham LLP Honorary Auditors PKF (UK) LLP Management / Geschäftsführung Dr Ulrich Hoppe Director General / Hauptgeschäftsführer Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4110 Thesy Lobitzer PA to Director General / Assistentin des Hauptgeschäftsführers Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4112 Finance & Organisation Sabine Marland Manager Finance & Organisation / Finanzen und Organisation Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4120 Michaela Böttcher Finance & Organisation / Finanzen und Organisation Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4187 Marketing Services Ian Wivell Deputy Director General / stellv. Hauptgeschäftsführer Head of Marketing Services / Leiter Marketing Services Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4150 Sven Riemann Manager Marketing Services Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4185 Marguerite McCaughan Marketing Services Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4183 Jana Lindner Press & Public Relations / Presse- & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4188 Members’ Services Evelyn Mensah Manager Membership & Events / Mitgliedschaft & Veranstaltungen Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4145 Kerstin Tamminga Membership & Events / Mitgliedschaft & Veranstaltungen Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4146 Legal & Tax Services / Rechts- und Steuerabteilung Angelika Baumgarte Deputy Director General / stellv. Hauptgeschäftsführerin Head of Legal & Tax Services / Leiterin der Rechts- und Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4140 Martin Fischer Manager Legal Services / Rechtsabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4141 Alexander Altmann Manager Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4166 Anja Reeves Manager Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4161 Nastaran Amidi Michael Dickert Verena Gronewold Elisabeth Marks Christopher Otto Katrin Voran Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4160 For details of the Chamber’s regional committees please email [email protected] 7 8 events diary SPRING RECEPTION 2010 On 25 March 2010, the Members' Spring Reception was held at the German-British Chamber. Over 130 members and guests gathered to enjoy a variety of German beers and discuss with business partners and associates both the challenges of the year so far and the opportunities for the future. The event was sponsored by Lufthansa German Airlines who kindly donated a raffle prize of two business class Lufthansa flights to Germany and also The Cavendish Hotel who donated a raffle prize of an overnight stay for two including breakfast at their hotel. Andrew Hunter of DHL Global Mail (UK) Ltd and Richard Priestley of Giles Travel Ltd Natalie Bartram of Baker Tilly Tax and Accounting Limited and Vanessa Whittall of International Herald Tribune Stephan Buck of Preiskel & Co LLP, Verena von Treskow of The Cavendish Hotel and Dr Ulrich Hoppe, German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce Christopher Smout of Euro London Appointments and James Flood Exact Software Ltd Anthony Twumasi Ameyaw and Hitesh Mavadia both from Wealth Without Illth Ltd events diary 9 Dr Klaus Peter Fouquet of Robert Bosch Ltd and Ina Fouquet with Christian Kalinke of BMW Financial Services (GB) Ltd Tom Maes of Lufthansa German Airlines, Dr Ulrich Hoppe German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce and Glen Farmer of Alliance Hotels Ltd Michael Grünert of Michael Grünert consulting, Claudio Novello of Claudio Novello Architects and Holger Perrey of Commerzbank AG, London Branch 10 Chamber News / Events Calendar German packaging workshop On 20 May 2010, the GermanBritish Chamber held a workshop on German packaging legislation, together with Landbell AG, one of the leading compliance schemes in Germany. Dieter Arning, Member of the Board of Landbell AG (pictured) gave an informative Dieter Arning of presentation on the recent changes to the Landbell AG German Packaging Ordinance and the duties of companies arising from it. Around 20 participants then learned more about registration of packaging and calculation of fees from Ian Wivell, the Chamber’s environmental specialist. As every company exporting consumer products needs to register with one of the many compliance schemes operating in Germany, the participants were very keen to discuss their specific needs and experiences not only during the workshop, but also in between presentations over coffee. EVENTS CALENDAR Thursday 1 July 2010 Presentation by Baker Tilly ‘Tax and the New Politics – a UK Budget round-up’ Venue: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce, 16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB Time: 17:15–18:30 Cost: Complimentary Further information and registration: Thursday 8 July 2010 East Midlands Region Summer Reception Chamber welcomes new councillor Klaus Rudolph was elected as a councillor at the Chamber’s Annual General Meeting. Klaus has been Chief Financial Officer for the UK and Ireland at Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd since 2008. After joining Boehringer Ingelheim in 1995 as a financial analyst, he held various positions within the company, both in Germany and abroad. Prior to moving to the UK, he was Chief Financial Officer for Boehringer Ingelheim in Portugal. Klaus holds a degree in economics from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. “Successful in Germany” – London seminar for British entrepreneurs The German-British Chamber Participants networking organised another “Successful in Germany” seminar on 23 March 2010 at the German Embassy in London. Around 60 participants heard presentations on all aspects of entering the German market – from market-entry strategies to legal and tax issues together with a case study from Wincanton GmbH. The event focused on North Rhine-Westphalia, one of the most important economic regions in Germany. NRW Invest, the regional development agency, sponsored the event together with Taylor Wessing. The German-British Chamber is holding another entrepreneurial seminar in June, this time in Berlin – “Erfolgreich in Großbritannien” concentrates on entering the UK market (more information on our website). Tobias Neufeld talks about legal and tax issues Venue: Fellows Morton and Clayton Bar, 54 Canal Street, Nottingham NG1 7EH Time: 17:30–20:00 Cost: Complimentary Further information and registration: Tuesday 21 September 2010 IHK-Außenwirtschaftstag Nordrhein-Westfalen Venue: Messe- und Congresszentrum der Halle Münsterland Time: 8:30–17:00 Cost: €110 per participant Further information and registration: Thursday 23 September 2010 Members’ Autumn Reception Venue: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce, 16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB Time: 18:00–20:30 Cost: Complimentary – For member and their guests only Further information and registration: Tuesday 26 October and Wednesday 27 October 2010 Global Connect — Forum für internationale Kontakte und Investitionen Venue: Messe Stuttgart (Flughafen) Time: 9:00–18:00 Cost: to be announced Further information and registration: Please see our website for registrations and updates on events: legal comment Advertise in initiative Initiative magazine is the perfect vehicle to reach decision makers connected to the German-British Chamber both here in the UK and in Germany. Marketing products to consumers and businesses in Germany — what is an “unacceptable nuisance”? UK companies wanting to sell their products in Germany need to know how they can approach their potential customers in a way that is compliant with German competition law. Despite the ongoing Europeanisation of the law, German law still contains some pitfalls for UK businesses. One of these pitfalls is the concept of “unacceptable nuisances”. German law stipulates that “unacceptable nuisances” are always unfair competition and an advertiser using illegal practices can be sued under the German Act against Unfair Competition. But what exactly is an unacceptable nuisance? As well as reaching clients and partners of the Chamber, the magazine is read by key people in government departments, associations and other companies within the German-British business community. Published three times a year with a targeted circulation of 1,500 you can be sure that your advert will be highly visible as we restrict advertising space. You can buy half, quarter and whole pages… or for maximum exposure, exclusive sponsorship of one issue (members only), which includes two one-page adverts and a one-page article (page 11) plus a suitable ‘company picture’ (1/2 page) on the front cover. To discuss your advertising needs in detail, please contact: Ian Wivell German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce 16 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6LB Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4150 Fax: +44 (0)20 7976 4101 Email: [email protected] The relevant law (section 7 of the Act Against Unfair Competition) has recently been amended and offers a relatively high degree of clarity. First, there is a general definition of "unacceptable nuisance": advertising, no matter which form it takes, when the advertiser knows or should know that the recipient does not want it. It is irrelevant whether or not the recipient is a consumer or a business! Moreover, the Act contains four more specific examples that describe practices that are always illegal. The list is not meant to be exhaustive, and unless otherwise indicated, applies to all recipients, i.e. consumers and businesses: 1.Cold calling consumers by telephone without their consent and cold calling non-consumers without their presumed consent. 2.Advertising using a message where the identity of the sender is disguised or concealed or where no valid return address is given to which the recipient may send a request to cease communications, without incurring costs other than the transmission costs based on the basic tariff. initiative is the official membership magazine of the German-British Chamber and is published three times a year. Publisher: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce 16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4100 Fax: +44 (0)20 7976 4101 Email: [email protected] Web: 11 Editorial & Advertising Jana Lindner Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4188 Ian Wivell Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4150 Email: [email protected] The reproduction in whole or in part of any material published in initiative requires the prior written consent of the publisher. The publisher cannot accept any liability for the accuracy or the completeness of any material published in initiative. Opinions expressed in initiative do not necessarily reflect the views of the German-British Chamber. The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in accordance with a Resolution of the German Parliament. 3.Sending commercials to consumers in an obstinate fashion using communication devices other than those mentioned in Nos. 1, 2 and 4, despite the fact that the consumer does not wish to receive such communication. 4.It is also illegal to contact anyone using an automated calling system, fax or email without the recipient’s prior consent. There is one exception, though: direct marketing by emails is not regarded as unfair competition if: •the advertiser has obtained the relevant customer email address in the context of a sale of a product or a service, •the advertiser uses these contact details for direct marketing of similar goods or services he offers, •the customer does not expressly object and •the advertiser points out clearly (first when the email address is collected and each subsequent time he uses the email address) that the customer can object to the further use of the email address at any time and without incurring costs other than the transmission costs based on the basic tariff. If they find out about an infringement of section 7, competitors and some other associations can apply for an injunction if the advertiser uses any of the above mentioned illegal marketing tools. Martin Fischer LL.M Legal Adviser, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce 12 germany invests Germany Invests Trends and Views on Direct Investment by German Companies in the United Kingdom The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce promotes trade and investment between the United Kingdom and Germany. As part of this function, a comprehensive survey about the trends and views of German subsidiaries in the United Kingdom is carried out on a regular basis. The most recent survey was conducted in 2009. Over 100 companies responded. The survey highlights the current trends in direct investment by German companies in the UK and investigates factors such as turnover, employment and market focus as well as trends on future developments. In this issue we conclude the publishing of the results and findings. IV. German subsidiaries in the UK — Reasons for investing, mode of entry, time to reach profitability and the image of being a German owned company IV.3 Profitability The time scale in which newly set up subsidiaries reach profitability is very short. Nearly 70 per cent of the companies are profitable after three years in business. IV.1 Reasons for investing in the UK As in our previous surveys, market driven factors are the most important ones that influence an investment decision. Amongst them, increasing market shares in the UK and expansion into other market segments became increasingly significant over the past years. The success of the European market is in part due to the fact that regulations regarding tax, the labour market or regulatory environment only play a minor role in investing in the UK. …after 1 year 45% …after 5 years 18% …after 3 years 23% 59% IV.4 Image of being German owned 40% 8% 8% 6% 5% EU/national/regional/local/ government assistance 11% Regulatory environment Outlook for your particular branch of industry Expansion of business into other market segments Targeted increase in market share in the UK Overall importance of the UK as a market 17% Tax system/tax incentives 20% 20 Labour market laws 40 Labour costs 45% Labour skills 60 0 …after 7 years 7% 70% Export potential with the UK as an export base 80 … not yet 7% “Made in Germany” is apparently not seen as a major selling point by German subsidiary companies. Nearly 60 per cent believe German ownership is neither advantageous nor detrimental. 70 57% 60 50 40 40% 30 20 IV.2 Type of investment in the UK The UK still seems to be an attractive location to invest in greenfield developments. Compared to our last survey, the percentages have not changed and mergers and acquisitions remain the least popular type of investment when German companies set up operations. This would suggest that subsidiaries are seen as a long-term commitment. 10 0 2% German ownership is an advantage German ownership is a disadvantage German ownership neutral V. Company Performance Joint Venture 13% V.1 Company performance compared to other British companies in the same industry sector Mergers & Aquisitions 29% Greenfield 58% The vast majority of German subsidiaries state that they perform as well or better than other British companies in their industry sector. The two factors considered in the survey were labour productivity and financial performance. Germany invests VI.2 Future trends – opportunities 73% When asked about trends for the next three years nearly all participants stress the importance of the British economy’s growth rate for further development. Investment in infrastructure as well as improved labour skills and advantageous operating costs are seen as a chance for further growth. 70 Labour productivity Financial performance 53% 50 40 32% 30 21% 20 UK growth rate picks up after financial crisis 13% Largely above average UK becoming a global market place 23% Increase in infrastructure investment 25% 4% 3% 3% 0 Above average Average Below average 86% Improved government incentives V.2 Company performance compared to similar operations of the parent company in other countries As well as their performance in comparison with other companies in the British market, German subsidiaries are well aware of their performance when compared to similar operations in other countries. Nearly all of them evaluate their labour productivity and financial performance as being above or on average. 50 44% 40 Labour productivity 42% Financial performance 37% 29% 30 20 16% 12% 9% 9% 10 Largely above average 13% UK not being part of Euro zone 9% Advantageous operating costs 12% 0 20 40 60 80 100 VI.3 Future trends – threats Whereas nearly all German subsidiaries see the effects of the financial crisis as an opportunity, about two thirds believe them to be a threat. Compared to 2007, more companies also see a lack in infrastructure as a risk for further development. The UK not being part of the Euro zone is also seen as a threat for the next three years by nearly half of the participants (2007: 10%). 80 70 66% 60 50 0 11% Skills availability/labour market flexibility Above average Average Below average 45% 40 40% 40% 35% 30 19% 20 11% 10 VI. Support resources and Future Trends 5% Increased regulation Lack of infrastructure investment Rise of labour costs Nearly half of the German subsidiaries would like to receive more advice on skills availability and support in training their personnel. Less important seems to the support on finding suitable premises when starting a new operation. UK not being part of Euro zone VI.1 Desired governmental support Effects of financial crisis 0 Lengthened supply chain 10 Lack of governmental assistance 60 Shortage of labour skills 80 50 44% 40 30 24% 20 16% 10 6% 0 Financial support 13 Advice on properties and sites Connecting with local partners Advice on skills availability & training support Britain Invests If you found the results of our survey on trends and views on direct investment by German companies in the United Kingdom useful, you might be interested in „Britain Invests“. During the last months we carried out a similar survey asking British subsidiary companies in Germany similar questions about their current market reflection and their future plans. The most significant results will be published in our next issue in November 2010. 14 business to business initiative provides a regular listing of companies in both the UK and Germany who are seeking B2B partners and representatives Business Partners from Germany / Geschäftspartner aus Deutschland Single Source Perforation and Component Solutions Industrial Process-Machinery Manufacturer With experience for over 120 years, we offer Perfection in Perforation worldwide: Drilled, milled, punched, ConiPerf®, laser and electron beam perforated plates, processed to engineered components ready for installation. Our products are employed in screening and separation processes, size reduction and drying. Full product training as well as reliable marketing, sales and technical support is provided. For further information, please contact: Mr Markus Klemm, Andritz Fiedler GmbH, Weidener Strasse 9, 93057 Regensburg, Germany; T: +49 941 6401 130; F: +49 941 6401 302; E: markus.klemm@; Web: German machine manufacturer of high-quality demanding products is looking for a sales representative to establish local presence on the UK market. Task area: Acquisition of new customers and support of our clients, counseling of the whole product range, acquisition of market data. The agent should provide technical product knowledge for example in pumps or similar products as well as existing contacts to potential customers. For further information, please quote ref: DP-0318912 and contact: Marguerite McCaughan, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce, 16 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6LB, Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4183, Fax: +44 (0)20 7976 4101, Email: [email protected] La Siesta — The World of The Hammock Electrical Muscle Stimulation As a specialist in the hammock industry, La Siesta ( has become a premium brand with products that satisfy the highest demands on quality. Our sales are equally strong in the outdoor, gift and children sector. We work with retailers, sophisticated garden centres, catalogue senders and online shops. We are looking for a distributor with good contacts to this customer base. Ideally you would be able to handle all logistics for our/your business customers and consumers in the UK. For further information please contact: Ms Buschmann, La Siesta GmbH, Im Wiesenweg 4, 55270 Jugenheim, Germany; Tel: 0049 (0)6130 911919, Fax: 0049 (0)6130 911910, Email: [email protected], W: Designed and manufactured in Germany to the highest of standards, miha bodytec is an innovative world first in training devices and has been scientifically proven to deliver visible and tangible results in a short amount of time. The EMS unit is used by in a variety of industries to improve performance (sports), slim, tone and shape (health, beauty and wellness), to reduce weight and to reduce aches and pains (everyone else!) and has a proven rate of success with longlasting results. For further information, please quote ref: MBTG-10 and contact: Marguerite McCaughan, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce, 16 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6LB, Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4183, Fax: +44 (0)20 7976 4101, Email: [email protected] Centrifugal Castings: Reliable Steel Solutions German foundry specialized in centrifugal casting of high-grade steel parts looks for an agent for Great Britain. Product-line includes corrosion, acid, heat, wear and tear resistant materials manufactured according to DIN, ASTM or customer specifications. No fixed price or stock list, because every component is manufactured according to customers design. A significant number of European steel processing companies belong to our clientele and benefit from our 50 years of experience. For further information, please contact: Mr Peter Mönsters, Klaus Kuhn Edelstahlgießerei GmbH, Otto-Hahn-Straße 12-14, 42477 Radevormwald, Germany. Tel: +49 (0)2195 671 – 930; Fax: +49 (0) 2185 671 – 49; Web:; Email: [email protected] statistics & toolbox statistics TOOLBOX Winning clients in Germany British exports 2009 14.9% USA 10.7% Germany 7.9% Netherlands 7.5% France Republic of Ireland 7.0% Belgium & Luxembourg 4.9% 0 5 10 15 20 Source: Office for National Statistics, 2010 One platform to communicate with potential clients is through a trade fair. Over three hundred trade fairs take place in Germany each year and are listed on the Association of German Trade Fair Industry's website Trade fairs are much more than a showcasing event; they are a way of nurturing contacts and, with follow-up after the event, turning them into clients. The recent changes in marketing regulations mean that cold calling (or emailing or faxing) companies without their presumed consent is not allowed, so meeting clients at a trade fair is an ideal way to increase contacts. German exports 2009 10.2% France Netherlands 6.7% USA 6.7% 6.6% UK 6.4% Italy 6.0% Austria 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Source: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2010 British imports 2009 12.0% Germany 9.7% China 7.4% USA 6.6% Netherlands 6.2% France 4.8% Norway 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Source: Office for National Statistics, 2010 German imports 2009 8.7% Netherlands 8.3% China 8.2% France USA 6.0% Italy 6.0% 0 2 4 Source: Deutsche Bundesbank, 2010 6 Another method to finding clients is to take advantage of two platforms for tenders in Germany. The first is through Tenders Electronic Daily, the online version of the 'Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union', which covers all tenders in the EU. The site is suited to larger projects and is multilingual for ease of navigation. The second is Vergabe24 (, which is the tender portal exclusively for Germany and offers smaller projects than those in TED. An alternative way to gain clients is to work in co-operation with a partner. Agents, distributors and wholesalers in Germany will help sell products and/or services and can also be invaluable for their assistance regarding cultural differences, their insider knowledge and previous experience of the market. The National Association of German Commercial Agencies & Distribution ( is the first port of call for acquiring an agent in Germany, while distributors and wholesalers can be found through database and internet research. Combining the different marketing strategies is the ideal method to provide new leads and clients, however a cultural difference between the UK and Germany remains. Germany has many familyowned companies which are in general risk averse and so business decisions may take a little longer than would be usual in the UK. The advantage however is that once a decision has been made in your favour that decision is unlikely to change for some years. Sven Riemann, Marketing Manager, German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce 5.0% UK In 2009 British companies exported over £24 bn of goods and services to Germany making it the second largest export market for the British economy. As it is the largest market in Europe, exporting to Germany can be quite a challenge. After spotting a gap in the market, deciding to take up the challenge, and ensuring your products and services adhere to the relevant German regulations, the next step is winning your business clients. 8 10 15 Erobern Sie Großbritannien – wir haben das Know-how Erwarten Sie mehr von Ihrem internationalen Postdienstleister. Wenn Sie in London in ein Taxi steigen, können Sie sich darauf verlassen, dass der Fahrer weiß, wie er Sie auf direktem Weg zu Ihrem Ziel bringt. Zu verdanken ist dies der Tatsache, dass jeder „Cabby“-Fahrer Londons, bevor er sich ans Steuer setzt, einen Test absolvieren muss, der unter Insidern „The Knowledge“ heißt – zu Deutsch: „Das Wissen“. 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