Memoradum from Jewish Agency for Palestine
Memoradum from Jewish Agency for Palestine
—* •tf.'eruu from: Jewish Agei cy for Palestine ^ Ho, 22 November 14, 1952 This digest of reaction in the press and other quarters t o Jewish claims against Germany w i l l be sent out periodically for your information only, not for publication. For additional information refer to items by index number. HAGUE TREATY CAG-A/493 RUNDBRIEF zur Foerderung der Freundschaft zwischen dem Alten und dem Neuen Gottesvolk im Geiste der beiden Testaments (Published by a group of prominent Catholic clergy and laymen in Freiburg, Br.) August, 1952 a) Article by Professor Dr. Rupert Angermair states restitution to Jews is a moral obligation. Theology commands that "all stolen property and damage otherwise inflicted be restored to the level enjoyed by the owners before the spoiliation occurred." The international Jewish world organizations are the logical successor to heirless and unclaimed property,. In comparing Jewish demands and German guilt, Angermair emphasizes that "in making these amends, we (Germans)have no right to parage as benefactors." He also suggested that Jews should not succumb to anti-Germanism; they should describe the horrors as "crimes by German persons" or the "crimes of the Nazi regime," and not as crimes committed by the entire German people. r b) Item about a speech last June bv Kurt R. Grossmann of New York. Following Grossmann's analysis of the Hague negotiations, the Catholic dignitaries who attended his lecture addressed an urgent appeal to Chancellor Adenauer asking for a just settlement* CAG-A/494 DIE WELT. Essen (Hamburg) non-partisan. Circulation 234-, 000 October 4,1952 The Israeli purchasing commission (led by Dr. F„ Shinar) will have its seat in Cologne0 (Also: Duesseldorfer Nachrichten, Sept., 19; Nordsee-ZeitungBremerhaven, Frankfurter Rundschau, Oct. l l / H ; Rheinische Post, Duesseldorf; Frankfurter Allgemeine, both Oct. 14«) CAG-A/495 DUESSELDORTOR NACHRICHTEN. Duesseldorf independent Circulation 43,200 October 4,1952 Editorial entitled "Dynamite" describes the difficulties arising from the German settlement with Israel and the Conference on Jewish Claims- the alleged attempt by Jewish terrorists on Dr„ Adenauer's life, the financial burdens outlined by Finance Minister Schaeffer and, the intervention of the Arab states. (Also: Duerener Localanzeiger, Oct. 4) - CAG-A/496 DIE FURCHE. Wien magazine Circulation 40,000 October 4,1952 Editorial reviewing the history of German-Jewish relations from 1870 to the present, is studded with reference to Goethe, Hegel and Schelling. The editorial says the meeting between Germans and Jews at the signing of the Luxemburg agreements has a divine significance. All resources at our command must be mobilized to heal the breach0 CAG-V497 WESTDEUTSCHES TAGEBLATT. Dortmund FDP Circulation 24,800 October 7,1952 Editorial describes the post-Luxemburg difficulties as "a muddled situation." It becomes increasingly clear that the responsible persons in Bonn have not sufficiently realized the financial and economic implications, both domestic and overseas, of the agreementsc Nor has "our courting of Israel met with any receptivity", the paper says. . . CAG-A/498 DER TAGESSPIEGEL.Berlin independent Circulation 90,200 October 8,1952 AP correspondent in Israel, reports that there are no prospects for an Israel-German peace, and that the Luxemburg agreement has in no way altered anti-German public opinion in Israel. (Also5 Neue Wuerttembergische Zeitung, Goeppingen; Neue Ruhr-Zeitung, Essen, 0ct„8) CAG-A/499 MANNHEIMER MORGBN.Mannheim non-partisan Circulation 94<,200 October 9,1952 Discusses the budgeting deficit, taking into account obligations assumed vis-a-vis Israel and the Conference on Jewish Material Claims. CAG-A/500 SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG.Munich non-partisan Circulation 202,200 October 10,1952 Itemization of products to be delivered under the Luxemburg Agreement, (Also: Mannheimer Morgen, Oct. 10) CAG -A/501 AUFBAU.New York October 17,1952 Forcasting the subsequent meeting in London of the Council for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Jews from Germany. Aufbau says the Council wants its representatives to be included among the Conference experts when the pronosed legislation for implementing Protocol No. 1 of the Luxemburg agreements is discussed. The Council will demand that a part of the settlement for heirless and unclaimed property will be allocated specifically for projects in behalf of Jews from Germany. -3~ CAG-A/502 AUFBAU. New York October 24,1952 Robert Weltsch reports on the conference of the Council for Protection of the Right and Interests of Jews from Germany in London. Its resolutions were in line with Aufbau's prediction (see above.) ARAB PROTESTS CAG -A/503 INDUSTRIE KUR1ER. Duesseldorf Circulation 16,000 October 2,1952 The Egyptian Minister of Propaganda protests against the Luxenfcurg agreements. The following newspapers give prominence to the Arab protests: Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Munich, Oct. 2; Neue Wuerttembergische ZeitungGoeggingen, Cellische Zeitung-Celle, Pirmasenser Zeitung, Osnabruecker Tageblatt, Frankfurter Allgemeine-all of Oct. 3, (the latter newspaper features the Syrian suggestion that the entire question of the Luxemburg agreements be placed before the U.NjjNeue Tagespost-Osnabrueck, Rastatter Zeitung, Badische Neueste Nachrichten-Karlsruhe, Freie Deutsche presse-Coburg, Nordwestdeutsche Rundschau-Wilhelmshaven, Nuprnberger Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine«all of Oct. 6- give text of Syria's memorandum, and point out that "as a means of appeasement" ' Germany has contributed 100,000 DM to help Arab refugees. Frankfurter Allgemeine publishes full text of statement by the Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League. Others that carried these reports on Oct.6 are: Post-Aalen, Generalanzeiger-Wuppertal, Flensburger Tageblatt, Hanauer Zeitung, Pirmasenser Zeitung- (the latter carried a Moslem Brotherhood statement, and an editorial which said that the Arab rumpus over the Luxemburg Agreements was "a severe test of traditional German-Arab friendship.) Der Tagesspiegel-Berlin, Fraenkischer Tag-Bamberg, Fraenkischer Nachrichte -Tauberbisehofshelm, Hessische Nachrichten-Kassel, on Oct. 7 and Oct. 8 reported that Germany's entire near East trade is in jeopardy because of Arab opposition to the Luxemburg agreement. Addisional comments: Die Zeit-Hamburg, Oct. 9; Die Neue Zeitung-Frankfurt, Oct. 11; Telegraf-Berlin, Oct. 12; and Die Neue Zeitung. Frankfurt, Oct. 13. The Hamburger Echo, Duesseldorfer Nachiichten, Frankfurter Rundschau, Stuttgarten Nachrichten, Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung, Sueddeutsche ZeitungMunich, Rheinische Post-Duesseldorf, Frankfurter Neue Presse-on Oct. 13 carried General Naguitf s statement urging close cooperation with Germany and stating that the ratification of the German-Israeli agreement would hurt Egypts feelings, but would not jeopardize the traditional EgyptianGerman friendship. The Frankfurter Allgemeine, in an editorial on Oct. 14, hopes that the resumption of diplomatic relations with Egypt will dispel any misunderstandings that may have arisen as a result of the Luxemburg agreements. Der Tag-Berlin, Frankfurter Rundschau, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Sueddeutsche Zeitung-Munich, Bremer Nachrichten report or editorialize on Naguib's statement. They regard it as evidence that tension between the Arab states and Germany over the Luxemlbtrrg agreements has lessened. The N„Y. Staatszeitung, Oct. 18, reports from Bonn that the Bonn government will stand firm in the face of Arab pressure and a Cairo dispatch re ports on the salutory effect of resumed diplomatic relations between Germany and Egypt. -4CAG-A/504 GOLDMAtiN PRESS CONFERENCE HAMBURGER ECHO. Hamburg SPD Circulation 81,100 '] October 4,1952 Dr. Goldmam'j arrival in Bonn, his meeting with Chancellor Adenauer and other German government leaders is reported in Nordheimer Neueste Nachrichten, Oberbadisches Volksblatt-Loerrach, Essener Allgemeine Zeitung, Oct. 7; Duesseldorfer Nachrichten, Telegraf-Berlin, Altonaer Kreisblatt, Rccklinghaeuser Zeitung, Osnabruecker Tareblatt. Koelnische Rundschau, Berliner Morgenpost, Cellische Zeitung, Wiesbandener Tageblatt, Oct. 8; Essener Tageblatt, Alzeyer Beobachter, Telegraf-Berlin, Generalanzeiger-Eonn, Tagespiegel-Berlin, WeserkurierBremen, Rheinische Post-Duesseldorf, Mannheimcr Morgen, Rhein Neckar Zeitung, Heidelberg, Duesseldorfer Nachrichten, Sueddeutsche ZeitungMunioh, Bremer Nachrichten, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Oct. 9, Die Neue Zeitung, Frankfurt, Allgemeine Wochenzeitung der Juden, Duesseldorf, Oct., 10; and Aufbau, New York, Oct. 24. CAG- A/505 BULLETIN des Presseund Informationsamtes der Bundesregierung Bonn. October 10,1952 The official German Government bulletin prints the lull statement Dr. Goldmann-nad'- before he left Bonn. CAG-A/506 ATTEMPT AGAINST ADENAUER NEUES DEUTSCIILAND. Berlin (East Germany ) SED Circulation 250.000 September 30,1952 Attacks Adenauer for inciting pogroms against Jews because the Adenauer Berlin paper, DER TAG, had reported that the attempt against Adenauer's life was planned by .Tewish terrorists. (Sensational headlines on the attempt against Adenauer are carried ins Hamburger Lokalanzeiger, Hessische Nachrichten-Kassel, of Oct. 7th. Die ArbeiterZeitung-Wien, Oct. 7. Bremen Nachrichten, './etzlarer Neue Zeitung, Oct.13, and Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Oct. 14, report on precautions against possible new attemps in Israel and ^n the activities of a new secret organization in Israel known as "Sicricim". CAG-A/507 MISCELLANEOUS RUNDBRIEF zur Foerderung der Freundschaft zwischen dem Alten und Neuen Gottesvolk in Geiste der Beiden Testamente, Freiburg-Breisgau. August, 1952 a) b) The Olive-trees for Israel campaign in Freiburg at the end of July raised DM 2,716. On July 13, 700 to 800 students demonstrated against the showing of Veit Harlan's film in Freiburg. 4,000 persons jeered at the demonstration, shouting "Down with Israel", "Lackeys of Jews," "Wait until you are hurled into the gas chambers". Unlike previous demonstrations the students, this time, were protected by police. -5„ CAC! -A/508 MITTSLLUNGSBLATT der Notgomeinschaft der durch die Nuernberger Gesetze Bctroffenen. August, 1952 a) b) c d CAG-A/509 A publication dealing with restitution for Nazi victims, features the following material: Two Drominent Jews were named honorary members of the board of the Nuremberg Museum0 Reemployment preference is given to civil servants persecuted by the Nazis. Obituary for Philipp Auerbach. New text of Lower Saxony?s law for Indemnification for imprisonment under the Nazi regime. NACHTEXPRESS.Berlin (East Germany) non-partisan Circulation 100,000 October 4, 1952 Quotes the Manchester Guandian about a raid on the Jewish DP camp, in Foehrenwald, on May 28, 1952. (Alsos Sonntag-Berlin (East Germany) October 5,1952 CAG-A/510 BULLETIN Des presse-und Informationsamtes der Bundesregierung, Bonn October 2,1952 Federal Government information bulletin comments on pamphlets glorifying race hatred and war, which are banned under a law against literature which endangers youth morale. CAG-A/511 I MINKCHE_P0ST, Duesseldorf CDU Circulation 215.000 October 2 V 1952 Reports the inauguration of a new chapel at the Jewish cemetary in Duesseldof, to replace one destroyed during the war0 CAG-A/512 NUERNBERGER ZEITUNG, Nuernberg (independent) Circulation 60,000 October 13,1952 Reports the sale of the Jud Suess and Ohm Krueger films fey the Soviets to Arab countries. (Also: Giessener Freie Presse, Oct. 2) CAG-A/513 DUESSELDORFER NACHRICHTEN,Duesseldorf independent Circulation 43,200 October 491952 In reply to Israel's demand for reparations from East Germany, the Soviet government is alleged to have stated that the demand cannot be considered before the Big Powers conclude a peace tready with the whole of Germany. -6CAG-A/514 • TELEGRAF. Berlin independent Circulation 140,000 October 11,1952 Reports with criticism, that a former Nazi Reichstag member, Dr. Loepelmann, was permitted to hold a meeting at City Hall. Loepelmann was a high official in the Nazi Education Ministry under the Third Reich. SPECIAL FEATURE CAG-A/515 DIE DEUTSCHE monthly October, 1952 RUNDSCHAU. Stuttgart Circulation 10,000 * i », Hans Jaeger reports that the Fascist International which met in Malmo, Sweden, in May, 1951 has gained strength since that time. (This article may be • considered the best summary available of new Fascist forces in Europe.) i