Document 6429899


Document 6429899
How To Lower Your PSA
In Just 30 Days Without Drugs
Ben Ong
None of the statements herein have been approved
by the FDA or are to be construed as medical advice.
If you have any health problems please see your doctor.
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................... 3
The Types Of Prostate Disease: BPH, Prostatitis, Cancer........................................3
Prostate Cancer..................................................................................................... 5
The Damage That Men Do to Themselves.............................................................6
The Easy Life.......................................................................................................... 8
The Stressful Life................................................................................................... 8
Put It All Together What Have You Got?..................................................................8
So Now You Have Prostate Disease?......................................................................9
The Four Stages of Prostate Disease....................................................................15
Libido and Erectile Dysfunction............................................................................16
Recurring Prostate Cancer................................................................................... 17
Natural Supplements........................................................................................... 18
How To Come Off Prescription Drugs?..................................................................19
My Advanced Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment (APCRA)....................................21
Pro-Calefaction For Prostate Cancer.....................................................................24
Review Of What We Have Covered......................................................................25
What My Customers Say?.................................................................................... 26
In Conclusion....................................................................................................... 45
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You will find that my book is extremely comprehensive and deals with all aspects
of prostate disease from getting up at night to go to the toilet all the way
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If you are reading this book, I assume that either you or someone close to you is
experiencing some problems relating to their prostate. PSA is the most
well-known measure of the health of your prostate and if your PSA level is rising.
That is an indication that not all is well.
Your PSA may be rising. Perhaps you are also getting up and all times of the
night to go to the toilet. Maybe you are finding it slow to start peeing and slow
to finish. Or it could be that you suffer from urgency and are desperate to get to
a toilet quickly. These are all signs that something is wrong with your prostate.
This report will teach you how you can improve the health of your prostate and
how this in turn will lower your PSA.
The Types Of Prostate Disease:
BPH, Prostatitis, Cancer
Understandably, what men fear most is prostate cancer. But there are two other
forms of prostate disease that while not life threatening, can substantially reduce
the quality of a man's life. And of course they are far more prevalent. In the
United States 80% of men at the age of 60 have an enlarged prostate.
The two types of disease other than prostate cancer are an enlarged prostate
usually referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH and prostatitis. Both of
those prostate diseases are also associated with inflammation of the prostate.
Both of them come from the same causes as prostate cancer and can develop
further into prostate cancer if not attended to.
Doctors will generally say that there is no connection between BPH, prostatitis
and prostate cancer. However many cancers start with inflammation and I have
no doubt that BPH and prostatitis can deteriorate further into prostate cancer.
The enlarged prostate becomes enlarged because of excessive oestrogens in the
bloodstream. Those oestrogens appear in men's bloodstream as a consequence
of eating too much animal protein over many, many years. The body responds to
too much oestrogen in the blood by converting some of that oestrogen into
Di hydro Testosterone (DHT). It is DHT that irritates, inflames and enlarges the
prostate and causes prostate disease and sometimes prostate cancer.
An enlarged prostate can cause pressure on the urethra, especially at night and
that can slow the flow of urine. It can be slow to start, slow to pee and slow to
finish. It can also leave a residue in the bladder.
Prostatitis is a chronic infection that in older men is generally caused by prostate
enlargement. Often, it results from a residue of urine in the bladder going stale
and acting as a perfect incubator for bacteria or viruses.
The infection generally follows down the urethra right to the tip of the penis. In
many cases of prostatitis symptoms are likened to trying to pee razorblades. It
can be both painful and uncomfortable. Symptoms of prostatitis can also be
discomfort within the groin area or in the testicles.
Young men also get prostatitis although when a young man get prostatitis, it is
generally as a result of an infection usually but not always a sexual infection
(STD) that has not been fully cleared up and has become chronic. Prostatitis in a
young man is harder to clear up than prostatitis in an older man.
The standard medical treatment for prostatitis is antibiotics. Very often those
antibiotics do not clear the infection, either because it is caused by bacteria that
are non-specific and the broad spectrum antibiotic does not affect them. In other
cases, the infection is caused by a virus and is similarly unaffected by any
In all cases, antibiotics are somewhat counter-productive because they reduce
and weaken the capability of the subject's own immune system. And since
antibiotics deal with symptoms only, rather than the underlying cause, the
prostatitis will reappear over time unless other measures are taken.
I recommend the natural alternatives for healing BPH and prostatitis. I also
recommend the more natural and non-invasive methods of dealing with prostate
Prostate Cancer
Of all cancers, Prostate cancer is the second biggest killer of men. Most men
know that, but what they don't know is that prostate disease generally, and the
consequences of using many toxic drugs for prostate disease plus the
consequences of conventional invasive treatment for prostate cancer are the
biggest contributor to a reduction in the quality-of-life for men over the age of
Invasive diagnostic procedures and invasive treatment procedures for prostate
cancer tend to cause more harm than good. Because all these procedures are
universally applied by the conventional medical establishment, there is also very
little awareness amongst men even that there are any alternatives.
Simply put, most men who experience symptoms or a rise in their PSA, look to
their doctors for guidance. Their doctors send them to urologists who will refer
them to oncologists and surgeons. In other words, once men are put on the
treadmill of medical treatment, their progression for most of them, will inevitably
move in a predictable and conventional fashion. As a consequence, that is why
very few men are aware that there are any alternatives.
The medical establishment always works by consensus. Any Dr that challenges
that consensus is likely to find himself ostracised, out of work and even
defrocked. The medical establishment is very hierarchical and the men at the top
are the ones who made their reputations by establishing what is today the
consensus. They are in charge until they shuffle off and they make it close to
impossible for any Dr to bring in something radically new.
Let me introduce myself here for the benefit of those who do not know of me. I
am not a medical Dr. and 13 years ago I had a brush with prostate disease and
the possibility of prostate cancer. That led me to educate myself about the whole
topic and I was quite shocked to learn quite how damaging the prescription
drugs were that were used for treating prostate disease.
Equally I was amazed to learn that there was virtually no science at all to back
up the use of all the invasive procedures for treatment of prostate cancer. I also
investigated the natural methods for treatment of prostate disease and prostate
cancer. I found more science to back up the use of natural treatments even
though it is the pharmaceutical industry that provides the Lion's share of all
funds for research.
I was able to treat myself successfully and 13 years later I have no trace of
prostate disease. At the time, I was already retired having successfully built
businesses in the IT and Internet space. Since I was bored being retired and
really wanted to have something to keep me busy, I decided that I would use my
experience to help other men with prostate disease. Little did I know quite how
substantial that project would become. You can find out more about my
approach if you go to my main website
The purpose of this report is to give you an overarching view of prostate disease
and your alternative options of dealing with it. I have benefited not only from my
original research but from ongoing research that I and my colleagues have
Perhaps the most interesting source of information has always been and
continues to be the feedback that I get from my customers and subscribers.
They are often quite literally at the cutting edge.
I hear a great deal of useful information from them and in return offer my
assistance and support free of charge. I and my team answer up to 200 email
questions every day from my 20,000 readers.
I send out a newsletter every single day to my 20,000 readers and I add a new
article about the latest developments in prostate disease research to my blog on every day.
In addition to that, my team of researchers find news items or press releases in
respect of new treatments and developments for prostate disease and add them
to my members subscription site
All in all, I think it is safe to say that I really do have my finger on the pulse of
things related to prostate disease.
Before I start telling you about what you can do about prostate disease and
prostate cancer, let me explain a little about how you got your rising PSA level in
the first place.
Once you understand that, you will also understand why it is important to stop
doing what caused the problem in the first place. And also to adopt new
behaviours and take supplements in order to reverse the damage that has been
The Damage That Men Do to
Most men in the Western world accept that it is almost inevitable that they will
get some problems with their prostate as they get older. Indeed most men fear
that they have a risk of getting prostate cancer. But they have no idea why they
get prostate disease or indeed why they are at risk of getting prostate cancer.
Most men seem to think that it is merely something to do with being a man.
They are unaware that for instance in other parts of the world, particularly in the
east in places like Japan and especially rural China, the incidence of prostate
cancer is very different to that in the West. Indeed the incidence of prostate
cancer in rural China is about 1% that of the incidence of prostate cancer in the
Western world.
Studies have shown that a Chinese man is physiologically no different to a
Western man. When Chinese men emigrate to the United States, after two or
three generations the incidence of prostate cancer in their grandchildren rises to
be that of the general Western population. So what has changed? Their
grandchildren have integrated their lifestyles and a large part of their diet to be
similar to that of the host population.
The inescapable conclusion is that prostate disease is not inevitable and could be
quite rare if not for the lifestyle and diet that is common within the Western
world. In the United States, the diet that is common includes very large amounts
of animal protein when compared to the diet that is common in the Third World.
In other words we eat large quantities of red meat, milk and dairy products such
as cheese. We also eat an inordinate amount of refined sugars and white flour in
baked goods.
Moreover a high proportion of the food that is consumed, is manufactured using
fillers such as milk powder and starches, not to mention a wide range of
synthetic chemicals designed to prevent the food from rotting. Additional
synthetic chemicals can be present to colour the food, add synthetic flavour,
giving food body or texture, or making it more presentable or palatable.
In the West, we seem to have this process of eliminating what is good in food
and then selling it as a separate product. So we take the bran out of grain and
then sell it as "all Bran". We take the vitamins and minerals out of food and then
sell them as multivitamins.
In contrast we eat very little natural fresh vegetables or leafy greens. Even when
we do eat small quantities of vegetables or salads it is almost as an
afterthought. To make things worse, the nutritional benefit of those vegetables
are often severely depleted both in the way they have been processed and
Only a tiny proportion of those vegetables are grown organically. A combination
of chemical fertilisers, pesticides and fungicides pollute the produce.
Unsurprisingly after years of these practices, the soil has been leached of many
of the essential minerals and consequently, our food is also bereft of many
essential minerals.
Furthermore, much of this produce is stored for some considerable time before it
reaches the consumer and vitamins degrade as a result of that storage.
The end result is that none of these foods are particularly nutritionally beneficial.
It is a curiosity that in a society like the United States that has far more food
than any other, the population is often undernourished.
Very often, Third World countries who have far less food, have a population that
are generally better nourished because they do not have the technology to
denature their food. What an irony?
The Easy Life
The average American likes to believe that America has the greatest civilisation
on Earth. They revel in their technological abilities. And all of that is of course
true. But as with many things in life, it is a double-edged sword.
In the Third World countries that do not have all the advantages of Western
technology, people still commonly do a great deal of physical labour and walk or
even run great distances.
In America, we have laboursaving devices. Everything is organised to ensure
that you need not exert yourself. There are planes, trains, buses, cars, and
motorbikes, not to mention escalators and elevators that will get you to your
destination without hardly ever needing to walk.
In your car you are even spared the physical effort of winding down your
Windows or adjusting your seat because it is all electrical.
As with taking things out of our food and then selling it as an additional product,
all the labour has gone out of work, so we are sold a gym membership in order
to work out.
The Stressful Life
America is the greatest consumer society where we spend so much effort and
time on the acquisition of baubles. Again we are on a treadmill, always seeking
to afford that which we cannot really afford. Most Americans are living on the
We know that our American dream can all go pear shaped in a moment. It is
that basic insecurity and the constant effort to escape that insecurity that shapes
our lives. But what it also does, is keep our cortisol levels high. And that in turn
keeps our insulin levels high. Of course we also help keep the insulin levels up
with the food we eat. We are like an engine with half a foot permanently on the
accelerator pedal.
Put It All Together What Have You
What we have is a society that is undernourished we eat too many calorie-rich
but nutrition-poor foods that have been denatured. That gives us an unbalanced
dietary intake. We eat too much animal protein, in particular dairy products that
are great for calves but not so good for men. Milk contains many carcinogens
and proteins and growth hormones that encourage the development of prostate
And we have a sedentary society that spends too much of their time in front of
the television screen where clicking the remote is the greatest effort made while
consuming both mental and physical junk.
A combination of refined carbohydrates and stress ensures that not only do we
have high cortisol but also high insulin levels. Hardly surprising that as a society
we suffer so much obesity and diabetes.
It is that very unhealthy mix of junk foods that do not nourish; work with no
exertion, and stress without any relief; that over decades will ensure that you
will become sick. This is true of a whole range of diseases that are called
metabolic diseases. We are just biological machines and like any machine, if you
do not treat it right and look after it, it will eventually break down.
These are largely self-inflicted diseases. They include obesity, diabetes, arthritis,
heart disease, arterial disease and stroke, cancer and of course prostate disease
and prostate cancer.
It takes decades of mistreatment to cause these problems which is why it is only
in middle age, that we start exhibiting the problems that we have built up over
the decades. Because this is just a short report I will not go here into all the
details of all the studies that justify my statements. If you want to delve more
deeply you can certainly buy my 100 page guide "All About the Prostate" at
So Now You Have Prostate
So what should you do? Well if you go to your doctor, he may prescribe toxic
drugs, all of which have undesirable side-effects, and none of which actually
work that well.
Even when they do work to some extent to reduce your symptoms, they do
absolutely nothing to address the underlying cause. Because that is not what
allopathic medicine does. So at best these drugs are a quick fix and it is only a
matter of time till the worsening of your disease overwhelms the effects of the
All prescription drugs are by definition toxic. That is why they have side-effects,
because they are unnatural substances. Your body does not recognise them and
therefore treats them like an interloper. In other words they are all to a greater
or lesser extent poisonous and your body tries to fight them and get rid of them.
The Urologist
Alternatively, your doctor may refer you on to a urologist. He may check your
PSA levels, he might give you a digital rectal examination. And then, the chances
are that he will recommend you to have a prostate biopsy.
Why does he do that? You may believe that he does that in order to make sure
that you do not have any prostate cancer. You would be mistaken. What he is
actually doing is ensuring that he cannot lose his medical insurance as a result of
you suing him.
You see if it later turns out that you had prostate cancer you could sue him for
negligence. But if he recommends a prostate biopsy and whether or not you
choose to follow his recommendation, he is safe against any such litigation. He
advised you to have the only standard diagnostic procedure for prostate cancer
that is recognised by the medical profession and therefore by the courts.
You see the truth is that, neither the PSA nor the digital rectal examination can
establish whether or not you have prostate cancer. The only procedure that can
establish it is the prostate biopsy because they examine pieces of your prostate
in a pathology lab.
So it will be a very brave urologist indeed who will tell you that you do not need
a prostate biopsy, no matter what he does or does not find as a result of your
PSA or digital rectal examination.
And just in case you believe that a prostate biopsy is therefore desirable because
you will know for sure whether or not you do have prostate cancer, let me
disabuse you of that idea.
Statistically, a prostate biopsy is only about 85% reliable when the result is
negative. In other words, if they don't find any prostate cancer that does not
mean you don't have it. Prostate cancer can exist below the radar so that it is
too early to show up in any results and of course also the needles are really
taking a small sample from your prostate, so they may simply miss the cancer.
Each biopsy damages your prostate further. Contrary to what you might be told
by a urologist as they all maintain that the damage and the pain is only
transitory, I have discovered that a small proportion of men get permanent
damage and suffer negative consequences particularly with their sexual
performance as a result of having biopsies, especially when they are repeated
several times.
Part of the good news is that both prostate disease and prostate cancer
generally develop very slowly. I will explain in a moment why that is good news.
The bad news is that if your urologist has reason to suspect that you may have
prostate cancer, especially if your PSA remains high or continues to rise, he will
recommend biopsy after biopsy hoping to find confirmation of what he suspects
is there. Meanwhile he makes more money on each biopsy.
But I have some even worse news. Let's say that your prostate biopsy has
revealed that you do have some prostate cancer in you. It may be that only
some of the needles showed prostate cancer. It may also be that the tumour you
have is very small indeed. The pathology results may show that your Gleason
score which gives some indication of how aggressive the prostate cancer is, is
quite low, below six.
Of course it is bad news to discover you have prostate cancer of any kind. But
the reason I say that this is even worse news is that a prostate biopsy is
associated with something called needle tracking.
Essentially what that means is that in the process of extracting a sample of your
prostate, some cells are inevitably shaken loose and go into the bloodstream.
That means that your prostate cancer can spread. Generally that spread, when it
does happen is confined to the prostate. There is some suspicion but no hard
data to support the view that prostate cancer cells, as a result of a biopsy, can
travel beyond the prostate.
But the fact that prostate cancer cells can travel within the prostate is bad news
enough. You may have started with a small relatively benign prostate cancer. But
if it spreads within the prostate, that prostate cancer can become more
widespread and more aggressive and potentially life-threatening.
In other words had you left your prostate cancer alone, it would never have
required any further attention and you could have lived with that prostate cancer
for the rest of your life with no further problems. A prostate biopsy can change
that situation. That is why I do not recommend prostate biopsy and further on I
will explain what alternative options you have.
Now, why do I say that it is good news that prostate cancer generally develops
very slowly. Well, one obvious reason is that you can often live quite long with
prostate cancer before it becomes life-threatening. In fact six men out of seven
men who have diagnosed prostate cancer never die of it.
But there is another reason why it is good news. Further on I shall be explaining
what you can do to naturally to heal prostate disease and in some cases slow the
development of prostate cancer, even to a complete halt.
The thing is that natural methods dealing with disease take time to work. Other
cancers such as for example pancreatic cancer or liver cancer develop very
rapidly and can spread very aggressively. Very often with such cancers, you
simply do not have the time to allow natural methods to improve things.
But with prostate disease and even with prostate cancer, more often than not,
you do have the time. Prostate cancer will not spread initially because it is inside
of what is called an envelope. Inside that envelope there is relatively little blood
supply and no lymph glands. So unlike breast cancer for example, it will not
spread unless it has grown to the point where it breaks out of the prostate
The Surgeon
So maybe you have already had a prostate biopsy and it confirms that you have
prostate cancer. Many men instinctively just want to get rid of that cancer. So
they eagerly seek advice as to how to achieve that.
There will be no shortage of advice. One thing you should know is that studies
have shown that the advice you will be given is not impartial. Your urologist will
almost invariably recommends whatever his own speciality happens to be. So if
he is a surgeon he will recommend a prostatectomy. If he is a radiologist he will
recommend radiology. If he specialises in robotic surgery, that will be his
The treatments for prostate cancer range from hormone ablation to radiation
treatment and then of course the removal of the prostate by one means or
New technologies for the removal of the prostate arise almost every month.
Doctors and surgeons use every technology they can lay their hands on. So with
surgery, it can become keyhole surgery, or robotic assisted keyhole surgery.
Surgeons speak of nerve sparing surgery techniques. Since one of the problems
with surgery is the destruction of the nerves that facilitate erection, one of the
frequent problems associated with surgery is erectile dysfunction, the other
being various forms and degrees of incontinence.
The holy Grail for surgeons is to find a procedure that can be depended upon not
to do any damage to the nerves. Despite many claims and promises, that
certainty does not exist.
Other technologies include the burning of the prostate using technologies such
as various forms of laser and focused ultrasound.
Another technology used is cryotherapy where the prostate is frozen.
Similarly, there are many flavours of radiation from external radiation of various
kinds to brachytherapy where radioactive seeds are planted within the prostate.
The latest form of radiation which is incredibly expensive is proton beam
What all these technologies have in common is that they destroy the prostate.
Surgeons will often make claims about new technologies that they are less
invasive. That is similar to describing a woman as less pregnant.
Manufacturers of equipment and surgeons can make these claims when the
technology is first introduced. They have a window of opportunity because it
takes about 10 years of experience before there is sufficient data to come to an
accurate assessment of the effectiveness of that particular technology.
So far, and I do not expect it will be any different with some of the newer
technologies, every new technology has in the end proven to be just as
damaging, producing a similar mixture of side effects and unfortunate
The lesson is that just because a new whizbang technology is mindbogglingly
expensive does not necessarily mean it is any better (or worse) than any of the
other older invasive technologies.
I have spent many years searching for and researching technologies for dealing
with prostate cancer. In the end I have found one that is quite effective but does
not actually destroy the prostate. I describe that procedure further on.
Similarly, I have searched and researched to find a non-invasive alternative to
prostate biopsy. This is important, because most prostate cancers do not need to
be treated. Indeed there have been many studies showing that the
overwhelming majority of invasive treatments were entirely unnecessary.
So I really wanted to find something that could tell a man whether he actually
needs to do something about his prostate cancer or if he can leave well enough
alone. I detail that further on.
One last thing before I move onto the natural alternatives that you might wish to
consider for your prostate disease.
There have been numerous studies over the years to try and establish which
invasive technology is likely to extend the life of a man that has his prostate
cancer treated by that invasive technology. The unequivocal answer that keeps
coming back from all the studies is that there is not a single invasive procedure
that can claim to extend life expectancy.
In other words what the studies have shown is that whether or not you have
some invasive therapy or do nothing at all, your life expectancy remains the
Given that every single one of these invasive treatments has a high likelihood of
damaging the quality of your life, it is certainly reasonable to consider whether it
might be more sensible to avoid any of these invasive techniques.
The Natural Alternatives
I'm going to deal with the natural alternatives in the order of BPH, prostatitis
and then prostate cancer. The important thing to understand is that these are
just three different manifestations of the same problem.
Once you begin to experience a rise in your PSA, it can mean that you have an
enlarged or inflamed prostate or a cancerous one. In many cases, it is a biopsy
of all three. Once your prostate is not healthy, you are on a spectrum of disease
and it can only get worse unless you take positive steps to improve the health of
your prostate.
All three conditions therefore require the same basic changes and the only thing
that varies is the degree to which these changes have to be implemented. You
may only be suffering the inconvenience of getting up at night. Clearly if you are
facing the dangers of what could be a life-threatening prostate cancer, you have
a more serious problem and you need to deal with it in a more rigorous fashion.
I have already explained that the cause of prostate disease including prostate
cancer is from the diet, lifestyle, and the lack of certain nutrients. In order to try
and heal BPH, prostatitis or prostate cancer, the first thing is stop digging the
hole you are in. In other words you need to make some changes to your diet and
lifestyle and also take supplements to supercharge your acquisition of the
nutrients you need for your prostate to heal.
On the positive side, you should implement a diet that gives you all the nutrients
that you have not had for decades. You should reverse your sedentary nature by
implementing an exercise regime.
In broad terms, what you need to do is eat more organic vegetables and salads,
less animal protein, especially red meat and dairy products. So no cheese or
yoghurt. Avoid eating foods with lots of sugar or using white flour. So no
doughnuts, cakes or even bread.
Men's Health and Nutrition Audit and
If you buy my Total Health for the prostate supplement, you will also receive a
free complimentary copy of my guide. That is a 100 page guide that will give you
all the science about prostate disease and explain exactly what you need to eat
and not eat and why. If you are interested in reading more about my guide,
please click here.
Once you have my guide, you can certainly make the changes that I recommend
and literally do it yourself. When you first buy my total health, you will also be
signed up for a three-month free period of my extended support. That includes
my monthly printed newsletter and exclusive access to 2 of my information sites
which will give you information only available to my members. is managed by Kelly and is one of the two sites and has a
great deal of nutritional information, including many recipes which are updated
However there is another option that may interest you. On my staff I have a
clinical nutritionist who is also a registered nurse. Kelly has a Masters degree in
nutrition and she runs a program for me, which is a complete audit of your
current nutrition, disease conditions and lifestyle. She then recommends a
program of nutrition and exercise that is tailored exactly to your own
requirements. You also have the option for her to continue to monitor you and
assist you ongoing. If you are interested in having more information about a
[email protected]
The Four Stages of Prostate
However inconvenient it may be, if you are just suffering from an enlarged
prostate, (BPH) you can easily cure yourself through changes in your diet and
lifestyle and taking supplements. In a sense, you are fortunate because it is
relatively easy to deal with that, especially if you deal with it early, and you can
therefore prevent it from becoming more serious.
If you are suffering from prostatitis, then you have a somewhat more difficult
stage of disease. This means that not only do you have an enlarged prostate,
you also have an infected one. Once again, however, although this is more
difficult to treat and takes longer, it is exactly the same changes in diet and
lifestyle and taking supplements that you can cure yourself with.. The difference
is that you will need to be more rigorous and disciplined in your lifestyle and diet
changes. You may also probably require to take a wider range of natural
Once you have prostate cancer, then it becomes more serious still. It is
important to remember that only one out of seven men who have diagnosed
prostate cancer die of it. In most cases a prostate cancer is not life-threatening.
Nonetheless, the potential is there for your prostate Cancer to become less
benign and more life-threatening. This can happen if you do not make the
changes to your diet and lifestyle and take supplements, but now you have no
room to compromise with those changes, you have to be truly disciplined and
rigorous indeed. Things can also get worse if you have a prostate biopsy since
that has the potential to make a prostate cancer more aggressive. Depending
upon your prostate cancer, ideally, you may now want to have some
non-invasive prostate cancer risk assessment. And you may wish to consider
also some non-invasive treatment for your prostate cancer.
If you have a potentially life threatening prostate cancer, then you could become
one of the unfortunate one in seven men that do die from prostate cancer. This
can happen if you have neglected to do the things you need to do early on. Or it
can happen if you have had conventional medical invasive treatments and your
prostate Cancer has come back.
If your prostate cancer has metastasised then you are close to a death sentence.
If you have had your prostate removed and prostate cancer has come back, then
by definition your prostate cancer has metastasised. You still need the changes
to your diet and lifestyle and supplements. In fact, you need that even more
than ever. However, those changes by themselves can no longer help you.
Additional treatment is strongly recommended. But I do not recommend
conventional medical invasive treatment.
Libido and Erectile Dysfunction
The prostate is a sexual organ and that is something that many men do not
realise. So it is not surprising that problems related to the prostate to spill over
into libido and erectile dysfunction issues.
Often there can be more than one cause of libido and erectile dysfunction. The
potential causes are psychological, physiological, a consequence of taking
prescription drugs, and a consequence of having invasive procedures.
When part of the mix is psychological, you should see a psychologist and try to
address the cause of that problem. Sometimes, it is mostly a case of growing
older as your production of testosterone and other hormones all decrease as you
grow older.
Some men just have less testosterone, although that is normally caused by a
sedentary existence, made worse by eating lots of refined carbohydrates and
animal protein, particularly dairy products over decades. The solution is to take
more exercise, preferably vigorous and weight bearing exercise and to make
significant changes to your diet. I deal with the testosterone issue in more detail
in my guide which you can read about if you click here
Very often, the cause of a lower libido and erectile dysfunction is simply taking
prescription drugs. Most of the drugs prescribed for prostate issues have sexual
side effects. The way to solve those problems is simply to stop taking the
prescription drugs and use natural supplements in their place. If you are taking
prescription drugs such as Flomax or finasteride/Proscar or other similar versions
of those drugs, you can go to my website and ask a question in order to receive
a detailed reply on what you should be doing in order to replace those drugs. If
you would like to do that, please click here
The last main cause of erectile dysfunction is a consequence of an invasive
procedure that has caused physiological damage. This includes all forms of
radiation and or any operation to remove part of all the whole of the prostate.
This is the most difficult case because physiological damage such as that
invariably cannot be repaired. Things may be possible to improve to a minor
extent only.
Supplements that may help deal with the problems of libido and erectile
dysfunction start with my total health for the prostate. That is my foundation
supplement since the health of your prostate is the first prerequisite for good
sexual function. In addition, I do a trio of tinctures specifically for libido and
erectile dysfunction. If you would like to read more about my
total health for the prostate, please click here.
If you would like to read more about my trio of tinctures for libido and erectile
dysfunction, please click here.
Recurring Prostate Cancer
So what do you do if you have already had treatment and no longer have a
prostate? Many men who have had that kind of invasive treatment, mistakenly
believe that by destroying the prostate Cancer and their prostate with it, they
have effectively banished prostate cancer. Unfortunately that is not the case.
Again, allopathic medicine deals with the symptoms only. The cancer indeed has
gone but if whatever caused the prostate cancer in the first place is not changed,
then prostate cancer can and does recur.
Men who have no longer have a prostate die of prostate cancer every day. I'm
not saying that it is inevitable that men who have had their prostate removed
will die of prostate cancer.
What I am saying is that one in seven men who have prostate cancer die of it.
And I'm also saying that about the one in seven men who have had their
prostate removed see a recurrence of their prostate cancer only this time it is
metastasis. And some of them will die of it.
So is there anything that can be done in those circumstances? The medical
approach is to use radiation and chemotherapy. Neither work. Studies have
shown that radiation cause prostate cancer rather than treating it.
Chemotherapy very rarely works for metastasised prostate cancer.
So are there any options from men who have had their prostate removed and for
men whose prostate cancer has metastasised? The answer is yes. The first
option is to do exactly as you would have done had you not had your prostate
removed. In other words you need to change your diet and lifestyle and take
supplements. That reduces the chance of prostate cancer recurring.
If your prostate cancer has recurred then you should continue with the health
plan but you might also need to have some medical treatment. Further down, I
deal with the only medical treatment that I recommend for men who have
prostate cancer that is life-threatening.
It is also the only treatment that I recommend for metastasised prostate cancer.
It is not a silver bullet, there is no guarantee that it will cure you. Much also
depends on whether you make substantial changes to your diet and lifestyle. But
it does have a very substantial and impressive track record going back 25 years.
More on that further on.
Natural Supplements
It is just as important as making changes to your diet and lifestyle to take
natural supplements. In fact, it is essential for you to have those nutrients that
you have missed for anything up to 40 years and that is what my natural
supplements provide.
Let me just deal very briefly with the quality of supplements, the dosage and the
appropriate mix. Some men who have read my guide which details all the
nutrients which they should take, have gone out and bought supplements
containing some of those nutrients and have then been disappointed by the
result. Ironically, some of them have then complained to me. My reply was why
didn't you buy them from me?
The fact is there is more to what makes an appropriate supplement then the
names of the nutrients in it. There is an issue of quality, the Provenance and
source of a nutrient can make the difference between success and failure. In
other words it is an issue of quality and formulation.
Certainly what you see on the label is only a small part of the whole story. That
is why it is essential that you should buy from a company that you feel you can
trust. I am a specialist. I know what corners other manufacturers cut but I never
do that myself. I supply the best that money can buy. My premium supplements
may cost a bit more but you get what you pay for.
At the end of this report I include a bunch of comments from my customers
about my supplements, my guide, my advice and my support. When you buy
from me, you get the whole package. Not a day goes by when I do not receive
such thanks from my customers.
There are two supplements that I would recommend to anyone with prostate
disease of any kind should take as foundation supplements. The first is my total
health for the prostate formulation. That is entirely nutritional and could be
described as food for the prostate. It helps the prostate to heal itself. There are
27 ingredients. Each one is important for prostate health.
If you buy three bottles as a first-time purchaser, you will also receive a bonus of
a free complimentary copy of my 100 page guide which normally costs $89. You
can read all about my total health supplement if you click here
The second supplement is my Prostate Healer Tincture. That is herbal and is
based on an ancient Ayurvedic formula. You could say it has stood the test of
time. That is not food, it is a gently healing formula that does not cause any side
effects. You can read all about my Prostate Healer tincture if you click here
I have many other supplements that can be beneficial for the prostate and other
metabolic disease conditions. The important thing is for you to make a start with
something which you will see will help you. Then you will have the confidence in
me when you ask questions about what else might be helpful for you and your
specific conditions.
At the end of this report I reproduce many comments from customers, many of
them detailing how their PSA levels came down. My supplements are generally
so effective at bringing down PSA levels that if you make all the changes to your
diet and lifestyle and take my supplements you will normally experience a
reduction in your PSA level. However that does not always happen, and if you
have done everything right but within 3 to 6 months that your PSA has not
reduced or indeed has increased, this sometimes indicates a stronger likelihood
but not certainty that you do have some prostate cancer.
If that is the case, you should not panic because six men out of seven with
diagnosed prostate cancer never die of it. And of course, you have not even had
a definite diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Nonetheless, this is a situation which require some action. You do have the
option of having a prostate biopsy but if like me, you would rather not have the
additional risk of making your prostate cancer more serious that you should
consider my non-invasive APCRA which is described below.
How To Come Off Prescription
Many of my customers originally come to me because their prescription drugs
are not helping them or they are having terrible or inconvenient side-effects. So,
I am often asked both what the long-term effects of these prescription drugs are
and how they can go about to stop taking them.
I cannot tell anyone to stop taking their medication. I'm not a medical Dr and
even if I were, a Dr could not give such instruction unless they had examined
their patient.
However, if you have decided you wish to come off your medication, either with
or without your doctor's knowledge, below I detail some precautions that you
should take. The two most widely taken prescription drugs are Flomax and
Proscar/finasteride. There are many other almost identical drugs manufactured
with different brand names.
Here are some of the common side effects and also health consequences of
these to prescription drugs.
All drugs have side effects and reduce your health and well-being and
are therefore only to be taken in emergency and never long term. From my
experience with BPH sufferers over the years Flomax rarely works that well
anyway but has a number of side effects that are not dangerous but nonetheless
are unpleasant.
The most common of these are a reduction of Libido and can cause erectile
Other side effects include leakiness, headaches, fatigue, nasal congestion,
dizziness and syncope - a sudden loss of consciousness.
What Flomax does is relax the sphincter muscles to ease the flow through the
Urethra which helps about 50% of men with an enlarged prostate. But what
Flomax does not do is improve the health of your prostate at all. It is designed
purely to relieve symptoms. This is why the state of your prostate will continue
to deteriorate if you take it.
The problem is that Flomax is only at best a short-term fix because it does
nothing to help the real problem which is an enlarged Prostate. If you do not
deal with the enlargement, it will continue to enlarge and get worse to the point
where the Flomax will no longer be sufficient to deal with the blockage. That will
lead on to more drastic and damaging treatment.
Moreover continued use of Flomax will increase the risk of your eventually
becoming incontinent because Flomax is weakening the sphincter muscles by
keeping them permanently relaxed. The analogy is - imagine you have a blocked
pipe which reduces flow. Instead of dealing with that blockage you permanently
open the valve wide at the end of the pipe.
That may temporarily increase the flow but the blockage is going to get worse.
Eventually the open valve will no longer be sufficient. Ironically, if someone has
been on Flomax for a long time, dealing with the blockage can initially make
things worse since the muscles are now too weak to handle a stronger flow.
Finasteride also has downsides. Finasteride is a feminizing drug. As a result it
reduces ejaculate. It depresses libido and can cause problems with sexual
function including erectile dysfunction.
Studies show that Finasteride reduces the incidence of prostate cancer by 25%
however a study at the Norris cancer institute also showed an increased risk of
getting the aggressive and fatal form of prostate cancer by 300%. A new
study on Avodart has just been released and it showed much the same as in the
1999 Finasteride study. In fact, another article in the daily Telegraph has
detailed a new study showing that Finasteride also increase your risk of getting
male breast cancer. They are going to have to put a warning on the label in the
UK. It must be one of the great ironies that a drug taken to reduce symptoms of
prostate disease can actually cause life-threatening prostate cancer. Of course, it
doesn't stop billions of dollars in sales of finasteride each year.
Some time ago the FDA voted 17 to 0 against allowing the use of Finasteride for
the prevention of prostate cancer. The reason they cited was the reason I give
above. Although it reduces the incidence of low level prostate cancer, it increases
the incidence of aggressive prostate cancer that kills. Because of that, there
has been a recent further FDA advisory stating that Finasteride and
Avodart causes an increased risk for aggressive prostate cancer and has
demanded that a new label warning of this should be attached to both
these drugs.
Also, I was speaking to a customer recently who told me that he got Peyronie's
disease as a result of taking finasteride. It was only after he got that disease
that he discovered that 1% of men who take finasteride get Peyronie's disease.
In case you do not know what that is, it means you can no longer get a proper
erection because your penis becomes bent and distorted as a result of plaque
building up on the underside of the penis and it is largely untreatable.
In all cases, you should not come off medication precipitately. You should do so
gradually in order to prevent a kickback from the drugs that your body has
become used to. Is important to understand that all drugs are toxins and it is
quite common to see a reaction when you stop taking them to abruptly.
If you are on several drugs use the same procedure for each drug, one after the
other. Do not try and come off multiple drugs at the same time.
The procedure is that you should continue to take your medication for at least
one month while you are also taking my total health supplement and making the
changes to your diet and lifestyle. Only then should you start gradually reducing
the dosage of your medication.
You should reduce the dosage to once every two days for the first 10 days and if
you do not experience any withdrawal symptoms, you can then reduce the
dosage to once every three days for 15 days. Once again, if you do not
experience any withdrawal symptoms, you can then cease your medication. If
you are on more than one drug, repeat this procedure now.
My Advanced Prostate Cancer
Risk Assessment (APCRA)
I said earlier on that it was very important to have an alternative non-invasive
procedure to an invasive prostate biopsy. You want to stay safe and not make
things worse. My APCRA which requires you to visit my clinic in Arizona costs
That will tell you whether or not you need to contemplate any further treatment
for your prostate cancer or whether making changes to your diet and lifestyle
and having supplements may be sufficient for the time being and perhaps
I describe what my APCRA consists of and how that works. 6/7 cases of prostate
cancer will never become life-threatening and therefore do not need invasive
treatments which (despite all the claims by Doctors) have been shown by many
studies not to increase life expectancy.
At the same time these invasive procedures that often follow after a positive
biopsy, have the potential to cause significant damage to your quality-of-life.
It is important to be aware of this fact when considering prostate biopsy. In the
overwhelming majority of cases this procedure is unnecessary and produces a
negative result. But when a prostate biopsy does produce a positive result, it is
far more dangerous still because it has the potential to spread a prostate cancer
further and make it more aggressive.
For that reason I promote a non-invasive and safe alternative. My advanced
prostate cancer risk assessment will provide a good insight into what is going on
inside your prostate and should help you decide what your options are.
The important thing is that it will not do any damage and will keep all your
options open. More often than not prostate biopsies lead inevitably to further
invasive procedures that can substantially reduce the quality of your life, yet are
also unnecessary.
With my APCRA you will receive a scan using a four-dimensional Power Colour
Doppler Ultrasound. This new generation of Power Colour Doppler Ultrasound is
capable of very fine detection, especially in the hands of an expert like my
The consultation will last around 3 hours and your physician will walk you
through the results of his assessment and explain every aspect and each option
that you have, also answering any questions that you may have.
In most cases he will be able to tell you whether there is a tumor present,
and whether it is already outside the prostate envelope and how dangerous it is.
It will also confirm if you have BPH or Prostatitis. It is certainly less hit and miss
than a biopsy and will give you far more detailed information.
Keep in mind even if you already have had a biopsy in the past that did not
detect any cancer that a prostate biopsy is only 85% reliable. So a past biopsy
that was clear does not guarantee you do not have prostate cancer. Most
importantly your APCRA will not do any damage whereas a biopsy might.
This colour doppler scan diagnostic on its own is as accurate as a Biopsy but
when the results are analyzed by the expert I'm sending you to, those results
when aggregated with the data from all the other tests will provide a far more
detailed, informative and accurate assessment than reliance on a biopsy.
And the greatest additional benefits apart from that, is that it is non-invasive,
does no damage and does not close off any avenues of natural treatment.
The additional tests which you will receive at your first visit include an
up-to-date PSA including percent % free PSA, a PAP prostatic acid
phosphatase test, a saliva test to provide a comprehensive analysis of your
available hormone balances (that includes testosterone, estrogen, progesterone,
and more), an alkaline phosphatase test and most importantly a PCA3 test done
through the originating and most respected urological American lab, Bostwick.
Because the results of all those additional tests will not be available at the time
of your first visit, your payment covers a further diagnostic session over the
telephone for up to one hour once all those results are in.
In other words, you will receive a preliminary diagnosis at the time of your first
visit but the additional data provided by the comprehensive bank of tests will
provide a much stronger and more certain basis for diagnosis.
You will also receive a detailed written report for your APCRA. That is
particularly important since it provides a detailed baseline upon which to make
judgments in subsequent years. It also will enable you to see to what extent
your therapies or this trial anti-prostate cancer supplement are working to
contain or even improve your condition.
You can show this report to your own doctor if you wish. It also means that it
can be used for its valuable baseline data and analysis, should you decide to
have your prostate monitored or diagnosed elsewhere.
Most importantly, it allows you to postpone having a biopsy, possibly making
it unnecessary for you ever to have a prostate biopsy.
If you have already had a biopsy, my APCRA can often provide more information
than a biopsy has done. Quite a few men who have had biopsy have also had my
APCRA. The important benefit of APCRA is that it can give you a far better idea
of whether or not your prostate cancer is life threatening or is likely to become
APCRA is not generally covered by medical insurance. The reason APCRA is not
covered by medical insurance is that the medical standard for diagnosis of
prostate cancer is the biopsy. It is only a biopsy but gives you definitive evidence
of the fact that there is prostate cancer present because you actually have the
results of a pathology report.
Medical insurers will only authorise expenditure on further treatment if a biopsy
has proved that prostate cancer is present. Medical insurers will therefore not
cover alternative diagnostics as only a pathology report is accepted as proof of
prostate cancer.
It is only when you know exactly what is happening inside your prostate that you
can make informed judgments about whether you should have treatment, what
treatment to have and potentially monitor the results of any treatment you do
have. If you are interested in having an APCRA please email me at this address
[email protected].
Pro-Calefaction For Prostate
If you have a situation where your prostate cancer is now life-threatening or if
you have come to the personal conclusion that you just wish your prostate
Cancer to be eliminated, then there are a host of invasive therapies available in
the United States.
According to numerous studies, all these invasive therapies without exception
cause significant damage to the quality-of-life, in particular because of erectile
dysfunction and incontinence.
These therapies can also be extremely expensive. Numerous studies have also
shown that none of these invasive therapies, either by themselves or in
conjunction with others, will extend life expectancy.
There is a relatively non-invasive therapy which is not available in the United
States called transurethral hyperthermia. This therapy has a 25 year track record
of remarkable success and there is far less chance of damage to your
quality-of-life. I have connections with several German hospitals that can provide
this therapy and depending upon your condition, I will recommend the most
appropriate one to you.
If you wonder why after 25 years of success, this particular therapy has not
been authorised by the FDA, the answer as always is money. The investment in
equipment, expertise and the revenue from providing current invasive
treatments for prostate cancer run into the hundreds of billions of dollars.
There is no way that the FDA who are extremely close to the medical profession
will allow a successful and relatively inexpensive therapy to undermine these
revenues. So its adoption in the United States has been blocked.
Local (also local-regional) Hyperthermia therapy is a non-surgical and
particularly gentle treatment method for cancer, and can produce remarkable
success. Hyperthermia treatment can also sometimes be effective even where
there is metastasised prostate cancer.
In this treatment, a small probe is introduced through the urethra into the
prostate. Radio frequencies are pulsed into the prostate, heating the cancer
cells to between 113 and 158 degrees.
Because cancer cells have a different blood supply than normal cells, they either
die or become so damaged from the heat they can no longer reproduce. The
important thing is that normal cells are not affected.
This treatment is non-surgical, so no pain medications are needed and only local
anesthesia is required. There are no side effects. Patients stay in the hospital
for five days, and receive two trans-urethral treatments during that time, along
with limited hormone modulation (Buserelin) and other non-toxic medications.
Because hyperthermia is non-invasive, there is no recuperation required and
normal activities can be resumed at once immediately after the treatment.
It is claimed that this treatment combined with a temporary androgen blockade
is 100% effective. The ten year disease-free survival rate is 80%. The 20% of
patients who have a PSA relapse in three to five years after the initial treatment
can simply repeat the treatment for longer lasting good results.
The androgen blockade which reduces testosterone is temporary and in most
cases the level of testosterone will return to normal after the treatment is
completed. Where testosterone does not fully return to normal, androgen
replacement supplements can be used to bring testosterone levels back to
The cost of one week treatment in a German hospital is about $9000.
If you are interested in receiving this treatment, please email me at this address
[email protected] and I will advise you
Review Of What We Have
I hope you have found my report enlightening and useful. Just below this, I
reproduce a wide range of comments from my customers which you might find
If you have problems with your prostate, please let me help you. If you go to my
website, you can ask me a question about your specific circumstances. You can
also just read my blog, or register for my newsletter. All of those services are
completely free.
Better still, also start taking my Total Health for the Prostate Supplement. That
has a 13 year track record of being the most effective prostate supplement ever
made. It's not cheap, but it works. You can see the comments from my
customers below, the overwhelming majority of men find that my supplements
help them.
If you have arrived at a point where you need to know more about what is going
on inside your prostate, but are not keen on having a prostate biopsy because of
the associated risk, please consider my APCRA, my email address is
[email protected].
And if you have come to a conclusion that what you need to have is some
treatment for your prostate cancer, but you do not want invasive treatments
because of all the negative side-effects. Please email me at this address
[email protected] and I will recommend an appropriate German
hospital for the Pro-Calefaction.
What My Customers Say?
There is not a single day that passes were I do not get unsolicited messages of
thanks from my customers. I did not really know how many of these I should
share with you in this book. I decided to include quite a few of them, partly
because each story is slightly different and partly because I recognise that if you
find them boring, you can simply not read on. Anyway, below is a selection of my
customer’s comments.
From Anthony J Cappello Massachusetts
Good day Sir. I just started my third bottle of Total Health. I seem to be feeling
more energetic and have reduced my nightly pee calls to one or two.
I need your input on something I just read in an informational newsletter, stating that
over-the-counter chelation products sold on line are illegal and may cause health
problems such as dehydration, kidney failure and worse. They advise that Genuine
chelation, whatever that is, is available only by prescription. A number of the products
in Total Health are identified as chelate and I would appreciate your addressing this for
the enlightenment of those of us who are not savvy on this chelation thing. Thank you
sir. Anthony
From Arkady Leyzerov, New York
Hi Ben,
PSA test (8.2) and my Urologist's suggestion to have another biopsy test in three
months after I've had the 1st one six month ago, made me to get in touch with you.
Your guide helped me to understand what should I do with my prostate
I started your Total Health on Feb.15, 2011 and I feel better already. I will still
take Avodart & Flomax for some period of time, as you suggested.
Also I exercise every day now and I lost about 6LBS. No red meat for me anymore. I
stick to the diet as described in your guide.
Tomorrow I will receive (3)bottles of Rejuvenayte. I think I am all set for now. I live in
New York. The best way to get in touch with me it is VIA E-mail.
Arkady Leyzerov
From Klee Scribner, La Quinta CA
I am reinvigorated in my belief in the body healing itself since I've been associated with
your supplemental program and learning from your guide on "All About The
Prostate". I've just finished my first bottle of Total Health and working on
Rejuvinayte. I now have a good exercise program and have completely changed my
diet to Vegan style before it was suggested. I am in the early process of weaning
myself off the Doxizosin and so far it seem to be working. I am still early in the total
process but I am impressed and feel it's successful. I definitely have more
energy. strength and feel much better. I would only say, "Keep up the good work"
at this time. Thanks
From Walter Jezsik, Valrico FL
Hi Ben:
You can use this message as a testimonial about Total Health. It has greatly
benefited my health and I feel like a new man. My wife has noticed the
difference and every day she asks " Have you taken your Total Health today "?
When I was in rehab after breaking my hip in Sept. 2008 they gave me Flomax for my
prostate but I experienced dizzyness. I received an email from you in early 2009
explaining the side effects and possible incontinence, I stopped taking Flomax. At your
suggestion I began taking Total Health with no side effects and urination has
not been a problem also I only get up once during the night.
It is hard for me to believe that person questioning the ingredients in Total Health.
There is no better product on the market. I can honestly say you deserve
credit for this fine product and I am at age 84 a living example after taking it
for two years.
Yours in appreciation,
Walter Jezsik
From Charles Crisp , Exeter, UK
Dear Ben
I am half way though my second jar of total health.
So far I feel encouraged as I no longer have unexpected and urgent need to
urinate ,also mostly sleep through the night, I hope this will continue as it has only
been this way the last few
Just before I started with total health I had a urine infection and was given a week
supply of antibiotics and sorted the problem. However I then got a bit of a chest
infection and felt
bad. I have not really felt that good for a while
last night I noticed some blood had been discharged with my urine. Do I ignore this ? I
ask this as I am now feeling well again and do not want to have a biopsy.
When I saw a consultant about eight months ago he said that I might have bacterial
prostatitis .He was confident that I did not have cancer and my PSA level could be
normal for me. He did say I
should have a PSA test more often and if it went up I would need a biopsy.
Can you give me any advice as to how I go on from here?
I felt that he might have been wrong about the bacterial prostatitis as I felt so well. This
was when I was tacking Chinese madison but was advised to come of it after 6 months.
I look forward to your reply and thank you for your interest and help.
Charles Crisp.
Jim Woerlee, Springfield, Oregon
Ben, I've been taking your supplements for about 5 or 6 weeks now. I don't
know how the prostrate is doing but I can honestly say that I feel great. So there
must be something in these pills that promote good health.
I took another PSA test today. I'll keep you posted on the results. Once again thanks
for all your input. Jim
Isabella Zayats, Brooklyn, New York
Hello Ben,
I am so very grateful to you for all the help you are ready to offer to each of us
helpless and ignorant, in desperate need to find the right direction, and to take
the right healing approach.
Actually you and I already spoke on the phone about a year and a half ago.
We discussed my husband's problem with his prostate. It was enlarged with elevated
PSA. I tried very hard for him to avoid the biopsy, but he has been a terrible skeptic of
any dieting, especially giving up cheese, something he ate in abundance, and could
not imagine his day without it.
He had a prostate biopsy done and sadly enough a confirmation did come back early
this year of a prostate carcinoma. Only then slowly but surely, my husband after
reading enough material of his options for treatment with all the circumstances to
follow, the wheels towards a healthy approach began to roll.
We read your guide, ordered the supplements, and luckily for him, he was always
a big lover of raw vegetables and fruits (but always with slices of cheese).
Now his every morning starts with green tea, followed by Dr.Budwig’s cottage
cheese/flaxseed oil/freshly ground flaxseeds mixture with nuts and berries. After that,
it's followed by your supplements.
For his lunch at work, he brings from home the salad with raw greens, lemon juice or
apple cider vinegar and virgin olive oil or flaxseed oil. He eats it with whole grains. I try
to make different variations and combinations of vegetable salads. Luckily we live and
work at such neighborhoods of NY city that give us an easy access to a whole ray of
wonderful supermarkets that all year around have variety of fresh veggies and fruits. I
am experimenting with different grains. I just cook it and add spices like cayenne
pepper and a bit of your favorite spread. This same spread my husband likes on top of
toasted EZEKIEAL bread.
He is been on this diet for the past month, and he seems to enjoy it without missing the
fish, meat or more importantly the cheese.
I keep the same diet, with the exception of eating 1-2 times a week organic chicken and
fish like wild salmon or a trout.
I can’t stop repeating over and over again how happy I am to come across
your guide and thank you for all your dedication and will to help anyone who is
ready to listen and to help oneself.
P.S. My husband likes to drink red wine and sometimes gets carried away drinking more
then a glass. Can you tell me more if it’s ok, what kind should we look for. We like
Cabernet, but now open to try other kinds.
Dave Kurz, Inwood, New York
Hi Ben
Just to let you know, I have been taking Total Health for about a week, and
already I see an increase in my flow. My situation is that my PSA back in the
middle of December (2010) was 3.94. I said, "whoa, that's a bit too close to 4 for my
liking." I had the Doc retest, and it came out to 3.70. (Also, 12 hours before I took the
blood test that resulted in 3.94, I was on a stationary bike for a half hour.) Better, but
still uncomfortably high. My psa in April, 2010 was 3.08.
I am seeing the urologist next week. I was afraid it was cancer, and it might be, but
gut my feeling it is BPH. Is the improvement of the flow a good sign? Is a 20%
increase in 9 months indicative of cancer?
(BTW-I am 59, get up once of twice a night, and was very concerned about a
occasional poor flow, but as i said, that has improved.)
thank you,
Ty Cook, Baltimore, Maryland
Hi Ben.......
I have used your Total Health for 11 months now and follow a strict diet you
suggest in your guide.
I wake up at night maybe once or none most nights and urinate on average
about every 3-4 hours during the day. In a month's time frame I feel great about
25 days and wonder about the other 5 days. Those days I feel pressure to go to the
bathroom about every 2 hours and have not done anything different than the other
days. Does the prostate move around and in a different position?
Why do you think that this is?
(Before finding you I was up 4-5 times a night and going every hour it seemed
(daytime) so I do feel progress is being made. PSA test? I read all your emails and
guide and it seems that if I got a higher reading than the last time(which prompted me
to take action with you) I should just not take it ever again with the understanding that
if there is something going on done there that something else will get to me before the
prostate does. Is that how I should view this from now on? My wife keeps asking if I
need to go back and get another test to see what's up just to feel like it's not 50 or 60
and really cancerous.
Would love your views on these questions above.
(I take Total Health,DIM,Beta Glucan,and eat flaxseed meal daily.A health food store
owner told me flaxseed meal is better than flax oil for men and the prostate.)
Thanks for all the help. I love hearing about other men in your emails as it is
comforting to know many guys are in the same boat as I).
ty cook
Arnold Lexus, Carollton, Texas
Ben , I am so grateful for having the privilege in knowing an honest and
trustworthy friend as you. At the moment I am on the second bottle of your
three bottles regimen, at which time I will my PSA test done. In the mean time I
shall hope to eliminate all diary food and or products. Also I am hoping to get me a
juice machine. Question, I am a sufferer of ulcerative colitis for nearly twelve years.
Previous medications and close attention to my diet now allows me to be on this drug
“APRISO” for maintenance. I am doing good as my physician said I will have to live with
this condition. Ben can you convince me that there is no cure for UC and at the same
time your regimen seems to be very independent. Thanks .
Ray Satterwhite, Richmond, Virginia
This is my 6th day of taking the 5 pills.I went to my doctor yesterday and he confirmed
what you said about getting my PSA number in 6 months....The other doctor
recommended a biopsy right away....I'm glad that I'm in touch with you because I
might have said yes right away....They make it seem like you are going to die if you
don't get the biopsy....I want to say Thank You for what you do....Ray
Paul Darlington, Preston,
Paul Darlington, Preston, Lancashire, UK
Dear Ben,
I take your point re prostatectomy. I also take the point of the correspondent.
However, it is amazing what a spring in my step I have since reading your
stuff over last year and this. After being told about my ''locally advanced prostate
cancer'' and that the hospital knew of only one man with such a high PSA being still
alive after 3 years, I was on the verge of being suicidal, I was dangerous on the roads
to myself and others. I initiated sale of my house etc. in order to ease the burden on
my daughter (age 18). Now I took on board what you said and as I had nothing to
lose have radically changed my diet and 'life style' plus take Total Health, Co
enzyme Q10 (Ubiquinol) and live a happier more fruitful life recently. Lots of
watercress! Maybe I'll snuff it before the 3 years is up. Who knows? What I do know is
that the hospital is like a departure lounge at an international airport. They sell you the
ticket and seem rather keen on despatching you. Nowhere do I see healthy attitudes
being mentioned. They pat you on the hand and say ''go now''.
I get told by friends its just my ''belief system'' thats benefiting me. I retort
that its rather difficult doing a 'double blind' scientific test on myself, and I'll do
whatever I need to do to continue to serve my community and be ''no burden'' on an
overworked (and in my view defective) ''healthcare'' system.
I do a lot of horticulture and am well aware of the benefits plants do for
people, so in my experience your suggested strategy seems a coherent one. The Total
health tabs seem to be the agency that has reduced my nocturia to
insignificance. I sleep eight hours soundly. I live without dairy and do not miss
it. I have learned and rather love the true taste of tea! I only heard the dairy avoidance
advice from you. Before it seemed an essential part of my diet. So whatever it is that
works I'm keeping on doing it. I pass on the information to all whom I meet as it would
be selfish of me not too.
The internet is full of conflicting information but I bless it for having
put me in contact with you. Do please carry on. You are doing good!
Best regards.
Paul F Darlington
Charles Anthony, Princeville, Hawaii
....I have been on your supplements for ~ 90 days. Additionally, I have eliminated
milk and beef from my diet, and significantly increased my daily intake of raw
vegetables (as much organic as possible). Recent tests have determined a
significant reduction in my PSA level. I have the following questions:
1- What changes do you suggest relative to your new tinctures and how are they to be
phased in with your current supplements that I am using?
2- What do suggest as a replacement for Viagra?
Thank you for your valuable service and advice.
Sincerely, Chuck Antony
John Gebauer, Solana Beach, California
Hi Ben,
I was hoping you could help, I have been on Total Health for a few months now. I
am also following many of your suggestions.
I am very happy with the program, I feel my prostate is on the mend
recovering from prostatitis, I no longer have pain, discomfort and urinary
I have not checked my PSA recently but plan to do that soon.
I have an underlying condition of chronic Lyme disease. The recommended treatment is
long term antibiotic use, maybe a year or more. I figure that could not be too good for
you ?
A local physician I found offers treatment planning however the first visit cost is $450
for consultation, then blood work followed by the antibiotic protocol.
They also offer a "holistic" approach.
From your guide I am currently taking Beta Glucan for increased immune function. I am
also working out using your interval program and have eliminated meat and dairy
products. I have not gone to the organic raw food program yet.
I know you cannot cover all conditions but I respect your opinion and any thoughts you
might have on combating Lyme would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
John G
Stephen Farrell, Corpus Christi, Texas
I read every email you send. I appreciate you for the time you take to organize
an ongoing informative vital message which allows me to see through the
seemingly approved medical collective belief structures. That you for keeping
your information available. Each email is again another reminder about a more
conscious way of maintaining my excellent health
My PSA went from a 9.7 when I first located you online .... I read your guide
and ordered your supplements and in 6 weeks the PSA was 4.2
I am symptom free but yet the Dr still recommends a biopsy and I have taken a stand
that I am not just another sheep for the MD's
Thanks again
Stephen Farrell
Gibert Parrott, Northwood, New Hampshire
I'm relatively new to your health program and have been taking your total health
tablets for the last 3 months. I have been diagnosed with a fatty lever disease by my
doctor. He advised me to lose weight and stop any alcohol intake. I had already
started on your total health tablets at that time of his diagnose but when I
mentioned the supplements I was taking he downplayed there role as a waste of
money. Fortunately I read your guide all about the prostate prior to that visit
because I have stopped getting up 2 to 3 times a night to urinate as a result.
My question is do you have any suggestions for treating the fatty liver that might help?
Peter Bonviso, Dunedin, Florida
Dear Ben
I am so glad I had the opportunity to find your guide and products but the best
part of it all is that you keep in touch with great information and updates.
thanks again.
P S your prostate products are great.
peter b
Stephen Farrell, Corpus Christi, Texas
Your support has been so valuable to me. When I first wrote to you I was told I
had a PSA of 9.2. I was referred to a urologist who set me up for a second appointment
after we first met so he could biopsy my prostate. My first visit with him was almost
four weeks ago
I have been reading all your material and bought your supplements and had
another PSA test last Friday with a 4.2 result. I went to the Urologist today.... NO
biopsy today... Now on a wait and see mode and will see him again in three months
Thank you for your presence and relentless support and information. I can't
adequately express my appreciation to you. Nevertheless I will be reading everything
you send me and continue with my supplements and follow your advice
Thank you again
Stephen Farrell
Jimmy Clark (Yonkers)
Hi there,
I received the guide and very happy. One of the best decisions made by me lately.
The information about the diet is not new to me but the proof about the level of
testosterone is in fact, overwhelming to say the least. I'm not a big red meat eater and
have never been. The information about the dairy products is worth the price of
the guide. Honestly, did not know that. Many thanks for the info. Have not finish
reading the whole guide just yet, but down to the exercise part.
The best,
Jimmy Clark (Yonkers)
ZMG group
Gordon Hyatt, Michigan
Hi Ben,
Just a little unsolicited feedback from "GORD FROM MICHIGAN" and feel free to use my
testimonial in any manner that would improve your business. I ordered your guide a
couple of months ago and soon thereafter ordered a six-month supply of
TOTAL HEALTH. In addition, I have given up nearly all dairy products and also
supplement with 100 mg of DIM Complex twice daily. I've also joined a local gym and
use some of the weight bearing machines every second day. My results were astounding
and came about quickly! Within 30 to 40 days I noticed a very positive change in
that I no longer needed my FLOMAX. Incidentally, I am 70 years old and have been
struggling with BPH for several years. I really appreciate your knowledge and your
efforts in writing your common sense guide and for developing the TOTAL
HEALTH nutrients.
A sincere THANK YOU!
Gordon Hyatt (Michigan)
David Thwaite, New York
FYI: As of August 2009, my PSA count showed 3.7. I submitted to a biopsy on
specialist's advice, it merely showed Prostatis, which I already knew. I regretted doing
the biopsy and am still paying it off, insurance covered less than ½ of the cost. In late
September 2009, I purchased your guide & started taking Total Health
supplement, began to eliminate dairy, red meat, animal protein in general from my
diet, added more fresh vegetables & increased weekly exercise. Also supplements incl.
flax seed oil, beta-glucan, reishi mushroom, selenium. As of last week, PSA count
now 1.77. Thanks for your helpful insights and product!
David Thwaite (New York)
Andy, Leandro Capagcuan, Reseda, CA
Hi Ben,
Thanks for the information. I am on the 3rd month of Total Health therapy. I am
ok and I feel my visit to the bathroom is lesser and lesser, almost normal. My
erectile problem still persists but I do not mind it as I am now 78, however, it is nice to
once-in-a-while to have that feeling.. As a told you before I am not a meat eater(no
beef, no pork, lamb, ctc) only chicken and turkey. My problem now is that it seems I am
losing weight. I used to weigh 132 lbs now only 129lbs. I do brisk walking every
weekends with friends. What can you say about my weight?
Andy, Leandro Capagcuan (Reseda CA)
Ted Kennemer, Anderson Al
I am now well into my second bottle of Total Health. I have completely removed
all dairy and chicken from my diet. I have cut sugars drastically, still eat some beef
(grass fed only) from my herd of cattle, trying to cut out processed foods. I have frozen
vegetables each year from my garden fertilized with horse manure, no pesticides or
herbicides or poisons or commercial fertilizer. Slowly beginning a rigorous exercise.
Results so far: Sleep 8 hours continuous, increased stream, need to go
diminished a lot. One major change I've noticed is the skin cancer on my ears is going
away. Total Health is the only supplement taken, nothing else, no gas pills, no
prescriptions, nothing. Ben, feel free to use any of my correspondence any way you
wish. Have a Good Day
Ted Kennemer (Anderson Al)
PS Another result: Erectile dysfunction no longer for a 73 year old man.
Rev G Kenneth Steigler,,Wake Forest, North Carolina
Thank you Ben Ong for helping me turn my life around. In just thirty days I have
already realized better eating habits, weight loss, more energy & focus and a greater
understanding of how God intends us all to live. Thank you for your research and up to
date information that confirms your analysis. After 68 years I'm finally learning how to
eat to live in health. Your Total Health Supplements are very beneficial - thank
Rev G Kenneth Steigler (Wake Forest North Carolina)
Ken Bowey, Celebration, Florida
Dear Ben
I went to see my doctor yesterday as part of my annual check up.What was pleasing
was that my PSA had reduced slightly but the free PSA had gone up,which was
good.Now I know that PSA is not the test that doctors would have us believe, but he is
now saying that I do not need to have a biopsy but would monitor the situation in blood
work in 6 months time. Previously he said that I should have a biopsy but I had said no
as I wanted to follow your advice on diet and take your supplements-which I
have done. So that's really encouraging news!
Best Regards, Ken
Ken Bowey (Celebration Florida)
Dale Weaver, New Underwood, South Dakota
Dear Ben Ong, I am ordering the total Health supplements, one bottle each
month. I have your guide and value everything i read. I have changed my diet
and eat or drink no dairy and very little meat other than fish and a little chicken. my
prostate seems to be doing better. My PSA went from 4 to 3.45 and i know that PSA
doesn't mean a lot but anyway feel good that is going down.
Thank you for what you are doing for all men.
Dale Weaver (New Underwood, South Dakota)
Syl Emery, Waldport. Oregon
Mr. Ong:
For approximately 3 months now, I have been taking the Total Health
capsules. As a prostate cancer surviver for 7 years (which can erupt again anytime) I
have been plagued with incontinence. The medicine that was prescibed for me during
this period, was ineffective, I still got up 3 to 4 times a night to go to the bathroom.
After about a month, I noticed I was getting up to go to the bathroom less and
less. Now, I can sleep through the night and rarely have to go to the
bathroom. My success, can be directly attributed to your Total Health, it
certainly does prevent incontinence.
Thank you for making my life with this dreaded disease (prostate cancer) more liveable.
Syl Emery (Waldport. Oregon)
Terry Badger, Aspen, Colorado
Dear Ben,
Love your letters they have helped so much. Thank you over and over you have
really helped me. (1) I don't get nervous about my prostate, I go to the Dr. and they
try and scare me in thinking something is really wrong.(2) When I read your guide
and follow what you say I feel great,(3) I don't get up at night maybe 1 time
every three nights or so. You have really helped me in so many ways.(4) I can go out
and not worry about running to the bathroom all the time.(5) I really think my
prostate is shrinking. I even have more energy.
Thank you.
Terry Badger, (Aspen, Colorado)
Dear Ben,
I can't find any price list on your website. What are you currently charging for Total
Health and Beta Glucan? Are there discounts for buying in larger quantities? You may
recall we spoke about my case of prostatitis. I previously had a biopsy when my
PSA when from 3 to 4 in one year. No cancer was found. Then I contracted
prostatitis (for the 3rd time) and my PSA went up to 8. I took a month of antibiotics
(CIPRO) together with your Total Health formula and your Beta Glucan. The
prostatitis symptoms have abated and my PSA was just measured at 2.9. So it's
lower now than it has been in about 3 or 4 years. I'm sure the CIPRO helped, but it
seems that your supplements may be giving an added benefit. Anyway, I plan to keep
taking them.
Best regards,
Dan Schwartz (Tallahssee, Florida, USA)
I've been having an ongoing problem with my prostate for nearly four years, and over
that period, it had slowly increased in size until it became very uncomfortable. I took
the advice of my doctor to experiment with a variety of suggestions, including the use
of prescription drugs. Note that during that timeline, any concern for prostate cancer,
thus far, has been ruled out, to date. In January of 2009, meeting with my family doctor
for my annual physical, he told me that my prostate had dramatically increased in size
since my last visit (January 2008). I knew he would have nothing good to say because
I was feeling the discomfort almost around the clock for sometime now. This just
confirmed to me that I needed to do something outside of the advice of my
doctor. This motivated me to go out on my own to see what other possibilities were
available. Over the course of 2-3 months, after many attempts to find something that
made sense, I came across your website and decided to try a 6-month
prescribed dosage, commensurate with the prescribed diet. I completed the
6-month dosage around Christmas 2009. In January 2010, my doctor told
me,"whatever you're doing, keep doing it---your prostate has decreased
dramatically in size".
Joe, Cuyahoga Falls Ohio
Dear Ben
I have been taking your Total Health now for 6 months. Told my Dr. and he said
"lets try it". He told me to stop the Finasteride, but my PSA would double from
1.2 to 2.4. Just had it checked after 4 Mo. and it was 1.7 and I am symptom
free and sex is better. I have BPH (30yrs) and I am doing fine.
Ty Cook, Baltimore Maryland
I have been taking Total Health for two weeks.
In addition to a high PSA reading for me (5.5) I thought that I had a sleep problem
where I would wake up 2-5 times a night to go to the bathroom and then not be able to
sleep very well after each visit to the toilet.
Now I am sleeping through the night without interruption and my terrible
sleep habits were tied to my prostate. I can't believe how much better my nights
Bill Kesgard, Spokane Washington
Mr. Ong,
Your Prostate guide is fantastic!! I am learning so much from it, thank you for
sending it to me. I am taking the total health and can already feel the difference
after just one week.
Thank you again,
Robert Olgiati (San Jose, California)
Dr. Ong, very pleased to inform you that after taking Total Health for 6 months
and cutting back on the dairy my PSA is now normal. Thats going from 4.8 down
to almost 0. I am very pleased and now more than ever glad I did not succomb to the
biopsy as was recommended by my doctor. I will keep taking Total Health from
now on. Thank You again for the work you and your staff are doing and I hope the
word is truly being spread about the prostate truth.
(You may use this testimonial )
Dear Ben:
Thank you for your very informative email. I am enjoying taking your supplements
and feel real good for my age. I turn 84 tomorrow May 28th.
My prostate is doing fine. I only get up once each night between 3:00 and 3:30
AM. Urinating is no problem, flow is good and there is no burning. I go to bed
10:30 PM every night and rise at 6:30 in the morning.
It appears there is good quality control in the manufacture of your
supplements. I would recommend them to anyone.
Best regards,
San Marcos CA
Hi Ben:
Yes you sure can quote me. My problem before taking your supplements was
slow flow and burning at times. In addition I would have to get up several
times a night.
I also had an infection on the side of my left foot caused by a bandage applied to heel
wounds. The heel wounds was caused by my feet not being elevated from the bed at
the hospital after surgery for a broken hip.
I am happy to say the infection was gone after taking your supplement for
three weeks. I also sleep and feel better. That infection was a nagging sore for
almost a year and was treated daily with a wound wash and desitin.
Your supplement is the best and I recommend it highly.
Herbert Haemmer
Hello again, Ben, I bought 3 bottles of "Total health" two months ago, stopped
taking Flomax, then Doxazosin, and replaced it with Total Health. Your product
seems to work just as well - NATURALLY! - and I read your guide twice. Now I
want to order 3 more bottles, without another guide of course. What's the price without
the guide? I wish I had known your product a year ago, so I could have bought it for a
good friend of ours in Buenos Aires, who has Prostate Cancer that has spread to some
bones, and now he has water in his lungs, and they have begun chemotherapy. I wish I
knew if at this point in time your product could have any impact in helping him? Any
ideas or suggestions? Thank you. Herbert Haemmer
Las Vegas Nevada
Hello Ben,
I've not bothered you for a while but felt I had to share this with you. This is the
message I hoped to write you 3.5 months ago when I started your Total Health
followed soon after by Rejuvanate. I had an appointment with my doc to see the
lab results and they were better than I hoped for. My PSA came down to 2.7 from
4.2 earlier in the spring. Free PSA was at 23% and irrelevant since my total PSA was
less than 4.0. I am a big believer in Vit D and take over 8000 units a day because your
Total Health has some too. Even at that level, my 25-OHD result was 63 on a scale of
32-100. I am so thankful I found you and did not immediately jump to a
prostate biopsy as my urologist wanted.
Needless to say, I will be reordering both Total Health and Rejuvanate after I finish this
message; I have been out of them for about two weeks and pending the results of the
lab work.
You may use this message whole or in part for any promotion you wish to do Ben.
All the best and dinner in Las Vegas is still on me should you get here.
Well I have to put in my order so I will sign off.
All the best,
Las Vegas Nevada
From J.C.Calhoun, Fall River Massachussets
Frank Donaldson
Dear Mr. Ong,
Just this past Monday I had a PSA done by my doctor. I knew it would be high since it
has been increasing over the years. I just received a call from the urology department
setting up a consultation. I expected the call since I get one each time I have a PSA
done. I asked what my numbers were and was told it was 4.68. I then asked
how it compared with my last test and found that it had come down almost a
full point (5.5). I know it is still high but me, it was very good news. I attribute the
decline to your help the the Total Health Supplements. I started taking the Total Health
on April 26 and continue to take it every day. Maybe in another three months it will
come down even more. For the first time in awhile I feel very optimistic. I still struggle
to get my diet under control but this news makes me more determined to do so. I keep
recalling one urologist who told me that there is nothing I can do to bring the
number down.
I would like to thank you for your efforts. I feel that you sincerely care about the
health and well being of your clients. I am very fortunate to have found your
It seems that lately good news is very hard to come by. I just thought I would pass
this on to you with a big thank you. Please keep up the good work.
Frank Donaldson
Dear Dr. Ong,
I purchased and was taking "Prostate Health Essentials" for three month three times
a day. Finally my PSA dropped from 10.0 to 0.5 only.
Isaac M. Brook
Good day Sir. I just started my third bottle of Total Health. *I seem to be feeling
more energetic and have reduced my nightly pee calls to one or two. *
Anthony Ross
Dear Ben,
I just wanted to let you know that my PSA results for 2009,10,11 were
1.86,1.79 and 1.68. Then when I had my physical in May of 2012 my PSA was
4.06!! My uroligist wanted me to have a biopsy. As a matter of fact he insisted on it. I
took your supplements for 90 days, had my blood work done again and just got the
results. My PSA score came back at 1.00!! Needless to say I'm not going to have
the biopsy!!!!!
I was especially disenchanted when my urologist called me at home and "Blasted" me
for cancelling my appointment for my biopsy........I told him I was going to try
something for three months then have blood work done again. He argued against that
"strongly"!! I then told him my decision was made. He then went into a verbal rant on
why I should get the biopsy and not wait!........I said thanks and good bye!!!! Thanks
again Ben!!!
Brad Thomas
Just know Ben you've gotten me through one of the lowest ebbs in my life,
having been told by a Doctor that I have prostate cancer. You gave me the courage to
look into my own physical condition more acutely than ever before: especially the diet,
but many other aspects of my life, including a fresh view of the medical establishment.
Doug Hamblett
Hi Ben had a PSA reading on 10/1/2012, started out in 2010 with a reading of
9.6 now it down to 3.6as of 10/1/2012 still taking Total Health feels great eat
no red meat nor fried foods.a peice of chicken maybe twice a month.your total health
is good.
Archie Winston
By the way I want to thank you for helping me with my bout with the elevated reading
on my PSA. test.. My urologist scheduled me twice to have the prostate biopsy done.
The night before the procedure I went on the internet to do research on how was a
prostate biopsy was done. When I was doing my research I came across your website
not to have the prostate biopsy done. I am very thankful that you had your website was
available when I was groping for answers. You were there when I needed direction.
You convinced me to cancel my visit to the urologist for my prostate biopsy; I had no
knowledge and the consequences entailed. My PSA reading went down from 4.19 to
2.74. My urologist said I have manipulated the PSA reading..because I took Total
Health. I am so grateful that you were there when I needed information that was so
pertinent at that time. You have saved me a lot of complications that was not needed to
be done right away. I am taking Total Health for the long haul. Thanks for
showing the way to better health. Keep up the good work.
Your Very Truly,
Harry K. Arakawa
First I want to express my appreciation to you for expanding my brain cells in the area of
understanding the prostate. After 4 months on Total Health, my kidney performance
went from 30% to 53%. The "mass" on my bladder that was revealed in the first renal
sonogram on Mar. 27, had disappeared after I asked my doctor to re-do the initial
sonogram because I had concerns about my bladder.
My PSA has dropped from 16.9 to 12.8, which is of no concern to me because my
family has no history of cancer, the prostate is smooth, etc. I followed your advice and
asked the doctor to prescribe a physical rehab program because the Week I had spent in
the hospital had badly de-conditioned me. That was three months ago and yesterday I
was told by my physical therapist that he could no longer justify my taking a spot on
their schedule -- I was now doing a pretty rigid 45-minute workout program in 30
I changed my diet completely about four months ago. Eating plenty of veggies and have
fallen in love with Thai food. No dairy products at all, no meat other than chicken,
turkey, or fish. My blood pressure is 120/70, cholesterol 171, triglycerides 190. I
attribute the remarkable change in my body to not only your TOTAL HEALTH
program, but to your book. I really want another copy and I would like to send one
to my cousin in France. You saved my life, Ben
Hello Ben,
I have been taking your Total Health since May of this year and I just
started my 5th bottle.I am very pleased with the results I am having. More energy
than ever, trips to the bathroom at night are down from 3 to 4 down to one and
my wife says she can really tell a difference also. We have both read and reread your
book and are following your diet and we enjoy the spread and breakfast recipe from the
book. We have the two cookbooks that you talk about in your book and we are really
enjoying cooking like that. Very enjoyable. I exercise at a high level every day and also
do other stretches and weights. My wife and me have both lost at this point 40 pounds in
the last year through diet change and life change and it is very nice.
Thank you so much Ben for Total Health and all the work you put
into your letters and research, you are a great help to all of us.
Dave Smith
Hi Ben,
I ordered additional Total Health Supplements today as I have had excellent results with
your recommended diet and the Total Health Supplement.
I began taking your "total health" supplement and avoided all dairy, coffee, red meats ate more veggies, salads, avocados (organic when available) and tried to follow your diet
recommendations as much as possible as I do eat out often due to my job. (I stuck to
limited amounts of grilled chicken and fish with lots of salads)
I believe it was mainly your supplement and your diet recommendations that has helped
me. I also had been juicing and drinking organic carrot and celery juice (20 oz) fresh
every morning for the last 3 months. I also had lost about 5 lbs on your diet). I plan to
continue your diet and Total Health supplements.
Thank You
Hi Ben,
I don't know how long I've been taking total health, at least almost two months...I don't
know if it is my imagination, but my urine flow seems so much stronger. I mean
a good steady flow. I've also started taking the Krill Oil, the Beta Glucan, and still
waiting to recieve the Prostate Tincure.... So far feeling great... and avoiding the biopsy.
Dear Ben,
Just few lines to update you on my progress so far.
I arrived home from the USA on the 26th July 2012.
Having consummed my third bottle of the Veggie Caps plus 3 Prostate Reccovery
i had a check on my PSA with a reputable Med.Lab on the 4th August.
My result was very positive.
My PSA test in Maryland on May 3rd 2012 was 11.3.
The latest test result was 6.22 as on the 4th.August.
I brought down with me enough Veggie Caps to last up to end of October.
I thank you immensely for your advice and encouragement.
Paul Amati
Dear Ben,
I've been taking Ben's Total Health for a couple months. Before I would get up at
night to use the restroom at least once or twice; now I almost always sleep all
night; what a remarkable change, plus with no side effects! Thanks!
I plan to continue with Ben's Total Health. I'm very pleased with your product and will
share it with others. You can quote me; I'm very happy with the product!
I'm also planning to begin taking the B Complex you recommended. Can you send me
more information about it.
Robert Green
Dear Ben,
I really want you to know that I think your Total Health is a GREAT product.
Combined with your diet and working out it is making a big difference in me. Thank you
for what you are doing Ben. I will never be without your Total Health or the
lifestyle change again. I can't believe the change in me. Thank you again Ben!
Sincerely, Dave Smith.
From Tom Cox
After 2 ½ months of taking “Total Health”, changing to a 95% vegan diet
supplemented only by Alaskan fish, and working out strenuously ( in gym or on
trails) at least one hour per day, my PSA measured yesterday dropped from 9.6
to 6.4. It was last taken on 10/04/2013. My gastric oncologist, who treated me for
stomach cancer, was amazed. (Ten years ago I was given 6 months to live with a
baseball sized carcinoma in my stomach.) My Gleason core in November was 3+3=6
following biopsy.
Tom Cox
In Conclusion
I hope you have found my customers comments enlightening and useful. If you
have problems with your prostate, please let me help you. If you go to my
website, you can ask me a question about your specific circumstances. You can
also just read my blog, or register for my newsletter. All of those services are
completely free.
If you buy my Total Health for the prostate supplement you will also receive a
very valuable three months free trial of my extended support environment. That
support includes my monthly printed newsletter that will keep your abreast of
my tips and advice in respect of the prostate. You will also have access to my
membership sites which are exclusive subscription only services and provides in
addition to my amazing searchable archive of articles about prostate,
information about nutrition for the prostate, and an exclusive archive of recipes
suitable for prostate health and how to get fit, and priority response to your
Click here to start taking my Total Health for the Prostate Supplement. As you
have seen if you have read the comments from my customers above, the
overwhelming majority of men find that my supplements help them.
If you have arrived at a point where you need to know more about what is going
on inside your prostate, but are not keen on having a prostate biopsy because of
the associated risk, please consider my APCRA. My email me at this address
[email protected]
And if you have come to a conclusion that what you need to have is some
treatment for your prostate cancer, but you do not want invasive treatments
because of all the negative side-effects please email me at this address
[email protected] and I will recommend an appropriate German
hospital for the Pro-Calefaction For Prostate Cancer.