Imad Kutum


Imad Kutum
Dr. Imad Kutum Guidance To
How To Get Start A New
Starting an own business is the dream for many but making it real is a bit
challenging. Every businessman knows that dreaming about a business is easy
but creating a business plan that best suits your idea is alarming. Creating a
business plan is the first step before starting any business and it is an essential
key factor.
A business plan should contain the outline of your goals in the business, the
research about your business and the estimation you have for your new
business. These are the essential things you need to remember when creating
a business plan and it will help you keep on the right track. You need to
maintain every required document when you pursue financial guidance.
• The tough part in creating a business plan is getting it started. Once you
started to get suitable ideas you can make a perfect plan.
• Everyone has their own idea but making your idea worth consideration
and proving others that they need your business is the success of every
start up companies.
• The next toughest part is financial plans. When you are new to a
business projecting figures on a new business is the worst situation you
can get yourself into. The best thing you can do is seeking help from
experts. Dr. Imad kutum can help you deal with the financial institution.
• The next biggest and important part is knowing your customers. You
need to understand the market trend to reach your customers and
improve your strategies.
• Every business has a vision and your vision should be clear, accurate and
acceptable. This vision will help you keep track and get progress in your
• The main issue with the most business plans and business owners is a
lack of aspect. They are excited about their work and often failed to
recognize the possible risk associated.
• The business plan should be flexible to acknowledge the changes that
does not change the nature of your business plan.
• Beyond everything, the biggest challenge in making business plans is all
about its execution. Making a plan that can be executed successfully
without ending up in a rack is the one success story.
Dr. Imad Kutum is the founder and the president of Kutum & Associates Inc.
He is a certified Accountant and the member of American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (AICPA) and Arab Society of Certified Accountants.
Kutum & Associates is a management consulting firm with a wealth of over 20
years of management experience. They provided business consulting services
for more than 500 companies and individuals. They can help you build your
business and guide you through your success.
For further details and queries about Dr. Imad Kutum.
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Address: A1-5659 McAdam Road, Mississauga Ontario L4Z 1N9, Canada
Telephone: +1.9053306826
Email: [email protected]