1 WOMEN AND NEWBORN HEALTH SERVICE King Edward Memorial Hospital CLINICAL GUIDELINES SECTION B : OBSTETRICS AND MIDWIFERY CARE 2 COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY Date Issued: Date Revised: Review Date: Authorised by: Review Team: July 2009 September 2013 September 2016 OGCCU OGCCU 2.21 Management of pregnancy and childbirth in women with a BMI > 35 Section B Clinical Guidelines King Edward Memorial Hospital Perth Western Australia Key words: body mass index, obesity, pregnancy 2.21 MANAGEMENT OF PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH IN WOMEN WITH A BODY MASS INDEX ABOVE 40 Background Key points Antenatal • Classification of Body Mass Index (BMI) • Management Intrapartum Management Postpartum Management References KEY POINTS 1. All antenatal women attending KEMH should have their BMI (according to their pre-pregnancy weight or the earliest weight in pregnancy) done at the first visit. Women with a BMI ≥ 35 are not suitable to attend a low risk midwives clinic and should be referred to an obstetric medical team for pregnancy management All antenatal women with an increased BMI should be referred to the Dietician. Women should be monitored for anaemia, and iron supplementation commenced as per KEMH Clinical Guidelines- B.2.23 Anaemia in pregnancy Women with a BMI ≥ 50 or (< 50 but with significant co-morbidities) shall be referred to the high-risk anaesthetic clinic for review between 28 – 34 gestation. Women who have had bariatric surgery require closer monitoring for nutritional deficiencies, and monitoring of fetal growth. Studies have indicated a trend towards increased risk for the small for a gestational age fetus, intra-uterine growth restriction, and a decrease in birth weight. Referral to the Dietician should be considered. Patient handling shall comply with the WNHS Policy W016 Heavy Patient Management 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AIM To provide optimal care for obese pregnant women to decrease risk and improve outcomes for pregnancy, birth and postnatally. BACKGROUND There is substantial evidence to indicate that obesity in pregnancy contributes to increased morbidity and mortality for both the mother and baby. The Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH) Perinatal Mortality 2005 report found that approximately 30% of mothers who had a 2009 All guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Disclaimer at the beginning of this manual Page 1 of 8 stillbirth or a neonatal death were obese. The CEMACH (2007) report indicated that more than half of 1 the women who died from direct / indirect causes were obese. MATERNAL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH OBESITY These include: • early miscarriage • stillbirth – obesity carries a 2-3 fold increased risk for intrauterine fetal death even after co5 existing medical complications have been controlled (e.g. hypertension and diabetes) • hypertension and pre-eclampsia • diabetes – is about three times more common in obese women 2, 3 2, 4 2, 5-8 A raised BMI increases risk for pre-eclampsia by 50% 9 2, 4 • labour – increased risk for induced labour , failed induction of labour , failure to progress , 8 5 5 instrumental delivery , shoulder dystocia , birth trauma • caesarean / instrumental delivery – due to failed or obstructed labour , and likelihood of 5 successful vaginal birth after caesarean is very low • nutritional and micronutrient deficiency e.g. folate deficiency 5, 9 5 8 5 4 • anaesthetic complications • wound infections • preterm labour and delivery • less likelihood of initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding . Delayed lactogenesis is 7 common. • thromboembolism • postpartum haemorrhage 9 9 5, 7 9 8 5 FETAL AND NEONATAL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH OBESITY These include: 8 • congenital anomalies e.g. neural tube defects, congenital heart defects • macrosomia • early neonatal death • increased risk of development of obesity and metabolic disorders in childhood 4, 8 and associated birth injuries 4 4, 9 9 ANTENATAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE BODY MASS INDEX 2 BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared (i.e. kg/m ) 2 Classification BMI (kg/m ) Normal 18.5 – 24.9 Overweight 25 – 29.9 Obese I 30 – 34.9 Obese II 35 – 39.9 Obese III Greater than or equal to 40.0 Table 1. World Health Organisation BMI Classification Date Issued: July 2009 Date Revised: September 2013 Review Date: September 2016 Written by:/Authorised by: OGCCU Review Team: OGCCU 2009 10 2.12 Management of pregnancy and childbirth with a BMI >35 Section B Clinical Guidelines King Edward Memorial Hospital Perth Western Australia All guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Disclaimer at the beginning of this manual Page 2 of 8 ANTENATAL MANAGEMENT- IN ADDITION TO STANDARD CARE Ref to Clinical Guideline B.1.1.3 Ante partum Clinic-- Initial Visit and B.1.1.4 Ante partum ClinicSubsequent Visits Topic Management Additional Information Triaging of antenatal visits Routine scheduled antenatal visits may need to be adjusted to be more frequent according to the level of obesity and risk factors. Refer to BLOOM, RANZCOG brochure “Weight management during Pregnancy” sent to patient with appointment. Calculation of the BMI At the booking visit the BMI is calculated according to the pre-pregnancy weight, or the earliest weight in pregnancy. Monitoring of weight Document the woman’s weight at each visit. The Institute of Medicine recommendation for women with a BMI ≥30 is 5–9 kg weight 2, 8 gain in pregnancy. Ensure FBP and iron studies are obtained and followed up appropriately at 28 and 36 weeks gestation. Women with a BMI ≥ 30 are at increased risk of vitamin D 9, 11 deficiency. Obesity increases risk for fatty 7 liver disease. Dietary habits may result in nutritional deficiencies including 11 iron, B12, vitamin C and folate. Anaemia monitoring and prevention and optional tests Diabetes Screening Consider screening for: • • • • Vitamin D deficiency Liver function tests B12 Folate Women with obesity should have early screening for diabetes, preferably at the 7 time of first antenatal attendance. If early screening is normal, repeat the screening at 24 - 28 weeks gestation. Anaesthetic referral Arrange an anaesthetic review in the high risk anaesthetic clinic between 28 - 34 weeks gestation for women with a BMI ≥50 ≤50 if significant co-morbidities exist (OSA, IDDM, Previous complications with anaesthesia, back problems, previous difficult epidural placement etc.) Date Issued: July 2009 Date Revised: September 2013 Review Date: September 2016 Written by:/Authorised by: OGCCU Review Team: OGCCU 2009 Affix Bloom sticker in MR 004 and RANZCOG sticker in MR 222 Obesity promotes exaggeration of insulin resistance that is observed in pregnancy, therefore these women may have pre-existing diabetes 5 mellitus. Diabetes is three times more 4 common in obese women. See Clinical Guideline, Section B 3.1.1 Screening for Diabetes in Pregnancy. Potential difficulties with venous access, regional or general anaesthesia may be identified. Women with a BMI ≥ 40 are classified as high risk for anaesthesia-related maternal 9 mortality. Obese women have up to a 33% higher risk for difficult 12 intubation , are at increased 2.12 Management of pregnancy and childbirth with a BMI >35 Section B Clinical Guidelines King Edward Memorial Hospital Perth Western Australia All guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Disclaimer at the beginning of this manual Page 3 of 8 Topic Management Additional Information risk of aspiration, postoperative atelectasis, and difficulties with 9 epidural placements. Ultrasounds Where possible fetal morphological assessment should be performed at 20 3 22 weeks rather than 18 – 20 weeks gestation. Note the presence of obesity on the ultrasound form. Perform an ultrasound for fetal weight, amniotic fluid volume, and umbilical Doppler studies in the third trimester (2834 weeks) to assess fetal growth. A minimum of two growth scans are recommended with additional scans if indicated. Obesity leads to reduced ascertainment of anatomy at 4 screening. Fundal height measurements to assess growth is impeded physically by maternal body 5 habitus. Nutritional Management Refer women to the Dietician. Thromboembolic Prophylaxis Consider prophylactic low molecular weight heparin for women with two or 9 more additional risk factors for VTE. Maternal obesity is associated with significant risk of thromboembolism during the 9 antenatal and postnatal period. History of Bariatric surgery Medical history should include nutritional habits. Consider performing investigations for mineral and vitamin deficiencies in early 2, 12 pregnancy. A multivitamin from the beginning of pregnancy may be beneficial for women 2 who have had bariatric surgery. Circumstances that may require closer monitoring include vomiting or a history of 2, 13 poor nutrition. Nutritional deficiencies such as low levels of vitamin B12, folic acid, ferritin, and calcium have been found in some studies, however systematic studies 13 have failed to confirm this. Monitor fetal growth. Perform ultrasound assessment for growth and fetal wellbeing as required. Bariatric surgery may lead to increased risk for a small for gestational age (SGA) fetus, preterm delivery, and perinatal 14 mortality. Neonates show a trend toward lower birth weight rates, less macrosomia, and an increase in intrauterine growth 2, 4, 14 restriction (IUGR). Women who have had bariatric surgery are at higher risk for 13 gestational diabetes. Previous caesarean section Date Issued: July 2009 Date Revised: September 2013 Review Date: September 2016 Written by:/Authorised by: OGCCU Review Team: OGCCU 2009 Discuss risks and outcomes for vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC). For obese women who have previously delivered by caesarean section, the likelihood of successful VBAC is very low. Obese III women also carry a higher risk for uterine 5 scar dehiscence. 2.12 Management of pregnancy and childbirth with a BMI >35 Section B Clinical Guidelines King Edward Memorial Hospital Perth Western Australia All guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Disclaimer at the beginning of this manual Page 4 of 8 Topic Elective caesarean section. Management Additional Information Book a preadmission clinic appointment Document the BMI on the theatre booking form. Where possible urinary catheterisation should be performed prior to insertion of the epidural block. Alerts the theatre and anaesthetic staff to allow preparation of equipment and personnel. Encourage 30 minutes of low-intensity 15 exercise e.g. walking. Excessive weight gain is correlated to fetal macrosomia, operative vaginal and caesarean delivery and adverse neonatal 5 outcomes. Limiting weight gain rather than weight loss is the goal in 5 pregnancy. Education • Exercise Women who are not physically active should be encouraged to increase activity by gradually walking up to 30 minutes a day – this can be achieved by dividing the total time into shorter, multiple periods of 15 exercises if preferred. • Weight gain in nd rd the 2 and 3 trimester. Overweight (BMI 25-29.9) – total weight 16 gain recommended is 7 to 11 kg. Obese (includes all classes) total weight 16 gain recommended is 5 to 9 kg. • Birth Planning Occupational Health and Safety Issues and Manual Handling Assessment Observational studies have shown that women whose weight gain follows the guidelines of the Institute of Medicine, have better outcomes 17 in pregnancy. Home birth or water birth is not recommended. Note and document any physical limitations. Arrange specialised equipment as required. INTRAPARTUM MANAGEMENT- IN ADDITION TO STANDARD CARE Refer to Clinical Guideline B.5.8.1 Care of a woman during the first stage of labour B. 5.9.1 Management of the second stage of labour PREPARATION Ensure manual handling equipment is available and used e.g. hoists, hover mats Date Issued: July 2009 Date Revised: September 2013 Review Date: September 2016 Written by:/Authorised by: OGCCU Review Team: OGCCU 2009 2.12 Management of pregnancy and childbirth with a BMI >35 Section B Clinical Guidelines King Edward Memorial Hospital Perth Western Australia All guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Disclaimer at the beginning of this manual Page 5 of 8 MATERNAL MANAGEMENT • Inform the Midwifery Co-ordinator and Obstetric Team when a woman with a BMI ≥ 40 arrives in labour. • Ensure venous access with a large gauge cannula when labour is established. • Collect a blood group and hold when the intravenous access is performed. Women with an increased BMI are at higher risk for postpartum haemorrhage and intrapartum complications. • Blood pressure measurement should be taken with an appropriately sized cuff. • Consider the use of a scan to confirm presentation, particularly if there is uncertainty regarding presentation. • Measure and fit graduated compression stockings. • Consider commencing treatments to decrease risk for gastric aspiration if there are indications a caesarean section may be required. Extremely obese women have a greater likelihood of 5 emergency caesarean section. See Clinical Guideline, Section B 7.3 Prevention of gastric aspiration in pregnant women. • Early epidural placement should be considered. • Where possible insert urinary catheters (if required) prior to an epidural insertion. • Active management of the third stage is recommended to decrease risk of postpartum haemorrhage 9 FETAL MONITORING A fetal scalp electrode may be required to monitor the fetal heart rate when continuous external monitoring is unable to be obtained. An intrauterine pressure transducer (IUPT) may be required if external assessment of the uterine activity is unable to be done effectively with a toco transducer. Ref. Clinical Guideline B.5.8.4 Intrauterine Pressure Catheter Insertion ANAESTHETIC CONSIDERATIONS • Inform the Anaesthetist/Anaesthetic Registrar and theatre Co-ordinator on admission of any 9 women with a BMI ≥ 50. • If regional analgesia is the preferred choice of pain relief, the epidural catheter should be sited early. POSTPARTUM MANAGEMENT- IN ADDITION TO STANDARD CARE Refer to Clinical Guideline B.6.1 Immediate Care of Mother in LBS following birth and B.6.2.2 Subsequent Care Consider transfer of the woman back to a peripheral hospital (if no other complications) after birth. STRATEGIES TO DECREASE RISK FACTORS • Encourage early mobilisation. • Avoid dehydration. • Management to decrease risk of venous thromboembolism (VT6E): All women with a BMI ≥40 should be given postnatal thromboprophylaxis regardless of 9 the mode of delivery. Post caesarean – women should wear graduated compression stockings and venous 8, 18 This thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis (pharmacological) should be given. should be continued for 5-7 days or until the patient is fully mobile, however, it should 18 be extended for 6 weeks postnatally in high risk women. 5, 8, 9 Date Issued: July 2009 Date Revised: September 2013 Review Date: September 2016 Written by:/Authorised by: OGCCU Review Team: OGCCU 2009 8 2.12 Management of pregnancy and childbirth with a BMI >35 Section B Clinical Guidelines King Edward Memorial Hospital Perth Western Australia All guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Disclaimer at the beginning of this manual Page 6 of 8 • Post vaginal birth – if other risk factors are present for VTE, then prophylaxis (pharmacological) should be given to all women with obesity, and the women encouraged to wear graduated compression stockings. Educate the woman about strategies to decrease risk for VTE. BREASTFEEDING Women may require additional assistance with breastfeeding e.g. positioning CONTRACEPTION Discuss contraception options. Inform the women that oral contraceptives are less efficacious in women weighing over 90kgs. However, this has not been the case with intrauterine devices or injectable or implantable 7 contraceptives. PRECONCEPTION COUNSELLING Provide advice regarding: • The risks for falling pregnant in the future • The associated risks of further caesarean sections for women with two or more caesarean sections, including information of operative procedures in obese III women as well as the risk of placenta praevia/accreta. • The commencement of folic acid 5mg/day to decrease the risk of neural tube defects • Bariatric surgery – if the woman is considering this option it is recommended to delay 8 pregnancy for 18 months during the rapid weight loss period. • Postpartum depression – this has been reported to correlate positively with BMI and can be as 5 high as 40% in class III obesity. 8 8 GENERAL PRACTITIONER FOLLOW-UP Women who have gestational diabetes should have an oral glucose tolerance test at 6 weeks postpartum. Ref. Clinical Guideline B. Transfer of a postnatal woman to Home/ VMS, GP care REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health. Perinatal Mortality 2005: England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. London: CEMACH; 2007. Magdaleno R, Pereira BG, Chaim EA, Turato ER. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery: a current view of maternal, obstetrical and perinatal challenges. Archive of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2012;285:559-66. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist of Canada. Clinical Practice Guideline, No. 239. Obesity in Pregnancy. JOGC. 2010(February):165-73. McGuire W, Dyson L, Renfrew M. Maternal obesity: consequences for children, challenges for clinicians and carers. Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2010;15:108-12. Gunatilake RP, Perlow JH. Obesity and pregnancy: clinical management of the obese gravida. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011(February):106-18. Nodine PM, Hastings-Tolsma M. Maternal Obesity: Improving Pregnancy Outcomes. American Journal of Maternal and Childhood Nursing. 2012;37(2):110-15. Thornburg LL. Antepartum Obstetrical Complications Associated with Obesity. Seminars in Perinatology. 2011;35:317-23. Tsoi E, Shaikh H, Robinson S, Teoh TG. Obesity in pregnancy: a major healthcare issue. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2010;86:617-23. J Modder and KJ Fitzsimons for the Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries and the Royal College of Obsteticians and Gynaecologists. Management of Women with Obesity in Pregnancy. CMACE/RCOG Joint Guideline. 2010. Date Issued: July 2009 Date Revised: September 2013 Review Date: September 2016 Written by:/Authorised by: OGCCU Review Team: OGCCU 2009 2.12 Management of pregnancy and childbirth with a BMI >35 Section B Clinical Guidelines King Edward Memorial Hospital Perth Western Australia All guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Disclaimer at the beginning of this manual Page 7 of 8 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. World Health Organization. Global Database on Body Mass Index. BMI classification: Available from: http://apps.who.int/bmi/index.jsp?introPage=intro_3.html. Xanthakos SA. Nutritional Deficiencies in Obesity and After Bariatric Surgery. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2009;56:1105-21. Saravanakumar K, Gururaja Rao S, Cooper GM. The challenges of obesity and obstetric anaesthesia. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2006;18:631-35. Grazia Dalfra, Busetto L, Chilelli NC, Lapolla A. Pregnancy and foetal outcome after bariatric surgery: a review of recent studies. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine. 2012;25(9):1537-43. Lesko J, Peaceman A. Pregnancy Outcomes in Women After Bariatric Surgery Compared With Obese and Morbidly Obese Controls. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2012;119(3):547-54. Jevitt C. Pregnancy Complicated by Obesity: Midwifery Management. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health. 2009;54(6):445-51. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Reexamining the Guidelines. Report Brief. 2009. Rasmussen KM, Catalano PM, Yaktine AL. New guidelines for weight gain during pregnancy: what obstetrician/gynecologists should know. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2009;21:521-6. Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Counci. Clinical Practice Guideline For the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients Admitted to Australian Hospitals. Melbourne: National Health and Medical Research Council; 2009. Date Issued: July 2009 Date Revised: September 2013 Review Date: September 2016 Written by:/Authorised by: OGCCU Review Team: OGCCU 2009 2.12 Management of pregnancy and childbirth with a BMI >35 Section B Clinical Guidelines King Edward Memorial Hospital Perth Western Australia All guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Disclaimer at the beginning of this manual Page 8 of 8