Satisfaction And Loyalty To Airlines In Mexico
Satisfaction And Loyalty To Airlines In Mexico
Satisfaction And Loyalty To Airlines In Mexico Overall Indicators Findings reveal the existence of three groups of airlines that achieve different levels of overall satisfaction (net satisfaction score), willingness to fly again (net repurchase score) and willingness to recommend (net promoter score)*. Introduction The privatization of Aeromexico and Mexicana, the emergence of low-cost airlines and the strong penetration of foreign companies in the country are only a few of the changes that in recent years have transformed the commercial airline industry in Mexico. Overall Satisfaction High The market expansion has broadened the base of customers, but at the same time has turned them more experienced and demanding. Nowadays, attributes like departure schedules and varied destinations are no longer enough to win their preference. Moderate Moderate Moderate Low Low Low 60 51 40 20 32 14 33 24 2 -20 -18 Fieldwork took place on June, 2009. The study’s margin of error is ± 3.3%, calculated for a confidence level of 95%. 56 55 48 36 35 17 43 27 3 -11 -4 -7 -40 NSS Net Satisfaction Score NRS Net Repurchase Score NPS Net Promoter Score Emotions Triggered By Each Airline** Volaris and Interjet trigger the greatest happiness and surprise among flyers; in contrast, American Airlines arouses twice the sadness, anger, disgust and contempt in comparison to the rest of the airlines. Happiness Sadness Anger Surprise Fear Disgust Contempt Neutral 100% 27% 33% 32% 60% 3% % Customers 7% 3% 4% 40% 18% 21% 5% 1% 1% 8% 8% 9% 17% 5% 2% 4% 5% 3% 5% 7% 16% 25% 80% 10% 868 online interviews were conducted with passengers of all ages and socioeconomic levels, residing in the 32 states of Mexico. 25 17 0 The following is a summary which includes the most interesting findings. Methodology Airlines 80 With this context in mind, Leventer Group decided to carry out a research project to measure the population’s level of satisfaction with the main airlines operating in the country, evaluate their performance in specific service-related attributes, determine the strength of the emotional bond and analyze customer fidelity. Willingness to Recommend High 100 Because of the ever-growing competition and the constant crises that have affected this industry since 2001, customer loyalty becomes a key element to survive and grow in the near future. For the free full analysis, please visit: Willingness to Fly Again High 5% 2% 7% 3% 4% 14% 3% 4% 5% 1% 3% 3% 9% 13% 1% 3% 5% 5% 3% 5% 61% 46% 11% 22% 0% 46% 36% 20% 54% 46% Emotional Bond EMOTIONAL BOND INDICATOR (Percentage of customers´ heart conquered by each airline) The Emotional Bond Indicator measures the portion (percentage) of customers’ heart that has been conquered by an airline as a consequence of its ability to be associated to six emotional dimensions: warmth, empathy, justice, trust, interest in the customer and pride. 2% 12% In this sense, even though “low cost” companies (Volaris and Interjet) take the lead, no airline has really been able to connect emotionally with customers. 0% 4% 37% Performance By Attribute The performance of different airlines in 15 service-related dimensions was analyzed. Volaris turned out to be the best rated in 8 categories. In the opposite extreme, American Airlines and Aviacsa came last in almost all aspects. Overall Satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 57 50 40 39 36 29 13 70 60 48 44 37 23 1 67 49 47 45 43 35 20 63 62 58 54 80 75 57 56 49 23 3 80 77 67 67 48 41 36 50 47 18 16 12 0 -2 70 68 66 50 4 3 2 -1 -6 -7 -37 53 49 26 14 23 4 2 0 -2 -8 -40 44 40 31 19 70 62 51 44 38 24 0 51 44 9 6 5 2 -17 42 40 33 23 Airport staff’s friendliness and service attitude Flight attendants friendliness and service attitude Efficiency of check-in process Quality of waiting lounges Aircraft physical conditions Aircraft cleanliness Seat comfort - Coach Seat comfort – Business class Quality of food and beverages - Coach Quality of food and beverages – Business class In-flight entertainment - Coach In-flight entertainment – Business class On-time arrivals Value for money - Coach Value for money – Business class Loyalty As a result of their superior performance in service-related attributes and as a consequence of generating more positive experiences among their passengers, Volaris and Interjet are the airlines that achieve the highest loyalty levels. In the opposite extreme are American Airlines and Aviacsa, both in a complicated situation because non-loyal customers outnumber loyal customers. 100% % Customers 40% 20% 50% 31% 14% 18% 44% 37% 27% 22% 24% 35% 14% 7% 14% 8% 0% Loyal The dynamics of the Mexican commercial airlines market has heightened the battle over customers’ preference and has turned service into a key element to enhance their loyalty. Generally speaking, Mexican airlines have a far superior image than their American counterparts, but even among the prior there are major differences in terms of quality. In this sense, Volaris stands out for providing the best flying experiences and for establishing the strongest emotional bond with its passengers. 80% 60% CONCLUSIONS Non-loyal The high level of satisfaction with this airline and with Interjet confirms the success of low-cost airlines in Mexico, proving that it is possible to offer lower prices without compromising service quality. As to flagship airlines, Aeromexico and Mexicana have a similar performance in all analyzed attributes and fail to clearly differentiate from each other. Although satisfaction and loyalty levels among their customers are not bad, both are a step below the aforementioned airlines. The crisis Aviacsa is going through reflects in the negative opinion and perception of customers, who punish it with low scores in all service measures and position it very distantly from the remaining national companies. Despite the good performance of some airlines in functional/ rational aspects, there’s a wide gap in terms of emotional bond. This is exactly where airlines should focus their efforts to build up or consolidate their competitive advantage. In this sense, there are three priorities which must be addressed: empathy, justice and interest in the customer. * NPS and Net Promoter Score are registered trademarks property of Statmetrix Systems, Inc, Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld ** Based on FaceTrace methodology property of Brainjuicer