James W. Tunnell


James W. Tunnell
James W. Tunnell
Department of Biomedical Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station C0800
Austin, TX 78712-0238
[email protected]
Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Ph.D. in Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, TX
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, TX
Assoc. Professor, Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Undergraduate Faculty Advisor, Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Asst. Professor, Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Visiting Scientist, Spectroscopy Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA
Faculty for NSF IGERT Program, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Postdoctoral Fellow, Spectroscopy Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA
Graduate Research Internship, R&D, Thermage Inc., Hayward, CA
Visiting Research Assistant, Beckman Laser Institute, University of California, Irvine, CA
Cooperative Engineering Education Program, Motorola Inc., Boynton Beach, FL
Chair, Engineering Conferences International, Advances in Optics for Biotechnology and Surgery, 2013
Outstanding Graduate Alumnus Award, Bioengineering, Rice University, 2010
ING Professor of Excellence, University of Texas, 2010
Coulter Fellow, Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, 2010
Program Chair, CLEO (Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics) - Applications Annual Meeting, 2011
Board of Associate Editors, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2010Co-Chair, Technical Program – BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society) Annual Meeting 2010
Chair, Biological and Medical Applications Subcommittee – CLEO Annual Meeting, 2009
“20 Greatest Inventions of the Next Decade”, Business Week, 2009
Early Career Award (Phase II), Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, 2008
R01 Project Grant – National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute, 2008-2013
Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, 2007
Early Career Award (Phase I), Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, 2006
National Research Service Award – National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute, 2004
Best Basic Science Paper (Student/Resident) – Am. Soc. for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2000
Cox Fellowship, Rice University, 1998
Cooperative Engineering Education Program, University of Texas at Austin, 1998
Research Funding ($4.5M, 2005-2011): NIH, NSF, Coulter Foundation, Am Soc. Las. Surg.
Peer reviewed journal articles/proceedings: 30/20
Patents and patent applications: 4
Professional memberships: Optical Society of America (OSA), The International Society for Optical Engineers
(SPIE), IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (IEEE-EMBS), IEEE Photonics Society (IEEE-LEOS),
Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Fellow-American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS),
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
1 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
My current research program at the University of Texas at Austin focuses on two primary projects centered on the
use of optical techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Noninvasive diagnosis of skin cancer:
A critical need exists for the noninvasive detection of skin cancer. The current standard-of-care in the
identification of skin cancer is visual inspection followed by biopsy and histopathology of suspicious skin sites.
Since a physician is required to perform this biopsy, there is often a delay in diagnosis, resulting in deeper, more
aggressive tumors and increased mortality from malignant melanoma. Current estimates state that fifty biopsies
are required to find a single melanoma skin cancer (MSC) and five biopsies are required to find a single
nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Given the current incidence of MSC and NMSC in the US alone (60,000 and
1,200,000 per year, respectively), more than 8 million biopsies at a cost of about $2.8 billion are being performed
each year on benign skin lesions.
We are developing optical spectroscopy for the clinical, noninvasive diagnosis of skin cancer. We have developed
a clinical spectrometer prototype (Rajaram Appl Opt 2010) and associated algorithms (Rajaram J Biomed Opt
2008, Rajaram Lasers Surg Med 2010) to perform a noninvasive spectral diagnosis, or a so called “optical
biopsy”. We have recently conducted clinical pilot studies in collaboration with MD Anderson Cancer Center and
the University of Texas Medical Branch. This device has been tested in over 100 patients, and our results
demonstrate that the accuracy of this device is as good or better than the dermatologist’s clinical diagnosis, but
without requiring a biopsy (Rajaram Lasers Surg Med 2010). This work has received over $1.3M from the Wallace
H. Coulter Foundation (Phase I and II Early Career Awards), the National Institutes of Health, the Norman
Hackerman Advanced Research Program, the American Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine, and DermDx
Inc. The intellectual property generated from this work has been licensed to a startup company (DermDx Inc.,
Fresno, CA), and we are working collaboratively to conduct clinical trials and commercialize this technology.
Combined imaging and treatment of solid tumors using nanovectors:
Metal nanoparticles (NP) have gained interest as a novel platform for integrated cancer imaging and therapy due
to their highly desirable spectral and molecular properties. Applications of NPs have recently been demonstrated
for in vivo targeting and photothermal therapy of murine tumors. Much of the promise in this and related
nanotechnologies rely not only on their therapeutic effect but also their diagnostic potential. However, there are
currently limited techniques available for imaging these particles in vivo.
We have developed three imaging strategies for metal nanoparticles for the combined imaging and treatment of
solid tumors. First, we demonstrated for the first time that gold/silica nanoshells exhibit bright two-photon induced
photoluminescence (TPIP) when excited using a NIR femtosecond laser. This finding enables their use as direct
luminescence-based contrast agents for non-linear microscopy in bulk tissue (Park Opt Express 2008), and we
have used this luminescence to characterize the NP’s targeting kinetics to solid tumors (Park Lasers Surg Med
2010). Second, we demonstrated that diffuse optical spectroscopy (DOS) can be used to measure NP
concentrations within bulk tissue noninvasively (Zaman IEEE J Sel Top Quant Electr 2007). Finally, we have
shown that NIR narrowband imaging (NBI) can be used as a noncontact intra-operative imaging technique to
visualize wide-field distributions of NPs within tumors (Puvanakrishnan J Biomed Opt 2009). We are further
developing this method to be used for margin demarcation during surgical excision of pancreatic tumors. These
imaging technologies allow for both the study of the targeting kinetics of NP vectors as well as combined imaging
and treatment strategies of cancer. Intellectual property for the DOS and NBI technologies have been licensed to
private companies for further development and commercialization (Nanotox Inc. and Nanospectra Biosciences,
respectively). These projects have received over $2.5M in funding from the National Institutes of Health, American
Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine, and the Tate Foundation.
2 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
Current and Completed
1/01/06 –
8/01/06 –
1/01/07 –
6/01/07 –
Thermoradiotherapy Development and Validation of a
New Paradigm in Cancer
UT Seed Grant
Spectral Diagnosis of Early
Cutaneous Melanoma
In vivo quantitative tomographic
imaging of EGFR-conjugated
quantum dots.
In vivo tumor targeting using
metal nanoparticles
Metal nanoparticle mediated
imaging, targeting, and
treatment of cancer
UT Seed Grant
Oak Ridge
R01 CA132032
$1,510,092 $1,510,092
5/05/08 –
Effect of pigment packaging in
diffuse reflectance
Society for
Laser Medicine
and Surgery
7/01/08 –
Two photon imaging of tumors
using nanoshells
Society for
Laser Medicine
and Surgery
7/01/08 –
NIR narrowband imaging of
gold/silica nanoshells in tumors
Society for
Laser Medicine
and Surgery
7/01/09 –
Multiphoton imaging and
photothermal therapy of tumors
using nanoshells
Society for
Laser Medicine
and Surgery
7/01/08 –
Spectral Diagnosis of
Cutaneous Malignancy
8/01/08 –
Supplement: Metal nanoparticle
mediated imaging, targeting,
and treatment of cancer
R01 CA13203202W1
9/01/09 –
NSF 0945088
1/1/10 –
DermDx Inc.
5/1/10 –
SBIR Phase I: NanoparticleGoodrich based radio-imaging and
ablation of lung cancer
Combined Raman, reflectance,
and fluorescence spectroscopy
for the detection of skin cancer.
3 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
Development of a hyper-spectral
spectroscopic instrument for
non-invasive diagnosis of
Noninvasive detection of skin
Integrated Imaging and
Krishnan/ Photothermal Ablation of
Schwartz Pancreatic Cancer Resection
Narrowband Imaging of Breast
Cancer Margins Using
Nanoparticles to Guide Surgical
Shared instrumentation grant:
Multiphoton microscope for
biomedical engineering
R21 RR026259
Texas Higher
R21 CA133691
SBIR Topic 286
S10 RR027950
7/01/10 –
7/01/10 –
7/15/10 –
9/24/10 –
4/1/11 –
$3,935,931 $4,520,549
Multi modal (DDx) device for
diagnosis of skin cancer
Noninvasive Skin Cancer
Diagnosis Using Multi-modal
Noninvasive Skin Cancer
Diagnosis Using Multi-modal
9/01/11 –
$2,438,774 $2,438,774
4/01/12 –
$1,400,000 $1,400,000
4 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
In Preparation
Nichols B, Rajaram N, Tunnell JW. Performance of a look-up table based approach for measuring tissue
optical properties with diffuse optical spectroscopy. Biomed Opt Express (in prep), 2011
Puvanakrishnan P, Park J, Bish S, Tunnell JW. Fractional dosing of metal nanoparticles to solid tumors
enhances uptake. ACS Nano, 2011
Puvanakrishnan P, Tunnell JW. System for real-time narrowband imaging of plasmonic nanoparticles in
tissue. Appl Opt, 2011
Lim L, Nichols B, Rajaram N, Migden M, Reichenberg J, Tunnell JW. Noninvasive diagnosis of melanoma
using muilti-modal spectroscopy. Science Translational Medicine (in prep.), 2011
In Review
Izquierdo-Roman A, Vogt WC, Robertson JL, Lim L, Nichols B, Tunnell JW, Rylander CG. Effects of localized
compression on diffuse reflectance spectra of ex vivo porcine skin. Lasers Surg Med (in review) 2011
Vogt WC, Izquierdo-Román A, Nichols B, Lim L, Tunnell JW, Rylander CG. Effects of Mechanical Indentation
on Diffuse Reflectance Spectra, Light Transmission, and Optical Properties in Ex Vivo Porcine Skin. Lasers in
Surgery and Medicine (in review) 2011
Puvanakrishnan P, Tunnell JW. Narrow band imaging of squamous cell carcinoma tumors using topically
delivered anti-EGFR conjugated gold nanorods. Lasers Surg Med, (in review) 2011
Pattani V, Tunnell JW. Thermal efficiency of nanorods and nanoshells for heating biological tissues. Lasers
Surg. Med. (in review), 2011
Published/In press
1. Bish S, Rajaram N, Nichols B, Tunnell JW. A noncontact probe for diffuse optical spectroscopy of tissue. J
Biomed Opt (in press), 2011
2. Zaman R, Oliver J, Welch AJ, Tunnell JW, Zhang XJ, Rylander HG, Micro-patterned Drug Delivery Device for
Light-Activated Drug Release. Lasers Surg Med (in press) 2011
3. Hessel CM, Pattani V, Rasch M, Panthani M, Koo B, Tunnell JW, Korgel BA, Copper Selenide Nanocrystals
for Photothermal Therapy Nano Letters 11(6):2560-2566, 2011
4. Barman I, Dingari NC, Rajaram N, Tunnell JW, Dasari RR, Feld MS. Rapid and accurate determination of
tissue optical properties using least-squares support vector machines. Biomedical Optics Express 2(3): 592–
599, 2011 [PMCID: PMC3047364]
5. Zaman RT, Rylander HG, Rajaram N, Wang T, Asokan N, Tunnell JW, Welch AJ. Changes in morphology
and optical properties of sclera and choroidal layers due to hyperosmotic agent. J Biomed Opt 16(7), 077008,
6. Lim L, Rajaram N, Nichols B, Tunnell JW. The effect of probe pressure on combined diffuse reflectance and
laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy of in human skin. J Biomed Opt 16, 011012, 2011
7. Zaman RT, Rajaram N, Walsh A, Oliver J, Rylander HG, Tunnell JW, Welch AJ, Mahadevan-Jansen A.
Variation of Fluorescence in Tissue with Temperature. Lasers Surg Med 43(1):36-42, 2011
8. Rajaram N, Reichenberg JS, Migden M, Nguyen T, Tunnell JW. Pilot clinical study for quantitative spectral
diagnosis of non-melanoma skin cancer. Lasers Surg Med 42:716-727, 2010
9. Wang Y, Bish S, Tunnell JW, Zhang XJ. MEMS Scanner enabled real-time Depth sensitive Hyperspectral
Imaging of Biological Tissue. Opt Express 18(23):24101–24108, 2010 (also appeared in Virtual Journal of
Biomedical Optics 6(1), 2010)
10. Hessel CM, Rasch M, Hueso JL, Goodfellow B, Akhavan VA, Puvanakrishnan P, Tunnell JW, and Korgel BA.
Alkyl Passivation and Amphiphilic Polymer Coating of Silicon Nanocrystals for Medical Diagnostic Imaging.
Small 6(18):2026-2034, 2010
5 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
11. Park J, Estrada A, Schwartz JA, Diagaradjane P, Krishnan S, Dunn AK, Tunnell JW. Intra-organ
biodistribution of gold nanoparticles using intrinsic two photon induced photoluminescence. Lasers Surg. Med.
42(7):630-639, 2010 (cover feature)
12. Yan C, Pattani V, Tunnell JW, Ren P. Temperature-induced unfolding of epidermal growth factor (EGF):
insight from molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modeling 29:2-12, 2010
13. Rajaram N, Gopal A, Zhang X, Tunnell JW. Experimental validation of the effects of microvasculature pigment
packaging on in vivo diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Lasers Surg. Med. 42:680–688, 2010
14. Erickson T, Mazur A, Cuccia D, Durkin A, Tunnell JW. A Lookup-Table Method for Imaging Optical Properties
with Structured Illumination Beyond the Diffusion Theory Regime. J Biomed Opt 15(3):036013, 2010
15. Rajaram N, Aramil T, Lee K, Reichenberg JS, Nguyen TH, Tunnell JW. Design and validation of a clinical
instrument for spectral diagnosis of cutaneous malignancy. Appl Opt 49(2):142-152, 2010 (also appeared in
Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, 5(3), 2010)
16. Puvanakrishnan P, Park J, Diagaradjane P, Schwartz JA, Coleman C, Gill-Sharp KL, Sang KL, Payne JD,
Krishnan S, Tunnell JW. Near infrared narrowband imaging of gold/silica nanoshells in tumors. J Biomed Opt
14(2):024044, 2009
17. Lau C, Scepanovic O, Mirkovic J, McGee S, Yu CC, Fulgham S, Wallace M, Tunnell JW, Bechtel K, Feld MS.
Re-evaluation of model-based light scattering spectroscopy for tissue spectroscopy. J Biomed Opt
14(2):024031, 2009
18. Rajaram N, Nguyen TH, Tunnell JW. A Lookup-table based inverse model for measuring optical properties of
turbid media. J Biomed Opt 13(5): 050501, 2008
19. Diagaradjane P, Shetty A, Wang J, Elliot A, Schwartz J, Shentu S, Park HC, Deorukhkar A, Stafford J, Cho S,
Tunnell JW, Hazle J, Krishnan S. Modulation of in vivo tumor radiation response via vascular-focused
hyperthermia – characterizing gold nanoshells as integrated anti-hypoxic and localized vascular disrupting
agent. Nano Lett 8(5); 1492-1500, 2008
20. Park J, Estrada A, Sharp K, Sang K, Schwartz JA, Smith D, Coleman C, Payne JD, Korgel B, Dunn AK,
Tunnell JW. Two-photon-induced photoluminescence imaging of tumors using near-infrared excited gold
nanoshells. Opt Express 16(3):1590-1599, 2008 (also appeared in Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, 3(3),
21. Zaman RT, Diagaradjane P, Wang J, Schwartz JA, Rajaram N, Gill-Sharp K, Cho S, Rylander HG, Payne DJ,
Krishnan S, Tunnell JW. In vivo detection of gold nanoshells in tumors using diffuse optical spectroscopy.
IEEE J Sel Top Quant Elec 13(6):1715-1720, 2007
22. Yu CC, Lau C, Tunnell JW, Hunter M, Kalashnikov M, Fang-Yen C, Fulghum SF, Badizadegan K, Dasari RR,
Feld MS. Assessing epithelial cell nuclear morphology using azimuthal light scattering spectroscopy. Opt Lett
31(21):3119-3121, 2006
23. Pikkula BM, Tunnell JW, Chang DW, Anvari B. Effects of droplet velocity, diameter, and film height on heat
removal during cryogen spray cooling. Ann Biomed Eng 32(8):1131-1140, 2004
24. Tunnell JW, Desjardins A, Galindo L, Georgakoudi I, McGee SA, Mirkovic J, Muller M, Nazemi J, Nguyen FT,
Wax A, Zhang Q, Dasari RR, Feld MS. Instrumentation for multimodal spectroscopic diagnosis of epithelial
dysplasia. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2(6):505-514, 2003
25. Dai T, Pikkula BM, Tunnell JW, Chang D, Anvari B. Thermal response of human skin epidermis to 595-nm
laser irradiation at high incident dosages and long pulse durations in conjunction with cryogen spray cooling:
an ex-vivo study. Lasers Surg Med 33(1):16-24, 2003
26. Tunnell JW, Chang D, Johnston C, Torres JH, Patrick CW, Miller MJ, Thomsen SL, Anvari B. Effects of
cryogen spray cooling and high radiant exposures on selective vascular injury during laser irradiation of
human skin. Arch Dermatol 139:743-750, 2003
(Editorial Review: Anderson RR. Fire and Ice. Arch Dermatol 139:787-788, 2003)
27. Tunnell JW, Wang L, Anvari B. Optimum pulse duration and radiant exposure for vascular laser therapy of
dark port-wine stain skin: a theoretical study. Applied Optics 42(7):1367-1378, 2003
28. Pikkula BM, Tunnell JW, Anvari B. Methodology for characterizing heat removal mechanism in human skin
during cryogen spray cooling. Ann Biomed Eng 31:493-504, 2003
6 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
29. Tunnell JW, Torres JH, Anvari B. Methodology for estimation of time-dependent surface heat flux due to
cryogen spray cooling. Ann Biomed Eng 30:19-33, 2002
30. Pikkula BM, Torres JH, Tunnell JW, Anvari B. Cryogen spray cooling: implications of droplet size and spray
density on heat removal. Lasers Surg Med 28:103-112, 2001
31. Torres JH, Tunnell JW, Pikkula BM, Anvari B. An analysis of heat removal during cryogen spray cooling and
effects of simultaneous airflow application. Lasers Surg Med 28:477-486, 2001
32. Tunnell JW, Nelson JS, Torres JH, Anvari B. Epidermal protection with cryogen spray cooling during high
fluence pulsed dye laser irradiation: an ex vivo study. Lasers Surg Med 27(4):373-383, 2000
1. Wang Y, Bish S, Tunnell JW, and Zhang XJ. MEMS-enabled hyperspectral imaging system for fast CTC
screening. Proc SPIE (in press), 2012
2. Bish S, Wang Y, Tunnell JW, and Zhang XJ, MEMS based handheld functional fast hyperspectral imaging
system. The 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, June 5-9,
2011, Beijing, China
3. Park J, Estrada A, Sharp K, Sang K, Schwartz JA, Smith DK, Diagaradjane P, Krishnan S, Payne JD,
Coleman CL, Korgel BA, Dunn AK, Tunnell JW. Two-photon-induced photoluminescence imaging of gold
nanoshell tumor bio-distribution. Proc SPIE 71920T:1-9, 2009
4. Puvanakrishnan P, Park JS, Diagaradjane P, Schwartz JA, Coleman CL, Sharp KL, Sang K, Payne JD,
Krishnan S, Tunnell JW. Narrowband imaging of tumors using gold nanoshells. Proc SPIE 716912:1-8, 2009
5. Rajaram N, Kovacic D, Migden MF, Reichenberg J, Nguyen T, Tunnell JW. In vivo spectral analysis of skin
cancer. Proc SPIE 7161, 716102-1, 2009
6. Zaman RT, Rylander III HG, Rajaram N, Wang T, Asokan N, Tunnell JW, Welch AJ. Morphological and
optical properties changes of sclera due to hyper-osmotic agent. Proc SPIE 71750D:1-10, 2009
7. Tunnell JW, Park J, Estrada A, Sharp K, Sang K, Wang J, Schwartz JA, Coleman C, Payne JD, Dunn AK.
Microscopy of gold nanoshells in tumors using two-photon induced photoluminescence. 2008 Digest of the
LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, p71-72, 2008
8. Park J, Estrada A, Schwartz JA, Payne JD, Dunn AK, Tunnell JW. 3D Microscopy of gold nanoshells in
tumors using two-photon induced photoluminescence. Proc SPIE 6869, 68690L, 2008
9. Rajaram N, Aramil T, Lee K, Tunnell JW. A clinical instrument for spectral diagnosis of cutaneous malignancy.
Proc SPIE 6848, 68480R, 2008
10. Diagaradjane P, Shetty A, Wang J, Schwartz J, Shentu S, Park CH, Deorukhar A, Elliot AM, Stafford JR, Cho
S, Tunnell JW, Hazle J, Krishnan S. Gold nanoshell mediated hyperthermia enhances the efficacy of radiation
therapy. Proc SPIE 6865, 68650N, 2008
11. Dai T, Tunnell JW, Pikkula BM, Chang DW, Anvari B. Thermal response of human skin epidermis to 595 nm
laser irradiation and cryogen spray cooling: an ex vivo study. Proc. SPIE, 4949:1-9, 2003
12. Tunnell JW, Wang LH, Anvari B. Increased radiant exposures for cutaneous laser therapy: a mathematical
model based on histology. Proc. IEEE-EMBS, 2273-2274, 2002
13. Pikkula BM, Tunnell JW, Anvari B. Methodology for estimating instantaneous heat removal from human skin
in response to cryogen spray cooling. Proc. IEEE-EMBS, 2275-2276, 2002
14. Dai T, Tunnell JW, Pikkula BM, Anvari B. High incident fluence and long pulse laser irradiation in conjunction
with cryogen spray cooling: an ex-vivo study. Proc. IEEE-EMBS, 2271-2272, 2002
15. Tunnell JW, Stern RA, Pope KA. RF non-ablative cutaneous thermal therapy. Proc. SPIE, 4609, 75-81, 2002
16. Tunnell JW, Chang D, Johnston C, Torres JH, Patrick CW, Miller MJ, Thomsen SL, Anvari B. In vivo study of
epidermal protection by cryogen spray cooling during pulsed laser irradiation at high radiant exposures. Proc.
SPIE 4609, 67-74, 2002
17. Pikkula BM, Domankevitz Y, Tunnell JW, and Anvari B. Cryogen spray cooling: effects of cryogen film on light
transmission and heat removal. Proc. SPIE, 4609, 50-56, 2002
7 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
18. Tunnell JW, Torres JH, Anvari B. Estimation of surface heat flux due to cryogen spray cooling using an
inverse heart transfer formulation. Bioengineering Conference ASME BED-Vol. 50:125-126, 2001
19. Pikkula BM, Tunnell JW, Torres JH, Anvari B. Mechanism of heat removal for cryogen spray cooling.
Bioengineering Conference ASME BED-Vol. 50:121-122, 2001
20. Anvari B, Pikkula BM, Tunnell JW, and Torres JH. Thermal and fluid characteristics during cryogen spray
cooling. Proc. SPIE, 4244: 105-112, 2001
1. Wallace MB, Sullivan D, Rustgi AK, Tunnell JW, and Feld MS. Advanced Imaging and Technology in
Gastrointestinal Neoplasia: Summary of the AGA-NCI Symposium. Gastroenterology 130(4):1333-1342, 2006
2. Tunnell JW, Haka AS, McGee SA, Mirkovic J, Feld MS. Diagnostic tissue spectroscopy and its applications to
gastrointestinal endoscopy. Tech Gastrointestinal Endo 5:65-73, 2003
1. Pattani V, Tunnell JW. “Optical imaging of plasmonic nanoparticles.” Cancer Nanotechnology: Principles and
Applications in Radiation Oncology Taylor & Francis Group, (in prep.) 2011
2. Tunnell JW. Ed. “Biophotonics Series: In vivo clinical imaging and diagnostics” McGraw-Hill, New York, 2011
3. Erickson T, Tunnell JW. “Gold Nanoshells in Biomedical Applications.” Nanomaterials for the Life Sciences:
Mixed metal nanomaterials, Vol. 3 Ed. Chulla Kumar, Wiley-VCH, pgs. 1-44, 2009
8 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
1. Tunnell JW, Puvanakrishnan P, Park JS, Payne D. “Narrowband imaging using near infrared absorbing
nanoparticles.” Joint with Nanospectra Biosciences Inc., International App. No.: PCT/US2009/01736
(Licensed to Nanospectra Biosciences Inc. Houston, TX)
2. Tunnell JW, Rajaram N. “Systems and Methods for diagnosis of epithelial lesions” U.S. Provisional Pat. App.
Serial No. 61/089,736 August 18, 2008 (Licensed to DermDx, Fresno, CA)
3. Tunnell JW, Zaman R. “Method for measuring metal nanoparticles in tissue.” U.S. Provisional Pat. App. Serial
No. 60/944,309 June 15, 2007(U.S. Pat. App. Serial No. 12/139,620 and PCT filed 6/2008) (Licensed to
NanoTox Inc., Austin, TX)
4. Bish S, Tunnell JW.”Noncontact spectroscopic probe for tissue characterization” U.S. Provisional App. (filed
1. Tunnell JW. Commercializing Biophotonics devices. Technology Entrepreneurship Seminar Series. University
of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, September 30, 2011
2. Tunnell JW. Nanoparticle based imaging and treatment of cancer. Symposium on Nanobiophotonics, CLEO:
QELS – Fundamental Science, Baltimore, MD, May 1-6, 2011
3. Tunnell JW. Spatial frequency domain imaging of tissues. 2nd Annual DLP Applications and Technology
Symposium. AT&T Conference Center. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, April 23, 2010
4. Tunnell JW. Cutting Edge technologies in tumor margin detection. Annual meeting of the American Society for
Laser Medicine and Surgery. Phoenix, AZ, April 17, 2010
5. Tunnell JW. Optical nanotechnology for the combined imaging and treatment of cancer. Invited talk - 93rd
Annual meeting of the Optical Society of America, Frontiers in Optics. San Jose, CA, October 11-15th, 2009
6. Tunnell JW. Optical nanotechnology for the combined imaging and treatment of cancer. Seminar –
Department of Biomedical Engineering. University of California, Irvine, CA, May 14th, 2009
7. Tunnell JW. The symbiotic relationship between marine scientists and biomedical engineers: the noninvasive
detection of skin cancer. Seminar – Harte Research Institute. Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, TX, May
8th, 2009
8. Tunnell JW. Biophotonics in cancer detection and treatment. Seminar - Department of Biomedical
Engineering. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, April 13th, 2009
9. Tunnell JW. Spectral diagnosis of skin cancer. Enabling Breakthrough in Medical Electronics. Texas LifeScience Collaboration. Texas State University, Round Rock, TX, March 11, 2009
10. Tunnell JW. Spectral diagnosis of cutaneous malignancy. Translating Medical and Biological Engineering:
Bringing Technologies to Life. Annual Event for the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
(AIMBE). National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, February 11th, 2009
11. Tunnell JW. Biophotonics in cancer detection and treatment. Seminar - Department of Biomedical
Engineering. Rice University, Houston, TX, November 4th, 2008
12. Park J, Estrada A, Schwartz JA, Payne JD, Dunn AK, Tunnell JW. Microscopy of gold nanoshells in tumors
using two-photon induced photoluminescence. IEEE LEOS. Acapulco, Mexico, July 21-23, 2008
13. Tunnell JW. Optical strategies for detection, targeting and treatment of cancer. NSF IGERT Seminar, The
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX February 15, 2008
9 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
14. Tunnell JW. Opportunities for biomedical engineering in world health. UT for REED (Rural Enhancement
through Education and Design), The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, September 24, 2007
15. Tunnell JW. Monitoring metal nanoparticles in vivo. Advances in Oncology Institutional Grand Rounds. MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, July 13, 2007
16. Tunnell JW. Thermoradiotherapy – Development and validation of a new paradigm in cancer therapeutics.
Annual Biomedical Engineering Conference – UT Center for Biomedical Engineering. MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, TX, December 12, 2006
17. Tunnell JW. Optical strategies for detection, targeting and treatment of cancer. NSF IGERT Seminar, The
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX December 1st, 2006
18. Tunnell JW. Detection of dysplasia and metaplasia in the esophagus using optical spectroscopy. Annual
Biomedical Engineering Conference – UT Center for Biomedical Engineering. MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, December 12-13, 2005
19. Tunnell JW. Real-time multi-modal optical spectroscopy for early cancer detection. Engineering Conferences
International – Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine, and Surgery. Copper Mountain, CO, July 2428, 2005
20. Tunnell JW. Real-time spectral diagnosis of precancer. 4th International Cervical Cancer Meeting. MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, May 19-22, 2005
21. Tunnell JW. Real-time detection of dysplasia in patients with Barrett’s esophagus. Lester Wolfe Workshop in
Laser Biomedicine – Optical Imaging of Pre-cancer in the Esophagus, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Cambridge, MA, April 12, 2005
22. Tunnell JW and Feld MS. Spectroscopic imaging of colon dysplasia. NIH/AGA Symposium on Advanced
Imaging and Technology in Gastrointestinal Neoplasia. Bethesda, MD, October 4-5, 2004
23. Tunnell JW and Feld MS. Spectroscopy, fluorescence imaging, and reflectance imaging. NIH/AGA
Symposium on Advanced Imaging and Technology in Gastrointestinal Neoplasia. Bethesda, MD, October 4-5,
24. Tunnell JW, Desjardins A, McGee SA, Mirkovic J, Nazemi J, Badizadegan K, Dasari RR, Feld MS. Real-time
in vivo diagnosis of epithelial precancer using multimodal optical spectroscopy. Great Lakes Photonics
Symposium. Cleveland, OH, June 7-11, 2004
The Academy of Medicine, Engineering, & Science of Texas, Annual Meeting, Austin, TX Jan. 6-7, 2011
Wallace H. Coulter Foundation – Coulter College, Ft. Lauderdale, FL August 9-11, 2010
Wallace H. Coulter Foundation – Coulter College, Ft. Lauderdale, FL August 10-12, 2009
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineers, Annual Event, Washington, DC Feb. 11-13, 2009
Wallace H. Coulter Foundation – Coulter College, Ft. Lauderdale, FL August 4-7, 2008
Protégé – The Academy of Medicine, Engineering, & Science of Texas, Annual Meeting, Houston, TX Jan.
10-11, 2008
Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Early Career Awardee Workshop, Miami, FL August 15-16, 2007
Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Early Career Awardee Workshop, Chicago, October 11, 2006
10 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
1. Mereck S, Lichtey W, Tunnell JW. Controlled Drug Delivery from Alginate Spheres in Design-Based Learning
Course. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, San Antonio, TX June 10-13,
2. Bish S, Wang Y, Zhang J, Tunnell JW. Diffuse reflectance imaging system for spatial mapping of tissue
optical properties. SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Jose, CA January 21-26, 2012
3. Lim L, Nichols B, Rajaram N, Reichenberg J, Migden M, Tunnell JW. Clinical study for spectral diagnosis of in
vivo melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer diagnosis. SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical
Optics, San Jose, CA January 21-26, 2012
4. Wang Y, Bish S, Tunnell JW, and Zhang XJ. MEMS-enabled hyperspectral imaging system for fast CTC
screening. SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Jose, CA January 21-26, 2012
5. Puvanakrishnan P, Diagaradjane P, Schwartz JA, Krishnan S, Tunnell JW. Targeted gold nanorods as probes
for EGFR-overexpression in squamous cell carcinomas. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting,
Hartford, CT October 11-15, 2011
6. Lim L, Nichols B, Rajaram N, Reichenberg J, Migden M, Tunnell JW. Clinical, Non-invasive in vivo Diagnosis
of Melanoma Skin Cancer using Multimodal Spectral Diagnosis (SD). Biomedical Engineering Society Annual
Meeting, Hartford, CT October 11-15, 2011
7. Barman I, Dingari NC, Rajaram N, Tunnell JW, Dasari RR, Feld MS. Enhanced Optical Property
Determination in Biological Tissues using a Non-Linear Calibration Framework. FACSS Conference, Reno,
NV, October 2-7, 2011
8. Nichols B, Rajaram N, Tunnell JW. Performance of a look-up table based inverse model for steady state
diffuse optical spectroscopy. Engineering Conferences International, Advances in Optics for Biotechnology,
Medicine, and Surgery XII, Naples, FL, June 5-9, 2011
9. Pattani V, Tunnell JW. A comparative study of photothermal heating efficiency of gold nanoshells and
nanorods. Engineering Conferences International, Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine, and
Surgery XII, Naples, FL, June 5-9, 2011
10. Bish S, Tunnell JW. Non-Contact Diffuse Reflectance Probe with a DMD Spatial Filter for Tunable Collection
Geometries. Engineering Conferences International, Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine, and
Surgery XII, Naples, FL, June 5-9, 2011
11. Lim L, Nichols B, Migden M, Reichenberg J, Tunnell JW. Clinical Study for Spectral Diagnosis of in vivo
Melanoma and Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Diagnosis. Engineering Conferences International, Advances in
Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine, and Surgery XII, Naples, FL, June 5-9, 2011
12. Puvanakrishnan P, Park J, Diagaradjane P, Goodrich GP, Schwartz JA, Krishnan S, Tunnell JW. Real-time
near-infrared narrow band imaging of tumors using gold nanoparticles. Engineering Conferences
International, Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine, and Surgery XII, Naples, FL, June 5-9, 2011
13. Rajaram N, Reichenberg JR, Tunnell JW. Pilot clinical study for non-invasive diagnosis of non-melanoma skin
cancer. 69th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, New Orleans, LA, February 4-8,
14. Puvanakrishnan P, Park J, Diagaradjane P, Goodrich GP, Schwartz JA, Krishnan S, Tunnell JW. In vivo
tumor targeting of gold nanoparticles: effect of particle type and dosing strategy. Annual meeting of the
American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. Grapevine, TX, April 1-3, 2011
15. Puvanakrishnan P, Diagaradjane P, Goodrich GP, Schwartz JA, Krishnan S, Tunnell JW. Narrowband
imaging of targeted gold nanorods in tumors. Annual meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and
Surgery. Grapevine, TX, April 1-3, 2011
11 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
16. Zaman R, Oliver J, Welch AJ, Tunnell JW, Rylander HG, Signal variation of fluorescein dye in anterior
chamber and vitreous eye. Annual meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery.
Grapevine, TX, April 1-3, 2011
17. Bish S, Wang Y, Tunnell JW, and Zhang XJ, MEMS based handheld functional fast hyperspectral imaging
system. The 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, June 5-9,
2011, Beijing, China
18. Bish S, Wang Y, Zhang XJ, Tunnell JW. MEMS Based Hyperspectral Imaging System Towards Imaging of
Biological Tissue. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX October 6-9, 2010
19. Puvanakrishnan P, Park J, Diagaradjane P, Goodrich GP, Krishnan K, Tunnell JW. Wide-Field Near-Infrared
Narrow Band Imaging of Gold Nanoparticles’ Distribution in Tumors. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual
Meeting, Austin, TX October 6-9, 2010
20. Puvanakrishnan P, Bosch M, Hessel C, Rasch M, Korgel B, Tunnell JW. Uptake of Polymer Coated Silicon
Nanocrystals in Cancer Cells. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX October 6-9, 2010
21. Wang Y, Bish S, Gopal A, Tunnell JW, Zhang XJ. MEMS Scanner Enabled Real-Time Depth Sensitive
Hyperspectral Imaging. 2010 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Sapporo, Japan
August 9-12, 2010
22. Rajaram N, Reichenberg J, Tunnell JW. Spectral diagnosis of skin cancer. Central Texas Clinical Research
Forum, Austin, TX, May 7, 2010
23. Lim L, Rajaram R, Nichols B, Tunnell JW. Time resolved study of probe pressure effects on skin fluorescence
and reflectance spectroscopy measurements. OSA Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics. Miami,
FL, April 11-14, 2010
24. Erickson T, Tunnell JW. An empirical method for imaging optical properties with structured illumination
beyond the diffusion regime. OSA Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics. Miami, FL, April 11-14,
25. Bish S, Tunnell JW. Development of a noncontact probe for diffuse optical spectroscopy of skin. OSA
Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics. Miami, FL, April 11-14, 2010
26. Sun J, Rajaram N, Migden M, Reichenberg JS, Tunnell JW. Parametric and empirical spectral analysis for
non-invasive diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma. OSA Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics.
Miami, FL, April 11-14, 2010
27. Rajaram N, Migden M, Reichenberg JS, Nguyen T, Tunnell JW. Pilot clinical study for quantitative spectral
diagnosis of non-melanoma skin cancer. OSA Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics. Miami, FL,
April 11-14, 2010
28. Pattani V, Campbell M, Tunnell JW. Nanoparticle-mediated photothermal therapy of tumors: a comparative
study of photothermal efficiency for different particle types. Annual meeting of the American Society for Laser
Medicine and Surgery. Phoenix, AZ, April 17, 2010
29. Rajaram N, Nichols BS, Reichenberg JS, Tunnell JW. Diffuse optical spectroscopy for the diagnosis of skin
cancer: an optimized lookup table based model for determining tissue optical properties. Annual meeting of
the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. Phoenix, AZ, April 17, 2010
30. Nichols BS, Rajaram N, Tunnell JW. Optimization of a look-up table model adept in extracting optical
properties of tissue. Biomedical Engineering Society 2009 Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, October 7-10, 2009
31. Rajaram N, Kovacic D, Migden MR, Reichenberg JS, Nguyen TH, Tunnell JW, Clinical Spectral Diagnosis of
Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer: Initial Pilot Study. European Conferences on Biomedical Optics. Munich,
Germany, June 14-18, 2009
12 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
32. Rajaram N, Gopal A, Zhang XJ, Tunnell JW. Spectral diagnosis of cutaneous malignancy: effect of pigment
packaging on diffuse reflectance measurements. 29th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Laser
Medicine and Surgery, Washington, DC, April 1-5, 2009
33. Park J, Estrada A, Sharp K, Sang K, Schwartz JA, Smith DK, Diagaradjane P, Coleman C, Payne JD,
Krishnan S, Korgel BA, Dunn AK, Tunnell JW. Investigation of gold nanoparticle transport kinetics using twophoton induced photoluminescence imaging. 29th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Laser
Medicine and Surgery, Washington, DC, April 1-5, 2009
34. Zaman R, Rajaram N, Walsh A, Oliver J, Rylander HG, Tunnell JW, Welch AJ, Mahadevan-Jansen A.
Variation of fluorescence with temperature. 29th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Laser Medicine
and Surgery, Washington, DC, April 1-5, 2009
35. Park J, Estrada A, Schwartz JA, Payne JD, Dunn AK, Tunnell JW. Two photon microscopy of gold
nanoparticles bio-distribution in tumors. SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Jose, CA
January 24-29, 2009
36. Puvanakrishnan P, Diagaradjane P, Schwartz J, Payne D, Krishnan S, Tunnell JW. Narrowband imaging of
tumors using gold nanoshells. SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Jose, CA January
24-29, 2009
37. Rajaram N, Kovacic D, Migden MF, Reichenberg J, Nguyen T, Tunnell JW. In vivo spectral analysis of skin
cancer. SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, San Jose, CA January 24-29, 2009
38. Zaman RT, Rylander III HG, Rajaramn N, Wang T, Asokan N, Tunnell JW, Welch AJ. Morphological and
optical properties changes of sclera due to hyper-osmotic agent. SPIE International Symposium on
Biomedical Optics, San Jose, CA January 24-29, 2009
39. Suggs LJ, Tunnell JW, Diller K, Crawford R. Implementing Redesign in the BME Senior Capstone Experience.
ASEE Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA June 22-25, 2008
40. Park J, Estrada A, Schwartz JA, Payne JD, Dunn AK, Tunnell JW. Microscopy of gold nanoshells in tumors
using two-photon induced photoluminescence. Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO). San Jose,
CA, May 2-9, 2008
41. Reichenberg J, Kovacic D, Rajaram N, Nguyen T, Tunnel JW. Spectral Diagnosis of cutaneous malignancy.
Central Texas Clinical Research Forum. Austin, TX, May 9, 2008
42. Rajaram N, Tunnell JW. A look-up table based inverse model for measuring tissue optical properties. OSA
Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics. St. Petersburg, FL, March 16-19, 2008
43. Feld MS, Lau C, Scepanovic O, McGee SA, Mircovic J, Yu CC, Fulghum S, Tunnell JW, Backman V,
Georgakoudi I, and Bechtel K. The Role of Light Scattering Spectroscopy in Spectral Diagnosis of Disease.
OSA Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics. St. Petersburg, FL, March 16-19, 2008
44. Rajaram N, Tunnell JW. A look-up table based inverse model for measuring tissue optical properties. Houston
Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology (HSEMB). Houston, TX, February 7-8, 2008
45. Rajaram N, Tunnell JW. Determining the optical properties of turbid media using a LUT-based inverse model.
Lasers in Modern Biology and Medicine – AJ Welch Symposium. Austin, TX, January 28-29, 2008
46. Park J, Estrada A, Schwartz JA, Payne JD, Dunn AK, Tunnell JW. 3D Microscopy of gold nanoshells in
tumors using two-photon induced photoluminescence. SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics:
Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine V, San Jose, CA January 19-24, 2008
47. Rajaram N, Aramil T, Lee K, Tunnell JW. A clinical instrument for spectral diagnosis of cutaneous malignancy.
SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Advanced Clinical and Diagnostic Systems VI, San
Jose, CA January 19-24, 2008
13 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
48. Diagaradjane P, Shetty A, Wang J, Schwartz J, Shentu S, Park CH, Deorukhar A, Elliot AM, Stafford JR, Cho
S, Tunnell JW, Hazle J, Krishnan S. Gold nanoshell mediated hyperthermia enhances the efficacy of radiation
therapy. SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine V, San
Jose, CA January 19-24, 2008
49. Park J, Rajaram N, Tunnell JW. Combined fluorescence and reflectance hyperspectral imaging for cancer
detection. Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery – Engineering Conferences
International, Naples, Florida June 10-14, 2007
50. Rajaram N, Aramil T, Lee K, Tunnell JW. A clinical spectrometer for early detection of cutaneous malignancy.
Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery – Engineering Conferences International,
Naples, Florida June 10-14, 2007
51. Zaman R, Diagaradjane P, Krishnan S, Tunnell JW. Measuring gold nanoparticle concentrations in tissue
using diffuse optical spectroscopy. Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO). Baltimore, MD, May 611, 2007
52. Aramil TJ, Lee K, Rajaram N, Tunnell JW. A clinical spectrometer for the spectral diagnosis of cutaneous
melanoma. Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology (HSEMB). Houston, TX, February 8-9,
53. Rasoulian M, Voss J, Revia R, Zaman R, Smith DK, Korgel BA, Tunnell JW. Structured illumination
tomography using gold nanoparticle contrast agents. Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and
Biology (HSEMB). Houston, TX, February 8-9, 2007
54. Park J, Tunnell JW. Combined fluorescence and reflectance hyperspectral imaging for in vivo cancer
detection. Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology (HSEMB). Houston, TX, February 8-9,
55. Rajaram N, Dagani GT, Fakhoury JR, Zhang X, Tunnell JW. Effect of inhomogeneous distribution of
chromophores on diffuse reflectance measurements in tissue. Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine
and Biology (HSEMB). Houston, TX, February 8-9, 2007
56. Zaman R, Schwartz J, Wang J, Diagaradjane P, Krishnan S, Tunnell JW. Measuring gold nanoparticle
concentrations in tissue using diffuse optical spectroscopy. Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and
Biology (HSEMB). Houston, TX, February 8-9, 2007
57. Kornguth S, Sessler J, Tunnell JW, Digiovanni J, Dudley JP, Kornguth D, Emelianov S. 3T magnetic
resonance, photoacoustic, and elasticity imaging of tumors in mice. Cambridge Health Institute: Imaging
Week, In Vivo Molecular Imaging, La Jolla, CA. November 14-15, 2006
58. Yu CC, Lau C, Tunnell JW, Hunter M, Kalashnikov M, Fang-Yen C, Fulghum SF, Badizadegan K, Dasari RR,
Feld MS. Assessing epithelial cell nuclear morphology with azimuthal light scattering spectroscopy. OSA
Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics. Ft. Lauderdale, FL, March 19-22, 2006
59. Wallace MB, Tunnell JW, Jost C, Lewin D, Wildi S, Badizadegan K, Galindo L, McGee S, Mirkovic J, Nazemi
J, Dasari RR, Feld MS. Real-time optical detection of dysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus using tri-modal (diffuse
reflectance, fluorescence, light-scattering) spectroscopy. American Gastroenterological Association –
Digestive Disease Week 2005. Chicago, IL May 14-19, 2005
60. Tunnell JW, Desjardins A, McGee SA, Mirkovic J, Nazemi J, Dasari RR, Feld MS. Effects of epithelial nuclear
size and density on elastic scattering spectroscopy: an experimental study using two-layer tissue phantoms.
OSA Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Diagnostics. Miami, FL, April 14-17, 2004
61. Tunnell JW, Wang LH, Anvari B. Increased radiant exposures for cutaneous laser therapy: a mathematical
model based on histology. 2nd Joint Meeting of the IEEE-EMBS/BMES. Houston, TX, October 23-26, 2002
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James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
62. Pikkula BM, Tunnell JW, Anvari B. Methodology for estimating instantaneous heat removal from human skin
in response to cryogen spray cooling. 2nd Joint Meeting of the IEEE-EMBS/BMES. Houston, TX, October 2326, 2002
63. Dai T, Tunnell JW, Pikkula BM, Anvari B. High incident fluence and long pulse laser irradiation in conjunction
with cryogen spray cooling: an ex-vivo study. 2nd Joint Meeting of the IEEE-EMBS/BMES. Houston, TX,
October 23-26, 2002
64. Pope KA, Tunnell JW. Radio frequency energy delivery to the skin: computer model with contact cooling and
histology. 22nd Annual Meeting for American Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine. Atlanta, GA, April 1014, 2002
65. Tunnell JW, Wang L, Anvari B. Protecting human skin epidermis with cryogen spray cooling during laser
therapy: comparisons between mathematical model and histological results. 22nd Annual Meeting for
American Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine. Atlanta, GA, April 10-14, 2002
66. Pikkula BM, Tunnell JW, Anvari B. Cryogen spray cooling: effect of droplet velocity on heat removal. 22nd
Annual Meeting for American Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine. Atlanta, GA, April 10-14, 2002
67. Tunnell JW, Stern RA, Pope KA. Capacitive RF electrode for non-ablative cutaneous thermal therapy. SPIE
International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Cutaneous Applications of Lasers: Dermatology and Plastic
Surgery. San Jose, CA, January 19-25, 2002
68. Tunnell JW, Chang D, Johnston C, Torres JH, Patrick CW, Miller MJ, Anvari B. In-vivo study of epidermal
protection by cryogen spray cooling during high fluence laser irradiation. SPIE International Symposium on
Biomedical Optics: Cutaneous Applications of Lasers: Dermatology and Plastic Surgery. San Jose, CA,
January 19-25, 2002
69. Tunnell JW, Torres JH, Milner TE, Anvari B. Skin thermal response to cryogen spray cooling using and
inverse heat transfer formulation. 21st Annual Meeting for American Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine.
New Orleans, LA, April 18-22, 2001
70. Tunnell JW, Chang D, Johnston C, Torres JH, Patrick CW, Miller MJ, Anvari B. Epidermal protection during
high fluence laser irradiation using cryogen spray cooling: and in vivo study. Nineteenth Annual Houston
Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research. Houston, TX, February 8-9, 2001
71. Tunnell JW, Torres JH, Anvari B. High fluence dermatological laser surgery using cryogen spray cooling.
Optical Society of America Annual Meeting. Providence, RI, October 22-26, 2000
72. Tunnell JW, Nelson JS, Torres JH, Anvari B. Epidermal protection with cryogen spray cooling during high
fluence pulsed dye laser irradiation: an ex vivo study. 20th Annual Meeting for American Society for Laser
Surgery and Medicine, Reno, NV, April 7-9, 2000
73. Tunnell JW, Nelson JS, Torres JH, Anvari B. Protecting human epidermis from high fluence pulsed dye laser
irradiation with cryogen spray cooling: an ex vivo study. Eighteenth Annual Houston Conference on
Biomedical Engineering Research. Houston, TX, February 10-11, 2000
15 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
My teaching activities at the University of Texas have centered on teaching five biomedical engineering courses
at the undergraduate and graduate level: four already taught and one under development. The four courses I
have taught include BME303 Introduction to Computing for Biomedical Engineers (enrollment ~100), BME301
Biotechnology and World Health (enrollment ~40), BME 370 Principles of Engineering Design (enrollment ~90),
and BME 377T/381J Fundamentals of Biomedical Optics (enrollment ~30). While I adapted BME 301, 303, and
370 from existing course, I developed BME377T/381J as a new course. In addition, I am currently developing
BME102L Fundamentals of Engineering Design to be taught for the first time in the Fall 2010. This laboratory
course serves as a hands-on introduction to engineering design for first year BME students. I received academic
development funds to support this development. Finally, I have been actively involved in the curriculum planning
of BME’s lab courses (BME 102L, 221, 251, 370), and I serve as the supervising faculty for BME251 Biomedical
Engineering Image and Signal Processing Laboratory.
Academic Development
Academic Development Funds, Cockrell School of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin - “Development of
first-year design lab for Biomedical Engineering”, $11,883
Instructional Workshops
National Effective Teaching Institute – American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Louisville, KY, June
17-19, 2010
Instructor (Fall 2010, Fall 2011): BME102L – Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Design Principles, The
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Faculty Supervisor (Spring 2010, Spring 2011): BME251 – Biomedical Engineering Image and Signal Processing
Laboratory (Instructor: Bobby Knight), The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Instructor (Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011): BME377T/BME381J – Fundamentals of Biomedical Optics,
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Instructor (Spring 2008): BME381J.1 – Laser-Tissue Interactions, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Instructor (Fall 2007, Fall 2008): BME370 – Principles of Engineering Design for Biomedical Engineers, The
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Instructor (Spring 2006, Spring 2007): BME301 – Biotechnology and World Health, The University of Texas at
Austin, Austin, TX
Instructor (Fall 2005, Fall 2006): BME303 - Introduction to Computing Systems for Biomedical Engineers, The
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Guest Lecturer (Spring 2006, 2007): BME314 Engineering Foundations of BME, University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX
Guest Lecturer (Fall 2007): Nanomedicine, “NIR metal nanoparticles for imaging and therapy in oncology,
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX and MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Guest Lecturer (Spring 2006, 2007, 2008): BME251 Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, University of Texas at
Austin, Austin, TX
Guest Lecturer (Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Spring 2010): BME301 – Biotechnology and World Health, The
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
16 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
PhD Supervisions Completed:
Narasimhan Rajaram, Biomedical Engineering, UT Austin, 2010
Dr. Rajaram is now a postdoctoral fellow at Duke University, Durham, NC.
Jaesook Park, Biomedical Engineering, UT Austin, 2010
Dr. Park is now a postdoctoral fellow at Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
MS Supervisions Completed:
Raiyan Zaman, M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, UT Austin, 2006
Priyaveena Puvanakrishnan, M.S., Biomedical Engineering, UT Austin, 2009
Tim Erickson, MS, Biomedical Engineering, 2009
Varun Patanni, M.S., Biomedical Engineering, UT Austin, 2010
PhD Students (Current):
Priyaveena Puvanakrishnan, PhD student (candidacy 4/10), Biomedical Engineering, 2007 – present
Varun Patanni, Ph.D. student, Biomedical Engineering, 2008 – present
Sam Lim, Ph.D. student, Biomedical Engineering, 2008 – present
Sheldon Bish, Ph.D. student, Biomedical Engineering, 2008 - present
Bin Yang, Ph.D. student, Biomedical Engineering, 2010 - present
Student Awards (Univ. of Texas):
ƒ Narasimhan Rajaram – Newport-Spectra Physics Research Excellence Award, SPIE San Jose, CA 2008
ƒ Priyaveena Puvanakrishnan – Newport-Spectra Physics Research Exc. Award, SPIE San Jose, CA 2009
ƒ Jaesook Park – Travel Grant, Engineering Conferences International, 2007
ƒ Narasimhan Rajaram – Travel Grant, Engineering Conferences International, 2007
ƒ Jaesook Park – ASLMS 2008 student research grant - $5000 grant
ƒ Narasimhan Rajaram - ASLMS 2008 student research grant - $5000 grant
ƒ Jaesook Park – Newport-Spectra Physics Research Excellence Award, SPIE San Jose, CA 2008
ƒ Brandon Nichols – Undergraduate Research Fellowship, UT Cooperative Society, 2008-2009, $1000
ƒ Priyaveena Puvanakrishnan – ASLMS 2009 student research grant - $5000 grant
ƒ Narasimhan Rajaram - Graduate Student Professional Development Award - $400, UT BME, 2009
ƒ Brandon Nichols – 2009 SPIE Scholarship in Optical Science and Engineering, SPIE, 2009, $2000
ƒ Narasimhan Rajaram - Graduate Student Travel Award - $125, UT CSE, 2009
ƒ Varun Pattani - USAF Grant for Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows Currently Involved Full-Time in
Biomedical Laser Research, 2010 - $1,000
ƒ Varun Pattani – Best Basic Science Paper (Student/Resident) – Am. Soc. for Laser Medicine & Surgery, 2010
ƒ David Chau – Undergraduate CPRIT Fellowship - $5000, 2010
ƒ Matthew Bosch – Undergraduate Research Fellowship, University of Texas, $948, 2010
ƒ Priyaveena Puvanakrishnan – “Hot Topics Invited Talk”, Engineering Conferences International, $500, 2011
ƒ Priyaveena Puvanakrishnan – “Graduate Student Award”, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2011
ƒ Priyaveena Puvanakrishnan – 2nd place, Proctor and Gamble Seminar Competition, $500, 2011
Dissertation Committee:
Bo Chen, Ph.D. (2007), Biomedical Engineering; AJ Welch, Chair
Francis Tseng, Ph.D. (2007), Electrical and Computer Engineering; Yale Patt, Chair
Chris Hoy, M.S. (2007), Mechanical Engineering; Adela Ben-Yakar, Chair
Chris Hoy, Ph.D. (candidacy 7/2008), Mechanical Engineering; Adela Ben-Yakar, Chair
Nick Durr, Ph.D. (candidacy 5/2008), Biomedical Engineering; Adela Ben-Yakar, Chair
Kimberly Homan, Ph.D. (candidacy 5/2008), Biomedical Engineering; Stanislav Emelianov, Chair
Eric Spivey, Ph.D. (candidacy 2/2009), Biomedical Engineering; Andrew Dunn/Jason Shear, co-Chairs
Arnold Estrada, Ph.D. (candidacy 3/2009), Biomedical Engineering; Andrew Dunn, Chair
Aswhin Parthasarathy, Ph.D. (candidacy 3/2009), Biomedical Engineering; Andrew Dunn, Chair
Adrien Ponticorvo, Ph.D. (candidacy 3/2009), Biomedical Engineering; Andrew Dunn, Chair
Jinze Qiu, Ph.D. (candidacy 10/2009) Biomedical Engineering; Thomas Milner, Chair
Jinyang Liang, Ph.D. (candidacy 10/2009), Electrical and Computer Engineering; Michael Becker, Chair
17 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
Undergraduate Advising:
Tim Aramil, B.S. 2007, Biomedical Engineering (F2005 - SP2007)
Kelvin Lee, B.S. 2007, Biomedical Engineering (F2005 - SP2007)
Jennifer Voss, B.S. student, Biomedical Engineering (SP2006 – F2007)
Michael Rasoulian, B.S. student, Biomedical Engineering (SP2006 – F2007)
Dat Le, B.S. student, Biomedical Engineering (SP2006 – F2007)
Ted Yang, B.S. student, Biomedical Engineering (SP2006 – SP2008)
Richard Revia, B.S. student, Biomedical Engineering (SP2006 – F2007)
Colby Anger, B.S. student, BME (SP2007 – F2007)
Matt Campbell, B.S. student, BME (SP2006 – SP2009), UT Southwestern Medical School, 2009
Jason Yiu, B.S. student, BME (F2008)
Jared McAllister, B.S. student, BME (F2008), Washington Univ. Medical School 2010
Brandon Nichols, B.S. student, BME (F2008 – S2011, Duke University, PhD in BME)
Matthew Bosch, B.S. student, BME (F2009 – SP2011, Rice University, MS in BME)
David Chau, B.S. student, BME (SP2010 – SP2011)
Joseph N Nayigiziki, B.S. student, BME (SP2010 – SP2011)
Ernest Puckett, B.S. student, BME (SP2010 – SP2011)
David Do, B.S. student, BME (F2011 - Present)
Matthew Liu, B.S. student, BME (SP2011 - F2011)
Evan Luther, B.S. student, BME (F2010 - SP2010)
Jerin Jose, B.S. student, BME (S2011-present)
Whiney Wang, B.S. student, BME (S2011-present)
Dereck Ho, B.S. student, BME (S2011)
Alexandra Atalis, B.S. student, BME (SP2011 – present)
Anirudh Sharma, B.S. student, BME (F2011 – present)
BME371 - Senior Project Design Team (Spring 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011)
ƒ 2011-2012: Christopher Albert, Frederick Caberto, Utsab Das, Dominic Nguyen. Improvments for a
visually impaired walking cane.
ƒ 2011-2012:
NSF REU2007 – Matthew Huddle (Weslayan University, MN) summer 2007
NSF REU2008 – Jessica Gamboa (University of Arizona), summer 2008
Plan II Honors Mentor – Undergraduate
Plan II Honors mentor, Spring 2008 – Huram Mok
Plan II Honors mentor, Spring 2008 – Haley Kensing
18 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
ƒ Undergraduate Faculty Advisor, 2011 – present
University Committees
ƒ Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), UT-Austin, Fall 2009 - present
ƒ Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Doctoral Portfolio Program, Advisory Committee, 2010-present
ƒ Graduate Assembly, Admissions and Enrollment Committee, 2011 - 2012
ƒ Graduate Assembly, Administrative Committee, 2010 - 2011
ƒ CSE Engineering Honors Committee, 2005-2006, 2009-2010, 2010-2011
ƒ CSE Public Affairs Advisory Committee, 2008-2009
ƒ CSE Staff Excellence Awards Committee, Spring 2008
ƒ BME GSC Executive Committee, 2011–2012
ƒ BME Graduate Admissions Committee, 2006-present
ƒ BME Safety committee, 2009-2010
ƒ BME Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Fall 2009 – present
ƒ BME Adjunct/Adjoint Appointment Committee, Spring 2009 - present
Student Organizations
ƒ Faculty Sponsor: Univ. of Texas for REED – Rural Enhancement through Engineering & Design, 2007–pres.
ƒ Faculty Sponsor: Biomedical Optics Graduate Organization (BOGO) – (SPIE student chapter), 2008 – pres.
ƒ Participation: “Lunch with an Engineer”, Women in Engineering Program (WEP) – University of Texas at
Austin – (2006, 2007, 2009, 2010)
ƒ Fireside Chat: University of Texas Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) – Spring 2007, Spring 2008
ƒ Fireside Chat: University of Texas, Tau Beta Pi – Spring 2006
ƒ Reviewer: Graduate & Industry Networking (GAIN) Conference, Univ. of Texas at Austin, February 21, 2007
ƒ Lecture: UT Open House – Univ. of Texas at Austin: “Detecting and Treating Cancer with Light”, Spring 2008
ƒ Lecture: Women in Engineering (WEP) – Consider Every Option (CEO) – University of Texas at Austin
“Detecting and Treating Cancer with Light”, June 17, 2008
ƒ Lecture: Women in Engineering (WEP) – Design Your World (DYW) – University of Texas at Austin
“Detecting and Treating Cancer with Light”, July 25, 2008
ƒ Lecture: Women in Engineering (WEP) – Consider Every Option (CEO) – University of Texas at Austin
“Detecting and Treating Cancer with Light”, June 9, 2009
ƒ Lecture: CSE Engineering Honors Seminar and Luncheon – University of Texas, Feb. 21, 2009
ƒ Reviewer: Graduate & Industry Networking (GAIN) Conference, Univ. of Texas at Austin, February 27, 2009
ƒ Lecture: UT Open House – Univ. of Texas at Austin: “Detecting and Treating Cancer with Light”, Spring 2009
ƒ Lecture: “Detecting and Treating Cancer with Light”, BIO102C, University of Texas, March 23, 2009
ƒ Panel Discussion – “ASEE Professor Panel - The Top Five Things You Wish You Had Known About Being a
New Faculty Member”, Am. Soc. Eng. Edu., April 15, 2009
ƒ Lecture: “Detecting and Treating Cancer with Light”, Beta Mu Epsilon (BME Honors Society), University of
Texas, September 16, 2009
ƒ Lecture: Women in Engineering (WEP) – Consider Every Option (CEO) – University of Texas at Austin
“Detecting and Treating Cancer with Light”, June 11, 2010
ƒ Participation: Lunch with Equal Opportunity in Engineering (EOE) Longhorn Program – University of Texas at
Austin, September 17, 2011
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James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
Editorial Boards
ƒ Associate Editor – Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2010-present
State Level Boards
ƒ 2011 Tuning Oversight Council for Engineering and Science (TOCES), Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Professional Society/Conference Organization
ƒ General Chair – Engineering Conferences International, Advances in Optics and Biotechnology, Medicine,
and Surgery XIII, 2013
ƒ Co-director – “How to Use Optical Diagnostics in Clinical Laser Medicine” course, American Society for Laser
Medicine and Surgery, Annual Conference, 2011
ƒ Program Chair - CLEO-Applications, 2011
ƒ Program Committee – “Clinical and Biomedical Spectroscopy” – European Conference of Biomedical Optics
(ECBO), Munich, Germany, 22-27 May 2011
ƒ Chair, Molecular Probes and Nanobio-optics Technical Group, Optical Society of America, 2011-2013
ƒ Research and Development Committee, Am. Soc. for Laser Medicine & Surgery, 2010-2013
ƒ Program Committee – Biophotonics Conference, IEEE Photonics Society 23rd Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
Nov. 7-11, 2010
ƒ Program Committee – CLEO-Applications, 2010 (inaugural committee board)
ƒ Technical Program Co-Chair – Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, September, 2010
ƒ Program Committee – Biophotonics Conference, IEEE Photonics Society 22nd Annual Meeting, BelekAntalya, Turkey, Oct. 4-8, 2009
ƒ Chair – Subcommittee on Biological and Medical Applications, CLEO (Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics), Baltimore, MA, May 29 – June 5, 2009
ƒ Program Committee – IEEE LEOS (Laser and Electro-Optics Society) 21st Annual Meeting, Newport Beach,
CA, Nov. 9-13, 2008
ƒ Program Committee - IEEE LEOS (Lasers and Electro-Optics Society) Summer Topicals 2008 “Next Frontiers
in Optical Communications, Optofluidics & Advanced Nanobiophotonics” Acapulco, Mexico July 21-23, 2008
ƒ Program Committee, Subcommittee on Biological and Medical Applications, CLEO (Conference on Lasers
and Electro-Optics), San Jose, CA May 2-9, 2008
ƒ Program Committee, CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics), Baltimore, MD May 6-11, 2007
ƒ Program Committee, OSA Topical Meeting on Biomedical Optics, Ft. Lauderdale, FL April 14-17, 2004
Conference Session Chair
ƒ “Biomedical Tomography”, CLEO (Conf. on Lasers & Electro-Optics), Baltimore, MD May 31 - June 5, 2009
ƒ “Advanced Biophotonics Nanoscopy”, IEEE LEOS (Lasers and Electro-Optics Society) Summer Topicals
2008 “Next Frontiers in Optical Communications, Optofluidics and Advanced Nanobiophotonics” Acapulco,
Mexico July 21-23, 2008
ƒ “Nanoparticles & Molecular Approaches for Biosensing”, CLEO (Conf. on Lasers &Electro-Optics), San Jose,
CA May 2-9, 2008
ƒ “Deep Tissue Imaging”, CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics), San Jose, CA May 2-9, 2008
ƒ “Nanoparticles and Rheology”, CLEO (Conf. on Lasers & Electro-Optics), Baltimore, MD May 6-11, 2007
ƒ “Cellular Imaging”, CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics), Baltimore, MD May 6-11, 2007
Professional Memberships
ƒ Fellow, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS)
ƒ Optical Society of America (OSA)
ƒ The International Society for Optical Engineers (SPIE)
ƒ IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (IEEE-EMBS)
ƒ IEEE Photonics Society (IEEE-LEOS)
ƒ Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
ƒ American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
ƒ NIH – ICMIC Review Panel, 2011
ƒ NIH – Challenge Grants (RC1), 2009
20 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D
NIH – Small Business Biomedical Imaging (ZRG1 SBMI-F (11) (B) October 27, 2005
NIH – Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group 2009/10 ZRG1 BST-M (58) R July 20, 2009
Journal Peer Review: PNAS, J Biomed Opt, Opt Lett, Lasers Surg Med, Appl Opt, Ann Biomed Eng, J
Nanopart Res, Crit Rev Biomed Eng, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, J Opt Soc Am A, Opt Exp, Photochem
Photobiol, Phys Med Biol, IEEE J Sel Top Quant Elect, Tissue Engineering
Book Review: Cambridge University Press
21 of 21 Pages
James W. Tunnell, Ph.D