September 2014
September 2014
NEWS OKLAHOMA PILOTS ASSOCIATION In the Sky September 2014 ( Meetings September 11th Dinner Meeting - Second Thursday - 6:30 p.m. Social - 7:00 p.m. Dinner Speaker: CarolAnn Garratt - TWO Around the World Flights! Ms. Garratt earned her private pilot license in 1978 and her instrument rating in 1980. In 1996, she completed her commercial license and bought a Mooney in 2000. Not content to just fly, CarolAnn built her first plane in 2006. Today she owns and flies three different aircraft. She flies over 400 hours a year including flying students with the EAA Young Eagles program, the sick and needy with Angel Flights, and instructing cadets with the Civil Air Patrol. CarolAnn is a former manager with a Fortune 500 company. After her mother suffered and died from ALS (better known as Lou Gehrig's disease), she flew around the world in 2003 to raise awareness and donations for ALS. Her speaking engagements and book about the flight, “Upon Silver Wings”, have raised $80,000 for ALS research. She has completed a second around the world flight. (Photo and biography from the Dash for a Cure website.) OPA Officer and Board of Directors elections will be held at our September dinner meeting. The suggested list from the Nominating Committee is on page 7. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor; but be sure to first verify with anyone you wish to nominate that they would be willing to serve. If you would like to serve OPA in some capacity contact a board member. Please contact Roger Walton for dinner reservations so we have enough food. 405 219-5149 [email protected] October 2nd, 2014 - 6:00 p.m. The Oklahoma Pilots Association (OPA) meets the 1st Thursday of each month at the Clarence E. Page Building, located on Wiley Post Airport. From N. Rockwell, enter the airport at the traffic light (Phillip J. Rhoads Ave.), take the first right, and drive back to the light gray brick building. “Planes, Bikes, ‘n Cars” at Wiley Post! Fly your plane in, display your special car or bike, or do both! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Not just for pilots or OPA members. Free show! Charge for dinner. H NORT C.E. PAGE BUILDING E ES ROCK NU E AV AK C.E. PAGE BUILDING IL IP UE JR AVEN PH WELL L TU HO AD S AV Main Entrance To Wiley Post Airport EN UE OPA DINNER MEETING LOCATION MAP (Between NW 50th & NW 63rd) OPA News OPA News September 2014 2 OKLAHOMA PILOTS ASSOCIATION OPA President Bill Pappadopoulos Clarence E. Page Building 5810 Tulakes Avenue Wiley Post Airport Bethany, Oklahoma 73008 Oklahoma Pilots Association is a member-controlled not-forprofit organization for all pilots and aircraft owners. OPA strives to serve the needs of general aviation pilots statewide, promoting aviation, education and safety in personal and business flying. Membership consists of student pilots through airline transport pilots, both civil and military and is open to all pilots and aircraft owners. Annual membership dues are currently $35. OPA holds monthly dinner meetings at the C. E. Page Building on Wiley Post Airport in Oklahoma City. Distinguished guest speakers present educational and safety related programs at the monthly dinner meetings. OPA hosts monthly Fly Aways for lunch or dinner and weekend Fly Aways to interesting destinations. OPA, through its charitable non-profit corporation, accepts money or property donated to fund the Vic Jackson Memorial Scholarship Fund which is awarded annually to a college student with career aspirations in the field of aviation. Your contributions of money or property are tax deductible. OPA Newsletter Staff Editors: Ben & June Roy Typesetting & Layout: Ben Roy Circulation: Bill Hines Members’ contributions of articles and other information relative to aviation are encouraged. 2013-2014 OPA OFFICERS President - Bill Pappadopoulos Exec. Vice President - Mike Grimes Past President - Jeff Sandusky Treasurer - Roy Cowan Secretary - Frank Bice 405 417-7876 405 641-6860 405-650-5900 405 340-1425 405-642-3739 Vice President of Membership Roger Walton 405 219-5149 [email protected] Vice President of Communications Keith Leafdale 405 802-9594 [email protected] DIRECTORS Term Expires 6/30/2015 Matt Cole Bill Hines Mike Rangel Dean Ritter Joey Sager Term Expires 6/30/2014 Danny Davis Hal Harris Lee Holmes Al Liebler Don Miller Garrett Quinby - OSU Student Board Member EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS Ben Roy Steve Haynes Welcome back to all our vacationers! Keith Leafdale and his lovely wife went up to Canada and Alaska. See if you can get them to show you some of their pictures. Frank Bice and his wife got back from touring the northeastern part of the country. Make sure Frank shows you the car he bought while on vacation! Mike and Susie Grimes are still out there traveling! Well, we did it again! We ran out of food at our Last OPA meeting. Please, if you are planning to come, call Roger and let him know. What a meeting our last one was! The "Intrepid Eight Alaska Aviators" showed slides and video of their trip. Great fun! Carol Ann Garratt will be our speaker at our next meeting, which will be on the second Thursday. She will be talking to us about her two flights around the world. Come early and get a good seat! Congratulations to all who participated in the Okie Derby, to the two 99's who came in first, and my friend from Guthrie, Ryan Husky, and his sister, who came in third place. We had a great fly away to Stillwater last month and ate at Eskimo Joe's Mexican restaurant. I just love their fajitas! Delicious! Don't miss out on our next fun flyaway to Gaston's in Arkansas. See you on the skies, Bill El Reno Regional Airport Accepting Applications for Airport Manager Applications may be obtained through the Human Resource office located at 101 N. Choctaw, El Reno, during regular business hours or on the website: September 2014 3 OPA News Highlights from the August 7th Dinner Meeting President Bill Pappadopoulos welcomed everyone and Mike Rangel led the pledge to the flag. A show of hands revealed that almost half of those present went to Oshkosh. We had a lot of guests, including Angela Drabeck, the 99s scholarship winner who just flew her solo flight. We usually try to list guests, but want to save some space for our speakers’ presentation. Heather told us about the plans for the Okie Derby; one day this year at Sundance Airport. Jeff Sandusky introduced Victor Byrd, who informed us that due to a $200 million budget shortfall at the end of the legislative session in mid May, the legislature took three million dollars out of the Aeronautics non-appropriated funds. They considered taking it from the banking or energy departments, but didn't want to listen to protests. They thought that pilots would not complain as much. Aircraft owners and pilots fund the Aeronautics Agency through taxes. It is not funded by the legislature. The money would have been used for aviation for development and maintenance of the Oklahoma airport system. This was approved near midnight and the money was gone at 7 am, so there was no chance to object to it. Vic said that like Rodney Dangerfield, pilots don't get any respect. Pilots need to speak out. We will not get this money back. A letter campaign really does work and this is an election year. Jeff will send out a link to the state senators and representative to help you voice your opinion about this issue to your legislators. If you see them, talk to them about it so this doesn’t happen again next session. Thanks to Dean Ritter for getting the new sound system installed in the building. It is a huge improvement over the old system. The August Fly Away was changed to Mexico Joe's in Enid because the Cherokee Queen doesn't offer dinner cruises any more, so the committee didn't want to schedule an overnight Fly Away. Our speakers took the stage to tell us about their trip to Alaska. Lee Holmes and Jim Putnam shared a plane and the others flew solo; so there were eight men traveling in seven planes. They said they learned a lot; like you can land in stiff wind if you have to. They were glad they got to go, but don't want to do it again. Someone said that next year they might float the Mississippi. Larry Eversmeyer told us that OPA member Will Koska gave him his first jet ride over 30 years ago, and added that Alaska was a very good trip. Some of the people in attendance March 20132014 September OPA News 48 August Dinner Meeting Continued 1946 Luscombe 8-A, 65 HP no electrical system Jim Putnam took the lead for the presentation and was kind enough to share photos and slides for the newsletter. 1946 Cessna 140 90 HP Gruman AA-1 American 150 HP cruised 130 mph Champion 8GCBC Scout lead aircraft Tundra Tires, vortex generators, 150 HP 1949 Cessna 140 90 HP Cessna 182P 1975 230 HP fastest 135-140 mph Alon Mooney built A2A Ercoupe 100 HP rudder pedals They said they wanted to go because of the adventure – to see new country, visit sights and play tourist along the way. One said his wife called it a “stupid guy thing”. They started planning a year ago in January and finalized it in March this year. Terry Dow did a great job of being lead pilot and making radio calls. They said getting through Canadian customs was like giving birth to a porcupine. They showed us some very good short videos of the trip. They asked how you get 8 guys in a 5 person car. The answer was put 3 in the trunk. Going around a corner was a thrill for all of them packed in the car. They thought they saw mud flaps on some planes, but learned they were rock flaps to keep the rocks out of the horizontal stabilizers. During the longest day of the year they saw people fishing at 11:30 pm - in daylight. They visited Shotgun Cove and learned it got its name because the sleet pellets hit so hard it sounds like a shotgun. Weather kept them from going to the Arctic Circle. They said that Mt. McKinley is so tall it makes its own weather. In the winter there are down drafts of 80 mph. They saw a building where everything inside was carved out of ice, including the glasses in the bar and the beds. You could spend a night in the ice bed covered with caribou hides for only $600. They also said the people were all wonderful. On the return flight, one customs location didn't even look at their papers. They asked “Weren't you here about a week ago?” Then they said “You're good.” Someone asked how much the trip cost. One man said that's what his wife wants to know. Another said there was no cost - just a good investment. They said they learned the more you fly, the better you get. They improved flying skills, including landings, crosswind take offs and landing, go arounds, critical navigation and weather flying. They said it is good to go with others for mutual support, breakfast baggies, free beer, comic relief and good stories. It was a wonderful, entertaining presentation that I can't really cover in the newsletter. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so much of their story will be told with their pictures and slides and comments about them. September 2014 5 OPA News August Dinner Meeting Continued Mt. McKinley exceptionally clear day 20,237 feet Highest Mountain in North America The Stirring Saga of EAA members and the Page Airport Bums 14 June – 1 July 2014 Your intrepid aviators included from left to right: A business owner, Terry Dow; A retired School District Superintendent, Richard Flurry; A retired Air Force officer and aerospace manager, Jim Putnam; A retired nurse anesthetist, Don Rogers; An OG&E power production manager, Jim Thomas; A GP Doctor, Jesse Sullivan; An attorney, Lee Holmes; and A retired FAA Instructor, Jet pilot and chief instigator, Larry Eversmeyer. Flying up Ruth Glacier with Mt. McKinley in the distance September 2014 6 OPA News August Dinner Meeting Continued The red objects in the photo below are not lobsters. They are our intrepid explorers at the Hot Springs about 60 miles from Fairbanks. They said the list of activities at the springs didn’t include mosquito feeding. They were so big that when you swatted them, they hit the ground with a thud. They also said that for a trip like this, after you pack, take half out and throw it away, or leave it behind. (5 folding chairs for 2 guys, 3 flashlights, 2 multi tools, 2 pillows, 2 folding cots) Crew on glacier cruise out of Whittier, Alaska Flying Alaska Canada Highway They took a bus ride through steep mountains. Lee said it was the scariest bus trip he ever took. The photo of the grizzly bear was taken from the bus in Denali National Park. The bear was about 30 feet from the bus. While camping there a Park Ranger came by to talk to them about the bear problem. They had to use bear proof cans. The man with the “Pacifier”, a 4570 double action rifle, slept pretty “good”. The others didn't. (Welcome home intrepid explorers!) Enid Woodring's 6th Annual Poker Run! The Poker Run will be held September 27, 2014. All proceeds this year will go to the Lady Liberty Sponsor Group to help with replacing a broken engine, which failed while on route to an air show in Hutchinson, KS. Plan to come out for some good food, fun, and to help bring the Lady Liberty home! September 2014 OPA News OPA News 7 Oklahoma Pilots Association 2014 Officer and Board Member Elections Election Date Moved to 9-11-14 Suggested Slate from the OPA Nominating Committee New Term Expires June 30, 2015 (1 year terms): President, Bill Pappadopoulos, Vice President, Mike Grimes, Past President, Jeff Sandusky (no election required), Treasurer, Roy Cowan, Secretary, Lee Holmes, Vice President of Membership, Roger Walton, Vice President of Communications, Keith Leafdale, Directors: Marc Harrison, Holly Blunk, Hal Harris, Al Liebler, Don Miller, Collegiate Member, Garrett Quinby OSU Current Directors NOT up for Election (2 year terms - expire June 30, 2015): Matt Cole, Bill Hines, Mike Rangel, Joey Sager August 9th OPA Fly Away - Stillwater - Mexico Joe’s Thanks to Vi Davis and Roger Walton for the photos and information There was a good turn out for the Fly Away. 17 people attended with 5 airplanes, including: Matt Cole & Bill Pappadopoulos, Bill Hines & Roy Cowan, Danny & Viola Davis & baby Josie Sager, Al & Sonie Liebler, Cary & Terry Fisher, Roger & Jan Walton, Sandy & Diane Harris, Garrett Quinby and Wyvema Startz. From the smiles I would say that the food was also good. Can you believe that Mexico Joe can fly on a jalapeno? I guess we had better stick with flying in airplanes. Roger Walton says that Mexico Joe is Eskimo Joe’s cousin and that his real name is Jose. I don’t have any confirmation on that bit of information, but it sounds good. Home built Air Camper September 2014 OPA News 8 Free Seminar sponsored by OPA on September 20th Fall is coming and Harry Weatherford's FREE seminars are firing up again. The first seminar is September 20th at Tony Plants' new hangar. Your OPA has decided to host a free lunch at the seminar. Please try to attend, and let's enjoy the seminar and a little social time. Perhaps by then Roger Walton will be able to show off that new airplane he has been bragging about. The seminar is about Instrument Departures, but it is not just for instrument pilots. We should all understand departure planning. The seminar has FAA WINGS credit attached, and as an added bonus - Flight Instructors will be available for you to complete your Wings credit for a FLIGHT REVIEW. Bring your airplane or rent one, and get that proficiency flying done. It has been rumored that a B29 will be at Valair on that same day, so bring the whole family and a few friends along for a full day of Aviation, Oklahoma Style. The following week (September 27th) Harry will hold a second seminar at Tony's hangar. It will cover enroute charts, and Instrument Approach Procedures. The third and final seminar of the series will be held on November 1st, and it will be about what you should see at the completion of an Instrument Approach. Remember all of Harry's seminars are Family Friendly. After ten years of FREE seminars this is Harry's last year of devotion to keeping us informed about the ever changing world of Aviation. Harry says he intends to do more flying and less talking about it. Attend these last seminars and help him keep his word. September 26th - 27th- OPA Fly Away - Lakeview, Arkansas Gaston’s Scenic and Historic Restaurant Wheels Down: before dark on the 26th or 11 am on the 27th Aerial view (right) of Gaston’s 3MO from the west end. Notice the power lines. That is why we land from and take off to the east. Good grass 2,200’ X 55’. NO runway lights. Gaston’s White River Resort in the Arkansas Ozark Mountains. A good one for an overnight stay. Make reservations early 870-431-5202 (required - no refund). Contact Roger Walton at his email: [email protected] or call him 405-2195149, or contact any Fly Away Committee Member to let them know you are going, have an extra seat, or need a ride. OPA Fly Away Committee Members include: Danny Davis <[email protected]>, Bill Pappadopoulos <[email protected]>, Mike Rangel <[email protected]>, "Hal H. Harris" < c a p t . h a r r i s @ a i r o n e f l i g h t a c a d e m y. c o m > , M a t t C o l e <[email protected]>; Roger Walton <[email protected]>; and Keith Leafdale <[email protected]>. Thanks for a great job planning our Fly Aways! Gastonʼs Scenic and Historic Restaurant September 2014 9 OPA News 2014 OPA Calendar Be sure to contact Roger Walton for dinner reservations 405 219-5149 [email protected] September 11th - Dinner Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport (2nd Thursday) September 18th - OPA Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport September 26th - 27th - Fly Away - Lakeview, Arkansas - Gaston’s Scenic & Historic Restaurant Wheels down - before dark October 2nd - Planes, Bikes ‘n Cars 6:00 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport October 18th - Fly Away - Cedar Mills, Lake Texoma Safety Seminar & Seaplane Splash-In Pelican's Landing Waterfront Restaurant October 16th - OPA Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport November 6th - Dinner Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport November 8th - Fly Away - Fairview Fly In and Airshow - Wheels down 11:00 November 20th - OPA Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. Page Building, Wiley Post Airport Monthly Oklahoma Fly-Ins 1st Saturday - Ponca City Aviation Booster Fly-In Breakfast - Call Don Nuzum 580-767-0470 1st Saturday - Pauls Valley Breakfast Fly In Call 405 268-3925 No 2nd Saturday August -Oshkosh- Ardmore Breakfast Lakeland Aviation - Call 580 389-5000 3rd Saturday - Alva Regional Airport Fly-In Breakfast - Call 580 327-6778 (Apr - Nov) Saturday after 3rd Monday - Owasso Pancake Breakfast EAA Chapter 10 4th Saturday - Enid Fly-In Breakfast - Woodring Airport (WDG) March through October on 26th OPA Newsletter Ad Rates Approximate Ad Size Monthly Rate Business Card 2“x 3 ½” $25.00 One-Eighth Page 2 ½“ x 3 ¾” $35.00 One-Quarter Page 3 ¾“ x 4 ¾” $65.00 One-Half Page 4 ¾“ x 7 ½” $115.00 Full Page 7 ½“ x 9 ½” $235.00 Ask About Discounts for Annual Ads Call Ben Roy, 405-324-6554 Buick MEMBER GMC Pontiac “The Cars & Trucks America Owns" HWY 81, S. of 66 - EL RENO - 405-262-2466 - 800-375-3751 September April 2008 October 20082014 April 2006 OPA News OPA News OPA News 10 10 10 Please Print - Information Will Be Used For Membership Directory and Newsletter Database Oklahoma Pilots Association Membership Application New Membership Renewal Update Date Referred By Your Name Occupation Name tag Yes No All material for newsletter publication should be sent to: Spouse Occupation Name tag Yes No OPA NEWS Address E-Mail Address City Phone (Residence) Receive by Mail Zip State (FAX) (Business) Pilot information: Are you a Aircraft Owner? Yes MEMBER: Approximate Hours Private Commercial Instrument ATP CFI CFII No Type N# Please make dues check payable to: Oklahoma Pilots Association Mail to: 5810 Tulakes Ave., Wiley Post Airport, Bethany, OK 73008 C/o Ben Roy 11749 SW. 54th Mustang, OK 73064 405-324-6554 Home 405-802-9657 Cell email: [email protected] ANNUAL DUES ARE $35 ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE The OPA General Aviation Newsletter is published monthly. Articles for the newsletter are sought from members, trade organizations, etc. Stories and articles can include flying trips, rebuilding and restoration experiences, special tips, activities, etc. Material for publication will be accepted up to the deadline which is the 15th of each month, space permitting. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept, refuse, or edit any material submitted. Publication of articles and opinions in the OPA Newsletter is not an endorsement by the Association, nor does the Association assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the Newsletter. Permission is granted to reprint, provided credit is given to The Oklahoma Pilots Association Newsletter. For circulation issues including newsletters not received call Bill Hines 405-749-2520 or [email protected]. For email and address changes contact Roger Walton 405-2195149 or email [email protected]. OKLAHOMA PILOTS ASSOCIATION Clarence E. Page Building 5810 Tulakes Avenue Wiley Post Airport Bethany, Oklahoma 73008
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OPA Newsletter Staff
Editors: Ben & June Roy
Typesetting & Layout: Ben Roy
Circulation: Bill Hines
Members’ contributions of articles and other information