wome:n in german - Coalition of Women in German
wome:n in german - Coalition of Women in German
WOME:N IN GERMAN MARCH- 1985 The Coalition of Women in German, an allied organization of the MLA, invites students, teachers and all others interested in Feminism and German Studies to subscribe to the newsletter. See the last page of this issue for rates. Women in German Steering Committee: Ritta Jo Horsley, U. Mass., Boston (1981-84) Almut R. Poole, Los Angeles (1981-84) Jeannine Blackwell, Michigan State U. (1982-85) Political Action Committee Barbara D. Wright, U. Conn., Storrs (1982-85) Political Action Committee Sandra Frieden, U. Houston (1983-86) Fundraising Coordinator Edith Waldstein, M.I.T. (1983-86) Conference Coordinator, 1984 Coeditor (with Marianne Burkhard, U. Illinois), (1982- ) ~ in German Yearbook Dinah Dodds, Lewis and Clark ColI. (1984-87) Conference Coordinator, 1985 Sydna Weiss, Hamilton ColI. (1984-87) Textbook Review Committee The Women in German Newsletter is published in March, August and November of each year. Send newsletter items to: Susan L. Cocalis Dept. of German--Herter Hall University of Massachusetts Amherst, HA 01003 Editorial Staff: Leslie Morri's, Karin Obermeier, Colette van Kerckvoorde Table of Contents WIG Newsletter in Transition ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tiIG Projects ........................................................ . Aus Unserem Briefkasten ............................................. . I WOMEN IN GERMAN Number 36 March .1985 The final -- and most coveted -- installment for this newsletter has just arrived from Ft. Wayne: Erin Clausen's artwork. She, at least, will continue to serve on the editorial staff of the WIG Newsletter even if Jeanette will be enjoying a long overdue and certainly. well-earned respite from her editorial chores. It is hard to conceive of a newsletter produced without Jeanette -in fact, so hard that she ended up doing most of the groundwork for this issue. Page after-page of material with comments scribbled on attached scraps of yellow paper began to arrive in Northa~ton. Then there were the more extensive directives scribbled on white paper. These were followed up by phone calls: did you do this or that? one has to go here or there and do this or that ••• did you call so-and-so? no??? well, we did ••• ad infinitum. Then the mailing list came. Then Erin's drawings. -y felt reassured: Jeanette was still with us. I only wish she could stay with us but -- alas -- that is not to be. Thank you, Jeanette, on behalf of all of us in WIG for everything you have done over the past few years. It really has been service above and beyond the call of duty I soon as we get our act together, a collective of ~ASS graduate students and area faculty members will be involved in the production of future newsletters. The present issue will be a rather makeshift affair because of the transfer of materials and my belated awareness of what tasks still had to be assigned and done. Please bear with us for the time being. As Special thanks for this issue go to Colette van Kerckvoorde, Karin Obermeier, and Leslie Morris. SLC We've often talked about the problem of diversity in WIG and the need for various "voices." We graduate students are becoming an ever-growing, more active, and integrated part, yet we haven't articulated our needs as a group -- we want to explore these needs and open up communication with each other to combat the alltoo-familiar sense of isolation in which we operate. We'd like the WIG newsletter to provide a forum for graduate students in Germanistik and Comp. Lit. to exchange information on our work and interests and to recognize each other's efforts. Any information, concerns, anecdotes, impressions, i. e. ANYTHING I would be very welcome •••• Write to: Leslie Morris/Karin Obermeier C/O of German Dept. at UMass, Amherst 2) Spri~ 1985 \t01EN IN GERMAN is a feninist coalition camdtted to praJDti~ feninist scholarship and pedagogy in Gel1'lBJl literary, cultural, and language studies at all educational levels. WIG was formed in 1975 and is open to students and teachers alike, as well as to feninists world~ outside academe. An allied organization of the MLA, WIG has created a carm.mication network and support system for our 3.50 menbers in the USA, Canada, and six other countries. We have worked closely with feninist gemanists in the FRG in foundi~ a sister organization there. WIG has held an amual fall conference since 1976 and sponsors both literary and pedagogical sessions at the annual conventions of the M'lG and MLA. Our sessions have consistently been arong the best attended. WIG publishes three newsletters annually and a yearbook. Other publications include a collection of 50 course syllabi and a carpendiun of textbook reviews; an anthology of prose by contenporary waren writers in translation is in the planni~ stages. Geman departments and academc journals have becane aware of a large and vigilant feminist presence in the profession; our voices have been heard (and to sane extent heeded) in textbook departments of major publishers. We have begtm to integrate Geman waren writers into the curriculun and have created new courses for studyi~ wanen's writings in the context of femini st theory. We have supported and inspired research on wanen by our students and colleagues. We are canmitted to helping waren gain tenure and to raisi~ our voices in protest when they are denied it unfairly. In short, ~ have (ought sexism and validated the study of wanen. Since 1980, we have invited a guest writer to our fall meeti~s: Margot Schroeder in 1980, Angelika Mechte 1 in 1981, Luise Rinser in 1982, Barbara FrisclmJth in 1983, and lnocraud Morgner and He Iga SchUtz in 1984. In addition, we have sponsored visits by I~eborg Drewitz and Gisela Dischner to our MLA sessions. To becOOP a nerber and subscribe to the newsletter, fill out and return the coupon with your check. Those who join at the supporting nerbership rate help us keep rates low for students and UIle!'I'ployed. WIG PROJ€CTS Textbook Reviews: The steering committee member now in charge of textbook reviews is Sydna (Bunny) Weiss at Hamilton College. Let her know your concerns in this area, and offer to help on the new textbook project. "to Wo.,.. In Ger8aD!! Please take 5 minutes to photocopy, then fill out the following questionnaire. Marianne Burkhard and I are trying to find out what women are doing In our profession, and think this form will help. Imagine It as everywoman's guide to the Monatshefte survey. I hope the results will be pubUshed somewhere (possibly the WIG Yearbook or maybe Monatsheft~). Give copies to all the women German teachers you know _. high sr.i'lool, community college, etc. Encourage them to get It In by HAy IS.- The more, the better. Feel free to add extra commentary and to critique the form (you know those pesky feminists: meckern, meckern, meckern). Jeannine 'Blackwell Wells Hall A-721 MSU East Lansing, MI 48824 i -3- Questionnaire on wOlDen In Gennan (Please make copies and give to your female colleagues) Return to: Jeannine Blackwell,Wells Hall A-721, MSU, East Lansing, MI 48824 It)' MAy IS, liflS" 1. Describe the Institution you work In: a. secondary school b. undergraduate Institution c. graduate degree-granting institution d. business/professional sphere 2. "Status" of your institution a. age 1. 1-25 years old 2. 26-100 years old 3. over 100 years old a. private b. pubUc a. liberal art orientation b. technical/vocational b. sex distribution, students 1. under 40% female 2. 40-60% female 3. over 60% female b. # of German majors (put # of minors in parentheses) c. German majors' main interest: Rank from 1 (most) to 4 Uterature German high culture (classics in art, music, architecture) -- social history/ contemporary culture - vocational direction d. Most of our 3rd and 4th year students (check appUcable categories): are German majors - - are in science/professional fields - - are lower caUber than the average student here could handle graduate study in German are women :== 3. Your job: What do you do for your dept. a. that men of your rank do not do? b. that is instrumental in teaching innovation, A-V, teacher training, etc.) innovation? (CAl, textbook c. that leads to program diversification or curriculum innovation? (fUm, business German, internship organizing, etc.) 4. What other administrative units do you participate in, and how? (women's studies, schools of communications, fUm studies, etc.) -4- 5. What administrative functions do you have in addition to teaching and research? (coordinator or director of women's studies, affirmative action, chair or head of German section, programs abroad, honors, etc.) 6. Your "status" a. (present rank) b. (years in rank)----------'--c. temporary/permanent (cIrcle) d. fulltime/parttime (circle) e. if non-permanent or non-tenure track, check the category that best explains your job: 1. I wanted a temporary job 2. the only job I could get nationwide was temporary 3. I am limited geographically for family reasons, and want a temporary job 4. I am limited geographically for family reasons, but want a tenure-track job 5. My research has not been up to the standards of the job applicant pool a. because of family responsibilities b. because of excess teaching load/work load c. because I am not dedicated to research fulltime d. because I was out of the research mainstream 6. Men get full time, women parttlme 7. Faculty discrimination in hiring (give year of hiring 8. Bad counseling in graduate school (give year and locatlon:9. I just wasn't good enough for serious scholarship 10. I had other priorities and interests in my life 11. My specialty is/was not in demand f. years at Institution______ The biggest problem with/asset of the teaching of German today is: 1. literary research: ______________________ 2. faculty interaction: _____________ ---------------------------------------_._-------3. teaching/focus of major: __..__________________,_ _ --------_.----,------------------ --------_.----------------.-------------------------------4. relations with rest of college/school: ___,______________ -5- MLA It occurred to some of us that WIG, which is an allied organization of the MLA, could make more of a difference in that organization if we had more representation on the executive committees of some of the MLA Divisions. So we're asking all of you who are MLA members to help us get some WIG members onto the executive committee ballot. We propose the following slate (these women have agreed to be nominated, and to serve if elected), and we're asking you to endorse our choices. JILL German Literature to 1700 MCOO~ALD RUTH-ELLEN B. JOERES MARIANNE BURKHARD JOEY HORSLEY - 18th and Early 19th Century German Literature 19th and Early 20th Century German Literature - 20th Century German Literature BARBARA D. WRIGHT - Women's Studies in Language and Literature Now, then. This is what needs to be done: If you're an MLA member, you will receive a mailing from the MLA in which, among other things, you are invited to make nominations to replace outgoing executive committee members for the Divisions you belong to. DON'T THROlo1 THAT MAILING AWAY! Instead, refer to the above list and nominate the appropriate WIG member for each Division you belong to. If enough of us do this, our candidates will be included on the ballot. Then, of course, you'll have to remember to vote for them when MLA elections are held sometime next fall. For detailed information about how the MLA Divisions and their executive committees operate, see PMLA Vol. 99, No.4 (Directory, Sept. 1984), pp. 566-68. Please do help get Wiggies elected to these positions. It will help us influence the programming in the German and Women's Studies sections at the MLA annual conventions.. "'" tAr .... ... \t-.!~ 'Pa t ~'1ndi \....C\.u~r (A WOfV'\~ ..... · +'hQ Sn\u\(L "". c+ ~CSic!) ~(\~~(" Mo~~(' o.{ 0.. C~'..\o. (Qno~(2r on 11,< VoJ~)1 -6- AUS UNSEREM BRIEfl<ASTEN Der Besuch von Irmtraud Mbrgner und Helga Schutz an Washington University in St. Louis (27. - 30. Oktober 1984) Durch die 1angjahrige Lehrtatigkeit unserer WIG-Schwester ~at Herminghouse im Bereich DDR-Literatur und besonders durch die Aktivitaten um das hier pub1izierte GDR-Bu11etin war ein groBes Interesse fur die DDR-Schriftstellerinnen Irmtraud Mbrgner und Helga Schutz an Washington University vorhanden. Bei uns arbeiten mehrere Doktorandinnen uber DDR-Schriftstel1erinnen, u. a. uber Irmtraud Morgner. Wir wollen unseren WIG-Schwestern, vor allem Karen Achberger, dafur danken; habt ihr den Besuch doch erst uberhaupt maglich gemacht. Durch Beitritt zu WIG konnte unsere Deutschabteilung die beiden Schriftste11erinnen tatsachlich einladen. Der Besuch war ein Riesenerfolg und wurde zu einem der sicher1ich interessantesten und unvergess1ichsten Ereignisse, die bei uns an der Abtei1ung in den letzten Jahren stattgefunden haben. Da die Schriftstellerinnen einen Besuch in St. -Louis nur von Samstag bis Dienstagmorgen einp1anen konnten, las Helga Schutz am Sonntagnachmittag aus Julia. Daran spann sich eine anregende Diskussion mit einem der DDR-Literatur aufgeschlossenen Pub1ikum. Trotz des ungewohnlichen Termins waren viele Zuhorer gekommen. Die den Nachrnittag absch1ieRende Filmvorfuhrung Die Leiden des jun~en Werthers (Regie: Egon Gunther. Szenarium: Helga Schutz) vermittelte einen E1ndruck in die vielseitige Schaffenskraft von Helga Schutz. Am fo1genden Nachmittag las Irmtraud MOrgner. Wiederum war der Vortragsraum bis auf den 1etzten Platz voll. Morgner hatte das 79. Kapitel ("Die Heiratsschwind1erin - oder.Warum muB Barbara auf ihren ProzeB warten?") aus Amanda ausgewah1t, das sie selbst a1s eine der "knalligen" Stellen im Roman bezeichnete. Sie schloB mit einem Kapitel des neuen und dritten Teils der Laura-Sa1man-Tri10gie abo Ihre ~~ingende Vortragsweise machte den hexischen-feministischen Humor ihres Werkes zu einer sinn1ichen Erfahrung; es gelang ihr, auch die Skeptiker um den Finger zu wicke In. Die Morgner-Fans fan den die in sie gesetzten Erwartungen erful1t. Der Besuch der Schriftstel1erinnen war von zwei Parties umrahmt: am Samstagabend bei Dorle und Egon Schwarz und am Sonntagabend von einer Halloween-Party bei der Aachener Austauschstudentin Frauke Langguth. Hier konnten die beiden Frauen nur kurz bleiben, da sie die Gelegenheit nicht versaumen wol1ten, Formans Amadeus zu sehen. Nach dem gemeinsam verbrachten Sonntag -- wir hat ten ihnen Midtown gezeigt --, ergab es sich, daB wir noch recht viel zusammen unternahmen. Beide Frauen waren mit der Erwartung hierher gekommen, daB St. Louis das Zentrum des Blues sei. Doch die Zeit der Bluesbars im 'Gaslight Square' ist schon lange vorbei. Dank der Tips von Rob Leventhal konnten wir eine Blueskneipe ausfindig machen und unseren GAsten den Wunsch, authentischen Blues zu horen, am ~ontag abend noch erfu11en und zwar im '1860 Saloon' im Sou1ard Viertel. Bei dem 'Sack-lunch' mit der Redaktion des GDR-Bulletins wurden die beiden Schriftste1lerinnen mit den Aufgaben und Arbeitsweisen des Kol1ektivs bekannt gemacht. Leider muBte der spontan gefaBte EntschluB, in die Max-BeckmannAusste1lung zu gehen, ins Wasser fallen, da das Museum ausgerechnet an dem Tag geschlossen war. -7- Es fiel uns schwer, von Helga SchUtz und Irmtraud HDrgner Abschied zu nehmen. UnvergeRlich bleiben die vielen Fahrten in Pats altem Ford-Stationwagen unter allen erdenklichen Wetterbedingungen (Regen, Nebel, Kilte sowie Mondschein) und mit Nina Simone Musik. Zum SchluB noch eine kleine Anekdote: Mit ihrem bestimmten Auftreten konnte Morgner sogar uns Amerikaerfahrenen davon Uberzeugen, daB die Uhr zum Herbstzeitwechsel nicht vor, sondern nachgestellt werde. Obwohl wir nicht von Zweifeln frei waren, glaubten wir ihr. Als wir am nachsten Morgen zur verabredeten Zeit in ihrem Hotel auftauchten, waren wir zwei Stunden zu frUh und standen als die leichtglaubig VerfUhrten da. Das war sicherlich kein bewuBter Eulenspiegeltrick. Vielleicht, das ist unser Vorschlag, wire es maglich, urn 10. oder 15. Jubilaum irgendwo eine lo1IG-SoDJDerwerkstatt zu planen, zu der wir alle bisher von WIG eingeladenen Schriftstellerinnen wiederum zusammenbringen und eine Mammutfeier veranstalten: wenn wir gemeinsam davon traumen, wird es vielleicht Realitat werden. Mit schwesterlichen GrUBen! Tineke Ritmeester, Magda Mueller und Hildegard Pietsch AATG, MLA 1984 The summaries published here represent only a very partial picture of the WIG sessions held at the AATG and MLA conventions in 1984. --- . .:.~.--.- 17. Dtu W~;b lnllet Jm Jlhrhunderts) LA-I In Welt (Deutscher Holzschnin des 16. -8AATG - 1984 WOMEN AND PEACE Moderators: Irmgard Hunt, Texas Tech U. Irmgard Taylor, SUNY/Cortland The Women in German session at the AATG, Chicago, went very well. We had three excellent and very different presentations that held the interest of the audience. In fact, the audience grew as we went along. That had a lot to do with the early hour (our session was from 8:30 - 9:30). Edith Waldstein spoke first on "Bertha von Suttner and the European Peace Movement of the Early Twentieth Century." The emphasis, as she explained prior to her talk, was on Suttner's novel "Die Waffen Nieder!" and the characterization of the main figures. (If anyone wants to have an intense experience of deja-vue I recommend reading this novel -- now in paperback in the FRG by Knaur Verlag, DM 9,80 -- because so many of the current peace movement thoughts were expressed by Suttner so long ago.) Sara Friedrichsmeyer then spoke on "The Diary of Kathe Kollwit-z" and her attitude toward war. Tineke Ritmeester reported on a "Women and Peace" course she teaches and distributed her syllabus. She started and ended with two powerful poems, and explained her personal commitment to the cause of peace. My impression was that the papers, or rather the entire session, was very well received. The attendance was as goo~ or better than other sessions that Sunday. I heard no further negative comments on the topic of the session as such and believe it best not to make a fuss about the time slot. After all, many people were scheduled for Sund~y. Herta Stephenson explained the late Sunday time slot for the WIG cinema session by the very late submission of the session proposal (way past the deadline). One way to ensure preferential treatment for time slots would be to have a WIG member on the AATG Planning Committee, or at least an ally. Do we have one? It would be worthwhile to take note of next year's committee members. Irmgard Taylor SUNY/Cortland "From Revolutionary to Pacifist: The Diaries of KMthe Kollwitz" In the decades since Kathe Kollwitz began to exhibit her graphic works, the appraisals they have elicited from art historians and other arbiters of taste have varied greatly, dependin~ on the favor accorded the socially committed work of a woman artist. One constant in these vagaries of art appreciation, however, has been the recurring perception of Kollwitz as an artist with revolutionary impUlses. In addition to her graphic art -9and sculpture, Kollwitz also left diaries, written between 1909 and 1943. In my presentation I assumed the literary merits of these diaries, and used them to examine this assessment of Kollwitz as a "revolutionary" artist. For if art historians seem to agree that the demand for the radical overthrow of existing social and political systems defines her work, a reading of her diaries challenges that consensus. The diaries not only put into perspective the revolutionary fervor which inspired some of her major works, but in chronicling her development, demonstrate what I suggested should be seen as Kollwitz's evolution from revolutionary to pacifist. In addition to discussing the link between that change and Kollwitz's developing consciousness of herself as a woman and mother, I also stressed the connection between that particular awareness and the style of the .......... journal entries, a style which corroborates recent claims for a female aesthetic. Kollwitz, as we all know, is worthy of close attention for her graphic works and sculpture. When the dimensions of her commitment to pacifism are recognized, she gains even more importance for our time, not only as an artist, but as a woman and diarist as well. Sara Friedrichsmeyer University of Cincinnati/ Raymond Walters General and Technical College "Reevaluating Teaching 'l~omen and Peace '" I began my presentation with a reading of "I Am A Dangerous Woman" by Joan Cavanagh (in: Reweaving the Web of Life, ed. Pam McAllister, Philadelphia, 1982, p. 2). Feminist teaching is a form of feminist activism. To teach a course on "Women and Peace" based on the notion that the nersonal is the political and vice versa requires a shift in emphasis from conventional issues of war and peace to violence against women in all its aspects. Students must be encouraged to ask questions about war and peace from a feminist perspective and to acquire an ability to perceive these issues as they directly affect the lives of all women. In the paper I talk about my experiences in the German shelter movement ("Frauen helfen Frauen") and of my allegiance to the European peace movement at the time when I began planning the course. Five years later, I see that violence against women is still on the increase (20% increase in rape in 1984 in St. Louis alone) and that the peace movement has failed in its prime objective: halting the European deployment of cruise missiles. This raises the question of whether we,as feminists, ought not to rethink our place within the peace movement. My paper (and the course) address the following proposition: if peace does have a better chance with women, that is because women are closer to the roots of war and NOT because -10they are closer to the source of life. Feminist teaching must committed to promoting social change for women. r~main Tineke Ritmeester Washington U/St. Louis WOMEN AND GER}ofAN FILM Moderator: Barbara Hyams, University of Tulsa "Women in We imar Cinema" The purpose of my presentation was to introduce a variety of approaches for teaching courses on Women in Weimar Cinema and to provide information about available literature and films. (I would be happy to supply bibliographical information and film lists to anyone interested in teaching such a course.) The approaches included a more traditional concentration on plot ~na1yses of films in which central female figures appear either as virgins or vamps, the investigation of cinematic techniques (shot composition and montage) in films that promote a patriarchal or male gaze, and the study of contributions by women in all branches of the cinematic institution during the Weimar Era. I suggested that, regardless of the focal point, instructors should challenge their students to perceive how aspects of standard commercial film production (including the star system and film genres), the commercial and political interests of the institution's leading executives and producers, the psychological instability of the lower middle class, and the status of the women's movement contributed to the production of female stereotypes in lleimar cinema. .. -11Although the study of contributions by women in Weimar cinema could be very rewarding, it is also the most difficult topic to integrate into a film course today. In addition to famous actresses such as Marlene Dietrich. Lilian Harvey, and Henny Porten, we can see how female producers (Asta Nielson and Henny Porten). directors (Leontine Sagan, Marie Harder. and Leni Riefensthal). scriptwriters (Thea von Harbou). and critics (Lotte Eisner, Lilli Kaufmann, Alice Simmel. and Trude Sand) contributed significantly to the development of Weimar cinema. Except for the films to which they contributed and, in the case of the critics. the reviews, very few primary and secondary sources are available. I believe that more attention should be paid to the work of these and other women as the interest in feminist film studies expands. The discussion following the session on Women and Film centered on the portrayal of female figures in the films of the Third Reich. The discussion raised many questions and provided few conclusive answers. It might be worthwhile to organize a session on the topic for a WIG, AATG, or MLA convention in the future. Bruce A. Murray University of Michigan "6. THI: BLua ANOaL: Marlene Dietrich .. Lola LoIa-provoeaUn legs aDd an over-all impassivity• -12- "Introducing Students to a New Way of Viewing: Teaching Three Feminist Films from the New German Cinema" This paper was an evaluation of my recent experience introducing students to three German feminist films as part of a fourth-year university course on the New German Cinema. Rather than submerge these three films into the general themes of the course, I treated them as central works that offer a new way of viewing. While this was only one segment of a course which dealt with fourteen contemporary German films, it elicited the liveliest discussion: the introduction of a feminist political stance offered students a new way of thinking about film, contemporary German society, and politics. Helma Sanders-Brahms' Deutschland, b1eiche Mutter (1978), Margarethe von Trotta's Die b1eierne Zeit (1981), and Helke Sander's Die al1seitig reduzierte Person1ichkeit: REDUPERS (1977) were each shown twice during the cuurse of the semester. Students were to have prepared themselves for the showings by reading articles in English and/or German. They were also provided with a list of questions to consider while viewing the films. These questions were designed to further a feminist approach and centered particularly on women's role in history, women as narrators and their narrative perspective, the act of recognizing a film's political importance, the meaning of the titles, and the role of men and children in it. Ultimately students had to consider whether they had seen anything in the films which they had not seen before. Our general conclusions may be summarized as follows: all three films emphasized the limited, sUbjective nature of historical accounts and all attempted to propose a feminist alternative to conventional histories. "The latter embraces what von Trotta calls the "Blick nach in'nen" and the "Blick nach auBen." While the subject of the films might be women and women's issues, they were essentially defined by woman as narrator, woman as possessor of the gaze. Lynne Tatlock Washington U/St. Louis 57. TIM Mothe,.. K.~.11I -13MLA -1984 (RE)MAKING MYTH IN GERMAN WOMEN'S WRITING Moderator: Angelika Bammer, Vanderbilt University "Allusions to Daedalus and Icarus in recent GDR art" ".,nnwlt. .. "ynu.s w" It...... An examination of six generically different GDR artworks, all of which contain explicit or implicit allusions to one or both figures of the Greek legend, raises, expecially because of geosociopolitical restrictions in the GDR, more questions than it answers. Readings of Biermann's "Ballade vom PreuSischen Ikarus," Wolfgang Mattheuer's "Ikarus" painting, Bettina Wegner's "Ikarus" song for Klaus Schlesinger's film of that title, Monika Maron's novel F1ugasche, Helga Schubert's prose poem "Himmel," and Christa Wolf's Voraussetzungen einer Erz~hlung nonetheless permit some preliminary speculations regarding the artists' assumptions of predetermined mythical concepts and the manner in which they rely (or not) on these assumptions. These hypotheses emerged from the reading: 1) that Daedalus and Icarus function equally as referents -- and sometimes the reference is confusing (or confused); 2) that men are more likely than women to assume the existence of what Barthes calls "metalanguage," and anticipate reception in terms of that assumption; and 3) that women work either with attempted revision of the direct allusion or with obscure reference. Biermann and Mathheuer depend on imagistic representation, employ myth as ready-made language, and select from it that which serves their own purposes, thus neglecting the far-reaching sub-strata of signification suggested by the allusion. Wegner's Icarus is a child, oppressed by society's whims and expelled from childhood by its realities. Maron deals as well with a protagonist oppressed by her everyday world of bureaucratic immobility. Schubert locates an unnamed "I" on the uneasy horizon between individuality and social conformity. Maron and Schubert conf1ate Daedalus and Icarus in a perhaps subconscious narrative action that suggests the fundamental inappropriateness of the familiar myth for women. These authors are involved in a "remaking," in an insistence on re-vision motivated not by conscious effort, but by the very fact of gender. Christa Wolf, finally, would have us return to the origins of the legend and question the verities of its initial syntax in order to discover how the original reading of myth has predetermined and predefined the welfare of western civilization, and especially the female component of that civilization. Schubert ,Maron, and Wolf permit resonances not found in the other works through their use of non-restrictive allusion and through the identification of women with a figure that seems to conf1ate the two legendary ones. Marilyn Sibley Fries Yale University "'.HaAJ S~If~'.It,~'" -14APPROPRIATING FAUST Moderator: Konstanze Baumer, Syracuse University "Goethe's Faust: The Feminine in Creativity" In my talk I analyzed the role of the feminine within the creative process, specifically in the Mothers' scene but with implications for the Faust drama as a whole. I found that the realm of the Mothers is most accurately characterized not by the solitude traditionally emphasized, but rather by boundlessness. Faust must enter the void of the unfamiliar and unknown ("das Nichts") in order to discover endless possibility and potentiality ("das All"). He must shed the expectations and preconceived patterns of perception which limit new experience and he must immerse himself in an elemental flux which defies any attempt at rational comprehension. The feminine realm is perceived as mystery and it promises everything lacking in Faust's overly scientific and categorized masculine . world. Above all, it promises the mystery of creation. Faust's entire journey can be seen as a movement toward this ideal feminine realm, for creativity depends upon the union of the masculine and the feminine. Initially it would appear that the feminine plays an essential and positive role in the creative act. Upon closer examination, however, we find that the union is very out of balance. The imbalance is most visible in the activity and aggression of Faust as opposed to the passivity and sacrifice of the feminine throughout the drama. The source of woman's passivity lies in Goethe's idealization of her as mother, for this means that her creative contribution is centered in the womb. In the creative union of the feminine and the masculine, woman provides the matter and man the mind; the feminine realm represents a potential which must first be realized by the masculine. Woman then, I concluded, is necessary in Goethe's Faust only for man to create. Her own creativity remains on a biological and merely symbolic level. Linda Lindsay Allegheny College M~jstopb~/~s !iibn Fast die H~/~na z ... Fean-uichn ..ng ..m 1642 'lIOn Aan.n Mlltb.n I -15REEVALUATING INGEBORG BACHMANN'S PROSE Moderator: Sara Lennox, UMass/Amherst Karen Achberger again organized this MLA special session on Ingeborg Bachmann and was to serve as its chair. After the accident I agreed to chair the session as well as respond to the papers. Karen had chosen three papers that fit together extremely well and that particularly stressed the various political dimensions of Bachmann's writing. In my response I commented that these papers dealt with the three directions of Bachmann criticism. that seem to me most important at this point: French feminist readings of her work with respect to its treatment of gender, readings of her work which stress its social. criticism, and readings that investigate her work in the context of the Austrian literary tradition. I concluded my comments by maintaining that my own work on Bachmann had led me to believe that an understanding of her work was best sought at the intersection of the issues these three 'papers raise; her love for a vanished Austrian past; her dismay at an imperialist present, which the vantage point of a Vienna now outside of history allows her to observe clearly; and her horror at the state of relationships between men and women. Sara Lennox UMass/Amherst "The Authority of Language in Franza and Malina" Recent movements such as feminism, poststructuralism and hermeneutics have done much to undermine the traditional literary perspectives which characterized the initial reception of Bachmann's writing. Whereas Bachmann was once praised or rebuked as a lyrical subjectivist, the tendency of current criticism is to highlight the socio-political aspects of her work. The danger of this trend is, however, that traditional categories are not easily overcome. This critical shift risks re-instating orthodox concepts of social relevance which are inadequate for a discussion of Bachmann's thinking. While her prose reflects a form of cultural criticism, it is cultural criticism in a "new key." Bachmann's primary concern is the "linguistic dimension" of interpersonal and socio-political domination. In both Malina and in Franza, the aggressive destruction of the female narrator is primarily an assault on her capacity to -16write and speak. By first interpreting the psychoanalytical model presented by Jordan's relationship to Franza, the reader gains an understanding of how his reordering of Franza's words in effect destroys her memories, or to use Bachmann's metaphor, "assaults her narration." The same phenomenon occurs in Malina where the tyrannical father is wantonly contemptuous of women and threatens the Ich-figure's capacity to speak. In Malina Bachmann personifies a dominant perspective in Western thought, • one that precludes the existence of the feminine principle in the world. Here, as elsewhere in Bachmann's work, far-reaching socio-po1itica1 aspects of her critique can be found. For Bachmann, as for other twentieth-century thinkers, the European tradition is characterized by the domination of the language of the Other. Judith Harris Frick U Illinois/Urbana-Champaign "Rereading 'Undine geht': Ingeborg Bachmann and Feminist Theory" My paper attempted to show how "Undine geht," written in the late 1950's, anticipates ideas of French feminists such as Helene Cixous and Luce Irigaray by using their prescription for feminine writing as a framework for a reading of the story. In opposing the pha110logocentrism of dominant western discourse, Cixous, Irigaray, and others have called for a new "ecriture feminine," which may be described as having thre~ objectives: to disclose and analyze the forms of women's repression in the male imaginary; to disrupt the 10gocentric order of male discourse; and to create a new feminine imaginary based on women's primary experience of themselves, their bodies, and their sexuality. Bachmann's text exposes and decenters myths of the feminine that have been a fundamental part of western culture. In the figure of the mermaid the story demonstrates the continuing force of associations of the feminine with nature, the non-human, the inarticulate unconscious, with a silence broken only by the seductive siren-call by which she lures men away from their place in the order of civilization, work, religion, the family. This "feminine principle" is a cultural construct, called into being by men as "the Other." Like the later theorists, Bachmann reverses the usual valuation of the dominant order and gives the feminine principle a positive value as the subverter of a corrupt reality. Finally, Undine's refusal to continue this role represents an effort to break out of this culturally assigned mythic identity. "Undine geht" also anticipates feminist prescriptions for disrupting logocentric discourse by formal qualities of plurality, circularity, and contradiction. The linear change of Undine's proclaimed departure contrasts with the circularity of her never-ending call and seduction. Men and male culture are presented both as monstrous and as godlike. The figures of Hans and Undine have mUltiple meanings. Undine is variously female subject, culturally-constructed feminine principle, and voice of the poet. She finally appears to merge with her opposites, the male, the "du" of the lover and the reader. Through these -17plural and merging identities "Undine geht" presents a multi-faceted inscription of female experience, "was sich nicht festlegen liSt." •• • Despite its striking anticipation of contemporary feminist ideas and forms, Bachmann's text also demonstrates the difficulty of a woman attempting to challenge and re-vision the oppressive old order from a position still within it. Although she is conscious and critical of the repressive dynamics inherent in a dualist culture, Undine is herself still enthralled by those very categories and remains trapped in the fundamental dichotomy. Yet in this respect too, she shows a similarity with some recent feminist theory, which also runs the risk of perpetuating the very dualism and essentialism that it seeks to criticize. Joey Horsley UMass/Boston CA LLS fOR PA PE:RS WIG 1985 TENTH ANNUAL WOMEN IN GERMAN CONFERENCE October 24-27, 1985 Portland, Oregon Guest: lUI S E F. PUS C H luise F. Pusch, author of Das Deutsche als Minnersprache (Suhrkamp 1984), is one of the most original and prolific writers on feminism, linguistics, and the German language today_ She will be present during the entire conference, and will speak on Saturday evening, October 26. Contributions are invited for the following conference sessions: -18- 1. Opening session, Thursday evening, October 24 WOMEN IN GERMAN: WOHER, WOHIN? For our opening session we wish to solicit from those who were WIG members in the beginning years a short description of their experiences, expectations and needs at the time WIG was founded, why they chose to become members, what questions were important for them then in the profession and in their personal lives, and what hopes they had for WIG. Your description can take any form you wish; the co-chairs will put the responses together and decide on the form most appropriate for their presentation. Please send a copy each to: Sigrid Brauner 1076 59th Street Oakland, CA 94608 2. and Sara Lennox 15 Columbus Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 Film and film pedagogy, Friday morning, October 25 DEUTSCHE FILMEMACHERINNeM UNO OER NEUE DEUTSCHE FILM We are seeking proposals for 10-minute informal presentations on German women filmmakers, new German cinema, and film pedagogy, including the use of feature films in the foreign language classroom and how to teach about film in high school and college. We would welcome slide presentations, models of teaching units, handouts, etc. Either English or German may be used, but please plan to prepare an abstract for the conference in the alternate language. Send a one-page abstract by May 15,1985 to each of the following: Nancy J. Brown 5029 N. 25th Rd Arlington, VA 22207 :;1. Sandy Frieden German Department Univ. of Houston Housto~, TX 77004 M:iUt'.u;s IS l'xn'ull~: 'fht, I... :.. lrnistrc·s~ Vi beke Keith 634 E. 14th St., No.7 New York, NY 10009 a f':1I1iniUt' Frt'dt~ri"k th ... (;rt~at -19- CALLS FOR PAPERS WIG 1985, continued 3. Feminist theory, Friday afternoon, October 25 RECENT TRENDS IN FEMINIST THEORY AND CRITICISM The goal of this panel is to broaden our understanding of current discussions and recent trends in feminist theory. We would like to invite papers from Women's Studies and other languages as well as German, and we especially encourage contributions dealing with lesbian/feminist perspectives. Comparative, historical or cross-lingual approaches or possible application of work in other areas to German studies will be very welcome. Proposals by June 1, 1985 to: Dorothy Rosenberg Modern Forei~n Languages Colby College Waterville, ME 04901 4. and Patsy Baudoin 662B Tremont Street Boston, MA 02118 Filmvorste11ung und Diskussion, Friday evening, October 25 Gesucht: a) zwei Diskussions1eiterinnen zum Thema Frauen, Film, Feminismus usw.; und b) Filmvorsch1~ge. Resum~e (von etwa 250 Worten), Vorschlage, Anfragen an: Jeannine Blackwell German, Wells Hall A-721 Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 5. Feminism and language/linguistics, Saturday morning, October 26 AUF DER SUCHE NACH EINER FRAUENFREUNDLICHEN SPRACHE In this session we would like to examine: a) what effects the work of feminist linguistics has had/could have on both theoretical and applied linguistics; b) how insights from feminist linguistics can' be employed in literary criticism; c) in what ways the Gennan language has changed/is changing in response to consciousness-raising efforts by feminists; and d) how we can integrate any or all of the above into our teaching, making both the language and the subject matter more frauenfreundlich. We envision a program with SHORT (10 minute) presentations followed by a workshop period during which all participants will work in small groups on developing and/or rehearsing strategies for implementing the ideas presented into our own work. Send a two-page a'bstract by May 15) 1985 to both: Charlotte Armster German Department Gettysburg College Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-3131 (college) and Jeanette Clausen Dept. 'of Modern Forei gn Langs. Indiana U.-Purdue U. Fort Wayne, IN 46805 (219) 482-5431 (office) -20- CON fE:RE: NCE:S NORTHEAST WIG The WIG-Amherst collective is planning an infomal "get-together" the weekend of June 8-9. Since many of us won't be able to make it to Portland in October, we'd like to arrange a mini -conference in Amherst. Proposed sessions: informal discussions of works in progress/research; continuation of issues broUfl:ht up last October; graduate student concerns. We would particularly like to welcome grad. stUdents. Housing will be provided by local WIG members. Further info. to follow. For more info. contact Leslie Morris &. Karin Obermeier. c/o German Dept., ID.fass/ Amherst 0'1003. ·.................. . ODR. SYr.fPOSIUM The 1985 Symposium will be on the theme of "The GDR Today - 40 Years After the End of WII." One of the panels will address the issue of "Chan~ing Patterns of Male and Female Identity" and is conceived as an interdisciplinary seminar with papers on social and political issues and on the re1ection of this question in literature and culture in general. June 21-28, 1985/ World Fellowship C~nter, Conway, HR. ·.................. . u., 17 T. . SOCIETY FOR CplEMA STUDIES The 1985 Society for Cinema Studies Conference will include a panel entitled "Women in Film in the Bundesrepublik Deutschland," which will examine the work of vanen filmmakers, feminist film criticism, and the impact of film schoo11!1, funding and distribution systems on women in the BRD. Comparisonl!l to the situation for women filmmakers and for feminil!lt film criticism in the USA will be encouraged. In order to participate in the SCS conference it is necessary to become a member <t 30 per year). For further information contact: Ellen Seiter, Telecommunication and Film Studies, Uni versi ty ot Oregon, Eugene, OR 91403. ·.............. .... -21- o· o~ Cleo ~ ~ • _.0 • o· ~ A conference on the topic: "Jl'EMINIST STUDIES: RECOBSTITt1l'ING lCBOWLEDGE" is being sponsored by the Women's Studies Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Center for Twentieth Century Studies at UW-Milwaukee fram April 24-26, 1985. Por turther information contact: Conference Coordinator Center for Twentieth Century Studies University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee P.o. Box 413 Milwaukee, WI 53201 (tel. 414-963-4141) .................... The sixth meeting of Women Historians will take plaee in Bonn, FRG from 29-31, 1985. Anyone interested should contaet Women's Studies Research Group Universit!t Bonn c/o Hildegard Knitterscheidt Peter-Ruster-Str. 7 53 Bonn 1 FRG M~ .................... Die dritte Tagung von Frauen in der Literaturwissenschat't findet ii--FrUhjahr 1986 in Hamburg statt • ........ The Seventh Congress of the Internationale Vereinigung fUr Germanische S rachen und Literaturwissenschat't IVG will be held from August 25-31 in GOttingen, FRG. There will be a section there on "FRAUENSPRACHE-FRAUENLITERATUR'l " which will be chaired by Marianne Burkhard (USA), Sigrid Schmid (Austria), and Inge Stephan (FRG). ........ E.t -22- Eine Gruppe von tilmbegeisterten Feministinnen plant tar den Herbst 1984 ein FRAUENFILMFESTIVAL im Ruhrgebiet. Gesucht werden noch Frauen die bei der Planung und Durch:f'Uhrung mi tmachen. Es ware gut, wenn sie etwas Ahnung vom Medium Film hA.tten. Da demnA.chst die JConzeption erarbeitet werden soll, ware es linnvoll, venn sich die Interessantinnen moglichst schnell melden. Es Ijnden rege1m&Sige Treffen alle 3 Wochen statt. Kontaktadresse: Jutta oder Barbara beim aktuellen forum, Tel. 0209/153712. (Aus: !!!! 9/84) .................... ~ 1985 annual NWSA Conference will be held at the University of Washington/ Seattle from June 19-23. Th~ ................... . NWSA 1986 - at U. Illinois The 1q86 annual convention of the National Women's Studies Association will take place in June at the University of Illinois, Urbana. The program planning committee for 1986 is being co-chaired by WIG member Marianne Burkhard. She urges Wig~i~s to start planning now for possible panels, workshops or papers on German feminism/the German women's movements; women and German literature/literary criticism/language etc.; German women in academe; women's lives in the various German-speaking countries, and so on. We should think about what we want members of the NWSA to know about German Studies and Women's Studies, and then assemble panels, organize sections, or whatever is needed to present that information. Program time slots will be two hours long. If you have a good idea for a paper but don't feel up to organizing a panel or workshop, contact Marianne anywayshe may be able to put you in touch with others willing to work with you. WIG members in the great midwest, are you listening! Marianne Burkhard, Dept. of German, 3072 Foreign Languages Bldg, 707 S. Mathews, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801. I ~ Christine u Pisan luuJs tIu wei)' to tlu 'Cit' us D_s' ............. -23- AN NOUNC€M€NTS BERG WOMEN'S SERIES The series will cover women who, from any period and from any part of the world, have made a significant contribution to the sum total of human knowledge: novelists and mathematicians; poets and scientists; travellers and politicians; artists ••• Each volume will be devoted to one woman and will deal with three aspects of her life -- its social, historical and geographical background; a short biography; an assessment of her achievement. A bibliography should be included. The books will appear in paperback and will have a length of some 40,000 words. There will be scope for a limited number of illustrations. They will be ~ A ... ;" I.tr cell directed at the sixth-form or first-year university student, as well as the general reader, and will present a preliminary overall picture of the character concerned. They will not, therefore, be highly technical or pre-suppose a great deal of specialist knowledge. Would intending authors please contact Miriam Kochan, who will be happy to discuss their project with them: Miriam Kochan, General Editor Berg Women's Series 237 Woodstock Road Oxford OX2 7 AD England BROSCHURE "FRAUENARCHIVE UND -BIBLIOTHEKEN" Karin Schatzberg gibt in ihrer gerade erschienenen BroschUre "Frauenarchive und -bibliotheken" einen Uberblick Uber Frauen bzw. -dokumentationszentren in Westdeutschland, Berlin, einigen westeuropaischen Landern (Italien, Niederlande, Hsterreich). Zur EinfUhrung in die Thematik sind der Darstellung der einzelnen Einrichtungen AusfUhrungen zur Aus- und Weiterbildung von Frauen und zu den Prinzipien feministischer Bildungsarbeit und ihrer Rahmenbedingungen vorangestellt. Sie hat -- soweit die Materiallage es zulieB -- fUr jede Institution ein Profil erstellt, in dem -24die Entstehungsgeschichte, die organisatorische und inhaltliche Konzeption und -- soweit vorhanden -- die zugeh6rigen Publikationen vorgestellt wurden. Die Profile wurden anhand von Informationsblittern der jeweiligen Einrichtung, schriftlichen und mundlichen Interviews mit den dort arbeitenden Frauen und sonstigen Materialien zusammengestellt. 1m Anhang findet sich ein komplettes Adressenverzeichnis der in- und auslindischen Einrichtungen und eine tabel1arische Ubersicht. Bestellen kann man die Broschure durch Uberweisung von DM 6,-- auf das Postgirokonto 567211-209 Hamburg von Karin Schatzberg, Stichwort "Sonderkonto". Adressenangabe bitte nicht vergessen. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS -- THE EUROPEAN WOMEN WRITERS SERIES The University of Nebraska Press announces a new series, European Women Writers. This series will encourage and publish translations of major works by European women. The Press plans to begin publishing series titles in 1987 and to publish up to four books each year. All genres will be considered though preference will be given to booklength prose fiction. Each volume will include an introduction, select bibliography, and notes where appropriate. An editorial board of four scholars, 311 with translation experience, will direct the series. It is hoped that the series will permit American readers greatly increased access to and understanding of European women and their literature. Though studies about European women writers will not constitute part of the series, the Press will welcome proposals which may serve to augment the aims of the series. The series will concentrate on twentieth-century works originally published in French, German, Italian, and Spanish, but proposals for translations of works from other languages will be welcome. Please send queries and proposals to W. G. Regier, Editor-in-Chief, University of Nebraska Press, 318 Nebraska Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0520. Marilyn Schuster and Susan Van Dyne, "Placing Women in the Liberal Arts: Stages of Curriculum Transformation," Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 54, No.4 (November 1984), pp. 413-28. This article provides excellent arguments as well as statistical documentation for integrating material on women and minorities into the traditional curriculum. In it the authors propose a paradigm describing how teachers and students experience the process of curricular change and suggest various strategies for implementing the stages of such a paradigm for change • .................... -25HAGEMANN-WHITE NAMED WOMEN'S STUDIES PROF AT FREE UNIVERSITY A chair for women's studies has been established at the Free University of West Berlin, the city's commissioner for Women's Affairs, Carola von Braun, announced recently. To fill it, Berlin Senator for Research Wilhelm Kewenig named Carol Hagemann-White,Professor of Political Science/Women's Studies. A native of New Jersey, Professor Hagemann-White received her doctorate from the Free University and has taught there and at the University of GieSen. The appointment followed a public discussion within and outside the university, including accusations of discrimination against women when Kewenig initially opposed the creation of the part-time professorship. Kewenig had argued that the job description provided by the university's political science department appeared "too narrow" to merit creating the position. In the meantime two members of the department, Professors Wolf Dieter Narr and Peter Grottian, each agreed to relinquish one third of their professorships for the next five years in order to make the women's studies position possible. This Week in Germany February 15, 1985 FRAUENSTUDIUM "Kandidaten, sagen Sie mir, was fiUt Ihnen an der Patientin auf?" -- "DaB das Mensch einen seidenen Unterrock anhat." -26- §;ea,~eR en ~e~ .ze·~~~a-~u~UJe·tS-tS-~R.J,e,{'a-/,~ (Herausgeberinnen: Renate Berger, lnge Stephan, Sigrid Weigel - Hamburg) Run d b r i e f abo nne men t Hiermit bestelle ieh den viermal jahrlieh erseheinenden Rundbrief "Frauen in der Literaturwissensehaft". rqClnn~: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Adresse: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telefon: •••••••••••••••••••• Ieh habe den Betrag von DM •••• (DM 20,-- fur Studentinnen und Arbeitslose, DM 30,-- und mehr fur Berufstatige) auf das Konto ra 8LX 2,.OfJ GtJ& ..,., Renate Berger, Stiehwort "Rundbrief", Hamburger sparkasse,~ Kontonummer 1238/446 577 uberwiesen. .................... (Untersehrift) -27- BOOI<S LESBIAN ETHICS, Vol. 1, No.1 (1984). Published three times a year. Individual SUbscriptions '12 for 3 issues,,4 international. Sample copy.5 (16 international). L! Publications, P.o. Box 943, Venice, CA 90294. The editor of this new journal, Jeanette Silveira, states that the idea for Lesbian Ethics grew out of her conviction that the society Lesbians are creating "is the first one in which ethics have been possible." Her approach is refreshingly straightforvard: "I see ethics in two wa.vs: as learning from experience, and as saying what we want." (p.5) --What, I wonder, could be more necessary for feminism and feminist studies at this point in timet The first article in the vol\Dlle, Julia Penelope's "The ~stery of Lesbians: I," minces no words about either of the above points. Penelo~'s e~eriences in the Women's Liberation Movement have taught her not to call herself a "feminist," or even a "lesbian-feminist," but rather to insist on a radically Separatist position. In her view, "the WIM has lost its early enthusiasm and the force of conviction has been drained from its rhetoric, which nov echoes the bland, sluggish liberalism of the Democratic Party in the US." (p.23) Depending on your own politics, you may be angered or elated by Penelope's arguments, but either way I think you'll find them stimulating and relevant to what's happening in feminist circles today. I, for one, am looking forvard to part II of the article, in which Penelope promises to discuss distortions and contusions which she believes have helped detuse feminist radicalism and, along the way, she will answer the non-question: "can heterophobia be curedt" The remainder of the issue is, in my opinion, something of a mixed bag. Jeanette Silveira's article ''Why Men Oppress Women" is, in the author's words, "materialist in spirit and even Marxist in method," although the conclusions "are quite opposed to those of current Marxists." (1'.34) True enough. She argues that the technology to produce test-tube babies, although fraught with dangers, could be "a means of reproducing the species without oppressing one half or the other of it." (p. 52) Barbara Macdonald's short article "A Call for an End to Ageism in Lesbian and Gay Services" is forceful. and eloquent. Everyone planning to be an old woman some day should also read Macdonald's book, coauthored with Cynthia Rich, ~ !!!. in ~ ~r Old Women, Aging and Ageism. (Spinsters, Ink. 803 De Haro St., San Francisco, CA 94107J. In "Rule Melting," Jane Rule explores the necessity of rules for ourselves: "Rules made to defend ourselves against those who disapprove of us are suicide weapons ••• " (1'.66) I found the contribution by lCaren Fite and Nikola Trumbo, "Betrayals. Among Women: Barriers to a Common Language," at least as interesting for its form as tor its content. The two authors write as "we," but shirt to "I(K)" and "I(N)" when relating an individual, personal -28- experience. Thus, an individual and a "collective" first-person voice can emerge simultaneously. The authors state that in naming experiences of betrayal by their mothers and other vomen, they do not mean to blame the victim: ''We, as vomen, are not innocent of the betra,vals ve commit, but our ignorance of vhat' s going on and vhy does rob us of the poyer to act otherwise." (p.72) I found it difficult to keep their disclaimer in mind vhile reading and felt verv un-affirmed as a mother, daughter, and friend of vomen by the end~ of the article. The volume concludes V1• th a short ess8\Y, "N0 t es on the Meaning of Life" by Joyce Trebilcot, in which she analyzes the "ethic of experience" and the "ethic of achievement" as based respectively on male orgasm and the fathering of offspring. In all, Lesbian Ethics Vol. 1, No.1 is a velcome addition to the still all too short list of journals vhere ve can read about ourselves, in lan~e that does not obfuscate or ~stifY but, for the most part, clarifies. I recommend it. AUFBAU FRIDAY, Fcbru~ -_._----------' IS,J98L -- Jeanette Clausen Indiana U. -Purdue U., Fort W8\Yne Deutsche Frauenliteratur ·.aus:New York Dagmar Stern und Lola Gruenthal (Hrsg.). "Frauenfahrplan J". Verlag: Starlight Press, New York. Zu beziehen durch: M. Goldschneider; P.O.Box 2J31; New York, N.Y. 10009. 113 Seiten. Geheftet. $5,00 zuziig·lich Porto. . Unter dem Tit~I Frauenjahrplan hat sieh eine neue Anthologie bzw. Zeitsehrift vorgestellt mit deutschen Texten-von Frauen aus dem New Yorker Raum, die der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Women in German angehoren und einmal- im Monat im New Yorker Goethe House zusammentreffen. Untetschiedlich wie Alter und Herkunft der Mitarbeiterinnen sind Qualitit, Schreibintention und Genre der versammrlten Werkproben .. Gemeinsanier Nenner des Hefts ist offenbar , die Geschlechtszugehorigkeit der Verfasse-' rinnen. Die neuere feministische Literaturtheorie bat seit Virginia Woolfs Manifest A Room of One's Own (1928) diesen ansonsten vollig irrelevariten Aspelct zum' ~h1agge benden Kriterium literarischer Beurteilung unci Arbeitsweise erhoben. Die 1m F1'GUenfahrplanenthaltenen Texte . lassen. ~ch einteilen in Ly~ik und Prosa, diese wiederum splittert sich 'der ,Form nach aufin KUIZge~hichte, Romanauszug, Brief, Tagebuchaufzeichnung. Gemeinsam ist die'. sen Werkbeispielen der'Ch~~r des Autc?biographischen, des personlichen. Bekenntnisses und der Selbstbetrachtu~g. Am gelunlensten erscheint die Kurzprosa, wihrend der Lyrik hiufig noch der Schein des ama. teurhaften Anf"angerversuchs anhaftet .. . Am faszinierendsten an dieser ·Prisentanon sind jedoch nieht so schr die fonnalen Eigenschaften: sondem eher die Haltung (etwa Ironie, Humor), aus der diese Selbstreflexionen und Er1ebnisbericht~ gescbrieben sind. Das macht die Starke dieses Sammelbands aus, dem man noch mane he Fortsetzung wilDschen dad. . I.n. -29- .................... The following bibliographical "review" appeared in CHOICE (Jan'85) describing German Feminism: Readings in Politics and Literature, ed. Edith Hoshino Altbach, Jeanette Clausen, Dagmar Schultz, and Naomi Stephan (SUNY Press, 1984): a" ............. GERMAN fEMINISM: rndl..... ,.utIa iii)' ,"-,i.1I HoslII. . AI. . .II .. aI\ ..... V.henlCi·" New York P.....914• . . , iMa 13-17149. 39.50 ISBN 1-1'7395-140-3; IU5 .. ISBN ...,Jt5.I41-1. CIP . 1Wo ftne editorial introductions and a cIosinl "Cri.ica1 Outlook" frame and provtde cultural selting for 54 translations that will acquaint US readers with an impr~si~ range of German feminist authors. Excerpts chosen are carefully arranged to dIsplay the fiction. autobiography. journalism. and scholarship characteristic of the contemporary German women's movement, be,inning with the late 1960s and the.Para~r~ph 118 campai,n of 1971. Each piece carries I brief headnote anclan endn~e ident~fYIn' the German originll. A biographical dictionary of editors and contnbutors " appended. Among these authors. only Alice Schwarzer (founder and editor of the monthly Emmtl) and East German novelist Christa Wolf Ire likely to be already know~ to many US readers. That this excellent German counterpart to Nt'" Frtnch n"'.,· "isms. ed. by Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Counivron (CH, ~IY '80). ha~ ~n In search of a publisher since 1978 (and thlt no rival has been published meanwhIle) can only lend credibility to claims of suppression of women's writing. The editors' persist. ence and the SUNY Press's decision to publish deserve thanks-and orders-from libraries al alll~ls servin, students of German literature, German history and society. and women's issues: virtually every public and all academic libraries.-V. ChlTt, CHOICE .................... Liselotte Gumpel (Univ. of Minnesota/Morris) has a new book coming out soon in the Indiana University Press's "Advances in Semiotics Series". The pre-publication announcement describes it as follows: Metaphor Reexamined: A Non-Arisotelian Perspective Breaking away from the traditional "neo-Aristotelian" view of metaphor, this study offers a new, "non-Aristotelian" approach based on the phenomenological semantics of Roman Ingarden and the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce. The author seeks to grasp the meaning of metaphor through an exhaustive exploration of meaning in language, from its acquisition by young speakers to its repeated origination in sound when spoken and in the visual sign when written. She identifies the fundamental semantic operations that differentiate literal from literary use of language. Next, metaphor is examined in all of its semantic idiosyncrasies. Gumpel's theory culminates in the development of a functional or structural metaphor that can neither disappear nor "die." Applying the theory, Gumpel presents several textual analyses, relating the categories of argument, dicent, and rheme to the use of metaphor by Brecht, Dickinson, and Celano A final section provides an incisive critique of theories of metaphor from Aristotle to the present. An important intellectual accomplishment, MR yields original insights and supplies a mine of information for scholars in the philosophy of language, literary theory, semiotics, and linguistics. E,C,· -30- RE:CE:NT PUBLICATIONS Verband der Filmarbei terinnen, Eds., l"rauen-Film-Handbuch: Lexikon aller J'ilmemacherinnen und ihrer Filme in der BRD und West Berlin . seit 1945. Berlin, 1984. DM 74. Ch~tstine Buci-Glucksmann, Reinbek, 1984. Walter Benjamin und die Utopie des Weiblichen, Luise F. Pusch, Das Deutsche als Manners rache: Autsatze und Glossen zur teministischen Lin8Uistik. ltankfurt M: Suhrkamp, 19 Inge Stephan, Sigrid weigel~eministische Literaturwissenschaft: Zum Verhaltnis von Frauenbildern und Frauenliteratur. Berlin: Argument, 1984. Elisabeth Lenk. Die unb~te Gesellschaft: Uber die mimetische Grundstruktur in der Literatur und im Traum. MUnchen, 1983. Helga Meise, Die Unschuld und die Schrif't: Deutsche Frauenromane im 1B. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Gutandin & Hoppe, 1983. Dorothee Schmitz, Weibliche Selbstentwrte und minnliche Bilder: Zur Darstellung der Frau in DDR-Romanen der 70er Jahre. Frankfurt 1M ,Bern ,NY , 1983. Senta Tromel-Plotz, Ed., Gewalt durch ~rache: Frauen in Gesprachen. Frankfurt/M., 198 • Die Vergewaltigung von Karlheinz Fingerhut, Ed., Louise Aston: tin Lesebuch. Gedichte, Roman, Schrif'ten in AusYahl (1846-1849). Stuttgart, 1983. Christa Gurtler, Schreiben Frauen anders' Untersuchungen zu Ingeborg Bachmann und Barbara Frischmuth. Stuttgart, 1983. Ursula Linnhott, =Z~u~r_Fr~e~l~·h~e~i~t~~o~h~~~~~~~~~~__~~~~~ Frauen kAmpten um ihre Rechte. Frankfurt Ricarda Schmidt, Westdeutsche Frauenliteratur in den Frankfurt/M: Rita Fischer Verlag, 19 2. Oer Jahren. I -31- Gerlinde Geiger, "Die be:f'reite Ps che": Emanzi ationsans!tze im Friihwerk Ida Hahn-Hahns 1 3 1 8. Ann Arbor: University Microf'ilms, 1984. Julie D. Prandi, Spirited Women Heroes: Major Female Characters in the Dramas of' Goethe! Schiller and JO.eist. NY, Frankfurt/M, Bern: F. Lang, 1983. Ute Treder, Von der Hexe zur des 'Ewig Weiblichen'. Bonn: sterikerin: Zur Verf'eBti Bouvier, 19 H.-J. HeinrichB, .d., Der K5rper und seine Sprache. Qumram Verlag, 19B4. B eBchichte Frankturt/M: Rolf' Haubl, Eva Koch-nenske, HanB-Jilrgen Linke ,eds., Die Sprache des VaterB im Kerper der Mutter: LiterariBcher Sinn und SChreibprozeB. 1983. Rahel Varnhagen, GeBammelte Werke in 10 B!nden/Rahel Bibliothek, ed. K. Feilchenfeldt, U. Schweikert, R.E. Steiner. MUnchen: Matthis & Seitz, 1983. Ingeborg Bachmann, Wir mUsBen wahre Sitze f'inden: GeB r!ache und Interviews, ed. Christine Koschel and Inge von Weidenbaum. MnDchen: Piper, 19 Ingeborg Bachmann: Miinchen, 1984. Sonderband von Text und Kritik. ed. Sigrid Weigel. Lilian Berna-Simons, Weibliche Identit!t und Sexualit!t: Das Bild der Weiblichkeit im 1 • Jahrhundert und bei Si und Freud. Frankturt/M: MaterialiB Verlag, 19 Frankfurt M: Frauen-Zuldinf'te: Ganzhei tliche f'eministische Ans!tze. !rfahrungen und Lebenskonzepte, ed. R. Lutz. Beltz Verlag, 1981 Die ungeschriebene GeBchichte: HistoriBche Frauenf'orschung-- eine Dokumentation des • Historikerinnentrettens. Wiener Frauenverlag, 1011 Wien, Postf'ach 1 , DM 5. Sigrid Schade, Schadenzauber und die Magie des Kerpers-- Hexenbilder der trUhen Neuzeit. W~rnersche Verlags&Dstalt, 1983. sion an der lI'U Berlin yom 30.11Methoden in der Frauenforschun : 2.12 19 3, ed. Zentraleinrichtung zur Forderung von Ji'rauenstudien und Frauenf'orschung an der 10 Berlin. Ff't/M: R. Fischer Verlag, 1984. 1983. 3! SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIP This is Newsletter 36· Read your label and renew when numbers match. Weisefrau, Uta 36 Feminist University Utopia, USA Renew now, today, before you forget--sending out reminders is time-consuming and expensive, not to mention boring. A new dues structure was approved at the October 1983 WiG conference. 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