July/August - Oregon Pilots Association
July/August - Oregon Pilots Association
Prop Wash The Official Publication of the The Voice of General Aviation in Oregon www.OregonPilot.org Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 OPA Unveils New Website By Terry Pickering, Webmaster The new OPA website is up and running (see figure 1 – page 10). Although not complete, it offers many new benefits and improvements over the old site. Some of these changes are summarized below, but I encourage each of you to take some time and explore it fully. • Improved navigation using “drill drop down” menus. Simply place your cursor over a menu choice on the left side. If there are “sub pages”, you can go directly there with one single click of the mouse (see figure 2 – page 11) • Site has been streamlined to make it easier to find information. Old information, broken links, and advertising have been removed. Key Events & Dates Northwest EAA Fly-In at Arlington July 9-13 Mulino Annual Blueberry Pancake Feed July 19-20 OPA Quarterly Board Meeting August 9 at EUG Nor’west FlyFest at EUG OPA Annual Meeting too! August 23 Look for the latest news and events at www.oregonpilot.org Pages have be standardized to give the same “look and feel” to the entire site. • Email addresses of officers, board members, chapter presidents, and everyone else is now hidden on the website. This should reduce the amount of “spam” received because it’s much more difficult to harvest them off the website. For more information on how this works, visit the website (see figure 3 – page 12). Please note – all OPA email addresses have been changed. Be sure you update your contact or address books with the new email addresses. • No need to leave the website to view the Event Calendar or OPATV. It’s all here, on your website, PROP WASH Oregon Pilots’ Association 93963 Airport Ridge Lane North Bend, OR 97459 now. • More Chapter information is now available. Simply move your cursor over the map (see figure 4 – page 13), then click. A page will appear giving you information on that chapter (see figure 5 – page 16). I’ve done my part, now it’s time for you to do yours. What can you do? It’s easy, spend a few minutes visiting the new site and browsing around. Then drop me a note offering suggestions, improvements, and of course any errors you find. Most importantly, if you are a Chapter member and see either missing or incomplete information on your chapter, notify me immediately. Oregon Pilots’ Association 2008 State Officers President Joe Smith 503-287-6577 [email protected] President Elect July/August 2008 Page Welcome New Members Brendan Fitzpatrick 503-240-9385 [email protected] Past President Dave Martin 503-838-2131 [email protected] Secretary Marcia Noell, Nominee [email protected] Treasurer Corrine Bott, Nominee [email protected] VP Legislative 503-453-6016 John Cox [email protected] Public Relations Mark Trujillo 541-829-1650 [email protected] Regional Directors: Southern Oregon Roble Anderson Warrenton Peter & Lori King Bend Albany Visitors Association Albany Randy & Gretchen Prakken Canby Darrin & Michelle Amico Portland Bob & Linda Vanderbilt Baker City EAA Chapter 725 Grants Pass Jon McKellar 541-883-8508 Central/Eastern Mel Cross Portland Metro 503-657-0043 Scott Crockard [email protected] 541-523-4539 [email protected] In This Issue... Oregon Coast Charlotte Echelberger Oregon’s Aviation History..........................................................4 Valley 541-736-5660 Dale Evans, Nominee [email protected] Chapter Chatter.........................................................................5 541-247-0283 Prop Wash Editor 503-581-3994 Gwen Graham [email protected] Membership Services Helen Holman Pilots & Presidents at the OPA Meeting at BKE........................6 AIRO Program Update..............................................................7 541-756-0182 [email protected] IFR Separation for VFR Practice Approaches...........................7 Webmaster Terry Pickering OPA Thanks Our Business Members.....................................10 Robert Denner NOTAM – TTD.........................................................................11 503-320-7139 [email protected] ASEF Executive VP [email protected] PROP WASH is the official publication of the Oregon Pilots Association. The PROP WASH is published every other month and is e-mailed to OPA members. Printed copies are mailed to advertisers, FBOs who request them and selected VIPs. Mailed to members by request at additional annual fee of $15. Publication dates are January, March, May, July, September, and November. Deadline for submission is the 10th of month prior to publication month. Submissions should be brief and are subject to editing for content and space. Oregon Department of Aviation 503-378-4880 http://www.aviation.state.or.us/ Interested in Canadian Fishing Lodge Trip.............................14 OPA Membership Application.................................................14 OPA Members Leading Trip to Fishing Lodge........................14 No User Fees for Now.............................................................15 Calendar of Events..................................................................16 Baggage Compartment...........................................................16 Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 Page President’s Message One (of the many) things I love about flying – about aviation – is how many of the lessons and skills it teaches apply to life in general. I was reminded of that a couple of months ago reading Lane Wallace’s column in FLYING, where she offered the following: “Airplanes don’t dwell in the past, or on the landmarks behind them. The only place they even stay still is on the ground. To have life in their wings, they have to be moving. And the only direction they know how to move is forward. One of the most remarkable friends I have is a woman who’s endured the loss of both a husband and a child and has battled cancer twice … and still has one of the most positive outlooks on life of anyone I know. “How do you do it?” I once asked her. “What’s your secret to staying so optimistic about life, after all you’ve gone through?” “I’ll tell you what the secret is,” she said, leaning across the table for emphasis. “Keep Moving.” She paused to make sure that sunk in. “Don’t get stuck in the sadness or what you can’t change. Keep Moving. Life always has something new and good to offer you, as long as you keep moving forward and stay open to it.” Such a simple piece of wisdom.… But maybe that’s why I’m so drawn to my airplane when life dishes me a hit I can’t change or fix. Going flying doesn’t alter the past. But it forces me into the present, and sets my sights on the future again. I don’t make a conscious decision to move forward. It simply happens, as soon as I push the throttle forward. And before I know it, I’m flying again. With all the beauty of the world at my feet, and new horizons stretching out in front of me--in whatever direction I want to go.” Another thing I love about flying is the sense of community we share. I’ve talked about that before, and will again; it was brought home to me anew when I e-mailed Lane to ask if I could use the quote, and she responded the same day not only to say “of course” but to make sure I had the quote right. Advice for flying…and advice for life: “Plan.” “Be flexible enough to change your plan when conditions change.” “Be OPA president Joe Smith in the present, but keep your eye on where you’re heading.” Even “avigate, navigate, communicate” – not just as a sensible order of things, but as a reminder all three should be attended to when dealing with any sort of emergency or major change in circumstances. How many can you think of? A reminder: start planning now to attend the Annual Meeting and Gathering in Eugene August 23rd, being held this year in conjunction with the Mahlon Sweet annual doings. Mark Your Calendars Oregon Pilots’ Association Quarterly Board Meeting at Eugene Airport (KEUG) Saturday, August 9, 2008 at 10:00am Oregon Pilots’ Association 2008 Chapter Presidents Albany Dan Miltenberger [email protected] Baker Mel Cross 541-523-4539 [email protected] Bandon Vacant Beaverton Vacant Central Coast Vacant Central Oregon 541-383-2435 Corvallis Gary Miller [email protected] Robert Denner 541-758-2670 [email protected] Grants Pass Roy Hogg [email protected] 541-479-6059 Jackson County Klamath Falls Steve Emley 541-892-7531 [email protected] Lane County Patricia Clifton 541-344-4110 [email protected] Lebanon 503-394-4490 Steve Schliebe Lincoln County Mulino 503-656-1944 Polk County 503-871-9425 Tillamook 503-849-3709 Troutdale 503-777-8020 Yamhill [email protected] Vacant Larry Stevens [email protected] Doug Davis [email protected] Georgine Beveridge [email protected] Bob Gordon [email protected] Brad Chapman 503-538-7316 Email corrections and chapter news to [email protected] July/August 2008 Page Oregon’s Aviation History By Carol Skinner, Archivist Oregon Aviation Historical Society, www.oregonaviation.org the flying flapjack This “flying fuselage” was designed and built in the 1930s by Marvin Joy, a bridge tender on the railroad over the Columbia River slough. It had no real wings or ailerons and was dubbed “the flying flapjack” by Portland reporter, Lev Richards. Danny Grecco, Portland pilot, mechanic, barnstormer and aerobatic performer, flew the plane on a brief circuit around Vancouver’s Pearson Field and landed without incident. He is reported to have said, “I’ll never get in that thing again”. When taken aloft by another pilot, the plane got off the ground, lost altitude, hooked its tail over the barbed wire fence at the east end of the runway, and turned a full somersault, landing on the gear, neatly wrapped in barbed wire but suffering only minor injuries. That was the end of the flying flapjack. J.B. Dobson, Manager of the Pendleton Woolen Mills, and a Colonel in the Air National Guard, invested heavily to finance the various versions of the flapjack. (Photographs by Lev Richards, donated to OAHS by Verl Burorker who had worked for Tex Rankin.) Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 Page Chapter Chatter Lebanon: Reported by Lora Lee Patrol gave a presentation that included some of the Schmidt, Newsletter Editor The FBO is in the process of anomalies in the emergency purchasing two sport planes to beacon locating system. He told give training in. The mogas seems of an instance where he was to be a hit. Basically super car dispatched to search for the gas with no ethanol. There are a source of a signal in the Stayton, couple of hangars for sale. One Oregon area, and by the time R-V 6 is nearing completion after the signal was located, it was 13 years of build time. It will found to be in the Vancouver, really be great to see it in the air. Washington area. This gives me an opportunity to jump ahead to Troutdale: Reported by Bob the June meeting, where chapter member Sam Murray told of an Gordon, President The “Big News” at Troutdale is alternate he had found to a costly the construction that is taking Personal Locator Beacon (PLB). place to move the south taxiway... Please understand this is not well, ...more to the south. During an endorsement of the device, certain periods, and for a matter but for your information, if you of hours, the runway length may enter an internet search for: be drastically shortened. See the findmespot.com, it will tell you notice elsewhere in this edition about this device and system. Our June presentation was of the Prop Wash. At our April meeting, Dick by Jean Schiffmann on the 1985 Weichman of the Civil Air Trans Atlantic Air Rally. She also urged everyone to use some form of hearing protection when flying, as the loudness from earlier years of flying without some hearing protection gave her a severe hearing loss, and the need to wear hearing aids. (If I may add: In a loud environment, ears don’t “toughen up”, they go deaf.) Heed her advice. May was a presentation by James Hultgrien of the Portland FSDO on the new online WINGS program. What I am going to suggest is that chapter presidents get in touch with him about giving the same presentation to your chapter. (In your A/ FD, under FSDO...) Instead of just the Biennial Flight Review, this is an alternative to keep us sharp on our flying skills and knowledge. Hope to see you at our Poker Run on July 12th! Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 Page Pilots & Presidents at the OPA Meeting at BKE By Jake Jacobs Baker City, Oregon was honored as the venue for the Oregon Pilots’ Association quarterly board meeting held May 10, 2008. OPA President Joe Smith, board members and pilots totaled fourteen attendees who flew and drove to BKE, arriving Friday night and Saturday morning. BKE was ready for their arrival. As one of the ten largest airports in Oregon in terms of land, runways and length, it boasts 3 active runways with the longest at more than 5,000 feet at 3,373 feet elevation, situated on 396 acres that is surround by thousands of acres of farmland. Located only 5 miles from the middle of downtown, it’s an easy commute via courtesy car or even on a bicycle. Mel Cross, host and local OPA chapter president, provided airport shuttle service for the meeting, touring pilots by the T-33 Shooting Star jet that he restored and placed on a pedestal in the airport park last year. Baker City was founded in 1874 and at one time was the largest city between Seattle and Salt Lake. Named “Queen City of the Mines”, millions of dollars of gold were extracted from “them thar hills” in the surrounding area. The movie “Paint Your Wagon” was filmed here, depicting how life must have been in those days, with gold everywhere, bawdy houses, bars, horses and side-arms for everyone. More than one hundred beautiful downtown buildings were constructed during the golden days of the late 1800s and early 1900s and most still stand today, restored as a National Historic District following nearly 20 years of concerted civic pride. The massive Catholic Cathedral towers near the north end of town, where its centennial was celebrated in April. The Baker Tower, tallest building in eastern Oregon at seven stories, guards the south end of the expansive four-lane wide main street, and it now houses condominiums and offices such as Chaves Consulting, Inc. who provides all the billing and customer support for the statewide Oregon Health Plan. Free wireless is available throughout downtown and in all the coffee Continued on page CALL Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 AIRO Program Update The AIRO (Airport Information Reporting Oregon) volunteer program is up and running for 12 State Airports with the initial training session held October 13, 2007. The volunteers are dedicated to assist in keeping our airports safe, repaired, and convenient so that we may fly with confidence. If you see an ODA AIRO VOLUNTEER labeled, reflector stripped, orange vested individual walking near the runway(s), taxiways, aprons. hangars, or anywhere inside the state owned property with clipboard in hand do not be surprised as the airport inspection is taking place. The volunteers will gladly accept pertinent information from any pilot or airport user concerning these state owned airports. This volunteer list needs your name in the vacant spaces below. Call or email the Volunteer Coordinator, Norm Farb at 503 930 0956 or stephen@minetfiber. com. Airport Alkali Lake State Aurora State Bandon State Cape Blanco State Cascade Locks State Chiloquin State Condon State Cottage Grove State Crescent Lake Independence State Joseph State Lebanon State McDermitt State McKenzie Bridge State Mulino Airport Nehalem Bay State Oakridge State Owyhee Reservoir State Pacific City State Pinehurst State Prospect State Rome State Santiam Junction State Siletz Bay State Toketee State Toledo State Wakonda Beach St Wasco State IFR Separation for VFR Practice Approaches IFR separation will be provided for VFR aircraft executing practice approaches at many airports in the Central and Western United States beginning July 3, 2008. For the full list, click here. The following Oregon airports will receive these new services: Albany Corvallis Eugene Klamath Falls Medford Pendleton Hillsboro Troutdale Salem Scappoose Name/Your Name Poling, A Crook, Wayne Welch, George OPA Board Meeting August 9th at Eugene Cox, Cliff Farb, Norm Davis, William Bunch, Michael Johnson, Dianne Hall, Robert Page OPA Annual Meeting August 23rd in conjunction with Norwest Flyfest at Eugene www.oregonpilot.org Ridge, Walt Bohler, Jeff McDaniels, Mike Goals of the Oregon Pilots’ Association • • • • Promote Flying Safety Promote Flying to the Non-Flying Public Monitor Regulatory & Legislative Activities Provide a Social Forum for Pilots and their Families Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 BKE...Continued from page shops. There are no parking meters, but bike racks and horse tie-downs are being installed for the Oregon Sesquicentennial. The OPA Friday arrivals enjoyed gold-winning microbrew, ribs and gourmet delights at Barley Brown’s restaurant while swapping tall tales with several local pilots. At 10am Saturday morning the board meeting began in the Library Room of the Geiser Grand Hotel located in the center of town. The room and luncheon were hosted by Baker City’s Economic Development Council and local OPA pilot Jake Jacobs gave a short overview of the airport and the city. The historic Geiser Grand hotel, constructed in 1889, features three classic stories and elegant cupolas. Seventeen imported glass chandeliers and a large stained glass dining-area ceiling adorn the hotel. During the 60s the hotel fell into disrepair, was closed down and scheduled for demolition. At the 11th hour, an historic-minded couple, Dwight and Barbara Sidway, bought the building, moved to Baker City and spent $7.5 million in an authentic restoration. Since its re-opening in 1998, the Geiser Grand brings in thousands of visitors each year from all over the world to experience its old world charm and its thirty elegant rooms. The hotel is a popular location for group flyins as the owners are very aviation friendly and bus service from the airport is available with prior notice. For those desiring a spiritual connection, the hotel features a resident ghost who frequents the third floor. A horse drawn carriage still operates downtown daily, departing for city tours from in front of the hotel. Baker City has a population of 10,000, and Baker County totals 17,000. Beef cattle out-number the two legged residents by a factor of 17:1. No rubber chicken dinners here, most all banquets are prime rib. Although the city has not experienced growth in many years, lately there have been many new residents, lots of housing starts and companies moving to the area. Progressive City and County government is open for business and the City is well positioned for controlled economic growth. The classic neighborhoods, the 18 hole golf course, Page the many fine restaurants, hundreds of attractions and scenic drives lie in a beautiful valley surrounded by the snow topped Elkhorn mountains and the breathtaking Wallowas. 20 minutes by air to Joseph and the Snake River is less than an hour by car. Ghost towns abound; exploring, camping, hunting and fishing are top activities here. Baker Airport has a VOR on the field, ADS-B installed, first class FBO, non-precision IFR approaches, WAAS soon to be published, and plenty of avgas and JetA at very competitive prices. Our airport ten-year masterplan update is in progress by Aron Faegre and Associates of Portland and the Airport Commission has big plans for the City owned airport. The Baker Aircraft FBO offers a courtesy car, rental aircraft, training, maintenance, helicopter and C-414 charters, 24/7 self-serve fuel with free attendance-assistance during business hours. The weather? VFR is standard east of the mountains here and a large attendance is planned for the 7th annual www.WingsOverBaker.com airshow Friday and Saturday, July 25 and 26, 2008. Oh, at 11:00am on the day after the OPA board meeting, a Grumman Gulfstream jet landed on BKE Runway 31 and out stepped former president William Jefferson Clinton. He greeted and shook hands with our group of 15 pilots who were there to rate the landing (B minus, touched down a little long). Bill headed downtown to visit Bella’s fine wine, organic food and kitchen shop, then spent an hour speaking to a crowd of citizens from the steps of the Baker County Court House. So, whether you’re a politician or a pilot, lean left or right, fly a C-172 or a Gulfstream, a royal greeting awaits you at BKE. You’ll find us at 44-50-14N / 11748-32W. Baker City. “The Next Best Place in Oregon”. For more information contact: www.BakerCity.com www.BakerCityAirport.com www.BakerCountyEDC.org www.VisitBaker.com Submitted by Jake Jacobs, Baker Pilots Association OPA, 541-523-7711 or [email protected] AVIATION ATTORNEY Thomas J. Flaherty • 503-245-2500 [email protected] Aviation accidents; defense of FAA certificate enforcement actions; NTSB trials; purchase and sale of aircraft; available for representation, consultation or referrals. Lawyer since 1974. AOPA Legal Panel member. Instrument-rated, commercial pilot, SEL, SES, CFI, CFII. Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 Page Attend OPA’s Annual Meeting held in conjunction with Featuring great forums promoting aviation, safety and what’s happening in Washington. August 23 at KEUG • www.norwestflyfest.com Meet the New G600! August 14, 2008 6:30pm Pilots and aircraft owners are invited to attend a free special presentation by Garmin. “This is your opportunity to learn directly from Garmin about the features and capabilities of the new G600!” Hillsboro Aviation 3565 NE Cornell Rd. Hillsboro, OR 97124 Call or E-mail to RSVP Tom Dalquist (800) 345-0949 [email protected] Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 Page 10 Figure 1 – New OPA Website OPA Thanks Our Business Members Abe’s Aviation Bill Ables 541-263-1327 LadyWebPro.com Barbara Castleman 503-399-2091 Professional Air Services www.proairservices.com 541-388-0019 Accord Telecom & Cable Jabiru LSA Northwest todd@accordtelecom&cable.com [email protected] 541-915-3472 509-525-9392 Larsen Aircraft Services [email protected] 503-949-1665 Stark’s Twin Oaks Airport www.twinoaksairport.com 503-628-2056 Marilyn Baidenmann Equity Group 541-325-1096 Flight Unlimited [email protected] 503-598-9417 Ben & Marcia Masengil [email protected] 541-367-4565 Stryker Industries, LLC [email protected] 503-606-2983 Baker City Airport [email protected] 541-523-5663 Graham Aviation Services, LLC www.grahamaviation.com 503-581-4139 Northwest Aircraft www.nwaircraft.com 503-678-6070 Take Wing, Inc. Creswell, Oregon 541-510-7049 Lee & Lorraine Borchers 503-606-0364 John Helm [email protected] 503-397-3730 Oregon Aero, Inc. 800-888-6910 www.oregonaero.com TransAlliance, LLC Dan Cox 503-201-7309 Jetstream Aviation www.jetstreamaviation.com 509-767-0014 Oregon Department of Aviation Willamette Aviation Services [email protected] www.willametteair.com 503-378-4880 503-678-2252 Brim Aviation www.brimaviation.com 541-488-1095 Carousel Mountain Graphics [email protected] 503-581-3994 City of Newport [email protected] 541-270-2291 Larry & Danna Knox [email protected] Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 Page 11 Figure 2 – New OPA Website NOTAM TROUTDALE Due to Taxiway Bravo construction (the south taxiway), the useable runway length at Troutdale may be down to a short 2150 feet during certain hours. Take into account temperature and density altitude during a hot summer day, and you may have to delay your arrival or departure by several hours. ALWAYS call for a Preflight Briefing until this construction phase is over, which may be October, or even the first part of November. Please come visit our fine airport, but be aware of the construction and some of the limitations that will be imposed on us. Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 Page 12 Figure 3 – New OPA Website Village Green Resort TransWestern Aviation, Inc. $79 Fly-In Dinner Escape Package Scappoose Industrial Airpark (SPB) Open 0800 – Dusk • All Major CC/Check Cottage Grove, Oregon Package includes: *Package good Sunday thru Friday; excludes holiday periods; subject to availability; does not apply to groups. Expires 6/30/08. • One night in a cozy Garden Room • Dinner for two (full menu) with bottle of House wine in our new restaurant • Entertainment in the lounge (Friday thru Sunday) • Full breakfast buffet Call 800-343-7666 or 541-942-2491 Your Place to Dream DiamonDs Are here... ... y l F f l e Let Yours DA20 and DA40 Glass Diamond Day at the salem airport august 2nd noon to 5pm www.GrahamAviation.com • 503-581-4139 100LL & Jet A Call for Price Courtesy Car, tie-downs, ConferenCe room, Campground, piCniC areas, Loding and food nearby. uniCom 122.8 PH: 503.543.3121 • FAX: 503.543.5296 Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 Figure 4 – New OPA Website 1OH/O?MN #R?=ONCP? CL!B;LN?L Jet Charter • Aircraft Management Aircraft Sales • Hangar Space Executive Air Charter NW DIVISION 503-364-7858 www.sunquestexec.com Page 13 Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 Page 14 OPA Members Leading Trip to Canadian Fishing Lodge We are forming a group trip to Tsuniah (soon-ya) Lake Lodge in British Columbia, Canada, Friday, July 18, 2008 – Sunday, July 20, 2008. The lodge is about an hour’s flight north of Vancouver, B.C. We have been going to Tsuniah Lake Lodge about a half dozen years. The trip up, if you go the Butte Inlet route, has some of the most spectacular scenery in North America. The route takes you passed multiple glaciers. The airstrip is 4,000’ in elevation and 4,000’ long, 150-200’ wide, good solid packed grass. You can land either direction, go arounds are not a problem. The strip is big enough for King Air’s and larger Turbo’s or land on the lake with floats. Tsuniah Lake Lodge offers individual cabins or you can stay in the lodge. The home cooked meals are excellent. Fishing is usually great for lake trout. Boats, motors, horseback or mountain bike riding are all included. The lodge has a capacity of ten (10) planes or about twenty-four (24) people. We are about half full now. Fly with two (2) fellow OPA members who have made the trip many times. We are willing to help you with customs or flight planning as needed. We will be going up as a group. If you are interested, please drop us an email at: [email protected] or loralee_schmidt@hotmail. com or 541-258-6262. Oregon P i l o t s A s s o c i a t i o n / A i r S a f e t y & E d u c a t i o n F o u n d a t i o n • O p e n T o A l l A v i a t i o n E n t h u s i a s ts OPA Membership Application Name:_ _______________________ Name:__________________ Sponsor:_ _____________________ Mailing Address:_ ______________________________________ City/State/Zip:_ _________________ Email:________________________________________________ Phone:________________________ charge for printed Business Name: ________________________________ Newsletter by Email: Y N (add’l version; see below left) (if Business Member) Yes ______________________________________ _____ OPA Regular Membership $ 25.00 _____ OPA Lifetime Membership $500.00 _____ OPA Business Membership (include business name above) $ 50.00 _____ Printed Newsletter (email free) $ 15.00 _____ Static Cling Oregon Wings Decal $ _____ General Aviation News Subscription $ 26.00 1.00 Student Pilots: Your first year as an OPA member is FREE. List your flight instructor and airport where you train on this form. Send this form and your check to: Helen Holman OPA Membership Services 93963 Airport Ridge Lane • North Bend, OR 97459 Questions: Call 541-756-0182 or email at [email protected] TOTAL ENCLOSED (Payable to OPA) $ __________ Exp. 12/31/08 Are you interested in joining a local chapter? No Oregon Pilots’ Association July/August 2008 Page 15 Figure 5 – New OPA Website Troutdale Poker Run SATURDAY, JULY 12, 2008 VFR only, Troutdale start at 1:00pm. Fly to Scappoose, Mc Minnville, Mulino. Final hands must be at Troutdale by 5:00pm. Winning hand announced at 5:30pm. Winner splits pot 50/50 with OPA Troutdale Chapter. Other little prizes, a special one to some lucky pilot! COSTS: $ 5 entry fee per player. +$10 $2 per card (5 to a hand). $15 to play OPTIONAL: $ 5 per person: Sandwiches and the fixings afterwards. RSVP by July 10 if you are even thinking about relaxing with a sandwich. We need a ballpark estimate for the food supply. Thanks for the courtesy. Bob Gordon, Troutdale Chapter President (503)777-8020, [email protected] No User Fees for Now, Congress Extends Current FAA Funding By Warren D. Morningstar AOPA Online, 6/27/08 Congress has once again extended the current FAA funding system, preserving the status quo on aviation taxes until Sept. 30. “The good news is that aviation fuel taxes won’t change during the summer flying season, and there are no new user fees,” said AOPA President Phil Boyer. “And this extension will let airports spend all of their Airport Improvement Program grants during this construction season. “The bad news is that user fees still remain a possibility,” Boyer said. “The administration and the airlines have not given up, and until Congress passes and the president signs a new FAA funding bill without fees, we remain at risk.” Calendar of Events Baggage Compartment Monthly: First Saturday EAA 105 Pancake Breakfast at Stark’s Twin Oaks. 8-10am. July 9-13 Northwest EAA Fly-In at Arlington (KAWO) www.nweaa.org 18-20 19th Annual Prospect Search and Rescue Fly-In as Prospect State Airport (64S). Big BBQ Saturday evening, breakfast Sunday at 0600 for early departures. Kenny 541-560-3639 or Beth 541-560-1143 or [email protected]. 19-20 Mulino OPA Blueberry Pancake Breakfast 7:30am to 1:00pm 19-25 Oregon Antique & Classic Aircraft Club’s Oregon Air Tour, 503-910-7828 or jhusser@ minetfiber.com 25-27 25th Annual Mosquito Festival at Paisley (22S) Airport; http://paisley.presys.com/ mosq.htm 28- EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2008 Aug 3 www.eaa.org August 2 Diamond Day at the Salem (KSLE) Airport, featuring DA20, DA40 and DA40 with synthetic vision technology; www.grahamaviation.com HANGAR FOR SALE: Lebanon, Oregon (S30) 40’ X 30’. Cement floor, electricity, west side. $17,500.00. John McKinney 541-979-8640. FOR SALE: 5 Acre Homesite near the New Meadows Airport. A serene timbered setting in Little Salmon Estates, in the beautiful Meadows Valley, 12 scenic miles west of McCall, 3 miles north of the New Meadows Airport (1U4), 3 miles south of Zims Hot Springs. • Driveway & Building Site roughed-in; Septic approved. • Underground Power & Phone ~ Paved Roads. • Easy year-round access. • Protective CC & R’s ~ Horses allowed. • ½ mile to Little Salmon River. • View across Meadows Valley to Brundage Ski Area (20 minutes). • ½ mile to Meadow Creek’s public 18-hole championship Golf Course. Only $159,000. Contact Richard & Debbie Benson @ (541) 389-4523 or [email protected] The Baggage Compartment is a complimentary service of Oregon Pilots Association for current members only. Your ad will run one issue unless otherwise advised prior to the next newsletter deadline. Send ad copy as you want it appear in the newsletter (photos okay too) to PropWash@ oregonpilot.org. 15-17 Annual NWAAC Fly-In at McMinnville (KMMV) Airport; www.nwaac.com 16 West Columbia Gorge Chamber of Commerce’s Gorge Wheels and Wings Airfar/Cruise-in (gorgewheelsandwings. com) at Troutdale (KTTD) Airport. 22-23 Central Oregon Air Show at Madras. 23 Nor’west Fly Fest at Eugene (KEUG) Airport; www.norwestflyfest.com 22-24 NW Art & Air Festival at Albany (S12) Airport; www.cityofalbany.net/parks/nwaaf/ September 10-14 Reno Air Races at Reno, Nevada 13 Planes, Trains and Automobiles at Tillamook Air Museum; www.tillamookair. com/html/fly-in_cruise-in_walk-in.html www.oregonpilot.org/calendar for more events Hey Member... The strength of OPA and its power to help defend our freedom to fly (not to mention land) is in exact proportion to our numbers. Go back to page 14, clip the membership application, and find one new member for your Association – and yourself!
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