The Hyde Parker - Hyde Park Neighborhood Association


The Hyde Parker - Hyde Park Neighborhood Association
The Hyde Parker
V O L U M E 3 2 , N U M B E R 9 S E PT E M B E R 2 0 0 5 : T O A L L R E S I D E N T S ( 8 1 6 ) 5 6 1 - H P N A
GENERAL MEETING ............. 1
FOR HARRISON .................... 2
CLASSIFIEDS ........................ 3
CRIME CONTACTS ............... 4
2005 Garden Party
Even though the Hyde Park Homes Tour will be scheduled every
other year, the annual tradition of the gala continues! Come join us
for an evening of fine, catered dining, live music, and good company
as we gather in the gardens of a beautiful historic home in
Central Hyde Park.
Friday, September 30th
6pm to 9pm
642 E. 36th Street
Casual Dress
Cocktails and Heavy Appetizers
(This event will be outdoors so please dress appropriately.)
Tickets are $22.50 per person.
To purchase visit and send your payment to:
Hyde Park Neighborhood Association
PO Box 32551
Kansas City, Missouri 64171
~ Please contact Terri Hiebert at (816) 756-3422 with questions. ~
General Meeting
ADVERTISEMENTS ............... 5
Tuesday, September 20th at 7pm
HPNA CONTACTS ............... 6
Special Thanks
to the printer of the Hyde
Midwest Business
2100 Grand Blvd
Kansas City, MO
(816) 221-5588
Deadline for the
next issue:
September 20th
[email protected]
Central Presbyterian (Armour and Campbell)
All Hyde Parkers are encouraged to attend the September general meeting. At this meeting, HPNA
would like to hear what residents see as the future of Hyde Park. This will be an open forum/discussion for
concerns, issues, and direction. We are planning to have representatives from different departments in the City
to hear comments and possibly provide answers to questions. Please mark your calendars!
Homes Tour 2006 Planning
Tuesday September 13th at 7pm
Please mark your calendars for the next Homes Tour meeting. The meeting with be at 3624 Holmes. The
hosts will be reading a history of their home and allowing people who attend the meeting to tour their home.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to help plan the 2006 Homes Tour and see a beautiful Hyde
Park home. We will be discussing the Gala/Garden Party event, grant applications, and welcome baskets for
new neighbors. We are seeking creative people with new ideas to help shape these projects. Feel free to contact Angie Splittgerber at [email protected] or 531-3899 or Terri Hiebert at [email protected] with questions.
The Tour Committee is seeking homes in Central Hyde Park and North Hyde Park for the 2006 Tour. If
you are interested in putting your home on Tour or would like more information, please contact Angie or
Harrison Blvd residents must sign traffic calming petition....See Page 2 for details.....
Traffic Committee Report
Attention Harrison Residents!
The volunteer traffic committee is continuing to work on the traffic calming
and pedestrian safety measures for Harrison Parkway and Harrison Boulevard.
Temporary measures are under final consideration by the Parks and Boulevards
Development Committee. The initial temporary installations will be focused on
Harrison Boulevard from 39th Street to Armour Boulevard.
In addition to HPNA approval for these improvements, the City is requiring a
petition signed by neighboring property owners. Members of the Traffic Committee will be visiting with the neighbors along Harrison Boulevard in the next few
weeks. Volunteer traffic committee members will be circulating the petition along
with plans depicting the temporary improvements.
Harrison Boulevard neighbors, please keep your eyes and doors open for
members of the Traffic Committee. It is important to finalize these much needed
safety measures as soon as possible. Your signatures are our last step.
This has been a very long and arduous process, and we are very appreciative
of all of the help and hard work we have received from the collective staffs of the
departments of Parks and Boulevards, Public Works and Traffic Engineering. We
are also most appreciative of the support we continue to receive from our City
PIAC representatives and our City Councilmen, Jim Glover and Jim Roland.
Illustrations of the new temporary installations are available online at
Questions? Please contact Matt Levi, volunteer traffic calming chair,
(816-932-5539/[email protected]) with the Hyde Park Traffic Committee.
Tree Purchase
September 15th
As a Hyde Park Neighborhood Association member, you may have a street tree purchased for your curbside area for $75 per tree.
For fall planting, the trees need to be ordered
before September 15th. HPNA will purchase
the tree and have it delivered but you will
have to plant it.
The cost for some trees may be higher
depending on tree species and HPNA will
pay the additional expense. The street tree
program is also extended to anyone who
would like to purchase a tree to be placed on
neighborhood parkland.
Because some neighborhood streets
have narrow curbing that is not tree friendly,
the HPNA program includes a 50% match
(up to $75) for a homeowner who wishes to
purchase a tree themselves and plant it in
their front yard instead of purchasing a curbing tree.
You must apply for the match and you
will be reimbursed with proof of purchase
and verification of planting. Under this
option, you must select, purchase, and plant
the tree. For additional information contact
Dona at (816) 931-8148.
Proposed temporary traffic circle at Harrison and Manheim
(more illustrations available online)
Neighborhood Notes
• Volunteers John Gleason, Rhonda Williamson and Elaine McDermott collected
56 notarized affidavits from Hyde Park
residents to protest the change of zoning
for 4400 Campbell. This property was
built as a single-family residence but is
used as a 3-unit apartment building. The
Hyde Park Neighborhood Association
opposed this use of the property, which
does not follow zoning guidelines. However, the City Development Department
allows it under a Certificate of Legal Nonconformance. (See “HPNA Wins Zoning
Appeal Majority...” on Page 3 for more
details on this story.)
• HPNA Zoning Letter - The Hyde Park
Neighborhood Association board sent a
letter to the current owners and real estate
agents for 4405 Gillham Road, which has
recently changed ownership, informing
them that the lot size and zoning only
allows the house to be a single family residence.
• According to Brad Wolf, the city administrator for the Landmarks Commission, the
city will apply for a $7,000 grant to assist
South Hyde Park with its application for
designation as a National Historic District. Neighborhood residents have
already approved this process, and no
negative repercussions for home owners
because of restrictions on property repair
and maintenance are expected.
Report Problem
Do you know when residential building
codes are being violated? Do you know what
to do about it? To avoid crime and safety
issues, as well as keep our property values up,
it’s important to address problem properties
in your area. The City web site has information on identifying and reporting code violators.
Property Maintenance Code Violations -• Rotten or broken house eaves
• Hanging or missing rain guttering
• Broken or cracked windows
• Peeling paint
• Stairs that are in disrepair, loose or missing boards or railings
• Improperly parked vehicles, not on
approved surfaces (normally asphalt or
• Roofs that have missing shingles or holes
• Tree limbs or brush in yard
• Exterior walls that have holes, cracks, or
rotten wood (Continued....)
• Garages that do not have working doors
and peeling paint
• Cracked foundations
• Disabled and unlicensed vehicles
• Improper storage (building material must
be neatly stacked off of the ground)
To report a code violation, please call
the Neighborhood Preservation Division at
(816) 513-9000. Code violations can now be
[email protected]. This is the preferred
method of registering complaints, so that
a paper trail can be easily created and followed.
HPNA Wins Zoning
Appeal Majority but
Loses the Appeal
On June 9, 2005, the Director of the City
Development Department issued a Certificate
of Legal Nonconformance (CLNU #3020)
for 4400 Campbell to maintain a 3-unit apartment building (built as single-family house)
with insufficient lot area in District R-2a.
The HPNA and 14 different south Hyde
Park property owners appealed the decision
to issue the CLNU to the Board of Zoning
Adjustment (BZA).
On July 26, 2005, HPNA and residents
presented their case to the BZA. Although a
check with the city attorney before the application confirmed that there were no requirements for who could appeal, city planning
staff raised an objection that none of the property owners had standing because they did
not live within 185 feet of the property. The
BZA held that they did have standing.
The Division Manager of Investigations
Development Services Division City Planning and Development Department stated
that the CLNU was granted because the prop-
erty owner provided evidence that indicated
the property had been used as a multiple-family dwelling since before annexation in 1923
and the department's research indicated the
property was used for a minimum of 3-units
since before annexation with no indication of
an intent to abandon the multi-family use by
any of the previous owners. The city's
research was city directory listings.
Although city directory listings do not
indicate whether a person living at an address
is a boarder or has their own kitchen; for a
period of 14 continuous years there were only
two individuals listed in the city directories as
living at this address; and we presented 56
affidavits from property owners who live
within a block of the property stating that it
had been vacant for over a year before the
current owner purchased it, the manager
stated that property owners had always
"intended" for the property to be at least 3units and met the "continuous" requirement
of the city code. The vote of the five-member
BZA was 3 to 2 to uphold the appeal (overturn the CLNU). HPNA residents in attendance believed we had won the appeal — but:
After much discussion, a legal review of
procedures and a second vote, still 3 to 2, to
overturn the CLNU, it was determined that a
city staff decision could only be overturned
by a 4 to 1 or unanimous vote.
Greg Heligman, the current owner of
4400 Campbell, now has the legal right to
three separate units in the house. He has
stated, both to the HPNA Board of Directors
and at the BZA hearing that he plans 3-units
of 3 bedrooms and 2 baths each. There are no
off-street parking requirements.
Home Gym
IMAGE 516V Complete home gym
with 3 stations includes weights up to
200lbs. Near perfect condition. First
$400 gets it. Call Clay or Paula (816)753-5021.
Garage Sale
Garage Sale – 3805 Campbell
Street, Saturday October 1st. Oakcrest
roll top desk, overstuffed chair and ottoman, miscellaneous furniture, household
items, clothes, children’s toys and books.
Great prices, eager to sell.
Vintage Stove & Rattan Furniture
Eric and Gary are parting with their
1930's Magic Chef stove. Two ovens,
broiler and 4 burners, white with black
trim, $300 OBO. Also 23 piece set of
1940's rattan 5 banded furniture including sofa, chaise, coffee table, end tables,
desk, daybed, plant stands, shelves,
lamps, etc. Original floral pattern cushions and boomerang 1950's slip covers.
From a lake cabin with Hawaiian brass
tags. $4200. Call Eric or Gary at
816.931.4956. Continued.....
Q. Where can I report crime
or get crime information?
A. E-mail [email protected] to report or
receive crime updates via email.
Notre Dame de Sion School
3823 Locust Street
Kansas City, MO 64109
Applications are being accepted for the 2005-06 school year.
For information contact the Admissions Office.
Montessori and Preprimary through Grade 8.
Notre Dame de Sion School accepts admits students of any race,
color, religion or national/ethnic origin.
Classifieds continued.....
Hyde Park Crime Phone Numbers
Another Vintage Stove...
Stove 1930's Enterprise...gas burners, still in working condition, Has legs
and is green and yellow, needs oven door
to be reattached. $100. Call after 3pm
Bulky Item Pickup
Bulky item pickup is the 25th of
each month only.....not every week
and certainly not every day!
Please don’t put out your heavy
trash until the 24th ~ and then be
prepared to wait up to 3 days for
the actual pickup.
Help keep everyone informed and alert! Report criminal activity to the police
AND to our neighborhood e-mail update list at [email protected].
Our Hyde Park officers have changed again. To report a suspicious activity or location, contact the neighborhood officers on their cell, 719-8297, OR page them:
Officer Matt Gardner pager: 913.644.7307 / e-mail: [email protected]
Officer Greg Satter pager: 913.644.7287 / e-mail: [email protected]
Night Proactive officers Griswold and McKenzie work 4pm-2am. To leave a message call their cell phone: 810-2172
Also, we are working to reestablish the block representative system. The Block Rep
system is a method of increasing communication on the block and in the neighborhood thereby improving safety for all of us. If you are interested in helping, want to
be a block rep or have questions, contact Justin Azbill at 816-721-4622 or [email protected]. South Hyde Park residents only call Dee Oxley at 816-5613533.
• Shift managers are at 234-5510 - Day watch, Sgt. James Thomas/Night watch, Sgt. Greg
Crime Meeting Reminder
Meetings are held the last Thursday of every month at 7pm in the
offices of Pech Limo at 3242
Holmes Street. If you have a concern about criminal activity in
your area, please attend a meeting.
Call 531-3899 for more
• Non-Emergency number 816-234-5111 to report suspicious persons or activity if not an
• Call 474-DRUG to report drug activity.
• Drug Hotline—474-8477 * Street Narcotics Unit—482-8223
• To report suspected drug activity or obtain a drug house report form, contact DART Prosecutor, Erika Wirken at 816-881-3811.
• Report all traffic problems in the neighborhood to the Traffic Complaint Squad at 816482-8174.
Need More?
Don’t forget the neighborhood web site, There you will find:
• Back issues of this newsletter (as PDFs)
• Up-to-the-minute event and meeting announcements (including an event calendar)
• Detailed info on neighborhood association projects, committee activities, accomplishments, etc...
• Free bulletin board access where you can post classifieds or talk to other Hyde Parkers about home renovation or any
topic you choose to start
• A wealth of neighborhood history, including many articles and photographs from when the area was new
~ Visit ~
Contact the Hyde Parker
The Hyde Parker is published and mailed monthly to active
members of the HP Neighborhood Association.
Non-member Hyde Park residents will receive a mailing
approximately every other month. Questions, concerns,
advertisements, or publication ideas should be addressed to
[email protected].
Dr. Lynn McIntosh
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Receive 25% ongoing discount
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2000 Shawnee M ission Pkwy
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Office (913) 677-6300 x260
Cell (816) 520-1671
Call us today for your appointment!
Hyde Park Corporate Sponsors
Carol and Pete Bachhuber
Mark Persson
Sharon and Warren Pugh
Dr. Lynn McIntosh of Kansas City Chiropractic (816) 753-4600
Lenore Beauchamp and Lynn McIntosh
Terra Management: (816) 561-9212
Hyde Park Development: (816) 561-7575
Pilgrim Chapel: 3802 Gillham, Kansas City, MO 64109
Kansas City Athenaeum: 900 E. Linwood, Kansas City, MO
Questions or Concerns? Contact the HPNA! All phone numbers are 816 unless otherwise noted.
President: Leland Goldston 531-2614
1st VP: Tabbetha McCale
2nd VP:
Tania Schmierer-Knust
Treasurer: Terry Miller
Rec. Sec.: Paul Tyler
Corr. Sec.: Anne Gifford
Gillham Road Improvement:
Dona Boley
Harrison Park Restoration:
Dona Boley
Historian: Sarah Humphrey
Brush Creek Community Partners Rep:
Sarah Humphrey
E-mail Tree: Ginny Johnson
[email protected]
NHS Development Committee:
Beth Foulk
NHS Board of Directors: *Vacant *
Angie Splittgerber
TCCA Development Cmte: *Vacant*
Robin Rusconi
TCCA Board Of Directors: *Vacant*
Terry Miller
South HP Planning:
Elaine McDermott
Troost Green Team: Scott Hartley
Jolie Justus
Community LINC: *Vacant*
North: Dan Mugg
Anthony Young
Central: Bob Cox
Steve Mitchell
H: 756-0465
W: 460-5716 F: 292-2001
E: [email protected]
South: Elaine McDermott
Rob Menteer
Traffic Calming: Matt Levi
Tool Shed: Rick Hanks
David Perron
Safety & Crime:
Justin Azbill
Publicity: *Vacant*
Social: Terri Hiebert
Webmaster: Dona Boley
Hyde Parker Editor:
Rachel Nodland
[email protected]
Homes Tour:
Angie Splittgerber
Kansas City, MO
Permit No. 1754
P.O. BOX 32551
U.S. Postage
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