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IJ I I USA,theV/orldsIeder Alpinestars for 27yearsin off-roadracing products,continuesto breaknew groundin developing wirning performance equipmentfor the world'sgreatestoff-roadchampions. Ve'vecombinedthiswealthof with the knowledge andexperience andtalent competitivebackground Champion of 1989European Kloserto buildmountain Michael thebestofboth bikesthatcombine worlds;Americanmountainbike racing andEuropean technology cxpenence. America,thebinhplaceof mountain to setthepacein bikes,continues off"roaddesignby constantly pioneering andperfecting new USA like theAlpinestars technology MegaTubing'*and oversize Headset Revolutionary Oversize ourAmerican We'vecomplemented racing designwith European Onethingouryearsof experience. productdevelopment hastaughtus is not to settlefor secondbest.This ledusto combineforceswith 1988 1989 European WorldChampion/ MikeKloserto European Champion raceproYeour produclson the wherethings competition. happena lot fasterthanon the draftingboard. Bycombiningthefinestracing exoeriencein theworld with sate ofthe art mounainbiketechnologr US,A fromAmerica,theAlpinestars line of MNTXros bikestrulY theBestof BothWorlds. repres€nt H b USA,azienda leaderda Alpinestars 27 anninelfuoristrada agonistico, continuaadapplicarela propria nellowiluppodi nuovi esperienza prodottivincentiper i pii grandt Abbiamo campionidel fuoristrada. di unitola nostraricchezza al talento conor-enzeedesperienze Kloser, campione di Michael europeo1989,percrearele mountainbikecheunisconoil megliodeiduemondi:tecnologia ed esperienza europea. americana L'America, il paesenataLle del il mountainbike,continuaa segnare nelleinnovuionitecnichee (omci nelloropcrfezionamento. telaiMegaTubing"Alpinctam Hea(Lset Oversize edil rivoluzionario perlo steno,Abbiamo unitola americana con nostratecnologia l'esperienza europeanelle competizioni. In molti annidi esperienza abbiamo sempreal imparatoapunta-re pii alto.Questoci ha risultato ponatoadunirele nostreforzea quelledelCampione delMondo Europeo 1989 1988e Campione i nostri MikeKloser,per collaudare prodottinellecompetizioni, dove moltopii tuttosuccede rapidamente chesuibanchidi prova nelle l'esperienza Combinando con a livellomondiale competizioni la la migliortecnologiaamericana, USA lineaMNTXrossAlpinestars i[ megliodei veramente rappresenta due mondi. A|PINESIdRS US,{,teaderdansle monde desproduitsdecou$etout terraindepuis 27ans,continuesonoewredepionnier aur d'Cquipements dansle dCveloppement pourlesplus performances gagnantes, grandeChampions du Mondedetout teffan. aso(ietetterichesse dusar,rir Nousavons et del'expiricnceavecnosanndes de formation encompitition, et le talentdu 1989Michael Champion d'Europe KLOSI&pourconstmiredes"MOIJNIAIN qui combinentle meilleurdo; BIKES" latechnologe des deu mondes, "MOLINIAIN BIKES" AmCricains et Europdennes. I'expirienccdescourses L'Amirique,le palsdenaisancedu "MOUNTAIN BIKE"continued'amiliorcr parsa laplacedudesign entouttcrrain, recherchc constante et sanouvelle commeler technologie deperfection, "M[GA"tubessurdimensionnes et la ct colonncdr tlircctionrCvolutionairc AI-PINESTARS USA. aussisurdimensionnde Nousavonscompletdnotredesign Amiricainavecl'expirience EuropCennes. NosannCei dcscourses quantaudCveloppement du d'expdriencc produit,nousont apprisi nepasresterle meilleur second; celanousconduiti arsociernosforcesavecMikeKLOST\ Champion d'Europe et du Monde1988ct d'Europe 1989,pourtestocn Champion ou nusproduiLs. course et encompCtition plus beaucoup leschoses seconcrCtisent vitequesurunetablce des.sin. <les Encombinantla meilleureexpCriencc avecI'artdu coursrsMondiales, "MOUNIAINBIKE"et la technologie lagammedesvClos"MTN AmCricaine, USArErCsente XROSS" ATPINESTARS le et indCniablement vdritablemcnt meilleur desdeuxmondes. Alpinesta$ USA,seil2TJalrenwelweit iiihrenderHentellervonOftoad' Rennsportprodukren, beschreitet weiterhinneueVege in derEntwicklung von Hoctrleistungsgeraten fiir dic gnipten Offroad'Sieger derWelt. !(/ir habendiescsVisscnunddicrr bci crfairungrnit MichaelKloseis,Sieger den19ti9crEuropamclsterschaften, Rennsportbackground undTalent kombinien, umMountain Bikeszubauen, in dencnsichda.s Besteausb€iden Weltcn Mountain Bikc Yereintr dieAmerikanix-hc Tcchnologre unddieEuropdi*-he Rennsporterfahrung. llurchstmdige Pionierabeit und \rervollkommnung neucrTechnologren, llega wiez.B.dasAlpincstan llSAOversize 'lubingundderrevolution:ue Oversizcd bcstimflrtAmerika, Steucrsatz, das Bikes, Geburtslutd dcsMountain audl weiterhin dcr denTrend,dendasDesign Bikesgeht.Vir haben Mountarn unser Amcrikanisches Designmit der Erfalrungcrgdut.Eint:l Euopaix-hcn haben wir ausunsrrerlan$airigen Er{irhrung bcidcrEnruicklung unscnr Pruluhegclemt:sichnichtmit dcm i vcitenRang zubegnligen. Diesveranla.sstc uns,unscreKrifte mit 198&r\(/eltmeister dcnenMikeK]oser's, undEurcparncistcr 1989,zuvcreincn, um ltodukc im Renncn, aufdem unserer Parcours undim Wettbcwcrb zutestcn, abliiuft, d.h.don,wo allessoviel*-hneller alsaufdemZeichenbrett. IndcmsichdicbesteRennerf:rhrung in drr Mountam Weltnit dcrncucstcn Bike 'l'echnologie ausAmcriklvereint, stelltrlic LJSA-Scrie Alpinestius derMTN-XROSSBikcswahrlichdasBcstcbcidcrWeltcn dar. i,ltl tr l ,::atiil ,:l::l:ll: r:ir.:],-: tllii::i ltl tr P E f tr I ovERsrTFSTEM ALI.]MIhIUM MEGA'* TI.]BING steering column, Mft theoversize increarsfrom theintemal diameter the 22.2to 26.8mm.ThismEans stem's diameter canbeincreased to anditswallthicknzureduced we wei$t withoutgling up stemisboth strength. Ouroversize liglterand stronSer. Thealuminum Mega"tubesetwas to maximize theproprties designed that ofaluminum bycreating aframe andstifferforthe islighter,stronger, ultimate inperformance. Toachieve thisunique combination, thedesign capitaliza onfte phpical relationship between atube's wallttricknzu, ri$dity, diameter, andweight. Byincreasing thetubingdiameters andreducing theirwrll thicknasto theiroptimum ratios, theMega'* tubes€t wasbom.Thistubingofers theultimate combination ofli$tandstiftres. weight, strength, FRATIE DIMENSIONS I AI-MEGAX:T E DX / CRO.MEGA DX & LX 4 6 2 3 5 TOP 7T]BE LENCTIT C,/C SIZE SEAT TWE IENGTII C/C HEAD ANGIE 41c-tn 41 69.5 74 53c-rrt 5lctn 41grnm 4k-rrt 44 70 73.5 5tum 55crrt 4lgrnm TOP TI,JBE LWGTII 7 8 STEM LENGTH 5ocm 47 70 73.5 Sktr 57ctn 419mm 53c'rn 5lctn 70,5 73 fuct, 59cttt 41gmm rcRK orrsET 48mm 48mm 48mm 48mm I 2 3 6 7 SEAT ANGLE AIPINEXIROSSDX 4 5 UUII\.T'TAY LENGTII 105rnm 130mn 745rrrm 745mm I HEAI) ANGLE SEAT ANGLE TOP TI]BE IENGTII TOP TWE LENGTII C,/C 42 45 71,5 73.5 5kln 54on 425mm 5Omm 110rn n 72.5 5k rt 57crn 425mm 5omm 12smm 50c-tn a2 604'tt 59c-rn 425mm Somm 12Smm SEAT TT]BE IENGTIT c/c at CIUIT\STAY IENGTII FORK OEFSET STEM LENGTII F MEGN'DRIVE FORK WeVeextendedthe conceptof oversize to theforla aswell,wittr bladesthataper onlyslightlyand endin a 23mmdiameterat the dropouts.Theuniquedesignofour oversize blacles hasa uniformwall thicknestheir entire II\WESIX{ENT CAST LEADING A)[E DROPOUTS These werespecially dropouts to workwithoutoversize developed blades.Thecombination of oversize anda leadingaxlegivesimprowd controlandstrockabsorption. length wtrich lelds alight responsve forkfor pinpoint contfol. { 35&83 oBRS'* OUITR BUTISD REII\IFORCEMENT SYSTEM Ourseattubeis extemallybuttedto strengthen theuea *tid clarps the's€atpost. Combined wift or heattfeatedaluminumseatclamp, thisqntemmakesseatheight adiustments a breezeandwill provideyearsof reliability. #T8fjIj 63+so :57 ovERsITx SEATFOST Byincrzuingthediameterof our rat postandreducingthewzll thicknes,we'vebeenableto we weightwithoutgivingup strengh. OVERSITN HEADSET ADVAI$TAGES Thefirstheadrttrulydesipedfor otrrcad-rntad@tedfummd br&es-the oversize ltA"her'dxt hasmanyadantages owr its littlebrothers. Thereare30%moreballbearirgs theforces arailable to distribute ofroadshoc(thuspromoting headrtlife. TheWq"steering column ukes adlantage oftherelationship atube's diameter, strength, between This wnllthicknes, andweight. hasa 1.6mm wall steering column through itsentirelengftwithcnt theweightoftlrcbutted adding section foundon l" steering Thou$fte steering columns. isabigger diameter, column it is lighterandstronger thantraditional sized steering colunns. #il1# 1?0:#1.00 lirl fl 7m5 aluminum Mqd' 'Itubing Xf tudal ret uitb t@ cW and s@,Mw'sf6t AI-MEGA'T(T AWretffi omize twdset 'Mqa" size strulglJt Shirurc clninings bladefo* ALMEGAXT thefunreoftednology Utilizing andcraftsmanship, theAl-MegdYI isdrcdefinition ofaworldclas racer. Theallaluminum frameis designed around afronttriangle of aluminum oversizd 7005series "Mega" tubing. Pushing thematerial to itsoptimum, ourtub€diameters andwallttridmesrsrepres€nt fte strongest combination, Jetwithout adding weight. Theoveisize rzu triangle daign provides seatstap withamorerigid base forbraking, andwider chainst4n forgreater tireclearance, wfiilethe oversize Cro-mo straight bladefork andl/r" oversize headrtincreases steering accuracy andstrength. Nowcombine thisdesipwith topofdrelinecomponent Shimano's group-Deore XTSTl.@, andttris one'smorethanready to rolloutto fte races . . . it'sready towin Omizewtwxt SG@rcund 16t/r" OynetbJE Hut t wted Aluminum wt clomp N-MEGAXT Utilisantla tednologiedu futuret la Risultato ottenuto contecnologie XT' connaisance du mCtier,le'AL-MEGA delfuturoe curaartigianale, laAIestle vClodeclasr mondiale. MEGA XTCunprodotto di classe Ir cadretoutAluminumestconct autour mondiale. d'untrimgleaunt detubes surdimensionn6 en"MEGAALIIMINIIJM" Conuntelaiotuttoin alluminio desen€/w). suuntriangolo 7005wiluppato Enpousantle matdrieliusqu'lseslimiteq maggiore in MEGA tubi,utilizzando i nosdiamttresdu tubeset l'dpaisrurdes materiali almegliodelleloro paroisreprdsentent la meilleure peril masimodelle camtteristiche et encore,vns adirnctionde combinaison, prestazioni, abbiamo ottenuto il poids. perfetto rapporto fradiametro dei Ir dessein du triangleanitre tubie lorospessore, e di pounoit lesbars surdimensionnC aniegesd'unemeilleurerigiditdpourle conrguenza laperfetta fteinage, pour et I'extension deshaubans combinzione fraresistenza e unplusgrandCcanement ndcessaire au lryeruz:.pasagedu pneu,andisquelafourde posteriore Il triangolo Oversize couodedroiteenCROM-MO sur&mensionnC et la colonnededirection permette di iryefe unamagior (l poucel/4) surdimensionnCe rigiditiinfrenataI tubiorizontali accroissent laprdcisiondeI'intensitC de sonostaticonvenientemente direction. posizionati perlasciare pii ryazio Maintenant, alliezcedessein i la lignetop allaruotak forcelle Oversize CRO. niuu descomposants du groupe MOconfoderidirittie il movimento "SHIMANO DEORE ff STI"et cedetmer dellosterzo Ovenize di I pollicee estplusquepret e rousinciteraux precisione 1/4garantirono di sterzata" counes. . , C'estpr€t pourgagner! ALMEGAXT UnterVerwendung vonfuturistirher Technologie undhandwerklichem G€rhick istdasAI-MEGA XT das,was manuntereinemVeltklasse-Mountain Bikeversteht. DieHauptrohre sindausAluminium(Serie 7005).Derextra-breite Alu-Hinte$aul?ipt demReifenviol PlatzSokann dasHinterrad auchhoischworen Schlamm-tehrten nicht blocheren.Diespeziellverstirkten Sattelstreben vertessem dieVirkungder hinterenCantilever-Brerns€, DiegeradeCromoly-Gabel undder oversized Steuersae verbessem die Steuereigenschaft enunddieSubilitiit. DurchdieOptimienmg von Rohrdurchmesser undWandsllirke iS das AL-MegXT dasBeste, nzs manausAlu machen hnn. Zusammen mit Shimano's Top. Komponenten-Deore XTSTI-i$eswir gerhaffenflir Rennen..,., geschaffen zum Gewinnen. Frilrne Slze 41 cr4 46 ca 50 ctn, & 53 clrt Frurnc Mat flal 7N5 Aluntlnum Mqa Tubing Fo* Mega Driw Straigbt Blade, OuersaeCbrcmoly Headset Megaslze Crrrthet /s Shitnano Dave XT,pro&trtioned ta ftame size Cbalnrlngs Shinatn DeoreXT SuNgAde, rcund 24/j6,/46 BofrornBraehet Wlcdrrt6lwti-sm Pdals SbinanoDeoreXTuttbtoecWandstr@s Cbatn ShinunoDeoreXT FreurJeel ShimanoDetycXT HJ4rergllde12-28 hortDerailIaar SbimanoDetneXT RearDeralllear SbinanoDeorcXTslnrtcage SHfiers SbbnarcDeorcXTSn HandlebanrAllayufih6deg,wbend Stcm Cbronnl!, lengtbwwnnnattolranvsize Grbs Hexdestgn FftntBrahe Shirl,anoDe/JreXT cantiletq Reat Brf,he Shimarn Deorc XT cantileuer Brake Laerc Shinmno Deore XT, 2 fingel Hubs Shimano Deorc XT, J2 bole Rims Arujm RM2O,gwlt arndizd, 32 lnlc Tlrts TtogaFannoJohn Nqlteu 26' x 1.95" Seat Alphtestns Tufuo Tlyx Sutpost Suter Light Ailoy, jqo mm Color Black/Brusbd Alumlnton 7OO5Aluf,iruf, Mqa" ftrbing Aray RX;E gtuy arurdizd rlrc Awncstarc ou6in bea.ket AiloJt k4wd bawllebd\ Alpin8tarc cbnmoe stm. lm)lx,rtioned k, hike ize Mqa Driw sMgbt bladefo* SbiMrc SG@rcund ctnin ings Aluminun t@ clips and stralx AI-MEGA'-DX AI-MEGA DX ALMEGADX AI-MEGADX TheMega trendcontinues with Al-Mega'DX bystraring thesame winning frametednology, thesame geometry, excEtional design, materials, andconstruction-ftis timewidtShimano's agresive Deore DXSTI@ components ttroughout. Thisfinished machine represents fte perfect choice for yourfirstracebike. Di direna derirAZiOnedallaA[" MEGAXT, e statacreatacon gli Ia tendance au"MEGA"continuearccle "ALMEGADX,"rvecla rCpanition dela DerMeg-Trendwird mit demAl.-Mega DXfongertzt;eswurdediegleiche e cura nella costruzione. Montaa con il gruppo SHIMANO DEOREDX STI in ogni sua componente. gComCtrie, tes-mCmes matCriarx et la memeconstruclion, tout aut2nte d'dlCments exceptionnels, arecautravers cenefoislescomposans gressl\du groupe"SHIMANO DEORE DXSn." Cettemachine termindereprCrntele choixpadaitpourvotrepremitrecoune devdlo. " stessimateriari,temorosa ['#'J:'Hif;ffiff#H.t*" geometria 9ffi:il-#djm;J;:ffiiffi.r, Design, dieglei;heceometrii Ae gleichenMarerialien unddiegleiche Konsmktion-diesmal mit Shimansm agressiven DeoreDXSTIKomponenten. Dieses Radverspricht, dierichtigeWahl frrrilr erstesMountainBikezurin. Frane Slze 41 crt,46 mt, 5Oon, & 53 cm Frflmc Materlal 7005Aluminum Mqa Tulring Fo* Mqa DrhE Straight Blade, OEsize Cbon oly Headset Cranfunns SbimanoDqlreDLm@rtionedtofmmesEe Cbolnrings ShhnanoD6teDxswrglide,rcund24/36/46 BottomBraeka kakdmulmisrt Pdols WeugoAlloytxitbtoeclipsandstr@s Chatn SbhnarcDeoreDX Frcewlceel SbirranoDeoreDX HJ4EtSlide12-28 Fr?l tt DemilIertr Shifitano Deuv DX Reor Derallleut Shimano DeoreDX SletJtersSbimano Deore DX Sn Handlcbars Allay uith 6 dqr@ bend Stent Cbronnly, lmgtbwportional tufrarQ size Franu Bmke Shiruno Dqrre DX Grtps Hex design cantila)q RearBrake SbitnnrcI)fircDXcanti]ercr BraheLans SlrimanaDeoreDX2fngq Hubs SbinanoDeorcDX32bole Rims Araya RX7,gEt anrdizeQ J2 lnle Tlrc Tnga FarmerJobn Nqbeu 26' x 1.95" Sut Alpinestats Turbo TW Searpost Suklr Agb Alla!, 3OOmm Color YelloilBruslnd Alumin 0n t -.-*+i I et ffi-iri i ia' .,n' r I I /r ,.f"' i ^'^ ,ltr\)' '? . i .,..':"'-' r'.'t )' *1 a- *H $ $ / &r Alpiwt6 AWre ){msf. badlebar uilh btrand sbft6 Arala 7U)(P irc Alpircktc Straight Blaile Fork; mre reWnsiue than bqAifiorul qEb<m$ forks Cbeng Shin\ uciting nw off-ndd clcb m)$ tires. onaud/ Witb 16%" cr@irct 0/s; the Ahine Xross- is a trcnenAta clirrbq ALPIhIE XROSS"DX ALPII\IE)ROSSDX ALPINRSXROSSDX ALPINE)ROSSDX A totallyuniqueblend,theAlpine )ftos" isiustthat-a cros between a roadbikeanda mountainxros bike.Engineered to providethe highestlevelofperformance for streetor dirt, we addedShimano's DeoreDX@components with 2I usablespeeds for eithertenain. Thisbikecombinesthebestfrom boft rides. Unaperfettacombinazione fra pfestazionisustradae robustezzn in UnmClange totalement unique, le "ALPINE )RossDX"c'esttoutiustec4un DasAlpine Xross isteineabsolur einrnalige Mirhung' sineKeuzung zwirhen con 21 rapporti di velOciti adattabili sia alla stradache allo sterrato. E' il mezo idealep€r ottenefe il meglio " in tune le situzioni. la iouteou le rourrenain,nousavons aloutdlescomposants dugroupe "SHIMANO DEORT Dx".avec2l vitesses utthsables pour I 'un ouI'autredestenains (Routeou cros), Cettecombinaison associe le meilleurdes deuxvClos. alsauchlm Geliinde zubieten,habenwir Shimano's DeoreDXKomponente mir2l Gingenmontiert,diemanwirklichin jedemGeldnde anwenden kann.Diers Radverbindetbeidesr flottes Vorankommen aufderStrape undviel Soa0im Geliinde, tuoristradaxquipas*,araconi ffiffif*Htffi;Y, -_, ;:ijTl#ffi::Llfi:,ff;S,A5 componenti SHIMANODEOREDx.. le plusluut niieaud. p.rfom-.., po* Irisnngsfdhigkeir, sowohlaufderStrape Framc slze 46 cm, 50 ctn, €' 53 m Frame Mateflal cbromoty Fork straigbt Blade, cbn:'moly Headset ysr crankarms sbirnano DeoreDX Cbaln .lngs Sbirrarc Deorc DX Superytide,muhd 24,45,/48 Wpt>rtioned to frarne size pedals WeilgoAAo? Bonom Bracket Seatednrecbanism t'itb toe clips and str@s chln sbirnano Deorc DX Freeuheel snimano oeore ox H?perglide t3-3o Front Derailleur sbirlt/lno DeoreDX Rear Detallltur sbimanoDq,reDx shiiters sbrtanoDeoteDX,bmerul._ Hartdlebar.s itfin""rns stem cbmmoly, lqrytrrrypor.tionattoframesize Gttps Paddedbandl&ar tape Front Brake sbimano DeoreDX mntileler Rear Bmie shinuno DeoreDX cantilet)er Brake l@ers shfuuno Aen) ffff r*H" Y#:ffi#;#f*rr"*'^ Araln16-4" 36tnte MrN XROSSITAM { I ISSUESHOE SCARPEMNT XROSS TEAM Racetestedby MikeKloser,our teamhascreatedthenewest breakthrough in mounainbiking footwear.Our upper,madeof genuineleatherandnfon cut slightlyhigherto giveadditional anklesupport.We'vealsoaddedour uniqueadiusabletensionheel holdingdevicethatallowsyouto customfit thesho€to yourfoot. Thisreducesheeliift andallows maximumenergytransferfor ultimateperformance. Also,the siuneconcepthasbeendesigred into our aerodlnamiclacecoverfor maximumeficiency.No world clas racingshoeis completewithouta greatsoleandcleatqntem.Bottrfrrll andhalfcleatsarealailablewittr this s)6tem. Progettata dalteamdi tecnici Alpinestars e collaudata in garada MikeKloser,i la oii alanzaae innoltha calzarura per il mountain. bike.Ia tomaia,in retedi nylone Lorica,b legermenrepitl altaper daremaggiore supponoallacaviglia. E'dotaadi un cinturinoposteriore perpoterlaadatareperfetamente adogri trpodi piede.Questo accorgimento riduceil movimento delpiedenellascarpae permettedi trasferiretuttal'energiasulpedale per le miglioriprestazioni. [o stesso concettoi applicatoallacopernra aerodinamica deilacci,per ottenere il masimodell'eficenza. Particolare attenzione i statamessa anchenel disegnodellasuolae dellatacdretta. Ia tacchettad disponibilesianella venioneinterachesoloanteriorc. MTN )ROSS ACTION SHOE TheMtn)ftos ActionShoe,with ttre ume feahuepackedupperasour TeamIsue, incorporates a specially desigredreinforcedraceready rubbersolefor thosewhopreferto go cleatles. SCARPAMNT XROSS ACTION Stesse caratteristiche dellascarpa TMM maadattaa chi preferisce non usare$i attacchiper il pedalee luole unasuolaspecificatamente studiatae condei rinfoni adeguati. nreszrnci isc seatAlpinestm's rurb'rjpe CIIAUSSURES DE MOIINIAIN BIKE REGLEMENII{RES "MTN XROSS TEAM I$SUE" NotreTeama crddlaplusnowelleet la plusr&olutionnairechausurede MOUNIAINBIKE,tesrCe encoursepar MikeKLOSER Norrehaurdegamme, fabriquCe enLorica'peauestcoupde prus nunceenhaut,pourdonnerun support suppldmentaire h la chevi.lle. Nousavons aussiajoutdnotres]6ttmeuniquede tensionrdglable, pourun bonmaintiendu taloq cequivouspermetdefi,xer librementla chausuresurvotreoied Ceci rCduitlapousdedu talonet permetun transfend'dncrgre maxmumpourdes performances ultimes.Ausi, le m€me concEt a CtCCtudiC pournore cowre lacetaCrodynamique pourunmaximum d'efficacitd. Unechausuredecouneoc classe mondiale n'estpascompletesans un bonsl,titbme d'attache. Attaches eh foiscompleteou semi,complete sont disponibles avecces1.stbme, CIIAUSSURESDE MOTINIAIN BIKE'MTN XROSSACTION' I-achaussure deMOUNIA,IN BIKE"MTN ROSSACIION"aveclesmemes caractCristiques d'enveloppe supdrieure, quenotremodile "TEAMISSltE," incorporeunermelle encaoutchouc renforcde et q#cialementconcuepourles courseqpourceuxqui prCftrentrouler sansslstCmedefixation. !'eatlnstsuperLisbt MTN XROSS TEAM SCHUH VonMikeKloserin Rennen getestet, har unserTeameinenDurchbruchseschaffr wasNeuerungen belMountainBike Rennschuhen betrift. DasObenmterial ausechtemLoricl undNl,lonnetz ist etwrshohergerhnittenundgeq/ihrieistet somiteinezusdtzliche. Unterstutzung desFupgelenh. Die &:huhbander sindmit einerzusdtzlichcn krhe abgedech. Einzuyiuliche Kletwerschlus iiber demRistdientder optimalenFersennxierung im Schuh. DasAnheben derFersewird vermindert, einemaximale Energieiibenragung und Hochstleistungen sinddas[rgebnis. KeinWeltklasr-Rennrhuh ist komoleu ohneeineentklassige Sohlemit plaite.Sie erhaltenbeiunsganzeundhalbe Sohlenplatten, MTNXROSSACTION SCHT]H DerMTNActionkhuh, mit densleichen flgenschaften wie unserTeamkhuh, besitaeinespeziellangefenigte, ertraverstdrkte, fiir Rennen geeigncte Gummisohle fiir diejenigen, diees voniehenohneSohlenplatte zufalrcn. )ra i,"l MTN XROSSPRO I MAGLIA MNT )ROSS LONGSLEEVEJERSEY PRO - Manica Lunga MAILLOT *MTI\ )GOSS PRO" MIN)ROSS PROLONG IANGARMTRIKOT ThisProjerseyis madeof the same greatmaterials asour ProFlow. Vre'veaddedlongsleeves anda closedbackfor thosecolddap. LightGrey BrightYellow Small Small Medium Medium Iage Large X-Large X-Large E la versioneinvemaledellaProFlow.Hamanichelunghee teszuto perigomi piu freddi. Polyconon Cemaiilot"MNT)(ROSS PRO"estfabricud aveclesm€mesgrandsmatCriaux que notremaiUot"PROFLOW;"nousavons seulement ajoutCdesmanches longues et un dosfermCpourlesjoursfrais. Diers PROTrikotist ausdengleichen hervon-agenden Materialien hergesrellt wie unserPROF'I.OW. Dasl-angamtrikot hat einedichtgewebte Riickenseite (Weniger luftdurchllisig)fiir kalteTage. MrNxRoss TrGrrTs(rYcRA) 2 CAIZAMAGLIA MNT )ROSS (LYCRA) xRoss" COLIANTS LYCRA "MfN Thehot graphicscombinedwittr an anatomical cut for theperfectfit, will keE youwarmon thosecool mofixngs. Graficaaggresilae formaanatomica per unaperfettavestibiliti. Confortevolrnente caldaanchenei $omi pii freddi. MTN)(ROSS TRIKOTANZUGE (LYCRA) ilrTN-XROSSTEAM e SHoRTS (TYCRA) '|v xRoss (rYcRA) PA]\I'f,ALONCINI MNT CUISSARD LYCRA"MTN J(ROSS" MTN)ROSS REI\NHOSE (rYcRA) MTN)ftos shortsofer thesame qualityfit anddurabilityasour team shorts. Oftono la stesaqualiti,vestibiliti e duratadeipantaloncini TEAM. Cecuisard"MTN)GOSS"ofte les m€mesqualitCs deconfortet derdsistance quenoscuissards "TEAM." MTNXros Rennhornbietendiegleiche in SitzundHaltbarkeit wi€urEere QuaLitat Team-Rennhos€n. MTN XROSS PRO FLOWJERSET MAGLIA MNT XROSS PRO FLO Lesclusivo p€rmette disepo una perfeta traspiruione. Il tesuto MAILLOT "MTNXROSS PRO FLOV2' MINXROSSPROFLOW TRIKOT Ir designdu maiilot"MTNnOSS PRO FLOV"oftelamei.lleure adration. k mClange Polyester et Cotonutilid pourle devantestassociC i un tissuslnthdtique adrCpourle dos,vousasurantuneparfaite v€ntilation. Daseinzigartige DesigndesPROFLOV. Trikotgewihrleistet mxximale Atmungsfihigkeit. DieVorderseite istaus einemBaumwollrnischgewebe, die Riickseite auseinemsynthetirhen Marhennetz,dasluftdurchllisig istund somiteinenhihlendenEffektenielt. A rl Theuniquedesignof the ProFlow jerseyofferstheultimatein brcathabiliry A polycotton frontis matedto a q,ntheticmeshbackto drawair throu$ for a coolingefect. UghtGrey BrightYellow Small Small Medium Medium Iarge krge X-Large X'large MTN XROSS TEAM I: SHORTS (LYCRA) v Polycottonnellaparteanterioree il tessutotmforatonellaparte posteriorecreanounacircolzione d'uia cherinfrescail corpo. PANHLONCINI XROSS TEAM MNT (rYcRA) DruableLycracombinedwith an anatomical 8 paneldesigrmake theseshorstheulthnte in both formandfunction.Thesehigh qualityshortsue raceprovenbyour AlpiinesarsMTNXros Team. Il resistentisimotesuto Lycrae l'imbottituraanatomica per la zona dellasellafannodi ouesti pantaloncini il masimoin vestibiliti e funzionaliti. Dirgnatie mesia puntoin garadaicomponentidel TeamAlpinesarsMNT)kos. ffio33** 6 COPRI CASCO MNT XROSS Topsofftheteamlookwidr graphics. coordinated Onesizefits all helmets. Graficaaggreshacoordinata all'abbigliamento TEAM.Tagliaunica adatta a tutti itipi di casco. Desgraphiques vifs,associCs i unecoupe dpousant la silhouette pourun confort parhit,vousgarderont auchaudlorsdes matinsfrais. "Heipe"Musterkombiniertmit einemder Anatomie angepaBten Schnittfiir den perfekenSiuwerdenSieankaltenTagen warmhalten, CT]ISSARD LYCRA*MIT{ XROSSTEAIW MTNXROSS TEAMRENI\HOSE (TYCRA) Unlycn r6isunt associC iL8 pidces qldcialement concues pourdpouser parfaitement votresilhouene, fontdece cuissard le summum encequi concemela formeet la fonction.Cecuisarddehaute qualitCadtdtestCencourseparnotr€ teamALPINESTAPS. Haltbares Lycrakombinienmit einem anatomischen 8-Balnen-Design geben diesenRennhorneinMaximum anForm undFunktion, DieseRennhornsindvon besterQualitiitundwurdenvonunserem MTNhros Teamin Rennen Alpinestan erprobt. cotrvRE cAsQLlE*MIr{ xRo$s" MTN XROSS HELMUBERZUG Ir summum i l'imageduTeam,avec graphiques coordonn6.Tailleunique s'adapt2nt surtouslescasques. DenTeamlook getrieben...., aufdieSpitze im Design genauabgestimmt. EineGriiBe ftr alleHelme. oassend J MTN )(ROSS THT]MBS DOWN'" TEAM { I GLOVES GUAI\TI MNT )ROS.S TEAM "THUMBS DOWN' stanedit andwe finished Shimano itl TheThumbsDown" wascreated soyoudon'ttearyourtltumbsup. Teamglovesarea split-top combination oflycn andterrydoth with thethumbsreinforcedto take adlanageofthe latestinnoriltion fromShimano. hainiziato,e noi abbiamo Shimano porato a termineil concettodei comandisottoal manubrio.I guanti TEAMsonoin Lycrae Terryclothe hannoi pollici conunospeciale rinforzoper permetteredi usareal meglioI'ultimainnolazionenei componentiShfunano. MI\I )ROSS THUMBS DOWN" TEAII{ 4t 3 GLOVES (IONG FINGER) Thumbs Down'* made it great, ttre GUANTI LUNGHI MNT )ROSS TEAM ..THUMBS DOWN' fingersmadeit warm. BORSONE MNT XROSS u tr tL MTN )ROSS 2 IU GEAR BAG Made ofrugged rylon,thisroomy bagisperfect forhittingtheroad. ( MTNXRO$9T-SHIRTS MTNXrosdesigns Ouroriginal are quality rreenedfrontandbackon 100% USr{ cotton. A-STARLOC,O (IONG A.STAR IOC,O SITEVI)4 5 BIjILTFORPERFONMANCE 6 MTNXROSSACTION (LONG 7 MTNnOSSACTION srEE\t) RECREANONAT MASOCHIST MTN )ROSS SWEAISHIRT I 100% You'llloveit. cotton. White Charcoal Grey MIN >(ROSS ACTION SHORTS Theperfect fit fortheperfect sport. Every shortshould bethismud fun. ChucoalGrey BrightYellow "TTIIIMBS Stesaidearivoluzionaria DOWN"nellaversioneinvemale Costruitoin tessutodi nylon rinforzato,i I'idealeper trasportare I'equipaggiamento. T-SHIRTS MNT )(ROSS GANTS (MTTATNES) ..MTN XRO$S TIIT]MBS DOWN'" IEAM'' MTN XROSS THI.]MBS DOWN'* TEAM TIANDSCHI.]HE I'acommencC, nousI'avons SHIMANO DOWN'" adtC ternind!.te "THUMBS crdeafinquevousn'abimiezpasvos Lycra pouces.ks gants"TEAM"associent au et Eponge, avecun renforcement niveaudu pouce(poucecowen) pour garderl'alantagede la dernidre innovationdeSHIMANO. hatdamitbegonnen Shimano -wir haben esvollendetl. DerThumbsDown-Handschuh wurde speziellfrir die unterdemlrnker konzipierr. montiertenSTl-Schalthebel Erhateinenverstarkten Daumenaus Lycra,um Blarn undVerletzungen vorarbeugen. SokrinnenSienochmehr vondenNeuerungen bei Shimano profitieren! GANTS'MTN XROSS THUMBS DOWN'' TEAM" (DOIGTS LONGS) te "TI-lllMBSDOWN'""(Poucecowen) et les fait de lui le gantle plusfantastique doigtslongsapportentla chaleur. sAc "MTN)m.O$S" MTNXROSSTHUMBS DOWN'" TEAM HAIIDSCHUH (mit langen Ftngem) DasThumbsDown'"Sptemmachtihn fiir die lcalte zumperfektenHandschuh Jahreszeit. FabriquC dansun rylon trbsmbuste,ce uc uts spacieux estparfiitpoursemettre enfoute. MTNXROSS GEARBAG T-SHIRTS "MfN)(RO$S'' MTNXROSS T-SHIRTS Ausstrapuierianigen Nylon,dieseTasche ist perfectflir rauheStraPen. in cotone100% Originali dagliUSA condisegricoloratisimi dawntie dietro. A-STAR IOC,O A-STAR LOGO manica lunga tes designs originauxdenosT.Shiru "MTNnOSS'sont destransferts de qualitCindprochable surle derantcomme surle dos. Madere;100%coToN usA Modiles: A-STAR IOC,O LOGO(Manchalongues) A-STAR RECREANONAT MASOCHIST RICRE{IIOMLMASOCHIST RECREAIIONAT MASOCHIST BT]IIIFORPERFORMANCE BUN FORPERFORMANCI BUIN FORPERIOPMANCE MNT)(ROSSACTION MNTKOSSACTION manica lunga MTN)(R,OSSACI]ON MTN)(ROSS ACllON (Manches longues) ACI]ON MTNXROSS MTNXROSS ACllON (langarm) FELPA MNT )ROSS 100% cotone. BIANCO GRIGIO SWEATSHIRT "MfN)G.OSS" MTNXROSS SWEATSHIRT Fabriqud en 100%Coton,vousI'adorerez! Deux coloris: BlancGrisAnthmcite 'ffeiP SHORT DE LOISIR "MTN )ROSS ACTION' MTNXROSS ACTION SHORTS Unconfortparfritpourun sportparfait. Chaque modile estdesplusRJN. Deux colorisrGrisAnthracite vif coloris:Jaune DerperfekteSitzfiir denperfektenSpon, JedeShortsolitesovielSpaBmachen. Holzkohlen-Grau Nmngelb SHORTS MNT XROSS ACTION perognisport.Il Vestibilitiperfena t assicurato. divertimento GRIGIO GIAIIO UnsereoriginalMTN)koss auf100%USAQualititsdesigns Riiclaeite, zierenVorder-und Baumwolle IOGO A-STAR IOGO(langarm) A-STAR 100%Baumwolle. Siewerdeneslieben. Holzkohlen-Grau 5 ilt F 'd,n''',.,.'#::r"'i= W;;*3- w w WARRANTY MOI.]NTXAIN XROSS CENTER Thecomplete Alpinesars Mountain )ftossCenter isamilable-dreck wittryourlocaldistributor. o I F Alpinesars USrA 4145SanaFeRoad, Bldg.2 SanLuisObiryo,CA93401 Tel805lJ49-0597 Fax80Jl549-0199 F o AUSTRIA F.Barisitz Sprorartikehertrieb Bemhard Hoefelstrasse 14 A-6020 Innsbruck Te|05222149-22-87 Fa01222149-21-66-i5 a I R F AlpinestrrsUS,A shallnot be reryonsiblefor incidentalor Theuser conrquentialdamage. asumesthe riskof anyandall personalinjury,or damage of fte bicycle,or otherlosrs if Alpinestars USrA bicyclesareusedat anyimein anycompetitiveevent(including bicycleracingor bicyclemotocros, dirt biking,freestyling, or similar or trainingfor such activities, activities);or alteredanyway inconsistent wittr thebicycle's originaldesignpupos€;or anything otherthannormaluse.Thislimited wanantygivesyouspecificlegal tights;youmayalsohaveothei rigbtswhichwry fromstateto state. r& ffi iltr I Alpinestars USrA, wanansthisnew dpihestarsbicycleframeandfork aginst defecain materials and workmanship for thelifetimeof the originalowner.Alpinestars USrA furtherwarrrntsall originalpaftsfor aperiodofoneyeu ftom the dateof originalpurchar. Thisnarrantyis limitedto ttrcrepairor expressly replacement ofa defectiveframe, fork,or part,andis thesoleremedy ofthe warranty. Claimsunderthiswarrantymus be madethrougbanauthorized AlpinesarsUSd,dealer.To claima warranty,proofof purchase is required. Thiswarrantydoesnot cover damage or failuredueto abuse, neglect,accident,improper assembly or maintenance, normal wearandteu, or installation0f parts not originally or accessories intendedor incompatible with the bicycleassold. GERMAI\TY ITALY SPAIN ProBikeGmbh Basler Str,66 8000Munchen 7l Te|08917594M0 Fax08917t946t0 Sardue, Sd ViaMuosticana, 12 (TV) Coste diMaser 31010 Tel0423lJ46-t43 Fuo42ilJ460t6 Motobike SA. ViaAugusta 125 08006Barcelona Tel3l202-0230 FuOl4lS-1447 * BNGI.AI\[D SWITZMRIAND MS(GB) nD. Unitll, EastPaftTrading Estate Road, Gordon Whitehall BristolN5 7DH TeI02721520-219 tux027213t4-24r Fun-X Difflsion Route DeSoleure 5 2504Bienne Tel32l42-42-M Fu<32142-38-37 FRANCE JAPAN Aupar Z.A,lesBethunes1,avenue du Fief F - 95310Saint- Quen'L'Aumone TeI 1130-36-90-70 FaxIl30-375141 Alpinestars USA/Euro Office 13,Chemindu Paradis 73202Alberwille Tel79l37r-410 F;tt'.791370 900 JAPAN CANADA